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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 23, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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>> right now at five, son ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) josé's turkey trot, kicking up in a few hours. organizers, calling it the largest in the country. we will be live from the starting line. >> plus, silicon valley still
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processing the rehiring of sam altman, by openai. a breakdown of the timeline, major changes to the company's board. >> and, an investigation underway after this explosion at the u.s. canada border. officials say it was not related to terrorism. we have the latest, this is today in the bay. good morning, thank you for joining us on this thanksgiving day. i am kira klapper. >> and i am marcus -- they have the day off. meteorologist carrie hall checking what we will have. >> it'll be a nice day, it starts off chilly, we will have a very pleasant afternoon. here is a look at where we are around the bay area, mostly mid-40s from dublin to oakland. it is in the mid 50s from san francisco to san jose. we are also going to see a cool morning, shaping up to be a nice and sunny afternoon. the clouds we had yesterday evening, now pushing away. we are seeing a little bit of
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some light rain for the sierra, that is about it across much of the region. as we go into the afternoon, the sunshine returns, our temperatures reached to the upper 60s and low 70s. we look for a high of 73 degrees, that's okay first-time martin, and also, upper 60s across much of the east bay. we will look at our thanksgiving and beyond forecast. cynthia, you are tracking something or vallejo? >> yes you are, right when you get to the american canyon on the road off ramp, a couple of lanes blocked, what was interesting to see on this, they were hoping a couple of lanes, to have time for a helicopter to land. sounds like a complicated situation there, overall, the traffic centers are still showing that yellow, still relatively calm. another complex situation that caught my situation was 580 west barnet the isabelle avenue off-ramp. a car went into a creek. they were a couple of people involved, two of them were children. we will keep an eye on this, still causing a bit of a hazard there near the isabelle avenue off ramp. right behind that, steer --
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still near the pass avenue area, we have this in the east bound direction, 580 at grant line. there was an ambulance called, a couple of cars got into this, it is a little bit of a complex situation. just some details to figure out on the log this morning, otherwise, traffic looks great, traffic still -- hoping it stays this way during this thanksgiving morning, back to you, jim. >> drive safely out there. there's a way of offset the guild fattening itself up the turkey stuffing and mashed potatoes, you can join thousands of people, running a turkey trot throughout the bay area this morning. the largest is in downtown san jose, that's where we find bob riddell. bob, too late to register for this or can people still join? >> from what i see in the line, you can still register. happy thanksgiving to you, scott and kyra. the silicon valley turkey trot is taking registrations into nine a.m., which is actually 30 minutes after start time, it starts at 8:30 a.m. here, in downtown san jose, and santa
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clara. from what i saw online, you can still register. they are not quite yet sold out, it seems to be approaching that. silicon valley leadership group which started this race 19 years ago with just a couple of thousands of runners, if my memory serves me correctly, they are expecting close to 20,000 runners this year, making this one of the largest turkey trot in the country. over the years, the race has raised over $11 million for charity, collected over 250,000 pounds of food. this year's event will help health trust, the healthier kids foundation and second harvest food bank. the leadership group ceo points out even though silicon valley embodies success, there are a lot of people in need in our area, this event is about community and giving back. >> what i think is so special right now, is that we have come through covid, the opportunity to get together, to be in community, to get out there, bring your family, i think that has taken on a new meaning
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these past couple of years. i think that community spirit is what is most special about this event. also, when we talk about corporate citizenship, our leaders, ceos, companies in silicon valley giving back. this is one of those concrete ways that we come out for community, and support those most in need. >> now, the silicon valley turkey trot has a five k, a ten k and a kids fun run, someone didn't tell my daughters, the kids find run is supposed to be fun. this is her, back in 2012. she was nine years old, in tears, because she exhausted herself to only take second place. again, it was enough, it is her, she is still competitive to this day. the silicon valley turkey trot is not the only turkey trot in the area this morning. there is one in venetia at 7:30 a.m., concord, novato, saint -- wine country, san francisco, they have theirs at 8 am and of course, oakland at 8:30 a.m..
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and then the one behind me here, downtown san jose, also it 30. reporting live in downtown san jose, bob riddell, today in the bay. >> your poor daughter, being publicly shamed! at nine years old! >> that is so hard as a parent, right, bob? >> it is payback. >> yes it is. second place is great. so i can get a be, not an a? no, that is not what i mean. [laughter] all right, bob, thank you. >> thanks so much, bob. happening now, a live look inside glide memorial church in san francisco. the food is being set out to be prepared and cooked, to feed thousands of people. >> this is an annual tradition, the first time it's been indoors since 2019. glide say they are planning to feed more than 2000 people today. our -- is live with that report in about 30 minutes. >> and the bulletins bans are back as well. the macy's thanksgiving day parade kicking off later this morning, 97 years and it is
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right in the nbc bay area. >> the san jose great joins us live from new york city to see what we can expect, this is my favorite part of thanksgiving. not the parade, jay gray. hello, good morning! >> you have got to aim high or my friend, kira. good morning scott and kira, a beautiful morning here in new york. it will be a great parade. the 97th annual macy's day parade, i covered 95 of them, i don't remember the weather being this good at any of them. you can't have a parade without floats. let's look down the way here, you can see floats lined up, ready to roll out here. 26 floats this year, including two new floats -- the ninja turtles, who does not love a ninja turtle? and the second new flowed will feature willy wonka, but the stars of the show, every year, those giant character balloons that float through manhattan. snoopy got a make over this year, calling him the beagle
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scout this year. you see that they have got woodstock, the little carry on top of that. 16 character balloons will float through manhattan today. 32 of the smaller novelty or heritage balloons will be part of the parade. 12 marching bands -- so cool to see -- a lot of the kids come through here on the big stage for the first time and enjoy their time here. and then, 700 clowns will be part of this. i don't think they were counting me and the crew, so more than 700 clowns will be a part of the parade this year. three and a half million people expected to line the parade route. i walked to work this morning, about three in the morning, there were already families camped out getting the best spots along the parade route. should be a great day, i hope that scott and kira, when you are done with the show, rush home, throw on fuzzy socks, get a snuggie, and watch the parade, eat a little, take a nap, eat
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again. you can see how my day will unfold. i hope you have a great thanksgiving, and watch the parade. [laughter] >> okay, we will be watching, thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you, jay. coming up after today in the bay, savannah, hoda and al will have a sneak peek before the fun kicks off, and check in with jimmy fallon, before he jumps on his float. that is all ahead here on nbc bay area. >> we will take a turn now and talk about more on the vehicle explosion on the rainbow bridge at the u.s. canada border. it happened just before noon yesterday. a car, sped towards a border checkpoint on the u.s. side of niagara falls. it hit a booth and exploded. that driver and the passenger were killed. the fbi this morning say there does not appear to be terrorism related. the governor of new york revealed no explosives were found at the scene, one of the victims is from new york. niagara falls police are now treating the crime as a traffic
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investigation. >> they just finished their scene, swab in for explosives. they tell me there was no evidence, no evidence of chemicals or substances used by terrorists to create an explosion. this is another sign that confirms that this is not terrorist related. >> the niagara frontier transportation authorities say they have increased security systemwide. >> sam altman is still ceo of openai for a second the day. he was re-hired by the chatgpt major, late tuesday evening. the board that pushed him out is gone. the move follows several days of turmoil, it started friday. we never did find out specifically why they saw fit to fire him. altman was fired friday, backlash followed late sunday, altman had been scooped up by microsoft, as one of a.i.'s biggest investors, microsoft is -- and by the time tuesday rolled around, he was back at openai.
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and their board has been reconfigured. >> deangelo is the only previous member of the board who will stay, he will be joined by brett taylor, former ceo of salesforce, larry summers, former treasury secretary for the clinton administration, possible someone from microsoft, i would expect that, or another major investor might join the board as well. >> 5:10. right now, we will take a live look in san jose. christmas in the park. all dark right now, chilly out there. let's see what we can expect on this thanksgiving day, with meteorologist kari hall. 9 am, it never takes a day off? >> i will eventually take one during the holidays but yes, it is a great morning. and, why not? the weather is nice and quiet. we will see our temperatures in the 40s after getting started, and that dark picture of downtown san jose, we will see the tree lit up, starting tomorrow day. today is the turkey trot, we
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talked about that. as the runners get to the starting line, it will be in the low 50s, a chilly morning. then, going throughout the morning, our temperatures make it to the low 60s. and then, as we are getting ready for dinner, our temperatures will head for the 70s. so, a really nice day. as we get a look at some temperatures around the east bay, oakland will be in the upper 60s, hayward, 68 degrees. san ramon headed for 69. -- conquered in the low 70s, i don't know if it gets any better than that. we will look ahead to the weekend, when our temperatures will drop. that is coming up in a few minutes. and cynthia, we were hoping the gas prices would drop as well? >> the holiday rush is definitely here, carrie. we are trying to move the bay area forward and finding those cheap gas prices this morning. this is all thanks to people who report on gas we will start in the south they with $3.99 at the costco in santa clara, on coleman avenue. i am sure that it has been a busy spot this holiday weekend. we will go over to get you another check of $4.05 in the east bay, where you will find
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this on bolero, on his avenue in hayward. we will end it off in the north bay, $4.43 in the argo, off of 101, if you're going into san francisco. now from the gas pump to the roadways, this thanksgiving morning, let's see what is going on. the sensor is still showing very green, like the green beans you might be enjoying later on this afternoon. but, we do have to talk about an update from the north bay. american canyon, at the american canyon off ramp, those lanes that were blocked because of the helicopter landing i was telling you about, that was expected. now, they are expecting to open up a couple more lanes in the next 15 minutes or so. we will swing on in, still stay in the north bay, everything is in the green centers looking good, back to you, jim. >> thanks, looking good. >> coming up, -- officially started the battle, we will tell you which resorts are open if you would like to hit the slopes. >> if a flight is in your holiday travel plans, we have a one minute coaching session to help you steer clear of some
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common travel hiccups. and consumer investigator, coming up next. >> a reminder, watch the 49ers take on the seattle seahawks tonight, you can only see it right here on
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>> happy thanksgiving to you. the time is 5:16, where that you are up early prepping food, cleaning the house, or if you are heading off to work, it is
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a chilly morning in oakland. right now, 50 degrees. we have lots of sunshine in today's forecast, and it is going to be beautiful. we will have a cooler weekend, i will show you that coming up in a few minutes. >> and, we have a drive over the bay bridge, hopefully it stays holiday like during the rest of the day. let's get you a check of those bay area bridge drive times under ten minutes, what a lovely sight from the richmond bridge, overall into marin, just under ten minutes as well to get you across if you free monstrous over the bay bridge, down into the peninsula, -- bridge hitting the 13-minute commute. we will look at all the drive times in the bay area this thanksgiving morning, coming up. >> cynthia and kari, thanks. it is the first week of the ski season, not much real snow, but the slopes will open it. yesterday was opening day for palisades tahoe. they say they have been busy making the snow to get ready for the officials seasons. north star opens today. >> well, with the fairweather and punctual play, air travel is looking pretty good. >> just in case that changes
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for you, like say, a cancel flight, consumer investigator chris chmura wants you to be prepared. >> good morning. just a quick coaching session here. if your travel plans go sideways, with a flight delay or cancellation, your smartphone is your secret weapon. airlines credit where credit is due as called the not better, when notifying passengers about those delays and cancellations. so, turn on the notifications. second, if there is a flight delay or cancellation, you might be able to re-book yourself using the airline app, or its website. you want to do that as quickly as possible. remember, when your flight is delayed, 400 or so other people on that flight? they are your competition to get what other seats are left over on the next flight, which is hopefully on time. one last bit. if you are checking a bag, may i politely recommend you put a wi-fi tracker, like an apple airtag in that bag, just in case the airline loses track of your bag, maybe you could help them find it. safe travels, happy thanksgiving. >> to you as well, chris.
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>> thanks, chris. crazy that it came to that, help them track your bag. i can't say anything more, my brother in law works in baggage for united. so, i will be getting out. [laughter] >> at least he knows somebody! >> let's check in with cynthia in a moment, first, meteorologist kari hall for the weather. actually, sounds like it will be a lovely thanksgiving? >> it will be. i don't know if they could get any better than this. it is a chilly start to the morning, we kind of expect that this time of year. it is in the mid 40s right now, for oakland, dublin, in san francisco, 54 degrees. we also do have a light wind for now, but then, going into the afternoon, our temperatures make it to the low 70s, 73 degrees in santa rosa, nevada, you can set up a table outside on the patio, have dinner outside, it is going to be really nice and comfortable. and, upper 60s for fremont, hayward, 69 degrees. and, in san francisco, we are looking at a high of 66 degrees. now, tomorrow, it will be cooler. not as warm, we are not seeing
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any 70s. in fact, it will slowly make it up to 60 in livermore tomorrow afternoon. and 62 in mountain view. so, we will have jackets on throughout the day for all of that shopping you may want to get done. and get an early start on your holiday shopping. on saturday, it is also still sunny. but, we make it to the low and mid 60s. what is happening now, we have a cold front dipping in. but will drop those temperatures, starting tonight. but, also make the winds pick up. we are looking at a windy afternoon in the evening, with some of our higher elevations getting some much higher wind gusts. take a look at late tonight into early tomorrow. parts of solano county, into the delta, they will be under a wind advisory, and our higher elevations will have gusty wind. and beyond that today, we will have cooler high temperatures, morgan hill, only in the low 60s for tomorrow into saturday. and then, it gets slightly warmer. we do have some cooler days ahead. this thanksgiving, it is the
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warmest day we will see in quite a while. our mornings will start out near freezing each day into early next week. cynthia, you are watching a couple of issues out there on the road, what is going on now? >> we will take it back to the north bay, where if you did not catch that last update, we will go back to american canyon row to off-ramp. a couple of lanes were blocked just about an hour ago, while they're waiting for a helicopter to land after a couple of cars got into it. this is westbound direction of highway 80, we will just wait there and wait for a couple more minutes, 15 to 20, chp said they were working on clearing an opening, a couple of more lanes. this caught my attention, the sensors, showing that yellow color. a little bit of a slowing in cocoa county on highway four, we will check on, that does not seem to be a crash, just a slow and go this morning. otherwise, the rest of the bay area still looking good. let's look at the try valley drive times this morning under 20 minutes to get you from grant line road, to six 80 in the east bay, under a ten minute commute, most of the way
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from 582 vargas road. we will take it down into cnn, to six 80, eight minutes. what a nice commute, back to you. >> it is, cynthia banks. >> 5:21 right now, next on today in the bay, getting you ready for the popular south bay holiday tradition. we will take you behind the scenes to see what makes christmas in the park so special. >> there is always room for jell-o, he had his family stopped by a safe way for some last-minute thanksgiving shopping. mike, we'll ask if you have everything that you need. you can follow him at
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>> well, tomorrow, a long-standing bay area holiday tradition kicks off. that is of course the san jose christmas in the park. >> this 44 year tradition is brought people together across generations, that is today in the bays -- shows up to this new event, we will have a few flashes of color. >> there is a san jose warehouse, where it does not matter what the calendar says, here, it is always christmas. >> it actually never stops. >> reporter: you can think of it as kind of like santa's workshop, everything getting ready for the big day. >> this is the jazz corner. >> reporter: in this case, the big day is the opening of san jose's christmas in the park. >> people see us november 24th
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to january 1st in the park, but, we work year-round. >> reporter: this annual tradition transforms san jose's plaza de cesar chavez into a winter wonderland. >> this is a fan favorite. >> reporter: managing director debbie de qudus shepherds over it all. >> we had generations of people come to the park, and grandparents will point out their favorite displays. >> reporter: this year, among the 45 holiday themes and 500 decorated trees, visitors will also find some new color. >> my goal is to make the whole shape look like stained glass. >> reporter: sandra bass illicit rigorously outs among several local artists tapped to create new models for the events. >> these are called -- it's part of my filipino culture. >> reporter: these are sponsored by the nonprofit arch group, local color. >> the idea behind the mirror is being able to give these artists, who come from a diverse background, a platform to express how they feel around the holiday season. >> reporter: for her, that feeling is nostalgia.
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>> if you go to christmas in the park with my family, it is cool how they revived such a long tradition to keep it hip, but also, it allows it to stick to its roots. >> these murals, what they do, they celebrate and reflect the diversity in san jose. a rooster comes out every hour. >> reporter: of course, there are many of the old favorites, creating new memories for the 800,000 visitors expected to visit the park between friday and january 1st. >> i love seeing people come together and make something beautiful. i love seeing families have that old fashion joy. we are not in front of screens or electronics. >> instead, we are in the spirit of the season in the place that waits for christmas all year round. joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> there is cool to get that behind the scenes look. 5:27 right now, up next, top stories we're following today, including the macy's thanksgiving day parade. it is almost here, we have a
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look at the prep before the big show. >> 1200 pounds of turkey! 1900 pounds of ham! some of which, thomas just put on the table -- is still putting on the table -- that's a whole lot of thanksgiving meals! we are live at glaad memorial in san francisco. up ahead, we will have more of their annual thanksgiving traditions. stay witus, you are wah tc
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right now, 5:30.
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volunteers, hard work, making sure no one goes hungry. this thanksgiving, we will have a live report from glide church in san francisco, coming up. >> and, before you start cooking, there are some things you should be looking out for. we have four tips which will enjoy your thanksgiving dinner will be safe to eat. >> plus, before you do that, some exercise. we will -- the turkey trot takes over san jose downtown. we will look at the prep, this is today in the bay. >> well, good morning everyone, very happy thanksgiving to you as well. i am scott mcgrew. >> i am kira klapper. marcus and laura are off this morning. as always, meteorologist kari hall is not. let's start with the forecast. working hard to letting us know what we can expect? >> i was looking at that turkey trot video wondering, where can i get one of those hats? oh yes, that might be used for these next few days. we are going to have some cold temperatures coming in. at least for our thanksgiving
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day, we are going to enjoy some mild temperatures. al lot of sunshine, the wind will pick up in parts of the north bay and come through the delta. and then, for our black friday, it will be sweater weather. you might want to pick up an extra sweater. we will keep the sun shining, chilly mornings ahead with lows in the 30s and 40s. right now, we are seeing temperatures in the 40s and 50s. so, it is a little bit warmer now compared to what is ahead, our highs are reaching into the low 60s, or upper 60s, low 70s for this afternoon in much of the north bay. cynthia, you are watching five 80 in livermore, what's happening? >> it is westbound 580, typically known to be the candid direction, but it is thanksgiving night, this is a bit of a tricky situation. i will tell you what happened, what we know. -- saying a car went into a creek. there were three people involved. two of them were children. they ended up on the roof of that car. they had to end up calling fire, fish and again, because it was in the creek. they are responding, crews are
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responding out there, they are avoiding that for the next couple of minutes while they clear the scene, hopefully everybody is okay. the rest of the bay area, still looking very good this morning. we hope it stays that way. we will keep an eye out there on 580, let's take it to the south, things look good, 20 minute commute from san jose to mill valley -- mountain view, excuse me, if you are taking 101, just under ten minutes, if you decide to take northbound 280. back to you. >> cynthia, thanks. >> a thanksgiving tradition in san francisco is back this year, bigger and better than ever. glide memorial church is providing thousands of meals for will come to the nonprofit. for the first time, they are providing meals for people who can't make it there. >> nbc's ginger conejero saab is there in glaad memory, all sentences go. this event kicks off in a few hours, but spirit is already underway there, ginger? >> the spirit has been here at clyde memorial for a while, because separation is been happening, prior to this morning. happy thanksgiving, scott and
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kira, great to see you guys, we are at glide morial, where you can see the action is already happening for thanksgiving. we are in preparation room of sorts where they are really taking out some of the ham, some of the turkey, they are carving, we got 1200 pounds of turkey, 1900 pounds of ham, and that expected 2400 meals to be given out this thanksgiving day. we are joined by carl robillard of glide memorial. carl, you will walk us through what is going on, because you are expecting some really nice, wonderful traditions to continue today, and the glidettes are here, is that something you want to talk about? >> yes, this is our super bowl, our met gala at glide. we have been working months to prepare for this, we expected it 2400 people to be here. this is the first time in four years we have actually had everybody back inside for the holidays. and so, we are just thrilled. >> that is great.
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you are telling me, it is nice to have people indoors, rather than, i know last year there was a big tent outdoors, still feeling like the pandemic is going on. now, people are able to interact more, including your volunteers, who are just so dedicated to this day? >> 100%. for folks who endured both the pandemic and the weather last year, rain, to have folks coming inside, i mean, think of it like your family kitchen. you come back in, you are with folks. that is what we are hoping to offer people today. as you can see this morning, our amazing team of what we call glidettes, some of our most reliable, most dependable, efficient and incredibly skilled volunteers are here this morning. they are first shift, they live in the tenderloin, they were here throughout the pandemic, helping us and so many different ways. >> i want to touch on glide forward, we can touch on in the next hour, but talk about what you guys are doing outside of here. >> you can see the activity
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here, the reality is that the pandemic has hit poor folks very hard. there are folks all over san francisco are experiencing poverty. so today, around 10:30, we will implement what is the beginning of our glide forward strategy, where we take our services on the road. so, it is a mobile van which will head out with food, hygiene kits, supplies for folks out there in the elements who cannot make it too glide. we want to do what we can to provide for all of these folks. >> that is wonderful, carl. we will learn more about glide forward and see some more action. the glidettes -- i have been told by carl they can carved turkey for all of san francisco. i'm getting some tips from them later for thanksgiving dinner, but we will have more from glide memorial in the next hour. before i go, i just want to show carrie here, they gave us happy fall, y'all. and i just thought about kari, y'all. just want to say. kari, we will be back with more. >> this fall fan in the
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building, kari hall, and hashtag kari hall y'all. >> great tie in their, ginger. we will see you soon. and from san francisco to new york, the holiday season has officially become this yesterday in new york city, workers, inflating the 26th jumbo balloon, which will be featured in today's macy's thanksgiving day parade. as we mentioned, it starts at 8:30 this morning at the half hour earlier than usual. in total, 49 balloons will fly high above new york city. there will be -- by the way, this is the 97th edition of the famous parade. there will be 16 character balloons, seven brand-new ones. and as jay gray mentioned, 33 heritage and novelty balloons. as always, santa and his sleigh, which is 60 feet long and three and a half stories tall will wrap up of the festivities. you can watch it all right here at nbc bay area at 8:30. and, coming up after today in the bay, at seven, join
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savannah, hoda and al this morning with a sneak peek before all of the fun kicks off, plus, a check in with jimmy fallon, before he jumps on his own float. that is all ahead here on nbc bay area. >> as they get ready to prepare the thanksgiving meal, the usda is sharing safety tips. cdc says millions of americans get sick from foodborne illnesses every year, resulting in 120,000 hospitalizations, and even death. we spoke with a usda food expert, on four easy steps to make sure that you are staying safe. they are, clean, separate, cook and chill. there is some specific advice, when it comes to your turkey temperature. >> so, many turkeys now come with a pop up thermometer. those are a great tool. in reality, you just want a food thermometer, because, you need to verify three different parts of your bird to make sure it is completely cooked. >> usda also says that you can only leave that cooked turkey
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out a few hours, before you get it back in the refrigerator. >> at 8:30 this morning, not only the parade in new york city, but the 19th annual silicon valley turkey trot in the south bay. we have a live look for you out of the starting line. quiet right now in downtown san jose. this year, bob redell tells us organizers are expecting more than 20,000 runners and walkers. the turkey trot has a five k, a ten k and the kids phone run, all proceeds go to south bay foundations, including second harvest, healthier kids, house trust. in the nearly two decades that this turkey trot, organizers raised more than $11 million for bay area charities. and, in this post pandemic life, a community run means so much more. >> what i think is so special right now, as we come through covid, the opportunity to get together, to be a community, to get out there with folks and pray with your family, i think
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it's taken on a new meaning these past couple of years. >> if you are a last-minute trotter, you can still sign up today, the race starts at 8:30, and as bob said, you can sign up until nine. >> all right, in san francisco, i am sure there are lots of people who will be out and about today, it is a beautiful morning. let's check in with kari. >> we also of the turkey trot there, but of course we will get a look at our forecast in san jose, the largest one in the bay area, beginning at 8:30, it is going to be at about 53 degrees. make sure you are wearing layers. of course, you might want to peel some off as we continue the turkey trot. and then, going through the rest of the morning, that sunshine will help things feel much nicer. now, we have the enchanted light maze and village which will be opening for tomorrow. and, we will see temperatures starting in the low 60s. but, it will be cooling down quickly. we also have some breezy winds in the forecast. also on your friday, if you are going to the warriors game, lucky you. it will be cool as you are
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around san francisco, maybe going to dinner, it will be in the mid 50s. a light wind and the mostly clear sky. we also have that cristiano gucci holiday ice rink which will be continuing to run in san ramon. if you're going there to kick off the holidays, expect it to only be in the mid 50s there for tomorrow afternoon, into the evening. we also have the sharks game in san jose, a little bit milder, still on the cool side when it is the mid 60s. at noon going into the early afternoon, with some breezy wind. getting packing up the car, going to palisades tahoe, enjoying some time skiing, yes, we have to make snow, we have not seen a lot of it coming from the sky. it will be sunny, but our overnight temperatures will be cool enough for them to continue to make more snow, a very cold weekend ahead. and cynthia, you are looking out for some road closures? >> we will start in the south bay, getting ready for the turkey trot in downtown san jose. we can already see some road closures on west santa clara street, taking place right
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there, west santa clara and north first street. we have closures which also extend to south first. if you want to avoid all of this, continue through downtown on 87, or 280. take away around on 101 as well. just watch out for the joggers out there this morning. let's go to the north, typical's place to be shut down when we have high tides. it's in mill valley only come off 101 at the man that had a parking lot and ride. it will continue into next week, through the 29th. because those high tides it should taper off in a little bit. we will check on mass transit, giving you that in the next bit. back to you guys. >> cynthia, thanks. >> coming up, thanksgiving brings back friends and family, that can be different opinions sometimes at the dinner table. next, huawei for everyone, even your uncle to come together, despite opposite beliefs. >> and, the 49ers are about 12 hours away from taking on the seattle seahawks. hear from deebo samuel and other players about playing on thanksgiving day.
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remember, you can only watch that matchup right here on nbc y area. y area. ba look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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right now, the time is 5:45, on your way out the door forward, it is a chilly morning. we will look at dublin, in our planner for the day. at 10:00, 60 degrees. we will make it into the upper 60s today, a very chilly night ahead. we will look at some concerns i
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have, on what will be happening for our weekend, coming up in a few minutes. >> and, not much happening over here, kira. 680, walnut creek staying quiet, cars head either to work or on their way to that thanksgiving meal. let's check on drive times and cocoa county. the bridge to highway 240, still a 30 minute commute. still, the sensors are showing green, if you are taking 580 on tabasco road, checking on all bay area drive times coming up. >> cynthia and kari, thanks. president biden, dr. jill biden, kamala harris and the second gentlemen will travel to georgia next week to pay their respects to honor the life of rosalynn carter, the former first lady and wife of the 39th president, jimmy carter who died sunday, at 96. the memorial event begins monday with a wreath laying ceremony. the former first lady will lie in repose at the jimmy carter presidential library and museum. president joe biden and doctor jill biden previously visited the congress back in 2021.
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>> as families sit around the table this weekend, the last thing anyone wants is a bunch of yelling. so, maybe here is an idea. stay away from politics. like the country, families can be split on all kinds of things. >> but here is an idea. if you get to a place where instead of yelling, we talk, and listen, nbc's brie jackson says, maybe we will find we are not so different after all. >> it is no secret, america is divided as we head into the 2024 presidential race. >> i don't like how either side or doing things these days. >> a lot of the republicans i have come into contact with, have conversations with, they are a bit close minded. >> reporter: a study conducted by the nonprofit, more in common suggests, that is not the case. the reports on republicans and democrats have deeply distorted understandings of one another, on issues from climate change,
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to racism, to immigration. experts not involved with the study say that there are a number of contributing factors to perception gaps. >> some people think it is because we have these echo chambers, and opinion bubbles, where people seek out information that confirms pre-existing beliefs. >> reporter: news coverage and social media are partly to blame. >> they hear more extreme voices, and the more fragmented media that we have. that leads them to believe the other side is more radical than it actually is. when people actually meet other people, when they are in the room with one another, they find they are not so far apart. >> reporter: but, our political views really as far apart as they appear? when asked what percentage of democrats agreed that students should learn how the constitution and declaration of independence advanced freedom, one republican we spoke with told us -- >> probably less than 50%? >> reporter: but, the study finds it is 92%.
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on the flip side, the study asked how many republicans would agree with the statement, we have a responsibility to learn from our past and fixed mistakes. one democrat we spoke with answered -- >> maybe, i would give it 20%? >> reporter: 93% of republicans agree with that statement. but, without seeing the commonalities, the country could fall further into a cycle of deepening polarization. >> nothing will get better or change until we put down our aggressive opinions, and say hey, let's come to the table. >> that is what is most important, man. being friends, communicating, telling each other how we feel. >> reporter: as people gather this holiday season, putting differences aside is key to preventing cheerful celebration, from turning into political disagreement. in washington, brie jackson, nbc news. >> and, from thanksgiving to the holidays, if you are struggling to find gifts for
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everyone on your list, google is helping with your search. the tech giant created a list of the 100 items people are looking for most on the search bar. people have been searching for sustainable diamond tennis necklaces, pokémon cards have made a comeback, which is something that was on everyone's list just years ago. >> pokémon cards, search interest has grown significantly this year. it is fun, because they were also trending when i was growing up. >> pokémon, i have been corrected, a.i. helps google employees gather some of the deals, making deal destination pages to find that sharp deal in the google search bar. if you are worried about scams, email blocks most of the emails it seems potentially dangerous. they are vetted brands or merchants that appear on google to make sure they are legitimate. my sons are very into pokémon cards. >> when you want the diamond
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bracelet or the pokémon cards? >> i mean, both. i can't avoid the pokémon, they are already in my office. >> got to catch them all. a perfect compliment to a turkey dinner will be a 49ers win, if you can watch it right here. >> last night, the team arrived in seattle for the big game tonight against the seahawks. that red and gold have a one game lead over the seahawks for the nfc west division, it is a crucial game. for many 49ers players, it will be the first time playing on thanksgiving day. >> first time that i haven't spent with my family, so it's a bit difficult, but we can play the game we love, i'm always grateful for that. >> >> you have a lot of eyes on you, we play a division rival in seattle for a great atmosphere. this makes it more special. >> you might remember, back in 2014, the 49ers faced off against the seahawks at levi stadium. they lost, the seahawks ate turkey, right on the niner's logo. i was at that game, it was awful. >> oh my goodness. we have team coverage right
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after tonight's game. make sure to watch foreigners pregame arrive on nbc, sports bay area, 5:20 kickoff, after the game, join us for a special edition of nbc bay area, that is at nine this evening. -- are in seattle. >> here in the bay area, how will the weather look for our thanksgiving day? perfect, watching football, tossing around a football in the backyard after dinner. we have sunshine and mild temperatures coming our way. and, it will be a chilly start, but the winds will pick up in parts of the bay area, parts of the north bay and moving through the delta. , we start out with to the temperatures, right now in the upper 40s for fremont, low 40s in sonoma, 51 in san francisco. chilly morning, but it will be clearing out. all of the clouds we had yesterday, they were like a cold front which will drop down some chilly temperatures over the next few days. but, it is still pretty mild for this afternoon. so oakland, you will see a high of 68 degrees.
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69 in hayward and san ramon, 70 degrees. this weather is just perfect. and, as we take a look at our forecast for the next few days, it will get cooler. don't get too used to this, with a high of 69 in dublin, 71 degrees in san jose, take a look at tomorrow's temperatures, it will be windy, cooler, only reaching to the low 60s as we're heading out to get an early start on the holiday shopping. in san francisco, expect it to reach up to 64 degrees, about the same saturday as well. we are getting a cold front moving through once again, and the winds pick up later this evening. but, we don't see any rain chances. it might not be until the middle to end of next week before we even get up the slight rain. windy conditions for the north bay, look at the wind gusts during the overnight hours. those areas of purple show the highest wind gusts which might reach 30 to 40 miles per hour, so, salado canyon, parts of the doubt that will be under that wind advisory, starting later
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this morning. >> a look at our seven-day forecast, we see highs in the 60s for the next few days, our overnight lows, down to near freezing. cynthia, are you still watching livermore? >> still waiting for crews to clear all of this, it's been going on westbound, 580. typically, this is a commute direction. right now, this is the only trouble spot we see, the car that went into the creek, fish and game were called out. a couple of children were involved, this is a complicated situation, we will keep an eye on it this morning. in the last couple of minutes, i mentioned we will check in on mass transit. if you need this to get around this morning, it will not kick off until 8 am, running that sunday service. there is no service on the eight train today and tomorrow. if you take money, it's on that sunday schedule today, back to you. >> thank you, cynthia. happening now, a sunrise gathering underway on san francisco's alcatraz island. the annual event honors indigenous people, but it is open to anybody. the ticket booth to attend the
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ceremony, open right now appear 33. free rides to alcatraz park, every 15 minutes. this is a ceremony which has been held annually since 1975. >> wow, and filling your gas while you are shopping. still ahead on today in the day, the bay area hot spot that has turned into a magnet for gas prices. ahead of his holiday shopping season. then, at six, a big scare at the border after this explosive crash with the fbi, while they are now revealing. you are wa
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welcome back. you're watching today in the back. the unofficial start to the holiday season, and the shopping just now hours away. >> and this morning, there's a new warning for shoppers in the south bay, particularly, as natalie rivera will receive first bryson gap at the park cars in santa ana row >> -- >> arturo sanchez knowns this auto shop and -- they, and he says he's been busy lately, helping customers who are coming in with damage tanks after getting their gas siphoned. you said that's an easy crime,
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with a big price tag. someone sneaks up, pokes a hole in the tank, and drains it. >> [speaking in a non-english language] >> he says just yesterday, replaced two tanks, a job that can cost up to 1500 dollars. >> [speaking in a non-english language] >> reporter: i think you take a week or more to replace it one. arturo says that there's a high demand for these parts now. feels a little part there fuel siphoned right out of the filler tube. >> if we have more safe on -- >> reporter: this drive recess after having lunch in santana wrote with his family two weeks ago, he found the catholic like this. and when he turned his car on -- >> [speaking in a non-english language] >> reporter: he says he noticed this tank was about a quarter, and even though he had just filled up. the man says he was parked on the first floor at a parking structure near yard house on santana roe, when somebody targeted him he says he did not file a police report.
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when we asked san jose police, they said it doesn't seem like a trending crime in the city. but it might be because people simply aren't reporting it. >> [speaking in a non-english language] >> reporter: arturo says most of his customers are only reporting it to their insurance is covered under vandalism. police do encourage drivers to report the crime if they have been a victim. they also suggest seeing an after market locks to deter gas tanks tampering. >> that was natalie vera reporting for. us a quick reminder, you can now watch nbc bay area news anytime,, one we are on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. there, you can watch life breaking news, news conferences, and repeats of our new cast. >> right now at six, the silicon valley turkey trot returns. organizers call it the largest in the country. we're live at the starting line in downtown san jose. >>


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