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tv   Early Today  NBC  December 5, 2023 4:00am-4:31am PST

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israel expands its war into southern gaza. once designated a safe zone. we've got a live report on the latest move pushing surviving
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palestinians toward egypt's crowd border a large crowd taunting a jewish restaurant owner. the latest incident raising security concerns with hanukkah days away. new clues in the mysterious illness impacting dogs across the country. what owners should be looking out for. spotify looking at more layoffs. why they say the third layoff of the year was needed. if you're still hunting for the perfect christmas tree, you're going to need to act fast the scrooge that is triggering a supply shortage. it's december 5th. early today starts right now good morning to you. i'm frances rivera >> i'm phillip mena. the war in gaza is growing more ferocious, as israeli forcesi fs move moo the i move into the southern part of the strip.
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these mai images in from overnight let's go live to claude yoi lavanga. what do we know at this hour in. >> reporter: perhaps the best description came from martin griffith, the head of the humanitarian office of the united nations yesterday, he wrote on his x account, and i'll read it. every time we think things cannot get even more apocalyptic in gaza, well, had a theywell, o now that israel has pushed its offensive to the south, palestinians don't have anywhere to go. as you may remember at the tart of the war and the ground offensive, the israeli military told the civilians to move south of gaza while they were bombing
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and attacking the north of the enclave. now they are telling them that once the offensive has expanded, they have to movefrom neighborhood to neighborhood before they attack it. now the united nations several other countries have asked israel to do more to prevent civilian deaths. with almost the whole of the ga gazan population now displaced, many of them crowding up to the south, which is now being attacked, it is highly-densely populated, it could lead to the apocalyptic scenes that martin griffith was warning about on the war front yesterday, on monday, israel says that three more israeli soldiers died in what it called fierce fighting with hamas militants in gaza that brings the total number of israeli soldiers who lost their
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lives since the tart start of te ground offensive to o 7. t78 and the number killed in gaza is 16,000 that does f does not include the 7500 proposed dead under the rubble the white house warned that the u.s. will run out of resources to help ukraine if congress does not act by the end of the year. brie, good morning lawmakers say the holdout for this funding isn't about ukraine or israel but about our own southern border. >> reporter: yes, that's right so the negotiations seem to be at a stand still because of a debate over immigration. republicans have threatened to filibuster the package unless there are serious policy changes at the border. one democratic aide told nbc
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news that republicans are insisting on extreme policies that would, quote, end asylum as we know it senate majority leader chuck schumer says democrats a areal mare willing to make concessions but are not being met halfway. >> it reduces court backlogs, stopping fentanyl, which is exactly what our republican colleagues say they want but instead of meeting us in the middle, republicans have tripled down on extremist policies that seem dictated by donald trump and steven miller. >> reporter: and senator schumer also announced that ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will address senators in a call this afternoon schumer says he wants his colleagues to hear directly from zelenskyy what's at stake in this vote, even if the senate can move forward and reach a deal, it's still unclear if it can pass the house the new republican house speaker, mike johnson, is under
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pressure to reject any proposal that does not have aggressive border policies. in a statement, johnson says any national security package must begin with our own border. he called on senate democrats in the white house to negotiate reasonably the nasenate is slated to hold a vote on an aid package tomorrow if they can reach an agreement a restaurant in philadelphia is doing blockbuster business in solidarity, after a r a pro-olyn pro pro-palestinian protest seemed to single the owner out. >> reporter: at goldie falafel shop, a protest. 400 to 500 protesters gathered they accused the restaurant,
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co-owned by an israeli chef of supporting genocide in gaza. pennsylvania's governor said it echoed 1930s germany >> the purposeful gathering of a mob outside of a restaurant simply because it is owned by a jewish person, well, that's s anti-semitism. >> reporter: he has several restaurants in the area. he was born in israel but grew up in pittsburgh so far, the award-winning chef hasn't commented publicly. a boycott was called for of goldies and other restaurants. the group did not respond to nbc news' request for comment. >> if you're protesting policies, it's one thing but it's another thing if you're chanting things like, we charge but genocide >> reporter: for some, lining up
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for falafel was a counter protest. >> people can have a lot of opinions about what's going on with the war if gaza i think it's a lot of things it's tragic, it's complicated. what it isn't is an excuse to treat people badly >> reporter: the protest was part of a larger demonstration there was some vandalism, but police say no arrests. >> our thanks to stephanie for that report. the unitunited states has hm new milestone. five people were killed in k deputies call a murder-suicide it's the highest number of mass killings in a year since at least 2006 in the latest shooting, the number of victims rose to 197, which another record a philadelphia man is in custody, accused of tabbing a macy's security guard to death and injuring another
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police say the suspect tried to steal merchandise but was topped by the guards and left investigators say he later returned and stabbed the guards and took off s soon after, officers arrested him at a metro station thousands of students are walking out of their classrooms as part of a rolling strike. the unions will participate in day-long walkouts. workers are demanding higher pay and see this move as a high-profile escalation in contract negotiations. tragedy in paradise. a boston woman killed in a shark attack while in the bahamas. police say she was paddleboarding less than a mile from her resort when she was attacked by the y the sport. fi shark if you were planning on catching waves in california, there is a warning in place from the national weather service there's an increased risk of sneaker waves and rip currents
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along the northern california coast. the warning trechs stretches fre north bay to big sur sneaker waves can sweep people and pets from jetties, rocks and beaches and move largobjects, l logs, trapping people underneath >> flood alerts are in effect to the north of that warning. angie lassman is tracking rain set to hit the northwest >> we've got plenty of r we've n the rain on the way. milli 9 million people are under flood alerts heavy rain working onshore we're continuing to see that through the day today. and we've got multiple storms that are going to make their way onshore. an atmospheric river bringing plenty of moisture to folks in this region.
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we're talking mainly rain, but flo snow at elevation. this will go from washington to portions of california when it's all said and done as we get through thursday, it's going to leave us with 7 inches in the cascades. the coast more like 3 to 5 inches and the olympics will end up 1 to l end up in the low 40sm omaha to kansas city 51 for wichita, and denver heads to 60 degrees with lots of sunshine in the forecast today that's a look at the forecast, guys, back to you. we are back in 60 seconds with a new clue into that mysterious virus infecting dogs across the country
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and a trip back to vice city a look at the see get to the best-selling game of all time. grand theft auto six all time. grand theft auto six. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to digitally control how much scent is released so it doesn't fade. ooh. does mine have a microchip? ...oh. febreze smells first-day fresh for 50 days. that is a shockingly long time. febreze also has a refill reminder light... it even reminds you to refill it? so i never miss a day of freshness. your home is so fresh! upgrade to febreze plug. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried new tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone.
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i love that. try new tide fabric rinse. doctors may have found critical clues in a mystery illness threatening dogs across the country. the outbreake hasreak hkil k kt a dozen dogs >> reporter: maple was a happy, healthy puppy until her owner, adriana, noticed a cough >> she's coughing pretty much avenue other minute. >> reporter: as maple's cough grew even worse, adriana panicked and rush to the vet >> i was really scare. >> reporter: maple was sent home with antibiotics the symptoms were likely caused by the mysterious respiratory illness plaguing dogs across the country. >> i would say there's probably more that we don't know than
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what we know, which is frustrating. >> reporter: dr. kay iker began studying the illness after seeing a rash of cases in the spring, including her own puppy. what should dog owners be looking out for in >> discharge with the eye, a soft cough, like what he just did of. >> reporter: an online data pace shows dog owners are reporting cases in at least 37 states wit at least a dozen deaths. the cause could include a new pathogen, low vaccination rates or lower immunity levels after pandemic isolation in reviewing x-rays, she nighted noti
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noticed a the pa earn. pattern. understanding the pattern could be key to knowing what medication to prescribe. treatment dog owners may need to treat their best friends still to cop,me, a first lok at one of the most anticipated video games of all type right after this o games of all type r after this of jerry! come see who it is! what are you doing here you said you weren't coming home! i wanted to surprise you! mom, are you coming? i'll be right in! (♪♪) this is not just 1-hour delivery. this is help with the holidays, right in your neighborhood. walgreens. [♪♪] how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. right in your neighborhood. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating,
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the only way we're going to get through this is by sticking together being being team strus trust in trust >> rock star games on monday unveiled this first trailer for
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t highly-anticipate grand theft auto six, set to launch in 2 20 of it 2025 it was different than anything we'd ever seen in a video game >> and now there's girl power, the first female character, lucia. nick has cage might be t taking his talent to the smaller stage. this doesn't mean cage is giving up acting. instead, he wants to switch formats and move into the mode of television. he did leave the door open for future movie roles, particularly if he's able to move to
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characters from "face-off" i'm ready for an installment of national treasure. he says he's halready sign on to other projects >> moving from film to television is not the step down it used to be. a good script is a good script we find good entertainment at home just as we do in theaters brenda lee's "rockin' around the christmas tree" has top the charts, the first season since 2019 where another christmas classic jumped to the top ten of it's also filled with "holly jolly christmas" and wham's
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dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. we're back with what you need to know "early today. an illinois appeals court upheld jussie smollett's disorderly conduct conviction after he was accused of staging a hate crime against himself. he must finish his jail sentence spotify is eliminated jobs, their third round of cuts this year as the company plans to down size costs.
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the biggest blockbuster is coming to a premiere near you. rizz has been name word of the year it topped swifty and prompt. '6 topped swifty and prompt. '6 when i'm at work, i need to feel secured. what i'm looking for in a pad is, super thin, super absorbent. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. - this is thin. - my pad is thick. let's put it to the test. let's do it! look how it's absorbing! and locking it right on in! - look at that! - no liquid, no nothing. totally absorbed! - you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! are you a believer now? i'm a believer! i got to get some always discreet! sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on.
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which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. as the holidays quickly approach, people still on the hunt for the perfect christmas tree may be out of luck. mara barrett has more. >> this was our 8-9-foot area over here, and they're all empty. >> reporter: for 35 years, ivy
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speck has been spreading christmas cheer, shipping in christmas trees from a farm in north carolina and selling them to the people of chicago but this year, year, the penu ' show up. in 9 to 10 footers don't exist anymore. 8 to 9s, we got shorted. >> reporter: most americans' trees come from oregon, north carolina, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin and washington but retailers like ivey all across the country have faced a short supply across the years. >> people definitely want to cut it own tree, but we can't grow them fast enough >> we open bit first weekend >> reporter: why is there a tight supply in. >> it goes back to 2008 and the recession. there was an oversupply of
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trees. and growers were having a hard time selling them. and because of that, they didn't plant back as many trees >> reporter: this tree's about 7 feet tall. that takes about 15 years to grow that was likely planted around the time of the 2008 recision. here they sell for $200, doubling the mark average of $80 to10 $100 a tree nearly seven in ten growers say it's costing 10% more to sell this trees this year from w >> with fuel costs and things like that, that's to be expected >> trees have doubled. we just have to bring that along to the consumer. >> reporter: and with less trees to choose from, ivey says customers looking for the perfect one aren't happy >> very upset, they don't understand >> reporter: they're losing
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customers. >> exactly >> reporter: even so, this year there's extra excitement for live trees over artificial, which are often cheaper. >> the smell of the live tree in the house, it's unlike anything else it's just christmas. >> reporter: mara barrett, nbc news, chicago. >> i agree there's nothing like a live tree where can you smell it but hey, on the positive side, you don't have all the needles that you have to sweep up every day, and at the very end, too, when you're lugging that thing out of there. out of there. >> there's a hotlot conof s, (oven ding audio mnemon) tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings have that tasty kick of flavor... they're perfect for any get-together ...if there are any left when your guests arrive. tyson any'tizers® chicken. more kicks of flavor. more smiling snackers. more to love. tyson.
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i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. the war in israel hits a new turning point. a dramatic expansion into southern gaza. the area once a designated safe zone lit up with bombings overnight. the devastation left in the


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