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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 24, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. it is sunday, december 24th, christmas eve.
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ahh. 7:00 on the dot as we look at christmas in the park in downtown san jose. thank you so much for starting your morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. and chilly out there. >> oh, yeah. definitely need to bundle up with that kaufman special right there, so just cozy up at home as we see what's going on. we're starting with the 30s in the valleys. good morning to you in livermore. a few high clouds in here in san jose. 40 degrees to start our sunday. but look at that dense fog over the bay bridge. there are some areas that are still sticking around with the fog. it should mix out and bring about a nice day for us. the only areas we want you to keep an eye on that are included in your holiday travel plans are down 99 or down the 5 into
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southern california. but we'll stay mostly dry and cool over the next couple of days. i want you to get out that rain gear after you open the presents. we are tracking our next storm come midweek. kira? we begin with the holiday scene in the center of san francisco, becoming the backdrop for a message, protestors demanding for a cease-fire in the east, some even scaling the christmas tree to put up signing, damaging some ornaments in the process. this on super saturday, the area packed with shoppers ahead of christmas day. at one point, police urging shoppers to stay away. as alyssa gourd reports, this was just one of several places where activiss demonstrated in the bay area. >> reporter: san francisco union square was packed with people celebrating the holidays, which is one of the reason why is a group of demonstrators came here calling for a cease-fire in gaza.
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several different groups took to the streets in san francisco saturday afternoon and evening. once again, calling for a permanent cease-fire in gaza. they started at market street, trying to send a message to people out christmas shopping. they note in the city of bethlehem in the west bank, the birthplace of jesus, many christmas festivities have been called off. >> more palestinian christians, we didn't feel like it was right to celebrate this christmas while our family members and our community in palestine is under bombardment and under military occupation. >> reporter: protestors tell us these demonstrations were peaceful. a video shows one person climbing the tree to post a free palestine sign. police say officers arrested several people for vandalism and assault. videos show protestors being
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taken into handcuffs by police, include thing person, this person, and this person. protestors then made their way to the tender loin, back to market, then back to county jail, calling for release of those arrested. visitors streamed in at union square. they say the demonstrators didn't disrupt their shopping plans. she says she plans to keep showing up at these protests. she worries for her family in gaza, who she has not heard from in a week and a half. >> they have come to accept that they are going to die. so i'm just praying for their safety every day. >> reporter: alyssa gourd, "today in the bay." police stid respond to us regarding the number of arrests yesterday. they arrested four protestors, one was a minor. charges rain from vandalism to assault on police officers and battery. the sfpd says the rest of the
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group cleared from union square once the arrests began. as the rest of us look forward to christmas day, people in the south bay are remembering the smallest victims of the israel-hamas war. the group set up this memorial with small shoes and pictures of some of the children killed in gaza. this happened yesterday in los gatos. at least 6,000 palestinian children have been killed since october 7th. some organizations putting the count as high as 10,000. many of the organizers are mothers themselves. >> the message i hope it conveys is that these children need us. we are their voice, and, again, regardless of where these children come from, they are our family. at the end of the day, palestinian, israeli, whatever your race, is we need to protect the children. >> more children have been
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displaced or lost a parent in the war. yesterday, joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the prime minister made it clear apparently that israel would continue the war against hamas until it's achieved all of its goals. the white house released a statement saying joe biden emphasized the critical need to protect the civilian population, and those supporting the humanitarian operations. we'll continue to follow this conflict 24/7 for any updates, go to our website, back here locally, belmont police are pleading for your help finding the suspect in a deadly hit and run. we told you about this first last weekend. it happened last friday, december 15th, on el camino real near harbor boulevard. police say a driver hit a 64-year-old man around 11:15 that night. we reported it the next day, but that man died in the hospital
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five days later. investigators now say they have identified this man as the suspect. he is 32-year-old william figueroa. police aren't sure where he is, so they are pleading for the public's help tracking him down. in newark, disturbing vandalism as a hindu temple. it was discovered friday on cedar boulevard. police say the vandalism was targeted and it is being investigated as a hate crime. now the u.s. state department is condemning the act and welcoming an investigation. congressman ro khanna, whose district includes newark, released a statement condemning the graffiti. it reads --
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turning now to a live look at our roadways. the area passed that holiday travel rush for now. if you are heading somewhere tomorrow, christmas day, aaa expecting the least amount of holiday traffic today and tomorrow morning. it is expected to pick back up on thursday and friday, when everyone begins returning home. thousands of people are still hitting the roads, though, and catching flights just before christmas. it's far more than last year. bay area airports are reporting a jump in holiday travelers. a 14% increase at sfo, and a 9% increase in san jose. and there were surprisingly few travel hiccups. >> reporter: the lines to check baggage and get through security
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have been short and quick, and flights have been mostly on time. even people with travel delays say flying has been a breeze, and nothing like last year. call it an early christmas present. >> i was really surprised walking in. i thought it would be a little more crowded. >> it is surprisingly empty. >> reporter: lines were long earlier this week, with an estimated 120,000 departing travelers, shuffling through san jose over the past seven days. and close to 500,000 going through sfo. saturday in san jose, it was a different story. >> maybe everybody planned ahead. >> reporter: travelers arriving from austin, texas, said it was a smooth scene back home. security was also faster than usual. >> they've done a couple things to make security a little smoother. like you didn't have to take all your electronics out of the bags, so they had it a little more streamlined. got in real quick. >> reporter: a travel tip to speed things up. tsa is advising travelers to use
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gift bags instead of wrapping gifts, in case one sets off an alarm. last christmas, southwest airlines suffered a system wide meltdown, leaving millions stranded during the holidays. that's what happened to kelly green's family in san diego. they never made it to their christmas celebration in the bay area last year. >> we waited in the airport for hours to get our luggage. >> reporter: she and her twins flew southwest again, and this time, got in early. >> exact opposite. so glad to be home for the holidays. >> reporter: in san jose, emma goss for "today in the bay." just shy of 7:10 on your sunday morning. still to come on "today in the bay," check out this winter wonderland. a bay area spot known for its holiday display. coming up, we talk with the homeowner who helps enghtenli
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welcome back. ahead of the christmas holiday tomorrow, kristen welker is
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hosting a special edition of "meet the press." today, she has enter views including actress selma blair. alison felix, the most decorated u.s. track and field record athlete of all time. and iranian american activist massi alinajad and her push for rights in iran and across the globe. >> coming up on "meet the press," meet the moment. conversations with people having an impact in washington and beyond. all ahead on a special edition of "meet the press." >> we hope you do join kristen for "meet the press." if you stick with us for "today in the bay," "meet the press" is on right after this news cast at 8:00 a.m. coming up in about 30 minutes from now, i have an interview with nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston. we'll take a look at friday's supreme court decision on former president donald trump's immunity from prosecution for
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the 2020 election interference and what happens next. happening today, a surprising closure announcement for one of san francisco's oldest candy shops. it is closing today. at least one location. the see's candies store will shut down today for good. the company did not say while this location is going out of business, but the 102-year-old company is not leaving the city entirely. it still has four other locations in the city, one on market, another on clement. the popular candy maker is based in south san francisco. two, one, ignition and liftoff. >> spacex launched a falcon nine rocket with two reconnaissances satellites for the german military in southern california.
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the flight was pushed back one day to allow for preflight checks. 2023 was a busy year for spacex, with 94 orbital missions launched so far. it was a first of its kind festival in the south bay. several filipino community groups held their inaugural holiday festival in san jose. the event featured live music, dancing, and traditional foods like ube pancakes. artists sold traditional bags of clothing, and right there you saw our very own audrey was there as emcee, celebrating what filipino from september to now. >> it's just nice to see and also, you know, we're teaching them our culture and traditions from back home. >> and christmas came a little
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early for the kids who were there. they all received toys that were donated by the toymaker funco. the holiday spirit is alive especially here in the bay area. i wasn't expecting that music but i'm loving it. neighborhoods all over celebrate in grand style and one east bay man is making it his purpose to track it for you. we>> reporter: hanging up the santa hat but not when it comes to his light display in nottingham circle here in livermore. they do have a website that alex has been running for 25 years. take a look at it on your screen. this is, a go-to place for people to logon to do find the best holiday displays, not only in the bay area but throughout the state of california. so alex is going to be retiring
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from the website. the website will live on. merry christmas. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the website, what's going on? >> well, i've taken it to its full maturity. i'm at the retirement age. i have grand children to take care of, and it takes up way more time than i can do. >> you're still going to do the lights? >> this display will continue on until the day i die. >> reporter: hopefully that's not any time soon. how many homes this year? >> about 300 homes. >> how do you get on the website? >> i get about 150 submissions every year, and about nine, maybe ten make it to the website. so what i want is i want people to be able to find the best christmas displays in their neighborhoods and in their hometowns. >> you guys started your display when? >> 1992 we started with just a few lights and a couple of things on the lawn. >> when did it get out of
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control? >> about 2004, 2005. >> about that. >> and why is this important? >> it's fun. maybe it's part of my addictive personality. i see things that i want to buy and i buy them and i go, this will look good. so we have tried to theme this place. it used to be a mishmash. now we have penguin island, the nativity area. on this side, we have the whimsical. >> the website is old school. you had to transition to l.e.d. how has that been for you, going from incandescent to l.e.d. >> it saved us a lot of money. when we were on incan decent, we had an $800 bill just for december. then it went down to $400 with l.e.d.
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and now pg&e pays us every year. >> your home here on nottingham circle is going to be up and running. i have to say, how do you guys compete with that? i mean, look at that. that is -- that is very intimidating. >> at least he doesn't have a sign over there that points over here and says ditto. >> merry christmas to you guys. thanks for having us. i love the snow, too. check it out. you can find their home right here in livermore. >> bob, you're the best. we have to thank that man for doing all the work for all of us. cinthia pimentel is joining us for a look at the forecast. it is not snowing. >> it's not in our forecast. we don't get that in california. but what we do get is fog out there this morning. so we have to watch for that. in some spots near san francisco
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over the bay bridge, the north bay coming in with some dense fog. so just watch that visibility on the roadways. bundle up as you are getting in the car to reach your holiday destination. 37 to start our day in walnut creek. low 40s down here in san jose. as we get through the morning, maybe you have some final errands to run, maybe you're heading out and about. we're still going to be in the 30s in the far north bay, down in the low 40s, down in the santa clara valley. we'll get more sunshine here as the day goes on, under some partly cloudy skies as we cool down just a touch from what we had yesterday. upper 50s and low 60s for our day today. but christmas day, here is where things will be very interesting. we'll warm it up, down through the south bay, as well as out there in santa cruz. upper 50s for our valleys through the tri valley and up into the north bay. we are going to keep it dry and cool for the 49ers tomorrow after. 5:15, we are going to keep it
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nice and cool. do bundle up, bring that new niners gear that santa will bring you tonight. things kl down into the 40s. tuesday, a little more cloud cover, a bit more moisture in the atmosphere and more winds coming in as we track the next rainmaker on wednesday. things change here as we wrap up 2023. i think by about mid morning hours, we should get into that activity on wednesday. further into parts of the bay area, by the afternoon hours, and through the sacramento valley and central valley, could see a few more heavier downpours. thursday will be the lull in between the rain, so giving you a chance to catch up. before we get into this on friday, that seems to bring early estimates a bit more rain to our estimates. so right now, the coastal mountains up there in the north bay, could be hit with one to three inches of rain. notice the dark purples and reds, while the rest of us get the lesser amounts, from half an inch to possibly three quarters of an inch of rainfall.
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enjoy the dry weather, be careful with the fog today and tomorrow morning. also bundle up, starting in the 30s and 40s for our christmas morning, unwrapping all the presents. hopefully you are asking santa for new rain boots, maybe some new windshield wipers. >> all right. cinthia. 7:21. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, steph curry and klay thompson returning as splash brothers, bringing the warriors
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good morning, everyone. holiday joy is spreading throughout dub nation. the warriors are above .500 for the first time in more than a month after their fifth win in a row. taking on portland, a cool
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moment before the game. players handing out gifts to kids battling illnesses and homelessness. klay thompson was feeling it. he scored 28 points, including 11 straight in the third quarter. that's when the splash brothers took over. they combined to score 22 points in the quarter. steph curry finished with 27. the warriors win 126-106. golden state will take plenty of momentum to denver for their christmas day showdown against the defending nba champs. >> it's going to be a great atmosphere. we've been in that environment before, so i understand what it's going to be like on the road. it's going to be fun to just compete. it's a test that's the next one on the schedule, too. so you kind of understand how they play and try to get the win. >> like the warriors, the 49ers will be working on christmas. they don't have much time to celebrate the holiday.
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they'll spend sunday night in a hotel. players must stay the night as a team. they can go home for a bit before the game, but most of them will be focused on their monday night showdown against baltimore. >> it's christmastime and stuff for family and friends, but at the same time, we all here understand we have to do our job and play. we have to do what it takes in terms of preparation, studying. >> we all love christmas, we all love spending time with families and all that. but we play on christmas this year. it is what it is. we'll take care of business. the niners take on the ravens monday night. kickoff is set for 5:15 p.m. on the ice, the sharks north of the border to take on vancouver. third period, jacob mcdonald lights the lamp. that makes it a one-score game. but the canucks answer less than two minutes later. then add an empty netter. vancouver wins 7-4.
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in the red zone, 1st and 10. back on the ground they go. conley, and he's in there! we got a ball game in honolulu! >> san jose state with a fourth quarter rally to cut coastal carolina's down to three. but the answer was an outstanding one-handed touchdown cass. coastal wins 24-14 in the hawaii bowl. that's a look at sports. i'm anthony flores for "today in the bay." 7:26 right now. still to come on "today in the bay," pro-palestinians demonstrating in san francisco yesterday, making their demands for a cease-fire heard and taking over the holiday shopping rush in union square. and managing holiday stress. expert advice on how to beat expert advice on how to beat what some find are negative
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good morning. it is sunday, december 24th, christmas eve. and christmas in the park, as you take a live look outside. thanks to our photographer there daniel on the ground. if you're out there, say hi to him. it is 7:29 on this christmas eve. we appreciate you starting your morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at the forecast. definitely a chilly one out there, so hopefully people asked santa for some coats. >> those ugly christmas sweaters, you need those today to continue the christmas spirit as we take a look at what's happening here in the bay area but out towards the rest of the country. if you have any final travel plans. we'll stay dry out here in, but cool in the deserts. in the upper midwest, this system will push on through into parts of the east as we go into tomorrow. so watch for those delays.
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now, if you are staying local here today and tomorrow, watch out for things along the immediate coastline. we have the high tides returning, but also dangerous conditions out towards the beaches. so if you decide to venture out there with the family, keep an eye on the kids and pets. ask santa claus for sweaters, rain gear, everything. we are tracking our next rain midweek. kira? >> cinthia, thanks. taking a live look outside right now, it looks pretty good except for the fact that you can't see the bay brigitte's so foggy out there. but airports and freeways are past the holiday travel rush. you can see out there flowing pretty freely. aaa says if you still need to get to your christmas day destination, there will be the least amount of traffic today and tomorrow. if you happen to be renting a home for the holidays, airbnb is making some changes they say to make sure everyone makes it safely into the new year.
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kris sanchez is in our newsroom. in this case, we're talking about a new crackdown on parties. >> reporter: airbnb has been cracking down for about three years now, but now they will be doing it with artificial intelligence. airbnb tells us that with ai, they can block bookings that look leak they're intended for house parties. in addition to considering the length of the rental and the type of the property, ai will be able to sift through hundreds of other criteria that could point to a possible party plan. the goal is to avoid tragedies like the 2019 shooting in arinda where five people died in a mass shooting. and in sunnyvale, another house party resulted in the parents of a young man who was killed suing the property owner. that property owner reportedly never sought the proper permits to run a short-term rental. that parent is also suing airbnb for negligence saying it should
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have been never listed for rent. airbnb is increasing its party crackdown, putting restrictions on short-term rentals between one and three days, making people confirm that they understand the anti-party policy, and offering hosts free noise sensors and support line for the neighbors. some have been in effect since 2020 and have resulted in nearly 64,000 blocked bookings in the u.s. more than 13,000 blocks in the uk. and 5400 blocked bookings in australia. people who violate the rules risk getting blocked from the site sometimes for good. while some airbnb hosts have complained that legitimate bookings are getting blocked, the company says it's putting the focus on safety. all right, kris sanchez for us this morning. thanks. now back to our continuing coverage of the israel-hamas war, and new this morning, the israeli military today says that more than a dozen soldiers were
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killed in combat in the gaza strip this weekend. video released by the israeli military "today" showing troops operating in destroyed areas of the gaza strip. of course, it started when hamas led militants stormed communities in southern israel on october 7, killing 1200 people and taking 240 people hostage. the war has devastated parts of the gaza strip. estimates are more than 20,000 people have been killed. some nearly 85% of gaza's people have been displaced. video released by the israeli military "today" showing troops again operating in destroyed areas of gaza. in san francisco yesterday, several were protesting, calling for a cease-fire in gaza, and a few of them were arrested yesterday after police say they committed assault and vandalism. video from the citizen app shows one person climbing the 80-foot
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tree at union square, posting a free palestine sign on top. at least three people here can be seen on video taken into handcuffs by police. protestors we spoke with say people who were arrested were protesting peacefully. and the group demonstrated outside of a police precinct and the jail afterwards calling for their release. this was all part of a larger effort across the country called "no christmas as usual." >> we didn't feel like it was right to celebrate this christmas while our family members and our community in palestine is under bombardment and military occupation. >> san francisco police responded to us regarding the number of arrests during yesterday's rally, saying they arrested four protestors. one of those people was a minor. their charges will range from vandalism to assault on a police officer and battery. the sfpd says the rest of the
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group cleared once the arrests began. in the south bay yesterday, demonstrators held a memorial honoring the smallest victims in gaza. while official counts differ, at least 6,000 palestinian children have been killed since october 7th. some organizations putting the count as high as 10,000. demonstrators set up this small memorial near main street in santa cruz in los gatos. >> the message i hope it conveys is these children need us. we are their voice, and, again, regardless of where these children come from, they are our family. at the end of the day, palestinian, israeli, whatever your race is, we need to protect the children. >> many more children have been displaced or have lost parents in the war. yesterday, joe biden spoke
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with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. netanyahu apparently made it clear to biden that israel would continue the war against hamas until it achieves "all of its goals." the white house released a statement saying joe biden emphasized the critical need to protect the civilian population and those supporting the humanitarian aid operation. although on his way to camp david yesterday, biden said he did not talk to netanyahu about a cease-fire. we'll continue to follow this conflict 24/7. for any updates, go to our website, in florida, police are searching for a gunman who opened fire in a busy shopping mall yesterday, killing one man and injuring a woman. police say it happened at the paddock mall in ocala. they believe it was a targeted shooting. the mall was evacuated and searched but the gunman got away. police have recovered a gun that
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they believe was used in the shooting. turning now to tesla, recalling more than 120,000 vehicles over doors that failed to comply with u.s. government regulations. tesla acknowledged the affected doors can be unlocked during a crash, which would cause the door to unlatch and open. that would incross the risk of injury. affected vehicles include models s and x. manufactured from years 2021 through 2023. tesla said it was not aware of any injuries as a result of the issue as of december 14th. as a remedy, tesla is releasing an over the air software update free of charge. owner notification letters are expected to be sent out in february. all right. we all have an issue of managing holiday stress, especially parents at this time of year and dealing with family drama. marcus washington has some expert advice on how to beat what some find are negative
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mental health impacts from the pressures of the holidays. >> 'tis the season. but sometimes it is a stressful one for sometimes. the american psychiatric association finding that 44% are quited to see friends and family. but nearly 30% feel feeling more stressed than usual. about 20%, it's stress about money spent on gifts. and there are ways to give a free gift of kindness. >> maybe this isn't the season to chastise something about why they still haven't picked a major, why they still haven't gotten married or haven't brought grand kids to the party. it doesn't mean there's never a good time to have those kind of conversations, but because we've been separated for so many years, because of some of the public health things we've been dealing with, let's just find the joy of being together. >> yes, joy of being together. i love that. so look, the national crisis
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health line is always available. just text 988 to chat anonymously. for stories like this, join us monday through friday on "today in the bay" starting at 5:00 a.m. and we are on 24/7 on roku and other streaming platforms. happy holidays, kira. >> thanks, marcus. at 7:39, still to come on "today in the bay," get ready to meet the world's furriest ecosystem. beavers being released into the wild. coming up, the environntalme
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on this christmas eve, let's get a check of the microclimate forecast. if you are heading out this morning to make it to your holiday destination, bundle up
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in the car andsfourougoutnto valley or maybe you're heading down to southern california to find a little more the scenic route, once we mix out of this fog this morning, temperatures across the state, if you are heading up north, just a few sprinkles towards the nor border as we see a system impacting the northwest. we'll do low 50s and 60s here in the bay area, and out towards the desert. 70 degrees in palm springs. that looks like a very nice afternoon to hang out with loved ones. as we get ready for santa later tonight, maybe you have some lights you want to see, things you want to do. it will be a chilly night around the bay area. looking at 45 in san jose, as we get through 9:00, 10:00 this evening. it will be a chilly christmas morning. bundle up with the ugly christmas sweaters with the
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nice, cozy throe blankets. upper 30s in the north bay. 43 in hayward. 41 in mountain view, and 30s and 40s through the santa clara valley. a little more warmth tomorrow afternoon. looking at lows to mid 60s for the south bay.60s for everybody. once we stay dry through christmas afternoon, could see a chance of maybe a few sprinkles way up to the north as the system tries to approach and move down south. i think the biggest rainmaker will be on wednesday, early on into the day, bringing mountain snow. that will be very beneficial. things turn breezy, and this system, second one is set to come about on friday. we have a couple of days to prepare for this. we are keeping an eye on those snow levels because the models are pushing back on how many inches we could be getting up there on the local level through the higher elevations. so we fine tune those details.
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seven-day forecast here, over the next couple of days, watch out for the morning fog, the chilly temperatures, and then we'll need to clear the gutters, make sure that the storm is ready for us, because we're going to be prepared with this seven-day forecast as we keep things cool in san francisco, and watch for that first round of rain wednesday. the second one coming about friday and on saturday. >> all right. good to have that warning, good to have that warning, cinthia.
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♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company welcome back. turning now to our climate in crisis. they are back where they belong. that's what california department of fish and game is saying after releasing a family of beavers back into the wild for the first time in 75 years, and it's the first time they have done it in conjunction with local native tribes. it happened earlier this month. they say that building dams, beavers can help prevent
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erosion, provide habitat for many species and help mitigate wildfire and drought. we spoke to one professor who says beavers are second only to humans in their ability to modify their habitat surrounding them. >> that keeps that whole wetland environment in tact and fireproof, so it provides habitat for beavers and other things during droughts and fires, fish, birds, amphibians, they can hunker down and be safe during these climate events. >> the animals are wasting no time getting to work. scientists are monitoring data that can help them prepare for larger scale projects. if you would like to learn more about our climate in crisis and solutions you can take, go to on friday, the u.s. supreme court rejected special counsel jack smith's request to decide whether former president donald
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trump is immune from prosecution for actions he took as president while challenging his 2020 election loss. a district court judge ruled that trump is not immune and must face the charges, but trump is arguing to the court of appeals that, as president, he was immune. the supreme court justices on friday said they might consider that immunity question, but only after a decision by the court of appeals. i spoke with nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston about why this case is so important. >> it's really about whether he can be tried, in other words, not immune. he says he is, right? because as president. now, the key here is march 4th. it's all about timing right now. march 4th is the scheduled date of the trial. why is that important? well, because the prosecution wants to get this thing rolling as quickly as possible. trump now, in his appeal, is doing something quite traditional by the way.
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it's common place for somebody who loses in district court to appeal then to the court of appeals, which has several judges. if there's still a dispute, it goes to the supreme court. but of course, it's going to take time here for this case to go through the appeals and get to the supreme court. >> is that the problem? what is the problem i should ask of allowing the case to go through the traditional appeals route? >> here's the story. we never know how long an appeals court is going to take. already, we have the appeals court setting up a date hearing arguments. of course, any side can make motions. for example, i expect the trump tome to say wait a second, we don't think this appeals court is going to be without bias, because it's right in the d.c. area. we want a change of venue. that's an example. these motions can go on and on, and it could be perhaps a year or more before all the dust is settled at the appeals court level. that's a lot of time for that court to go by.
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so this really is important for the trump team. get this thing delayed as much as possible. the prosecution wants to move it along as quickly as possible. >> because theoretically it could affect the candidacy of trump becoming the next president or not. >> that's right. that's where it gets really dicey. if this thing is delayed too long, it gets close to the election. typically, cases like these are not done close to the election. that means it could be kicked over to after the election. now, there are a couple of things that come out of that. people would have an opportunity to decide how they feel about this candidate or the others for that matter, because there won't be any resolution, and the other thing is, if former president trump should regain his office, he has already said in so many words he'll going to wipe away all those cases. he'll talk to his attorney general and say, we're going to dismiss the cases against me and
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all of the others associated with this case. that's a very real possibility. we don't know then what the courts would do in that kind of a situation. it's uncharted territory. we have heard that term so often, but it's uncharted territory, and it would lead the whole nation in a lurch until there is a resolution. >> we know you'll stay on top of it for us, larry. thanks for the look at that. we hope you have happy holidays. good to see you. >> good to see you, kira. it is 7:51. up next, a look at the top stories we are following, including making their voices heard. pro-palestinians calling for a cease-fire, choosing union cease-fire, choosing union square a theirs
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welcome back on this christmas eve. here is a quick look at the top stories we are following on this sunday morning, including in san francisco yesterday, where people were busy holiday shopping in union square. but pro-palestinians were calling for a cease-fire in the middle east. it was all part of a larger effort across the country called "no christmas as usual." video on the citizen app shows one person climbing the 80-to the tree at union square to post a free palatine sign. at least three people can be seen taken into hand cuffs by police. protestors say their friends who were arrested were demonstrating
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peacefully, so they took their demonstration to the jail, calling for their friends' release. >> we didn't feel like it was right to celebrate this christmas while our family members and, umm, our community in palestine is under bombardment and under military occupation. >> san francisco police responded to our request confirming they arrested four protestors, one of whom was a minor. charges range from felony vandalism to an assault on a police officer and battery. turning back now to the holiday rush, bay area airports and freeways passed the holiday travel rush. you can see our free throwway is pretty open right now, but aaa says there will be the least amount of traffic today and tomorrow. it's expected to pick back up thursday and friday when everyone returns home. but let's not think about going home just yet. let's think about santa. many of us are awaiting his arrival.
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you can track the busy christmas eve schedule right now. the north american aerospace defense command, or norad, is over vietnam. our producer, dana, is tracking him by the minute. norad can stay locked in. my sons are going to want to download that app today. and they will be glued in front of that all day. cinthia has one last check of the forecast, as santa has a little more than 12 hours before hitting our microclimate. >> oh, yeah. he's going to have to watch out for the fog later on this afternoon into tonight, as we will be waking up with some of it around the bay area. but i want to get everybody a check of that niners forecast. it's a pretty big game. we're going to be here with your forecast through the afternoon. it's going to be cloudy and chilly in the 50s. so maybe santa will bring you some nice new niner gear. hopefully santa is bringing you some new windshield wipers, a
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new pair of rain boots. after this cool, dry weather for the holidays, we are going to turn it over to cloudy, breezy days ahead as we go into wednesday. and the last couple of days of 2023. so you're going to need that push and that energy over the final days of the year to get through this rain. that second storm will come about as we go into friday and on saturday. >> and then saturday is just the day before newier -- new year's eve. so we'll have to stay tuned to see what sunday has in store. thanks to all of you for making a part of your christmas eve morning. more local news for you tonight at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00 and alwa on atys
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8:00 am
this sunday, meet the moment conversations with people who are having an impact on washington and beyond.


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