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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 22, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, hostage deal in the middle east. hamas is set to release dozens of captives as israel agrees to a pause in military offensive. we're live in washington with overnight developments. a live look at sfo, where holiday travel is hitting its peak. we've got team coverage on the record number of travelers in the air and on the road.
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also, facing removal. the new plea to san francisco leaders from one group of street vendors fearing their livelihoods are at stake. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this wednesday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we begin this morning with a small earthquake centered near san jose. usgs says the 2.6 earthquake centered near seven trees happened just about an hour ago, a little around 4:00 a.m. our newsroom is in central san jose, we were all here, and none of us felt it. we do have a lot of people heading out for the holidays. mike has a closer look at the roads. we want to talk to you, kari, about what's going on weather-wise because that's a big factor for travel. >> absolutely. and all across the west we are seeing quiet conditions. there is a storm system off the coast, but it is weakening as it moves closer to the bay area, so
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we're not expecting a lot out of it. it is cold as we start out with temperatures in the upper 30s in dublin. it is 41 in oakland and we're in the mid-40s for san jose, upper 40s for san francisco. take a look at our highs for this afternoon. we're back to some of the numbers we saw yesterday, maybe even slightly warmer in a few spots. we're mostly looking at upper 60s and low 70s after this cool start to the day. so we'll talk about our thanksgiving and what's ahead going into our holiday weekend coming up in a few minutes. a live look this morning in southern israel, and in less than 24 hours, a four-day pause in fighting is expected to begin in gaza. this is all according to one hamas leader speaking with "al jazeera" overnight. the truce will coincide with the release of at least 50 women and children. hamas has held them hostage since october 7th. >> in exchange, israel is promising to release three palestinian prisoners for each released hostage. "today in the bay"'s brie
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jackson is live in washington. the white house played a key role in really securing this deal. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, laura, marcus. the deal comes after weeks of closely guarded negotiations, the u.s. worked alongside qatar and egypt to broker the deal. deal reached to secure the freedom of 50 hostages, mostly women and children, held captive by hamas, answering weeks of prayers of those desperately waiting for their return. >> just to have a sliver of hope, just a break, already, just a break. >> this comes after more than a month of intense talks. in a statement, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he spoke with president biden and asked for his intervention in hostage negotiations. president biden thanked the leaders of qatar and egypt for their critical partnership in reaching this deal. >> from the very beginning the administration recognized that, number one, qatar would be the
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venue through which you could have a negotiation to reach out to hamas and try to secure the release of some of these hostages. >> reporter: under the agreement, israeli officials say there will be a four-day pause in fighting to allow for the hostage/prisoner exchanges to take place. there's an option to extend the cease-fire extra days in return for ten hostages a day. in addition, more fuel trucks and aid will be allowed to enter gaza. >> the pause itself is terrific news in terms of the capacity to improve the humanitarian circumstances in gaza. >> reporter: an agonizing wait coming to an end for some hostages. >> collectively we're all going to still hold our breath until everyone is home. >> reporter: but still, no end in sight to the war. and a senior biden administration official said three americans could be part of the first group of hostages released, two adults and a 3-year-old girl named abigail. >> so interesting to see this all unfold. thank you very much, brie. it's 5:04 right now.
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today expect it to be the busiest thanksgiving travel day not only at the airports, but also on the roads as well. >> this morning we've got team coverage. mike inouye is tracking where you can fill up your tank for less. first, let's head over to bob redell, who joins us live near 580 in pleasanton. there's hard data showing the best times to hit the road, bob. you've got it. >> reporter: yeah, good morning to you, laura and marcus. by the way, you ain't going to be filling up here. it's $5.50 a gallon. i'm sure you can get a cheaper gallon of gas somewhere else. the last thing you want to be doing is getting stuck on 580 behind me in pleasanton as you try to get out of town. we know it's going to be crowded later in the day and any of the freewayness the bay area. according to a transportation software company, nationwide the best time to hit the road today is any time before 11:00 a.m. tomorrow any time before 10:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m., after you've had your thanksgiving
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meal. the worst times to drive, any time between 2:00 and 6:00 today and 11:00 and 3:00 tomorrow. anyone who has lived in the bay area long enough probably already knows this. according to aaa, over 55 million americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this thanksgiving holiday. it's up 2.3%, an increase over last year. here is a live look at sfo, one of the bay area's three major airports, all of which are expected to be busy today. we've been reporting on this this week, aaa predicts that nationwide 4.7 million americans will fly this thanksgiving holiday. that's a 6.6% increase over last year. that is the highest number since 2005. so in almost 20 years, 18 years to be exact. sfo tells us its busiest travel day was actually last friday, but they're still expecting 143,000 passengers to move through today. we spoke with tamara vest, who
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was in town visiting a friend. she was catching a flight to los angeles yesterday. this morning she's supposed to fly from southern california back home to new york city in time for thanksgiving, hopefully. >> i'm getting picked up in new york and then driving to pennsylvania to spend thanksgiving with my family. so it's exciting. we do it every year. but i'm nervous because i did hear about the storms, but i don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: those storms tamara is referring to, the gusty winds and heavy rains affecting new york city airports, as well as chicago, o'hare and washington, d.c. fortunately, we don't have that here. and whatever is happening on the east coast does not appear to be impacting flights much out here, if at all. yesterday san jose international, for example, said they had no delays and no cancellations, operations were running smoothly. reporting live here in pleasanton, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> let's hope everything is smooth. we want to head over to mike
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inouye, who has been tracking cheaper locations to find gas. a lot of people are filling up. >> i love bob, but competition is friendly over here. we're looking at the best in san jose. san jose has the south bay's cheapest, $4.03 at costcos, center road and automation parkway. hayward, they've got a report of $4.05, for cash, valero on ha hesperian boulevard. then vallejo by the fairgrounds, $4.39. it's usually a debit card or cash itself and you can pay ten cents more. on the roadways, we're seeing a light, easy drive. we expect no major issues this morning as far as any major jams, unless there's a crash. yesterday we did have a couple. there's the bay bridge, a smooth flow of traffic. we're showing a smooth flow of
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traffic throughout contra costa county. there's a crash near grant line road that does slow things, but it's on the shoulder and look how mild the drive is past that getting toward greenville. there's construction still going on eastbound 580 coming toward the dublin interchange. they should pick that up over the next half hour. what aaa also predicted as a slower drive sunday, returning home, north 17, we talked about this yesterday. they think this will be one of your most congested spots, in addition to the eastshore freeway, but maybe even more so than interstate 880. new details involving a former san jose police officer now at the center of a racist text messaging scandal. he's now been decertified. sjpd found mark mcnamara sent racist text messages in the days after he shot and injured a man at a brawl last year at a taqueria.
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police determined the man had just wrestled a gun from the attacker which led to the investigation. mcnamara recently resigned. the decertification is under temporary suspension pending investigation, but that will prevent him from working at another law enforcement agency in california. san francisco street vendors are speaking out against a possible ban in the mission district. the city originally suggested a 90-day ban on all mission street vendors last month following an increase in hostilities with city workers. the moratorium was originally supposed to go into effect at the start of this month, but then got pushed back twice. it is now expected to start on monday. later this morning, permit vendors are gathering to call on supervisors to delay that ban once again. that starts at 10:00 a.m. outside of the 24th street b.a.r.t. station. 10 after 5:00 in the morning, taking a live look outside before the sun's arrival. looks like traffic is picking up. what about the forecast? temperatures picking up?
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probably not until later in the day. >> right. it's a cold start. we have our morning temperatures in the 30s and 40s, and today we are headed for some mild conditions, a mix of sun and clouds, and temperatures in the 60s and 70s, very much like yesterday. now, our thanksgiving will be windy in the hills, with those winds picking up at about 15 to 30 miles per hour, and then the weekend we have chilly morning temperatures where our lows will dip into the 30s and maybe even frosty at times. i'll have more on that and what's ahead in a few minutes, as well as that full microclimate forecast. coming up on "today in the bay," black friday just a couple of days away. but do prices really go down, and do they go down even more after? we'll take a look. plus, forging a bond during the pandemic. two bay area teens headed to the big apple to take part in tomorrow's macy's thanksgiving day parade. ahead, we'll have a look at
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my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try.
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my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. good wednesday morning to you. the time is 5:14. as you're heading out in the east bay, we're checking out berkeley where we'll only see peeks of sunshine again today, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy day, and temperatures going from upper 40s to mid-60s for this afternoon. we're getting ready for our thanksgiving holiday, so we'll take a closer look at that forecast coming up. we are taking a closer look at 580, this is westbound.
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these headlights heading toward the dublin interchange. we're picking up a few more cars. then approaching from the other direction there is more slowing approaching that dublin interchange. we'll talk about why and give you an expectation of what to expect, good language. here is scott mcgrew. good morning. happy wednesday to you. last day of work this week for many people. wall street is going to take tomorrow off. there will be a shortened trading day on friday. this is the price of oil coming out of texas. mike knows about this. really, really low. he's been talking about low gas prices. gas prices near $3 a gallon. opec, as you might imagine, not happy. they meet this weekend. the founder of the cryptocurrency company binance is out, forced out with a settlement with the federal government as they admitted to money laundering.
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they'll pay a $4.3 billion fine. the deal was released in a remarkable press conference that featured not just the attorney general of the united states but the secretary of the treasury. when both garland and yellen show up to announce you've done something wrong, you are going to have a bad day. meantime, the s.e.c. says the cryptocurrency kraken commingled customer funds and corporate money, a no-no in finance. you recall ftx. cryptocurrency has its doubters, many think the made-up money is ripe for abuse, and a lot of those doubters feel vindicated. sam altman is back as the ceo of openai, fired on friday, replaced by not one, but two ceos, and back after four days. we'll talk more about that at the bottom of the hour. the irs is once again putting off changes to reporting requirements for cash apps like venmo. you recall the irs was worried that people were hiding income. if that is income, it doesn't
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mean this news means you can skip reporting it. you are and always have been committing tax fraud if you're hiding that. but the irs is less likely to find out about it for another year. and, marcus and laura, we are two days out from black friday, so i'm going to do what they do every year. i picked a few nice presents and we're going to track these from today through black friday, all the way through the holiday and see if it makes any difference. these are specific models, hair dryers, dyson on amazon, icemakers, a specific frigidaire at macy's, the mixer is from walmart, barbie dream house from toys toys"r"us. that's what they're selling for today, those various things. we'll look at them on black friday and after black friday. one of the things we've discovered is about a week before christmas, retailers say, oh, no, buy these things. so sometimes that's the cheapest
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price. we'll see this year. >> cool. we'll check it out. i see a blow dryer in my future. new this morning, maybe we can call this some drink for thought heading into thanksgiving. if you get a headache from several glasses of red wine, science may have the answer why. researchers at uscf and uc davis find it comes down to higher levels of what is typically an antioxidant, but in red wine it can prevent alcohol from metabolizing and that can build up to a toxin that triggers headaches. also, wines made with more sun exposure may have higher levels. usf plans to lead a clinical trial comparing people's response to different wines. trending this morning, a heartwarming story of two bay area sisters. not actually siblings, but bonded as close as it gets. >> they were introduced by the big brothers and sisters
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organization. the pair bonded over their love of musicals and the ukulele, and their audition video earned them a once-in-a-lifetime trip to new york city. tomorrow they will sing in the macy's thanksgiving day parade, alongside 14 other duos on the float. they tell us it is an exciting and emotional accomplishment, especially aftershe was diagnosed with breast cancer. >> it's amazing. >> how are you feeling? >> a little emotional. i'm so glad that i have kanch and i'm glad i was there for her and i'm so appreciative of her now. >> they hope to encourage others to keep showing up for loved ones and friends through sickness and in health. by the way, you can watch the parade at noon right here on nbc bay area tomorrow. >> that kind of brings it all home. that's what thanksgiving is about, friends and family. it's that bond. >> it really is. >> if i haven't said it, thank
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you. i appreciate all of you. >> appreciate you very much. >> we appreciate you for giving us the weather. >> a touching moment. it's over. we're going to have some nice weather, sunshine and enjoying time outside with family after the dinner, maybe you want to throw the football around. yeah, go for a nice, long walk. it's going to be beautiful out there. taking a live look outside in san jose, we're getting ready for christmas in the park, another one of our great traditions here. i'm looking forward to seeing the tree all lit up in our live views in the morning. if you will be traveling, let me show you what else it's like, what it's like elsewhere. we have been tracking storms moving through the east coast and now it is clearing out. good news there as well. i mean, thanksgiving and there's nothing going on anywhere. that doesn't happen all the time. so we are going to continue to see some nice conditions. looking at concord for today, heading out for work, maybe the
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last day before you get a few days off, it's going to be in the mid-40s to start, mostly sunny. just like yesterday, we'll see high clouds filtering the sunshine, and our temperatures reaching into the mid-60s. kind of coolish throughout the afternoon, but about normal of what we typically see around thanksgiving in terms of our temperatures. we're headed for the low 70s in san jose, 71 in oakland, and we'll see a high of 68 degrees in novato and in san francisco. tomorrow it is slightly cooler near the coastline, but some of our inland valleys will still make it into the low 70s. and then on friday we'll all get a cooldown. take a look at livermore, only reaching 60 degrees. this is what's coming our way. there will be a quick-moving cold front that will drop down some cooler temperatures, and we're still looking at some dry conditions. and no major storms on the horizon, at least through the weekend into early next week. our inland temperatures go from low 70s to mid-60s for the weekend, but it's the mornings that we're going to feel the biggest difference, with our
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temperatures in the mid-30s and some of us may even dip to freezing. in san francisco, look for temperatures to continue to reach into the 60s, clouds today, but sunshine for the weekend. mike, you're watching a couple of spots. >> two spots specifically. the icons, westbound 580 on the shoulder, over at grant line road, there is a crash. no major injuries and no major slowing. just light slowing through the altamont pass. the dublin interchange, eastbound 580, it looks like there's minor slowing. the crew might not be completely picked up. they typically finish around this time every day. the freeway is open, it's just getting toward the interchange. there may be a closure of the connecter for a few minutes. look at this, highway 4, no slowing antioch to pittsburg, bay point, concord, easy drive through contra costa county. same for highway 37, just now showing a little blip. we want to give you a look ahead. we have adjustments for ace train today, the 3 and 5,
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outbound trains as well, and tomorrow they don't run the ace train because thanksgiving, they don't need the commuter express. back to you. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> you've reserved your hotel, you've reserved your flight. but have you reserved your spot in the tsa line? i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. in some places you can, and save
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the program we're talking about is called clear reserve, and it's your ticket to bypass the tsa line. here is how. you reserve a time slot in advance to clear airport security. when we made this video clear reserve was available at these 18 points. sorry, san francisco bay area, no sfo, sjc or oakland yet. i used it this orlando. the day before my flight i went to next, i clicked for you at the top and then reserve. originally i tried to book seven days out but it wouldn't let me and told me to check back closer to my flight. the clear website says the booking window varies by location. the rest of the process only took about 90 seconds. i shared basic information like my name, destination, flight number, and how many people were in my party. side note ten, that's the max. next, clear asked me when i
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wanted to clear the security checkpoint. i had a 6:00 a.m. flight, so i asked for a 5:00 a.m. slot. in the next few seconds, clear emailed me a qr code to bypass the line. on the day i showed it to a rep who directed me to the line. i was first in line, while there were 200 people in the regular tsa line. try to be punctual. clear only holds the reserve slots for 20 minutes after your reservation time. after that, you're back in the regular line. >> thanks, chris. coming up next, the top stories we're following today, including helping local farmers make it in the bay. the funding obtained and the new projects it will go toward. and we know the state pumped out grants to help local communities deal with retail theft. we're going to find out how that's working
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right now at 5:30, israel and hamas have agreed to release hostages and hit pause. the developments overnight and the new hope for families on the west coast with loved ones held hostage. and the end, maybe, of one of the weirdest stories in silicon valley, as sam altman return to say openai. also a new crackdown on
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organized retail theft. the plan governor newsom is set to unveil and how it will boost protections during the holiday shopping season. this is "today in the bay." welcome to wednesday morning. 5:30 right now. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get a look at that forecast for you. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect. what a beautiful start there in san francisco. >> it is a nice start. it's mostly clear. we had some high clouds yesterday giving us an interesting looking cloud cover, and we're going to have a cool morning leading to a nice and coolish kind of day. it's going to be about normal for this time of year. but we only make it into the mid-60s for an afternoon high. and another day with some clouds rolling by, a breezy wind, and we're going to dip again later this evening. but take a look at our highs for this afternoon, reaching into the mid-70s for san martin and morgan hill. some of the warmer temperatures compared to the 60s we'll see elsewhere. mike, you're hearing about a
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crash in san jose. >> highway 85, i think it's farther north, not necessarily to scale because the arrow is huge. we're looking at a crash toward union. reports of a single vehicle involved, but now the update sounds like the updated location closer to union, might involved four or five vehicles blocking one lane. this just came into the grid, we're watching north 85. the rest of the day looks great. the construction crew picked up eastbound 580 toward the dublin interchange. that's all clear. only mild slowing for highway 37 around muir island. new overnight, developments, sam altman once again the ceo of openai. >> scott mcgrew, this is the end of one of the strangest stories ever in silicon valley. >> yeah, good morning, marcus, laura. if you're just coming up to speed on this story, last week sam altman was the ceo of the artificial intelligence company openai, and a week later he's once again the ceo of the
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artificial intelligence company openai. there was a lot in the middle there. altman was fired by the tiny openai board of directors on friday which appointed two different ceos to replace him. one of those served less than a day. the board then asked altman to return, and he did last night. that's because when altman left, hundreds of openai employees, top minds in artificial intelligence threatened to leave if he wasn't asked to return, and they demanded big changes on the board of directors. we learned former harvard president, larry summers, to join the board of directors, and the members of the current board will step down. now, we never did find out why openai fired altman in the first place. only that he hadn't been candid with the board. now, marcus, we know why they didn't fire him. it wasn't for office
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misbehavior, and it wasn't for financial mismanagement. so hopefully the end of this very short, strange story. >> absolutely. scott, thank you. well, a live look this morning in southern israel. hamas telling "al jazeera" by midnight tonight our time a four-day pause in fighting will kick in. this after a breakthrough agreement by the israeli cabinet. the deal calls for hamas to release 50 women and children taken hostage on october 7th, and hamas is promising to release more hostages the longer the pause in fighting lasts. in exchange, israel will release 150 palestinian prisoners, that's three for every freed hostage. now, the deal comes after more than a month of intense talks. one woman in los angeles with relatives being held captive has new hope that they may be coming home. >> it's been so long, we've been stuck on october 7th for 45
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days, looping this in our minds over and over again. just to have a sliver of hope, just a break, already, just a break. >> senior white house leader says three americans may be part of the first group of hostages released, including a 3-year-old girl. the holiday shopping season is here. retailers and law enforcement want you to feel safe enough to shop in person, and they want thieves to know they're their likely to be caught now than ever before. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us live from the south bay this morning with what's been happening there, really across the bay. >> reporter: really across the bay, laura. and we've seen plywood covering, plate glass windows at stores around the bay area, and this morning we're going to find out from the governor and also the chp and district attorney brooke jenkins from san francisco whether or not all of the grants that were pumped into local communities have had an impact on retail theft crime.
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now, i want to show you what happened just for a few weeks now, san jose has been using their grant money to dedicate officers to work retail patrol and to identify hot spots. the santa clara county district attorney also dedicated some of their state money to a criminal investigator to just work on retail theft. now, that wasn't enough to stop this theft mob at a dick's sporting goods store on blossom hill in san jose. through video, police here in san jose were able to identify 13 suspects. according to dick's corporate office, retail crime cut quarterly profits by nearly 25%. now, you might think, that's the big guys, but what about us? this means that sometimes retailers raise prices, and of course we've seen retailers move out. now, this happened at san francisco's union square, and that's why the city spent some of their $15 million state grant money on undercover operations and overtime.
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you should see an increased police presence at union square and also at big retailers around the city. now, one week ago today the chp had quite a victory, they recovered $350,000 in stolen property from a home in oakland where those stolen goods were being sold. the chp has not said exactly how many suspects are facing charges, but we do know that they arrested several of them. now, the governor and the chp and the district attorney are speaking at 10:00 this morning, so you know we'll bring you an update on what they have to say in our midday news at 11:00. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much, kris. police are revealing a little more about a chaotic incident involving an east bay mcdonald's worker leading to his arrest. this happened sunday in mcdonald's parking lot in hercules. investigators say the 21-year-old worker got into an argument with a 17-year-old customer, and then got into his car and then tried to hit him. the worker then briefly left the
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scene, but made a u-turn, returning to the store, and struck the 17-year-old, who suffered only cuts and bruises. officers later arrested the employee after the victim's parents contacted police. police say the two know each other and that worker is facing a felony assault charge. farmworkers trying to make it in the bay will soon have access to more affordable housing optionness half moon bay. the initiative is announcing a $1 million grant to help build affordable housing for farmworkers and their families. the initiative is co founded by facebook creator mark zuckerberg, and his wife, pricilla chan. it had be built just south of highway 92. the homes will go to low income families and those displaced by a mass shooting earlier this year. seven farmworkers were killed last january. if you are looking for something fun to do this week,
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enchant christmas is returning to paypal park in san jose for a second year. it opens this friday. this year you can expect a christmas tree maze and christmas village, as well as some ice-skating trails there. now, the event organizers say they really hope to create a magical experience for all guests. >> something quite exciting and new is a really special night of giving on december 6th. we have partnered with the 49ers foundation to donate proceeds from that particular night of enchant to the foundation to support the local community. >> tickets are on sale right now. you can go online at it will open from friday through december 31st. so it's going to be a great time out there. the question is, how will the weather hold up? >> i think ice-skating was my favorite part of that. it was a lot of fun. we're going to have some nice weather, and it will be dry, so
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of course that's always a positive. but it will be chilly out there, with temperatures dropping quickly for tomorrow evening. we're going from mid-60s to upper 50s by 8:00 to 9:00 in the evening. then tomorrow we also have the turkey trot that's going to be happening, and a lot of people right there at the starting line are wanting some nice and dry conditions, and we do have that. but it will be chilly with our morning start in the low 50s, and then as we go throughout late morning into the low to mid-60s. great running weather. we'll also have some nice outdoor weather, too, if you've got to make a few more runs to the grocery store. we're looking at temperatures in the upper 60s for today, but it won't be as clear and sunny as we sometimes like to see. we'll have more clouds coming in. so i'll have more on that and what's ahead. mike, you're more concerned about that crash in san jose. >> for two reasons. we see slowing, but my maps are marked as closure. there are reports that all lanes are blocked by this crash north
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85 closer to union than to camden. but the crash is reported at both locations. it sounds like someone got out of the vehicle after the first initial crash. there may be a secondary crash. that may be what the second report is about. there's a big backup. i'm hoping it's just damage to the cars that have caused them to stop the traffic flow. but any time anyone gets out of their vehicle on the freeway, we're concerned about a secondary report as we're tracking northbound 85, currently blocked at union avenue. you might have to get off at camden and take city streets past the scene. that really is the only thing going on for the bay. normal traffic flow very light. highway 4, a little blip. highway 37 holding with very light traffic heading over muir island. one note that we will have, the manzanita park and ride, the lower lot will be closed for some high tide, just precautionary. there was a little slowing across the richardson bridge, but i think the crew is clear.
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back to you. >> thank you so much. 5:41. cutting the cord on unnecessary fees. coming up next on "today in the bay," president biden's proposed new ban ahead, and how it aims to cut costs for those looking to cancel or change their cable and satellite providers. and while most of us are digesting our turkey dinners, the 49ers tomorrow night will still be all business. we break down the importance of their game against their rival the seahawks right here on nbc bay area. bay area. keep it look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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good wednesday morning to you. it is 5:44 right now. we're taking a live look outside in dublin. 580 is starting out nice and quiet. it's mainly clear for now. we'll see more clouds coming in and temperatures going from upper 50s at 10:00 to upper 60s today. kind of a mild day. we'll take a look at our thanksgiving forecast coming up. and look here in the south bay, there is slowing, but the roadway is open, from what i'm seeing from the report. i believe they only have one lane, closed at union. folks are using, it looks like, camden avenue to get off of the freeway. folks are going into the backup and this could be a ripple problem. we'll track the south bay commute coming up. >> we'll check back with you. thank you. it is a quarter until 6:00 right now. america today pauses to mark 60 years since the assassination of
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president john f. kennedy. his death in dallas left an entire nation in mourning, and even now there remains many unanswered questions about what happened. a new exhibit at the museum in daly plaza is showing off never-before-scene artifacts from that fateful moment in history. it's called "two days in texas" and one historian tells "today" he hopes it can provide a new sense of understanding. >> you're building his story one exhibit at a time here? >> yeah, we have to learn why the death of this one man so impacted the nation and the world. >> the "today" show's morgan chesky is there this morning to get a first look at the exhibit. you can see the whole story at 7:00 a.m. right after "today in the bay." 5:46 right now. president biden and the fcc want to make cutting the cord easier. >> scott mcgrew has been following this. this is part of the president's effort to get rid of the junk fees. >> yeah, junk fees.
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cable companies, dish companies often charge customers a fee if they end their agreements early, sign up for two years of service but you want to change providers after a year, there's going to be a fee. president biden not speaking about that today. he and the first lady are off to nantucket for the thanksgiving holiday. but he and the administration did direct the federal communications commission to take the lead on the cuts. the fcc proposed a new rule tuesday, there's a period of public comment for and against, and the fcc says it should be easier for consumers to switch services if they wish if that rule passes. mike inouye has been talking about gas prices, he's got one at costco in almost the high 3s. gas prices have been plunging. when we talk about gas prices and the presidency, i often point out presidents really don't have control over gas prices. it's not the president. those stickers that say "i did that" are misleading or, at
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least, maybe silly at worst. when i say gas prices are going up, presidents aren't at fault when they go up, but they shouldn't get the credit when they go down, either. but every white house, including the biden white house, tries to take credit. there are two factors that move the price of gas and you already know who they are, supply and demand. here is a newscast out of utah, our affiliate in salt lake city reporting on a special election for congress. the republican candidate won, as they often do in utah. republican celeste malloy, the projected winner. there were a couple of reasons that pundits were watching this race. it was one of the only races to watch, but more importantly, the democrat was expected to perform pretty well in a district donald trump won by the landslide in the presidential race. but in the end, that did not happen. republicans usually win by 20
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points or more, and in this case that candidate won by even a bigger gap. >> there you have it. thanks, scott. the 49ers head to seattle today for a thanksgiving mission. >> yes, but expect the turkey and stuffing to take a back seat. tomorrow night they face a big test on the road against the seahawks. you can see it right here on nbc bay area. this is a battle not only for control of the nfc west, but playoff seeding. the seahawks right now are one game behind the niners in the race for that division title. again, the niners and seahawks airs in a special thanksgiving night telecast of sunday night football, nbc bay area will have live postgame coverage. it all gets under way with football night in america at 5:00 p.m. just sit back and relax as you digest all that turkey. this thanksgiving thursday means football, turkey, and for more than 20 years, the national dog show. >> we're talking about 1,800 of
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the nation's top canines vying for the best in show. i got to speak with the host, john o'hurley and david frye, about what can we expect this year. i asked them, is there a particular breed showing promise as a winner this year? >> i say the same thing to everybody who will listen, i call it the alma mater factor. if you're sitting at home with your cavalier on the couch, then you should be rooting for and watching for the cavalier, and i want people at home to do that. i do the same thing at the dog show, and i think that's what all of us do as we're walking around, saying, i want to see my breed, i want my breed to do well. >> enter your breed. the national dog show airs at noon tomorrow right here on nbc bay area. that's right after the macy's thanksgiving day parade. >> i'll enter mine, but he's a mutt. >> they have a stinker category. >> that's right, the stinker dog. he loves to get out and about. mornings are a little cool,
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by afternoon we're good. >> we're good, and we'll see more days like this. no major changes coming our way. we are going to have a chilly morning continue, but doesn't that make it feel like the season? we're entering into our thanksgiving, and eventually kicking off the holiday shopping. it's going to be windy in the hills starting tomorrow, and most of the day is looking pretty dry, and also mostly sunny. but for the weekend, we have chilly morning temperatures, and we may have to even scrape some frost off of the windshield, as our temperatures continue to drop. this morning we're starting out at 38 degrees in sonoma, it's 41 in oakland, and it's 39 in palo alto. so another chilly start. it is mostly clear, but more clouds will be scooting in as we go throughout the day, and also looking at some very light, spotty showers farther to the north as the system weakens, most likely we won't see much in the way of rain. as far as our temperatures today, we'll reach up to 68 in dublin, and about the same in
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hayward, upper 60s for napa and in san francisco. tomorrow we're also going to see those temperatures in the upper 60s and low 70s. then on friday it will be cooler. take a look at some parts of the tri-valley, the inland east bay, where we only make it into the low 60s for an afternoon high. as we go out farther beyond the next several days into our thanksgiving weekend, we're going to see a clear sky, and once again it's going to be very chilly. we're wondering if there's any rain on the horizon or something that could bring the sierra some snow. it may not be until the end of next week, and even that system looks pretty weak. so the dry weather continues. our wind will be picking up and that may be the main concern going into late thanksgiving night into early friday. for the north bay, we could see winds, especially for the upper elevations, so we'll be watching the hilltop wind gusts before the weekend. a look at our seven-day forecast shows mild temperatures and our overnight lows in the mid-30s. it's going to be a chilly weekend, and some of us will
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only make it into the low to mid-60s for highs. and san francisco is going to continue to see highs in the mid-60s, sunshine in the forecast, a little bit more sunshine after today. mike, that crash still happening in san jose? >> it is. i'm still trying to sort out the details. we do see mild slowing for 85. there's actually more slowing for the first burst we typically see, even during a holiday week. we're looking at slowing north 101 approaching oakland road. approaching union, there is a crash. it sounds like the middle lane or one of the right lanes, as well as the off-ramp to union might be blocked right now. there's more activity reported, slow coming from camden, slow getting toward camden, that's kind of cleared up now. the rest of the bay looks pretty normal as well. there is a crash around 1st on, i believe, westbound 580. another crash near the walnut creek interchange, not impacting the connecters as far as i know. the backup at the bay bridge not forming at all.
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we see how light it is. that's the indicator that things might go more easily at those earlier crashes. the details may develop quickly and may clear quickly. we'll follow up. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, san jose is working to crack down on the illegal cannabis market by loosening restrictions on dispensaries. the city council voted yesterday to reduce fines on dispensaries that violate city policies. the city will now allow stores to expand the number of hours they can stay open, and new changes are to stop illegal cannabis sales. dispensary owners have said in the past those strict rules on their stores have made illegal sales more enticing. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> you've reserved your hotel, you've reserved your flight. but have you reserved your spot in the tsa line? i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. in some places you can, and save tons of time. we'll show you how next. then ahead at 6:00, facing
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removal. the new plea to san francisco leaders from one group of street vendors fearing their livelihoods are at stake. keep it here. you're watching "today in the bay."
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." so if you are flying for the holidays, you might find a huge time and stress saver at your destination. >> outside the bay area, some airports like l.a.x. are trying out a system that lets passengers pre-reserve a spot in the security line for free. consumer investigator chris chmura shows us how and where. the program we're talking about is called clear reserve, and it's your ticket to bypass the tsa line. here is how. you reserve a time slot in advance to clear airport security. when we made this video clear reserve was available at these 18 airports. sorry, san francisco bay area, no sfo, sjc or oakland yet. i used clear reserve recently in orlando. let me show you how easily it worked. the day before my flight i went to next, i clicked for you at the
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top and then reserve. originally i tried to book seven days out but it wouldn't let me and told me to check back closer to my flight. the clear website says the booking window varies by location. the rest of the process only took about 90 seconds. i shared basic information like my name, destination, flight number, and how many people were in my party. side note, ten, that's the max. next, clear asked me when i wanted to clear the security checkpoint. i had a 6:00 a.m. flight, so i asked for a 5:00 a.m. slot. within a few seconds, clear emailed me a qr code to bypass the line. on my travel day, i showed my qr code to a rep who directed me to the clear line. i was first in line, while there were 200 people in the regular tsa line. try to be punctual. clear only holds the reserve spots for 20 minutes after your reservation time. after that, you're back in the regular line. >> thanks, chris. a quick reminder, you can
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watch nbc bay area news whenever you would like. we're on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. there, you can watch live breaking news, news conferences, even repeats of our newscasts. right now at 6:00, a hostage deal in the middle east. hamas is set to release dozens of captives as israel agrees to a pause in military offensive. new details and the growing skepticism among some bay area supporters on both sides. a live look at sfo, where thanksgiving holiday travel is hitting its peak. we've got live team coverage on the record number of travelers in the air, plus the best times to hit the road. this is "today in the bay." you're up early, already planning. good wednesday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. mike is going to catch us up on the holiday traffic in just a moment, but first we've got to talk about that forecast. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that. >> i'm happy to say that there's no major issues for us in terms of our weat


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