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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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hack involving your personal information. >> from abc seven live breaking news. >> and that breaking news is this fire growing rapidly in sonoma county and it's already burned. one building. this is a time lapse view of the smoke that's coming from what cal fire calls the gulch fire. this is east of petaluma in lakeville, off old adobe road near tunzi lane. now, the fire started about a 4:45. it grew to ten acres within ten minutes. here is a screenshot of the smoke from just moments ago. firefighters are working both on the ground and in the air to contain the flames and protect any nearby buildings. we are keeping an eye on this and their progress and will keep you updated. for now though, we say good evening, i'm ama daetz and i'm stephanie sierra. >> we begin tonight with a group of san francisco neighbors trying to build a better bay area. girl, you want to get some out here? >> you. you okay? we couldn't let you listen to most of that. obviously. you know why? it's
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just one example of why people who live in this neighborhood are now suing san francisco. >> last year, abc seven news reporter louis pena broke the story of prostitution on capp street, which led to the city taking action, putting up barriers on that street. now, people living a block over on shotwell street say all the prostitution has migrated there and is here now with the latest details. >> louis. >> yes, this is almost exactly what residents on capp street were experiencing last year. and now, two blocks away, residents on shotwell say they're fed up and taking legal action against the city, claiming that after san francisco placed barriers on captured to stop prostitution, now illicit sex trade migrated to their block. residents on san francisco's shotwell street say they have reached a breaking point out of the mission. >> i mean, we have our kids coming over and, you know, friends and they have to see all this. it's embarrassing. i hope the city does something about it because i'm fed up.
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>> esperanza aparicio and her husband, reynaldo, are part of a group of san francisco residents who are pleading for the city to take action and stop the prostitution that takes over their streets at night. on wednesday, five residents announced they're suing the city. >> we had no other choice. >> these residents say they have tried everything. now, from going out as a group to protest the illicit sex trade happening outside their homes, to even confronting pimps and sex workers. >> i got my knife out and then one of them basically said, you know, i have a knife. and she threatened me. >> and those threats have led to attacks and we asked her to leave. >> right as she turned around and she sprayed me with mace and my eyes were all burnt. >> residents here say they noticed a clear shift about a year ago, when the city placed barriers on capp street to stop prostitution. there, they say it all moved to shotwell, and just closing one street is not a
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deliberate solution. since then, they have constantly documented the activity prostitutes beating up another prostitute. >> then we have i get up and i start looking through there and i'm there all night, watch watching. >> you can see this from your bed. yes. after residents announced legal action, the mayor's office responded, promising new barriers on shotwell street to prevent individuals from using their vehicles for prostitution. new public safety cameras and continued enforcement by sfpd. but residents here don't want the story to repeat itself and to push this issue to another street. >> i don't want others to suffer, and this is what the city would gladly do, is just push it one block to the other, the city said. >> sfpd has made 72 arrests in multiple enforcement operations in the last four months around shotwell street, but residents say pimps go back out again. residents are hoping legal action will lead to permanent solutions here. luz pena, abc seven news. okay, chris, thank
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you for that. >> the santa clara county coroner has identified one of the two people who died in monday's wrong-way crash on 85 as 47 year-old rebecca joanne olson of san jose. video shared with abc7 yesterday showed a toyota tacoma traveling in the wrong direction on 85 for several minutes before the woman and a teen in the tesla were hit and killed. the 14 year old boy's name has not been released. officials say the driver of the pickup truck was a 39 year old man who was hospitalized with major injuries. >> all lanes of northbound interstate 680, in pleasanton were shut down for hours this morning. a dump truck with its bed up flipped over an overhead sign just south of the interchange of 580. now, the crash was reported around 3:50 a.m. a crane was eventually called in to remove the sign for safety reasons. the chp says all lanes reopened just before 11 a.m. a three acre brush fire along the northbound lanes of highway 101 in san jose spread quickly this afternoon, but it
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was also put out quickly by san jose firefighters. still, the damage to two homes is severe. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has more on the damage left behind. >> on a warm afternoon in san jose, fire crews raced to put out a fast moving brush fire along the northbound lanes of highway 101 near the blossom hill road exit. neighbors along fontanel drive saw the dark smoke behind their homes, inching closer and closer to the community. >> i look out our fence to see this huge mass of fire and smoke just billowing out from beyond our iron fence, so we get out onto the street. we and then we look up and we're like, the entire street is on fire. >> when they got here, their house was already lost. >> it was a big fire. >> wooden fences and backyard sheds helped the fire jump from the brush behind the homes to the houses themselves. within minutes, a man who lives in this home told us that as soon field, his house was on fire. his back windows and sliding door exploded open. when barbecue
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propane tanks blew from the heat from the flames, neighbors heard the explosion all around. the fire went up in a popping. >> we heard the actual. there were three of them and all of them exploded roughly within the same four minutes. >> this caused the flames to make their way inside the home, as the family, with two children raced out safely. san jose fire battalion chief brad colucci says the fire burned dangerously close to several homes, but only two were burned. >> pretty significant damage to the primary home and then moderate to the other one. it's looking like they'll probably not be able to be occupied in the near future. >> he says both vegetation firefighters as well as structural crews were on scene. >> when you've got a fast moving vegetation fire that's being driven by the wind. you have homes on fire. we have multiple problems, you know that we need to solve all at once. and getting enough people here to kind of solve those, stop the advance of the fire so we don't have more homes. catch on fire. >> thankfully, no other homes were affected by the fire and there were no injuries to the
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residents nor firefighters as jfrd will work to find the origin as the cause remains under investigation in san jose. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> united airlines flight attendants nationwide have voted to authorize a strike. union leaders say 99.9% voted yes today. united flight attendants picketed at sfo and airports nationwide. they're demanding better pay, increased pay for time at work, including when they're not in the air, as well as schedule flexibility and more. >> it would be, at minimum, a 30 day period before we would be permitted to strike, united, obviously doesn't want that. flight attendants don't want to have to go on strike, but we will use whatever means are necessary up to and including a strike so that we can propel our negotiations forward. >> united airlines released a statement saying in part, quote, we continue to work toward an industry leading agreement for flight attendants, including negotiations. this week and every month through november, we remain eager to reach an
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agreement. >> california and the bay area got a lot of love at last week's democratic national convention, with vice president kamala harris clearly in the spotlight. and now some are wondering what's in the cards for governor gavin newsom. many believe he had his own aspirations to run for president. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live in the studio with a closer look. suzanne. so, stephanie, vice president kamala harris and california governor gavin newsom are two rising stars in the democratic party. >> some say the two are highly competitive. and with harris at the top of the democratic party's ticket for president, there are big questions about what happens next for newsom. we proudly cast our 482 votes for the next president, kamala harris. that was governor gavin newsom's big moment at the democratic national convention, delivering the state's delegates to vice president kamala harris. and with that, the oakland born berkeley raised former state attorney general moved forward.
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>> i accept your nomination to be president of the united states. >> many believe governor newsom had his own ambitions to run for president. he promoted himself as a champion of abortion right, running tv ads and putting up billboards. he traveled across the country and defended president biden. attorney joe cackette is a long time democratic party supporter. >> i've gone back maybe 30 years with democrats locally, nationally and otherwise. i go back 42 years with joe biden. gavin and i on the great wall in china, 20 years ago. >> cotchett says governor newsom wants to go far and that he's worked hard for democratic party leaders. of course, he has presidential ambitions. >> he's a born leader. he's tremendous. and yes, he did work very hard for joe biden and kamala harris. >> what happens next for newsom? >> every moment he's awake during the day, he will be working on that campaign. >> that's how important he knows it is to the entire country to
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stop trump from another four years. >> uc santa cruz professor of media studies nolan higdon says newsom and harris have always stood out in the democratic party. >> i think they're certainly two rising stars within the democratic party over the last decade. >> higdon says newsom played a big role in bolstering support in the golden state for president biden. higdon says harris has her own strong ties to california donors and the democratic party. what's in the cards for newsom as he navigates a new role behind harris? >> gavin is going to be done with his governorship here in the near future as well, probably looking for a federal position. and i can imagine working somewhere in kamala harris's cabinet would get him a great opportunity to put more on his resume, to make the justification for being a president in 2028. >> and professor higdon says governor newsom clearly has his sights set on the white house. even going back to the president, obama years. higdon says governor newsom was looking at potentially running in 2016, and higdon doubts that newsom will stop looking at which year
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could be his year to run. live in the studio suzanne vaughan, abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thank you. and today, the state legislature passed two reparations bills. the first would issue a formal apology to black californians. the other would require the california freedmen affairs agency to compensate families who have had their property taken from them in racially motivated applications of eminent domain. two other bills are also up for a vote. they revolve around creating a fund for reparations, policies that are approved by the legislature and governor, and creating a state agency to dispense those funds. watch the abc seven originals documentary california's case for reparations. it dives into the groundbreaking work of the reparations task force, examining bills that came out of it. it's now streaming on demand on the abc seven bay area app. and we just heard a bill is going to the governor. it will require public schools to come up with a plan to limit students cell phone use. the bill, called the phone free schools act, passed the state legislature this afternoon. several school districts are already experimenting with limits and
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bans on students cell phones during the school day. >> it raises an alarm because where there's one, there's likely more. >> a dangerous discovery in the east bay by contra costa county is taking no chances with these mosquitoes. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. we're starting to feel the cooling influences of the marine layer. i'll let you know when everyone will notice it. coming up on abc seven news at six. >> and the 40 niners kick off new season in less than two weeks. they are going to play at levi's stadium against the new york jets on monday night football, september 9th.
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we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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in contra costa county in two years. until now, the lone insect was found as inspectors were looking for mosquitoes carrying west nile virus. this new discovery is potentially much more dangerous, as abc seven news reporter anser hassan explains, county officials aren't taking any chances. >> inspectors from the contra costa mosquito and vector control district are testing standing water in areas in concord. they're looking for 8-80 aegypti mosquitoes, an invasive and potentially dangerous bug. >> you see a mosquito biting you and you swat it on your arm. this is not that mosquito. its common name is the yellow fever mosquito. so it's a really dangerous mosquito. and we found one. >> nola woods is with vector control. she says this is the mosquito found on tuesday. the yellow fever mosquito can carry dengue fever, chikungunya and the zika virus. the zika virus can cause birth defects. >> it raises an alarm because
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where there's one, there's likely more. >> so far, the district found only one mosquito, which suggests they're not here in high frequency. but two years ago, a large number of yellow fever mosquitoes were found in martinez, which since have been eradicated. one challenge is that this mosquito lays sticky eggs, which can easily attach to surfaces. >> that adds to the risk that they can be on something. maybe an imported plant or something like that, without you knowing it, and bring it to a new community and the water activates it and the water activates them. >> they're not native to the bay area, and first seen in southern california ten years ago. wood says these mosquitoes fly low and usually bite below the knee. their bite can cause flu like symptoms, headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue. doctor peter chin-hong is an infectious disease specialist at ucsf. he suggests if you get a bite and show symptoms, it's best to get medical attention. >> having a clinician examine you. do additional testing is important.
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>> the district will continue to spray and test, hoping to prevent these mosquitoes from establishing a presence in contra costa county. >> we will continue to look and continue to work to mitigate that issue because they are not mosquitoes you want in your community. >> in concord, anser hassan abc seven news. >> now to an update on the breaking news from the top of the hour. firefighters have stopped the spread of the gulch fire that was burning east of petaluma. take a look at a recent screenshot from a tower camera in the area. barely see any more smoke. about ten acres burned near lakeville in sonoma county by a fire that sparked just before 5 p.m. it is the time of year we always have to be on alert. >> absolutely. now we've had the heat this week. we certainly had it the last few days, and now we get a break in store. >> let's get to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel for what's coming. sandhya. >> yeah, what's coming is the continuation of the cooling. and steph, let me show you the highs for today. it got up to 100 in vacaville, 99 in fairfield, upper 90s, around places like livermore, concord 95, san jose 90 and 93, in santa rosa. as we
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look at a sunny san jose, you can say goodbye to the heat, at least for a few days. take a look at the temperature trend. i mean, they have dropped dramatically as our marine influence is starting to gain strength. 15 degrees cooler in san francisco, down 19 in santa rosa. 12 degrees cooler in oakland. san jose, 11 and five in concord. onshore breezes have picked up 21 miles an hour at sfo, and we're going to see even bigger changes with the expansion of the marine layer, along with even cooler weather. high pressure is going to start to take a back seat. this area of low pressure is going to work its way closer to the coast and then just park itself there. so over the next couple of days, we're going to notice a continuation of the cooling heading into the first part of the weekend. pretty interesting visible satellite picture. it almost looks like a hurricane here, but this is a coastal eddy, a circulation off our coast. we saw the southerly surge. this is a visible satellite picture and that's what brought about the cooling that has started around some
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parts of the bay area. as we look at live doppler seven, certainly have the gray skies near the coast. temperatures 60s coast side to the 90s inland at this hour, and it's a pretty socked in view from our golden gate bridge camera right now. tomorrow cooling trend continues. overnight fog and spotty drizzle. and for your holiday weekend, temperatures will be dropping near average. as you know, they've been above average for a few days. so tonight still warm. inland coast is seeing the low clouds and the fog expanding. heading into the bay. we're already seeing that at 11:00 tonight. and then as we head towards tomorrow morning, some drizzle showing up, beginning the day with the gray skies as we head into the afternoon. not quite as warm in our inland communities as it was today. your morning temperatures will be in the 50s and 60s. watch out for some wet spots on the roadways because of the mist and drizzle. certainly will be foggy around the coast and bay, and even parts of the valleys tomorrow afternoon. breezy coast side, mid 60s there all the way to the low to mid 90s inland where the sun will be shining.
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that cooling trend takes us right on through the next several days. your holiday weekend will start out with temperatures dropping off all the way to the mid 80s. on september first, as we start off a new month and then the second part of your holiday weekend, warm it up a little bit closer to average tuesday and wednesday. that heat just spikes. i mean, we're going to be back into the upper 90s to low 100. stephanie. okay, thank, sandhya. >> now to data on the dark web. from breaches to hacks to leaks, billions have had their information exposed. so what should you do when you find out your personal data has been compromised? reporter rob hayes, from our sister station in los angeles, has some expert advice. >> there are data breaches and then there's last week's national public data breach. >> over 3 billion records were leaked. >> angela broussard hosts a podcast called the real credit queen. for the past 36 years, she's been working with people hit by identity theft, something
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she says is best prevented than repaired. >> it is very intrusive. it doesn't feel good, and it's not easy to fix. >> now, billions of personal records are out there, including social security numbers, and countless people are getting notifications in the mail that their credit data or other bits of information are in the wrong hands. >> with all these other breaches we've had, just about all of our social security numbers are already out there and floating around on the dark web. >> and while that's bad, doctor clifford neuman of usc's center for computer security says there are steps to take to make sure you don't get burned by data thieves. the first step is to be wary of emails you get warning of data breaches. don't go clicking on the links in the notice itself, because sometimes criminals themselves will spam you with fake notices trying to get you to click on the link, you click on the link. >> you think, okay, i better log into this site, figure out what's going on, try to fix
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things, and by logging into that site, you're actually giving the criminals the information that they're trying to get. >> and one of the best steps experts suggest freeze your credit at all. the credit reporting agencies equifax, experian, transunion and the lesser known innovis, and it won't cost you a dime. >> it cuts off the thieves at the knees because as soon as they go to try to use your credit, they're going to come up with a blank screen. >> there is a downside to freezing your credit, though. if you're looking to buy a house or car or anything that requires a new loan, you're going to have to jump through an extra step. >> when you want to apply for credit, you need to go and unfreeze it before you do that application, but that's probably one of the more effective things that you can do. >> some of the credit reporting agencies offer what is called a credit lock. that is essentially the same as a credit freeze, but it will cost you some money. federal law says credit freezes have to be free in the newsroom. rob hayes, abc seven news. next
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up, next, another home insurance hurdle. >> policies aren't getting dropped, but they a
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a losing day for wall street. investors were closely watching technology stocks and several dropped. here's how the indices fared. the dow lost 159 points.
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the nasdaq went down almost 200, more than a percent of its valu. the s&p dropped 34 points. nvidia stock dropped 2% today, and more than 6% after hours, despite a quarterly earnings report that beat expectations. the santa clara based company says revenue more than doubled from last year to $30 billion. it's wall street's second most valuable company after apple. nvidia semiconductors are used for artificial intelligence applications, and demand is soaring. >> california's department of insurance has approved allstate's request for the largest rate increase in the state of any major insurer in the past three years. that's according to the chronicle. allstate's homeowner's insurance premiums will go up by an average of 34% for more than 350,000 customers. policyholders will see the increase on their bill at their first renewal date following november 7th. the insurer cited higher repair costs, frequent severe weather events and legal system abuse for that increase.
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>> coming up, we take a deep dive as part of our work to build a better bay area in a city known for ai. how did the arts and artists survive? >> san francisco was one of the absolute creative hubs in the world. >> tonight, a history lesson helps paint a picture of san
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month.
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plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! they say the hardest part of getting something done let's go! hustle! is getting started. well, we did that 30 years ago, when california first took on the tobacco industry. this is not just about access. it's about the message it sends... now smoking is down 60 percent. lung cancer 42 percent. a couple of our cities have already ended tobacco sales. a california without big tobacco isn't just possible, it's already happening.
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as closed as you can see from bart's tweet, there's no service right now between north berkeley and macarthur stations. the downtown berkeley station is closed because of a major medical emergency. we are working to find out what happened. we will let you know when we get some more information. >> san francisco has long been known as an arts destination. a thriving arts scene will help build a better bay area, but in recent years, the city has been losing out to places like los angeles. >> there are a number of factors involved in that decline, including, of course, the high cost of living here. >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here. with more on the struggle to keep our vibrant art community alive. >> yeah, i just cannot wrap my
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head around the fact that los angeles is now the new york of the west. oh, wow. anyway, los angeles is bigger. sure, it's cheaper to live, and for both artists and gallery owners, it just makes sense. but here's what san francisco has to offer now. higher rents. a city still struggling with street problems and a different kind of investor willing to get on a plane to buy art in new york and los angeles. >> what you're seeing here is stuff i have packed for a solo show i have, or rebecca hossack gallery in london. >> renell del rosario is one of the bay area's up and coming artists who's gaining prominence on an international level, and right now you're stepping into my studio in vallejo, california. del rosario is a ceramics artist who would much rather live in close proximity to other artists in san francisco
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miles from san francisco, is not what you might call a vibrant art hub, but it's where he can afford to live. >> of course, i would love to live closer to everything you know. it would put me closer to my friends. it put me closer to all the things that are happening from the openings, the closings. >> san francisco was one of the absolute creative hubs in the world. >> it was the place to be and be seen where artists were inspired by other great names. neighborhoods claim to be the art center of san francisco. people bought and sold art, but rent prices forced many artists like dewey crumpler to move to oakland and berkeley in the late 70s and early 80s. at the turn of this century, era wiped out much of the affordable housing for artists. today, there are only a few designated live work residential buildings
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for artists in san francisco, two in the mission district and the goodman two arts complex in potrero hill, where recently 258 artists applied for a single unit. that's real. >> you cannot be a working artist in san francisco and not have rent control. >> noel simmons is a dancer who has struggled to stay in the city. what would you tell your younger self? >> uh- don't drop out of colleg. that's what i would tell my younger self. >> the san francisco art community also says many in tech have little desire for the arts, or to be collectors. >> that sensitivity was not cultivated in them, so they don't have the same burning desire to move art into the world with the same passion that they do. uh- robotics and ai instruments. >> so that has reduced the demand within the local
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community for the san francisco art market. and as part of the reason why it's shrunk. >> karen jenkins johnson has been an art gallery owner for 30 years. she says the slowdown began in 2000 and has never really regained steam in the art world. los angeles has replaced san francisco as the new york of the west. let's not fool one another. these images that we still see today also play a role in driving potential collectors away, and though the local government awards grants to artists, part of that money comes from the hotel tax. that amount fluctuates every year depending on the number of tourists. do you feel that people are not coming to san francisco the way they did? >> of course they're not. they're not coming when they know if you drive down a certain street, it literally doesn't smell very good. they'd rather go down to la. >> yeah, but la has problems too. >> la has problems too. la has a
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lot of problems. i guess it's bigger. san francisco is smaller, but we were known for our quaintness, being able to walk. >> but there are still some supporters willing to put up the money to save the galleries, like the minnesota street project, which offers affordable spaces without it, some smaller galleries would have had to close the fine arts museums received a donation of $1 million to buy 42 works of art from local artists, therefore supporting not only the artist but the galleries that sold them. >> the museums have to be the anchors that started having good exhibitions and then, while they're coming to see those shows, they come to the galleries. >> still, san francisco continues to lose artists and galleries. del rosario has been given a residency at the american museum of ceramic arts in southern california. >> it's a year long residency that gives me housing for a
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year, a stipend every month, unlimited materials from their clay manufacturer down there. and so it's an opportunity i can't really refuse. >> yet another local artist saying goodbye for now to san francisco. >> we can't proceed like this indefinitely. and no city is worth living in, particularly for me. if it doesn't have a creative force inside of it >> every single person i interviewed said two things. first, san francisco needs to solve its homeless and drug issues. then number two, san francisco needs a massive public relations and marketing campaign around the world to say, we're good. we've cleaned our act. come to san francisco. now we know that art attracts people. and let's not forget the art community plays a major role in
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this city's economic engine. now we know that our transformed city's a great example is balboa. balboa bilbao in spain. you know, they built the guggenheim there, and suddenly you had restaurants, hotels, businesses, people coming. and it's a transformed. yes. and here we have three museums. beautiful. yeah. more than. >> but you can't blame them for taking an opportunity elsewhere. >> absolutely. i would too. >> and to your point, we don't have the demand that we once did. yes. correct. >> we hope he comes back. >> we certainly do. thank you. liane. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a day of both celebration and education for something that's happening for the first time in we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis,
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because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer,
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of name and gender marker change. >> many called it a powerful moment for trans visibility. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes was at the ceremony with a stroke of the pen. >> many joyful people in this santa clara county courtroom are now able to fully claim their identities, not just among their communities, but in the eyes of the law. >> wow. that's official.
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>> john lee calls it a major step in their journey, and one that can be extremely meaningful to so many in the lgbtq plus community. >> something as simple as getting pulled over, like you could be driving your own vehicle and then be assumed to steal your own vehicle because you might look more masculine and it says that you're a female and it's like even though you and your community know who you are, people who are just interacting with you don't know. so it's like even just on a day to day basis, it helps so much. >> santa clara county and a host of community groups have helped people like john lee work through the process of changing their name and gender marker. judge jessica delgado, with the santa clara county superior court, helped put together this first ever ceremony in celebration. >> i actually had this idea from our celebration at national adoption day. >> the idea behind the ceremony was for both celebration and education. we wanted to have our participants who have gone through the process and have certified decrees from the court, be able to come and get a ceremonial certificate from a judicial officer.
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>> but we also wanted to give the opportunity for members of the community who wanted to get more information about both filing a petition for name and or gender marker change, but also what to do after you get the decree on hand for the ceremony. >> was shekinah, an actress and activist who wrote a poem for the event. shekinah reflected on the process of her name and gender marker change years ago, and how much more complicated it was at the time. >> what i think is so great to see is a county and a courthouse coming together to celebrate this community, rather than demonize this community. >> the hope now is that this first ever ceremony sets an example. >> i really hope that more courthouses around the country take notice and step up to support their trans citizens by celebrating their name and gender marker change in the south bay. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> abc seven will have live coverage of the oakland pride parade. that's on sunday, september 8th. watch it wherever you stream abc seven news. >> now to the race for the white
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house. democratic nominees kamala harris and tim walz kicked off their two day campaign blitz across the key battleground state of georgia. >> people tell me, look, i'm really not that into politics. my response to that is too bad. politics is into you. >> harrison walz are taking a bus tour through several southern counties in the crucial swing state, which president biden narrowly won back in 2020. republican presidential nominee donald trump hit several must win states this week, including wisconsin and pennsylvania. today, his running mate, jd vance, was in pennsylvania hitting harris on the economy under kamala harris's policies. >> in pennsylvania, the average worker's wages have gone down by 6%. >> harris is set to give her first national interview as a presidential candidate this week. it's scheduled to be a joint appearance with walls. and a reminder the presidential debate is scheduled for tuesday, september 10th, right here on abc seven. our coverage begins at 5:00.
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>> we have new information now on that emergency impacting bart service. there are major delays on the red line. the richmond line, because someone died at the downtown berkeley station. bart tells us there was a collision between a person and a train around 530 this evening. as you can see in bart's tweet, there are major delays on all directions of the richmond line. there is limited service between north berkeley and macarthur stations. passengers can use the orange line. the downtown berkeley station is pete g. writes, "my tween wants a new phone. how do i not break the bank?" we gotcha, pete. xfinity mobile was designed to save you money and gives you access to wifi speeds up to a gig. so you get high speeds for low prices. better than getting low speeds for high prices. right, bruce? -jealous?
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is a huge announcement from us here at abc seven news, and we had some special guests, as you see, lion dancers stop by the station to celebrate the new home of the san francisco chinese new year parade, the nation's oldest, largest lunar new year celebration will be broadcast live right here on abc seven. >> in february. >> parade organizer tony lao and the president of the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce, donald liu, talked about the exciting news on abc seven mornings. >> we are excited to partner with abc seven to celebrate one of the largest, one of the largest chinese new year celebration ever in the united states.
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>> this parade started during the gold rush, this started in 1860. at the time when, chinese american was you know, still facing a lot of prejudice. chinese american at that point. think about, you know, how to how to bridge the gap between the two cultures. and they thought of the idea of putting to putting together the parade. the parade is actually an american, concept, but they combine combine that with many of the chinese new year festivals elements to bring it, to make it a festival that we, we've been witnessing. >> we're excited to look forward for the year of the snake next year, we're going to have the same and better, a lot of flow, parade route and event to celebrate this chinese new year, joining forces in the community. >> abc seven will be taking this parade national bringing it to its largest audience to date. we'll be sharing it with our other own stations across the country, plus streaming it on hulu and abc news live.
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>> we want everyone to see it. watch the 2025 san francisco chinese new year parade right here on abc seven and everywhere you stream on february 15th. a huge event for a lot of families. so we're proud to bring it to you. although we're nowhere near february weather. >> that's right. and, you know, we're all celebrating in style with all our red going on. yes yes, yes. >> let's get to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya. >> yeah, we're in the spirit, that's for sure. and that is exciting times. stefan, let's take a look at a live picture right now from our sutro tower camera. you can see the fog rolling in over san francisco has certainly brought about some cooling. and that continues as we look at the holiday weekend for saturday and sunday. it will be a little breezy as well, but by monday, labor day, temperatures coming up into the mid 60s to upper 80s and wait until you see the accuweather seven day forecast. fog is there on live doppler seven near the coast and by tomorrow afternoon it's even cooler than where we were today. low to mid 90s inland 60s coast side and breezy. here's a look at the
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accuweather seven day forecast. temperatures continue to drop a couple of degrees, especially inland. the next few days. and then you will notice that we're closer to average saturday. by sunday we bottom out. even a below average in a few spots. but the heat is going to spike. we're going to bring in upper 90s to triple digits again. for those of you who like the hot weather tuesday and wednesday 60s 70s right around the beaches and steph. >> all right. good for a beach day. yeah. >> thanks, andrea. >> all right. larry. we're all red here. >> yeah, i feel like i didn't get a memo or something. or actually, i just offer some contrast for those that want to set the color on their tvs. you know, that's so. so we got a little, you know, dark blue. neon blue. anyway uh, with every passing day, it feels like the 40 niners are getting closer and closer to opening the season without two of their stars. we thought we thought brandon aiyuk might actually practice today, but number 11 was not out there. deebo was out there and you can hear
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we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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williams contract stalemates. there were rumors we might actually see you practicing for the first time. he was not out there. so what we did see was increasing frustration from forty-niners management. aiyuk has been holding in, so he's been showing up to the facility
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but not practicing. and now the 40 niners. they're starting to get serious about installing their game plan for the season opener with the jets monday night, september 9th at levi's stadium. you can watch it here on abc7. but now we're 12 days left before kickoff, and it's clear that john lynch and kyle shanahan are getting more and more frustrated by the day. >> when you've got some of your better players, two of them in particular that aren't out there, you're, you know, and, you know, that's your job. yeah. you take a lot of lot of pride in that. and you know, i think, you know, one thing, we got a lot of really good players and we've rewarded a lot of good players, just like i think i've said from the beginning, it's reached a point where all options could happen and nothing has changed on that. i don't know that i saw the standoff with brandon. i saw a situation that we were going to have to deal with and man, we've been trying for a long time. we don't get paid to try. we get get paid to do. >> i've been working on the 53. the practice squad. i haven't talked to him. i know he's been cleared by our doctors. >> we got a lot of love for the
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two guys that aren't, and we'll continue to work on that to try to bring that to a resolution. you know, at some point you got to play. >> yeah you do. meanwhile, trent williams hasn't even reported to the facility. he's got three years left on his contract, but there's no guaranteed money in the deal. and that's the key that has to be resolved. williams also reportedly wants to get paid at the top of the market, which he certainly deserves. but as the process has dragged on, it sounds like the niners are not counting on williams or aiyuk for the season opener. >> i mean, there's good communication. we're constantly working, throwing out ideas to try to have a breakthrough, and it just hasn't happened yet. trent's a fantastic player. he's a tremendous leader on this team. i will never fall short on my praise of trent and what he's meant to this place. >> i'm optimistic that things will work out with trent. i'm not sitting here knowing what day it'll be. i mean, we're getting close to playing a game, so, like, my mind is completely on preparing for a game without those guys, but yeah, i feel when two sides want to get a deal done, and usually it happens. we value trent, we love trent. >> we want trent here. and i'm
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hopeful that can happen soon. >> some nba news. the warriors making it official today. not only will they open training camp in hawaii, they will play one preseason game that will be against the la clippers saturday, october 5th at the university of hawaii. the dubs used to hold training camp on oahu fairly regularly, but this will be their first training camp in the islands since 2007. well, baseball giants brew crew in milwaukee kyle harrison last pitched nine days ago and he was doing just fine until two outs in the fifth. first an rbi double and then william contreras launches a bomb to left. so harrison ends up allowing five runs on just four pitches in that inning. and the giants are trailing five. nothing in the sixth. and in case you had any doubts about the popularity of dodgers star shohei ohtani, look at this line. okay? it just goes and goes and goes and what are they all waiting for? the dodgers are giving away ohtani bobbleheads tonight. this line started
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forming seven hours before the game. it seemingly goes forever. wow. sports on abc seven. sponsored by smart and final. that is usually the line to exit dodger stadium when people want to leave early. anyway, back to uh. clearly it looks like from the sound today, the 40 niners are prioritizing trent williams over brandon aiyuk. they feel like that's closer to getting done. but at this point, you know, trent doesn't have any guaranteed money left on the deal. they got to get guaranteed money in the deal. otherwise you suffer. a catastrophic injury could be done. so. we'll see. i'm sure we'll have another update tomorrow. >> at some point, they got to play at some point, somebody has to play. >> yes. >> yeah. thank you. larry. tonight on abc seven at eight. who wants to be a millionaire? followed at nine by claim to fame. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm stephanie sierra for sandyha patel, larry beil and the entire team here at abc seven news.
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good night
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ introducing today's contestants-- a business control specialist
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originally from florence, south carolina... a grad student from cambridge, massachusetts... and a writer and television personality from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you so much, johnny. welcome to "jeopardy!" yesterday we had our second straight come-from-behind win, as sam kavanaugh made a savvy wager in final to secure his spot in the semis with a $1 margin of victory. next up on our jit list, we're welcoming back victoria, dhruv, and ben. nice to see you three. good luck. let's get into the game. here are your categories in the first round of play. first up... then we have... followed by... and finally, some long ones...


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