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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 1, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PST

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happy new year, every. i'm kate snow. zinhle essamuah is off for the holiday. "nbc news daily" starts right now. todaytoday's january 1st, 2
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breaking news. massive quake a powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake rocks japan killing at least three people, a series of tremors sending a seven-story building crumbling to the ground. pack your patience as they say, millions of us hitting the road and the skies as part of the post-holiday rush home, what you can expect in terms of weather and waiting. new year, new laws, as the calendar rolls over new laws are in effect. the new rules and regulations you need to be aware of the in 2024. play it again, a group of high school students who survived the fires in maui in hawaii get a chance to shine in the rose parade, their remarkable story and resilience as hawaii's all-state band starts the year on a high note.
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really glad we can share that story for you for some inspiration on this first day of the new year and we're glad you're with us today and every day. we begin this hour with that breaking news out of japan, tsunami advisory has been issued following a series of strong and deadly earthquakes. you can see the rocking there and a scary situation for this family, a woman trying to hold on to whatever she could as her home violently rocketed back and forth, the shaking was so strong, there's a sign here at the train station that looks like it's about to come crashing down, buildings caught on fire, japan's public broadcast said about 30 homes have collapsed. the earthquake struck the sea of japan just 16 hours into the new year, the strongest quake registered a magnitude of 7.6 according to the japan meteorological agency and take a
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look at these massive waves crashing into japan's west coast. nbc news correspondent liz kreutz. earlier today there was a tsunami warning now it's been downgraded to a tsunami advisory, what are the biggest concerns right now? >> reporter: hey, kate, happy new year to you. yeah, definitely officials downgrading the tsunami warning definitely signals a lower risk of danger right now, officials are still telling people they should stay away from the coast and there's still an advisory in place, so tsunamis still a concern, on top of that as you mentioned the search for missing people right now is ongoing, according to local media, the area of ishikawa particularly hit very hard, they are being overwhelmed, some regions, with calls for help, one fire department got at least 50 calls
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for people reporting collapsed homes, local media reports some of the people who are trapped, perhaps unconscious right now, so there's definitely a rescue operation under way, we know a building, multiple buildings perhaps have collapsed. one office building has collapsed and always with earthquakes there's a concern about potential aftershocks right now, officials told reporters there's a possibility that a magnitude 7 quake could hit japan in the coming days and if that happens there will be a concern of potential landslides, also more collapsed buildings and that continued threat of tsunamis, kate. >> what kind of stories are we hearing from people inside japan who have experienced all this, liz? >> reporter: definitely, it's a very scary way to start the new year and it does sound from local reports that a lot of people were at shrinesened temples for the new year, there's video coming out some of these shrines dramatically
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shakingened people yelling out, it's very scary, and screams, you can see here from this video, some of the buildings broke out into flames and fires reported around parts of the region that were hit hard and also a concern for people, kate. >> i know japan isn't the only nation concerned right now, what's going on if the wider region? >> reporter: yes, so right now there are tsunami warnings expanding beyond japan, to south korea, north korea and parts of russia, in russia if you're out on a boat you should urgently get back to land and a small three-foot tsunami did hit south korea according to reuters and there's concerns something bigger could hit >> advisories still in place for that whole area. >> yes. with new year's day beyond us, millions of people are rushing to get home from their christmas and new year's eve
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celebrations, today is expected to be one of the busiest days on the roads and in the skies, more than 2.5 million people are expected to fly today alone, meetologyist bill karins but we start with antonia himselfon, how is it looking. >> reporter: hey, kate, i don't want to jinx for everyone it has been pretty smooth sailing. they were worried that this was going to be part two what happened this time last year with the southwest meltdown, millions of people stranded in airports waiting for hours, sleeping in airports at times for two, three days, we all remember those images, and as we speak to some of the families and groups that have come through, they've been surprised
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there's more staff here, they feel like tsa is moving along very well, so travelers at least as of right now are feeling good. take a listen to some of the folks i've met. >> this year's experience is very much organized, much more organized than last year's experience and i think travelers are aware of travel delays during the holidays, so people are more mindful about leaving early. >> did you deal with any delays? >> no, maybe about 20-minute delay leaving out of new orleans, other than that was it. travel was perfect. >> reporter: and according to aaa about 115 million americans are 50 or more miles away from home, we still see these large numbers nearing the pre-pandemic levels, keep in mind, if you're planning to get to the airport today or tomorrow you should plan, even though it's looking
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good now, plan extra time, be ready if you have to check bags in particular, kate. >> people work from home now, they can work from anywhere, is that why we're not seeing so many people rushing today? >> reporter: absolutely, that's had an impact, and you know, in some cases people aren't rushing immediately back to work, they've chosen this day and they're kind of taking their travels more slowly than what we've seen in the past, lot of people hitting the roads, too, so people are strategizing the advice that i hear they're following, leave in the early morning when most of the people are off the road. kate. >> thank you. let's go to meteorolometeorolog karins. >> kate, this has been a great start for travel, just for, you know, starting with a new year with a nice dose of sunshine in most cases, there's a tiny bit
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of snow maybe driving up interstate 81 in northern virginia, it's not sticking on the ground in most cases. of overall, the only bad weather in the entire country, a little chillier than you'd like, areas from chicago to marquette, we're in january now, much colder than that, for most part it's san diego weather for most of the southern half of the country. no problems from new york to seattle. this great weather isn't going to continue. take advantage of the travel conditions. the roads look great. tomorrow, we start to introduce some areas of some wet weather, minor delays in houston, not too bad, same in san antonio to dallas, this next storm coming in, the one that's going to cause a lot of problems, west coast late tuesday, areas of rain, very typical high elevation snow, wet weather moving through the areas of the southeast, by time we get to thursday and friday, east coast
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is fine, but that west coast storm starts to make the trek into the central plains, a good dose of snow with it, too, so our snowfall forecast over the next seven days, the mid-atlantic to the four corner region, lot of people who haven't had snow yet -- >> that's a lot of white on your map. >> i have to hide this. couple of days away. >> bill, thank you. let's turn to israel now the military there says it will begin withdrawing some troops from gaza this week, at the same time the military says the campaign could last throughout the entire year, tensions are also rising in the nearby red sea, iran said one of its warships has moved into those waters. the u.s. destroying three boats belonging to an iranian-backed
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militia. let's bring in nbc news forcorrespondent josh lederman. josh, happy new year to you. but let's start with the israeli troop withdrawal, how many are leaving gaza and why are they doing this right now? >> reporter: the idf doesn't disclose how many troops they have in gaza, here in israel a brigade is between 2,000 and 5,000 troops. you do the math, likely at least 10,000 troops that are going to be coming home for now, you might think that israel is withdrawing the troops, they're shifting to a lower intensity phase of this war or even winding down the war but israel say it's not so, they're going to great lengths that this in fact means the opposite, they're pacing themselves for what they expect to be a months' long war.
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the economy can function so some of those troops can go back to gaza. >> israel's security struck down part of the law that overhauled the country's legal system, massive protests after the government pushed that law through before the war against hamas, what impact will today's supreme court decision maybe have within israel? >> reporter: well, it's going to raise real questions about prime minister netanyahu's future leadership, he really staked his prime ministership on this judicial overhaul that was so controversial, tearing the country apart from within, until october 7th changed the focus of everything, now the supreme court saying they're overruling a key part of that allowed the court to throw out laws that it deemed unreasonable, will this re-up some concerns of netanyahu or will the country remain focus on the war? >> what else do we know about
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the iranian warship that arrived there, how is the u.s. responding to that? >> reporter: well, the u.s. says it's going to do whatever it needs to protect global shipping in the red sea, the british military say they're considering direct action against the houthis based in yemen, we're nchg toward a proxy war in the red sea, just as the u.s. says that one of its carrier strike groups, the uss ford based in the mediterranean is actually going home but at the same time the u.s. is now working with a coalition of some 20 nations and their navies to protect shipping in the red sea as we're continuing to see this crisis really escalate with more and more aggressive attacks from houthis onto these ships and the u.s. military responding as well. >> josh, thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, a pay raise for millions of americans, what
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increase in the minimum wage in half the states across the country will mean. plus, medical spas are popping up all over the country. popping up all over the country. but doctors warnhere a the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. [♪♪] if you're over 50, talk to your dolooking forrmacist bladder-leak protection that neutralizes odors and keeps you dry? try new depend® fresh protection™. it absorbs 25-times its weight and features dryshield™ technology, that protects better than pads and keeps you 2-times drier. try depend®. (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this?
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before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. alice loves the scent of gain so much, qulipta, the she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! millions of americans are starting the new year with a pay bump, that's because the minimum wage is going up in half the states across the country.
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some businesses are already planning layoffs. nbc news correspondent sam brock has more. >> reporter: after years of fighting for a higher wage floor in cities across the country -- the new year is going to bring a new paycheck for millions of americans, with about half of all states and the district of columbia, either raising the minimum wage on january 1st, or at some point during the year. hawaii's increase will be the largest, while washington will have the highest minimum wage of any state at more than $16 an hour. but it's california, and fast food workers, like anisha williams who are seeing the most seismic changes after years of struggles. >> i have to pick and choose between rent, groceries, and livelihood. >> reporter: now, the golden state's minimum wage jumps to $16 at the beginning of the year, and for fast food workers, it rises to 20 in april. the mother of six, williams, says that is definite progress.
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>> we protested every which way to prove our point. >> reporter: but businesses are reacting, especially in california. where several pizza hut franchise owners will reportedly lay off more than a thousand drivers statewide and rely instead on companies like doordash. for mom and pop shops like frankie's pizza, the owner tells us the wage hike will mean longer hours for him. >> are you saying you would hire more employees, but because of the rate hike, that is no longer an option? >> i cannot do it. i can't. i mean, who's going to pay it? i mean, i wouldn't be able to afford to do it. i have to work longer hours to compensate for them. >> reporter: this new reality for many businesses, coming as 20 states still rely on the decades-old federal minimum wage of $7.25, in place since 2009. while workers like williams see new opportunities. >> so many people doubting us, and sometimes i can't even
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believe it, you know, and i'm just so -- i'm so happy. >> reporter: sam brock, nbc news. grammy award winning singer paula abdul has filed a lawsuit, accusing the executive producer of american idol of two separate incidents while she was a judge. dana griffin tells us about the claims and why abdul is going public with them now. >> reporter: paula abdul is accusing executive producer and co-host nigel lythgoe of sexual assault. >> are you dating anybody at the moment? >> why are you asking me that? >> reporter: she says the assault happened in the early 2000s and again in 2015,
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according to suit filed friday the 61-year-old says lithgow shoved her against the wall of an elevator. following the alleged assault, abdul told one of her representatives but ultimately decided not to take action for fear that lythgoe would have her fired from american idol, the suit alleges. in 2015, lythgoe invited her to his home and attempted to kiss her. >> hands down you make me so proud. >> reporter: responding to the allegations in statement, he said while paula's we hafr of erratic behavior is well known,
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i -- >> so these claims date back to the early 200s, why file a suit today. >> under california law, any claims that pre-date 2009 she needs to file by today or else she may be out of time. >> reporter: a chart-topping entertainer, the latest woman to take legal action against a hollywood power player. dana griffin, nbc news. coming up for a loft people the new year means a resolution to get healthier, what dtors type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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this is the fast forward on nbc news daily, and we're still following breaking news out of the east bay. a derailment has left bart service on the antioch line shut down. bob rendell is in orinda with the details. >> b.a.r.t. was able to deelectrify the rails behind me after this partial derailment and the staff escorted passengers on foot back to the orinda bart station. from sky ranger, you could see what happened. this yellow b.a.r.t. train heading eastbound along highway 24 partially rerailed at around 9:00 this morning.
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two cars came off the crash and there was a fire under the undercarriage when the fire department was able to put out. the fire department said three people who evacuated an walked back to the orinda station did sustain minor injuries. it sounds like they were going to be okay. bart and the fire department have not said what caused this. >> b.a.r.t. is responsible for the safety of the passengers and communicating information is something that could occur later in the timeline of the incident but that train operator is the first responders there on the scene. they need to take care of the emergency right away. obviously we'll find out exactly what happened in this case. and people always want information to reassure themselves, our train operators do they best as part of their protocol. but the first thing is to deal with the incident. >> both orinda and lafayette
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b.a.r.t. stations are closed right now and b.a.r.t. are seeing if there are bus agencies that could come in to help. the two left lanes of highway 24 eastbound, they are still shut down. three right lanes are open. westbound direction, no lane closures. here in orinda, bob redell, nbc bay area news. and a new gun law goes into effect today in the state today. and a.c. transit driver is thankful to having minor injuries by almost being hit by a stray bullet. but an excellent claimed a life last night. some people were setting off their own supply of fireworks at an apartment complex near ex position and grate view drive, someone detonated a martar 30 minutes after midnight and that explosion critically injured a man. he died at the scene. and a close call for an a.c. transit bus driver. police say he suffered cuts to
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his head after a stray bullet from nearby gunfire struck his side window. this happened on foothill boulevard last night. there were only two passengers on the bus at the time. they weren't hurt. police are still investigating the exact source of that gunfire. and several new state laws go into effect today. one of them prohibits people from carrying guns in most public places. this includes parks, playgrounds, churches and banks and zoos. and it applies even if you have a concealed weapons permit. this is a battle between a state and the federal judge that argues it violating the second amendment. the legal wrangling is expected to resume later this month. well new year and new rain showers. get ready to layer up. kari hall has an hour-by-hour break down. >> our high temperatures today will head for the upper 50s and low 60s and a lot of sunshine in our forecast. and a nice way to start out the
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new year but we have much needed rain coming our way. and with the ground already saturated, we'll see the potential of some street flooding and some low-lying areas may briefly flood once the heavy rain gets here late tomorrow evening. it does continue into early wednesday morning and then gradually the rain will start to taper off on wednesday. and as we look ahead, we're going to see more rain in the forecast. we'll take a closer look at this and what is ahead for the first week of the new year coming up in about 30 minutes. >> sounds good, thank you. if you're looking for an activity this new year's day, the park system is calling first day hikes in more than 60 state parks. the guided hikes focus on the special features and difficulty and start times vary by park. all of the information about the more than 80 hikes available is on the state park's website. beautiful day to do that. and that does it for this edition of the fast forward. i'll be back in 30 minutes with
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much more news. until then, take care. we'll see you in a bit. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ bottom of the hour now, here are so much the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily." a california boy is in custody accused of killing another 10-year-old with a stolen gun, it happened saturday when police said the boy took
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the gun from his father's car, he bragged that his father had a gun before he, quote, proceeded to shoot the victim once and family identified the victim as keith fireson and an aunt said he stepped outside to ride his bike. after no one saturday's jackpot tonight's an estimated $810 million, one person did become an instant millionaire last night, check out the moment she finds out. >> number one, congratulations. number one. pamela, you're a millionaire. >> she's on the ground, she's back up. she kept hugging ryan seacrest, that's north carolina's pamela bradshaw. first millionaire of the year drawing and you can see she's little excited. what a way to bring in new year.
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a new year also means a new set of laws. ken dilanian a closer look today at some of the major changes for this new year. >> reporter: after threats drove away half of state's top election officials nevada took action, starting january 1st, those who harass, intimidate or harm election workers performing their duties in the state could face up to four years in prison. >> most people don't realize 80% of our election workers are women. those are our daughters, wives, sisters and mothers. >> reporter: a campaign promise by the secretary of state, the law makes nevada one of handful of states where threats to election workers are a felony. >> we cannot run elections without people. they are our unsung heroes of democracy. >> reporter: in tennessee, a new law toughens penalties for distracted driving. those under 18 cited for a second offense could see their license suspended, the measure is named for a local businessman
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who died in a 2020 accident. >> if it's just one life we save a year by this law, then my dad would have been honored to have it in his name. >> reporter: california is requiring stores with more than 500 employees in the state to offer gender neutral toy sections, failure to comply could result in fines. >> why would it be such that a dinosaur or a truck or a periodic table would be in the boys section or glitter or paint would be in the girls section. let's fundamentally allow kids to be kids. >> reporter: you've seen the criticism of this. one newspaper called it california's latest woke insanity. how do you respond to that? >> this bill was inspired by private sector, following that of major retailers, target and so many others are already going in this direction, it's a manufactured controversy, saying that it is potentially a woke government. >> reporter: in louisiana, the state legislature overrode the governor's veto of a bill
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banning gender-affirming care for transgendered minors. the bill prohibits doctors from prescribing puberty blockers and hormone treatments. critics say the new law won't survive a court challenge. >> it is my sincere belief that this bill is unconstitutional. i believe the courts will declare that in due course. >> reporter: pennsylvania toughened penalties for drivers who failed to stop for flashing red lights on school buses. and michigan is allowing 16-year-olds to pre-register to vote. ken dilanian, nbc news. in today's daily health, a warning about medical spas, known as medspas some treatments could pose serious health risk. here's erica edwards. >> treatments can help you look and feel better. >> reporter: they're surging across the country, they're a $15 billion beauty and wellness business, offering treatments like iv hydration treatment with vitamins, advertised to boost. to break down fat, tighten skin
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and give a more youthful glow, now federal rag lay or thes are once again warning getting trendy medical treatments like these could be dangerous. >> unfortunately, i did get this because i went to a spa here. >> reporter: social media influencer wish she had known before getting shots back at a med spa. >> i was injected over a hundred times. >> walk me through what happened next. >> so, within 24 hours i began feeling very sick, as the days progressed, the injection sites turned into these hard little balls. >> reporter: according to her daughter, she got a massive infection caused by bacteria that can be associated with cosmetic procedures involving injections. we reached out to the owner of the medspa where she got the injections but never heard back. a doctor at bey your said she's
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seen more patients like bea following what they thought were simple beauty procedures. >> infection usually at the site of the iv placement. medspa do laser treatments where patients can come in with burns. >> reporter: while the american med spa association said most facilities are safe with no national regulations oversight has become an issue. >> states simply don't have the resources or the time to be looking at the medical spas and ensuring they're doing things correctly. >> nursing school graduation. >> i love this one. >> reporter: in july, hailey's stepmom passed out while getting a prescription -- she was rushed to the hospital and died of sudden cardiac arrest.
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>> we didn't have words as a family, it was so sudden, so quick. >> reporter: while the autopsy report was inconclusive the texas medical report found the spa's medical director failed to supervise. it temporarily suspended his license. no criminal lienlt. experts say if you plan to a visit a med spa always ask, who owns and operates the med spa, most states require a physician, one of the credentials and track of the person and is there a licensed medical practitioner on site. erica edwards, nbc news, huntsville, texas. let's turn to the rose parade this morning, a band from hawaii, members from maui
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marching just months after they survived this summer's deadly fires. ♪♪ >> reporter: for high school students from all over hawaii, it was the experience of a lifetime marching in the rose parade. for some from maui, it's been a long road getting here. composed the band's music. how excited are you about what's about to happen? >> i'm so excited, because it's my coming back to life celebration. >> reporter: back to life, because this summer he nearly died of smoke inhalation when flames ripped through his neighborhood. he ran back inside his house to save important items like his computer which had all the
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band's music compositions. you saved the music and you then went on to direct this band and form the band again and get them to the rose parade. >> that's very meaningful to me. >> reporter: parade organizers donated money for new instruments to help kids like sheila, danico and samantha who lost everything in the fires. >> even though i went through a lot i'm still really grateful to be here and grateful to everybody who supported me the whole way. >> reporter: in california, they made new friends and met other bands from around the world. the students from hawaii cheered by fans during a performance friday. has been to the parade before but knew this year would be different. what do you think you'll be feeling? >> i think i'll be motional. >> what are you feeling right now? >> for me, writing the music for
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the group and having the students who have challenges in their life, bring it back to me, you know, is something meaningful. >> reporter: an hour of music giving them a memory they'll never forget. such a wonderful thing to see this morning. all the best to all of them. for many people, the new year means a fresh start, right, which usually includes setting healthy goals. but sometimes it's easier said than done. happy new year, dr. syal. >> lot of us want to shed some pounds, get back on track, what are some realistic tips to start the year off healthy. >> talking to our friends and family what's your resolution? i want to be healthier.
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we'll provide some color to that and get specific and give some tips to people looking to get healthier. the american medical association has a list of things they put out a few weeks ago to recommend. the first one, reducing sugary drinks and processed foods. kate, get up on those vaccines, not too late to get those. get screened for colorectal, prostate and breast cancer. we have a loft things we can do to do that, the last thing here, if you haven't seen a doctor for your annual since the pandemic please make an appointment, wait times months and months out, for your exam in april make that
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appointment soon. >> big question, how do you keep the momentum up beyond january 1st? >> yeah, my favorite thing here is to be specific in your goals, say i want to lose ten pounds by the end of march, have a friend, make it fun, not something that's a chore to do, something that's enjoyable and finally, just don't take on too much. don't try to do everything all at once. >> make it fun. keep it fun and interesting. dr. syal, thank you so much for the tips. there's much moreews
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by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel - nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients - it really works. depend keeps you drier than ever... so you can say yes to more than ever.
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yes. yes. yes. no. depend, the only thing stronger than us, is you. (sung) febreze! i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed... my couch... my jacket or jeans. in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. these are my tissue box covers. remember, tissues come in their own boxes. it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. there we go. alright, who's next? i've been holding on to these pieces of crown molding, 'cause you never know when you're gonna need them. i do, and it's never. it can be a lot for them. do you still own that car? -i do not. -okay. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. empty tubs of butter are for recycling, not for my leftovers. that's a big one, people. [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again.
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hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ this is the fast forward on nbc news daily. as the conflict in gaza rages on, many are calling for a cease-fire. this was the scene this morning outside of the home of congresswoman nancy pelosi in san francisco. pro-palestinian protests demanded that cease-fire and are tired of being ignored by their elected representatives. one protester explained exactly what the message was. >> the message is from pope francis, imploring everybody in the world in the name of god for a cease-fire. we know that nancy pelosi is a
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devout catholic so we thought it was a striking personal message to her instead. >> and this is not the first demonstration taken place outside of the former speaker's home. he has not responded to the protest but has affirmed her support for israel. it is the first week of the new year and get ready for some incoming rain. kari hall has more in her seven-day forecast. >> nice weather today, temperatures in the low 60s and mostly sunny sky. but then by tuesday, we're already seeing the next round of rain coming in. most of the heavier rain reserved for the afternoon to the evening moving from north to south and lingering into early wednesday. thursday is our dry day in the forecast for the week. with another storm system coming in friday and into saturday. that will also bring in some colder air and as the sky clears on sunday, we'll have our temperatures starting out in the mid-30s. cool weather ahead as our highs in san francisco only reach the upper 50s. and at times we'll need the
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umbrellas so we'll be tracking more rain in the forecast throughout the week. >> thank
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you could blame it on the rain. potholes are starting to show up on bay area roads again. if one damages your car, chris chmura has some options to try to get reimbursed for repairs. >> reporter: one quick drop into a pothole could cause a lot of damage. an average of $600 worth according to aaa. let's look at who pays. first, car insurance, the insurance institute said pothole damage is covered provided you have collision coverage. your deductible will apply and that is usually $500 to a thousand dollars. but you might be able to get that back. if you have minor damage, say $100 or $200 worth, your insurance might not kick in. progressive said in many instances it doesn't make sense to file a claim.
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but seek reimbursement that maintains the road. all of the drivers hit the same pothole on 101 and caltrans maintains 101 and they could get paid in full or get reimbursed their deductible. downtown form ld-0274 from the caltrans website and it is only two pages and said to fill out what happened and where and when and how much it cost you. this is important. caltrans wants two written estimate or one paid receipt. when you're done with the form, you sign it and mail it to your local caltrans district. and don't wait. your deadline to file a claim is six months after the incident. >> all right, chris, thank you so much. heads up if your hopping on bart today, your fare is almost certainly going to increase. the average ride will jump by about 23 cents depending on where you're going and it will
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generate $26 million to cover rising cost and keep the trains running but not everyone will see a fare hike. low income will have their fares low income will have their fares cut (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. want the power of 5 serum benefits in 1? olay super serum
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ask your doctor or pharmacist i'm andrea canning, and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc. i'm ankevin klym: shend this is "datwas a knockout.on nbc. she was a stunner. raymond diaz: she stood out. you know, tan, beautiful. andrea canning: a "playboy" model wannabe who loved to party-- maybe a little too much. kevin klym: i'm freaking out. it's not like her to be gone this long. the medical examiner gets back on the phone and says,


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