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tv   Early Today  NBC  December 20, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. is on the way. 6r y. 6r colorado republicans might not be able to vote for donald trump. the bombshell ruling from the state's supreme court that could impact the march primary election what the former president is telling supporters a record day at the southern border marking more crossings than ever. it comes as human rights groups level legal action against the
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lonestar state over new legislation. a new series of educational videos popping up in classrooms, and critics say they're pushing a political agenda hear from prayinger u's founder. > closed no longer on sunday a new bill in new york could force some chick-fil-a's t t thkeep their doors open "early today" starts right now good morning, and thanks for joining us i'm jessica layton new developments in the bombshell decision that could reshape the 2024 election this morning. the colorado supreme court ruling that former president donald trump is disqualified from holding office again,
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citing the 14th amendment, finding that donald trump engaged in insurrection on january 6. trump, as you can imagine, already fighting back this morning. alice barr has the details >> reporter: in a bombshell ruling, colorado's supreme court deciding that former president trump should not be allowed on the state's primary ballot in 2024 on constitutional grounds the ruling states that mr. trump is disqualified from holding the office of president again because of his actions on january 6, 2021, citing the 14th amendment of the constitution, which says that no person can serve as an officer of the united states who engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the u.s. the decision reverses a lower court's ruling and is the first of its kind after similar challenges in other states have proven unsuccessful. former president trump campaigning in iowa.
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he has called efforts to keep him off the ballot nonsense and election interference. >> they want to silence me, because i will never let them silence you. >> reporter: the trump campaign calling the colorado decision politically motivated and completely flawed and promising to swiftly file an appeal to the u.s. supreme court the decision is temporarily on hold to allow time for appeals in washington, alice barr, nbc news meanwhile, another member of the proud boys has been sentenced in connection with the events of january 6. charles donohue, whom the u.s. government described as a trusted lieutenant in the far-right organization was sentenced to 40 months in prison on tuesday donohue had pleaded gylfuilty to multiple charges he had cooperated with the government on the seditious conspiracy case brought begins members of the proud boys, including chairman enrique tarrio who was sentenced earlier
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this year. after several israeli or israel-bound ships were attacked in the red sea by the yemeni houthi group, the u.s. is announcing a new coalition to defend commercial vessels passing through that key trade route. let's go live to claudio lavanga. what countries are part of this alliance >> reporter: good morning, jessica. the u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin initially said the countries that would participate in this coalition, britain, bahrain, canada, france, italy, netherlands, norway, the seychelles and spain the only country from the middle east that does participate is bahrain. austin has called for other countries to take part in the coalition. what they'll do is, as you mentioned, think will tax commercial vehicles from
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attacks. they are launching droinsnes an missiles in response to israel's assault on gaza. as a consequence, many commercial shipping companies have decided to take an alternative route around africa. that takes many, many more days of navigation, raises cost and has a big impact on global trade. on the war front, israelis say they have taken control of the jabalia camp but at a cost. the gaza health ministry said about a hundred people were killed at jabalia during that fighting, bringing the total death toll since the start of the war to 20,000. j jessica? on monday, more migrants crossed into the u.s. than ever before more than 12,000 that record comes as texas is being sued after it gave state
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law enforcement expanded powers to arrest migrants morgan chesky reports from eagle pass, texas. >> reporter: stunning images from eagle pass, texas, where thousands of migrant men, women, and so many children now fill entire fields. the groups lining the rio grande, clinging to blankets, huddling to stay warm, all waiting for hours to be processed, and most likely to be released into the united states. of all our trips to eagle pass, this is the largest group we have ever encountered. sources tell us the majority of these families are venezuelan. on monday alone, a staggering new record dhs officials telling nbc news more than 12,000 crossed the border, the most recorded in a single day ever. the surge sparking a new battle between the lonestar state and the white house. republicans here blaming president biden's border policies for a record number of illegal crossings. >> biden's deliberate inaction
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has left texas to fend for itself >> reporter: now governor greg abbott sign agnew law, making illegal immigration a state crime and empowering police and sheriff's deputies to arrest migrants they have already put barbed wire along the border, but it faces ongoing challenges the white house calling the new law extreme. the aclu of texas saying they'll sue. >> that is going to drive our immigrant communities into the shadows. it's going to increase suspicion of relying on law enforcement. >> reporter: how much longer can you keep up? >> we can't. we can't now it's like 3,000 or 4,000 right now. they're coming in. >> reporter: the sheriff tells us they're struggling to cope with the number of migrants, but the new laws only raise new questions. namely where newly-arrested migrants would potentially be held his jail holidayds 250 and today
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sits just below00. 200 former super bowl champion derrick ward is in custody this morning. los angeles police say ward is accused of robbing multiple business, including gas stations over a period of several days. law enforcement says no guns were used in those robberies but that ward used force to intimidate workeras and get mone from the stores. his manager could not be reached for comment. iceland's volcano eruption is continuing to spew fire the two and a half-mile-long fissure has created a sea of molten lava that is threatening to spread closer to populated regions, though it is less active than it was yesterday so far it has not caused serious damage, but officials remain vigilant the flow of lava could change at
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any moment over our own mountains out west, heavy rain and snow are expected thanks to a brewing weather system angie lassman is tracking this system good morning >> we have a couple things to watch, the heavy rain, snow, all on the table for folks, specifically in california where we could see heavy rain leaving us with the flood concern. 22 million people include d in this it's eventually going to slide closer to the california coast and leaving us unsettled this will eventually start to push into portions of the desert southwest, leaving folks from arizona into nichevada and new mexico dealing with the rain as we gear up for busy travel days, las vegas, all airports could ceedee lays thanks to this system by the time it's all said and done, maybe four to eight inches of rain especially in the
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foothills near l.a the potential in the mountains a little farther to the north to see up to two feet of snow that of course will be los angeles. and san antonio ain the 70s the controversial curriculum making its way into classrooms and click fhick fil an in a pickle hick fil an in a pickle. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything!
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ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. wetjet is so worth it. love it, or your money back. tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to col♪♪ with tide. vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. now to the video series growing in size and controversy in some classrooms prager u is gaining a foothold in several states, promoting, quote, american values through
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the creative use of educational videos but critics say the conservative company's content is not accurate antonia hilton has more. >> what does it mean to be feminine >> reporter: your kids may have seen these videos online >> embrace the idea of being a wife or mother >> reporter: educational videos on everything from culture to history to climate >> without fossil fuels, much of the world's population would starve to death in a year. >> reporter: this is prager u. not an actual, accredited university, but rather, a quote, pro-american education, non-profit with growing school partnerships in new hampshire, florida, and oklahoma. >> it's called edutainment >> reporter: according to the ceo, their videos are an answer to an education system too focussed on diversity and gender they used artists focussed on american exceptionalism. >> they feel like they're serving on the front lines of saving the war of ideas in
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america. >> reporter: since the pandemic, prager u says it has doubled revenue and reached nearly 10 billion views of their videos. founder dennis prager has been a controversial radio host for years. >> if you're spending a good part of the day teaching kids about preferred pronouns and other, what we call, woke issues, then you're really not teaching them. >> reporter: what i hear from teachers of every background is that they are slammed from block to block underpaid, underappreciated. and that they don't even have time to talk about pronouns, gender theory, critical race theory >> i don't believe that they're telling you the truth. i actually think they're lying to you >> reporter: in oklahoma, some teachers like gabe wooly are using prager u in the classroom. we watched prager's video. here's the first thing you need to know. a short history of slavery together >> after centuries of human slavery, white men led the world
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in putting an end to the abhorrent practice >> reporter: she's giving credit mostly to white people right now for ending it before the acknowledgement of the pain that some of your students might know about and feel in their families, right? >> right, and there's a lot of content that we cover that does cover that but what we almost never talk about is the reality of slavery happening almost since the beginning of time to the end of time >> reporter: a few minutes down the road families like the reyes, who are a mix of white, choctaw and mexican-american say the broader culture war playing out in schools is hurting teachers >> we trust our people, right? we trust our educators this is our community. >> reporter: we showed them some of prager u's videos designed for kids >> 300,000 u.nion soldiers overwhelmingly white died in the civil war. >> something i noticed was no other culture did anything no other culture died.
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no other culture tried to stop slavery. which, i know that isn't true. >> that's extremely concerning to me. because it's, you know, so much inaccuracy with things >> reporter: what would a good, american education system look like to you? >> like it did ie it did in t1 minus -- >> reporter: minus the bad things >> that's correct. minus the bad things >> reporter: a vision he's now trying to bring to schools nationwide antonia hilton, los angeles. still to come. more than 500 million reasons to pick up a powerball ticket this morning. and you may finally be able to grab clhick fil an on a sunday hick fil an on a sunday. lth insurance at the time, and now i have a plan that keeps me covered for $9 a month. half of my monthly premium is covered with financial help,
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try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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wouldn't this be nice? one lucky lottery winner could
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spend the holiday season nearly $600 million richer. the powerball jackpot has risen to an estimated $572 million after there was no winner in monday night's drawing this is the fourth powerball jackpot to reach more than half a billion this year. the next drawing is tonight. a new bill has been proposed that would require chick-fil-as located in new york rhest stops to be open seven days a week and this challenges their policy of being closed on sundays >> reporter: for some, six days of the popular chick-fil-a restaurant is good enough. >> you know, if i can get chick-fil-a six days a week and not get it one day a wyeek, i'm not hurt >> reporter: this was the sentiment of most people at the area truck drivers who stop frequently saying chick-fil-a should be allowed to stay.
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>> i think they're taking away their right of choice. i mean, that's, this is a country of free enterprise so just because they're closed on sundays, some of the, i don't know, i don't think they should ban them >> it's perfectly fine people know it there's burger king. there's other places, popeye's, stop somewhere ilse, get off the highway. >> reporter: one customer added that if chick-fil-as were banned from service areas, she believes it would violate their constitutional rights. >> we have freedom of speech and religion just because they choose not to be open on sundays, they are very open about that and i think everyone needs to respect that >> reporter: whether a proposed bill requiring thruway rest stop vendors to be open seven days a week is constitutional is something debated. chick-fil-a has always been closed on sundays, since it first opened in georgia in 1946.
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it was set aside to rest and worship if they choose >> it's a waste of taxpayer money. they knew that about chick-fil-a when they signed the deal with them, that they weren't going to be open on sunday. they knew it >> our thanks for that report. when we come back on our "early today," a recall alert you'll want to hear before you start that holiday meal prep and hold on tight, spider monkeys, your favorite sparkly vampires to life favorite sparkl vampires to life. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand.
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4:53 am
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we're back with what you need to foe "early today." the union says the five-year deal is worth $12 billion. the ftc wants to ban rite aid from using facial recognition technology for five years to settle allegations it was used improperly more than 300,000 air fryers have been recalled over a
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potential burn hazard. they were made by empower brands and soiled nationwide from august 2021 to october this year and lego is making a twilight set, the design one of two winners if the round of legos ideas. we'll be right back. ideas. we'll be right back. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. ever notice how stiff clothes pepto bismol can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle.
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want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. blazer who empowered generations of women the life and legacy of justice sandra day o'connor was celebrated if washington's national cathedral here's laura jarret. >> gracious and wise civil and principled >> reporter: president joe biden at washington's national cathedral, paying tribute to the late supreme court justice,
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sandra day o'confor. >> a pie fne pioneer in her own. >> reporter: the first woman to serve on the high court, yueill jie ji jietzed by the chief justice who helped her prepare in 1981 >> see had to find her own style, with tarehere was no exal to follow. >> reporter: she resisted the swing vote label >> she would say, that sounds fickle >> reporter: her biographer recalling how she wooed her colleagues to lunch. >> she was the glue. >> reporter: the glue for her family as well according to her son jay >> she did it all. organizing the household, outstanding cooking. grocery shopping, getting the kids where we needed to be
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all while still achieving extraordinary things at work >> reporter: o'confor died earlier it month at 93, leavin detailed instructions, from the speakers to today's music. for her final sendoff. >> she also wrote her final message to her sons. our purpose if life is to help others along the way pea may you each try to do the same. >> reporter: laura jarret. nbc fuss news. first responders are bringing christmas cheer to a children's hospital. >> we get to send our elves from special operations down the side of the building, and they get to wave and greet the children of the hospital here and try to bring joy to them over the holidays >> that's right, these elves try to make things a little brighter for the little ones getting treatment at advent health for children in orlando. as you can see from all the
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reactions, they are definitely spreading plenty of joy. thanks for watching "early today. i'm jessica layton we're going to leave you with this blue juorigin successfully launched a rocket, the first since a crash at that happened more than a year ago it could tee up future trips for the company for paying customers. have a great wednesday we'll see you tomorrow we'll see.
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right now at 5:00, tracking the storm. we have team coverage on our microclimate weather alert, and the rain that's now moving into the bay area. we're going to show you an updated look at the timeline of it all and the impact it may have on your morning commute or travels plans. a new roadblock in donald trump's quest to return to the white house. he's been disqualified about colorado's primary ballot. the new


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