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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 12, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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travel is expected to shatter all records. some expert tips on how to best navigate those crowds and the best days to fly or hit the road. this is "today in the bay." good tuesday morning to you. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we'll check that morning commute with mike in just a little bit. let's check the forecast with kari. foggy in some spots. >> really foggy in some areas, where visibility quickly drops off. but we are seeing for most of the bay area, the fog is just above the roadways and we're going to see it shifting and maybe lowering a bit over the next couple of hours. right now we're seeing visibility the worst in parts of the north bay, in napa and novato visibility is anywhere from a quarter to a half of a mile. once again, we may see some spots where it is a lot lower just temporarily, and then it does improve. so just a heads up about that. this is 580 in dublin.
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just a reminder the camera is up higher and at street level at times we are seeing fog moving through, but it is not a steady widespread fog. as we go into the rest of the morning, gradually it's going to clear out and we're going from a chilly start in the mid-40s to highs in the low 60s. mike, you're seeing how this is impacting the commute. >> i think they may have sped up metering lights. i think they were turned on about 5:40, and they probably were slowing down quite a bit because of fog and low clouds in the area. i think they learned they could speed the lights up because the visibility was holding up for the span itself on the bay bridge. you see all this yellow highlighting. all along the eastshore freeway, richmond bridge, carquinez bridge, all getting touched by this fog, through the north bay and toward san rafael. anywhere south of there you're getting low clouds, our view of the roadway is not as good as the view on the roadways. back to you. >> thank you very much.
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just into our newsroom, san francisco schools may be ready to cut nearly 1,000 positions. the "chronicle" reports most of the positions are vacant and it includes teachers, office staff and custodians. it comes to the wake of a $421 million budget deficit. this week is school board is expected to tell the state it may not meet financial obligations through 2026. the superintendent will present the findings at a meeting later today and outline his plan to balance the books. he does say closing schools is not on the table. in hours, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will visit the u.s. lawmakers on capitol hill. you might recall he met with congress a year ago to underscore the need for u.s. support for ukraine amid its war against russia. his message today will likely be similar. the mood in washington much different this time. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson is live in washington this morning. there's a lot at stake here.
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>> reporter: good morning, marcus. ukrainian president zelenskyy is expected to meet with senators in a closed-door session any moment now, and we do know these high-stakes meetings he's having on capitol hill come at a critical time. congress is struggling to reach a deal to provide much-needed aid to ukraine. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy on u.s. soil, fighting to secure more funding to help ward off russia's attacks. zelenskyy taking his message to capitol hill today, with a warning. >> if there's anyone inspired by unresolved issues on capitol hill, it's just putin and his sick click. >> reporter: lawmakers are in a bitter battle of their own. at the center, aid for ukraine. some republicans insist on accountability for funds already sent to the war-torn country.
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they also want tougher restrictions at the southern border, where illegal crossings hit a record high. >> when it comes to keeping america safe, border security is not a sideshow. it's ground zero. >> the president has said, repeatedly said, that we're willing to make compromises. that's what negotiation is about and governing is about. he does believe border security. >> reporter: lead negotiators doubt a deal will be reached before the holidays. >> the question is, are we staying next week or does this actually move into early january to be able to resolve. >> reporter: the white house is expected to get more involved in talks this week. there's hope zelenskyy's visit with lawmakers could sway the outcome. >> ukraine will fight, ukraine will stand. >> reporter: as remaining funds for ukraine dwindle, the clock is ticking for congress to act. and president zelenskyy will meet with president biden later today. the last time that president biden hosted president zelenskyy
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at the white house was back in september when the two leaders also had to make the case for continuing aid to ukraine. back to you. >> certainly we'll continue to watch. thank you. we're also watching what is happening in gaza, with a live look, where about 1.9 million people have been displaced. fighting continues in the north, but safe humanitarian zones in the southern region are shrinking. the world health organization says gaza's health system is collapsing. today the united nations is holding a general assembly to vote on calling for an immediate cease-fire to the violence. officials speaking with nbc news say it is unlikely the biden administration can secure another pause in the fighting. it all comes as fighting is really expanding to the red sea, where today a cruise missile hit a norwegian commercial ship, which was reportedly en route to israel. houthi fighters from yemen fired that shot. the group has warned it will target shipping companies that are cooperating with israel in a
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show of support for palestinians. recently u.s. warships have shot down several houthi missiles. back here in the bay area, palestinian supporters appear to be expanding a mission to ensure each local legislative body issues a resolution demanding a middle east cease-fire. at least two, richmond and oakland, already have. the council of american islamic relations is calling on residents to attend several meetings scheduled for today, including the five you see right here on your screen. last week supporters showed up at council meetings in places like san francisco, san jose, hayward and berkeley. berkeley leaders have contemplated introducing a resolution, but so far there's been no debate. now activists are organizing a new rally in march to try to kickstart the conversation. that is planned for 5:00 p.m. also today, santa clara county supervisors weigh in on the national debate surrounding the use of led fuel at airports. in january, the county enacted a
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leaded fuel ban at san jose's reid-hillview airport in response to neighbors' health and safety concerns. supporters say two bills are now working their way through congress and may undo the work, requiring led fuel to be offered at all public airports. today supporters plan to debate the resolution opposing those bills. reid-hillview is still on track to close entirely by the year 2031. if you're taking off during the holidays, you're not alone. in fact, this year the holidays are likely to be the busiest on record at the nation's airports. this is a live look at sfo. the roads will be a little more crowded as well. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us at the airport this morning, with some important tips to keep in mind. i know a lot of folks are planning to travel and battle crowds this holiday. >> reporter: and every minute counts, marcus and laura, i guess when you're talking about millions of americans that are expected to be in the skies and on the roads this holiday season, every little bit counts. it starts with your california
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driver's license or your i.d., and if you are a tsa precheck eligible traveler, you can take part in signing up for the mobile app from dmv, adding your i.d. to that app. and as long as your tsa pre-check eligible and qualified, you can use that to verify your identity at sfo and san jose's mineta airport during the holiday season. we're going to have more on that with a presser later this morning. but as far as the outlook for this holiday season, it is expected to be busy, since aaa began tracking travel in 2000, they project this year will be the second highest year in holiday travel, with 115 million americans expected to travel over christmas and new year's. specifically for air travel, aaa projects this year will beat 2019's record of 7.3 million air travelers. the new number this year is
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7.5 million people that are expected to be flying through airports between saturday, december 23rd, and new year's day. >> get there ahead of time. if you can reserve airport parking ahead of time, even better. avoid checking a bag. aaa always advises that. >> reporter: now, if you can't travel light enough, maybe driving to your destination this holiday is an option. but beware, 104 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more. so the roads are going to be pretty busy as well, especially the saturday before christmas and the saturday before new year's day. now, that busiest day in the week is expected to be thursday, december 28th, because that's when aaa says there's going to be a mix of people commuting to and from work, or people traveling out of town for new year's eve or coming back from their christmas travels. the silver lining in all of this, with those millions of people on the roads, is that gas prices are expected to be the same as a national average last
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year, which was $3.10 a gallon, maybe even below. here in the bay area, we're well above that national average. but that might still mean that we get to save a little bit, a couple extra cents at the gas pump. >> always like to save something. >> exactly. a little more gifts in the stocking that way. >> thanks, ginger. well, it's clear at least in front of sfo this morning. can you make out this shot? this is actually in dublin this morning. yep, we are tracking yet another foggy morning across much of the bay area. kari is keeping track of all the fog out there and when possibly it could burn off. >> yeah, it's going to take a while. i think through at least 10:00 we'll see the fog drifting around. and it's also keeping our temperatures a bit higher in spots where we are seeing those low clouds. we're in the upper 40s to low 50s, it's at 54 right now in san francisco, 52 in oakland and san jose. as you head out in brentwood, watching out for low visibility.
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by 8:00, it's clearing, and we're in the low 40s, at lunchtime 58 degrees, and reaching into the low 60s. very much like the days we've had recently. our high temperatures are going to reach into the low 60s for napa and upper 60s in some parts of the inland valleys. i'll be tracking more changes coming up. mike has a look at where you can find lower gas prices. >> thanks to all of you contributing to, we have contra costa county, we get in under 4 bucks at a few stops around the area. the cheapest is $4.97 at concord's superstop on willow pass road. santa clara county has some better deals, sunnyvale, $3.99 at national petroleum. in solano county, $4.09 on travis boulevard there. thank you for sharing. on the roadways, lighter traffic is the trend overall for the early commute. it will build after about 7:00.
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the fog really taking effect in the north bay. we have a slower drive kicking in over at the bay bridge toll plaza, richmond bridge, westbound highway 4 is recovering but still very slow after a late pickup for some of the construction work there. fog around the bay, so we are looking at a slower operation for b.a.r.t. trains. they tend to slow it when the tracks are slick. we're looking at a couple of lines replaced for buses this morning for the ferry. check the schedule. there may be a couple of lines between san francisco and sausalito, san francisco and tiburon. our rooftop camera can see down to the roadways, the clouds are above the deck right now. back to you. >> thanks, mike. 6:12 right now. cutting back on electric. ahead on "today in the bay," the major company scaling back production on one of their once highly demanded vehicles. i just hope that they leave with a little bit of peace and joy. >> thousands of lights and one man's love of christmas.
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we'll take you to livermore where the holiday spirit is alive and well. you don't want you don't want
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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good tuesday morning. right now as we step out the door, it's 6:15. we're dealing with low clouds and fog. visibility not too bad right here in fremont, as we take a live look. it's going to be mostly cloudy through about 9:00 to 10:00. the rest of the day the sky is clearing and we're feeling cool
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temperatures. but it will be a mild day. we will see some changes ahead in our forecast for the weekend. we'll talk about rain in a few minutes. over here at the san mateo bridge, oakland shows some low clouds, at the san mateo bridge, low clouds as well. at the high-rise, it may actually be fog because the road rises over there. we're looking at a slower drive because of the volume. we'll also talk about where it's going to affect the speed as well. >> thank you so much, kari and mike. wall street is set to open higher ahead of a key report on inflation. this is a live look at the futures. consumer prices are expected to have cooled again last month, thanks to lower prices for gas, cars, and household goods like furniture. analysts believe underlying inflation pressures remain stubborn. today the federal reserve begins its final policy meeting of the year, with an interest rate decision expected by tomorrow afternoon. ford will reportedly slash
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production of the f-150 lightning electric pickup truck by about half next year. the move is in response to changes in market demand for electric vehicles. ford will reportedly cut production of the lightning to about 1,600 a week, down from recent plans to make 3,300 a week. ford cut prices for the f-150 this summer by as much as 17% in an effort to gain market share. the glide foundation and its volunteers are hard at work packing 5,500 bags of groceries. today is the second day of grocery collecting and packing. each bag filled with the fixings for a holiday meal t. supplies are going into the community tomorrow and this year glide is trying to do something different. it's packing food that's relevant to the cultures of the neighborhoods it's serving. we would like to remind you that our nourishing neighbors program continues from now until christmas day. you can help feed families right here in the bay area.
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all you have to do is donate $10 the next time you're at the checkout. this is at your neighborhood safeway store. a livermore holiday spectacle is back, it's spectacular, and it is drawing huge crowds this year. >> it's a holiday lights display at deacon dave's on hillcrest avenue. he's on staff at nearby saint michael's church, and for 40 years he and dozens of volunteers have put up a display that keeps getting larger and larger, even more spectacular every year. this year it has close to 900,000 lights. kids of all ages can't get enough. >> six trains on the top, and then eight trains on the bottom. >> i personally have never seen anything like this, so we're amazed. they're beautiful. >> the first year of the display in 1982, it had just 2,000
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lights. but the price of admission has always been the same. it's free. >> wow. >> it will be open through january 1st. look at all that work that must go into it. >> so beautiful. >> i was wondering who counted all those lights. [ laughter ] >> whoa. >> i was thinking about the first kid. i'm sure all he wants for christmas is his two front teeth. >> that's bella right now. she does not have any front teeth right now. >> so cute. so we're getting ready for the holidays, maybe we'll check that out. it's going to be still dry for the next few days. but we've had to deal with some fog every now and then and visibility is pretty low as you're heading out. we have seen some spots where the fog and the visibility just drops off rapidly, and then kind of clears up. so just a heads up that you might want to allow some extra time to get to work this morning so that you're not rushing. we're getting what we like to call radiation fog, as we see a clear sky and high pressure aloft, and also a calm wind. the moisture we've had from
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recent rainfall is still on the ground, and as the fog forms, the temperature and the dew point meet and we're seeing a suspended water droplets reducing visibility, especially in the low-lying areas. we're headed for the low to mid-60s today. pretty uniform temperatures around the bay area. tomorrow it's going to be about the same. we may see temperatures ranging from a little bit cooler for those inland valleys where the fog sticks around a lot longer, to some mid to upper 60s in parts of the south county. going ahead, we're once again still dry for the next few days, but this weekend we're expecting a change in the pattern that could finally bring us a significant amount of rainfall. then we start to see the change in the pattern continue through the holidays, with the possibility of storms coming one after another, at least with this first round of rain coming in for next monday into tuesday, we could see in some parts of the north bay about maybe 1 to 2 inches, even possibly higher
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along the coastline. so this is much needed rainfall at this point, as we've been so dry and a lot of the storms we've seen have been weakening and only bringing us light rain each time. our temperatures remain chilly for the next few mornings, in the upper 30s. watching out for visibility issues here and there. as we go into the afternoon, sunshine and highs in the 60s. mike, that fog is hanging around as that commute is building. >> it is. i'm not tracking any major incidents as far as crashes go, but this is the widespread issue, the low clouds and the fog creeping into spots as the volume builds at the richmond side, the toll plaza here. i did get an icon that popped up at the bay bridge. just as i was preparing to come to set, they updated. someone is yelling at somebody else over here, so there's a verbal altercation. i'm sure they're yelling good morning pleasantries. no lanes blocked. that's good news. tougher to see areas north of there, the yellow, the road weather index indicates low
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visibility. tougher than we saw at the richmond toll plaza. you saw the low clouds in the distance there. there's a little build here through sunol, southbound 680, this is about the right time for the volume to build. 680 is smooth coming through walnut creek. here, southbound 880 just showing slowing. we do have lower visibility across the san mateo bridge and that will play a factor. we've seen some brake tapping. north 101, a pretty light backup. there is a disabled vehicle somewhere around oakland road. we'll check on that when chp arrives on scene. >> thank you. our climate in crisis taking center stage in san francisco. up next, the conference bringing hundreds of scientists to the bay area, all aiming to address bay area, all aiming to address look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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welcome back. you're watching "today in the bay." turning to our climate in crisis, today one of the largest climate conferences in the country will kick off in san francisco at the moscone center. the american geophysical union or agu's annual meeting will bring in more than 25,000 scientists, educators, policymakers and communicators. experts share their research to better understand our environment and collaborate on solutions. i spoke with a wildfire expert at penn state, who will be presenting at agu. >> we understand that wildfire
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has different patterns on landscapes, and in some places fires are a natural part of the system and are required to keep the systems healthy. but that's what we're seeing play out. climate is exacerbating and accelerating very extreme fire events, as you will be familiar with, those living in california. and so we're thinking about new strategies of engaging with fire, but to really develop partnerships with indigenous communities who have historically lived with fire in sustainable ways, the two working with fire managers and trying to identify ways of putting fire back in safely through controlled or prescribed burning. >> agu will run from today through the 15th, and you're welcome to attend virtually or in person. we'll post the info on how to register and how you can become a part of coming up with climate solutions. it's on our website,, on our climate
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in crisis page. >> thanks, kari. coming up next, the top stories we're following today, including dirty toilet water. it may not disappear forever. the new proposal for the state to allow agencies to convert sewage directly into drinking water. the key vote that is expected. plus, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will be in washington today asking for more financial aid for the military action against russia. but no matter what our congress says, there's a bay area company that's giving back
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it's been pretty bad in terms of kidnapping and taking kids. you've seen it on the news. that gets personal really quickly when these are your colleagues. >> right now at 6:30, working to provide help. a bay area tech company offering a new lifeline for ukrainian children suffering posttraumatic stress, in a story you'll only see a nbc bay area, the personal connection for one silicon valley valley ceo. pleasant hill's mayor defending his police force. his new response to controversial decisions made by officers in two standoffs involving the same suspect. the fog returns. meteorologist kari hall is tracking some tricky visibility as you hit the roads for your morning commute. this is "today in the bay."
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6:30 on your tuesday morning. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get a look at that forecast this morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the fog that we're seeing in the area. you can certainly tell right there in dublin. >> visibility is low in spots, so you're driving and it's okay. then suddenly you can barely see anything. so you want to be prepared for that as you're heading out and driving to work this morning, allowing some extra time to get there. yeah, dealing with that low visibility. around the bay area we are seeing cameras with low clouds, and other cameras it's just above the roadways. our temperatures in the 40s and 50s. in some spots, visibility dropping to a quarter mile or less. some of the worst of it in the north bay. now napa is at a quarter mile visibility. once it clears out around 9:00 to 10:00 this morning across the bay area, we're going back to sunshine and our temperatures reaching into the low to mid-60s. we'll talk about a few changes as we head into the weekend.
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mike, what is going on in san jose? >> we have more than fog, low clouds in the background. these lights are jamming up because of two cars, two vehicles. let's look at the map. we're talking about northbound 101, right where the camera is, and the start of the red, that's alum rock just north of our camera. over at the north 101 to north 880 interchange, that connecter may be impacted by another crash that started some slowing and started a backup which might have rippled back and been an issue as far as that second crash there. we're looking at north 101, jammed just north of the 280/680 interchange. fog registering definitely for the north bay and east bay. >> thank you, mike. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy will meet with congressional leaders in just a few hours to talk about funding for ongoing war. >> but one bay area company is announcing new efforts to help the people of ukraine beyond military action. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us with the
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announcement you'll only see on nbc bay area. >> reporter: hundreds of u.s. companies have pulled out of ukraine since the war started. but one bay area company has not only stayed put, they have continued to invest in services that have nothing to do with their own business. san francisco-based just answer is a platform that provides vetted experts for online health, but this week they are opening a new pediatric mental health center in lviv's st. nicholas childrens' hospital. the company shared renderings of what it will look like. the center will provide a space for hundreds of thousands of children who have been traumatized by the ongoing war with russia. the company recently opened a similar mental health facility for adults. recent data shows at least 500 children have been killed and more than 1,000 injured since russia launched its full-scale invasion of ukraine. we spoke with the ceo, andy kertzig, traveling to ukraine
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right now to open the childrens' center on friday. he said the company is just hoping to make a difference. >> it's teens suffering ptsd and any war-related conditions that are going on, so kids are suffering from that as well because family members and friends are dying or being injured by this terrible war. >> reporter: the war is personal for just answer, which has 260 employees working from ukraine. kurtzig says many employees have been drafted to serve, some have volunteered to fight, and that made this effort especially personal, creating an unfortunate connection and putting a face on the toll of this war. >> we have lost one of our employees last october, danilo, and are really fighting to keep as many of our folks safe over there as possible. >> reporter: while just answer does what it can to help the people of lviv, kurtzig says he and the company are pushing for congress to move forward with
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more aid for the country. donations for both facilities, the adult and the pediatric mental health facility, can be made at we'll also post that link on our website,, and i'll put it on our social platforms as well. 6:34 right now. in oakland, police are looking for suspects who shot at cars and buildings, leaving several victims injured. it happened near the high school yesterday on macarthur boulevard. this is citizen app video showing police on the scene. when officers arrived, they found people who were apparently hit by debris, however no one was hit by gunfire. friends and customers are mourning the recent death of a security guard shot and killed in the east bay 7-eleven. a memorial is growing outside the store on harrison street in oakland where last friday police say a gunman shot and killed james johnson as he tried to stop them from shoplifting. last night we spoke with friends who stopped by the memorial to
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remember him. >> this man was working hard, you know, he has kids, he has grandkids. >> he was changing lives and he was making this 7-eleven a better place for everybody to be in it. >> so far, police have not made any arrests. the store is now closing at 6:00 p.m. to avoid potential dangers in the evening and overnight hours. pleasant hill leaders responding to major backlash following two recent police standoffs involving the same suspect. now, the first standoff started last thursday night when police say former pittsburg police officer chuniliam seachao shot and injured his wife and then fired at police. the chief ordered the neighborhood evacuated and a lockdown. friday morning the s.w.a.t. team pulled back and left that suspect in the home. then 15 hours later, the s.w.a.t. team returned and another lockdown was called after the suspect, again, shot at police. the suspect surrendered early
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saturday. yesterday the chief clarified when he lifted the first lockdown, officers were still watching at a distance for hours, and he says that he was taking into account the suspect's history of mental health problems. >> as the chief of police, i never take a gamble with public safety. we make decisions and we make difficult decisions with the best possible outcome. we chose to use time and it worked, and it ended without anybody being killed. >> i just felt like it should have been taken care of immediately, and that's it, and it wasn't. it was stretched out. >> now, also yesterday, pleasant hill's mayor stood by the chief, issuing a statement saying, in part, quote, while events like this are understandably frightening for neighbors, i support the tactics employed by the police department. i know the situation created difficulties for the sherman acres neighbor, end quote. well, happening today, santa clara county sheriff will propose arming all deputies with
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tasers. sheriff robert jonsen will ask deputies to equip officers with tasers on the streets and in jails. the sheriff's office halted the use in jails in 1989 after a death in custody. but he recently said he's proposing a more accurate and longer range model, where any taser used would instantly activate a deputy body camera. now, opponents are vowing to fight this plan, calling those tasers unsafe and inhumane. new this morning, wastewater could have a whole new purpose in the next few years here in california. next week, the state water resources control board will consider projects for wastewater to become drinking water. if approved, communities would continue creating plans to distribute heavily treated wastewater into the community. santa clara county is considering the project. it will be some time before the water will hit your tap.
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plans need to be approved by the office of administrative law and that could take a few more years. let's take a live look out in san francisco this morning. you can see there all the satellites and things, but you can't see much past that. the fog is causing sight to be not so good for some folks. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that for us. it can be tough out there. one second you're driving and everything is clear, and then, boom, there you are. >> yeah, we've seen the patches of fog that really reduces visibility rapidly, and you may have to turn on the windshield wipers as it is misty as well. here is a look at the low clouds over san jose. for parts of the east bay, it is quite a bit worse in some spots, especially in the valleys, where walnut creek we are starting out with low clouds. today temperatures will gradually warm up, going to low 60s this afternoon. plan on it shaping up to be a nice afternoon. a look at our highs today, in dublin expect it to reach up to
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62 degrees, and 62 in napa, as well as about 62 in san francisco, with some mid-60s for morgan hill and san martin. we'll talk about rain ahead as we head into the weekend many. mike, you're still seeing a slow drive through san jose. >> it's jammed up north of the 280/680 interchange. because of a crash north of the camera and another crash at the 880 off of 101 connecter there. we see the build, now it's slow from capitol expressway. the build on 87 north also showing slowing and low clouds turning into fog on the map for 85. 87 starts to build coming into downtown. then this evening this downtown, note the sharks have a game. there may be some folks walking back and forth across the crosswalks near s.a.p. center. we're looking toward the dumbarton bridge, a little slow getting there for the nimitz, slower on the san mateo bridge. a crash toward sfo has cleared, good recovery, but visibility
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across the san mateo bridge is going to slow you down a bit. we see brake taps. back to you. when you're hot, you're hot. need proof? sust clinched a spot in the playoffs without running a single play. just ahead, the last-second kick thousands of miles away, sending them into the postseason. plus, rejuvenating the nightlife scene in san francisco. the vote that could make it easier for bars and restaurants to bring in live music. plus, gifting those in need in the south bay. the toy drive in serious need for help to accomplish their mission this
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it's 6:43. we're taking a look at our day planner for gilroy. we're starting out with low clouds, but it will clear out quickly by late morning. we will head for the mid-60s for later this afternoon, with lots of sunshine. we could make plans to get outside. we'll talk more about the mild weather and rain ahead for the weekend in a few minutes. we're in transition at the golden gate bridge. in the morning time it becomes tougher to see before it starts to clear. the volume just building as far as the commute goes. a note for b.a.r.t., slowing trains down because of potentially slick tracks. keep that in mind. mist and drizzle. and bus service might replace a
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couple of ferries between san francisco and sausalito or san francisco and tiburon. you remember that song back in the '80, let the music play? that might be some advice folks in san francisco are listening to, and we're listening to it as well, because they say play it loud or live in person, it's something they're going to debate. >> "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live. we're talking about new freedoms when it comes to music and entertainment. >> reporter: correct, and helping businesses in san francisco rejuvenate the nightlife. right now, let's say if you're a bar or restaurant and you want to amplify live music onto the streets of san francisco and you want to apply for a permit or get live entertainment outside your restaurant in the outdoor seating, well, those fees for permits can run upwards of $800, the application fee.
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so later today the board of supervisors will vote on whether or not to eliminate those fees in an attempt to help local businesses who might be struggling and to breathe life back into the city's nightlife. san francisco waived those application fees for live entertainment permits during the pandemic. that was to help struggling businesses and musicians alike back then. but those fees returned when the health orders were lifted. >> businesses need all the help they can get. being able to support live musicians and have them continue to play, i think, is critical to the vibrancy of the business and of the neighborhood. >> more people, more bars, more musicians, more art in the city, and art is very important. >> reporter: the head of the golden gate restaurant association says her organization is in favor of fee waivers and hopes supervisors pass this measure during the regular meeting later this
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afternoon at 2:00. reporting live, bob redell. 6:46 right now. we're going to talk a little football. the niners are the first nfl team to clinch a postseason playoff berth, and they did it without lifting a finger. last night the giants kicked a last-second field goal to beat green bay to ensure the niners make the playoffs. of course, we're all still hoping the niners snare the top seed and first round bye. the team last night did tweet tickets for a potential home playoff game go on sale to the general public today at 1:00 p.m. >> that will be great. today is a very special day, december 12th marks the feast day of our lady of guadalupe, commemorating the appearance of the virgin marry to juan diego in 1531. san jose's catholic community will be among those marking this very special day. >> the likely celebrations that will be taking place this year at our lady of guadalupe parish. >> reporter: good morning.
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hundreds gather in san jose to honor our lady of guadalupe, and as we can see, many brought offerings to show their gratitude for her blessings and intervention in their lives. last night there were traditional dancers, musical performances from groups, and, of course, the traditional dance at midnight. but what makes this celebration special are the personal stories. i had the chance to speak with a mother who was here because she wanted to make sure her faith and traditions get passed down to her kids. >> i feel like i'm in mexico, and reconnecting with our roots and continuing with those traditions. and i feel proud. i don't think it's just a matter of being religious, i think it's also part of the culture. >> reporter: the celebration is a testament to the hard work and dedication of 150 volunteers over three months. today is a day showing the strength and spiritual bond of
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people going beyond borders. we want to remind the catholic community there will be different spanish language masses here today. reporting from san jose, "today in the bay." >> sandra, thank you. a popular instagram account in the south bay is working to move families in need forward this holiday season, and it is the third year the instagram page known as san jose foos is hosting the toy drive. the founders want to collect 30,000 toys to hand out to kids who otherwise might not receive a gift this holiday season. mayor matt mahan supporting this group, partnering with toys for tots. there are many drop-off locations they have throughout the city. mayor mahan says they need help from the community. >> last year we distributed 15,000 toys to kids who might not otherwise receive them. and i know we can come together as a community to do even better this year. >> i always feel like giving is very important. it's definitely one of the main
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things in my life that i like to do all the time, even when i don't have much. it's meant for everyone. it doesn't matter how much money you make, it's meant for everyone to come and for the kids to see that there's some christmas spirit in the air. >> that it is. so here is information you need. they'll be handing out toys next friday, december 15th, through the 17th. this is at santa clara county fairgrounds in san jose. to get involved or for information for someone or yourself, you may need help getting some gifts this holiday season, just go to they'll be looking for volunteers to help with the event. >> i love it. the holiday, something to celebrate. we have a special guest starting to learn the power of that holiday cheer. >> perhaps you recognize him. >> hi, there, it's the grinch from universal studios hollywood right here live in whoville. hi, there, marcus and laura. i just want to wish you a merry
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christmas. back to you in the studio! >> take a breath. just take a breath. [ laughter ] >> the grinch from universal studios down in l.a. of course our station is owned by comcast, also owns universal. >> we should all sign off of our reports like that. >> you can do your traffic that way. the grinch has been trying to change his image or something. >> i thought you were going to say he's been drinking a little. >> that, too. >> don't drink this morning. it's really foggy out there. you might want to allow some extra time to get to work as we are dealing with dense fog in parts of the north bay, especially, but also in parts of the east bay. just keep in mind that some of these sensors, basically all sensors, are at airports, and
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we're, of course, driving in between those areas where we do have sensors. so we may quickly run into some fog, and then all of a sudden it clears up once again. we are getting a clear sky and also a light wind. we have some moisture on the ground and temperatures drop to the dew point, all of the water droplets are basically condensing and creating suspended water droplets as fog, and it really tends to get thick in some of the valleys and low-lying areas where it is a little cooler. in petaluma it's foggy to start, temperatures in the mid-40s. as we go toward late morning it's going to eventually start to clear out. then we'll reach into the upper 50s and low 60s for an afternoon high. we're back to some of the same temperatures we saw yesterday, and not much of a change temperature-wise. but eventually we will get some rain and it looks like it's coming in during our weekend, between late saturday night into sunday, and then continuing into monday of next weekend. we may see several more storm systems after that, as we see a
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change in our overall weather pattern that's kept us dry. then we may see the jet stream over the bay area. it could bring us a significant amount of rainfall, with some of our models initially showing that in these areas in red and purple about 1 to 2 inches of rain, and possibly higher amounts along the coastline. we'll be watching out for that as we get a little closer. but we're still with the dry weather for now. patchy, dense fog and cold temperatures in the mornings, with highs reaching into the 60s. saturday looks great for outdoor plans, and then sunday is when we'll be tracking that storm system possibly moving in. mike, that fog may be a factor for many commuters. >> yeah, from time to time we lose sight from our rooftop, we lose sight of the roadway. this is the eastshore freeway. we can see traffic starting to build and slow around the curve. it's been building for a while. at the toll plaza it's not bad. we see movement. fog drifting into our shot in oakland. low clouds and fog are drifting
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as the sun comes up. southbound 880 does show a good volume of traffic. but that yellow shows the good volume of fog, creeping along both sides of the delta. highway 4 will get hit with fog and lower visibility. good volume, slowing toward walnut creek and continuing toward orinda for west 24. contra costa county really seeing the brunt of the commute right now and the south bay still shows building north 101. i believe one of the crashes, if not both, have cleared. >> thank you very much. 6:53 right now. happening now, alameda county deputies are asking for help locating this teenager who is 15 years old. he was last seen saturday afternoon at alameda high school. his family wants him to come home. deputies say he does not have a cell phone or any money. if you see him, contact alameda county sheriff's office. and a quick look at our top stories this morning. san francisco schools considering hundreds of job cuts.
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the new details this morning on the positions now facing elimination and the district's dire financial situation. and ukraine's president heads to capitol hill. the make-or-break moment he's facing with new u.s. war funding now in limbo. and a local group now aiming to help war survivo help war survivo rs
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we are moving you forward with a look at this morning's top stories, including san francisco's schools, they may be ready to cut nearly 1,000 positions. >> the chronicle reports most of the positions are already vacant and it includes teachers, office staff and custodians. it comes to the wake of a $241 million budget deficit.
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the superintendent will present the findings at a meeting later today and outline plans to balance the books. a live look right now at capitol hill, where ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is already meeting this morning with senate lawmakers. he's trying to rally new support against russia. there is a lot at stake for ukraine, with lawmakers still divided on a new round of funding for its war with russia. it is looking increasingly likely any final decision will not be reached before the end of the year. later today, zelenskyy will also meet with president biden at the white house. san francisco-based just answer is announcing new efforts to help people of ukraine beyond military action. this friday, the company will open a mental health center for thousands of children who have been traumatized by the ongoing war. the "today" show just ahead this morning, but you can get more local news right now on our brand new newscast live on roku and other streaming platforms. not to mention,
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let's get a look at that forecast one last night with meteorologist kari hall. >> we've been dealing with low clouds and fog this morning. once it clears out, it's going to be a very nice day. headed for the low to mid-60s. we're watching out for rain by sunday. i thought this cleared but it does not. north 101 at alum rock, we see movement now, that may be improvement for north 101 through san jose. 17 i just learned there's a crash northbound coming from the santa cruz side around sugarloaf. they're both blocked right now. >> keep that in mind. thanks for allowing us to be a part of your morning. that's it for us here on "today in the bay." don't forget to join us for our midday newscast at 11:00. hi there good tuesday morning major developments overnight in that high-profile abortion case texas. >> the ripple effects far-reaching it is december 12th. this is "today." key ruling


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