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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 11, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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hi, everyone. good to be with you. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow.
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"nbc news daily" starts right now. today, monday, december 11th, 2023. tornado emergency. new images of sheer destruction after deadly twisters ripped through tennessee. at least six people killed. we're on the ground in one of the hardest hit places. further from peace. israel and hamas face renuld calls for a immediate cease-fire but fighting is intensifying. what it means for the worsening humanitarian crisis and the hostages still held captive. and money bam shohei ohtani signed a big deal. the nominees are. the snubs and surprises from this year's golden globes nominations. thanks so much for being with us.
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>> we're in our nbc news bureau in los angeles today. glad to be with you from l.a. we begin this hour with the cleanup efforts after tornadoes tore through the south. >> first responders say at least six people are dead and at least 60 others are hurt after a string of tornadoes ripped through the region. take a look. some neighborhoods are wind out. >> they're trying to restore power to thousands of people who are still in the dark but that process they say can take weeks. blayne alexander is in clarksville, tennessee, northwest of nashville, you've been talking to people in the community, what are they telling you and what kind of damage do you see? >> reporter: you know, kate, we're seeing a lot of the damage we're hearing more and more for the people who rode out the
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storm. there's no shortage of reminders of just how strong this storm was. you see these and then moments like this, some books that were pulled from the rubble, we're seeing these very small reminders of the lives that were upended. someone was excited when she saw a suitcase, some high school artwork being pulled from the rubble, so while people are going through and certainly trying to fig you out how to start the process of process of rebuilding their lives, they're taking the keepsakes. right here in this room height here, this room, that's where their three children. he happened to be outside, right here, he made a decision he was going to get kids put them in the car and try to outrun the
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storm, all of them survived. here's what his wife said. >> i'm just glad he reacted the way he did. got our kids out of the house and ran out. if he wouldn't have been outside and seen the storm coming it would have been completely different. >> reporter: so this the truck that he was working on, this is piece of metal that has blown through the side of the truck. he said in many ways he believes that the truck and his quick-thinking saved their lives that day. guys. >> wow, really striking images and great reporting. let's go overseas now, israel said it has secured the heart of gaza city as fighting with hamas intensifies across the gaza strip. meanwhile in the israeli
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occupied west bank, schools, banks and shops closed down as part of boycott calling for a cease-fire in gaza. conditions are so bad in gaza right now they say the health system is collapsing. hallie jackson in tel aviv for us. earlier today, people scrambled to pick up what was left behind by a truck. they're saying hamas is taking some of the humanitarian aid meant for civilians. >> reporter: some of these images you're referencing here we've seen again and again, it's haunting, people scrambling to grab food off of trucks, as you see here, people lining up by the thousands at distribution centers in gaza to get some kind of food. in many instances they're starving. according to estimates we're getting from international aid organizations saying half of gazans are going hungry at this
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point. it's getting a breaking point. trying to put into words how dire the situation is. we've heard this from secretary of state blinken who's been very careful to talk about u.s. support for israel in this war, that position has been consistent but over the past couple of days and then just recently talking what he sees as a gap as the suggestion that israel could potentially do more to allow aid corridors to allow that aid to get through or more clear delineation of what safe spaces exist for these innocent civilians in gaza can get. this israeli ground offensive is continuing, kate. >> hallie, qatar's foreign minister said the country is trying to help facilitate hostage release negotiations again, where do those talks
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stand? >> reporter: at a stand still, i think it's fair to say, kate, based on what we have heard from qataris. they're the critical go-between, the key player here in these potential truce negotiations, that's what we saw the last go-round essentially when we saw dozens of hostages freed, and the palestinian prisoners in israel freed as well. qatari's foreign minister said that both sides don't have the willingness to come to the table here. that's difficult, incredibly difficult for some of the people who we're talking with on the ground. >> such a difficult situation. hallie jackson, thank you so much. one of the hostages released after become held in hamas captivity for about two weeks said it's urgent now to get
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those still in gaza out as quickly as possible. she spoke to our richard engel at this point every second that passes is even more crucial. >> there was a cease-fire, a truce, and dozens of hostages got out. how concern are you about the ones who didn't get out and why? >> translator: time is limited for life. when you're over there the lack of air in the tunnels as well as the shortage of food and medicine, could bring people to complete exhaustion and they just won't make it. they need to get out today, otherwise they won't live. >> you can see more of richard's reporting tonight on nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. here in the u.s., a group of faculty members at harvard have signed a petition use the university's governing board to allow the current president of harvard to keep her job,
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following pressure from donors and others calling for president claudine gay to resign after a contentious capitol hill hearing last week featuring dr. gay and the presidents of m.i. tichlt and u penn. after that congresswoman elise stefanik posed on social media, one down, two to go. george, college presidents were asked for the genocide of jewish people was a violation against the code of conduct. >> reporter: just moments ago, according to harvard newspaper, the harvard alumni association executive committee issued a letter to the harvard corporation, the top governing bord there, supporting claudine gay to remain president of harvard, following that 650
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faculty letter expressing support for dr. gay to stay on as well. so far the president of m.i.t., not a lot of dialogue, the corporation there, the governing board has expressed support for their president to stay onboard. you have some student groups still voicing their concerns that not enough was done during that hearing and more damage than good was done when they responded to those critiques about genocide as it relates to antisemitism, so, right now, at least at harvard it appears that dr. gay's job is safe but some of those governing boards, meetings are still being held. >> george solis, thank so much. time now for today's money minute. major telehealth company known for teeth aligners is shutting
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down. smiledirectcluck is shutting down less than three months after filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company served more than 2 million customers over a nearly a decade. federal court jury is poised to begin deliberations in the google antitrust trial that focuses on whether google illegally overcharged consumers and hinder innovation in order to profit from the google app store. and the federal trade commission is warning the public against scanning old qr codes due to security and privacy concerns. the ftc suggess ignoring unexpected messages and ignore the url that pop up.
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the warning is given. i'll be very careful going forward. >> okay, good to know. coming up, we'll go inside the shadowy world of counterfeit pills. how big pharma is fighting back. plus, what michigan's governor is saying about protecting abortion rights in that state. ♪♪ somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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michigan's governor just signed a bill that expands abortion access in that state. >> the bill repeals a state mandate that required people to buy additional insurance coverage for the proed sao your. the texas woman's legal battle for an emergency abortion intensifies. . the texas supreme court overruled a lower court and is blocking her from getting an abortion. that woman now says she'll leave the state of texas. let's start with julie tsirkin. this new law is very personal for governor whitmer. you spoke with her earlier today. >> reporter: a full circle moment for governor whitmer. ten years ago in 2013 she was in
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the state senate trying to prevent that bill that you just talked about from becoming law, that effort was unsuccessful but she shared her own personal story of rape, something she told me today that she has never shared before that moment and it was so important for her to put a face to some of what women go through when it comes to this law. a handful of states, close to a dozen around the country have this on the books, the same law that whitmer signed, it does require women to have elected insurance, additional insurance if they're to get the abortion procedure without any exceptions for women who have been raped, because you need to have this insurance before a situation arises in which you need an abortion procedure. i talked to whitmer about the reproductive rights conversation around the country. michigan codified the right to
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reproductive freedom. she said though on the national level democratic leaders need to make the conversation front and center about abortion in part because we're seeing what's happening right now to kate cox, that woman in texas. democrats on the national level, whether president biden has to do more to talk about the issue to keep reproductive rights front and center especially when it comes to 2024, she told me solely within their ability to make a decision that's right for them. whether they live if texas or michigan or maine or montana. >> now she told me that list of democrats on the national level that should be more forceful when it comes to this issue includes the current president, president biden, who she supports the re-election of in
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'24. >> julie, thanks so much. let's turn back to texas now, where that pregnant woman's battle to get an emergency abortion. >> kate cox, 20 weeks pregnant, said she'll leave the state to get the procedure. late on friday the state's supreme court ruled that she can't have the procedure despite a judge granting it. cox said continuing the pregnancy puts her health and fertility at risk. laura jarrett is following this for us. laura, interestingly texas state law has an exception when the mother's health is at risk, why is kate cox unable to have this procedure in texas. >> it has that exception on the books, her lawyer would said it's quite a narrow exception in practice, this is a woman who has been to the emergency room four times in just the last month and that's just what we know about, they talked about the complications that she's been having, cramping, strange
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fluids, essentially her lawyer she didn't have any more time to wait. citing her deteriorating health condition as reason for leaving the state of texas. she simply can't afford to wait any longer according to her lawyers. >> laura, i know the center for reproductive rights put out a statement about kate cox's leaving the state of texas. could cox file an additional suit against the state for compelling her to have to leave, compelling her to seek care elsewhere? >> that would be hard road to go she doesn't have the same legal hook when she's no longer pregnant. what made her case so unusual compared to others, she's currently pregnant. time is of the essence. now she says she'll continue
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this lawsuit because it's one that can be capable of repetition, she wants to get pregnant again, we'll see where this goes, right now she'll get the procedure somewhere else, but the lawsuit in texas will continue. >> laura, do you think we'll see more people take similar action like kate cox. >> yes, i do. a woman if texas eight weeks pregnant is suing in a similar vein, guys. >> thank you. coming up, back if court. what the air force is now revealing about the suspect behind a classified couples leak. you're watching "nbc news daily". remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems
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made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at we know that potty training can move to its own rhythm. and pull-ups has refastenable sides for changing that's easy as it gets, so they don't miss a note. ♪ i'm a big kid now. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those
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with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. good monday, everyone. this is the fast forward. frustrated parents and students in one north bay school district are speaking out about a recent string of violent events and now the district is responding. bob is at santa rosa's montgomery high with more. >> there are about 70, perhaps 80 parents and students, some teachers as well. they're outside montgomery high school here in santa rosa holding signs that read safe schools now. they are demanding the school district do more to keep the
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children safe on campus. this is after a number of high profile incidents including a stabbing death here this year and a lockdown at a middle school this week. starting today, police will have an officer at the high school. you can see one officer arrived here at montgomery earlier this morning. the officers will also be doing check ins at the middle schools. the district requested this extra security out of quote an abundance of caution for the next couple of weeks. >> there's been some temporary solutions when the big things happen then the focus goes somewhere else. it changes. >> do you feel safe going to montgomery in spite of what's happened here and other campuses in the district? >> i think it's different day-to-day. some days, i feel safe. some, i don't. >> the latest incident happened last tuesday. it led to a lockdown at herbert slater middle school. police say a student tried to assault another student with a knife. this happened on campus. officials reportedly located the
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weapon along with marijuana in the back pack. that student was arrested and two others were arrested. late last month, a 14-year-old was stabbed on the campus of santa rosa high school. he was taken to the hospital and released. all this follows that deadly stabbing on montgomery high school's campus last month. a 16-year-old died after a fight broke out in an art class. the 15-year-old suspect said he was defending himself and authorities did eventually clear him of manslaughter. the victim's family is now suing the school district. this upcoming wednesday, the district leaders plan to discuss safety on campus at their regular school board meeting. nbc bay area news. >> thank you, bob. here's some other stories you need to know about. skaters in san francisco will have to wait a little bit long r before they hit the ice.
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the local foundation is working to feed families but first, bay area football fans, the niners red hot. they now hold the top spot in the nfc after beating seattle yesterday. final score, 28-16. philadelphia eagles were just a number one seed last week are now five after losing to dallas yesterday. the glide foundation is working to feed families for the holidays. workers and volunteers at the center in san francisco are filling thousands of bags of groceries today. this is video from the event last year. the foundation will distribute the bags this week at its annual holiday glide on the go give away. we have an update on the skating rink near chase center. it was supposed to open yesterday but was postponed because the rink isn't ready. officials say the construction has been slow because of delays in getting the materials they need. the rink is now set to open on wednesday at 5:00 p.m. winter is officially here. it is chilly outside with highs
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today peaking in the low 60s. kari hall breaks it down in our forecast. >> our temperatures back up to what we saw over the weekend with a lot of sunshine and reaching into the low 60s for much of the peninsula into the east bay. north bay highs in the low to mid-60s and some of the warmest air will be 66 in san martin and that's about it. we'll also repeat it tomorrow and then we go into the middle of the week with warmer south county temperatures reaching into the upper 60s and morgan hill and san martin, but those highs in the east bay will still be in the low 60s as we can see more in the way of fog developing in some of the valleys. as we go throughout the week, it looks dry for now but the extended forecast may include rain. i'll show you that coming up in about 30 minutes. >> thanks, kari. and here's the way to enjoy the holiday or ensure those less fortunate receive some holiday cheer. this week, oracle park is
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try for under $5! hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. are so much the stories making bottom of the hour now, here are so much the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily."
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special counsel jack smith is asking the supreme court to immediately decide whether former president donald trump has immunity from prosecution for his actions seeking to overturn the 2020 election. trump is accused of inflating the value of his assets and properties. he's denied any wrongdoing. a massive 52-foot whale washed up on a san diego beach over the weekend. firefighters and police officers gathered all around the whale sunday morning, lifeguards attempted to tow the whale back out to sea, it didn't work, it's unclear how the whale died. a newly released report details a harrowing rescue in california, a hiker was trapped for seven hours with his legs stuck under a massive boulder last week.
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rescuers eventually got him out using ropes, pulley and a helicopter. a new investigation from the air force inspector general said that 21-year-old air national guardsman act aid loan when he allegedly leaked classify td documents earlier this year. he pleaded not guilty in june after being indicted on six federal courts. the air force has disciplined 15 other people. let's bring in courtney kube. it's been a while since we talk about this story, it was a big one, remind us of jack teixeira. >> it unfolded over months, that was the fact that this young airman, jack teixeira, was accused of leaking a treasure drove of documents over the course of weeks, to the scale that at first we didn't know how much it was, but as you mentioned, we've seen video and still photos of him being taken
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into custody, he's been indicted on six counts of leaking classified information defense secrets in public forum. what the air force found in their investigation is that he acted alone, and in fact there's no evidence that any of his seniors, any people around him knew that he was leaking this information but they also paint a picture of a command that did not take care with classified information, that there was some sloppy procedures that they detail in this report and as part of that, at least 15 people at that command have been held accountable, some with nonjudicial punishments and others being removed from their jobs, fired from their jobs. >> courtney, this investigation is separate and apart from the criminal case against teixeira, right, what's next in that, in his trial and is there a chance that he could ever serve again in the military? >> still no date set in that
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trial the evidence, you know, legal officials, legal experts believe that the evidence against him is pretty solid. so, the chances of him being completely exonerated and ever serving in the military again are very low if not zero, kate, but we don't know when he's going to go to trial. this is complete separate from this air force investigation. it was looking at the procedures at that base. kate. >> okay, courtney, thanks. in washington the jury has been seated in defamation trial for former trump attorney rudy giuliani what was brought by two georgia election workers. a judge has ruled that giuliani defamed the election workers. giuliani admitted to making false statements. not only the legal problem that giuliani is facing right now. here to break it down is ken
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dilanian. can you walk us through what this case specifically focuses on? >> reporter: this is going to be remarkable moment, the former white hat prosecutor and major of new york who took down the mob and then led the city after 9/11, being hauled into a d.c. courtroom to account for the lies that he spread. in particular about these two election workers in atlanta, and mr. giuliani made very specific false allegations against them that caused them a lot of turmoil and backlash and threats in their lives and they're going testify at this trial and so will mr. giuliani we're told, he'll try to put in perspective these comments that he has acknowledged that are false, no good news for rudy giuliani, only sheds of bad news, that $43 million only compensatory damages there could be punitive damages in this case as well,
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and this is of course one of many legal problems that rudy is facing right now. >> ken, let's dig into those, what other legal troubles, challenges is he facing right now? >> reporter: of course he's been indict maryland the georgia case, he has a criminal problem there as part of that sprawling racketeering case into election suppression in the state of georgia, he's also being sued by dominion voting systems and is he being sued business his former assistant who claims he sexually assaulted her. he's in deep financial trouble. one former lawyer is suing him for unpaid legal bills. it's an incredible down fall really for someone who at one point was considered a heroic mayor. >> ken dilanian, thanks so much.
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now to an investigation about criminals who tamper with life-saving prescription drugs. in just one sophisticated scheme hundreds of millions of dollars were stolen to sif phone off profits from big pharma and here's contessa brewer with a cnbc investigation. >> reporter: at the casino cage, wads of cash in hand, the security camera captures a real player, a larger than life gambler. luxury boats, he fashioned himself as a high-flying, high-roller. turns out, he was a master mind of a $230 million drug counterfeiting operation. these thousands of bottles were originally prescribed and filled for patients, now they fill in an everyday room in northern california, every single bottle
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was discovered in a complex criminal drug diversion scheme. >> we're playing a game of whack a mol. >> reporter: she oversees global product security at gilead. drugs at the center of her hernandez's fraud. >> 80,000 of bottles were entered into the supply chain. >> what would those bottles be worth. >> $230 million. >> reporter: a patient fills a prescription for a medication worth several thousands dollars, but turns out and sells it for a fraction of that in cash, the buyer known as anning a regator removes the patient's information, alters the bottle and then sells it to wholesale
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distributor. the same bottle re-enters the supply chain. this bottle doesn't contain pills. >> all they need to do is make the sale and that's what they care about. >> reporter: this man, who agreed to an interview if we concealed his identity, it was easy to persuade patients to sell their bottles. >> they'll forego the medication, they won't take the medication. >> they won't take the medication. >> reporter: license distributors buy fromming a regators sell to the pharmacies and give the scene of legitimacy. they're a critical cog in this scheme. the distributors have relationships with thousands of independent pharmacies across the nation. an assistant special agent in
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charge at health and human services office of inspector general. the pharmacies on the receiving end of these diverted prescriptions, do they know? >> some do and some don't. medicare pays out to pharmacies a lot of money for these drugs because they are expenexpensive. >> reporter: this hidden camera video hasn't been seen in public, shot by an undercover informant, it shows a woman, her husband and son claiming prescription pill bottles in a south florida apartment. >> the individual in the white shirt in the middle, you can see what it appears to be lighter fluid, he's using that lighter fluid, a harsh chemical to clean the bottle and remove the pharmacy prescription label. >> reporter: have sued distributors and pharmacies throughout the country, investigations and litigation is still unfolding. these three were convicted.
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his jet-setting days ended abruptly this year. he mrd guilty to conspiracy charges related to distributing mislabeled drugs. he's serving a 15-year prison sentence. >> that was contessa brewer reporting. . wholesale distributors have escaped any kind of responsibility, none have been criminally charged, though the ceo of one based in brooklyn was indicted in june. prosecutors say he then resold it to pharmacies. he has pled not guilty. his attorney declined to comment to cnbc. coming up, shohei the money. the $700 million man right here in los angeles. but first, time for today's
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daily snapshot, this view in kuwait. look at that. the landmark towers. in kuwait city. that's a beautiful photo. historic towers are a symbol of modern kuwait giving people a panoramic view of the
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one of the biggest names in baseball is on the move for the most lucrative contract this sport has ever seen, shohei ohtani has landed with the los angeles dodgers for a reported ten-year $700 million deal. >> big bucks. that means the japanese star stays in southern california after becoming an all-star as both a pitcher and a hitter for the l.a. angels. for those of us who don't follow baseball closely, get us to speed here, show us why ohtani is so unique in this situation. >> no player like him. the best comparison you can have babe ruth, simply because he can hit and he can pitch. shohei ohtani, he racks about 20 steals a year.
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greatest player that anyone has ever seen. he's put together two mvp years. i mean, it's insane. really i think a lot of what that number you listed goes beyond what he brings to the field, it's the international marketing that's attached to his name the advertising dollars that come in, he's a congress lom rate on to himself. it will be interesting to see because he's dealing with an arm surgery, he won't. able to pitch next season, interesting dynamics at play here with just how able he'll be to be that insanely great two-way player. we'll see what he does next year. >> how does that $700 million stack up to other big figures we've seen in baseball? >> i mean the next highest was
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shohei's teammate mike trout. and you know, that's higher than anyone else. really we're talking the other upper echelon players are $300 million, shohei has pretty much lapped everyone, this is double what you're seeing across the league for superstar players. so much of that is what he brings so much beyond just playing baseball. >> sounds like he's worth the money. sam, thanks so much for joining us the strikes in hollywood are over and now the awards season is officially back in the swing in the golden globes nominees were announced earlier today highlighting best in tv and film. there were some notable names left off the nomination list,
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too. chloe melas, let's start with the nominees here, who dominated. >> reporter: first of all, it's all barbie himmer at the golden globes. barbie, no musicals nominated in that category. oppenheimer nominated for best drama behind with eight let's not forget barbenheimer grossed over $200 million globally. these were the two movies to see. when it comes to tv, succession had such a big final season, that leads the way with nine nominations on the tv side. the bear with five. and you know when it comes to the snubs, you're right, there were a few, i want to point out
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that viola davis wasn't nominated this year for her acclaimed performance in "air." and "the color of purple." nominated in actor categories, not nominated in the best picture category, same with wonka and the little mermaid, again, lot of people wondering, why are these musicals not nominated in the musical category, right, that's something to wonder about. >> okay, so if people have a little extra time this holiday season, what should they be watching on the list? >> i just saw killers of the flower moon the other night, i loved it. same with oppenheimer, again a long movie but it's something to watch. last year obviously when it comes to awards seasons, there's always some controversy, last year there were no female
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directors nominated, this year greta gerwig was nominated for directing barbie. but i do think if you haven't seen barbie or oppenheimer, those are the two movies i think are going to be dominating this awards show. i love succession, if you have time to binge all of those seasons, so, so good. other people are talking about jennifer aniston and other nominations this year for their role in the morning show, but you know what, we'll look and see what the oscars hold. >> we'll look and see. i'm wearing my purple for a reason, the color purple. thanks for watching. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression thanks for watching. >> you're feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i,
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>> what we realize is that probably mental health issues that were already there became even more exacerbated. we know here in the bay area, the high cost of living is really displacing families who have been part of communities for such a long time. so what we're seeing is young people who are unhoused or don't have stable housing and that really provides a barrier and creates a barrier for them to become and think about their future. >> some of the programs they offer are workforce development, high school equivalency testing preparation and a six month internship program. chilly weather, but mostly clear skies for the bay area. in san francisco though, we could see rain on the horizon. here's kari hall with our seven day forecast. >> our temperatures for today reach into the upper 60s and we'll continue to see highs in the mid to upper 60s over the next few days and we're staying
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dry although there may be a few more clouds coming in by the end of the week and look at our mornings. each and every day starting out in the upper 30s and low 40s. a look at san francisco shows more of the same weather pattern with very cool mornings and mild afternoons. about normal temperatures for this time of year. but by the end of the week, we may be tracking scattered rain in the forecast as some bigger storms may be coming our way for next week. we'll be once again keeping you up to date on that as rain chances start to go up by the end of the weekend. >> thank you so much, kari. we'll be back i we'll be back i n
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where's your mother? ahh! that is not your mother. stay close to me and everything will be alright. [ gasps ] [ gulp ] oh, i'm ok. she was smitten. she really went all out for him.


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