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tv   Today  NBC  December 1, 2023 7:00am-9:01am PST

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showers, while much of the bay area will remain dry throughout the weekend and into early next week. a quick look at the bay bridge backup. that's it. it's friday, but friday in december, which tends to see a lighter volume. things will get more crowded through the morning and midday you'll get the cross-town traffic. >> that's what's happening on "today in the bay." the "today" show starts now. >> thanks for joining us. we will take a live look at san francisco, getting you in the holiday cheer. ♪♪ ♪♪ good friday morning. the cease fire and the war comes to an end overnight. >> new attacks and new questions over what happens next. it's december the 1st. this is "today." israel bombing gaza as that delicate week-long truce expires just hours after a new release of hostages while a new report emerges that israeli officials
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knew hamas was planning its terror attack for more than a year but dismissed the warning. the live report from the front lines. time to go. george santos set to face a rare expulsion vote this morning. is this the final scandal? we're live on capitol hill. mysterious outbreak. a surge of pneumonia cases here in the united states. just ahead, which states are seeing the biggest increase. and what all parents need to know. breaking her silence. felicity huffman speaks out about the college scandal admission. >> i thought i had to give my daughter a chance at the future, which meant i had to break the law. >> what she is saying and regrets. all that, plus who runs the world, beyoncé. her new concert opens overnight to dance parties and theaters here at home.
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and a star studded premier in london featuring taylor swift. the highlights and queen b's surprise for fans. and thursday night thriller. a high-scoring shoot-out in dallas as the cowboys storm back to defeat the seahawks. >> throws! that's going to be caught by ferguson. today, friday, december 1st, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today." willie is in for savannah. >> after a week-long pause, the
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cease fire in gaza has come to an end. israel resuming their air strikes after accusing hamas of firing air strikes before the truce expired. >> after eight israeli hostages were released yesterday along with 30 palestinian frizzers. israeli officials knew about the attack plan more than a year before the october 7th attack. richard engel joins us now with the latest. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. this cease fire has broken down. you could see some smoke behind me from israeli air strikes. and supplies of humanitarian goods, including fuel into gaza have stopped. israel this morning resumed air strikes against hamas and gaza after a seven-day truce collapsed overnight. many of the strikes focused on southern gaza.
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health officials say dozens of palestinians were killed. israel blames hamas for breaking the truce by launching rockets into israel and failing to see at least ten hostages a day. "the new york times" released a bombshell report overnight that israeli officials were warned hamas was planning a massive assault, breaking through border fences and using para gliders but dismissed it as beyond hamas' capabilities. the times reporting it is unclear if senior leaders saw the report code named jericho wall. netanyahu denied he was warned of the october 7th attack. nbc news has not seen the report.
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the israeli military responded saying its focus now is on the war, and it will investigate later. the fighting is resuming as hostages are still inside gaza. mia shem was one of the last to get out. her mother first got word she was free by phone. then came the family reunion 55 days in the making. there is now disappointment and anguish from israeli families whose hopes had started to rise that their relatives would be coming out. caramel is a 39-year-old occupational therapist visiting relatives and was kidnapped along with her sister-in-law yarden. caramel's cousin this concerning described his frustrations and fears. >> it feels like it was a brand plan for hamas to keep some of the women and the men there so they could be kind of a human shield for hamas. and we are very, very stressful that they are going to use them,
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even hurt them as a way of showing that the violence hurts the abductees. >> richard, given all of that, what's the likelihood of another possible truce? >> reporter: it is possible because both sides are expressing a willingness to continue the cease fire in principal. israel wants the hostages out. and hamas says it is willing to release hostages. but after all night negotiations, the terms of those hostage releases couldn't be agreed upon. israel says that hamas was delays. it was stalling. hamas says it was offering to release the bodies of some hostages it says were killed previously by israeli air strikes and some old men, but israel rejected that. so they are not disagrees over the concept that they need to still exchange hostages for prisoners. it broke down over how that is supposed to happen. so it is possible that the cease
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fire could resume but now the bombs are falling. the aid has stopped flowing. it is certainly a setback. >> richard engel for us in tel aviv. thank you. now to the drama unfolding on capitol hill this morning. george santos facing a vote on his expulsion from congress. let's bring in garrett haake. how is this vote going to shake out today? >> reporter: we got a preview yesterday with a floor debate heated and personal at times. everything about whether his mother died on 9/11 to the ethics committee report accusing him of stealing from his campaign. his critics think it is likely they will have the support to remove him today, but they aren't certain. the speaker has refused to say
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how he will vote. but the number two house republican steve scalise said he will vote against expulsion because he thinks santos deserves his day in court first, and that seems to be. some gop makers shared that concern saying santos is an embarrassment that deserves to be kicked out, worried about doing so before he's found guilty of doing anything. if the vote goes against him today, santos will be expelled immediately. >> well, to that point, garrett, money laundering. he's set to go to trial next step. >> garrett, thanks so much. meantime, a highly unusual debate featured a heated face-off between florida governor ron desantis sparring with california democrat gavin newsom on everything from the
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economy to crime, immigration. kristin welker joins us now, the moderator of "meet the press." good morning. >> good morning to you. last night's matchup was not a presidential debate. even though ron desantis is speaking the 2024 republican nomination. but it was widely seen as a battle between two men with deep political ambitions and eyes on the white house. >> i know you like. >> overnight, a fiery face-off between two top governors with presidential overtones. >> he's joined at the hip with biden and harris. >> you're nothing but a bully. >> reporter: ron desantis taking on california's democratic governor gavin newsom, who is backing president biden's re-election. there were fireworks from the start when desantis sharply criticized newsom for visiting a fancy french restaurant at the height of the covid pandemic. >> he imposed restrictions on
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his own people while exempting himself from those restrictions and going to the french laundry while his people were suffering. >> reporter: newsom criticizing desantis' controversial move last year sending migrants to martha's vineyard. >> you are trolling yolks, trying to get news and attention so you can out-trump trump by the way, how is that going for you ron? you're down 41 points in your own home state. >> reporter: desantis firing back, accusing newsom of being soft on border security. harris, newsom, open borders. >> reporter: but it was the issue of abortion that prompted the biggest slams. a six-week abortion ban into law in florida. >> before women even know they're pregnant, ron. even donald trump said it was too extreme. >> i believe in the culture of life. >> reporter: the biggest question of the night, the political future of both men. >> all right, gentlemen. hold on.
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hannity pressing newsom. >> it's not even optional. he's doing fantastically. >> he says joe biden is 100% up to the job you know that's not true. >> kristin, let's talk about this what was the point of that debate in the first place? >> reporter: great question, hoda governor desantis has struggled to stand out of the packed field with the debates with nikki haley surging, a one-on-one debate presented him a real tonight to reinvigorate his campaign, taking on one of the most high-file democratic governors and showing gop voters what kind of a general election candidate he would be. this served as a chance for newsom to assert himself on the national stage beyond california and establish himself as one of president biden's campaign main surrogates despite all the buzz about a potential run. make no mistake, he's already getting plenty of buzz for the future. >> thank you so much we will see you sunday morning on "meet the press." you will be talking to governor
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desantis. now to a growing concern for health officials and parents here in the united states. doctors in ohio are reported a spike in pneumonia cases among children, similar but not leaked to outbreaks spreading in china and parts of europe. dr. tara narula is with us what exactly is going on in ohio and should the rest of the country be concerned >> this a little northeast of cincinnati health officials are reporting 145 cases of pediatric pneumonia in kids 3 to 14 since august they basically don't have any underlying cause yet for this. but they are saying even though there are more cases, these cases are not necessarily more severe than what we see in recent years most kids have recovered with antibiotics at home. >> it seems strange that there is a spike in one little area of the country. >> they have not identified a
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single underlying cause or etiology or a link between the cases. most kids are average age of 8 it spans across multiple school districts. they are saying it does not appear to be linked to other outbreaks either nationally or internationally. they haven't identified any particular pathogen. but they have seen some of the typical agents we see causing pneumonia every year so, you know, it is important to understand that this is happening, but not to cause alarm at this point in time. >> so what are the symptoms for parents waking up with their kids right now what should they be looking for? >> some of the symptoms can be nonspecific. think about cough or fever in younger kids, they may be fussy or lethargic
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not eating properly or a decrease in appetite abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting if they say they have pain when they take a breath if their lips or fingers are turning blue, they are not able to stay hydrated or keep in fluids, that's when you want to call your doctor and take them to the hospital. >> what should you do if they have those symptoms? >> certainly there are measures you can take at home fever reducers, pain reducers, humidifiers, keeping them hydrated with fluids if it is bacterial, they will be prescribed an antibiotic there is no real antiviral treatment for that again, most of these kids recover and do well. >> bottom line, isolated for now to this area, but keep an eye on it. >> correct cover your cough, hand washing really important to remember. >> getting your vaccines and all that. >> thanks so much. good to see you. by the way, shoppers being told to stay away from some cantaloupe amid an ongoing salmonella outbreak linked to
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two deaths and 140 illnesses the cdc alerted consumers yesterday that the recal includes precut cantaloupe the agency also recommends staying away from whole cantaloupes from the brands rudy or malichita for a full list, go to our website let's turn to the nfl now. the dallas cowboys looking like a super bowl contender on thursday night football. >> throws. that's going to be caught by ferguson touchdown! >> dallas taking the lead late in the fourth quarter. seattle had a couple chances to pull off the upset in the final minutes, but the cowboys hold off at home 31-45. a real battle there. >> yeah. what is going to be happening? >> with my giants down the cellar looking up. >> let's get a check of the
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weather. >> good to see you good to see all of you not good to see what's going on right now on the radar from chicago all the way down to new orleans, we've got strong storms, showers, thunderstorms back behind it snow developing. we will be watching it today as it moves through showers moving into the northeast on the backside. maybe a little snow shower activity through the great lakes. more heavy rain developing down through the gulf coast as this system pushes. another system to develop down the mississippi river valley tomorrow then as we make our way towards sunday, more heavy rain and even wet snow interior sections of upstate new york new england will be developing it looks like we're looking at heavy rain on sunday for parts of the northeast upwards of an inch to some places two inches of rain from boston to new york city. as we slide down south, atlanta, enterprise, mobile, new orleans, anywhere from three to five inches of rain
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we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. s with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker. nutrafol has taken me back to the hair i was meant to have. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be a mostly sunny and cool day. in fact, in the tri-valley we'll stay in the 50s for the afternoon, and mostly low 60s elsewhere. we are watching clouds rolling in from the north, so increasing cloud cover possible as the north bay gets in on a chance of some spotty showers later on this afternoon into the evening. much of the rest of the bay area stays dry, but we'll be watching
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and that's your latest weather. guys >> all right, al thank you. a star put in prison for her role in an unprecedented college cheating scandal speaking out for the first time what felicity huffman is relating about her motivation and the moment she knew she was breaking the law. the explosive book that includes allegations of racism. we'll tell you who is being accused in a live report from buckingham
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fall-out an overnight surprise from beyoncé >> we will get to that and the queen b star studded london premier attended by taylor swift but, first, your local news. ♪
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that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. (retailer) what i feel in my heart during the subaru share the love event...'s just so rewarding. (woman) we believe in love. not just our customers... ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. good morning. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, starting with the passing of former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor. >> she died this morning in phoenix, arizona, at the age of 93. her legacy has origins right here in the bay area, where she once attended stanford and then stanford law school.
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she then served as deputy county attorney of san mateo county in 1952. president ronald reagan appointed her as the very first female member of the high court in 1981. she retired in 2006. the court says she died at her home from complications related to advanced dementia. a south bay leader is now one step closer to a new housing development that could help more people make it in the bay. santa clara vta is signing a lease agreement allowing developers to go ahead with plans for hundreds of new housing units. this will be part of a new transit village near the capital light rail station in san jose. some of the units will be set aside as affordable housing. heading out the door this friday morning, let's check on the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with a mostly sunny sky across the bay area. it's another cool morning. our highs today head back to about 60 degrees. we're watching out for spotty rain throughout the weekend with the north bay seeing the best
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chance of getting in on some wet weather, and it is calm and mild into early next week. our highs headed up to about 60 degrees today, and our seven-day forecast, we'll keep the mild temperatures, cool mornings and partly cloudy skies. we may also see some rain moving through for saturday afternoon into the evening, into sunday morning, and then the rest of the forecast we'll see some slight rain chances into the middle of next week. we're tracking it all on our website,
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(christmas music) ( ♪♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at welcome back 7:30 okay that's us soaring high above the city of new york it is all thanks to something called the beam. it is a really incredible experience it opens today, and it gives people an opportunity to recreate -- do you remember this
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famous photograph? lunch on top a skyscraper. we will show you what we were able to capture. they strap you in so you feel safe, but it gets up there. >> yeah. you are looking out. you feel like there is nothing there. >> yeah, you are just dangling. >> i still can't get over the original photo those guys just sitting on a beam. >> that's right. >> casually having lunch. >> chilling out with central park in the background. as we say good morning to sheinelle in for craig this morning, let's turn to the college admissions scandal >> among them, desperate housewives star felicity huffman who is now breaking her silence. miguel almaguer has more on this story. >> prosecutors say huffman paid $15,000 to have a proctor correct her daughter's act answers. now she is speaking out about the whole ordeal saying she wants to use her experience and do something good. this morning, "desperate housewives" star felicity huffman speaking out for the first time about the college admissions scandal that sent her to prison. speaking to abc news in los angeles saying she has something to say.
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>> i felt like i had to give my daughter a chance at a future. and, so, it was sort of like my daughter's future, which meant i had to break the law. >> reporter: huffman, who served 11 days behind bars in 2019 after admitting she paid a fixer to boost her daughter's college board test score huffman says as she was driving so it was sort of like my daughter's future which meant i had to break the law >> reporter: huffman, who served 11 days behind bars in 2019, after admitting she paid a fixer to boost her daughter's college board test score huffman says as she was driving her daughter to take the sat, she began having second thoughts saying i'm scared about the
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test what can we do that's fine i kept thinking, turn around, just turn around to my undying shame, i didn't. the investigation called operation varsity blues was based around a scheme run by former college admissions consultant rick singer including actress lori loughlin, eventually faced federal charges, accused of conspireing to use bribery and fraud to get their kids into top colleges huffman now saying she didn't reach out to singer intending to break the law, but that after a year, singer told her that her daughter was not going to get into any of her choice colleges and presented his criminal scheme huffman saying, and i know hindsight is 20/20, but i felt like i would be a bad mother if i didn't do it so i did it. now huffman reflecting on the scandal four years later and saying she owes an apology to the academic community and to
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families whose children worked hard to get into college legitimately. >> rick singer was sentenced to three and a half years in prison as for huffman, she's speaking out to shine a light on an organization it is where huffman did her court ordered community service. she is now on the board of directors. hoda >> all right, miguel thank you so much. we appreciate it. also this morning, fall-out growing over the new book that has put royal family drama and allegations of racism back into the spotlight. molly, good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning to you straight back in this spotlight. a dutch version of a new game is called "endgame. in that infamous book, the translator is speaking out. >> this morning the fall-out continues over the new royal
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book promising salacious details about the royal brothers and their families despite the controversy, last night caden will just getting on with it. after the author "endgame" was yanked off shelves following it included the names of the two members involved in a conversation about her unborn baby's skin color, which she alleged back in 2021 >> about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially and what that would mean or look like. >> oh. >> the sussex's never mentioned the names. the author said he didn't either but she had letters. but now the british press widely reported the two people in the book allegedly named king
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charles and kate, the princess of wales nbc news has not obtained the dutch copy of the book at the time, the queen said in a statement the issues raised, particularly that of race are concerning while some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family. the whole controversy is back in the spotlight. >> it is hugely damaging for the publisher and the author and hugely damaging for the royals as well. it puts him and the publisher at risk of legal action. >> reporter: in an interview with, the dutc translator denied she made any additions to the transcript. peters saying as a translator, i translate what is in front of me the names of the royals were there in black and white i did not add them nbc news reached out to peters for comment and denies any responsibility for the names
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being included. >> i'm as frustrated as everyone else i make it very clear in this book that i, in every way possible, want to adhere to the law surrounding this subject. >> how is the palace responding to all of this >> reporter: no official on the record palace statement. all options are being considered that could be saying nothing more, or that could be legal action. >> in the meantime, blame the dutch translator molly, thanks so much. still ahead, the new warning and lawsuit about knock-off drugs for weight loss. what you need to know. first, we are heading into the big weekend for christmas tree shopping. and a lot of families may not like what they're going to find. a shortage driving up prices we will show you how to find the best deal coming up right after this with upfront pricing, so you never have to negotiate.
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than normal. there is a shortage this season. >> nbc's business reporter brian cheung is outside with our tree with the details brian, what's the deal >> reporter: it is a beautiful tree behind me this may come as a surprise. more than half americans put up their tree right after thanksgiving for those that wait until closer to christmas, the grinch may have a surprise for you. a tree shortage means you might pay a little more this year. ♪ >> wow that's a big one. >> reporter: tis the reason for christmas trees. but finding that perfect tree may be a little harder this year tell me about what the christmas tree supply looks like this year. >> supply has been really tight for the last few years. >> reporter: farmers say supplies are down because of growing conditions in the last few years.
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that doesn't mean you won't have a fraser fur or blue spruce. >> do all retailers of christmas trees have the inventory they would like sadly for some, that answer is no but the second question is, does that mean consumers will go home empty handed the answer to that is not at all. >> reporter: according to the real christmas tree board, demand is skyrocketing for a real tree this year, including 20% who are planning to buy a real tree, not artificial, for the first time. >> seeing a resurgence driven by younger people saying, this looks like a lot of fun. i want to buy a real tree. >> i want a tall one tall and kind of fat. >> reporter: the median price for a christmas last year was $80. for some, a fresh tree may cost them extra green this year nearly 7 out of 10 growers say it is costing them up to 10% more to sell their trees this year not as bad as last year, but underscoring the demand to raise prices on consumers. >> how much is the big one >> $90. >> you have to go up a little.
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>> reporter: joseph who owns tree riders in new york said he had to raise prices on his smaller trees. >> while costs are a little bit higher for the farmers, they're just passing that directly to us and we're trying to keep our small trees affordable for everybody. >> reporter: and some buyers say a shorter fur is just fine. >> i'm falling on the low budget right now.t. help us out. how can we score the best deal this season? >> yeah. i mean, the first point here is try to go as early as possible if you want the best selection, right? that's when you get all the sizes you want. also, if you are trying to ball out on a budget, you might have to compromise a little bit by getting a smaller tree. a charlie brown tree is nice if area you are at, you may have to go to a few places to find the one perfect for your home. >> still worth it. >> do you have yours yet >> not yet.
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>> maybe this weekend. >> could be good. all right. it is 7:44 why don't we get another check of the weather. >> let's look out west they have a ton of rain going on right now the islands of hawaii, they have winter weather advisories for the mountains upwards of five inches of snow, looking at flood watches for all the islands. they call them the continuous 48 states we are looking at winter storm warnings and watches as another storm comes in this will be a parade of storms right through the weekend into next week from seattle down to eureka, california 7 to 10 inches of rain snowfall amounts up to 8 feet of snow from the cascades into the rockies. and now it is december 1st hurricane season just ended. this is the fourth most active season ever. 20 named storms, an average of 14 we had 7 hurricanes, which is right on average the only tomorrow to make land fall in the united states was idalia 3 major hurricanes, the average
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is 3 this is the most active hurricane season ever during el nino so warmer climate filled water temperatures overcame that el nino that usually suppresses hurricanes that's what's going on around >. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out clear and chilly, and we'll see a few clouds by the afternoon. we're watching out for spotty showers, mainly in the north bay later this evening. but for the most part, we're staying dry into our weekend forecast, with a slight chance of showers. it will be mostly cloudy tomorrow, as well as sunday, and early next week we go back to a partly cloudy sky, maybe the country. weather. hoda
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>> thank you an amazing boost coming your way. plus, the long-awaited return of our merriest main street we shine the light on places all around the country filled with holiday spirit oh, we see you and we're coming. but, first, these messages carson has joined us. >> we're all here for "the boost". >> have you guys had one of if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t.
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if you love to travel, capital one has a rewards credit card that's perfect for you. with venture x, earn unlimited double miles on everything you buy and get access to over 1300 airport lounges. open up a world of possibilities with capital one. what's in your wallet? rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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i've seen 9.2 trillion living rooms. rsv? i love home decor. and wayfair. the wayfair homes just have that razzle dazzle. they redid the guest room. all at prices you can't believe. wow! but you should. and blitzen fast shipping. north pole in two days. so this year go to wayfair... for goodness' sake. ho ho ho. the gifts... you have one job, nick. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ carson has joined us. >> we're all here for "the
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boost". >> have you guys had one of those days before? you just don't feel like doing anything so this little girl at ballet practice is no exception there you'll see it. she dragged herself along. this is an interpretation of swan lake, for all the critics, like never before. her daughter moved up a class that day she had been doing great until the very end. >> but she commits. >> she does. >> she's not a quitter that's right. >> it's her interpretation of swan lake. it is on point she was being dragged. that's funny guys, coming up in "popstart. the concert film hit theaters overnight. taylor swift joined the queen b in london, jumped on the plane in kansas city, allegedly. we got all the break down for you on "popstart". also, a beloved show back on broadway with a beloved past, "spamalot" that's after your local news
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it's 8:00 on "today. coming up cease fire over. the truce between israel and hamas coming to an end ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. (♪♪) right now on save an extra 20% off sitewide with code cyber20. so you can make merry memories with the ones you love. ♪ (anything for you) ♪ petsmart. anything for pets. only unitedhealthcare medicare advantage plans come with the ucard — one simple member card that opens doors for what matters.
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what if we need to see a doctor away from home? we got you — with medicare advantage's largest national provider network. only from unitedhealthcare. ♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. i'm kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass.
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if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! plus odor protection. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪♪ ♪ sisters, sisters ♪
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♪ there were never such devoted sisters ♪ ♪♪
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good morning. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm ginger conejero saab in san francisco. fighting has resumed after the temporary truce between israel and hamas has ended. i spoke with a berkeley woman whose sister-in-law is among the hostages released. she says for the families, their polite is not over until every hostage is reunited with their
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family. we have the interview at let's get a look at the forecast. friday morning, first day of december. >> it's a great start to our month of december, meteorological winter. we are feeling cool temperatures continuing, with our start in the 40s, and we're headed for the upper 50s and low 60s, maybe a little cooler than yesterday as we see increasing clouds. looking at tomorrow with highs about the same, in the low to mid-60s across the bay area. we may see spotty light showers this evening, mainly in parts of the north bay. for the rest of the weekend, slight rain chances continue, but overall it looks to stay pretty dry across many of our microclimates, and our temperatures making it into the mid to upper 60s. for san francisco this weekend, we're going to see a partly cloudy sky, highs up to 60s, watching out for spotty rain tomorrow. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us. we'll have another local news update in half an hour. join us for our midday news at 11:0 a.m. 0 0
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having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose? with the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your glucose level is and where it's headed without fingersticks. know what activities work for you. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. visit to learn more. ♪♪ i know the importance of taking care of myself. to learn more. how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great.
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but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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simply putting their district first and stepping aside. from here at the white house, whatever happens with congress always has some impact on the president's agenda that narrow margin in the house you were talking about means president biden who wants to work with a bipartisan group and has legislative accomplishments that clearly reflect a bipartisan track record has more opportunity to do that in that whisper-tight kind of narrow margin that can, at times, mean more democrats would be pulled along to vote on certain measures. it puts a great deal of pressure on house speaker mike johnson to try to further a republican agenda. but in these times where whether
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it's on social media, in the ad space, and in the political discourse of our country where things that are more outrageous have become more acceptable, today, the congress said enough! and decided to expel a member with political consequences for his party and certainly an opportunity for democrats to pick up that seat and certainly for the party, the republicans in this case, and the broader congress, to reflect on what are the expectations of the public for honorable service. everyone makes mistakes. everyone has bad days. but allegations of corrupt conduct, today, the congress said enough. joe? >> kelly o'donnell reporting from the white house, thank you so much. for more, here is nbc news analyst. last time this happened was
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2002, a democrat the vote 420-1. it was overwhelming but he had already been convicted of a crime. santos is charged but not convicted at this particular time which was sort of the issue or even going this vote today we didn't know what would happen. what is your reaction to this vote? >> joe, that is right. this is a historic vote because a member of congress has been expelled but more remarkable, joe, members of congress tend to be generous and patient with one another even across party lines. we have seen members of both parties remain in the congress while they deal with scandals and while under trial. if the members are not found guilty, typically they are allowed to stay but in this case, santos' conduct was so revolt to go his colleagues, so embarrassing to the institution, that republicans and democrats decided to come together to expel him despite the fact he
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has not yet been convicted of a crime by a jury. by the way, joe, the group of legislators that are breathing the greatest sigh of relief today is santos closest colleagues in the state of new york, members who led the last expulsion against santos which failed and this is particularlily difficult and embarrassing for them so they certainly quietly celebrating today. >> we are going to see a special election sometime in the next few months. this is a competitive district. it's one democrats certainly know they can win. what do you expect to see in this special election here? >> well, it's probably too early to start making predictions, joe, but certainly santos has tainted that district. he has embarrassed republicans. he has put republican leaders there in new york state in a very uncomfortable position, so republicans will have to overcome that if they hope to keep that seat and hold on to
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this very narrow majority they have in the house. the other, of course, head winds for democrats are that president biden's numbers are still low, so republicans do believe they have a chance, but given what santos has done during his short time in congress, republicans certainly on defense in this long island district. >> all right. former congressman carlos corbello thank you for your analysis for this historic moment for the sixth time in the u.s. history member of the house of representatives has been expelled. that includes this special report. m being used by millions of americans to lose weight. >> now the company is saying others are d christine romans is here with details on this. >> nice to see you this morning. following the widespread success
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of ozempic, they have made billions of dollars with a simple injection that has tapped into measuring's never-ending quest to slim down now it is suing to protect its patents and its patients it's 8:00 on "today. coming up cease fire over. the truce between israel and hamas coming to an end overnight. new attacks and new questions about what happens next. brooksville pharmaceuticals and wells pharmacy saying they have containing to contain those key ingredients that temper hunger to lose weight they found, quote, unknown impurities up 33% or inaccurate strengths with at least 19% less ingredient than labelled.
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>> they're not fda regulated and there was no guarantee that the product has gone through the same kind of, you know, rigorous evaluation in terms of safety and efficacy as approved drugs. >> in a statement to nbc news, brooksville disputes the allegation saying it plans to file a motion to dismiss saying, we purchase all of to our billbulk ingredients from pharmacies. they played a critical role in providing thousands of patients with essential medication. a u.s. judge dismissed a similar lawsuit in october wells pharmacy did not immediately respond to our request for comment. the stakes are high. in the last three months of 2022, u.s. health care providers wrote more than 9 million prescriptions for ozempic, w wagovy, and other obesity drugs. stunning growth, but not
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without some concerns. >> they are real medications because of that, they can come with potential side effects. the most common ones are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. >> the new class of weight loss drugs cannot only be hard to find but spawn a host of knock-offs counterfeit ozempic was spotted in june with the fda compiling dozens of reports. medical experts are urging patients to only obtain it from state run pharmacies located in the u.s. so the undeniable popularity has opened the drug for these knock-offs but they can create serious health risks make sure these drugs or any drugs are being prescribed by a doctor and coming from a reputable pharmacy. >> all right, christine. thank you. have a good weekend. time now for another check of the weather from al how is it looking, al? >> well, guys, we have wet
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weather with snow, heavy showers and thunderstorms from chicago all the way down into louisiana. but november was awfully dry if you thought that you didn't see a lot of rain, well, you were right 85% below average november precipitation we're talking about of the 85% of the lower 48 states really dry i mean, very dry conditions from texas to the midwest only 18% of precipitation in dallas 2% in minneapolis. 38% in louisville. and we look for those dry conditions to continue from the southwest into the plains. there may be a little bit of a break. the drought might improve from washington to d.c., but it is looking like a dry period as we move on into december now. midwest soaker today, all the way down into the gulf coast a blanket of snow making its way to the cascades all the way to the rockies. sunshine from the plains all the way downwn t
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and that is your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> all right. >> "popstart". >> hoda had to leave a couple minutes early. >> was it something i did? >> smart woman first up on "popstart" today, happy friday everyone. audiences were up late last night for the public screenings of her new concert film. upheld the international premier. yes, even taylor swift was there. i'm sorry.
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if we say the words taylor swift, that means emilie ikeda has to, wherever she is, get on some makeup and file the report. >> here i am talk about a reunion of royalty. good morning to you guys beyoncé rarely gives fans a pee behind the curtain the making of her world tour and opens up about motherhood. she even had a special surprise in store. ♪♪ >> reporter: overnight the beehive swarming to theaters for the first public screenings of "renaissance," a film by beyoncé. the superstar surprising fans with a brand-new song played during the movie's end credits. ♪♪ >> it all dropped just hours after the star studded international premier for the concert film in london. >> thank you for coming. >> reporter: where pop royalty reunited. appearance on the silver carpet. a show of support for queen b who attended her premier in
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october. together the divas dominated the summer their tours collectively earned more than $1.5 billion now their sights are set on the box office according to data, beyoncé is projected to rake in $20 to $25 million at u.s. theaters this weekend alone. while swift is nearing $250 million in earnings worldwide. >> i have nothing to prove to anyone at this point. >> reporter: the "remember vance" movie showcases multiple stays along the record breaking world tour and features cameos from fellow chart topping musicians. the film also includes rare backstage interviews and home videos documenting the show's creation. >> fix this because this is a very big problem. >> reporter: the singer and mother of three even opening up about parenting and dealing with social media criticism aimed at her 11-year-old daughter blue ivy who often joined her on stage.
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>> motherhood and being on the stage, it just reminds me of who i really am. >> reporter: as more fans get ready to be welcomed to the renaissance, beyoncé may be willing to cough up a top spot at the box office. there are two more parts to her renaissance project. but no word on if they're new albums or ventures we will have to wait and see what the queen does next. >> you're on double duty tonight. >> i'm going to pick up my silver after the show. >> you have a friend that rented out the theater. >> she did we couldn't go to the concert. a lot of silver. >> that works. >> are you going to be dancing >> i love that idea. maybe i'll get a horse thank you. >> could they stand up and dance in the theaters? i hear there is controversy about that. >> i have seen videos. people are really breaking it down. >> thank you appreciate it. next up, we're talking about
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taylor swift taking to x to fire back at rumors shared on an instagram page the anonymous account has been claiming that swift married her ex in a u.k. wedding ceremony two years ago, but the alleged marriage was never made legal. it prompted payne to write back and tweet, enough is enough with these fabricated lies. there was never a marriage or a ceremony of any kind this is an insane thing to post. it is time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma that you cause with posts like these sounds like there might be action coming. >> yeah. >> in response, they replied, either way, i apologize to taylor we'll keep an eye on that. rolling stone publishing their list of the 100 best
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albums of 2023 "the today show" is like six hours every day. we don't have time to go over the deep dive albums we will start with number five olivia rodrigo's "guts" started here on the plaza back in september where she was on and playing all the chart toppers like "vampire" and "bad idea," . we move on to number four, and it is the album "let's start here." the rapper making a big splash with tracks like this one "drive me crazy" that you are hearing. all right. in third, it is "data." the first solo album featuring collabs with bad bunny right, et cetera >> all three of us are like, where am i living. >> runner-up slot goes to boy genius with their album "the record." and finally the top album of the year, "sza." it does feature this billboard
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chart topper that we have heard a bunch of times called "kill bill". >> that's why we have you in our lives, carson. >> i'm here to keep you current. kevin hart and chris rock last year joined forces for a week long series of shows called "headliners only." four sold-out gigs here in new york that features voices from the greatest in the world of comedy here is a peek at that trailer. >> this is a story of two separate journeys that end up at the same intersection at the top. >> it started when i was 18, 19. >> interrupt you when you are getting ready to do something. >> once i got good, things happened really fast. >> the first guy i saw write jokes like a song, hooks and everything. >> comedy clubs until 3:00, 4:00 in the morning where you are
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talking to other comics. >> learning to become a comedian is learning to be you. >> that looks good it debuts on the 12th of december on netflix. that seems to be the thing, whether it is a concert or standup, you do the event and the doc, maybe put it in a movie theater. that's called multiple bites of the apple. >> and then you get taylor swift in there. >> and queen b and you do what you got to do. the apple. >> and then you get taylor swift in there. >> and queen b and you do what you got to do. finally, john baptist, the grammy winner recently sitting down with willie on a special conversation opening up about the range of music genres on his new album. >> one of the things only you could pull off is that one moment kenny g. is on the record three songs later, wheezy is on the record >> kenny g. and lil wayne on the record, i never thought about it like that. i just move with what the vision
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is telling me it wants to be. >> people can't pigeon hole it and say it's this. it's that. >> the truth is it's all one it's not separate. >> now he's speaking my language. >> kenny g. and lil wayne on the same album i love that. >> so charismatic and so talented came up in the new orleans scene. just a special, special person. >> family musician. >> don't forget to tune in for that conversation. more of course on sunday today >> what do we do with all these pictures >> you need a book you need a man cave to put them all up in as well. because it is the first day of december, we are excited to bring back our holiday series, merriest main street. >> spotlighting towns all across the country full of holiday
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spirit we want to start in steubenville, ohio >> we have jaime baker from news 9 with us, along with the mayor of steubenville. happy holidays to you, steubenville. >> good morning, friends and welcome to our corner of eastern ohio we have a 45 minutes drive west of pittsburgh. it is well known for holiday cheer. we're standing in the christmas village right now. of course, we have light displays, the tree we have chalets with local vendors, but the star of the show is the nutcracker village i'm talking about six foot tall, handcrafted nutcrackers. more than 200 are in historic port steuben as well as downtown steubenville different organizations in the community, even historical figures around here like dear martin, the son of steubenville and these. these have been made by hand talk a little bit about all the love and the time that goes into making these.
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>> yes, thank you. my family started making this almost ten years ago as a revitalization effort from downtown we never imagined it would kick off quite like this. but it's been so beautiful to spend countless hours. i paint them and design them my other brothers build the bases and move the nutcrackers my whole family gets behind the whole thing. it is great to see the city get behind it, the county and now the nation. >> why should people come out to see this >> this is a unique event. you have 200 nutcrackers throughout the city. like in the whole country of the united states. we're getting people from california, alaska, hawaii, all overcoming to steubenville i would like to invite the parents and grandchildren to bring their children and grandchildren to steubenville to witness and enjoy laughter and smiles and pictures. we're open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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we'll keep the lights on for you. >> perfect thank you, jerry everybody came out today, including the steubenville high school marching band who will send us out with some cheer here ♪ ♪ >> i'll take it h >> i'll take it. thank you so much! >> great job, guys good morning. it is 8:26. i'm kris sanchez. the united states mourning the death of former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor, who passed away in phoenix this morning at the age of 93. her legacy has origins here in the bay area where she attended
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stanford and stanford law school. she served as district attorney in san mateo county in 1952. president ronald reagan appointed her as the very first woman member of the high court in 1981. she retired in 2006. she died friday at her home from complications related to advanced dementia. it's going to be a nice weekend, cool temperatures and a mix of sun and clouds, but we'll have to watch out for a spotty shower or two in the north bay later this afternoon and slight rain chances for this weekend. we see san francisco's temperatures headed for the upper 50s and the low 60s for the next few days and also mostly to partly cloudy cries next week. we'll watch for rain wednesday and thursday. >> we have more lol news in >> we have more lol news in caju
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when it comes to your health, you do you. you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body. you practice... and practice that body. you make it rain that body. you flu shot that body. and now, you spikevax that body... because even though the pandemic is over, covid-19 isn't. spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid-19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects
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are injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna. ♪
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we are back at 8:30 with a massive friday morning holiday crowd and a big collection of donations to start our toy drive spectacular. yeah, that's kelsey grammer. how about that he will tell us about the return of "frazier. if you want to help our toy drive from home, you can scan our qr code or check out >> all right >> i know. i love that. oh, man. meantime, we have a friday treat. a taste of broadway right here on the plaza with the cast of "spamalot. first time they have been back since 2005. >> i love that plus today's hot list packed with items our team loves. also, katie lee is here in the kitchen making food for the football team. you tell me the two teams playing. she's making ribs. ribs
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cheese soup. >> okay, packers. >> the frozen tundra. >> that's right. >> chiefs and packers, all right. speaks of kansas sporting events, did you see tiger woods back in action >> yes i watched every second of it >> looked good until down the stretch. little trouble hero challenge is happening. tr. hero challenge is happening. the biggest stars in golf are all there. watch it today with me. come on over to the house. sunday on nbc. >> with ribs and cheese soup. >> i'll let her know you're all coming. >> great to see tiger back out the biggest stars in golf are how about a look at the weather? >> let's start it off saturday heavy rain and storms mid atlantic states into the gulf coast. drying out texas into the plains big pacific storm with snow in the rockies. sunday, sunday, a flood risk in the pacific northwest. mild and rainy with the snow mixing up in northern new england. that's what happening in the country. here's what's happening in your
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good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today it's going to be a cool one and slightly lower than yesterday in terms of our high temperatures, headed for the upper 50s and low 60s. as of right now, it's nice and sunny and we'll gradually start to see more clouds. as we go through the forecast, there will be spotty showers in parts of the bay area, the north bay getting the best chance of wet weather moving in. into early next week, we're back to of course, sunday the best night of the week. why? because it's "sunday night football night in america. the chiefs coming into the frozen tundra of lambeau field cloudy, cold 32 degrees chiefs/packers sunday night, "football night in america"! coming up in our 3rd hour, we are going to be kicking off
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our "start today" challenge for december moves you can do inside to start when it gets colder. >> that's right. we're going to warm up with some aerobics, al. >> i love it you know what else we need to warm up because it's a huge crowd? >> yes. >> we have got to go around the horn here we go yeah it's a huge crowd. big, big lots of people there is the cast of "spamalot" over there whoa coming down over here. whoo yeah and that's how you go around the horn >> okay! >> back to you guys. >> wow >> that was a workout. >> thank you, al
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just ahead, adrianna brach is here with today's newest hot list but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the 25 days of christmas are kicking off this morning and our shop today team has put together a new hot list to help with your holiday shopping adrianna brach is here with us this morning we have our qr code there at the bottom of your screen there. good morning to you. >> hey, good morning. >> we have a lot today this is a record >> seven items on the hot list today. the first one is called the little elf wrapping cutter this thing is genius for wrapping all of your gifts wrapping gifts is hard enough. this will make it easier to get that clean nice every time because it is a barrel-sized blade. you just literally -- i will show you how to do it. >> and it's $18. >> it comes in a pack of two also.
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>> and you just slide it up. >> and you just slide it up. this is a great holiday helper. >> probably makes it faster, too. >> it comes in a pack of two keep one for yourself. >> all right so this next one, this is cool it is a scarlet lip oil. lip oi >> okay. so this is a lip oil. lip oils are all the rage right now. lip oils and the glossy finish. it is like the biggest beauty trend right now. it combines the best of both worlds. you get that glossy finish in a stick form. it is so moisturizing. one of our writers tried it out, loved it. it comes in 20 different shades. something for everybody. it is the perfect gift for the beauty lover in your life. >> you guys have reall >> you guys have really done your homework with this one and tried all the products. >> this is a great one. >> all right
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what is this next one here >> okay. this next one is for the guys. >> okay. >> called the dude robe. so it combines the best of both worlds, a hoodie and a robe. >> can i see it? >> you know that guys are so hard to shop for sometimes i think we have some models. >> look at this. >> we have some dudes. >> come here >> i say yes to this wait is it like warm on the inside there? >> yes. >> like a terry cloth. >> great after the shower. great for lounging, walking the dog. >> i feel like you could be a super model as well. >> sold! >> is that what models do? do we do that? >> yeah. >> of course. >> okay, i love that would you want that for christmas, for the holidays? >> i would love it. >> and we have a discount on it. 30% off for our viewers. >> you get to keep that one since you are our model today. just so you know, we're showing
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that again and again. >> i got it as a gift. i got a portrait of my dog rocco. this is genius it gives you a personalized illustration of your pup you can get one dog, a few dog any pet lover would love this. you upload a photo and they make it it is hand illustrated by a yo 25% off. and it comes framed, too. >> what is this? >> this is tony's. digital designer we have a discount for you guys 25% off. and it comes framed, too. >> what is this? >> this is tony's. this is my low tech find that i'm obsessed with. my daughter loves it. >> what is it? >> it's old-fashioned audio. no screens, no monitors, no tvs. this brings story time to life in an audio format. >> is it like a book >> basically, it is an audio box, right it is the tonie box and you buy the little tonies. you pop it on and it's story time you can control it with the app.
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parents control it with the app. >> and you get different stories with the different characters. >> that's true. >> collect them all. it is $99, but we have 15% off for our viewers. >> nice, nice. what is this one >> this is the hot chocolate. >> this is from spice wallet it's mexican hot chocolate which has been around for thousands of years. a perfect stocking stuffer it has a little cocoa, cinnamon and cayenne for a kick a great way to spice up the holidays i have this paired up a bit. >> this is an instant pot magic frother. the instant brand came out with this. >> you can be your own barista. >> exactly it is enough for two cups. push a button. it does all the work for you and i have some hot chocolate here for you, sheinelle. >> nice. >> it's $49, that's not bad either. >> you will use it year-round.
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>> these were good thank you. scan our qr code or head to thank you, as always oh, willie. "spamalot" is back with a special live performance but, first, this is "today" on nbc. the citi concerteries on s
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"today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> man, this is so exciting. we are back on the plaza on a friday morning with the cast of "spamalot. audiences are loving it, and we're so lucky to have the cast with us this morning good morning, guys great to see you. >> hello.
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>> hello there >> so people are so pumped for this show. >> yes. >> we see the energy on the plaza. you hear it in the theaters. what is it like to bring this show back to broadway? >> it is amazing to bring this show back to broadway. this is exactly what the city needs right now. we need comedy we need to laugh we need to enjoy being together. this show does that. we do it in the most silly way we just want you to come and enjoy yourself with our wonderful story and our funny antics, and you will have a great time. >> since it was on broadway, there are some new jokes. >> well, look at the king. i look a little bit different than the ones you know so you know. you know >> i have enjoyed watching all my colleagues pretend their tapping. you have everybody smiling and moving this morning. >> that's what we want to do we just want to put the smile on people's faces we are just here to give you guys a good time. >> we'll take it. >> ladies and gentlemen, the
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cast of "spamalot. you know what they say. >> what do they say, patsy? ♪♪ some things in life are bad ♪♪ they can really make you mad ♪♪ other things just make you swear and curse ♪♪ when you're chewing on life's grizzle ♪♪ don't grumble, give a wizle ♪♪ and this will help things turn out for the best ♪♪ and ♪♪ always look on t >> i'm so depressed. and alway side of life ♪ ♪ always look on the right side of life ♪ you try it not bad! ♪ if life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten ♪
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♪ and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing ♪ ♪ when you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly chumps ♪ ♪ just purse your lips and whistle ♪ ♪ that's the thing, and always look on the bright side of life ♪ ♪ always look on the right side of life of life ♪ ♪ life is quite absurd, and get the final word ♪ ♪ you must always face the curtain with a bow ♪ ♪ forget about your sin, give the audience a grin ♪ ♪ enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow ♪ >> oh, my. oh, sire ♪ always look on the bright sid of death ♪ ♪ just before you draw your
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breath ♪ >> getting better. ♪ life's a piece of -- ♪ >> no. ♪ when you look at it ♪ ♪ it's true ♪ ♪ you'll see it's all a show, keep them laughing as you go ♪ ♪ just remember that the last laugh is on you ♪ on, sire! >> ♪ >> come on, sire ♪ >> hello ♪ ♪ always look on the bright sid of life ♪ ♪ always look on the bright sid
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of life ♪ >> here we go now. ♪ ♪ always look on the bright sid of life ♪ ♪ always look on the bright sid of life ♪ side ♪ always look on the bright sid of life ♪ side of life ♪ ♪ side of life ♪ [ applause ] >> oh, wow >> that was fantastic. >> ladies and gentlemen, the cast of "spamalot. we wanted to join the kick line we were so into it they will be back in our 3rd hour be sure to catch them at the st. james theater here in new york that was amazing, guys welcome back to broadway
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carson guys, you thought "spamalot" was good, we got ribalot and cheesealot here. the chiefs taking on the packers, and we're going to eat. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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big game. we're back with "today food loves football." we have the game sunday night here on nbc. chiefs/packers. katie is here with some great food. happy holidays to you. >> you, too. happy holidays. >> i was thinking more holiday, but i guess i am with the team. i love ribs and kansas city is famous for their barbecue. while i don't have a smoker at home, i love to home, i love to make ribs in the oven.
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>> i love you are doing this because i do have a smoker it is so intimidating. i would love to know how to do it. >> kansas city typically has a dry rub. i have chili powder here cheers i've got celery seed, salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne, onion powder. >> cayenne better than cayou. >> no olive oil, no binder, just let it rip. >> use your hands to rub it in the ticket is to really wrap >> okay. >> we will put it in the oven. 500 degrees for 20 minutes then turn it down to 250. >> wrap the whole tray >> no, wrap the ribs wrap the ribs themselves these are spare ribs they take a little longer to cook until they are falling off the bone if you were doing baby backs, an hour and a half. we will make our barbecue sauce.
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kansas city is a tomato-based barbecue use and usually has molasses. >> you have done kansas city justice. >> did i do okay >> i get nervous doing barbecue because people in their areas are so passionate about it i know i will find out on twitter. >> i'm a kansas city snob, and this is delicious. add to it so broth. and we've got some >> whoo hoo! okay stir that for me i will add to it some chicken broth. and we've got some molasses here that's the good stuff. >> so the ribs are in the oven, right? >> 500 for 20 minutes. and then turn it down to 250. >> got it. >> brown sugar i want this to be nice and sweet. we will balance that out with some apple cider vinegar we have some worcester sauce in there. >> this is the difference between a kansas city style rib and a north carolina style rib it is in the barbecue sauce. >> all the things, yep. >> let's cook it down. >> got a nice little kick to it. >> that's sweet.
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>> very, very good. >> all right so after those ribs come out of the oven, you will finish them either under the broiler or on the grill by painting them with a little bit of that sauce and all the sugar that's in there will get nice and crispy on your ribs and give you that great crust. >> when you say finish it, is the internal temperature when you pull it out of the oven not to heating temp yet? >> no, it is. >> just a little sere. >> to make it have that crispy thing. it gives it something something. >> wait until you try it. >> get in there, baby. delicious. >> fantastic. >> nice work, wow. >> and the green bay packers, wisconsin, cheese, of course so we will make cheese soup. this is a really nice, light dish okay so we've got some butter going here i will add on to it. so that's just celery, carrots.
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>> carson is picking celery. >> and onions. >> well, she went to college in wisconsin so for the family,dow. let the vegetables get nice and tender. takes about 10 minute yeah. >> add some thyme and a bay leaf to it. let it cook down let the vegetables get nice and tender takes about 10 minutes and then add to it some flour. that will be our thickener and a little sweet paprika >> i asked you a question i said how long before this soup seizes and becomes like cement. that's not necessarily the case. why? >> it doesn't because of the white wine going in. the acid will help. typically, this is made with beer. but i'm a w backstage when i saw the vat of beer cheese soup i said how long before this soup seizes and becomes like cement that's not necessarily the case. why? >> it doesn't because of the white wine going in. the acid will help typically, this is made with beer but i'm a wine drinker, so i use wine. >> all right >> and then some milk. yeah, add it right in there. why not? then you let that simmer. >> oh, we got to go. how is the soup, guys?
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good morning. it's 8:56. america is mourning the death of former supreme court justice sandra day o'connor who passed away this morning at the age of 93. she once attended stanford and then stanford law school. she served as deputy district attorney in san mateo county in 1952. president ronald reagan appointed her as the very first woman member of the high court in 1981. she retired in 2006. the court says she died from complications related to advanced dementia. advanced dementia. we have a crew headed to her welcome to the happiest place on earth! that has all the happy you never knew could exist. so you're a new kind of happiest, every time you visit. only at the disneyland resort. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort® theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer.
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9:00 am
this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," royal fallout. reacting to a bombshell allegation of racism that wasn't supposed to be released. what the author of a controversial new book about the royal family is now saying. then later,


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