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tv   Today  NBC  December 6, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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right now. we're live on roku, samsung tv, or wherever you stream, wherever you are across the nation. join us now or whenever it fits into your schedule. >> we've always got you covered. that does it for us here on "today in the bay." we're going to keep it going on our streaming service. make it a great morning. coming up next, the "today" show. test. we are following breaking news at this hour. >> two communities rocked by a deadly shooting spree. it's december 6th. this is "today." ♪ ♪ terror in texas. a series of attacks in austin and san antonio.
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at least 6 people killed. >> what he says must be done now to keep america safe. on the record. donald trump for the first time saying he doesn't think president biden will make it to the general election. and on whether he will be a dictator. >> no, no, no, other than they on day one. >> what he said next and why democrats are pouncing just ahead. and tonight's final debate of the year. we're there live. flood emergency. days of rain in the pacific northwest. rivers overflowing. neighborhoods submerged. the coast guard called in for
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rescues. the very latest and where it is headed next. plus, legend loss. the man that changed the face of comedy has died. we will honor him. plus, holiday hit maker. ♪♪ it is the season's breakout sensation. ♪ ♪ it's gone abe a carefree christmas ♪ ♪ >> and now for one morning only, the stars behind "carefree christmas" will show us sharing and caring as they treat us to a carefree performance. ♪♪ >> and this will be no dress rehearsal, "today," wednesday december 6th, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb,from studio 1a in
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rockefeller plaza. >> listen, this world needs joy and you will have that this morning when you see hoda and jenna take the stage. >> it will be fun. and we have another big event taking place this morning, guys. "time" magazine revealing its person of the year. we brought you the short list earlier this week, and for the first time, we are going to show you exactly who it is. let's start with this breaking news out of texas. a series of shootings, this wave of violence spanning eight hours. >> at least six people were killed, several others hurt. among them a police officer. a suspect is now in custody. and officials are saying they were not aware the incidents
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were possibly linked until after that arrest. >> morgan chesky has the latest on this. good morning. >> reporter: savannah and hoda, we have been following new details coming in on these series of crimes. each incident alone was frightening. but when police announced they could all be connected, a chilly feeling followed. this morning investigators are on a desperate search for answers. >> there was a shots fired call. >> you said the officer has been hit? >> reporter: this morning a man under arrest after a day of terror in texas. accused of a string of shootings over eight hours and at multiple locations, including a school, though no children were hurt. authorities not connecting the shootings until tuesday night when the suspect was charged with capital murder. >> based on the information obtained, we strongly believe one suspect is responsible for all of the incidents.
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the suspect is in custody and no longer poses a threat to our austin community. >> reporter: on tuesday morning, northeasterly college high school was put on lockdown after shots were heard. the suspect, who police say is a man in his 30s, allegedly injured a resource officer. but no students were involved. followed by another incident. the suspect allegedly hitting a cyclist who was injured. finally on tuesday evening police received a burglary call at a house. >> shots were fired -- >> exchanging shots with a suspect that injured an officer, and fled in a vehicle and then crashed during the chase. police later finding two more bodies inside that house. authorities also say the suspect may be tied to a separate shooting about an hour away in the san antonio area where two more bodies were found in a
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residence. the local sheriff's department says the suspect has links to that home. authorities still searching for a motive for those six killings. >> the nature of the relationship, if any, between the victims and the suspect is unknown. >> reporter: but this morning, those texas communities now breathing a high of relief as the suspect is behind bars. right now investigators have not shared if that suspect said anything about a motive upon being taken into custody. we do know he remains in travis county jail in austin, as police look at each individual crime and try to understand how they can be linked to one suspect. savannah? >> all right. thank you, morgan. let's turn now to two closely watched hearings on capitol hill, including a stark warning from the director of the fbi on the threat of terror attacks here in the united states. meantime, the presidents of three prestigious universities were on the hot seat on the increase of anti-semitism on college campuses.
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stephanie gosk joins us more on all of this. hey, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the university of pennsylvania, like so many schools in this country, have been dealing with an increase of islam phobia and anti-semitism. presidents from mit and harvard were on capitol hill answering tough questions about their response. well, not that far away, fbi director christopher wray was sounding the alarm. this morning warnings on capitol hill of rising tensions as americans grapple with the fall-out from the israel-hamas war here at home. fbi director christopher wray delivering a stark time. >> i have never seen a time when all of the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. >> reporter: since the hamas attacks, the fbi has been working around the clock to fight growing threats inside the u.s.
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asked if he'd compare it to the blinking warning lights before 9/11, wray said this. >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> reporter: noting that the agency is tracking a massive rise in threats to the jewish community. that warning also being heard on college campuses, which have seen a spike in anti-semitism. presidents from mit, upenn were also on capitol hill grilled for their responses. >> does that not call for the elimination of israel? you testified you understand that is the definition of intifada. is that speech according to the code of conduct or not? >> we embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide berth to free expression, even the views that are objectionable. >> reporter: debating how to protect student safety while still protects free speech. >> calling for the killing of jews violating harvard code of
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conduct, correct? >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes, and this is why you should resign. >> reporter: students told nbc news they worry for their safety. >> the president is walking around with a body guard, but not every jewish or israeli student, none of us, have a body guard. >> committing to free speech means creating a environment that is welcoming to free speech, rather than creating an environment with palestinian students are too scared to go to their classes. >> reporter: all the presidents of the three schools ran through what they say are new plans to battle hate on campus, including here at the university of pennsylvania. an increase in security as well as task forces on islamophobia and anti-semitism as well as and perhaps most importantly education of staff and faculty and students. hoda, back to you. >> stef, thank you. as for the war itself,
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fighting between israeli forces and hamas reached new levels in gaza overnight. and civilians are being left with few places to seek shelter. richard engel joins us from israel this morning. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good mo savannah. we are on an israeli military base not far from gaza. commanders here tell us that israeli troops have already destroyed large parts of hamas' tunnel network that run underneath the gaza strip, in some cases blowing up the entrances and trapping hamas fighters inside, but the cost of the military campaign to the people of gaza is enormous. the israeli military says its troops are now in the most intense fighting of the two-month war so far. battling with hamas deep in gaza up on the streets, in buildings, on foot and in tanks. but this war is turning gaza, home to 2.3 million people who
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can't leave, into a moonscape of destruction. these injuries are from central gaza where six-year-old was carried into a hospital by her uncle. i miss my mother. and my arm, it hurts, she says. the israeli military says it is instructing gazans to evacuate areas of heavy fighting with millions of leaflets, phone calls and maps of where to go. but in many cases the messages aren't reaching or convincing gazans who say there is no safe place to go. >> when will the world move to stop this madness in gaza? when? until gaza completely destroyed? until there is no place called gaza anymore. >> reporter: many have fled to the southern most tip of gaza,
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the city of rafah on the egyptian border. it is so overcrowded now families are living on curbs. as we filmed, a man noticed our camera and said, don't bother. nobody cares. israel says palestinians are also victims of hamas, which made them targets when militants used gaza as a base when they massacred people in israel. they took some 240 hostages. they have evidence hamas fighters raped female victims on a wide scale. there are still more than 130 hostages in gaza. families released hostages met with prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet on tuesday. they were angry. one warning that the remaining hostages don't have another second. more than 100 hostages are back in israel after last week's truce. yesterday, a 5-year-old returned to kindergarten after being held hostage for 49 days. the families of those remaining hostages still in gaza just released a joint statement not long ago saying that they had received intelligence that the
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conditions of the hostages are four republican candidates will share the debate stage tonight, and donald trump will not be among them tonight again. the front runner is raising eyebrows with his comments overnight. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. with the iowa caucus six weeks away, this could be the last opportunity for these candidates to close a growing gap with donald trump. center stage tonight, nikki haley and ron desantis trying to close the gap with the frontrunner, donald trump, who
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won't be here and who last night laughed off questions about whether he become a dictator if he returned to the white house. overnight, during a taped down hall in iowa, former president trump mocking questions about turning the presidency into a dictatorship. moderator shawn hannity asking mr. trump if he had any plans to abuse his power or break the law if he were re-elected or to seek retribution to others. >> he said you are not going to be a dictator, are you? no, no, no, other than on day one. we're closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. >> reporter: the biden campaign quick to respond writing in a statement, quote, donald trump has been telling us exactly what he will do if he's re-elected and tonight he said he would be a dictator on day one. just days ago, former congresswoman, liz cheney, expressed similar concerns about an abuse of presidential power to savannah. >> you said we were talking into dictatorship in the united states. dictatorship? is that what we would have if we re-elect donald trump? >> i think it is a very real threat and concern. i don't say any of that lightly.
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>> reporter: earlier tuesday at tuscaloosa. at center stage nikki haley and ron desantis, both trying to establish themselves as the party's alternative the donald trump. >> i think nikki haley represents the last gasp of a failed establishment. >> who else can spend $100 billion and drop not polls? >> on the wings, chris cristie and vivek ramaswamy trying deeply divert strategies. vivek ramaswamy embracing donald trump. chris christie vowing to take him on directly. >> hope is not aat if you want to beat someone, you need to go out and tell people why he is not right for the job and why you are.
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>> garrett, there was some, as you said, controversial comments from former president trump. he used the he'd be a dictator on the first day. do you think the other candidates are going to address that issue tonight at the debate? >> reporter: the other candidates have tried as hard as they cannot to address the controversial things donald trump says, at least when they don't relate to policy. but on other things talking about deporting millions of undocumented immigrants or saying he wants to repeal obamacare this past weekend on "meet the press," and ron desantis over the weekend said he, too, would try to pass something to supersede obamacare. donald trump also last night
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suggested he doesn't think that joe biden will be the democratic nominee he or another republican nominee could face in the fall. the rain in the area is slowly againing to taper off, but local landslides have cutoff for access to amtrak and in some communities they are surrounded by water. as you can see behind me, the rivers are raging and they're swollen. it is a powerful weather system that's still on the move. powerful cascading torrents tore across communities near seattle, fueled by days of drenching rain, dangerous walls of water triggered flood alerts for nine million across the pacific northwest. at least five raging rivers are
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threatening to breach their banks, some already partially submerging cars, homes and roads. >> it doesn't matter if it's a couple inches or a full foot of water. it is a very dangerous situation. >> reporter: no oregon, the flash flooding turned deadly as emergency teams raced from rescue to rescue. the coast guard swooping in to pluck one driver from their truck while also hoisting another family from their home after it was surrounded by rising water. with three major storms dumping a conveyer belt of steady rain, up to eight inches could fall across the pacific northwest by thursday. >> i didn't expect it to reach this high this quickly. >> reporter: a water-logged region desperate to dry out. but this morning still on the brink of disaster. there is some good news as the rain tapers off these rivers are expected to finally begin to recede.
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but the rain won't be done in big cities like portland and even parts of northern california. so another soggy, wet and dangerous day ahead for so much of this region. craig? >> all right. miguel almaguer for us in washington state. thank you. let's get more on the flooding situation in the forecast. al is here. good morning. >> good morning. so this atmospheric river is starting to weaken a bit. but not before dumping more rain in the pacific northwest and into northern california. you can see flood watches all the way down to eureka. we will be watching that rain continue to accumulate. 1 to 3 inches from portland all the way down to fort bragg, and then it starts to taper off. this is part of a big jet stream, and we also have that massive ridge of high pressure. other than the pacific northwest, we are talking record warm in the west, but this alberta clipper coming down is bringing chilly air to canada. here in the northeast, boston, 36, and 51 in raleigh. omaha, wichita, oklahoma city, denver anywhere from 10 to almost 30 degrees above average. a possible record for
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minneapolis, chicago, amarillo, texas. we look for these records from hayward, minneapolis, marquette, waterloo. the good news is this warmth starts to move east. 64 in washington, d.c. detroit 49. 46 in minneapolis. indianapolis as well. the big news -- but the bad news is we will look at a really wet and messy weekend along the eastern seaboard. we will look at that coming up in the next half hour. right in your neighborhood. walgreens.
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good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're getting ready for rain that's set to arrive later this morning into the afternoon. first starting in the north bay, before lunchtime, we'll see some light to moderate rain. then it continues to move across the rest of the bay area, clearing out this evening. there will be more spotty showers overnight, and another round for tomorrow morning. we are going to be tracking rain today and tomorrow, but it dries out for the weekend as cold air settles in. and that is your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you just ahead, we are in the busy holiday travel season, and the mental health of pilots is right in the spotlight tom costello has that story. hey, tom. >> reporter: hoda, we have had high-profile pilot mental health emergencies in recent months part of the problem is they are afraid to seek help because they're afraid to lose their
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jobs now the faa and ntsb say it's time to address that and take away the stigma. we'll get into that when we come back. all right, tom thank you. we announced the short list, and we announced the short list, and now it's time where we will find look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia, and we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay." teachers in oakland are expected to participate in a teach-in on the war in gaza, specifically the struggle of the palestinian people. >> in a social media video an
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unidentified teacher says educators can, quote, apply their labor power to show solidarity with the palestinian people by encouraging students to think critically. we don't know who organized the teach-in. oakland unified school district says it is not authorized. happening today, in the south bay, two workers charged after the october drowning death of two children at a daycare center are due in court for arraignment. the tragedy unfolded at the happy happy daycare on fleetwood drive. first responders stated that they found several children had fallen into the pool, and by the time they arrived three were taken to the hospital, but only one of them survived. the two daycare workers are facing child endangerment charges. let's get a look at that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. it's been kind of foggy out there. >> it's been foggy this morning in the north bay, it is glowing in walnut creek as we get a live look outside. this as clouds are moving in and we're awaiting the arrival of
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some rain by late morning. first starting in the north bay and spreading across the bay area for the early afternoon. it clears out around 5:00 today, and then we'll see off and on rain in tomorrow's forecast. our temperatures will be much cooler. look at those morning temperatures, down to the mid-30s for the end of the week into the weekend. our highs head for the low 60s and we'll go back to a mix of sun and clouds, some dryer conditions in the forecast into early next week. check out the full forecast on our website,
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freestyle libre 2 system. ♪♪ christmas. >> we're back. it's 7:30. the rockefeller chr ♪ >> we're back. it's 7:30. the rockefeller christmas tree shining brightly on this wednesday morning. >> about an hour and a half before your performance. i can't think about anything ab
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else. i'm like a concert promoter this morning. >> the ultimate hype man. >> yes. >> of course, 19 days means we are in the middle of the holiday travel season as well. there is a serious concern for anyone that flies. we're talking about the issue of pilot else over it. he covers aviation for us. tom, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. today the ntsb thinks this is serious. it is holding a round table discussion to address the urgent concerns about pilot mental health the ntsb says current protocols simply are not good enough for pilots, and that could lead to a serious problem in the skies when you board a flight, you assume the pilot is mentally fit to fly but aviation and mental health experts say current regulations cause too many pilots to keep their struggles a secret, leading to mental health breakdowns, some in flight today the ntsb is holding a
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summit to develop solutions. >> what's unsafe is not getting people the help they deserve. >> reporter: take the case of joseph emerson. >> we've got the guy that tried to shut us down out of the cockpit. >> reporter: in october, emerson tried to shutdown the engines of an alaska flight the jury is indicting him on 83 counts of reckless endangerment. emerson has pled not guilty. in court filings he claimed he was having a mental health emergency. he told police he had been depressed for six years, had recently lost a friend and had taken psychedelic mushrooms 48 hours prior to the flight. experts say contributing to the bigger problem, the faa relies on pilots to self-report mental health issues. while periodic medical examines require pilots to disclose if they're in mental health not
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include in depth psychological evaluations. a recent report saw that mitigates the ability to mitigate safety risks because pilots are reluctant to disclose mental health conditions due to the stigma and the career it will hurt their careers. >> we treatment, the exams do not treatment for issues that shouldn't keep you out of the cockpit. >> reporter: on monday the faa announced it is creating a special committee now to identify barriers that discourage pilots from reporting mental health issues >> we have to normalize mental health care. we have to make sure the choice isn't receive treatment or fly >> reporter: yeah. the whole country is trying to help normalize mental health treatment.
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the airlines pilot's association says it supports these initiatives and wants the faa to fund a peer support training program for pilots that would encourage them to confide in each other and help connect them with mental health resources >> this is about the air traffic controllers. we have been covering that, too. >> reporter: that's right. many of those controllers say they're struggling in the face of these severe staffing shortages and on the job fatigue. the faa says its new committee will address those mental health issues facing controllers. >> thank you very much. all right. still ahead here on a wednesday morning, the eye opener when it comes to your health we will break down some new research just out this morning, in fact. it is shining a light on a serious issue that's apparently shared by a lot of couples. but, first, the exclusive reveal of "time's" person of the year so who is the face behind that question mark? you're about to find out coming up after this. e whatever they w . joanna gaines: like emmanuel, who's chasing quarterbacks.
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gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. we are back at 7:38 with an exclusive reveal the 2023 "time" person of the year. >> dating all the way back to 1927, "time" has selected the man, woman, group or concept with the most influence on the world for better or worse during the past 12 months. >> sam jacobs is "time's" editor-in-chief. sam, good morning. welcome to "today. you get a drumroll, okay you can reveal right now who it is. >> are you ready for it? >> we're ready for it. >> okay. the 2023 "time" person of the
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year is taylor swift. >> okay, taylor swift. and i think you have several covers yes, you do. and an interview with taylor let me just -- let's just get this out of the way, sam, because the world is on fire right now. and, you know, this is person of the year and it purports to say this is the most influential person or group of persons in the world this year. you picked taylor. we know about her influence. how did you justify this decision >> every year, you know, we get the staff together we debate this throughout the entire summer and fall, picking one person who represents the eight billion people on the planet is no easy task and certainly in a year when the world is divided, there is a lot of light and a lot of darkness, there are a number of different choices that could have represented 2023 but we picked a choice someone who represents joy, someone who is bringing light to the world, someone who has taken her own a
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sat down and spoke with her. did she reveal anything new? or what was it like for her to learn about this? >> the amazing thing about taylor swift is at least in 2023 she was like the weather. she was everywhere. you could have a conversation with anyone about her. but we haven't heard much f story and made it big enough for she was like the weather she was everywhere you could have a conversation with anyone about her. but we haven't heard much from her. it's actually been nearly four years since taylor swift has sat down and had a conversation with a journalist we sat down and talked with her this fall, and she was very open about what this experience is like what it feels like to be the center of attention for the entire world of course, her personal life is fascinating to people. we also learned how hard it was to pull off this tour. gathering 70,000 people night after night after night requires a huge amount of dedication and preparation. >> she has not done an interview in four years with any journalist she doesn't need to. it is interesting that she did sit down it seems like, from the
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interview, she was open about a number of things, including her career trajectory and talking about a time of darkness when she felt she was canceled and left by the side of the road and how she clawed her way back. >> what's amazing is how she's taken the low points in her career, the acquisition of her music who she never wanted to buy her music and some of the attention she received in the public spotlight she reacted to that in the past, and it was really difficult for her. she talks about being scared to get on the phone, being scared to leave her house. what we have seen this year is someone that's finally comfortable in her skin. it's amazing this is the only the fourth solo person of the year born in the last 50 years. just 33 years old. yet, she's a 17-year veteran of this industry. we're seeing somebody who is very comfortable with where she is in life >> her last relationship she never spoke about. people were always questioning about, is she in one this one is so out in front. and she was talking about travis
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kelce in your interview as well. >> we asked her that question, what does it feel like to be so public with your romantic life, and she laughed and said, we are just two people supporting each other doing what we love in life and she feels like that's the right place for her to be at this moment. the idea of hiding away that relationship doesn't feel comfortable with her. >> swifties will eat up every part of this. >> did you want the cat or did she? >> i think it's hard to resist this cat >> karma is a cat. >> this is benjamin button, taylor's cat that joined us for this photo shoot and i think makes for a remarkable cover. >> she talks about travis and what it takes to get ready for the eras tour, which i was amazed at. thank you very much. we should mention all three cover editions are available right now on and it will hit newsstands on december 15th. you could have done december 13th that would have been very taylor at the mother of a swiftie, i
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know all the thing, right? >> we will head to mr. roker and get another check of the weather. >> thanks so much, guys. we intimated it will be a messy weekend. this will start off as a pacific coast storm and redevelop overnight bringing rain into the mid plains it will bring snow to the rockies and mid plains then we move into saturday we're going to be looking at widespread rain, heavy rain from texas all the way into the midwest. a flood threat from the southeast will increase. plus, we've got a threat of severe weather the severe storms saturday evening from little rock, tyler, texas, houston, baton rouge on into jackson tornadoes possible we will be watching that very closely. then sunday this system rockets into the east. it will bring heavy rain, strong winds from florida all the way to maine heavy, wet snow may be developing behind this as well for the interior sections of the northeast into new england
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good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out dry, with patches of fog, but we're getting ready for rain that's set to arrive before noon for much of the north bay. that continues to move across the rest of the bay area between 1:00 and 3:00 today, and clearing out in time for the main evening commute at 5:00. then going into tomorrow morning, some spotty showers off and on throughout the morning, into the afternoon. then we're back to the dry and and that's your latet weather. and the question is what's the over/under as to when those "time" magazine issues sell out? >> it's out december 15th? december 15th. i think it's out on day one. >> there is no question they will sell magazines. still ahead, a special and much needed holiday surprise for some deserving families.
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we will show you what jenna did to help spread cheer this season >> and your morning boost right after this i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am.
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i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪)
7:48 am
♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. (boy) i think this is going to work... rsv? (vo) small businesses like this learning center... (smb) there's only one way to find out. (vo) communities thrive. that's why wells fargo has donated roughly $420 million dollars to diverse small business owners. (smb) back to alpha, plant. (vo) when a bank does what it says... (smb) lights on guys. (vo) ...small businesses can reach new heights. doing gets it done. wells fargo, the bank of doing. ♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich. and his crust. director: is it hard to be a lunch icon?
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icon? no, it comes naturally. that's it. ugh lunch icon. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. anne! thank you so much. ♪ hey, do you wanna sit? thank you. yeah, of course. i love the baristas here. they're so sweet, i know. sometimes just ordering lunch can be a lot for young homeowners turning into their parents. look at that. it's like a science project. so what can i get you for a base? what is a base? i'm falling behind already. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us.
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sheinelle is with us time for our "morning boost". >> good to see you all right. when it is time to play music for a baby, you might choose a sweet lullaby. unless your baby is a seven-month-old girl named oakley for her, it is good old time rock 'n' roll or nothing ♪nothing. ♪♪ ♪ >> let me tell you, maybe oakley likes some acdc. her mom introduced her to that music. they used to play lionel richey. she decided she wanted to broaden out. she loves '70s classic rock. >> it's the whole look. >> and to the rhythm.
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>> next metallica. >> what a cutie. >> all right coming up, it was one of the biggest hits this year, but will there be a sequel to "barbie"? we will hear from margot robbie in "popstart". plus, hoda and jenna, an unforgettable live performance of "a carefree christmas." we are fired up. are you getting nervous? >> i'm ready we're ready. >> plaza is packed, too. >> we're here for it introducing new kinder chocolate ♪♪ smooth, milk chocolate ♪♪ with a creamy, milky center ♪♪ in delicious, shareable little bars made for being a kid new kinder chocolate. let that kid flag fly.
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♪ my cable internet bill exploded! that's some yada yada. but, metro has 5g home internet for $20, if you're eligible. with no exploding bills and nada yada yada. good. i'm tired of rearranging these. 5g home internet for $20. only at metro. [♪♪] you know poop is coming,
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but you know, you have nothing to fear. pampers swaddlers with new blowout barrier helps prevent up to 100% of leaks even blowouts. don't fear blowouts, with pampers swaddlers. ( ♪♪ ) ♪ all right ♪ hoping for your love (horn honking) eggo liège-style waffles are a no toaster needed, grab and go breakfast. l'eggo with eggo.
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ms tries to stop me. ms is like riding into headwinds, but i keep pushing forward. does ms define me? no, it does not. i take ocrevus, an infusion treatment that's two times a year. female vo: a prescription for adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression, and reducing brain lesions in rms and ppms. male vo: don't take ocrevus if you have hep b and tell your doctor about vaccinations or if you've had colitis or hep b, as hep b could come back. a common side effect of ocrevus is infusion reactions. some may be serious. an increased risk of colitis and cancer may exist with ocrevus and it can increase the risk of infections, which can be serious. pml is rare but may happen with ocrevus.
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it can lead to disability or death. we take ocrevus. that's more progress, less progression. female vo: ask your doctor about starting with two-times a year ocrevus. good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm bob redell, later this morning in oakland some teachers in the oakland unified school district are expected to participate in an unauthorized teach-in focused on the war in gaza. this is being promoted in a social media video. an unidentified teacher says
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educators can apply labor power to show solidarity with the palestinian people by encouraging students to think critically. it is unclear how many teachers and campuses will be involved. the school district says they have not authorized this, and they have not said what, if any, discipline actions they might take against participating teachers. let's get a look at that forecast with meteorologist kari hall. another foggy day in some parts. >> yes, the north bay has been dealing with dense fog and we're seeing high waves for the coast. later this morning, showers will be arriving, with some off and on rain into at least early in the afternoon. we will see that quick wave of rain come in. then as we go into tomorrow, more scattered showers in our forecast before we see cooler temperatures and more sunshine in our forecast, leading into the weekend. our overnight lows will get down into the 30s friday into the weekend with highs in the 60s.
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we'll keep you up to date on the
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up terror in texas. 6 people killed after a shooting spree in two communities. >> we strongly believe one suspect is responsible for all
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of the incidents. >> the man accused in this string of shootings now in custody. the crimes not linked until after his arrest. we're live with the latest. then under pressure. new research just out saying couples could share the same blood pressure. what does it mean for you and your partner just ahead. plus, helping hands. jenna is on a mission to share holiday cheer with a special surprise for families in nyc. >> three, two, one. happy holidays! >> and dwayne johnson also making wishes come true this morning. >> 21 very deserving wish children are getting their wishes granted to meet dwayne "the rock" johnson and they are over the moon excited. >> how he pulled off the surprise of a lifetime. and it's gonna be a "carefree christmas." our very own hoda and jenna climbing the charts with their
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new holiday single ♪ ♪ it's going to be a fair free christmas ♪♪ >> and they will perform it live for the very first time right here on our plaza, so get ready to dance. ♪♪ merry christmas from hoda and jenna. >> today, wednesday, december 6th, 2023. friends for 50 years. >> from pennsylvania. >> sending love to my daughter in alabama. >> visiting from tennessee. >> from florida. >> houston, texas. >> and indiana. ♪♪ it's gonna be a carefree christmas. >> hello to my friends. >> in superior, nebraska. >> best friends on "today". >> hi to california. i love you. >> surprise mom with a trip to "the today show" for her 75th birthday. good morning.
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welcome back to a very special day today. great crowd out there on the plaza. they're here for one reason and one reason only, to see hoda and jenna perform. >> i hear the song. i hear it. >> listen, are you feeling carefree or are you nervous? >> i'm feeling nervous. i have to say. i was carefree when we had rehearsal. >> it will bring a smile to every single face. i cannot wait. let's get to your news at 8:00 here. police are still looking for a motive this morning in that texas shooting spree that left at least six people dead. several others hurt. a suspect was captured overnight. morgan chesky this morning. >> reporter: yeah, savannah. we have been following new details on this series of crimes all night long. initially each incident was frightening enough. when police announced they might all be connected to one shooter, a chilling feeling absolutely followed. that suspect, as you mentioned, is in custody. but all of this began tuesday
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morning. that's when police responded to reports of a high school being placed on lockdown in the south austin area. we do know that a school resource officer was injured, but no students were involved in this altercation. from there, authorities report that a man and woman were killed in the south austin area. what followed next was reports that this gunman allegedly opened fire on an austin area cyclist who was injured. and then another incident came when austin police responded to a particularly in process in the austin area. upon arriving, an officer engaged in gunfire with that suspect. we have learned the officer was injured. that suspect then got in a vehicle, sped away before crashing where they were later taken into custody. his name has not been shared. we do know he is a man in his 30s. and authorities have now said he may be tied to a san antonio
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area killing where a man and woman were found dead in a home. keep in mind, that's about an confirmed the promotions of more than 400 service members held up for nearly a year by senator tommy tuberville. the alabama republican blocked those to protest a government policy that ensures abortion access for members of the military. but he dropped his opposition to most promotions yesterday under growing pressure from both parties.
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he did indicate he will force high-ranking generals through a lengthy process. surprising new health study released just this morning that suggested many couples share high blood pressure. the research in the journal of the american heart association focuses on coups in four countries. dr. tara narula is here. what did the study find with regards to couples and their blood pressure? >> we know that couples share the bathroom, they share their coffee. now we're learning they may share hypertension or high blood pressure. this took place in basically four areas of the world. looked at older couples in their 60s or 70s at the team. heterosexual. partners 30 years on average. 20% to 30% of those shared high blood pressure. the countries with the highest levels were the u.s. and u.k. where they saw that association was the greatest was like if i had it and my husband had it, that was china and india. why is this important? we know hypertension affects 100 million american adults.
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half of american adults have high blood pressure. in many cases we call it the silent killer because you may not have symptoms. but what's happening is it is silently damaging blood vessels all over your body. you can end up with vision loss, strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure and sexual dysfunction. it is important to pick it up. >> are there any theories as to why? you live the same way, you might eat the same food. does that explain this link? >> exactly. you can postulate that, yes, you are sharing a lot of the same lifestyle factors. what you do, how you live your life can impact your blood pressure. we counsel patients that one of the ways to improve blood pressure is exercising, eating healthy, managing stress, making sure you don't have underlying causes like sleep apnea, managing alcohol use. there are a lot of ways you can
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take control. what this does is say, look, we could potentially open the door to a novel way of looking for high blood pressure. if a wife comes to see me, i might say, you might have your husband checked or check your blood pressure at home together, go for walks together, cook together without salt. there are ways couples can do this together and we can make a big impact. >> thank you so much. we have breaking news, norman lear has died. his string of hits in the 1970s and 80s had plots that evolved around political and social issues of the day, including racism. he backed political causes founding the progressive organization, people for the american way. he died yesterday at his home in los angeles. he was 101 years old.
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coming up, the emmy nominees are -- we will show you the year's best when it comes to tv and streaming shows. and then jenna channelled her inner santa to her inner santa to deliver holiday surprises to families here in new york she will tell you how you can help right after this. ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event.
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whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... - oh, so many medicare plans. - that's why you're comparing all in one plans all in one place with ehealth. - oh, hey. - based on what we talked about, your doctor. - my pharmacy. - your budget. - my medications. - you have a match. - whoa, how is all this a free service? - insurance companies pay us to find you a match. - you really are a medicare matchmaker. - i'm gonna use that. - thanks for the help. - [announcer] call or visit okay george, this one is for the prize? intenso. no, cool. definitely iced. ♪♪ ♪♪ nespresso, what else?
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(♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ christmas jingles ♪ [gasp] [laughter of joy] ♪♪ [mmmmmmm] repeat the sounding joy. ♪♪ [laughter of joy] kinder joy. ♪♪ open a world of surprise. ♪ (vo) purina cares here.
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i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! i've never been healthier. plus odor protection. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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estamos de vuelta, es we're back time for "today's toy drive spectacular". >> to learn how you can help, scan that qr code at the bottom of your screen >> oh, my gosh i had the most fun for holiday shoppers, trying to make ends meet can be a stressful time of year but the team at pay away the lay away wanted to change all that today gave shoppers the ultimate surprise and made spirits bright there is holiday magic in the air at burlington in brooklyn, new york and these unsuspecting shoppers have no idea what's in store for them >> guys, i am here in the lay away room where there are thousands of items for over 200
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customers. they will surprise them big today and tell them we are paying off all their layaway a nonprofit collects donations all yearlong to pay off balances they have helped out 15,000 families >> we heard so much about so many families struggling this year and really stretching to make the holiday what they want it to be. >> reporter: the executive director julie sullivan paid the way with children's items. >> our mission is to inspire hope and spread kindness >> reporter: a lot of these people don't know if they will be able to buy these gifts how do you feel like it spreads joy? >> when we tell someone their layaway balance is paid off, we see reactions from jumping up and down, clapping, cheering to stomping and cheering. what we've come to realize is it is really a stress reliever. >> three, two, one, happy
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as we began wrapping toy after toy. >> here you go. you're welcome. >> reporter: we quickly got into the holiday spirit. ♪♪ jingle bells ♪♪ jingle all the way. >> reporter: it wasn't long before our shopping carts were holidays the holiday spirit ♪ jingle bells ♪ jingle all the way. >> reporter: it wasn't long before our shopping carts were filled with as many toys as santa's sleigh it was time to set up the operation for our surprise we placed hidden cameras on towers of toys, disguised our volunteers as store employees. and the most important part, calling in the shoppers. >> if you could sign in, thank you for coming today. >> reporter: they were invited to the store for what they thought was a promotional event. the crowd made their way back to the layaway counter. it was go time are you ready to go out? let's do it. let's go hi, everybody. how are you? i have an announcement
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are y'all ready? >> yes >> reporter: okay. well thanks to pay away the layaway, we have a huge surprise all of your layaways have been paid off [ applause ] >> reporter: the holiday spirit instantly swept through the store. does this take some pressure off to give toys to some kids? >> yes, it sure does my grandkids. >> reporter: your grandkids. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: customers were bursting with joy and also relief are you happy? >> i'm so happy. >> reporter: does this help? >> i'm so happy. >> reporter: who are the presents for >> my daughter. >> reporter: well, we're glad we could give you presents for your daughter what is she getting from here? >> a night light and some clothes. >> reporter: a night light and
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some clothes to keep her nice who was celebrating his first christmas. and are there presents in there for him. >> some shoes and stuff. he's grateful for it. >> reporter: merry christmas to you, baby. the shopping list included toys for her eight grandchildren. >> it feels s and warm the shopping list included toys for her eight grandchildren. >> it feels so great because it is stressful over christmas. it is just overwhelming. >> reporter: overwhelming relief do you feel the christmas spirit >> i feel the christmas spirit now. i do i don't know i'm dancing. >> reporter: making spirits bright in an unexpected place in a beautiful celebration of the season of giving. >> happy holidays! >> how awesome is that organization >> i love it >> it's so much fun. they do it all year, but this is their big season, of course, because people are putting things on layaway for their
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children and grandchildren it is just so fun. i feel like every family should be part of something like that. >> reporter: like the lady who is dancing is a nurse, she said. >> she's a nurse she came in between shifts. >> pay away the layaway. >> they're getting warm coats for their kids and shoes. >> a reminder to scan that qr code to learn how to get involved jenna, that was awesome. >> oh, love that. of course, jenna, you are back in just a moment. i know we haven't mentioned it, but you guys have a concert. >> no. it's right, left. >> stage right. >> we're going to work out the coreo, is that what you were telling me >> we were practicing. she tried to call me down earlier because she wanted an extra practice. >> hi. love a good coreo. light snow moving off the east coast. not a big problem. some clouds down around the pa
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northwest. chilly here in the eastern half of the country. 30s around the great lakes. 20s up into new england. only 60s in florida. for today, record highs possible in the plains. rain and flooding in the pacific northwest continues. sunshine from the great lakes all the way down into gulf sunshine from the great lakes all the way down into texas. a few scattered snow showers as yo good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're getting ready for rain set to arrive in parts of the north bay in the next couple of hours. and we'll see it continue to move into the rest of the bay area between noon and 3:00 today. we should catch a brief break later on this evening with another round of scattered showers in tomorrow's forecast. in all we're looking at about a quarter inch of rain for most, and then we're back to the dry conditions with chilly temperat
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that is your latest weather. it is the best time of the morning. even though carson is busy on "the voice," we have "popstart". >> they were practicing. >> we like to show you our moves. >> yes let me just tell you something, when "popstart" is over, they are ready. okay first up, the critics choice awards the nominees for the awards show have been announced. the apple tv plus hit morning show leads the pack with six nominations, followed by "succession" with five and both landed a spot in the best drama category. plus the casts, jennifer aniston and reese witherspoon. kerry russell for "the diplomat." and young bella ramsey this is a good one and the competition for best actor.
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it's a race between successions with the rory brothers loki, timmy oliphant in "justify." ramon rodriguez and pedro pascal >> what else >> the comedy category, honoring newcomers and veterans with series in their debut and final seasons getting a nod. "abbott elementary," "barry," "the bear. "reservation dogs," "shrinking" and last but not least "what we do in the shadows. the live broadcast on sunday, january 14th on the cw all right. next up stubhub today is releasing the 2023 year in live experiences report we have a "popstart" exclusive sneak peek at those numbers. you can probably guess. >> oh, what a surprise. >> female artist drove a whopping 73% for the top ten touring artists with taylor
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swift snagging the title for biggest tour in stubhub history, this year she is followed by queen b herself, beyonce, followed by morgan wallen, adele, followed by drake, pink and ed sheeran stubhub is saying these performers are already breaking in to the top sellers for next year olivia rodrigo, zach brian, madonna, aerosmith and billy joel you can check out more of stub hub's annual aport on next up, margot robbie sat down with her counterpart, cillian murphy when asked if she would ever come back for a "barbie" sequel,
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here's what she had to say >> we put everything into that movie and it's so good that i'm like, oh, no i was also so proud of the fact that it was an original. it was a sequel or a prequel or a remake that part of me always -- i'm like, oh, no, if we do "barbie 2," i don't know but i would do anything to be back on that set so it's not no not no but also it would take a lot for it to be a -- >> yeah, to live up to what you guys did. >> so is that a no >> as much money as that movie made - >> in fact, they will do an "oppenheimer" sequel. >> stop. final, it's wednesday, so you know what that means, yes, you can find it by scanning the qr code at the bottom of your screen you are just busy, my friend this week's special conversation, looking forward to
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this, nicole avon opens up on her journey of finding forgiveness. her new mémoire and her father's influence, a legendary baseball player, hank aaron's career. listen to this >> hank aaron was going to break babe ruth's record, but my father kept saying, where is his endorsement deal wait, he's supposed to have an endorsement deal, so my dad took him to the coca-cola offices, went up to the president's office he got one of the biggest endorsement deals ever at that time and the beauty of that story for me is that hank and his wife ended up, you know, starting a scholarship foundation for children and putting people through school that's what i was always able to see from great people. they all gave back >> i didn't know that. >> by the way, her father clarence avon, was obviously a legend she said it was lionel richie, hank aaron, muhammad ali
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she lived this incredible life and was struck with tragedy late in her life. it is now she's overcome everything. i'm in awe of her. an incredible interview. >> search "making space" with hoda kotb and follow her new episodes each and every wednesday. that was a good one. the big moment is almost here. cue the choir. we want to hear hoda and jenna. >> starting right. ready? >> "a carefree christmas" coming up and performed live after your local news. >> are we ready? >> yes
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good morning. it is 826 tooichl. i'm marcus washington. i want to give you a live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. this is the area around there. this is where palestinian supporters began gathering a short time ago with plans to
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march across the golden gate bridge, and we do not believe this will include stopping traffic. here's a live look at the bridge from near the toll plaza. you can see the traffic moving up smoothly along there, of course dealing with some fog there as well. organizers are calling this protest an interfaith walk. it follows the packed meeting last night at san francisco city hall. that's where supervisors introduced a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the middle east. supervisors did not vote on that resolution last night. a look at that forecast for us. we saw pictures of the golden gate bridge, certainly a foggy start to the day. >> yeah, we're getting clouds ahead of some rain. that will continue to move closer to the north bay in the next couple of hours. by noon we're seeing the north bay covered by showers and light rain moving into the rest of the bay area for early afternoon. looks to clear for much of the evening commute but we will have off and on rain, and tomorrow's forecast we'll be keeping an eye on that and more updates
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throughout it day. throughout it day. >> we'll have another local news look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ oh, we are back. we're also back with special guests helping us gather donations. our friends from that new animated film "migration."
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joined by gwen the duck. the du. don't forget, folks, you have plenty of time to get in on our toy drive. just scan that qr code, or you can head to for some details on that. >> well done. well done. >> okay. did y'all hear we have don't forget, folks, you have i'm already getting booking requests for you jimmy fallon, step aside first you have to do "the today show" concert stage. i think you are actually nervous. i can tell. >> i'm a little bit. you know why this whole thing started off just to learn how to sing, and then it turned into a plaza concert. >> we weren't even in concerts when we were in grade school because we can't really sing or dance, but we're going to give it our all. >> it will be great.
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plus, dwayne johnson opening up about his inspiring work with make-a-wish. giving some special kids a surprise of a lifetime. speaking of stars, our parade is rolling on in the 3rd hour we have ethan hawke joining us live talking about his new thriller with costars julia roberts and mahershala ali. >> very close. very close >> so close, okay. >> let's check the weather >> okay. let's look ahead to the weekend. you can see sunny and mild along the east coast on friday some afternoon storms down through texas. heavy snow back through the rockies. saturday severe storms developing through the lower mississippi river valley sunday, sunday it is going to be a mess in the eastern half of the country. snow around the great lakes. heavy rain in the east snow showers back through the cascades and
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with rain moving into the bay area by late morning and some off and on showers into the early afternoon. we'll see also a chance of rain in tomorrow's forecast, but temperatures will be dropping. our morning temperatures will be near the freezing mark in some of our inland areas especially in the north bay. and we're back to some dry weather for the weekend into early next week. san francisco getting ready for some rain moving in by noon. i have ever seen that's huge. huge. >> yeah, from "migration". coming up, imagine meeting your biggest hero when you need it the most. we were there when duane the
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"rk" johnson made dreamsoc c
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welcome back well, since it began in 1980, make-a-wake has granted more than 900 wishes for children with critical illnesses all around the world. >> child by child, wish by wish, they change lives. this week, make-a-wish went even bigger. >> jacob soboroff joins us now with a heart warming story. >> reporter: yeah, this was such a special day. the children of make-a-wish are dealing with unimaginable hardships. one thing they never run out of is hope. make-a-wish allows them to dream. for these kids, dwayne johnson is the dream of a lifetime on a 78 degree day in southern california, a group of very special kids and their families
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children are getting their wishes began a journey to fulfill their wish. >> 21 very deserving wish children are getting their wishes granted to meet dwayne "the rock" johnson and they are over the moon excited. >> i'm his biggest fan. >> reporter: all of it happened at universal studios hollywood >> i want to flipping arm wrestle him. >> reporter: enter "the rock." >> good to see you. >> reporter: today is one of the biggest days in make-a-wish history. >> it's unbelievable they will be on the tram coming up. >> reporter: he got back in the car. here comes the tram. >> we got a pretty cool looking pickup truck over there. >> how are you doing i'm so good. it is so good to see you should i get on this tram with you guys >> yeah! >> all right let's do it.
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>> reporter: for these kids and families, it was a dream come true "the rock" giving the universal back lot tour. >> toss kevin hart in the water. >> but then the shark would still be hungry. >> that's true. >> reporter: he took time throughout the day to do just that >> what's the best part about the tour so far? >> you >> thank you i was just fishing for that compliment. >> reporter: make-a-wish and these kids are in his heart and have been since his own dad rocky granted the first new jersey wish 40 years ago. >> this little boy named bobby, i'll never forget it, his last wish was to meet my dad. it puts things into perspective for you right away. >> reporter: so for the last 25 years, he's followed in those footsteps, making wishes come true so strong.
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you could pick any charity in any part of the country, any part of the world, really, to work with. but you have chosen this charity. why? >> these are kids. and then the cards that they are dealt, they didn't ask for it, but they're playing these hands as best they can you know, i get emotional. these kids are so strong >> reporter: on a day where he was only supposed to spend an hour with these families, he spent five, providing entertainment, hugs and granting a special wish. >> i'm going to get you good. >> reporter: it is so clear that giving back is a genuine part of his character. i felt compelled to ask him about swirling presidential rumors today you get to help, you know, dozens of children are you sure you don't want to be president of the united states >> here's what i could tell you with 100% certainty and maturity is that i believe in working hard, controlling the controllables, kicking ass and always giving back that's what i can tell you. >> reporter: so it's not a no. it's not a no. >> see what i did there? >> reporter: and it's starting with these kids.
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>> what i love about days like today is it is a way for us to show people that there is a lot of good out there, man so i like that >> reporter: what a guy. you know, regarding the presidential ambitions, the rock told me no matter who wins the election this time, in 2024 he will do his best to bring the country together he did not rule out a run in the future. as far as make-a-wish, they tell us every time they do something with him and they post, they get this massive boost in support and with so many wishes yet to grant, that could not be more critical, and that's what this is all about, guys. >> yeah. make-a-wish has been doing god's work for a long time. >> more than 900,000 wishes. >> thank you thanks for that. >> okay. coming up next, the lovely and talented elizabeth banks on the movie that's perfect to the movie that's perfect to watch with your families over look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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another one in the books. whe but we're justyou ge getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. welcome to the happiest place on earth! that has all the happy you never knew could exist. so you're a new kind of happiest, every time you visit. only at the disneyland resort. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort® theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. welcome back
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elizabeth banks does it all. she's a producer, director, he perfect" and "hunger games." she is the voice of a mother duck who leaves the pond to go on a big adventure. >> how about we share the sandwich actor, mom >> 80/20 >> 60/40 >> 67/33. >> you got yourself a deal. >> uncle dan, cut the sandwich >> you don't want to try 50/50 again? >> elizabeth, good morning. >> hi! >> did you ever think you would get to act across danny devito maybe not as a duck, but -- >> man is he funny in this film, though it has laughs for everyone
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i had a great time making it it is a sweet movie. >> and just in time for christmas which a lot of people like to get out to the theaters. >> i love taking my kids to see a movie other the holidays. >> i was wishing there were more kids movies to take them to. your kids are the target age, aren't they? >> my kids are a little older which is hard because they will think it is adorable they will start getting all the adult jokes now. they will start realizing how sophisticated. >> you are pam you are the mom duck your family goes on an adventure. it is all about risk taking. >> yeah. it is really about leaving the nest, literally. and how we have to sort of like -- we can't be afraid of everything in the big, bad world. we do have to let go and i don't know it is just kind of a great, beautiful, fun sweet messagers
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inside of it. >> we need that more than ever it is beautiful animation, too. >> it takes a long time to do animations i was reading you did this during the pandemic which seems like 400 years ago. >> yeah. we worked on this for a long time animation takes a long time. mike white wrote the script. >> he did "white lotus." that was epic! >> yeah, it takes forever. but it is worth it because it comes out so beautifully. >> it is i mean, look at that it really is beautiful so it is all about risk taking what was the last big risk that you took, do you think >> oh, my gosh. >> or out of your comfort zone. >> what was the last -- all that's going through my head are all the things i want to do. >> we can go there. >> i want to jump out of an airplane, and i haven't done it yet. i got really jealous of jared leto climbing the empire state building how do you get to that and i asked him and he said it was a year of people telling him no >> you have a big birthday
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coming up. you are turning 50 i have to say recently turning 50, i love middle age, and i think you will, too. >> i'm looking forward to it i'm trying to have a really positive -- i actually do. i'm not trying to. i have a really positive attitude about it. i think i get to stand on the learning i have done i don't have that imposter syndrome anymore i feel very confident. i have learned how to live my life, be an adult, you know, be the mom i want to be, be the wife i want to be, be the actor, producer, director i want to be, be the activist i want to be i know what i care about, i know what's meaningful to me and i want to keep my life about those things and i'm having a great time. >> you managed to pull it off because you are incredibly successful as an artist. you also have these two wonderful kids you have been married since 2003. >> yeah. >> you are kind of doing it all.
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i'm two minutes away from not being able to hang with them at all, and i have been skiing my whole life. they can't wait to go down double black diamonds. i'm like, oh, that will be my risk this winter. >> there you go. there is a l i know we're not supposed to say my kids are raging skiers. i'm two minutes away from not being able to hang with them at all, and i have been skiing my whole life they can't wait to go down double black diamonds. i'm like, oh, that will be my risk this winter. >> there you go. there is a little risk taking. are you going to stay for the concert with hoda and jenna? >> i saw them backstage warming up for this. guys, this is going to be a treat. they're committed. >> they're fully committed. >> there is no panic they're ready to go. >> they're ready they're just practicing their coreo. >> yeah. i'm excited for america to see this >> i am, too thank you for being here the film is called "migration. super cute and it is in theater just in time for christmas december 22nd up next, the big moment has arrived. hoda and jenna hitting our
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concert stage for a special life performance of their smash hit "a carefree christmas. oh, my gosh. they have outfits. elizabeth, they have outfits. >> the leather >> but, first, this is "today" >> but, first, this is "today" on nbc look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ (christmas music) ( ♪♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power
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"today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we are back on our concert stage. >> wow >> with a moment that we have been looking forward to all morning long. >> guys, you look hot! some artists only go by one name, beyoncé, madonna, hoda, jenna. you can get this hit on spotify by scanning the qr code on your screen hoda and jenna are about to do their song. >> wow >> you are a legend. everybody knows sheryl she's a great music teacher.
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jenna and i were going to do. and to our surprise and shock, shock, this song has climbed the itunes chart. >> it's crazy! >> it's crazy. and we're going to perform it live. but here is how this song came to be. >> there are certain dream this started off as a story >> yes. >> dropping a single at christmastime seems like a huge dream. but guess what >> we're doing it. >> we are doing it. >> is this happening >> it's happening! >> and leading the way was our vibrant vocal coach cheryl porter with a successful singing method, we knew we were in good went off. >> move over, mariah, because we are partnering with cheryl to
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friends. we first met her in may. after one singing lesson and a boost of confidence, a lightbulb went off. >> move over, mariah, because we are partnering with cheryl to create an original holiday song. >> you heard that right. immediately jenna and i got to work on our first christmas single drop. >> so the name of the song is "carefree christmas. listen, you can be busy this christmas, but you can still be happy and carefree. >> she sat with us, and we matched her tone. >> yes. >> and we learned literally to go from non-singers to below-average singers. >> you can do anything you want. with all the notes that you are landing on oh, yes, you do! >> here's the music video for our original christmas song "a carefree christmas with hoda and jenna. ♪ it's gonna be a carefree christmas. >> in return, we received a christmas miracle. >> it charted on apple itunes. >> wait, wait. top ten.
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cheer everywhere. >> merry christmas to people everywhere! >> there you go! >> guys, it is a juggernaut. and now for the first time ever, performing live on our plaza, hoda, jenna, the talents of cheryl porter and this wonderful choir. so "a carefree christmas," take it away. >> you got >> you got this! ♪ ♪♪ let's ride the wave ♪♪ and turn the page ♪♪ it's time for chris ♪ ♪ and turn the page ♪ ♪ it's time for christmas day ♪
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♪ buy a small tree like hoda kotb for the holiday ♪ ♪ is in the air ♪ ♪ let's let down our hair ♪ it's gonna be a carefree christmas ♪ ♪ stop and smell the pine ♪ bows of holly make us jolly ♪ ♪ we're all feeling fine ♪ la, s ♪ making it fun ♪ ♪ with memories to share ♪ ♪ it's gonna be a carefree christmas ♪ ♪ with people everywhere ♪ ♪ la, la, la, la christmas ♪ ♪ merry christmas from hoda and jenna with love ♪ merry christmas from hoda and jenna with love ♪ merry christmas it!
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you did it! >> we did it! >> come on singers. come on! >> good song. >> that was so good! >> and who are you? who is from hoda and jenna with love ♪ >> that was so good! >> and who are you who is this guy? >> you are amazing oh, my god head of props, gerard, never seen you like this oh, my gosh. >> you're very welcome. >> did you guys have fun >> that was amazing. >> that was the best ever! >> we want to thank everybody who helped us out this morning, especially amanda barto. she helps us with our coreo. richard, amazing and our amazing vocal coast cheryl porter. as we said, she can teach
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everyone to sing. how does that feel for you >> it feels amazing to see you guys, how far you have come. it's amazing, and i believe there's a singer in all of us, and i created a chorus, and anybody can learn to sin because i believe there is a singer inside of all of us no matter if you are a professional singer or beginning singer. >> there is now a testament to that. >> amen. >> because you really did show your genius by trying to teach us. >> y'all were amazing. >> we love you >> we want to remind folks you can stream "a carefree christmas" whenever you get your music. just scan that qr code and it will take you right to the song on spotify >> should we do it one more time >> one more time >> and louder. ♪
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good morning. 8:56. i'm marcus washington. well, breaking news. palestinian supporters are marching across the golden gate bridge in what they're calling an interfaith walk. here is a live look at the bay bridge from near the toll plaza. as far as we can see right now, traffic is not being impacted. now, our scott mcgrew is following more for us. >> kevin mccarthy says he'll leave congress before the end of the year, that's before his term. that means there'll be a special election. governors do not appoint member of the house. mccarthy of course kicked out of the speakership but he was still the representative from bakersfield re-el
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," "time's" person of the year revealed. >> welcome to the eras tour. >> taylor swift's dominance


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