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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  August 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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i've. >> now a five heartfelt message. the father of the teenage boy killed in a wrong-way crash in san jose, writing an emotional post about his son touting new technology. >> san francisco police are praising the use of drones to help catch thieves caught in the act. plus welcome to the show >> we're back with a bang and we're ready to go. >> return of the ringling brothers circus is back in the bay area for the first time in eight years. we're live at the oakland arena with the details
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of this reimagined show. good morning. it's friday, august 30th. >> yes. you're starting with a check of our forecast with lisa. >> all right. we are just in the final days of august, and as we get into september, it looks like the weather is going to be pretty quiet. we've already experienced a pretty good cooldown. there's a look at live doppler seven, where we have the marine layer up to about 2000ft. it is 64. in hayward right now, and san jose with upper 50s sfo, and temperatures are on the cooler side with fog all throughout the bay. here 57 in sonoma, not quite out towards concord livermore. it could reach further into the east bay throughout the morning hours and temperatures a lot like yesterday. very little change out there, but we are looking at the sunshine to be on the way throughout the mid morning hours. so 8:00 we've got low clouds and fog from san ramon to perhaps livermore, and by around 10:00 it's sunny with low to mid 60s in the san ramon valley and about 70 out towards antioch.
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and then by the later morning hours we reveal full sunshine, except right here at the coast and temperatures climbing through the mid and upper 80s today. so near average pretty pleasant out there. we'll look for some subtle changes for the holiday weekend. i'll have that forecast and a look at a big heat up as we get into next week. amanda. >> all right. thanks, lisa. and taking a look at our overall map. all green and green means go. go and get your labor day weekend commute started because there is nothing in your way here at 501. not even that typical slowdown along the altamont pass, which is the good news there. and then here a look at our from our emeryville camera. looking at the eastshore freeway, you can see the headlights headed westbound highway four to san francisco. nothing in your way there. 27 minutes is what it will take. same deal for san. san mateo bridge. you're not seeing very many cars on the roads right now. 11 minutes from the toll plaza into foster city. all green. when it comes to drive times as well. tracy, dublin 24 minutes dublin to mission boulevard south, 15 minutes 101
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to cupertino, 16 minutes. >> new information now on the deadly wrong-way crash in san jose that we've been following all week. the san jose father, who lost his son and his son's mother, is sharing a heartfelt message. on monday, 14 year old charlie olson and his mother, rebecca, died when a wrong-way driver hit their vehicle head on. his father, cameron olson, identified them in a reddit post and also shared how much he cared for his young son. olson also spoke kindly of charlie's mother. the two had been co-parenting the family moved from the uk to san jose 12 years ago. olson says the community always welcomed them. >> i'm inspired by his reflection and i know he's got some really tough days ahead, but that represents the best of san jose. somebody who's trying to, even in the moment of his greatest tragedy, trying to find the good. >> olson ends his post with quote, if you're a parent, give your kids that extra hug today
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for me, and please be safe. slow down on the roads and focus on what you're doing. >> the north bay community is mourning a longtime teacher and coach at a local high school. he was the one killed in a deadly pileup on highway 12 in santa rosa. that crash involved 11 vehicles. it shut down westbound lanes by fulton road for about four hours yesterday. the man killed 78 year old pat lafortun, was a former track coach and history teacher at cardinal newman high school, according to an alumni facebook page. several other people had to be taken to the hospital. chp says a big rig dump truck didn't stop in traffic in time and caused a chain reaction pileup. >> pretty bad collision. we just remind everyone to slow down and be aware of your surroundings, and always pay attention to the roadway. >> we're told the big rig driver is cooperating with the investigation. >> today, vice president kamala harris and minnesota governor
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tim walz will announce the launch of the fighting for reproductive freedom bus tour. the bus will stop in at least 50 states offering reproductive resources justice. while there are only 50 states. so just yesterday, vp harris held her first extensive interview since becoming the democratic nominee. her running mate was by her side here in the bay area, people gathered at manny's cafe in the mission district to watch the key moment. amanda at the live desk with the takeaways. >> yeah, reggie, the cnn interview with vice president kamala harris is significant. she's been criticized for not speaking without a teleprompter since becoming the democratic candidate. vp harris was asked about her stance on key issues like immigration, and she said she recognizes the problem at the southern border and believes there should be consequences for people who cross illegally. she also pointed to her experience as the california attorney general. >> i spent two terms as the attorney general of california, prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of american laws regarding the passage, illegal
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passage of guns, drugs, and human beings across our border. >> and when it comes to the economy, she said, her priority is to strengthen the middle class. she wants to expand affordable housing and extend the child tax credit. she was also asked about her policy shifts over the years, and harris said her policies may have changed, but her values have not. former president donald trump spoke about key issues on the campaign trail yesterday as well. he told reporters a six week abortion ban in florida is too short. trump also said he would implement a policy that would pay for in vitro fertilization treatments. back to you. kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. former president trump made two campaign stops in the midwest first michigan, then wisconsin during his second stop, he said he wants to make ivf treatment free. >> what we're going to do is for people that are using ivf, which is fertilization. we are the government is going to pay for
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it, or we're going to get or mandate your insurance company to pay for it, which is going to be great. >> trump also said he would allow new parents to deduct major expenses for newborn children, but provided few details. he criticized vice president kamala harris and the biden administration on several issues, including the economy and immigration. vp harris and donald trump will be facing off for the first time on the debate stage. that's set for tuesday, september 10th, right here on abc seven. our coverage starts at 5:00. >> san francisco police say car break-ins are down 57% this year. they're crediting the deployment of new drones and automated license plate readers. they say this tech is helping to catch organized theft rings. the sfpd drone video from last week is one example they gave from a car break-in along the embarcadero. the drone followed the suspects through the city. officers disabled the vehicle and say they arrested three armed suspects. the stolen luggage, by the way, was
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returned. >> state food and agriculture officials say they are investigating possible avian flu infections in three central valley dairy herds. officials say they're testing to confirm the presence of the h5n1 virus and according to the chronicle, these would be the first cases in california dairy cows. but health officials say there's no safety concern for consumers because pasteurization is fully effective at inactivating the virus in milk and dairy products. the avian flu virus has been detected in cattle in 13 states. >> a scientific breakthrough discovered right here could help build a better bay area and change how we recycle. researchers at uc berkeley discovered a chemical process that breaks down plastics like water bottles and milk jugs. chemists combine the plastics with two catalysts sodium and tungsten. they seal it inside a high pressure reactor. they add ethylene, heat it and stir. a researcher who discovered the process says it creates raw materials that can be recycled easier than traditional plastic.
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>> we hope that this method can kind of provide a better alternative to traditional mechanical recycling, where instead of a lower value product out of the recycling process, you can get the exact same plastic by just recreating it from scratch. >> cal students research for several years to come up with this breakthrough. it was published yesterday in the journal science. >> all right. good morning everybody. starting out with low clouds, fog, the typical morning pattern. and then we'll get into that seasonal afternoon regime with the sea breeze. it's 59 in concord where right now it is clear elsewhere. we do have the clouds from sonoma, 5763, in oakland and 59 in fremont. so as we take a look outside, our forecast highlights the morning gray afternoon sun and we'll get breezy in those certain relegated spots where the air is funneled through the gaps and passes. then for labor day weekend, looking at the cooling trend to continue into sunday. and then we get a little bit of a bump up on labor day and it
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will really heat up by tuesday. and wednesday should be our hottest days of next week with some triple digit heat. so look at the holiday weekend in particular saturday morning clouds, afternoon sun, 70s around the bay, about 90 inland, partial sun at the coast 60s and then partly cloudy on sunday. breezy that's our coolest day with mid 80s in our inland valleys. mid 70s bayside and then for the holiday looks pretty nice. little milder upper 80s mid 70s coming up maybe 2 to 3 degrees if you're headed to the sierra nevada, temperatures here will be in the lower 80s saturday. nice and bright and mild. and then little change, maybe dropping off a few degrees on monday, and then that cooler weather arrives for tuesday with those mid 70s for your friday here in the bay area, 75 in oakland, look for 83 in napa, 84 for you in san jose. and that accuweather seven day forecast. a quick look shows the cooling trend then heating up big time. reggie aqui kumasi. >> the future of ai. the bill to
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regulate california companies that are developing the technology, bringing the fun to downtown san francisco. >> the theme for the state's first ever entertainment zone. and when it's happening. >> but first is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers.
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ripped apart in the search for a missing california couple who live in a nudist community. officers in san bernardino county are investigating this as a criminal case. daniel and stephanie menor, both in their 70s, were reported missing sunday. investigators say they got tips of a dispute with a neighbor yesterday. officers raided the house next door and an armored vehicle tore down part of it. no one was inside. neighbors say they fear the worst. >> it's very concerning because this is just not normal for them at all, that they're going to come back. >> my gut feeling is that they're not. >> officers did not explain why
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they used these armored vehicles on the neighbor's home. they only said they're not sure if the man they were looking for was inside. >> the future of ai in california is now in the hands of governor newsom. a bill made it out of the legislature that would set up a lot of regulations for companies that spend more than $100 million to develop ai. state senator scott wiener of san francisco authored the bill. one of the requirements is that companies would have to do a safety evaluation for catastrophic risk to determine if the model creates a risk of catastrophic harm, like shutting down the electric grid or melting down the banking system or making it much easier to create a chemica, biological or nuclear weapon. governor newsom has said that he wants california to remain at the forefront of developing ai, but he has not indicated if he's going to sign the bill. and coming up in two weeks, oprah
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winfrey will be hosting an eye opening abc special on the impact of ai on people's lives. make sure to watch. ai and the future of us. that's thursday, september 12th right here on abc seven. >> a first for california. happening next month in san francisco. in an announcement yesterday, mayor london breed office gave more details for the state's first ever entertainment zone event. oktoberfest on front will be held on front street between california and sacramento on friday, september 20th. the entertainment zone program allows outdoor drinking and is intended to help revitalize downtown. >> the circus is making a comeback to the bay area tonight. we haven't seen it in seven years or so. the greatest show on earth is back! the ringling brothers circus is bringing all kinds of performances with this reimagined performance show. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is live at the oakland arena with a preview of the performances. hi, gloria. >> good morning. reggie. yeah, as you mentioned, they haven't
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been here in oakland for seven years, so this is a pretty big deal. and you can see i'm wearing this very nice jacket here. that's because we're going to be talking about some of the costumes in just a little bit. but right now i want to tell you a little bit more about today's show. it starts today here in oakland. we're joined live with brandon glass. good morning brandon. thanks so much for joining us this early in the morning. >> absolutely. good morning. thanks for having me. yeah. >> so, you know, we were talking about how you no longer have animals. i know there was some public outcry, some allegations of animal abuse. now the show is going to be totally reimagined. tell us about the new show. >> absolutely. we have a completely revamped show, the greatest show on earth. and yes, there are no more animals, but that just made room for us to add so much more superhuman capabilities. so we're going to see people flying through the air. we have people on high wires, we have bmx bikes. there is so much going on, moving at the pace of tiktok speed that it's going to be so captivating, so inviting for everyone to see and behind us. >> tell us what that is. >> this is our ringling rocket
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that we have an actual human fly out of this rocket at 65mph across the stage. >> wow, that is pretty cool. and i know somebody's going to be talking to us later this morning. that's actually going to be doing that. >> yes, we will have our ringling rocket out to talk to you guys today. yeah. >> and today guys, hopefully you can tune in all morning long because we have a lot of people from the show that are going to be joining us. tell us about some of the preview of what we can hear today. >> yeah. so like i said, we're going to have skylar miser coming out soon to talk about being the human rocket for the ringling rocket. we have our lopez family coming in to talk about their act, the triangular high wire, which is different from your traditional high wire, which just goes one direction. we actually have a triangular high wire, so we have three, four actually high wire artists that are up there doing leap frogs, doing human stacking, riding a unicycle on the high wire. it's amazing. >> wow. so ringling brothers and barnum and bailey new show, the greatest show on earth, and i'm wearing this jacket. where can we see this jacket in the show? >> so this is actually a custom made jacket just for you today. but we do have some other
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costume pieces that we're going to talk about that just cover the variety of acts and countries and cultures that we have in the show. >> so let's see some of them. you've got a whole rack of stuff right here. what are we looking at? absolutely. >> so we're seeing some of our costumes used in the show. one of the things i want to point out first is just the bright popping colors of them. when you look around the stage, you'll see that this is kind of like the world's biggest playground. we want to have it bright, fun, inviting, and it only makes sense to have the costumes be the same way. so some of the costumes that we have, this is from our troupe brothers. they're a troupe from mongolia. and one of the coolest things that you'll see with our costumes is that we have 75 performers from 18 different countries. it's only right that we include some of those countries and cultures in the costume. so you get a piece of their culture in every act that you see, which i think is actually fascinating. we have another piece right here from our korean games, the yard brothers. and what they do is kind of human juggling, where we'll have one laid back on a chair and the other on his feet, just doing all types of flips, landing feet to feet, being
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caught on his stomach on his back. it's incredible what we have here. >> wow. very cool, beautiful costumes. and so again, the show starts tonight right here in oakland. you're going to be in san jose next weekend. >> yes, we're going to be up here in the bay area for about three weeks. so starting here in oakland, san jose and then sacramento. >> all right. wonderful. so you can go to their website for more information. stay tuned throughout the morning because we have so much planned for you this morning. i cannot wait to see some of the live demos as well. that's going to be a lot of fun. >> it's going to be a blast. >> all right guys. so yeah, definitely tune in this morning. >> fun. okay i can't wait to see it. did he say like a triple? what did you say? a triple. high wire. >> a human juggling. >> a human juggling games. >> yeah. i'm here for the jacket. >> cool. >> she got that nice jacket. >> i'm excited to see that. yeah. yeah. >> all right, well, that'll be fun. and we also are looking at a pretty quiet forecast throughout the holiday weekend, but we are hopefully going to get some sun in your neighborhood, although we're not talking about any excessive heat. in fact, we're talking about temperatures near average for the next several days. low clouds and fog, not only at the coast. they are across the bay.
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it is 55. in santa rosa, 63 in oakland, with 59. in fremont and 64 for you in san jose. so a look at the next seven days in concord, average highs in the upper 80s. you can see we're there today. tomorrow a slight drop off on sunday. and then we rebound on monday, tuesday and wednesday. triple digit heat north winds. and looks like that high pressure ridge that brought us all that heat all summer long is coming back from the southwest. so in the meantime, it's pleasant in san jose, 84 today, 90, in morgan hill, closer to the bay there, some lower 80s from sunnyvale, 81 on the peninsula. look for mid 70s for you. menlo park, 82, in redwood city with 72 in millbrae. clouds sticking to the san mateo coast. so half moon bay and pacifica will be gray in the low 60s, while the sunset will be in the upper 60s. 71 south city up in the north bay. numbers will be pleasant and we'll see a range from about the mid 80s for you in san rafael,
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all the way up to the low 90s for cloverdale. calistoga a warm day at 9081 in vallejo and on the east bay here from the mid 70s in oakland. berkeley 74 heading into san leandro, a bit warmer, 75. and as you head towards our inland valleys, about 90 in concord, some upper 80s pleasanton. so really a nice afternoon. the accuweather seven day forecast, a few degrees cooler with the low clouds and fog to start saturday. sunday. the coolest day. and then for the holiday. great barbecue weather, but be careful. we'll get right back into those north winds and that heat into the middle of next week. >> all right. thank you lisa. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> sunset night market details on tonight's event. it's expected to attract thousands of people to that san francisco neighborhood. >> a live look
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for roughly four hours yesterday. >> number two, you can pay your respects to the san jose police community service officer who died in the line of duty. a suspected drunk driver hit and killed cso long pham earlier this month. another officer was seriously hurt. the service begins at 11 a.m. at sap center. >> number three, the man accused of killing five of his family members in alameda is expected to face a judge today. 54 year old shane killian is charged with killing two sons. his wife and two of his in-laws. if convicted, he could face life in prison. >> number four. vice president kamala harris sat down for her first interview since becoming the democratic nominee. she was joined by her running mate, tim walz, one of her main priorities is to strengthen the middle class. >> number five some clouds around this morning. then revealing mostly sunny conditions away from the coast. temperatures near average. upper 80s to near 90. >> inland number six will take our bay bridge toll plaza camera. no issues at all this morning at the toll plaza. cars
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are dashing through across the span into the city. the drive time from highway four into san francisco is just 30 minutes. >> and number seven, second gentleman doug emhoff is in san francisco today. he'll be speaking at a fundraising brunch. the time and the location is only known to guests. but what we do know is that the tickets start at $25,000. >> in today's gma, first look lawyers for brian kohberger, the man accused of killing four idaho college students are arguing for a change in venue. here's abc news reporter kayna whitworth in this morning's gma first look. >> the bid to move the idaho murder trial. >> i would say this is probably professionally the most difficult decision i ever had to make. >> suspect brian kohberger back in court. as the judge weighs whether an impartial jury can be seated in the city where the murders occurred. kohberger's attorneys trying to prove the moscow jury pool is tainted.
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>> there hasn't been positive stories about brian kohberger. it's negative stories. there's not a media story talking about brian kohberger right to be presumed innocent. >> the victims families speaking out to gma. >> it's just one thing after another. after another. except for what needs to happen. >> coming up at 7 a.m, the judge weighs his options as justice hangs in the balance with your gma first look, i'm kayna whitworth, abc news, moscow. >> in the south bay, the second annual lowrider day celebration is cruising into downtown san jose this weekend. lowriders and classic cars will be parked outside city hall. that starts at noon sunday. the event commemorates san jose's repeal in 2022 of the city's decades long ban on cruising. the united lowrider council of san jose is hosting the event. it's a collective effort to serve the community, as well as continuing lowrider culture. >> the market that started it all is returning to san
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francisco's sunset district tonight. organizers say the sunset night market is what inspired a trend of night markets across the city. the market opens at 5 p.m. on irving street. they there will be food, art and a stinky tofu eating competition. all right. celebrity chef martin yan is going to be there to the event. tonight is expected to be double the size of last year's original festival. the market will return one more time this year in a few weeks. on september 27th. coming up at 530, popular pop-up the top awards a san francisco park just received. >> and a live look outside at 527. >> this is abc 724 >> in san francisco. >> live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are. we are where you
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on abc's perry russom in washington. vice president kamala harris with her first in-depth interview since taking over the ticket. and former president trump has a new plan for ivf. that story coming up at 530. >> waymo expansion. the company is saying its success in its first year of rides in san francisco should expedite service in other parts of the bay area. >> plus, serving up southern food and flavor, i'm going to introduce you to the owners of a popular north bay barbecue spot. and if you want to try it out, you need to get in line early. see, that's how you know the food is good. you start doing a little dance. >> oh, is that right? that was good. just a little a little, a little something. >> good morning everybody. it is
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friday, august 30th. >> all right lisa, give us some weather that we can live with this weekend. >> all right, well, you know, we are going to have that reprieve from the heat that continues. so there's one thing, right? it has been kind of a hot summer out there for a lot of us. and as we get into your friday morning, there's a little bit of fog around the bay. hasn't quite reached all the way to our inland valleys, but i expect we'll get a further eastward push so 60s to the south, some 50s to the north, and we are cloudy in santa rosa, sonoma, novato and the temperatures are going to be coming up slowly today. and 24 hours ago, slightly cooler or warmer right now. but overall it's going to be a quiet several days for the holiday weekend. upper 80s to near 90 today with the temperatures approaching 80 by noontime inland around the bay. it's 60s and 70s, so it will be very nice. near average. nothing too extreme. and then at the coast, only partial clearing. so we'll have to keep the temperatures cool there in the 60s. i do have a look at the holiday forecast, which includes
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some subtle changes and then bigger changes beyond that. good morning amanda. >> good morning lisa. yeah you mentioned that holiday weekend. we're not seeing any issues on our roads right now. it is only 5.31 though. a lot of green here when it comes to the drive times. highway four to the maze 16 minutes, 11 minutes from emeryville to san francisco. a nine minute drive to get from san francisco to sfo. then we'll take you to walnut creek. no issues here as cars make their way. southbound 680 towards 24 and then san jose in the south bay 101 cam at the 880 overcrossing again, quiet. no drama, no delays there. and then i'm going to leave you here with mass transit, ace, bart and caltrain all running on time. back to you. >> vice president kamala harris sat down for her first extensive interview since becoming the democratic presidential nominee. she says her priority is to strengthen the middle class. abc news reporter perry russom has the takeaways. plus, donald trump's new comments on abortion rights. >> vice president kamala harris facing questions from cnn about
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flip flopping on several issues. harris has changed her platform on the green new deal, medicare for all and building the border wall. >> i think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. >> harris, highlighting her plan for the economy, saying she wants to extend the child tax credit to $6,000 for families and their child's first year of life. harris also asked about former president trump's attacks on her race and his same old, tired playbook. >> next question please. that's it. that's it. okay. >> trump on the campaign trail in the midwest, telling nbc news. the six week abortion ban in florida is too short, saying there has to be more time. trump announcing a new plan for in vitro fertilization. >> we are the government is going to pay for it, or we're going to get or mandate your insurance company to pay for it. >> the harris campaign says trump's own platform could effectively ban ivf and abortion nationwide, adding voters aren't
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stupid. it comes as the u.s. army is issuing a statement on trump's incident at arlington national cemetery this week, saying a cemetery employee was abruptly pushed aside. so the trump campaign could take photos and video, adding department of defense policy clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. the trump campaign claims the cemetery staffer initiated the contact. >> i go there, they ask me to have a picture and they say i was campaigning. i don't need the one thing i get is plenty of publicity. i don't need that. >> the trump campaign is walking back some of his comments on the six week abortion ban in florida, saying trump has not said how he will vote on the ballot question there, adding he was only saying he believes six weeks is too short. perry russo, abc news, washington. >> there is an uproar in aptos over the possibility a twice convicted rapist could be released into the community. 72 year old michael cheek could wind up in a rental near rio del mar beach. cheek was granted
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release from a state mental hospital five years ago, and thousands of homes have been considered. i recognize that it's challenging for the court to find a placement, but i think that we can all agree that this is an absolutely unacceptable place. >> it's close to schools. it's in a very dense, family friendly neighborhood. >> people who live in that neighborhood understand the need to find a home, but they're also apprehensive. >> there's got to be some place for these poor folks to go. but smack dab in the middle of an established neighborhood? i don't think so. >> public comment on the possible placement of cheek is allowed through september 24th. the court will make the final ruling in october. >> happening today in the south bay. you can pay your respects to the san jose police community service officer, who was killed in the line of duty. a suspected drunk driver hit and killed cso long pham earlier this month. pham was directing traffic at a crash scene when the driver hit
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his patrol car, sending it flying into him and his partner. the other officer was seriously injured. the memorial service for pham is set for 11 this morning at sap center. >> the man charged with killing five of his own family members in a home in alameda is set to be in court today. 54 year old shane killian is accused of murder of his two young sons, his wife and both his in-laws in a case of domestic violence. the june july 10th mass shooting happened inside the family's home on kitty hawk road. if convicted of the charges with enhancements, he could be facing life in prison. >> more progress in the crackdown on retail theft. nearly two dozen suspects have been arrested in an organized crime bust involving theft at cannabis stores. statewide many of those suspects are from oakland. opd officials were on hand, as state attorney general rob bonta revealed details about the bust. the investigation started in february with opd and state investigators looking into
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dispensary burglaries. the crimes stretched from sonoma county all the way down to san diego, with stores losing around $1 million and 975 pounds of cannabis. >> what we've also found is that this criminal enterprise, if you will, encompassed a number of gangs, criminal street gangs that we saw working in collaboration in order to commit these crimes. >> of the 22 arrests, more than a dozen of the suspects live in oakland. the charges include commercial burglary, organized retail theft and conspiracy. >> tonight, oakland city leaders will hold the final town hall discussion about crime and violence. it's the last one in a series that have taken place around the city. mayor shang tao police chief floyd mitchell will be taking part again. the. this evening's town hall will be held at the oakland asian cultural center in chinatown, starting at 530. >> a dancing with the stars pro is out of a napa county jail on bail. police arrested artem chigvintsev yesterday morning
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for felony domestic violence. the sheriff's office released his booking photo. his booking code indicates he faces a charge of corporal injury to a spouse. he is married to former wwe star nikki garcia. they live in napa and celebrated their anniversary earlier this week. the couple met as dancing partners on season 25 of dancing with the stars. that was in 2017. >> waymo is looking to expand even more after touting a year of driverless ride hailing in san francisco. waymo leaders say this past year has been a success, and now they hope to expand even faster. so that includes bringing its robo taxis to the east bay and to san jose. the company tells the chronicle it's even looking at personal vehicles that would use their technology. waymo will still need city and state permissions to expand ridership areas. earlier this month, waymo started testing driverless rides on san francisco freeways, but only with company employees as passengers and as people get
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going for this long holiday weekend, let's take a look at labor day weekend travel. >> oh, if it wants to go. if not, i can tell you that the city of san francisco. here we go. the city of san francisco is one of ten top destinations in the country for labor day travel this year. that's according to triple a. we know seattle takes the number one spot for 2024, followed by orlando, florida and anchorage, alaska. but back here in the bay area, if you're hitting the roads, let's get you through the best and worst times to depart with our focus on today, friday. now you should be in the clear if your commute starts before noon or after six. then tomorrow, leave after noon and avoid travel from 8 to 11 a.m. now for that return trip sunday. the best time to leave is before noon. the worst traffic is expected between 2 and 8. then on monday, labor day, leave before 10 a.m. and avoid travel from 11 to 8. then on tuesday, the third, it's best
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to leave after 1 p.m, with the eight to noon window expected to be the worst. now, triple a says we'll hit peak congestion on monday around 4:45 p.m. the drive on westbound 80 from sacramento to san francisco taking in upwards of two hours and four minutes. and then i'm going to leave you with tips for smoother travel. leave early, use traffic maps and tools and call 511 for updated travel information from the state. of course, the abc seven bay area app and abc seven are also great resources. kumasi back to you. >> thanks, amanda. still ahead. moving out of san francisco when elon musk is planning to shut down the x headquarters. >> but first, a check on the weather with meteorologist lisa argen. >> all right. good morning to you. we've got low clouds and fog that have moved across the bay since you were sleeping. and 50s and 60s are the current numbers across the board with clear sky out towards livermore or concord. partly cloudy in livermore. and we've got the clouds in san jose at 64. 63 in
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oakland. san mateo checking in at 60. and the clouds just about to the east bay. they pull back for a sunny and breezy afternoon in spots. and then as we get towards your saturday morning, it's going to take a little while to clear because the push of low clouds may be a little further to the east. but then once again, if you're headed to marin county or pacifica, looks like a sunny afternoon there. overall upper 60s to near 70. in san francisco today for a cool to mild day. mid 70s near average in oakland with sunshine in san jose, mid 80s and upper 80s in our warmest inland valleys. taking you further out through the holiday weekend. near 90 tomorrow that's brentwood and antioch, but more like upper 80s around danville. mid 70s across the bayside communities for saturday sunday. notice the drop off inland on sunday. that will be our coolest day. consistency at the coast with 60s and partial clearing. and then for the holiday on monday, maybe a few degrees
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warmer in the mountains. how about some low 80s saturday? sunday, bright skies, little change on monday. the coolest day if you're headed to the mountains will be next tuesday and back home here today we'll see temperatures very pleasant from the mid to upper 70s, san mateo, palo alto and 83 in napa with mid 80s in santa rosa. the accuweather seven day forecast. we've got the cool down for a few degrees and a couple of days. the coolest day on sunday. rebounding slightly on monday, and then look at the heat return into the middle of
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on friday the 13th. what a date. fortune reports the social media company sent a note to staff yesterday announcing it. the company's global headquarters has been on market street in the
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mid-market neighborhood since 2012. ceo elon musk says he's moving axis headquarters to austin. the new york times reports workers at the san francisco office will be relocated to offices in san jose. >> jurors in alameda county are getting a serious raise. alameda county will be paying their jurors $100 a day as a part of state funded, a state funded program intended to increase juror participation. jurors who take public transportation will be eligible for an extra $12 a day. currently, the state pays $15 a day and $0.34 per mile round trip for travel. the program will run for two years. jurors who earn more than $600 for their service will have to pay taxes on that income. >> a popular san francisco pop up park is receiving top honors for its design. the crossing at east scott received honors from the international downtown association and the american institute of architects, california. the organizations recognize the work done to change the once abandoned transbay tempoorary terminal bus
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station. the park was mentioned as a positive example of how centralized spaces can drive downtown resilience. now, to be honest, right here it looks a little empty, but i know that at other times down there, a lot of people, it's really cool just to hang out there some good food trucks. >> you can sit there and watch tv, just not on this particular day. >> yeah. >> the park features pickleball courts, a beer garden, a soccer area and a workout area. i just didn't want to make it look sad. you know? that's okay. >> okay. just go down there. >> it's exclusive. new. this morning, the popular oregon based coffee chain dutch bros. is coming to santa clara county. the new drive-thru location is going to be at gilroy and 10th and chestnut. gilroy city officials in gilroy at 10th and chestnut. so city officials there say dutch bros. is currently in the building plan review phase. there's no estimated date for it to open. according to our media partners at the mercury news, the other bay area locations include concord and brentwood, and one
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further south in hollister. >> from dutch bros. to ringling bros. starting tonight, the circus is back in the bay area after a pretty long hiatus. the ringling brothers are bringing their reimagined performance to oakland and san jose, and the shows kick off tonight at the oakland arena. and that is where we find abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez. so, gloria, who are you talking to now? >> all right, well, i got something really cool for you this morning. first of all, reggie, i want to show you this. this is what they call the ringling rocket. so check this out. imagine somebody shooting out from there. well, that is what happens at their show. and right now we have who they call the human rocket. this is skyler miser, and i've seen the video of you shooting out of this rocket. it is incredible. for those folks who haven't seen us. tell us what you do. >> so i fly out of the ringling rocket at 0 to 65 miles an hour in less than half a second. i go about 110ft, landing in a giant air bag on the other side of the
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stage, and i was trying to get an understanding of how that feels. >> and you gave me a really good description. you were telling me a roller coaster, how it compares to a roller coaster. tell me about that. >> it's like a giant roller coaster and a mini car crash all in one. >> and you're going how fast? >> 65 miles an hour. >> that is just incredible. and i can imagine when i saw the video, i thought, my goodness, that must hurt. does that hurt when you do that? >> it hurts. sometimes you need to make sure that you're really, really tight and prepared for takeoff. otherwise, could be bad. >> so what does it take for you to get your body in shape to do this? >> i do lots of warm ups to prepare myself for the shot, making sure i'm nice and warm, doing lots of leg warm outs and back to make sure i'm strong. >> and skyler, you and i had a chance to chat this morning and you have a really cool story because this is actually a family affair for you, right? yes. >> so both of my parents were human cannonballs on ringling before. so i grew up on ringling, and i'm really excited
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to finally be back. >> yeah. what was that like for you? because your parents were in the show and pretty much growing up, you would travel with the circus. tell me what that was like. >> it was such a magical experience to grow up on the circus. not many people get to live that life. and i'm really proud to be one of them. >> and i know you all took a hiatus. we've been talking about how there are no animals in the shows anymore, so it's a totally different what they're calling a reimagined the greatest show on earth. so besides seeing you, which is so incredible, what other acts can they see in the show? >> so the show really focuses on the human capabilities that the human bodies can do. we have a crisscross trapeze, a double wheel, and a triangular high wire. >> very cool stuff. well skyler, thanks so much for joining us this morning. so if you want to check out skyler, you want to check out the show. they start today right here at the oakland arena. the first show is at 7 p.m. they'll be here in oakland all weekend long. and then next weekend they're heading over to
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san jose. and i'm wearing a custom jacket that they're letting me borrow for this morning. i just love all the colors. the sequins, all of that. >> it's very circusy very circusy love that. >> all right. >> we have a question we cannot let skyler go without asking this. >> given that this is her, you know, her whole family business. did her parents name her skyler as a play on her job? >> that's a good question. reggie so our anchor, reggie is asking, since you grew up in the circus, did your parents name you skyler? because of the job and kind of what they do? >> they did. so skyler actually means projectile in the norse language. so they thought how perfect. yeah. >> isn't that neat? >> oh, my gosh, that's great. kumasi was the one who first said like that name. it's got to be related. so that's a really cool story. okay, gloria. yeah, very good. well, we'll look. yeah, we'll look for skyler in the air. thank you. what a job, right? >> and i just love how she's, like, so calm about it. so what i do is i prepare myself, and
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i'm shot across. i'm like, okay. >> and her description of it's like a roller coaster and also a minor car crash. >> were you used to it? you used to it. you know what? and i kind of i really want to see it now. >> now i want to see her too. >> okay. if you want to try a new barbecue spot in sebastopol, you need to line up early. >> yes, we are talking about an arm barbecue which brings southern food and flavor to the north bay. this is a texas style restaurant. you can get brisket, spare ribs, tri-tip, pork and oxtail, which i need to go try because i've never had oxtail on the grill. you can also get cornbread. i tried that, that's you doing my happy dance with the rib. okay, when i tell you it's delicious, that's the cornbread. i'm with the real honey and corn. it's not any jiffy over here. although i do love jiffy. >> oh, yeah? >> yeah, but they know how to do all the things. i talked to the owners. chris austin grew up in mississippi. marvin mckenzie grew up in kentucky. and so the food that they're doing now in
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sebastopol is a reflection of their southern roots. >> kentucky was my life and all. we did family get togethers. that's what it was all about cooking, cooking. >> we don't know what to expect when those doors open. so it's just like you step out on faith. you put everything in there and you wait to see the reaction, to see what happens. but every weekend, 15 minutes till that line starts to work its way down the corner. >> the line starts to form well before, as he said, it opens. people even have chairs. they bring their chairs out there. >> look at that sold out, right? >> the food is often gone in hours. we were there on thursday doing this story. they're only open friday, saturday and sunday. i believe people were knocking on the door like, are y'all open? >> oh, because they saw you eating. >> they saw me eating. they were like, well, she got a rib. >> so where's my rib? where's my rib? >> we are not open today. it was delicious. but i was just inspired by their story. neither one of them thought that they would have a business on their own, so they each had their own, like barbecue restaurants. and so they were eating at each
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other's places and like, oh, his food is really good. his food is really good. what if we came together and made a restaurant? so that's what they did. and people love it. >> that's cool. >> yes. >> and i wouldn't have thought sebastopol necessarily. >> exactly. >> but they say like it's a great place. the community is really embrace them and supported them clearly with that line. the lines that they have was that a dry rub on their on the ribs? >> i think so, i don't know, i just ate it. i think it was i mean, it wasn't like the saucy was it. no, no it wasn't like it was dripping all over. you don't need sauce, he said. >> it's flavorful. it's good. you don't need all that if you choose, but you don't need it. >> got it. okay. >> you just taught me something. >> i got to go back to get the oxtails, though. >> okay, cool. so good. >> all right. yeah, that definitely would probably be on many people's agenda. >> barbecue over the weekend. weather is going to be good. and you know we're always nervous about dry conditions this time of year. and we're going to have those after the holiday extremely dry. so plan on a big change in the weather after the
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long labor day weekend. low clouds and fog at the coast and they pushed locally inland around the bay. we are partly cloudy in livermore. we have the clouds down through the south bay, up in the north bay over to hayward, 64 there. it's 59. in fremont. and your forecast headlines the morning gray afternoon sun and breezy winds. the labor day weekend. our cooling trend continues with the coolest day on sunday and then looking at a big heat up coming tuesday and wednesday, once again near triple digits. so there's a look at the winds that will continue to pick up throughout the morning hours. and then by the afternoon, we're at about 25 miles an hour through the delta. and if you're headed to wine country over the weekend up to sebastopol to the north, notice that it will be pleasant into the mid 80s, dropping off into the low 80s until we get to next tuesday. and then the heat really arrives. 84 in san jose, those breezy winds in the south bay with upper 70s, palo alto and downtown upper 60s to ne
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event today. the blue note jazz festival. they have a very special event kicking off today in napa. it's called the black radio experience. and the headliners look at this lineup john legend, jill scott and andre 3000. who's going to be performing in a cave? >> oh, that's right, because he's doing the flute. >> yes. it's about to be so good. >> nile rodgers and chic is a really fun. i saw them last year. oh, did you see this lineup? >> andra day, ledisi. common listen, the festival starts at 1:00 this afternoon. it's at the meritage resort and spa. the headliner tonight is the one and only miss jill scott. ooh! andra day is tonight. common is tonight. and you can still get
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tickets. single day passes are about $300. a three day pass is about $800. i went last year and had a time. that was when mary j. blige was there and nice. and every year better. and better. >> let's take a long walk around the park after dark. >> yes, that's jill scott by the way. >> spotify it. live your life like it's golden. no, that's my favorite. new at six. what the numbers are showing when it comes to the impact of minimum wage for fast food workers. six months later, and state officials investigating possible avian flu infections in the central valley, the impact i love you. [vo]: and bravery. you got this. [vo]: all in the life... i love you. [vo]: of a child. starlight exists to bring happiness to hospitalized children when they need it most. because happiness matters.
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