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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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is in the accuweather seven day forecast. i'll show you when coming up. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> tonight we are pooling the resources of seven on your side, along with our efforts to build a better bay area to tackle the bay area's greatest issue housing. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. many are working to make it better, but it seems like it just keeps getting harder. and that's what we're focused on tonight. >> yes. we'll start with the harder part. another insurance company dropping california policies. the latest is liberty mutual, added to the list that includes allstate, state farm farmers and travelers as companies that are either dropping policies or raising rates. liberty mutual fire insurance company will not renew fire policies for 17,000 customers for seven on your side. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne phan is here with a look at what that means. if you're one of those customers, suzanne, it's a real predicament. it really is. >> dan. a dwelling fire
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insurance covers fire damage to the structure of the home, not the stuff inside the home. and that is the type of policy that's not being renewed. it's something landlords or vacation home owners often count on. critics say the insurance industry is making big changes more often, and that's leaving more homeowners in limbo. >> yeah, it's very frustrating. >> larry langford of west sacramento is losing his home insurance in about two weeks. liberty mutual insurance decided not to renew langford's policy. why? it has nothing to do with wildfire risks. instead, it's because i had uh- a debris splattered yard, as well as having oak trees on over or in connection with my house. that's an entirely different reason than why liberty mutual is not renewing the policy of 17,000 california policyholders. according to a liberty mutual group spokesman, those non renewals of dwelling fire policies began last fall. the
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company explained that it's, quote, retiring the antiquated technology it uses to manage the dwelling fire policies. >> that's going to be a very hard message for consumers to understand. all they know is i'm losing my insurance and i didn't do anything wrong. >> in a statement, liberty mutual said, quote, the decision to stop writing this product line is not specific to california and not related to fire risk. critics say more insurance companies seem to be looking for any excuse to drop policyholders. it just saddens me that these companies are just fleeing from california for different reasons. >> this is all about business. for them. >> amy bach is a homeowner insurance consumer advocate and executive director of united policyholders. she said the department of insurance struck a deal with insurance companies. companies can use new technology to determine the fire risk of homes. insurance companies can then set rates based upon that information. the new technology that insurance companies are using, those aerial drones, the aerial images that drones are
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giving them, you know, ai data mining, risk scoring systems, insurers are are making business decisions because they are for profit companies. bach says if you lose your insurance, you know, you get getting informed is number one understanding. >> you know that you you have you have 75 days from the time your insurer, you know, tells you they're not renewing to, to find a new policy. >> and according to a company spokesperson, liberty mutual group says it's still offering dwelling fire insurance coverage in california under the safeco insurance brand. now, the latest announcement affects about 1% of liberty mutual's total personal insurance policies in california. in the studio, suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thank you. now, san francisco is getting slammed by the white house over its housing policies. the biden administration says the city's rules and regulations are key contributors to its housing crisis, but it is making changes. abc seven news reporter
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tim johns is here with a closer look at what san francisco is doing about this problem. tim. >> yeah. dan onerous and unnecessary. those are two of the words. president biden's council of economic advisers wrote about san francisco's housing rules in a new report. but after years of stringent regulations and not enough construction, some experts think we may finally be getting things right. it's perhaps the most unaffordable thing in a notoriously expensive city. housing, and more specifically, the lack of it in san francisco. for years, the city's housing laws have come under scrutiny by local and state leaders. but now the white house, too, is taking aim at the city by the bay and the policies it says make housing so expensive here. >> there are severe barriers, from zoning to permitting all of the different kinds of things that affect market rate housing also affect affordable housing. >> jordan grimes is a housing and sustainability advocate. he says the city's housing stock is lacking at almost every price point. >> we have limited our supply so
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severely over so many decades that really we need to catch up on pretty much everything besides the affordability crisis. >> it's caused. the city's housing shortage has also contributed to other social pressures. homelessness has a direct connection to housing being so unattainable for many. >> i think there's a lot of opposition to housing. still, we need to build more housing. we have the space for it, but just politics has gotten in the way. >> the white house says the median amount of time large projects spent in the permitting process was about 33 months in san francisco, the longest of any city they looked at, and noticeably higher than places like new york or los angeles. >> an intentional policy decision we made for decades to be totally honest, corey smith, the executive director of the housing action coalition, says while san francisco hasn't built enough homes since the 70s, things may finally be getting better. >> he points to new legislation backed in recent years by people like state senator scott wiener and governor gavin newsom that will expedite the permitting and building processes. but given the size of the deficit the city
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currently finds itself in, smith says the benefits might not be felt for a while. >> it is going to take ten years, 15 years before those impacts are really felt by the average person who is just paying their rent or paying their mortgage. >> now, another factor to consider here is the high interest rates. rates are currently near the highest levels they've been in years. and that of course makes the cost of borrowing and financing a project that much more expensive. in the studio, tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you. >> well, today is the hottest day of the week inland. >> it is. and it's going to take a few days yet for the weather to cool down. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is here with the forecast. sandhya? >> yeah, dan and ama. i hope you're used to the heat by now, because here's what's going to happen. those temperatures are going to be slow to come down as you just mentioned. here's a look at a sampling of some of our highs for today. got up into the upper 90s in concord and livermore 100 saint helena, santa rosa, 96. but look at san
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francisco 79. oakland was 87. san jose hitting 95 degrees. many of these temperatures between 5 and 15 degrees above average for august. looking at a live picture from san jose, we have plenty of sun, but microclimates are at play. golden gate bridge is socked in with the fog and this is reflected in our temperatures. it is 63 degrees right now in half moon bay. you get out towards concord. it's 95, in the north bay. it is 92 right now in santa rosa. as we go, hour by hour, here's what you can expect tonight. still warm at 7:00. inland areas in the 80s and 90s. but near the coast. cooling quickly as the fog starts to push through into the bay. tomorrow morning. and then by the lunch hour, it's warming back up, away from the beaches. you're going to feel that heat once again. and with that heat inland areas will be at moderate risk of heat related illnesses. so if you're particularly sensitive, keep this in mind. i'll be back to let you know exactly when it's going to cool off. coming right up. >> all right, sandhya, thank you so much. after more than three decades in south bay politics,
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santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez has a new job out of state. today, the board of supervisors in bernalillo county, new mexico, voted to approve chavez's contract as county manager. chavez has been a major player in the south bay for decades, with years on the san jose city council and the santa clara county board of supervisors. she unsuccessfully ran for san jose mayor twice, most recently in 2022. in her new role, chavez will be returning to her home state, managing the county that includes albuquerque. she joined today's bernalillo county meeting via zoom. sharing her excitement in the moments before the contract vote. >> i enjoyed meeting everybody there that i've had an opportunity to meet, and i really enjoyed the process. >> chavez will start her new job in new mexico in november, by which point south bay voters will have elected her replacement. >> police in oakland are investigating a deadly shooting outside a dollar tree store. we counted about two dozen shell casings in the parking lot on east 12th street at 25th avenue, about a mile from fruitvale bart police say one person was shot
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and killed there just before 4 p.m. they were at a tent where people could sign up for free cell phone service. police have not shared any details about a suspect. and we're following the story of yesterday's deadly wrong-way crash in san jose. new video. that's what you're watching here from highway 85 shows the truck driven by a florida man shortly before it hit a tesla suv head on, killing the people inside. a 47 year old woman and a 14 year old boy. the chp says the truck was heading in the wrong direction for several minutes before the crash. the 39 year old truck driver remains in the hospital with major injuries. his florida driving record shows he's been cited for several traffic infractions, including misdemeanor careless driving. >> we're also following the story of school districts trying to figure out best practices for social media and cell phone use at school. today, the california state superintendent took up the task. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has a look at some possible policy changes. >> what makes this a unique
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moment is that we know that technology can be a great tool to aid learning, but california state superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond also knows that these tools have consequences that can negatively impact student well-being and achievement, such as cyberbullying. >> thousands and thousands of reports are entered every day in california from teachers, principals, students, parents. no response. so tech needs to actually be accountable here for the ills of their platform. >> california state senator henry stern authored state bill 1283, which is still making its way through the assembly. it would give local school districts the authority to restrict the use of social media on school campuses. not just limit what apps are allowed, but also how students use their cell phones. >> if students go to the bathroom using the restroom, people are taking videos and posting them on snapchat, just to sort of shame and talk about how disgusting they are. >> students and school officials
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also spoke on pilot programs already implemented. stern says policies need to be designed to bring tech to the table, even considering legal recourse for students and schools against social media companies actually getting legal recourse not just to the student or their parent, but also to the school, to their teacher and the superintendent, pursue legal action and actually have monetary penalties and potentially greater penalties than that on social media. >> companies that simply say it's not our problem. >> but there are big challenges as well. some small school districts lack the resources to tackle the issue. parents challenged the law on the basis of free speech. the california pta points out that technology moves faster than legislation, and that parents and teacher media literacy can lag behind that of students. >> we call on the state of california to strengthen better support for the infusion of media literacy skills into state curricula frameworks. >> still, lawmakers point to programs and policies that have worked regarding limiting social media and cell phone use on
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campus. they add social media companies declined requests to participate. anser hassan abc seven news. >> coming up next, we follow up on the new curfew in the tenderloin. see what a difference it's making after a month. also ahead, it is our intention to take care of every animal that is here. >> we're doing our best. >> tonight, the abc7 news i-team looks into claims that some sick kittens d
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their drug markets in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. the mayor proposed a curfew for businesses to close from midnight until 5 a.m. this map shows you the affected area between o'farrell and mcallister and from polk to jones. it's been about a month since the enforcement of this began, and abc seven news reporter luz pena went to the area to ask, is the curfew working? luce? >> well, dan, it depends on whom you ask. this is a two year pilot program, and the first month is already showing some progress, but not everyone agrees the curfew should exist at all. for the last seven years, cathy vaughan has called san francisco's tenderloin home. she walks these sidewalks on a daily basis and says there was a clear shift about four years ago, leading to a change in her daily routine. >> i put myself on lockdown at 7 p.m. during the wintertime. i put it at five because i don't feel safe out at night. in june, san francisco's mayor, london breed and board of supervisors
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approved a plan that banned businesses except restaurants and bars from staying open between midnight and 5 a.m. >> it's been about a month, and cathy is noticing the change. it's getting better. >> and it's like a little bit at a time. >> the tenderloin housing clinic pushed for this curfew, and their preliminary data points show the areas between o'farrell and mcallister and polk to jones, where the curfew is enforced, are doing better. >> it has been very successful, i would say for a month because we have seen less of congregation in various parts of tenderloin and in the night because this legislation is impacted in the night and we have seen less crime, so to speak, less gunshots. >> our abc seven news data team looked into incident reports from midnight to 5 a.m. in the tenderloin police district, which includes where the curfew is being enforced. we noticed a drop in incident reports for the month of august so far compared
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to prior months before the curfew was enacted. despite this glimpse of progress, businesses have had to close by midnight. say they're suffering. >> we used to close at maybe 2 a.m, 3 a.m, and now they're making us close at 12. we don't even let customers in anymore. like they come knock on the door and we tell them it's closing time. what's going on in the streets? what's going on in the stores and family businesses shouldn't be affected. >> other residents want police to crack down harder on people selling drugs on sidewalks and not just businesses. >> there's still people out here selling drugs and selling their illegal stolen goods, right? so it's not really all businesses are closed during the curfew, is it? >> and for every hour a store remains open during the curfew hours, the city can find them up to $1,000. businesses like the smoke shop say they feel like collateral damage as the city looks for ways to improve an issue that is impacting that neighborhood outside of their stores. in the newsroom, luz pena, abc seven news. >> okay, luce, thank you.
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homeowners along stinson beach who recently roped off their properties have to take down the makeshift fences. turns out they don't have permits. marin county sent a notice of violation to six property owners yesterday. county officials started an investigation last week after receiving complaints, saying the ropes were blocking public beach access. the county found three of the six barriers crossed over into public land. >> all right. on to the weather. still going to be toasty for a few more days. yes. >> so it is in fact, beach weather. sandhya. yeah, absolutely. >> especially if you don't mind a little bit of fog. let me show you the temperature change compared to 24 hours ago. running seven degrees warmer in the city, up for santa rosa, oakland, livermore, san jose, five degrees warmer. today's high temperatures got up into the low one hundreds for the hot spots inland 60s coast side. here's a look at where they're going inland areas will remain clear. 7:00 still in the 90s. by 9 p.m, dropping to the 80s and at 11 p.m. coming down into the 70s around the bay 71st, and then some fog starts to roll in
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later on tonight. upper 60s, eventually to the mid 60s. we already have some fog near the coast going from the low 60s. if you're stepping out at 7:00 tonight, maybe you're heading out to run some errands. definitely take that extra layer because fog will be in and it cools down into the 50s. high pressure today brought us the heat. it brought us the northerly wind flow, which helped to clear some of that fog that we had around this morning, although some patches remained well into the afternoon near the coastline, and it is going to expand a bit. here's a view of it. pretty cool view from our sutro tower camera as it's coming in 74, in the city, 81 in oakland right now. still warm. hayward san jose, redwood city, 80s 90s half moon bay. you're chilling at 59 degrees from our emeryville camera. we are looking back toward sutro tower, and it's clear skies 92 in santa rosa. we still have 90s from concord to livermore, 81 in petaluma and napa. you're at 86 degrees. a foggy golden gate bridge. so watch out tomorrow.
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hot again inland overnight tonight, some dense fog at the coast, which we're already seeing. and your labor day weekend. it's a cooler start to it with near average temperatures, but eventually we will turn things around in those temperatures will rise. so tomorrow morning we start out with some fog. it's really limited to the coast and bay. and then it's going to hang around near the coastline holding your temperatures in the 60s. but away from the coast, the heat is back on. so 50s and 60s out the door. if you're taking your kids off to school, you might want to allow that extra time as that fog will slow you down near the coastline where visibility will be low. it's a very shallow marine layer right now. south bay temperatures 90 in san jose, 87 in santa clara. it's going to be a warm summer day in santa cruz, 74 degrees on the peninsula. millbrae 75, los altos 8366. in half moon bay, downtown san francisco 72 degrees 69, in daly city and in the north bay up to 70 at stinson beach. but 88 in san rafael. 92 santa rosa heading into the east bay. 79 in
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oakland 87, fremont 88 castro valley. inland areas still well above average 96. concord 97 degrees in livermore. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. upper 90s inland, mid 60s coast temperatures start to back off, but you don't feel that relief from the heat tomorrow. so much. it's thursday and friday when they come down even more. and then by the weekend it's only 80s inland 60s coast for labor day. it's going to be nice. temperatures coming up a little bit. ama and dan. that is nice. yeah. beautiful weather. >> thanks, andy. >> well, you could say the 40 niners are 210 at levi's stadium now that it's ten years old. see what a difference a $200 million upgrade wi
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stadium managers announced plans for $200 million worth of upgrades ahead of the 2026 super bowl and world cup. abc seven news southbay reporter dustin dorsey has a look at how the stadium is going to change and improve over the next year. >> levi's stadium has hosted some of the biggest events in football, soccer, hockey and more in the past ten years, but nothing compares to what's to come in 2026, when it becomes the first venue ever to host a super bowl and a fifa world cup
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in the same year. >> oh my gosh, we're so excited. we are an economic engine here for the bay area, and so we're super excited that fifa world cup decided to allow us to host them, as well as super bowl 60. >> but before that time, there's a lot of improvements to be made. this includes new patio bars and 120 renovated suites, which we got to see for ourselves today. fans will also see frictionless concession stands where they can get food and drinks without the need of a cashier, and they could post all about their stadium snacks with the upgraded super fast wi-fi six infrastructure with 5g connectivity in every seat. >> it's a technology environment for so many. our fans come in, they want to shoot pictures and they want to stream what's happening here at the stadium. they want to get that information to their friends and family that are watching them. there so it's important for us to stay up with technology. but the fast wi-fi isn't the only technological advancement. >> new stadium lights will bring brighter views to primetime while actually conserving energy. and you'll see just how bright they look on brand new video boards on either side of
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the stadium. the largest 4k displays in the nfl. >> from a display standpoint, that's one of the things that many of the other teams don't have that large 4k display. and so we're excited about it. >> the san francisco 40 niners are investing nearly $200 million to make sure they are always improving in order to attract the next big event. >> after ten years, levi's stadium has been a great facility for so many, but we want to continue to stay relevant here. whether it's technology, whether it's just the look and feel. we want people to come back and we want them to remember levi's stadium. >> the upgrades are scheduled to be complete ahead of the 2025 football season at levi's stadium. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> investing in the future. the 40 niners kick off a new season in less than two weeks. they'll play at levi's stadium against the new york jets monday night football september ninth here on abc seven. >> coming up next, the abc seven news i-team looks into claims some sic
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we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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thousands of animals from
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euthanasia every year. >> but now there are allegations the organization isn't doing enough to treat some sick kittens. >> abc seven news i-team reporter melanie woodrow is here with that story. melanie. >> dan and ama, the milo foundation rescues cats and dogs. these claims are specifically about the kittens. critics say that they are not receiving the vet care they need, but the founder and director of the organization says that's not true. the milo foundation is a no kill rescue in point richmond. the founder tells abc seven news it rescues approximately 1500 animals annually that otherwise would be facing euthanasia. now, milo is facing allegations it's not providinrinary care for some sick kittens. >> here they are. >> volunteer tina spagnoli fosters kittens. >> this is little echo. his sister. >> she says she and milo employees have been sounding the alarm to founder and director lynn tingle that was just new to me that a rescue would not respond appropriately or do whatever it takes to make sure
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that the animals in their care stay alive. tingle denies this and gave abc seven news a tour of the milo foundation. she answered all of my questions about the kittens. >> three week old kittens, two week old kittens, sick five week old kittens. they're vulnerable. >> she estimates the richmond location currently has about 30 cats, approximately half of them are sick, some with upper respiratory issues, others ringworm or eye infections. >> we start them on antibiotics. we clean their eyes, we give them meds, and if they aren't improving, then it's time to go to the vets. we don't take them to the vets on day one unless obviously it's a life threatening condition. >> tingle says milo has a couple of registered vet techs on staf, and two vets of record that the organization can make appointments with, but right now, all veterinarian offices are overbooked and overworked. most of the antibiotics are on site. >> a lot of the meds are backordered right now. >> but critics say that's not the issue. spagnoli alleges milo
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staff aren't taking some kittens to the vet when needed. >> this is the result of proper veterinary care. two antibiotics and some subcu fluids. and here he is today. >> but another kitten from the same litter named delta remained at milo. >> the one that was the most severely ill. she ended up passing away the next day. >> in an email spagnoli shared with abc seven news regarding delta's passing, tingle wrote in part, quote, i'm sorry that a kitten passed due to lack of action on milo's part. kittens can be very difficult to diagnose, but clearly more should have been done. >> one of them was weaker and passed before we could get him into the vets. >> what they're doing is they're just delaying or giving inadequate care. >> this wanting to run everyone to the vets all the time is not realistic. >> a member of milo's board of directors tells abc seven news that since january, milo has rescued 360 cats, more than 50% of them young kittens. 300 were adopted out, six passed away
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this year, one that the board member says was elderly. a milo employee. abc seven news spoke with also says she recently took a kitten to an outside vet and paid out of pocket. >> she did not have approval to do that. it was not necessary that she did that. >> tingle says employees should check in with milo first and try to go to its vets instead of others. she also says milo will reimburse that employee. as for spaniel's vet visit, she's a wealthy woman in marin, but she can pay her back if she so chooses. milo has approximately $150,000 annually for vet costs, according to tingle. there's additional budget for spay and neuter. >> it is not about saving money. it's not a matter of money. it's a matter of time and a matter of let's see what needs to happen. we get them in as soon as we can. >> she also says many arrived to milo already sick. >> we have feral kittens and cats wrapped up in tape left at our door. >> it's not the first time milo has faced criticism. in 2009,
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the marin humane society shut down the san rafael location for alleged overcrowding and dirty conditions, according to prior reporting. >> that place was very small. we have more staff, but spagnoli says staff members are also frustrated. >> it's alarming that staff members are reaching out to me for help. >> it is our intention to take care of every animal that is here. we're doing our best. >> after abc seven news visited milo foundation, spagnoli dropped off her two foster kittens at milo to be spayed and neutered. while their tingle told spagnoli she could no longer foster the organization's kittens by phone. when i asked why tingle said she doesn't have the best interest of our organization at heart. she's done enough damage. the board tells me that milo is making changes to improve conditions, including having a designated medical contact on call every day to handle emergency medical needs from fosters and the adoption center. they're also hiring a new director of operations, as well as a feline
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medical caregiver. today, i got a call from the medical director at abbey pet hospital that is one of the hospitals that treats the dogs and cats that are at the milo foundation. he told me he thinks they're doing an excellent job triaging the pets that they have, sending them to the vet when they need to go there, he he also was familiar with the two kittens that had the eye infection, but he was not familiar with that kitten that had recently passed delta from the litter that was having issues. okay. >> all right. well, everyone wants the best for those animal. thank you. melanie. >> remember, if you have a story for the i-team, call the number on your screen or go to abc7 news dot com slash i-team. >> coming up next, what made today's campaign rally appearance by republican vice presidential nominee jd vance historic? there's something that's never happened before. >> plus, running to a reunion, they can't wait to see a hostage rescued from
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it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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emotional moments as the family of khalid farhan al-qaida ran through the hospital to see him. al-qaida was in captivity for 326 days. the israeli military
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rescued him from a tunnel in gaza. in a phone call with israel's president, he said he couldn't believe it when he heard someone speaking hebrew outside the door. he's now in the hospital, surrounded by friends and family. >> we are ecstatic with his family watching him unite with his children. his brothers was a heartwarming moment for all of us, and we hope to be able to experience such moments with many more returned captives. >> the rescue comes as ceasefire negotiations between israel and hamas continue. the biden administration maintains it is hopeful for a deal. hersh goldberg-polin is among the more than 100 hostages still in captivity. the 23 year old, raised in berkeley, was taken from the music festival on october 7th. goldberg, pollan's mother, posted on facebook today saying their family is grateful for the good news about the rescue. but she says it was a harder day all around, knowing her son still isn't safe in the
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federal election interference case against former president donald trump, special counsel jack smith filed what's known as a superseding indictment today. >> it does not drop any of the original four charges against trump. instead it adjusts the charges in response to the supreme court's ruling last month on presidential immunity. the one noticeable change in this indictment is it no longer references trump's use of the department of justice. that was mentioned more than 30 times in the original indictment. the election is now just 69 days away. you can see the countdown on your screen. battleground states are very much the focus for the presidential candidates. abc news reporter em nguyen is in washington. reporter race entering a new phase as former president trump and his running mate, senator jd vance, hit several key battleground states this week and 69 days, my friends, we're going to take this country back. >> vance in grand rapids, michigan, slamming the
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biden-harris administration on the economy. >> they are cooking the books to hide how bad the economy really is under kamala harris. >> vance behind bulletproof glass. the first time it's been used at a solo event for the republican vice presidential nominee. the move underscoring new safety measures in place following the assassination attempt on former president trump in july. trump set to rally in wisconsin thursday and then head to pennsylvania friday. must win states for the former president in michigan monday. trump making a quick stop at a campaign office. >> if we can this state, we win the whole thing. we win the whole thing. >> today, the trump team confirming both robert f kennedy jr and former democrat tulsi gabbard have joined the trump vance transition team. i invite you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect president donald j. >> trump. >> this as vice president harris's momentum continues. a week out at the democratic national convention, with the campaign touting more than half a billion dollars raised in just
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a month. harris and her vp pick, minnesota governor tim walz, zeroing in on georgia this week, readying a bus tour across the state that president biden narrowly won in 2020. the first democrat to do so in decades. sources tell us harris is focused on debate prep for her first face off with trump in two weeks on abc news. meanwhile, her surrogates are out campaigning, including her husband, doug emhoff, today at a reception in new york. and when abc news, washington. >> and the presidential debate is scheduled for tuesday, september 10th, right here on abc seven. our coverage begins at 5:00. >> today is the hottest day of the week inland. sandhya shows you the temperatures in the seven-day forecast. next. also ahead. >> being honest, it does not smell good out here. but it's part of a necessary project. i'm ryan curry in vallejo, speaking with the wastewater dist
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dawn mission. it's been delayed 24 hours because of a helium leak. the launch window is between midnight and 4 a.m. our time. the five day private trip
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carrying four civilians will take off from kennedy space center. they're expected to cross the earth's radiation bel, conduct dozens of experiments, and attempt the first commercial spacewalk. it's the highest orbit for any crewed mission since 1966. >> in vallejo, residents in the south part of the city are dealing with an awful smell of sewage. it's being caused by repair work at the vallejo wastewater treatment plant. abc seven news reporter ryan currie shows you what's being done to mitigate the stench and how long it will last. >> you can't see it, but you can definitely smell it on this hot late summer day. vallejo residents are struggling to stay outside. >> it's in different areas of vallejo. if you go down sonoma, there's a big, huge. we don't have a sewage plant down the road. smells like that. >> the odor is wastewater. go anywhere in the south side of vallejo and it will smell like sewage and chemicals. >> if it's like a hot day today and the air isn't moving and you're around there, it's pretty pronounced. it's pretty pungent. >> it's coming from here. the
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vallejo wastewater treatment plant. the reason why it smells so bad is because this giant tank called a bio tower is shut down. it's going through some much needed repairs. >> there's millions upon millions of square feet of media, plastic media in there on that media. there's a massive zulu mass that actually grows. that media has not been replaced since it was actually brought on line in 1988. >> media is a term for when plastic and rocks build up in the filter. orlando cortez is the superintendent of the project at the plant. he walked us around the facility to show us the refurbishing plans. but while they retrofit one tank, it means they only have just one working to filter all of vallejo's wastewater. >> the strength of the wastewater doesn't go down whatsoever, however, our treatment did. so we reduce our treatment by 50% and thus you know it is what it is. >> the flood district installed these misters around the edges of the tank. they have a cherry aroma coming out of it. it's anything they could do to try to make the air smell just a little
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bit nicer. the project started back in march, and the wastewater district told vallejo residents it was going to smell. but what they didn't anticipate was how strong it would smell and how far it would travel. >> we undershot the actual radius of notifying our ratepayers. i believe we went out a half a mile, now, in hindsight, we would have went out a little further, maybe two miles, just to make sure that we covered everyone in that area. >> mix that in with it being a hot summer, and it means vallejo is one stinky city. but cortez says this project is necessary for the plant to stay running long term. he says it is supposed to be done the 1st of november, but that also means two more months of dealing with a bad stench. in vallejo, ryan curry, abc seven news. >> all right, well, for us in the studio and you at home. aren't you glad the camera doesn't have a nose? yes >> thank goodness. all right, let's get a check on our weather. >> yeah. meteorologist sandhya patel is back. sandhya. >> yeah. dan and ama. we have some nice looking weather ahead. let me show you live doppler seven right now. there is some
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fog right near the coast, which is pretty typical for summertime. and we'll have our microclimates. so tomorrow it's going to be a mild 66 in half moon bay, where we'll have some fog. 72 in san francisco, head across the bay into oakland and it's 79. the heat will be around walnut creek, antioch, mid to upper 90s. but you don't have to worry about the heat everywhere. the temperatures do start to back off tomorrow. mid 60s to upper 90s san jose 90 degrees 92, in santa rosa. if that's not to your liking, temperatures drop off some more on thursday. low 90s inland friday coming down into the 80s and low 90s. and then by saturday. this is when you'll notice inland valleys are only in the 80s. the accuweather seven day forecast. the summer heat holds tomorrow with upper 90s inland, mid 60s coast side. and then we will notice that gradual cooling trend that will take us into the first half of your weekend, september begins with the temperatures bottoming out in the mid 80s. labor day starts off with a little bit of heat, nothing too extreme, so really looking nice. yeah.
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>> all right sandra thank you. >> all right. sports director larry beil is here. we need our daily update on the niners. >> what's happening? >> you're waiting to see if brandon aiyuk signed, aren't you? yeah, it's the nightly thing. that's what we do here. uh. in addition to who made the cut? 40 niners, reducing their roster to 53 as they get set for the regular season. and cal college football getting ready as well. the question is, who's playing quarterback coach wilcox on his starter that he may or
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so brandon aiyuk is actually on the 53 man roster. trent williams is not. there's explanation required here. you could spend all of training camp holding in, going to practice, but not taking part in drills. we keep hearing they may be close to a deal, but there's rumors it might be trade, but nobody knows what's going on with this. but aiyuk wants to be paid like other veteran receivers have this offseason. williams, not on the 53 because he's still on the reserve, did not report list while aiyuk is holding in. he's holding out. and here's what the niners and trent both know. you might win a super bowl if williams is playing offensive tackle for you, you have no chance of winning. if he's not playing okay. and this is a perfect example of why players hold out and they want to get paid. elijah mitchell if you remember a couple of years ago, he was the starter before christian mccaffrey arrived. he was the
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workhorse. he was the man in the backfield. now he's on season ending injured reserve. he's been hampered by knee and hamstring injuries. so elijah mitchell's season and perhaps his career with the 40 niners this year ends before it's begun. now the niners chose to keep three quarterbacks on the roster. brock purdy, of course, is going to start. brandon allen. josh dobbs will battle be the backup. purdy has gotten a lot of attention for bulking up in the off season. he does not skip leg day. dan and uh- and tight end george kittle actually sounds a little bit jealous. >> he's like turning into a mini mccaffrey slash bosa and just has huge quads. and it's just like i'm a tall and like i'm skinny guy. so like i just don't get that. like i have nice quads. but they're not like bosa which is i'm a little jealous. but it is what it is. but purdy just he fits in that category really well. and you know he looks a lot better like just bigger faster stronger which is nice to see. and it just looks more mature. and it's hard to give like a thoughtful answer every time i look at the screen and i disagree. >> i agree from the pat mcafee show there. >> i have nice quads, but you
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know, it's pretty funny. all right. college football now. cal opens a new season saturday at home against uc davis. and we do not know who's going to be playing quarterback for the golden bears. could be fernando mendoza, who started the final eight games last year or sixth year senior chandler rogers, who was the starter for north texas for much of last season. mendoza is your classic drop back qb. rogers is better running the ball and coach wilcox. he just wants to maintain the element of surprise as the bears take the field. >> there is a process of in terms of getting the players playing together, creating that chemistry, i think, which is really, really important on offense, defense and special teams. so ultimately the test is on saturdays. i'm excited for us. you know, we'll have a lot of growth. you know, just being out there on the field together for the first time. and we'll need to make sure that each and every play series game that we're out there, that we're we're getting a little bit better. >> he won't tell us. a few weeks ago, farhan zaidi, director of baseball operations, said he thought the giants might have the best pitching staff in baseball. it hasn't played out that way. in fact, robbie ray is
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on the injured list now. strained hamstring jordan hicks has shoulder inflammation not optimal with only 30 games left in the regular season. giants visiting first place milwaukee. oh, bernie brewer is right there. and ready to slide down if need be. top five thairo estrada deep blake perkins is there. you want him on that wall? you need him on that wall is jack nicholson said years ago, that preserved a two two tie. however, two pitches later, here it comes. and there it goes. grant mcrae, the rookie with a mammoth blast. you know what? nobody's bringing that one back. that's to the upper deck. three two giants. but willie adams just hit a two run homer for ers. milwaukee leads four three. giants in the sixth. and we will have complete highlights at 11. sports on abc. seven is sponsored by smart and final. so tomorrow. all right. here tomorrow john lynch the 49 ers general manager. he had scheduled a meeting with the press. this was several days ago. and we're like now. it would be awesome if he walked
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out to the podium. and he had trent williams on one side. and brandon aiyuk on the other side. now that would be a magical moment. i do not anticipate that you're not holding your breath. well, it's only been six months. we've been waiting on this aiyuk thing and trent williams, but it's got to come to a head here soon. i mean, we're running out of time. something has to get done. somebody. thanks. all right, all right. >> thank you for joining us. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, larry beil, all of us. >> we appreciate your time. have a great evening. we'll see you again at 11. >> this is abc 724 >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are we are we are, we are where you are.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ today's contestants are...
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a postdoctoral scientist from atlanta, georgia... a lawyer from marino, italy... and an educator from minneapolis, minnesota... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to the "jeopardy" invitational tournament. in yesterday's sixth quarterfinal game, we had our first come-from-behind win of the tourney, as jennifer quail bet it all in final jeopardy! and was the only one to come up with the correct response, winning from third place. what kind of exciting game are we in for today as we welcome back sam, chuck, and monica? let's start finding out. good luck, you three. we head into the jeopardy! round with these categories. we have... then... some...


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