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tv   Today  NBC  November 3, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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closure we talked about for south 680 over the weekend. the "today" show is coming up next. did you know "today in the bay" continues right now, live on roku, samsung tv, or wherever you stream? join us now or whenever it fits into your schedule. >> that does it for us here on "today in the bay" on nbc bay area. have a great morning. the "today" show is next. >> join us for our midday news at 11:00 a.m. happy friday. good frida case from wall street. >> it is november 3rd. good morning. this is "today." stunning down fall. the self-proclaimed king of crypto found guilty. the jury taking just four hours to seal his fate in a multibillion dollar fraud scheme, the biggest since bernie madoff.
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>> this morning the decades behind bars sam bankman-fried now faces and what it means for the future of crypto. the secretary of state back in israel this morning, reaffirming u.s. support but bearing words of restraint as the carnage in gaza grows. graphic testimony. new evidence revealed in the trial of a texas yoga instructor charged in the murder of her romantic rival. how she used a fitness app to stalk her alleged victim. welcome relief. much of the nation set to enjoy a warm weekend. al has everything you need to know. those stories, plus turning back time. most americans getting set to enjoy an extra hour of sleep this weekend and the perennial debate over daylight savings right on time.
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and thursday night thriller. >> to the end zone, touchdown! the steelers rally to defeat the titans as football fans gear up in the nfl. today, friday, november 3rd, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. on the west coast it's a busy one. secretary blinken returning to israel overnight. he's pushing for a series of brief pauses in military operation. >> yeah. the goal there, allowing for the safe release of hostages and to deliver humanitarian aid to gaza. we have a live report from the region just ahead. we begin this morning with one of the biggest case of financial fraud in u.s. history. former cryptocurrency mogul sam
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bankman-fried found guilty of stealing millions from investors, ftx becoming very big in a short amount of time. >> for a lot of people, understanding crypto is like understanding a foreign language. as one of the prosecutors put it following the verdict, the cryptocurrency industry might be new. the players like bankman-fried, but this corruption is as old as time. >> laura jarrett here with the details this morning on a pretty quick verdict. laura, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. this entire case moving at lightning speed from the very beginning. his company going belly up almost exactly one year ago. after a couple of weeks of trial, the jury returning its verdict after four hours of deliberations. this morning, sam bankman-fried, once the face of crypto currency success, now convicted of stealing billions of dollars. >> the industry might be new, but this kind of fraud, this
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kind of corruption is as old as time. >> reporter: a federal jury taking little time to find him guilty of all seven counts. the 31-year-old founded ftx in 2019, quickly turning it into one of the largest exchanges of digital currency in the world. getting celebrity endorsers like tom brady. but his crypto empire once valued at $15 billion collapsed. a leaked document spooking investors, forcing the company into bankruptcy with more than 1 million people losing money, some their life savings. >> we messed up big. >> reporter: federal prosecutors saying bankman-fried used customer funds to loan money to his crypto hedge fund in an effort to hide bad investments,
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purchase luxury real estate and pay for a multimillion dollar ad campaign that aired during the super bowl. >> reporter: bankman-fried pled not guilty. taking the stand in his own defense, but the jury also heard devastating testimony from his three top lieutenants who pled guilty and cooperated with prosecutors, including his ex-girlfriend, the former ceo of alameda. ending his reign as the king of crypto as he's facing the rest of his life behind bars. >> it is a warning to every single fraudster out there who thinks they're untouchable. >> reporter: lawyers for bankman-fried say they're disappointed with the verdict. the team signaling they will appeal this case now moves to sentencing in march, guys. >> and serious jail time potentially. >> he is in a heap of trouble. he faces a second trial also supposed to start in march,
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allegedly trying to bribe chinese business officials, as well as contributing illegal campaign donations that's all happening, as well as a bunch of civil suits of people trying to get their money back. breaking overnight, secretary of state antony blinking making his third trip to israel on the heels of president biden's call for a humanitarian pause and a growing push to free more hostages we have complete coverage. we will start with richard engel who is with us from jerusalem. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. secretary blinking is trying to thread a needle, expressing continued support for israel's fight and war against hamas, while also pushing for concrete steps to protect civilians secretary blinking arrived on a mission to slow this war down, pushing for humanitarian pauses to allow more aid into gaza, buying time to free hostages held by hamas and maybe for
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cooler heads to emerge the timing is critical the israeli military says its forces have finished encircling gaza city and are in street battles. a push into the city could be extraordinarily violent. israel is already losing troops. it has outline no clear exit strategy or long-term plan in gaza, hamas seems happy to pull israel into a long-term gorilla war, no matter what the -- guerrilla war, no matter what the consequences for the people of gaza. our crew watched as abu returned to the refugee camp, poor and crowded before the war and now being flattened by israeli strikes. he came to apologize to his family under the rubble that he couldn't do more to help them. i'm sorry i couldn't help you, he says. he adds a prayer and says to god, i can't take it anymore
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after hours of digging, one daughter, 12-year-old leane, is found. he begs people to find his son he keeps apologizing as he carries her back to neighbors so he can search for his other ot and wife, and no one was found daughter, three sons and wife. no one was found alive anger, range and hopelessness helped hamas recruit in gaza there is rage across israel, too as hamas took more than 240 hostages including the disabled and children according to human rights groups and the un, extremist jewish settlers in the west bank are taking advantage of the war to attack palestinians and take their land they were collecting olives in the west bank. he's 77. she's 69 they're christians the couple says jewish settlers last week attacked them without
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provocation. he told me one of the settlers grabbed him in the groin he was then hit repeatedly with a heavy stick. he never called the police they don't do anything, he says. they don't even answer a new un report said that settler violence has increased significantly since the october 7th attack and in nearly half the cases, israeli forces supported or accompanied the attackers. >> richard, thank you. for more perspective on the biden administration's approach on the war, i want to turn to kristin welker. obviously the trip is coming on the heels of the white house. talk about the president saying there should be a pause in the war. the language here is so democrat. you have seen some democratic senators and lawmakers saying perhaps there should be a pause or perhaps a cease fire. how are they walking this line of support for israel but also recognizing the carnage in gaza? >> savannah, good morning. you are right to point that out.
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before secretary blinken left for his trip, the white house clarified while president biden was calling for a pause, he said in order to get more hostages out, not an all-out cease fire, but a temporary pause would be necessary. he's expected to call for a humanitarian pause while also expressing support for israel. it is a message that comes as the death toll is mounting as the humanitarian crisis is worsening. this will be a fine line for secretary blinken to walk. he's expected to call for a humanitarian pause while expressing support for israel. it comes as the death toll in sgau is mounting as the humanitarian crisis is worsening. now look. what's not clear is how long of a pause the administration is asking for from israel. what's also notable here is there is real concern the u.s. could become even more isolated on the world stage or blamed because of the way israel
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carries out its war because of president biden's alignment with israel. >> the u.s. asked for a huge military aid package for ukraine and israel. we saw the house pass an israel only aid plan tied to budget cuts. where does this stand? how does this lay out? >> it is still an open question. it is largely symbolic. as you said, it ties into israel. and it allows the newly cutting the debt. but democrats in the senate are calling this a non-starter. as you just said, democrats and republicans want an aid package to include more funding for ukraine and also the border. now, there is a growing opposition among republicans to approve more aid to ukraine. those opponents argue, look, the u.s. has already given ukraine tens of billions of dollars over the course of the war. i did talk to one top gop lawmaker overnight who told me
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it is expected. ultimately, they will find a way to resolve the aid issue, whether it is one big or a few big bills. don't forget, the government runs out of funding in two weeks and there is no clear resolution in sight to any of these issues. >> a lot of tabs open there in washington. thank you, kristin. i know you have a lot more on "meet the press" including an issue of ukraine's president pushing for more aid. tensions flaring. protests have shut down highways and taken over train stations. and there continues to be disturbing incidents of anti-semitism at college campuses. at cornell, classes are canceled today because of what school officials called, quote, extraordinary stress on students. >> reporter: hoda, that's right. campus here will be unusually quiet for what is supposed to be a restorative day for students after several tumultuous weeks. the tenor on college campuses has been extremely volatile and
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tense. i have heard from students on both sides of the issue fearful of potential fall-out from merely speaking out. as the war in the middle east escalates each day, the conflict thousands of miles away has become a flash point on college campuses here in the u.s., prompting outrage and fear from students on both sides of the issue. do you feel like campus is more divided than ever? >> absolutely. >> reporter: with reports of discrimination rising, authorities are trying to stop the surge. columbia university saying trucks have circled the campus, displaying and publicizing the names of arab, muslim students. this student at cornell who has family in gaza says she
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experienced something similar. is there any part of you that's fearful and even sitting down in this interview on camera with me today? >> i'm very, very afraid, actually. i have been put on a website and there's been articles written about me. >> reporter: cornell canceled classes today citing extraordinary stress on campus in recent weeks. a decision announced days after a junior at the ivy league school was charged with making violent anti-semitic threats including killing jews on campus. he has not yet entered a plea in the case. >> we're very strong. we have been through a lot. but that doesn't mean we're not affected by it. >> reporter: the sense of unease exacerbated by classes like this in tulane university in new orleans. >> an israeli flag was being burned. a brave students attempted to grab the flag before a fight broke out. >> reporter: college campuses
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have been bastions for open and honest discussion. tulane president michael fitz hopes they will find a way back to this. >> for students, they will remember this, what they learned from it and what they learned about their ability to come together as part of it. >> reporter: and that cornell student facing a federal charge could face up to five years in prison if convicted. we have seen an increase in police presence here at cornell. they have a security guard here as schools grapple with increasing tensions and the threat of violence. hoda? >> all right. emilie ikeda for us. thank you. good morning. good morning to you as well. there is growing tensions this morning on capitol hill over an unprecedented move by a lone republican senator. for months now alabama's tommy tuberville has single handedly held up top military motions. he is facing intense backlash from both sides of the aisle. garrett haake has the latest on
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this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. he has now blocked the timely promotions of more than 350 military officers for the better part of this whole year. he hasn't budged as democrats rallied against his tactics and military leaders accused him of weakens national security. now his fellow republicans are turning against him for digging in as two wars rage overseas. growing outrage over a blockade of promotions for senior military officers. >> i hate to have to do this, but somebody has got to listen to us. okay. >> reporter: the alabama republican refused to allow speedy confirmation votes on more than 150 promotions unless alabama reverses its abortion policy the political move now triggering a bipartisan backlash.
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>> patience is wearing thin on both sides of the aisle over the senator's antics. >> reporter: culminating in a senate floor fight wednesday as republicans tried to pass 60 military promotions one by one with tommy tuberville blocking all of them. even with wars raging in the middle east and ukraine, tommy tuberville remains defiant. >> if i thought there was any problem with reyes, we wouldn't be doing it. >> reporter: but it is having an impact on military families. the general suffered a heart attack this week while doing the job of two different officers. jack reed told "politico" he thought smith's workload contributed to his hospitalization. but tommy tuberville dismissed that, comparing his duties to his old job as an alabama football coach. >> i did that for years.
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>> reporter: for those officers in limbo, the delay is agonizing. a military spouse advocates for military families. >> families have been serving for literally decades. and this is the first time where they are being used as political pawns. >> reporter: senate rules and tradition allow for any one senator to slow the process of voting down substantially. but no one has ever dragged out non-controversial votes like these for long the senate can vote on these one by one in fact, they passed three of them yesterday it would take months to clear this backlog now a growing number of senators are considering changing the rules to go around tommy tuberville and end this blockade. >> garrett, thank you. let's go to the nfl now and the game that came down to the final seconds on thursday night
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>> picket to the end zone. touchdown! and there it was johnson finally gets into the end zone. >> the steelers take the lead with 4:00 to go. the titans qb will evans threw an interception and they go on to win that one 20-16, to the wire. >> looks like a good game. >> it was a good game. steelers needed that one, too. >> let's look at the weather we heard there is a warm-up on tap. >> and no rain for parts of the northeast to weaken that streak. and, look, the area of freeze and frost advisories and warnings has shrunken down from georgia to maryland. we're talking about ten million people and the morning lows more than they were yesterday new york city 43 39 in dc nashville 38 atlanta chilly at 39 and those milder highs will continue to build to the east. denver today near 70 degrees
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that's 10 degrees above average. oklahoma city 68 chicago at 70 degrees today. as we move into tomorrow, new york city flirting with 60s, 70 in nashville springfield, missouri at 66. look as we head into the weekend and into early next week, the washington, d.c. 71. mid-70s in atlanta low to mid-80s in dallas however, as we get into late next week, we can see colder than average temperatures in the northeast return, but warm down through the gulf and all the way up into the plains we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. o show me love ♪ weekly black friday deals you can't miss. ♪ love like this before ♪ ♪ i never knew there was a... ♪
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get low prices and early black friday deals at target. good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. our temperatures today starting out mild, and it will be a very comfortable afternoon. comfortably warm, with some of our temperatures running about 10 degrees above what we typically see in november. and expect more of the same tomorrow with a slight cooldown in the north bay, as we get more clouds and a couple of spotty sprinkles in the forecast. and then on sunday, we're setting our clocks back one hour to a slight chance of weather. guys >> thank you new evidence coming to light of the so-called love triangle murder in texas. >> the evidence presented in court was graphic. and prosecutors say it helps
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make their case. but the defendant wasn't even at the crime scene. details on what went down in the courtroom coming up. and an inside look at the effects ozempic is having on the food industry and what that might mean for your future trips to the grocery store but first, this is "today" on
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♪ coming up, it is time to fall back. >> that's the perfect song. >> i love this song. >> we will discuss the benefits of that added hour of sleep and that always heated debate, is daylight savings time even necessary anymore? but, first, your local news and weather. ♪ all three on them! ♪ (wife) do that. (carolers) ♪ we tried to tell him but he paid us a lot... ♪ (husband) it was a lot... ♪ mhmmm ♪
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(vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions
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can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. good morning. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay." first, we want to tell you about a court hearing tied to that racist text scandal rocking the antioch police department. that's happening today. >> four defendants in an east bay murder case will be back in court in martinez. they're asking to have their charges dropped, claiming their case was tarnished by the scandal. the judge has already ruled there will be no outright dismissal, but he could still dismiss enhancements or reduce charges. according to documents, officers
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exchanged racist texts about their case, which the defendants argue violates the racial justice act. the judge is expected to hear expert testimony from academics surrounding this new law. happening tonight, another major highway closure in the east bay. part of southbound 680 will shut down in the pleasanton area so workers can repave the road. starting tonight at 9:00, all southbound lanes of 680 will be closed from the 580 interchange in dublin to highway 84 in sunol. caltrans is advising drivers to avoid the area. they'll be rerouted to 580 and highway 84. all planes are expected to reopen by 4:00 monday morning. let's get a look at that friday morning forecast with kari. >> it's going to be a really nice day. make plans to get outside. our temperatures head for the low 80s, which is well above normal, and, also, warmer than what we'll see in the coming days. there will be more clouds for the weekend and sunday morning we'll be setting our clock back
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one hour with some slight rain chances. the slight rain chances continue into monday as well. we will see the north bay and san francisco with a better chance of getting some more measurable rain and those high temperatures go from low 70s today to 60s for the weekend. get the full forecast on ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ we are back. that, of course, the iconic theme to "friends. streams of that song, by the way, tripling. carson will have more on that and a touching new tribute
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that's all ahead on "popstart. >> we have a busy half hour with developments on the trial of a developments on the trial of a of a professional cyclist. >> miguel almaguer joins us with the latest on this case. good morning. >> good morning. jurors saw graphic crime scene photos and heard from neighbors whose security cameras captured her jeep allegedly circling the crime scene. all of it as the accused killer stared straight ahead without any visible reaction jurors in kaitlin armstrong's murder trial and the gunshot wound which ended her life. >> it was very, very quiet you can barely hear reporters typing it was a human moment. >> reporter: the jury also viewing dramatic surveillance video in which wilson's screams can be heard, followed by the
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sound of gunshots. >> who got shot? to the head, one to the side of the head it hits the index finger as it passes you won't hear any more screams after that. >> reporter: wilson's racing bicycle, which was found a short distance from the crime scene and swabbed by forensic investigators for traces of dna. >> bringing that bicycle in did shift the mood a little bit and almost seemed to reinvigorate the focus of a lot of people in the courtroom. >> reporter: prosecutors arguing the yoga instructor stalked her on a fitness app and gunned her down out of jealousy with armstrong's one-time boyfriend armstrong's attorneys say there is no proof she was even at the scene of the crime. >> you heard opening statements about all the cameras that were in the immediate vicinity of the scene of that shooting
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not one at that scene because there is none. >> reporter: according to prosecutors, armstrong, who has pled not guilty to first-degree murder fled to costa rica after the killing and was on the run after 40 days, even having plastic surgery they contend to alter her appearance she tried to escape custody several weeks before the trial armstrong's lawyers says while she has made some questionable decisions, it doesn't mean she's guilty of murder >> so who else is on the witness list potentially, miguel >> reporter: the list of potential witnesses include armstrong's youngest sister. armstrong used her passport to fly to costa rica. but the big name to watch for is really the one at the center of this love triangle and this case >> miguel, thank you very much.
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meanwhile, we are heading into a weekend that always ignites a great sleep debate most of the country will get an extra hour of sleep when the clocks fall back but, of course, the end of daylight savings time is very divisive there is people that love it and people that hate it. tom, first of all, i thought congress was supposed to do away with this. >> reporter: we all did. it never made its way to a full vote in the congress and, so, it's gone nowhere the bottom line is congress has not settled this debate. bottom line is you and i will have to and most of the country will have to, in fact, turn our blocks back at 2:00 a.m. on sunday arizona, by the way and also hawaii, the two states that remain on standard time. so, again, most of us falling
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back an hour spring forward, there is something to look forward to on march 10th fire departments are recommending this is a good time of year to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. no surprise. as you mentioned, america is divided on this issue. two-thirds of americans want today permanently on daylight savings time and a third don't want to change at all. america started this, by the way, back on world war i, more than 100 years ago it was a way, they thought then to really save on energy then congress made it an official policy back in 1966 supporters say that the extra daylight hours in the summer, that they are helpful and they essentially are good for mental health and exercise. some farmers say it gives them more time in their fields and it reduces as well car accidents. that's the argument anyway those opposed say, no, no, no. this is very tough, especially on shift workers it can lead to mistakes on the job. not good for pets. there is an increase in heart
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attacks and that we would be better off if we stayed on our normal, natural circadian rhythms, which, of course, follow the sun most folks would like to stay on daylight savings part-time others want to say on the circadian rhythm on standard time for the moment, that's where we're going. we're going to wintertime. you have to fall back on sunday. >> thank you, tom. thank you. thank you. do you like it >> no, i don't i think we should just stay on the other one, whatever the other one was. >> in arizona we didn't celebrate daylight savings time, so i never understood it. >> imagine if a country said, everybody, we will turn our clocks back and we didn't. >> it is just time. >> you can't fool with it. >> yes, you can. >> apparently, right still ahead, one of our visits to one of the nation's oldest and most infamous prisons where a revolutionary program is having an impact on the people far beyond its walls and incarcerated individuals. >> let's go to vicky.
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>> it's nuts good morning skyrocketing sales from ozempic, mounjaro are having major implications on snacks, the airlines, even the environment i'll explain how that's next right here on "today."
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marshalls. with boost infinite, get iphone 15 pro with titanium and save up to 40% on your monthly bill. transcend to a wireless utopia and experience america's smart network. with unparalleled coverage from three of the nation's top wireless networks. no trade-in needed to get iphone 15 pro with titanium on us. save up to 40% on your monthly bill and enjoy the latest iphone every year with unlimited wireless. (speaker 1) louie... stop... and enjoy the latest iphone (speaker 2) blue does have pretty good ingredients. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue! (♪♪) (bell rings) ♪i don't give a med 'bout my reputation...♪ (♪♪)
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♪no no no no no no no no no♪ this delectable ramen noodle recipe will put an end to your drive-through dinner rituals. throw that powder in that tasty combo of delightful carrots, and the rich touch of bok choy. knorr taste combos. it's not fast food, but it's soooo good. ♪ ♪ ♪ (i know i can) ♪ ♪ (count on you) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (sometimes i feel like saying) ♪ ♪ (lord i just don't care) ♪ pandora. loves, unboxed. we are back at 7:41. a new impact on drugs like
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ozempic. >> as sales surge, it is having an impact on some of the nation's most recognized food and drug brands. >> vicky nguyen is here to explain. >> some experts are saying ozempic's results are so impressive, they are not just changing the way we eat, they're creating a surprising ripple effect on wall street and beyond the diabetes drug ozempic, often prescribed off label for weight loss is back in the headlines. this time for its skyrocketing sales. its parent company danish pharmaceutical giant reporting sales of the drug are up 58% so far this year, raking in a report of $8.4 billion in revenue. the new class of drugs known as glp-1s will work to sue press
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appetite, which means users reach for sugary and salty foods less often. >> we have some patients that describe a general decrease in that hunger. some patients describe a complete absence of appetite. >> reporter: the soaring popularity of the drugs has some wall street investors betting against the future of snacks and beverages that have driven the obesity problem. the s&p food and beverage index reporting a drop in three months although it is hard to prove a growing correlation between ozempic and the recent stock fall-off, the effects of the changing eating behaviors could go beyond the snacking district, too. one study found that if the average airline passenger lost 10 pounds, it could dramatically impact how much fuel planes need to fly, equating to $80 million in savings of annual fuel costs per airline. what about the potential effect on weight loss surgery
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johnson & johnson's ceo saying we are seeing some impact in our bariatric surgery. some believe going forward the drugs and surgeries will be used to together to help people lose unwanted weight. jennie zigler thinking concerns over the drug's popularity are inflated. >> i'm not entirety sure the food and beverage industry will be massively affected by this. many companies have been on the faith to creating healthier food and drink for quite a long time. >> reporter: adding getting the drugs is still a challenge. >> they're still very expensive. they are not as easily accessible they're not covered by insurance. >> reporter: for melanie who's been on ozempic for over two years. in the end, she says they're not
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a miracle. >> there is this big misconception that the medication does everything for you. your food choices become much more important. >> no doubt these drugs are wildly popular what's next for him? >> a few developments to watch out for, craig one, novo and eli lilly are in clinical trials for oral versions of that drug. that could be a real game changer. something else, access a lot of patients are pushing for better insurance coverage because these medications are so expensive. here's the thing long-term, what do we know the snag and beverage industry says we surprised that trend in the past if we have real weight loss and americans are lighter, the implications could be really broad on health care itself. >> thank you. speaking of the weekend, mr. roker, how are we looking? >> things look pretty good
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except for our friends in the pacific northwest. atmospheric river coming in bringing clouds, showers and heavy rain with localized flooding upwards of five inches or more from anywhere from seattle all the way down to crescent city and eureka plenty of sunshine the eastern half of the country going to be gorgeous a few showers in upstate new york heavy rain continuing in the pacific northwest in between it is going to be fantastic. as we go into sunday, sunday, we are looking at lots of sunshine, pleasant weather through the gulf coast sunny skies, but more rounds of rain into the southwest and california good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. taking a live look outside in dublin, bright and sunny, and it's a milder start to our day. we're headed for the upper 70s, and more warmer than normal
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weather. the south bay reaching into the low to mid-80s. novato reaching 79 and san francisco in the lower 70s and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you so much coming up, remember we were talking about the new ad from "mean girls" yesterday >> yeah. >> mr. roker, apparently what you and carson had to say caught the attention of tina fey. >> we have a morning list. i think it's a great one i want to know about this. >> well, you will have to find out. >> oh, yeah. nes. to help protect you and your family against the respiratory diseases we may be facing. ask your healthcare provider about vaccine options from pfizer including covid-19, rsv, and pneumococcal pneumonia that may be right for you.
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the right thing. they noticed there was a camera bowl on the porch that was totally empty. >> bro, they took all the good candy. >> here. >> we're giving back >> that's nice. >> that's right. they took their own candy. they put it in the bowl so the other kids could have it the word got back to the parents about what happened and here is what one of the moms had to say. >> to know and to actually see the evidence that you're doing right by your kids, the best feeling in the world as a parent, as a mom, oh, it's the best it's the absolute best that's why i'm crying. >> they did good by the way, the homeowner saw that on her nest camera. whoever their parents are, you're amazing. >> all right >> i don't know. >> maybe a little staged the lighting was good. did you see his face
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7:55 am
i think i found them! really? making your dog your ring bearer is one way to show your love. car part. it's just a car part! but delicious cesar canine cuisine is a better way. i'm in everybodies home and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe but you should and blitzen fast shipping, north pole in two days so this year go to wayfair for goodness sake. the gifts. you have one job nick. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro for your husband! iphone 15 pro — ♪ (wife) carolers! to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (husband) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, and you'll get iphone 15 pro, ♪ ♪ aaannnnnddddd apple tv 4k, and apple one - ♪ ♪ all three on them! ♪ (wife) do that.
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(carolers) ♪ we tried to tell him but he paid us a lot... ♪ (husband) it was a lot... ♪ mhmmm ♪ (vo) this holiday turn any iphone, in any condition, into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium, apple tv 4k, and six months of apple one. all three on us. it's holiday everyday with verizon. a very good morning to you. 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell outside superior court in martinez, where later today the four defendants charged in murder in appear before a judge, this is after antioch police officers exchanged racist texts about their case. the defendants argue that the police officers' texts violate the racial justice act that, according to the oakland public defender's office, allows people charged with a crime to raise issues of bias or discrimination based on race, ethnicity or national origin.
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today the judge is expected to hear expert testimony from academics surrounding this new law. let's get a look at that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. nice day ahead? >> yes, and it will be warm, much warmer than we usually see for early november. we'll have sunshine today and we're headed for 80 degrees. we'll see partly cloudy skies tomorrow, and just a little bit lower in terms of those temperatures. we'll cool off as a cold front moves in and brings slight rain chances for sunday into monday, and by monday we're looking at highs in the mid to upper 60s. that will stretch into next week. for san francisco, we'll see a mostly cloudy day tomorrow, and upper 60s. we fall back to a chance of rain in the forecast for the north bay and san
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8:00 am
i'm so sorry. [ kisses noises ] late, late, late. i'm sorry. we're always late. your family might wait, but the season of audi offers won't. get these exceptional offers now. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, convicted. sam bankman-fried found guilty for stealing billions from investors. >> the crypto currency industry might be new, but this kind of fraud, this kind of corruption is as old as time. >> in what's being called the biggest case since bernie
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madoff. we're live with the latest. plus, inside one of america's most notorious prisons. >> we wanted to redefine what it means to pay a debt to society. it starts with how you change yourself. >> a first-hand look at the program looking to reform rehabilitation. and 30 rocks! ♪♪ ♪♪ >> recognize those names? a look at the new chris mall carol taking over the holidays and our plaza coming up on "popstart." today, friday, november 3rd, 2023. >> on a sister trip from mississippi. >> good evening from saint paul, minnesota. >> tampa, florida! >> richmond, indiana. >> and columbus, ohio! >> from lexington, north
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carolina. >> on our first trip. >> wisconsin. >> indiana to celebrate mom's 81st birthday. >> lots to celebrate. a lot of folks getting ready to celebrate here in new york city. we'll see a lot of medals on monday. sore legs and high spirits. that's what we usually see. it's friday. we're so happy to have a great crowd out there. we will get there in a moment. >> can't wait. we have a special story to bring you next week. jenna and her sister barbara are paying a visit to a children's hospital in maine named in honor of their late grandmother and they meet up with another pair of sisters helping to spread joy and love throughout the halls. look forward to having them together. >> that is going to be a beautiful story. a guilty verdict reached overnight in the financial fraud trial of the self-proclaimed king of crypto. the founder of ftx facing decades behind bars for a scheme that cost his customers billions. laura jarett is here with more. >> yes, guys. good morning to all of you. that jury coming back so fast last night.
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sam bankman-fried, once the darling of the crypto injury as the jury found him guilty on all seven counts of fraud and conspiracy. the 31-year-old managed to charm celebrities, politicians, growing his crypto exchange into a massive success. it was all a facade, garden-variety fraud. some losing their life savings from all of this. a trial he took the stand in his own defense and it did not go well. prosecutors showing what he said in public versus privacy, calling his investors dumb. his top deputies testified against him as well. he faces life behind bars. >> thank you very much. israeli troops tightened their circle around gaza this morning as u.s. secretary of state antony blinken is back in tel aviv since the surprise attack by hamas last month. megan fitzgerald joins us from egypt where more americans are fleeing and expected to join us today. >> reporter: hoda, good morning >> the israeli troops are
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tightened their circle around gaza city this morning as uk secretary of state antony blinken is back in tel aviv for the third time since the surprise attack by hamas last month. nbc's megan fitzgerald joins us from egypt where more americans are fleeing gaza and are expected to arrive today. hey, megan. good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. the rafah border crossing opened this morning. some 370 americans are on the list to escape. meanwhile, secretary blinken is in israel, where he reaffirmed his support for the country and is calling for the protection of civilians. this morning fierce fighting at the israeli military says it's encircled gaza city. air strikes raining down thursday, hitting the refugee camp. un officials say their largest shelter was struck killing 20 people. hospitals are overflowing with patients as body bags lined the halls and sidewalks outside. idf officials say the strikes destroyed hamas infrastructure and killed one of its top commanders.
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israel is under pressure for a cease fire as antony blinken arrives in tel aviv since the surprise attack on october 7th. among the discussions, humanitarian pauses to allow people to get out. >> do we advocate pauses by both sides here, temporary, localized to be able to get americans out, to be able to get aid in? you bet you we do. >> reporter: for the third day in a row, americans are getting out. president biden says 79 americans have crossed the rafah border into egypt since wednesday. among them, a pediatrician from colorado who was treating kids in gaza. >> people panicked. and people are desperate for obvious reasons. they're fighting for their lives. >> reporter: this american, her husband and five american also escaping the horror inside gaz waiting 12 hours to cross the border, leaving relatives behind. how difficult was it for you to
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leave? >> it's very difficult because you -- you don't know when you will see them again. you don't know if they will be okay. >> reporter: she says they were living in constant fear that any moment could be their last. but they're now among the lucky ones who escaped as millions of others are still trapped inside. and according to the hamas-run ministry of health, the only oncology hospital in gaza has run out of fuel, resulting in the death of four people. hoda? >> megan fitzgerald for us there in cairo, egypt. thank you. 15 people were hurt when a massive gas explosion destroyed a house in new york state yesterday. it happened in the village of wappingers falls, more than an
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hour of new york city. first responders rescued self folks with the fire still blazing. authorities say crews were replacing 100-year-old gas main when an excavator hit a gas main. tens of people line the streets in texas to honor the champs texas rangers, who were greeted with a water salute when they arrived back home in balance. marcus semien emerged from the team plane holding the commissioner's trophy. there it is. they beat the arizona diamondbacks 4-1 to win their first world series title in franchise history. >> it will be a fun weekend there in texas. coming up on "popstart," the touching tributes to matthew perry. one that will hopefully help a lot of people. first, a first-hand look inside an infamous sing sing prison where we found a group of men using their time there in an unexpected and inspiring way. we will share you their story right after this
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good morning i traveled to sing sing correctional facility just outside new york to meet with some of the men incarcerated there to learn more about a program that's called "voices from within. it is a grass roots effort with a simple goal, to redefine what it means to pay a debt to society. if you have ever heard of someone being sent up the river, they meant here, sing sing prison just over 30 miles north of new york city. it's one of the oldest prisons in america but we went there because they're trying something new we were invited, along with a group of visitors, to go inside to meet the men of "voices from within." it's a peer support group started by incarcerated men. >> hi. my name is shane. >> hello my name is mike. >> they're trying to change the
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culture in prison by talking about the mistakes they have made that led them here and trying to keep young people from heading down the same path the program started more than a decade ago with a group led by j.j. velazquez. >> we wanted to redefine what it means to pay a debt to society just sitting in a cage doesn't pay a debt you have to actively do something to pay a debt. it starts with how you change yourself >> at that time, velazquez had been serving time for a murder he insists he didn't commit. and "dateline" producer dan slepian had been working on his case he worked with them to make a video about gun violence. >> there is nothing you can do to make it right >> the video has been shown to at risk youth across new york state and beyond "voices from within" took off from there and succeeded with the support of then-president superintendent michael kapra
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sing sing, like most prisons, has problems with violence attacks between the incarcerated do happen. in a recent lawsuit sent by the state department of investigations led to an investigation. in this environment, a partnership between kapra and the then of "voices from within" grew a lot of people that hear this or say this will say, you are just supposed to keeping them locked up and keeping them away from society that's your job. all this other stuff is a bit much. >> yeah. we're going to change that narrative. >> why >> because we need to. i think we have the responsibility of making sure that when people leave here, they have the skill set that they need. they have turned into a man. and it is our responsibility that they don't victimize anybody else anywhere. >> prison is not a place typically associated with vulnerability or redemption. how did you get other incarcerated people to buy into it. >> what i have learned is there is a lot of good people in
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prison that made bad choices if you are 16 years old and you did a robbery and you ended up with 20 years for that robbery, with 20 that individual is now 36 years old. this is a natural human process called maturity. these people want to change. all they need is the opportunity and somebody to believe in them. >> we wanted to see this change first-hand during our visit, we broke into small groups the men in my group were honest about why they were in prison. >> while i was in prison, they indicted me for homicide. >> when i was 17 years old, i had a fight with a man he died because of the fight i had another fight and i ended up stabbing somebody. >> they say they are full of regret and remorse but eager to show how their worst mistakes won't define them. >> it was all just selfish that's it.
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there is no reason behind it i'm releasing that selfishness >> is it weird that you are in prison and you can really be your authentic self and you can show up in amazing ways like the reflection i see in all of you guys. >> that wasn't the end of us as human, as men. we have so much more that we can share with everyone. just given that chance. >> what's remarkable is that one of the men giving them that chance is j.j., who was granted clemency in 2021 he was released, but vowed to keep coming back you spend more than 20 years in prison. >> yes. >> now you come back every two weeks. how is that not triggering or traumatizing >> when i was in prison, there were people who gave me hope and support, and that's how i survived there is something inherent inside of me that just won't allow me to leave these people behind >> so to critics of the program, j.j. points out that 95% of the
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men in sing sing will be released at some point so he asks what kind of men do we want them to be when we return to society? by the way, guys, when we were there "voices from within" will be expanding to every prison throughout new york state. you can learn more about j.j.'s case in "letters from sing sing." you can find that wherever you get your podcasts. the warmer warden near the prison, soon to retire, strongly considering going to work with j.j. to expand this program. >> how much time did j.j. do, 20 >> 20 years? the fact that he goes back every two weeks says a lot. >> he's a special kind of guy to say the least. >> thank you let's get a check on the weather now from al. >> thank you so much we're looking at showers making their way across the great lakes. going to be heavier rain across
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the pacific northwest. it is fairly clear today the temperatures starting to moderate as we get into the great lakes. northern new england on the chilly side. 20s and 30s throughout alaska. we are looking at that next storm coming into the pacific northwest bringing heavy rain through the weekend. but a gorgeous day today milder highs down through the gulf coast southwest looking awfully nice as well. that's what's goining on good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be slightly warmer than normal and nice and sunny. we're headed for the upper 70s for san mateo and mountain view. oakland reaching 77, but 85 in san martin. we see a slight cooldown for the north bay tomorrow with clouds and s
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and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, we heard you had a big night last night for the white house historical association with dr. biden. >> first of all, we got to see dr. jill biden we also -- deborah got to interview martin sheen and michael douglas, former presidents and there is new plans for an interactive white house museum, a block away from the white house. it will give visitors an immersive experience of what it is like to be inside the people's house dr. biden says it transports visitors to different chapters in time teaching students and adults about the nation's history. once it's done, we will get an exclusive tour of it. and one of the big fundraisers is the christmas tree ornament that they do every year. since 1981 we will display that in the next couple of days. >> michael douglas and martin sheen, former movie presidents. >> interestingly enough, martin sheen was michael douglas' chief of staff in "the american president".
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>> oh, that's right. >> and, of course, he was martin sheen, of course, in the "west wing" president. >> all right >> what you got, carson? >> it is hard to beat that but i will do my best. we will start with matthew perry. fans remembering the "friends" star with this iconic theme son ♪♪ you burned your breakfast so far ♪♪ things are going great. >> well, not ♪ >> well, not surprisingly, more streams have skyrocketing. it was streamed 117,000 times over the two days following perry's passing. here in the u.s. alone, that is a whopping 184% in the previous sunday to monday this morning, perry is also being remembered for his long-time commitment to helping others struggling with addiction
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with the announcement of the matthew perry foundation, created in his name. the foundation will accept donations to help individuals dealing with the disease that's great thank you. matt rogers dropped his holiday album. "have you heard of christmas." personally around here, we can't stop listening to the track that honoring our rockefeller christmas tree and some of our favorite 30 rock residents ♪ i want to see jimmy fallon come out of the building because that's where he works. take a look. ♪ i want to see al roker come out the building because that's where he works ♪ ♪ i want to see jenna bush hage come out the building because that's where she works ♪ ♪ and i want to see the big, big, big, big tree ♪ ♪ i recognize them ♪ >> whoa! they should be pumping that on a >> wow >> oh, yes. >> that's great.
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absolutely. >> why not love it. >> have some live cameos during that next up, "mean girls." we were talking about that epic cast reunion we have seen mean girls, but were you lukewarm? >> i have never seen the movie >> well, that's not very fetch of you, al. >> fetch >> after 20 years, we will tune in take a look at this. tina fey sent me a copy. dear al and carson, i watch every day. honestly, i think you'll like it that's a classic movie. >> the movie is great. i've got to watch it. >> you are going to love it. >> that's great. >> i'll watch "mean girls" if you guys watch the greatest christmas movie of all time, "die hard". >> which is not a christmas movie. >> that's a debate that can go on for a while.
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"trolls," nsnync released their first song in decades for the film how the film trollified all the guys plus, here is a little peek at the guys back in the studio recording the track. >> here we go now. ♪ just let me take you to a better place ♪ >> i can't believe this is really happening. >> we would do this song as a group in the movie, but everybody would be animated characters >> hits theaters november 17th if you can't wait until then, theaters across the country are holding sneak peeks across the country. willie geist it was up late last night with seth myers and revealed he has a show coming up with henry winkler when they were filming that, the fonz was nice enough to surprise lucky tourists who were there. >> i didn't know you guys had this picture, but that was a moment that couple right there was on their honeymoon from france he did not do that for the camera although, we grabbed it. at the end of the meal, hewas o
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france. he did not do slipped in and paid for their lunch. >> i can't wait to see that interview. in the meantime, we have a sneak peek at this sunday's show willy is chatting with john stamos discussing his memoire. john admitted he didn't always get the warmest response to "full house" when it first started. >> i had the critics in my ear, and the critics hated this show. but what they missed, sweetness came in. and the brain moved aside, and it gave room for the heart to feel something you know, it became everybody's family >> check out their conversation. don't forget to tune in this weekend to "sunday today." >> all right, guys just ahead, the star of the highly anticipated new movie "priscilla" is here. we will catch up with cailee spaeny coming up but, first, your local news and
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weather. good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. don't forget starting tonight a major highway closure through the east bay starting at 9:00 p.m., southbound interstate 680 will close for a major repaving project. all lanes close between the 580 interchange in dublin and highway 84. drivers above the closure will be rerouted to interstate 580. below the closure, drivers have
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to take highway 84. all lanes should reopen in time for the monday morning commute. meteorologist kari hall has a look at what we can expect coming up. >> it looks good. we are seeing warmer temperatures continuing today with a lot of sunshine. tomorrow more clouds move in. it will be slightly cooler especially in the north bay where we have a chance of spotty sprinkles. early next week a slight chance of showers and near normal temperatures as we cool off. our weekend forecast goes from sunny and 80 today to mid 70s and mostly cloudy on sunday, the north bay getting the best chance of rain showers that will also move into san francisco and near the coastline. it will be in the 60s throughout the weekend there. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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♪ my kind of magic ♪ welcome! good morning >> hi! >> hey, everybody. welcome back a beautiful friday morning we are trying to take a selfie
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hang on. i got it right here. baton rouge in the house good to see everybody. we've got a beautiful, wild, excited plaza crowd. okayave could we just have a show of hands? show of hands. show of hands. show of hands. if you are -- if you are running the marathon or if you have a friend or family member that's running, raise your hand. >> oh, yeah! >> yeah. yeah a lot of marathoners out here. >> i love it >> this is a super concert. >> yeah. >> so next up, we are looking forward to the conclusion of nascar's 75th season, and it's right here on nbc and peacock for drivers set to battle it out in the championship race in the phoenix raceway. you can catch the high-speed action at 3:00 p.m. eastern with
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pre-race coverage starting one hour earlier on nbc and peacock. meantime, coming up, people are buzzing about cailee spaeny's performance in "priscilla". >> plus, we have our good buddy jill standing by with a spanking brand-new edition of "shop the scenes" and some holiday gift ideas that are perfect for the "today show" fans in your life, as i'm sure there are myriad. >> yes also ahead, we are happy to have chef tiffany with us for game day eats to pair with the bengals game chili and wings. >> speaks of the nfl, kaylee hartung is also the sidelineave chef tiffany with us for game day eats reporter on prime video. she will share a day in the life in that vital role if you have ever wondered what it is like to be in the middle of the action, she will share it
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with us. meanwhile, be sure to stick around for the 3rd hour. the one, the only mark wahlberg. he's going to join us live yeah, marky mark will be here.o. he's going to join us live. yeah, marky mark will he just finished what he calls one of his greatest accomplishments. that's saying a lot coming from him. so he will stop by on the 3rd hour. >> we have a huge marathon crowd. someone has to go around the horn. >> but, first, let's show you what we have going on for your weekend. saturday plenty of sunshine. really, the only bad weather is in the pacific northwest in parts of the western plains with heavy rain and flooding. fall back this weekend daylight savings time ends at 2:00 a.m your weekend is an extra hour longer and, of course, for all those marathoners who are running 26.2 miles of the new york city marathon, 9:00 a.m. 52
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it is partly sunny skies noon 56. perfect weather including our pal sheinelle jones and, of course, her running coach. and the rest of the day on sunday, going to be gorgeous breezy conditions around the great lakes. more rain out in the pacific northwest. but look at how much sunshine there is all across the country, marara good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have nice weather for the bay area as our temperatures continue to be warmer than normal, headed for 80 degrees in the inland valleys. there will be a few more clouds tomorrow as we watch a chance of rain in the north bay. by sunday we're seeing more clouds as we set our clocks back one hour. a chance of rain in the forecast that continues into monday. once we hit monday, those temperatures come back down to what's normal for this time of
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besides the marathon, of course, the best part of sunday night. football night in america! the thunder and herd of the bills going to cincinnati to take on the bengals. partly cloudy and mild it's a big cat 57 degrees sunday night football night in america! i think it's time we got to go around the horn. here we go let's go yeah 26.3 miles, but we're running it anyway here we go keep going yeah, yeah, oh and that is how you go around the horn, baby whoo back to you. >> we're just doing selfie palooza here it's so fun. what an awesome crowd. >> yes, baby
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happy birthday. >> awe. >> hannah. >> hannah is in the house. >> hey, girl. >> happy birthday. >> okay. what's coming up >> all right we talked to her costar this morning. cailee spaeny, the rave reviews her movie is getting but, first, this is "today" on nbc. but, first,
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>> hannah. but, first, this is "today" on of the highly anticipated film called "priscilla. it follows her life. take a look. >> you got a favorite song >> all right it is so good to see you i had your costar right in that
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seat about a week or so ago. >> yes. >> the chemistry was palpable there. had you all worked together before that? >> yeah. we -- you know, i loved his work beforehand, but you never know what you are getting into with a costar but i e-mailed him the second he got the role and basically forced him to be friends with me but he was so lovely, so easy to work with. >> well, this movie is about you, about priscilla presley i found this incredible. when this film was being shown, you were there in attendance and next to you was none other than priscilla presley. tell me what that was like in that moment for you. >> yeah. i hadn't seen the film yet it was too weird to watch myself on screen for two hours in every
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frame. so i got to venice and the plan was i was going to sneak out while they were playing the movie. and i turned to sophia who said, you should enjoy the film and watch the movie. but then they sat me next to priscilla presley. >> she loved the film. she loved how you portrayed her. that must have been, one, such an incredible compliment for you. >> massive weight off my shoulders. that's the best review you can get. >> were you a fan of elvis back in the day were your parents fans >> yeah. i was born in tennessee and i grew up in the southern midwest. you know, elvis holds a different weight in the south. we grew up going to graceland. i think that's what was fascinating about doing this movie. >> and it is such a different take on it we're used to seeing it from elvis' perspective, but seeing it from priscilla's is something different. i love your back story you are one of how many kids in your family? >> i'm one of nine.
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>> so you are the seventh of nine >> so you are in high school and you say to your parents, i don't want to be in high school anymore? >> yeah, exactly yeah, it was about 14, 15 years old. and i, like, met a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy that lived in los angeles i'm like, great, i'm packing up the bags and going to l.a. >> i love how your parents are like, hold on a second write me a powerpoint presentation on why this is a good idea. they made you reason out why it was good for you to go. >> i put together a kit of all the things i had done. i was in a kids cover band i put it altogether, and i said, i think we can do this. >> and your parents drove you there. >> 25-hour drive to l.a. across country. it was a bit mad. >> how long did it take for you to get a break.
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>> it was like four years of solid noes until i got my first role. >> did you wonder at that point, did i make a mistake >> yeah. we were about to call it quits my mom always said, i thought i would take you to l.a. and you would say, this isn't for me the exact opposite happened. i stuck with it, and i'm glad i did. >> you were awarded best actress at the venice film festival. there is so much ahead for you i'm so happy for you and all the accolades you are getting. well deserved. >> i really appreciated. >> i can't wait to see what happens next for you. >> we'll see what happens. >> you can catch "priscilla" in theaters and it comes out today. >> i'm so fired up it is the talk of the town the "today" line of very special "shop the scenes" colltion and great hoecli
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this is a big day around here our friend today lifestyle contributor jill martin brooks is here. this is a very collection for your company "shop the scenes. tell us about it. >> i'm so proud, as you know, to be a member of "the today show" family and so many people out there are. so we wanted to give you two best selling brands, friends of the family, to create special apparel and accessories only for our "today show" fans and they're exclusive to us. they make the perfect gift for the holiday season or for yourself some of them are investment pieces, but i want to get right into it. >> let's fire up the qr code there you go. >> and it's limited edition. if you want it, get it fast. okay aviator nation, i love this brand. you see it all over social media on celebrities the value of the two items that you get and the bundle before i go into the details, the
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sweatshirt and the tote. the value is $200. we're doing it at a special value for $135 now you say it is a sweatshirt, but this is the sweatshirt it is the only sweatshirt you will ever want to put on the tote is exclusive for today and the only tote on the market right now. it is a reusable tote. >> so cute. >> now, their owner is in l.a. she hand touches everything, every design we worked closely together also. >> it's the iconic aviator stripes and everything. >> yep it is hand sewn, hand done, made in the u.s. in california. every attention to detail. it has rayon in it they go through an intention breakdown process to give you that vintage like a '70s feel. >> yep. >> so really this is the only sweatshirt you want to hear. this is unisex i'm wearing the small. my husband wears the large and we have a size. >> so you get the sweatshirt and the tote. >> you get the sweatshirt and
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the tote it is $135 again, pick your size. and a special shout-out to jen crawford from their team to design this. >> it is a big deal. >> it is a big deal. i said, oh, this looks like aviator nation. >> the trucker hats, again, we have $38 for this hat. it is hand sewn, hand stitched, handmade so cool. i love a trucker hat. >> me, too. >> it is adjustable in the back. so you see right here. so it fits big heads like mine i'm a seven and three-quarters. >> you know your half size >> i do because it is oversized and it has the little aviator nation sewn in there very exciting. it comes in the black or the beige. if you are worrying about the beige getting dirty, i have been wearing it all the time. this is great. limited edition, unisex. $38. >> last we went to sonoma county, which is such a blast. bring us back. thank you for the one laugh.
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they gave us this tote that everyone fell in love with mark and graham mark and graham is known for their personalization and for their quality. and the value of this, there is a range in sizes so there is a large and then there is a medium and then there is a pouch. >> okay. >> okay? >> large, medium, pouch. got it >> very clear. comes in all the colors. but it is a vinyl coated nylon with a 10-inch drop. this is water resistant, fuss resistant, kid resistant but these are items you will have never super, super sturdy. they did a collaboration with seal but we're so proud to really represent the "today" brand. it comes in the ocean blue it comes in the navy again, the large and the medium. this is a triumph for secret santas under $50.
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>> it is not a bundle, you just choose >> the tote is a bundle. >> right but even on its own, look at how heavy duty the zipper is >> no, i know. well, we're proud, by golly. thank you so much. jill, scan the qr code or go to it is in partnership with "shop the scenes" which jill is the ceo. let's go give me a high five. craig, over to you. >> all right, s.g. up next, check out this spread here enjoy during the big sunday night football matchup this is chef tiffany who will show us how it's done right after this but, first, this is "today." i like that cheese on nbc you know what the music i'm so sorry. [ kisses noises ] late, late, late. i'm sorry. we're always late. your family might wait, but the season of audi offers won't. get these exceptional offers now.
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i'm so sorry. [ kisses noises ] late, late, late. i'm sorry. we're always late. your family might wait, but the season of audi offers won't. get these exceptional offers now. you know what the music means. we're back
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we are cooking up not one, but two, two great game day treats to serve during sunday night's game the clash between the bills and the bengals should be a fantastic matchup. and bringing the flavor this morning, two-time james beard nominee. the owner of chicken shack in dallas, texas. >> thank you i'm excited to be here >> they have started let's go with the wings. >> these are like all classic. this is what it's about, bringing flavor. so you can take wingettes. and then some salt, some pepper. you look like you're ready to get in there give me some creole because i'm from the south, baby. >> yes, you are. >> then we will add some flour as well. so that flour will help crisp it up, give it some texture that seasoning -- >> it got in my nose. >> that's some flavor. hold on.
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hold on. he said he was ready all right. so i will do two ways. so we're going to -- here, have a sip of some beer that will help you out. >> you know me well. >> you're putting it in the air fryer. we will do an air fryer option because, honestly, it gets so crispy and for those who like a traditional wing, go ahead and get it going in the fryer. >> what kind of oil do you use >> so this is canola we want to use something that >> i'm from south carolina, so i can appreciate that. >> my momma said i have a tv voice with that. >> let me ask you. >> okay. >> air fryer versus traditional fryer, do you have a preferred method >> if i'm looking for crispiest, i'm going to go with the fryer if i'm feeling like, you know, i need to take it easy today and i don't want to mess with all this oil and i don't want to do all that, then i'm going air fryer it's no problem. you will still get all the flavor
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so we will do some garlic parmesan wings start it with some butter. it has to be fresh garlic. don't give me no tube of water we got our creole in there we will put a parm in there. what about a little salt and pepper. >> all right, okay. >> you're in there i like it. so you can smell that. >> yes, you can. >> instantly, garlic, parmesan give it a little toss. >> you can do that with fries, too, chef. >> i like it because it is still light and it's still crispy. you get tons of flavor and you don't need to have all the hot sauce. >> that's a good wing. that's a really good wing. wow. >> here we go. this is what we got going on for buffalo, right now let's move on over to cincinnati all right.
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so we're going to make cincinnati style chili have you ever had it >> oh, yeah. i like my chili three-way. >> that's it we are going to do onion add in ground beef. >> ground beef. >> this is as much as you will see normal. >> here's the secret ingredient. >> what is it? >> hot chocolate. >> yes, i'm telling you. al, let me get there >> sorry sorry. >> so that is the idea so if you are thinking like mole, right, cinnamon, sugar, brown sugar, worcester, there is smokey paprika, all spice, all of that goes in. get it going get it going. >> what else goes here >> give me a little stock. so we were at home we ground this chili yep, tomato paste. you need that richness. >> little brown sugar.
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>> little brown sugar for the sweetness. this isn't supposed to be sweet. it is supposed to be balanced. don't forget the worcester mix it all up. add your dark chocolate. >> we have about 30 seconds left. >> tomato and stock and then you come over here and you are going to make that dog so here you can grill it you can fry it you can do a little chili. >> what's the word what's the word? >> that's a good dog. >> so good. >> good thing we're running the marathon this weekend. oh, wait we're not. >> but we're going to watch it. >> well done well done. >> great job. >> thank you. >> go to for the reci ♪♪ good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. i want to give you a live look at downtown san francisco right now where activists are gathered
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outside of the offices of the u.s. senator alex padilla. you can see them lined up there. they have a makeshift memorial for the lives lost. this is all demanding a cease fire in gaza and an end to u.s. military aid in israel. organizers say that action is timed with a similar protest outside his offices in d.c. they also hope to honor the lives lost in recent violence that comes one day after a bay area immigration lawyer filed suit against the government for what he called the failure to uphold constitutional obligations for citizens abroad. obligations for citizens abroad. one we are grocery outlet
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now through november 7th. we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because this deal won't last long. stop in and save today.
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," it's about time. daylight saving comes to an end this weekend. all about the push to end it for good and share some strategies to help you fall back asleep. plus, actor and entrepreneur mark wahlberg live sharing his latest creation that he poured his heart and soul


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