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tv   ABC7 News 300PM  ABC  August 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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pink on the dnc stage this
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afternoon, doing a walk through before her musical performance tonight. still, it's kamala harris who will be stealing the spotlight when she officially accepts her party's nomination for president. good afternoon. i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. a live report from the dnc is coming up in just a moment, but first, we are taking a live look outside. you can see some clouds out there. and what you can tell which you might be able to feel if you step outside is that it's cooler, certainly for august. we are in for a bit of a roller coaster of weather conditions, so let's bring in abc seven weather anchor spencer christian in here to let us know what we can expect. some ups and downs. spencer. yeah, mainly downs right now. >> kristen. >> downs and ups. >> yeah i have been outside and it is perceptibly cooler. here's a look at the satellite radar composite image. you see that low pressure system dropping down out of the gulf of alaska. that's bringing all the big changes is ushering in some clouds, some moisture and some pretty gusty winds. right now, look at the wind speeds, the gusts up to 35mph at oakland, 31
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at novato. and in the mid 20s, just about everywhere else. that's part of the pattern will be in for the next couple of days. and as you can see in the 24 hour temperature change, most locations are several degrees cooler right now than at this time yesterday. it's currently 66 here in san francisco, 72 in oakland, and inland areas that had broken the 90 degree mark earlier in the week are now only in the 70s for the most part. so let's move ahead. take a look at our forecast headlines tomorrow. breezy, cool and showery as the influence of that low continues saturday and sunday it will be sunny and turning. sunnier and turning, turning, turning warmer uh- that's that hard to get warmer than it is today. and then early next week we'll see sizzling summer heat coming into the bay area. but let's talk about what's closer to us in the forecast future. looking at the overnight conditions. clouds will increase going into tomorrow. we'll see some early morning showers up in the north bay around 6 a.m. or so. a little batch of showers will swing through, then late tomorrow night, friday night into early saturday, we'll see a
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string of showers scattered showers through the north bay and down to the east bay, so we will get some measurable rainfall. it's likely to be under a 10th of an inch for most of the bay area, but of course there could be some outliers getting a little bit more than that. so low temperatures tonight mainly in the mid 50s, mid to upper seconds. highs tomorrow mainly in the 70s inland, maybe some low 80s. and as we get into next week you'll see that oops there you go. the accuweather seven day forecast. that sizzling heat i talked about monday and tuesday. inland highs near 100 degrees. so that's what's coming our way a sharp cool down. chance of some showers. dreary looking skies, a minor warm up over the weekend and then a major warm up going into early next week. kristen >> oh boy. triple digits. that is crazy. thank you spencer to the democratic national convention. now tonight is the night vice president kamala harris is set to formally accept her party's nomination, delivering one of the most consequential speeches of her career so far. abc news reporter christiane cordero has a preview of harris's time to shine in a
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week full of surprises. >> tonight, a moment guaranteed to make history for the first time ever. a woman of color will formally accept a major party nomination for commander in chief. vice president kamala harris addressed dnc supporters twice, leading up to thursday's prime time speech, taking the baton from president joe biden on monday. on tuesday, virtually dipping in to the united center from a rally in milwaukee, reiterating one of her top campaign promises when i am president of the united states and congress passes a bill to restore the protections of roe v wade, i will proudly sign it into law on wednesday, america met the democratic party's new favorite midwestern dad. minnesota governor tim walz largely set the jokes aside, instead leaning into his family values. leaders don't spend all day insulting people and blaming others. >> leaders do the work. so i don't know about you. i'm ready to turn the page on these guys.
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so go ahead, say it with me. we're not going back outside the united center. >> a reminder that harris and walls still have work to do to unite their party. a group of uncommitted delegates sitting in protest over the dnc's decision to leave the convention. speaker lineup without a palestinian american voice. the harris campaign dodged that question today because it relates to uncommitted delegates at this convention. >> a we're proud and glad that they are here. we've worked to engage them throughout the convention. >> former president donald trump today visiting the southern border in battleground arizona, again linking harris directly to the biden administration and his attacks on immigration. >> we've got to clean up our borders. we have to clean up our elections, and we're not going to have a country. >> trump's event followed one vp nominee, senator jd vance, held in georgia, the republican ticket stretching its campaign trail from coast to coast. as the democrats wrap things up tonight in the heartland. >> all right, so now we want to talk live with abc news reporter christiane cordero. after seeing your report, you've been at the convention hall all week. of
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course, of course. so what is the mood like right now on this final day? the biggest day? uh. >> it's electric. honestly, we've kind of used that word a lot to be honest, kristen, over the past few days. but tonight feels different, right? we've kind of gotten used to the sound check, seeing the celebrities. we saw pink, by the way, today perform her sound check, and it seems like it's going to be a great performance, but tonight does feel like it's a little bit more historic because it is. and it's this formal nomination process. and then of course, the celebration after, if you can tell kristen, there are a lot of people wearing white tonight, it's kind of that suffragette movement color. >> i can't see that. i mean, you see it in the wave even behind you of folks. there's certainly sending a message there. hillary clinton certainly had that as well in 2016. and again, there's this feeling of a job undone in 2016 that perhaps will be accomplished this time, i'm sure, as part of the theme. but i want to ask you tonight is, of course, kamala harris's night.
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what do we know about how she's preparing? i'm hearing that she's still making last minute tweaks with the pen and paper to her speech. talk about her preparation, what she's doing now and what she might focus on that was happening inside of that building. >> yeah, i would imagine we've kind of gotten sprinkles, right, of what she is trying to hit as far as tone goes and message last night with governor walz, you know, he kind of became this like walking dad joke, so to speak. and we saw him really focus more on the substance beneath that. so i would imagine that harris will have similar messaging as far as that goes as well. and we know, too, that she's going to talk extensively about her upbringing and what kind of brought her here as she is someone who's representing a lot of people who maybe didn't see themselves in this position of power. >> yeah, she's got to make those connections. i'm sure all right. you mentioned pink. are there other celebrities that might be show up? we're hearing some rumors about queen bee, maybe. what do you know about that? >> sure. yeah. the word might. i
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think, is the journalistic integrity kicking in right. we're we're getting a lot of buzz of what people want to see and hope to see. and so we'll have to wait and see. i suppose. but one thing i will tell you, kristen, i don't know, maybe this is too far in the speculation category, but during soundcheck we did hear someone, not beyonce, perform puppet with a full on band. so either that is as much confirmation as we can, we can hope for right now, or someone's really messing with us. >> oh, i think they're messing because that's going to ensure ratings. i mean, already this convention has had really great ratings comparatively, so we'll see all right. christiane cordero, great job. thank you so much. thank you. in our own abc seven news anchor julian glover is live in chicago at the dnc as well. you can get the latest from him live from the convention floor on abc seven news at four and five. abc news will have special live coverage for this final night of the convention. live coverage starts right here tonight at 6 p.m.
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kamala harris grew up in oakland and berkeley. you know that. and she has childhood friends in the bay area. one of them will join us live. we'll get some personal perspective about the soon to be presidential nominee and a new covid vaccine just got approved. but when will it become available and
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but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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to kamala harris making her acceptance speech. there will be other speakers before her. former congresswoman and gun violence survivor gabby giffords, florida congressman maxwell frost, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, the vice
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president's goddaughter, niece and stepdaughter will also humanize her with an appearance. and given harris bay area roots, many friends and associates in her hometown will be watching her make history. among the watch parties, san francisco supervisor connie chan is hosting one tonight on clement street in san francisco and somebody else who will be watching closely and cheering on her old friend is someone who grew up with vp harris in berkeley, carole porter. carol, it's so great to see you again. >> it's so good to see you. kristen, how are you? >> i see you got your t shirt on. i'm good. i'm good. i do okay. you know, i should say harris, because that's what i do. but i know you call her kamala, so go right ahead. you and harris go way back in 2020. she mentioned in a primary debate and later tweeted about being bussed to school as a little girl. we have that tweet. we have that picture. you know, the early days of berkeley schools desegregation. and you were famously the other little girl on the bus. remind us what that was about. >> so kamala and i were part of
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berkeley's desegregation of public schools in the 1970s, started 68. we met in 1970 at the bus stop at the corner of where we lived. so i walked to the corner. she walked to the corner, probably two houses, four houses or five houses away from each other. and that's where we met and attended school at thousand oaks, where we were bused up to the berkeley hills from first grade through third grade. >> and we all know when you ride the bus with someone, you become friends for life. so. right, right. so how are you feeling? and why aren't you in chicago? >> so i'm feeling so ecstatic and excited. i'm not in chicago because i had a family reunion and i had to attend that. but i have been all the way 100% engaged through tv, through texting, through email, through pictures. everyone is sending me. i miss everyone and i can't wait to see everyone when they come back. and i will be at the inauguration. so that's the
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important one. >> all right, well, you did talk to her just two weeks ago, i think, right when she came back to the bay area at her fundraiser at the fairmont. tell us about that reunion. we have a lovely picture from that as well. and you know what you talked about there, what you said to each other. >> it was it was very emotional for us. you know, we hadn't seen her in a while. and so we gave her a hug. we told her we loved her. and, you know, just really, let her know that that we that we're so excited and so proud of her. i mean, she's really, gone the distance and she's done so much hard work and she's really lived out the words. kamala harris for the people, which was her, her initial, campaign when you know, slogan when she ran in 2019. and she has done that work. and so it was really, really wonderful to see her and be able to send her off with a
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lot of love. >> yeah. well, tonight her job is to tell her story, her background, and how it's prepared her to be president. if you were up there. okay, carol, if you were up there on that stage introducing her. what would you tell americans about your friend? >> i would let everyone know that you know where kamala and i are from. we grew up in a red lined, flat, flat berkeley west berkeley flatlands that was an area where, you know, really immigrants from all over, including europe, and black people who were part of the first and second great migration, were able to buy homes and get financing for homes. and you know, her mother, shyamala, a very hard working single mom, moved in above a daycare center with two lovely daughters and were able to be mentored and cared for by mrs. regina shelton, who was the matriarch of our neighborhood. she did so much for all of us, and i would say that kamala was raised in, you know, in love and in servitude. i mean, we were
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all raised with the intention and the expectation that we would help others, that if we walked forward and we had an opportunity, we would lift up others. and that is what kamala embodies. that's what she's about, and that's what she has done through her career. from san francisco da onward up into the vice president's office. and now they should put you on that stage. >> what? >> i can't say enough about her. i really can't. >> look, going back to the bus, right. how your journey began together. what was harris like on that school bus as a little girl? what did she do and say that stood out to you and maybe, maybe even impacted her thinking as a leader? eventually >> i can't really say she did or said anything specifically. i mean, kamala was always had a lot of confidence and that was
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very, very clear to me, growing up, she had a lot of confidence. i thought she was a great listener, in class sometimes we were never in the same class, but sometimes we would have classes if there was singing or reading. she always really paid attention. and the other thing i will say, she took care of her sister. she also was a mentor to a foster child that regina shelton had whenever she was asked to step up or be responsible or take the lead, she did that. and so i wouldn't say that she said anything, but her actions always spoke louder than her words. >> okay, look, i know you're going to be watching tonight, and i know the mood is celebratory, but, what will you be doing after tonight to help elect your friend? >> i will be doing whatever she needs me to do. so that's what i've always done. i'm her friend. i'm her neighbor. i'm, you know, an origin. if you will, in her life. and whenever she needs us. there's a few of
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us out there that come to support her in whatever way is needed. so i am here when she needs me, and i will be supporting and cheering her on from the couch today. and hopefully, you know, as soon as i see her, i will just let her know, how how happy i am for her. if there's any you know, door knocking, phone calling, all of that, whatever it is that she needs, i will do it for the campaign and to get her elected. she is will be the best president this united states has ever had. >> carol porter, the other little girl on the bus. thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> a writer alert some muni maintenance means certain lines won't be running for days. details on the impact just ahea. this is abc 724 >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. you're watching abc seven news live anytime,
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anywhere. we are, we are, we ar, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc7 bay area streaming app. join us and start watching we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy.
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the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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they are designed to better protect against the current variants circulating, the new york times reports. vaccine makers pfizer and moderna are expected to begin shipments to pharmacies and doctor's offices within days. the cdc previously recommended that everyone over the age of six months get an updated covid vaccine. this season. a firefighter was injured while battling a house fire this morning in south san jose. crews say they got the fire on century manor court under control right around 9 a.m. the injured firefighter suffered burns and was taken to the hospital. crews were able to save a cat from the flames and give it oxygen. the cause of the
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fire is unknown. muniz twin peaks tunnel in san francisco is now closed for eight days. that means muni metro riders on the k, l, and m lines will need to take bus shuttles between downtown and the west side of the city. muni metro trains will run between embarcadero and castro street in the market street subway. bus shuttles will operate from church street station on the k, l, and m lines. the closure will allow muni to do tunnel inspections and carry out maintenance work. it should reopen next friday. santa clara county is buying an east san jose hospital in an effort to reverse cuts to critical services. it's a major victory for community members who rally for months to keep the area's only trauma center. the county plans to restore trauma services, stroke and heart attack services, and even the hospital's labor and delivery services, which were cut back in 2020. the acquisition comes months after the county shuffled the budget to make up a $250 million deficit. >> the good news is that we have
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recently received some significant reimbursements from fema associated with our covid 19 activity. that's a one time resource that's just come our way, that will significantly help fund the acquisition of regional santa clara county and hca health care agreed on a $175 million price tag. >> the county says it hopes to finalize the deal early next year. remember abc seven news is streaming 24/7. get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want. wherever you are. san francisco parents are bending the rules when it comes to getting their children to attend school, and around town. our media partner, the san francisco standard, joins us next to talk about the growing alternative to the school
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chauffeur, putting the kids on busses or calling an uber. our media partner, the san francisco standard, just published an article about how some tech savvy parents have found a hush hush, back to school hack, sending their kids off in a waymo. you might be asking, is that even allowed? we get some answers from the standards. tech culture reporter priya anand, who wrote the article. priya, nice of you to join us. >> thank you for having me. >> so we know waymo has a fleet of autonomous driverless cars operating in san francisco, and you've discovered that some parents are apparently using the service to get their kids to and from school. >> that's right. it's like a little chauffeur for their children and parents. we spoke with actually, universally, resoundingly said they absolutely love using waymo to transport their kids around to
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activities to school to get them back from a friend's house at night so they don't have to stop what they're doing at 9 or 10 p.m, leave the couch just to go pick their kid up, and they feel that waymo is, in their opinion, safer than using any other form of ride hail because there's no stranger in the car with their children, >> i mean, as a parent, i certainly understand that, right? it's a question of whether you trust the technology more or the stranger more and i can see how different people may come to different conclusions on that. okay. so i can see that. but is it allowed? are there age requirements for use of waymo without a parent? >> waymo actually says that riders need to be 18 unless they're with a parent or guardian and have their approval and they're with another adult. so these parents are flouting some of the rules. but the folks we spoke with said they firstly spoke with us anonymously because they were worried they would get banned by waymo if they had their full names in the
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story. but they said, you know, we like it so much that we're willing to skate by the rules, we feel this technology is safe. they like that. they can track their kids rides, right. and they also are using it frequently, but not so frequently that they feel concerned about breaking the rules. >> i have two questions for you. one, how might waymo verify the age anyway? right? in the sense that you know how on social media platforms they say you have to be 13 to sign up and you just click yes, i'm 13 and that's that. is there a way to verify? and then the other question is what is the age requirement for alternatives such as uber two tsay. oh my goodness thank you, >> so in a waymo i don't know if you've ever been in a vehicle in one of their self-driving vehicles, but oftentimes if you're not wearing your seatbelt or there's something else going in the car, someone might come over the intercom from waymo support on speaker and say, hey, i'm calling. i'm, you know, here from waymo support, can you please make sure you have your seatbelt on? that's one of our rules. so one of the parents i
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spoke with did say, look, actually once someone did come over the intercom from waymo support to ask my daughter what her age was or if she was old enough to be in a waymo alone. but his kid is pretty tall, so she was able to defuze the situation and get away with it. and they've still been using waymo since. so waymo does have cars and cameras in the car, right? they are recording. they're able to see what's going on. and that's how they ensure safety. and they use those things for support purposes. i spoke with a different parent who said when he first brought his very small child under five in a waymo, someone did come over the intercom from support again at that point to ask, like, hey, is your kid in a booster seat? we just want to make sure they're secured in a booster seat right now, if they're riding in this car and the child was in a booster seat and secured, but that made this guy feel like, okay, you know what? there's someone actually watching and paying attention, right? so in a way, the fact that waymo support will ask these, ask these questions makes the parents like the service
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even more feel even more comfortable with it. >> all right. well, i know in your article you also talk about waymo possibly considering a teen program because of this demand that's there. so people can read more about it in your article. thank you so much, priya. really appreciate you joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> and of course you can check out that article and other sf standard original reporting on their website, sf abc seven will continue to bring you more segments featuring the standard city focused journalism twice a week. here on abc. seven at three. thanks for joining us. world news tonight with david muir starts right now. i'll see you back here at 4:00. bye bye tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. vice president kamala harris in front of the country, just moments from now. the biggest speech of her life.


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