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tv   Today  NBC  December 14, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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him in indefinitely for his latest flagrant foul on tuesday night. today draymond green will sit down with the warriors' management, and the team is being vague with what he will have to do before he's reinstated. it's a cool start. >> we have a nice day ahead, and lots of sunshine. we will see high clouds moving in, and we are tracking rain starting on sunday. that does it for us here on "today in the bay." don't forget to join us for our midday newscast. >> that's right. it's at 11:00. we stream right now on roku, or wherever you find your streaming. have a great day. good morning, it's december 14th.
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this is "today." battle lines drawn. >> the resolution is adopted. >> house republicans formally authorize their impeachment inquiry into president biden. >> i think that sent a message loud and clear to the white house. >> the focus, did the president benefit from his son hunter's business dealings. >> the republicans are doing this for political retribution at donald trump's direction. >> this morning, what happens next and what it all means for the president and the race for the white house. nothing will stop us. defiance from israel's prime minister overnight. despite growing calls for a cease fire. while in washington, a new plea from the families of american hostages. >> they are sons. they are grandparents. they are mothers. >> their message during a face-to-face meeting at the white house. banner day. [ bell ringing ] >> stocks soar to record highs after big news in the battle
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against inflation. cuts to interest rates expected in the new year. just ahead what they could mean for your budget and your bills. on the move. a major storm set to impact the weekend plans of millions of holiday shoppers and travelers up and down the east coast. al's got the full forecast. those stories, plus -- change of heart. oprah winfrey reveals she is using weight loss medication after once calling it an easy way out. her ah-ha moment and the take aways for anyone looking to shed a few pounds. ♪♪ and unforgettable. >> it's time for a today block party! >> from big events and block buster concerts on the plaza, to superstars in studio 1a -- >> sit down you animal. >> and adventures all around the world. >> this is the greatest assignment i have ever been given. >> a look back at all the fun we had this year.
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today, thursday, december 14th, 2023. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to today on this thursday morning. glad you're with us. we love this day for a lot of reasons. >> we do. but we love the year end. did that happen this year? or sometimes did that happen? >> at all. >> exactly. we're going to look back with a lot of fondness at the year that was a little later in the show. we're also going to look ahead to the weekend. a major storm on the move and final touchdown countdown to christmas. that vote by congress to launch an official impeachment inquiry into president biden. it fell strictly along party lines. all 220 republicans voting yes. all 212 democrats voting no. >> the focus of it all, accusations that the president profited during his time as vice president from the business
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dealings of his son, hunter. something the white house and hunter biden have strongly denied. the vote came on the same day that hunter biden defied a subpoena to speak with lawmakers at a closed door hearing. >> nbc senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake joins us now with details. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. house republicans managed to launch this effort with every republican member voting in favor. now this impeachment inquiry adds new muscle to an investigation that's already been under way for more than a year but has failed so far to connect president biden to any wrong doing. >> the resolution is adopted. >> reporter: republicans months-long investigation into president biden is now backed by a vote to launch a formal impeachment inquiry. the house voting along party lines late wednesday to press on with an investigation of the president and his family's business dealings. republicans arguing the move will allow them to enforce subpoenas in court as they
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search for evidence. >> we have a simple question i think overwhelming of americans have, what did the bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. >> reporter: the republican probe focuses on the president's son, hunter's business dealings abroad. accusing the younger biden of profiting off the family name while joe biden was vice president. but so far they've been unable to publicly demonstrate any concrete evidence that directly connects president biden to any wrong doing. >> the republicans are doing this for political retribution at donald trump's direction. >> reporter: president biden accusing house republicans of a, quote, baseless, political stunt. writing in part, instead of doing anything to help make american's lives better, they're focussed on attacking me with lies. earlier wednesday, a defiant hunter biden, who is also the focus of a special counsel investigation, and faces federal criminal gun and tax charges, appearing just outside the capitol. >> for six years, i have been the target of the unrelenting
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trump attack machine, shouting where is hunter? well, here is my answer, i am here. >> reporter: the president's son defying a subpoena to appear before two house committees for a closed door deposition. instead, offering to give his testimony at a public hearing. >> in the depths of my addiction i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. there's no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business because it did not happen. >> reporter: republicans are now seizing on that very last line there from hunter biden, the idea that joe biden wasn't financially involved in his businesses. speculating that perhaps he was somehow involved in other ways. that will likely be a focus of their deposition of hunter biden, if one ever happens. >> all right, garrett. so now what happens next? >> they'll hold hunter biden in contempt of congress as they continue to compel his testimony
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behind closed doors, but that's a process that could takes weeks or months and would ultimately involve the department of justice if it reaches the level of a criminal contempt case. meantime, the committee hopes to speak to president biden's brother and it continues to seek business records and records from the biden vice presidency to support what so far remain those unproven theories of the republican case here, hoda. >> garrett haake for us there at the capitol. garrett, thank you. while that drama swirled around the president on capitol hill, he was at the white house meeting with families of americans still being held in gaza. while in gaza, israeli forces press on with their attacks against hamas. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel joins us from the region again with the very latest. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. national security adviser jake sullivan is in israel today meeting with prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet. on the agenda, is israel's timetable for the war. the israeli government says it will not stop its war to
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overthrow hamas in gaza, despite growing condemnations about its cost to palestinian civilians. after president biden's rebuke of what he called israel's indiscriminate bombing in gaza, and an overwhelming u.n. vote calling for a cease fire, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu telling israeli troops in the face of international pressure, nothing will stop us. yesterday, president biden met with the families of eight american hostages in gaza, among the 240 kidnapped by hamas on october 7th. hirsh goldberg was kidnapped from a music festival. his arm was blown off during his capture. his parents john and rachel attended the meeting with president biden remotely. i spoke to them at their home in jerusalem. >> did you hear anything encouraging. >> they're working relentlessly. now we just need the results. the effort is there. >> reporter: accounts from hostages who have been freed by
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hamas have made hirsh's parents even more worried. >> they talked about torture. they talked about starvation. they talked about being cold. and that, of course, got everybody much more into despair and frantic about time. >> reporter: in gaza, heavy rains combined with the shattered infrastructure have led to floods. this is how a pregnant woman had to be evacuated. first responders, chest deep in water. and explosions nearby. tent cities are overcrowded near the egyptian border, and people say they can only focus on hunger, thirst, fear and anger. we say that it would be better to die and not live such a life, she says. hamas shows no signs of giving up. neither does israel. as gaza becomes an increasingly impossible place to live for palestinians an abysmal one to
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be held hostage by hamas. president biden has been pushing for a resumption of the peace process, culminating in a two-state solution, israel and the palestinian state. but today israel's ambassador to the united kingdom said that when this war is over, israel would not accept a two-state solution and she isn't the only israeli official saying that. savannah? >> richard engel in jerusalem, thank you. now to a breaking story just this morning. russian president vladimir putin speaking out in a very rare news conference. nbc's chief international correspondent keir simmons is in moscow for us. keir, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you. president putin has been speaking now for three hours. i just stepped out of the room. the fact that he has invited major news organizations like nbc news might suggest an attempt to reach out. but hoda, he sounds as uncompromising as ever, saying there are more than 600,000 russian troops on the front
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lines in ukraine. this morning, president putin presiding over an end of year question and answer session. his first since his full-scale invasion of ukraine 22 months ago. vowing to fight on. >> the peace will come when we reach our goals that you have mentioned. coming baaing to the goals, they remain unchanged. so we have other, other opportunities either to come to terms or to have our way compellingly. >> reporter: an embattled president zelenskyy in europe for talks over money and support after meeting president biden earlier this week and failing to persuade congress to approve billions more for ukraine. nbc news invited to putin's rare news conference, russia's autocrat looking to turn a page despite the continued war in ukraine and opposition leaders and journalists in russian jails. this morning a russian court extending the pre-trial detention for american reporter
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evan gershkovich to january 30th. he was arrested last b march on allegations of espionage he denies. putin still keeping his stance with the west. >> we see the fundamental conditions to establish full-fledged relations with them. so far we see none. >> reporter: the u.s. says it believes russia still aims to overwhelm ukraine. back home next year, putin will stand for election after 23 years in power. veteran politician boris plans to stand against him. he opposed russia's so-called special military operation and openly says it's time to move on. >> it's dead end, dead end. >> reporter: ukraine's frozen conflict feels far from moscow's snow-covered streets where russians are in holiday mood. it's wartime economy, growing despite sanctions. russian versions of stores have replaced western brands. reebok is now sneaker box. starbucks, stars coffee. timberland now boots wood.
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many people now concerned more about life back home than on the front line. while putin appears undaunted. and hoda, a "new york times" reporter just asked the president putin about the jailed "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich asking whether it was true that there was an offer of a deal that moscow refused. president putin saying, we have not refused it. we want to have a deal. but it should be satisfying for both parties. hoda? >> all right. keir simmons for us in russia. thank you. the u.s. supreme court is re-entering the abortion debate. it agreed yesterday to review a lower court ruling that would significantly restrict access to mifepristone, a drug used in medication abortions. demand for the pills has grown as states have imposed abortion bans or restrictions after the reversal of roe v. wade in 2022. supreme court will hear a case in the spring that could block mail order access to mifepristone and impose
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restrictions on its use even in states where abortion remains legal. craig joins the table now. 7:13 craig, good morning. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. wall street entering the day on a high note after stocks surged to some new record highs yesterday. the dow soaring more than 500 points the s&p and nasdaq hitting their best level since january of 2022 after the federal reserve held that key interest rate steady for the third-straight time. and they also signal cuts will
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be coming in the new year. nbc senior business correspondent christine romans joining us you called it. this time roughly yesterday you sat there, you predicted that the federal reserve would keep the interest rates where they were, which they did, markets responded positively futures are up this morning. >> yep. >> what do you make of what we saw yesterday, the gains and more >> well, look, you can look at your 401(k) today. a lot of us have been looking through our hands the last couple years last year was a terrible year in the stock market this year is pretty good the fed did exactly what we expected why would that be good news? the fed indicating that there will be cuts coming. they're done with this rate hiking cycle and the fed chief, while he didn't declare victory over inflation, he said it's too early to say they fixed the inflation problem, but he really
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laid out a lot of progress on inflation and on the economy overall. you know, he talked about the economy as still very strong but moderating that's what you want to see. the job market low unemployment, still. so, all those interest rate hikes have not hurt the job market overall so he really laid out an optimistic goldie locks picture, not too hot, not too cold, just right in the economy. >> hinting there could be ratec i think inflation is fixed without telling you that inflation is fixed. >> exactly he wasn't wearing a bomber jacket -- >> mission accomplished. >> he wasn't he has to tell america, look, if this rears its ugly head again, we can manage it we can manage inflation, but they are definitely looking toward rate cuts this year look at their forecast, three rate cuts this year. what does that mean for all of us well, for wall street and for main street, it means borrowing costs will start to decline next year and that is certainly a good news if you're trying to buy a house, if -- you know, credit card interest rates are record high you heard me i'm so concerned about that
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credit card debt is very expensive to finance all kinds of financing of debt hopefully will get cheaper next year. >> you seem to be good at predicting things. why don't you predict what will happen in the new year >> we will all be one year older. >> there you go. >> with great confidence i can tell you that. if i could predict what will happen, i would have an island in the caribbean, so i won't but i think they weathered this storm better than anybody expected remember, the beginning of last year, it was will there be a recession? when will there be a recession. >> yeah. >> that was completely off, right? so this economy is still very unusual coming out of years post covid. i think it will be exciting. it will be exciting in 2024. >> you're going to be right on that for sure. >> thank you, christine. >> you're welcome. meanwhile, al is watching a storm that could impact the weekend, some travel what's going on? >> i think i could use some help from christine she's so good at forecasting come on over here and help us out on the big board we are looking at this area of heavy showers and thunderstorms through the plains back behind it snow.
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but all eyes are down on the gulf coast and our friends down in southern florida along the eastern coast of florida to key west we have flood watching developing we are going to see this just get worse as the weekend rolls on this new storm going to gain strength in the gulf of mexico it's tapping into a lot of tropical moisture. it's going to bring heavy rain into much of florida by saturday these are going to be strong winds. they're going to last the sunshine state rainfall rates, flooding possible also this caveat, this is the american model the european model brings it a little further to the west if that happens, it will be worse along the eastern sea board because it will have a lot more moisture tapping in but in the meantime, sunday strong storms going to move slowly north ward. heavy rain into the mid atlantic and the northeast. sunday into monday this thing just continues to move up, bringing a lot of heavy rain, a lot of wind, cold air will change that rain over to a mixed bag of precipitation as you get
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into the interior sections of the northeast. and parts of new england we're looking at heavy rain. some areas six inches or more saturday into sunday for much of florida. and then as you go up the eastern sea board, as we move into monday, we're looking for anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of rain into new york and beyond. so we're going to be watching this really closely. but we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. today temperatures head for the
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mid-60s after a cold start this morning. we will see a mix of sun and clouds throughout the day, and we're back down to the 30s tonight and seeing more 60s into the start of the weekend. by sunday rain will be coming back to the bay area and it looks like that rain will be off and on throughout the forecast on monday into tuesday as well as wednesday. in san francisco we have a few coming up in coming up in the next half hour, the chances of a white christmas. >> oh. >> not looking great. >> oh. that was -- >> christmas buzz kill >> we're hanging on your every word, al. >> yeah, we are, al. wow. coming up, he's wearing green like the grinch. oprah winfrey opening about her dramatic weight loss revealing for the first time she is using a weight loss drug. emilie ikeda on the story this morning. >> good morning.
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we'll describe her ah-ha moment and how it's impacting her health routine and plus what she's saying just ahead of her 70th birthday. >> thank you we have good news if you put off your holiday shopping. new deals being rolled out right now less than two weeks until christmas. how to map out your strategy, how to map out your strategy, look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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many, many highlights of 2023 right here on "today. fun, games, adventures in the studio and around the world and all around the plaza but first your local news. ions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ you don't have to be a wizard to make delicious iced coffee at home.! that's good! (sfx: thunderclap) never gets old. (woman laughs) -want me to do it again? -no thanks. dunkin' cold. easy to make at home. stands up to ice.
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walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift.
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those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. good morning. marcus washington along with laura garcia. we're moving you forward with a look at our top stories this morning, including former police officer set to appear in criminal court. >> chunliam saechao will be arraigned today on attempted murder and assault charges. police say last thursday he shot his wife in their pleasant hill home leading to a long police
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standoff and lackdown. by friday, police left the scene and that led to a second police standoff and lockdown 15 hours later. chunliam saechao eventually gave himself up on saturday. the warriors take on the clippers tonight in the first game without draymond green. he was suspended indefinitely. draymond, meanwhile, will sit down today with the warriors's management on what he needs to do to be reinstated. nice temperatures headed to the upper 60s in the north bay, and we are going to continue to see sunshine for the next couple of days, but eventually rain back in the forecast starting early on sunday morning. widespread rain will be coming in, and we will see off and on showers throughout the day on monday as well as into tuesday.
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overall a change in the weather pattern will bring in wet weather for the start of next week. at least we have a few more days to clean up maybe some of the leaves and make sure the decorations out front are going to be ready for wet weather and wind. our temperatures will reach into the upper 60s and into the start of the weekend, and once that rain comes in on sunday it will only reach in the upper 50s. we will be tracking that with the latest details as we get closer. check it all out on check it all out on
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ ♪ oh, we're back our beautiful tree shining bright, 50,000 glowing lights. that'll do it. just 11 short days to go until christmas. >> geez. >> is it going to be a gift card christmas for craig? >> you know it haven't bought one yet first up this half hour, a bit of a surprising admission from oprah winfrey >> yeah. she opened up exclusively to
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"people" magazine about her recent weight loss with a message anybody struggling with body issues, shame. emilie ikeda is here hey, em. >> good morning. for decades we know oprah says she's blamed her willpower for weight-loss struggles, but she's shifted her view on weight-loss drugs, calling them a gift andmh looking fit and fabulous on the cover of "people," admitting she uses a weight-loss medication, telling people, "i now feel as though i need it to manage not yo-yo-ing." >> relief. need it to manage not yo-yoing >> she talked about her journey that's really spanned decades and how she has been blamed and shamed about her weight. >> reporter: oprah saying the fact there's a medically approved prescription for managing weight and staying healthier in my lifetime feels like relief, redemption, a gift. i'm absolutely done with shaming from other people and
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particularly myself. while not naming the specific drug she takes, oprah opening up about the pain she's endured in her weight-loss struggles. it was public sport to make fun of me for 25 years she says her change of heart about weight loss drugs came this summer when she hosted a special about slimming down and made these comments. >> when i first started hearing about the weight-loss drugs, i felt, i've got to do this on my own, because if i take the drug, that's the easy way out. >> reporter: the star now telling "people," "i had the biggest aha -- i realized i've been blaming myself all these years for being overweight, and i have a predisposition that no amount of will power is going to control. obesity is a disease." public reaction to her change in attitude about weight-loss drugs has been mixed >> i'm happy to see that oprah winfrey has joined the bandwagon. >> you said it was the easy way out early on, making other people question. >> it's counting points. >> reporter: for year, oprah has been the face of weight watcher, and is a part-owner of the
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company. she says now using a weight loss drug is only one part of her regimen that includes counting points, regular exercise, eating her last meal at 4:00 and drinking a gallon of water a day. health top of mind for the media mogul ahead of her 70 birthday next month just yesterday, oprah received a big honor when a new painting of her was unveiled at the smithsonian national portrait gallery. she says she'll continue to lead a life driven by gratitude and starts and ends every day with thank-yous the new issue of "people" is out tomorrow on news stands. >> thank you so much an associate professor of medicine at nyu. dr. raj, good morning. what do you think of what oprah said and how she's using she's drugs? >> i think it's great she's come out and admitted this because we know -- we watched oprah struggle with weight for decades. it's been very much in the public eye she said she felt a lot of shame associated with this what she's saying now, which i
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think is wonderful, obesity is a biological condition and that means sometimes it does require medication to really handle it you know, she thought it was a matter of will power we think about what she's accomplished in her life she's not lacking in will power or lacking in resources with nutritionist and trainers. sometimes people need that extra help why lodge buy logically there are so many studies with people with obesity, their brains, gut micro biomes make them hold on to calories more and people more predisposed to become obese and other medical conditions associated with that. i think it's great that she's sort of lifting the shame off of this medical condition and, you know, taking the drugs out of it, the fact that she's saying this is a condition that you should get treat and not feel guilty about. >> she was looking really good before she started taking those drugs. i mean, she was looking slimmer. but these drugs come -- there are things that come along with it if you stop taking the drug, does the weight automatically come back on.
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>> it does absolutely now, there are studies coming out all the time now showing that's the case. these are really maintenance drugs. the other thing oprah made clear is this is part of a wholistic approach to healthy living she is still exercising regularly. still very committed to healthy eating as well everyone should realize the studies that are done that show promising results from these medications are done in people who are eating healthily and exercising as well. >> she just changed her mind, like so what people are like, oh, you told us yesterday, but to me it's like, i thought about it >> dr. raj, someone who prescribes these drugs, has prescribed this drug, a number of them on the market, there's been some research conducted that it suppresses the craving for drinking, that it can help you curb gambling, that it's -- to a lot of folks these drugs sound almost too good to be true are you at all concerned that five, ten years from now we're going to look back on this and we're all going to think, wow. we were wrong?
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>> well, you know, with any relatively new medication there is a concern of what are the long, long-term effects. many of these drugs have been used in diabetes, which we have some data which is good. with any medication you're always weighing the risks and the benefits because we know there are so many medical complications of obesity, we do want to make sure we're giving some sort of treatment and even if there are some potential unknowns in many cases it's worth it. but it's a very individual case. i don't want people to base their medical decisions what oprah or any celebrity is doing. you have to have a conversation with your doctor about your particular case. your particular journey with weight loss and whether it's appropriate for you. >> makes sense dr. raj, thank you very much. just ahead, nba star draymond green suspended indefinitely for that right there. that wild swing. inside the uncertain future that the warrior's star now faces before he gets back on the court. but first, calling all proskrp prp procrastinat procrastinators. >> if you're one of the last-minute shoppers that didn't
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capitalize on the black friday or cyber monday deals, we have good news for you. you can still score some pretty good discounts we'll tell you where on the other side of the break. (buzz) are you guys telling secrets? mine is that honey nut cheerios can help lower cholesterol. (leslie) that's not a secret. it's on the box. (buzz) wow... (phyllis) ooh i have a secret. [whispers] i invented the microchip.
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(buzz) [laughs] is she serious? ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. okay george, this one is for the prize? intenso. no, cool. definitely iced. ♪♪ ♪♪
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nespresso, what else? ♪ “wow” by team salut, düki tran ♪ ♪ slide in strong wow ♪ ♪ turn around and stick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ fine fine specimen wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow ♪ ♪ ♪ let's go let's go let's go ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ wow ♪ lowering bad cholesterol can be hard, even with a statin. diets and exercise add to the struggle. today, it's possible to go from struggle to cholesterol success with leqvio. with a statin, leqvio is proven to lower bad cholesterol by 50% and keep it low with 2 doses a year. common side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, and chest cold. ask your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio.
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lower. longer. leqvio® how about a nice football? >> football. football what's a football? an unconscious will, my voice squeaked out football. >> okay, get him out of here >> no, no. i want a red rider - >> you'll shoot your eye out,
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kid. >> so good right? ralphie's quest for that perfect present in "a christmas story. >> wow and if you're still searching and time seems to be running out, there's actually some hope for last-minute scramblers. >> yes procrastinators will be rewarded nbc business correspondent brian cheung joins us with more. good news? >> good news poor ralphie, it's hard to watch. christmas is less than two weeks away, but for procrastinators, some good news -- there are still deals to be had. >> reporter: with 11 days until christmas, americans are trying to find out if those last-minute deals are naughty or nice. >> overwhelmed by these sales. it's been going on for days, and it's, like, each company is trying to outdo the other company. >> reporter: in the final days of the holiday shopping rush, retailers are pushing sales to reel-in shoppers same stress of mall crowds likely crushing your inboxes too. >> the holiday season has somehow reactivated email lists that you absolutely unsubscribed
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to >> reporter: after black friday, stores are still trying to woo consumers with further discounts. so, how do you wade through the sales? good news for those last-minute shoppers looking for presents for the kids -- prices are dropping for toys, and for some other popular items. >> the best deals will be in electronics, appliances, and toys we'll continue to see prices drop in each of those categories >> reporter: some electronics are more discounted than on black friday the season has brought steep sales for clothing and furniture. how about what to skip if you're looking for warmer bedding for winter, wait until january when retailers tend to to ner have deals on linens according to nerd wallet look for outdoor yard equipment in the spring and fall and you may find bigger sales the weekend before christmas but for toys, a word of caution. patience could get you a deeper deal in the final days of the season, but waiting too long could risk empty shelves >> excuse me >> yes >> i'm trying to find a doll >> me too, me too. >> do you have any more in the back >> reporter: for those not
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racing against turbo time, a bit more calm. even with shopping left to do in mid december >> didn't miss out all that much >> i didn't miss out there's still a lot of sales going on. >> that's what i like to hear. we didn't miss out what if you buy something and then you see it pop up on sale is there anything you can do when that happens? >> yeah. and by the way, that is becoming quite common the black friday sales, some of those discounts are better after the fact there are a lot of policies at a number of stores for a price adjustment if you bought it at a store, see the price go down at that store later on, you can bring it back and get a price adjustment it depends on what time you bought it. when you look at, for example, best buy and target have more lenient policies for how long you can get that price adjustment it can be as late as december 30th costco, macy's, it could be ten to 30 days you can bring it back even after some those deep discounts. >> you have to track the price >> yeah. you have to track the price. there are things you can do online to track the prices. >> thank you so much.
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mr. roker, how about a check of the forecast? >> all right doing a little white christmas dreaming the typical chance of a white christmas, upper midwest,ed a ran daks, northern new england, about 75% or better. you even have a 90% chance in northern minnesota, 75% chance in the dakotas most white christmases, the rockies, the wasatch, the sierra, 75% to 50%, but generally about 75% better than average. however, the christmas outlook, december 21st to the 27th, these are above-average temperatures expected for 47 of the lower 48 states it is going to be very, very warm and, so because of climate change, unfortunately, the american -- oh, snowman not feeling very good -- it is not looking very good for a white christmas. how about a little bit of that music to get you back in the mood a little louis armstrong ♪ i'm dreaming of a white
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christmas ♪ >> just because it was your christmas party last night getting a little loopy. >> i am a little loopy every time any way, so not a lot of great -- but you know what, it's in your heart. that's it. just imagine that white good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. as we get started, we are mostly clear across much of the bay area, but it's also a chilly morning. that's a live look in dublin. we are headed for 62 degrees for today. in parts of the south bay down to the south county, it will be in the upper 60s. in the north bay from napa to novato, expect highs in the upper 50s. as we go through the forecast into the weekend, we're getting ready for rain arriving early and that's your weather. >> thank you, al all right. do you like surprise holiday gifts? how about baby reveals we've got the perfect morning "boost" if you do.
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coming up right after this h® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! (retailer) what i feel in my heart glucerna. during the subaru share the love event...'s just so rewarding. (woman) we believe in love. not just our customers... ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event
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is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. you really think you can get me to like dark chocolate? without a doubt. won't it taste bitter? not this dark chocolate. (♪♪) now what? we wait. (♪♪) i can't... mmmm... it's delicious! mhmm. i told you it wasn't bitter. (laughing) from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious.
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♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. experience the art of high pressure the united states brewed coffee and espresso with the l'or barista system. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee.
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the clock says the clock says 7:50. you say "boost" time >> my favorite time. a woman named beth wanted to sister she was expecting her first baby, so she came up find a special way to tell her sister she was expecting her first baby, so she came up with this game in which the two of them were supposed to exchange gifts. here's how it went down. >> three, two, one >> what's that
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>> i'm having a baby >> are you pregnant? >> that's what this is for i'm going to be an auntie! >> yes >> that's great. >> her sister bronwyn completely overcome she said, "this is all i wanted my whole life. she gets emotional every time she watches the video. she said it's something special to have. by the way, that's love. >> it is love. you know what i also like, so sistery when she held it up, like, is that for me to wear what is that still ahead, guys, we'll catch up with one of our favorites, erin french where the wildly popular "lost kitchen," sharing her best holiday hosting tips plus, a year of laughs and love and big stars, blockbuster concerts we had it all. we can't wait to look back at 2023 >> oh.
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>> right after your local news and weather. ♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ ♪♪ sure, feels good when you get it right. and with the number one powered toothbrush brand recommended by dental professionals. philips sonicare makes it easy for you to always get brushing right. philips. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya!
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the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. michael strahan: support st. jude, and you're helping kids with cancer grow up and be whatever they want to be, like mary browder. man, i need lessons from her. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we...
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when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪♪) gain flings. seriously good scent.
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can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. ♪ when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin.
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a very good morning to you. it's 7:56 right now. i am laura garcia. here's a look at what is happening now. the former pittsburgh police officer accused of trying to kill other police officers during a standoff at the home behind me in pleasant hill will be arraigned later this afternoon on several charges including attempted murder of peace officers and injuring a spouse. last thursday night chunliam saechao allegedly shot his wife with a shotgun through a closed door here and there was a standoff with police, and friday morning the police left the
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scene without arresting him who was still in the house and armed with a gun. the police chief defended his decision to leave the area to avoid a shootout. we have seen temperatures dipping into the 30s, and there will be a mix of sun and clouds. we will see the weather pattern on repeat tomorrow as well as more sunshine, but still dry on saturday. by sunday early in the morning, we will see the rain rolling in and waves of rain in the forecast through next wednesday as temperatures come down a few degrees. in san francisco, expect it to be partly cloudy today. 60 degrees. mid-60s for saturday. it's a good day to get outside, laura. >> all right. thank you so much, kari. thank you for joining us as well. join us for midday news at 11:00 a.m. hope to see you then.
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it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, battle lines. republicans launch a formal impeachment inquiry into president biden. >> the resolution is adopted >> setting up a major election showdown so, what happens now we're live with the very latest. then, indefinite suspension. overnight, the nba handing down
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a major punishment for golden state star draymond green for his wild on-court swing. >> oh, man >> we've got the details straight ahead ♪ and here we go >> classy with a 100% chance of dapper >> we're looking back on a year filled with fun, laughs -- >> where is sheinelle? >> -- and all-around good times thur >> let's go! so, get ready to party, today, thursday, december 14th, 2023. >> from indiana. >> today's hollie's 25th birthday >> three generations -- >> from maryville, missouri. >> from columbia, south carolina >> visiting from salt lake city, utah >> from kentucky >> from louisiana. ♪
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>> on a mother-daughter trip >> to celebrate my graduation. >> besties for 70 years. >> hi to my zad dad -- >> watching from chicago >> celebrating our birthdays >> from georgia. >> all i wanted for christmas was a trip to new york >> whooo ♪ welcome back so good to see you happy everyone's out there on this thursday morning. i heard a rumor, two sorority sisters wandering around >> really. >> they're out therew ltas. >> tomorrow morning on today, a some phi deltas. guys, tomorrow morning on "today," a mother/daughter duo who share the same passion now making history in their state. we're going to introduce you to pennsylvania's first pair of mother/daughter judges and hear their inspiring story tomorrow on "today. let's get to our news now at 8:00 house republicans voted last night to begin a formal impeachment inquiry into
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president biden, and it happened on the same day that his son, hunter biden, appeared on capitol hill to defy his subpoena and challenge -- and issue a challenge. nbc senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake joins us now with the latest hey, garrett, good morning >> reporter: good morning. republicans managed to launch this effort last night with every gop member voting in favor. they hope their newly formalized impeachment inquiry will add some muscle to an investigation that has been going on for months and months but has so far failed to connect president biden to any wrongdoing. the investigation is focused on the president's son, hunter biden's foreign business deals and whether joe biden either as vice president or afterwards improperly profited off them in some way hunter biden yesterday defied a congressional subpoena for closed-door deposition with the committees running this investigation, but he came to capitol hill anyway, even as house republicans were outlining their investigation's goals to defend himself and his father. >> we have a simple question i
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think an overwhelming majority of americans have, what did the bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enmist around the world? >> in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. >> reporter: democrats agree with hunter biden's assessment of the situation here, but the house is now likely to go home for the year today, so the next big act in this drama, which would be an effort to hold hunter biden in contempt for not testifying, will likely wait until the new year hoda >> garrett haake for us at the capitol. garrett, thank you tesla is recalling nearly every one of its cars on the road in the u.s. over autopilot safety issues. federal transportation officials reviewed nearly 1,000 tesla crashes and decided that current safeguards on tesla's auto steer feature are not sufficient to prevent driver misuse. tesla disputed the analysis, but it agreed to a voluntary recall and a free software update with additional controls and alerts for drivers. some health news this
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morning. a new study of severe morning sickness has found more evidence that it is mainly caused by a single hormone women had much higher levels of gdf-15 during pregnancy compared with those with no symptoms. a woman's sensitivity and exposure to that hormone before pregnancy also played a role the researchers said tha the discovery could lead to better treatments. the nba has suspended golden state warriors forward draymond green indefinitely for striking an opposing player tuesday night. green was being guarded by suns' center yusuf nurkic when he suddenly turned and slammed him in the side of the head. he was ejected the nba says the suspension takes into account green's repeated history of unsportsman-like abouts. it is his sixth suspension green will be required to meet certain conditions before he returns to play. coming up next --
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>> yeah. one of our most beloved traditions around here look at the fun we shared through the year trust us, you'll have a smile on your face when this one over after this ♪ ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ "stayin' alive" by the bee gees ♪ (♪♪) (♪♪) what's in your wallet? (♪♪) (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone?llet? a better plan is verizon.
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(dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50.
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it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ♪♪ ♪ i don't know why ♪ why not. y. l'eau de parfum. yves saint laurent. at macy's the fragrance destination. ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi!
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♪ welcome back gang's all here. except for carson is with his other family on "the voice." before we hit rewind on all the good times we had and the year that was, let's get a check of the weather. first of all, on the satellite/radar, you can see a big storm system out in the plains and the rockies bringing some snow, but all eyes also down south to florida, where we're going to be looking at flash flood watches, and it will be a wet one over the weekend, a winter storm powering itself through the rockies today. a chilly day in the northeast through new england. look for some brutal temperatures down through good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we're starting out with temperatures feeling very chilly in the upper 30s. we'll head for the mid 60s for today with a mix of sun and clouds. more of the same weather through at least saturday. saturday is going to be the day to get outside. that's because on sunday we'll see some wet weather coming in
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and much-needed rain will continue through at least the middle of next week. in san francisco we'll see highs and that is your latest weather. >> al, is this the best time of the day that's about to happen? >> yes, it is. >> it is one of our favorite traditions around here today >> 2023 has been quite the year, kicking off with savannah and hoda ringing the bell at the new york stock exchange. do you remember that >> there were amazing parties on the plaza. our block buster concert series, parade of stars and celebrity chefs. sit back, grab your coffee, enjoy and get a look back at the fun that was 2023. ♪ oh ♪ ♪ go on and just like that, you're giving me a good feeling ♪ ♪ something about you pulls me in ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling, you're getting underneath my skin ♪ ♪ you're giving me a good
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feeling ♪ ♪ feeling ♪ ♪ a place i've never been ♪ ♪ i get a good feeling a good, good feeling ♪ ♪ a good, good feeling ♪ >> we're celebrating our fifth anniversary in a way i never expected we get to ring the opening bell on the new york stock exchange >> it's thursday morning, february 2nd that makes it groundhog day. >> it's thursday morning, february 2nd >> that makes it groundhog day >> this is the best time of the morning. >> that's the best time of the morning. >> i feel like "pop start" is in your way excuse me. enjoy, fellas. enjoy. >> did you take french in high school >> oui oui. >> did you say pooh-pooh >> i feel like i'm talking to charlie. that's all he ever says. >> do us a favor, al is doing the weather. he needs your assistance >> ah! i'm sweating you're my taylor swift >> i'm your taylor swift >> i am freaking out
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>> there's what's going on around the country here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> bam whooo! from 48th street to 51st street, my people! people people it's time for a "today" k party! >> let's get this party started. >> it's time for a "today" block party! >> oh! let's head out to rockefeller plaza. >> you want to -- look at you! >> amazing >> good-bye, everybody. good-bye. i'm out! >> oh! >> yes, yes, yes >> good-bye, everybody good-bye i'm out! >> it's time for going around the hornks here. >> hi, we have some lovely folks here >> hi, everybody >> that's how you do it, baby! >> wow >> woo
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>> ready to party! >> are we in wine country? >> it's going to be a beautiful day in sonoma county california >> they literally opened the gates to buckingham palace, and yes, we got to go inside >> we're here in the brand-new minion land. >> going to jazz fest with hoda kotb is like going to the vatican with the pope! >> absolutely. >> here in the beautiful city of paris. this is the greatest assignment i have ever been given you guys call it a boondoggle. i call it les boondoggle >> we're having a good fomo here >> cheers. >> cheers. ♪ >> it's going to be sweeter, but if you use fresh -- you have a little beer -- >> i know how to do it. >> just like high school >> it really is. >> this is pretty good >> it's good >> i'm so happy. >> i was really scared too >> i've always said pasta --
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>> that's terrible >> i say fog-i-oli >> there's a joke in there somewhere. >> the return of late-night -- >> sorry sorry. sorry. >> cleanup, aisle one. >> too much for one person >> thank you >> it's tea. >> something has just happened on this plaza. i'd like to know if it ever happened to you. you ever step in gum right here? >> oh, my. >> like dirty dancing. >> oh! >> well, over here >> when we come back -- >> our first stop -- >> where is sheinelle? >> boo >> can you not see through it? >> no. >> take the thing off. >> you can't see through it. >> ah! >> i come this close to cussing on live television once a week because of you >> where is hoda hoda, your song. >> let's go. ♪ come on. >> scarlett, guys.
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she's new to work today. she would like to direct the show. >> i need to take this can we go to commercial break now, yes >> we're back with one of our absolute favorites, brian cranston there's a buzz about a potential retirement, but brian is here to set the record straight. good morning, brian. ♪ >> boil it in ireland. what is it boil it. oatmeal? boil it. potato >> boil it >> i knew you would always get back together because i prayed for 20 years >> look at jennifer. >> please welcome to the stage my good friend, hoda >> turn that music up, honey i can't hear it. ♪ >> left right left right left right >> okay. okay >> a little shoulder
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♪ ♪ can't wait for you to wrap your wings around me ♪ >> tom hanks, cat person or dog person >> i like them -- well, we had a dog. >> now you're stammering i know it's very difficult question >> hello. >> how are you. >> congratulations >> sit down, you animal. [ laughter ] ♪ >> i'm just going to say it. >> what. >> bad ass. >> oh. >> yeah. >> so fun. >> you're a delight. >> thank you. >> bye! ♪♪ >> thank you >> now i don't know what to do >> y'all are so fun. >> you're a delight. >> thank you >> bye ♪ >> al's fashion forecast, classy with a 100% chance of dapper you're looking good, my friend >> perfect. >> thank you
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>> i see your huffle puff and raise you a raven claw. >> now you're just showing off. >> i've been going my whole life waiting for the right tiara. >> the ultimate kelly-okey, sing along. who's ready? let's give it up for mr. neil diamond. ♪ ♪♪ >> m.c. hammer ♪ >> pop icon pink ♪ >> sonny & cher. ♪ ♪ baby, i got you babe, i got you, babe ♪ >> lionel ritchie. ♪ when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ >> diana ross! ♪ i'm coming out i want the world to know ♪
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♪ got to let it show ♪ >> it's the performance we've all been waiting for let's hear it for taylor swift ♪ ♪ cruel summer ♪ >> our crowd is ready. so, everyone, put your hands together for -- ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ god only knows ♪ ♪ heaven won't be the same ♪ ♪ everywhere i look i still see
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you ♪ ♪ time is moving so slow ♪ ♪ and i don't know what else that i can do so i keep messing with my eyes closed ♪ ♪ you sunk your teeth into me ♪ ♪ blood sucker, dream crusher, bleeding me dry like a damn vampire ♪ ♪ speak to me nicely, speak to my nicely ♪ ♪ ♪ got away, got away ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i don't know if we've ever seen anything like that. >> so good >> that was fantastic. >> more music and some fun coming up. >> you know what ♪ you know what makes me feel good ♪ ♪ well, i love a rainy night ♪ ♪ such a beautiful sight ♪ ♪ i love to feel the rain on my face ♪ ♪ taste the rain on my lips ♪ ♪ and show me what i came here for ♪ ♪ why don't we steal away ♪ >>
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>> what the heck has happened in this place ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ ♪ so ♪ so good, so good, so good, so good ♪ ♪ ♪ o, canada, we stand on guard for thee ♪ >> how do you know that? how you know that? >> i love the canadian people. >> they love you now ♪ christmas merry christmas ♪ ♪ ♪ never gonna let you down, always going to build you up, when you feel lost, i will always find your love ♪ ♪ never gonna walk away, always going to have your back ♪ ♪ and if nothing else, you can always count on me when you need me, i will be here ♪ ♪ i will be here, i will be here ♪
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♪ i'll be here i'll be here ♪ ♪ i'll be here, i'll be here ♪ ♪ i will be here ♪ >> wow >> whoa. >> that was so beautiful >> we're real weerld right now but there's something about true friendship that is on this set. >> i was going to say true love. it's true love. >> on this couch. >> also i wear this shirt a lot. >> touch you and comfort you >> that was so sweet. >> you guys sing a lot i didn't realize -- >> we don't sing well but we sing a lot. >> can we just say thank you to erica. erica works on this every day of the year she pulls -- >> she's our producer, erica 11 in the control room everyday >> we love you, erica. >> we call this erica's masterpiece. hold that shot, jimmy. we really want to thank everybody who works behind the scenes of the show you can see jim gaze and erica and tom and -- oh.
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who is on camera trying to not show -- they're the folks that make this place so beautiful and it's fun for us to look at these memories, but they're part of our memories. so we just want to say thank you to them. erica 11s, wow our researcher katherine carol is sick to death of us and patrick mclean providing the graphics. >> can we thank everyone at home you're the reason why we're all here so just thank you for being with us each and every morning, too. >> that was so beautiful. >> a lot happens >> a lot happens in a year. >> you start going, did that happen i don't remember this. it's fantastic >> a lot of fun. >> love you guys >> carson. >> and carson. come home. >> just ahead, guys -- >> everybody behind those cameras. >> indeed. we're going back to basics with ms. aly love sharing natural beauty hax you want to add to your morning routine. but first a look at your local
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news and weather
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good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. former pittsburgh police officer is scheduled to be arraigned today on attempted murder and assault charges. police say last thursday he shot his wife in their pleasant hill home, which led to a long police standoff and lockdown. by friday, police left the scene, then eventually that
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second police standoff and lockdown occurred 15 hours later. they say eventually he gave himself up to police on saturday. pleasant hill leaders are still defending the actions of police. get a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking that. >> we are starting out with cold temperatures, but it's going to be a nice day. we will see some high clouds moving by that will filter the sunshine. we're staying dry today, tomorrow and saturday. sunday we're getting ready for wet weather early in the morning and continuing off and on through the middle of next week. clear away leaves from the storm drains, because we'll see big changes ahead for next week. >>
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♪ we are back at 8:30. we're also back with an oscar winner who is pitching in to help with our toy drive spectacular. there she is, ladies and gentlemen, jessica chastain. >> wow >> once miss chastain is done collecting toys, she'll join us in the third hour to tell us about her dramatic new film. it's called -- by the way, if you're watching right now and would like to get involved in the toy drive, there's still time scan the qr code on your screen or head to by the way, a special thanks this morning to bugaboo. thanks to bugaboo for donating more than $100,000 worth of strollers to our toy drive. >> that's amazing. i love my bugaboo store. stroller back in the day >> amazing by the way, there's a lady over here, a woman over here, who
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made bracelets for every single come one of us. come over here so sweet >> come say hello. >> hi. >> where are you from? >> kansas city, missouri >> you came here >> you drove >> 19 hours. yeah >> because you wanted to give these bracelets? >> yeah. we wanted to give you bracelets. >> she did our names >> i got one >> she got one >> wow >> can we hand these out >> of course we want them. >> yeah. >> you are extraordinary thank you so much. thank you. >> suddenly the crowd turned when you said, thank you so much. maybe you should come inside in a little bit >> okay. oh, i'm sorry. >> we'll take care of that awesome, you guys. one for everybody. thank you. >> suddenly the crowd turned when you said, oh, you should come inside. everyone went, "ohhh." >> wow took a turn. what's coming up in this half hour? >> we have some stocking stuffers, great gift ideas from our bestsellers. >> and ally love >> she'll help us change up our
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beauty routine with natural treatments that will have your hair shiny and your skin glowing. >> and the mastermind behind "the lost kitchen. erin french is here with holiday hosting hacks including a creative use for empty wine bottles. and with this crowd, we've got plenty of those. and how to build a beautiful centerpiece. >> by the way, we have something special we're planning for tomorrow, a performance from the hit broadway musical featuring a britney spears song like you've never heard it before. that's tomorrow. >> fun al, how's the weather? >> there's a family over here that was here 26 years ago >> oh. >> look at that. >> they've come back what's your name >> phyllis anderson. >> jay anderson. >> great where are you guys from? >> cleveland, tennessee. >> all right cleveland, tennessee two of my favorites, cleveland and tennessee. we love that thanks for coming back
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next time, don't wait so long. all right. let's show you what we've got going on for your weekend. friday, mild, highs for much of the eastern third of the country, heavy rain through texas, some snow around the western great lakes. saturday, nice, cool out west. stormy in florida and the gulf coast. mild in the mid-atlantic into the northeast. sunday, sunday! it is a mess as you make your way from the mid atlantic states from the southeast. sunshine from the plains into good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out with temperatures very chilly across the bay area. it's nice and sunny now, but we are going to continue with sunshine throughout the day as temperatures head for the low to mid 60s, even warmer for the south county with highs in the upper 60s. morgan hill headed for 71 degrees, while in the low 60s elsewhere.
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by the end of the weekend, we'll be t another big crowd. so let's go! here we go time to go around the horn look out coming down. yes. nice to see you. oh, look, you're in new york whooo! happy 70th birthday to you over here and this young lady says she gets 100 bucks if she gets on tv get that money i'll split it with you there you go, around the horn, baby whooo! >> hoda, come here >> yeah. >> you know how you said there are some tri-deltas out here high-five! >> can you get a shot of those two ladies tri delts in the house
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who's it going to be still ahead, adrianna brach is kicking off two days of gift ideas. if you're still shopping, what have you got >> bugaboo >> oh, no baby, though you're the grinch. but first this is "today" on nbc. i thought you were bringing me a baby
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we are back, 8:37. today best sellers we are back, 8:37. today best sellers and holiday gift ideas you will love if beauty sets to handy tools and diy kits, something for everyone adrianna brach is here she's our shop today editorial director fire up the qr code and dive right in >> yes i'm so excited to share these. >> we're bow twins today >> 'tis the season to dress up it's also the season to dress down and get cozy, okay? there's nothing wrong with a little bit of a cozy comfy look this holiday season, and this set is it. it is a two-piece set a great
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value, under $60 it's so soft can i tell you something i've bought higher-end versions of this. this one feels just as luxury high-end, so comfy and cozy. i love you can wear it together or you can separate the pieces >> it doesn't feel heavy either, like bulky >> it doesn't. i love wear this with a button-down shirt and jeans too. it's great layering piece. this is the perfect gift if you want to be comfy and cozy. >> this is the brand that i guess all 9-year-old girls are going crazy for right now. >> 9-year-olds, but women of all ages are loving sol de janeiro these are travel size, perfect for the person who travels in your life or someone who just loves beauty products and can't get enough of them this stuff has sold out over and over again i mean, doesn't it smell like -- >> i'm wafting the studio. >> it smells like a vacation in the bottle and i know you love the texture
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of oribe >> i'm obsessed with that. >> a travel set and you're done. >> great, easy beauty. this next one is for your husband who's so hard to shop for. like what do i get him think about a practical gift this is a little handy flashlight that's magnetic >> oh. >> and what? >> do it again it telescopes. yes. it's so genius we see you guys. and then it's magnetic on both ends so you can pick up random things when you're fixing thing things when you around the house >> i love this >> this is also cool to keep in your car if you ever have an emergency, need something. pop it on the hood >> cheerios we would be in business >> we'd be in business fun. never seen anything like that. >> another fun tech find is this electric portable hand warmer. you can recharge it over and
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over it warms up your hands really nice and warm. and you don't have to use, you know, the onetime use ones that can get wasteful. >> yes >> and they're costly over time, too, when you're buying so many of them. this is great. it's under $30 keep it in your bag. give it to somebody who's always cold >> okay. >> and when you're in a little emergency, it also doubles as phone charger. >> okay. >> you get a two-in-one gift super awesome. >> okay. what's this? >> i don't know if you've heard, but crocheting is all the rage right now. >> i have not heard that >> the woobles are taking over social media it's really cool but bizarre it's nice for the person who's crafty, for the kid in your life or the adult who needs a new hobby, maybe this kit comes with everything you need to crochet your own little wooble. look how cute it is. >> i love that >> they have an email and a text line for -- >> ages 12 and up. little kids, maybe not so much >> maybe for the older kid in your life. it's really great. it comes with everything you need, and they offer assistance and have tutorial videos for everybody who needs help >> super cute. >> yes
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>> tiny mic? >> we did this on the "today" show we do it on social media on "shop today" if you follow us. we're always breaking news with our tiny mics. >> what is this for, though? >> for the social media person in your life who's obsessed on being on camera, in front of their tiktok or instagram reels, or breaking news like savannah guthrie, who has a book coming out. >> oh, thanks for the plug, adriana. >> i don't know if you heard >> thanks for the plug >> this is easy. it's $6. it's a fun stocking stuffer. >> it is it comes in fashion colors, as well >> plug it in. have a little karaoke night over the holidays with your family and break some news. >> you'll be back tomorrow >> i sure will >> find these items by scanning the qr cold or head to the website. hoda, come with me what's coming up next? >> you're always johnny on the spot you're going to love your mornings mornings ally love has creative al, aska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend...
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"love your mornings," and today contributor ally love is here. there are beauty products that contain hidden chemicals and a long list of ingredients this morning you'll talk about basics, natural beauty stuff, get rid of the chemicals, get natural, and things you know work >> i think what's important is whether you are someone who has sensitive skin and you're trying new things or someone trying to cut back on the amount of exposure you have to chemicals, these are easy hacks in your kitchen. >> coconut oil, especially in the hard form, is one of the greatest inventions. i put it on my kids, put it on my skin, use it for everything what is it good for? >> all the rage. treatment bun. i have it in my hair right now i lathered coconut oil, pull my hair back. good for two things. one, hydrating the hair. making sure it's shiny, healthy.
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you can see my girl on tiktok, brurk it through, putting it in a bun. you're able to do two things at once i'm at work with you, hoda and getting a treatment in my hair at the same time >> what happens when you wash out the coconut oil? >> hair is shiny, healthy and great for blow try take a bunch and put it right in >> look at you lag it down. >> it's also shiny you see my shine. >> by the way, i love just pure coconut oil on the skin. this is interesting, people are looking for ways to regrow hair. >> yes this is something on tiktok, on social media, i will say disclaimer on this one, try it for this is rice water. a lot of celebrities they really live by it, especially lala anthony. this is rice water you take rice, put water in it, let it soak for 30 minutes put it in a spray bottle here. >> this is the stuff that usually you rinse out when you're watching your rice to get rid of all that stuff. >> this stuff right here put it in your hair. it's supposed to promote hair growth half a cup of rice, two to three cups of water.
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let it soak for 30 minutes rinse if you're a little concerned. this is all you do let it soak. strain it. put it in a bottle and put it on your hair. two to three times a week. >> you dump out that cloudy water. you use the cloudy water. >> we're using all things in our kitchen. >> let's make luscious eyelashes. >> you don't need anything but good brows and nice lashes anything like us, maybe you don't always want mascara, we want to look like we do. so this one is a new hack that i love you take a lash curler, you curl your lashes and you take a little brush aquaphore i swear by curl the lash and brush it up. >> on the lash. >> a little bit at a time you can see our amazing producer will come up here, edith before and after. >> wow >> that's just aquaphor. >> a thin, thin layer. >> exactly >> continuing with the face.
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clay mask. so i have sensitive, delicate skin i don't always want to put so many chemicals on my skin. clay mask is really good absorbing that excess moisture on your face, all of the oil without so many chemicals. >> this is a bpowder mask. this is a clay mask. you add powder in. you mix it up. i do this at home. >> is that what this is for? >> yes you just mix it up you put it on your face. i love to see this working because it shows you your pores. you can feel it. it's like tooth paste. i don't know if it's working, honey, but it's working. >> let's get to a j. lo favorite >> i mean, who doesn't want to look like j. lo. basically this is just olive oil. this is olive oil for you maybe you think of a salad i think of j. lo's body, it's perfect. she lathers on olive oil when she walks the red carpet hydration of the skin. gives you that shine, that glow. >> it really does. >> i take it put lotion
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i don't want to smell like a garden salad i'll put it on two things f you're wearing this out on a night out, be sure to have someone else apply it for you. getting oil on your clothes is the worst. if you're in a hot climate, don't want this out in the sun night out. looking fresh, fly >> how about a lip scrub. >> this is my favorite you know why, i feel like i think of your girls for this one. all you need to do, take that coconut oil in your kitchen, any oil that's hard, put some sugar in here. sugar. teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down it makes your lips hydrated. mix it up and then you have this hard scrub and put it on your lips. >> rub it on. >> and what's this what's this bottle right here? >> those are essential oils so you can make it smell good yeah and again, all of these things are beneficial for anyone who is looking to kind of revamp their makeup wardrobe. eliminate chemicals out of your house, out of your product. >> love it
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>> savannah, over to you. >> i'm here with our superstar, our friend, the talented erin fr french today you're not cooking, you're going to set the table it's the key to hosting. >> exactly. >> she will help us makeur o
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♪ we're back 8:51 with a holiday edition of "today food" and one of our very, very favorites, erin french chef and owner of the lost kitchen restaurant in freedom, maine. is so warm and inviting. we thought she's the perfect person to share tips for setting our hol author of the best-selling book "big heart, little stove." her restaurant is beloved not just for her amazing food but because the space is so warm and inviting we thought she's the perfect person to share tips for setting our holiday tables you're all about the experience, the hospitality. what's your, like, big message if you're hosting this christmas? >> you have to set the scene before you get cooking it's about bringing people in and making them feel loved and
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making them feel warm. there are many ways to do that we have so many fun tips that are easy and inexpensive that will make people feel so great while they're in your space. >> you say start with a cocktail, nonalcoholic if you want >> when people first come in, get a drink in their hand. it makes everyone feel calm. all we did i we took some sorbet and you just top it with these cute little glasses. >> like a vanilla or coconut sorbet >> this is lemon but any kind raspberry would be pretty. top it with sparkling wine or a sparkling cider. top it with a sprig of thyme >> so pretty >> it's like an adult float. >> root beer float with champagne. >> exactly exactly. >> so sweet. >> it's refreshing and it gets people in the mood >> not overly sweet. it works together. >> another fun trick to do is to make people feel warm. this fun idea we have, kind of
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making people feel like they're having a first-class flight. you make these little towels you soak in a little bit of rose water. you roll them up and make these little sushi rolls you can pop into the microwave for, like, 30 seconds, and you have these little rolls, so just 30 seconds, and when they come out, a little spritz of lavender. >> it smells so good so classy. >> like hot and fresh and kind of refreshing. >> oh, my gosh that's amazing >> in the summer, serve them cold >> are these little -- ideas ar have a lot of people coming over, table cloths can be expensive. a drop cloth, easy, >> they're just kitchen towels just a kitchen flour sack. a couple other ideas are you have a lot of people coming over, table cloths can be expensive. a drop cloth, easy, inexpensive way to make a lovely tablescape. that's a way to cover a big table if you have a lot of people coming over then we have some candle ideas so, this is really inexpensive everyone's got these little cocktail dishes at home, so you have these glasses, and you have
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votive candles all you do is -- if you don't have moss in the backyard or you're not trespassing on someone's property, you can go to, you know, any of the stores like, you know, that have any crafts, and you can find little bits of moss >> real moss >> you can find real moss. go to a florist. you can find fake moss >> so cute >> make these little candles you can put on the table and they feel thoughtful. >> okay. that's pretty. >> the next candle trick, because every table needs lots and lots of candles, especially around the holiday, are these candles we make with wine bottles. this is wine from last night it's gone now. we take the label off. you can do that with some hot water and soap you can find any greenery that you like and just pop it down in here >> wow that is so cool. >> and really inexpensive.
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down. >> oh, and then, the candle, take a taper candle and we use a vegetable peeler to shave it down >> oh, wow >> what you have is this cute little candle that costs next to nothing because, you know, you just recycled a wine bottle. >> i cannot believe you did this >> and it feels intentional and thoughtful people will feel you have put that thought into it >> we have 45 seconds. i love these winter flowers. >> this is great because these are inexpensive carnations, which is not really anyone's favorite flower. >> no one likes carnations look how cute they look. >> a little vintage thing here, tuck them in nice and tight and they look like a zillion dollars. >> we have to show our final -- >> vintage. bring out those dishes and mix and match. >> these are fabulous ideas. so unique. much more ahead on and you do mix and match >> vintage bring out those dishes and mix and match. >> erin, these are fabulous ideas. so unique. much more ahead on our third and fourth hours, including a good morning. it's 8:56.
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i'm marcus washington. the warriors tonight visit the l.a. clippers in their first game without draymond green after he was suspended indefinitely after his latest flagrant foul. draymond will sit down today with the warriors' management. so far the team has not issued a statement, but is promising to address the matter before tonight. right now, the league is being vague about what exactly green will have to do to get reinstated. our kris sanchez will have a full story for it at midday. you can go to our home page to get more details. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank
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12:22 pm
this morning on the third hour of "today," oprah's revelation. the star admitting to using weight-loss drugs after once calling them theas


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