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tv   Today  NBC  January 1, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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first aid, waiting for paramedics to arrive. unfortunately, when the paramedics did arrive, they stated this man was dead. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." we're going to take a big turn to the forecast and kari. >> yeah, we are seeing the sunshine in the forecast today, with rain returning tomorrow. i'll be tracking that with the latest. the "today" show is just ahead. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. watch our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. you can also see it online at or on our smartphone app. >> that's what's happening "today in the bay." the "today" show good to see you and happy new year >> it's january 1st. this is "today".
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turning the page an evening of fun, fireworks and music ushering in the arriva of a brand-new year and all the promise and potential it holds today, monday, january 1st, 2024 ♪ from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody good morning welcome to "today. break out the electric guitars, y'all. this is 2024. >> happy new year! >> hard rock 2024. >> how we feeling about 2024 >> it's going to be a great year. >> let's start an air band what do you think? >> i think we could do that. >> on the heels of a new christmas song >> the first day of the year is great for a couple things, looking back on the old and looking ahead to what the new year holds this morning, we are going to be doing both. >> we are. we will set the stage for a busy year in politics, dominated, of
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course, by the presidential race we'll also dive into the year in your health, money, hollywood, and more >> we will also take time to a morning's top stories. joe fryer is in this morning and happy new year. >> and happy new yea celebrate all the fun times we had way back in 2023. first, let's get a check of the morning's top stories. joe fryer is in this morning happy new year. >> happy new year, guys. and happy new year to all of you. we want to begin with breaking news a series of powerful earthquakes struck central japan overnight triggering tsunami warnings. it knocked out power to tens of thousands of homes the largest quake reaching a magnitude of 7.5 a video posted on social media showed a train station shaking and losing power the quake also disrupted travel in the area with some flights being re-routed and train service suspended. turning to the middle east where tensions over the israel-hamas war have spread to the red sea, threatening an important shipping route
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the u.s. navy sank three houthi rebel boats on sunday. josh lederman is in tel-aviv good morning >> reporter: good morning. and happy new year this is a very volatile situation that is escalating very quickly the u.k.'s military is threatening to take direct military action against the houthis in yemen now, president biden is under a lot of pressure to do the same so the iran-backed houthis in yemen are saying they are targeting israeli ships in solidarity with the palestinia people, but they are attacked -- attacking the ships with no connection to israel four houthi ships attacked a container boat the u.s. navy sunk all three boats, killing everyone on board. this red sea crisis has been fueled by the israel-hamas war israel rang in the new year with a barrage of rockets from gaza that exploded in the skies here in tel aviv. hospital officials say dozens were killed yesterday in israeli
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strikes in central gaza. israeli prime minister netanyahu has been warning the war will go on for many months, but he is also facing growing concern froa so that israelis should live there, but the jordanians and egyptians have said that is unreasonable. and the palestinians say they will not be displaced. >> thank you, josh. meanwhile, revelers from coast to coast stayed up past their bedtimes to ring in the new year. and now we go to george soli good morning. >> reporter: hey, joe. good morning happy new year to you. the clean up all but done this hour, still under way in some pockets here it was quite a night of celebration. more than a million revelers packing times square for this annual tradition around the world, there were amazing displays of lights and
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fireworks as cities around the world turn the calendar to 2024. like in sydney, australia, where a dazzling fireworks show astounded the folks there at the iconic bridge and sydney opera house. the city deploying more police than ever. and fireworks illuminated the sky in hong kong london promising the largest display ever of more than 12,000 fireworks, stunning to view. in paris, the city of lights, ushering in 2024 with a tribute to the upcoming summer olympics. more than 800,000 people there packing the streets. here in new york, many revelers arriving here early. the police keeping security in mind, staying here until all that confetti was picked up, joe. >> love those images from around the globe. thank you so much. we'll check back reqwith you inh next half hour your forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds.
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(woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get one point nine percent apr financing on select new 2024 outback models during the subaru share the love event. happy new year to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with patches of fog, but we're headed for sunshine for today. our temperatures reach into the low 60s and rain coming back tomorrow, mainly during the afternoon into the evening, and continuing into wednesday. thursday is looking mostly dry at this point. another round of rain in our thursday to saturday forecast, and our temperatures will be cooler as well, with highs in the upper 50s. expect it to be overall a nice
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that's a look at your news and weather. now back to you in 1a. happy new year. >> all right, joe. thank you very much. on this first day of the year, we are looking ahead to what you can expect in 2024. we brought in experts to cover everything from your health to your money to entertainment. but let us start with politics the first contest in the presidential race now just two weeks away kristin welker is moderator of "meet the press. good morning happy new year. >> happy new year. good to see you. >> this is the year. 2024, we have been talking about it the presidential race, we'll have the first votes cast in a few weeks now. where do things stand on the republican side? >> it's a great question, savannah things stand with former president donald trump solidifying his lead as the gop frontrunner. we have seen nikki haley, ron desantis really duke it out for second place but trump still seems to have the momentum, despite his indictments, despite some of his really controversial language. so i think here is the big
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question that we're watching for in 2024: does the field start to narrow and whenn't have a good showing, do you look at dropping out? i will be looking at the you have to think, if you are a chris christie, vivek ramaswamy, if you don't have a chance in the early states, you may drop out. if christie drops out, does he endorse haley? it could make a difference around the edges, but trump is heading into 2024 strongly >> a lot of people thought if i could just get to a one-on-one with former president trump, then we have a chance. right now it seems as if he's got a lock on this. >> it does and that scenario you talk about, that one-on-one just hasn't materialized. guess when we saw this the last time in 2016 when it was a crowded field and it paved the way for former president trump in the primary, we have seen his four indictments, the fact he hasn't participated in any of the four debates only helped to solidify his lead.
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what happens as we get later into the season, though? his court cases will start, including in march, the day before super tuesday, he has, potentially, a big court case about his election interference. could that start to make a difference with moderate independent voters if he is the nominee? >> let's talk about president biden. he's the incumbent he has all those advantages. but polls show him neck in neck in the general election matchup, a rematch of 2020 with donald trump. >> that's right. democrats are on fire heading into this new year in the form of the polling that you just mentioned. the fact that president biden is trailing former president trum in some of the key battleground states and with some of his key groups, savannah with black voters, latino voters, younger voters what needs to happen obviously, there are concerns about his age. there are also concerns about the economy. yes, inflation has gotten better, but americans say they don't feel it. i'm told he may shift his strategy, draw a sharper contract to president trump in
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the new year and talk about the economy differently. >> happy new year. appreciate it. hoda, over to you. a new year means a new chapter for the economy.h the economy and what about the new year of 2024. and christine romans is here. break it down in english. and the word recession kept coming up and here it come, and what is going to be? >> 2023 was supposed to be the year of the recession, but it is th 2023 was full of unexpect resilience you start this new year with the resilience still, you know, the wind in our sails here for the economy. inflation is going down, but it is still above the fed's 2% target interest rates are still something we will be closely watching this year the fed raised interest rates all last year. there are three things that could happen they could do nothing and keep rates high here. they could cut rates later in the year if the economy starts to slow. if they get spooked about inflation, rates could raise
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again. >> what about the housing market, what do you expect for 2024 >> a lot of it depends on the fed and those interest rates but most people i talk to think you are going to unfreeze this frozen market. first-time home buyers have not been able to get in. most people have a mortgage under 5%, so they're not going to get a mortgage at 8% if they don't have to. that will probably loosen up this year. you can probably see mortgage rates drift down a little bit here the national association of realtors expects home sales to pick up. we're expecting the frozen housing market to thaw a bit >> let's talk about the stock market pull out the tea leaves. people may invest in it. or maybe their retirement is invested in it. what are your thoughts on that >> yeah, we're all exposed to it because even if you are not a big investor, you probably look at a company that is looking at what happens to its stock. last year was a very good year for the stock market, defying all of the recession odds. something like 18% or 19% in the s&p 500.
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on average it's usually like 10% a year, so it was a very good year in the stock market i think you'll watch tech and artificial intelligence. of the economy. >> and lastly, job market, the numbers are very goo >> a lot of investment and excitement around that part of the economy. >> let's talk about the job market those numbers have been pretty good for 2023. you expecting that to continue >> they have been good but slowing. that's been -- it's like a goldilocks situation it is strong but cooling it is exactly what the federal reserve wanted to see. it was raising those interest rates to try to cool things down in the economy, to cool off that inflation, so a slowing jobs market is what you want to see you don't want it to stop or stall here, so we will watch that closely last year, about more than 2.5 million jobs created in any given year, that would be very, very good. you probably won't see that this year, but it will still be robust. >> i know you will be following all of it. christine romans, happy new year savannah, over to you. >> okay. we will move on to your health now 2023 was a big year for medical breakthroughs.
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so what to expect this year. for that answer, we welcome in medical contributor dr. natalie azar, who brought her crystal ball this morning. hello. >> yeah. >> we know what the 2023 story was, weight loss drugs. >> yeah. >> how do you expect this to go forward? i mean, i can assume they'll continue to be popular >> the story will continue through 2024 jpmorgan, the end of last november, gave us a forecast for the industry that is going to exceed $10 billion by the end of this decade. so we're watching a couple of things one really important one is will these medications, ozempic, will they be available in pill form there are a lot of people needlw phobic just this past december, pfizer pulled one of its oral candidates because people couldn't tolerate it they'll still working on another one that's once a day. both lily and nordis have two of their candidates in late stage clinical trials in pill form
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the other thing we're watching with this is cost and perception cost, as we know, is incredibly high the drug makers want to change the perception that these medications are only for cosmetic purposes. they really want to demonstrate they reduce cardiovascular risk, leading to a change in private insurance coverage, and people can access these for much, much less than they're going for with the market prices. >> pill form would probably be cheaper, too >> to manufacture, you got it. >> you are expecting breakthroughs in dementia. >> yes we talk about the treatment of alzheimer's all the time 6.5 million people live with alzheimer's. the projection is that number will double. we have a new medication that you take twice a month the same maker of that medication has the same candidate drug in subcutaneous injection form that will transform the market if that can be available there are other drugs in the market nearing that end stage where we really want to see
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outcomes these are medications reducing amyloid plaque in the brain and showing a lot of promise. fingers crossed we get new approvals this year, as well >> i have about a minute i want to get to this. cancer vaccines. >> last year we had a big boom for cancer vaccines in melanoma. there was a moderna and merck vaccine that showed taking this cancer vaccine in addition to standard of care reduced the recurrence and death in melanoma by about 44% we have another mrna vaccine for pancreatic cancer and other cancer vaccines for o'vvarian ad head and neck. it is changing the landscape of cancer treatment >> yeah. and christine mentioned a.i. >> the fda approved 350 software programs for ai. the american medical association released a report for equity, transparency guidelines for ai.
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we know that ai can absolutely enhance diagnostic accuracy, patient outcomes but there needs to be governance and this is what the medical for, and it can translate into big advancements for patients and providers as well. >> natalie, happy new societies are hoping for certainly, we hope it will, you know, translate into big advancements for patients and pro providers, as well >> happy new year. >> happy new yeaar to you, as well >> craig, to you. >> all right, savannah thank you. 2024 going to be a big and busy one in the world of sports. a lot of big events to look forward to, including, of course, the paris olympics here to break it all down is the busiest man in sports, mike tirico >> happy new year. good to see you, pal. >> happy holidays to you so let's start there first olympic since the pandemic huge for our company, of course, as well. what can folks expect? >> paris, we'll just start there. we'll have all the stars of the team usa but paris will be one of the stars. we will have a lot of the events
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happening at the icon spots. the eiffel tower we can go on and on. paris will be one of the stars, and we need that for the games. >> terms of the athletes themselves, it would seem as if the g.o.a.t. is going to be back simone biles will be there i know at her age she is considered elderly in gymnastics but it seems like she's probably been the best she's ever been. >> young for the best of us. but simone is married to jonathan owens who plays for the green bay packers. watching them play earlier, i visited with simone. she's excited about the comeback in 2023 and the chance after tokyo, which didn't go the way she had hoped, to maybe go out in the style that the greatest of all time should go out, winning gold medals. she'll have a great chance. looked good at the worlds in 2023 >> gymnastics will have simone the pool looks like we'll have katie ledecky again. an and caeleb dressel. >> he dipped his toe in the
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water. but the katie ledecky story is so good. she's been so good for so long if she wins the gold in the 800 meter and she's the favorite, then she'll win that event four times. gold medal four times in the same event no woman has ever done that int there, and kat the history of the olympics. there is a lot of history out there for a lot of folks, katie at the top of the list >> team usa men's basketball we don't know the team just yet, but it seems as if we are going to have the dreamiest of dream teams in paris >> the re-dream team guys are talking lebron, i think, put out word very subtly, let's get the band back together. you may see lebron kevin durant, who we have seen before steph curry, who has never had the chance to play in the olympics but desperately wants to plus, the young players like joel embiid. the re-dream team may bring the band together for a little run in paris, which would be pretty sweet. >> before paris, of course, the super bowl >> yeah, that thing. >> coming up in a few weeks in february. >> yeah. >> vegas at this point in the season, it is hard to tell, but who does mike tirico like >> we've gone through a good
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part of the season and seen the teams who can do it under pressure, on the road, in the super bowl the nfc, you're looking at san francisco, dallas, philadelphia. afc, baltimore, lamar jackson has a terrific season. the ravens, miami. but kansas city is close to your heart. i know how much your son loves mr. mahomes. >> yes. >> the chiefs have the pieces, no matter if they have to go on the road, to make the run. >> it'll be a good year. busy year. >> let's go. >> that's true still ahead here, with a fresh slate of vacation days for 2024, time to start planning the next trip perhaps. we will break down the hottest destinations and the hottest travel trends. plus, a lot for hollywood to be excited about this year, from the iconic franchises to superheros, animated fun for your whole family. all the films and shows that will be enjoyed in 2024. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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still ahead, the calendar now reads 2024, but we are not done with the old year >> get ready to smile and laugh as we look back at the fun we had. there was a lot of it in 2023. but, first, a quick check of these messages ♪ exactly 12:00 at night welcoming in the new year ♪ ♪ new year's eve ♪ in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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francisco's treasure island. it happened a few minutes after the conclusion of new year's eve fireworks, the official ones in san francisco. >> police say one man died from his injuries he suffered after a firework, which one witness described to us as a mortar, detonated near an apartment complex at exposition and gateview drive, it happened a little after 12:30 this morning. witnesses tell us concerned neighbors had just asked the group of people to stop firing explosives. san francisco police so far not commenting a lot about what witnesses say was a shooting a little after midnight on market street near the tenderloin. video shows a woman being treated and loaded onto a gurney near market and jones. that's where witnesses say the woman's car came to a stop. police at the scene told our photographer is victim had been shot in her car a short distance from there. a big turn now to the forecast on this first day of the year. meteorologist kari hall. >> it's going to be a great day.
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we're starting out with some patches of fog, but once that clears out, we have sunshine and near normal temperatures, in the upper 50s and low 60s. but we are getting ready for some rain and that's going to be coming in tomorrow. first starting out with some light showers tomorrow morning, a break by late morning, and then heavier rain moving in late tomorrow evening, and continuing into wednesday. so we are going to see some wet weather ahead, dry on thursday, and then another storm system moving in on friday. we'll be tracking all of this with the latest and the details on our website, happy new year.
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christmas for people everywhere ♪ ♪ a christmas
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merry christmas ♪ ♪ la-la-la-la christmas ♪ ♪ merry christmas from hoda and jenna ♪ >> remember when the gingerbread dropped the mic on you guys? one of the many highlights from the year that was hoda and jenna's live christmas performance. probably still climbing up the charts >> we will have so much more of the fun we had in 2023 coming up but right now, we will continue to look ahead to what we can expect in 2024. craig? >> thanks, guys. if you have the itch to travel, after all spring break will be here before we know it, vicky nguyen is here to help with the top trends in travel for the new year happy new year, my friend. >> happy new year. >> let's start with the domestic destinations in 2024 where are folks looking to go? what are some of the top spots >> yeah. hopper compiled a list of the most watched destinations on their site los angeles, las vegas on this always honolulu, hawaii, of
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course miami and orlando. internationally, people really want to go to cancuncana in the they're watching air fares and hotel fares there. rome, london, tokyo also popular. this year punta cana in the dominican republic as well. >> i've been to punta cana a couple times great spot events 2024. there's a lot happening. what are the top events? >> we have to talk about the summer games, craig. >> of course. >> everybody has eyes on paris euro monitor predicts 3 million people will descend on the city of lights for the summer games it will be epic. set your calendar for april 8th. we will experience a full solar eclipse. i want to show you a map the last time this happened was 2017. >> i remember it >> it'll happen april 8th of 2024 there is this path of totality that stretches from austin, texas, to different spots al across sort of a diagonal path all the way up to vermont. you have arkansas, dayton, ohio. these are places where you will
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see the complete eclipse meaning the moon will obstruct the view of the sun. do you remember these glasses? >> i do. >> people were selling these online for crazy amounts of money. hopefully you can get these now. don't suffer through the price gouging. >> i didn't know we were getting an eclipse this year that's big news. >> exciting. >> air travel. in terms of airline trends in 2024, what are we looking at with regard to flights >> hopper predicts the flights will drop 1% to 8% this year, which is amazing >> great news. >> then you have some airlines like southwest and frontier, they're going to make it easier for you to get the perks with status so lower thresholds for miles and points to earn then this is a big one we know cancun has a hot destination. a new airport opened in tulum to get you to see the mayan ruins you'll see delta, american, and spirit flying there in march >> let's go from air to sea. folks who might want to hop on a cruise ship in 2024, what can they expect? >> royal caribbean is saying a demand for cruises is through the roof
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people are cruising with a vengeance, even more than they did in 2019 before the pandemic. we know european river cruises they're really popular according to travel market report. people are wanting to take the bucket list trips. a cruise to the antarctic, for example. they're spending more time at their destination, too, so they can really get to know that location you might want to think about it because there are bookings into 2025 at this point >> we really saw the cruise industry bounce back in 2023 it looks like 2024 will be the same. >> yep, absolutely. >> so this is where you are at your best, vicky nguyen. help us save some money. help us save stress in 2024. what are your tips >> the analysts at hopper and say flying midweek saves $100 to $150 round trip. you can also save on your hotels that way always book the earliest flight. we know this we saw this happening. less likely to have mechanical or weather delays. if you are going to big city hotels, we actually talked with the analysts at alex partners.
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it is a global consulting firm they look at hyperdynamic pricing. if you are looking at marriott or hilton, wait if you're in a big city like los angeles until the last minute. you may get 30% off the deal if you are going to a popular destination, though, book in advance. then monitor the prices. if they go down, which they probably won't, you could always rebook at the lower price. but that way you secure a hotel room. they're really hot cities. >> major metropolitan area, if you're going - >> chicago, los angeles. >> but that's risky, though. what if you wait to the last minute and there is no availability >> because of these big chains and big cities, you typically combine the best deals but you do have to have some flexibility, that's for sure. >> vicky nguyen, thank you tip of the day thank you. guys over to you. >> all right, craig. thank you. still ahead, we have made it one of our favorite new year's traditions. the boosties a look back at the smiles, laughs and happy tears that hoda brought us in the "morning
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we want to show you the steps to welcome back, guys with the new year comes a new opportunity to take control of your wallet. according to one survey, two-thirds of americans plan to make a financial resolution as 2024 gets underway here with everything we need to know about your money in this new year is nbc's business correspondent brian cheung good morning. >> good morning. >> i think a lot of people wake up new year's morning like this, looking at the bills from christmas, and kbyou want to di out of debt. what's involved? >> it also involves taking another look at your finances. when it comes to the debt, credit card is a big deal, right? it is over $1 trillion this year when we are talking about how to accumulate and address that debt, there are two ways to go about it you can basically write down the
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list, how much you owe in addition to the interest rate. there are two approaches there is the avalanche approach, where you pay off the highest interest debt first. that will save you more money long-term. then there is the snowball effect where if you want to take a look at the amount of debt and shrink that list. >> either one better >> if you have a lot of debt, just a large number, you probably want to go avalanche. >> we have done plenty of stories on the price of food and how they were skyrocketing in 2023 what will happen in 2024 what are ways to save? >> the rate of inflation is slower now than 18 months ago, but it is still going up inflation is projected to go up for food 2.9% according to the usda that will obviously pinch a lot of wallets one way around that is a grocery card or a credit card where you get cashback and then also just going back to the days of couponing. it is not really cutting them out anymore. you can go online and use rakuten to make sure you are getting the best deal. >> there are easy sites to pick that up. gas prices, i thought that might
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have been one of our good news stories over the course of 2023, the gas prices in many cases, we're going down. >> yeah, they were, especially compared to 2022 when you talk about the paying for gas in projection for how much we're paying for gas in 2024, it is $3.61 per gallon that's according to the eia. that's about in line with what we saw in 2023 it is not really going up. it is not really going down. but the thing with gas prices is it's very volatile all it takes is one event overseas to make gas prices spike. we have seen a lot of people buy electric vehicles. good news on that front, evs are actually getting cheaper the average price is down about $13,000. that might be more on the luxury side there are things like the nissan leaf, the chevy bolt, which is under $30,000. >> some people are looking forward to 2024 as the year they retire they're looking forward to that. how does social security look? >> in 2024, for both those pulling from social security and those saving, the limits will be different. there is a cost of living adjustment that's done every year for the social security checks,
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it is going up by 3.2% in 2024 that will equate to $55 extra per check, which will hopefully take some of the edge off inflation. then for the contributions for those putting money into retirement, the 401(k) limit is $23,000 for this year. ira is $7,000 per year but higher for those older than 50 as you start to plan out and put out the money from your paycheck into those retirement accounts, always good to know what the limits are this year. >> happy new year. happy you're here. >> you, too. we have a lot more to get to right happy new year to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're getting started with some patches of fog around parts of the bay area, but then as we go into the afternoon, it's going to become mostly sunny and temperatures in the low 60s. nice start, but we also have rain ahead, and we're going to be tracking rounds of rain between tomorrow afternoon into wednesday, and maybe
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up next, mean girls, minions and more and more what are the most anticipated t if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. movies and tv shows of the year? we have your guide to entertainment in 2024. but, first, these messages plus get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. so switch to t-mobile now and get two lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line and experience america's largest and fastest 5g network. ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪
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first day of 2024 with a look ahead in entertainment. >> from "barbie" and beyoncé to "time" person of the year, taylor swift, 2023 had enough girl power what does this year hold all the news, dates and releases
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you need to know now chloe melas, happy new year. like your sparkle. >> thank you. >> speaking of sparkle, these award shows, we're about to get into awards season now. season, especially with the strike that we had last year hollywood is back. and this month you have the golden globes and the emmys. and i also -- you know, we are going to get to the oscars that are in march in between that sandwiched in the middle are the grammys, music's biggest night. in terms of what you need to be watching, if you haven't seen "barbie," "pillars of the flower moon," "ted lasso," "succession," some of the movies and shows, "oppenheimer. remember barbenheimer at the box office it shattered records that weekend. those are things that you really need to be watching. >> let's focus on the grammys. there is some girl power there taylor swift we expected sza got a bunch of grammy sides. >> sza leading the way with nine nominations.
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look at billie eilish. taylor swift, we know she had a heck of a 2023 year. this year she's already making grammy history with the most is song of the year nominations ever how amazing is that? >> wow one more thing for taylor. >> i also want to point out, in the album of the year cal glory, we have olivia rodrigo, taylor swift, miley cyrus, sza, a lot of girl power, so definitely watch that >> well, usher has a hot date. that's the super bowl halftime show what do you know about that? >> he gave a sweet interview last year and he said when he got the call from jay-z, he thought to himself, this is 30 years in the making. i have worked my whole career for this he ended his las vegas residency after two years not that long ago, but he says he's ready for this in terms of collaborations, he hinted that, look, i have worked with a lot of big stars, so i have made my guesses of who i
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might think. >> who >> alicia keys, collaborated with her justin bieber. ludacris these are ones i think we might see come out with him. >> speaking of music, a lot of great tours are kicking off in 2024 or continuing >> so if you didn't see taylor swift on tour, and i was there in seattle, not to brag, for the earthquake when it happened. i think i told your daughter that, right? and i loved trading those bracelets. if you didn't get a chance to go in 2023 or see her in the movie theater, you can see her you can see madonna. talk about, again, girl power in music. madonna, the celebration tour. taylor swift, you have to go to tokyo to see her and olivia rodrigo there's other country music concerts kms and things like tht i'm personally excited for blake shelton's tour >> taylor is coming back to north america later in the year. >> does she sleep? she will be going across the pond and back again. you'll be able to catch her in states like florida, too
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>> real quick for bing watchers. >> okay. so i love this upcoming show, "masters of the air" later this month on apple tv. world war ii. it is produced by tom hanks and steven spielberg. that is one to watch. it stars austin butler it is about the airmen of world war ii it is produced by tom hanks and steven spielberg that is one to watch something i know you guys might be excited for, "bridgerton" season 4 >> oh, waiting for that. >> we know what will come out in 2024 there isn't an exact date just yet. and then other shows people are talking about right now, "walking dead: the ones who live" takes place after "the walking dead" ended. we know there are other spin-offs there. that's on amc. you also have "avatar: the last airbender" on netflix, which is a live-action take people love "avatar. look, you are not going to be bored and you will have a lot of fun on your couch. >> i was going to say, couch potatoes rejoice thank you so much. stick around, we have much more ahead, including the fun
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good morning. it is 7:56. i'm kira klapper. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell on treasure island where a young man has been killed in a tragic fireworks accident overnight, just after the countdown to 2024. it happened outside an apartment complex at gateview and
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exposition drive around 12:40 this morning. a man says there was a group of young people lighting off fireworks that he describes as mortars. he tells us an older adult had been telling the young people to stop lighting the fireworks because it was getting out of hand. after that, this witness says he heard an explosion and screams. police say they gave the man first aid, but paramedics declared him dead when they arrived on scene. we're going to take a big turn and go to meteorologist kari hall with the forecast for the first day of the year. >> yes, and it looks like a nice one. even though we're starting out with clouds and fog, we're headed for sunshine today and near normal temperatures, with upper 50s and low 60s all around the bay area. now, the rain holds off today, but does return to the bay area tomorrow. first starting out with some light showers in the morning, quickly passing by. a break for much of the early afternoon, and then by the evening the rain will start to pick up once again, and it may be heavy at times, with gusty winds. and also looking at about half
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of an inch to up to an inch of rainfall. on thursday we see conditions dry out once again. another storm system will be arriving on friday and may impact some of your weekend plans through saturday. but sunday is the day to make plans to get outside, even though it's going to be cool. look at those morning temperatures, in the mid-30s. we'll see highs in the upper 50s. >> all right, looks good. something for everyone. thanks. right now we'll take you to the right now we'll take you to the 13 look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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8:00 am
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