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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  August 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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supposed to be a safe place and
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where you come to study and, you know, but, you know, things like this happen. you know, it's kind of shocking now at five. >> a teenager stabbed at a north face school. we're hearing from concerned parents. then the effort to curb sideshows here in the bay area. the changes now being made to try and catch people involved. and the sunset night market makes its return. the sights and sounds, plus a smelly dish drawing some competitive eaters. good morning everybody. it's saturday, august 31st. i'm stephanie sierra. lisa is here with the weather and more on this holiday forecast. >> that's right. we have the long weekend and a cooldown underway. but boy it was pretty nice yesterday with the fog clearing all the way to the coast. here's a look at our system offshore. you can see that spinning motion counterclockwise. it's an area of low pressure that will bring that cooldown to the bay area. more so into tomorrow. but as for today, we're looking at temperatures near average. it's going to be a nice afternoon, although we will get some breezy
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winds right at the coast 60. sfo and fremont. as we look up to the north, the fog has not filled in around the bay. 58 in sonoma, 51 santa rosa. so we will look for the temperatures this morning. a little milder in spots and slightly cooler as well. it kind of depends on where you are. 1030 we're sunny in our inland valleys and then as we get towards the afternoon, you can see how that fog pulls away from the coast. upper 80s to near 90, inland mid 70s to near 80 around the bay. stephanie. >> lisa. thank you. developing news now. the most recent stabbing of a santa rosa student happened weeks after the school district said it was making safety a top priority. this latest incident happened at elsie allen high school canceling friday night's football game. abc seven news reporter tara campbell has the reaction from parents. >> a student fight turned stabbing friday at elsie allen high school in santa rosa, putting the school on lockdown and parents on edge. >> it's nerve wracking. it seems
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stressful. >> santa rosa police called to the school around 1230 in the afternoon, where they arrested a 14 year old boy. police releasing this photo saying the boy pulled a knife out during an altercation with a 13 year old boy and stabbed him. two other students also got into the fight, kicking the boy with the knife in the head. school officials sending a message to parents detailing the incident, and asking that students and staff remain vigilant and report anything they may hear or see to help us ensure school safety. police believe the incident is gang related, taking the 14 year old into custody on the scene along with one of the other students, and they're working to identify the fourth student involved. while the 13 year old was taken to a hospital with a non-life threatening stab wound in his back, santa rosa police chief coming out in a statement saying there needs to be a renewed focus on getting to the root causes of these violent incidents, saying it can far too easily lead to a deadly encounter. i mean, i don't know
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how you can search backpacks or, you know, figure out how to make sure no one has any weapons because that's a whole different level of fighting. the stabbing comes just weeks after the santa rosa city schools district committed to making student safety a top priority. this school year, the district has been struggling in past years with gang violence and fighting on campuses, even seeing a stabbing death. >> school is supposed to be a, you know, safe place and where you come to study and, you know, but, you know, things like this happen, you know, it's kind of shocking. yeah. >> hoping for a safer place by the time his daughter reaches high school. >> it makes you nervous because you're out there working, you know, and then you leave your son's at school, and then, you know, things like this happen. >> the police chief friday saying they will continue working closely with the school district and are committed to making student safety a priority. tara campbell, abc seven news and san francisco police are investigating a reported shooting that left a girl severely injured. >> officers were called to a
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home on chicago way before 5:30 p.m. police say the girl was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. a witness says it happened inside the home, right as the girl's family was ordering dinner. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins is vowing to start a hate crime investigation after a playground was vandalized. a community center in the lakeview neighborhood called youth first was tagged with the n word a rope in the shape of a noose was also left on the door. city officials gathered there to raise awareness and condemn this hateful act. youth first continued programing as normal and the director says he plans to host a community day to affirm the center as a place for all people. bay area law enforcement is launching a coordinated effort to disrupt sideshows. the crackdown involves the san francisco police department, the san francisco sheriff's office, as well as the alameda county sheriff's office and california highway patrol. san francisco mayor london breed says the city will use drones and surveillance
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cameras, along with license plate readers, to help catch these people involved. leaders say their efforts will target sideshows involving cars in intersections, and they'll also target groups of dirt bikers who disrupt neighborhoods. last weekend, dirt bikers took over the bay bridge along with some other streets. the chp says dirt bikes are illegal on highways and city streets without certain modifications. >> you see these dirt bike ride in large numbers on sidewalks, barely missing pedestrians as they walk. >> breed says she will introduce legislation to make it illegal and to promote and organize these sideshows in the south bay. hundreds of san jose police officers and other law enforcement are mourning the loss of community service officer long pham. he was killed in the line of duty. a memorial service was held at the sap center. >> from the moment i met long, i
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knew he was someone special. he was always calm, cool, collective and you could see a smile a mile away. >> you made us laugh because you were a big brother, or lesser, because you're away. but we're full of memories, jokes and reminders of you. >> pham was performing traffic control on monterey highway in south san jose when a suspected drunk driver struck and killed him. it happened earlier this month. pham was the first san jose community service officer killed in the line of duty. since this program was created. we're learning more about the murder of a man in dublin. the victim and suspect had known each other for years through online gaming platforms. 37 year old michael dalipi was shot in the head last friday outside of an apartment building. the suspect was arrested a day later when he was driving to his home 400 miles away in arizona. >> really, we don't know. it's very strange. this is a very
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strange case for somebody to drive all the way from arizona to the city of dublin and commit this type of a crime. i mean, in dublin, we don't see these type of crimes here. we know that they were associated associates on social media platforms. we just don't know what those conversations are yet. >> dileep's wife says her husband and the suspect met a few times in person at gaming events more than a decade ago. police are still trying to determine a motive. a russian river bridge is now closed after a dam failed in guerneville, right near santa rosa. the popular crossing is only open during the summertime, so it did close early. you can see the collapsed section of the dam, which is likely due to erosion. crews removed some of the dam's boards yesterday to release pressure. now this could cause swifter water downstream. the dam will stay in place for the weekend, but is set to be removed after that and the boat ramp remains open as we head to break. let's check in with lisa. good morning.
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>> good morning to you. starting out with some patchy fog. a live look outside from our roof camera and we'll have a nice day today. we do have a cooldown on the way. it will be brief and then we're going to talk about a return to some sizzling summer heat. i'll have all the details coming up. >> thank you lisa. also ahead, thieves target multiple homes in the north bay, even stealing a family's pet. the warnings now coming from police and connecting roads and reducing congestion. something a lot of commuters want to hear. the new corr when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin.
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with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. is it possible to count on my ask your eczema specialist internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too.
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there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! it's 510. a man in salinas was fined $30,000 for illegal fireworks. that he says he didn't own or set off. his story is now raising questions over the city's enforcement plan. doug maguire wasn't in town for the 4th of july, but the city
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says fireworks were used on the street right in front of his house. the ordinance fines homeowners and landlords for illegal activities on their property. it also requires people to pay up front before they can appeal. legal analyst mike linenger says that's unconstitutional. >> the 14th amendment to the constitution is crystal clear that governments must provide mechanisms to protect life, liberty and property. salinas evidently feels that they can circumvent the constitution with the municipal code violation. that's wrong. >> salinas mayor campbell craig defended the system. he says the appeals process gives people a chance to prove their innocence. linenger says it could lead to a class action lawsuit for the city. the man charged with killing five of his family members last month in alameda pleaded not guilty to all charges. 5054 year old that is shane killian is accused of murdering his two young sons, his wife and his mother and
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father in law. the july 10th mass shooting happened inside the family's house on kittyhawk road. killian now faces life in prison if convicted of all charges with special circumstances. his next court appearance is in october. petaluma police are warning residents to take precautions. burglars broke into several homes and cars and even stole a pet bunny. thieves targeted properties in the sonoma and southgate neighborhoods. they broke car windows and in one instance used the car door opener that the garage door opener, that is, to get inside the garage. one family shared surveillance video of burglars walking into their backyard and taking their pet rabbit, snowy. >> i don't know what they would do with it. i mean, it's, you know, either just to, you know, be hurtful to take something of, you know, that's actually a value. we, you know, wish they
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would have just broken a window instead. >> police say the thieves got into several cars. they also recommend residents put locks on their gates. well, in the south bay, one of the most notorious places for traffic and congestion is receiving much needed improvement. it comes at a time for a busy labor day weekend. the dela cruz boulevard corridor connects san jose and santa clara. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey shows us the changes in store. >> in a city of nearly 1 million people. it's inevitable that commute traffic is rough and one of the worst places for congestion is the interchange at highway 101 and de la cruz boulevard, roughly 37 to 46,000 cars drive along this corridor every day. >> this 60 year old interchange had bicycles merging and sharing lanes with vehicles and pedestrians across the bridge. without a safe buffer in between the walkway and the roadway was pretty treacherous. >> the once dangerous web of
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pedestrian and bike lanes and multiple lanes for vehicles has been expanded and protected. >> there's three lanes in each direction, plus a auxiliary lane that feeds the on and off ramps, so a total of four lanes. it will really address the congestion, and it's safer for bikers and pedestrians. >> but you may not see it when you're driving along the path. it's all happening below the road. instead of fighting for their place on the busy street, there's a dedicated path for bikes and pedestrians to cross without any concern. >> prior to this project being opened, this was a terrible, terrible gap in the in the network for biking and walking. and there are really important places where people want to bike to and from and walk to and from on either side of the freeway. >> this is one of the more important corridors in the south bay. it's a major connector between san jose and santa clara. now all modes of transportation, from pedestrians and bikes to vehicles and public transportation can travel safer and easier. >> we made a significant difference in people's lives
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through the improvements in pedestrian and bicycle safety, and for the flow of traffic in this area. the improvements we made here will decrease travel times by 20%. a commuter who goes through this corridor on a daily basis put it best when he told us finally in the south bay, dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> san francisco is trying to build a better bay area through night markets. we saw the return of the sunset night market yesterday, and you may remember it drew huge crowds last fall. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez was there to see if there was a repeat. >> this is the best of the sunset and the best of san francisco right here on irving street. >> thousands of people headed to the sunset night market hungry for food and a great time. the mother. >> this was the event's second year. >> san francisco supervisor joel engardio said last year, they
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had a crowd of 10,000 people show up, which led to some changes. >> we didn't know what to expect, so it was a good problem to have when we ran out of food and too many people showed up. so this year we decided to double the length. it's actually more than double the size instead of three blocks. >> food, drink and shopping vendors were spread out over seven blocks. carmen, whose family runs the tasty pastry. they weren't expecting the influx of people last year, so they set up a table outside. >> we weren't ready for the amount of people, so we're like, oh my gosh, this is actually insane. so leading up to this, we're like, let's just get in on this, have fun and join the people or whole families here joining us. even my grandma is here today. >> some of their known specials include barbecue, baked buns and curry wontons. >> i think, like the whole chinese culture of eating together, eating at night and having a night market, it's something that's really ingrained in our culture. >> one of the highlights the stinky tofu eating contest. >> i love stinky tofu because i spent a summer in hong kong when i was 11. >> once the horn started, six brave men and women took to the
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challenge. our photographer, brian yuen said he could smell it from this vantage point. the second place winner. well, the line is long to try some, so i thought i'll give it a shot. on second thought, i'll leave it to the pros. we did see lots of families and furry friends enjoying the delicious smells wafting through the sunset night market. >> it's great to see more things happening in the community, so overall, it's just really nice to see more things like this happening in san francisco. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> all right. take a look. haze is visible in the bay area from a wildfire called the coffee pot fire. the fire was sparked by lightning and has been burning for almost a month in sequoia national park. that's in tulare county. it's now burned more than 7500 acres and has led to evacuation orders and warnings. so a good reminder as you're barbecuing this weekend,
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possibly camping to always be on alert. while the rain helped us, it's still very dry out there, right? >> that's right, stephanie. and, you know, you may have noticed, you know, just a little bit of haze out there the past day or so with some moderate air quality. and that's certainly what that was from. but overall, no impacts here in the bay area in fact, we are looking at a typical pattern here with low clouds and fog that are going to peel back to the coast. in fact, we got that clearing yesterday and i think we should see that again the next couple of days as the system offshore just kind of churns up that marine layer. 56 in san rafael, we are 60 in fremont with 63 in san jose. and a look from mount tam. and you can see just a little bit of fog there. so this morning we'll call it partly cloudy. the holiday weekend mild to warm. so we're going to get into some cooler weather tomorrow before a ridge builds in. and we're talking about triple digit heat returning. so enjoy the next couple of days because as we look at the holiday weekend this certainly doesn't tell the whole
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story. but it gives you an idea that we're going to be in our regular pattern somewhat with the fog to sun, and then that cool down as the system passes us to the north, allowing for temperatures to drop off and as soon as it passes us to the north, that ridge builds in and we'll get into just some slight warming on monday. but wait till you see the extended outlook. big changes there. there's a look at that fog that wants to push in, but i don't think it's going to have a whole lot of progress doing that. and as it pulls back in that system is close enough offshore. it is kind of disrupting the marine layer and once again into sunday night into monday. it looks like we have a lot of fog. we will have that wind and cooler temperatures, but sunny skies as a result. and as we get into your tuesday, this is what is really kind of eye opening, right? we just got rid of the triple digit heat. had such a hot summer in july, a bit of a break in august, and now we're back to 100 in concord, 80 to near 90 around the bay and even the coast warms up. look at that
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70s and 80s from the coast there on monday, and then that's tuesday. and the hottest day should be on wednesday. we don't really see any changes on wednesday. look what happens on thursday. we'll see the numbers still really hot, but it looks like the heat wants to ease a little bit. and this could be about a 2 or 3 day event. there will be a system to the north of us that hopefully will suppress some of that heat by the time we get into that thursday time frame. highs today from the upper 60s near average san francisco, a nice day out there, 74 in oakland. look for the low 80s in san jose and topping off to near 90 inland. but that delta breeze will be with us. we're looking at the winds up to about 2930 miles an hour. so that will keep the numbers pretty comfortable there. mid 80s santa rosa and the accuweather seven day forecast. hoping for some sun there at the coast the first day of the month, allowing for cooler than average temperatures. nice for the holiday, just a couple degrees warmer and then the heat
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spikes on tuesday. wednesday is the hottest day. looking at that heat lingering into thursday, and then we'll start to see hopefully that easing by the end of next week. so summer still is going to make a comeback. stephanie >> all right lisa thank you. just ahead to rent or buy in the south bay. a new report shows buying a home in this city is the most costly
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and supplements easier. this is mimi med cessories. it makes it simple to prioritize your health without sacrificing style. >> and can i tell you a little secret about getting older? we carry more pills, so i need about ten of these seven day pill organizers hold up to five large or 12 small pills per day, with an added bonus compartment. >> oh, fun. the innovative design that i was just showing you slides open from both sides. for your convenience, you can save 34% on the sleek weekly pill organizers. i think they look really good. yeah. >> plus, they're in great colors. it's going to look great if you travel with them as well. >> absolutely. this is named an oprah favorite for two years in a row. it's shinnery radiance wash. it's a plant based formula that cleans your jewelry while you wash your hands. >> such a smart idea. pair it with the radiance brush, which has bristles that are contoured just specifically for jewelry. it will clean all metals and gemstones and is popular for men's metal watches too. >> save 40% on the full collection. all right, next up, make packing a breeze with the lug life. this is the porter wheelie here. it's the carry on
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that keeps up with you. it's got 360 degree, 360 spinner wheels. and that retractable handle we just showed you. plus dedicated pockets and a lined interior. >> we also have collapsible carryall totes, crossbody shoulder bags, cosmetic cases with these pieces, you'll be traveling in style and you're going to save 30 to 60% off with this assortment. so to save on smart solutions, scan the qr code or head now to abc secret and get to shopping. >> san jose is ranked the number one most expensive city to buy or rent compared to the most populous cities across the country. that's according to a study by real estate platform clever. the average buying price for a house in san jose is about $1.5 million. the median home rental price is a little over $3,300 a month. realtors say it's better to rent in silicon valley due to the ratio of a home buying price versus rental price. we're following new developments. brazil started
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blocking elon musk's x platform earlier this morning after the company refused to comply with the judge's order. x was ordered by the supreme court to identify a legal representative in the country. this marks an escalation in the feud between elon musk and the brazilian supreme court justice over free speech. far right accounts and misinformation. the deadline to comply passed thursday night. x hasn't had a representative in the country since earlier this month. still to come on abc seven mornings travelers taking to the skies and the roads. the report showing drivers might spend less on gas this time around. and the former president gets more specific on his stance on abortion. what h
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when your child has moderate-to-severe eczema, it's okay to for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema
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have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. san mateo bridge camera. you
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see, traffic seems to be moving along nicely, but it is labor day weekend, which means a lot of people are going to be hitting the roads and the skies will have the best and worst times to travel if you're going by car. good morning everybody. thanks for joining us this half hour. lisa is here with a check on your labor day forecast. >> yeah, it looks pretty good. we do have some changes that are going to bring in some cooler weather as we get into sunday, but just saturday right now. and as we look outside towards san francisco, it is 55 degrees. and the winds are out of the west at about nine. there is emeryville, oakland, 63 light winds as well. and finally, last stop, san jose, where it's a mild 64 degrees. and as we look at the rest of the bay area, we've got 50s up in the north bay. the clouds haven't moved in all across the bay yet. the peninsula is at 60, but we will see patchy fog this morning. by noontime we're 80 inland upper 80s by the afternoon and bayshore 60s to low 70s. partial clearing today. stephanie at the coast. >> all right, lisa, thank you.
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happening. now, let's take a live look at sfo as labor day travel is underway. tsa expects to screen 17 million people from thursday through wednesday. it's expected to be the busiest labor day weekend on record at airports. tsa projects the peak air travel day would have been yesterday, and this is what it looks like right now on interstate 80. in emeryville. triple a forecast traveled to be 9% busier this year compared to last labor day weekend. travelers today should wait until noon to avoid the worst traffic in the morning. now, if you're hitting the roads and planning your return home, abc seven news traffic reporter amanda delcastillo tells us the best and worst times to do so. >> hi, i'm amanda delcastillo from abc. seven mornings with your labor day weekend travel. look ahead. let's put our focus on that return trip for monday. labor day leave before 10 a.m. and avoid travel from 11 to 8
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p.m. and then on tuesday the third, it's best to leave after 1 p.m, with the eight to noon window expected to be the worst. triple a says we'll hit peak congestion on monday around 4:45 p.m. the drive on westbound 80 from sacramento to san francisco expected to take an upwards of two hours and four minutes, and i'll leave you with tips for smoother travel. leave early, use traffic maps and tools and call 511 for updated travel information from the state. of course, the abc seven bay area app and abc seven are also great resources. i'm amanda delcastillo with your labor day weekend travel.k ahead. >> well, some good news if you're driving gasbuddy projects the national average of gas will be $3.27 a gallon. that's the lowest rate since the 2021 labor day holiday. the price drop comes from weaker oil prices, less demand for gasoline and fewer major refinery outages than last year. experts predict
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americans will spend a total of $750 million on gas than they did last year. u.s. and iraqi military forces conducted a raid in western iraq. they targeted isis leaders and killed 15 isis militants. the u.s. central command issued the following statement in part, quote, this operation targeted targeted isis leaders to disrupt and degrade isis's ability to plan, organize, and conduct attacks against iraqi civilians, as well as u.s. citizens, allies, and partners throughout the region and beyond. seven u.s. personnel were hurt in this operation. now to your voice. your vote. former president donald trump is getting more specific about his campaign promises when it comes to reproductive rights. trump says the government and private insurers will pay for in vitro fertilization treatments. his supporters showed mixed reaction to this. some are now applauding the proposal, while others are
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questioning how that will work. trump says it's a priority to increase the u.s. population. >> if i'm elected, this november for the first time ever, your government will pay for or require insurance companies to pay for all costs associated with ivf, fertility treatment. we want more babies to be born in america. >> trump also says a six week abortion ban is too short. he indicated he might support a referendum that aims to overturn florida's near-total abortion ban. his campaign team, however, says trump has not yet decided how he will vote. the columbus blue jackets hockey team is facing what they're calling an unimaginable tragedy. their star forward, johnny gerardo, and his brother matthew both killed, hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver while riding their bikes. abc news reporter mike taberski
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has more on this suspect. >> they called him johnny hockey for his skills on the ice. johnny gaudreau, an nhl star with the columbus blue jackets. he and his brother matthew struck and killed by a suspected drunk driver while they were riding their bikes. >> late or black suv hatchback driving erratically. it was swerving around people and driving on the shoulder. >> it happened in southern new jersey, not far from where the brothers grew up, and just hours before the two were set to be groomsmen in their sister's wedding friday. the driver, sean higgins, in court charged with two counts of second degree vehicular homicide. an affidavit says higgins told officers he had approximately 5 or 6 beers before the crash. police say he also failed a field sobriety tests in ohio and new jersey. fans with tributes to the blue jackets forward of short stature, but towering with talent. >> i played hockey my whole life. i'm 510. i'm you know, he's a smaller guy. he kind of
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represents like working hard, really kind of pays off. >> goudreau played in the nhl for 11 years. in 2022, he signed a seven year contract with the blue jackets for nearly $70 million. he and his brother matthew, teammates at boston college. >> if you ask us to name our favorite players, you know they've got to be. both boys are going to be among them. >> 31 year old johnny, a father of two. his 29 year old brother's wife pregnant. the goudreau family, remembering them as amazing humans. >> there's a lot of good hockey players in south jersey, and he was probably the best. that's why he was johnny hockey. >> mike taberski, abc news, new york. >> one of the two physicians charged in connection with matthew perry's death pleaded guilty. doctor mark chavez pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to distribute ketamine to perry. the plea was part of an agreement with federal prosecutors. perry was
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found dead in his hot tub last october. the medical examiner ruled ketamine was the primary cause of death. >> he is incredibly remorseful for what happened, not just because it happened to matthew perry, but because it happened to a patient. my client is accepting responsibility. he is doing everything in his power to cooperate to help in this situation. >> doctor chavez is one of five people charged in the case and is the third to plead guilty. he could get up to ten years in prison when he's sentenced. the fda has authorized novavax's updated protein based covid 19 vaccine. novavax says doses for people 12 and older could be available as early as next week. last week, the fda authorized updated mrna based vaccines from both moderna and pfizer. those new covid shots are now available at local pharmacies. well, still ahead this morning.
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common chemicals in school, food closer to being banned. the study on how certain dyes affect students and their attention spans. we'll take you outside for a live look at sfo this morning. a busy holiday travel weekend ahead. we will be tracking all the delays
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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looking at the sap center this morning. it's 540. state lawmakers passed a measure to ban six common chemicals from foods served in california's public and charter schools. it would ban food dyes frequently found in cereals, chips, ice creams, candy, as well as some other snack foods. a 2021 study suggested these chemicals can harm children by reducing attention spans and increasing behavioral problems. governor gavin newsom has until september 30th to sign this legislation into law. it would not take
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effect, though, until 2028. officials from the u.s. department of energy toured the port of oakland with california's top officials. they're celebrating a multi-billion dollar agreement it will build and expand the state's green technology infrastructure. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more. >> california governor gavin newsom toured the port of oakland with officials from the u.s. department of energy to talk about the future. >> about the future happens here first. we are america's coming attraction, and i think the world looks to us. i really mean it to see that this is possible. we're in the how business with so much focus on electric cars. >> newsom says california is now talking about how hydrogen fuel can help the state get to zero carbon emissions by 2045, and they don't want to understate its value as being catalytic. >> and it's changed. the conversation in sacramento. and we think it could change the conversation nationwide. >> in july, a $12 billion landmark agreement was signed with the department of energy to
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build and expand clean energy infrastructure across california. this hydrogen hub at the port of oakland is just one of seven across the united states. >> diesel is responsible for 43% of air pollutants and climate change gases in in california. so we need to make sure that we reduce those emissions. and this is a direct contributor to taking diesel off the road. >> hydrogen fuel is a clean burning energy source. its only byproduct is water vapor. the aim is to shift it to other heavy duty industries like cement, steel and shipping. >> so the ports have a mandate to decarbonize. they were looking for a fuel and now we have a fuel opportunity for them to actually accelerate that transition, at least in this country. >> the best, most durable use of hydrogen is for heavy duty transportation. >> david crane is the undersecretary for infrastructure for the u.s. department of energy. he says the funding is part of president biden's investing in america agenda, one of the largest industrial policies of the past 100 years. he says hydrogen fuel is a key part.
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>> california's led the way both now in terms of production with this hydrogen hub, particularly in the in the bay area, in the transportation side, the port of oakland already operates 30 hydrogen fuel trucks and became the world's first commercial hydrogen fueling station for heavy duty trucks in oakland, anser hassan. >> abc seven news. >> all right, let's check on conditions outside. how's it looking, lisa? >> well, we have a little bit of fog out there. stephanie. and a live look from the golden gate bridge. there upper 50s to near 60. even some mist and drizzle at times. but we should get some clearing here at the shoreline upper 60s today. downtown and we'll talk about the range of temperatures which will become more narrow as we get into tomorrow. that means a cooldown. all the details straight ahead. >> lisa. thank you. also next, a signature and some smiles. abc seven sports director larry beil on the signing of forty-niners
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(ethan) is that the one? (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) that a walk in closet? (ethan) i want those tiles!
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(intercom) boosters engaged. (ethan) wait! we've got a problem! (janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (tanya) no, no! bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor!! (tanya) don't open the door. (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! (janet) houston we have a playroom!
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are tracking flights for you any possible delays all morning and weekend long, you can keep it here for the latest on abc seven down on the farm, x cal coach sonny dikes made his way back to the bay area last night. the cardinal faced tcu in their home opener at stanford stadium. here's abc seven sports director larry beil. >> good morning everybody. this is technically week one of the college football season. stanford coming off a three and nine campaign opening under the lights. friday night lights against tcu. oh, the tree was ready for the horned frogs first touchdown of the season. ashton daniels to jackson harris. it's a three yard score seven nothing. cardinal. but we fast forward to the fourth quarter. cardinal on third and goal justin lampson finds the end zone stanford on top, 2420. the horned frogs answer with a drive. their own eight plays 74 yards. josh hoover to a wide open jack beck. tcu is up 2724.
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it's getting late for stanford. 218 left fourth and 16 and they are incomplete which allows tcu to seal the deal. cam cook let cam cook weaving flipping into the end zone stanford falls in their opener 3427. well frustration gave way to smiles as brandon aiyuk put pen to paper, signing his contract extension with the 49 ers. after all the months of haggling and the silence and the trade demands, well, clearly everybody is thrilled that the deal is finally done. you had 75 catches for more than 1300 yards and seven tds last season. he's a key member of the 49 ers offense. and now the niners get got to get another key member offensive tackle trent williams signed as well. on to baseball giants marlins orange friday and a barbecue with your kayaking buddies blake snell. fantastic. seven innings fans eight allows just one run. but the eternal question could the giants offense score? bottom eight bases loaded, two outs matt chapman. i am chappy to the gap.
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everybody scores and the giants win three one. a's and texas. oh, the guy misses the ball then. then his beer gets knocked over. you know who did not miss the ball in this game? brant rooker in the first. aloha. a's up one. nothing in a flash. top seven. it's not deja vu. looks just like the same exact home run. but this is a different one. rooker now up to 33 homers for the year. a's victorious nine two. tennis. two seed novak djokovic, the defending u.s. open champion, ran into a buzz saw in the third round in new york. the buzz saws name was alexei popyrin. after a long rally, the joker's forehand goes long. the aussie wins in four sets. djokovic and alcaraz now both bounced out of the open. the big names gone. that's a wrap on morning sports. have a great weekend everybody. i'm larry beil. >> monday night football is back. the 40 niners kick off the new season and a little more than a week from now they'll play at levi's stadium against
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the new york jets. during monday night football september 9th. right here on abc seven. and the giants are playing the miami marlins tonight here at home. first pitch is at 605. not bad for an evening game. >> well, it's going to be in the 60s. and those winds kicking up to about 17, 18 miles an hour. so we'll get some sun. it will be breezy, but 65 at that time. we are going to have some changes as we get into your sunday. there's a system right here, an area of low pressure. so it's working to do a couple of things, bring that onshore flow back in earnest, but also as it travels to the north, we are going to see that marine layer disrupted a bit. so partly sunny skies, but those breezy to gusty winds at the coast. 63 in oakland. it is 57 in sonoma right 60 in fremont. so as we look out towards emeryville, partly cloudy. the fog is not filled in totally, but there is a little bit of mist and drizzle at the shoreline throughout the
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early morning hours for the holiday weekend. we are mild to warm today. tomorrow we get that cool down and we're kind of getting back to more typical weather into monday. tuesday and wednesday. very hot weather near 100 degrees and the heat looks like it's going to last into thursday, but begin to back off a bit. the winds today, you know, if you're around some of those passes or where the winds get funneled, it will be quite gusty at times. anywhere from 25 to 30 miles an hour. otherwise, a nice afternoon. and that warm up throughout the delta today, allowing for 90s there slightly cooler around, say, san ramon and danville. but you notice from 10:00 to about 3:00 in the afternoon, full sunshine and it gets pretty warm out there by 8:00 tonight, temperatures are dropping through the 70s and in the south bay. nice afternoon, 83 near average in san jose. look for upper 70s in sunnyvale on the peninsula from the mid to upper 70s here from palo alto,
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perhaps 80, in redwood city, that sea breeze and you can see that fog trying to stay put along the san mateo coast. but we will look for some partial clearing there near average upper 60s downtown up in the north bay. it could be a lot hotter here, right, for wine country 87 in sonoma and on the east bay, 73 in berkeley, union city in the upper 70s. you head inland. we've got about 87 pleasanton and 90 in pittsburgh. the accuweather seven day forecast so mild to warm today with temperatures topping out in and around 90 inland. mid 70s around the bay shore. first day of september. breezy cooler by about 4 to 5 degrees inland. and then around the bay just a few degrees cooler for monday. labor day. great day for barbecuing. a little bit milder. and then here comes the heat. big ridge of high pressure, allowing for triple digit heat tuesday, wednesday and then slightly cooler the end of the week. thank
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one of the quickest turnarounds for nasa. liftoff was announced just after 2 a.m. local time. the faa grounded the rocket wednesday after part of a booster exploded during landing. the agency cleared flight operations for falcon nine two days after this incident. the launch comes ahead of two important space missions for the spacecraft. one includes bringing home boeing's starliner test flight crew. wheel of fortune took over the famous santa monica pier. it's celebrating a new season, and a new host, ryan seacrest, is taking over for pat sajak. entertainment reporter george pennacchio with our sister station from los angeles was there. three two, one. >> the ferris wheel at pacific park on the santa monica pier is now one giant, recognizable
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symbol, thanks to an 85 foot custom mesh screen and high powered laser projectors. the wheel of fortune came to life for fans to spin just for fun. the evening was fun for the show's stars as well. >> this is so exciting, i just can't believe it. i mean, look at that. >> i feel like it's not real. >> the moms and dads, the kids want to come and spin the wheel. they've got their t shirts on. they're so excited to have those as well. that's what this show is about. it's a family fun, friendly show. >> this is this is over the top. it's never happened like this. and i'm just so happy to be here today and to start our new season and our new era with ryan. >> it's quite a commitment. these eras of wheel of fortune, but i am up for it. i'm training for it, i'm ready for it, and i'm excited to do it. >> fans here felt as if they witnessed a bit of history. >> exciting. wheel of fortune is part of the american culture spontaneous thing. we were skating down the boardwalk, decided to stop at the pier and now we're here. so it's going to
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be a game changer watching the show. >> after this, we need more joy in our life, and wheel of fortune has always brought that joy. pat sajak and now with ryan good luck to the new era. >> if i'm going to be famous for anything, it's going to be for getting on wheel of fortune. and we just happened to come to santa monica and they're here. so we're like, you know, we're going to get on it and see what happens. >> when it comes to ryan, someone who worked with him in la radio in the 90s knows vanna is in good hands. >> she's very lucky. i know he has big shoes to fill, but she's very lucky. he has an amazing work ethic and the biggest heart that big heart and this big wheel seem like a good fit. >> the new season of wheel of fortune premieres monday, september 9th right here on abc seven in santa monica. george pennacchio abc seven news. >> all right. there's no doubt a lot of people are heading to the coast or to the forest. this holiday weekend. and labor day is also a time when state and national parks get packed. the chronicle is now out with a list
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ranking the top state parks. point lobos state natural reserve takes the number one spot. number two emerald bay state park in el dorado. number three, torrey pines state natural reserve in san diego. number four, jedediah smith redwoods state park in del norte. carmel river state beach rounds out the top five. and also worth mentioning. uh- garrapata state park south of carmel by the sea. ranked number eight on that list. certainly a great weekend to get out and enjoy the beauty. next on abc, seven mornings at 6 a.m, a north bay teen stabbed at school. police now saying they believe it's gang related. then access shut down in brazil. the escalating feud between a brazilian judge and elon
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