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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 12, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. right now at 5:00, making a plea for help. you can president volodymyr zelenskyy heads to capitol hill, requesting u.s. lawmakers once
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again fund his fight against russian forces, as the money remains in congressional limbo. we're live in washington with more on the make-or-break moment. planes, trains and automobiles. aaa predicting the busiest holiday travel season ever. the new record-breaking numbers and the best days to travel. plus, the fog returns. meteorologist kari hall is tracking where visibility might be tricky as you hit the roads this morning for your commute. this is "today in the bay." i experienced that fog coming in on this tuesday morning. >> lucky you. >> i get all the luck. good morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. clear skies for me. >> good for you. >> maybe marcus will share. for a lot of people, the fog is hovering just above the trees and the roadways. >> that's the thing, i'm just not tall enough. >> that's what it is.
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>> marcus' head is in the clouds. >> most days. [ laughter ] >> we're starting out with mid-40s right now in walnut creek. it's still a cold morning. we're feeling temperatures mostly in the low 50s for now. once again, we are seeing some patches of fog drifting around, the worst of it in the north bay, where visibility is down to about a quarter to a half of a mile, and then even coming through parts of the tri-valley, 580, just in an instant that visibility drops off. so watch out for that as you get ready to head out this morning. once again, it's still a cold start, with temperatures in the upper 30s in livermore where it's clear, but then as you go into the fog, temperatures are right now in the low 50s. i'll be tracking that for the morning commute. mike, that also may have people turning on their windshield wipers. >> like at the richmond-san rafael bridge, up until a few second ago we had droplets on the lens. so while visibility for these
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drivers is fine, there may be mist and drizzle and patchy, dense fog. right in this area you see the shroud of fog right above the road. we see that registering on the road weather index. the yellow indicates it's tougher to see along highway 37, 101, coming toward san rafael. south, things are moving better, but there is still cloud cover in oakland. back to you. >> thank you. in just a few hours, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will visit the u.s. and lawmakers on capitol hill. >> you may recall that he met with congress a year ago to underscore the need for u.s. support for ukraine in its war against russia. his message today will likely be similar, but the mood in washington is much different this time. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live in washington. brie, there's certainly a lot at stake here. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, laura, marcus. today's high-stakes meetings with president zelenskyy will take place against the backdrop of a divided congress. lawmakers are struggling to reach a deal that would provide
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much-needed aid to ukraine and tackle other priorities as well. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy on u.s. soil, fighting to secure more funding to help ward off russia's attacks. zelenskyy taking his message to capitol hill today with a warning. >> if there's anyone inspired by unresolved issues on capitol hill, it's putin and his sick click. >> reporter: lawmakers are in a bitter battle of their own. at the center, aid for ukraine. some republicans insist on accountability for funds already sent to the war-torn country. they also want tougher restrictions at the southern border where illegal crossings hit a record high. >> when it comes to keeping america safe, border security is not a sideshow, it's ground zero. >> if republicans keep insisting
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on donald trump's border policies, then they will be at fault when a deal for aid to ukraine is real and humanitarian aid to gaza fall apart. >> reporter: lead negotiators doubt a deal will be reached for the holidays. >> there's no way to get it done this week. do we stay next week or does this move into early january? >> reporter: the white house is expected to get more involved in talks this week. there's hope zelenskyy's visit could sway the outcome. >> ukraine will fight. >> reporter: as remaining funds for ukraine dwindle, the clock is ticking for congress to act. and president zelenskyy will meet with president biden later this afternoon. president biden last hosted zelenskyy at the white house back in september, when the two leaders also had to make the case for continuing aid to ukraine. back to you. >> we'll see how the meeting goes. thank you. here is a live look in gaza, where about 1.9 million people
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have been displaced. fighting continues in the north, but safe humanitarian zones in the southern region are shrinking. the world health organization says gaza's health system is collapsing. today united nations is holding a general assembly to vote on calling for an immediate cease-fire to the violence. officials speaking with nbc news say it is unlikely the biden administration can secure another pause in fighting. this all comes as the fighting is expanding to the red sea, where today a cruise missile hit a norwegian commercial ship, which is reportedly en route to israel. houthi fighters from yemen fired the shot. now, the group has warned that it will target shipping companies that are cooperating with israel in a show of support for palestinians. recently, u.s. warships have shot down several houthi missiles. in the bay area, palestinian supporters appear to be expanding on an apparent mission to ensure each local legislative body issues a resolution demanding a middle east cease-fire. at least two, richmond and
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oakland, already have. the council of american islamic relations is calling on residents to attend several meetings scheduled for today, including five that you see here on your screen. last week, supporters showed up at council meetings in places like san francisco, san jose, hayward and berkeley. berkeley leaders have contemplated introducing a resolution, but so far there's been no debate. now activists are organizing a new rally to try to kickstart the conversation. that is planned for 5:00 p.m. santa clara county supervisors weigh in on the use of unleaded fuel in airports. they enacted a leaded fuel ban at the airport in response to neighbors' health and safety concerns. supporters say two bills now working their way through congress may undo that work, requiring leaded fuel to be offered at all public airports. today supporters plan to debate a resolution opposing those
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bills. they are still on track to close entirely by the year 2031. if you're taking off during the holidays, you're not alone. in fact, the holidays this year are likely to be the busiest on record at the nation's airports and the roads will be more crowded as well. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live at sfo this morning. i know a lot of folks are looking for ways to save time. i understand you have some tips for us to keep in mind once we hit the road or the skies. >> reporter: that's right, marcus. good morning to you. sfo is already dressed up in red and green, ready to greet all those people who are expected to take to the skies this holiday season. but we were just talking, josh and i, our photographer, about how you can actually save time when you're traveling through the holidays. does it even really make a difference? later today we're going to hear from tsa. they're going to be talking about what pre-qualified tsa
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check-in people are allowed, because if you take your california i.d. and you sign up for the pilot program, the mobile i.d. program, you can put your i.d. on your wallet and that is now going to be accepted at sfo, as well as san jose's mineta airport. that's supposed to take time down during the holiday rush when people are checking in. speaking of all this busy travel, aaa has its projections for this holiday season to be one of the busiest since aaa began tracking travel in 2000. they project this year to be the secondest travel forecast with 115 million americans expected to travel over christmas and new year's. specifically for air travel, aaa projects this year will beat 2019's record and go up to 7.5 million people, flying through the skies between saturday, december 23rd, and new year's day. >> many people fly over the holidays who either have never
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flown before or who fly very infrequently. they need extra time through security. so be patient, get there ahead of time. if you can reserve airport parking ahead of time, even better. and avoid checking a bag. aaa always advises that. >> reporter: if you can't travel light enough, maybe driving to your destination this holiday is an option. but beware, because 104 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more, so the roads are expected to be busy as well, especially the saturday before christmas and the saturday before new year's day. now, during this time we're told we're going to see a mix of commuters because not everybody has vacation off during that time, as well as people who are traveling for the holidays, especially on that thursday, december 28th. that's going to be a busy day because that's a day when people are either working or many people are wanting to leave town for new year's eve or coming
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back from their christmas travels. so a lot going on there. if you are hitting the roads, a projected 108 million drivers are expected to be on the roads. that's also another second highest record since 2019, so we're really hitting those pre-pandemic levels, a bit of a silver lining for those hitting the roads is that gas prices are expected to hit the national average of $3.10, or maybe even lower here in the bay area we're well above that. maybe that means a little bit of extra savings for us gas-wise. >> savings here, savings there, i'm traveling everywhere. thank you. and make sure you stick around, because consumer reporter chris chmura is going to delve into how can you make tsa -- how you can make those tsa reservations ahead of your flight home. that full story is coming up at 5:25. maybe you're staying right here in the bay area. taking a live look at where we're tracking a foggy morning across much of the bay area. kari has a look at that forecast
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for us. >> we're starting out with a live look in san francisco, and what we're seeing for a lot of spots, that fog is hovering, but for the most part it's just above the roadway in many spots. and so the visibility is a bit low, but not too bad for now. so if you're heading out early, not a bad commute for you. temperatures in the low 50s. we will have a cool start to the day, eventually that fog will clear out and we'll head for a sunny afternoon. right now in some spots, visibility anywhere from about a half of a mile, and maybe less in a few spots. then as we go into this afternoon, we'll see temperatures reaching into the low to mid-60s, very much like yesterday. we'll talk more about what's ahead. mike has a look at what you can expect at the gas pump. >> prices continue to trend down a couple of cents each day in many spots, like contra costa county. we get in under 4 bucks at a few stops around the county, but the cheapest is $3.97 at concord super stop on willow pass road.
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santa clara has some better deals than this one, but this is sunnyvale's best at $3.99. national petroleum on old san francisco road. and in fairfield, $4.09 on travis boulevard. thank you for sharing these prices on on the roadways, folks are sharing the lanes just fine. there's construction that didn't pick up yet, highway 4 is a little slow toward willow pass road. back to you. >> thanks, mike. cutting down on electric vehicles. ahead, the reason ford is slashing production on one of its pickup trucks. ♪♪ get ready. nicki minaj beginning her pink friday 2 tour right here in the bay area. she plans to show out, of course. we're going to tell you where you can get tickets and when you can get them. keep it right here. ayu're watching "tod
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good tuesday morning to you. we're watching out for low visibility around the bay area. here is a live look outside in san jose. you can see the low clouds there, but as we head toward late morning, eventually it's going to start to clear out and temperatures going from upper 40s to mid-60s later today. nice day ahead. we'll take a look at changes in our weekend forecast in a few minutes. low clouds in dublin as well.
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you see right underneath where it says 580, it's a little tougher to see the cars in the distance. drivers are doing just fine. visibility is just fine. we'll check out the other spots where it's a little tougher drive and i'll explain why coming up. good morning. i'm silvana hanao from cnbc. wall street is set to open higher ahead of a key report on inflation. consumer prices are expected to have cooled again last month and that's thanks to lower prices for gas, cars and other household goods like furniture. analysts believe underlying inflation pressures remain stubborn. yesterday the dow closing at its highest level since january of 2022 and the s&p 500 since march of last year. the federal reserve begins its final policy meeting of the year with the interest rate decision expected tomorrow afternoon. ford will reportedly slash production of the f-150 lightning electric pickup truck by about half next year.
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the move is in response to changes in market demand for electric vehicles. ford will reportedly cut production of the lightning to about 1,600 a week, and that's down from recent plans to make 3,300 a week. ford cut prices for the f-150 this summer by as much as 17% in an effort to gain market share. more than 50% of teens say here on youtube or tiktok almost constantly. a survey finds teenagers' use of sites and apps has changed little in the past year. youtube is the most widely used platform, with 93% of teens saying they use it regularly. tiktok is second, followed by snapchat and instagram. the survey found teen girls are more likely to use apps such as be real, tiktok, snapchat and facebook, while teen boys are more likely to use video games centric messaging and social apps like discord and twitch. >> i just learned something. what is be real?
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>> it's when you send something like right at that moment. >> like a text? >> a photo showing you're real, no filters, no nothing. it's you right now. >> oh, okay. there you go. learn something new every day. 5:18 right now. trending this morning, a rap superstar kicking off her tour right here in the bay area. ♪♪ >> last friday, nicki minaj dropped her new album "pink friday 2" and this is a zelle to her debut album from 13 years ago. nick ma naj just announced her tour for the next year. it's kicking off in oakland on march 1st. presale tickets go on sale at 9:00 a.m. today. sales to the general public starts friday. good luck. >> good luck?
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[ laughter ] >> we saw what happened with taylor and all that stuff. good luck getting the tickets. >> wishing everybody well, kari. >> it feels like monday. >> pink tuesday. >> there you have it. let's get started this morning, it's been really foggy across parts of the bay area. you may have to run through that fog as you're driving to work this morning. so just a heads up that you might want to slow down, allow some extra time to get there. we've seen the worst of the fog in parts of the north bay where it's down to about a quarter of a mile around napa. keep in mind that the sensors are at airports, and of course we're everywhere in between. so you may be driving and suddenly the visibility drops off to less than a half of a mile or a quarter of a mile, and what we have across the bay area is a clear sky. what we see with a clear sky and high pressure, along with calm wind and some humidity on the
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green, the air condenses and creates suspended water droplets and that creates low visibility like a cloud on the ground. that's what we have set up across the bay area this morning, and then with the cool temperatures we're headed for the low to mid-60s this afternoon. it's still going to be like it was yesterday afternoon, where we saw in some parts of the bay area some mid-60s, and then tomorrow it's going to be slightly warmer. in spots like san martin, up to 68 degrees, compare that to the 59 we'll see in livermore. we're also going to go through the next several days with more dry weather, but we're looking at a change in our pattern going into the weekend that could bring a round of rain for early next week. some of our initial runs of the computer models show that we could see a pretty good soaking out of this if this weather pattern holds up, while the sierra is not going to get a lot of snow, unfortunately. but we are going to be watching that going into sunday, as well as monday, and we'll be talking more about that as that storm system gets closer.
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mike, you're still seeing that it's slow in coco county? >> yeah, even though 5:00 caltrans said the crew could clear. they can't clear until everything is done, so westbound highway 4 is still slow approaching willow pass road. the growth in the distance is starting to kick in now that more traffic comes out of antioch and heads toward concord. kirker pass road will get you out of some of the backup but not all of it. a little slowing for highway 84, nothing unusual, the dublin interchange is clear. back to you. >> thank you, mike. so a lot of folks are set to travel for the holidays and you do the checklist, you've made the reservations for the hotel and reserved your flight. >> have you reserved your place in the tsa line? next, our nbc bay area responds next, our nbc bay area responds team shows look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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5:24 right now. if you're flying this holiday season, you might find a huge time and stress saver at your destination. >> outside bay area, some airports, like l.a.x., are trying out a system that lets passengers pre reserve a spot in the security line for free. consumer investigator chris chmura shows us how and where. >> the program we're talking about is called clear reserve, and it's your ticket to bypass the tsa line. here is how. you reserve a time slot in
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advance to clear airport security. when we made this video, clear reserve was available at these 18 airports. sorry, san francisco, bay area, no sfo, sjc or oakland yet. but maybe you can reserve at your destination. let's be clear about clear. it's a company that sells a yearly membership for a quicker route through airport security at lots of airports. but clear reserve is separate. it's free. you reserve it one flight at a time and only at select airports. a clear rep told us the goal of free reserve lanes is to help minimize travel periods in the airport, which creates a better experience for all travelers. i used clear reserve recently in orlando. let me show you how easily it worked. the day before my flight i went to i clicked for you at the top and then reserve. originally i tried to book seven days out, but it wouldn't let me and told me to check back closer to my flight. the website says the booking
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window varies by location. the rest of the process only took about 90 seconds. i shared basic information like my name, destination, my flight number and how many people were in my party. side note, ten is the max. next, clear asked me when i wanted to clear the security checkpoint. i had a 6:00 a.m. flight, so i asked for a 5:00 a.m. slot. within a few seconds, clear emailed me a qr code to bypass the line. on my travel day i showed my code to a rep who directed me to the line. i was first in line, meanwhile, i would say there were 200 people in the regular tsa lane. try to be punctual. clear only holds the spots for 20 minutes after your reservation time. after that, you're back in the regular line. when we made this video, clear reserve was only available at these 18 airports. to see if it's available at your airport, check or the airport's website. you can also ping the airport on social media. most are pretty good about
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responding to passengers. today the debate will rage on in washington about funding for ukraine and israel, but one bay area company is not waiting to see what happens. they are hitting the ground they are hitting the ground running with some help for
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alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪)
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(♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. you know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. get exclusive offers on sewell our companionels. fare is just $99 with the alaska airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you! next time you're the legs! ♪ ♪ we care a lot ♪ it's been pretty bad in terms of taking kids and kidnapping kids. i mean, you've seen it all on
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the news. but that gets real personal very quickly when these are your colleagues. >> right now at 5:30, working to provide mental health help. a bay area tech company providing a new lifeline to children impacted by the war in ukraine. in an exclusive story you'll only see on nbc bay area, the reason the conflict is hitting close to home for one silicon valley ceo. plus, a beloved security guard is shot and killed in oakland. the search for his killer and the changes one convenience store is now making. also, your dirty toilet water may not disappear forever. the new proposal for the state to allow agencies to convert sewage directly into drinking water, and the key vote expected. this is "today in the bay." >> i hope they sell it better than that, the toilet water. >> enjoy your tea and coffee this morning. >> good morning to you all.
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i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. >> let's get a look at that forecast. cool start to the morning, and it was a foggy one for me coming in. >> yeah, some parts of the bay area that fog is rolling through, and we're going to see some low visibility in spots. you might want to get out the door a few minutes early so that you' rushing on the roads out there. we're going to see across the bay area those low clouds just hovering, and, yes, it's another cool start, but not as cool as it has been, thanks to the clouds that are basically acting as a blanket there and keeping our temperatures in the 40s and 50s. right now in napa, visibility down to a quarter of a mile. in between, we've seen patches of fog that may really produce visibility very quickly and then it goes back up. so just seeing it in patches across the bay area this morning. we're watching that. mike, you're saying that it does have an effect on the san mateo bridge. the san mateo bridge is here, and as the low clouds come down, that's fog.
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as the road rises up, it might be foggy for folks rising into the clouds. do use caution. we've seen mist and drizzle and droplets forms on lenses for cameras around the bay. over here, the road weather index shows no problem and we see green sensors. that's great news as you travel. the south bay, the same thing, an easy drive right now. east bay, north bay, definitely spreading out with fog north of the delta and coming across the carquinez bridge. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will meet with congress in hours. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us with more on an announcement you'll see only on nbc bay area. >> reporter: good morning. san francisco-based just answer is set to open a new pediatric mental health center in lviv childrens' hospital. the company shared these
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renderings of what that will look like. the center will be providing a space for hundreds of thousands of children who have been traumatized by the ongoing war between ukraine and russia. recent data shows at least 500 children have been killed and more than 1,000 injured since russia launched its full-scale invasion of ukraine in february of 2022. we spoke with the ceo of just answer, who is traveling to ukraine right now to open that new childrens' center on friday. he said the company is just hoping to make a difference. >> it's teens suffering ptsd and any war-related conditions that are going on. so kids are suffering from that as well because family members and friends are dying or being injured by this terrible war. >> reporter: now, the war has become intensely personal for just answer, which has 260 employees working from ukraine. many employees have been drafted
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and some have volunteered to fight, and that made this effort especially personal, creating an unwanted connection and putting a face on the toll of this war. >> we have lost one of our employees last october, and are really fighting to keep as many of our folks safe over there as possible. >> reporter: he says the company and its employees really hope that congress will move forward with more aid for the country. we know that conversation is happening today. the company recently opened a similar mental health facility for adults. donations for both facilities can be made at we will post that link on our website, as well as our social platforms. of course, you can find us at >> thanks so much, kris. 5:35 right now. friends and customers are mourning the recent death of a security guard shot and killed at an east bay 7-eleven. a memorial is growing outside
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the store on harrison street in oakland. that's where last friday police say a gunman shot and killed james johnson as he tried to stop them from shoplifting. last night we spoke with friends who stopped by the memorial to remember him. >> this man was working hard, he has kids, he has grandkids. >> he was changing lives and he was making this 7-eleven a better place for everybody to be in it. >> so far, police have not made any arrests. the store is now closing at 6:00 p.m. to avoid potential dangers in the evening and overnight hours. also in oakland, police are looking for suspects who shot at cars and buildings, leaving several victims injured. this happened near the high school yesterday afternoon. this is citizen app video showing police on the scene. they say they found people who were apparently hit by debris, however no one was hit by the gunfire. pleasant hill leaders are
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responding to major backlash following two recent police standoffs involving the same suspect. the first standoff started last thursday night when police say a former pittsburg police officer, shin liam seachao shot his wife. friday morning his s.w.a.t. team pulled back and left the suspect in his home. then 15 hours later, the s.w.a.t. team returned and another lockdown was called after the suspect shot at police. the suspect surrendered early saturday. yesterday the chief clarified when he lifted the first lockdown, officers were still watching from a distance for hours, and he says that he was taking into account the suspect's history of mental health problems. >> as the chief of police, i never take a gamble with public safety. we make decisions and we make those difficult decisions with the best possible outcome. we chose to use time and it worked, and it ended without
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anybody being killed. >> i just felt like it should have been taken care of immediately, and that's it, and it wasn't. it was stretched out. >> now, also yesterday, pleasant hill's mayor stood by the chief, issuing a statement saying, in part, quote, while events like this are understandably frightening for neighbors and certainly disruptive, i support the tactics employed by the police department. i know this situation created difficulties for the sherman acres neighborhood, end quote. 5:37 right now. to a live look this morning in san jose where there's a new push to expand access to a crisis response program. the program is called trust, and it stands for the trusted response urgent support team. santa clara county employees formed such teams to help stabilize cases without the help of law enforcement, but in most cases subjects must be referred after calling the crisis hotline. supervisors are considering a measure allowing direct line
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access. families who have lost loved ones during mental health crises plan to gather ahead of the meeting. new this morning, wastewater could have a whole new purpose in the next few years here in california. next week the state water resources control board will consider projects for wastewater to become drinking water. if approved, communities could continue creating plans to distribute heavily treated wastewater into communities. santa clara county is considering this type of project. it will be sometime, however, before this water will hit your taps. plans will still need to be approved by the office of administrative law, and that could take a few more years. a popular instagram account in the south bay is working to move families in need forward this holiday season. this year is the third year of the page known as san jose fools, hosting a toy drive. the founders want to collect 30,000 toys to hand out to kids who otherwise might not receive
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gifts. mayor matt mahan is supporting the group, which is also partnering with toys for tots. there are many drop-off locations throughout the city. they say they need help from the community. >> last year we distributed 15,000 toys to kids who might not otherwise receive them. and i know we can come together as a community to do even better this year. >> i always feel like giving is very important. it's definitely one of the main things in my life that i like to do all the time, even when i don't have much. it's meant for everyone. it doesn't matter how much money you make or how little money you make. it's meant for everyone to come and for the kids to see that there's some christmas spirit in the air. >> always great to see. so they'll be handing out those toys next friday. that's december 15th through the 17th, at santa clara county fairgrounds in san jose. now, to get involved or for more details if you or someone you know is in need of gifts this season, go to
5:41 am you can sign up to help during that three-day event. here is a present for niners fans, the first nfl team to clinch a postseason playoff berth. last night the giants kicked beat green bay, and it ensures the niners make the playoffs. we're hoping the niners snare the top seed. the team last night did tweet tickets for a potential home playoff game go on sale today at 1:00 p.m. and yesterday kris was saying it wouldn't happen, but the giants won. >> what? >> her husband is a giants fan, they've been losing all season. so they thought, oh, well, but there you go. i guess it was a happy time in their house for both reasons. take a look at this outside in walnut creek. a foggy start to your tuesday morning. meteorologist kari hall is helping us track our way through all of this fog. so is it going to burn off later today? >> it's going to start to clear out and we're going to see a
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sunny afternoon. where we do have fog, the temperatures are higher, that kind of acts as a blanket. right now in san mateo it's 54 degrees, but compare that to a clear vacaville where it is freezing right now. we're going to have a wide range in temperatures across the bay area. in morgan hill we'll see a partly cloudy sky by late morning, sunny for the afternoon, and headed for the low 60s here today. mike, you're seeing the fog at the bay bridge? >> right around the bay bridge we're seeing fog kind of creep into our shot here. we're also seeing more cars waiting. the metering lights are typically turned on a few minutes before we take this shot and that's what happened this morning. there may be a slower run to the metering lights because of low visibility. b.a.r.t. has let us know they've slowed trains down because of misty conditions, which means potentially damp or wet tracks. we're watching for that. there will be fog and mist on your windshield throughout the areas where we see the yellow index indicating low visibility for the upper eastshore freeway freeway and the north bay.
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we had all lanes clear for highway 4, so we should see good recovery. that will release a lot of traffic into concord and walnut creek. overnight, closure of the posy tube. use the bridges, because underwater you can't get from alameda to oakland until tomorrow morning about this time. >> thanks, mike. a dangerous and deadly drug becoming more common on the west coast. coming up on "today in the bay," the new alert for all health care facilities and the calls for a crackdown at the state level. rejuvenating the nightlife in san francisco, the vote later today that could make it easier for bars and restaurants to bring in liv musice
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the time is 5:45. we're starting out with dense fog in napa. by 8:00, it does become mostly sunny and temperatures will be in the low 40s, headed for the low 60s for today. overall a nice afternoon coming your way. we'll get a look at all of our microclimates and talk about weekend rain coming up. perhaps more fog and lower visibility coming your way as well. a tougher shot here seeing headlights westbound on 580 through dublin. speeds are all right. on the deck you're okay. we'll see how things are changing in other spots with our technology in the traffic center. >> thank you so much. a new warning from state health leaders about the growing
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presence of a tranquilizer drug linked to overdoses. it's xylazine, commonly known as tranq and it's sometimes combined with fentanyl. its effects cannot be reversed with narcan. late last month governor newsom announced new legislation to crack down on use of xylazine. while its presence on the west coast is relatively rare, the state department is issuing new guidance to health care facilities. later today the city of san francisco could give a big boost to its nightlife. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live. we're talking about making it easier for businesses to have live music and entertainment. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, laura and marcus. let's say a bar or restaurant or any business in san francisco wants to amplify live music out onto the streets of san francisco or they want to bring in entertainment outside their business, in, let's say, the parklet or seating out front, those application fees to do
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that, they can run as much as $800. that's through the city of san francisco. later today, the san francisco board of supervisors will vote on whether or not to eliminate those fees in an attempt to help local businesses. san francisco waived application fees for live entertainment permits during the pandemic to help struggling businesses and musicians, but those fees returned when health orders were lifted. >> businesses need all the help they can get. being able to support live musicians and have them continue to play, i think, is critical to the vibrancy of the business and of the neighborhood. >> more people, more bars, more musicians, more art in the city, and art is very important. >> reporter: the head of the golden gate restaurant association says her organization is in favor of the fee waivers and hopes the supervisors pass this measuring
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during their regular meeting later today at 2:00. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> bob, thank you. today, december 12th, marks the feast day of our lady of guadalupe. san jose's catholic community will be among those marking the day. >> the likely celebrations taking place this year at our lady of guadalupe parish. >> good morning. hundreds are gathering to honor our lady of guadalupe and we can see many brought offerings to show their gratitude for her blessings and intervention in their lives. last night there were traditional dancers, musical performances from groups, and of course the traditional dance at midnight. but what makes this celebration special are the personal stories. i had a chance to speak with a mother who was here because she wanted to make sure her faith and traditions get passed down
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to her kids. >> i feel like i'm in mexico and reconnecting with our roots and continuing with those traditions, and i feel proud. i don't think it's just a matter of being religious, i think it's also part of the culture. >> reporter: the celebration is a testament to the hard work and dedication of 150 volunteers over three months. today is a day showing the strength and the spiritual bond between different communities going beyond borders, and we want to remind the catholic community that there will be different spanish language masses here today. reporting from san jose, "today in the bay." >> beautiful, a great celebration. >> that it is. the holiday spirit is certainly strong this time of year and this morning we have a special guest joining us just starting to learn the power of holiday cheer. >> perhaps you recognize him. take a look. >> hi, there, it's the grinch from studios hollywood right here live in whoville.
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hi, there, i just want to wish you a merry christmas. back to the studio. [ laughter ] >> wow! >> that was comforting. >> the grinch there. we should note that our sister nation is owned by comcast, which also owns universal. >> all the whos in whoville. we're getting ready to head to work, not whoville this morning. let's get started. it's a foggy start in parts of the bay area. we're down to quarter mile visibility in parts of the north bay, and we've seen the fog rolling around. during your commute you may hit a wall of fog that reduces visibility very rapidly, and then suddenly it clears up.
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that's what we're seeing in some parts of the bay area. this is more of what we like to call radiation fog because it's clear overhead, we have high pressure aloft and also a calm wind. what happens after a couple of rainfalls is there's a lot of moisture in the ground and that air condenses and we get suspended water droplets that creates dense fog. as far as what's ahead in terms of any more chances of rain, it's been well out in the pacific and gearing towards the pacific northwest, and we've been missing out on some of the significant storms. but things may change as we go into the weekend and early next week. looking at the possibility of sunday into monday rainfall that may linger into tuesday as well, and as of now it does show that we could see some decent amounts of rainfall, which at this point is much needed. but the next few days continue with dry conditions, and highs in the low to mid-60s, even upper 60s for saturday. that day looks really nice. that's probably the day you want to make plans to get outside
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because sunday we'll be watching out for rain that could be moving in. mike, you have a look at the lights on the bay bridge. >> i'm monitoring the metering lights and the headlights and lack of headlights. as visibility gets tougher, it's harder to see on the eastshore freeway. overall, we're okay just below the deck. mist, drizzle, fog, lower visibility likely anywhere north of the bay bridge. as folks are coming down the eastshore freeway, but despite that we have a lighter pattern, slowing for 37. a release from the traffic as they opened the two lanes that were closed overnight at willow pass road. still slow getting to the point, because as they release today traffic late for the pickup, we have the build coming in out of antioch, pittsburg and bay point. this used to be 59 minutes for this stretch of highway 4, so it's improving quite a bit. vasco road slower, perhaps some fog. alameda county deputies are
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asking for your help in locating this teenager. he is 15 years old, he was last seen saturday afternoon at alameda high school. his family want him to come home. deputies say he does not have a cell phone or any money. if you see him, you're asked to contact alameda county sheriff's office. a new warning to families thinking of liberating their goldfish. what starts like this will not stay that way. still ahead, the unusual flood now overwhelming some waterways. then local legislators at odds with the federal government. the new debate fueling concerns leaded gas may soon return to a south bay airport where it was recently banned. keep it here. keep it here. yo
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5:56. welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." trending this morning, rap superstar kicking off her brand new tour right here in the bay area. ♪♪ ♪ coming your way ♪ >> the super bass. yes, last friday nicki minaj
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dropped her new album, pink friday 2, featuring the song you're listening to right now. she just announced her worldwide arena tour for next year, kicks off in oakland at the oakland arena on march 1st. presale tickets go on sale at 9:00 a.m. today. sales to the general public starts on friday. unwanted pet fish, well, they're leaving a huge problem for some natural ecosystems. >> it starts with pet goldfish which people are dumping into waterways. this is what the problem can lead to, enormous goldfish, an invasive species that threaten other species. >> there are asian fishes that have been bred for thousands of years. they're beautiful, and then sometimes they get out of shape and grow too big and cause havoc in the environment. >> experts say if you need to get rid of your fish, you can always rehome it.
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and look into fish adoption. it's a real thing. check in with local vets to see if they can recommend how to humanely break up with your goldfish. >> we'll take care of the fish because we don't have a good record with goldfish. it won't be at our house for very long. >> you can hear more about those giant goldfish ahead coming up on the "today" show. a reminder, you can watch nbc bay area news whenever you would like. we're on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. you can watch live breaking news, news conferences, even repeats of our newscasts. quickly approaching 6:00, and just into our newsroom, san francisco schools getting hit with job cuts. the positions now being lost and why the situation appears so grim. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy heading to capitol hill, calling for u.s. lawmakers to approve a new war funding measure. it's now in limbo. we're live in washington with the mood ahead of this potential make-or-break moment. plus, a live look at sfo
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this morning where holiday travel is expected to shatter all records. some expert tips on how to best navigate those crowds and the best days to fly or hit the road. this is "today in the bay." good tuesday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we'll check that morning commute with mike in just a little bit. let's check the forecast with kari. foggy in some spots. >> really foggy in some areas, where visibility quickly drops off. but we are seeing for most of the bay area, the fog is just above the roadways and we're going to see it shifting and maybe lowering a bit over the next couple of hours. right now we're seeing visibility the worst in parts of the north bay, in napa and novato visibility is anywhere from a quarter to a half of a mile. once again, we may see some spots where it is a lot lower just temporarily, and then it does improve. so just a heads up about that. this is 580 in dublin.


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