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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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peterson speak for the first time since being convicted of killing his pregnant wife, laci, two decades ago. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. kamala harris kamala harris, kamala roll call says it all. >> democrats ceremonially nominate kamala harris, hoping she will be elected. the next president of the united states. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. tonight's roll call is purely symbolic, since harris already became officially the nominee during a virtual vote. california is the state to put her over the top. >> california has the most delegates tonight. they passed when first called in the roll call vote. so that they could instead be the votes that put harris over the top. >> it's a gesture in name only. as harris secured the votes virtually at the beginning of the month. so this exercise is ceremonial, but it is also very
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energizing for everyone inside the convention hall. >> and now that president biden has had his goodbye, the focus is on the future. and abc seven news anchor julian glover is live in chicago with the latest from the convention floor. >> julian. >> hey there. good evening dan and ama. it's absolutely electric inside of the united center right now. as you mentioned, governor gavin newsom in just a matter of moments, will be delivering the california delegates that will be putting vice president kamala harris over the top as they say, they have skipped california, as you noted, they have skipped minnesota. that's because it's the home state of both the vice president and now her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz. we expect that big moment to happen in just a moment. we'll give it to you live right here on abc seven. let's tell you what's going to happen after the roll call. we'll be hearing from some big headline speakers the first ever second gentleman, doug emhoff, and the biggest names, former president and former first lady barack and michelle obama. tonight, the obamas, who have a long running
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relationship with vice president kamala harris, are expected to make a forceful case for why their friend and political ally should be the next president of the united states. last month, the obamas gave their support to the vice president in a call as harris quickly unified her party and secured the delegates to become the presumptive democratic nominee. >> we called to say, michelle, and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness, michelle, barack, this means so much to me. >> ahead of the obamas big speech, california delegates and superdelegates will cap off a ceremonial roll call delivering the necessary number of delegates to put vp harris over the top, the threshold needed to become the party's nominee. i've been volunteering with the democratic party for 15 years, and what a convention, harris mojadidi is a first time delegate from the east bay. he's excited for tonight's big roll call. this is a key moment for our nation to nominate the first
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woman of color, an african-american woman, a south asian woman. >> i know for me personally, as the son of a south asian woman, i might get a little teary eyed. >> arizona senator mark kelly, who was on the short list of potential vice presidential candidates, tells us he's equally as excited. >> i've never seen anything like this at a political rally before, and i've been a lot to a lot of these. >> i think california is feeling very proud. san francisco is feeling very proud. i'm excited to see us represented on the main stage at the dnc. >> honey mahogany is a san francisco delegate and former chair of the san francisco democratic party. she says the message of this convention is deeply resonating with her. we won't go back. what does that mean to you when you hear it? >> when we say we won't go back, what we mean is that we will not give up the rights that we have fought so hard to win a woman's right to vote. >> we're back here live inside of the united center, where wyoming is currently on the stage, delivering their 17 delegates, all pledging their
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support for vice president kamala harris. what's next? minnesota? and then after that, we go to the vice president's home state of california. we'll be bringing you all of that live here on abc seven news. vp harris not in the building, not in chicago tonight. she's on the road campaigning in milwaukee, where she is expected to join the convention by video any moment now. again, you hear the excitement. you hear the momentum growing inside of the united center because everyone's getting real excited about what's about to happen right now. minnesota up soon. california for now. reporting live inside of the united center. julian glover, abc seven news. >> electric, obviously, julian, thanks so much. >> let's listen in as minnesota is speaking now to the world. >> he taught us how to talk about global issues with respec, curiosity and kindness even. and especially when we disagreed. but he wasn't just a great teacher. he was also a great neighbor and friend. in fact,
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when he was in the midst of a budget battle as governor of our state, he still found time to attend my brother's funeral. mr. walz means the world to my family. he's always been there for us, and that's how i know he'll always be there for you as vice president. thank you. hah minnesota, let me hear you >> there you go. 14 years in the national football league taught me a lot about leadership. >> a good leader cannot be selfish. >> yes. look out for his team. coach walsh is as unselfish as they come. >> he has led minnesota with honesty and integrity. and in november, minnesota is going to send tim walz and kamala harris to the white house. let's go
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i'm amy klobuchar, the senator from the great state of minnesota, where nearly everyone votes and purple reigns. and i'm tina smith from the great state of minnesota. the home of next vice president of the united states, tim walz. minnesota. we cast ten votes presence. and we deliver 81 votes for kamala harris and tim walz. for the great state of
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california, how do you cast your vote? >> my name is governor gavin newsom. from the great nancy pelosi. i come from a state like our nation of dreamers, of doers, of entrepreneurs, of innovators, that prides itself on being on the leading and cutting edge of new ideas. california is the most diverse state in the world's most diverse democracy, and we pride ourselves. we pride ourselves in our ability to live together and advance together and prosper together across every conceivable and imaginable difference. but the thing we pride ourselves most on is that we believe the future happens in california. first. democrats, i've had the privilege for over 20 years to
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see that future taking shape with a star in alameda courtroom by the name of kamala harris. i saw that star. >> i saw that star fighting for criminal justice, racial justic, economic justice, social justice. >> i saw that star get even brighter as attorney general of california, as a united states senator, and as vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris has always done the right thing. a champion for voting rights of civil rights, lgbtq rights, the rights for women and girls. so democrats and independents, it's time for us to do the right thing, and that is to elect kamala harris as the next president of the united states of america.
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california >> we proudly cast our 482 votes for the next president, kamala harris. you have it. >> a very exciting moment inside the united center in chicago as all 482 delegates are pledged to the harris walz ticket, governor gavin newsom leading the state of california's delegate count as the roll call continues. >> how critical you are to this process, how critical you are to. >> and now harris is not in chicago tonight. she's in milwaukee speaking on the very same stage where former president trump accepted the republican nomination just last month. >> yeah, this is a live look inside the packed pfizer forum. wisconsin is an important swing state for harris. the vice president's remarks at the rally will be live streamed to the
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dnc. >> now, california was given an important role tonight, as you just saw here live. and leaders from the bay area have been at the forefront of the conversation in this race. and today on abc seven news at four, abc seven news insider phil matier talked about the significance that so many california power players have in the spotlight tonight. we'll talk about that in a moment. but right now, let's go back live to milwaukee. and vice president harris i'm awake. >> i'm awake through the waters. tell the tide don't move. i'ma riot. i'ma riot through your borders. call me bulletproof. and the vice president is going to speak again. >> this is live in milwaukee. >> yeah. this is the very same
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stage where former president trump accepted the republican nomination. just last month. let's listen. everyone joining us from exciting chicago. >> the delegates at the democratic national convention. >> well, they just completed their roll call. and they have nominated coach walz and me to be the next vice president and president of the united states of america >> and i thank everyone there and here for believing in what we can do together. >> we are so honored to be your nominees. this is a people powered campaign and together we
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will chart a new way forward >> a future for freedom. opportunity of optimism and faith. >> so to everyone in chicago and across america, thank you. thank you. thank you. >> and you're going to hear from our wonderful second gentleman shortly. >> i'll see you in two days. chicago all right >> vice president kamala harris has already been officially named the nominee. the nominee. but tonight's ceremonial roll call vote of all the delegates at the convention in chicago, with california putting her and tim walz over the top again. she is live in milwaukee campaigning today. she'll return to the convention hall on thursday for the biggest speech of the
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convention, and certainly of her political career. >> yeah, that's right. and california really was given an important role tonight. we saw so many leaders from the bay area, and they have been really at the front of this conversation in this race and on abc seven news at four today, our insider, phil matier, talked about the significance of so many california power players in the spotlight tonight. >> what we have here is a situation on a roller coaster that we've never seen before. we have a candidate from california, from san francisco, kamala harris. we have a speaker emeritus, nancy pelosi, who engineered or helped engineer the transfer from joe biden's exit to kamala harris. and we have gavin newsom, a rising star who's going to take the california delegation and put it over the top with kamala harris, somebody who he has been in a sibling competition with, sort of for more than 20 years. and so there's a lot of drama going on in the floor and behind the stage right now. >> speaker nancy pelosi is set
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to speak as part of tomorrow night's program, and former president trump and his running mate jd vance were in the midwest today as well. >> both hit on crime and safety during appearances with law enforcement. >> they go they go after guys like me, but they don't go after people that kill people. it's a shame what's happened in our country, but we're going to turn it around. we're going to win big and we're going to turn it around. we're going to turn it around fast. >> we are going to end sanctuary cities in this country. we're going to bring back pro law enforcement cities. we are going to deport the violent, illegal aliens that have come into this country over the last few years. no more free rides, no more amnesty. >> trump and vance are set to appear together tomorrow in north carolina to talk about national security. the former president is supposed to visit the border in arizona on thursday. now indications today that an independent campaign for president may be ending. robert f kennedy jr. s running mate, nicole shanahan, told the podcast host today that the pair
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is considering ending their independent campaign to endorse donald trump. shanahan says if they continue with their campaign, they, quote, run the risk of a kamala harris and walz presidency because we draw votes from trump, end quote. we are down to just 76 days to the election. look at the clock on your screen, counting down to the moment the polls open on election day, november 5th. >> all right, let's take another live look from the united center in chicago. that's the host of the evening, ana navarro, speaking about to introduce chuck schumer as the convention. night two continues from chicag. >> and we continue to monitor that. but coming up next, what's happening tonight to address the finding of lead in oakland school, water fountains, plus a lesson in what not to do when it comes to wildlife and getting that perfect picture. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. warm weather today, wet weather later on this week will have an hour by hour timeline
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coming up. >> and live abc network coverage of the democratic national convention kicks off tonight at 7:00, right here on abc seven. that means you're going to have to wait to catch wheel of fortune and z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability.
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so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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four nights you're seeing chuck schumer, senate majority leader right now. we just saw the ceremonial roll call to nominate kamala harris. and we continue to monitor the situation there. our anchor julian glover is there. we'll check back periodically throughout the hour. >> but for the moment, let's press on here for the first time
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in more than 20 years, convicted murderer scott peterson is speaking on camera about the death of his wife, laci, and their baby. a new documentary series looks at whether peterson killed his wife and their unborn child. abc news reporter suzanne vaughn is in the newsroom. suzanne. >> so, dan, for the first time since his conviction in 2004, we're hearing from scott peterson on camera. he's sitting in prison speaking over a grainy video call with the documentary series filmmaker, who is an investigative journalist. >> scott peterson was convicted of the murder of his wife. >> this was a beautiful, pregnant, missing woman in the new peacock original documentary face to face with scott peterson, we're hearing from the convicted murderer on camera. >> why should anyone want to hear your side of the story? >> because i didn't kill my family. a lot of people are tuning in to hear what peterson has to say. >> some ask, why now? >> why? i want to speak. i regret not testifying. i have a
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chance to show people what the truth is and if they're willing to accept it. former prosecutor steve clarke followed the scott peterson case closely as a legal analyst. >> more than two decades ago, my reaction to scott's statements now is where was all this when you did have the chance to testify? >> you have to recognize that the innocence project has advanced the theory that scott peterson is innocent and that there are alternative theories to what happened to laci. >> peterson is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for killing his wife, laci and their unborn child, conner. he still denies that he did it. the documentary producer questioned peterson about his unusual behavior during the investigation that he came across unconcerned. >> they're saying it because i was unwilling for the first few weeks to go in front of a camera and give them the terrible emotions i was feeling.
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>> the public later learned that peterson was having an affair with amber frey. clarke says peterson didn't act like someone dealing with a devastating loss because he did not come across as someone who was a widow who was someone who cared about losing his wife and child. in the docu series, peterson was asked if he killed laci because he didn't want to be married or he didn't want to be a father. >> that's so offensive. it's so disgusting. i just don't get that argument. >> peterson says he thinks about laci and conner often. he says there are times when he quote, becomes a wreck. the last comment from peterson on camera. he apologizes for becoming emotional, and some say peterson seems stoic during the investigation and trial. others say when he did show emotion, it didn't seem genuine. legal analyst stephen clark says peterson is not under oath. he's not being cross-examined right now. clark says we will have to wait and see if peterson is given a new trial. live in the newsroom suzanne phan abc seven news. >> suzanne, thank you. coming up
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next, a look at this week's weather forecast. sandhya
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we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets.
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fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. is here, sandy. you may have some rain coming. >> can you believe that? i know with all the warm weather we had today, it's hard to believe. dan and ama. let me show you a live picture right now. yeah you
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still have some time to enjoy the sun before that. it's a shaky view from sutro tower. but look at the visibility. it is unlimited. we are still dealing with the gusty winds, but we are keeping an eye on the trough to our north. this is what's going to deepen. it's an early system, early season system that is going to drive a front through here and on friday things are going to change rapidly. right now we do have clear skies across the region. as you look at live doppler seven temperatures in the 90s inland 60s coast side. that's about where we were today. gusty at sfo, 37 miles an hour. napa fairfield out towards the delta. it is breezy as well. and so if you are suffering from allergies, tree pollen is running. moderate elm trees are to blame. grasses, weeds, mold. they're pretty much low along the embarcadero. it is breezy. the next three days. cooling trend. friday we have drizzle and even a chance of showers and your weekend outlook will be brighter and warmer as we go. hour by hour. tonight at 7:00 if you want to step outside. still very beautiful. 9 p.m. 60 to 70 inland 50s at the coast. by
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morning that fog returns and it will pull back to the coast for the afternoon. but you'll notice that it is cooler than today. your morning temperatures will be in the 50s and the 60s. watch out for that fog. tomorrow afternoon we'll go with 80s inland 60s coast side. that's just the start of the changes to come on friday. that system comes in, the drizzle will begin the morning, and then here comes some showers that will be moving through, mostly in northern california, but we're going to see some showers reach as far as the northern part of our viewing area. and that means we're talking measurable precipitation. so a few hundredths for the southern and eastern part of the bay area. but ukiah up to 40/200 of an inch. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. keep the shades handy the next couple of days, but you may need those umbrellas on friday. sharply cooler sweater weather coming your way, at least away from the inland communities. and then for the weekend, we'll bring in the warmth, and then we'll bring in the heat early next week. ama and dan roller coaster. yeah.
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thanks, andrea. >> all right. coming up here next. doing away with paper price tags. the potential dangers of going digital, plus details on a new plan to tackle the homeless crisis in san francisco, how it
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you're inside the united center in chicago. senator bernie sanders at the podium. he has had his own presidential ambitions, of course. let's take you take a look back now at this evening's most powerful moment. not too long ago, you saw it here, live as governor newsom delivered california's delegates to put vice president kamala harris over the top as the nominee. california we proudly cast our 482 votes for the next president. >> kamala harris. >> yeah, it was a who's who of california. democrats around newsom, including speaker nancy pelosi, l.a. congresswoman maxine waters, and secretary of state shirley weber. right next to her. >> now taking another live look inside pfizer forum in milwaukee, where harris is
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speaking to a massive crowd. she paused her speech just a few minutes ago, asking for medical attention for someone in the crowd. not sure what happened, but someone needed some medical attention. she then said that everything would be okay and resumed speaking. >> she spoke from her rally there to the dnc, telling them that her husband, doug emhoff, would be speaking in chicago there soon. the rally continuing in milwaukee is her classic stump speech. we have hard work ahead of us, but we like hard work. >> hard work is good work guys. and with your help this november, we will win. >> abc news will have special live coverage of the democratic national convention tonight. it runs from seven until 8 p.m. tomorrow and thursday. it is from 6 to 8 p.m. you can find it wherever you watch abc7. and of course, right here. abc seven news anchor julian glover is in chicago all week long to provide
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us live coverage from the democratic national convention. look for his live reports through thursday. >> supervisor aaron peskin revealed his plan for solving the unhoused crisis in san francisco if he is elected mayor. >> he laid out the details while also attacking mayor. london breeds leadership on this issue. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with the mayoral candidate earlier today. >> i can run and i know how to make the city solve this problem. >> a different plan to tackle one of the biggest issues in san francisco. if supervisor aaron peskin is elected mayor, he wants to overhaul the city's unhoused response. >> the bread and butter of a mayor is systemic management reform of the tangled system that the city currently has. >> it centers on six key areas reform, management of homelessness. lead a regional approach. stop evictions. offer more shelter instead of encampment sweeps and student homelessness. and create a new plan for affordable housing.
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>> homeless people are being swept from one neighborhood into another. and what i am proposing is standing up the shelter beds that we need, creating the facilities to address the behavioral health crisis that we are experiencing and ultimately, that is a solution that has is going to have lasting impact. >> the supervisor and mayoral candidate laid out this plan in the mission district, joined by a few community leaders. peskin has been on the board of supervisors for almost 20 years. he claims mayor london breed is to blame for the current state of the homelessness epidemic. we reached out to the mayor's office and the other candidates for mayor, but we haven't heard back yet. breed is currently at the democratic national convention, but earlier this month, she said the city has seen progress in finding housing for long time. san franciscans who are facing homelessness at the end of july, she was ready to implement governor newsom's executive order, pushing cities to remove encampments and get people into housing. >> we're excited about what this is going to do, and we're hopeful we make it so uncomfortable for people that they accept our offer. that's
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what this is about. >> supervisor peskin is against encampment sweeps and proposes buying empty properties in the city and converting them to shelters. he also wants to consolidate the many nonprofits and city departments into a more central agency, with nine different city agencies, 248 nonprofit service providers. >> very tangled web that i think can easily be untangled. >> a plan he hopes will improve the city if voters elect him in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> parking restrictions and towing threats have led to stable housing for many people living in rvs on san francisco's winston drive and zoo road. the city has placed more than 20 families in permanent housing. all of them are former rv residents who parked on winston drive until the city implemented a four hour parking limit for a repaving project. many then moved to zoo road, but were told to move or get towed. city staff offered them financial vouchers that made it easier for them to afford housing, and they accepted. >> this is a time limited rental
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subsidy program, so the family or individual will pay 30% of their income towards the rent and the subsidy makes up the rest. >> so far, 21 families have been relocated through the program and organizers say there are still others going through the process. >> the future of grocery shopping is already showing up on store shelves in the form of electronic price tags. you may have seen them. experts say they could both help and hurt consumers. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley explains the potential as digital price tags are even becoming political. >> food prices have shot up over 20% in recent years, something economists say was rooted in the disrupted pandemic supply chain. now there is new technology in the world of grocery shopping in the form of digital price tags replacing paper and ink tags and signs. walmart says in the coming year, they'll be rolling out the new tags in over 2300 stores. other grocery chains
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already have them, and others are likely to follow suit. the new price tags can be quickly updated by stores via a mobile app. vice president kamala harris voiced her concerns at a campaign stop last week over price gouging in grocery stores. >> senator warren and casey have actually sent a letter to kroger ceo with a list of questions they're very concerned about the idea of surge pricing on food, the prices could change based on availability. it could be based on, you know, it's a hot summer day. so the price of water might be increased. so there's a lot of pros to it for the store and a lot of cons for it for the consumer. >> stores pledged to not use surge pricing. walmart said in an online article. this efficiency means we can spend more time assisting customers and less time on repetitive tasks. >> it's going to reduce the
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labor quite a bit, and that's why i think it makes sense from the retailers point of view. >> the president of the local food and commercial workers union told abc seven news. digital price tags are another direct attempt to reduce the hours of grocery store clerks who are already struggling for enough hours for consumers. dynamic pricing and competition could potentially decrease some prices. >> i can see retailers using this to, you know, lower prices. for example, if there is expiry on the food products or on produce and fruit, then you could equally lower the prices. >> what's certain is digital tags are poised to pop up in many stores in the year ahead. in the east bay. i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> coming up next, a lesson in selfie control. can you believe we need it? apparently we do. when it comes to getting
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pict what's the definition of character to you? umm... would you be a superhero or a supervillain? if you could say one thing to big tobacco, what would it be? it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪)
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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levels in drinking water at oakland unified schools. a
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virtual meeting started at 630 with the school district's board vice president. the problem was found at 22 campuses and dates back to april. district officials say there are now more than 100 filtered water machines in schools. the district says new water filters and pipes will be installed at campuses and will be tested again to comply with safety standards. >> happening today emotional sendoffs for some families in berkeley, more than 8700 uc berkeley students are moving today and tomorrow into their living situation ahead of the fall semester. parents captured the bittersweet moment as students took the first steps in the next chapter of their lives, including one incoming freshman from australia. >> very nervous, very excited, i'm an only child, so moving away from my parents is a big deal. >> with the excitement, there's also some sadness that comes with it. i'm telling my whole family, you know, we moved in today. we leave tomorrow. we'll probably be driving or we'll probably be crying all the way
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home tomorrow. >> there'll be a lot of parents shedding some tears. some streets, including durant avenue, are limited one way streets during the move, so move in for kids, so expect delays if you drive in that area all the way from australia. now going off to college, that really is all right. >> well, you know, selfies are a big part of social media culture, but pictures with animals, especially wild animals, i mean, come on, they can put both the animals and humans at risk. >> sure can. now there's a new advisory about taking selfies with cows. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has the story. in california, abigail chavez brings the toddler she babysits to tilden little farm every week. >> it's really, like, useful to entertain them, especially, like, without getting them inside and using their ipads and things like that. >> the little one loves to feed the cows, and sometimes they take selfies for social. >> yeah, we take pictures all the time at little farm. >> the animals are captive and used to human interaction. but out in the east bay regional park district's open spaces,
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it's not always a good idea to try and snap a selfie. >> bad idea. okay, definitely, because. because most cows are really protective of their babies and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. the hill cows. so that's a lot of muscle to have head in your way. >> and he says it can happen quick. the park district uses animals like cattle to graze over almost 87,000 acres. august to october is calving season, when interactions with calves can bring danger to both people and animals. >> these calves are not the kind of cows you find on little farm. it's not a petting zoo. they're range cows. they're meant to be in these wild lands. >> alison rolph is a rangeland specialist with the park district. she has some tips when out in the open spaces. do not approach or touch calves. no selfies with calves. do not get between a mother and her calf and keep dogs on a leash. >> they're not defensive by nature. they're not. but they may perceive dogs as a predator, especially around their calves.
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>> and it's not just the cows in the east bay. this video shows people pulling a bear cub from a tree to take selfies in north carolina. >> we did confront them on site that day. we let them know how irresponsible and how potentially deadly it could be for that cub to be separated from its mom. >> the park district says if you encounter a calf and a cow along a trail, give them time to move or go off trail to get around them. in the east bay, anser hassan abc seven news. >> give them their space. well coming up, see what to expect in sandy's seven day forecast. >> plus, a sneak peek ahead at this weekend's silicon valley pride parade and festival
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this. illinois governor j.b. pritzker speaking. kamala harris just wrapped up a rally in milwaukee. she's flying back to chicago tonight. of course, her big speech will be on thursday. >> and harris's campaign is historic. the first black woman to become a major party's nominee. her rise comes after decades of helping other women find a path in politics. harris co-founded emerge california 20 years ago, focused on helping women run for public office. the organization's development
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director joined us today on abc seven news at three. >> now, across the country, little girls are going to be looking at their screens and they're going to be like, if she can do it, i can do it. and so we just feel our hearts are just so full in this moment. and we all feel that that that sense of responsibility, almost like we need to live up to this moment. >> diane lee says emerge has trained more than 6000 women across the country, with more than 1200 currently in public office. >> thousands are set to celebrate in the south bay this weekend for silicon valley pride. but before the parade in the festival, an entire week of events is underway. abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes spoke with organizers about what to expect and the boost they hope it will give the community. reporter downtown san jose is set to come alive this week. >> the boost of energy coming from silicon valley pride. >> we think pride should be celebrated 365 days in a year,
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and we tend to uplift that by organizing various events, through throughout the year. efforts that are intensifying this week, in the days leading up to silicon valley pride parade and festival, from a drag cooking showdown to a pride edition of the famous pobladores night market. >> each weekday is a pride celebration that organizers hope brings a wide ranging impact. >> we're hoping that attendees will support local businesses in terms of like staying at their hotels, eating at the restaurant, and hopefully help local san jose economy and downtown san jose businesses are banking on it. >> we're really excited about this activation, which will bring another 10,000 plus people to downtown silicon valley. >> pride week follows a series of events that have kept downtown san jose bustling, including san jose jazz fest, galaxycon and many more. >> we had so far the most successful summer since covid. absolutely. hands down. >> the summer success expected to continue. it's a state not just bringing in a new school year, but all new housing following the opening of spartan
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village on the paseo last week. >> 400 plus students walking back and forth from campus to their living facilities. along the way, there's retail. two of the pop up clusters that we just opened on the paseo is there. they are already reporting great, great business because of the students. >> but this week and this weekend, the excitement is centered around silicon valley pride, not just for the business it will bring, but the sense of community and belonging. >> it's just a way for us to be our authentic self and celebrate being the lgbt community. >> silicon valley pride week will end with sunday's parade and festival at plaza de cesar chavez park. for more information, head to sv pride dot com in san jose. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> and so far, good weather for it. >> absolutely. meteorologist sandhya patel is here to update the forecast. sandhya. >> yeah, looking nice so far and let me show you what you can expect as we head towards tomorrow. 68 degrees in san francisco after the morning fog. it's going to be a nice sunny
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day. oakland fog to sun and mild 74. you will notice average temperature is about 82 in san jose. you're going to be right about there. and warm and sunny in walnut creek. 84 degrees but cooler than today. on live doppler seven. pretty quiet weather. the fog is going to expand. we're going to notice the cool down tomorrow. 60s coast side, 80s inland. as we head into thursday. temperatures drop off some more and by friday i mean well below average. when you have 60s and 70s almost going to feel like late fall, the accuweather seven day forecast will show you the cooling trend the next few days, and by friday we bring in drizzle even a chance of some showers. best chance in the north bay certainly will turn things around over the weekend, and that heat will be building each and every day into early next week, when triple digits show up. so looking. wow. yeah. back to summer. ama and dan. >> all right. one last punch. >> yes. thank you. >> all right. sports director larry beil is here with some football news talking forty-niners christian
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mccaffrey. >> not the biggest, not the fastest guy in the world, but he is the most dangerous running back in the nfl. and coach kyle shanahan thinks he knows why. an explanation of an all football all the time we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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i got to do my own props, you know, stuff here. but supposedly one last issue to be resolved. they could be like this close, but we're less than three weeks away from opening night against the jets. niners. jets monday night football here on abc seven. and everybody around the league is just confused as to like, why is this taking so long? there's the hope expectation that it might get handled this week. as for christian mccaffrey. well he's not a robot, but it sometimes looks like one on tv. he's out with a calf injury. the assumption is that mccaffrey will be ready for week one. he set career highs in rushing yards and touchdowns last season. led the league in both. he won the offensive player of the year award and finished third in the mvp voting. head coach kyle shanahan says he's pretty sure that mccaffrey is thinking about football every waking moment, perhaps even during his wedding this summer. >> when you're hurt, you're hurt. you can't go. but when you take every rep, every walkthrough, everything you do, you're just so deliberate in everything. when he's probably walking down the aisle to get married, he's probably thinking about his feet and how to do routes. no offense to olivia,
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but, it's he's obsessed with it. and so when you do get in these situations where you do get hurt and you can't go do all that stuff, at least he's put the work in before the olivia that he was mentioning is olivia culpo, the actress who christian married this summer. >> as for the jets, aaron rodgers says this has been his toughest training camp in a while. coming back from a torn achilles that he suffered in just the fourth snap of the jets first game last season. also, because head coach and former niners defensive coordinator robert saleh is really pushing them, i would say the camp is much harder this year and maybe the hardest in the last 7 or 8 of my career, i knew that i had a little insight coming into camp. >> that's what robert wanted to do, so i think it's been good for us. >> baseball news the saint louis cardinals released 37 year old brandon crawford today. the forever giant was hitting just 169 in 28 games. giants fans were hopeful that crawford would last with the cardinals until
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the final series of the season at oracle park. and now we'll see if maybe somebody else gives him a chance and picks him up, or he hangs him up. but you've got to be on an active roster by august 31st in order to be eligible for the playoffs. the giants remain on the fringes of the wild card race, hosting the white sox tonight. and that's in part because third baseman matt chapman hit his 20th home run of the season last night. he's got an outside outside shot at 30. if he gets hot in the final month. plus we get like six weeks left. he'd become the first giant to hit that many home runs since barry bonds 20 years ago. but who knows if the giants are going to make a significant playoff run? its defense like you're seeing right there that will lead the way. >> you know defense can win ball games just as much as swinging the bat. so it's nice to see, you know, if we want to, you know, make this run and get in the playoffs and make a run in the playoffs. you got to be able to play defense because that's, you know, pitching and defense is what's going to take you there. >> he's right. sports on abc seven sponsored by smart and final. just circling back to
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christian mccaffrey i'll let you guys decide if you think that this is over the top. but his dad was a pro football player played for the niners. broncos. he used to take christian out of high school at lunchtime to make sure that he had an i.v. to get ready for the game that night, so he wouldn't be dehydrated. also advised christian that when you go outside, always take sunglasses because you do not want to expend any energy squinting. you must save every ounce of energy for the football game. >> the first i might understand it, that second one too much, so it's a little odd. anyway i'm so tired now, i've never really felt worn out after squinting. yeah i'm sorry. all right. tonight on abc seven at seven, the democratic national convention at eight is back to back episodes of celebrity family feud at ten. wheel of fortune, followed by jeopardy! then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. but that is it for us, for now. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for cindy patel,
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larry beil, all of us here. >> we appreciate your time. we'll leave you now with another live look at the democratic national convention going on in chicago. michelle lujan grisham, the governor of new mexico, we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network,
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with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. tonight, night two of the democratic national convention here in chicago. former president barack obama and former first lady michelle obama set to make the case for


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