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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  December 17, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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rujillo: hello, and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo, and today los tres reyes magos are back on your "comunidad del valle." ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ damian: we begin today with the monthly visit by the consulate of méxico in san francisco. with me today is consul máximo de la o. he joins us on "comunidad del valle." consul, welcome to the show.
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máximo de la o: thanks, damian. it's my pleasure to be here with you. damian: thank you. thank you for being here. tell us what your role is as a consul there at the consulado. máximo: yes, i consul for documentation affairs and mostly i oversees what have to be with two departments. it's the department of power of attorneys, department of notary, and the department of civil registry. so i think that we oversees in the department of power of attorneys, what have to be with power of attorneys, will, and in the department of registry department we primarily sees what have to be with registration of dual citizenships, registration of death certificates and marriage certificates. damian: so you're very busy because that's what mostly everybody's looking for, aside from [speaking foreign language] and whatnot. but tell us about the important role of the
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[speaking foreign language]. máximo: yes, it's very important because as i mentioned, for example, what we do here-- and yes, we are very demand all year long. and it's very important because, for example, here what co-nationals can do it's give the citizen, the mexican citizen, to their sons, their daughters so they can come here to us and they can receive the birth certificate, the mexican birth certificate, for the people who was born here in the states. and as well if a mexican national pass away here in the us, then we can do all the paperwork. so we can do the mexican death certificate. so with this mexican death certificate we'll let mexico know that this person passed away. and that's very important because in the matter of wills, in the matter of bank accounts and all that, if you--if someone
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wants to claim something in mexico--but we don't notify that this person pass away. so mexico will not--the authorities in mexico will not respond because they are going to ask for this death certificate. and, of course, we do marriage certificate. that is very important. so you can legalize or you can do your marriage. and in this case, we only do marriage for mexican citizens--between mexicans citizens. damian: and you're--so your office is extremely busy. talk about the importance of people who need to call and get one of these services to be patient because i know that they have to make an appointment and sometimes--you know, everybody wants to make an appointment. you're not going to get it on a certain day. so the importance of patience. máximo: yes, thanks for mentioning this, damian. it's very important. we do our best effort. we attend a lot of people. we are proud to be one of the consulates that more attend
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people in these matters, in power of attorneys, in dual citizens. and yes, it's very important that people know a few things. the first thing is that yes, they have to schedule an appointment. we release appointments every fridays. with no exemptions, every friday we release appointments for all the services that we offer here. and one thing that it's good for the people to know it's that once they have an appointment and they come to us, usually the same day that they have an appointment, that day we give them their dual citizen, the birth certificate, or the death certificate, or even the marriage certificate. so that makes the process smoother, i think, because they only need one schedule and one thing to come at the consulate. damian: everything is taken care of at once. well, thank you so much, máximo de la o, the consul [speaking foreign language] at the consulate of méxico in san francisco.
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thank you for being with us. máximo: thanks for having me, damian. a pleasure to be here. damian: thank you very much. always welcome. again, the consulado is at 532 folsom street in san francisco. there is their web address for more information. again, their appointments are only scheduled on fridays. that's when you call in to make your appointments. up next on "comunidad del valle," the latino community foundation with some great news. stay with us.
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it's part of the community founda--the called part of the community--latino community foundation out of the bay area. with me on "comunidad del valle" now is anais amaya and marily de alba-gonzalez on "comunidad del valle." welcome to the show, ladies. anais amaya: hi. thank you for having us, damian. damian: thank you. well, we know about the latino community foundation. you have a new leader. julián castro is going to take over next year. so a lot of big news, but we're here to talk about this latino giving circle network. tell us what that is. anais: yes, the latino giving circle network is the
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largest network of latino philanthropist in the country, and we have mobilized over 1,000 philanthropists just in the state of california. so we are very, very excited to welcome julián to our work to deepen the work that we've done in california and also expand it and accelerate our growth. damian: and, of course, julián is one of the twins, a former hud secretary. he's a tejano in heart, but we're--you're bringing him to california, which is great. so, marily, talk about this network, and it involves 1,000 latino philanthropists who say, "i want to give some of my money back." marily de alba-gonzalez: yeah, of course. these latinos, they have been able to--actually word of mouth is a way that we've been able to get a lot of the latinos to join our giving circle network. the biggest thing, it goes beyond the dollar. that's something that we really advocate for. they are in community with these organizations. it's not just giving donations, but meeting them halfway and
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understanding their needs and supporting them in other ways, including volunteering. i think that's been something really incredible. and the latino--the individuals from the network, they really gain a lot from being part of it not only because of being part of comunidad, but their mental health and just feeling like they're part of something bigger. damian: and i called it donation, but it really is an investment, right, because you really are investing in the betterment of communities all across california. anais: that's right. and since 2012 we've invested over $2.9 million into latino-led organizations in california. damian: tell us why that's important. anais: very important because unfortunately when you look at the leadership of a lot of these organizations, they don't reflect the community that they serve. so for us, it is very important that we support the organizations that are latino-led and are lifting up our community leaders, but then also pushing those organizations that lack that diversity in their leadership to remind them
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that latinos are not only to serve, but they also should be in leadership positions in leading these organizations. damian: and so, marily, we have these circle networks because, you know, one person probably can't donate $100,000, but if you form a circle, the strong network, then together possibly you can donate or invest that $100,000. marily: most definitely, again, depending on the size of your circle, but it's just the impact, and sometimes even goes beyond what the circle is able to gives. you have corporations who also provide funding in--or sponsor certain members as well. that's another way to be able to become a member. in addition to that we also have matching gift donations from our organizations. so it's really coming up with different ways to be able to fund the circle, put more money in the pot, and get more money out into the community. damian: and is there a circle leader, anais, or is this the foundation is the circle leader and then everybody else comes in or do--can they form their own circle leaders? anais: so the latino giving circle network is part of the
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latino community foundation, and then each circle has their leadership. so depending on the size of the circle, it ranges from two people to seven at times, but these are all individuals who are very committed to their community and to the change that is needed and they want to be active, but not only just invest these funds in the community, connect with our community leaders because we know that the change that our community needs it doesn't come just from one part, it comes from working together. so we're very, very prideful to be disrupting traditional philanthropy and focusing on that partnership with our community partners. damian: and it works like a-- kind of like a food bank, right? because you are--kind of you're the umbrella, and then under you is all these nonprofits across california, and you're able to fund these nonprofits because you're able to gather these large donations. anais: exactly, and we do it through the power
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of collective giving. so we're very, very, very proud of this network and the impact that it has had from just coming together and reminding latinos about the strength in our community. damian: and, marily, you have a lot of these organizations. what are a couple of the organizations that have benefited? let's see here. you have about 38 latino-led organizations across california that you've been able to help. marily: yes, of course. they vary on their missions, but their missions are really impactful in the latino community: stem, access to health care, lgbtq rights. it's a really wide range, and it's very grassroot. so you're not only--you're impacting individuals by giving your dollars. i think that's something really important from our organization, working with these grassroots that sometimes don't have the ability to be highlighted, and that's what we aim to do. damian: all right. anais: and i will add to that. these 38 organizations are just funded by the
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latino giving circle network. the latino community foundation has funded many, many more, but for the network since inception in 2012 we have funded over 150 organizations. damian: that is awesome. well, congratulations for that. again, this is the latino giving circle network out of the community foundation--latino community foundation. there is their web address for more information. log on and find out maybe how you can help or become a donor as well, an investor, if you will, in your community. we'll be back with these young ladies when we continue here on "comunidad del valle." stay with us.
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here on "comunidad del valle." and i know the--i mean, you're not authorized--the board hasn't authorized for you to talk about your new head julián castro, but i want to ask you anyway. it's got to be exciting to have julián lead your team now into what might be next.
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i mean, this is some of the greatest news that's come into california, former hud secretary julián castro. anais: definitely. we're very, very excited. and, you know, we sought somebody with a national presence to deepen our work in california, but also elevate it and elevate our impact nationally. so we're excited about what's coming and working under his leadership, which has been incredible. damian: well, and for a tejano to like what's going on in california, that's an even added plus. so kudos to him for realizing that. marily, talk about just the importance of the latino investment, the latino donor, and why, you know, where maybe this--a lot of the beliefs that people have, we're kind of putting those aside and showing, "no, we are philanthropists as well." marily: most definitely, as you mentioned, we really need to remind latinos that they are philanthropists as well. there isn't only one way of giving. latinos, it's within our culture to be able to give money in latino culture or mexican culture. specifically quinceañeras everybody gets together and has
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padrinos and puts money into the pot to be able to have these beautiful parties or when someone's sick your mom is making [speaking foreign language] or anything like that. like, that is love. that is philanthropy. and i think that we need to recognize that within ourselves, that that's in our dna. damian: well, your phone is ringing. that means somebody is about to make a donation, so i-- anais: coming in. damian: that's good news. we'll have a telethon here as well. in the latino community foundation, again, it helps organizations across california and the bay area. but the fact that a lot of these are latino-led, what does that say about the mission of the latino community foundation? anais: yes, you know, unfortunately latino-led organizations are often overlooked by traditional philanthropy. and a number that we often talk about and it is very unfortunate that we have to talk about is that only about 1.3% of us philanthropic dollars go to latino-led organizations. and this is why we do the work that we do. we are--we're pushing so this changes.
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we invest in latino-led grass-root organizations that, like i said earlier, are often overlooked by traditional philanthropy, but it goes beyond the dollars. it's also standing next to our community partners and letting them know that we believe in their mission and in their leadership. what we also like to say is that we--it is not just about investing these funds, but about working together with them to push for the changes that our community actually needs because we know that the change and true change doesn't come just from one side, it comes from people coming together and working in partnership. damian: and you have to, i would imagine, have a track record as an organization proving that you are the service to others in order for you to be considered by the latino community foundation because, you know, your mission is important and you want to make sure that you are investing in the right organizations. anais: right, right, and you-- the work that we do is that we really lean on this
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partnership and getting to know our community partners. it is not just an exchange of services. it's about us actually getting together with them, getting to know their story, why they do this work, and then together pushing forward. damian: all right, any final thoughts from either of you before we let you all go here on "comunidad del valle?" marily: it's an amazing network. and we hope that you can check it out on our web page if you'd like to learn more, please feel free to contact us. yeah. anais: remember you're a philanthropist. marily: you're a philanthropist. anais: so reach out to us, learn more about our programs. and we'd love to tell you more. damian: all right. well, we thank you very much for a few things. one, for what you're doing for nonprofit organizations across california, two, for latino-led organizations who really need
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the recognition, the attribution, and the donation as well, and thank you for your leadership and all that. anais: thank you, damian. marily: thank you. damian: thank you, and, again, we've put in a word and we hear that julián castro will be on "comunidad del valle" in the coming year, hopefully in january. sometime once he gets settled in. comes in from teja. so we're all looking forward to that. thank you, ladies, very much. anais: bye-bye. damian: all right, well, the latino community foundation, we're going to show their website so you can log on and find out more about their latino giving circle network. there is the website on your screen for more information. up next, finally here on "comunidad del valle," los tres reyes magos return. stay with us. ♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company
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every bite is a celebration with on "comunidad del valle." isabel ferado is with the children's discovery museum of san josé. she joins us now on the show. isabel, welcome to "comunidad del valle." isabel ferado: hey, damian. thank you very much. damian: thank you for being here. well, tell us. this is a big event. los reyes are coming back to the children's discovery museum. isabel: yes, they are, the three kings are coming to the museum on saturday the 6th of january.
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and with them they're bringing some gifts to give out our visitors. this is a celebration that we've been having for 26 years now, along with 10 or more cultural celebrations. it is very important for us in the museum to promote the diversity culturally so that even kids from a very age can start looking at these differences at something that is important to be represented. we want all communities to feel represented in the bay area. damian: yeah, and we're looking at the video of the different cultures that you celebrate there at the children's discovery museum. now, the latest one, again, is the three wise men, los tres reyes magos. was this the legend of the three wise men who traveled to meet baby jesus? isabel: that's correct, yes, the legend of the three kings who were following the star in order to go and give presents upon baby jesus's birth.
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and here in the museum what we're going to do is celebrate all of this. for example, kids will be able to make their own crowns and decorate them to wear them along the museum. we will also have the three kings just walking around our exhibit to take pictures with families and giving little chocolate coins. we will also have tortillas-making so that our visitors can learn how to make them and taste. we will also have mariachi méxico [speaking foreign language] in our stage along with folkloric dances and many other surprises. damian: wow, and, again, this is the latest cultural event that you're having there. you're looking at the many events. you're busy throughout the year at the children's discovery museum because there's just so many cultures in the south bay area and you're doing your best to celebrate all of them. isabel: that's correct.
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the next community event that's coming in is actually december 31st, which is new years. we will have the traditional ball drop at several hours in the day 11, 12, 1, 2, and 3. and we represent and celebrate with giving some fun facts about the country that are actually having the new year at that time. and then we start--kickoff january with our three reyes, then martin luther king jr., and then we go of with nowruz for the persian community. we have many other celebrations like the valley for persian, african-american communities, and so on and so on throughout the year. damian: and, again, back to the three wise men, los tres reyes magos, they're--you mentioned a little bit, but they are bringing some gold coins with them. isabel: yes, that's correct. chocolate gold coins. damian: talk about the--just the fun that this is because
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this is only, again, celebrating culture, but it's a--discovery museum it's where kids' minds and children's minds are able to explore and expand. isabel: that is correct, our mission as a mus--in the museum is to inspire creativity so that kids can learn through play. so we promote that parents go their--kids and play along the many exhibits. kids don't even realize that they're learning. they're just having fun. and so all our exhibits are designed with different types of--for example, engineering, mathematics, music, arts so that we can start developing very well and educated and nice human beings. damian: yeah, i mean, it's from infants, toddlers, all the way up. and so you have a lot of great exhibits there. any final thoughts? again, we're going to have [speaking foreign language], mariachi, tortilla-making, a lot of things happening.
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any final thoughts? isabel: sure, well, this event tends to get crowded. so i recommend you to go online and make your reservation. buy your tickets at and we will be happy to have you here celebrating with us. damian: all right, thank you so much, isabel ferado, with the children's discovery museum talking about s tres reyes magos. isabel: thanks, damian. damian: thank you very much. damian: and, again, for more information, this is happening on the actual day on january 6th. 9:30 a.m. it begins. get your seats early. there's the web address to log on and make your reservations for the children's discovery museum. well, if you want to get a hold of us on "comunidad del valle" you can follow me on instagram. my handle is @newsdamiantrujillo. we're going to dig again deep into the archives and bring out a little bit of sapo. that's the name of the band, and the song is called "sapo's montuno" with richard bean. we'll see you next week. ♪♪♪ [speaking foreign language]
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