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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 8, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone.
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s can kate snow is off today and "nbc news daily" starts right now. today friday december 8th, 2023. hunter biden charged with evading federal taxes. second this year. mounting legal troubles facing and potential fallout for president biden. hate crimes. shots fired outside a synagogue on the first night of hanukkah. what the suspect said as being taken into custody and what's done to keep jewish families safe nationwide. no way. amative storm system heads east. millions to see heavy rain and snow this weekend. tracking when and where. coming up wrapped. finding the perfect holiday gift can be stressful. trimming down on anxiety and enjoy the season of giving. thank you for ending your week with us. we start the hour with new legal problem for the president's son hunter. hunter biden facing nine new federal tax charges including three felonies. if convicted he could spend up
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to 17 years behind bars. in a massive 56-page indictment special counsel david weis alleges hunter biden failed to file and pay taxes. instead spending millions on extravagant lifestyle habits. biden's attorney is firing back suggesting the new charges are politically motivated. so let's get right to it with nbc news justice correspondent ken dilanian in washington, d.c. for us. ken, can you break down this indictment for us? what exactly does it accuse the president's son of doing and how is he responding now? >> yeah. up the ante on hunter biden. maximum penalty 17 years in prison, although that sentence is unlikely. hunter biden is accused not only failing to file tax returns but lying on a return, felony. this is especially remarkable, because mr. biden had a chance to resolve tax charges pleading guilty over the summer to misdemeanor counts calling for no jail time but the deal fell
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apart in august. indicted in september on felony gun charge and now the special counsel has thrown the book at him on tax charges in los angeles. prosecutors say hunter biden was paid $7 million between 2016 and 2020 from foreign deals and had money to pay taxes. instead evaded $1.4 million owed to the government. spent the money on lavish lifestyle including drugs, sex worgers expensive clothing, luxury cars. finally file add tax return in 2018 lied to lower tax burdens including fraudulent $10,000 deduction for a golf membership actually a sex club. >> switching gears. we got breaking news about the gag order in former president trump eversion case. >> upheld significant portions of that gag order imposed in the d.c. case.
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mr. trump challenged it on first amendment charges violates free speech because he was running for president. the appeals court ruled that his comments on social media going after witnesses and members of the special counsel staff, of course, posed a significant and imminent threat to orderly administration of justice and therefore could be prohibited from doing that. he's not allowed now to make public statements about witnesses, about staff of the special counsel. special counsel himself exerted and the court staff. still allowed to criticize biden administration, justice department and attorney general. a significant ruling that undoubtly appealed to the supreme court. >> and thank you for your reporting. ken dilanian in washington. and investigators revealing new details about the victims, gunman and three people he killed at universityof nevada las vegas. moments before being killed in a shoot outwith campus police. the community begins to heal the
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school officially canceled in-person final exams today and later president biden will meet with the university's president and students. dana griffin covering this for us and joining us now. dana, investigators revealing new information what polito was doing in the days before the shooting. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yes. in place. investigators say he mailed 22 letters to university faculty member ace cross the country that contained a suspicious white powder. since determined that substance is harmless. investigators say also he had a hit list. none of the victims shot were actually on the list but he was obviously targeting people. they have not identified a clear motive, but investigators say he unsuccessfully sought employment at the university in that he was facing financial troubles including an eviction notice found taped to the front of his door when they secured a search warrant. now, investigators plan to hold
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another press conference this afternoon. hopefully we can learn new information. >> dana, really never gets easier. right? we now know identities of all three victims. three families informed. what have we weren't able to learn about them? >> reporter: released identity of the third victim today. last night the community had their first attempt at trying to heal and process these deaths. they held a vigil in las vegas last night, but the victims identified at 69-year-old professor of japanese studies. 64-year-old business professor jerry chang. 39-year-old assistant accounting professor and lone survivor, 39-year-old visiting professor is considered in stable condition. you mentioned unlv is planning to cancel exams, final exams next week. students who end of semester
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with a particular grade is the grade they will stick with unless professors give an option to complete online final exam or take home a project to improve their grade. president joe biden is in vegas now planning to meety the unlv president and students to offer condolences. >> end of the school year. dana griffin, thanks for that. turn now to weather after pounding the pacific northwest with torrential rains and flooding a major storm system now heading east. look at mf the breathtaking images of flooding in washington state. this same system is now set to bring snow, heavy rain and dangerous winds up and down the east coast this weekend. meteorologist bill karins is here to time it out for us. what are you watching over the next 24 to 48 hours. >> people trying to get in weekend plans in between raindrops. two storms. one out of the rockies causing problems towards the east coast and a new storm coming into the northwest. your weekend forecast.
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saturday, worst of the severe weather from houston, northwards up into areas around alexandria. northern mississippi into tennessee. heavy rain in the great lakes. next storm coming into the pacific northwest. gusty winds, rain and snow at highest el vases. sunday, east coast a mess. anyone with flights across the country, sunday not good atlanta, d.c., baltimore, philly, new york and boston even into monday morning. northwest, deal wig more rain and snow. notice california, nevada, tars ars, missed out on this storm once again. it timing for friends in the northwest. going throughout your saturday, it's an umbrella day. just about central, from central portions of eugene northward where we'll deal with rain all the way up i-5. snow at highest of elevations. of course, rivers have come way down. not expecting anything close to flooding from earlier in the week but a quick rise since obviously the ground is saturated. by the time we get to sunday watching rainfall shifting
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southward. hit-and-miss showers. can't promise a lot of sunshine in the northwest sunday but certainly better than what you're deal wig saturday. rainfall totals, head through the coastal areas up to maybe four inches, cascades one to two. snowfall totals, highest peaks of central and especially northern rockies. yeah. good luck getting everything done this weekend. >> okay. heed the warning. bill karins, thank you. we've got breaking news on the economy to tell you about at this hour. the last jobs report 2023 is in and beat expectations. labor department says igs added 19,000 jobs in november. on top of that unemployment rate dipped down to 3.7%. for context's two percentage points lower than october. bring in brian cheung. a takeaway from the report? >> add context. talk about 199,000 figure you just talked about. above pace seen added in october as well as above 190,000
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estimates wall street had prior to this report coming out. important to note, 3.7% unemployment rate you talked about was actually the lowest we've seen, rather, 22nd consecutive month of that unemployment rate below 4%. talk about what industries, saw jobs gain in. check out leisure and hospitality adding 40,000. health care adding almost 77,000. gang busters number haven't seen in months. last motor vehicle and parts adding 30,000 over course of the month. a reversal of the uaw strike resolved between the october and november report. all perhaps the reason why we saw that number on the top line look so good. >> brian, december. the last jobs report of the year. so what does this report say about health of the economy right now? >> tells us the labor market is still looking good. again, the story is not really on jobs. really about inflation. federal reserve, by the way, a meeting next week, looking at this figure.
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average hourly earning, how much more people make now than a year ago. november to november period. 4%. a slowdown from 4.1% in october to october period. federal reserve looking at think saying number's going down. maybe they expected that to be a little bit lower by this point in time, but might not knock them off course right now. market expectations, won't further raise interest rates. we'll see next wednesday. >> we know you'll stay on it. thank you. stay on your money with today's cnbc "money minute." consumers are feeling better about inflation and luxury stores struggling with excess inventory. kate rooney joins me. >> reporter: anal and consumers feeling a bit more confident in the u.s. economy. latest consumer sentiment survey showed inflation fears fell in december. the one-year outlook. inflation dropping to just over 3%. down from 4.5% in november. a big drop matters. could influence the federal reserve's decision on when and if they should start cutting
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interest rates. meanwhile, consumer product safety commission issuing several warnings pushing for a recall of toy sets including high-powered magnetic balls. report of seven deaths and estimates 2,500 emergency room visit linked to swallowing the small magnets. shopper trading in gucci belts when it comes to spending. u.s. and chinese consumers slowing spending after boosting that sector during the postpandemic shopping spree they went on. this year's luxury sector growth, growth rate, rather, expected to slow to half of what it was last year. that rate leaving brands with piles of unsold stock. >> oh, boy. did go on shoppinggucci belt. maybe net time. coming up, doing some my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers.
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welcome back. head of the united nations is warning of a complete breakdown of public order in gaza calling for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire while splice of food, water and medicine are critically low. nearly 2 million people displaced within gaza since the war began just over two months ago, but the israeli military expanding its ground operation in gaza, safe spaces to take shelter are returning out. our correspondent is in tel aviv joining me now. good to see you.
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the u.n. secretary-general says gaza is at its breaking point. what else did he say today? >> reporter: right. well, he was at the u.n. security council, as you just mentioned, in new york, where the united arab emirates put forth a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire. viewers know, five permanent members of the security council and one veto means it will not be adopted and we are expecting the united states to veto that resolution. the deputy ambassador to the u.n. for the u.s. already expressing the country's opposition to a cease-fire. antonio guterres saying essentially we are close to a full-blown collapse of the system, medical system, infrastructure in gaza. that after dark the streets are "wild." antonio guterres had this to say. let's listen in.
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>> the people of gaza are being told to move like human shelters without any of the basics of survival. nowhere in gaza is safe. the people of gaza are looking into the abyss. the community must remedy as fast as possible to end the ordeal. >> reporter: one of the other things that was said at the u.n.'s enclave that basically 85% of the population of gaza, more than 2 million people, displaced. of the 36 hospitals pre-war only 14 of still functioning. >> wow. staggering, sobering details there. i also know a u.s. official tells nbc news a second border crossing will be open in the coming days. what else have we learned about that? >> reporter: so that's a tiny glimmer of good news here. it won't be open for crossing. so trucks will still have to go through the rafah border from egypt into southern gaza, but it
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will be opened for screening. if you look at the map there, car 'em shalom is on the israeli side. this is typically before the war where transit would go through. rafah has much more a passenger terminal than designed to accommodate large trucks. the fact the israeli government accepted the kerem shalom crossing will be used for screening, they have the machinery for that, the x-ray machines et cetera, it will speed up the process, even if the vehicles still have to go through rafah. so hopefully it will mean that when there is eventually a larger number of vehicles going through, that the process will be quicker. >> challah orani with the latest from tel aviv, thank you. it appears a moon charged with firing a shotgun here in the u.s. outside a synagogue. documents filed in upstate new york.
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anatic iraqi-born american. this hours after the first night of hanukkah. investigative correspondent tom winter joins me now. the suspect made his first court appearance earlier today. what have we learned? >> we learned he's being held pending these charges. arrest and a complaint. means at some point they'll have to file an indictment or go through another part of the court process that isn't typically followed. look the at him him. he is somebody known to law enforcement previously. they've charged him with. apparently after given miranda rights he admitted to making statements an the middle east and a regular user of marijuana. you buy a gun goes across state lines and use it as alleged you fire a shotgun, at that point you're not allowed to be in possession of that gun in you are actively using drugs. they booked him on that charge. potentially looking for other charges down the way. yesterday at 2:27 he fired two
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rounds. police on the record said he said "free palestine" around the time the rounds were fired. looking at image of the temple here. a lot of concern. over two dozen preschool children at this facility when this happened. >> thanks for that. coming up, sex work. for the first time partially decriminalized in one state. what i was told about making the sex trade legal. that's coming up next. ms tries to stop me. ms is like riding into headwinds, but i keep pushing forward. does ms define me? no, it does not. i take ocrevus, an infusion treatment that's two times a year. female vo: a prescription for adults with
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relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression, and reducing brain lesions in rms and ppms. male vo: don't take ocrevus if you have hep b and tell your doctor about vaccinations or if you've had colitis or hep b, as hep b could come back. a common side effect of ocrevus is infusion reactions. some may be serious. an increased risk of colitis and cancer may exist with ocrevus and it can increase the risk of infections, which can be serious. pml is rare but may happen with ocrevus. it can lead to disability or death. we take ocrevus. that's more progress, less progression. female vo: ask your doctor about starting with two-times a year ocrevus. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5!
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holy cannoli. look at this. it's like a science project. ordering lunch -- easy for you and me but can be so difficult for a young homeowner turning into their parents. are those all different lettuces? uh, yes, sir. brown rice, white rice, or quinoa? -[ groans ] -we're gonna need a minute. do you have any food allergies? -well, my teeth are sensitive to cold. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. that'll be $19.45. oh, i'm just paying for my own salad. (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease that'll be $19.45. or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection,
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experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪ good friday. this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. we have a warning for shoppers trying to get their last minute gifts for the holiday season. thieves in the bay area are targeting gift cards in the latest scam. bob redell has information on what you need to look out for. >> reporter: the crooks are physically altering the gift cards with a pair of scissors, making the crime obvious. you must inspect the gift card before you purchase it to catch on to what's happening. the police department has been monitoring this scam on social media. earlier this week, they actually responded to a scam at a local
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store. a sergeant posted this video to alert us as to what we should be on lookout for. when you buy a gift card, it's wrapped in packaging with the bar code exposed so it can be scanned and loaded with money. to activate it, you must open the packaging and register a scratch-off code. the thieves are taking the cards home off the shelves without buying them, heating up the envelope, getting inside the packaging, altering the cards and then returning them to the store to take your money. >> what they did was they cut off the top that has -- this is the code that gives you access to the money to the person you give the card to. they take the bottom half of the card, which means nothing now, put it back into the envelope, reglue it shut and just like that, you have a new gift card that you think that you are getting for your person for christmas. >> reporter: law enforcement says to feel to make sure the
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entire card is inside. with the store's permission, remove it and inspect the card. as chris chmura pointed out before, sometimes crooks will write down the card number and pin. they will monitor when you load up the card and drain your money. thieves have used a sticker to replace the bar code. it activates a card they have in their possession, not yours. feel it to make sure it doesn't have a ridge. consider cards in sealed packaging. don't let your cards collect dust. use them as soon as you can so there's less time for crooks to pounce on your balance. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, bob. here is some other stories. crab season in the bay area has been delayed. bad news for barbara lee and her quest for senate. police are resolved a standoff that caused a shelter in place order for several hours. it started 7:00 last night. a man shot his wife inside their
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home. she was removed from the home with non-life-threatening injuries. her husband then barricaded himself inside the home. that's what led to a standoff and a shelter in place order. after that standoff lasted for hours, a s.w.a.t. team left the scene and the husband was left alone inside the residence. police are still investigating. we have an update on the polling numbers for the race to replace the deceased diane feinstein in the u.s. senate. barbara lee does not appear to be doing well. she's polling at just 8% right now. adam schiff and katie porter are polling at 21% and 16%. nobody has the official endorsement from the california democratic party. a sad but familiar story. commercial crab season in the bay area delayed again. this is the third postponement of the season. it's due to concerns about migratory whales getting caught
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up in the nets. we will see clear skies today and chillier temperatures. here is kari hall with the forecast. >> we are back to the sunshine today. after a cool start, we only make it up to 60 degrees for today. in mountainview, a high of 59. 60 today in fairfield and in san jose. it may be a touch warmer tomorrow afternoon for some of the inland valleys and morgan hill reaching 64. we are in the low 60s for napa and 62 in santa rosa. sunday, it's looking a little warmer for the south bay. we are still only reaching 60 in san francisco. 59 in martinez. as we go through the forecast, it looks dry over the next few days. i'm looking ahead to see when we can get rain that's coming up in 30 minutes in the seven day forecast. >> thanks so much. a heartwarming story we were lucky enough to catch this morning. this pile of toys was accumulated at a target starting
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at 6:00 a.m. students volunteered to pick out toys for kids in need. they spent two weeks fund-raising to buy the toys. they raised $100,000. they are on a truck headed to the salvation army workshop. the salvation army workshop. they will be when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. we know that potty training can move to its own rhythm. and pull-ups has refastenable sides for changing that's easy as it gets, so they don't miss a note. ♪ i'm a big kid now. ♪
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this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. bottom of the hour. some stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." russian president vladimir putin
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announced he will run for re-election in march. if re-elected it would be his fifth term in power. his last election 2018 before beginning of russia's war in ukraine. 20920 amendment to the russian constitution allowed putin to keep getting re-elected until 2036. a woman in custody after attempting to set fire to the home of martin luther king jr. two visitors from utah interrupted the woman pouring gasoline on the porch and front door of the home. she was detained until authorities arrived. the 26-year-old charged with attempted arson and interference with a public property. and an interesting strategy. this police department offering incentive three kevlar canoes along with paddles to new hires and current employees. the assistant chief offering to make new recruits on a guided fishing trip. if they don't stay three years
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they'll need to pay back value of the canoe. about $3,800. today jewish people around the world are celebrating hanukkah, but this year the holiday comes during a difficult time for the community. the israel-hamas war now in its third month and sent a semitism is growing worldwide. here's nbc news correspondent josh lederman. >> reporter: for centuries the hanukkah candles burning reminders about triumph over religious fear and light over darkness and jews stand in the shadow of a new fear. surging anti-semitism and threat of terrorism. >> light bringing red apparently we missed it. would you say there's multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> reporter: the fbi director chris wray testifying the terror threat higher than at any point since isis a decade ago. >> by far and away biggest chunk of tips and leads coming in fast
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and constantly to us post-october 7th by far to the jewish community. >> reporter: issue as guide to places of worship protecting themselves. tips like trimming bushes. similar across europe. >> a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the european union. >> reporter: crossing the eu to devote more than $32 million to protecting places of worship. the french government urging extreme vigilance after a fatal terrorist attack over the weekend by a man who told police he was angry about the war and london metropolitan police telling nbc news they've made 75 arrests linked to the israel-hamas war stemming from threats to both jews and muslims. while jewish communities in the u.s. and europe are deploying armed guards outside hanukkah celebrations and synagogues.
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they can quickly become targets for act of hatred or prejudice. across the world jewish communities saying they will not tower in the dark. the first candle lit in the heart of berlin vowing to protect jewish citizens. at the square, site of the 2014 revolution of dignity families eating a traditional hanukkah pastry decorated with the ukraine flag. while in washington, thousands watching as second gentlemen doug inhofe spoke. >> since horrible days speaking out publicly as much as i can about a crisis of anti-semitism. >> reporter: in london the trafalgar square, communities have no choice but not to be silent. >> hanukkah a symbol of life. one of the most joyous festivals
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in the jewish calendar, and we ask for people to be loud, proud and jewish, because we think that is the anecdote to the hate shown. >> reporter: josh lederman, nbc news. growing concern among veterinarians over a mysterious respiratory illness threatening dogs across the country. keep pets away in other dogs especially if not up to date on vaccination. that can be hard for people experiencing homelessness. today a nonprofit called profit sweet vet is launching a pilot program right here in new york to support vulnerable animals. joining me veterinarian and founder of the project, project street vet, doctor stewart. thank you for joining me. >> thank you for having me. >> numbers are staggering. 89,000 people in shelters in new york. estimated 20,000 of them are pet owners. why did you start the project to begin with? >> i'd been doing it for some years in my neighborhood in
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southern california. san diego riverside and we have an enormous homeless. in the general and across country. an idea 12 years ago go out find folks with pets and deliver free medical care. >> i wanted to take a look at you doing some of that treatment. i understand you were given a checkup to a cat named ohm. take a look quick. >> want to come out and see me? >> ohm, the doctor is here. >> you look good! you look good. >> looks like a young, healthy cat. i want to listen to his heart. look at his ears. can i look in your ears, buddy? i don't see a lot of ear infections in cats. i will in dogs, but young cats, the rare. what somewhere six months? >> yeah. six months going on seven months. had him about five, six months. >> got him as baby? >> as baby.
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pulled out of a dumpster. >> you have extensive experience treating animals. what might some not understand what the pets face on the street? >> people ask, are you experiencing or seeing illnesses or elements in dogs and cats on the streets you don't ordinarily see in clinic. that's not the case. largely i see a lot of things out in the streets, and i do have to underscore this. the homeless folks that own pets and we say about 20%, census says about 20% house pets do a remarkable job caring for their animal. there is intense loyalty. sacrifices they make are well beyond what i would typically do, ordinary pet owners would do. providing resources for medical care, they don't have them and when i stepped up. >> animal shelters are over cast and cannot hold them. for those not familiar what happens to these pets when they
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can't be in these spaces? >> rescue steps in, but when an overflow. shelter beds about five years earlier in my career. sadly you see for strays. where do they go? homeless. they will take them under their wing and make them their own pets. why i designed the system. it's taken years. did it quietly but recently form add charity in 2020. project street and now areas want to do the same around the country in their community. why i'm here in new york. >> i wanted to dig into that. you talk about the fact illnesses pets of unhoused people face are not different from others. talking about the respiratory illness earlier. are you seeing that in the dogs and what can people do to help? they want to be a part of what you're dock. >> similar to covid in the beginning, a lot's awareness for something like this.
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as a profession we don't understand what we're facing but a lot of fear and panic that goes along with it. again, i've seen dozens and dozens of cases and not seen that, a lot of that. >> for support? >> go to and my veterinarians, technicians and nurses all volunteer their time. we can really straech dollar. >> doctor, thank you so much. thanks for watching. turn to another story. seen it depicted in films like "pretty women" some know it as the world's oldest profession. talking prostitution or sex work. illegal in all 50 states until this year in maine. traffic survivors say can never be work and others feel empowered by it. a firsthand look at experiences. here's a preview. >> commercial sex ring built on
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secrecy and exclusivity. >> reporter: kids in crisis sold for sex and forgotten. sex -- specifically sex worker, defined as a person whose work involves sex acts especially a person who engages in sexual intercourse in exchange for pay. in october the state of maine enacted the first law in the country to partially decriminalize sex work meaning selling sex is no longer a crime. >> welcome to the studio. >> hello. >> oh, my god. are the light in here is amazing. >> reporter: at 27 years old, juliette had lofty goals for this small room. juliette is a student and is an exotic dancer. she requested we use that name for this story. >> human beings are social creatures and we need connection and intimacy. prostitution is there for a reason the oldest profession.
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>> reporter: law commercial exploitation not a step towards legalizing sex work. far from it. it's actually designed to protect women by eradicating the sex trade altogether. opponents to partial decriminalization like juliette say the new law puts sex workers at even greater risk by placing a larger burden on the buyers. >> that's okay. >> come back. >> reporter: al is a sex buyer in maine and one of juliette's clients who requested we use a pseudonym to maintain privacy. al says this law won't make any difference for him. >> the johns still get criminalized. i am not changing my behavior. i do that really well and i don't think i have anything to worry about. >> reporter: partial decriminalization has many names and adopted in countries like france, israel and canada. 's keeps the punishment on the clients, mostly men, as a deterrent from buying sex, and removes criminal charges against
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sex workers, mostly women, but may prevent them tr starting new lives outside the sex trade. partial decriminalization is lauded by most advocates for human trafficking survivors like this woman who sees the sex trade as a form of gender-based violence. >> no one has a fundamental right to sex. right? i don't know why the state would legitimize an entire commercial sex industry. >> reporter: her encounter with the sex trade began at a young age. >> kidnapped at 12. >> reporter: in middle school she and her friends ran into some boys and found trouble. >> feeding us a lot of cheap alcohol. i ended up blacking out. i woke up being raped by one of those two boys. tried to see run out the house that boy came back with an older man told my i wasn't going anywhere. from there since i've been in the system in the sex trade the whole time. >> reporter: she supports partial decriminalization because she believes those who get involved in the sex trade
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don't do it by choice. today as attitudes in the united states towards sex work remain hotly debated there are a number of states considering similar partial decriminalization laws. >> i have had an overwhelmingly positive experience in the sex work. that's not the case for everyone. >> you can see the full report and hear more of the story tonight at 10:30 p.m. eastern on "nbc news now "and later on youtube and nbc peacock. and finding the perfect gift
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welcome back. today's "mental health check" the season of sgirching. pressure finding a perfect gift can be overwhelming. according to the american psychiatric association 41 percent of adults say their stress level increases during holidaysened 40% say they're worried about finding holiday gifts. joining me to dig into this life social worker and owner of serendipitous psychotherapy. we put pressure on ourselves to find that perfect gift. what do you recommend for someone with gift-giving axiety which pops up this time of year? >> great to see you, too. goodness. trim down upon anxiety, biggest
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tool manage expectations of others and of ourself. oftentimes we have grandiose expectations of how somebody's going to respond to a gift we give them, or maybe our younger kids have expectations of these huge surprises that they're going to get, and that's just too much pressure for people. so really trying to simplify things, and for a lot of people there's a huge financial stress that comes during this time of year. so i often suggest to my clients that if it is overwhelming, really try to break it down into how much money you can spend on each person. maybe you're not buying gifts for everybody. i know a lot of parents feel like they need to express gratitude to teachers or people who work in our community. sometimes giving somebody a letter of appreciation or even just a $5 gift card somewhere can be so wonderful. >> totally. you mentioned parents. holiday season can be one of the busiest times of the year
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especially parents but for everyone. what are gift-giving strategies for people short on time. okay to give a gift card or cash? what do you recommend? i do think so. often people wait to the last minute pe thinned they're returning out of time. we've graduated in our families that our kids are giving us links to purchasing. that certain has reduced my anxiety, and, really, it's okay to say to yourself, you know what? not this year. it's not something that i feel that i have the capacity to give to everyone. >> so great. even my dad asks this year for links. a first. times are definitely changing and feeling record-high prices this year. right? especially with high interest rates and inflation. buying gifts may not be accessible for some people. what do you recommend low on finances but still wants to give? >> sure. yeah. we saw that clip about that gucci belt as much as we all love a gift that grandiose. really being able to have
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experiences like going for a walk with somebody. going to see a movie or a show. or, you know, really doing something that isn't going to break the bank. oftentimes that can be a mutual agreement between you and a friend or a sibling or a parent. i think sometimes those experiential relationships can really carry us a long way rather than an over-priced sweater. >> i mean, feels like every year the list of people wep have to give gifts to gets longer and longer, kelly, right? times maybe you don't feel like getting somebody a gift. might be controversial. how do we navigate that without feeling guilty or mean? >> i really want people to not judge where they're at or have expectation what's they think they should do for others. so really having an open and honest communication with somebody that maybe you say, hey, how about we not get each other gifts this year? that can feel like a huge relief for both parties. >> totally. you talked about having a
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conversation. sometimes, though, you might get a gift that you want, weren't expecting. right? maybe can't reciprocate or maybe don't like it. what are i don't tips there? >> sure. you know, i think just to be really practical, and if you want to regift that gift that maybe you received that you don't totally love, then somebody else can put it to good use. and really making sure that we keep things simple. manage expectations, that's the key to success this year. >> keep it simple. manage expectations and ultimately people just want the presence, your time. that's underestimated. thanks for being with us and watching. watching. a lot more news at bombas, we're obsessed with comfort. quality. movement. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order.
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. welcome back to "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. it's official. san jose's former mayor is running for congress. he announced he will run. he was at the santa clara county registrar of voters this morning filing the final piece of paperwork to make his run official. he was mayor in san jose from 2015 until new year's day this year. he was the leader of the california big mayors coalition. the field form the seat is getting more crowded.
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six candidate are now vying for the seat. we are getting word of a mail carrier being robbed in palo alto. the female carrier was making deliveries yesterday afternoon. that's when two men approached her. one of the men demanded her postal keys. when she didn't comply, the other suspect pushed her to the ground. the suspects took the keys and her phone and fled on foot. usps is offering a $150,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. winter weather took a while to reach the bay area. but kari hall says it's finally time to start bundling up. >> we have more cold mornings ahead and slightly cool afternoons as we go into the afternoon, we are headed for the low 60s. we will see a mostly sunny sky friday and saturday. sunday may become mostly cloudy
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as we wrap up the weekend. back to sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures for the middle of next week. the overnight lows are still going to be cool, in the upper 30s and low 40s. for san francisco, for your weekend plans, make sure that you also are all bundled up as our mornings start out in the low 40s. we head for the low 60s. it does look like it will be mostly cloudy but still dry as the storm system moves very close to us. we may not see rain all the wait until next weekend.
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nbc bay area responds to an east bay family whose amusement park pass was not amusing. a call to consumer investigator chris chmura's team was the ticket. he is here with that case plus an invitation for you. >> happy friday. kimberly paid monthly for an annual theme park pass. she said the park promised to
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credit passholders for the closure during covid. $405 in her case. but no. she called us. we called the park. it gave her her $405. a thrill. speaking of roller coasters, tomorrow night we have a full half hour about respond stories about travel ups and downs. join us at 6:30. we solve viewers' travel troubles. we are all over the map helping out and finding lessons for you so your next trip doesn't go off the rails. see you tomorrow night. have a great weekend. >> looking forward to that. thank you, chris. are you looking for holiday cheer in the north bay? we have you covered. winterfest is tomorrow. it's the 36th annual lighted boat parade and fireworks display. the parade is 5:00, fireworks at 7:15. tickets are still available online. the south bay, festive on cherry avenue near the high school. it's a popular spot during
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holidays. it benefits the make-a-wish foundation. they have been raising for 27 years. even santa is known to stop by the house on the weekends. fun things to do. that does it for us. that does it for us. have a great afternoon. imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-c... by treating it with linzess. then you could start proactively managing your constipation with belly pain, and begin to find yourself a little further away from the symptoms that keep coming back. say yess to linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe.
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where's your mother? ahh! that is not your mother. stay close to me and everything will be alright. [ gasps ] [ gulp ] oh, i'm ok. i'm craig melvin, and this is dateline daytime on nbc. or her because she didn't come back to the dorm. they found her car abandoned with the keys in the ignition. everything was a blur.


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