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tv   ABC7 News 1000PM  ABC  August 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

10:00 pm
h. one h. i'd like to buy the a. mm-hmm, two a's. l. no, afraid not, no l. all right, lauren. all right. now a regular $1,000 space. a d. yeah, three d's. so you got $3,000 for that. all right, what's next? -i'd like to solve the puzzle. -okay. soda water under the bridge. that's it. "before & after." ♪♪ well, you're doing just fine. another $3,000. you're up to a $11,000 total. congratulations on that. we have a long way to go, gang. everybody hang in. we have a "prize puzzle" coming up. someone's score is gonna benefit. we'll be back.
10:01 pm
[applause] ♪♪ i can't wait to get to work. let's get you ready for fall! one lap for each vowel! announcer: ryan seacrest joins vanna white this fall on "wheel of fortune." ♪♪
10:02 pm
♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers.
10:03 pm
business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. hey, "what are you doing?" is the category for this next round. it's our "prize puzzle" round, and, uh, here goes our prize, rosemary, you start. t. yeah, two of those. nice start. keep it going. what do you wanna do next? oh, don't do this to rosemary, and it did.
10:04 pm
i'm sorry. just can't control that. lauren. n. do we have an n? i think we have three of them, and while they're coming up, you can pick up that "wild" card. you also picked up $1,500. if you wanna spend anything-- oh, she's gonna spin. oh! [groans] the "wild" card's gotta go. sorry. edmar. whoa! $600. g. two g's. d. one d. -i'd like to buy a vowel. -mm-hmm. -i. -i believe there are some i's.
10:05 pm
three would be the number. i'd like to buy an a. yes, three a's. s. yeah, one s. so you have $2,200 and a big grin. -what does that mean? -i'd like to solve. [chuckles] okay, go ahead. sitting back and relaxing. yeah, that's it. ♪♪ although to finish the whole thing, it's "sitting back and relaxing in puerto rico." oh, my god. [cheers and applause] edmar, here's where they dance the bomba. escape to a puerto rican icon at... enjoy four pools, a well & being spa, foxwoods el san juan casino, restaurants, and entertainment...
10:06 pm
wow. that's a big round, and, uh, you have the lead-- a grand total lead of $795 at this point. over $11,000 for you. lauren has $11,000. we're gonna get rosemary on the board, i feel it, and, uh, we'll get to all that coming in after this. ♪♪ vanna: closed captioning sponsored by... woman: cats want taste. you want healthy ingredients. with blue tastefuls, you don't have to compromise. pick up blue tastefuls today. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. ♪ some things stand the test of time, like a family car. the hartford has been insuring experienced drivers for generations. many who switch to the aarp auto insurance program
10:07 pm
from the hartford. saved an average of $577. for what's worth protecting, the hartford is here. to get your free quote, go to the buck's got your back.
10:08 pm
z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time.
10:09 pm
so let's do our nightly triple "toss up." "food & drink" is the category. here's the first of our three puzzles. [bell tinkles] ♪♪ [bell chimes] rosemary. cotton candy. i knew you'd get some money here. [laughs] maybe you'll get some more, because here's the second one. [bell tinkles] ♪♪ [bell chimes] edmar. no? everybody else now. [bell chimes] lauren. corn on the cob. yeah, she gets the two. [bell dings] well, that leaves $2,000 up for grabs. here's our third one. [bell tinkles] ♪♪ [bell chimes] edmar. candy corn? yeah, that's it. [laughs] i think he got the idea. well, everybody gets $2,000. that's nice. "thing"--the category for this next round. edmar, you got the last one, so you get to spin first.
10:10 pm
[groans] and now you have to stop spinning for now. rosemary. go, rosemary. s. one s, yeah. i'd like to buy an a. two a's, yeah. t. two t's. spinning away. well, this would be a really good time to find a letter or two. n. you know what? there's no n. i am sorry. lauren. all right.
10:11 pm
r. yeah, one r. can i buy the e? uh, there is one. the e right there. all right. y. mm-hmm, one y. l. one l. -can i solve the puzzle? -we'll see soon. go ahead. vocabulary test. yeah, you did it. well, in a very tight match, you're ahead now, just barely over edmar. you have $14,500, and we have time for another round. let's have a look at the puzzle. the category is "living things."
10:12 pm
[bell tinkles, bell dings] and, uh, rosemary, it's you turn to start. that sound means time's running a little short. so give it a final spin for us if you would. let's add $1,000. let's see what consonants will be worth. that'll be $1,600. again, it's "living things." rosemary, a letter, please. t. one t. ♪♪ [buzzer] lauren. s. yes, one s. three seconds. ♪♪ [buzzer] edmar. p. no. rosemary. n. yeah, two n's. ♪♪ "living things." ♪♪ [buzzer] lauren. l. yeah. she's smiling like she knows something.
10:13 pm
let's see. uh, lightning bugs. yeah, that's it. [cheers and applause] [chuckles] wow. well, you're no poker face. i figured out that you knew that one. uh... [laughs] i don't have a poker face. you know what? you're the big winner. $17,700. some people call 'em fireflies. yes. i think it depends where you're born and all that. i'm from the east coast. i'll be back to chat with you in a moment. everybody wants something. i'm glad you got that $2,000. thank you, rosemary, very much for being here. edmar, nice job. congratulations. $13,795. thank you both. well, you ready? yes. all right, here's the deal. i'm gonna give you three categories. you'll choose one for the bonus round, and they are... "food & drink." mm-hmm, all right. we'll see what happens. -all right. -stay right with us. ♪♪ stay tuned. lauren could drive home in a new mini cooper. the bonus round is next.
10:14 pm
(vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at did you know, sweat from stress is actually smellier than other kinds of sweat? that's why i use secret clinical antiperspirant. it works on sweat from: stress, heat and activity. it provides 3x stress sweat protection. secret works. [♪]
10:15 pm
well, $17,700, and now you're standing in bonus land. yes, i am. -isn't life good? -uh, it's amazing. all right, spin the wheel. ♪♪ we have $100,000 out there somewhere. $40,000 our minimum this season, and we're on the old s. -would you come on with me? -all right. and you're gonna stand right there, please. and i'll stand here. you chose "food & drink" as your category. i did. r, s, t, l, n, e. we always start with those letters.
10:16 pm
[bell dinging] -lot of dinging going on. -long of dinging. yep. okay. three more consonants, one more vowel. -m. -mm-hmm. c. yes. f. -and a vowel. -a. well, let's see what we get. not much. just the f. all right, "food & drink." 10 seconds. talk it out. good luck. frozen veggies. you need any more time? 'cause you-- no. no. [laughs] -that f was nice, huh? -yes. want some dough? -ohh! -oh! yes! [cheers and applause] very nice. lauren, this deserves an a-plus... which means you end up with... oh, my gosh. that has a really nice ring to it, doesn't it?
10:17 pm
-it does. thank you. -congratulations. -thank you so much. -you're very welcome. and we'll be right back. [laughs] ♪♪ [cheers and applause] woman: welcome to the "wheel of fortune" mobile game. get ready to spin, solve, and win every day. embark on global challenges in the world tour and join exciting multi-player action. compete with friends and family, connect with fellow fans - and make every spin count. man: you win! woman: download "wheel of fortune" free play and start spinning. we had that "lightning bugs" puzzle, and i said it depends where you're from, 'cause i know a lot of people call them fireflies. i'm from chicago. i call them lightning bugs, and in the south, you call them... lightning bugs. -and you like them. -i love them. i grew up-- my brother and i grew up-- we would go outside and capture them in a jar and watch 'em for hours. you know, putting holes in there. watch 'em and then we'd let 'em go. and it was just awesome. very nice. i taught mine to dance. [laughter] oh, really? -with a light. it was great. -[laughs] uh, anyway, we'll see you next time for more, uh, words on bugs.
10:18 pm
bye. entomology. etymology. it's one of the two. [laughs] are you ready to be part of the new era of "wheel"? we're looking for great new contestants to play for big money with ryan and vanna. go to and apply today. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc.
10:19 pm
10:20 pm
from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the "jeopardy!" invitational tournament. introducing today's contestants. a software engineer from los angeles, california... a grad student in computer science and public policy, originally from washington, dc... and a software engineer from brooklyn, new york... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. thank you, johnny gilbert, and welcome, everyone, to the 9,000th episode of "jeopardy!" speaking as someone who first stepped onto this stage as a contestant way back in episode 4,493, and has been a fan of the show
10:21 pm
since the very first alex trebek episodes aired in 1984, i could not be more thrilled to be here as part of this milestone 40 years in the making. our 9,000th episode finds us three quarter-final games into the "jeopardy!" invitational tournament. and yesterday, it was larissa kelly, who despite not finding a single daily double in the double jeopardy! round, managed to finish the game with over $40,000 and is headed to the semi-finals. let's find out who will join her today of terry, matt, and alan. welcome back, champs. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. first up... then we have... we have... each response made up entirely of letters in the word "invitational." and then, we didn't want to observe our 9,000th episode without celebrating the only person who's been part of all 9,000 of them, so, we have... you name the original artist or band. and finally... terry, what do you want to start with?
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let's go to words in invitational for $600, please. - alan. - what is the violin? - yes. - words in invitational, $800. - alan. - what is aviation? - you got it. - words in invitational, $1,000. the seeds of this tropical tree yield a yellowish-red dye that's used as a food coloring, especially for cheese and margarine. - alan. - what is annatto? you add $1,000. turning 60 in 2024, $800. - terry. - who is "harriet the spy"? - that's right. - nonfiction for $600. matt. what is "killers of the flower moon"? - correct. - nonfiction, $800.
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- matt. - who is bryson? - bill bryson is right. - nonfiction, $1,000. - matt. - what is "the guns of august"? good for $1,000. turning 60 in 2024 for $1,000. matt. what is the national portrait gallery? no, i'm sorry. terry or alan? - [beep] - it's the museum of american history at the smithsonian. - back to you, matt. - electoral college, $1,000. - matt. - who is john quincy adams? - that's correct. - electoral college, $800. - matt. - who is trump? - correct. - electoral college, $600. answer there, the daily double in the round.
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you just pulled ahead of alan on that last clue, matt. - what do you wanna wager? - everything. i thought you might. $3,200 at stake in the electoral college by the numbers. who is gore? you don't seem sure, but it is al gore. yes, you have $6,400. [applause] johnny gilbert, $1,000. here's johnny. [johnny reading clue] - matt. - who is ray charles? - correct. - gilbert, $800. [johnny reading clue] - matt. - who is blink-182? yeah, but that's the definitive version, i think. - of course. - [laughter] dessert, $1,000.
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italian for "cooked cream," this eggless custard can be garnished with raspberries. - alan. - what is zabaglione? no, i'm sorry. - terry. - what is panna cotta? - it is panna cotta, right. - dessert for $800. - terry. - what are macaroons? macaroons is right, yes. you're in second place with $2,600. matt's out in front after the big daily double. and we won't hear more johnny gilbert lyrics until after this break, so make sure you come back. ok, 500 deluxe garden gnomes. wow. i only meant to order five. there's not enough money in my account for these. i'm gonna get charged. two things i just can't deal with. overdraft charges. and garden gnomes.
10:26 pm
but your bmo smart advantage checking account gives you an extra day to avoid an overdraft fee. nice to see a bank cutting people some slack. mistakes happen. and we give you time to correct them. so, you don't like gnomes huh? what about that one? that one i like. a lot. ♪ bmo ♪ i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. this is a classic, “got-up-too-fast-from- tying-your-shoes” back injury. not to be confused with the “you-threw-your-back-out- sneezing-back-injury”. lucky for you,
10:27 pm
an amazon one medical provider can help. and if it comes down to needing meds? amazon pharmacy will deliver them to your door. of course, you have to get to the door. ♪ promotional consideration provided by... tournament of champions runner-up alan lin
10:28 pm
is back with us, a software engineer from los angeles. thank you for coming back, alan. i understand "jeopardy!" has made a big change - in your life. - oh, absolutely. right after i taped my tournament of champions in 2017, some of the local "jeopardy!" community took us out to dinner, and that's where i met clifford galiher, who was the 2007 college tournament winner. soon after that, we started dating, and we're still together to this day, and love doing trivia together. congratulations! that's-- you've been together for years now, right? [applause] you would be a formidable "jeopardy!" team if we ever do a pairs competition. matt jackson, originally from washington, dc, a grad student in computer science and public policy now. and that's new for you, right, matt? yes, i was thinking law school, but this is a bit of a diversion. i'm studying software engineering for civic tech. the goal is to really help social good and public sector organizations understand what their needs are, and then use the modern computational and data science tools that we have today to really help them maximize the good they can do.
10:29 pm
that's fantastic. and a 13-game "jeopardy!" champion, right? - if i'm remembering correctly. - yeah. so, welcome back. and we have another software engineer, three for three today. terry o'shea, a former college champion from brooklyn. what's it like being "jeopardy!" famous, terry? it's kind of fun in that people sometimes come up to you and ask, "hey, weren't you on 'jeopardy!'"? the most memorable time that it's happened to me, i was getting lunch at a restaurant in san francisco. someone came up, introduced himself, said the line, and then we dated for a year and a half. - hm. - oh, wow. - yes. - so, that works, "i saw you on 'jeopardy!'" it kinda worked. i think he's married now to someone else. - okay. - but if you're watching this, micah, congratulations on your wedding. that's very nice of you. it works briefly, i'm glad to know. well, you do have control of the board, terry. all three of you can pick up your signaling devices, we'll get back into the jeopardy! round. let's go to time for dessert for $600, please. these cakes were immortalized by proust in his "remembrance of things past." - alan. - what are madeleines? - yes. - dessert, $400.
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- alan. - what is a mudslide? good. words in invitational, $400. - terry. - what is natal? you got it. words in invitational for $200. - terry. - what is vital? - right again. - time for dessert, $200. erupting with flavor, it's the yummy dessert seen here, named for its center. - terry. - what is a lava cake? - correct. - nonfiction for $400, please. - matt. - who is floyd? - you got it. - turning 60 for $600. - matt. - what is "dr. strangelove"? - yes. - more johnny gilbert, please. - $600. - here's johnny.
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[johnny reading clue] [laughter] - [beep] - nobody? i'm feeling very old right now. who is rod stewart? - back to you, matt. - johnny gilbert for $400. [johnny reading clue] - [beep] - another amazing cover. that's "blister in the sun" by violent femmes. - matt. - let's do the last - johnny gilbert, $200. - one more time, johnny gilbert. [johnny reading clue] - terry. - who is billie eilish? that's more the right generation. phew. turning 60 for $400.
10:32 pm
- terry. - what is basic? yeah, the "b" is for beginner's. electoral college for $400, please. - matt. - who is reagan? - over mondale, yes. - electoral college, $200. - alan. - who is fdr? yeah, four elections. nonfiction, $200. - alan. - who is prince harry? - yes. - and turning 60, $200. final clue... - terry. - what are pop-tarts? that is correct. you're in second place, terry. alan will make the first selection when we come back with double jeopardy! it all begins in just a moment.
10:33 pm
z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best
10:34 pm
for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. closed captioning sponsored in part by... my old "jeopardy!" all-stars teammate matt jackson is in the lead as we head into double jeopardy! here are your new categories, champs. we have the old testament up first.
10:35 pm
then... note those quotation marks. followed by... some composers. and then finally, this time, it's time for desert. alan, where to? composers, $1,600. - matt. - who is brahms? - correct. - composers, $2,000. - matt. - who is satie? - $2,000 for you. - composers, $1,200. alan. what is "midsummer night's dream"? right. time for desert, $1,600. answer there, daily double, alan. this is for you alone. you're in third place, but can make a move here. $4,000. true daily double on time for desert. here's the clue.
10:36 pm
what is the chihuahuan desert? that is correct, chihuahua or chihuahuan. you're in second place with $8,000. [applause] national women's hall of fame, $2,000. among the class of 2024, this civil rights icon, who at age six made history when she integrated one of new orleans' all white schools. - matt. - who is bridges? - ruby bridges is right. - women's hall, $1,600. this photographer with a hyphenated name, one of the first photojournalists hired by life magazine. - alan. - who is bourke-white? yes. national women's hall of fame, $1,200. - matt. - who is kübler-ross? - right. - old testament, $2,000. - matt. - who is laban? - that's him. - old testament, $1,600.
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he's the mighty man of wealth depicted with ruth, whom he marries. - matt. - who is boaz? - right again. - old testament, $1,200. answer there, the other daily double, matt. you seem to have found a strong category for you. what do you wanna do from the lead? $12,000, please. that's a big wager in the old testament. here's your clue. what is "ho-say" or hosea? "hosea, can you see?" yeah, funny pastors. you have $32,000, matt. [applause] desert, $2,000. - alan. - what is the kalahari? correct for $2,000. italian words and phrases, $2,000.
10:38 pm
- matt. - what is sotto? - sotto voce, yes. - italian, $1,600. for his hair color, it can describe italian tennis star jannik sinner, or it can be an iconic series of ferrari models. - terry. - what is rosso? no, i'm sorry. - alan. - what is rossi? also incorrect. matt looks like - he's not gonna take it. - [beep] the car's a testarossa, that's the nickname. - back to you, matt. - italian, $1,200. - terry. - what is cosa nostra? you're right. house of entertainment for $1,200. - matt. - what is - "burning down the house"? - correct. house of entertainment, $1,600. called america's defining celtic hip-hop group, they hit the top five with a 1990s party anthem. - matt. - who are house of pain? - right again. - house, $2,000.
10:39 pm
matt. what is "house of sand and fog"? - yes. - desert, $1,200. in 2016 nasa began testing a new prototype rover and its life-detecting instruments in this south american desert. - alan. - what is the atacama? - yes. - desert, $800. - matt. - what is australia? - right. - composers for $800. - alan. - who is stravinsky? you got it. italian words and phrases, $800. - alan. - what is tutti? - yes. - house, $800. - alan. - what is "house of cards"? - you're right. - old testament, $800.
10:40 pm
- terry. - what is esther? that's right. women's national hall of fame for $800. this lawyer, feminist, activist, and tv commentator. - matt. - who is allred? - right. - women's hall of fame for $400. - terry. - who is sandra day o'connor? - that's correct. - house of entertainment for $400. - alan. - what is "fuller house"? "fuller house," that's the reboot. composers, $400. - matt. - who is grieg? - yes. - desert, $400. - terry. - what is a scorpion? that's right. italian words and phrases for $400.
10:41 pm
- terry. - what is the last supper? you're right, and we'll finish off the old testament as well. - matt. - what is babylon? that is correct. larissa impressed yesterday with $40,000 after final. matt, you have over $40,000 going into final jeopardy! today. let's see what category awaits you three... from the ancient world. and we'll return with the clue right after this. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes.
10:42 pm
up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. a promise is a trust not to be broken. i, state your name... whether spoken with an oath... solemnly swear. —or sealed with a pinkie. —i promise. and after 100 years we're still taking care of the military community and their families. that's our mission. always.
10:43 pm
nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. we'll be back with final jeopardy! right after this. [ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪
10:44 pm
♪ yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh ♪
10:45 pm
final jeopardy! today comes to us from the ancient world. let's take a look at the clue... thirty seconds, players. good luck. ♪♪
10:46 pm
terry o'shea had $5,800. her response... "what is rosetta?" you got the city right, but i'm afraid we can't accept that, terry. you've wagered... everything, and it knocks you down to zero. alan lin was in second place with $14,000. his response... "what is the rosetta stone?" yes, on the side of this artifact. sorry, terry. so, that is correct, alan. you wagered... just one dollar. you now have $14,001, that's nice. but matt jackson, $41,200. quite a game. did matt know the rosetta stone? he did. he wagered... $121. $41,321, matt. you are headed to the semi-finals. congratulations. [applause] thank you for joining us today. we'll be right back here on the alex trebek stage on monday for show 9,001. we'll see you then. [applause]
10:47 pm
we shot our 9,000th episode of "jeopardy!" but there's only one person who's been a part of all 9,000. please, welcome to the stage, johnny gilbert. [cheers and applause] oh, look at this. - that's the cake? - yes! you're kidding! how do you like "jeopardy!" after 40 years? is it a good show? what do you think? alex and i started the show when merv griffin created it, put it into syndication. and it was bought for 13 weeks. and if it didn't do well in 13 weeks, that was the end of the show. obviously, it's done very well. so, for what it's worth, thank you very much from a very humble guy on "jeopardy!" audience: this is "jeopardy!" yes! [applause] captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc.
10:48 pm
it's. it's the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the united states. >> those words, the biggest moments of today's democratic national convention. >> and those words follow a night of speeches, poems, songs, and chants. >> aren't you proud to be a democrat? >> this election isn't about us and them. it's about you and me. >> politics at its worst. can be ugly, crushing, demeaning. but it doesn't have to be. >> it falls to us to ensure that we do not fall. for a people that cannot stand together, cannot stand at all
10:49 pm
yeah yeah yeah yeah. >> you certainly a big night. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> good evening to you. it is td to the last night of the democratic national convention, which you watched live here on a day filled with big names and big moments. >> we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections, who respect the peaceful transfer of power. when she goes into that oval i guarantee you she will take all of us with her. >> all of us. >> the single that is lateefah simon, a candidate for oakland congresswoman barbara lee seat and a longtime friend of kamala harris. speaking after nancy pelosi, the star tonight was tim walz as he officially accepted the party's nomination for vice president and addressed the crowd for the first time.
10:50 pm
>> never underestimate a public school teacher. never >> walz also recognized his children, 23 year old hope, as you see, and gus, a 17 year old high school senior. the family has spoken openly about their use of fertility treatments to conceive their daughter and their son struggles with adhd and a nonverbal learning disorder. >> now, the most emotional moment of the night was when attention turned to the eight american hostages still being held captive by hamas in the middle east people to bring them home. they chanted, a moment of poignancy when the parents of 23 year old hersh goldberg-polin took the stage at the dnc tonight. he's originally from the east bay. john poland and rachel goldberg poland have become the pollen, rather have become the first prominent american israeli relatives of hostages held in gaza. and tonight they introduced their son to the
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delegates. >> his name is hersh. he's 23 years old, and like vice president kamala harris, hersh was born in oakland, california. hersh is a happy go lucky, laid back, good humored, respectful and curious person in the audience. >> south bay congressional candidate evan low holding a band, saying, bring them home now! uh- goldberg-polin has been held hostage for 320 days ever since the october seventh attack. >> tomorrow is the final day of the democratic national convention. it will wrap up with a speech by kamala harris as she officially accepts the party's presidential nomination. >> and while the democrats gathered in chicago, donald trump campaigned in north carolina. he attacked the biden-harris administration on ongoing foreign conflicts and also claimed his democratic opponent ruined san francisco.
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>> and she'll be worse than biden because he wasn't really a believer. but she's a radical left believer. she ruined san francisco. she ruined california. and if she gets in, our country doesn't have a chance. >> trump and his running mate, senator jd vance, delivered remarks protected by bulletproof glass and multiple visible sniper snipers on nearby buildings. it was trump's first outdoor campaign event, not at his properties since last month's assassination attempt. >> independent candidate robert f kennedy jr could drop out of the race on friday and endorsed donald trump. while neither kennedy nor trump would confirm this, there are reports that kennedy, in exchange wants a cabinet position if trump wins. other reports say he had tried to meet with the harris team with this same offer, but to no avail. and we are continuing counting down to election day. as you can see on your screen, we're just now 75 days away and more convention and election coverage coming up at 11:00.
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>> but let's move on for the time being to some other news. right now, there is a search for a woman accused of repeatedly threatening to kill and kidnap preschool children at playgrounds in san francisco. abc seven news reporter tim johns looked into why she's still out there on the streets. >> i'm just astounded that we're still talking about this, that we're still dealing with this san francisco mother, jenna p has had enough for years. >> jenna tells me she and her family have been on the receiving end of threats from this woman. we're showing you her photo because police say she's a threat to the public and have issued a warrant for her arrest. the woman who goes by the name lacey, is homeless and has reportedly threatened dozens of people in multiple san francisco neighborhoods. jenna says she screams and chases people and their children around city parks, threatening to murder them and shouting other vicious attacks. >> it's scary to kind of always feel like you just don't feel safe on your sidewalks anymore. you don't feel safe in the park, jenna says. >> these types of attacks first started happening around 2020. back then, neighbors created these fliers to post in city
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parks to notify people about the woman's actions. since then, neighbors have connected online to report incidents and to share information about her whereabouts. that includes elena dudchenko, who works as a nanny and has had her own terrifying encounters with the woman. >> we tried to help the neighborhood nannies to warn about her. being in our neighborhood, the woman has been arrested multiple times over the years and currently has a warrant out for her arrest once again. >> despite that, though, she keeps on getting released back onto the streets. >> we cannot force as the police department can't force her into mental health treatment. it's an issue that we run into with a lot of folks in the city who are suffering a fact that's frustrating many neighbors. >> if that's the case, then something needs to change. i mean, we have to do something differently. then what is it that we need to do differently? >> feeling trapped and with nowhere to go, neighbors are asking for help to try and solve this issue once and for all, and not just for themselves and their families. >> she needs help. i mean, she
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used to be a productive member of society doing her thing. and i would love, love to see that for her. right. like this i would love to see a success story come of this. >> the san francisco police department is asking for the public's help today. they're encouraging anyone who sees the woman to not engage, but to immediately call 911. meanwhile, the public defender's office tells us it's not jail time, but support services that the woman needs. i'm in the newsroom. tim johns, abc seven news. >> an 11 acre grass fire in solano county is 95% contained. after briefly forcing some evacuations this morning. the fire started near amaral court in the green valley area, and the man charged with starting california's largest wildfire of the year is due to enter a plea in court tomorrow. ronnie dean stout is charged with arson. witnesses saw him pushing a burning car down a hill about a month ago, sparking what became the park fire near chico. it burned more than 400,000 acres. >> the warriors have lost a beloved family member. hall of famer al attles has passed away
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at the age of 87. he'd been battling health problems for years. attles spent more than six decades working for the franchise, guiding the golden state warriors to their first championship in 1975. here's abc seven sports director larry beil with a look at his legacy. >> i never imagined my name would become synonymous with the warriors throughout my 60 year odyssey. >> just a constant presence around the organization. and when i became coach here, one of the first things i did was invite him in to speak to the team. al is basically mr. warrior. you know, he's he's always been the face of the franchise. our court is named after him, al al attles is will to me will always be mr. warrior. >> player. coach. general manager. advisor. ambassador. al attles literally did it all in his decades of work with the warriors. attles was known as the destroyer as a player for his toughness and physicality, a
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trait we saw in the 1974 75 nba finals when attles came off the bench to defend his star rick barry, crowded by reardon, who fouls him. >> reardon was manhandling him, engineer fight, reardon trying to get away and attles alvin attles was out to break up the fight. >> i didn't have the gifts and the talent that most of the other players had, but i did it. my way. >> attles had a deep, raspy voice that sounded ominous, but he was a kind man who helped countless warriors players. >> i think of him so much of the heart and soul of this community. he has been a teacher. he's been a mentor. he's been a coach. he's been a hall of famer. but most importantly, he's been a friend. i've sat with him during the course of the game. i have learned so much from just listening to him, how he saw the game. and i think the most important thing, just getting to know the family over the years and how much they love each other. alvin will go down and he'll be so sorely missed because he has truly left his
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mark. not only in this organization, not only in basketball, but in the whole nba community and the bay area. at large. >> al attles gone at age 87. >> he was beloved, a nice man, too. i had a chance to meet him. all right. abc seven news at 11:00 is coming up next. >> the future is here in san francisco from crafted cocktails to luxury art, amazon is showing off how ai is now taking over the city. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. soon enough, it's going to feel like we skipped over to the next season. i'll show you when we may be seeing some drops around here, along with below average temperatures. when abc seven news continues
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potential democratic vice president tim walz. >> she said yes to the dress, but now the dress


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