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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 13, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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hello, everyone. i'm kate snow. zinhle essamuah is off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, december 13th, 2023. warning to israel. president biden meets with families of american hostages at the white house, after issuing
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his strongest criticism yet of israel's leader. how the israeli government is reacting. holding steady. the fed keeps interest rates at the same place for the third straight time, what it means for the fight against inflation as we enter the home stretch of holiday shopping season. digging deep how a psychedelic drug could change the way we treat addiction. hold the phone. thinking of buying your child a smartphone for holidays what experts say you need to think about doing that. we begin this hour with growing pressure on israel in its war with hamas. a lot has happened in the past 24 hours, u.n. member nations voted overwhelmingly to call for a immediate humanitarian cease-fire in gaza. at the same time, more israeli commanders and soldiers have died in combat. the israeli military said at least nine were killed in the past week, bringing the total number of service members killed
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since the ground offensive started to 115. and nbc news can't independently verify those numbers. all happening just as president biden issued his harshest criticism yet of israel's right-wing government. today, at the white house, president biden met face to face with family members of americans believed to still be held hostage by hamas. leading us off this hour, monica alba and nbc news now anchor hallie jackson in tel aviv, israel. monica, what are we hearing from the white house about president's meeting with the hostage families today and are we still hearing a sharp tone about israel's strategy. >> reporter: it's clear there's gap where u.s. and israel view this. in terms of that indiscriminantly bombing. but something that both countries and leaders agree on is their desire to see more
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freed hostages and that's why president biden did meet today for about two hours with the relatives of those eight americans who are still unaccountable for believed to be held by hamas or militant groups by gaza in at this time and they came out and spoke after this meeting, called it terrific, said there's no better friend in washington than joe biden. here's a little more. >> we're thankful to the president and to his team, because we know that they are working 24 hours a day and they're going to work through the holidays and they're going to do everything they can to make sure all of our love ones, real people come home to us. >> of course the major question here, kate, is how this could happen, how they could secure another temporary pause in the fighting between israel and hamas that would facilitate the release of more hostages.
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i'm told there's limited hope that that still could happen, but clearly right now that's something that these families are praying for and one of them even said they're hoping for some kind of a christmas miracle to bring them home. kate. >> hallie, over to you in tel aviv, how are president biden's commence and the u.n. vote being received in israel particularly by prime minister netanyahu and his government. >> reporter: a defiant position from israeli. the international pressure. the prime minister had been a briefing essentially, an assessment i should say with special op racing and said, this war is going to be difficult, but added, i don't think there's an alternative here. since october 7th he and now this unity government have pushed forward and their goal is to eliminate hamas, the hostage releases, the potential of negotiations, it's not just of
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course the united states affected with president biden meeting with those families, there are so many israelis here, hostage family members who are just desperate for their loved ones to be freed. at hostage square in the center of tel aviv. listen to what she told me. >> it's my responsibility to take care of her, her life, her health, her well-being and now right now she's out of my reach. i don't have anything to do for her except to talking to you and other media, how much is important to us what he's doing. how he's supporting israel and the negotiations. >> reporter: she said that she was told by some of freed hostages that her sister is alive but hurt. making the situation for her desperate. >> the egyptian red crescent said that two border crossings
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have opened up to increase aid. >> reporter: so one of them is the crossing on the border between israel and gaza. and the other is on israel/egypt. get more aid trucks inspected to get it into gaza to the people who need it. 200 trucks have gone in, hamas leaders say they need something like 1,000 according to hamas-run health ministry there. for example the u.n. palestinian rescue chief said civil order is breaking down and the hamas-run health ministry said v vaccinations are running out for children. on capitol hill, house republicans are expected to vote soon to formalize their
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impeachment inquiry into president biden, as part of that inquiry they're seeking to interview hunter biden whether his father the president benefitted from hunter's business dealing. hunter biden refused to meet with investigators behind closed doors. he blasted the investigation, saying he'll only appear in a public hearing. >> for six years i've been the target for unrelenting trump attack machine shouting, where's hunter? here's my answer. i am here. >> nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali joins me now. they're set to vote on this impeachment inquiry in the next few hours. do republicans have the votes to do that. >> reporter: it seems like they do, kate a marked departure from earlier in the summer when then-speaker mccarthy seemed to endorse the idea of an impeachment inquiry.
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now, according to the new speaker mike johnson, members have gone home to their districts specifically over their thanksgiving break, they came back with an understanding that an inquiry could have support even in their more moderate biden districts, now they're moving forward with that. many of those moderates are cautioning this is an inquiry not an outright impeachment. >> hunter biden was supposed to appear on capitol hill for a closed-door deposition, instead he held a press conference out, what's the reaction to that, could it have any impact on this impeachment vote of his father? >> reporter: well, look, republicans immediately spoke out against about what hunter biden did. said hunter -- they wanted hunter biden behind closed
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doors. we watched a little bit of this negotiation happening back during the january 6th committee but this is standard practice to be behind closed doors before then coming public, hunter biden said he wanted to talk to committee only publicly. >> during my battle with addiction, my parents were there for me. literally saved my life. they held me in ways i will never be able to repay and of course they would never expect me to. and in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. >> look, at this point, these investigations have been ongoing, without calling them an impeachment inquiry officially, these chairmen are going to move forward putting hunter biden in
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contempt of congress or at least trying to, kate. >> ali, thank you. some hopeful news for the economy the federal reserve just announced today that it will not change interest rates for the third consecutive time this year, the fed is holding the key rate steady at 5.25% to 5.5%. this decision comes just one day after new data revealed inflation continues to ease. nbc news business and data correspondent brian cheung is us again. the fed's decision, how did they describe why they decided not to raise rates again? >> because the federal reserve has already raised interest rates so aggressively over the last two years, so we have to keep in mind that the federal reserve has been trying to make borrowing costs higher part of the reason why mortgage rates and credit card rates are so high. we can keep them at this level now, still high but let them sit there a and see if they can take more bite out of inflation.
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from 9% last year to 3% this year. federal reserve saying, look, this hasn't had the impact of sending us into a recession. lot of things that favor this economy continuing to chug along, what's interesting a about the decision, kate, even though they didn't do anything, there are projections that the federal reserve could start to cut interest rates for the first time since the pandemic perhaps some time next year, it depends on how the data looks. >> which affects our credit cards, home loans and mortgages. so the decision in a year where the numbers look good, i guess what i want to ask, people don't feel so good right now, a full screen up with all kinds of good things about the economy right now. >> that's the data. >> right. >> but the real-life worries over spending are real. >> yeah, and the federal reserve chairman was asked a question about that, he said, look, because prices are still going up, the rate of inflation is
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going down but because it's still a positive figure, prices are still going up but at a slower rate. the federal reserve chair said that prior to 2023, going into this year, at lot of economic forecasters including those inside the federal reserve itself were worried that we would be in a recession, spiking unemployment and inflation not going down that fast and he said, look, at the end of the 2023, we actually had a very strong year, quote. >> things are a little bit bad with inflation but not as bad as it could have been. >> exactly. time now for cnbc money minute. a netflix release, not a movie or a tv show. pippa stevens. tesla recalling more than 2 million vehicles across its model lineup over concerns of the autopilot feature after a
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two-year investigation by safety regulators following a erz of crashes why autopilot was in use. a defective system to make sure drivers are paying attention when autopilot is in use. tesla will send out a software update to fix the problem. apple is rolling out a new security feature to protect iphone users from hackers. it blocks intrurdz from taking over your account, accessing passwords and stealing money. finally netflix is releasing viewership data on all of its titles for the first time. the night agent topped the list in hours viewed. i haven't watched any of these. maybe i'm just behind the times.
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>> pippa, don't worry. thank you so much. coming up, delivery dangers, fedex sounding the alarm after (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain,
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stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. looking for bladder leak protection designed for worry-free sleep? try poise overnight pads. with a 75% wider back poise's most absorbent pad provides up to 12 hours of protection to help you sleep worry free. try poise overnight pads. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. big news out of the supreme court today the justices have agreed to hear arguments over whether a pill widely used for abortion can remain easily accessible. laura jarrett is following this one for us. laura, it's so interesting, this is first first time that the
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supreme court has taken up abortion or a case having to do with abortion since roe v. wade last year, what will they be deciding in this case? >> this is the biggest case since the fall of roe last year. what's at stake is how fda went about making the pill easily to get. the question is, can you get the pill by mail, do you have to see a doctor three times or not? it's more about the way the fda tried to loosen the restrictions because the group who sued when you did that loosening you didn't value wait the health risks. >> the supreme court isn't taking it away but how much access you get. walk us through the potential time line here. >> everything moves slowly in that building. in the next couple of weeks they'll set a date for oral arguments.
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do their oral argument. >> is anyone trying to read the tea leaves on this yet? >> a lot of tea leaves reading when it comes to the supreme court. remember, the reason why there's been no disruption to the pill because they put a stay on it when the lower court tried to take it off the market. again, that's a different ball of wax. they could get rid of this standing that the people who sued don't have a right to do so because they haven't been harmed without reaching the pill is legal. one way they could wilg out of this. >> laura, thank you. fedex sounding the alarm about a dangerous trend across the country, thieves are robbing stores and delivery trucks. here's nbc news correspondent maggie vespa.
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>> reporter: amid the holiday shopping rush, brazen heists and thieves taking aim to steal your packages. in florida, one alleged thief taking the truck itself on a high-speed chase. a state trooper using pit maneuvers to try and stop them. now, one major carrier is warning drivers to be on guard. the wall street journal reporting fedex last week issued a security alert to thousands of its package delivery contractors, urging them to prioritize driver safety, stressing calling 911 if there is imminent danger and closing and locking all doors and windows when possible. nbc news has not seen that alert. fedex telling nbc in a statement, the safety and well-being of our team members are always our top priorities. in similar statements, ups told us drivers are taught to be aware of their surroundings and to report anything they consider unsafe. amazon saying drivers are never expected to make a delivery if they feel unsafe. meanwhile, jaw-dropping videos popping up across the country. >> you guys are on camera, just fyi.
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>> reporter: this california woman warning thieves her home security camera was recording them emptying a fedex truck. in connecticut, four men robbed an amazon driver at gunpoint while he unloaded packages. >> that's awful, and to think what might happen. >> reporter: authorities say the dangers facing drivers are realities for brick and mortar stores. case in point, so-called crash and grabs. surveillance video in chicago this week captured thieves smashing a jeep through a store's front windows and making sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression store's front windows and making off with armloads feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients
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have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at looking for bladder leak protection designed for worry-free sleep? try poise overnight pads. with a 75% wider back poise's most absorbent pad provides up to 12 hours of protection to help you sleep worry free. try poise overnight pads. so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back!
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happy wednesday. this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. a new tidal marsh opened today. sky ranger was flying over as crews broke the levee. it reopens the old 300 acre salt pond. it's part of a restoration project and a 50-year effort to restore 7,500 marsh acres. environmental groups hope to restore wetlands. quite the site this morning. in san francisco, the man convicted of attacking the husband of nancy pelosi back in federal court this morning. this after he was found guilty of all counts in the federal case against him. ginger conejero saab is outside
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the courthouse in san francisco with this update. >> reporter: we are awaiting sentencing, or a sentencing date for the federal case, to find out just how much of the 30-year sentence he will be responsible for. he was found guilty of assault. how much of the 30 years he will serve, how much of the 20-year maximum for attempted kidnapping. this morning, it seems like we are one step closer to that with a date set at april -- for april 24th for that sentencing hearing. last month, a federal grand jury indicted david depap. he was found guilty of assaulting paul pelosi inside their home in october of 2022. he was found guilty of attempted kidnapping of a u.s. official. depap's state case is still in the courts. there he is charged with attempted murder, elder abuse, among other charges. the district attorney's office
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has not commented if they will entertain a plea deal with the defense, given the federal case is done. there are a number of status hearings scheduled between now and january 12th, which is the first day that trial is scheduled for the state case. as far as the federal case, sentencing next year as well in april. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. here are other stories. a bus crash at uc santa cruz. a deadly shooting investigation in oakland. the crime scene at the shooting. it happened this morning at 6:30. the victim died at the scene. we don't know their identity or what led up to the shooting. oakland police asking anyone with information to please come forward. we are learning about the six people hospitalized following a bus crash last night on the ucsc campus.
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the bus hit a wall. two people were seriously hurt. four others are expected to survive. it's not clear if they are students. the cause of the crash is under investigation. san jose is getting $13 million from the u.s. department of transportation to increase safety along san jose's most dangerous corridors. the money will help san jose's vision zero project focusing on four sites chosen by the transportation department. comes at a time when traffic deaths are spiking in the city. at least 60 people have been killed in car crashes this year. let's talk about our weather. the past few days have been chilly. a warm-up could be on the way. here is kari hall. >> here is a look at our temperatures this afternoon. it's going to be mild and even slightly above normal for this time of year. especially in the south county where we will see highs in the upper 60s. parts of the inland east bay in the low 60s. mostly sunny and mid 60s in the
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north bay. tomorrow, we will see the temperatures continuing to reach into the upper 50s and low 60s. upper 60s for the south bay. eventually, we will see rain coming back toward the bay area in the forecast for the weekend. we will see not only one but two storm systems coming our way. we will be tracking that and we will talk about how much rain we are expecting as well as how we will see the temperatures change coming up in the microclimate forecast in 30 minutes. >> thanks. we have a recall alert for you. tesla is recalling more than 2 million cars sold in the u.s. to fix an issue with the autopilot systems. they will make sure drivers are still alert when autopilot is on. it comes after an investigation into crashes while the autopilot system was in use. our reporter scott budman will have a full report in our afternoon 4:30 newscast. we will have hourly updates we will have hourly updates right here on nbc bay area.
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when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. here's liz, whose bladder leaks drop in uninvited. but instead of period pads, she brought poise ultra thin. so she can bounce on with poise protection in a fresh new look. holy cannoli. look at this. it's like a science project. ordering lunch -- easy for you and me but can be so difficult for a young homeowner turning into their parents. are those all different lettuces? uh, yes, sir. brown rice, white rice, or quinoa?
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." the man accused of attacking an eld derly jewish couple in beverly hills is now facing criminal charges the couple was walking to synagogue when the suspect allegedly attacked them from behind. he's charged with one count of attempted second-degree robbery, one count of elder abuse and
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assault with a deadly weapon. in all the charges could amount to life in prison if he's convicted. the san francisco giants say they offered shohei ohtani the same record-breaking contract he signed with the los angeles dodgers. the offer was, quote, very comparable if not identical to shohei's deal with the dodgers. $700 million over ten years. the dodgers will introduce their new star at a press conference tomorrow. check out this video, that right there on the left side of your screen is a black bear, it was caught on camera during skiers coming down the slopes at lake tahoe. posted the video on tiktok that he didn't realize it was a bear until it was too close, quote/unquote. the animal was able to get safely back to its mother. in seattle, police are
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investigating a disturbing pair of hit and runs. according to police the suspects actually recorded the moments they hit the people. here's nbc news correspondent maura barrett. >> reporter: seattle police searching for suspects in a pair of violent hit and runs. in the first, someone inside the vehicle tells the driver to hit a woman crossing the street. as the car strikes the woman the people inned the car are heard laughing. police say this surveillance video shows that same incident in a second run-in a few blocks away from first the driver directly plows into a pedestrian. striking the victim from behind sending them toppling over the roof of the vehicle. >> strikes random pedestrians. anyone with information please come foward. >> reporter: in a statement, the seattle police writing that suspect's vehicle didn't stop in either incident. based on the speed of the impact
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likely the victim suffered serious injuries. >> it's so horribly unfortunate that have individuals in any community that could take tactics to hurt others and then somehow feel that it's comical. as far as the community is concerned, stay vigilant as you walk in and around your communities. >> reporter: is videos from seattle disturbing and remarkably similar to a case that dominated headlines in las vegas, two teenagers killing a man. the moment he was intentionally run down when he was riding his bicycle. one of the suspect focused on the media attention he would get. >> reporter: both were being charged as adults have pled not guilty to murder and numerous felony accounts. the pair seen laughing and
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smiling in court, enraging the victim's family. >> how can you sit there after taking a man's life? let's change gears now and talk about social media, is it hurting teens, the answer is nuanced according to a national academy of sciences, engineering and medicine a new report dives into that exact question and it's highlighting the way parents can minimize the harms of social media for children while maximizing the benefits, that's the idea, what are the headline and the headlines here, it's complicated. nearly 300-page report that looks across 15 years of science. while the researchers say there's no hard and fast rules for parents they feel they don't have access to data from social media companies. they do some takeways. you can fight the negative effects of it.
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lovely household, a nurturing school environment, clear communication, these things can -- the tough of the effects we've seen and some styles of social media are better than others, basically posting it turns out can be a pretty positive effect, if you put the pottery you like to make that can make you pretty good. whereas as just passively scrolling across every type can be bad for you. >> jake, tips for parents, do they come down with any kind of, here's what you should do. >> they don't have enough data to create hard and fast rules but they do have some tips. you have to set rules, you have to clear communication with your kids about it. watch out for things lack of sleep, not eating well, these are things are clearly a problem connected to social media and things already going on with a kid, depression, anxiety, those things are only made worse by social media.
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with a young kid you guide them actively through it. with a teenager you have to let them become more independent. >> so what are they asking companies to do? >> it's so hard to study this stuff. these companies are private about their data. we need to create an international body that creates international standards that requires social media companies to turn over their data to study it more effectively. >> good luck with ha. >> enforce the law. >> that's a tough one. fans are mourning the unexpected loss of actor andre braugehr, best known for playing police officers in brooklyn nine-nine and "homicide:life on the street." chloe melas takes a look back at his career. >> he is my job.
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hollywood paying tribute to andre braugher, the star who gained recognition for his unforgettable turn in "homicide: life on the street" and most recently, "brooklyn nine-nine." andre braugher played beloved police captain, a straight laced cop known for his deadpan one-liners. >> i have never been more proud of you for anything in your life. >> i mean, i solved a lot of cases. >> and yet crime has continued. >> reporter: overnight, his heartbroken co-stars reacting to the news. terry crews calling his talent irreplaceable writing on instagram, thank you for your wisdom, your advice, your kindness and your friendship. you showed me what a life well-lived looks like. mark evan jackson sharing a photo of them simply writing, oh captain, my captain. best known for his dramatic roles reflected on playing it for laughs in the comedy series here on "today" back in 2019.
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>> you play the ultimate straight man on the show, rarely cracking a smile. is that in any way, shape or form true to who you are? >> i don't think so. i'm a serious dude depending on what the circumstances are. i feel like all of these incredible comedians are the kites and i'm the string. >> reporter: braugher got his big-screen break in "glory" alongside fellow newcomer denzel washington. he went on to play his most famous role, the tough as nails interrogator in the '90s police drama "homicide: life on the street." >> don't lie to me again. this is what you did. >> reporter: a performance that won him critical acclaim and an emmy in 1998. >> and this is for all the people in baltimore. this is a town i love. we finally made it. thank you all. >> reporter: he went on to roles in television, including "men of a certain age" and "the good fight."
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and movies like "she said." andre braugher met his wife on the set of "homicide." the couple were married for more than 30 years and had three sons. the actor reflecting on his career and prioritizing his family in an interview with "variety" in 2020 saying, i think i could have spammed more disciplines. but it would have been at the expense of my own life. there's a lot of talk about a certain psychedelic drug called ibogaine and advocates say it can make a huge difference literally overnight, not legal here in the u.s. and there are some risks, i spoke to researchers about the drug and how it can help people with substance use disorder. for people battling opoid addiction, help can be hard to find. only 1 in 5 adults receive medications to treat it in 2021.
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those that take medications like methadone alongside therapy are sometimes on those drugs for years. but what if there were a treatment that could change things overnight? ibogaine comes from the root bark of a shrub in western africa. advocates say that with just one treatment lasting 12 to 18 hours, a person who was addicted can walk out clean. allen davis is director for center of psychedelic drug research and education at ohio state that authored a study on the effectiveness of ibogaine. is it working for some people? >> ibogaine is working for some people. the best evidence that we have is about 30% of people will remain abstinent after using ibogaine. how many times did you go to rehab, bobby? >> i went to two in-patient rehabs. then i went to several outpatient rehabs where, in essence, they prescribed
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something, but there was no in patient component to it. six or seven times at least for outpatient. >> reporter: bobby loughlin is married now with two kids and a career, but ten years ago he was deep into a heroin addiction when he traveled to a clinic in mexico to try ibogaine. like many who have used it, bobby said he felt like the ibogaine trip helped him understand why he started using drugs to begin with. >> i was laying down in a bed, a gigantic hand comes up and grabs my entire body and pulls me into the ground. >> and there was a voice? >> yes. the voice was like a strong, masculine voice that was yelling. and it was scary and basically telling me that the reason i'm in this experience was all due to my decisions. >> reporter: when bobby woke up, he had no desire to use and has never used since.
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what are the feelings around that? >> it is just very intense to reconnect with yourself again, after having been so far removed from yourself. it's like getting to know an old friend. especially it's a friend that you may not, you know -- it's like i never knew that i would see him again. >> you didn't know if you would live. >> right. >> reporter: there are some documented heart risks with ibogaine, which isn't legal in the u.s. and some worry about danger with unregulated foreign clinics. allen davis says no one is quite sure why it works. >> one of the things that we think is happening in the brain is that it is having an impact on the reward center of the brain, and that's one of the rewarding cycles that people get in and what causes them to relapse. >> important to say that bobby's experience is not everyone's experience.
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about 70% of people who try ibogaine do relapse. but that is less than the percentage who relapse with current treatment options. experts emphasize that this drug has to be taken in a medically-controlled environment where they're monitoring for side effects and they do want more research coming up, the gift of gab
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my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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in today's modern parenting the gift giving season is upon us and so the is debate that can leave parents divided whether to gift their kid a smartphone, according to summonsense media 42% of children have their own smartphone by age 10. 12, 71%. 14, it's 91%. though phones can keep families in touch, there are some digital social media concerns. we decided to phone a friend on this subject. we've been talking about it during the commercial, i'm really torn about what the right age is, there's movement right now called wait until 8, where parents take a pledge they'll wait into eighth grade. what's your best advice. >> so that pledge is really
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great because parents ban together as a community, so they're removing that social pressure to get their first cellphone. as a mom to 11-year-old i'm all for holding off but we do know that most kids have a phone by middle school, around 12 years old, and the reasons do vary, parents want a piece of mind if a kid is commuting on their own on public transportation or staying home solo. you know your child best. is your child responsible? can they be responsible for their belongings? can they manage restrictions around phone usage? do they understand technology enough? i do think that if you decide to give your kid a phone it doesn't have to be the latest iphone with all the bells and whistles, right -- >> it can be a flip phone. >> i can be flip phone or a phone without a web browser. so there are options if you want
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to ease your kid into having their own device. >> for what it's worth, i actually wish i held off longer, i gave them a phone around 11. that's just me. if a parent does decide to do this, how do you set up the expectation and limits on phone use? >> i would say write a contract out outlining your exceptions. >> right write it down. maybe they don't use it in their bedroom or during family time and how they should use their phone. they need to ask permission to download any apps. include in there digital etiquette. the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated. no inappropriate content or photos.
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>> i said this before, one of the best things we did do is no phones in the bedrooms. and the kids fought us on it. we were like, nope. >> they got sleep. >> exactly. let's talk about social media. we talked about this new study that came out today that found positives and negatives in social media. i know it's hard to -- to one answer. >> first of all, you want to talk to your kid about privacy and staying safe online and that way you're empowering this em to make smart decisions, remind them their digital footprint is forever. and then, you want to have that conversation with them about just having that open line of communication so there's full transparency. >> what they're actually doing. >> exactly. >> what apps they're using. >> the internet is a scary
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place, parents want to have some control over their child's phone. monitor their text messages -- apps they're on but having that open line of communication -- >> it said on the screen monitor but not too much. >> you can't constantly monitor -- >> constant monitor is not -- >> exactly, talking to your kid constantly so they're very transparent about their usage. >> thanks s your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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here's liz, whose bladder leaks drop in uninvited. but instead of period pads, she brought poise ultra thin. so she can bounce on with poise protection in a fresh new look. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. looking for bladder leak protection designed for worry-free sleep? try poise overnight pads. with a 75% wider back poise's most absorbent pad provides up to 12 hours of protection to help you sleep worry free. try poise overnight pads. hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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welcome to "the fast forward." welcome back, i'm janelle wang. the biggest utility company in the bay area is asking for another rate hike. it comes weeks after regulators approved a separate hike that starts next month. here is kris sanchez with the new developments. >> reporter: pg&e says it needs the cash influx to stabilize its finances. this is on top of the 13% increase they were just approved for recently. the filing with the california public utilities commission is for $1.5 billion from customers. the filing says it needs the increase to cover spends on wildfire prevention and storm repair. they did get a 13% increase three weeks ago. you might remember initially they were asking for 26%.
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the approved increase kicks in on new year's day. the request in the most recent filing would not be up for approval until late next year. however, pg&e is asking for an expedited decision on this to get that cash flowing in a little sooner. we have talked with the utility reform network. the ceo says that if you want to affect change, you can reach out to the cpuc, the regulators. your best bet is to reach out to your local elected leaders who can put that pressure. in south bay, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. sunshine before rain returns to the bay area. >> it's going to be a nice afternoon. get out there and enjoy it. it does look like we will see more clouds coming in over the next couple of days. we do still have cold mornings and possibly some patchy, dense fog. into the wntd, we will be
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watching for rain late saturday. sunday, it looks soggy. wet weather continues into the beginning of next week. highs in the low 60s inland. for san francisco, expect it to be a mostly sunny day. the return of clouds for tomorrow that may linger into part of the day. on friday, it looks partly to mostly cloudy, but still dry. wet weather arriving late on saturday and we will see rounds of rain and soggy conditions through the middle of next week. >> th
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green is likely facing another suspension from the nba. it happened last night. he pivots. as his wrist strikes the center. the refs called it a flagrant with an immediate ejection.
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unlike his previous ejections, he quietly went to the bench to wait for a decision. he later said he never intended to hit him but was trying to sell the foul. the coach is calling it a question of composure. >> we need draymond. he knows that. we talked to him. he has to keep his poise and be out there for his teammates. >> last night, green said he plans to meet with the league today to discuss any further repercussions. passengers aboard a princess cruise ship set sail after a long night waiting for the departure. the cruise to mexico was held up by tides and clearance issues. it departed at 1:15 in the morning. they were given a $25 credit. have a great afternoon.
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infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪
1:00 pm
i'm andrea canning, and this is dateline daytime on nbc. i wanted to speak for them. i wanted to speak for helene. i just turned on the news. woman found murdered in denver, colorado. i just grabbed my son and screamed and cried. was it somebody she worked with at the radio station? could it be the boyfriend that she


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