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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 28, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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overhead sign where construction was already blocking the two right lanes. we are seeing heavy traffic approaching stone ridge drive and number seven, the largest lunar new year parade celebration outside of asia, coming to abc seven this february. >> abc seven, now the official broadcast partner of the san francisco chinese new year parade, will be broadcasting all the fun right here on february 15th. >> you saw them in the newsroom? >> yeah, really up close. here we go. they're up in our faces. >> i was into it. i love this red chinese new year dress. it's giving it to me. a ♪ ♪ >> whit: good morning america. record breaking heat across the country, from the deep south to the northeast, putting 55
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million americans on alert. the severe storms on the move, major cities in the path. ginger is tracking it all, as we get ready for the holiday weekend. >> gio: new indictment against former president trump for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. how charges were adjusted in light of the supreme court's presidential immunity decision. >> rebecca: hostage rescue. israeli forces find a 52-year-old man alive as the idf carries out the biggest raid in the west bank in years. >> whit: overnight a nationwide at&t outage. how customers were affected, what the company is saying this morning. >> gio: the first of its kind case. can a teen driver's mom be held accountable for a deadly car crash? >> a reasonable person would have done something very very simple. they would have taken the keys away. >> gio: we spoke with the victim's parents, plus the app and text messages at the center of it all. >> rebecca: legal titan and estranged husband of erika jane,
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tom girardi, guilty on all counts of wire fraud. >> anything to say, sir? >> no. >> rebecca: millions stolen from his own clients, and with more legal troubles ahead. >> whit: scotty mckraoerry stops his concert. >> police, security. >> whit: the country star calling out a man for allegedly hitting a woman in the audience. what we're learning about the incident. >> rebecca: new breast cancer screening? which an mri could be crucial for some women. the new study this morning. we talk to an oncologist about the benefits and draw backs. >> gio: all the grand slam stars at the u.s. open. sinner shaking off the scandal. osaka makes a powerful return to the court. plus, is this the shot of the year? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning
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america. >> whit: good morning america. so great to have you with us. how about the u.s. open? osaka is back. behind the back shots and everything. >> rebecca: you're really doing the shot. >> whit: working on it. great to be here with gio and rebecca here. >> gio: great to be here. we have a lot to get to, including a warning about parents and stress. very important story. why they are calling it a nationwide epidemic. we're gonna break that down in our next hour. >> rebecca: parents and stress, wouldn't know anything about that as a parent myself. we do begin with the summer scorcher in this unofficial last weekend of the season. record breaking temperatures across the u.s. this as severe storms move through the i 95 corridor. ginger is tracking it all for us. >> ginger: good morning everyone. chicago had their hottest day of the year, 99. that broke a daily record. several daily records were tied or broken from mississippi to missouri, iowa, kentucky. we had a lot of them. we can expect more of this because, as our climate warms,
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we will see and already are seeing record high temperatures twice as often as we see record lows. this morning 55 million americans under heat alerts, sweating it out in near triple digit temps. volunteers in chicago passing out water as the city's heat index rocketed to 115. >> it is a life saver to see them passing out energy. >> ginger: people flocking to chicago's lake front to cool down. >> it's hard to breathe and grasp air. not something we're used to in chicago. >> ginger: schools without air conditioning releasing kids early, from chicago to detroit. >> it gets real uncomfortable, real quick. >> ginger: some children having trouble paying attention, even breathing. >> it's just extra taxing and tiring, just day to day things take longer when it's this hot. >> ginger: the heat helping to fuel severe thunderstorms. in wisconsin watch how this tree comes crashing down. that bicyclist no time to brake,
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ending up in the branches. more than 400,000 customers at peak in michigan losing power. there are heat alerts from st. louis to cincinnati. excessive heat warning that includes camden, trenton, new jersey and philadelphia there. you see washington, d.c. even could feel like 105. they could break a record today. they're not alone. more records will be broken even after the front starts to clear out in the northeast and great lakes. cincinnati goes back up to 96. that could be a record on friday. raleigh and nashville both have the next couple of days with records. if you are the person who loves the fresh fall air, i have good news. lot of folks, all the way from the plains in texas, to the northeast next week, when most of the kids here start school, will feel like it. feel much more like fall. >> whit: relief on the way just in time. thank you, ginger. appreciate it. now the major development in the federal election interference case against donald trump. special counsel has filed a new revised indictment that takes into account the supreme court's decision on presidential immunity. >> reporter: everyone had been waiting to see how the special counsel would respond to the supreme court's granting
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presidents broad immunity for actions taken in the course of their work. jack smith said he can accommodate the court and still prove trump committed crimes while in office. this morning special counsel jack smith filing a new indictment against former president trump for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. direct response to the recent supreme court ruling that granted president sweeping immunity for virtually all official acts of the executive branch. the key to smith's new legal strategy, a surgical argument that when trump was fighting to stay in power after he lost the election, he was acting as a private citizen and as a candidate, not in his official capacity as president. for example, the new indictment official responsibilities related to the certification proceedings, but he did have a personal interest as a candidate
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in being named the winner of the election. the indictment goes on to state co-conspirators accused of helping trump sell lies about the election were people acting in a private capacity and none of them were government officials during the conspiracies. the new indictment charges trump with the same four crimes including conspiracy to defraud the united states, construct the certification of the vote on january 6 and conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one's vote counted. the indictment removes any mention of trump's alleged behavior that prosecutors believe could be considered official acts. the indictment came as justice brown jackson discussed the supreme court decision granting presidents broad immunity. she reiterated her dissent that the court had gone too far. >> i was concerned about a system that appeared to provide immunity for one individual under one set of circumstances. when we have a criminal justice
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system that had ordinarily treated everyone the same. >> reporter: trump is calling for the case to be thrown out, saying the new indictment is a ridiculous act of desperation. whit? >> whit: now the race for the white house. vice president harris and tim walz hitting the road on their tour through the battleground state of georgia, as former president trump gears up to visit other key states. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce tracking it all for us. mary, good morning. >> reporter: that's right. kamala harris and tim walz are getting ready to hit the road, blitzing this key battleground state. georgia is a state joe biden won narrowly by just under 12,000 votes. donald trump has been leading there but kamala harris has been gaining ground since getting into this race. now her campaign is hoping to firmly put the state back in play. they're heavily investing there, touting the largest ever democratic operation in the state. now meanwhile donald trump is getting ready to hit the three
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critical states, michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania, that key path way to the white house. it comes this morning as his campaign is high lighting the two former democrats who have joined the trump transition team, rfk jr., coming over just days after he dropped out of the race and endorsed trump, and also former governor gabbert. they have embraced trump and leaned into conspiracy theorys in recent years. donald trump is touting this as a sign democrats are coming across the aisle to support him. gio? >> gio: so many twists and turns in this case. thank you, mary, for covering it all. we're going to turn now the nationwide at&t outage overnight because of a software issue. senior correspondent aaron katersky is here with more. this issue has been resolved, but this isn't the first time customers have dealt with this. >> reporter: it's not, gio. in fact, we were probably having a similar conversation around this time last year. but now, at&t said a software issue disconnected customers from its wireless network instead of the usual bars of service in the corner of their phones, customers saw sos.
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at&t said we apologize for the inconvenience. we appreciate our customers' patients as we work to resolve this issue. the outages seem to have started in the southeast, maybe florida, but within minutes spread across the country, affecting primarily iphones but some other devices. this happened one day after at&t agreed to pay $1 million to solve an investigation that found at&t failed to deliver 911 calls. this time sources told us that 911 service was not disrupted although a few departments across the country did take to social media to steer callers toward nonemergency numbers. this was all resolved in just a few hours. this morning at&t wireless service should be just fine. >> rebecca: each time it happens we see how dependent we are on our phones. we turn now to breaking news from the middle east. israeli forces have launched deadly raids in the west bank. our foreign correspondent britt clennett is in tel aviv with the
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latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. at least 11 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces in the north of the west bank in the biggest raid in years. troops surrounding a main hospital, videos showing bull dozers tearing through streets, water gushing down a road after the destruction of a main water line. the idf said its forces are carrying out a counter terrorism operation. a spokes person for the palestinian president warning of dire and dangerous consequences, saying the raids are a continuation of the war on the palestinian people in the west bank and in gaza, as well as calling on the u.s. to intervene immediately. they said iran was funding an eastern front in the bank and must do whatever necessary to fight it including the temporary evacuation of palestinian residents. meanwhile, a returned hostage is expected to be released from hospital today, as the
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52-year-old was the first hostage found alive in a tunnel after an idf military operation yesterday. gio? >> gio: thank you for your reporting. now we're going to turn the a deadly airport accident in atlanta. two workers were killed when a tire exploded at a delta airlines facility. faith abubey joins us with more on this investigation. faith, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, gio. osha has now launched a federal investigation into this deadly work place incident. delta airlines also said it's conducting its own internal probe to get to the bottom of exactly what went wrong. one employee telling first responders about the chilling moments they heard a blast and then saw a co-worker lying face down in blood. this morning delta airlines searching for answers after two employees were killed on the job inside the airline's maintenance facility on the atlanta airport grounds. a third worker is being treated for serious injury. >> respond to 1775 maynard jackson boulevard. delta toc 3, an explosion. >> reporter: emergency crews rushed to the wheel shop early tuesday morning.
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the airline said employees were working on a tire when the wheel component suddenly ruptured. delta describing it as a heart breaking accident. it killed two people. >> it was away from the main airplanes. high pressure, big piece of metal, rubber. if it fails for some reason, catastrophicically can cause damage and injury to people nearby. >> reporter: a delta employee saying, quote, i walked toward where the explosion occurred and saw a body lying face down not moving with blood all around. >> the accident investigators will probably look at the two metal rims around that fire and look for some sort of a fatigue failure. was that airplane old? was that tire old? or was it somehow, some part of the way the tire was put together that caused this mishap? >> reporter: gio, the faa said it is aware of the deadly incident.
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it's communicating with delta as these investigations continue. gio? >> gio: faith, you're there at the airport in atlanta, one of the busiest in the world, bracing for the labor day weekend. what can we expect as americans take off to their holiday destinations? >> reporter: well, overall across the country, the tsa is expecting to screen about 17 million passengers between tomorrow and next week, wednesday. now, that means a lot more people than last year at the same time and airports will be very busy, the busiest day is expected to be this thursday. busiest airport will be right here in atlanta. gio? >> gio: it just gets busier. get there early. all right, faith, thank you very much for that. whit? >> whit: now the growing concern over mosquito born viruses following what is believed to be the first death from the rare triple e virus. erielle reshef is here with more. officials trying to get ahead of this. good morning. >> reporter: health officials in
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the northeast are on alert after new hampshire reported the state's first death so far this year from that rare but potentially severe mosquito born illness, eee. the 41-year-old possibly the nation's first patient to die from the virus this year. though human cases of eee virus are uncommon, they can be fatal. the cdc says about 30% of people who have brain inflammation from this virus will die. there is no vaccine or treatment. there have been four other human cases so far this year with roughly a dozen communities in massachusetts alone at an elevated risk. health teams have been spraying pesticide from new york city up to the boston area to help prevent the spread of mosquito viruses. health officials are also concerned as more than 30 states report cases of the west nile virus. these diseases are only transmitted from a mosquito bite not person to person.
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severe cases can present with fever, headache, extreme fatigue, gastric distress and seizures. if you experience any of these, seek medical attention immediately. >> rebecca: important advice, erielle. cover up, if you can. okay. thank you. now we turn to day 2 of the u.s. open, with all eyes on the number one men's player taking the court for the first time since the results of his banned substance test from march were revealed. >> lara: sinner was cleared of any wrongdoing but there were lots of opinions both for and against that decision. and whether it was noise that created a distraction for him or maybe it was his competition on the court, it was a touch and go match for the number one player in the world. >> he's back. >> lara: it wasn't easy for jannik sinner advancing through the first round of the u.s.
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open. >> relieved jannik sinner. >> lara: after it was revealed he tested positive twice for a banned steroid earlier this year, but faced no suspension. >> there's people who always label him a doper and cheater despite the unique circumstances of this. >> lara: it took four sets for sinner to pull off victory against mackenzie mcdonald. >> and jannik sinner found his range now. >> i'd like to thank everyone for coming, for staying. now let's see what's coming in the next round. >> lara: sinner who won the australian open, was cleared of any wrongdoing by an independent tribunal after it was determined the steroid entered his system unintentionally. >> i'm happy how i handled the situation. it was not easy. >> reporter: while some current players said the lack of suspension wasn't fair, andy roddick told me on gma tuesday he supports sinner and said it could have been a simple misunderstanding. >> i don't think that he would put everything at risk for something that didn't benefit
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him. it was one billionth of a gram. he's either the dumbest person or earth or we should believe him on merits. >> lara: sinner plays against tomorrow. his opponent will be determined today. you can see all the action starting today at 12 noon eastern. and cocoa goff tonight, 7:00 p.m. >> rebecca: go cocoa. go lara. we'll have more coming up in our play of the day. >> lara: can't get enough. >> rebecca: we can't get enough. whit? >> whit: looking forward to it. coming up here, erika jane's ex-husband, tom girardi, convicted of stealing $15 million from his clients. how much time he could do in prison. >> rebecca: a woman demanding justice for her teen son killed in a car crash. why she wants the mother of the boy who was driving health responsible. >> ginger: we've got this great image of the shelf cloud pouring over chicago during their severe
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storms. over to michigan we had gusts up to 76 miles per hour. damaging winds comes with this front. it's already shown us what it can do. today if you're in ohio, especially say in columbus, akron, through pittsburgh tonight, all the way through philadelphia, new jersey, delaware, watch for damaging winds. local weather in 30 seconds. delaware, watch for the damaging winds. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> gio: we sure do hope you're having a nice hump day. we'll be right back. >> rebecca: oh yeah. >> gio: oh yeah. we'll be right back on gma. stick with us. back. we will be right back here on "gma." stick around. r? not this dark chocolate. (♪) now what? we wait. (♪) i can't... (♪) mmmm... it's delicious! mhmm. i told you it wasn't bitter. [laughter] from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious.
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otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. the ups store is more than just a shipping store. we're the "pack it, ship it, guarantee it" store. we know running a small business takes a lot of grit and hustle. so we're the "stress less" store. and the "we've got your back" store. because when you trust us to pack it and ship it, we guarantee, so it'll get into the hands of your customers safely. which is why we're the "stand by work guaranteed" store. come into the ups store today. and be unstoppable. good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven
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mornings. we're going to check in now with amanda for a live look at traffic. hi, amanda. >> hi, kumasi. we're going to start off with a bart alert specifically because of an equipment problem on the track. we are seeing a ten minute delay in the downtown oakland area, specifically in the berryessa direction. and then i want to take you live to the san mateo bridge, where you can see it is pretty crowded as people make their way west from the toll plaza into foster city. that drive will take you about 14 minutes. and then just an update here to that problem in dublin. we've been following all northbound direction. lanes have been shut down as they're working to clear this crash from earlier this morning. when we say earlier, we're talking about 330. so just be aware. northbound 680 before 580. kumasi >> thank you. meteorologist lisa argen has a quick
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san jose center for the performing arts through september 1st. don't be left out
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way across the bay. otherwise, you can see the sunshine here. coit tower 57. it is 61 in oakland and 63 in san jose. so mostly sunny skies above average again today with a quick warm up. it is in the low 60s in concord and compared to yesterday we're 2 to 5 degrees warmer. so by noontime will be well into the 90s inland. afternoon highs three 4:00 in the afternoon from the upper 90s in our inland valleys to the upper 80s from fremont, 79 in oakland, 88 in san rafael. so maybe 2 to 4 degrees cooler in spots. but overall, the big cooldown starts tomorrow, lasting through sunday. kumasi. >> thank you lisa. gma is next and we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. >> scratchers presents playful ways to scratch. the california lottery. a little
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>> whit: love that song. welcome back to gma. what a great way to start the morning. bruce springsteen performing "born to run." jeremy allen white is getting ready to play the boss in an upcoming bio pic. we'll tell you what he's saying. that's coming up in pop news. "born to run" great song but difficult to sing karaoke to. >> gio: i think any of your songs are difficult. all right. we look forward to that. top headlines right now, record breaking heat spreading across the country, putting 12 states, 55 million americans on alert. this comes as severe storms move through the i-95 corridor. space x launch has been delayed again. four crew members are waiting to go higher into space than any craft since the apollo days and feature the first ever civilian space walk. the mission was delayed due to an unfavorable weather forecast. teams will continue to monitor for a favorable launch. >> rebecca: tuesday nfl owners
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voted to allow private equity firms to buy stakes in teams. this is a big departure from the single owner family business model the league has long cultivated. the private equity firms will now be permitted to acquire up to 10% of an nfl franchise. the nfl is the last american sports league to allow private equity ownership. big changes there, guys. also this morning football stars travis and jason kelce have reportedly inked a deal with amazon podcast studio worth more than $100 million as their new heights podcast is one of the top ranked sports shows heads into its third season. >> gio: they have so much fun on that. >> rebecca: they have so much fun. also really good to be a popular podcaster these days. we've got a lot more ahead, including the new study about breast cancer screening. it could save lives. you want to know all the details. and it is coming up. whit? >> whit: now the former high powered los angeles attorney and
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estranged husband of a real housewives star accused of a decade long ponzi scheme that simoned millions. tom girardi was convicted on four counts of fraud. our chief national correspondent matt gutman has more. matt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. it was a stunning downfall to one of l.a.'s highest flying attorneys. he had won huge settlements from corporate giants like boeing and pg&e. but jurors decided that for years he also pilfered millions from victims families to fund country clubs, private jets, his wife's career. while the defense said he didn't know what he was doing, jurors didn't buy it. this morning tom girardi, a once legendary lawyer and estranged husband of real housewives star erika jane, responding to his guilty verdict with a single word. >> anything to say, sir? >> nope. >> reporter: a jury finding the 85-year-old legal titan guilty
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on all four counts of wire fraud, agreeing he stole millions of dollars from his own clients, many of them victims of disasters and accidents. >> i cried when i heard the verdict. i mean, it's not really a happy moment. how could it be happy to know that for 40 years this man walked on people in their worst day, their worst moment. they're homeless and he's flying on a jet going from country club to country club with people's money? it's not a happy day, but it's the first step in making it right. >> reporter: girardi's fall captured the attention of the country in part because he'd soared so high, gaining fame after winning a massive settlement from a california utility in a case that inspired the movie erin brokovich. his fame also attached to his ex-wife. girardi often appeared alongside erika jane on the real housewives of beverly hills. >> i love you. thank you for meeting me. >> instead of having lunch with
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a bunch of gnarly insurance people, i got you. >> reporter: she hasn't been charged with a crime but her name was mentioned by prosecutors. government laying out how girardi used $20 million to help fund her career, including elaborate music videos. >> it's expensive to be me. >> reporter: girardi had pleaded not guilty. a jury finding girardi deliberately stole client money and lied to cover it up. >> his insatiable appetite for money is what led him to court and what led to this verdict today. >> reporter: his defense maintained girardi depended on the wrong people and blamed his chief financial officer, who they say stole all the money. the cfo has pleaded not guilty. now, girardi is currently in an assisted living facility. he will be sentenced in december and faces 80 years or more in prison. remember, he's 85. but first he has another embezzlement trial in chicago
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set for next year for allegedly stealing money from the families of the victims of the 2018 lion air crash in indonesia. he has pleaded not guilty. guys? >> gio: very serious allegations there. all right, matt. thank you so much. going to turn to the michigan parents demanding justice after their son was killed in a high speed car crash. the teen driver is facing charges. now the parents want his mom charged, too, saying she knew her son's driving was out of control. eva pilgrim is here with more on this. good morning, eva. fascinating case. >> really a fascinating case. flynn mackrell's death has crushed his family. they say his death was preventible. this morning they say the mother of that teen driver knew her son had a habit of driving excessively fast and they want her held responsible for not taking the keys away. searching for accountability. the parents of a teen passenger killed in a high speed crash in michigan now pushing authorities to charge the mother of the driver. >> he had no record for passenger safety, no regard for pedestrian safety. the mother knew it.
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>> reporter: flynn was riding in a car with his 16-year-old friend. police say that friend going over 100 miles per hour in a 25 residential zone when he lost control and crashed into a tree. flynn was killed instantly. >> every day we wake up in shock and disbelief that our beloved flynn is gone. it was 100% preventible. >> reporter: the teen was charged with second degree murder pleading not guilty, but flynn's family said they want the mother held responsible as well. an investigation report obtained by abc news states the teen had life 3630 on his phone an app that shows how fast a car is going and where it is. the report states his mother repeatedly texted him in the weeks and months before the crash to stop speeding. at one point writing, i have screen shots of you driving 123 miles per hour. >> any reasonable person would have done something very very simple.
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they would have taken the keys away. she didn't do it. our son is dead. >> reporter: the mackrell family pointing to the oxford michigan school shooter case, where the gunman's parents were held criminally responsible for giving their son the gun he used in the shooting where he killed four people. >> in a criminal case we're talk about a gun that is a per se dangerous weapon. one of its intentions is to harm or kill another. a vehicle or car is not necessarily a per se dangerous weapon. >> reporter: the prosecutors office say they are reviewing the case and tell us investigators have submitted a warrant request for a relative of the teen driver. now the teen driver is not being charged as an adult but adult designated meaning if convicted, it's up to the judge to decide if he will be sentenced as a juvenile or adult. flynn's family saying he was a freshman in college. he was a standout swimmer. he had his whole life ahead of him. >> rebecca: such a future ahead. your heart just
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feels for flynn's family. okay, eva, thank you. coming up later, kouri richins, accused of killing her husband, then writing a book on grief. now she's going on trial. the new evidence just released. and next, scotty mccreary stops performing midconcert. how he called out a man for allegedly hitting a woman in the audience. stay with us. allegedly hitting a woman in the audience. stay with us. some things should stand the test of time. long-lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision. more people on eylea hd had no fluid in the retina, compared to those on eylea at 4 months. eylea hd is the only wet amd therapy that helped 8 out of 10 people go up to 4 months between injections, after 3 initial monthly treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eylea hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye.
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start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. school is back! and dick's sporting goods has what you need to win your year. we've got everything from cleats to sambas, dunks and more. plus, the hottest styles from nike, jordan and adidas. find your first-day fits in-store or online at >> rebecca: we are back with
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country star scotty mccreary stopping in the middle of a concert to call out a man who allegedly was hitting a woman in the audience. will reeve joins us with this story. good morning, will. >> good morning, rebecca. quite the moment here. scotty mccreary, former american idol winner, on tour, was just about to begin singing one of his hits at the colorado state fair when he noticed something in the crowd. he stopped the show and potentially an alleged assault. it was all caught on video. this morning country star scotty mccreary hailed a hero after stopping his concert when he spotted a man in the audience allegedly assaulting a woman. >> right here right here. that's a lady you just hit, sir. get police? security? is she okay? get the heck out of here. >> reporter: mccreary was just seconds into his song "it matters to her" which he dedicated to his wife when he observed the attack from the stage. >> on god's great earth at a
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scotty mccreary show? what are you doing? >> reporter: the crowd cheering as police came to detain the alleged assailant. >> y'all let the cop know who hit the lady because that's absolutely unacceptable. >> reporter: in a statement the colorado department of agriculture said we can confirm that an incident took place at the scotty mccreary concert where a man assaulted a woman and the performer stopped the show. after the man was escorted out, mccreary resumed the show. >> whoever you are, that's the definition of a coward, hitting a lady. we're all set. let's get on back with the show. >> the incident is still under investigation and officials have not yet released the man's name or said whether he was arrested. scotty mccreary has yet to comment. quite the moment there. >> whit: he made his position pretty clear. >> gio: absolutely. >> whit: thank you, will. we appreciate it. coming up, what the surgeon general is saying about parenting and stress. and next, our play of the day.
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get behr quality at an everyday low price, only at the home depot. back now with our play of the day and more highlights from the u.s. open. our resident tennis expert. that's what we're calling you now? resident tennis expert? >> lara: expert, maybe not. super fan, 100%. >> whit: yeah, yeah. what do you got for us. >> lara: day 2.
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this is why we love the u.s. open. we have seen some incredible tennis, from a record breaking match to what some are calling the shot of the tournament. take a look. check out what has to be the wildest shot of this year's open, reaching behind, leaping in the air and somehow managing to land this behind the back lob squarely on the baseline. going on to win the match 6-3, 7-5. and it was a day for emotional come backs. >> there it is! >> 54 minutes! naomi osaka buzzes through the second round! >> lara: two time u.s. open champion naomi osaka playing in her first open since she became a mom dominating the tenth seed. >> i so badly wanted to step on these courts again. i didn't know if i could. i didn't know athletically, physically, if i was able to. just win this match and be in this atmosphere means so much to
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me. >> lara: a new record at the open for the longest match in history, outlasting the russian player in a five hour and 35 minute battle. >> i don't think i played that long in a day ever in two sessions, never mind in one. >> lara: i mean, i don't need to tell you, you can catch all the action at the u.s. open today noon on espn. you will not be sorry. it's been so fun so far. >> rebecca: that shot? >> gio: unbelievable. >> lara: i mean, to turn around and put it right there? that's focus. >> whit: incredible. >> gio: i loved seeing naomi. >> lara: we've got more on naomi. and coming up on gma, what kind of love do you feel most deeply? i'll tell you about a brand new study in pop news. it will surprise you. >> gio: we love you. >> lara: i love you back.
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[crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪ when we started feeding bogie the farmer's dog, he lost so much weight. pre-portioned packs makes it really easy to keep him lean and healthy.
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in the morning, he flies up the stairs and hops up on my bed. in the past, he would not have been able to do any of those things. inez, let me ask you, you're using head & shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head & shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here. i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. make every wash count! and for stubborn dandruff, try head & shoulders clinical strength. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪ >> ginger: the atlantic ocean is waking up because it's been kind of quiet. we've had five named storms. the averaged sixth name storm would happen tomorrow. so this will probably put us a little late. couple areas, 20% chance of development, 10% there, nothing to worry about in the immediate future. however, we're still on our way up toward peak. there's a lot of hurricane season left and we do see some indications that september will be waking up quite a bit. the pacific's been really busy and they still have several tropical storms. what's left of gilma will be moving over and toward the hawaiian islands. look for that as we end the week here. coming up on gma, the number of kids that are missing school has been rising since the pandemic. we're going to take a closer look at the impact on learning. plus, nicole eggert is here with behind the scenes stories of
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that famous beach. we've got the right stuff for back to school, essentials you didn't know you needed. pete g. writes, "my tween wants a new phone. how do i not break the bank?" we gotcha, pete. xfinity mobile was designed to save you money and gives you access to wifi speeds up to a gig. so you get high speeds for low prices. better than getting low speeds for high prices. right, bruce? -jealous? yeah, look at that. honestly. someone get a helmet on this guy. xfinity internet customers, get a free unlimited line for a year when you buy one unlimited line. bring on the good stuff. learn more at today. the data. xfinity, bring on the good stuff. >> when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i
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didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. >> i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possibl. >> friday. megan moroney brings the party to gma. kicking off your labor day weekend with a morning concert event. oh my god. >> he walked in friday only on good morning america's summer concert series sponsored by wayfair. >> a season of big celebrities and big wins. you just won $1 million. it's all led up to this. >> the best finale of all time. >> who wants to be a millionaire? season finale. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's amanda now with a look at traffic. >> hi kumasi commuters, avoid the drive through dublin on
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northbound 680 if you can. this is before 586 80. all those northbound lanes closed here at this hour. we've been tracking an issue on the road after a dump truck actually hit an overhead sign at around three this morning. it's still causing some issues. traffic is diverting at stoneridge drive. the stoneridge onramp is also closed. no estimated time of reopening. we are seeing a 45 minute delay. there traffic is heavy from sunol boulevard. take foothill road or hopyard road to get away from that. lisa. okay. >> amanda. good morning to you. lots of sunshine out there. a few patches of fog across the bay from our east bay hills. camera atop vollmer peak. it is already in the upper 60s. san jose 68, in hayward. another day of above average temperatures with upper 90s inland and some 80s around the bay. >> thank you lisa. gma is coming up next and we will have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. >> the make it ford summer sales
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sucks. you pay too much. your internet speeds are some of the slowest in the world. you get lousy customer service. sonic is changing all that. we offer the fastest fiber internet speeds for the lowest price we provide award winning customer service you can count on. we are bringing america's internet up to speed. try america's fastest, most affordable internet today. >> scratchers presents playful ways to scratch. the california lottery a little play can make your day >> whit: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. record breaking heat across the country, from the deep south to the northeast, putting 55
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million americans on alert with severe storms on the move. ginger is tracking it all as we get ready for the holiday weekend. >> rebecca: the utah mother of three accused of killing her husband then writing a book on grief now going to trial for murder and other charges. the new evidence against her. >> gio: the new warning from the surgeon general about parents and stress, calling it a nationwide epidemic of loneliness and isolation. this morning the biggest contributing factors to stress and how parents can find support. >> rebecca: former baywatch star nicole eggert is live with the latest on her cancer journey and taking us behind the scenes and beyond the beach of the famous hit show, including a never before seen interview with star pamela anderson. ♪ baby we were born to run ♪ >> whit: and from born to run to born to bear, jeremy allen white talking about portraying bruce springsteen and how the boss
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feels about it. plus his reunion with calvin klein, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> gio: i didn't realize they would put that picture up. the way i said good morning, good morning! shirtless jeremy allen white. [ laughter ] >> rebecca: and dog. >> whit: and a dog. exactly. that's pretty cool, portraying the boss. that should be fun. >> gio: that's really incredible. lori bergamotto was born to run back to school shopping season. she is here with day 3 of our back to school edition. >> rebecca: thank you, lori. the new study on mri's to screen for breast cancer. could it save lives? >> whit: first top stories breaking at 8 starting with record breaking temperatures across the country ahead of the holiday weekend. severe storms move through the i-95 corridor. let's go back to ginger tracking it all. good morning. >> ginger: chicago was a little below normal to start august but the last four days of 90 plus, culminating with their hottest
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day of the summer yesterday. at 99. they felt like 115 at its peak yesterday. now they are above average. that's what happens, most american cities on average are seeing twice as many heat waves as we did back in the 1980s. so here we go for today. excessive heat warning that includes philadelphia and trenton, new jersey. we have heat alerts back to st. louis, cincinnati in it there, where you see 102 for the feels like later. what we'll do, we will break this apart but it's going to come with severe storms. we already saw them. parts of michigan, at peak, had 400,000 customers without power, gusts up to 76 miles an hour. it was a powerful cold front. it's going to slip through ohio, pennsylvania, new york, new jersey today so watch for that. delaware, baltimore, washington, d.c. could even get this late tonight. this starts in the afternoon and progresses east. rebecca? >> rebecca: just bring on fall. okay, ginger. thank you. we turn to new developments in the kouri richins case. the utah mom is accused of poisoning her husband and then writing a book about grief.
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a judge has ordered her to stand trial for murder. and our chief national correspondent matt gutman is back with the story. good morning again, matt. >> reporter: hey, good morning, rebecca. kouri richins defense attorneys argued there were zero direct evidence that she killed her husband with that massive dose of fentanyl and the evidence against her was filmsy, but the judge found it solid enough that he allowed the prosecution to proceed with all 11 charges against her including murder. this morning a utah judge ruling kouri richins will stand trial for the murder of her husband eric and a slew of additional felonies. >> the prosecution has shown probable cause to count one aggravated murder and count three distribution of a controlled substance. >> reporter: the ruling comes after a two day preliminary hearing in which kouri's defense team argued the evidence was purely circumstantial. >> you have a claim that mr.
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richins was poisoned on the 14th. there is no medical evidence. there is no -- there is no connection. there is no causation. there is nothing but pure speculation. >> reporter: the prosecution alleges kouri's first attempt on eric's life was on valentine's day of 2022. they claim kouri slipped fentanyl pills purchased from her housekeeper into her husband's sandwich. >> eric richins had a medical event strong enough that he texted the defendant and says he's considering going to the hospital. >> reporter: they then allege two weeks later kouri learns from the poisoned sandwich and upped the amount lacing her husband's moscow mule cocktail with five times the lethal dose of fentanyl. >> the drug is the same. the drug dealer is the same. the timing is the same. but she learned. she learned she needed something stronger. she also learned how to administer it. >> kouri pleading not guilty to
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all 11 charges in court. her defense team saying in a statement they firmly believe the truth will prevail. the judge set the trial for the spring of next year but it's important to remember that caught up in all of this are eric and kouri's three sons, who now live with eric's sister. guys? >> whit: important point there. matt gutman, thank you very much. coming up in our gma morning menu, the surgeon general's alert about parents and stress. nearly half of parents say they are overwhelmed by it. >> gio: hear what jeremy allen white is doing to get ready to play the boss. that's coming up in pop news. >> rebecca: plus how to use ai to make the most out of travel planning just in time for labor day weekend. lara has a special guest. hey, lara. >> lara: i sure do. we're going back to the beach with this lady. nicole eggert will tell us about her time as a tv life guard and what went on behind the scenes of "baywatch." that iconic show. we're gonna talk all about it
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coming up on good morning america. ♪ ♪ - guys, let's do some trivia. - oh yes, let's do it. - i'm gonna win. - how should i plant this if my garden doesn't receive direct sunlight? hmm. - i was right! - good job. - next question. - it starts with an empty prompt, and the most advanced ai at your fingertips. (bright music) i use febreze fabric refresher everyday... to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans in between washes... even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them... and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. your hair can grow 590 miles over your lifetime. and freshens! it's in your nature to grow. nature's bounty helps you grow thicker fuller hair with just one capsule a day. you are bountiful,
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it's in your nature. with philips sonicare you can remove up to 20 times more plaque along the gumline versus a manual toothbrush. toss your basic toothbrush and make the sonicare switch today. introducing allison! allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. a caring man took a walk. he saw people suffering. anxiety ran high, hatred rose. i'll prepare a feast and bring them together he thought.
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but some refused to join him. he was heartbroken because he wanted everyone to be filled. not with food and wine, but with compassion. (vo) when your dog hears the call of the wild, ♪ ♪ have the right fuel to answer. not with food and wine, but with compassion. blue wilderness chicken, with 30% more protein than purina pro plan chicken, is formulated to give your dog the energy they need to take on the wild with you. blue wilderness. stay wild. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks.
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airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. mom, with these sandwiches, i'm gonna be the coolest guy in the lunchroom. i need to practice my cool guy greetings. 'sup. 'sup. 'sup.
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♪ ♪ >> whit: we are back now with our gma cover story. a new advisory by the surgeon general saying just how overwhelmed parents are. erielle reshef joins us now. erielle, obviously a timely conversation as kids are going back to school. we are all feeling it. >> we are feeling it, my friend. and i know that you can understand this, given that you are a dad of girls. if you're feeling overwhelmed as a parent, you are not alone, the surgeon general warning all the stress for moms, dads and caretakers is taking an immense toll on mental health.
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this morning a newly released advisory from the surgeon general revealing stress parents are feeling and the impact it's having on mental health. >> parents typically don't talk about this all the time. they tend to focus on their kids' health and well being. there's also a sense of shame and guilt around struggling as a parent. >> reporter: new data showing 48% of parents saying most days their stress is completely overwhelming, compared to 26% among other adults without kids. >> turns out parents are struggling with loneliness more than other adults particularly single parents. >> reporter: 34-year-old caitlin niles is a working mom to a 4-year-old and 6-year-old. she says she feels pressure to balance her career and family. >> there's so much pressure on parents to spend all of this quality time with your kids. sit on the ground and play pretend with your 4-year-old, you know? when you think about logically it's like, there's no way my mom was able to do that. >> reporter: surgeon general's
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report citing common parental stressors like financial strain, worries about children health and safety, technology and social media and time demands, saying all of these combined are contributing to the nationwide epidemic of loneliness and isolation. eric martinez, a father of two from colorado, said he's had to learn new strategies in limiting his kids' access to technology an social media. >> we didn't share this experience growing up. we didn't have access to this technology when we were 7, 8, 9, 10 years old so we're kind of figuring this out as we go along. >> you have to remember what stress is. stress is your emotional response to increased pressure. we're going to decrease the pressure by number one outsourcing tasks and not feeling guilty about it. we are going to make sure we make time for our mental health, our physical health and our spiritual health. then we're not going to feel guilty about it because all of those things are making us better parents.
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>> reporter: murphy calling for a culture shift, policies and programs to better enable parents to thrive. >> whether it's just simply showing up to let a parent know that they're not alone, that we've got their back. those small moments of care and kindness, they make a huge difference to parents. >> yes, they do. the surgeon general said parents and care givers need support from government, employers to provide benefits and resources, like affordable child care, paid time off with a sick child and access to reliable mental health care. he also encourages parents to just remember that caring for yourself and your own well being is part of the key to caring for your family. it takes a village and you have to take care of yourself first. >> whit: i have got a middle schooler. it's all about social media. i'm trying to stop her from getting drawn into it, but there's so much pressure. >> lara: both of them. >> whit: exactly. important conversation. thank you, erielle. rebecca, back over to you. >> rebecca: and we've got to be there for each other, too, whit. we turn to a gma health alert. a new report in the journal of the american medical association
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finding additional breast cancer screening could benefit some women with dense breasts and save lives. medical oncologist dr. elizabeth comen joins us with more. it is so nice to see you, doctor. this is such an important study. tell us more about it. >> thank you so much for having me. so this study was really important because it showed the addition of breast mri's through traditional mammography may improve the detection of breast cancer, particularly in women with dense breasts which is over 50% of the population of women over 40. now the caveat to this study is that while we know detecting cancers earlier can help save lives, there's a cost to that. so with breast mri's there's an increase in what we call false positives. that's when you're called back and they need a biopsy but that biopsy ends up being negative. i have had a biopsy myself and can say it can be anxiety
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provoke. this study is important for women who have been recommended to get a breast mri that they talk to their doctor about the expectations. that they may be called back for something like a biopsy. >> rebecca: i have been called back for biopsies. not after an mri yet. i haven't had that done. it is something i talk to my doctor about and i felt better going into it because of that conversation. you also mention dense breasts. >> yes. >> rebecca: and these are lots and lots of women have them. >> exactly. over 50% of women over 40 have dense breasts. but there's a common misconception that you can feel this. if your breasts look perkier or feel a certain way or sag more, that that relates to breast density. breast density is a term that a ra radiologist finds on a mammogram. so very different than anything you can see or feel on physical exam. and the reason why this is so important to know is if you have dense breasts, it can be harder to detect a breast cancer on a mammogram.
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dense breasts mean you have more what's called fibroglandular tissue. as related to fatty tissue. on a mammogram the fibroglandular tissue looks white. fatty tissue looks black. if your breasts are more dense, it's harder to see cancer because cancer can look white. it's like trying to find a snow flake in a snowstorm. mammograms are harder to detect breast cancers in dense breasts. >> rebecca: which is why then an mri becomes a possibility, ultrasounds as well. >> exactly. >> rebecca: starting on september 10th it will be mandatory to inform women of this. >> exactly. now the fda is requiring standard language so that women are informed when they get a mammogram if they have dense breasts. so if you've been told that you have dense breasts, it's incredibly important that you talk to your doctor about your personal risks for breast cancer, your family history and what that breast density means for you. it may mean that you need additional imaging such as with
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an ultrasound or breast mri. >> rebecca: speaking of ultrasounds, mri's, mammograms. >> yes. >> rebecca: the science, or the acknowledgements around this have changed over the years, what women are supposed to do, when they're supposed to start. what is the date? what is the age now? >> there's been so much ping ponging back and forth. the preventive services task force lowered the age. so for women of average risk, you should start screening with breast mammograms at age 40. now, how do you determine your risk? there are tools online, breast cancer risk assessment tools you can do to determine your life time risk of breast cancer. if it's an average risk you would start screening at age 40. if you have a family history of breast cancer or other types of cancers or other personal risk factors you may need to start screening before age 40. >> rebecca: all right. dr. comen, thank you very much. we appreciate it. important conversation. >> thank you for having me. >> rebecca: time for pop news.
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lara. >> lara: get over here because we have a lot to talk about. we're going to begin by saying yes, boss, to jeremy allen white. we know him as chef on "the bear" but now he's playing bruce in an upcoming bio pic. that's influencing his new ad campaign for calvin klein. he's wearing the boss' favorite uniform, all denim, also sharing more about the role in the new gq saying he's had extensive vocal training to play the new jersey rocker. he's also gone down the you tube rabbit hole, studying old videos of springsteen. he's even met with bruce himself to discuss the role. springsteen fully supports it. he called the film, which is called "deliver me from nowhere" a brilliant idea. it will focus on the time leading up to and the making of springsteen's 1982 album called "nebraska." production is set to begin this fall. i think it's brilliant. >> rebecca: definitely.
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>> lara: he's a terrific actor. it will be great. also in pop news, we already gave you the rundown on the top players headed into day 3 of the u.s. open including naomi osaka's big come back win. can we talk about her fashion? taking over where serena left off having so much fun with her looks on court. she sported an all new nike look. equal parts girly and goth. one version of the outfit is in black. yesterday she debuted the green. it's got bows. got a tulle skirt. osaka said she feels like she's putting on a super suit when she hits the court in the look. i love that. that's how you should feel, naomi. it shows. we also have to give a shoutout to taylor townsend's coach who sported the smartest sun protection in the house. unapologetically. we love that. >> gio: that is brilliant. >> lara: we all need it out there today. it's going to be very hot. definitely want that and sun block and one of those umbrella hats. cheers to u.s. open fashion.
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finally this morning we have is a new study all about love. researchers in finland showing where humans feel love in the brain. they discovered using mri's that love in different types of relationships result in different brain activity and different strengths. among the findings, love of your pet closely resembles love for a romantic partner. very close. i get that. >> gio: yep, yep. >> lara: which love is the strongest? perhaps no surprise to parents, it was the love for a child. it lit up the brain. scientists say uniquely lights up areas of the brain that were not activated by any other kind of love. parental love igniting our brains reward system. that's where we feel joy and ecstasy. >> whit: and stress. full circle. >> lara: you just lit up for kids. >> rebecca: it's really cool. >> gio: my brain is lighting up for all of you. thank you so much, lara. appreciate it.
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ginger, over to you. >> ginger: gio, i need to know what part of the brain lights up for people who love snow? they are about to light up with joy. the first weather advisory. they will see above 5,000 feet, 3 to 6 plus inches. wind gusts could go 50 to 70 earliest one they had in six years. it's close. earlier than last year. if you love that fall weather,
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♪ oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> gio: now a very cool edition of the right stuff with gma lifestyle contributor lori b is here with all the shoppable goods. this is awesome. >> it is awesome. do you know what, gio? the theme of the segment today is those extra little hidden things you forget about. for every minute you spend organizing an hour is earned. we want to tackle that. let's kick things off with the skylight calendar. everybody is like, what is this? how does it work? it's not just a regular calendar. we know there is so much of a mental load on parents. this will help ease that. you will be able to see everything. here we have our entire gma family. you can see the week. you have all their chores. all color coded. it comes in three different
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sizes. this is yours, gio. you're in orange. we've got good morning america this morning. have to drop off some dry cleaning. we know you will go to the gym and dinner with tommy tonight. let's say chores. we want to know what everybody's chores are. >> gio: i want to skip that one. >> ginger: we've got ginger, you, me, rebecca. then meal prep. what are we going to be having for breakfast, lunch and dinner. you can do -- >> gio: this is amazing. >> even if you want to upload photos, it syncs with outlook, google calendar, yahoo!. you can do everything on the go from an app. these start at $149. they come in a 10 inch, 15 inch. it is 27 inch. you do have to wall mount this one. it's really incredible. we are doing a special gma only digital discount but you have to scan the qr code to get it. >> gio: very very cool. okay. what do we have over here? >> this is a label maker.
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>> gio: i love labels. >> i knew you would, gio. yes. we just download a very easy app. i'm going to print the label here. you'll see it. this is on sale on amazon for $19 today. start at $19. says gio b right there. label yourself. you can label anything. this is so easy to use. everybody was sort of marvelling at how fast, convenient, user friendly this is. >> gio: you do it from an app and it prints out right there. >> yeah. feel how light it is. so affordable. you can charge it with a usb. couldn't be easier. we had one reviewer said she felt like mom of the year. once you start labeling things you just see everything so clearly. it minimizes that stress of, where did i put that? who does this belong to? >> gio: great for travel, i roll hand sanitizer. it is indeed so touching. >> did sort of the remarkable they made hand sanitizer cool.
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these are $10 which parents will love, but middle schoolers and teenagers and everybody really will love how you know this is a status symbol as well. comes in 15 different scents. which one do we give you? i think the vanilla. >> vanilla. yeah. >> and it has 500 mists. you should 500 mists in there last a long time. people love that. it doesn't make your hands feel sticky. >> yeah, not at all. really nice. >> okay. as a parent of a child who wrecked their chromebook because they left it out in the rain. let me tell you about this. >> you're not angry about it? not at all. >> not at all. under $20. we got this on amazon has over 25,000 positive reviews. nice. >> 20 bucks, waterproof, under 20 bucks. >> and it has lots of different compartments in it. >> it's so soft on the inside. >> anti-scratch it's incredible. so you want to protect that chromebook. one last thing before we go. there are too many devices and there's too many different portals to put them in, right? the anker 3 in 1 will solve that. it's lightning. micro usb and usb-c. and there
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you go. lifetime warranty on that too. >> yes, you got the right stuff. you always do. thank you laurie. all of these items, of course, are shoppable on our website. you can scan that qr code right there on the screen. just point your camera there and tune in tomorrow for the right stuff. back to school fashions for all ages. you've got you've got all the things here. we're ready to go back. coming up here, nicole eggert is talking about the doc that takes us behind the scenes of baywatch. stick around here on gma. >> this is it. >> it's a two hour season finale. >> anything can happen in this game. >> find out who is related to who. it is time for the final guess off. >> all will be revealed on the claim to fame season finale on abc and stream on hulu live >> right now from abc seven mornings, 8-80 27. >> good morning, i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings now.
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let's see what traffic looks like. hi, amanda. >> hi. i wish i had better news, but chp dublin just issued a sig alert for the issue that's going on on northbound 680. we told you that all of those lanes before 580 have been shut down. while caltrans is inspecting an overhead sign that was hit overnight by a dump truck. you can see things again, not moving 12mph as people start to approach it. this is near stoneridge drive. that on ramp is also closed with no estimated time of reopening. we are seeing a 36 minute delay. the backup is to sunol boulevard. here is a look from caltrans, updated at about 824. still going to be an issue as the morning commute really picks up here at 827 reggie aqui. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist lisa argen right after this. >> are you ready to make junk disappear? >> i am so looking forward to this. >> we make junk disappear. all you have to do is point. call one 800. >> got junk or visit one 800.
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got junk. >> com. we'll be there before you hang up the phone. >> lindsey stirling duality tour friday, september 6th toyota pavilion at concord. groundbreaking violinist, dance, artist. lindsey stirling with saint motel a captivating show not to be missed. on sale now lindsey stirling live part of the mancini's sleep world concert series. opening friday. stop dreaming >> experience the high tech magnificence of an all electric mercedes-benz suv. visit your mercedes-benz dealer for special offers on select ev models
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>> are you ready to make junk disappear? >> i am so looking forward to this. we make junk disappear. >> all you have to do is point. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800. >> got junk. >> com. we'll be there before you hang up the phone. >> good wednesday morning to yo. san jose hayward fairfield. already nearly 70 degrees. this fog burns back to the coast. so we've got a sunny and warm day on the way. once again above average. we're talking upper 90s inland, mid 70s san francisco reggie aqui. >> we'll have another abc7 news update in about a half hour. you can always find us on our us ons app and at app and at abc7 until then, the news continues with more. >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> lara: welcome back to gma, everybody.
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today we are with our friend former "baywatch" star nicole eggert. she is part of a new documentary that takes us behind the scenes and beyond the beach of the famous iconic show pop culture phenomenon. so nice to see you. >> thank you. it's so nice to be here. >> lara: so great to see you. we're very excited for this for us who watched the show. you know, it made us happy. it is iconic. it's part of our childhood, our teen years, or our adult years. [ laughter ] but more importantly, i know that you're in the midst of a battle against breast cancer. you've said that making this "after baywatch" was very cathartic for you. >> it was. in a lot of ways. i have a love/hate relationship with the show to begin with. to be at a place in my life where i have love and adoration for it, and be able to go back and do something that i'm really enjoying doing, kind of full circle. >> lara: take your mind off -- >> we started way before my diagnosis and before the
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pandemic. we've been doing it 4 1/2 years, i believe. yeah. so it's been a labor of love, no doubt. yeah, i didn't want to stop. i just wanted to keep living and keep doing anything you can to keep your mind off the thing. that and a 13-year-old. >> lara: that will do it. >> rebecca: you had your 13-year-old's support, your family's support, your cast mates through all of this. what was it like to have this throughout the documentary? >> i have a very small family. it's really only me and my two girls left. i can't go anywhere. so that was really one of the hardest conversations i had to have with them. to see their reaction and to -- for their attitudes to be the way they were. you're just gonna get through this. this is something we're doing. >> lara: your daughter shaving your head. >> gio: look at that. >> she's so brave.
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i look at her -- it keeps me going. they give me life because they're just so positive and they believe in me. that's the best feeling. >> gio: and that smile. that smile also keeps you going. i know that we all smile when we think of summer quinn, your character. it's been 30 years since you ended up on that beach. you were just 19 years old. >> i was. >> gio: do you have fun memories from that time? >> well, you know, first tried on the bathing suits and said, i really should have started working out. [ laughter ] that was the first. luckily i was only 19 so it wasn't too hard. then sort of they threw me in with a bunch of real life guards and we had to do a race. i thought, what have i got myself into? i am not qualified. it was a bit chaotic, to be honest. >> whit: let's talk about the docu series. this is a never before seen interview with one of your co-stars, pamela anderson. take a look. >> i don't think i have had a serious career but i have made it my own. i'm really proud of what i have
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been able to accomplish with being exactly who i want to be. i'm proud of everything i have done. almost. >> whit: you've been in touch with a lot of your co-stars, pamela anderson, carmen elect tra, the hoff. what was it like reaching out to them trying to convince them to be part of the project? how did they react? >> to be honest, lot of cast members were easier than others. loft people distanced themselves from the show. >> lara: why do you think? >> i think because the stigma. maybe they didn't evolve to grow, to love it. we did get ripped apart for awhile. it was baywatch bimbos, then baywatch babes, then finally baywatch icons. lot of people don't want to have anything to do with the industry at all. like david hasselhoff was the first call i made. i said if he's on board and is excited, then we'll do this. and he was. i think they trusted me.
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they knew i wanted to do something positive and creative. >> lara: yeah. you're one of their family members. they knew they were in good hands. you really got great access. people will see and learn things about what you went through and what the experience was like. very unfiltered. i think it's a must watch. have your children seen it? and what was it like to share even just talking about that part of your life with your little girls? >> you know, my oldest kind of grew up with it and was on set of baywatch hawaiian wedding and all of that. she kind of doesn't care. i'm just mom. my youngest gets excited about the shows and loves to watch. she watched a little bit of baywatch. again she's like, so -- are you done? [ laughter ] >> lara: they really do keep us grounded. >> gio: there's a lot of never
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before seen footage in this. is there something we're looking to surprise baywatch fans? >> i think the entire thing is. what we set out to do was do something different than you've seen before. i thought everybody had this auto pilot interview. read the same articles, same pictures. it was just another pretty face in a bathing suit. it gave everybody an opportunity to tell how the show affected their lives. and it's not an expose about drama and this or that that happened, but it's sort of like where their journey, where this journey took them. >> lara: no, super interesting. group of actors that everybody knows and we all know that red suit. [ laughter ] thinking about you, wishing you all the best. >> i appreciate it. >> lara: just so grateful that you came on to share this with us. >> thank you for having me. >> lara: an everybody, you'll want to see this "after baywatch" moment in the sun is streaming right now on hulu. coming up why so many kids are missing school, and the group that's trying to help them get to class.
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we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me?
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it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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>> announcer: live, sunday september 17th, that emmys. >> let's begin, shall we? >> emmys. live, september 15th on abc. >> rebecca: welcome back. this morning we are taking a closer look at school attendance and the epidemic of absenteeism. it is on the rise since the pandemic and it's putting millions of american children at risk of falling behind. in the four years since the pandemic closed schools, education has struggled to recover. today almost 15 million children across the u.s., from grades k-12 are chronically absent, defined as missing at least 10% of the school year, or about 18
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days. so why aren't kids showing up? >> it can be a serious as the loss of a caretaker, health care issues, tragedy, or something as simple as not having access to a uniform or school supplies that might lead to bullying or shame. >> rebecca: a middle school principal in las vegas during and after the pandemic. >> being a covid principal, attendance was the biggest impact. students just weren't physically being engaged any more in the educational process or attending. they just started slowly becoming disengaged in their school community. >> rebecca: as the superintendent of the district, dr. lori wrap has seen it first hand. >> our kids were finding themselves in situations where they weren't able to come to school, which might mean they didn't get a meal that day, which might mean they didn't get some emotional support from a teacher that day. >> rebecca: 30% of students in lewisville are economically
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disadvantaged. attendance rates here dropping from 97% to just 90% after the pandemic. the impact is great. >> you're not in school and you're not staying on track with reading and literacy and social skill development, it can impact your ability to ultimately graduate on time. >> absent. >> absent. >> rebecca: a new psa by the nonprofit community group communities in schools hoping to make a difference. >> jacob o, grade 12, absent. because housing was absent. >> rebecca: the group now serving 3,500 schools battles absent'ism through mentors who connect students and their families to local resources to help them stay in school. >> the school year starts, this is a call for new beginnings, renewed attention to our most vulnerable students who often go without support. that's the difference, we believe, between access and opportunity. >> i'm tremendously optimistic
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the human connection is the most important aspect to a child's development. >> education is one of the most important things that kids need in order to be successful and to set them up for future success. it's one of the most important issues you have to solve. >> rebecca: so, so important to solve this. and reasons that kids say they are missing school, they can vary. anything from mental health, lack of wi-fi for assignments, even staying home to help care for younger siblings. if you want to help and volunteer, you can do that and help end the problem of absenteeism by con tacking your local pta or ymca to mentor students. that would be a great thing to do. the organization has chapters across the country that can help connect you. so important. >> gio: so important. >> rebecca: let's go to ginger. >> ginger: thank you, rebecca. now to big news if you ever wanted to sail into your favorite disney movie. disney cruise lines is unveiling disney destiny, with crews to
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the bahamas. the ship's decor is inspired by disney heroes and villains. you can feast with the lion king, plus lots of fun places for the kids. black panther presides over the grand hall. the maiden voyage is in november of 2025. but you can book your trip starting this september 12th. let's get a check closer to home. >> gio: now that show that brings new meaning to it's complicated. "tell me lies" on hulu. first episodes of season 2 are part to drop. the stars are right here. >> whit: they were high fiving. let's go. >> gio: this is your first interview.
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>> yes. very exciting. >> gio: let's start this college romance right. you say, grace, that this is really a show, a cautionary tale about infatuation. what do you mean? >> yeah. i think it's totally a cautionary tale about how people can lose themselves in relationships at kind of any age, but specifically at this time. they're so young. i think they mistake a lot of newness and lust and desire for love. in this season you really see them kind of enable to break this cycle that they can escape even when they're not together. >> whit: this infatuation. >> yes. >> whit: we're going to look at it highlighted in a clip here, talk about it afterwards. >> all right. good to see you. >> lucy? i don't buy it. i know you've been thinking
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about me. >> it doesn't work anymore. >> whit: lot of mind games going on here. dark side of young love. jackson, what can we expect from season 2? >> well, it was kind of a love story last year. now it's kind of a war story. yeah. >> gio: that's a good way to put it. >> yeah. you know, and then it really goes into these other characters a lot more. more a true ensemble now so you get to see what everyone else is doing. >> gio: not a war story is this love story. you're together. you got together before the show even started. >> yes. >> gio: jackson, how did you even find out about the role? >> just through the normal process. took awhile to convince them i could do it. and then when we got it, it was really exciting. i found out a little bit later than you were signed on. it was great. we just celebrated. >> whit: did i read something
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about you being in the shower when the announcement came through? [ laughter ] it's morning television. >> i didn't knt we for 8 a.m. i was in the shower. i was in the shower. it was early. >> i barged in. i found out before him. barged in. you got it! >> she blasted in. you got it! >> and i slipped and that's how it went. >> whit: hopefully the real life romance is on healthier terms than what we see in the show, right? grace, from your perspective, what's it like working with jackson? >> it's great couples therapy. [ laughter ] it's a dream. best case scenario. especially because we have to be so terrible to each other on screen. so nice to have that comfort and safety and security when we have to do that. >> gio: this is a real family affair. jackson, your mom, katie segal,
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she plays your mom in this show. what was it like working with her? >> it was a blast. she's -- well, real relationship, real mom. >> kind of blurs. >> i don't know what's real, what's not. [ laughter ] it's cool. it's exciting. it was really fun. she's amazing. >> gio: let's make sure that doesn't turn into a war story. that's the cautionary tale you are talking about. >> exactly. >> gio: guys, thank you very much. great to have you. congratulations. >> thank you. >> gio: the first two episodes of theny season of "tell me lies" drop next wednesday september 4th on hulu. coming up here, how to use ai to help plan the perfect vacation. stick around. you're watching gma. there's lori b.
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>> lara: we are back with the final stretch of summer and there's still time to plan that last minute labor day get away or start planning a fall adventure, right?
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>> that's right. >> lara: why not? >> lara: lori is back with us. you have ways artificial intelligence can help our planning. >> families are so busy an love any assistance they can get. this segment is sponsored by meta. >> lara: so cool. >> it really is. if you have a question or need some how-to advice, you can just ask meta ai. it's advanced ai at your fingertips. >> lara: i need a whole lesson on that. we'll get to that. right now we want to take a look at three kinds. >> first is a trip to the beach. before you get a spot in the sand, you can ask meta ai what are clever ways to pack food for the beach. we've asked our meta ai. it will generate an answer for you. here we go.
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bento boxes for finger foods. that's one of the questions they give you. so you can take that advice. >> lara: okay. i like that. >> lara: what about foods that go into the bento box? >> you're heading to the beach so now you can ask, what are some fun beach themed snacks that work well in a bento box. look what it tells you. grapes, berries. we did strawberries. made them resemble beach balls. we made it real exciting and fun for a girls trip. >> lara: thank you, metaai. on to our family time. >> yes, that's right. great family activity is camping, so let's ask metaai, what are some fun arts and crafts to do with kids at a camp site. >> lara: this is so cute. >> i'm always the person putting up the tent. leaf pressing. just tells you, you can collect leaves and heavy objects to take home. we have the books. we have everything here. >> lara: you bring the books to
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press. >> exactly. or to read. >> lara: another fun activity. >> that's right. you can also ask for the instructions. let's do that. follow it up and say what kind of materials do i need for that? so it will tell you every single thing you need. >> lara: so good. >> you can just take that and apply it. really takes all of the guess work -- >> lara: it's giving you ideas that you might not otherwise have. >> exactly. >> lara: weekend get away for couples. >> i know, super fun. you want to pack smart. couples can keep it easy by sharing a suit case. >> lara: what? >> i know. >> lara: better be a big one. >> you're like, not a carry on. you want to keep your clothes looking fresh. that can be a challenge so we, of course, consulted meta ai, show me how to pack things so they don't wrinkle. here's your list of solutions. they tell you roll the clothes
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while they are still warm. >> lara: i did not know that. >> so i would roll my clothes but not when they're warm and they would end up wrinkled. now i know why. >> lara: okay. that's awesome. now let's focus on folding, please. >> you would ask, how do you fold a blazer to fit in a suit case? because it is a tricky item. there are some smart folds. this one is the bundle fold. you would just hold it, follow the instructions, fold it front side up, fold the sleeves to the body. fold in half and roll it up from the bottom. >> lara: i would never roll a blazer. meta ai has shown me the way. >> we can travel together. we're ready to enjoy a couples weekend. >> lara: this is so much fun. those travel suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg, right? >> that's right. not just travel. from building a new workout program to giving you ideas what to cook with ingredients you already have. which i love. even designing a tree house. meta ai gives you the ability to enhance capabilities online and
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in real life. >> lara: i love it. lots of really great ideas. thank you, lori. >> thank you. >> lara: we'll be right back on gma. >> ginger: travel smart is sponsored by meta ai. on instag,
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get special financing for 60 months on any purchase with your good credit, and get free shipping as soon as next day.
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wonderful coordinating producer, amanda mcmaster and her husband, mike have welcomed margaret grace to join their family. sister, emmy and brother jason. i love the donut. the little donut. congratulations. >> are you nervous about going back? >> no. it was in some sort of delusional state last year. we had. >> well, i don't miss frozen. the musical audiences and critics are melting for. this is your chance to embrace the magi, celebrate friendship, share the joy and let it go like never before. let it go. >> disney's frozen is now on stage at san jose center for the performing arts through september 1st. don't be left out in the cold. get tickets today at broadway san jose. dot com
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are closed. this is at stoneridge drive because a dump truck actually hit it's blocking the left lane at the mid span. you can see cars are bumper to bumper, then larkspur three vehicle crash there as well that i want to get to. multi-car crash southbound 101 before lucky drive things down to 22mph. whoa. good to weicker walk walker bike today. >> you can see how pretty it is out. and we're looking at another hot day today inland with upper 90s there 70s downtown. time now for live with kelly and mark. >> we see you again on the air >> we see you again on the air at 11 for midday deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. get ready, you'll be seeing double on live with kelly and mark. today, twin brothers jonathan and drew scott take the twin-tuition test. also, twin sisters nikki and brie garcia


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