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tv   Today  NBC  December 15, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> it's a cold start. we are watching out for the hazy sky. unhealthy air quality. we have crashing on either side of the san mateo bridge. the bay bridge is clear with light traffic. >> that is light. nice. hope you are off to a good friday morning. >> absolutely. a big shoutout to the san francisco symphony. and a shoutout to viewers. i made it this morning. good friday morning. and here it comes. >> that massive weekend storm set to cause major disruptions good morning it's december 15th this is today. now bracing for a major storm during a busy weekend of holiday shopping and travel. al is tracking what you can
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expect. breaking overnight, in the dark new york city hit with a sudden power outage smoke seen rising from a large substation the fdny called in to rescue people trapped in elevator this morning what may have caused the blackout. israel pushing to shift its offense. national security adviser jake sullivan delivering the message in person. >> this is what we believe is the best way to believe the tactical and strategic goals. plus, the security arrest in europe the house where four students were murdered set to be demolished in days what the victims' families are saying and the potential impact on the high-profile case. >> all that plus, ready, set, shift. time is almost up to get your packages out the door. the deadlines you need to know
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to get them there on time. thursday night trashing. raiders absolutely crush the chargers the record-shattering performance to kick off a huge holiday weekend. >> i mean, there are bad dreams and there are crazy bad dreams. >> friday, december 15, 2023. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie live from stud and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. good morning it's friday. thank you so much for joining us boy, what a night for vegas. >> what is what you call a beatdown the raiders did beat the chargers that score 63-21. >> i know. i was like, is that a basketball score?
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okay, yeah more on that or the highlights or low lights of that game. christmas now just ten days away, and a lot of people are hoping to get some shopping done, maybe go to some parties this weekend but get this, a major storm will impact some people. >> the storm is now on the move. another forming in the gulf. it is set to cause a rain, wind and flooding event. >> airlines are getting ready for record numbers and they're hoping to avoid a repeat of this year's disaster when a major storm left hundreds of thousands of passenger's stranded. we are looking at the gulf, as you guys mentioned. good morning to you. here is what we expect to see, this storm system develop. it will be developing in the gulf wind advisories for eastern
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florida and heavy rains in the keys then we get into tomorrow. torrential rain impacts the entire sunshine state. severe storms, possibilities of tornadoes as well especially as you get into central florida on sunday starts to intensify as it moves up the east coast. and the winds will be a big impact, too. then monday moves into the northeast. heavy rain early winds are going to be a big, big factor up and down the i of 95 corridor and back behind this wrap-around lake effect snow developing and wind gusts of up to 50 miles ane hour so we do have a marginal to slight risk of strong flooding stretching from portland all the way down to miami, especially down in florida when we could be looking at 1 to 2 inch rain fall rates. look at this heavy rain from miami to portland. we are expecting anywhere from 1 to 3 inches. but down in florida could be
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five to six inches so, guys, this will be a big impact event that goes right on into monday. so air travel. road travel will be a real mess. >> all right, al you said it right there. with just ten days to go until christmas, the big frenzy is just around the corner airlines preparing for record numbers. they're hoping to avoid a repeat of last year's travel nightmare. tom costello joins us now from reagan national. how is it looking? >> so far so good. not a lot of misery if you are flying today really good flying conditions. we expect 115 million people to be flying or driving over the extended christmas break keep in mind people are working remotely on the front side and the backside, so the entire get-away period is much, much longer but if you did fly southwest airlines over last christmas, if you had that terrible experience, you may still have some ptsd. countdown to the 2023 holiday rush and southwest airlines is
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promising there will be no repeat of 2022. >> we are ready. we have invested in trucks and new pads and staffing and technology i'm very, very proud of our people. >> reporter: many travelers still have nightmares after a snowstorm triggered last year's meltdown nearly 17,000 flights canceled hundreds of thousands of passengers left stranded and mountains of lost luggage. >> look at this mess everybody over here is pissed. >> reporter: southwest said it invested heavily in deicing equipment and has plenty of staff this year. >> thanksgiving day, 97% on time, zero cancels across our system. s on pace for a >> reporter: the nation's airlines expects more than 39 million passengers over a 14-day period nearly three million a day with the faa expecting a peak on december 31st of 50,000 flights in one day major airlines and airports have been preparing for months to meet demand.
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with investments in technology like new screening machines in atlanta and hiring aggressively to support the volumes and airlines know more people means more bags. because most passengers now are only bringing carry-on bags, united is retro fitting their entire domestic fleet. more overhead bin space able to fit every carry-on bag one reason so many of us are traveling this year, it costs less. >> airfare is down 12% from where we saw it last year, as well as gas prices are down quite considerably from 2022. >> reporter: gas prices now below $3 a gallon in more than 20 states. so if you are planning to hit the road for the holidays, you will have company. 104 million people will be driving with the biggest traffic
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days predicted to be saturday, december 23rd and thursday, the 28th okay back here at the airport, i had a very close call yesterday, guys i made my flight to dallas by the skin of my teeth i didn't check the tsa, my tsa app to see what the waiting times were like here at this airport. i mean, i barely made my flight. i was the last guy walking on two minutes before they closed the door check that app go to my tsa on the app and you can see what the waiting time is at your airport wherever you are. >> tom, by the way, one other note here, we're getting details about a dramatic close call. it involved a jet blue flight. what do you know about that? >> reporter: yeah. this was in my home state of colorado a jet blue flight was taking off and suddenly, look at that, slammed its tail down on to the runway as it was taken off the reason, he suddenly realized there was an airplane coming right towards it it didn't realize jet blue was taking off the ntsb investigating all of
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that, and there was substantial damage to that flight. >> tom, thank you so much. now that breaking news here in new york overnight. the city hit with a power outage that left people stranded in elevators. stephanie gosk is on the story stephanie, good morning. >> good morning. i mean, this is a busy substation there is a truck here going inside it is back up and running. but people in this neighborhood felt a rattle maybe last night others looked out and saw a ball of fire, a plume of smoke. and then lights flickered and went out all across the city the nypd does not suspect a crime was involved but this rare blackout had the city on edge overnight, parts of new york
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city grinding to a halt after a brief power surge reeked havoc darkness flickering in a city that never sleeps before midnight residents felt the effects across the city. some even trapped in elevators after a small explosion sparked at this substation in brooklyn smoke seen filling the air >> power grid explosion. >> reporter: the surge disrupted subway service, escalators and busy buildings frozen. firefighters responded to calls from people stuck in elevators, including an employee at this wegman's grocery store comed saying the surge was the result of a surge on a high-tension transmission line, causing customers to experience a dip or surge in power. it comes as there are concerns about the strength and safety of power grids across the country with extreme weather approaching and systems under pressure, many hope the disruption isn't repeated anywhere else throughout this season this power company is blaming it on a high-tension wire you look at the pictures of the
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plume of smoke it is incredibly alarming. but thankfully, this morning no one was injured. >> stephanie, thank you very much. let's turn to the war in the middle east. the u.s. urging israel in face to face talks to scale down its ground campaign in gaza and do more to protect civilians. meanwhile, several members of hamas has been arrested accused of planning attacks in europe. richard engel is there in jerusalem covering it all for us good morning. >> reporter: good morning, hoda. the national security adviser jake sullivan is visiting israel and the west bank today. one of the first things he said was the united states stands with israel and isn't trying to tell the israeli government what to do as the biden administration is encouraging israel to move to a new, less
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destructive phase of its war in gaza as israel continues to attack gaza with the full force of its military to overthrow hamas, two u.s. officials tell nbc news the biden administration wants israel to transition from a high intensity military campaign to a targeted one, focussing on intelligence driven commando raids and more targeted strikes. national security adviser jake sullivan in israel today saying it is up to the israeli government to decide when and how. >> there will be a transition to another phase of this war, one that is focused in more precise ways on targeting the leadership and on intelligence-driven operations. >> reporter: israel's defense minister has suggested the israeli minister still need months of high intensity combat to clear out hamas president biden weighing in thursday. >> i want them to be focused on how to save civilian lives, not stop going after hamas, but be more careful. >> reporter: the israeli
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government says it is doing all it can to protect civilians in gaza with prior notifications by phone or leaflet the refugee camp was hit by israeli strikes overnight. our camera crew arrived moments after one attack and recorded as the wounded start emerging children carried down the narrow alley. some eventually making their way to a hospital. this child shaking uncontrollably in shock. arab and u.s. officials in the middle east tell us they fear israel could defeat hamas in gaza, but make more enemies in the process. yesterday authorities in germany, denmark and the from s. and we are netherlands arrested seven suspects, including fourprocess. yesterday, described as long-term hamas members.
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they're accused of plotting to attack jewish institutions across europe, as the u.s. is also on high alert for terror threats elevated after the war begin. the israeli military this morning said it recovered the bodies of two soldiers kidnapped on october 7th both were men and 19 years old. >> all right richard, thank you. all right. craig joins us now 13 minutes after the hour what you got >> good morning to you this morning there are new questions about the future of the war in ukraine, as well as after a news conference from russia's president vladimir putin, there is another issue in the spotlight this morning the whereabouts of a jailed opposition leader. keir simmons is in moscow for us once again keir, good morning. >> reporter: craig, good morning to you a day after president putin's hard line rhetoric here in moscow, his spokesperson sitting
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down with nbc news to tell us that russia would want to talk to the u.s. but only on russia's terms. up until now it has been illegal to describe what russia calls its special military operation as a war here in russia. but it is a war, a war he blames on the west. this morning as ukraine was hit by another russian drone strike, the kremlin spokesperson accepting what russia has called a special military operation is now more than that it is a war now?pet >> it is a war, of course. it is a war. it is a war that actually the united states is orchestrating against our country. >> reporter: he says russia is open to talks with washington, but on its terms. >> the world is less safe than it used to be before our dialogue was shut down. >> reporter: the message is the fighting continues >> of course, yes. >> reporter: keep fighting.
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>> yes listen, america is strongly involved in this conflict. >> reporter: speaking after president putin's uncompromising message on ukraine >> the peace will come when we reach our goals. >> reporter: this morning, the whereabouts of jailed opposition leader aleksi navalny still unknown. the critics leaders saying a russian court confirmed he was no longer in the penal facility where he had been serving his sentence. >> it is not our authority of the prison administration to monitor the movements of prisoners. >> reporter: president putin said talks are possible, though not easy this over detained americans paul whelan and evan gershkovich who the u.s. says are falsely accused. russia's militarization is inescapable. moscow features a fighter jet and a former soviet rocket millions visiting an expo that includes the history of the
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soviet nuclear program >> we are proud of it. it's our history we are a great country. >> reporter: that's the explosion of a nuclear test that people are watching down there independent polls say around half of russians do want peace talks. but not at any cost. meanwhile, as president volodymyr zelenskyy battles for more money from washington, i asked whether president putin would like to see a change in the white house. he told me, i have no doubt that president putin would like to see someone who is more constructive to our country. of course, former president trump has said that he would solve the ukraine crisis in a day. saying it's too complicated to solve in one day craig? >> keir simmons for us in moscow thank you. the las vegas raiders taking on the chargers in thursday night football
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if you like a lot of scoring, this was the game for you. >> good protection off in the end zone. and making the grab, trey tucker with a touchdown. >> that gave the raiders the lead but they were just getting warmed up. vegas would go on to score six touchdowns in the first half alone. here's the halftime score, 42-0, three-point shy of an nfl halftime record. final score 63-21, the most points the raiders have ever scored in franchise history, and the celebration was on in the las vegas strip. >> as it should be 6-8, third place in the division but they have this new head momentum. >> i c coach, interim head coach, fantastic. >> all i hear is carson right now. i know we're talking, but all i hear is carson let's go over to mr. roker and get a check of the weather. >> the eastern third of the country is fantastic today this is literally the calm before the storm we've got another system in the mid plains bringing heavy rain to texas on into oklahoma, parts of arkansas and nebraska
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sunshine out west as well. going to be kind of nice and looking for shower activity up through the upper mississippi river valley we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. , sourced and bottled for the perfect taste. ♪♪ curating an experience, that's timeless. saratoga, the official water of bravo's top chef world all stars. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. look at our temperatures today, reaching up into 70s.
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we'll also deal with some unhealthy air quality in spots. we're getting ready and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you coming up, a new twist in the idaho college murders case that has the defense team racing back to the scene of the crime. laura jarett is on that case for us. >> sometimes juries like to go back to the scene of the crime but if it goes to trial, they won't have that option i'll tell you why that has the families worried. >> laura, look forward to that.. ten days to plus, it is crunch time. ten days to go, ten. whether you have things to mail or gifts to order, we will break down the gifts you need to know. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, inspiring history
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makers. >> yeah. we will meet the first mother and daughter to be sitting judges at the same time after your local news. ends saturday. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) this holiday season at petsmart, buy 3 dog treats and get the 4th free. plus earn double the points on all holiday treats, toys, apparel & more with petsmart treats rewards. ♪ anything for you ♪ shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks.
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a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles. ♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift. (boy) you're not gonna believe this girl... (girl) mom! dad! mom, dad, have you seen this? (boy) ...i did it. (vo) wells fargo helps thousands of students go to college...
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(girl) he got in. (vo) funding $107 million dollars in scholarships and programming for diverse communities. (boy) don't worry, i'll be back. (vo) when a bank does what it says... (mom) i knew you could do it. (vo) ...opportunity happens. doing gets it done. wells fargo, the bank of doing. i've always been prone to hair thinning. i was getting older. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. nutrafol is the number one, dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at
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hey. ♪(christmas music) hi. (♪♪) thank you. (♪♪) cheers. (♪♪) oh my goodness, look at you! at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ] (♪♪) try fast and always free drive up, at target. good morning i'm marcus washington with kris sanchez. we have a look at our top stories. there was an overnight fire in the east bay. >> firefighters were still at the scene this morning in the east bay. the fire is now out. they say it started as a car fire just before 2:00 in the
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morning. it spread to the neighboring hillside. no structures were under direct threat but the flames got within 30 feet of homes. both directions of bailey road were closed until about 6:00 this morning. governor newsom will give a progress report on the state's new mental health initiative. it's called the care court. it's short for community assistance recovery and empowerment. it launched in october in san francisco and is now operating in several other counties. people with severe mental illnesses can petition for care court proceedings. there care will be reviewed at a clinical evaluation hearing with a public defender. we were talking about fire and smoke, the air quality hasn't been great. >> we're under an air alert. look at our temperatures. they'll be warmer than normal
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for this time of year. sunshine continues for tomorrow. we've also been talking about the incoming rain that starts sunday and will be off and on in the forecast through at least next wednesday. our temperatures will reach into the low 60s. we could see some very heavy amounts of rainfall over the next several days, especially for the north bay. we're tracking that with the latest forecast on our website on awe.
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♪ >> awe we're back at 7:30 on this friday morning a look at the world's most famous christmas tree. a lot of people come because christmas, by the way, is just ten days away. and letting you know, there is a group of five people outside this morning who have been here since 2:30 in the morning. a whole group wearing santa
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outfits. they said they haven't been slept in a day we will be able to point them out quickly. >> wow. >> yeah. they were there. >> that is so awesome. all right. >> we'll get outside in just a moment a lot to get to in this half hour, though we will start with an unexpected twist in a case we have been following closely for more than a day now. >> the house where four idaho college students were murdered is set to be demolished before the suspect's trial begins. >> hey, guys we have been following this one for a while, and it is a twist the families of the victims want the house where that crime happened to come down. as painful as it is, they want to see it come down. but the school clearly decided in this case it has to rightarly now. it's a haunting reminder of an unthinkable tragedy, but soon the house will stand no more the university of idaho announcing plans to demolish the house on december 28th its president saying in a statement, while we appreciate the emotional connection some
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family members of the victims may have to this house, it is time for its removal and to allow the collective healing of our community to continue. the family of victim kaylee goncalves writing in part, kaylee unfortunately died in that house but more importantly, kaylee lived a fun, happy life in that house. when the house is torn down, it will be a very sad day for me. teams from the defense telling the university they intend to take photographs, measurements and possibly gather drone footage of the house in preparation for bryan kohberger's trial which still has no trial date. it was inside these walls that the students were found stabbed to death in november of 2022 the victims' families have called for the house to remain
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standing throughout the impending trial. >> the house is evidence probably one of the biggest pieces of evidence. >> reporter: the fbi went to the house in late october. the university saying they asked to gather information that will let them create a physical model of the home for trial so prosecutors can map out what they say happened that night a knife sheathe police say they recovered from the bed on the third floor of that home. prosecutors allege that bryan kohberger's dna was a match to dna taken from the knife sheathe. according to court papers, one of the two surviving roommates was in her own bedroom on the third floor. she told police she saw a man in black clothes and a mask walking passed her and she stood frozen as that man walked towards the sliding glass door leading out of that house. meanwhile, the university of idaho campus turning a new leaf
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in a new year. >> we care for one another we support one another. >> so, laura, i'm perplexed by this because i understand why the university wants the house to be gone at some point, but there is still a pending trial jurors may want to see it. they may want to visit the crime scene. there may be other investigatory reasons. so can anyone stop this? >> yes the state could try to file a motion, get an injunction to stop the demolition, but it is supposed to start on december 28th so they will have to work quickly on the holidays. it doesn't necessarily benefit one side or the other. think back to alex murdaugh in south carolina south carolina. think back to oj, right? it cuts b think back to oj, right? it cuts both ways. it doesn't always favor the prosecutors or the defense you can understand why the family is saying let's be careful here to the extent there is anything in the house they need, you want to make sure it is removed. >> then whatever claims are made are unverifiable. >> have a good weekend.
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still ahead, a major ruling just announced this morning in prince harry's phone hacking lawsuit. we will take you live to london with the details on that one. good morning yes, time is ticking i will have all the dates for you, plus some discount websites where you can get a deal on packages you need to ship. but you got to go like now that's coming up next on "today." st credit. actually, discover gives cash back on debit... to everyone. everybody? everybody. if you could just tap... what about debbie johns? all those years that i couldn't find my bike, it was in her garage. like she gets it? if she has discover cashback debit then...yeah. introducing discover cashback debit: a checking account with cash back for everyone. walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more.
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walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good.
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things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food. at target, save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ♪ there was a love ♪ ♪ like this before ♪ shop now and save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ends saturday.
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we're back at 7:38 today's holiday consumer with just 10 days until christmas, we're in the home stretch. >> yes but the big question how much longer can we wait until it's too late >> let's hope it's not too late already. vicky nguyen joins us with the answers. i know a lot of people are freaking out now christmas is ten days away the three big carriers have given you their absolute dead stop date. what do you have >> basically after you finish watching the 4th hour of today, get thee to the post office. i will throw a lot of dates at you. let's part with the u.s. postal service. they say tomorrow is the last day if you want to use their cheapest option, which is ground or first class delivery. this is for christmas eve delivery december 20th would be your priority three-day shipping. and the 21st, you have that priority express one day remember, christmas is on monday this year. there will be no mail delivery on monday.
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they will deliver on sunday, christmas eve. but you have got to pay the premium holiday express shipping for that with usps that's that. next is fedex. today if you want their lowest price for ground shipping. then it is five-day ground shipping you have got an option for december 19th for the express saver. if you wait until december 20th, it is two-day. they actually have an option they call it same day, but it is december 22nd for delivery on the 23rd finally, you have got ups. you have got until the 19th for their three-day select next day air is 21st and then saturday delivery for delivery on the 23rd is the 22nd i ran the numbers this morning in the car on the way here a two-pound box from new york to california right here at the lowest price for ups around $33. if you select another option, it is another $60 that's the price difference we're talking about here you don't want to wait until last minute because you end up paying more for shipping than the cost of the gift itself.
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>> is there any free shipping left anywhere? >> there is. the retailers will probably have it right there on their home page ship by this day for free standard shipping. nordstrom says ship by december 18th, 8:00 a.m. eastern. that will get it there by christmas for free two-day shipping, december 19th is the cutoff at noon. macy's will give you more, december 20th by 5:00 p.m. eastern time to get there by christmas. express shipping again, you will pay for it, but it will get there. stores are doing same day delivery, our favorite thing you cannot do a shopping segment without it a lot of stores are offering that, walmart, macy's, best buy and target christmas eve, you can still order it by a cutoff time and you can buy it online and pick it up. just because you have amazon prime, don't rely on that. some of these items are not available for that two-day shipping. >> i do like how amazon tells you when it is going to arrive, in time for christmas.
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i enjoy that option. >> yes, exactly. >> let's say we have left after the 4th hour we're there. we want to make sure the package gets there in time how do we make sure this gets there in one piece. >> this sounds like a no brainer, but people do it all the time they forget the apartment number or put the wrong zip code number the post office says it is worse to put the wrong zip code than no zip code. the other thing is write the to and from on the same side of the box and make sure it is clear. label who it is to and who it is from then you are also going to want to cushion and wrap fragile items. they're dropped and shaken and whatever box within a box what about that? inception? you bubble wrap it into one box and put it another box no ammo.
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watch out for the lithium ion batteries. make sure you call ahead or look it up. >> that was a lot of information, so obviously we will put it on the website for you, all those dates and whatnot. vicky nguyen has so much information, she will come back on the 3rd hour with more shipping advice and some tips to make sure everything arrives in one piece. do you know who is not going to have that problem? mr. roker. >> i'm still mind blown over vicky's "inception" reference. a box within a box. >> oh. >> mind blown. let's look into next week. okay we have a west coast storm monday and tuesday stretching from portland down to los angeles. nice and mild midsection of the country. departing storm in the northeast and new england. let's get into the midweek
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period next week california rain continues. midsection of the country, highs 10 to 20 degrees above average beautiful weather along the eastern sea board. wet weather through texas. then as we head into next weekend, merry and bright in the northeast. we have plenty of sunshine th good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we are starting out chilly and seeing a hazy sky. it is a spare-the-air alert day, so if you are sensitive to the smoke pollution, limit your time outside. we will see temperatures headed for the mid 60s. low 70s and sunshine tomorrow, and we have rain coming in on sunday, starting out scattered and becoming more widespread on monday through wednesday. weather. guys >> al, we have been waiting for this we have an extra social boost. earlier this week, we showed you adorable toddler, who is totally obsessed with al roker's sunday,
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sunday catch phrase. so we're getting ready to bring these two together face to face because little justin is right here in studio 1a all the way from miami but, first, these messages. >> he looks shocked. honey. ooh, there's more. chewy's prices were so great. you don't need to explain yourself, linda. keep on saving. pets aren't just pets. they're more. well, i hope i got a leaf blower this year. you got a turtleneck. unwrap the excitement with a free, $30 egift card at chewy. from the start, carmax has reimagined used car buying for you.
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♪ turn around and stick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ fine fine specimen wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow ♪ ♪ ♪ let's go let's go let's go ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ wow ♪ experience the art of high pressure ♪ wow wow ♪ brewed coffee and espresso with the l'or barista system. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee.
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sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! >> sunday, sunday! >> sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! >> sunday, sunday! >> along the eastern third if we go to sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! >> heavy rain through the gulf and texas. and then sunday, sunday, sunny. >> sunday, sunday. >> that's so good. sheinelle joins our favorite morning boost of the week, maybe the year his obsession with al's famous lines. >> okay.
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after we showed this video, we shared it. we knew we had to get al, but it's all happening this year along with his dad, justin sr. and his mom shelly we're so happy that you are here with us in south florida to anchor on nbc 6 out of miami one person, justin who are we missing >> who's here? we're missing somebody >> sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! sunday, sunday hello, justin. how are you, buddy. >> give him a hug. >> oh, my little sunday, sunday guy. thank you. >> five. >> yeah. how is it going? >> yeah. oh, what's that? a dinosaur >> yeah. so you like sunday, sunday. >> they turned the tvs off
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is that okay >> he's like, no, turn the tvs on. >> i want to hear the catchy sound. >> you want to hear the sound. >> the sunday, sunday sound? >> you want to say it with me? >> okay, three, two. sunday, sunday >> can we try, justin? >> do you want to say sunday, sunday let's say it together. okay >> he's very skeptical >> one, two, three sunday, sunday >> only in the comfort of my phone. >> justin is saying, i'm no trick pony i don't perform on command. >> sunday, sunday! >> yeah! >> one more time, justin say it again sunday, sunday >> okay.
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>> he basically whispered it. >> i need the mommy to say the sunday, sunday. >> sunday, sunday! justin's turn. >> but daddy has to do it. >> oh, daddy has to do it? sunday, sunday justin's turn. >> sunday, sunday! >> yeah! >> is he always just saying this around the house? >> that's why we started filming it, because we realized during the days that he wasn't saying it and, al, he's asking for it. i caught myself youtubing sunday, sunday al roker. i couldn't find anything, and that's why i started recording initially. i got this compilation of all these videos, and i thought, we have to do something with this. >> and he's only two years old. >> congratulations you are expecting again. >> thank you. >> another sunday, sunday fan. >> yeah. we can't help it i was thinking, are we watching too much news at home?
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>> that's amazing. >> sunday, sunday is what he's asking for. >> paw patrol. >> justin, we love you we're so happy you are here. >> i was in a airplane i fly in an airplane. >> that's really cool. >> can you say hello to everybody? >> bye >> can you say thank you. >> thank you, al. >> can you give us one more sunday, sunday >> sunday, sunday. >> low key >> that's kind of hard to top. thank you, justin. thank you so much for being here >> i love that heading back sunday, sunday? >> sunday, sunday!
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(vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot. for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today. at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ] try fast and always free drive up, at target. ♪ we're building a better postal service. with easy, more affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america.
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♪♪ ♪♪ brave the cold. grab kleenex. ♪♪ ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪♪) ah, this is so pretty.
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right. (♪♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi! ♪♪ ♪ i don't know why ♪ why not. y. l'eau de parfum. yves saint laurent. at macy's ♪ ♪ good morning. it is 7:56. i'm kris sanchez and here is a hoo at what is happening now. >> i'm bob riddell in baypointe. firefighters have put out a 50-acre wildfire burning in the hill side south of me. it started at 1:50 this morning with a car fire along bailey road south of baypointe. bailey road was shut down between baypointe and concord. it has since reopened. the wind pushed the flames from the vehicle up a nearby hill where it burned through 3 to
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5-foot tall grass. con fire says the fire did not go into the track housing development on the other side of the hill because there was defensible space, a perimeter of grass around the homes that had been cut down. >> we know the air quality was tough even before that fire, kari. >> yes, and all of the smoke and pollutants are trapped around the valleys. we are seeing, unfortunately, unhealthy air quality for people who are sensitive to all of the pollution. so it is a spare-the-air alert day and no wood burning for today. we have also sunshine and we are going to see temperatures warming up for the afternoon. expect it to reach 66 degrees in san mateo and mountain view, 69 in san jose, low 60s for livermore and much of the north bay in the mid 60s. tomorrow will be slightly warmer as the sunshine continues but we know we are getting ready for rain. that moves in on sunday and continues into monday. soggy weather at least through wednesday. kris. >> make sure the decorations are secure. we have more local news comg up forin
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son las 8 en "today" weekend washout. strong winds and rain over the east coast as millions head out for holiday shopping and travel, so where is it headed and how bad will it be al has the forecast. plus, prince harry wins his phone hacking case against the
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tabloids what it means for the prince and the paper in a live report from london plus, like mother, like daughter a single mom's journey to the judicial bench and the daughter she inspired. >> she handed me my diploma when we graduated law school. we were the only mother-daughter at that time, and it was very significant. >> their story of courage and perseverance straight ahead. >> when i meet people, young women that say they can't do it, i say yes, you can. and kicked to the curb larry david announces the end of "curb your enthusiasm." >> you crossed the line. i didn't cross the line. you went over the line that you already crossed. >> the show calling it quits after one more season. and you won't believe what he's saying is next >> i see you i acknowledge you. i connect with you. >> today, friday, december 15, 2023
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turning 65 today. >> on a girls' trip from westminster, south carolina. >> from tennessee. >> hi to my fifth grade class in pittsburgh. >> happy friday! >> from oklahoma. >> kirkland, missouri. >> west virginia. >> and tennessee. >> from illinois. >> happy holidays from louisville, kentucky. nice to have you along with us terrific holiday crowd on our plaza. it's packed once again. >> maybe mr. sunday, sunday will go around the horn for us. folks, if you like stars, all next week this is the place to be. >> we have big, big names from hollywood stopping by.
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we have mandy moore and zac efron and costars from "the iron claw." >> let's get to your news at 8:00 with just ten days to go until christmas, a major weekend storm will cause problems and delays up and down the east coast. >> we have heavy showers from kansas all the way into texas. all eyes on the gulf as the storm system will start to develop. today will start to bring more rain into the keys heavy rain at times. tomorrow all of florida gets involves plus, we have the danger of tornadoes possible and then on sunday, this makes its way up to the southeast mid-atlantic states bringing strong rain, flooding risks and strong winds causing airport delays into monday it moves into the northeast in new england. back behind it, snow develops, lake effect snows. maine all the way to miami strong on shore winds.
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hourly rain fall rates down in the southeast 1 to 2 inches per hour as you get closer to florida, we're talking 5 to 6 inches. and, again, airport delays will be a big problem into monday. >> thank you so much. breaking news from overseas. prince harry declared victory this morning when a british judge ruled his phone had, in fact, been hacked by a major newspaper group. molly hunter joins us with the latest good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you this is a big deal, a landmark ruling for prince harry. the first of three of harry's lawsuits actually making their way through the british court system right now this morning, as you say, princd harry was victorious he alleged that journalists targeted him and his inner circle by gaining access to voice mails and used other unlawful methods causing him, quote, considerable distress there was evidence that mgm, that's the newspaper group, had engaged in unlawful news
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gathering, including phone hacking. the judge said it appeared harry's personal phone was targeted through 2004 through 2009 but harry was awarded $180,000 in damages today in a statement, the media group said they take full responsibility and apologize unreservedly harry was not present in court today, but his lawyer did speak outside the court reading a statement from the prince. he said, this case is not just about hacking. it is about a systemic practice of unlawful and appalling behavior followed by cover-ups and destruction of evidence, adding today's ruling is vindicating and affirming. i have been told that slaying dragons will get you burned. but it is a worthwhile price to pay. the mission continues. that is the statement from prince harry this is a big deal, of course. this is a long running battle for prince harry against the british tabloids.
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>> molly, thank you. at least two people were taken to the hospital overnight after a small plane crashed on a highway in north carolina. the faa says the pilot issued a may day call because his plane was leaking oil. he said he didn't think he would make it to the regional airport, which is just a few miles away traffic, as you can see there, was backed up for miles after the crash. the highway is not expected to reopen until some time this afternoon. >> shohei ohtani was introduced yesterday as the newest member of the los angeles dodgers days after signing a record-shattering contract with the team both a hitter and a pitcher, an. ohtani is arguably the spent the first six years of his career with the l.a. angels. the dodgers say ohtani is arguably the most talented player who has ever played the game. well, it looked like the rodeo was in town when a run-away bull charged on to the tracks inside a new york-new jersey train station yesterday
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the bull paced back and forthright next to the passenger platform train service was delayed for about an hour. the bull ran out of the station, headed toward newark international airport. police corralled him the bull was loaded into a horse trailer and taken to a nearby animal sanctuary. >> he was just trying to see his family for the holidays. missed his train, trying to catch a flight. coming up, cue the music, folks, axel foley is big eddie murphy's big movie return. and an inspiring mom and daughter making legal history together they are both sitting judges in pennsylvania their honors are here live to share their remarkable story right after this
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we are back at 8:11 with two very special women the only mother-daughter judges serving at the same time in the state of pennsylvania. their story is a remarkable one of courage and believing in we will talk to them live right here. but, first, a look at how they got here. deborah and her daughter jody say they never dreamt of becoming attorneys, let alone judges. like so many, yourself we will talk to them live right here but, first, a look at how they got here deborah and her daughter jody say they never dreamt of becoming attorneys, let alone judges like so many, their paths were not always perfectly planned out or what they expected. >> i found myself single at 34 years old. when i went to tell my parents, my father's first thing out of his mouth was, good, now you'll. i had two children at home. i had no money and no job. and i started law school at 37 years go to law school i had two children at home i had no money and no job. and i started law school at 37 years old. >> deborah took a leap she enrolled at wagner university school of law in delaware she said she couldn't have done it without friends and family. >> i had over an hour drive each way. and if i was running late, they would just grab my kids and take
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them into their house. so i never had to worry about that it does take a village i'm not going to lie. >> deborah graduated from law school in 1991 she started out in the district attorney's office. two years later, she ran for the district judge seat in white marsh down ship in pennsylvania, and she won. it was the beginning of three decades on the bench years later, her daughter jody wasn't sure of her own path. >> i was undecided it was between teaching and law. my college roommate was taking the lsat i was like, okay i remember going to law school and calling her. i mean, i was 11 when she graduated law school i was like, how did you do this with two young kids at home raising us and putting us to sleep and then studying for law school exams. >> jody's graduation was a special moment for her and her mom. >> she handed me my diploma, and we were the only mother-daughter
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at that time, which was significant. there was a lot of father-sons there was a couple father-daughters. >> two years ago, she and her mom hit another first when deborah swore jody in as the district judge in the township right next to hers now as deborah faces retirement, they reflect on how far they've come. >> it's not easy when i meet people, young women that say they can't do it, i say yes you can. i did it and this is how you do it. share the experience show other people how to get had working. judge deborah lukens is here along w passed it. and i did. i was lucky enough. >> lucky and determined and hard working. judge deborah lukens is here along with her daughter. your honors, this is your life what is it like for you to be in this moment and to share it with your daughter this way >> this is one of the most exciting things in the world for both of us i think they told you, as i swore jody in that day, i said,
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okay, we need "the today show. that, to me, was making it so you have made it for us. >> oh, my gosh jody, first of all, your mom officiated your wedding. >> yes. >> she was such an example for you. >> absolutely. >> until you went to law school, did you fully grasp what she had done as a mother of two little kids, divorced deciding, you know what, i'm going to go to law school. >> i knew she was different. i knew she was strong and she raised us and she was everything to us. when i was in law school sitting there studying and doing exams, it was like, how did you do this with two little kids at home i'm in a bubble just doing law school all on my own i used to call her all the time like, oh, my god how did you do this? >> how did you do it >> i was angry it was a tough divorce, and it was getting back on your feet and, you know, remolding myself with two little girls. >> in your 30s it is not easy to do
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your father seems incredible like he just said, well, we are going to pick ourselves up and we're going to law school. >> there was no question that's all it was. i said, i have no money. he says, it doesn't matter and he actually enrolled me in a course to take the lsats under my maiden name, paid for it and told me afterwards when he picked me up and drove me. and he drove me every single night of that class for three months. >> wow when you say it takes a village, it does take a village jody, what about you you weren't all your life thinking i want to be a lawyer like your mom. >> it was between teaching and law. when i was in college, my college room matt junior year was taking the college room matt junior year was taking the lsat. i said, okay, i'm take it. i took the lsats, i did got. i was like, okay, i'll do law school i have loved it ever since. >> well, we have a little surprise for you
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the dean, todd clark, has a message for you. take a look. >> we are excited to announce that in recognition of our alumnae's 30 years of service on the bench, the judge deborah luken's scholarship. a $35,000 scholarship that will go over three years on full-time study. congratulations on a distinguished, career. >> and they present this plaque. you have a scholarship in your name, which is going to changeo someone's life, someone like someone's life, someone like you. >> i'm never speechless. i'm speechless. >> you have earned it. >> oh, my god. >> both of you are incredible examples. >> wonderful. >> yeah, congratulations. >> oh, it's been wonderful. >> enjoy your retirement. >> thank you for that. >> she'll let you know what's going on thank you so much.
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>> thank you. >> and congratulations once again. well, let's send it over to al who has a check of the weather. >> is justin over there, my little sunday, sunday buddy? hello? oh, justin are you okay, buddy. can you help me? >> no. >> no? wow. you are just like craig. >> so we're looking at showers and thunderstorms, and i think maybe we're a little tired. >> we're tired. >> are you a little tired. that's okay. we got up early. could you touch the map for me, justin. >> help him. >> help me there okay, just touch it. oh, very good. look at that, the showers and thunderstorms now from kansas all the way to texas can you touch it again for me, buddy. boom just like that now we've got all the temperatures 30s through the plains 70s down in texas. 70s in miami hit it again, yeah, that's
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right. you got miami and hawaii look at that sunny skies. look at the sunshine and we're looking at heavy rain through the gulf and beautiful weather out west now you are hitting hawaii very nice! way to go. you are going to be my weather man. all right. give me a high five, bud nicely done. go back to momma all right. that's what's going on around the country -- nice job! good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are dealing with some unhealthy air quality today. if you are sensitive to the smoke, you might want to limit your time outside. we are seeing reaings that are unhealthy. wood burning is prohibited today. we are back to sunshine tomorrow, but rain in the forecast for sunday and through the middle of next week. all right. let's end the week strong, best
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of the week in "popstart". >> okay. first up, "curb your enthusiasm," i hate to say it. larry david has been making audiences life on hbo's hit series but that's all coming to an end. yesterday warner brothers announced the 12th and final season is on the way this is what he says as curb comes to an end, i will now have the opportunity to finally shed this larry david persona and become the first god intended to me until i got derailed by portraying this malignant character. "curb your enthusiasm" is back on february 4th. all right. as one comedian steps away from an iconic series, another the making a big return, eddie murphy is back in a long-awaited fourth installment of "beverly hills cop. he hasn't aged this time around, foley and his daughter are teaming up with a
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new partner, plus some old pals to turn up the heat and uncover a conspiracy. >> detective foley, do you ever read your own file shoot-outs, disturb the peace, a lot. >> please tell me you didn't get arrested again. >> twice, but i broke out. >> we put our lives on the line every day. and for what >> it comes with the job if you are doing it right >> so how many people have you pissed off so far? >> 50/50. >> is it that way? >> so far. >> "beverly hills cop" will be on netflix this summer that will be a good one. next up, lionel messi is the subject of another documentary this is a four-part series highlighting his journey to a legacy-defining win at the world cup. here is a peek at the first
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teaser. >> the final cup of lionel messi. >> obviously he was going to be great. it was just a question of how great. >> messi has yet to secure the ultimate prize messi is argentina argentina are messi. >> i mean, he's huge around the world. >> yeah. >> you know? messi's world cup, the rise of a legend starts streaming on february 21st. next up, we are finally or fully embracing the music of the season this morning we're dropping our today holiday play list. each of us sat down and picked festive play lists and put it on a play list just for you so you can enjoy all season long. scan the qr code to start streaming. savannah, i think you picked 20. >> i spent so much time thinkin. you can scan the about this it is really bizarre. >> you want to hear one of your favorites, one of your twenty. ♪ ♪ >> that's a good one. >> i don't know if it's a holiday song, but i love it. my play list starts real preppy, and then we get to a spiritual place. >> a spiritual place
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i sincerely enjoyed listening to each one of these play lists, and you will, too. ♪ ♪ lead us to a place ♪ >> that's a good one >> the prayer, i don't even know if it's a holiday song, but i love it. my play list starts real peppy, and we get to a spiritual place. >> a spiritual place i sincerely enjoyed listening to each of these play lists so you will too hoda, you had a surprising pick. shall we listen? >> go ahead listen. ♪ it's gonna be a carefree christmas ♪ ♪ come and smell the pine ♪ ♪ boughs of holly make us jolly ♪ ♪ we're all feeling fine ♪ >> i knew you were going to pick
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it i had to pick it. >> the song came out after they asked us to pick. >> moving on to craig, your list is packed with oldies, but goodies. do you want to hear one of your ten? silent night ♪ holy ♪ silent night, holy night ♪ ♪ all is calm ♪ >> that's good. >> here's the thing. it is my favorite for a few reasons. growing up in the house, that's when we knew the holiday season had started. and church, when the men's chorus was sing this song the sunday before christmas. second verse, that second verse, melvin franklin comes in with that baritone oh >> all right, roker. it is hard not to dance when you hear one of his selections okay, go ahead
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♪♪ ♪ ♪ >> how much fun was that >> the bonus -- a, i love elton john but deborah hates it >> well, there is the holiday spirit. >> so ho, ho, ho >> this is one of my ten for best holiday songs ♪ we're carolling through the night ♪ ♪ and this christmas will be ♪ ♪ a very special christmas for me ♪ >> that's right. i love it. so here's the deal all of our songs, how many, 10, 20, 30, 40, you can listen to
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the full holiday play list on spotify. it's on now again or you can just scan the qr code on your screen or just head to spotify and search today and we'll pop up. >> i looked at all of them there is not a lot of repeats in them. >> yes, that's true. >> music playing through your home. straight ahead, guys, we are cooking with our favorite. >> a big weekend of football, steak and cake >> will there be all >> and the ham. >> after your local news what makes me so special good morning. i'm kris sanchez. it is 8:26. firefighters are mopping up after an overnight grass fire in the east bay. it started with a car fire just before 2:00 in the morning on bailey road in pittsburg. firefighters say no structures
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were under threat, but neighbors felt the heat because flames got within about 30 feet of homes. both directions were closed until about 6:00 this morning. the air quality has been bad because of a spare the air day. >> we have a spare the air alert day. no wood burning and you also want to limit your air outside. we have high pressure continuing to keep the smoke near the surface. we see temperatures up to 70 tomorrow inland. rain starts out scattered on sunday and then becomes widespread monday through wednesday and maybe heavy at times. in san francisco, we have a couple of more days to make sure the storm drains are cleared out and the holiday decorations are ready for wet weather on sunday. >> we have more local news in a half an hour. have a great mning. or
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♪ we are back! it is 8:30 on a bright morning >> oh! >> our toy drive spectacular we got lots of toys out here because we have lots of people out here dave is going to be back on the 3rd hour to tell us about his new "full house" inspired project. give us that qr code or head to to find out how you can also get involved with our toy drive. it is not too late to get involved wherever you live. >> man >> it's good to see everybody. y'all, wow >> our 2:00 a.m. girls why did you come so early?
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the show starts at 7:00. >> we were laying in bed and it was 12:00. and they go -- >> let's go! >> we wanted to get in line. >> we didn't want to miss it. >> well, you are right on time welcome! >> thank you >> we love this. by the way, your friend can't be here what is her name >> her name is dani. >> this is dani. she always wanted to be on "the today show" plaza. >> it is good to see everybody all right. >> what's coming up? >> coming up, guys, adrianna brach is here with some of the best-selling gifts of the year her picks will make everybody brach is here with some of the best-selling gifts of the happy. still time to order them. >> there is too many cute people on the plaza.
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>> you know what people are yelling out and asking >> what? >> they're asking, when is your book coming out. yes, she did. >> that's so nice. >> when is it coming out >> are you from the publisher? february 20th. thank you for asking guys, have you ever sat around and wondered what would have happened if romeo and juliet had had a different ending that's what the musical is all about. we have a live performance from the show i love that. trust me, you do not want to miss what you are about to hear from her it is incredible. >> cannot wait also cannot wait for elizabeth haskel oh, she's baking she's talking my love language she has a terrific spread for sunday night football, steak and cake. >> before we do the forecast, really quickly here, today is a special day in my family, december 15th. my younger brother's birthday. and also my father's birthday. there's pops and young melvin
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there at the washington game. >> happy birthday. >> today is my grandmother's birthday she's 94 today. >> happy birthday, grandma >> i didn't know we shared that. on the plaza, raise your hand if you are celebrating a birthday. >> birthdays >> yeah! >> four months old that's awesome. >> a lot of birthdays on our plaza. ten days until christmas. >> that's right. but in the meantime, let's show you what we got for our weekend. we are talking about above average highs. the western third of the country will be great. nice in the mideast. then sunday, sunday we've got a warmth in the good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with a hazy sky and cold temperatures, but it's going to warm up today. we're headed for the upper 60s
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in parts of the south bay, low 70s for morgan hill and san martin. tomorrow it's even warmer as sunshine continues. sunday is when the rain comes in, starting with scattered showers, continuing we got a good one for you. on sunday night, football night in america here we go we got the ravens flying into jacksonville florida showers and windy as they take on the jaguars it's gonna be wind gusts at 35 miles an hour. temperature of 60 degrees. it is a battle of beasts and fowl sunday night, football night in america. we are going around the horn here we go yeah look out she's my hoda, and she's my e g!
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yeah! jenna. oh, look out there you go keep going, going. whoo >> >> ladies and gentlemen, a fine day of the week. by the way, coming in real quick. come here. it is the last day of -- last night of hanukkah. joseph has his hanukkah sweater, the night of lights, the festival of lights back to you guys. >> all right, mr. roker. so all weekend, all week long, we have been missing our guy carson daley one reason is "the voice." the other is he's traveled down to the ritz-carlton golf club for the pnc championship. >> it is a family affair on the links this weekend as the pros are welcoming their loved ones inside the ropes in hopes of
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taking a trophy back home. >> carson brought along his former "popstart" graphics coordinator and "nightly news" kids edition correspondent jackson daley. you guys are at the pro-am event. but at home you are playing it way to go, guys. >> reporter: yeah, guys. it's great thank you so much. this is a great event. it is a really great family event here in orlando. i grew up playing golf with my step dad we got 20 elite golf teams here. it's fathers and daughters and sons i brought jackson down we will play today with matt kuchar and his son cameron tyler is here with charlie it is a little windy today, jackson. but second place is for losers, right? we got to go crush it. so, yeah, it is a special time we both grew up playing with our
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dads i know it is special to be here with his son charlie. >> carson, i noticed your hat pops i know you are thinking of your dad right there. jack, how do you feel? do you feel the pressure are you excited? >> no pressure whatsoever. i'm coming in here cool as a cucumber i have set my standards low. you know, i'm ready to hit a few in the water but it is also not a bad day to hit a hole in one. >> he's like a chip off the old block. >> he's almost as tall as the old block. >> carson, we wish you good luck carson, go get them. >> thanks, guys. >> we're at the fedexcup, too. we have four or five fedexcup champions here tune in and watch some golf today and this weekend. awesome pairs including the >> that will be awesome, awesome pairs including the daleys you can watch the pnc
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championship live tomorrow through sunday on nbc golf channel and, of course, streaming on peacock. coming up next, last-minute holiday gift ideas amazon best-sellers in 2023. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ we have a wild crowd, man. okay we are back with "today bestsellers. these are the gifts of 2023 you don't want to miss there is still time to shop right now. adrianna brach is here our qr code is fired up and ready for you for your purchases. good morning we still have time, and these are hot. >> these are so hot right now. okay so, first of all, before i start, these were featured at amazon's creator favorites we had a pop-up booth. people were shopping our favorite picks so easy to shop. they scan the qr code.
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it is right here, too. this is an eye massager that went viral on social media i'm obsessed with this because it is like black-out curtains on the go. >> oh, my gosh. >> it has gentle warming technology it massages your face. it is so nice. isn't it awesome >> oh, girl. >> it also has blue tooth capabilities, so you could do a little meditation or music. >> tear drop earrings are all the rage right now what people love about them is they're super affordable they start at $9.99. they come in all these different colors and they're the updatedd take on a hoop earring they're super lightweight. very easy gift for the jewelry lover in your life. >> these massagers, if you wear them like a pair of sunglasses, it is like someone is giving you a head massage it is awesome. >> yes. >> must get. okay this is an awesome hair
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straightener that we discovered on the shop today team it is portable cordless, so you charge it up and it straightens your hair. i recommend you brush your hair out, make sure it is dry and you run it through your hair it will make it smooth danielle on our team actually tried it. >> and >> you guys have to check it out. it looks so good this is the cool find for the beauty lover in your life. >> dani! >> this head massager thing is amazing. >> i'm obsessed with it. okay i know you like this one >> these are all in ones this is the best stocking stuffer. it is $5 it is a three in one little beauty fix cheeks, lips and you can use it to contour a little bit easy, breezy makeup find i know you are having a spa
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moment, hoda. >> if you don't buy these for the head massage right now. >> yes, it's so great. >> okay. i think you will love this one maybe we could make you go viral with this. so this is the viral -- >> not good, but okay. >> this is the selfie light that everybody is talking about they brought down the lights in the studio we will do a selfie. ready? and the lighting is just incredible on this thing you can get great lighting wherever you go. isn't that cool? we made that magic happen. >> love it what is the last thing >> last but not least, the hard to shop for person, a scarf. you can't go wrong with one of these. they're so soft. it is not cashmere, but it feels like it. it is so soft. under $20. look at how big it is, too. i >> it's substantial. >> by the way, it's beautiful. >> i like it, right. >> it is substantial. >> by the way, it is beautiful you're right and i love how it feels. oh, my god awesome. all right. so you can get all of these products scan them all, head to savannah, over to you. >> i'm so excited.
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we have the star of the hit broadway show who will perform her unforgettable hoping number right here in the studio are you ready? >> we are ready for you. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the the citi music series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> we're back with actress lauren courtney from the hit broadway cast of "& juliet". >> it re-imagines the classical tale of romeo and juliet and imagines what would happen if juliet didn't die. i mean, you do these different takes on pop songs this is your opening number that we're about to hear. >> yes, it is. >> set the scene for us a little. >> okay. so i just discovered that romeo is dead, and this song is basically me figuring out my next steps
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what am i to do next and singing to the stars you're right, it is the first song i get to sing, and it is a song that you all know. >> okay. that's a good intro. let's go ♪ ♪ oh, baby, baby, how was i supposed to know ♪ ♪ that something wasn't right here ♪ ♪ oh, baby, baby, i shouldn't g ♪♪ and now have let you go ♪ ♪ and now you're out of sight ♪ ♪ show me how you want it to be ♪ ♪ tell me, baby,'cause i need t know, oh, because ♪
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♪ my loneliness is killing me ♪ ♪ and i -- i must confess i still believe ♪ ♪ when i'm not with you i lose my mind ♪ ♪ give me a sign ♪ ♪ hit me baby, one more time ♪ ♪ oh, baby, baby, the reason i breathe the you ♪ ♪ boy, you got me blinded ♪ ♪ oh, pretty baby, there's nothing that i wouldn't do ♪ ♪ that's not the way i planned it ♪ ♪ show me how you want it to be ♪ ♪ tell me, baby,'cause i need t know now, oh because ♪ ♪ my loneliness is killing me ♪
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♪ and i -- i must confess, i still believe ♪ ♪ when i'm not with you, i lose my mind ♪ ♪ give me a sign ♪ ♪ hit me, baby, one more time ♪ ♪ oh, baby, baby, how was i ♪♪ oh, supposed to know ♪ ♪ oh, pretty baby, i shouldn't t have let you go ♪ ♪ i must confess, that my ♪♪ don't you know i still believe loneliness is killing me now ♪ ♪ don't you know, i still believe ♪ ♪ that you will be here and giv me a sign ♪ time
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♪♪ ♪♪ hit ♪ hit me baby, one more time ♪ ♪ hit me, baby, one more time ♪ >> yes >> the cast of "and juliet". that was incredible. >> we can't believe what you can do >> everybody was up for the show late last night. so nice for you guys to get up if you were in town, you can catch it right here in new york. coming up next, we get things cooking. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. >> well done alaska airlines $99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend... you know, one of us is gonna have to change? but we're twinning? oh yay. ♪♪ ♪ we care a lot. ♪
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you know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. ♪♪ well our companion fare is just $99 with the alaska so your friend can come along with you! next time you're the legs! ♪ ♪ we care a lot ♪ all right. we're back with "today food loves football." loves football." cooking up snacks for tonight's big game both teams first place in their division and here to help us make some
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small bites for the big game, the one, the only, elizabeth in from mississippi. >> baby, and i brought steak and cake it doesn't even get any better there is hardly anything that you can do to make it any better but i will tell you something. you wrap it in bacon, and, buddy, we're there so we will wrap it in bacon. it. super simple. and then we will go right into our pan. make sure that super simple and then we will go right into our pan. make sure that once you sere this on all sides, you will want to finish it in the oven just t make sure that bacon gets really, really crisp then you need a dipper we have mayonnaise, sour cream full fat mayonnaise. roll that in, and we've got a fabulous, fabulous thing this cake, most people would be absolutely embarrassed to bring a box cake mix with like an instant pudding that also goes into it. there is no shame in this game i'm going to tell you right now, no shame so we have our cake mix. i will get you to start pouring
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some things in here. it is done in minutes. all right. we have water. and then we have wine. okay so did y'all hear that we have a little bit of wine that's a pino grigio there you go. >> it's a drinking game! >> exactly brown sugar. >> that was sheinelle's nickname in high school it's true. >> that train is never late. >> and that's our instant pudding. then we have sugar we will mix this all up. and then we also have got a little glaze that we're going to pour over it that's what makes the cake we have melted butter. we have more wine. and then we have sugar you want to make sure you cook that until, you know, it gets really good. i mean, just use wine that you have left over maybe from the night before i was about to say, apparently there are people that don't drink the whole bottle after they open it i don't know them. they're not my friends, but i've heard. >> after the second bottle,
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there is a little leftover. >> exactly, exactly. make sure you put this on while the cake is hot. y'all, please tell me about that cake is it not the best i mean, i'm telling you. it is like a sleeper recipe. you think, oh, it is just a bunt cake let me tell you something -- >> a little vanilla ice cream on top. >> it is divine. >> ice cream, that was savannah's nickname in high school >> elizabeth, thank you. >> are you done? >> go to jags/ravens sunday night on nbc.
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good morning. i'm marcus washington. governor newsom is getting ready to give a progress report on the state's new mental health initiative called the care core. it launched in october in san francisco and is operating in several other counties. people with severe mental illnesses can be petitioned for care court proceedings. happening now, that update from the governor starts any time now. we'll stream it for you on
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now.
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you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," wicked weekend. a major storm system expected to bring heavy rain and strong winds to tens of millions of folks, just as we enter into what could be a record-breaking holiday travel season. and we're tracking all of


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