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tv   Today  NBC  November 16, 2023 7:00am-9:01am PST

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decision from major league baseball. the oakland a's headed to las vegas. can you watch our streaming newscast on roku, samsung tv or wherever you stream. >> such a day. you are, like, man, you kind of knew. >> you knew it was going to happen but everybody had hoped, you know. >> i only know oakland a's as oakland -- that was my first introduction as a kid. that does it for us for "today in the bay." make it a great morning. the "today" show starts in a moment. >> also join us for our midday show at 11 good thursday morning. tense moments in the nation's capital overnight. >> a protest over the war in the middle east turning violent. it's november 16th. this is "today." chaos in washington. >> get back!
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get back! >> protesters demanding a cease-fire, clashing with police at the headquarters of the democratic national committee. dozens of people, including the house majority leader inside that building as it unfolded. several officers hurt. we're there live. breaking overnight. a terror attack near jerusalem. gunman opening fire at a security checkpoint, while israel reveals more about its raid on gaza's al shifa hospital. videos showing what they say are hamas weapons and guns hidden inside mri machines. the very latest in a live report. clearing the air. president biden and china's president xi coming together for their first face-to-face in more than a year. >> i believe they were some of the most productive discussions we've had. >> this morning, more details on what they agreed to and the major issues still dividing the superpowers. >> nbc news exclusive.
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never-before-seen footage from the set of "rust." alec baldwin firing a gun and interacting with the cinematographer, later killed while filming. >> now, wait a second. i'm going to shoot right. do you want to go on the other side of the camera? i don't want to shoot toward you. >> the impact on the case and the potential new charges facing the actor. all that, plus royal drama. "the crown" launching its long-awaited final season overnight. >> you have finally succeeded in turning me and this house upside down. >> that was never my intention. >> why it's already being called the most controversial yet. and talking turkey. thanksgiving just one week away, and this morning, we've got everything you need to get ready. from the weather's impact on the record travel rush to your holiday feast. >> this is the secret of the juiciest, most fabulous roasted
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turkey in the world. >> 20 of america's most beloved chefs sharing their secrets, as we kick off today's all-star thanksgiving, today, thursday, november 16th, 2023. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> well, hi right back. good morning. good to see you. it's a thursday morning. glad you're with us. i'm sure a lot of people were shocked when we said, it's one week until thanksgiving. >> it's here. now listen. we've done this before, get 20 of the best chefs in the country to give thanksgiving tips. we used to do it the day before thanksgiving. >> yes. >> by then, the ship has sailed. one week out, they're here. okay? we've got plenty of time. it's t-minus seven days. some of the best chefs with the greatest tips that are going to make your thanksgiving a breeze. that's coming up later. and speaking of the holiday, we were just looking over at al, and he made that face that suggests that there could be
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some severe weather that could impact holiday travel. go ahead and make it, that's the face. he's got the full forecast with what you can expect this weekend. don't kill the messenger. >> it's okay, al. but we are going to begin with those violent clashes between police and pro-palestinian demonstrators at the dnc headquarters in d.c. members of congress inside at the time were evacuated from that building because of safety concerns. also this morning, we're getting a first look at israel's raid inside gaza's largest hospital. the idf, israel's defense forces, claiming it found automatic weapons and grenades there, proof they say that hamas is, indeed, using al shifa hospital as a base. hamas denies that as a, quote, blatant lie. >> we've got it all covered. we'll start with the those protests in d.c. nbc's gabe gutierrez is right there. hey, gabe, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. police barricades are still here outside of the dnc headquarters this morning. but last night, democratic representatives and candidates
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were inside this building for a campaign reception when it was interrupted by chanting. police say that the protesters got violent, the demonstrators say that they were peaceful, but that it was police that escalated the situation. either way, it devolved into chaos. this morning, tensions over the israel-hamas war boiling over into clashes. pro-palestinian protesters calling for a cease-fire, clashing with police in front of the democratic national committee headquarters in washington, d.c. videos posted to social media show protesters standing with their arms interlocked, blocking the dnc doors as they get into a shoving match with police. dozens of democratic politicians, including house minority leader hakeem jeffries, were inside the building. capital police say about 150 people gathered were illegally and violently protesting, which resulted in six officers being treated for injuries, including minor cuts, pepper spray and
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being punched. while event organizers say at least 100 demonstrators suffered injuries after they were pepper sprayed and pushed by police. >> we came here tonight to say, as democrats, you need to listen to what the democratic base is demanding. 80% of democrats are demanding a cease fire. >> reporter: war protests erupting across the country from san francisco to new york city. where demonstrators at columbia university criticized the school over its decision to suspend two pro-palestinian student groups through the end of the semester. back at the dnc headquarters here, just one arrest. meanwhile, the biden administration has been facing increasing pushback from some members of his own party. two dozen democratic lawmakers have signed a letter urging the biden administration to call for a cease-fire and more than 400 federal employees have done the same. hoda? >> gabe gutierrez for us there in d.c. gabe, thank you. in the meantime, we are learning more this morning about israel's raid on the largest hospital in gaza.
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israeli defense forces releasing this video, showing what it says are weapons and equipment hidden by hamas, throughout al shifa hospital, where people are being served right now. nbc's chief international correspondent, keir simmons, has more on that and the new violence inside israel overnight. keir, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning to you. that operation in al shifa hospital continues and the death toll continues to mount. this morning, we're hearing that 50 israeli soldiers have now been killed inside gaza since the ground operation began. and overnight, we're hearing of an air raid, killing 50 palestinians in east gaza, and another in south gaza, killing 26 palestinians. meanwhile, this morning, news of a shooting here in israel. gunfire this morning at a check point south of jerusalem,
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frightened bus passengers taking killed three assailants in response. inside gaza, israel's hunt for hamas unrelenting. our team filming the aftermath of another air raid. in al shifa hospital, the israeli defense force says that guns, grenades, what it calls a blast door, and technology like a laptop are evidence of a hamas operational command center. >> let's have a look at what we found inside the very same cabinet that houses medical equipment. the hamas military wing, a vest with equipment, and as always, an ak-47. >> reporter: nbc news was not at the hospital to verify the claims, and so far the israeli military has not said its on going search has found hamas tunnels under the building. hamas-run gazan health ministry sent this video from the hospital raids. israel says it killed, quote, a number of terrorists in the complex. doctors inside telling of people arrested, some stripped naked, and saying there was no
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resistance. >> not a single gunshot was fired against them within the hospital. >> reporter: overnight, president biden urging a long, elusive political solution. >> i can't tell you how long it's going to last, but i can tell you, i don't think it ends until there's a two-state solution. >> reporter: meanwhile, the increasingly desperate families of the hostages wait and pray for their return. prime minister netanyahu's wife, writing to first lady jill biden of a pregnant hostage who has likely now given birth, and of 32 children kidnapped, including a 10-month-old. this is the baby's second cousin. >> children are not supposed to be part of this. some kind of -- i don't want to celebrate his first birthday without him.
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>> reporter: there are no words, savannah. overnight, president biden saying that he is mildly hopeful for a negotiated release of between 50 and 100 hostages. meanwhile, prime minister netanyahu saying, quote, there's no place in gaza we will not reach. savannah? >> all right. keir simmons, thank you very much. and a quick programming note, lester holt will have the latest from the middle east and an interview with secretary of state antony blinken, that is tonight on "nbc nightly news." let's move now to the high-stakes summit between president biden and china's president xi. the two leaders sitting down for what mr. biden described as constructive and productive discussions after years of escalating tensions between the superpowers. nbc's chief white house correspondent, peter alexander, is in san francisco with more on all of this. hey, peter, good morning. >> hi, hoda. good morning to you. from here in san francisco, the biggest headline from this summit may simply be the fact that it happened, the tensions between the u.s. and china
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rising, the leaders of the world's two greatest superpowers had not even spoken in a year. now lowering the temperature, agreeing, president biden says, to pick up the phone when the other one calls. following his historic summit with president xi, their first face-to-face meeting in a year, president biden touting progress in restoring some normalcy to the u.s. and china's strained relationship. >> i believe that these are some of the most constructive and productive discussions we've had. >> reporter: no major breakthroughs and no concrete skmitmentes from the chiez chinese to use their leverage with iran to defuse the wars the middle east, but the president announced agreements to resume military to military communications and to combat the flow of fentanyl from china into the u.s. >> more people in the united states between the ages of 18 to 49 die from fentanyl than from guns, car accidents, or any other cause, period. >> reporter: as for concerns about chinese interference in the 2024 election, president biden says that he was blunt. >> i made it clear, i didn't expect any interference.
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any at all. >> reporter: the president's comments punctuating a warm greeting for his adversary and a four-hour meeting where president xi acknowledged escalating tensions but emphasized a way forward. planet earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed, xi said, while adding it is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other and conflict and confrontation, he said, has unbearable consequences for both countries. later, president biden standing by his past assessment that president xi is a dictator. >> look, he is. i mean, dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs the country that is communist country. >> the chinese foreign ministry quickly responding, calling the remark extremely wrong and irresponsible political manipulation. overnight, the communist leader was the guest of honor at a glitzy dinner featuring a parade of american business leaders, including elon musk and the heads of apple, boeing, and fedex.
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>> all right. so there's clearly a lot of serious business going on there, peter. but there was another headline out of a meeting that i think a lot of americans will be happy to hear. >> reporter: yeah, hoda, i think you can chalk this up as panda diplomacy. a week after the national zoo said good-bye, president xi overnight teased that china will send more pandas back to the u.s., calling them envoys of friendship. still no specific details on exactly how many or when they will arrive, but hoda, president xi said they are likely to end up at the famed san diego zoo. >> that's some good news to hear. all right, peter, thank you. we turn now to a big question in the 2024 presidential race. will west virginia democrat joe manchin throw his hat into the ring? this is a question that's been asked a lot recently, ever since he announced last week that he's not going to seek re-election to the senate in west virginia. kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press," she posed it
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to the man himself. kristen, good morning. everybody is buzzing about this and the impact it could have on the presidential race. so what did he tell you? >> savannah, good morning, good to see you. senator joe manchin has always had an independent streak in the democratic party, but his decision not to seek re-election is causing real jitters among democrats who worry that he could run as a third party candidate. polls show that that would likely take voters away from president biden. in our interview, i pressed him on what he's going to do next. >> but are you considering running for president? >> i will do anything i can to help my country. >> is that a "yes"? >> and you are saying, does that mean you should consider it? absolutely, every american should consider it. if they're in the position to help save the country, i think we're on the wrong course, so i will do everything possible. >> reporter: manchin said he will make a final decision by super tuesday, which is, of super tuesday, which is, of course, in march i also pressed him on whether he
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thinks the biden/harris ticket is strong enough take a listen. as you sit here today, do you think president biden and vice president harris are the strongest ticket to represent the democratic party in 2024 >> not in the centrist part, no, i don't. and they know how i feel i think that basically, he is not talking about the things he's done that really protects the middle the things we did in bipartisanship the intentions of the bills that we did and how they are enacted. >> now, manchin said he wants to see president biden talk more about issues that matter to moderate voters, things like energy independence, drug prices, but the senator said by far, his biggest fear is that former president trump would be re-elected he said, if that happens, the country would lose its democracy. so big picture, political reality here, manchin was facing an uphill battle in his senate race he acknowledged his seat wil likely go to a republican, noting his seat has become increasingly red all of this pointing to a real fight for democrats who want to hold on to the senate. savannah >> all right, kristen. thank you.
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i know you have a lot more this weekend with senator manchin on sunday, "meet the press. all right. 7:15 welcome craig to the table >> good morning, good morning to you as well. a vacation excursion in the bahamas took a deadly turn when a ferry boat sank with dozens of people on board, killing an american tourist emilie ikeda joins us with more details on this one. emilie good morning to you >> a terrifying incident authorities in the bahamas say they're investigating how that double-decker catamaran capsized on tuesday the ship was transporting tourists to a private island and popular excursion destination for cruise ship passengers when it started to take on water and eventually went down >> terror on the seas, when a tourist ferryboat in the bahamas suddenly starts to sink. >> our boat is sinking >> reporter: it all happened on tuesday morning when the double decker catamaran carrying close 100 people to a private island popular with tourists quickly began taking on water.
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some passengers recording the horrifying ordeal from the boat's upper deck. video showing terrified people onboard wearing life vests, as the boat starts to go under. >> once we realized we were starting to sink and we saw the water coming in, people are screaming, people are freaking out. >> reporter: brittany and derek were initially on the first level. >> less than five minutes from the first initial like splash to, we're literally up to here >> reporter: they both decided to jump into the water, along with other passengers, before rescue boats arrived >> we jumped off the back, and i was like, i'm going to get out of here. i'm not going down with the ship i went out in the water, everybody was screaming and crying out there >> reporter: authorities in the bahamas telling nbc news, a 74-year-old colorado woman was pulled from the water unresponsive she was later pronounced dead. royal caribbean confirming the woman was a passenger on one of its ships. the company writing in a statement, it's saddened one of
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our guests passed away following an accident, adding, our hearts are with the families involved two others on the boat were transported to local hospitals for care this morning, authorities are investigating this fatal accident >> this is what happens. we all had to swim, women and children crying. >> reporter: as survivors recall just how quickly a day in paradise turned into a nightmare. >> mayhem, panic, terror people praying people being literally like, smacked into each other and washed around, just like a movie. >> and it's not clear why the boat sank. while making the popular short trip to blue lagoon island the cause under investigation. the bahamas department of meteorology did have a small craft advisory in place at a time, encouraging smaller boats and vessels to stay in port, but dwoept know if weather played any role there were other boats in the water. >> man, that's scary >> terrifying. >> thank you so much
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7:18, time for our first look at the weather. a lot of people are planning their weekend trips. mr. roker, they're looking at you. >> good morning, everybody let's start off with friday. show you what we've got going on rain out in california, sunshine in the mid-section of the country tomorrow rain and windy, the big problem will be in the northeast, with detroit, we'll probably see some airport delays, same for nashville, out west, san francisco, because of visibility and rain so we've got that going for us on friday. for tomorrow, for saturday, i should say, cool and crisp in the great lakes. but out west, a real mess. not too bad in the northeast there could be some slowdowns, boston, new york we're looking for the west coast to be the big problem, los angeles, san francisco, portland, seattle, all because of rain and wind and as we move on into sunday, we'll show you that we're looking basically not at a rough day, but it's going to be cooler here in the northeast. storms developing in the mid-sections of the country. mountain snows out west, as far as airports, slowdowns, possibly, boston and new york because of windy conditions. kansas city because of rain. thunderstorms down in dallas,
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salt lake city another hub, rain and snow is going to be a bit of a problem as well. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. y. (man) we're not like other car dealers. and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal and you don't hear that anywhere else. (retailer) it's real impact. it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are starting out with clouds this morning, and a little spotty rain. we will see the showers returning for this afternoon right in time for the evening commute. we are seeing the rain moving through, moving from south to north and at times there may be thunderstorms in the mix. there will be a break tonight and then going into early tomorrow morning.
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we are starting out dry with the rain coming in for the that's your latest weather. that's your latest weather coming up in the next half hour, we'll look ahead towards next week we've got some things happening. >> things brewing. >> a little situation. al, thank you. coming up, never-before-seen footage from the filming of "rust" obtained exclusively by nbc. alec baldwin seen handling and firing a gun on set. what it reveals and its potential impact on the case plus, inside the long-awaited return of "the crown. netflix dropping the first part of the final season overnight and courting controversy with its take on the tragic death of princess diana but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, today's all-star thanksgiving
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we're back in the saddle again. it's an afc north clash. cincinnati versus baltimore. over the past two years, jersey mike's fundraiser for feeding america has been a huge success. their efforts help provide more than 75 million meals, when people needed it most. but there's still work to be done. thank you, claire. this year, we'd like to invite you back to jersey mike's for another special weekend. come in this saturday and sunday where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. together, we always make a difference. ♪ ahhhh. we're no one hit wonder.
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approved the a's move to las vegas. >> sources are confirming to nbc bay area the votes were unanimous and that paves the way for the a's to leave oakland for a new stadium on the las vegas strip. there's a new stadium deal there but financing has not been finalized and there's a push by nevada teachers to halt the plan for funding. the a's will still play at the stadium next year because of the contract, and it's not clear where they will play after that because the las vegas stadium will not be done until 2028. president biden is expected to appear at the moscone center with other apec leaders. part of today's events including the apec family photo, and more protests are planned today outside the security area of the moscone center.
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let's get a look at the forecast. >> we will see a wave of rain coming through, and we will see off and on rain in the forecast through tomorrow and saturday as well. if you have the nbc bay area app, you can get alerts as rain approaches your location, and then we will go back to sunshine and mild temperatures but looking at rain over the next few days continuing into saturday as well. sunday looks like the pick of the weekend for outdoor activities. highsn the upper 60s. i
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♪ ♪ >> all right we're back 7:30 the marching scarlet knights from rutgers university. you can see them in next week's thanksgiving day parade. this morning, they're adding a little music to the all-star thanksgiving that baton stwirler has so much sass. >> she's got it going on >> this is one of our favorite times of year, because in addition to hearing these great bands, we have a chance to cook with some of the country's biggest chefs. stick around we have 20 of those incredible recipes, all of these tips and tricks that you can take to your own holiday dinner >> we will do that in a few minutes. first, a lot of news to get to on this thursday morning, including new details on the "rust" shooting. >> nbc news has obtained exclusive production footage taken in the days before the shooting death of cinematographer halyna hutchins
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and nbc's chloe melas broke that story. chloe, good morning. >> good morning, savannah. these clips shed new light o the procedures and working environment on the scene of "rust," including footage of actor alec baldwin and other actors handling guns and discussing safety. never-before-seen footage from the set of "rust," where live ammunition was later found to have been present. >> one more, one more. >> reporter: filmed in the days before the fatal shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins. >> i'm getting up. and when he drops his arm -- >> the clips obtained exclusive by nbc news show alec baldwin rehearsing, working with firearms and giving directions to crew members, including hutchins >> everybody who doesn't need to be right here in the path of the gun, could you please move >> just over a little bit. >> wait a second, i'm going to shoot right. do you want to go on the other side of the camera i don't want to shoot toward you. >> reporter: according to a source familiar with the matter, these films are among dozens
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provided to special prosecutors, days before they announced plans to recharge baldwin with involuntary manslaughter the footage is just a portion of the evidence that could be presented before a new mexico grand jury nbc news has not seen the rest of the videos. >> you have a boy of your of, marshall >> reporter: baldwin's legal team and the prosecution decline to comment on the videos, which show the star expressing concern for crew members' safety >> you okay? >> reporter: and giving orders on the low-budget set. >> i asked for the blanket over here, didn't i like three times is there a blanket right there what's that cloth on the ground over there put it over here now >> reporter: a source familiar with the matter telling nbc news that prosecutors believe baldwin is arrogant, hoping a trial would humble the actor and were comments on the matter >> i feel that -- that someone is responsible for what happened and i can't say who that is, but i know it's not me >> reporter: this morning, a rare look behind the scenes of the troubled production, and the actions of its leading man >> the grand jury was originally
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scheduled to be called today, but sources tell nbc news that the judge wanted more time to review the materials in the case now, it is expected to begin before the start of hanna gutierrez reid's trial in february >> all right, chloe, thank you so much. we want to turn now to nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. hi, laura, good morning to you >> good to see you >> if the prosecution chooses to show this video, what do they think will be gleaned from this? we heard some of the words that alec baldwin was saying on the tape and we also heard the rest. >> part of the thing to be mindful of, these are just clips. we don't know what came before these clips or all that they have they might have other things that show them in a different light than we've just seen but at least in that clip, when he says to the camera, "i don't want to shoot you," that's a pretty powerful statement, i think, for the defense and if they're showing the full picture to the grand jury, we don't know how they'll deal with that, but to say that, you can just hear the defense in opening statements saying, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, does that sound like somebody who's reckless does that sound like somebody who doesn't care about safety on
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set? i don't think so >> laura, do the prosecutors actually have to show this evidence to the grand jury >> generally, you do have to show anything that could negate guilt, what's known as exculpatory evidence again, the presentation is completely within the prosecutor's hands they're the ones who decide what the grand jury hears and sees, but if they don't show this video and the defense later finds out about it, then they can try to move to dismiss and say, you didn't say you didn't show the full picture. >> let's take a step back, what a wild road this has been been alec baldwin was initially scharnled. then the charges were dropped. there were issues with the type of charges it has been, to use a legal term, a hot mess how unusual would it be for someone to be charged, charges dropped, and charges reinstated? >> the whole thing is highly unusual from top to bottom with this i think the key is, what other evidence do they have? you can bring a case, again, that's not unheard of, but you need to have something really powerful to now re-charge him and do this all over again
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it needs to be something pretty significant. and we still do not know how that live round got on set, until chloe reports it >> all right our senior legal correspondent, laura jarrett. laura, thank you >> by the way, you can find more on this case and you can see that video, as well, from the set on well, still ahead, deeply personal new tributes to matthew perry from his "friends" family, including jennifer aniston, now sharing one of the last messages she received from him. but first, "the crown" returning for its final season overnight, already winning praise and courting controversy. nbc's kelly cobiella is there at buckingham palace. hey, kelly >> reporter: hey, good morning yes. this final season covers some of the darkest days of the monarchy, including the tragic death of princess diana, possibly the most controversial season yet we will take you through it, coming up. across bipolar depres.
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♪ never had someone to show me love ♪ weekly black friday deals you can't miss. ♪ love like this before ♪ ♪ i never knew there was a... ♪ get low prices and early black friday deals at target. is "the crown. >> netflix releasing the first part of the wildly popular's show final season overnight, and let me tell you something, it's already got people talking >> nbc's kelly cobiella has been binge watching it, we're told, joins us from over the pond. hey, kelly >> reporter: sleepless night hi, good morning, guys yeah, there are several controversial scenes in these first four episodes that dropped overnight, including a recreation of prince harry and prince william's last conversation with their mother,
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princess diana the telegraph reporting that prince harry is expected to watch, but cite sources saying that his brother will not. the series retelling a tragic time that left lasting scars on the royal family this morning, netflix dropping the first run of "the crown" series in its sixth and final season >> i don't understand how i ended up here. dashing around, losing sight of myself in the process. >> dramatizing princess diana's life in the spotlight. >> the press on our tails constantly >> you've finally succeeded in turning this house upside down >> that was never my intention >> reporter: and her tragic death. >> against a background of raw emotion, the royal family remains silent >> reporter: one of the most difficult periods of the late queen elizabeth's reign.
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>> what do people want from me >> for you to be mother to the nation >> reporter: diana was killed in a paris car crash in 1997, chased by the paparazzi. her death shocked the world. britain was in mourning. the royal family seen as cold and uncaring prompting the queen to make her first and only live tv address to the nation. filming for season six was put on hold out of respect for the queen after her death last year, but now ready for release, the final episodes, the most controversial yet, with diana portrayed as a ghost, reaching out to charles >> thank you so broken. and handsome >> reporter: and to the queen herself. >> you've taught us what it means to be british.
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maybe it's time to show you're ready to learn, too. >> reporter: this series also posh portraying 1992, the year of three royal divorces, endless tabloid headlines and the fire at windsor castle. but it ends around 2005 and doesn't cover the ongoing rift between prince harry and his brother, prince william and father, king charles whatever those behind palace walls think of "the crown," it has raised interest in the british royal family >> fundamentally, the royal family as a whole does benefit from "the crown. it's one of the most popular tv series ever made the reviews on this side of the pond are not great, but you can judge for yourself the first four episodes are available now. the last six, guys, drop in december so, start bingeing >> kelly cobiella, thank you get some rest. >> i know what i'm going to do this weekend by the way, elizabeth debicki who plays princess diana will
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join us live in studio 1a tomorrow morning that will be fun. >> we look forward to that >> let's check in with al with a check of the weather >> our friends in florida looking at some more wet weather. 7 million people under flood watches from daytona beach down to high wind warnings in homestead in miami we have that big storm system that's spinning around it's going to drop anywhere from another 3 to 5 inches of rain, especially from daytona beach all the way to west palm beach all right, next week now, saturday, sunday, a pacific storm redevelops out over the plains a severe storm potential will be affected on sunday for people traveling, especially in the mid-plains now, we move into early next week, monday through wednesday, storm strengthens, it tracks to the northeast. heavy rain and thunderstorms this is wednesday. we've got a mix of icy precipitation up into the northern great lakes, stronger storms in the mid-atlantic, the possibility of rain and even some interior snow we're going to be watching this again. it's still early, but forewarned is forearmed
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if you are going to be traveling in the mid-week period, leave good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are starting out partly cloudy and it's a mild morning. we are going to see the rain coming back as we go into the afternoon and evening, and possibly even a few isolated thunderstorms moving through around 4:00 to 5:00, and then it tapers off to lighter rain. we will see another break in the activity before another round comes in. we will still be in with th co-anchors that you've never heard forewarned is forearmed. >> no, that's a new one. that's why we love you though. >> it's an oldie but a goody >> all right thank you, al. we are teaming up with jennifer garner to surprise a new group of deserving kids who could use a boost. she's standing by with our
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cynthia mcfadden to bring us this sweet story ahead of thanksgiving we are so looking forward to that but first, these messages. this onn. 43 inch tv for 98 bucks, and so many more amazing deals. new deals drop online wednesday. shop walmart black friday deals. ♪ cheerful holiday music ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪
7:48 am
♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) black friday starts now. turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. it's holiday every day, with verizon. this holiday season at petsmart. buy 3 dog or cat toys and get the 4th free. plus get $20 off all purina products when you spend $100 or more. ♪ anything for you ♪ petsmart. anything for pets. ( ♪♪ ) i really do think cilantro tastes like soap. soap? i can taste it in anything. there ya go. go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or if that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. let's see what you have. sprinter... sprinter... sprinter gene.... don't have it. yup, i knew it. let's see. can't run. can't catch. too short. what else does it say? no, hold on i'm a find an athletic gene in here.
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secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪ ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ welcome back thanksgiving is exactly one week away that means it's time to start planning, time to start shopping for the big day. >> let's go! we'll help you do that this morning. we have our eighth annual thanksgiving spectacular, so some of the nation's biggest chefs right here and they're going to share some incredible recipes and some amazing tips. >> even over the awesome rutgers
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band i think i can hear and see them coming down 49th street what >> carson? >> this is a "today" show first, guys >> that's perfect. >> thanksgiving one week from today. i'm here with martha stewart, bobby flay and 20 of the greatest chefs in america who are dieing to share some of their best recipes fo thanksgiving with all of you at home we're heading into the plaza with a nice big entrance on in 1960s model tractor. >> that's an entrance! >> we have thousands of recipes we've done on the show the top 20 will come out today you'll see the "today" thanksgiving all-stars, giving you some ideas for thanksgiving. i can't believe we made it, bobby. >> we did it >> happy thanksgiving, martha. >> happy thanksgiving. >> wow >> you've got the drums right here marcus samuelson incredible, guys it's going to be great back to you. >> that's awesome, guys! another big thank you to the rutgers university marching band
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you can see them live and direct on the macy's thanksgiving day parade right here. and just ahead this morning, let me read that (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions.
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good morning. it's 7:56. i am laura garcia. >> i am marcus washington. we have breaking news to tell you about this morning. bay bridge traffic at a standstill right now as protesters have made their way on to the westbound lanes of that bridge. >> they have completely shut it down near treasure island, and mike inouye is monitoring what is going on. mike, what is the latest?
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>> we zoomed in our camera over here from emeryville, and you can see the flashing lights. here's the east side of the treasure island tunnel, and you can see flashing lights and traffic jammed up solid in the westbound direction. remember at the beginning of apec, they had a lane shutdown across the bridge, and crews were able to make their way on to the span. looks like all the activity here blocking the westbound direction is here. i want to show you over closer to san francisco, and there's no traffic on the bridge approachin francisco on the upper deck. the lower deck is moving but as we get back to the earlier shot, you are seeing that eastbound heading over to oakland, and we have crews there so a ton of chp activity on the span. we do have eastbound traffic slowly moving past the scene. the map shows you the same
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thing, and now the backup will start to build out of the east bay and ripple back. folks, if you are at home and watching all this, you cannot access the city with the bay bridge. somebody called in to chp and reported there was activity, a bunch of people -- the caller said hundreds of people coming on to the bridge from the treasure island area. that's what we just saw from the camera. and even if the bay bridge is closed, we will come up and have you look at the san mateo bridge, and it's already heavy travelled and the dumbarton bridge is an option but a longer drive here. another alternate for you is bart. we know that's running at least right now, and no delays reported there. the ferry system is also moving. we have all of these in place, and mass transit was prepared to take on additional loads, but we
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have the protesters, still, laura and marcus blocking the westbound lanes get into san francisco. not accessible westbound 80. out of oakland, do not head towards the bay bridge because it's blocked get into san josé because of what appears to be protesters on the bridge in the westbound direction. >> thank you, mike. in fact, we do have a news release from those protesters. over 200 bay area residents are shutting down the bay bridge, as you mentioned. they are demanding president biden call for an immediate cease-fire and end u.s. military aid to israel as well. this is a live look at the bay bridge where you see there's no westbound traffic whatsoever. it appears the protesters entered the bay bridge and there's believed to be at least 200 of them from the treasure island onramp there. >> right now you are looking at
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the section of the bay bridge lead into san josé. as you can see, there are no cars on the road whatsoever. the protesters blocked the area around the treasure island area, that's where they have it blocked, and it's at a complete standstill nobody able to move on the westbound lanes. mike was just saying, the eastbound lanes are moving there and this is one of the many protests we have seen throughout the city during the apec summit going on now in san francisco. be aware that a lot of this is going on. mike has been talking about potential road closures because of the apec summit, and we knew protesters would be part of some of the closures, and right now we are getting some video from the bay bridge right now. these are live pictures from the bay bridge there and you can see protesters there as well as law enforcement there trying to get some control of that area. again, as laura was just saying, we did get a news release from the protesters, more than 200 bay area residents shutting down
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the bay bridge. what they are do something demanding president biden call for an immediate cease-fire and u.s. military aid to israel, and this is where we are right now. here's a larger picture of the bay bridge, as you can see there, and there's a complete standstill at this moment. >> we found out the group, bay resistance, that called these people out to protest. we believe at least 200 protesters have made their way on to the westbound direction of the bay bridge to shutdown traffic, and that's what so far they have successfully done. mike is monitoring everything. you know, we already had people on the roadways, so they are just stuck, right, mike? >> yeah, the westbound direction because of the shutdown, and as we head over to the maps, or the map system, we have one of the same shots you have been
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showing, and that's pointing to the westbound activity. traffic flowing past, but we
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still have emergency vehicles on the eastern side of the treasure island tunnel as well. we're looking at westbound fully closed. right now there are no delays reported for the bart system. you see all this activity, though. the reason why the east bay direction is also jammed up out of san francisco approaching that same tower is because as they rose up to the same level, people can see all the activity with the flashing lights. you know about spectator slowing. we have two lanes in the east bay direction blocked. a big distraction for the shutdown in the westbound direction. now you'll start to see the ripple back on the east shore freeway into the maze. bart is your option, the ferries are your options, 580 to the north is your option. but the bay bridge westbound is not an option. >> hopefully other people will find those alternatives as we
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know people are stuck on the bay bridge trying to make their way into san francisco this morning. the group bay bridge is set to be behind the overtaking of the bridge this morning. they are demanding president biden call for an immediate ceasefire and end u.s. military aid to israel. we are told that police are there in riot gear attempting to take some of these people into custody. >> we were looking at some live footage that one of the protesters was streaming on social media. one of our producers was saying they could see officers detaining some people. officers are on the scene. this is a live picture streaming there. protesters have completely blocked off the westbound lanes of the bay bridge near the treasure island area, where we're told that they entered the bay bridge at that point.
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along with that news release, they did send a picture. you can see they have a ceasefire spread out across the bay bridge. it is a huge sign that says ceasefire. they also have signs that say stop the genocide, no u.s. military aid for israel also. they also have four cars stretched across the bay bridge in the westbound lanes blocking that traffic. it's not just protesters blocking traffic, but they have created a barricade of sorts with cars on the bridge. westbound lanes of the bay bridge completely empty. >> this is making for a really tough morning commute. >> complete closure for the
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westbound directions. bay resistance is reportedly on the bridge with hundreds of people blocking the westbound commute and all these folks stuck at the top plaza. your alternate will be the bart system, the ferry system, 580 north to the richmond bridge. we also have the san mateo bridge. both of those bridges are more heavily packed. >> we'll have another update at 8:25 this morning. it looks like this certainly will not be cleared up by then. westbound lanes into san francisco of the bay bridge right in that area shut down as over 200 protesters are demanding that president biden call for an immediate ceasefire and end u.s. military aid to israel. we know it's the group bay resistance that have taken over the bay bridge on this morning, making for a very rough morning
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commute. >> we'll bring you updates as we the same time. he said, i will never forget your impeccable comic timing and delivery you could take a straight line of dialogue and bend it to your will, resulting in something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny that it still astonishes and lisa kudrow, who of course played phoebe, she shared this old photo of them, recalling how they nushlly bonded over playing poker. thank you for making me laugh so hard at something you said that my muscles ached and tears poured down my face every day, she said adding, thank you for all learned about grace and love through knowing you, thank you for the time i got to have you, with matthew and those tributes come after both matt leblanc and courteney cox shared their own touching tributes up until this week, they said they needed time to process the loss of their friend it is just so clear that they are all truly a family, not just on-screen friends, but real
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friends for life >> it's clear he was loved thank you, liz it is 8:07 how about a little boost for you guys a pediatric cancer survivor named mia, she was named the honorary captain for the rochester american hockey team earlier this month well, she was called into the locker room before the game because she was going to call out the starting lineup, and guess what, she crushed it take a listen. [ indiscernible >> mia endured months of >> yeah! [ cheers and applause >> mia endured months of hospital stays, she had operations, she had chemotherapy she's doing well now she has a bright future, that little girl. >> she does. >> a hockey coach in the making right there. >> she does. coming up, folks, we're ready. all the help you'll need to prepare the ultimate feast for thanksgiving, thanks to the genius, the queen of thanksgiving herself, martha
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stewart, and bobby flay and 18 other of america's best chefs. all right. but first, cynthia mcfadden, jennifer garner, that dynamic duo. they'll be with us live after this another special weekend. come in this saturday and sunday where 20% of all sales will be donated to feeding america, helping families in need. together, we always make a difference. ready for new black friday deals? get 10 inch squishmallows for $5, this onn. 43 inch tv for 98 bucks, and so many more amazing deals. new deals drop online wednesday. shop walmart black friday deals. (♪♪)
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(bell rings) ♪i don't give a med 'bout my reputation...♪ (♪♪) ♪no no no no no no no no no♪ (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) black friday starts now. turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. it's holiday every day, with verizon. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans?
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it all happens wednesday november 22nd at noon. join walmart+ today. and shop black friday deals! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ( ♪♪ ) ♪ all right ♪ hoping for your love (horn honking) eggo liège-style waffles are a no toaster needed, grab and go breakfast. l'eggo with eggo. we are back at 8:12. we are catching up with one of our very favorites. jennifer garner and her work with save the children. >> it is a charity organization that has helped more than 1 billion kids worldwide. and jenner herself has focused her efforts on rural areas of
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the united states. >> she happens to be standing by with the other part of the dynamic duo, cynthia mcfadden sharing the group's latest gift. hey, cynthia. >> reporter: good morning. chances are good that at least some of the fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts on your thanksgiving table will come from a place that jennifer and i spent the day visiting yesterday, california's central valley. for decades, save the children has worked with kids there, most growing up well below the poverty line. well, we went to see how they're doing and found a little surprise. look. >> this 20,000 square miles of agricultural heaven, california's central valley. half of the nation's fruits and vegetables come from here and 75% of the nuts. >> i mean, it doesn't get much more rural than this. >> jennifer garner and i took a walk down the main and only street in downtown alpa. >> there's one grocery store behind us, one gas station beyond that. >> and this teeny little
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library. >> the contradiction of rural america. this is where our food comes from, but in that grocery store, there's not one fresh apple, not one piece of lettuce or spinach, not one banana. this is a food desert. >> reporter: almost all of the thousand or so residents here working picking everything from blueberries to pistachios, yet 54% of them live below the poverty line. the grim reality is that the people who pick this food cannot afford to eat it. once a month, families get in line to sample the bounty growing all around them. they're given enough fresh food for about four days. about the whole town shows up. >> by the time we get our call, we're already in line waiting for that, because we need it. >> reporter: save the children and a local food bank sponsor the di >> thank you >> reporter: jennifer garner has been a board member and ambassador for save the children for 15 years
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there is no police station or hospital what there is is this school, the center of the community and its hope for the future. >> it's a beautiful day. >> and top of the school's agenda is battling a staggering literacy problem >> thank you guys for reading with me. >> thank you >> thank you >> the kids, they all at the end feel entitled to come up and throw their arms around you. >> it makes me feel like they know i'm on their side >> for over 70% of the students here, english is the second language and while there is a school library, it only has a thousand books, total but things are getting better. a lot better, says the superintendent of schools, troy hayes. >> so what's the evidence it's working? >> we know that in over a three-year period, we've gone from 18 to 86% of our students meeting college entrance requirements >> reporter: in three years. >> in three years.
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>> reporter: if you were to summarize the secret sauce, it is >> i think it's just, it's almost like this extravagant compassion >> reporter: and that means getting the staff to believe in big dreams so the kids will. >> reporter: there have been such strides made in this community. what does that say to you? >> it's just a reminder that there is hope. we should be celebrating this superintendent we should be lifting up these teachers but more than that, it also just asks us to pay attention we can't take our eyes off of so much real estate of this country. and just let it -- let rural america kind of just fall. >> reporter: last night at the school's annual thanksgiving celebration, the cafeteria was the place to be. the students and their parents and we came with a couple of surprises. >> you can take home as many books as you can read. >> reporter: scholastic donated more than 700 books for the students here at alpa unified
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schools, so that each child can have books of their very own to take home. >> we have a room full of readers! >> reporter: and that's not all. scholastic also pledged an dags additional 5,000 books to the alpa unified school library. >> what does it mean to have books? for the kids to have books at home >> we are so grateful. this is going to be a huge thing for us in our community. so thank you so much >> okay, it was a wonderful day and a wonderful night. we were privileged to be there >> you two -- we love it when you two get together, we know something good is going to happen this town has so much resilience the school has shown so much success. jennifer, how'd they do it how'd they pull it off >> they did it with the belief of a superintendent. leadership is everything and they did it with save the children's help, being there, supporting his vision, supporting the community's vision to lift up these kids and get them reading, get them excited, get them just ready and
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engaged to learn >> jennifer, you mentioned that 70% of the kids, english is a second language. they're learning english how do they get ready for kindergarten >> can you imagine how complicated? it's hard enough to learn to read, and you're also having to learn a whole new language that your parents don't speak well, save the children hires locally, so our staff is pretty much bilingual, and that really helps reduce the shame that comes with not being able to speak the target language. because shame just stops progress, right? and then the books in our book exchanges, they'll be bilingual. they'll have an english word on one side and a spanish word on the other. and that helps the parents learn as well. and we teach partners, there are all kinds of ways to share a story, you can do a picture walk, as long as you're talking and looking at books together, the magic is happening >> you have covered so many stories. you and jennifer are like a team now. we love this keep it going. what have you noticed? what's working here? what is separating this work from some of the other things
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that you've seen >> well, you know, there are so many factors in any success, but one of the things that the superintendent said to me that i thought was so powerful was the first thing he did when he came in four years ago, gather all the teachers, he said, we have to change how we see ourselves we're not losers, we're winners. these kids are winners and when we believe that about ourselves, we can help the kids believe it you know, dream big. and they really are dreaming big. we had wonderful conversations with these children. >> i think it's important to remember, like, these are not poor kids, they're kids living in poor circumstances. they've got tons of potential. you guys are putting it on display. keep your show on the road, you guys you're making us feel so good, giving us hope we appreciate it >> thank you >> we have mississippi coming. >> okay! >> we're ready >> jenna, cynthia, thank you so much al, over to you. >> we are looking at the warmth spreading to the east. more flooding unfortunately for our fraends in florida above-average highs from texas
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good thursday morning. we're going to see off-and-on showers today and the rain will be returning as we go into the afternoon and more waves of rain in tomorrow's forecast as well. take a look at our inland areas, where we are seeing showers and thunderstorms back later today. watch out for the few isolated thunderstorms that will be possible. we will be clearing and loo >> don't forget, if you're heading out the door, take us with you, "today" show sirius xm channel 108. craig? >> all right, mr. roker. here we go. the time has come, folks, the kickoff of the eighth annual "today's" all-star thanksgiving. >> let's hit it. >> guys, the birds are here. we're ready to rock.
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on the menu this year, 20 of the best turkey day recipes we have ever featured on the show, but before we dive in, let's meet the team. >> this is the secret of the juiciest roasted turkey in the world. >> everybody, it's bobby flay, i'm coming at you with the best corn bread dressing. >> it's the super chef darnell. i'm bringing you my sweet potato mac n cheese. >> hi, you are going to love my mother's spinach noodle casserole. >> i will be making my very special mushroom pot pie. >> i have a great casserole for you. >> it's siri daly. ready to bring some classic green beans to your thanksgiving table. >> i'm spicing things up with my indian spice cranberry sauce. >> who's ready for the bacon cheddar corn bread? >> you've got a sweet tooth? i've got a recipe for you. pumpkin pie bars. see you there.
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>> hi, everyone. i'm here with my cranberry sauce margarita. >> i'm back with the best ever state far turkey legs. >> irresistible caramel apple pie. >> it's me, chef j.j. and you don't want to meet my salad. >> it's your girl elizabeth heisele here. >> i'm heidi and i will be serving up a soy sauce brownie. >> i'm rick martinez and i've got the perfect thanksgiving day appetizer. a cranberry bacon cheese ball, just for you. >> chef maya-camille broussard here and chocolate lovers cannot resist my chocolate pie. >> marcus samuelson here. brussel sprouts. >> it's mylicia clark. you didn't think we would forget about the mashed potatoes, did you? check out my recipes. it's the best. >> it's the best. >> by the way, you can find all of those recipes, scan the qr code at the bottom of the screen. we'll keep that up all morning long. >> we've got a lot of work to do.
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let's get into this. you guys ready? today's all-star thanksgiving is happening right now. >> let's go! [ cheers and applause ] >> let's start with the turkey, the star of the show. we're doing it with the reigning queen of thanksgiving, the one and only mar that are stewart. get her plug in now, the bedford of paris. >> it's serving turkey. >> absolutely. >> let's start with the parchment paper. >> this is a new method. i threw away the cheese cloth, and now slather this beautiful fresh-killed -- if you can get a heritage turkey, it's great. slather the bird with softened butter. the whole bird. make sure you really cover -- >> how much butter? >> every nook and cranny. that's not done, i want to give you the idea. >> it needs more butter. >> you must find the big sheets of parchment paper. you can get them at a bakery. beg them and pay for it. then you're going to wrap this turkey. >> say martha sent you.
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>> in an envelope. you need a staple gun, too. >> you're stapling it? >> staple it shut in an envelope of parchment. make sure you go all the way around. >> she's stapling the paper, not the bird, fyi. >> and cover the whole thing. >> no, you're not going to eat the staples. put it in a 325 oven for exactly 2.5 hours. this is for 16 pound bird. then unwrap it. turn the oven up to 425 and crisp the skin. it's like peaking duck skin and the turkey itself, you have to taste that. >> you want it to be loose? >> no, no, no. not too tight. i'm glad you're asking all these questions -- >> how many millions of americans are selling their stock in cheese cloth right now. you just killed that tradition. boom. see ya. bobby flay is up next. >> so i'm going to make -- you make either stuffing, stuff the
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bird or dressing. i like making mine on the side to get it nice and crusty. i start with -- i'm actually making a corn bread and mushroom dressing. i start with corn bread. i bake my own. i let it stale. do that a few days ahead of time. you want to buy corn bread to skip that step, do that as well. and then i put some chicken broth. and a bunch of herbs. parsely, sage and thyme. if you want to make it vegetarian, just use water or vegetable stock as well. i always have chicken stock around. >> a glue stick involved in this? >> no, but there will be some staples in my stuffing. great tip. i love a cast iron pan. lit last you for generations if you take care of it. i cook the corn bread in the cast iron. i saute the mushrooms then i put everything sort of into the mushrooms, the cast iron. then i bake it. then you can serve it from the oven to the table. that's the key.
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>> make sure you have -- nice! >> well, it is safe to say. we're off to a great start. in our next half hour, we have more side dishes, you name it. we've got it. 20 of the best chefs ready to give their tips to you. you guys are up next. we'll get to that. first your local news and weather. good morning. i'm marcus washington. >> we continue to follow breaking news. bay bridge traffic westbound is at a standstill this morning.
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this is a look at where protesters have entered onto the bay bridge from the westbound lanes near treasure island. it's believed there are at least 200 protesters that have shut down the bridge, demanding that president biden call for an immediate ceasefire and end for u.s. military aid to israel. >> it has altered a lot of folks' morning commute. how are things looking? >> westbound we have all this traffic stopped out of oakland around here toward the tower. all these lights, that's where traffic is completely stopped just outside of treasure island. heading into san francisco not possible on the bay bridge. crews got there very quickly because that service lane remained opened since early monday. we now have a full shutdown. there's a blue truck right here right before the sign.
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let's use that as a marker. full stop, everybody on the bridge still stuck in the backup since the last time we took a look just about 8:00 when this first broke out here's the westbound stack up getting toward treasure island. this is the eastbound direction. eastbound is making its way past the scene. there's an additional lane blocked getting closer to that side. this is the portion after you exit treasure island coming away from san francisco, it rises up. now folks traveling by can see all of this activity and the stopped traffic, creating a big issue for spectator slowing. getting out of the city is jammed all the way to treasure island. do not try to use the bay bridge in either direction right now. bart is a great option. the trans bay tube is running on
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time right now. if you're going from the richmond bridge, those are your alternates over the water compared to the westbound blockage of the bay bridge. right now hundreds of protesters stopping traffic, block it with a barricade of cars. what's being done to clear up this traffic? >> at this point we have our special response team in route to try to get the protesters off the chain. they're not attached to the structure, but they are chained to each other. we have a team that's going to get those people removed. some of the people that are
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there will be given a disperse order. if they do not, they will be placed under arrest as well. we have officers on the bridge since monday. the idea for that was to avoid some of this. unfortunately this happened very quickly and they were not able to get there on time. however, they are trying to get there as soon as possible so we can get this reopened. >> how tough is it for you to get your officers out there? do you have other agencies helping? >> at this point we have chp and san francisco pd on the scene. we have plenty of units out there. >> i know you had one lane of the bay bridge blocked off just in case this happened. did you plan for a number of protesters to take over the bay bridge and create this barrier of people to halt traffic all together? >> we knew it was a possibility. that was the idea for the lane.
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however, this happened very quickly. our units were not able to get there in time to stop the protesters from chaining themselves to each other. we have service lanes so our vehicles and teams can get there. the idea is to get this cleared up. >> what about for the people already on their way to san francisco today? you just tell them to sit tight? there's no turning these people around at this point? >> unfortunately, we're not turning anybody around. be patient. everybody has known apec was coming to san francisco. we have told people over and over again avoid driving into the city. we know not everybody can avoid driving and taking public transit. however, this is one of the things that we were trying to avoid by having not not driving
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into the city. >> we saw they have created a barricade with vehicles. have you been able to tow those vehicles? >> not yet, i don't believe so. again, i'm not at the scene, so i can't see what's going on over there right now. i don't believe we have started towing the vehicles yet. >> we're going to keep you on the phone for just a moment and check in with our traffic reporter right now who does have a look at the scene. >> we're still having folks on the bridge. there's that blue truck. hasn't moved even one inch, from what we can tell. there's no ability to get past the scene of those protesters. eastbound we do see traffic restricted by more activity on the opposite side of the bridge.
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these lanes are side by side. over here they're coming out of the treasure island tunnel out of san francisco heading up parallel now, able to see what's going on with more lane restrictions. two lanes are down as they exit the tunnel from treasure island. westbound traffic is stacked up by the tower. everybody's stuck in the backup. we see it rippling back down the east shore freeway and more backup on the westbound 580 into the maze. this is a big issue. no problems reported on the bart
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system. the ferries will take you over the water as well. driving is the richmond bridge westbound or the san mateo bridge. we see more folks heading south through san leandro and hayward. back to you. >> pretty much all together just avoid the bay bridge. also, just plan ahead. you can see that backup throughout the bay area as people try to get from the east bay to the peninsula. this is some pictures from what's going on right there on the bay bridge this morning. we have on the phone with us from the chp art munteel. just talking about the process of getting the vehicles blocking the bridge off the bridge, can
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you talk about that? >> we have five tow trucks already on scene. we are moving vehicles. we're going to get this reopened as soon as possible. shouldn't take very long. that's what we're hoping. >> the thing about this is we all knew that protests were going to hit some areas of san francisco during apec. but your anticipation for the bay bridge, you were trying to prepare for this. >> correct. we can prepare as much as we can. then things are going to happen. we're hoping this was not going to be the case. however, they were quick.
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unfortunately we weren't able to stop this, but we are there to reopen the lanes as soon as possible. >> did the protesters just storm the bridge too quick for you? there was no way of stopping them? when vehicles are driving, officers don't know which ones are going to stop suddenly. all they need is a few seconds to get out of their vehicles. they all came into the bridge lined up together. all they needed to do was stop and get out of their vehicles before even patrol cars get there >> we're looking at video of some of the protesters lying down on the ground with sheets over them. again, this is a call from those protesters calling for a ceasefire to end u.s. military aid to israel.
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talk to us about what you have heard about how many people are out there? we're getting estimates of maybe 200 protesters out there. how many officers do you have to get to the scene to keep this under control? >> we are going to get as many officers as we have to get over there. as long as we open lanes, we may keep one or two lanes closed. however, our main thing is to reopen the roadway and get people moving. >> do you know of any word of any arrests? we did see what looked like officers putting people into custody. have you gotten word of any arrests or how many arrests? >> i have not heard of how many arrests done so far. >> when you have a situation like this, you did talk about
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how you all planned for this. is there a type of planning you do for the number of people we're seeing on the bridge right now and the number of vehicles that are backed up? i know you all have a lane open just in case there is an emergency there. do you plan for that? how do you plan for something like this? >> we have something in place where we prepare for protesters on the bridge. however, this happened so fast we weren't able to get our officers there before this took place. however that lane is open so we can get there as soon as possible and reopen those lanes. >> this is the san mateo bridge. there may be another issue.
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my question would be i thought early in the shutdown there were cones and chp officers on the span itself. that's what i heard. early on the shutdown earlier this week i thought i had seen cones and cruisers on the span itself. were there any cruisers on the span as this happened today? i heard there were cones and chp cruisers stationed on the span. >> correct. >> were there indeed cruisers on the span as this happened today?
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>> the service lane has been in place since monday, i believe. we did have crews on the service lane. but we don't have them one right next to each other. so the possibility of protesters being able to stop in between where the two patrol vehicles are, all they have to do is just step out of the vehicle and chain themselves to each other. >> completely understood. i'm glad to hear there were folks stationed on the span. of course things happen very quickly. appreciate your information. i'm going to talk about some alternates here. as we look back to the san mateo bridge, we saw flashing lights continuing westbound. now traffic flow is moving a little more smoothly. i was worried there was an incident on west 92, which is one of the alternates to the bay bridge.
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folks are monitoring this situation. we have told people be careful heading into the city because of all this traffic and the potential for issues on the bay bridge. the richmond bridge is moving well. westbound we have that full stop on the upper deck. we may have an issue with the lower deck as well. we have westbound traffic still stopped up. here's that through truck we're using as a marker. westbound traffic flowing but very slowly past that scene.
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>> i would imagine those agencies are going to be seeing an up stick in commuters this morning. we continue to talk to art munteel with the chp this morning. a couple hundred protesters this morning shutting down the bay bridge demanding president biden call for an immediate ceasefire and ending u.s. military aid to israel. we know apec has been going on in san francisco. these are pictures from the scene of all of those protesters. some of them physically chained themselves to each other. it looks like they drove onto the bridge in unison, which is how they were able to stop traffic, get out, chain themselves up.
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>> this is westbound leading into san francisco from the bay bridge completely empty. you can see traffic on the east bay side. underneath that is moving along. once they get to the part where both lanes are parallel, it's a slow moving of traffic right now. hundreds of people have taken to the bay bridge westbound side. they have blocked off traffic. there are likely hundreds of cars right now just stuck in traffic. they're making a barricade with their own vehicles as well as their persons. they have stopped traffic. therefore, people are stuck there.
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we spoke with art munteel with chp. he says people in their cars are just going to have to sit and wait right now. we have him on the phone with us. have you gotten an update? >> right now they have five tow trucks on scene. they are working on removing the vehicles and at the same time placing people under arrest. >> are they getting resistance from the protesters in those vehicles? >> the ones that are chained to themselves are not going to just get up and go. teams are going to have to untangle them. however, i don't know if the other protesters are -- it doesn't appear they're leaving yet. i couldn't tell you. i have not gotten any more
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information. >> at what point will officers have to move people that are not moving on their own? >> once they open the lanes, if those people don't leave, they're going to have to place them under arrest. >> people are chained to each other. they look like they have some type of device connecting the two arms where it would be harder to disconnect them. this is a tough task, because you have to have the right equipment to remove those people from the chains and the cars and what they're chained to right now. >> correct. that's why we have the special response team. they are trained on how to get these people freed up from whatever it is they used. they do have the equipment necessary to do that. they are trained before.
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we're just going to see how long it takes. hopefully it won't take very long and people can be under way. >> i know the chp was working closely with other agencies as well in anticipation. we heard talks of protests happening. we have seen them in the city of san francisco themselves. this is a much wider scale of trying to get their message across by shutting down the bay bridge westbound direction. >> these protesters are calling for a ceasefire and an end to u.s. military aid to israel. they say 200 people are taking part in this demonstration.
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art, can you stick around for just a bit? we want to go to mike right now. that backup is spreading across the bay area right now. >> right. all the roadways interconnected with a ripple effect. you just showed the western side of treasure island close to san francisco. this is where all the traffic is held up. all the activity going around the bend toward the treasure island tunnel, chp got a report of hundreds of people flooding onto the roadway. >> we want to go to bob riddell live on the bridge right now. it's really active out there, bob. >> reporter: within the past few minutes chp has begun to arrest the protesters. there are probably about 100 protesters out here who have
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been protesting what they call the genocide. here comes someone right now who was just arrested. let me see if we can't talk to them. with nbc bay area. is this worth being arrested for? >> 100%. >> reporter: that's one person who's being arrested. you see they've got about five or six of them. the chp has asked us to stay in this position because they say the area is going to fill up as they make arrests and they put the people here to try to reopen the bay bridge. the shutdown during the morning commute has been horrific.
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>> ceasefire now! >> reporter: what does shutting down the bay bridge have to do with that? >> business as usual can't continue. >> reporter: these people who you're interfering with had nothing to do with it. >> everyone in america is complicit. >> reporter: how can you say that? >> because we are funding israel. >> reporter: people are just trying to get to their jobs. they're just people like you and me, aren't they? >> everyone should find it disgusting that children are dying, that 11,000 people have been killed, that there's bombardment on hospitals. it's been one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen. >> reporter: you're obviously okay with being arrested. >> it's for palestine.
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[indiscernible] >> the live shot breaking up there, but fascinating to hear from the actual protesters. those protesters have completely shut down the westbound lanes of the bay bridge. you saw for a moment there how they are rallying. they are laying down. they are not dispersing. the chp was trying to give them the opportunity to disperse on their own. >> it seems those who are there protesting say this is all worth it. they are willing to get arrested for this. >> they're calling for a ceasefire. they're demanding it. they know that president biden is in san francisco and they're
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hoping he sees it. mike, you see the effects on the morning commute. >> i can imagine the impact. i think all these folks at home can sympathize with folks who have a cause and want to share their message. this blue truck has not moved in almost an hour since the folks on the span have been able to pass. they've been held up here at the tower. i just got this update from chp. you can imagine having been in this backup for an hour, you'd love to do something if you could. this toll plaza camera has been turned toward the span. look at all this backup going all the way across the span. before the metering lights, you
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can turn around and use an access lane to get away from an area. it sounds like people are doing that, because there's no one telling them not to get out of the backup. you can see some of these cones right here. we talked about that lane being closed all the way across the span. these cones are visible. it sounds like the chp wasn't able to fully access that point after they initially had this shutdown. a lot of activity on the span itself. westbound 80, the bay bridge is not an access point to san francisco. you can use bart or the ferries. eastbound is jammed up because as you come out of treasure island and you rise up parallel with the westbound directions, that's where all the activity is. we do have all the activity and the distraction causing a slowdown out of san francisco.
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into the city, you can go across and down the golden gate bridge across from richmond to the toll plaza. the san mateo bridge moves smoothly but slowly from the hayward side. back to you. >> the mayor tweeting out moments ago, "we are if close contact with the california highway patrol, we'll provide updates when we know more." chp was trying to prepare for this well ahead of time. when we came into the newsroom about 7:30 this morning, when did this start?
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>> approximately 7:40 this morning. my update is it appears we have all the protesters in custody. we're working on moving the vehicles now. hopefully it won't take very long. we're not saying to not exercise your first amendment. however, you are impeding traffic for people just trying to get to work. >> this is on the bay bridge. it also could be dangerous. it's high aboveground on the water. it's windy up there at times. it's also a safety precaution as well, right? >> exactly. we're not saying not to use your first amendment. however, do it in a way that -- now you're basically making everybody on the bridge mad at you because they can't get to work. if you were trying to get them on your side, now they're
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probably not going to be. >> we are taking a live look at some of the people being detained at this moment. that row of cars is how they were able to cross the bridge and stop them in a row in unison all planned out. then they got out and chained themselves together and stopped traffic completely. >> they do have all those protesters in custody right now. they are calling for a ceasefire and an end for u.s. military aid to israel, hundreds of them taking to the bridge this morning. that's when they stopped traffic completely. no traffic able to get into san francisco at that moment. here we are just over an hour
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later. they do have those protesters in custody. >> officers have brought out five different tow trucks because now they're going to tow those vehicles. they're taking town the banners and signs. our own bob riddell is out there this morning. >> reporter: chp tells me they calculated about a hundred people. cal trans has tow trucks out here to remove these cars. it looks like they still have some actual protesters they're trying to arrest as well. if we can even look to the right, we can see the sheriff's office. they have brought in school buses where they are going to be
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presumably putting the people they've arrested to haul them out of here. the question is when will the bay bridge open? right now they're trying to figure out how to get all these people across. you can see the protesters, one right there on the ground. these people are very defiant. when they talk to them, they are very defiant. >> some of the video we saw, it looked like some people were
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standing up on parts of the bridge, the barricade of the bridge. were those protesters or officers? >> reporter: i only got here about 15 minutes ago. i missed that part. i don't know. i do see some people standing on the side of the bridge now. i think those are commuters trying to get into the city. this is obviously a shutdown of the westbound direction, but on the eastbound if you look to the right there you can see chp has vehicles over there as well. that is slowing traffic. westbound of course shut down. eastbound slowing. it's just a mess here on the bay
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bridge. >> you hang tight there. i know you're on the scene. you can gather more information for us as well. joining us is bart from cal trans. i saw some of your workers out there trying to help clean this up. >> that's our focus is to get traffic moving safely westbound on i-80 right now. >> did you also have people on standby to assist the chp in anticipation of these protesters possibly taking over the bay bridge? >> definitely.
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we've been planning for the apec conference for over a month. we have tow trucks and staff out there available to assist. >> do you have drills you go through to plan for something like this? we knew it was possible.


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