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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 11, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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ty to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. flames. a three-alarm fire rips through a duplex in san francisco.
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a live report from the scene on the overnight rescues and damage done. plus, a fierce fight over fung. the ongoing battle for u.s. aid for ukraine and israel. the demands that republicans are making in order to agree to any deal. this is "today in the bay." good to have you with us on this monday morning. i'm kris sanchez. laura garcia is off. >> i'm marcus washington. a lot to get to this morning, but first we want to get you started with breaking news out of san francisco. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is at the scene. it's a massive fire behind you, ginger. what do you know? >> reporter: good morning, kris and marcus. it was a massive fire. it's still very much an active scene right now. you can see the home that caught on fire, that burned, is right behind us. firefighters are still all over the place, over 100 firefighters here looking at the building,
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the fire building, as well as the two buildings that have been evacuated next to it. there were huge flames this morning. those are now out. but you can see, even in the dark, with the help of some of the lights from the fire trucks, you can see the extensive damage left behind. we're on the 700 block of masonic near grove street in the panhandle neighborhood. we just briefly spoke to the pio from sf fire. he says that this fire broke out shortly before 3:30. it was almost immediately called a two-alarm fire because of its intensity, when firefighters did get here, all three floors of the fire building were on fire. now, he did say that there are two fire victims so far, one of the fire victims seems to have jumped out of the fire building on the third floor.
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that person, as well as another person, have been transported to the hospital. now, the pio could not confirm this, but i am told by at least one neighbor that there was work that was being done to the bottom of the home. she lives nearby and walks by this home frequently, said that it was gutted out and open from the back entrance. so that is not yet an official cause to this, but we are told that at least the neighbors are looking at that as something that possibly could have contributed to this. we did speak with some of the neighbors earlier. let's listen to how they were woken up by the flames this morning. >> i heard all the fire trucks going, woke up, grabbed all my stuff and just came outside. it was fully engulfed in flames. >> reporter: now, you can see firefighters are still on the
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upper floor of the building next door. we are told, again, there is extensive damage to the residential buildings and there are still hot spots they're taking care of. you can see the flashlights and firefighters hard at work here to put out those hot spots. so as of now, quite a bit of masonic street, a very busy street in san francisco, is closed. it does not seem -- we don't see this opening up any time soon, so this can also be quite a headache for people who are going through this this morning. as far as people who have been evacuated, about close to two dozen people so far, roughly speaking. we don't have an exact number, but about that number of people are on the street here watching firefighters take care of this fire. we're told that city college nearby may be opened up and used
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as a place for things to get organized and situated later on this morning. but for now, we are here on masonic between hayes and grove street. we'll bring you more details as the morning continues. but the very big news right now, the big flames are out, at least, marcus and kris. >> such a hard time of year for folks to be out of their homes. thank you, ginger. >> and of course we will bring you live updates throughout the morning on this story. keep it right here. our continuing coverage is on air, as well as online. we will check back in with ginger for updates again at 6:30. turning now to a look at israel toward the gaza border, the world health organization says the region's health system is, quote, on its knees and collapsing. this comes as conditions are deteriorating rapidly and battles continue to rage in southern gaza. new video shows huge plumes of
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smoke rising over destroyed buildings in southern gaza, and according to gaza health authorities, about 18,000 palestinians have been killed since the war started on october 7th when hamas launched that attack. back here at home, the battle over u.s. funding both for israel and also for ukraine continues. president joe biden is inviting ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy to visit the white house tomorrow. that visit comes as the white house warns congress that time and resources are running out, as ukraine battles russia's attacks. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is live in washington. brie, what do we know about president zelenskyy's visit? >> reporter: good morning. so the white house says president biden wants to underscore his administration's commitment to supporting the people of ukraine during president zelenskyy's visit. zelenskyy's trip to washington, d.c. on tuesday comes as lawmakers are in the middle of that bitter battle over funding. president biden inviting
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ukrainian president zelenskyy to the white house tuesday as the administration intensifies its push to secure aid for the war torn country. >> we are running out of resources already in the bank to continue to assist them. >> reporter: the biden administration's $106 billion funding request includes $60 billion in aid for ukraine and money to help israel defend itself. in exchange, republicans want significant changes to u.s. border policy. >> we can't do everything on the border, but we can do the things to actually begin to control the border so that the united states is in control of our boundaries, not the cartels. >> this is one of the most dangerous moments i've ever faced in american politics and i wish republicans weren't holding israel aid and aid to ukraine hostage to the resolution of immigration reform. >> it's not just republicans that are holding a hard line. it's democrats that are holding a hard line. either side can move and can get this done. >> reporter: administration officials say the president's
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aides have been directly involved in negotiations, and are expected to ramp up their efforts this week. >> the white house has made it very clear that the president is willing to sit down and find the way forward as it relates to the border. >> reporter: president zelenskyy will have a chance to make his case for more aid from congress on tuesday. and president zelenskyy is scheduled to come to capitol hill tuesday morning and is expected to have meetings with lawmakers, including house speaker mike johnson. back to you. >> busy, for sure. brie, thank you. a late-night development in berkeley's plan to debate a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the middle east. a new social media post from one councilman indicates tomorrow's debate is now scrapped. palestinian protesters first demanded the council adapt a resolution during a chaotic meeting last month. you might remember that. it led to the council adjourning to another room in order to finish the city's business. now, the council never took up
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any debate at that point because it was just part of public comment. but council member robinson says the resolutions have been withdrawn. the posting gives no further indication about why. for the next week, people along parts of the coast will have to brace for the return of unusually high tides. the king tides are back, and with the peak expected later this week, whenever those king tides do return, low-lying areas are more prone to flooding. we have seen that flooding. if you're not used to seeing that, it's not raining, it looks beautiful, and suddenly there's flooding. >> right, these are king tides. it's an astronomical tide that has to do with the gravitational pull of the moon. we have a new moon, so it's not as high as with a full moon. basically we're getting into the king tide season. what we see happen here with those king tides is usually, once again, that gravitational pull of the moon that does have
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a big impact on that water that comes a little bit farther inland than we do typically see than when we don't have those bigger gravitational pulls of the moon. as we animate this graphic, we can see that at this time of year the moon and the sun is at its closest point, and that close proximity, once again, pulls that water a little farther inland. taking a look at what to expect today with the king tides in san francisco, at 9:24 this morning, and it comes up tomorrow at about 6.6 feet late morning as well, at about 10:01. so there are no flood advisories in effect as a result of this. it's not going to be as high as we typically see until about later this month or into next month. no major storms coming this way, either. so i'll be tracking all of that. we'll talk about what's ahead in a few minutes. mike has a look at where we do have lower gas prices. >> we reached a new low price.
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$3.87 at national in san leandro. that's the best price we could find on washington avenue. next best is south bay, $3.94 at san jose's arco on bran ham lane. thank you for sharing prices on on the roadway, we're looking at a smooth, easy drive right now for most of the bay. we do have one issue, a major issue in san francisco for about three blocks of masonic where ginger was reporting a structure fire. do avoid masonic. one block to the north and a couple to the south are blocked off, that's just off the panhandle. meanwhile, getting through the city, other than that, moves smoothly. we're looking at a nice drive through the north bay. >> thanks, mike. a chance to give back and have a little fun as well. still ahead, the special guests attending this year's holiday heroes party and where you can get tickets to that event which helps kids in need. helps kids in need. keep i
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good monday morning to you. it is 5:13. we're taking a look outside in san francisco. it's a cold morning all across the bay area. we're going to be in the mid-40s at 8:00. at noon, it's partly cloudy, in the mid-50s. we're for the most part staying in the 50s throughout the afternoon. we'll get a look at cool but sunny weather in our microclimate forecast coming up.
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we'll call the traffic flow pretty chill. in oakland, 880, all those headlights are heading south, normal volume toward hayward. we'll watch as things build to the east, and even farther than that. let's check in with silvana. >> thank you. good morning. wall street is set for a flat open ahead of a big week of economic data and interest rate decisions. the markets are coming off six straight weeks of gains, moving into positive territory friday, following the stronger than expected jobs report, hoping the economy can avoid a recession. the s&p 500 closing at its highest level of the year friday. in focus this week, we get reports on consumer and producer prices, retail sales and jobless claims and the federal reserve holds its final meeting of the year where it's expected to keep interest rates unchanged, but could signal how many times it may cut them next year. media mogul sherry redstone is
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reportedly in talks to sale national amusements to entertainment from sky dance. redstone is the daughter of late paramount sumner redstone. sky dance is led by the oracle founder, one of the top studios producing some of the mission impossible films and top gun maverick. apple has shut down third-party apps that allowed devices to use the i message serve is. apple says it blocked techniques that exploit fake credentials in order to gain access to imessage, posing a risk to security and privacy. it comes after an app that enables i message on androids stopped working. they've called for years to expand it to add to android. the dreaded green bubbles. >> we all have those friends. >> have you ever met somebody,
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oh, man. >> we have a whole group of parents and we can't even call it a swim fam because you know who has that phone. thanks a lot. one of america's leading retailers may be ready to change hands. sources tell cnbc macy's is now considering a nearly $6 billion buyout offer. the bidders are privately held companies that would take macy's private in the process. macy's shares are trading more than 30% higher on that news, but it's still too early to know what the future might hold for macy's bay area stores. the season of giving is in full swing, and this week oracle park is hosting holiday heroes event for the 29th year. the money goes toward the weekender weis foundation for children. there's tons of activities for children of all ages. if you and your family can't make it, you can also sponsor an underserved child or the family
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to attend. so a third of the families that are going to be there at the party are sponsored. organizers say this will help many families get into the holiday spirit. >> children deserve the right to dream and the right to be able to experience the holiday season as they should, and so if we're able to make that happen, even if it is just once a year, i think we should all pitch in and participate. >> and special guests at this year's event includes giants former manager gabe kapler, as well as misty copeland, the principal dancer for the american ballet theatre. the party is tomorrow and you can go to to buy tickets. it's going to be at oracle park, so you're going to need jackets. we've had such nice but cool weather. it does look warmer as we go throughout the week, as we continue with not a lot of rain
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going on. we do have a chilly start. it's a mostly clear morning and then we're watching the higher than normal coastal tides and some of those areas that are usually affected by those high tides will have those impacts once again this week. and then the mostly sunny and calm weather continues. we may not see rain until late in the weekend. let me show you what you'll see as you're heading out this morning. temperatures are very chilly. in dublin and livermore, we are just 2 degrees above freezing right now. it is 33 in sonoma and in santa rosa, and san francisco is waking up to 41 degrees. this is where we're headed for today. we have low 60s in the forecast and it will even be in the mid-60s for parts of the south county and inland east bay, and we do continue to go up a few more degrees over the next couple of days. no major changes. all of the rain staying just to our north over the next few days, and then as we go into the weekend and early next week, we may see a change overall in our
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weather pattern that will eventually bring us some rain, and it might be just in time for christmas. as we take a look at our long range estimate of how much rain we could see, as of now it's showing some pretty decent amounts, maybe an inch or two of rainfall as we go into next week. and then for the sierra, we do definitely need a lot more snow here, but it is looking to start out pretty light, at least once those storm systems get going. a look at our temperatures over the next few days, not bad at all. in fact, a lot of these temperatures for the afternoons will be warmer than we usually see, with mid to upper 60s and a mix of sun and clouds throughout the week. looking at san francisco, we'll be in the low 60s today and not seeing any changes there until we start to see those rain chances coming back on sunday. mike, you've been watching the roads. how is it looking for this monday? >> pretty calm. not a lot on the chp grid. there are a couple of incidents popping up. one over there, we see a little bit of slowing, brake tap highway 37 westbound. this incident, though, is
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eastbound. it's up here, eastbound 37, the transition over to westbound 80, westbound down through the north bay. no incident details, just a hazard reported in the area. we'll continue to follow this just because of that critical junction where things do start to get a little busier. nothing major going on right now. there's a little road work going on. there's the fire in san francisco over on masonic, the roadway is still blocked because of activity. it sounds like the fire is out, but ginger is still covering that situation in san francisco. then vasco road, just 20 minutes. but a little bit of a build over the last couple here. highway 4, no major problems. 580, a nice smooth drive through the tri-valley. in the east bay, fremont, the volume of traffic very manageable southbound, past tesla into silicon valley, northbound commute has not started just yet. another 15 minutes or so we'll see slowing through san jose, we think.
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the volume is looking light right now with taillights all the way into oakland. >> commuters love that, light in the morning. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> a couple cancels a trip and they expect a full refund. well, you know that didn't happen if i'm here talking about it. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. nbc bay area responds to them, plus we have a travel refresher for you next. nbc bay area and telemundo 48 are honoring individuals and organizations in our communities who go above and beyond for animals in need, through the clear the shelters pawsitively good awards. join us as we learn more about our honoree, mary stewart, and her fantastic team. if you know someone doing if you know someone doing amazing work for animals,ubmit s
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(♪♪) (♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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why are we the only birds heading this way? when a bank helps you get and ♪ ♪y ahead. what is that? duck à l'orange. what's duck à l'orange? it's you, with l'orange on top. nbc bay area responds to an east bay couple who needed a lifeline with a canceled cruise. >> they tapped our responds team for help. consumer investigator chris chmura has the case and a lesson for you if you're ever in the same boat. >> hi, there. let's meet barbie and marty weinstein in pleasanton. they booked a european crews, plus travel insurance, with trip
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mate. it's a good thing they bought that policy, because two months before their trip a health issue cropped up and they had to cancel. the weinsteins got most of their money back but said trip mate still owed them $4,828. marty couldn't get back the balance, so he contacted us. we contacted tripmate. we didn't get much detail, but it told us there was a simple miscommunication that has since been resolved with the customer directly and any confusion related to the claim has been addressed. barbie and marty got two checks in the mail totals $4,028 dollars. sometimes it's an unknown hiccup like the weinsteins, often, though, we find a disconnect between what a policy actually covers and what a viewer thought it covers. we have an easy but boring fix. read the policy before you buy it. if your consumer complaint is stuck in murky waters, tell us
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about it. scan the qr code on your screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> hopefully it's smooth sailing. 5:26 this morning. next, the top stories we're following, including new numbers in the race for president. former president trump expands his lead over his gop rivals, where he stands in iowa five weeks out from the caucuses that are set to take place and set the tone for decision 2024. extra security at santa rosa schools, following violence on campus. the protests by students and parents scheduled for just under parents scheduled for just under an hour
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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breaking right now at 5:30, an early-morning fire destroys a san francisco duplex, leaving at least one resident trapped. we're live at that scene, a huge scare for neighbors and update on victims. it is back to school for police in the north bay. resource officers return to some campuses in a last-minute decision by one district. and a plea for help for one south bay food truck business. the unfortunate events that became the recipe for disaster and the growing fears their business will stay on the back burner. this is "today in the bay." good monday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm kris sanchez.
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laura garcia is off this morning. we want to start with a look at that forecast. meteorologist kari hall, it was freezing this weekend. my poor kid had to swim outside. >> oh, no. that's rough. >> we're very close to freezing. we say, oh, my gosh, it's freezing, but not quite. we're close. we're getting a look at temperatures right now. in walnut creek, the coldest on the screen at 36 degrees. mostly low 40s. as we get the start of the day going in morgan hill, we'll be in the low 40s, and at lunchtime it's at 59 degrees. we only make it into the low 60s, but it will be sunny today. i think that makes it feel so much better. we'll see more temperatures like this where our mornings start out cold, and it looks fairly mild for the afternoons. it does stay mainly quiet, but we'll talk about when we'll see rain headed our way. mike has a look at the lights at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> i'm also focusing on reports
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for the metering lights, just reported on. that's earlier than we typically see, especially during the end of the year when we're looking at lighter traffic overall. so far, the metering lights are on, there's slowing at the metering lights and incline. highway 37, highway 4, gentle slowing. that's a mild build there. overall, typical pattern, lighter flow of traffic. tri-valley, no problems. vasco road still moving nicely. same for the nimitz freeway, up and down between the south bay and oakland. the south bay itself, we expect north 101 to show slowing in the next ten minutes or so toward oakland road. back to you. >> thanks, mike. we begin with breaking news out of san francisco, an early-morning fire that destroyed a duplex there in the city. this is a live look at the scene where you see firefighters are still there. this is on masonic between grove and hayes, one block from the panhandle. this is video showing the building fully engulfed.
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firefighters say at least one resident had to be rescued and taken to the hospital. ginger conejero saab is there at the scene and will bring us the latest at the top of the hour. final exams should be the focus at this time of year, not the fear of fatalities. those are the words from frustrated parents and students in one north bay school district, and now the district is responding. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell is live for us this morning at santa rosa's montgomery high school. i understand one group plans to make their voices heard later this morning. >> reporter: correct. and there will be a greater police presence at montgomery high and the other high school here in santa rosa as a result. but, yes, at 7:00 this morning, parents and students plan to gather here at montgomery high outside the flagpole. this is as concerns grow following several high school incidents at santa rosa schools, high-profile incidents. the latest incident happened
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last tuesday that led to a lockdown at her better slater middle school. officials reportedly located a weapon, along with marijuana, in a 13-year-old's backpack. the student was arrested. officers later arrested two additional students. late last month police say a 14-year-old was stabbed on the campus of santa rosa high school. he was taken to the hospital and later released. officers later arrested the alleged stabber. they believe the incident was gang related. that same day a student here at montgomery high school left campus after school officials tried to search his backpack for a knife. when officers caught up with him, police say they found a 9-inch knife and 4-inch blade in his bag. all of this follows a deadly stabbing at montgomery high school on campus last march. a 16-year-old died after a fight broke out during an art class. the 15-year-old suspect said he was defending himself.
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authorities eventually cleared him of manslaughter and the victim's family is now suing the school district. back out here live at montgomery high in santa rosa, that short-term assignment of additional student resource officers at santa rosa high school campuses begins today, and will last through the end of the semester. on wednesday, district leaders plan to discuss safety on campus at the regular school board meeting. that protest with the students and parents scheduled for 7:00 this morning, so in about 90 minutes here at montgomery high. reporting live outside montgomery high, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a hard time to lose that focus on end-of-year testing. 5:34 this morning. the owners of a south bay food truck are asking for your help in a recent blindside to their business. the operators of barya kitchen food truck are facing thousands of dollars in repairs after someone driving in a stolen
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truck sideswiped their vehicle last month. the couple says the damage is so extensive the truck can no longer be driven and they can no longer use the kitchen to prepare filipino dishes. as a result, they had to cancel all their holiday jobs. >> we've had to cancel caterings, we pop up all over san jose and we've had to contact them saying, sorry, we can't come. >> the food truck is our main source of income. >> now, the repairs are expected to cost $8,000, but on top of that, they recently lost their insurance and they've had to postpone their county health permit inspection because the truck no longer runs. a family of a bay area boy recently shot and killed is speaking out about his death. he attended high school in pittsburg and was visiting family in lodi when he died in what police later determined was gang-related violence.
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police announced the arrest of two suspects, an unidentified 15-year-old and a 31-year-old man who investigators call a co-conspirator. the victim's aunt says she feels like at any moment her nephew should be walking through the front door. >> he was coming into who he was, becoming a young man and having a voice for himself. so this is just very senseless. >> family members claim ruiz was not affiliated with other gangs but other minors in the apartment where he died might have been. sacramento catholic church leaders are addressing the recent bankruptcy announcement. the announcement came over the weekend and the bishop cited financial troubles resulting from more than 250 lawsuits claiming sexual abuse by clergy and other church staff. the diocese says under bankruptcy the court will oversee the distribution of assets and if not for the declaration, the church would run out of money after the first few survivors got paid.
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the bishop says they're trying to be as transparent as possible. >> this is a difficult decision and i'm sure people are going to be mad at me or mad at the church, and there will be some people who try to blame the victims or blame the attorney. >> the diocese says most of these cases involve allegations that date back to the 1980s or earlier. turning to decision 2024, former president donald trump is now clear and away the gop front-runner in iowa heading into next month's caucuses. according to a new nbc news poll, 51% of iowa's republican voters support him. florida governor ron desantis gets 19%, up slightly from october, and it comes despite several recent high-profile endorsements. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley rounds out the top three with 16% of republican support. this morning, thousands are without power in middle tennessee after a tornado ripped through the state. the powerful twister tore
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through houses and buildings, killing at least three people. it knocked out power and crews say it could take weeks to restore it. the tornado moved through with winds reaching 150 miles per hour. schools in the area are closed today, as well as tomorrow. on the east coast people are on storm watch, of course, and asked to prepare for severe thunderstorms and flooding. kari, you're watching what else they can expect. >> yeah, we've seen a lot of rainfall up around parts of the new england area, stretching all the way up to maine. they're seeing what was part of that storm system that moved through tennessee quickly racing off the east coast, but they're getting a lot of heavy rain. in those areas we had snow on the ground already, so the rain is coming in, melting the snow, and it's creating a flooding situation that we're seeing widespread for maine all the way down to new jersey. so we're going to be watching that. it will taper off with light snow over the next several hours. it may also cause a ripple
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effect of some travel delays at some of the major airports, even some of the flights that are coming out here to the west coast. things are nice and quiet for now. we continue to see storms moving up closer to the pacific northwest, and that's where the storm track will remain as we go throughout the week. temperatures are very chilly this morning and some of us are close to freezing as we get started, with dublin just one degree above freezing and it is freezing in vacaville. most of us are in the 40s as you get ready to head out the door. livermore, going throughout the day, we have upper 30s to start, but we are headed back to the 60s with sunshine this afternoon. so be prepared for a little bit of everything. mike, how is that morning commute? >> shaping up pretty well. green sensors dominate. that's good news, including the tri-valley, including most spots throughout contra costa county. but let me call out the exceptions. i do want to call out where we have one of our lead stories, ginger is near the structure fire on masonic, major roadway
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here just off the panhandle, golden gate park. we're looking at just a few blocks, but it is three blocks, north and south of grove, we do have activity continuing. the fire itself, flames, i don't believe are visible anymore, but still the activity continues. not far from there, 6:00 to 7:00 there's a menorah lighting at jane warner plaza in the castro. that will mean reroutes starting from 4:30 and extending to 8:00 for local transit going past the plaza. keep that in mind. the rest of the bay shows a smooth flow. typical slowing highway 4, 37 and the bay bridge. even now the metering lights are on at the bay bridge. the span itself has cleared up because the backup has formed at the toll plaza. the volume is doing good coming through the maze and we're typically seeing lighter volume. they did have a good amount of traffic across the span for the last 20 minutes or so. that might be why they turned on the metering lights. it's a little in my estimation for a monday as we approach the
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end of the year. one step closer to securing a spot in the playoffs. the niners beat the seahawks over the weekend. ahead on "today in the bay," we hear from brock purdy on what the game plan is moving forward. plus, helping shelters in need. the group pushing to get 100 senior dogs adopted in a matter of days. and the simple ways you can help out. out. keep it look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money
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good monday morning to you. it is 5:44. let's head over to concord with a look at how the day shapes up for you. we're starting out with upper 30s. it's another cold start. we will be mostly sunny throughout the day and temperatures reaching into the low 60s, which is about normal. we get slightly warmer as we go throughout the week. i'll show you that in the full microclimate forecast coming up. dublin, 580, picking up volume just a bit, but not any slowing on our sensors for 580 itself. we do have some slower spots and we'll watch the trend. a surprise 11th hour reversal from formal president donald trump. he now says he will not testify today in his civil fraud trial. trump announced it late yesterday in all capital letters on his social media platform, saying that he already has testified to everything, and claiming the trial is just interfering with his re-election
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efforts. he also was set to be the last witness for the defense in the ten-week trial, and while some may be surprised, his defense team strongly advised against it, especially given the gag order issued by the judge, who trump has targeted with insults throughout the trial. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy tomorrow with president joe biden at the white house. president biden extended that invitation over the weekend. it comes as the white house pushes u.s. lawmakers to strike a deal to secure additional aid for ukraine and israel. the white house says president biden intends to, quote, underscore the united states' unshakeable commitment to supporting the people of ukraine in its war against russia. 5:45 right now. one san francisco filmmaker's passion project is in the spotlight. leslie tai directed "how to have an american baby" that airs tonight on pbs.
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it focuses on underground birth tourism, mothers who travel from china to the u.s. to deliver babies, and it introduces viewers to maternity hotels, the neighborhoods where they're admonly located and the doctors who deliver those babies for cash. the film benefits from unprecedented access. >> that was the main. impetus, to take a controversial story and go behind the headlines of it and really just not try to make something that was an expose or even journalistic in its intent at all, but something more about human stories and just highlighting our shared human experiences. >> she directed, edited and produced the film. after it airs tonight on pbs, it will be available on the pbs website and also on the pbs app. by this time tomorrow, the niners may have officially punched their ticket to the playoffs.
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yesterday at levi's, the team extending its hot streak, winning their fifth in a row. christian mccaffrey set the tone, 72 yards in the first play of the game. the first half was a close one. in the second half, the niners pulled away, george kittle, 44 yard touchdown, made it 28-16, which ended up being the final score. afterwards, quarterback brock purdy talked about trying to keep up the steady pace. >> if we handle business and take it one week at a time, obviously who doesn't want to play as the first seed with home field advantage and all that kind of stuff? so i think everybody in the league knows that. we know that here. like i said, we're taking it one day at a time and everything will fall into place. >> now, the packers play the new york giants tonight. if green bay loses, the niners clinch that playoff spot. next sunday, the niners take on another divisional rival when they travel to arizona. >> i live with a new york giants
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fan. the giants are not going to win. the giants are not winning. a big push is under way across the state to find homes for senior dogs. it comes as many overcrowded shelters are leaving workers with a very difficult division. muttville dog rescue in san francisco, which helps shelter dogs 7 and older get adopted, say they need help right now. dog shelters are overcrowded this holiday season, which means workers are facing the difficult choice about whether to continue with those dogs or to euthanize them, which would be very, very unfortunate. you can find more information on that little face is available for adoption and several others as well. we hopefully can find some of those pets a home. since last week, the shelter brought in 50 dogs, believe it or not. they did find homes for 33 of them, but they still have a few
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more. perfect, a nice home, they're already calm, already potty trained. talking to you, marcus. >> i know you are, but i'm just listening. as the local community gives back, one legendary performer is getting everyone in the christmas spirit tonight. >> i got a chance to speak with barry manilow, big honor. he talked about a barry christmas that's going to be tonight. he says he's been doing shows like this on the road for years, and now it's on nbc, as well as streaming, so even more families can watch. he's been performing at the las vegas resort and casino for years. it's a stage where he's very familiar, recently breaking elvis presley's record for the most shows performed there. he's done 637 shows. the legendary performer says it is all about spreading cheer. >> you'll forget your troubles, get happy, you'll forget what's going on outside for about an hour. if i can't make you feel good or
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sad or whatever the song is, then i'm not doing my job. >> it was really nice talking to him. >> i bet. just think of all the songs. >> i know. ♪ her name was lola ♪ >> you can watch tonight at 10:00, and it's going to be available on peacock tomorrow. >> i had my girls listening to that song one time when they were little and i can remember the feathers, and they were like, oh, my god, this is about murder. oh, sorry. 5:0 right now. the bay area buddhist temple is preparing for a new year by making a lot of mochi. >> the mountain view buddhist temple kicked off mochi yesterday. volunteers gathered to shape more than 1,600 pounds of japanese rice cakes, and they had a really tough taskmaster in the hat.
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that was mike. mochi can be used in sweet and savory dishes and it's a tradition that dates back more than a thousand years. >> my parents used to come and i would come with them. i'm the second generation to come. it's a lot of fun. >> this is really an opportunity for us to bring the community together, which is fantastic, because as you can see behind me, we have multiple generations from little kids to their grandparents, all coming together. >> each december the temple sells the mochi it makes, and there might still be some if you're looking. mike is telling us yes. look at the guy on the right, that's mike. that's how he gets all of his muscles. you were there to work, you were not messing around. >> i'll tell you, behind the scenes, a peek behind the scenes, it is very hard work, there's also all skill levels and size levels. right there, just before you saw me pounding there, i did this to
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a guy named mitch and said, let me pound. i did it and then daniel says, okay, we're done. >> you're giving away all of our secrets. >> i was just glad he moved his hands out of the way just in time. you had a system. >> you have to earn each others' trust. >> that's a lot. you were sore? >> yeah, i'm sore this morning even just for that little bit. there were folks there who were pounding for about, off and on, for about six hours. >> oh, that looks really cool. >> there are machines that do a lot of the heavy stuff, but we still did the traditional method. >> i want to go next year. >> absolutely. we come in later than we do here. it's only 6:00 a.m. >> wow, that's early on a saturday. we're going to have some clear weather as you get ready to head out the door. i'm taking you to a live look right now at downtown san jose. christmas in the park, still lit up for you this morning. it's going to be a very cold
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start. some of us are just above freezing. then we're also watching out for along the coastline with some higher than normal tides that will continue over the next several days. looking at the weather for the rest of the week, it's going to be mostly sunny and calm, cold mornings, and then some mild afternoons. we'll be watching out for a chance of rain moving in late this weekend, as our temperatures today reach into the low 60s, which is about normal for this time of year. we're going to see that continue into the next couple of days, and may get slightly warmer in a few of our inland spots, but nothing major changing here, even as we go into the middle of the week. then the storm track remains just to our north over the next several days. it may not be until late sunday into monday we start to see a change in the overall weather pattern that finally brings the jet stream our way, which will drive storms into the bay area and bring us rain. as we run the models way out,
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and of course things can change between now and then, it does show by next week in the middle of the week, we could see about 1 to 2 inches of rainfall and the sierra could get some very beneficial snowfall, but it only looks very light at this point. looking beyond our forecast for today, it's going to be slightly warmer, temperatures headed for the upper 60s, but each morning we're setting those temperatures back down to the upper 30s, and san francisco will see our highs there in the low 60s, and mornings starting out in the mid-40s. >> thanks so much. 5:54 right now. happening now, families in san francisco will have to wait a little longer before they can hit the ice at chase center. thrive city was supposed to open yesterday, opening is postponed because the rink isn't ready yet. officials say construction of the synthetic ice rink has been slow because delays in getting materials they need. the rink is now set to open on wednesday at 5:00 p.m. still ahead on "today in the bay," we follow breaking news out of san francisco where a large fire ripped through a
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duplex. ginger is live at the scene with the rescue that was made and the drastic measure one resident took to escape t took to escape t he
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." nbc bay area responds to an east bay couple that needed a lifeline, with a canceled cruise. >> so they tapped our responds team for some help. chris chmura is on the case, and a lesson if you're ever in the same boat. >> hi, there. let's meet barbie and marty weinstein in pleasanton. they booked a european crews, plus travel insurance, with trip mate. it's a good thing they bought that policy, because two months before their trip a health issue cropped up and they had to cancel. the weinsteins got most of their money back but said trip mate still owed them $4,828. marty couldn't get back the balance, so he contacted us. we contacted trip mate. we didn't get much detail, but it told us there was a simple miscommunication that has since been resolved with the customer directly and any confusion related to the claim has been addressed.
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barbie and marty got two checks in the mail totaling $4,828. our complaint database includes many travel insurance disputes with various companies. sometimes it's an unknown hiccup like the weinsteins, often, though, we find a disconnect between what a policy actually covers and what a viewer thought it covers. we have an easy but boring fix. read the policy before you buy it. if your consumer complaint is stuck in murky waters, tell us about it. scan the qr code on your screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. >> a reminder, you can find that and more on nbc bay area news streaming platforms. we're on 24/7 on roku and the others as well. you can watch live breaking news, news conferences and newscasts whenever you want. breaking news right now at 6:00, an early-morning fire destroys a san francisco duplex, trapping at least one person. we are live this morning with an update on the oig


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