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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  December 20, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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hi, everyone. i'm zinhle essamuah. >> i'm vicky nguyen. kate snow is off. "nbc news daily" starts right now. today, wednesday, december 20th, 2023. ballot bombshell, colorado's top court bars former president donald trump from taking part in the state's presidential primary. how they reached that decision and why the legal fight is far from over. hopes for a cease-fire.
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new signs that israel and hamas are open to pauses in fighting in exchange for the release of more hostages. why top u.s. officials say there could be a serious roadblock. about face. rite aid told to pull the plug on facial recognition. how they're pushing back. plus, bill of health. time is running out to use your flexible spending account this year, how to get the most out of your money and leave nothing to waste. >> all right, we'll start this hour with that explosive ruling out of colorado. >> that's right the state's supreme court ruled tuesday that former president trump is banned from holding office again, they ordered his name removed from the 2024 primary ballot. what's the court's reasoning? the 14th amendment which disqualifies people who engage in sur recollection. >> the trump campaign is vowing
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to appeal the decision to the supreme court. the colorado ruling could have a ripple effect and lead other states to remove trump from ballots as well. >> to break this down, ken dilanian and laura jarrett. ken, let's start with you, what does this decision mean for the former president and for voters? how is the president responding right now. >> this was one of dozen of lawsuits to disqualify trump turned 14th amendment. every court that had ruled had decided against disqualification, six states so far, but the colorado supreme court with all seven judges appointed by democrats ruled 4-3 did engage in an insurrection. the trump campaign is calling this judicial activism at its worse. what it means for mr. trump and the voters very much depends on
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whether the u.s. supreme court justices decide to take this case. meanwhile, this ruling is being celebrated by democrats including colorado secretary of state. take a listen to her. >> trump incited the insurrection and there's no loophole in the constitution to hold that there's loophole for the president in the construction would basically say donald trump is above the law within he engages in rebellion and insurrection. i think that's wrong. >> that's one view. another view is expressed by a dissenting justice on the colorado supreme court who pointed out that mr. trump hasn't been convicted of incitement or insurrection. one of his toughest critics chris christie -- >> trump can't appear on the primary ballot. what if he ends up being the gop nominee does he appear as a
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presidential candidate? >> lot will depend on timing. remember the court in colorado recognizing that what they were doing was such a big deal they put their own decision on hold, let's put a pause on it, we'll give the former president to appeal. any time between today and january 5 lt he can appeal to supreme court, the moment he does that everything is paused. everything is stayed. he'll be on the ballot as long as he goes to the supreme court by january 5th. there's no change to anything right now. the question mark is, say he appeals and the supreme court takes it up, they sit on it a little bit, now we're getting closer to the general that's the real issue of time zblg colorado is a pretty progressive state, back in 2020 biden won there by 13 points, is this just a one-off? >> this decision in a lot of ways i understand sort of the fascination with it, but the impact is really not as significant as if it had been a swing state or a purple state,
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he was never going to likely win colorado in the first place, being kicked off the ballot there isn't the same thing as being kicked off the ballot in michigan. >> thank you both. there appears to be some momentum in talks for another cease-fire in the israel/hamas war. met with officials in egypt today, egypt has played a key role in previous negotiations as well so as those talks play out, israel's military said it's carried out hundreds of strikes in gaza over just the past day, destroyed buildings near a hospital in rafah, sending plumes of black smoke into the sky. jay gray is live in tel aviv for us this afternoon. jay, good to see you. we heard from secretary of state blinken earlier today, what did he say about progress on a cease-fire and those hostage negotiations? >> reporter: vicky, he's really echoing what we're hearing on the ground in israel, both sides
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are at the table, qatari diplomats acting as the intermediary here, and as those talks have intensified working through some details of a possible pause in the fighting but he was also very quick to point out that any rumor of a deal being imminent is just that, a rumor. >> the problem was and has been and remains hamas, they remain uncommitted -- and the question is, whether they are in fact willing to resume this effort? certainly it's something that we would welcome. i know israel would welcome and the world would welcome. >> reporter: israel's president saying again today that he hopes they can reach some type of deal quickly. >> jay, israel's military revealed new details about the three hostages that were killed by mistake last week, what are they saying?
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>> reporter: yes, stunning information, parentally there was a failure in communication between battalions taking place of another on the ground there and there was a warning give on the new battalion any type of signs saying there were hostages inside of a building may be a trap, we know that the sharp shooter involved said that he didn't recognize the white cloth that the hostages were carrying at the time and that he had been told they were in an active war zone and that he was allowed to fire on anyone that he believed was suspicious, this is the latest we've heard on a situation that just has really wrecked a lot of people as you would man on the ground ear. >> incredibly devastating. these three men in their 20s, hostages. jay gray live in tel aviv for us today. thank you. vicky another record number of migrants crossed the southern border into the united states
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tuesday. perhaps more concerning, customs and border protections said it has the largest number of migrants in custody ever, over 26,000, border states are seeing real impact too, texas international railway operations are paused. in arizona a legal port of entry has been shut down for more than two weeks and now the bureau of prisons said it's sending personnel to help out. g ushgs guad is in eagle pass. you've reported from the border many times before. what are you seeing right now, and how does it compare to previous spikes in. >> reporter: specifically here in eagle pass, i have never seen crowds this big, this field behind me has been used by customs and border protection as a holding area, this morning we saw more than 2,000 migrants, they've been clearing the area using buses and in fact some of
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that help you mentioned with buses and agents coming to help to escort them to a processing center is arriving here in eagle pass, this group that we see was just fed earlier about two hours ago, we could hear them yelling out that they were hungry, we've seen some border patrol agents run up to some of the groups and care for some of the migrants we assume there was some type of health issue because many have been carried out on stretchers. four carried out on stretchers in the last few hours. agents are doing what they can to process the migrants fast enough, just here in eagle pass we were told by the local congressman who spoke earlier to the media they had 10,000 migrants at their processing center, that's just here in eagle pass, you can only imagine what the numbers are like in other passes across the u.s./mexico border. the border is overwhelmed and meanwhile we have more migrants
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that are arriving throughout the day, crossing the river coming in to join the groups we're seeing here, that's the situation we have here in eagle pass >> go. >> and this is all coming with the texas law, you heard from the president of mexico on this, this is about texas governor abbott's personal political agenda, not his first critique of the governor, how does mexico play into this uptick of migrants at the border? >> reporter: the president of mexico has criticized a lot of the policies that texas has taken into their own hands to enforce, immigration policies, he said that he stands against this new law, but, you know, we actually have been looking into what mexico has been doing, so a lot of the migrants that are arriving here have walked through mexico, in fact, tens of thousands of migrants are in mexico attempting to reach the
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u.s./mexico border and the issue there is mexican immigration agents are essentially not enforcing immigration laws, i spoke with a contact in south mexico this week asking what the situation was like and he tells me that a lot of the migrants that were in mexico waiting for visas to travel through mexico took advantage of what's happening now to make their way to the u.s./mexico border, so a lot of this is lack of enforcement on the mexican side and another surge arriving here at the u.s./mexico border. >> really important reporting. thank you. let's turn now to money minute. new details on how safe tesla drivers are behind the wheel. bertha joins us now. americans who owe back taxes may have another incentive to pay up, the irs is waive nearly $1 billion in late payment penalties, more than 4.5 million
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individual taxpayers who owe for the '20-'21 tax years will be eligible. meantime we've heard a lot about tesla's autonomous drivers. but tesla drivers are the most accident prone, according to study by lending tree. study also found that bmw drivers were most likely to drive under the influence. according to lendingtree. the study analyzed quotes looking to insure their own cars and didn't include any accidents, incident data from rental cars. not just in julia roberts' latest movie with the teslas. >> very interesting when they look at those data points. >> i wouldn't have expected that at all. >> bertha, thank you. coming up, dashing to destinations. as we hit the busiest travel
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days before christmas, inside the efforts to make sure your flight is a smooth ride. plus, curriculum controversy. parents' concern about an educational video series that's being usedn sch ioo (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪
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but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. if you're heading out today for the holidays you're certainly not alone. >> today and tomorrow are expected to be the busiest days at the airports before christmas and all week we've been talking about how airports and airlines are working to avoid a meltdown
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like we saw last year, will the weather cooperate, bill karins is tracking big storms on the west coast. we start with tom costello. the good news this wednesday morning, with 114 million people expected on the roads this holiday stretch and two and a half million moving through tsa check points each day, much of the country is now clear of volatile travel weather for now. though, the floodwaters remain. >> for dallas, wind gusts. preparing for a possible ground strop. >> reporter: at the faa command center in virginia, they watch everything from potential volcanic ash drifting out of iceland to storms moving across the u.s. >> a powerful low pressure system pulling into new england. >> reporter: 24/7 constant communication. >> kennedy, possible ground stop. >> reporter: air traffic control, airline reps, defense and national weather experts all
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in one room. >> possibility of newark ground stop delay due to winds. >> reporter: this is the heart of the faa's command and control for the nation's air space. if an airport anywhere needs a ground delay or a ground stop, they order it here. weather is always top of screen and top of mind. >> if you put a thunderstorm in like northern new jersey, it could have a ripple effect across the entire country. >> all the way to sfo? >> yes, absolutely. >> reporter: managing that ripple effect is her daily mandate. >> so we do try to manage our high complex capacity areas to ensure that there is a smooth transition throughout the rest of the air space. >> military operations -- >> reporter: with nearly 50,000 flights both today and tomorrow, the faa has opened military air space and more high altitude highways. but the agency is still short several thousand air traffic controllers leading to mandatory overtime and an urgent search.
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>> we know we need more air traffic controllers. we're working hard to hire from a variety of sources and keep them moving through the training pipeline. >> reporter: yeah, that's the faa chief saying they're going on a hiring binge for air traffic controllers, essentially starting again in the spring and looking for anybody, if you know somebody coming out of high school or college who wants to go down that career path this may be something that may be interesting for them. back to you. >> we need them. tom, thank you. let's bring in bill karins, this wet weather could cause a lot of problems for holiday plans on the west coast, where are the storms now? >> reporter: unlike the big storm that we had on the east coast, this one is going to be more isolated to an area that's highly impacted but not widespread. it will remain off the coast, just south here of southern california, but this heavy band of rain has moved onshore. we're getting that heavy rain
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impacts. los angeles, thousands oaks, a couple of showers. later tonight, that's going to move towards santa barbara and malibu, the south-facing mountains that we're worried about, the storms are approaching from the south, i'm worried about the areas from oxnard, to malibu as we go through the overnight hours tonight into tomorrow. but 22 million are in flood watch. los angeles, it doesn't look like you're going to get the extreme high amounts of rain. same goes for san diego. but the really impactful stuff, where we can get mud and debris flow, this area here, in and around the malibu santa barbara areas. at least 3 inches. some areas could end up with 7, 8, 9 inches of rain. as far as timing, here's 5:00 p.m. this evening, it gets to l.a., kind of stalls and goes
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back towards the coast, tomorrow afternoon is the best chance for los angeles and then san diego, as we go throughout thursday night, friday morning, is your best chance of rain. by friday, we're all said and done with that storm. again, later tonight and tomorrow, if we're going to get those dramatic pictures that's when we'll see them. still ahead, about face, why still ahead, about face, why ri twhen my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪
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this is "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. we are in a micro-climate weather alert. if you have been outside in the bay area, you know the rain was coming down hard. it woke me up overnight. is it moving out now, this system? >> it's starting to take the counterclockwise spin and push on through the central coast and eventually down towards l.a. let's zoom on in and show you where the heavier pockets of rain are. parts of the east bay, concord, seeing the rain bands right now. through the south bay, we have been seeing rain push through morgan hill and letting up a bit over the santa cruz mountains. we just started with a wet day throughout the bay area. it's moving out now as we go into noon, late they are afternoon, we should see better clearing for the evening plans. getting a chance to go outside. by 3:00, 4:00, we see a break
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for almost everybody. i'm going for the north bay, peninsula and east bay. we will see this eventually make its exit out for thursday and on into the holiday weekend. we will be back with the extended forecast, the seven day in half an hour. >> thanks. this morning, the commute was rough for drivers. the rain and slick roadways made for dangerous driving conditions. bob redell is along 880 with updates. >> reporter: you can see northbound 880 is very wet. we know it's sometimes dangerous given the wet conditions. we don't have reports of serious weather related accidents. chp online reporting tool shows several minor accidents. solo spinouts and flooding in the road. there was mine esh flooding around 8:00 this morning in the south bay in the two right lanes of southbound 280 north of highway 17 in san low day. water appears to be a foot deep. i did check out that area around
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9:00 and the water was gone. perhaps a drain had been clogged and unclogged. chp is reminding us, don't be in a rush on your way in and out of work today. the roads are slippery. as i mentioned, potentially dangerous. give yourself extra time so you are not speeding to get to your destination. make sure you leave enough distance between you and the car in front of you. remember, the posted speed limit is the fastest you are allowed to go as long as the conditions are safe. in other words, 65 miles an hour might not be smart in this kind of weather. >> it's crazy out there. >> reporter: how so? >> driving like it's a normal sunny day. >> try to get up on time. i was late this morning to drop my wife off to work. >> reporter: did you have to speed? >> i made sure i didn't. i have my daughter in the car. >> reporter: smart man. another reminder for chp, if you come across standing water, or a
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large puddle in the road, don't drive through it. no matter how shallow you might think it is. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. here are other stories. rain in the bay area leading to fresh snow in lake tahoe. people are taking preparations to try to prevent flooding damage that happened last winter. travellers at sfo are dealing with the third straight day of delays. low cloud cover and fog led to 160 delays. the average wait time, an hour. right now, we see just over 100 delays due to this rain. it's better elsewhere in the bay area. just under 20 at oakland and san jose airports. along the peninsula, flood concerns are growing at people are filling up sandbags at a distribution site in belmont. many are worried about flooding or mudslides. parts were damaged last winter when rain led to the mudslides. that rain means snow at the higher elevations in tahoe.
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this is a warm system. they are not getting as much as they would like. there was fresh powder at palisades. the resort averages 400 inches of snow throughout the season. they are behind. december typically has the highest averages. the so-called california exodus is slowing down. this is from the state department of finance. california lost about 40,000 people between july of 2022 and july of 2023. that's compared to 100,000 between 2021 and 2022. 300,000 the first year of the pandemic. about 39 million people currently call california home. it's raining in california right now. get and track the radar on our nbc bay area app. it's free to download. it's free to download. i use it all the time. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid.
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bottom of the hour now, here are some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." two people are dead after a news helicopter crashed in new jersey, the pilot and photographer were returning from an assignment for philadelphia station wpvi, the cause of crash remains unclear. the federal aviation administration says it plans to investigate. an update for a story we brought you last week, the mother of a 10-year-old black child sentenced for urinating in
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public is refusing to sign the terms. the terms are similar to those prosecutors would demand of an adult. her lawyer has filed an a motion to dismiss that case. and a warning from doctors that it's nothing to sneeze at a man at uk pinched his nose and closed his mouth to hold in a sneeze end up in the hospital. they advise patients let that sneeze out. >> in the wise words of elsa, let it go. burst wind pipe. rite aid will be banned for five years for using artificial intelligence facial recognition technology. >> reached a settlement with the federal trade commission, the ftc says from 2012 to 2020 the company's surveillance system
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falsely identified some customers as shoplifters. nbc news technology jacob ward is following this story for us. what did the ftc uncover here and what is rite aid saying. >> reporter: basically the company contracted out facial recognition to a couple of other companies and according to ftc, things got out of hand really quick, people closely associated with this project in the past, you went through this database essentially spot repeat shoplifters and very politely approach them, may i help you? they would somehow be sort of embarrassed into leaving as well, instead things got out of hand. full of smartphone video and news clipgs and you had employees beginning to essentially improvise, embarrass
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them in front of friends, colleagues. rite aid looks at this and has said that it fundamentally disagrees with the ftc's finding that was a limited scope and happened across a handful of stores and they respect the ftc's inquiry the fact they have gone along with this. they'll be banned for five years, the first for tech and for the ftc. >> what does this settlement mean for facial recognition when it's used in other stores, in airports, we're seeing it everywhere we go. >> facial recognition is something that retailers are pulling away from this for being accused of discriminating. this is line in the sand about technology in general, that is
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basically the beginning of an era they'll won't allow companies to experiment with the technology. this eight-year episode of what the ftc said was a live experiment hoping to will be the last one of its kind. a texas high schooler has been suspended for a ask time over his dreadlock hair style. his attorney has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the texas governor. i spoke with him earlier this week about his experience. how has this experience felt for you? >> it's very stressful. because i'm trying to -- i'm trying to maintain being a student while also having to
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deal with this. why should i cut my hair for my education? my hair has nothing to do with my education. >> the school district's superintendent tells nbc the lawsuit is baseless and as the legal battle continues to play out in court. 18-year-old said he has no plans to cut his hair. as curriculum in classrooms nationwide comes under attack, an educational video series is raising new concerns, gaining a foothold in number of states but critics say the videos are just a tool to push a political agenda. here's antonio hylton. >> reporter: your kids may have seen these videos online. embrace the idea of being a wife or a mother. >> reporter: educational videos on everything from culture to history to climate. >> without fossil fuels much of world's population would starve to death in a year.
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>> reporter: this is prageru. a quote pro-american educational nonprofit with growing school partnerships in new hampshire, florida and colorado. according to the ceo, their videos are answer to an education system too focused on diversity and gender. in this los angeles studio, they used artists focused on american exceptionalism. >> they feel like they're serving on the front lines of saving the war of ideas in america. >> reporter: since the pandemic, prageru. said it's more than double revenue. the founder dennis prager has been a controversial radio show host for years. >> if you're spending a good part of the day teaching kids about preferred pronouns and other what we call woke issues, then you really are not teaching them. >> what i hear from teachers of
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every background they're slammed from block to block, they're underpaid, they're underappreciated, and they don't have time to talk about pronouns, gender theory, critical race theory -- >> i don't believe they're telling you the truth. i actually tell you they're lying to you. >> reporter: some teachers are using prageru. in the classroom. we watched the videos. here's first thing you need to know. >> reporter: a short history of slavery together. >> after centuries of human slavery, white men led the world in putting an tend the abhorrent practice. >> she's giving credit to white people for ending it before the acknowledgment of the pain that some of your students might actually know about it and feel in their families, right if. >> right, there's a loft content that we cover, but what we don't talk about is reality of slavery happening from the beginning of time to end of time. >> reporter: a few minutes down
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the road, family say the broader culture war playing out in schools is hurting teachers. >> we trust our people, right, we trust our educators, like we said, this is our community. >> reporter: we showed them some of their videos designed for kids. >> 300,000 union soldiers overwhelming white who died during the civil war. zoe is in fifth grade. >> the thing that i noticed was, no other culture did anything. no other culture died. no other culture tried to stop slavery. which i know that isn't true. >> that's extremely concerning to me, because so much inaccuracy with things. >> what would a good american education system look like to you in. >> in the 1930s, minus anything that was offensive --
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>> all the bad things going on -- >> minus the bad things. that's correct. >> reporter: a vision he's now trying to bring to schools nationwide. antonia hylton. much more of her reporting on meet the press reports wherever you stream. for millions of workers across the u.s., they're annual flexible spending account as known as fsa will likely expire at the end of this month. >> allows enrolled employees to use them for health-related costs. but according to data obtained and analyzed by money magazine, if, sa holders forfeited an estimated $7.2 billion between 2019 and 2020. brian cheung is here to hopefully help us not do that. a distinction between fsa and
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hsa. help us understand the difference between the two. >> squirrel money for any medical related expenditure. hsa is something you contribute to yourself, some differences with regards in how to use them. because we're getting to the end of the year. any sort of funds in a fsa as at the end of the year will be forfeited, anything in an hsa will roll over, that's understanding the distinction is very important. different contribution limits. fsa you can put more money in, hsa slightly less. >> speaking of those many billions what happens to that money that gets forfeited? does it go back to your employer? >> hsa rolls over. for fsa, the money gets sent back to your employer. one thing i want to draw a distinction with. hsas are things that can only be associated, sign up for one depending on the health insurance that you have. the fsa comes from your employer.
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>> that's your money from your salary that you tell your employer to hold for you. >> it's tax-free. in fsa. again, there are those rollover rules, by the way, there are some cases employer will allow a grace period after december 31st, but again it depends on the fine print, just read what your employer has told you. with regards to your fsa plan to understand the rules. >> always check the fine print. to that end, walk us through the full range of items and who does it cover. us, people in our family? >> there's an online store that you can use, things like a massage gun, you can use a compression pack, ear cleaners, pore release. it's not just doctor's appointments. you can check online with the store to buy those things. when it comes to buying for the
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family, if you can buy a massage gun for yourself, anyone can else can use that, too. you might as well use it. because if you don't. >> i had a friend buy an fsa gift one time. slow got me a heating pad. >> swag. >> so a lot of companies, we just did the open enrollment is it too late to sign up for fsa or hsa for 2024? >> a few moving parts. for the fsa, it depends on your open enrollment. mid-november to mid-december. you may have missed it. with the fsa you can enroll at any time. it depends on the health insurance that you have. does that plan make you eligible for fsa? the health insurance is something that you have to sign up for in open enrollment. once you have that you can sign up for the hsa at any point. >> as long as your open enrollment period is still open. >> again, may have missed the boat in some cases. the important thing to know is
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that once that enrollment comes around pick the plan that works best for you. contribute up to the limit annually to get the best tax advantage. >> super helpful, brian, thank you. up next, home for the holidays, how parents can reconnect with their college-age kids and help navigate s
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welcome back. to this cozy corner of our nbc news daily studio. look at homey and cozy this is, our names on the stockings. >> we got stockings, folks. in today's modern parenting, going home and getting cozy with your college students because many of them across the country are heading into winter break to come home and to see their parents. >> the reality could be skwus a tiny bit different than what you expect. joining us now is amy schmidt. let's talk about managing expectations. what should parents expect? >> thanks for having me. i love that cozy setting right there. some parents are having that nostalgia, my college kids is coming home, have matching sweaters and it's going to be like old times. but it's a change. they're independent, they're
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coming home and they haven't had curfews and rules. some discussions around the house. >> what are some tips for college students to ease back to that life at home that may involve curfews? >> you know, it's a great question, because the first thing we don't want to have an entourage of people at home. they come home and they're exhausted and they need to kind of unravel and just kind of their feet on the ground. you know they've been living in a digital world, seeing their friends and, you know, their highlight reels. let them ease into it. when it comes to, you know, what expectations are, we as parents have to lower ours a little bit because we know and i'm a parent, you want to spend all this time together and you've missed them, you want to fire rapid questions at them about how they're doing. the best thing to do is schedule some real quality time, some family time, sit down and say, hey, what are your expectations?
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what do you want to accomplish over these next six weeks? these are adult discussions. >> when these young adults return it's not easy to pick up where you left off, what are some of the things you can do with your kids, parents and kids to reconnect, how do you have those conversation starters? >> those conversation starters are such a good thing, you want to fire all these question at them. what we need to do is just have some open-ended questions, questions that stir emotions and they start stories. tell me about a time that you rally enjoyed something in your economics class. or a friend that you made that's made an impact. all of a sudden, they start to let their guard down a little bit and they start to feel more comfortable. consider where they're coming from, their views and opinions have gotten more mature and grown, and so schedule time with them. >> amy, i remember, i was
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telling to vicky, going home after college and my parents being like, where are you going? it's different. you've been independent. what's your advice to parents getting used to their kid's -- >> having these intentional conversationsened talking about, i have to go work tomorrow, mom and dad are still working. let us know what time you might be getting home, conversations like that, conversations around underaged drinking and things like that. we have to treat them like adults and say, listen, we trust you, we know you're responsible but here's what's going to happen under our roof. younger kids in the family that might be starting back at school right after first of the year and your college kids have three more weeks at home, we have to talk about schedules and routines and about chipping in for gas, putting some gas in the gas tank, you know being
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considerate, those are conversations you have to have. >> great practical tips, amy, in terms of having conversations, setting expectation and and just being candid from the outset that can avoid a lot of conflict when you're gathered around your fireplace. there's more news ahead. >> you're watching "nbc news daily". just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. wetjet is so worth it. love it, or your money back. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler,
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trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. looking for bladder leak protection designed for worry-free sleep? try poise overnight pads.
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with a 75% wider back poise's most absorbent pad provides up to 12 hours of protection to help you sleep worry free. try poise overnight pads. (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease to help you sleep worry free. or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪
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welcome back to the "the fast forward." i'm janelle wang. let's talk about the rain. it looks like we will start soon drying out. is that right? >> that's correct. hello, everybody. i wanted to give a recap of what we have seen so far. we started tracking this rain from about sunday until now. some places, it's letting up. some spots it's coming down. look how impressive over the santa cruz mountains. over seven inches of rain. up into parts of the north bay, santa rosa, almost five inches of rain. danville and redwood city, almost two inches. down in san jose, typical rain shadow affect from the santa cruz mountains, we are about an inch and a quarter. it's continuing to push on through, wrap around the bay area. zoom in on through, see where the heavier pockets of rain are. a little rain as you make your
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way into the interchange. heavier rain is out there. be careful. not only there but also up through the north bay. i have seen this cell hang around here. that could be some heavy downpours at this hour. if you hear thunder roar, go undoors. that could drop a lot of rain in the next couple of minutes. the santa cruz mountains are starting to let up. we see rain as you make your way up and down morgan hill, into gilroy. we will see it let up. it will continue to wrap around here, 2:00, 3:00 this afternoon. into the evening hours, it stays up towards the central valley. later tonight, we should see clearing. start off thursday with a bit of a cloud cover but more dry conditions, especially as we look forward to our holiday plans there. we are going to see the rain move down into southern
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california. the snow will eventually start to pile up as we go into next week. that's when our next storm system will come about. christmas eve and day look to be dry. >> thank you so much. we have more news. environmentalists are lawing waste water to be turned into drinking water. it was approved yesterday. the water district will follow strict rules. they will decide whether they want to participate in this program at all. this has been in the works for over a decade. now california becomes just the second state in the u.s., after
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let's look at our climate in crisis. mountainview received a top score for its work fighting climate change. it's one of 119 cities worldwide to earn an a score for its
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sustainability efforts and commitment to the environment. it's taking four times as many measures compared to a non-a list city. that includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, monitoring sea level rise and protecting local ecosystems. >> we are looking at nature based engineering solutions. we are restoring a former salt pond so we can work with nature to be prepared for sea level rise. >> other local cities to receive the top grade include san francisco, san jose, oakland and fremont. in the south bay, a tasty street fair. volunteers loaded up 2,400 tamales in san jose. they are taking them to half moon bay to hand them out to farm workers and their families. farm workers and their families. that's it i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
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and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. illumination. vision changes, or eye pain occur. here we go. ♪ and i remember thinking ♪ ♪ are we out of the woods yet? ♪ woo-hoo! this isn't about migration... it's about adventure. [ gasps ] you need a hug. can you let go now? do you feel better? no. then it hasn't kicked in yet. [ chuckling ] what is that? duck à l'orange. what's duck à l'orange? it's you... with l'orange on top.
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i'm craig melvin. and this is dateline daytime on nbc. vestigators brought somebody over to me, saying this is our violent crime advocate. i was steeling myself for it already because of the massive police presence. they said that they believed that he had been murdered. craig melvin: craig rideout, dad of seven, cared deeply about his kids. robbyn: he was a loving man, provider, warm. craig melvin: so it was puzzling and alarming when he vanished.


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