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tv   Today  NBC  December 13, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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101 moves smoothly, despite the lower visibility in patches. kari talked about san carlos, very tough to see. in the south bay, there's low clouds hovering around 280. use the regular beams. the "today" show is coming up, but you can get more local news right now with our brand new newscast live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention >> even with the fog, it doesn't prevent some of the beauty we have here across the good wednesday morning new tensions between the united states and israel. >> and i good wednesday morning states and israel. >> and it is spilling into public view today. it is december 13th. good morning this is "today." blunt message. president biden warns israel it is losing global support over what he calls indiscriminate bombing in gaza. just ahead, what led the
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president to voice criticism of israeli leaders publicly. and his meeting with families of hostages later today we're live in jerusalem and washington with the latest. a call for help. ukraine's president implores congress for tens of billions oe aid for its war against russia. >> in one country it is strong everywhere. >> this morning the growing fight over funding and why the white house says failure to deliver would be a christmas gift for vladimir putin. inflation. we will break down what it means for you and your money. troubling trend. >> oh, my god. >> delivery trucks and stores being targeted by brazen thieves this holiday season.
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just ahead, the new alarm being sounded by one major shipping company and the potential impact on your deliveries plus, remembering andre braugher. >> don't lie to me again. >> and also with comedy. >> from now on, call me, velvet thunder. >> okay. >> we're going to celebrate his remarkable career. and holiday heroes hoda shines a light on a very special school focused on putting othering first. >> what do your shirts say >> and treating the kids there to an unforgettable christmas surprise. >> three, two, one >> today, wednesday, december 13th, 2023.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody welcome to "today. glad to have you with us on a wednesday morning. that was your happy place. >> i have never been happier and their sweatshirts say be the change they're in queens, and i cannot wait to show you this story. tributes pouring in for andre braugher he suddenly passed away after a brief illness, and we will have details and a look back at his life and career a bit later. we start with the latest developments out of the middle east and the comments from president biden over what he calls indiscriminate bombing in gaza. >> it comes amid one of the deadliest days for israeli troops since the war began at least nine soldiers killed
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during one incident. our chief foreign correspondent, richard engel in jerusalem for us richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah we have heard about disagreements between president biden and netanyahu. generally they have been in the background, private conversations or the lack of conversations, butrael is pushin now we're hearing the harshest criticism since the war in gaza. israel is pushing ahead as international criticism grows, including from the united states over civilian casualties and what israel intends to do with the territory if or when hamas is driven from power a u.s. official tells nbc news israel is pumping sea water to flood hamas tunnels in limited areas saying it is unclear if it will work.
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there are still 137 hostages in gaza, including about 8 americans. >> there is assertions being made that they are quite sure there are no hostages in any of those tunnels, but i don't know that for a fact. >> israel says hamas is using the hostages as human shields. at a fundraiser yesterday, president biden saying israel is right to take on hamas and has most of the world supporting them but they are starting to lose that support and benjamin netanyahu's government has to change you cannot say there is no palestinian state in the future. washington wants the more moderate palestinian authority to take over but netanyahu saying he will not allow gaza to be controlled by those who educate terrorism, support terrorism or finance terrorism. at least 10 soldiers killed in the last 24 hours, including a
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battalion commander. more than 18,000 palestinians have died according to the health ministry run by hamas this girl was injured in what doctors say was an israeli strike overnight in gaza, an area that was supposed to be safe so was this boy and his brother. my brother, my brother, he cries as he's kept back so he won't see his critical injuries. >> meanwhile, richard, president biden is set to meet with the families of those remaining american hostages right now. what do you know about that meeting? >> reporter: so this is president biden's second engagement with the families the first was online this time in person. all eight families are expected to be represented, and they have been pushing for everyone, the
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united states, hamas, israel, qatar, to do more, to go back to a cease fire so the hostages can be released now saying their conditions, their health is deteriorating. >> all right richard engel leading us off thank you, richard. let's turn to the war in ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy wrapping up a visit to washington with urgent pleas to congress and the white house for more u.s. aid. and president biden had strong you. president biden has repeatedly said the u.s. will support ukraine for as long as it takes, but there was a notable shift in his language during his visit with president zelenskyy here yesterday now saying the u.s. will provide help to ukraine for as long as we can. perhaps a subtle nod to the realities here in washington where republicans rema words for republicans that are zelenskyy yesterday now saying the u.s. will provide help to ukraine as long as we can. perhaps a subtle nod to the realities here in washington where republicans remain unwilling to approve more than
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$60 billion in ukraine aid until the white house agrees to stiffer new border policies. standing side by side with ukraine's president, president biden's warning that russia is reveling in american political divisions that are stalling critical aid to ukraine. >> putin is banking on the united states failing to deliver for ukraine. we must, we must, we must prove him wrong. >> volodymyr zelenskyy thanking the u.s. for its support while claiming american aid keeps flowing uninterrupted. >> we have shown our partnership is stronger than any russian hostility. >> reporter: there are no indications it broke the stalemate in congress. the white house first agrees to tougher immigration policies at the u.s.-mexico borders about o own national security first. th >> our first condition in our e spending package is about our cata own national security first. the border is an absolute repot a differen catastrophe. ce a yea
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>> reporter: for volodymyr r m. then ami zelenskyy, what a difference a year makes. then welcomed withstanding ovations before a joint sessione joint session of of congress. congress. >> president zelenskyy, what are the stakes today >> rep >> president volodymyr orter: by meeting with law zelenskyy, what are the stakes closed doors today? and heading into the winter months >> reporter: but on tuesday onl ahead for th meeting with lawmakers behind e offensive largely stal closed doors.led. still newl and heading into the winter y dd intelligence provided to n months, there are rough days bc news shows the russian military has suffered dramatic casualties on the battlefield since its invasion began nearly two years ago. about 315,000 russia ahead with ukrainian counter offensive largely stalled. newly classified intelligence provided shows the russian military has suffered dramatic casualties on the battlefield since the invasion began nearly two years ago.ry's future, zelens about 315,000 russian troops t at some republicans who have been calling o have been killed or wounded.n uo volodymyr zelenskyy is taking some territory aim at some republicans who hav exchange for an end to been calling on ukraine to seedr >> translator: that's insane some territory to russia in to be honest i have a question to these people if they ar exchange for an end to the war. ready to give up their children to >> that's insane, to be honest.. i think not. >> so, peter, here's the question question to this how open is the white house to
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people, if they are ready to give up their children to terrorists.negotiat i think not. this issue >> reporter: yeah, hoda, president biden is clearly motivated right now to >> here's the question. get a deal how open is the white house to s open to compromise on what h negotiating with republicans on this issue? acknowledges is a broken immigration system the whit >> yeah, hoda.e house and i juse to an official president biden is clearly this it was enc motivated right now to get a oug of border negotiator deal done, saying he is hoping . but remember t to compromise on what he his fo, hoda, has been one of the most complicate acknowledges is a broken d and issues in amer immigration system in the white do not expect any resoluti house.on soon the senate's top republican, mitch mcconnell, saying as much, saying it would an official says it was encouraged by a meeting of border negot but remember this for decades, f hoda, has been one of the most complicated issues in american politics.the st do not expect any resolutions pu soon.shing the fate of ukraine and border security into the new year hoda >> peter saying it would be practically r impossible, likely pushing the fate of ukraine aid and border peter, thank youe new year. another hoda?major story in washington the house is expected to vote later this afternoon to formalize an impeachment >> peter, thank you. inquiry another major story in washington. the house is expected to vote later this afternoon to formalize an impeachment vote into biden. nbc's garrett haake joins us from capitol hill.
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good morning. what do you expect today? >> reporter: we expect the house to vote on this inquiry late this afternoon. because of the republicans' razor thin majority, it will likely pass but barely with only one republican lawmaker saying aloud he will vote against it. house republicans have been investigating whether president biden committed any impeachable offenses or crimes related to his son hunter's his dealings. . >> speaking of this investigation, there has been a call for hunter biden to testify. he said he would, but it had to
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be public. how do you see that playing out? >> what are they afraid of? >> a striking moment there. one of the first times we have heard from hunter biden himself directly about this case. he was scheduled to appear for a closed door oversight committee, and he said he will only testify in public, and it's possible tho committee could choose to hold get everything on the record first. >> craig joins the table now with some hopeful signs for the economy. >> good morning to you a him in contempt for that stance. craig joins the table now with some hopeful signs of the economy. >> hopeful indeed. good morning to you. the latest numbers show inflation eased again last month.
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that comes out of the federal reserve's final interest rate of the year that announcement is expected later today. christine romans is here to break down the numbers and what it means for all of our wallets. let's start there. is it widely expected the fed will leave the rates unchanged if so, what does that say? >> inflation has been issue number one for a year and a half for american families. it is expected the fed doesn't y need to move today to raise interest rates, which will be six months by the time there is a next meeting of steady inflation. look at how it's come down it was 7 and change last year this time. now 3.1% gas prices coming down that's something the people are feeling every single day in 23 states, you have gas belon $3 a gallon. shelter, though, this is the number i have watching and worrying about this is what you pay for housing. this is still stubbornly high. one of the reasons why inflation has been harder to get to the 2%
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that the fed wants but the overall picture here, you could see interest rate cuts some time next year. that's what all the economists are talking about, because the economy is moving in the direction the fed wants, getting closer to that so-called soft landing where you kill inflation without having a recession but gdp and holiday spending, the stock market is all up so that's the backdrop as we close out the year. >> the expectation is the fed will eventually cut rates. there is some green chutes isn't that what you economists call it? >> yes green chutes >> yes, oh, my fellow nerd they're still above 7% that's still more than double what they were, what most people have for a mortgage. but a lot of economists. you talk to bankrate and the people that track mortgage rates and they say hopefully next year you get below 7% again
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first-time home buyers are becoming impatient at some point 7% mortgage rates will be the norm and they will step into the housing market. >> if you do a poll of what people think, they do not think that the economy is going well >> isn't that interesting? >> what is that sayinga sourpuss economy. gdp is good, people just don't believe it >> you're saying the economy sucks but people aren't acting like it. >> they're not acting like it either they're spending money that bank of america >> so some and people will maybe try and buy a house next year, so there is this disconnect. we will have to watch and see how it plays out both in the economy and spending and politics. >> i'm glad your mom watches every day. >> she did until we started cursing right here. let's move to the historic
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agreement in dubai 200 countries agreed to transition away from planet warming fossil fuels is united in its desire to cut its reliance this is the first of it's kind of deal. it is sending a powerful signal to policymakers that the world is united to cut its reliance on natural gas and oil. it calls on nations to triple wind and sew bar power around the world by the year 2030. also this morning, they're calling him the miracle man. a hiker who had been missing for three days was rescued in hawaii the 34-year-old insider fell about a thousand feet from a trail last week while he was hiking by himself. searchers were able to pinpoint him based on a video he posted on social media. three days after falling, snyder was found and airlifted to safety. >> i don't have a whole lot of words to say i'm glad to be here. really glad to be here, and i'm glad to be in mostly one piece at this point.
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>> wow. >> snyder was dehydrated he was bruised he had several broken bones, but overall okay and he was able to personally thank the rescuers one by one. >> i bet that meant a lot to the rescuers, too. let's get a check of the weather. it's 7:16. mr. roker. >> good morning, guys. and good morning to you. we're looking at rain for our friends down in southern heavy pushing in here. through thursday we could see upwards of 6 to 8 inches of rain from fort lauderdale to homestead, but that's not all they're going to see we're going to watch a storm develop over the gulf of mexico friday and saturday with increasing rain and wind saturday evening so the area is florida. we will watch a storm over the gulf of mexico friday and saturday with increasing rain and wind saturday evening. so the area is going to be tapping all this tropical moisture from the caribbean. so torrential rain into florida and sunday and monday up the east coast, we're looking at
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rain and an icy mix inland rainfall amounts through monday about one to two inches up through boston, but you get down into the carolinas and florida, and some areas picking up another three to five inches of rain before this is all over, so a real wet weekend up and down the eastern seaboard we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are under a microclimate weather alert due to the dense fog we've seen moving down the peninsula into the east bay, and the widespread fog continues for
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the north bay. near zero visibility at times. but once it clears up, we're going to see temperatures in the low to mid-60s and a mostly sunny afternoon. we'll see a repeat of that weather tomorrow and friday, but a chance of showers late saturday night and rain continues through the middle of next week. and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you the alarming rise in flash mob robberies. it's taking a toll on the holiday season and your last-minute shopping maggie vespa has that story for us hey, maggie. >> reporter: yeah, you're right. bands of thieves nationwide taking aim at delivery trucks amid a peak holiday shopping season it's gotten so bad, one major carrier is warning drivers to beware and to lock their doors and windows. clearly that is a concern brick and mortar stores know well. we'll have that story, coming up >> maggie, thank you plus, we will remember actor
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andre braugher the emotional tributes now pouring in for him but, first, on a wednesday morning, this is "to
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hoda, you have a really heart warming story coming up. >> i do. i do we brought our toy drive spectacular on the road to this incredible school. don't miss the surprise, you guys this is a whole auditorium full of kids that got a surprise i don't think they will forget we will talk about that after your local news and weather. reg; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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[♪♪] you know poop is coming, but you know, you have nothing to fear. pampers swaddlers with new blowout barrier helps prevent up to 100% of leaks even blowouts. don't fear blowouts, with pampers swaddlers. (buzz) are you guys telling secrets? mine is that honey nut cheerios can help lower cholesterol. don't fear blowouts, (leslie) that's not a secret. it's on the box. (buzz) wow... (phyllis) ooh i have a secret. [whispers] i invented the microchip. (buzz) [laughs] is she serious?
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(vo) the love that goes into a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted. four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including six people hospitalized in a bus crash in santa cruz. >> it happened last night on the ucsc campus. deputies say the bus veered off the road and struck a wall near the main entrance. one of the victims was airlifted
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from the scene. it's not clear if any of the victims are students. the cause of the crash is not known. pg&e is requesting a brand new rate hike, this is on top of the one recently approved by state regulators. last month the state puc approve add 13% hike and the utility is asking to raise rates nearby $1.5 billion more. according to the filing, it says the utility needs money to cover spending on wildfire prevention and storm repair. that increase approved three weeks ago was about half the amount the utility was seeking. now, the already approved increase kicks in new year's day and the new request would not be up for approval until late next year, although pg&e is asking for an expedient decision. taking a look at the forecast today, if you can see, there's a lot of dense fog out there. >> we've had to deal with fog throughout the morning and eventually it will clear out. we've had such a dry start to our fall season, and heading into winter it looks like things
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are going to change. we are going to see the approach of rain going into the weekend. widespread showers starting late saturday night and continuing into next week. we have a few more days of cool starts and sunny afternoons, and then we'll be tracking rain in our saturday evening forecast into monday, as well as throughout the beginning of next week. we'll keep you up to date on our changing weather pattern. changing weather pattern. check it out on
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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okay 7:30 we're back with a little spoiler alert. we should have said this before the song. >> yeah. >> if you are taking part in whamageddon.
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if you have not heard about it it's a viral challenge that has people trying to avoid that holiday classic "last christmas. we will talk about how it all began on "popstart". >> so if you hear the song, you're out. >> you're out. >> i have a lot of questions, but i guess they will be answered in "popstart". >> yes. >> one delivery giant is sounding a rare alarm this warning. and you've probably he smash and grabs. now some criminals are also turning to crash and grabs >> nbc's maggie vespa is in chicago at a clothing store that just got hit hey, maggie. good morning >> reporter: hey, guys good morning when we talk about crash and grabs this they're warning their drivers to >> reporter: yeah. this is a perfect example right here look at this example of the crash and grab trend owners of this one say thieves smashed a jeep through this front window yesterday once inside, grabbing everything they could
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now the same brazen strategy is getting aimed at delivery trucks nationwide, and it's getting so bad fedex is warning drivers coast-to-coast to be on alert. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: this morning, amid the holiday shopping rush, bands of thieving taking aims at trucks to steal your packages. in florida, one alleged thief taking the truck itself on a high-speed chase a state trooper using pit maneuvers to try and stop them now one major carrier is warning drivers to be onboard. fedex issued a security alert to thousands of its package delivery contractors, urging them to prioritize driver safety, stressing calling 911 if there is imminent danger and closing and locking all doors
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and windows when possible. nbc news has not seen that alert saying the safety and well-being of our team members and the security of our shipments are always our top priority. ups said drivers are taught to be aware of their surroundings and to report anything they consider to be unsafe. amazon saying drivers are never expected to make a delivery if they feel unsafe jaw dropping videos popping up across the country this california woman warning thieves her home security camera was recording them emptying a fedex truck. in connecticut, police say four men robbed an amazon driver at gunpoint while he unloaded packages. >> that's awful. to think what might happen. >> reporter: authorities say the dangers facing drivers are realities for brick and mortar stores case in point, so-called crash and grabs. surveillance video in chicago this week catching thieves smashing a jeep through the store's front window and making off with armloads of merchandise. the store owners say it is their third break-in in three weeks.
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>> i mean, as hard as those delivery drivers are working, to have this as another thing to worry about is horrifying. let's say your items do get stolen so what can you do as a consumer. >> reporter: obviously, in addition to the safety of the store owners, and another concern is the security of your what happened.ll so i if your package gets stolen, you can remind consumers can you get an alert that that's exactly what happened. the safest option, experts say, is to buy in store hoda >> maggie in chicago, thank you. now we turn to a terrifying shark attack this happened in australia the victim a college student from italy who lost a leg, but nonetheless managed to capture some of the chilling moments on camera sam brock is following this one for us
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sam, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, craig good morning, guys good morning the victim of that shark attack told his hometown newspaper in italy he had only taken a couple steps in the water when he felt, quote, a terrible pain in his foot fearful he might get bit again and might possibly die, he started recording the encounter with the shark in case he might have to say good-bye to loved ones a warning, this video is hard to watch. these are the moments after he was bitten by a massive shark. thrashing off the coast in northeastern australia before reaching his friend by the shore, who jumped in to help the italian marine biology student, who is studying abroad just started snorkeling when he says a monster shark suddenly attacked him speaking to the italian newspaper, he said i tried to widen that big mouth, and with difficulty, i freed my leg even though, from the knee down
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i could tell there was nothing left he said his friend applied a tourniquet >> after that, i tried to think of what i have to do and i tried just my best to save him. >> reporter: paramedics arrived within minutes. >> it's daunting to look at. he had a bite on his ankle and a bite below his knee. so he had two really major injuries. >> reporter: his leg now severed below the knee noting on instagram, i never thought i would survive that monster. you are my heroes. you give me strength to carry on the student had the presence of mind to start recording after he was bitten to say good-bye to his loved ones in case he was attacked again that italian newspaper posting this video of him in a hospital
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bed with his friend by his side, as this attack comes on the heels of fatal incidents in mexico and the bahamas and another unprovoked attack in mexico two weeks ago still, these situations are quite rare there were 57 unprovoked shark attacks last year, five of them fatal, and second only to the u.s. in number and mateo has been flooded, guys, with messages of support from all over the world, including from an amputee who says he still lives his life like all able-bodied people. mateo says he's grateful to be alive. >> sam, thank you. coming up next, we remember the life and legacy of andre braugher. >> savannah, we will take a look back on his incredible career, the mark he left on television
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and film, and all the tributes that are pouring in from his co-stars this morning. we'll have that for you, next. a, one of the leading causes of stroke. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile today at or amazon. sofia vergara: dwight was a 13-year-old kid with cancer, when he came to st. jude. dwight: this kid is now 73 years old.
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sofia vergara: that's what we do at st. jude. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... ♪
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(vo)go with eggo. purina cares here. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck,
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severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. we're back coming up on an 74 is now with some sad news out of >> tributes pouring out after the loss of andre braugher who often played police officers during his career as the star of shows like "brooklyn nine-nine." >> chloe joins us with more. >> such sad news andre braugher passed away on monday after what's described as
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a brief illness. we take a look back at his life and career this morning hollywood paying tribute to andre braugher, the star who gained recognition for his unforgettable turn in "homicide: life on the street" and most recently the comedy series, "brooklyn nine-nine" andre braugher played beloved police captain, a straight laced cop known for his dead pan one-liners. >> i have never been more proud of you for anything in your life. >> i mean, i solved a lot of cases. >> and yet crime has continued. >> overnight his heartbroken co-stars on the show reacting to the news terry cruz calling his talent irreplaceable writing on instagram, thank you for your wisdom, your advice, your kindness and your friendship you showed me what a life well-lived looks like. mark sharing a photo of them simply writing, oh captain, my captain. best known for his dramatic roles reflected on playing it
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for laughs here on "today" back in 2019. >> you play the ultimate straight man on the show, rarely cracking a show. is that in any way, shape or form true to who you are >> i don't think so. i'm a serious dude depending on what the circumstances are i feel like all of these incredible comedians are the kites and i'm the string. >> reporter: andre braugher got his break in "glory" alongside fellow newcomer denzel fellow newcomer denzel washington. he went on to play his most washington >> you get up off me, snowflake. >> he went on to play his most famous role, the tough as nails interrogator in the '90s police drama "homicide: life on the street". >> don't lie to me again this is what you did. >> reporter: a performance that won him critical acclaim and an emmy in 1998. >> and this is for all the
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people in baltimore. this is a town i love. we finally made it thank you all. >> reporter: he went on to roles in television, including "men of a certain age" and "the good fight. andre braugher met his wife on the set of "homicide." the couple were married for more than 30 years and had three sons the actor reflecting on his career and prioritizing his family in an interview wit "variety" in 2020 saying i think i could have spanned more disciplines, but it would have been at the expense of my own life prior to his death, andre braugher was cast in a new netflix drama about the white house. a true actor's actor in the industry, still hard at work. >> if you watched him, the intensity, i got to interview him early on in "homicide: life on the street," and all the actors seemed to revolve around him. he was the heart and soul of
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that show. you could see his range in something like "brooklyn nine-nine. >> how about that interview he did to talk about how his family was going to be his priority >> first of all, he was such a family man, and the fact he had this career for such a long period of time he studied at juilliard. i mean, he was incredible on screen and i just love that interview and jenna bush hager is in it as well, and she's like, i'm going to make you laugh. he's like, listen, i only break like eight times a year from character, but you can make me laugh. >> chloe, thank you. al, we have to get your forecast. >> all right let's show you what you got happening on weather maps. let's pop them up. you can see we have another system that will be the precursor of the storm that develops late in the gulf this weekend. it will track into the west with heavy rain, showers and storms tomorrow continue across texas light to moderate snow in the high plains.
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so we are looking generally at three inches or more throughout northern and central texas through that area back to the west we're looking at anywhere from three to nine inches of snow, and some places as much as a foot near the rockies. warmth continues today minneapolis above 40 little rock 59 for tomorrow, that warmth continues to cincinnati, memphis to pierre. and the three days going into the weekend, temperatures fairly mild good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are under a dense fog advisory and we've seen very low visibility for parts of the peninsula, the inner east bay, as well as much of the north bay. visibility in novato and napa at zero. we are seeing other areas clearing out quickly and our temperatures now in the 40s. we're headed for the low to mid-60s this afternoon, a really nice day ahead. we'll be cold again tonight and
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then as we >> and that is your latest weather. you know, something has been missing, a mention of taylor swift news. >> fear not, here it comes at 7:46 taylor swift guys, it's her birthday. and taylor will celebrate with a new guinness world bs >> plus, we have a boost to start your day it's all coming up right after this
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(vo) wells fargo has donated $525 million dollars... (girl) hey mom! is this one really mine? (mom) honey, like i said... you get your own room.
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(vo) support housing affordability solutions for families across america. when a bank does what it says, more people can find a place to call their own. doing gets it done. wells fargo. the bank of doing. my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you.
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if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi! if you served we want you to get the healthcare and benefits you earned. we want you to come to va. there's never been a better time to apply. under a new law called the pact act we've expanded va care and benefits to millions of people who served and their survivors. no matter where you served or how long you served check out to learn more about what va can do for you and your family. come to va.
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♪♪ who are you texting? your boyfriend?? no, i'm shopping for a car on carmax. oh, a car?! are you sure you can afford this? let me see... alright. that's a big purchase! relax! i got pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps] get pre-qualified. shop within your budget. carmax. we're back carson is still out west doing "the voice". sheinelle is here, just in time. >> hi, sheinelle good to see you. all right. if you are excited for the holidays, wait until you see baby liv who is seeing a christmas tree for the very first time.
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>> oh! oh oh >> awe that's the best. >> that's it that's genuine, unfiltered excitement right there lots of lights, lots of ornaments. >> you need to bring her to rock center. >> good idea. >> wow she wants to get close. >> that's fantastic. let's bring her to rockefeller center. coming up, hoda's holiday surprise for a wonderful group of kids at a local school who worked all year helping people in need. this will be a good one. but, first, your local news. ♪ ♪
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we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. saratoga spring water, served on the finest tables for over 150 years. and now, the official water of bravo's top chef world all stars. ♪♪ (vo) get in the holiday spirit with chex cereal's 12 days of surprises!ld all stars. learn easy recipes, get festive freebies, and more. shop specially marked boxes of chex cereal today.
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dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪
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♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. ( ♪♪ ) ♪ all right ♪ hoping for your love (horn honking) eggo liège-style waffles are a no toaster needed, grab and go breakfast. l'eggo with eggo.
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experience the art of high pressure are a no toaster needed, grab and go breakfast. brewed coffee and espressoar. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee. good wednesday morning. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's hopping now. i'm kris sanchez. pg&e is asking a california public utilities commission for another rate hike. the utility says it needs an influx of $1.5 billion or so from customers not to mitigate fire danger, but to stabilize finances after doing that work to mitigate fire danger. this is on top of the 13% increase that goes into effect on new year's day.
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the pg&e board asking for an extradited decision on this one. let's get a look at the forecast for this wednesday morning. foggy again, kari. >> yeah, and in some parts of the bay area you're driving, it's clear, and then you run into a wall of fog. that's what we're seeing looking from our oakland camera and around the bay area. we are seeing the worst of that visibility in parts of the north bay. allow some extra time to get to where you're going. after that, we're in for sunshine and mild temperatures this afternoon. we'll put that on repeat at least through saturday, but then we'll see an incoming storm system bring us wet weather from sunday into the middle of next week. it may arrive a little earlier for san francisco and parts of the north bay, by late saturday afternoon we could start to see wet weather coming in and temperatures will be slightly cooler with overnight los in the mid-50s. >> thank you very much. we'll be back with another local news update in about hf an al news update in about hf an al
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diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence.
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and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, rising tensions president biden using his harshest language yet against israel on one of the deadliest days of the conflict for israeli soldiers we're live with breaking details overnight. then special delivery. >> let's go. >> hoda is serving up the holiday joy with a surprise for
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some deserving kids. >> we know your generous hearts around just around this time of year but why is it extra important to give at this time of year? >> we're all humans. we should be helping each other out and everyone deserves to be happy. >> she's helping people give back in a big way. plus, whamageddon? it is the global game that has people avoiding the song "last christmas. so how long did you lasthe song "last christmas." so how long did you last? and did we just ruin it for you? the details in "popstart". and movie magic. and did we just ruin it for you? the details in "popstart". and movie magic. from kevin's whine to the terminator's line. >> we'll look at the legendary filming going on to the national film registry, today, wednesday, december 13th, 2023. >> happy wednesday from
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columbia, missouri. >> from north carolina. >> georgia. >> and florida. >> on a mother-daughter trip from virginia. >> celebrating my 21st. >> from mississippi. ♪ >> hi to my sister. >> from michigan. >> here for my 60th birthday. >> good morning to my grandpa in bridgewater, iowa. >> hi, savannah and hoda. >> we're on a girls' trip from decatur, texas. >> just love a girls' trip the plaza is full of bright, shiny faces this morning i hope folks will be with us this morning. >> it is time for our annual tradition to look back at the year that was, the moments, the stars, the concerts, all the
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stuff that we love sharing over the course of 2023 >> we also do that all morning, oh, my god, that was this year. >> i know. i know let's get to the news here at 8:00. public disagreement is growing between president biden and israel's prime minister over the war in gaza. it is happening at a time of new attacks. hi, richard. >> reporter: good morning. casualties since this war began have been relatively low, lower than expected for israeli troops operating in gaza. but according to the israeli military, in the last 24 hours, at least 10 israeli soldiers were killed there. we richard engel in jerusalem with they're describing it as an ambush in a densely packed slum. and israeli troops were operating what they described as a residential building looking for hamas tunnels when they came under attack
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hamas fighters firing on them, throwing explosives. among the israeli killed was one battalion commander. this comes as this dispute is coming out into the public between president biden and israel's prime minister netanyahu, with president biden saying that israel still does have the world's support in its fight against hamas, that israel is right to fight against hamas. but that it risks losing international support if it carries out what he called indiscriminate bombings in gaza. >> richard, thank you very much. the fbi is investigating how a man with no plane ticket or passport was able to fly from denmark to los angeles last month. the officials say the man carried only two id cards, one from israel, the other from russia that indicates he is a 46-year-old russian citizen. after landing in los angeles, he said he had worked as an economist in russia and does not remember how he got on the plane. he has since been indicted on
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felony stowaway charges. auto safety regulators are working to make alcohol monitors a standard feature on new passenger cars the transportation department is letting auto makers know that such devices will essentially be required under a law passed by congress two years ago those devices would prevent a car from moving if they detect a driver is alcohol impaired the national highway traffic safety administration is currently researching the technology. nasa is showing off the perfec currently researching the technology so they can come up with a set of rules and regulations. nasa is showing off the perfect christmas tree ornament. the james web space telescope captured this image of the debris left behind when a star exploded so pretty. nasa says the clumps of color you see are tiny knots of gas that will one day form new stars
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and solar system wow. >> that's gorgeous. >> james webb telescope, every time we see an image from that, it is amazing. >> just ahead in "popstart," the viral game that's bringing people together. we will take you inside the rise of a new and unusual holiday tradition called whamageddon. and we cannot wait to introduce you to an inspiring group of kids, and these students are always putting others first, so we decided it's their turn so we have a holiday surprise for them coming up right after this (man) and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback
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during the 2023 subaru share the love event. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪♪) ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (husband) yoohoo, surprise! (son) dad? (husband) ♪ hey there family! while you're shopping, ♪ ♪ get me a 5g phone, it's on my list. ♪ (wife) seriously? a better plan is verizon. (husband) they'd take this mess? (caroler) ♪ very much so. just trade in that old phone. ♪
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♪ for a free 5g phone, plus netflix and max ♪ (wife) you really just should have done that. (caroler) ♪ this didn't land, she didn't like that. ♪ (husband) honey! i immediately get it! (avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. save big this holiday. only on verizon. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait.
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ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. story tied to our toy drive spectacular. our goal is to get more gifts to kids this holiday season than ever before. >> that's why we are putting that qr code on your screen right now because you still have time to help wherever you live right there, you scan it with your phone
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so you saw hoda there and the commercial before. you're playing the role of elf. >> it was really fun i went to this cool school in queens, and the students are so passionate about giving back to the community. so we thought, you know what, let's do something for them in return we gave them an epic holiday surprise and the kids' reaction was pure joy. >> be the change. >> be the change. >> be the change. >> the students at psms 124 are committed to being change makers. >> we're here for the holiday toy drive. do you have any toys >> yes the k through 8 school in queens, new york, has more than 1,000 students who all share one goal, to give back to others as much as they can >> happy holidays! >> be the change is their school motto, and they're living up to
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it by helping a new cause each month. a sock drive in october, a food drive in november. and now they are santa's elves collecting toys for their holiday toy drive. i visited the school to meet up with their incredible students when i walked in your school, i could feel the vibe. there is something different about your school. why do you want to be the change >> if something is wrong and nobody changes it, it will just keep getting worse and worse but if somebody changes that, it could spread kindness. >> kindness is important, isn't it >> a small act of kindness can change someone's life entirely. >> i know there are those struggling and if they're struggling, it is a struggle we struggle together. >> we know that your generous hearts aren't just around this time of year but why is it extra important to give this time of year >> we're all humans. we should be helping each other out and everyone deserves to be
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happy. >> we take the toys and give them to the people that are less fortunate. >> we're making their lives a bit easier and less stressful, which makes us really proud of this whole school. >> we're doing the toy drive at this school. >> the teachers give, too. it is a title one school, and many of its families are in need amy and erica spearhead faculty wide efforts. >> if we can give them any semblance of peace, love, care, i will always do that work >> staff members anonymously buy winter coats and a holiday present for every student in need and host a big thanksgiving feast for all the families in temporary housing. >> we were able to have the entire staff there helping the whole community just came together everything that is purchased is purchased by our staff with
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their own money. >> you could say the spirit of giving echoed through the hallways here. so you collected how many toys today? >> i would say about 50ish. >> let's check it out. come on. but little do they know, it's about to kick into high gear. >> that does not look like 15. >> come on in. is this more than 50 toys? >> yes >> macy's and toys r us donated 1,000 toys to your toy drive we actually have another surprise in an effort to help you guys help the students, macy's is giving you a $3,000 gift certificate. come on. do you love your teachers? meanwhile, just down the hall, hundreds of students gathered for our biggest surprise yet what do your shirts say? >> be the change >> by the way, this school is the change i am so proud of you because you guys are focused on giving things away. but you know what? it is time for someone to give back to you.
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count down with me three, two, one! >> macy's and toys r us is going to give every single student in >> macy's and toys r us is going to give every single student in here a christmas present. here a christmas present ♪ ♪ ♪ way. >> a joyous ♪ jingle bells ♪ ♪ jingle all the way ♪ ♪
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>> a joyous celebration of the season of giving with children who live it every single day. >> happy holiday oh, that's great. >> okay. first of all, kids like that, who literally are focused on nothing but giving back, i have never sat with a group of children who literally were as elated to get toys to give away as they were to get toys that were coming toward them. and those teachers were giving coats and food out of their own because this world can sometimes put you there, you go to one of those places and look around. the future leaders are there. >> and those kids you talked to at the beginning of that story, i mean, they were impressive. >> the young woman in the middle was the president of the pockets. but she said, if i wasn't going to be president, then she was or he was like they are -- >> they're amazing. >> and they're determined to lead this country. they said, we want to be somewhere so we can be the change. >> every single one before they got the president, before they
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opened it were so delighted.dis, but i >> not to diss our own children, and we love our own kids, but it's i wanted a pink one, not a blue one every kid ripped over their gift a five-year-old got a yahtzee game, didn't know anything about it, and she was like thank you, thank you. >> well, you are quite the elf, by the way you are leading the song at the end there. >> you know that's my favorite. >> now that she has a hit christmas song. >> that's right! >> you should have been singing that >> because "a carefree christmas" is the gift that keeps giving. >> hoda, well done that was great. al, let's get a check of the weather. >> all right let's show you what we've got as far as our weather for today look at that wet weather through florida. they will get soaked over the next weekend in fact, some of that rain will make its way up the eastern seaboard as well chilly conditions through the
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plains, the rockies. northern new england and the great lakes. for today, we are looking at plenty of sunshine making its way through the plains, all the way down to the mid atlantic states and snow showers along the western great lakes. we're also looking at sunshine out west that's what's going on around good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. still watching that fog drift around the north bay but it is eventually going to clear out and we're headed for the mid-60s today. another nice one. cool tonight and patchy fog and partly cloudy for tomorrow. saturday, we'll be watching rain coming in into the north bay and coastal areas and off and on rain through early next week. so we have a few more days of dry conditions and m neck of the woods. that's your latest weather best time of the morning. >> we're on a streak this morning.
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i never heard of whamageddon it has people turning down the volume on a christmas classic. we have emilie ikeda here to explain the game. it's growing in popularity >> this is a fun one they are trying to go without ever hearing wham's holiday hit "last christmas. a warning to those playing along, you will hear this christmas classic over the next couple of minutes. it's synonymous with the holiday season, and it's almost impossible to get out of your head ♪ ♪ last christmas, i gave you my heart ♪ ♪ >> iconic pop duo wham's 1984 hit "last christmas". it's that classic classic some are trying to dodge this season.
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in the viral survival game known as whamageddon. it has more than 11 million views on tiktok. >> we have reached a 10. how do you fair in this contest? >> do you know how tough this has been on me over the past three days >> reporter: the challenge runs from december 1st through the end of christmas eve and you're out if you hear and tears ♪♪ i give it to >> reporter: and amelia clark' recognize the original song, which means covers -- ♪ this year to save me from tears ♪ i give it to someone special. >> reporter: -- and the wham-inspired film "last christmas" are a go. even off key singing in new york city streets is approved, too ♪ ♪ i'll give it to someone special ♪ >> reporter: oh, thank you, ladies
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as a top streamed holiday song in more than 40 countries, making it to christmas without wham is a nearly impossible feat how quickly would you lose the challenge? >> the first week. >> reporter: its explosion in popularity from a concept that started nearly two decades ago among a group of friends in denmark. okay do you have something against the song why this song? >> no, we don't. >> reporter: the founder says part of the game's inspiration actually is based in the spirit of the season. >> we know from our community that a lot of people enjoy this like snippet of lividity we can inject into their lives at this period it is not so much about winning as it is about being in a shared experience >> okay. try noise canceling headphones to eliminate the risk at stores and city streets all i can say to the players in new york, good luck, because when i stepped outside of this
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building yesterday within minutes i heard the song all over the place >> and if you just watched the story, you lost. >> exactly we gave that warning we gave that warning. >> it is the original, not covers. >> so you could partake in your own off-key singing, as you heard. >> okay. thank you. okay next up taylor swift today -- did you know this -- is the grammy winner's birthday the extended version is now available to rent on digitals he entertainment and features three performances not seen before in theaters and because we are givers, this morning, we have one more pop star exclusive sneak peek. here's swift performing "long live." "popstart" exclusive sneak peek platforms. ♪ ♪ i remember this moment ♪ ♪ in the back of my mind ♪ ♪ the time we stood with our shaking hands ♪ and stands went
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wild ♪♪ fans in the stands ♪ the clouds and stands went wild ♪ ♪ fans in the stands ♪ ♪ and they ran up our names ♪ ♪ and we knew our lives with never be the same ♪ >> turn it on and have a good time enjoy the music. by the way, the eras tour earned the birthday girl a new title. according to the guinness world records, it is the highest grossing music tour ever and the first to surpass $1 billion in revenue. a very happy swiftmas to all next up, we're talking about the classics earlier this morning the library of congress released the 2023 movies inducted into the national film registry only 25 titles made the cut this year they hit every genre best picture winner,
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"12 years a slave," "love and basketball," "terminator 2." tom hank's and ron howard's 1995 blockbuster, "apollo 13" on the list how about this one disney's 1955 -- is it 1955? wow. the classic "lady and the tramp. since it is the holidays, wedis. >> all well-deserved. >> it is. >> there you go. finally it is wednesday, so you know what that means. a brand-new episode of "making space with hoda kotb" just dropped. scan have to mention this one. this week's special conversation with "today" contributor, alley love can we get a little sneak peek all right. here we go >> when you look back on your
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life and you were to say, this is the time when i was challenged the most, what memory or thought comes to mind for you? >> i think i'm being challenged right now the most it is a learning curve for me. there is something to be said about generally wanting to be the person i am, wanting to be liked by the world while staying myself it's this thing of wanting to be all things to all people but still staying myself, which is highly impossible. >> yeah, tough to do. >> so right now i'm learning how to operate differently as an adult in a new space in my life. >> she is one of these people you look at like, she's got no problems, everything is great, she's sunshine and roses but there was a road there i didn't know. when i sat down with her, i thought this is going to be one of those, get up, meditate and get on your way. it's not like that she's lived a life that has many, many, many layers and she's here for a reason. and i just think her journey is
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pretty cool, so it is definitely worth listening to. >> search for "making space" wherever you get your podcast. be sure and follow for new episodes every wednesday wait >> what is it? >> did anybody see the latest edition of "people" magazine >> with oprah? >> oprah is on it, yes but if you go inside, this is the one last thing feature disaster. it is available friday around the country. >> that's cute. i want to know those things. >> thank you. >> purple. >> your last obsession was your christmas song. >> oh, yeah. i think we did that before that. so bummer. straight ahead, we will have hoda is opening up about her time-saving shortcuts. but, first, your local news.
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here's a look at what's going on. kari hall is tracking that fog. >> we're still dealing with visibility in the north bay and in hayward, a quarter of mild visibility and about a half of a mile in oakland. after the fog clears out, we'll have a nice day. temperatures in the low to mid-60 for most of us and we'll see about the same tomorrow. our weather still dry at least into the weekend but then by saturday might, we'll start to see those rain chances coming in to parts of the north bay, the coastline and some soggy weather sunday into at least next tuesday. much needed rain is headed our way but we have a little bit more time to enjoy the sun. marcus? >> thanks, kari. we'll have another update in 30 minutes. i'll see you back here then.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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♪♪ ♪ >> oh! >> oh, we're back. we're back at 8:30 and it is full steam ahead with our toy drive spectacular on this wednesday morning she's collecting gifts this 3rr performing an original christmas song. you can scan that qr code on the screen to find out how you can get involved with our toy drive. >> we're about to check on the id because somebody morning. turning 60 what's your name >> lisa. >> lisa, where are you from? >> bloomfield, michigan.
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>> you are beautiful. >> her daughter surprised her, by the way, with this trip. >> celebrating with "the today show." thank you so much. just ahead in this half hour, vicky is in the house answering your questions from best apps for last-minute deals to helping you get through the airport with the least amount of hassle she has everything you need to know. plus, what is the holiday season without holiday desserts? how to make low-effort high-reward treats including texas sheet cake but with a twist. erin will be here tomorrow to share some expert help setting the ultimate holiday table. >> that will be good al, let's get a check of the weather. let's look ahead to the weekend and see what we have got going for you. sunny and nice on friday up and down the east coast. a texas soaker on friday sunshine out west. saturday stormy down in florida. mild in the mid-atlantic states. sunny in the rockies as well then sunday, sunday a southeast storm makes for wet weather in
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the southeast. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're still seeing the fog moving around part of the north bay. we're headed for sunshine for the afternoon and highs in the mid-60s. it will be cold again tonight and as we go into the next few days, we are looking good up until saturday evening but we are going to see much needed rain coming in from sunday through at least the middle of next week and at times, the rain hey, don't forget. you can stream all four hours of "today" and your local nbc station -- >> where are you going >> i'm walking over to you where else would i go?
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-- live on peacock, so head to >> i like that. >> i love that it's very cute on you. >> by the way, there is a woman behind us that shares a birthday with "the today show" and she made bracelets celebrating a birthday. >> okay. i will pass it to sheinelle. what is your name? >> doreen. you got a "today show" bracelet. happy birthday, birthday twin. all right. when we come back, kate snow will shine a light exploring out of the box treatments that could potentially help millions of americans struggling with addiction. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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all right. welcome back this morning on "your health," a new psychedelic drug is being talked about as a new solution for possible addiction >> it is not legal here in the united states yet, but advocates
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are pushing for more research to see if it is really as promising as some say. we have been following addiction and treatments like this for years. >> good morning, guys. this really could be a game changer for the three million people in this country who are fighting or have dealt with opoid addiction. we're talking about a psychedelic drug look, it has some risks, but some people that traveled to other countries to take it say it changed their lives for people battling opoid only 1 in 5 adults receive medications to treat it in 2021. those that take medications like methedone are sometimes on those drugs for years. but what if there were a treatment that could c addiction, help can be hard to shrub in western africa. advocates say that with just one treatment lasting 12 to 18 hours, a person who was addicted can walk out clean.
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allen davis is director for the center for psychedelic drug research and education at ohio state that authored a study on the effectiveness of it. >> is it working for some people >> it is working for some people the best evidence that we have is about 30% of people will remain abstinent after it. how many times did you go to rehab, bobby >> i went to two in-patient rehabs then i went to several outpatient rehabs where, in essence, they prescribed something equivalent, but there was no inpatient component to it, six or seven taoepimes for t patient. >> reporter: bobby loughlin is married now with two kids and a career, but ten years ago he was deep into a heroin addiction when he traveled to a clinic in mexico
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like many who have used it, bobby said he felt like the trip helped him understand why he started using drugs to begin with. >> i was laying down in a bed, a gigantic hand comes up and grabs my entire body and pulls me into the ground. >> reporter: and there was a voice? >> yes the voice was like a strong, masculine voice that was yelling. and it was scary and basically telling me that the reason i'm in this experience was all due to my decisions. >> reporter: when bobby woke up, he had no desire to use and has never used since what are the feelings around that >> it is just very intense to reconnect with yourself again, after having been so far removed from yourself. it's like getting to know an old friend especially it's a friend that you may not, you know -- it's like i never knew that i would
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see him again. >> reporter: you didn't know if you would live. >> right. >> reporter: there are some documented heart risks, which isn't legal in the u.s and some worry about danger with unregulated foreign clinics. allen davis says no one is quite sure why it works. >> one of the things that we think is happening in the brain is that it is having an impact on the reward center of the brain, and that's one of the rewarding cycles that people get in and what causes them to relapse. >> important to say that bobby's experience is not everyone's experience as allen davis said in the piece, about 70% of people that try it do relapse. but that is less than the percentage who relapse with current treatment options. experts emphasize this drug has to be taken in a medically-controlled environment where they're monitoring for side effects and everybody wants more research. kentucky is actually discussing spending $42 million to fund the
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research guys, if that passes, they would have to get fda permission to do trials but a lot of hope around that, that that could be a next step because right now it is illegal in this country. >> there has been so much research going on about the many different psychedelics and whether they could treat ptsd, for example. so this is kind of a piece with that. >> yeah. but you look at bobby, 11 years almost he's been sober now. >> and the way he described how he emerged was so profound, i thought, seeing an old friend. the fact he has not used is really telling >> well, the reality is there are millions of people in this country that suffered mightily with addiction for some time. >> that's exactly why kentucky is looking for funding. coming up next, asked. well, we're answering. vicky has holiday tips to get you where you need to go with less stress. but,irst, this is "today" fon
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back now 8:43 with our
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ongoing series "asked and answered." aaa expects 115 million people to travel before christmas to new year's so nearly eight million of people flying. that's a potential record. we have heard from people asking travel questions so guess what? we had to bring in vicky nguyen here to help you answer the questions. good to see you. all right. let's start with the questions you are getting. a lot of people are cost conscious. one of our viewers asked please tell me what websites or apps can you use to get the best deals on holiday travel? >> this is such a great question it is there for the holidays and beyond let's start with hopper. it is a website that helps you with not just your airfare but hotels and car rentals as well kayak has this tool called best time to travel you say i live here, i want to go here and i have four days what is the best time to travel. it will tell you based on prices google has something similar
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called explore you put in i'm flying from here. these are the dates i need to travel. >> yes. >> where can i go? it will say explore these prices super helpful tools. >> sometimes you have the time you don't care where you go. >> you know how long you want to be done. people are obsessed with this site say you have a lot of credit card miles and points and you don't know how to maximize them? they come up with the best deale for you. it is not free, but you can have access to the site for 24 hours for $5 it is worth it if you are ready to go and travel. >> where can i go with this money? >> exactly. >> love it okay everyone is obviously cost conscious, but are there special days that are better to play >> yes, december 18th and 19th if you are traveling for christmas, those are the best times to fly if you travel on the holiday itself, december 25th, you will save 20% coming back december 28th is the best time to return. >> so leaving on christmas day
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or new year's day, those kind of are good and then midweek. >> absolutely. >> got it, got it. sometimes when you go to the airport, it is a hassle. it is a pain are there special services that we don't know about that we can use. >> this is so important. if you are a senior, by the way, you should ask the airline for a senior discount. it could be 5% to 10% off the airfare if you are 60 or 65. it depends on the airline. if you have assisted devices, you can travel with those for free you don't have to pay an extra fee. you should call ahead if you have if scooters we have seen so much with the wheelchairs getting damaged and that sort of thing put a piece of paper laminated on your wheelchair that says this is how you fold it up, this is how you disassemble it. if you can take off the loose parts, the batteries sometimes you can take your wheelchair into the cabin.
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that's ideal so it doesn't get thrown down the ramp finally, concierge services, they will help you door to door. sometimes vip lines to get on to the plane. and then at your destination get you to the right spot as well. >> let's talk about things you can and can't get through tsa. one of these things must be presents because there were a viral video trying to bring something through that his grandmother gave him >> sometimes tsa wants to see what's inside that mystery box the biggest thing that causes . the only exception is baby products. if you have breast milk, formula, yeah, you can bring more than 3.4 ounces. >> or medication. >> exactly. you can bring food that is frozen solid when it goes through security. but a reminder, let's say you are slow downs is people bringing normally you would want that to be runny, bu if it's frozen like a brick, you can get it through tsa peanut butter is a no no it's spreadable. people are always trying to get peanut butter on the plane.
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>> i saw a woman with mcdonald's ice creams the line was so long that by the time they got through, it was a liquid what happens if your flight gets delayed or canceled. what can you do? >> you always want to have the my tsa app as well as the airline app. this is your boarding pass this is everything for you customer service numbers it is all on the airline app my tsa tells you how long the wait will be let's say they're having a problem, this and that you walk right to the line you're on the app. someone in your party is on the 800 number. maybe you are trying the international number, and multiple people working it so you can rebook this is one people forget about. you can fly out of laguardia, jfk. maybe you are in dallas and there is a nearby airport. >> look somewhere else. >> look at a train or taxi to that other spot. it might be a more economical
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way to get to your destination. >> we love you thank you. for more holiday tips, check out >> i'm salivating right here coming up next, jesse sheehan
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♪♪ okay. we >> that's what i like. ♪ okay we are back with our "today table" series. this morning we are making them quick and easy and delicious i already sampled them author of the cookbook is here with show-stopping recipes scan the qr code you can get all the ingredients you need good morning. >> good morning! >> these are very accessible. >> 100%. and i love this cake
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it is a peppermint texas sheet cake i love it because everything is cooked in a pot or in a bowl in stand mixer necessarily so right now i'm pouring a mixture of butter and water and cocoa powder into our dry ingredients. the hot water is going to bloom that chocolate flavor. >> so this was cocoa, butter. >> exactly next we have some butter milk. i always like to add an egg yolk i love you for helping me. >> is that one of those don't overmix deals? >> exactly now i will add peppermint extract. this gets its flavor from both the cake and the frosting. then i add my vanilla. >> this is easy. >> and we're done. >> stir it all up again, right >> you can stir that up. you can stir that up sorry if i splashed you. >> don't worry. >> we're literally done, and the cake is only going to bake for 15 minutes. >> this is incredible. easy as pie. how are the tasters doing over there? >> it is like a cake version of a york peppermint patty.
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>> i'm not lazy, but if you did want to use a mixer, you could, right? >> you kind of could, but i would be upset. >> is that enough? because my arm is tired. >> now we have our batter. it's been sitting around for a little while, it's a little thicker. but basically, we're just putting this into our pan, smearing it around. >> is that parchment paper >> it is look at this cool trick. the paper doesn't fly around in your oven and people always ask me, they are heat proof. you do not need to worry. >> don't touch them, right are you going to leave this blob or are you going to shake it >> okay. i was giving us a little time, but i'm going to go like this. >> we have the time. >> i would spread it out perfectly. >> that's all i wanted. >> but i do like a blob. >> a blob is delicious >> here we have our finished
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cake with our cute binders, and this is amazing. this is our frosting also cooked on the stove top this one again is more cocoa powder we've got some milk and we've added extract to this as well. look at how cute this is. >> looks like ganache for something. >> look at you all fancy, ganache. >> so we spread it out, and then what >> we just let it sit. and what i love here is that once it comes to room temp, i'm actually going to use this. >> i like that. >> once it comes to room temp, there is a layer of like fudginess. are you guys getting this between the frosting and the cake because it's hot. also i just want to make clear, we actually put the frosting on when the cake is hot. >> that's what i was going to say because usually you have to cool the cake first. you are blowing my mind, jesse. >> now we only have two minutes, and i slowed you down. >> no worries. >> these balls. >> these are oreo truffles and easy peasy
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we have cream cheese we have oreos. i understand you probably need to love oreos to love this so i put a little salt in so it is not too sweet this is what the batter looks like when it comes out. >> oh, my gosh. >> you basically scoop it out and then roll it into a ball then you stick it in the freezer. plop it into your chocolate, the chocolate sticks to the ball. >> is it hot, cold? >> it's hot, white chocolate. >> have you tried this one yet, savannah? >> that's what i tried in the taste. it is amazing. >> why did you love it, actually? >> freezer actually you have to put your sprinkles on when the chocolate is warm so that they stick. i won't lie. been there, done that. you have done them all and you're all excited and nothing sticks.
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>> so you freeze first and then put the hot chocolate. why doesn't it melt? >> as long as they're frozen, the chocolate will nicely grab on to the little ball without giving you any problems. >> and then do you put the refrigerator after you sprinkle it. >> you don't have to, yeah you don't have to. yes, they are cake poppy, 100%. >> well done, jesse. >> you can find the ingredients if you scan the qr code. "today" earns a commission for purchases made through our links. thank you so much. we're back after a check of your local news and weather
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good morning. the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband in their san francisco home is due back in court for a status hearing tied to his federal hearing. david depape is facing up to 30 years in prison for attacking paul pelosi with a hammer at his home. he's facing another 20 years for kidnapping. today's focuses around federal guidelines. he is also awaiting a potential superior court trial. the hearing is scheduled to get underway at 10:00. ginger will have a live report ginger will have a live report in our midday look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank
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unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of today, remembering andre braugher. tributes pouring in for this prolific actor. >> well played. >> thank you, sir. >> look at that, you helped me find my smile. >> we're going to look back at his impressive career and the times he spent with us here at "today".


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