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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  August 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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. i know that i like her a lot, and i want to be able to connect with her on a deeper level before i start kind of professing those feelings of love. - do you have those potential feelings for her -- love? - i've let her know that i do really like her, and she knows that i move slow and she knows why. - let's say you make it to the end. - yeah. - what are your feelings with that? - it's honestly hard for me to picture right now, but then again, like, you know all the big dreams that i have for myself, and i always set these, like, high goals and these high expectations. but the thing that i want more than anything else is to be a father. ♪♪ - you're gonna be one heck of a father. you love so big. - yeah. - it could be the best thing
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if you just let that guard down and let it in. it's all scary. love is scary. but it's definitely worth it at the end of the day. - yeah. love ya. - i love you. marcus: my sister -- she knows better than anyone that struggle that i have between the mind and the heart. - love you. - alright. come on. today the wisdom imparted on me was to open my heart and to listen to my heart. [ indistinct conversations ] jenn meeting my friends and family... [ indistinct conversations ] it's kind of showing me that i am deserving and i am worthy to find love with jenn. sue: love you. - i love you. - good to meet you. jenn: meeting marcus' family, i feel so welcome here. thank you, guys. - ciao! - this is a family that i could see myself being a part of, that i would want to be a part of. ♪♪ how are you feeling? - really good, actually. - are you? it's a family that i see could be my own one day.
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so i hope that marcus feels the same way. i had so much fun today, and it was not as scary as i thought it was going to be at all. - no, you did great, and it honestly means the world to me. so, like, i'm nothing without my friends. i'm nothing without my family. - mm-hmm. - and, you know, so it's -- it's not a small deal that they love you. and the way that they feel about you is an extension of the way that i feel about you. so... i want you to know that, you know... i am falling for you. ♪♪ i know that because of just how happy you make me. and i hope that today meant as much for you as it meant for me. - i just feel so happy. marcus was able to really finally let those walls down and tell me that he's falling for me. i feel like i've been waiting so long to hear those words,
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and i am just so excited. and i know that it can be hard to let your walls down 'cause i'm the same way. i don't want to get my heart broken, either, but i feel so strongly for you. and, um, especially after today, i'm falling for you, too. ♪♪ marcus: i saw jenn fitting into my life today, so i can definitely see it. jenn is everything i've ever wanted. i'm falling for her now, and everything that led up to this moment was -- was worth it. come here. i'm gonna miss you. jenn: me too. marcus: see you in l.a., i think? jenn: don't forget about me. marcus: oh, gosh. jenn: i could truly envision a future not only with marcus, but with his family, too. bye. it just feels like the right time, and it feels like everything's falling into place. ♪♪
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what would it be? it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪) i asked deadpool to show off my 100% all white meat spicy chicken strips. ...not really what i had in mind deadpool. starting at $5.50! with brand new dipping sauces. see marvel studios' deadpool and wolverine in theaters july 26th. welcome to jack in the box! - is your family ready for you to bring home someone special? if so, apply to be on the next season of the bachelor. go to today. ♪♪ jenn: it's been an amazing week. hometowns is a really big turning point for me.
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each of these relationships grew so much this week because these guys were able to express how they were feeling to me. i really do feel so strongly for each of these four men, and that's why tonight's rose ceremony is just gonna be so hard. probably gonna be one of the hardest nights that i've had so far. ♪♪ - [ laughs ] devin: oh, speak of the devil. - i've never seen jeremy so happy. - i know. what's his deal? jonathon: the guys are meeting up. one last conversation before we head into the rose ceremony tonight. these guys have been my best friends for the last few weeks, so as much as, like, we are competing for jenn's heart, like, we've developed some really great relationships here, so it's gonna be nice to catch up. - ahh. - so...which one of you is going home? - [ chuckles ] - yeah, it's not like any of us just, like, dislike each other, so it's, like, cool to sit here and hang out,
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but there's, like, the elephant in the room. devin: yeah, there is a big elephant. - this is the last time we're gonna be together. like, besides for rose ceremonies. - yeah. - yeah. - who had a good hometown? - i had a great hometown. we all had a great hometown. i definitely went into it super nervous, but my mom and my brother, they both made good points. one thing that they made note of was this was, like, the first time i walked through the door with a girl where i was just... cool, calm, and collected and, like, just happy about it. and she was like, "that's the biggest thing that i noticed about you, was how normal you were with this girl." and, so, right now, like, with the family involved, i get to a place in my head where i want to know. like, i want to know if i'm the one. like, i don't want -- it's kind of tough right now to not know. [bleep] you. [ laughter ] jeremy: i loved it because i'm like, "oh, this is what, like, a normal day could be like." and i felt, like, very good leaving hometown. - yeah. - maybe i should be more nervous, but i feel, like, very, very calm right now. - we're all at peace, right?
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i mean, i am at peace with how things are. jonathon: i really wanted clarity, and i got a lot more of it that i wanted. and there's just no reservations on it. marcus: just sitting down with everyone, i think that everyone's feeling really confident about their hometowns. the guys seem like they, you know, if given the opportunity, that they would get down on their knee and, like, not have, you know, any reservations about that. - i mean, i had a lot of good moments where i felt really sure. jonathon: yeah. - especially with her meeting my family and meeting my friends. it was kind of that little clarity that i needed, too, so... marcus: you know, as happy and as excited and as optimistic as i want to feel, like, i just kind of feel like i'm, like, behind right now. ♪♪
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and i'm, like, trying my best to, like, understand why. i had my hometown with my sister and, like, a bunch of my friends. i think i went into it looking for, like, clarity, and i think i walked out of it with some clarity. - mm-hmm. - um, but, yeah. like, i think, like, kind of just where i'm at, like, i think that i have, like -- maybe i'm like -- like, have reservations or, like, hesitations about, like, how i'm feeling. you know, i think i'm afraid. like, for, me to go into an engagement, like, there are some things that i need to feel unapologetically in my heart for me to, like, get down on a knee and know that it means everything that it should mean. um, yeah, that's where -- it's kind of where i'm at with everything. i don't know if anyone's feeling, like, similar, but... - like, i don't have any more reservations for her. like, it's all out there now, you know? like, "this is where i am. this is what i want in life. and i can see you there."
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marcus: honestly, like, it's like this feeling of, like, shame of, like, not being there yet. like, what are those guys doing that i'm, like, incapable of right now? it does make me feel like there's, like, something wrong with me. - cheers. - cheers. - good luck, guys. - good luck. going into this rose ceremony, there's no reason that i should be feeling the way that i'm feeling. ♪♪ ♪♪ whenever it's just her and i, like, the world is -- is very small. it's just -- it's just us, and that's all i'm thinking about, and i'm loving every second of it, but jenn deserves to have guys here that are certain. it's scary that... ...something that's bringing so much, like, good and happiness into my life could -- could be gone. ♪l is for the way you look at me.♪
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♪o is for the only one i see.♪ giant mcdonald's collectibles are popping up around the world... but where are they going? ♪extraordinary...e♪ your favorite mcdonald's collectibles... are now on collectible cups! get one of six when you order the mcdonald's collector's meal. (♪) greatness hurts. but with care... can keep chasing it. that's tylenol. that's care without limits. mom, with these sandwiches, i'm gonna be the coolest guy in the lunchroom. i need to practice my cool guy greetings. 'sup. 'sup. 'sup.
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this fall, it's all about denim. "love sensation" by loleatta holloway so chic, so sleek, it's jeanius! obsessed! only at old navy. (♪) (♪) (♪)
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♪ ♪♪ - this is a rose ceremony i'm going into where i have no inclination of what's going to happen next. my hometown was a very big step in -- in jenna and i's relationship. you know, i told her i loved her there. i don't know anymore where i stand with her. i know i'm in a good place, but i don't know where that ranks amongst the rest of these guys. i'm nervous, and i'd be lying if i said my heart wasn't pounding out of my chest at this point. ♪♪ marcus: if i went home tonight, it would hurt a lot, because i don't want to sabotage something that could be really good for -- for the both of us, but i think she can kind of feel that i'm struggling
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to, like, meet her where she's at, and i think that, if i go home tonight, it's because she has, like, run out of patience. i'm worried that something that makes me extremely happy could be, like, taken away. [ exhales sharply ] we're back. - were back, like we never left. - my relationship with jenn keeps progressing, and i feel very strong about us. after her meeting my family, i told her i was falling for her. the smile that i saw from her, i mean, it went from, like, a serious face to, like, a really happy one. - how you doing, brother? - so i could think of me going home, but it -- like, it doesn't, you know, rationalize in my head. but it could be, you know, delusion. - getting a rose tonight would mean everything.
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you know, i'm really confident, just based on hometowns. watching the way that she conversed with my family and the things my family had to say about her, i couldn't help but, you know, feel that feeling. - a beautiful night for some heartbreak. - [ chuckles ] ain't that the truth? - somebody's going to get their heart broken tonight. god, i hope it's not me. ♪♪ ♪♪ [ engine shuts off ] ♪♪ ♪♪ - hey, jenn, it's great to see you. - hi. it's great to see you, too. - you've been a busy lady. - yes. - you look fantastic, as always. - thank you. - four hometowns this week. - mm-hmm. - four families. - yeah. - been dying to know. how'd it go? - went really well. i think i went into the week wanting to get some of these guys
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to express their feelings for me. by the end of the week, i do feel like i got a little bit of that. - the big question, though -- are you falling in love with them? - i am. i definitely -- i'm definitely falling for all four of these men. and that's why -- that tonight is so hard for me. - you really got to think about what it is you want... - yeah. - ...what's going to make you happy. - yeah. - if you do that, it's the right decision. - exactly. - okay, jenn, can i take that for you? - yes, please. - alright, jenn, good luck. - see you. - it's great seeing you again. ♪♪ ♪♪ - good luck, boys. - yeah, good luck, fellas. ♪♪ ♪♪ - this week has been my favorite week so far. i feel like i got to know you guys on such a deeper level. i sat with your families and was asked
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just about every question about me, you, us, and these conversations led me to ask myself hard questions. what do i need in a relationship? what i need is trust, equal partnership, emotional vulnerability, to love, and to be loved. and i'm starting to feel those things here. i truly feel so lucky, and that's why tonight i have to make one of the hardest decisions i've had yet. ♪♪ [ dramatic music plays ] ♪♪ ♪♪ devin.
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devin, will you accept this rose? - without a doubt. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ - jonathon. jonathon, will you accept this rose? - of course. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ - gentlemen, jenn, it's the final rose tonight. when you're ready. - thank you. ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ marcus. ♪♪ ♪♪ marcus, will you accept this rose? - i would love to. thank you. ♪♪ ♪♪ - jeremy, i'm really sorry. please take a moment. say your goodbyes. good? [ indistinct talking ] ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ - like, obviously, it sucks, but i had the best time. - i really do want you to know how grateful i am for everything that you've taught me. to be able to be effortlessly myself, and to have those laughs with you and to have all those moments means so much to me. - i've been myself with you this whole time... - yeah. - ...which i appreciate you for that, 'cause i'm not always like that with everyone. - mm-hmm. - and even though it ended like this, i'm at ease a bit 'cause i know that whoever is in there will take care of you. - that means a lot. - yeah. ♪♪
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♪♪ i've been confidant in us the whole time, and i thought we were always on the same page, which, obviously, it sucks, but, like, i really just want you to be happy. and, look, you'll always have a place in my heart, actually. - thank you. you, too. - i'll miss you. ♪♪ [ engine starts, suv door closes ] ♪♪ jenn: it is hard to watch jeremy go. it's someone that i wanted to see a future with, but i just didn't see it fully there. i started this journey with 25 men, and i'm down to 3, and what's really gotten me this far is that i have opened my heart up to allow myself to accept love when it comes. but, like, jeremy did say, like, he thought that we were on the same page,
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and makes me think, like, do i think i'm on the same page with someone here and they're not on the same page with me? i'm absolutely petrified of that happening. next week is overnights and fantasy suites, and i think it's going to change everything. ♪♪ jesse: coming up next week... marcus: wow. jenn: my god. jesse:'s two back-to-back nights of the bachelorette... jenn: look at this. jesse: ...monday and tuesday. jenn: this week is fantasy suites, and there's no better place to fall in love than hawaii. - i would love to call you my fiancée, and i would love to call you my wife. - there's 1,000 amazing things that i could say about you 'cause you're so incredible. jenn: i have three guys here who i feel so strongly for. i can't hold back my feelings anymore. i would be lying if i didn't tell you that i am in love with you.
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- you make me feel amazing. you deserve all the love in the world. but... i'm not there yet. i'm struggling right now. jenn: it's terrifying to be in love with someone who isn't there yet. what if the other guys feel the same way? don't want you to be afraid to tell me how you're really feeling. - as my positive, like, loving feelings grow, so do, like, my fears and my worries. devin: i want to get to the end, but i don't know how to get there with you. - [ crying ] i don't know how to be what you need me to be. am i doing something wrong? jesse: plus... it's the men tell all. - i don't give a [ bleep ] about you. i don't respect you. jesse: all your favorite men are back... - bro, you don't know about love. you're a kid. - you're not going to belittle me and disrespect me. - shut up. jesse: ...and they've got a lot to say. - you were very arrogant in that moment. i brought this book. i want to give it to you. - you said one thing to eight guys, then you went back on it. - shut up, everyone. jesse: it's all next monday and tuesday night
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on the bachelorette. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> three separate fires igniting in the south bay. all around the same time. we are live with the investigation in the san jose foothills tonight. >> plus america. i gave my best to you. >> our other top story. president biden passing the torch. a powerful speech closing out night. one of the democratic national convention filled with fighting spirit as he lifts up vice president kamala harris. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we start with the dnc where it hasn't even been a full month since president biden decided to leave the race. and tonight, he again reiterated that he loves his job, but loves his country more. >> the dnc featured the heavy hitters of the democratic party
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past, present, and they hope future speeches from vice president kamala harris and hillary clinton brought deafening cheers. but president biden was the centerpiece tonight for 50 years, like many of you, i've given my heart and soul to our nation, and i've been blessed a million times to return to the support of the american people. reporter the president's message echoed the way he started his campaign, saying, our democracy hangs in the balance. he also acknowledged pro-palestinian protests, both inside the convention and out. >> abc seven news anchor julian glover is in chicago with the big moments from the beginning of this historic week. >> dan and ama, good evening and absolutely electrified crowd for night. one of the dnc for this who's who of elected democrats from all over the country and with that, california was well represented. the theme for night one, all focusing on for the
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people. all of this for this legacy. cementing night for president joe biden. and there was even this surprise. vice president kamala harris surprised her party, making a quick appearance for night one of the democratic national convention. and i want to kick us off by celebrating our incredible president, joe biden the night was about cementing president biden's legacy, who just a month ago made the historic decision to end his run for reelection. california elected officials were well represented. california senator laphonza butler, showering her longtime friend and ally with praise. you see, kamala harris has always understood the assignment. >> no matter if she were the underdog, no matter the bullying or the name calling. she never doubted that our best was still ahead. >> golden state warriors head coach steve kerr delivered this jab at harris's opponent, former
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president donald trump. >> in the words of the great steph curry, we can tell donald trump night night. >> one of the greatest ovations of the night was for former secretary of state and 2016 democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton. this is when we stand up. >> this is when we break through. the future is here. >> it's in our grasp. let's go win it. >> capping off the night was president joe biden handing over the convention and the party to his vice president, as he made the case for why kamala harris should be the next president of the united states? are you ready to vote for democracy and for america? >> let me ask you, are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim waltz again? >> an absolutely electric crowd for night one of the dnc. as the
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party continues to unify around the harris walz ticket. tuesday's theme, a bold vision for america's future the headliner. they don't get bigger than this. the former first lady and the former president, michelle and barack obama, of course, will have it all covered for you right here on abc seven news for now. reporting from the united center here for the dnc. i'm julian glover, abc seven news. >> all right, julian has it all for us. and we will see another leading california face for the second night of the dnc. governor newsom will lead california's delegation tomorrow night during the ceremonial roll call. he'll be the one to put vice president harris over the top, as they say, over the delegate threshold, that she needs to secure the presidential nomination. it's a gesture in name only. as harris secured the votes virtually at the beginning of the month. but given the long and local relationship between the two. tomorrow's move from governor newsom is significant, and julian will be in chicago all week long to provide a special coverage from the democratic national convention. look for his reports through thursday and each night, abc news will have special live
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coverage of the democratic national convention. it returns tomorrow from 7 to 8 p.m. wednesday, and thursday. it's from 6 to 8 p.m. >> former president donald trump countered the dnc with an event in pennsylvania today. both he and vice president harris are focusing attention there with it's critical swing state votes. mr. trump spoke from inside a manufacturing plant, zeroing in on the economy and doubling down on his attacks. >> kamala stands for energy disappearance and factory obliteration. she will obliterate factories like this. >> former president trump will campaign in detroit tomorrow. he and his running mate, ohio senator jd vance, will hit other battleground states all week long. >> now to the south bay, where firefighters have been keeping a close eye on three spot fires in the foothills of east san jose. people as far away as the los gatos hills were posting photos of the flames. firefighters say they were focused in the area of
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quimby road, and the steep terrain proved to be challenging. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez was there tonight. she is now live in san jose with the latest lauren. >> yeah, you couldn't miss the glow of the fires as you were driving around san jose. the san jose fire department tells me they were responding to three separate fires, totaling to about 33 acres. as of around 10:00 this evening. it was 5% contained. now, from where we were standing, we could hear and see the night flying helicopters as they made several water drops. we were standing at a corner of evergreen valley high school. residents call the area the evergreen hills. the fire department said this was a unified command with cal fire, and they had an additional wildland task force from santa clara county fire department. so they had quite a lot of resources responding to this. the fire department could not confirm if any structures were threatened, nor could they confirm if residents were
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