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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 19, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> and i'm kate snow. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, tuesday, december 19th, 2023. and they're off. millions are getting an early jump on holiday vacations. what's being done to keep people moving even as a new storm takes aim out west. border warning. texas will arrest anyone who
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crosses the border from mexico illegally. the potential impacts. triple threat, flu, covid and rsv cases are jumping worldwide. what to do if you fall sick around your family. fire and iceland. stunning images. certainly a packed news day. >> we begin with the mad dash to get home for the holidays. >> officially one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. just look at these numbers, aaa predicting 7.5 million people will fly during this christmas and new year's holiday, topping the precovid record in 2019. >> the airlines' biggest goal is to avoid what happened last year the travel meltdown, cancelled flights, missing bags, furious passengers, the airlines say they're ready, but could another round of wild weather cause some
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issues. meteorologist bill karins is tracking that, but we start with nbc's kathy park at atlanta's airport. what are they telling you? >> reporter: it's the holiday week, but all things considered it's been relatively smooth here at the busiest airport in the world, here in atlanta, we've seen very few disruptions and a lot of smiles, everyone is in good spirits, but this was a far cry from what we saw yesterday in the northeast, you might remember there were thousands of flights delays and cancellations with those nasty storms that we just checked the misery map and things appear to be back on track but back here in atlanta, we're told things are really starting to pick up later in the week, specifically on friday, where they anticipate peak travel, roughly 90,000 passengers that day and the whole holiday season they anticipate 3.3 million air travelers and that's something
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that we haven't seen pre-covid, now we actually earlier today had a chance to speak with an air traveler and things weren't necessarily smooth for her. take a listen. >> i'm excited to go -- christmas sometimes is a time where you can connect with other people and have something in common. >> reporter: now, if you don't want to miss your flight like heidi and her dog morris, remember to arrive at the airport early at least two hours for a domestic flight, avoid checking a bag as well, because you might remember if you've been to the airport rekently, there are long lines obviously when you check those bags and lastly, kate, leave gifts
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unwrapped the possibility a t a sa agent can remove that packaging. >> pointed when you said kate, because i have had wrapped my gifts. >> thank you, kathy. bill karins, i understand some stormy weather is heading to the pacific northwest and california, how can that impact holiday travel? >> the beginning it's going minor, thursday the high impact day, some scattered showers across much of california, hit and miss the bowling ball off the coast that has to go down to southern california over the next three days, it's going to take its sweet time and with it will bring the threat of some flash flooding in the los angeles area and the mountains of santa barbara, that's the area already under a flood watch, the heaviest rain does appear will hold off. tomorrow the heaviest rain in northern california and by time we get towards late wednesday, that's when the storm starts to
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shift inland, wednesday night and then thursday during the day, when the main brunt of this comes in, so we're already looking at the potential, this area this maroon color, a moderate risk of flash flooding, so that means the significant threat and high confidence forecast, too, rainfall totals in that area i just mentioned, santa barbara to los angeles in the mountains especially up to 4 inches of rain, again, anyone traveling in that region, wednesday night, all day thursday, that will be the crucial time. >> really important to brace for that. bill, thanks for update. the american civil libts union of texas is suing the state over a new state law that will soon make it a crime to enter texas illegally from mexico. governor abbott signed the legislation into law on monday, this is the latest action that the governor has taken to crack down on migrants. it comes as a new record was broken on monday at the southern border according two department
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of homeland security officials. more than 2,000 migrants were apprehended just yesterday. let's bring in julia ainsley, it's already illegal under federal law, right, to enter the u.s. and not use a legal port of entry, what does it mean to have a state law if texas that says the same thing. >> they'll be able to arrest a amigrant if they suspect entered illegally. migrants they find living in major cities in texas and judges not trained in immigration, those judges would have the authority to decide who gets deported. it's radical departure from how we processed immigrants and handle people who may have the right to stay here and seek protections in the past. it may overwhelm the system. some local law enforcement
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including a sheriff in texas who said this might be too much for him. >> take away from our regular duties. we're the first responders, we answer 911 calls. >> reporter: so this will mean that for people who are trying to be first responders in remote areas of the state f they're asked to take on this other duty this could get in the way of the task they're already stretched thin to do. >> the number of southern border crossings legal and illegal at the last four years. based on what you heard from migrants, does it appear that this texas law might deter migrants from entering. >> a lot like what we're happening in congress, u.s. solutions for a global problem,
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numbers are going up in large part because there's global displacement. more 2 million people displaced from venezuela now. from migrants i've talked to, the things they've been through, it's hard to imagine that there's any policy the u.s. could put in place that could keep people from coming here. what this could do it could force more migrants into other border states like arizona and california. >> okay, julia ainsley, thank you. overseas, israel's president said his country is ready for another pause in fighting to free more hostages. gaza's healthy ministry nearly 20,000 people have been killed. nbc news correspondent hala
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gorani is in tel aviv. you spoke with the head of united nations relief agency about the war's impacts specifically on children, what exactly did he say? >> reporter: well we've been reporting on this war's impact on children, children represent almost half of the gaza population, they're really suffering pretty disproportionately as a result of the bombardment. we spoke to tom white, the head of u.n. relief agency, a u.n. agency that runs schools and food distribution centers, et cetera, it's been deeply implanted in the gaza strip for decades, and one of the things that tom white is saying because for several weeks there was no aid going into the gaza strip that there's absolutely significant backlog of humanitarian supplies and aid that needs to be made up so even when we see the type of aid and
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cargo traffic go back into the gaza strip and that matches pre-war levels, it will take a significant amount of time to get back to where the territory was before october 7th. listen to tom white. >> i think it's going to take decades to get over the mental scars of this war, you know, there are highly traumatized, you know, no child should go through what these children have been through. >> reporter: and that's tom white talking about the mental and psychological scars, and as far as the negotiations to reach and hopefully achieve another cessation of hostilities similar to one we saw a few weeks that allowed for the release of hostages and also for more humanitarian aid to go through, we know that the prime minister of qatar met with the heads of the cia and mossad in warsaw,
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poland. lloyd austin touched down in qatar today. an important country when it comes to negotiating these deals because it remains a political relationship with hamas and so there's a hope at least that even though we might be far from the goal of achieving the actual cease-fire, a hope of new momentum has been infused into the process. >> hala, thanks for your reporting. time now for today's cnbc money minute. google could owe you some money. the virtual reality market appears to just that. virtual. full tech edition. google's parent company has agreed to pay $7 million to u.s. consumers in a settlement involving its playstore for apps, it will also make changes to the store to allow for more competition the agreement is part of settlement involving
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several states, d.c., puerto rico and the virgin islands accusing google of overcharging customers through unlawful restrictions on distributions of apps on android devices. meta spending billions of dollars every quarter into vr and that futuristic meta have been verse, a problem with adoption, sales of equipment is plummeting. sales of those devices dropped nearly 40% through november this year. last year there was just a 2% drop. finally driverless vehicles are making their way to retirement communities, startup announced this week it's offering autonomous rides at a retirement community in arizona called sun city. they're able to order the cars through an app. the company further develops its technology for older communities. back over to you. >> fascinating. especially that vr stuff.
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i've done it for a story. it's very meta, no pun intended. >> you never touch it again. that's the story most people have. >> that's why their sales are down. >> steve, thank you. coming up, holiday has lts, why popular gifts from some big-name retailers are getting harder and harder to find. harder and harder to find. but first, honoring a trail [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler
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for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections
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americans are remembering the late supreme court justice sandra o'connor the first woman to serve on the highest court was laid to rest today. >> family, friends paid their respects to the trail blazing justice who died on december 1st. president biden was among those who spoke at the ceremony. he praised her character and legacy. >> how she embodied such attributes under such pressure and scrutiny. help empowered generations of women in every part of american life. including the court itself. helping to open doors. secure freedoms and prove that a woman cannot only do anything a man can do but many times do it a heck of a lot better. >> chief washington correspondent andrea mitchell joins us now, we understand you were there this morning at the
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funeral what do we know who came to remember justice o'connor. >> reporter: people really remembered her as she was, spirited, a pioneer, a trailblazer, a great justice, the social presence who brought these justices together when she first got to the court people stayed in their own chambers for lunch and didn't talk with each other she made it her business to bring people together and then, she would bring food in, she would host people, she was such a social presence as well as the court. it was described as the o'connor court for quite a while because she was the swing justice, a key justice, and, you know, when you think about her history, she was the cowgirl growing up on the sy b ranch and then became the
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first woman majority leader of legislature in arizona. she brought her experience in the legislative branch and in the judicial branch because she had been a judge and then of course the first woman on the supreme court. of course she was lauded by president biden, but also by her son and by others who knew her, her biographer and her son describing her in a very humorous way, telling stories from the family from the dinner table but as a real mom, always present, always showing up for them and some of the most touching momentss when her grandchildren were doing readings. a very deeply religious woman as well. >> andrea, she said when she arrived in 1981 there wasn't even a ladies' room close to the court.
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the changes that she helped prompt on the court. >> reporter: and those changes were in large ways and small, you know the ladies' room and having those dinners but also taking stands, and even though she was a moderate conservative from a republican president she was a key vote on abortion, back in a pennsylvania case after roe, which reaffirmed roe which has now been overturned. now on affirmative action that has since been overturned. so she was in her later years that the things she fought for have changed. one thing a bishop said, talked about in her homily about how she was wise enough to understand that there are times when you have to lose power and give up power and everything changes in different seasons and different times of your life, so
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she had a lot of wisdom. >> i can see in your eyes, andrea, that she meant a lot to you. >> thank you. coming up, we'll switch to celine dion's fight. an update on the iconic singer's healths she a around here, we like to keep things simple and honest. sure do. that's why at progressive, we show you rates from other companies, even if they're lower than ours, so you can choose what's best for your family. comparing rates used to be a hard day's work, but not with autoquote explorer. -need me to help again? -no. so join us and taste why progressive is the name people trust. sorry, are we talking about apples now or insurance? [ laughter ] why is that funny? i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪
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with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. [sneeze] dude you coming? ♪ alka-seltzer plus powermax gels cold & flu relief with more concentrated power because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. platinum plus is cascade's best clean ever. with double the dawn and double the scrubbers, it removes the toughest grease and residue for an irresistible clean and shine. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. good tuesday, everyone.
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this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. the weather is causing problems at sfo, due to the lingering foggy and windy conditions. ginger conejero saab is at the airport with specifics. >> reporter: the faa issued a ground delay that began at 9:00 this morning. warning passengers of delays up to three hours. we have not seen that just yet. we received an update from sfo around 10:30 this morning saying there were over 160 flights delayed. the average delay time has been between 16 to 30 minutes. there have been four flight cancellations. so far for the passengers we have spoken with, their travel experiences have gone smoothly. the chance of flight delays or wet weather are not dampening
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the mood of these travellers, even traveling to wisconsin ahead for them. they, like other passengers this morning at the airport, have not experienced significant flight delays so far. curbside check-in is an option. we have seen lines to get through security. no significant delays. giving the travellers from australia a big sigh of relief as they look forward to their holidays in the u.s. what are you looking forward to? >> what are we looking for? >> looking forward to? >> christmas day. that should be fun. >> 30, 40 degrees in australia. i don't know what that is in fahrenheit. >> reporter: a different feel from the wet weather we saw yesterday and what we might see later on in the day. this morning, sfo started with 10% of its flights experiencing delays. there were two cancellations.
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that has gone up to four flight cancellations. yesterday, sfo was under ground stop for 90 minutes because of the wind. nearly 500 flights were delayed at sfo with ten cancellations yesterday. a spokesperson said a useful tip when traveling during the holidays, book the first flight of the day. the airport is usually at the airport overnight. the faa doesn't typically start delaying flights until 8:00 to 00 ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. not too bad today. people are in good spirits. the rain could boost salmon populations in the north bay. there's flooding in south san francisco. check out the scene earlier in oakland where a large tree came down and knocked out power. it's blocking the roadway between duncan and leo way. it fell onom power lines. pg&e says 82 customers are out of power because of this. it's expected to be restored by
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2:00 this afternoon. the conditions making things slick for the morning commute. this is video of what it looked like just past midnight along northbound 101 in san francisco just before the 80 split. similar scenes south of the city. chp says there was flooding up to 12 inches across some of the lanes along 101. there was flooding at the intersections of airport boulevard and grand avenue. one positive thing about the rain is that it's helping to increase the amount of salmon in north bay creeks. rain to this point has been low, which means not much adult fish have arrived to lay their eggs. researchers say after this current rainfall and this storm, there will be an increase in salmon. that should balance out the earlier shortage. rain continues to come down in parts of the bay area. how much more can we expect? vianey has the answer. >> if you had to commute, you got caught in the heavy rain. expect for it to remain
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scattered throughout the afternoon. a mix of sun and clouds. in the pacific, it's our next storm system churning. expected to make its approach into tomorrow morning's commute. a soggy one. be safe out there. we have seen two inches of rain in areas for the north bay and santa cruz mountains. the additional rainfall that we could potentially see. notice higher totals. over an inch and a half for the north bay. look at san jose, closer to a half an inch possible by the end of the system. it clears out thursday. overall, your daytime highs will remain in the 60s. keep the humidity around with highs in the upper 60s. >> thanks. here is holiday cheer. the salvation army will distribute toys to children across san francisco today. across san francisco today. 1,600 kids will receive them. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms.
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but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh.
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[dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ here's liz, whose bladder leaks drop in uninvited. but instead of period pads, she brought poise ultra thin. so she can bounce on with poise protection in a fresh new look. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on w. wx. social media platform parler is planning a relaunch from the 2024 election. the conservative platform first launched in 2018 and grew to 50 million users. purchased by new owners this year. memphis grizzly ja moernt is
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eligible to return. adam silver required morant to complete a counseling program before he could compete in any team activities. and nasa is bringing streaming to deep space, cat playing with laser was beamed back to earth from nearly 19 million miles away, 80 times the distance from the earth to the moon. the test cat video will help sending humans to mars. sounds purr-fect. all right, this is serious, iceland is under a state of emergency today after a massive volca in, o eruption. >> some of the nation's busiest tourist spots have closed.
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nbc news foreign correspondent molly hunter has the latest. >> reporter: pictures are unbelievable. icelandic officials are saying the eruption at this time is not life-threatening. moving away from population centers. it may last anywhere from a week to ten days and once that molten lava starts moving it becomes impossible to stop. stunning aerial images from southwestern iceland capturing a late-night eruption spewing searing hot lava. it comes after weeks of anticipation and earth quaking seismic activity. officials say the eruptions brought on by a swarm of earthquakes beginning monday night. beginning northeast in a fishing village where a state of emergency was declared last month. the entire population of 4,000 people evacuated as a precaution. it is the fourth volcanic eruption in two years and the largest so far, with an initial fissure opening spanning 3 miles and lava shooting over some 300 feet into the air.
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>> it is just fascinating to see just nature in action. i just -- it's just like something from a movie. >> reporter: the icelandic coast guard surveying the area overnight. in an effort to confirm the eruption's exact size and location. passengers at one of iceland's main airports just 16 miles away reacting. authorities have raised the country's aviation alert level because volcanic ash can pose a risk to engines on passenger planes, something that happened when another volcano erupted in iceland back in 2010 creating an ash cloud that grounded air travel in europe for more than a week. monday's eruptions follows weeks of intense seismic activity that spurred thousands of earthquakes. prompting the closure of the iconic blue lagoon. now officials are stressing vigilance and caution as the region waits on mother nature to run its course.
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now we know eruptions are unpredictable. now icelandic officials say this morning those huge lava fountains overnight are down to a hundred feet now, that's good news. airport officials say at this time there are no disruptions so flight schedules are running on time. that also means no disruptions at this time throughout europe. i'll send it back to you. celine dion's sister is sharing an update on the iconic singer's health bamt. >> her sister now says her condition is worsening. nbc news national correspondent stephanie gosk has been following this one for us. >> reporter: her fans were devastated when she announced the end of her tour. her sister said she's struggling with this debilitating disease.
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♪ my heart will go on ♪ >> reporter: the superstar has been battling a rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome. her older sister clawedette saying, the condition is getting worse and that her sister works hard, but she doesn't have control of her muscles. adding, the disease is so rare that some have lost hope, but that the family has received an outpouring of love. the 55-year-old grammy award winner last appeared smiling at a hockey game in october with her sons. >> i have been dealing with problems with my health for a long time. >> reporter: dion cancelled her world tour in may after previously revealing the disease. >> and it's been really difficult for me to face these challenges and to talk about everything that i have been going through. >> reporter: stiff person syndrome affects one or two in a million people, and causes
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painful muscle spasms and stiffness. >> when the body's own immune system starts attacking the nerves, that shuts off muscles when they start tightening up. ♪♪ >> reporter: despite her private battle, dion and her many fans hoping that one day she can still return to the stage. >> all i know is singing. it's what i have done all my life. and it's what i love to do the most. >> staff, this is so tough to watch who's beloved by so many, explain to us stiff person syndrome. >> there's no cure, guys, and what happens over progression of the disease and it's different for every patient that you struggle through spasms, muscle spasms that then end up in a stiffness of that muscle and it can be incredibly debilitdebili
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you can have difficulty walking, talking and certainly singing it would make it impossible to perform. so it's real struggle. there are treatments but ultimately there's not much they can do. >> thank you for that report, stephanie gosk. last-minute holiday shoppers, i don't know if this is you, steph, this story is for you procrastinators, some big wish list items could be hard for you to grab in time for christmas. >> a major cyberattack and a new import ban may be to blame. christine romans explains. with christmas less than a week away, the race is on to snag those last holiday gifts. but trying to get some popular items this week may have you singing bah humbug. apple announcing its halting sales of some its apple watches like the series 9. online sales will stop beginning
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thursday and in-store sales will cease starting christmas day. the company says it's doing this to comply with a u.s. import ban on apple watches issued by the u.s. trade commission. it ruled that apple had violated a patent from one of its competitors, masimo, regarding a blood oxygen sensor it uses on several models. >> you can measure your blood oxygen right from your wrist. >> they took our technology. so it is not just a patent infringement, it is also a trade secret. >> reporter: the biden administration has until christmas day to overturn the ruling, which doesn't impact older models. the iconic accessory critical to the company's bottom line. since its release in 2015, nearly a quarter billion have been sold. apple shares falling on monday. the company vowing to fight back, saying in a statement apple strongly disagrees with the order and is pursuing a range of legal and technical options to ensure that apple watch is available to customers. its smartwatch
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among several hot items at risk of not making it under your christmas tree. the parent company of apparel brands of north face, vans, timberland and dickies announcing its ability to fulfill online orders is currently impacted due to a cyberattack on its network. customers can buy merchandise at its brick and mortar stores. some consumers cashing in on potential shortages of these popular brands. one apple watch owner posting he plans to sell his $800 ultra 2 for $2,500, saying i know what i got. but some experts believe apple's decision to pause smartwatch sales right before christmas is actually a ploy to boost holiday revenue. >> this is a great flash sale. hey, get your apple watches while they're still there. this affects the two higher-end models of the apple watch. and those are the ones they make the most money on. >> apple is reportedly working on software fix for its apple
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watches, that would address the patent issue. if you own an apple watch with a blood oxygen sensor they're not affected by this. masimo came out with its own smartwatch. apple filed two lawsuits against them last year alleging patent violations. a new documentary premiering tonight takes an in-depth look at russian president putin. >> it focuses on how he keeps an iron grip on his country as women as exclusive interviews with people who have known putin for decades. keir simmons has a preview from moscow. >> reporter: kate, zinhle, a documentary takes a close and critical look at president putin and the people around him. his cartel if you like, his very russian team of rivals, this man, this figure that has dominated world affairs for the past 20 years has of course been
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filmed and pictured again and again. we'll go through those moments and consider them with all that we know has transpired. and an aspect of his world that showed up during the mutiny this summer. here's some of what you'll see. it's june 2023. russia's wagner mercenary group, one of the kremlin's most prized units, seized the command headquarters for russia's war in ukraine, now on the march to moscow. >> as the national guard prepared to defend the capital
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against a ban of wagner mercenaries. the man behind the insurrection cheered as he and his men vacate the russian city. two months later, he's dead, his plane suffering a mysterious incident on approach into moscow. >> mr. president, are you a killer?
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>> reporter: the documentary tonight takes a closer look at pri gossin and also looks at those people around president putin. those mysterious, mostly men, those shadowy figures who will be with him as he heads into 2024. >> wow, really fascinating stuff, keir simmons, thanks so much. you can watch the documentary tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on nbc news now, it will also stream on peacock. just ahead, we spoke about the millions traveling this holiday season with infection numbers for the flu, rsv and covid on the rise, what are the steps you need to take to keep steps you need to take to keep yo ur
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in today's daily health, a busy time of year with holiday travel and family gatherings, in the midst of cold and flu season. >> respiratory illnesses are on the rise, flu cases are up with hospitalizations climbing 200% in the past four weeks, rsv also up with 60% jump and more people are getting admitted for covid, that's up 51%. with the south being the hardest hit. joining us now nbc news medical contributor dr. john torres, lot of not so nice stats i just gave
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there, how concerned should we be as we jump on planes. >> i think you should be aware of what's happening as you take the precautions you need in order to stay safe. rsv tapering off a little bit. the reason it's happening three viruses r, sv, flu and covid. rsv and flu are seasonal. every winter they go up. covid is year-round infection, but it tends to peak as well because we're congregating, we're flying, we're on airplanes and buses and subways. >> we should be wearing mask? >> my suggestion it depends, air travel is very safe. i always carry a mask with me. i had this mask friday, a gentleman across the aisle was coughing his head off the whole time and he wasn't covering up.
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i put this on. wore it for the next three hours. just have one with you and if you're going to visit somebody who's elderly, very young, maybe think about wearing a mask there. >> that's a such a great tip. if we get sick, we're around our elderly grandparents, are we going back to isolating? >> understand which of those you have testing. rsv, you have to go to a clinic. that way you can find out if you need treatment. regardless if you have fever and you can't control it, you want to stay home and away from people who may be more vulnerable. >> i had the flu and covid shot last week, 24 hours was not great, because i had recently covid a few months ago, besides shots which are out there, what
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else do we do to keep ourselves from getting sick. >> the shots are by far the best. every day you get the vaccine you get more and more protection. other than that, masking like we talked about. same things we talked about for three years, washing your hands, covering up when you cough or sneeze, ventilation, open up the windows if it's a warmer-type christmas, and just i can't overemphasize, if you're sick stay home. the most important thing. >> it's hard when you want to be with your family. >> there's zoom, facetime, it's not the same. >> in addition to the preventative measures what else can people do to stay healthy in. >> staying healthy is the same thing your mom said, eat your fruits and vegetables. get plenty of sleep very important for our immune system. exercise. don't drink too much alcohol. quit smoking if you smoke.
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if you start feeling sick, most of it you can take care of it home. if you're coughing and sneezing and you can't keep it under control, that's when you need to go to the doctor. >> dr. john torres, thank you. there's much more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily". my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower
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i'm janelle wang. people are making their voices heard surrounding plans for a new city. a final town hall for the california forever project will held by developers last night in dixon. they are seeking to build a new community and solar farm on 50,000 acres of recently purchased land. they need voter approal to change county zoning and development plans before breaking ground. despite several informational sessions, some say they are still skeptical. >> have i been to every town hall. i will tell you, it's a sales pitch every time. they are adapting to the crowd. >> we have a team that believes in the project. they are some of the best in the world. >> california forever's ceo says more concrete plans will come early next year. the rain, it has stopped briefly. more is on the way. here is vianey with our forecast. >> it's been an active day when it comes to the rain. we are not done yet. in the pacific is the next storm
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system. through the remainder of today, the storm will continue to move south. expect to keep a mix of sun and clouds, also fog around the coastline, leading us into wednesday morning. this system will make its approach. that will be impacting especially your wednesday morning commute. expect the possibility of localized ponding. we will monitor streams and rivers. not expected above the flood stage but could cause overflow in three nearby areas, into thursday and friday, we dry out with cooling for the weekend.
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attention holiday travellers. when you stay in a vacation rental, the host might be watching you, even inside. you can take steps to know if a rental has spying eyes. chris chmura shows us how. >> if you think cameras are
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totally forbidden from vacation rentals, i'm afraid you are wrong. your host might be able to have a camera outside the house and inside some parts of the house. vrbo permits them outside but not inside. airbnb requires hosts to disclose recording devices in their listings. that's the first place you should look for a camera, in the listing. look under house rules. say there's no camera listed there, message the host with the question like this. where do you use security cameras? if you get a cagey answer, let the booking company know. once you arrive, take a couple steps to scan. look for obvious ones, also look for nanny cams and baby monitors. many cameras connect to the internet using home wi-fi. download an app to see all the devices connected to the home wi-fi. it might help you identify what's what and what's currently streaming to the internet. it's free to load.
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you will see in-app purchases. say you find a camera. what should you do? contact immediately to investigate and make things right. contact a lawyer and law enforcement. especially if you think a camera was intentionally concealed to invade your privacy. >> very handy. thank you, chris. sfo commissioners created a permanent honor for diane feinstein. it calls for a renaming of the international terminal after her. the bay area political icon willy brown is leading the effort. commissioners in discussed it during the meeting today. a vote will be considered at the next meeting on january 16th of next year. next year. that does it for nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention
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hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. illumination! and here we go.oice. ♪ and i remember thinking ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet? ♪ woo-hoo! this isn't about migration... it's about adventure. [ gasps ] you need a hug. can you let go now? do you feel better? no. then it hasn't kicked in yet. [ chuckling ] what is that? duck à l'orange. what's duck à l'orange? it's you... with l'orange on top.
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i'the plot was hatched,his is "dthis dreadful plot. nbc. josh mankiewicz: and it's like a movie script. it's family rivalries and betrayal and murder. it was so horrific. what were the last hours on earth like for her? craig melvin (voiceover): it lurks here on this storied family estate, a mystery as tangled and gnarled as the trees that reach for the sky.


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