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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 14, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi everyone, i'm kate's new nbc news daily starts right now. ay, december 14th, 2023.
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biden's backlash, the white house firing back after house respects formally approve their investigation of the president, the growing fallout in our nation's capital. up, up and away. the stock market's rally after the fed signals its may cut interest rates. war of words. people are losing their jobs over comments about the israel/hamas war. the growing challenges for companies and workers worldwide. and oh, what a fun! we go tree-gating. tree-gating like tailgating at a christmas tree farm. festive twist on a holiday tradition. you can join us as zinhle cuts down her first live tree, ever. >> it was fun. >> it's a lot of fun. we have to start this hour in washington, d.c.w the fallout after the house launched a formal impeachment inquiry into penalty biden and a
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full-throated defense from house republicans. >> overnight the white house blasted republicans accusing them of wasting time. saying in statement, quote, instead of doing anything to help make americans' lives better they're focused on the attacking me with lies. >> gop leaders are defending the move saying it will help them gather more documents and speak to key witnesses after hunter biden's very public defiance of a subpoena yesterday. the republicans sailing this is the in interest of the american public. >> we spent months accumulaing evidence. >> julie tsirkin. what happens next here, any idea who republicans want to subpoena? >> reporter: in the media future, the house has left, they have gone home until january
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9th. any next steps taken for this impeachment inquiry into president biden will have to be taken once they return, on top of the list, they do plan to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress for failing to show up for his closed-door deposition yesterday, you mentioned that he was on the hill, he said like his lawyer said before he would be willing to testify publicly, but he said republicans would misconstrue his statements and his words, his dealings had nothing to do with his father. we know the two xwhit tees plan to hold him in contempt of congress. they also in addition of course deposed other individuals, the president's brother james, they'll kick those subpoenas up as they have formalize the vote. >> what are we hearing from president biden and the white house today. >> reporter: president biden
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refuting this inquiry, he went on last night also to say, this inquiry is false, something that's a baseless political stunt in his words, even republicans in congress admit is not supported by the facts. now at the same time, though, you did have a party line vote in which all republicans even moderates and vulnerables in the house did end up supporting this inquiry the question is, though, where they go from here, because, again, as this drags on in the new year and continue to find any connection between hunter biden and his father, something they've been able to do for months it will get politically challenging. >> you mentioned the new year, 2024, an election year, and president biden plans to run in that year, how could this play out for republicans and dems? >> the vice president is already fund-raising on this. that this fund-raising attempt on the impeachment inquiry of the president has been the most
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successful fund-raising day in quite a while, you see they're using this to their advantage. at the same time, though, since house republicans have now formalized this inquiry they can't backtrack, if they don't take the next step to actually move forward on articles of impeachment then they will in any case exonerate the president unless they take that other step, really now republicans find themselves in a practicely situation and certainly one they have to figure out the next steps quickly. a surge in arrests across europe of suspected hamas operatives. the arrest took place in yermny, denmark and the netherlands. meagan, what are we learning about these arrests. >> reporter: the danish prime minister is calling this situation as serious as it gets. three people were arrested in denmark, one in netherlands. state prosecutors in germany say
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four suspected members of hamas have been arrested. german prosecutors go on to say one of the members arrested was searching for this underground stash of weapons in europe, they believe those weapons were intended to be taken to berlin, to then be used in a potential terrorist attack against jewish institutions in europe, now israeli prime minister netanyahu's office releasesing a statement today praising the work of those investigators and saying that hamas is striving to expand its operation capabilities around the world to hit, jewish, western about thes at any cost. let's bring if hallie jackson, president biden's national security adviser is in israel today meeting with prime minister netanyahu. what's the message that jake sullivan delivered in. >> reporter: listen the biden administration's message to israel has been pretty
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consistent, they've engaged they say according the state department and others with questions about the duration of this war, how long it should last, and the u.s. is trying to walk this fine line here, right, between putting some pressure perhaps on the israelis to not drag this out longer than it has while also respecting and publicly talking for support for israel. the issue of humanitarian aid has been a big one for the biden administration, calls to get more humanitarian aid into gaza, we've seen developments on that this week with the opening of a new border crossing, that situation there is dire and getting worse with an estimated half of people starving, 80% to 90% estimated to be displaced. the weather has been terrible. tents filled with rain and water, mud everywhere, a miserable situation getting even worse. this other question of what
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happens after the war, and this is where you're seeing real daylight some real distance between the u.s. and israel, while the u.s. said there can't be a lasting peace without a palestinian state. israeli saying there can't be a two-state solution. that's not an intractable conflict that doesn't have a clear resolution. and the other on hostage release. some families meeting with president biden, they believe the president is behind them in trying to get their loved ones out. conversations are happening in the region, can those truce talks pick up steam any time soon? nothing concrete yet they will. >> hallie jackson and meagan fitzgerald, thank you. good economic news the federal reserve held interest
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rates steady yesterday and signaled they're considering up to three interest rate cuts in the new year. here are how the markets are reacting. >> the dow jumped 500 points yesterday with the s&p 500 and nasdaq both closing at their highest point in over a year. joining us now is brian cheung for what this means for your wallet. brian, a lot of numbers there. what does the fed's meeting mean for everyday americans in. >> the federal reserve is looking at what's happening in the economy and saying, well, lot of people thought we would be in a recession now. the fed forecast coming from the central bank itself projecting that inflation could come down faster than they projected the last time they offered any sort of predictions in september, so the federal reserve now saying we might be in a place to start cutting interest rates next year the first time we've heard them say that since they began this
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journey of making borrowing costs more expenexpensive. >> so we're coming down to the wire on buying gifts right now for a lot of people, speaking for a friend, but thinking about people's spending and inflation at the moment, what does this mean for the holiday season? >> the big story for those who are shopping for the holiday season, things are really expensive when it comes to food, save money when you can get the best discounts you at the store. retailers are trying to keep the pressure on, for those late shoppers there could be deals to be had. with 11 days until christmas, americans are trying to find out if those last-minute deals are naughty or nice. >> overwhelmed by these sales. it's been going on for days, and it's, like, each company is trying to outdo the other company. >> reporter: in the final days of the shopping rush, retailers are pushing sales to reel in shoppers. the same stress of mall crowds likely crushing your inboxes too. >> the holiday season has
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somehow reactivated email lists that you absolutely unsubscribed to. >> reporter: after black friday, stores are still trying to woo consumers with further discounts. so, how do you wade through the sales? good news for those last-minute shoppers looking for presents for the kids -- prices are dropping for toys, and for some other popular items. >> the best deals will be in electronics, appliances, and toys. we'll continue to see prices drop in each of those categories. >> reporter: some electronics are even more discounted than on black friday. the season has also brought steep sales for clothing and furniture. how about what to skip? but if you're looking for warmer bedding for winter, wait until january when retailers tend to have deals on linens. according to nerdwallet. look for outdoor yard equipment in the spring and fall. and you may find even bigger sales the weekend before christmas. but for toys, a word of caution -- patience could get you a deeper deal in the final days of the season, but waiting too long could risk empty shelves. >> excuse me. >> yes? >> i'm trying to find a doll.
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>> me too, me too. >> do you have any more in the back? >> reporter: for those not racing against turbo time, a bit more calm. even with shopping left to do in mid-december. didn't miss out on that much. >> didn't miss out. there are still a lot of sales still going on. >> you can find better discounts now in some cases than on black friday, broadly speaking, if you bought something, you see it cheaper, you can do price adjustment at target. >> take the product back and -- >> the receipt. just have to show the receipt. >> brian, thank you. time for today's cnbc minute. meta's threads is available in europe. >> contessa brewer joins us now. meta's social media platform
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threads is now available to users in the european union that platform launched a competitor to x today and nearly six months after it came out in the u.s., the eu faced delays to make sure it met regulations. the company will pay to use its news stories with atricks to train its a.i. machines. the two companies didn't share the financial terms of that deal. a world cup jersey set sold for $10 million, $7.8 million. less than the $10 million. the most valuable this year. lot of money.
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>> that's a lot of money. >> that's true. coming up, steer clear. the bull that caused chaos at one of the busiest train stations in the country. >> more puns from you. plus, cracking down, a rare inside look at how police are inside look at how police are protecting retail stores from a when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. the long-lasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place...
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with the holiday shopping season in full swing, police are cracking down on the growing problem of organized retail thechlt. >> a rise in violent attacks have cost major retailers billions of dollars. miguel almaguer has an inside look at how law enforcement is fighting back. >> reporter: at shopping centers across the country. undercover surveillance teams like these, say this is the multibillion-dollar problem. >> get outside of the car, grab him. >> reporter: exploding out of control. >> done six or seven this week. we're stepping up our efforts over the holiday season. >> reporter: given rare exclusive access to covert operations, we followed the los angeles sheriff's department retail theft tcalirnia highway . >> let him come out. we'll get him. >> two bags. >> reporter: as officers swarm suspected shoplifters who they
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say often work with a network of criminals like this. in what's known as organized retail crime. >> we see these really shocking videos that come out. from all across the country. why is this crime so pervasive? >> i think there's an absolute perception that nothing's going to be done because it's theft. for years now, we've been looking at mobs of usually it's younger kids and they believe that if they do it in packs, it's harder to detain and arrest. >> reporter: the thieves, who all too often get away, can swipe tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise. taking their hauls to stash houses like this one. the chp says this makeshift store front holds over half a million dollars in stolen goods. as officers raided this home, we watched as bag after bag of merchandise was recovered. >> we've seen boxes of shoes, stolen goods, the price tags are still on them. >> there's going to be some critics who say this is a dog
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and pony show. not enough arrests are being made. >> it's a challenge and i think when the theft occurs, we like to think we respond as quickly as we can and we're investigating all of them. we are doing the best that we can. >> reporter: while not every city has seen a surge in retail crime, some of the biggest are with los angeles, the nation's epicenter, major metropolitan areas coast to coast are seeing a dangerous spike. and authorities say current laws aren't working. >> if the value is under $950, it's considered a misdemeanor. if they don't have any outstanding cases they'll more than likely be released. >> in just the last few hours with undercover teams, what's become apparent and quite astonishing is just how rampant shoplifting is. you pick the store, it's getting hit over and over again. >> reporter: the cost of these thefts which include everyday
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items are eventually passed on to consumers who pay higher prices for the same products. but for small shop owners like mona, this heist nearly put her out of business. >> i don't want to be here anymore. i don't want to be in this store anymore. how do you replace something like this overnight? >> reporter: the fight against organized retail crime and the rising price we all pay. miguel almaguer, nbc news. still ahead, is it time up for tiktok, why the social media app's popularity may have hit its peak. you're watching "nbc news daily". the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks.
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and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at here's liz,
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and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. happy thursday. this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. a tumultuous year for cruise. they are laying off 24% of its workforce. almost 900 people. all of this comes one day after nine key executives left the company. nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab reports. >> reporter: demonstrators were gathered outside of california public utilities commission office in san francisco to call for the resignation of puc commissioner john reynolds. he used to be or was formerly a lawyer for cruise autonomous vehicles before serving now with the puc.
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in addition to reynolds' resignation, demonstrators are also calling for the prosecution of cruise executives. nine key executives from cruise separated from the company yesterday. today, cnbc confirmed that 900 employees will also be let go. that's almost a quarter of the company's workforce. in an email sent to employees, the company says it's slowing down commercialization, simplifying and focusing efforts to return with an exceptional service in one city before scaling. the cuts mostly come in operations and outside of engineering. some technical positions may be impacted with the cuts. much of this began following this accident. it did not initially involve a cruise vehicle. a pedestrian was hit by a car with a driver. then that pedestrian was thrown into the path of a cruise taxi. the dmv found the driverless cruise car stopped after hitting the pedestrian but then later
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attempted to pull over, dragging the victim several feet. the dmv accused the company of misleading vft gates by not disclosing the full video of the accident initially. since october, the dmv has suspended cruise operations on the roads. today, protests are demanding more action against the company. >> let me remind you, we are not against tech. we are not against tech. but we are against technology that benefits the few at the expense of the many. >> reporter: cruise is offering to depart with its employees in somewhat of a good fashion. they are offering to pay their departing employees through at minimum april of 2024. that's 16 weeks, in addition to bonuses and other benefits. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thanks, ginger. here is other stories. a foul odor has returned to richmond.
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draymond green will sit down to talk about his suspension. he is indefinitely suspended. today, green is meeting with his agent and the warriors' regional manager. they will go over his suspension and what he may be required to do before returning to the court. people in richmond are holding their noses again. a strong odor returned to the same area where a stench frustrated neighbors last week. it's triggering an investigation. the stink was tied to a spike in hydrogen sulsulfide. they are blaming it on a construction project involving an equipment upgrade. get your umbrellas out. we have some rain on the way. here is meteorologist kari hall. >> heads up along the bay shore and coastline.
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tomorrow as well as saturday, chilly mornings and mild and sunny days. going ahead, by sunday morning, rain will come in. looking at our temperatures, really nice out there. hopefully you have a chance to enjoy more time, get tor -- thorrands fun. in napa, upper 50s. santa rosa, a high of 62. we go through the rest of the forecast, by the end of the w7bd, rain coming in. i will talk more about that and how long it lasts coming up in about 30 minutes. >> thank you. a lot of people like having a live christmas tree over the holidays. the smell that's nice. some struggle with the option because of its affect on the environment. they have to be chopped down. now you have another option. a company is renting out live christmas trees. the company says it helps the environment and there's the
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added bonus of not having to have an artificial tree and storing that tree every year. that's going to do it for "the fast forward." we will have hourly updates all we will have hourly updates all afternoon. sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. looking for bladder leak protection designed for worry-free sleep? try poise overnight pads. with a 75% wider back poise's most absorbent pad provides up to 12 hours of protection to help you sleep worry free. try poise overnight pads. type 2 diabetes?
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crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily". a 13-year-old boy has been arrested after allegedly planning a mass shooting at an
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ohio synagogue the local sheriff's office said he posted that plan online back in september before the start israel/hamas war the boy is set to go on trial next week of inducing panic and disorderly conduct. los angeles has been chosen to host super bowl 61. sofi stadium in 2027. now this will mark the second time in just five years the stadium will host the game, it hosted super bowl 56 last year when the rams defeated the cincinnati bengals. an unusual delay at a train station that left morning commuters having a cow. that's a loose bull, seriously, on the track. the incident caused delays up to 45 minutes. they say the animal and all the humans involved are doing okay, still very unclear where a bull
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came from and how it managed to get on the track in newa are, k, new jersey, a metro area. >> a good idea to contain the bull. as the war between israel/hamas enters its third month, many have spoken out with consequences. employees worldwide have reported losing their jobs after speaking out about the conflict. that a look. >> reporter: online and on the streets. people worldwide are speaking out about the israel/hamas war. >> i received a call from my hr department. >> reporter: for some it's come with a cost -- their jobs. >> fired me for speaking out about palestine on my social media accounts. >> reporter: zara said she was fired from the canadian outlet
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global news after criticizing israel internally and on her social media accounts. >> i was only told that the overall i made was a perception of bias. i choose to call it bullying. to stop these journalists from speaking up about the issues that matter to them. >> reporter: in a statement, global news, a client of our nbc news service, commentary by our employees expressing or amplifying violence is a violation of our company policies and that the outlet must remain fair and unbiased. in california, a jewish usc professor says he was barred from campus after this video of him confronting pro-palestinian protesters went viral. >> reporter: the professor telling our nbc station in los angeles, the phrase
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everyone meant hamas alone and not all palestinians. >> i'm quoted as saying death to palestinians. i never said that, ever. i wouldn't. i don't believe that. >> reporter: usc initially said that strauss was told to remain off-campus as a precautionary measure, but days later the university lifted its restrictions on the professor. here's what peter goselin said employees should keep in mind. >> people working in the public sector for the most part, they have constitutional protections, but if you're working in the private sector, there's very little that protects you as an employee from actions by your employer. your employer dislikes the things you're talking about, the law does very little -- >> reporter: today, workplace tensions have reached as far as the cia, staff warned in an internal e-mail to avoid partisan social media posts after a senior officer posted a pro-palestinian image online. in hollywood, susan sarandon was
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dropped by a talent agency. we've seen some high-profile cases of individuals losing their jobs, since the israel/hamas war started. do they have a case? >> if an employee believes the retaliation isn't just because of their opinion but because who they are they definitely have a case. >> if you're working at a company and you're uncomfortable by remarks a fellow employee made, what rights do you have? legally. >> if you're uncomfortable in the workplace, the first thing you need to do is, do to hr department. frankly regardless of what the issue is or positions people take. >> people are losing properfective jobs. back in october, top law firms
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rescinded job offers from students from harvard, columbia and nyu. tensions is high across the country. >> really interesting reporting. four-time nba champion draymond green has been benched by the league, suspended indefinitely after another incident on the court. >> on tuesday, green was thrown out of game after striking a phoenix suns player in the face the 19th ejection of his career, the most among active players. nbc news correspondent valerie castro joins us now. green is a big name player, why the decision from the league. >> reporter: so the league released a statement saying they're taking into account a repeated history of unsportsmanlike act. not the first time he's gotten in trouble for this sort of behavior. last month he was suspended for five games. a fight on the court between other players he got involved and put someone in a chokehold and that led to that suspension.
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after this game he apologized for what happened here, he said this was not an intentional act, if it was an intentional act he would not be apologizing, but still given his history it's not good look. >> this suspension is indefinite. how are people reacting to it. >> reporter: as far as the indefinite part the league hasn't announced how many games the suspension will be. as far as reaction, steve kerr the coach said he most have lost his poise on the court. one of his first comments following the game. kevin durant he said this was just insane to see. take a listen to what he had to say. >> i hope that draymond gets the help that he needs. incident after incident, so, i know draymond and that's not -- he doesn't -- he hasn't been that way when i have been around
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him. >> some of the reaction we've been hearing. >> look, this is a big player, i imagine, big bucks being lost here. >> this is a financial loss for him. every game he's suspended that's $154,000 per game. he can stand to lose a quite a bit here. >> pretty consequential decision there. if you find your tiktok for you page isn't doing much for you anymore, apparently you're not alone, several research reports released this week find that tiktok's popularity in the united states seems to be going down after years of massive growth, nbc news tech reporter david ingram joins me now. i still use tiktok professionally mostly. why are the numbers showing that things are going down? >> well, kate, you're not alone, lot of us are still using tiktok
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and this has been kind of the tiktok era by some people the past several years, tiktok has seen this incredible growth. reports this week painted some troubling numbers for tiktok, downloads in the first 11 months this year were down 20% from a year ago that's according to aptopia. we saw a ranking coming up for apple for the top three apps. tiktok is number five. survey results coming out from the pew research center saying that 63% of teens are using -- have used tiktok, roughly the same or down from 18 months ago, the best word here is kind of plateau for tiktok. we've seen such a surge of growth, it's been on the tip of
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so many young people's tongues especially. people are still using it. they don't have the room for growth there, the room to influence the culture even more so they then already do. >> thatgraphic we showed it's number 5, is it because everyone has tiktok and they didn't have threads more, they load threads this year, i'm just wondering. any indication as to why the numbers are dropping in the u.s.? >> reporter: well, so i have spoken with people attic tok they say the downloads numbers don't illustrate what's happening with the app. the pew survey, going back to that apple ranking, the top is temua shopping app, tiktok has some shopping there but not the main attraction for tiktok, experts say what we're likely
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seeing here is changing consumer habits even among teens, the features that tiktok offers, watching videos and making videos that's not really what teens and others are really into right now, lot of the energy has moved into smaller private conversations with friends, people you know offline, that's not tiktok's strength. shopping is another big example. we should mention that there's this cloud hanging over tiktok in the u.s. where people think it should be banned because of its connection, ownership by people in china, that may or may not be hurting tiktok at the moment. certainly not helping. >> i keep thinking, david, i've done a lot of stories with teenagers, i've talked with kids and asked what they're doing on their phones, doom scrolling. and tiktok. >> i think tiktok is, you know,
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here to stay a little bit for sure. one way to think about it, think about where facebook was ten years ago, facebook was the dominant social media platform, tiktok is going to be around but it's not going to be -- >> things come and go, don't they. david ingram, thank you. still ahead, you probably heard of tailgating. kate and i are going to take you tree-gating at a christmas tree
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♪♪ hello and welcome to our cozy little corner here in studio. we're just warming ourselves up by the fire here and while we're here, we want to share something festive for you. check out this display inside a parking garage inside new york city. the man behind it, a parking attendant built it piece by piece in between his shifts. >> so incredible. it's not just about christmas, right next to the town is a bright blue hannukah display. >> i love it. we went pretty festive on a field trip this past weekend. >> that's right. i come from a long line of fake christmas tree buyers. so this year i wanted to cut down a real one.
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>> we headed up to a place in easton, connecticut, and along the way we saw a farm with a pretty cool tradition. in the connecticut countryside there's holiday spirit by the acre. families come from all over to maple row christmas tree farm. >> in addition to the sights and sounds, there's another holiday tradition that makes maple row a little more memorable. a christmas tree farm tailgating right in the parking lot. >> it's tailgate time. >> we had to try it out of course. >> it smells good. >> we brought cocoa, cookies cheese. and company. my husband chris and our dog joined us. while zinhle's friends. our best efforts no match for families like this one who have been carrying on the tailgating tradition for seven years. what are you making?
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meatball parm. >> meatball what -- >> and we thought our cookies were fancy. >> oh, my gosh. meatball parm and even elaborate cocktails. some families staying out here all day long to celebrate tradition. >> you stay all day, why is it? >> it's important to make time together with your family especially around the holidays. we've done it since we were little. >> okay, all right, you ready. >> go for a hayride. >> once our bellies were full, a ticket to ride. the task at hand, find a tree. >> a new york-size tree. >> i'm getting the big suburban-size tree. >> i love it. >> they've been growing trees here since the 1920s. on a good day they'll sell several thousand trees. >> of all the people who buy christmas trees around 30% do it this way, chopping it down themselves. >> this is the part where we grab -- >> yes. >> the saw. >> all right.
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>> oh, that was really nice. that was really nice. i like it. >> once we found a tree for kate -- well done. it was my turn to cut down my first real christmas tree. >> you did it. >> so cool. i will do that again. >> maple row, a family business spanning eight generations, often balancing an uncertain economy with the fact that these trees take almost ten years to grow. >> we've raised our prices a little bit each year, these past couple of years have been more than normal. i hope we can keep it going. >> people are tailgating now. at the christmas tree farm. >> you know what, it's kind of cool.
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it's a fun holiday, addition to the tradition. >> an addition to the tradition we can certainly get behind. >> a christmas memory made. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> that was the best shoot, ever. >> our first. your family has done that for years. >> we've been to maple row year after year. >> i did, folks. small new york apartment. no decor yet, but mom and dad, we have our first real tree in the family. >> i love that. my tree is a little bigger. >> all right. >> i don't think -- no, no. i'm just kidding. show my real tree. that's not it. >> there's kate's tree. >> you picked the tree, look at how perfect it is. >> it's beautiful. i already love it with all the lights and we're going to put ornaments on when my son gets
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home. >> my family teases me, my parents and my siblings because i would be so picky about the tree every year. it's a good-looking tree. >> that was a lot of fun. >> this tailgating tree-gating. check it out. it's a lot of fun. >> something fun of choosing your own. >> there's much more news coming up ahead. >> maybe some trees, too, probably not. you're watching "nbc news daily". sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression.
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people to set up shop like this? to thrive and to be an incredible community asset. >> is the city is encouraging business grown. as we inch toward the weekend, rain is heading our way. here is kari hall. >> we will see temperatures in the mid 60s for a high. we will see high clouds, but still a nice day. a repeat tomorrow and more sunshine. temperatures are in the upper 50s sunday. the rain will be scattered off and on throughout the next several days. we are getting some beneficial rainfall that where he desperately need.
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it comes right before the holidays. holidays. be prepared fowet weather.r ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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here we have a costly domino affect. meet david and shelly. we were installing a camera in their van. it drained the battery. roadside assistance responded. no matter after one hiccup they got it running. >> the car started. we went down the block. we got messages take the car to the dealer. >> the car died? >> it just died. >> the computer was toasted according to the message.
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it cost almost $2,500. they expected the assistance folks to reimburse them. they were spinning their wheels. coming up tonight at 5:30, we will tell you what happened. it's important in the event you need a jump start, spoiler alert, read your car's manual. car trouble is a common gripe in our inbox. fill out our form online. i will join you tonight at 5:30. >> looking forward to the conclusion of the story. i know it's going to be good news. home for the holidays. a man was reunited with his cat after she went missing for weeks. he tracked her down using the air tag attached to her collar. she was in carmel. that's when the community stepped in to help with the search. great news, yesterday, a good
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samaritan found miss kitty. she's now back home safe and sound. she's so happy to be back home. she's so happy to be back home. that's going to do it fg rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way.
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1:00 pm
i'm andrea canning, and this is dateline daytime on nbc. she and her son danny were in the basement of their home when the doorbell rang. danny bounded up the steps to answer the door and then the shots rang out.


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