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tv   Today  NBC  January 2, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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880, this is where i'm starting to notice the most slowing. but it isn't because of any accidents. i think a lot of folks are finally heading back to work. >> and one of my sons goes back to school tomorrow. >> oh, my goodness. >> back to reality. >> yours today? >> yeah. >> we're until the 8th. it seems like we could meet in the middle. the "today" show is just ahead and we are continuing "today in the bay" on your roku and other streaming platforms. we hope you stick with us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast next. you can see it online at or on our smartphone app. you can find us wherever. >> it's good to be with yo a good tuesday morning we are following a lot of we are following a lot of breaking news overnight. >> we are indeed a passenger plane engulfed in flames and the desperate search for earthquake survivors it is january the 2nd, this is "today."
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terrifying images, a japan airlines flight ignites into a massive fire ball on a tokyo runway after colliding with another plane. remarkably everyone onboard able to safely evacuate this as the death toll rises across japan after that powerful new year's day earthquake. the search intensifying with people buried beneath the rubble the very latest on both of those developing stories heading home millions of americans returning home after one of the busiest travel weeks ever. the lingering problems at the airports and on the roads. al is tracking a major storm set to sweep across the country. his full forecast just ahead crunch time. the iowa caucus is now less than two weeks away the worsening crisis at the border taking center stage for candidates and voters. where things stand with the first test of the 2024 presidential race right around
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the corner new beginnings gypsy rose blanchard speaking out for the first time since her relief from prison >> i'm finally free! >> what she's now saying about her closely watched case and what's next. all that plus, that's rich a jackpot winning powerball ticket sold overnight. we'll tell you where someone is starting off the new year with nearly 900 million reasons to celebrate. and fantastic finishes both college football semifinals decided on the very last play. >> michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff victory. >> lobs it up, and it is incomplete >> washington and michigan now set for a national championship clash, today, january 2nd, 2024. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news,
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this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning good to see you. welcome to "today. it is a tuesday morning, the first tuesday in 2024. >> yeah. haven't seen you since last year. >> it is nice to see you savannah is enjoying an extra day off. boy, if you love college football and the rose bowl was a big one, michigan beat alabama it was an overtime thriller. al and i were actually in pasadena michigan was well represented. >> and washington survived that texas comeback to win the sugar bowl that means the stage is now set for the national championship game next week we'll have michigan facing off against washington. >> it will be interesting. >> it should be a great game. meantime, it's back to work, you guys millions of people get back to it the first of 2024 and a major winter storm set to hit later this week. al is tracking it. we will update you on that last leg of holiday travel in just a little bit.
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but we are going to start this morning in japan and a series of stories breaking this morning. take a look at this. the scene at one of the main airports in tokyo where a passenger plane collided with a coast guard aircraft nearly 400 passengers and crew were able to evacuate. the details on that still coming in this morning. >> yeah. this all comes after yesterday's deadly earthquake on the west coast of that country. 48 people now confirmed killed japan's prime minister saying it is a race against time to save survivors still believed to be trapped under the rubble nbc's megan fitzgerald joins us now with the very latest on both of these breaking stories. hey, megan, good morning >> reporter: hoda, good morning. though the people on the passenger plane were able to escape, moments ago japan's transport minister confirming that five people on board that coast guard flight have died the only person to survive was the pilot as the devastation in japan continues this morning an emergency on the
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runway in tokyo. this aircraft bursting into flames at haneda airport the plane collided with another plane operated by the japanese coast guard, according to the coast guard spokesperson all of the nearly 400 people on the plane are safe the coast guard saying they're looking into the reports it seems unrelated to the series of earthquakes that have rocked japan. as first responders desperately look for survivors, the death toll on japan's western coast already rising more than 45 dead after a series of earthquakes, including a afternoon. the quake the largest the region has seen in decades. violently shaking plane platforms and houses, sparking a massive fire that burned for hours. people in malls and shops scrambling for safety. but as the sunrises across the region, a look at the scope of the devastation and loss this woman surveying the damage
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of her home. debris everywhere and walls caved in she says, i don't think we can live here anymore. she joins dozens of others now left without a place to live near the epicenter, smoke and ember still fill the air officials say this region was among the hardest hit. homes and buildings flattened. private roads and streets buckled, cutting off access to people trapped on the other side we are now learning that the coast guard plane was, in fact, set to deliver aid to the areas affected by the earthquake that's according to the transport minister as japan is using boats and aircrafts as a way of getting supplies to those in need. hoda >> yeah a lot for that country to handle. megan fitzgerald for us. megan, thank you we're also following breaking developments from the middle east as well. israel's military launching new strikes in gaza, also announces it will soon start withdrawing thousands of troops in the
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coming days. nbc's matt bradley is in tel aviv with the very latest. matt, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys. there was no break in the fighting over the holidays now it looks like this conflic may be expanding, potentially driving the u.s. into a direct confrontation with iran. this morning the war in the middle east spilling beyond israel's borders. tensions between the u.s. and iran escalating on the high seas. iran had supported rebels in the red sea attacking ships, but is now deploying a warship there for the first time since the conflict began. raerp's warship entering the red sea according to the news agency. it comes as the u.s. navy is confronting those iran-backed militants, the houthis. american helicopters repelling an attack, killing 10 houthi fighters and sinking three of their ships. raising the stakes in a region already reeling from war. now israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has just
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taken a direct hit. the country's supreme court shut down the signature legislation, a law designed to limit the court's own power. months before the war, netanyahu's judicial overhaul bill inspired weeks of often violent protests. and a significant announcement from israel, pulling back thousands of troops from gaza, the biggest withdrawal since the war began after hamas' terror attacks inside israel on october 7th, which killed 1,200 people and captured more than 200 hostages. but israel still vowing to fight on through the year. in gaza, the civilian population continues to suffer, including children who only months ago was speaking to the united nations asking them to help the palestinian people. once again, he's appealing to the world from help. but this time from a hospital bed in gaza. >> i am just like million boys
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and girls, are having pain and facing all the fear here in gaza. >> reporter: a new year for this new generation who will spend their youths pummelled by war. israel's war in the gaza strip has already killed nearly 22,000 palestinians, according to the hamas-run gaza ministry of health. but now israeli authorities say they're considering allowing israelis who lived near the gaza strip to finally return home after nearly three months of fighting. craig? >> matt bradley for us there in tel aviv. matt, thank you. let's turn now to the presidential race. it's full speed ahead. the iowa caucus is just 13 days away. the republican field looking to cut into donald trump's sizable lead as the migrant crisis becomes one of the defining issues of this race. we have two reports. we'll start with nbc's garrett haake. hey, garrett, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, doorm. it's hard to believe that two weeks from now we should know
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who won that all-important first contest in iowa. the republican field has been barn storming the state over the holidays. but some of the most critical action in the gop primary is set to take place hundreds of miles away in court. with less than two weeks to go until the iowa caucuses, former president donald trump and his legal troubles still dominating the political world. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: the trump campaign expected to file an appeal as early as this week to a decision by maine's top election official that he is disqualified from the presidency under the 14th amendment because of his role in the january 6th attack. that decision in maine similar to one earlier last month barring mr. trump from the ballot in colorado. critics of the rulings have pounced, calling them partisan attacks on the former president. >> they're trying to take the election away from the voters. >> reporter: while both rulings are unprecedented, former president trump's name will remain on the ballot in both states while the appeals process plays out. it is one of the many legal challenges looming over the
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trump campaign with the potential for up to five trump trials during the busy campaign year. >> these are biden indictments against them. but this is just against a political opponent. >> reporter: over the weekend, special counsel jack smith urging an appeals court to reject the former president's efforts to dismiss the federal election interference case on presidential immunity grounds. all of it comes as the remaining republican candidates take aim at the front-runner in the hawkeye state. >> we can't be a country in disarray and have a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos. >> reporter: ron desantis who bet his campaign on a strong iowa performance. >> donald trump is running on his issues. nikki haley is running on her donor's issues. i'm the only one running on your issues. >> reporter: meanwhile president biden on vacation in saint croix with his eyes on the general election.
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as for mr. trump, his political and legal counters are starting to collide in a complicated way. he has the closing arguments of his civil fraud trial in new york days before the iowa caucus. his trial here in d.c. on 2020 election-related charges is currently scheduled to start just before super tuesday when more than a dozen states hold their primaries. it is a difficult balancing act of voters, juries and judges. who will likely define this election year. hoda? >> garrett, thank you. now to that issue that's become front and center on the campaign trail, the border crisis. the department of homeland security now says december's influx of migrant crossings shattered all previous records. now mayors in many sanctuary cities are saying that the surge is pushing them to the breaking point. nbc's maggie vespa is at one of the 27 migrant centers in chicago. first of all, what's behind
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these record crossings? and how are these cities like chicago and here in new york, how are these cities dealing with it? >> reporter: we talked about 27 shelters here in chicago and counting. basically frantically opening shelters as fast as they can is the first order of business. here in chicago, we have 600 people on a waiting list for a spot in one of these shelters. obviously that continues. the number you mentioned at the top that is the concern. 300,000 migrants crossed into the u.s. in december alone. that's an all-time high and works out to roughly 9 to 10,000 migrants per day. that is also a daily high. so basically records being shattered by this latest wave. they say it's in part being caused by a specific surge of venezuelan migrants coming into the u.s. the impacts being felt far north of the border here in cities like chicago and in new york, which to date, has seen roughly
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50,000 migrants sent from texas since august of 2022. now we're seeing officials in those cities trying to enact policies to try and deal with this, specifically in new york, actually overnight we saw a plane load of migrants being dropped off in new jersey, just outside the city. seemingly to sur couple vant a new regulation that requires buses give 32 hours notice before crossing into the city. a similar regulation here in chicago. we saw a plane load of migrants subsequently being dropped off an hour west of chicago in rockford. a lot had no coats. some wearing flip-flops, all advocates say had nowhere to go. at the same time, another big headline, the department of justice saying they will sue the state of texas if texas officials do, in fact, begin to enforce a new law allowing them to criminally prosecute migrants for coming into the u.s. the doj has given the state until tomorrow to say whether or not they will enforce that law. if they do, they plan to sue. the governor saying he'll take this to the supreme court.
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craig? >> maggie vespa in chicago with the migrant crisis. thapg. much of the country is settling back into routines after the long holiday season. one of the busiest for travel ever. we'll get to al's forecast in just a minute, but first nbc's emily i ked da with a closer look at the rush to get back home. hey, good morning. >> reporter: hey there, hoda. you can see some of the activity building behind me. 2022 was the bounce back year for travel and 2023 ended up taking that number to new heights. more than 150 million americans from the roadways to the runways, chris crossed the country for the holidays according to aaa and a major stress test for u.s. airlines. this morning, travelers are heading back home and back to work after a massive holiday rush crowded planes, trains and roadways. tsa screened more than 2.6 million passengers on seven out of ten days around christmas. lines weaving through airports
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over the long long weekend in places like orlando, chicago and atlanta. still, 2023 marked the lowest flight cancellation rate in five years according to the faa. welcomed improvement from last christmas when winter storm set off a cascade of problems that stranded travelers. are you relieved you haven't been delayed? >> i'm relieved, believe me. especially with three kids. >> reporter: and while for many flying has been smooth sailing, there have been heightened security concerns over the holiday from the war the middle east. and early on new year's day a scary scene in rochester, new york a fiery crash killing two and injuring others after two suvs collided and hit a group of pedestrians near a concert venue. authorities finding gas canisters in one of the cars. the fbi now part of the investigation. elsewhere in new york, traffic backed up yesterday around jfk and laguardia airports by pro palestinian protests on one of the busiest air travel days of the year. and major server issues caused
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amtrak disruptions in the northeast over the weekend. >> my train has been delayed. and i don't know how i'm going to get there. >> reporter: in florida, ryan's family is reliev family is relieved their travel nightmare is over. after a 16-year-old son flying for the first time accidentally boarded the wrong flight he says frontier airline never scans logan's ticket and he lands in puerto rico instead of cleveland as a result. >> i could feel the fear in the text message my heart pretty much sank at that point. >> reporter: frontier apologized to the family and got logan to cleveland the next day while new year's capped off a record stretch of air travel analysts say 2024 will be even busier so in terms of what to watch for on the travel front this year, a major airline industry firm says air traffic control staffing challenges continue to increase the number of flight disruptions. the number of flight
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cancellations in 2023 was so low it would be hard to repeat that success. and we'll likely see a natural correction and slight uptick in flight disruptions in 2024 hoda >> hopefully we'll get lucky and have something like 2023 one more time. thank you so much. all right. 7:17 that means it is time for a first check of the weather from mr. roker in 2024. >> happy new year to you guys. i brought it in with hoda, the rose parade. happy new year to all of you let's get started. right now we're talking about a soggy south today. widespread rain over the lone star state it is a low severe weather threat that's good. this will be a soaking rain, clusters of rain zipping across the southeast. some places may see rain fall up to an inch per hour. that rain will linger on into thursday morning in the carolinas and then clear out by the afternoon. now here is what we're watching. we've got this weekend system saturday into sunday the american model brings heavy rain down through the southeast
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and then brings in cold air and a decent amount of snow from new england to the great lakes all of a sudden the european models agree with it as well it's a slower start. a bit more snow to the south the heavy snow, though, across the northeast saturday into sunday now, again, this is still early. but we want to give you some planning if there is any good news, this is going to be a weekend storm so if there are any impacts, they will be cleared out in time for the monday morning rush. we're getting to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have rain approaching the bay area. we're going to start out with a mostly cloudy sky, some light showers, and then the rain picking up as we go into the evening. it could be as early as 12:00 to 1:00 for parts of the north bay, starting out with light showers, and then the rain picking up with heavier downpours by 4:00 to 5:00, as it moves into parts of the peninsula, as well as the east bay, and continuing into the overnight, with gusty and that's your latest weather. guys weather. guys >> i so enjoyed you two yesterday at the rose parade. >> thank you it was fun. >> yeah, we had a good time. and it is fun to have al back, by the way we didn't get the last one but we got this one. still ahead, gypsy rose blanchard opening up about her future for the first time since her release from prison. laura jarett will have that story for us coming up >> hey, hoda she is out of prison and she's
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speaking out now for the first time in her own words after for so long people speaking for her. we'll tell you what she's been saying on tiktok. also ahead, the new year's arrival putting steam boat willy and other iconic characters up for grabs for anyone to use. why that matters to you and what some people are already doing with them. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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help save you some money. >> from creative ways to pay down your holiday debt to a popular new travel trend to try out your vacations in 2024 we will break it down for you after the break and your local news
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oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> b.a.r.t. service is back to normal in both directions between lafayette and orinda following yesterday afternoon's derailment. the transit agency spent time overnight re-railing the two
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derailed cars and fixing the tracks in time for this morning's commute. prior to the derailment yesterday, the train operator was told to stop the train, get out and manually switch tracks between lafayette and orinda b.a.r.t. stations. it's apparently a simple workaround when there's a network connection problem. but why the train derailed after starting up again is still under investigation. now to a live look at the chevron refinery in richmond, which is once again under scrutiny. the bay area air quality management district says it is investigating six complaints of flaring on new year's eve. it's just the latest in a string of similar incidents and violations at the richmond refinery. chevron says the flaring was the result of a so-called process upset. it says those flares are a safety measure used to relieve pressure and keep the plant operating safely. meteorologist kari hall has a look at our forecast, including the return of rain. >> yeah, we are seeing some clouds coming in, and eventually
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we'll see this storm system moving closer, bringing first the north bay some wet weather. that's happening right about noon to 1:00, and then moving into the rest of the bay area as the rain gets heavier. we may also have some gusty winds and a slight chance of thunderstorms. we'll be watching for that later this evening. the rain tapers off tomorrow and then we're back to a couple of days of dry weather. then on friday into saturday, a new storm system will be coming in. look at those temperatures. it's going to be chilly. highs in the mid-50s, morning temperatures in the upper 30s. we return to sunshine by sunday.
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>> there you go. 7:30 the michigan wolverines punching their ticket to the national championship game they beat alabama in the rose bowl, ot the score there 27-20. wow. what a game. >> vindication for the blue and jim harbaugh michigan will be taking on those washington huskies washington held off a late rally from texas in the sugar bowl. the huskies won that, 37-31. national title game. next monday night in houston both of those games coming down to the last play. >> last play fun, fun meantime savannah is off good to have sheinelle off >> haven't seen you since last year. >> you know what, this is only the seventh time, but it's okay. it's a funny joke. >> first up this half hour, gypsy rose blanchard, a child abuse victim accused of killing her mother was released from prison last week she is now opening up about what's next. >> nbc's senior legal
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correspondent laura jarrett is here with the latest >> good morning, guys. this story is still so harrowing even years later the thought of a mother treating her daughter as sick when she was perfectly healthy so hard to her platform to tell her side of the story. >> hey, everyone, this is gypsy. i'm finally free >> reporter: after eight years behind bars for her mother's murder, gypsy rose blanchard now a free woman >> hey, everyone, happy new year's eve imagine. >> and right back in the spotlight speaking out for the first time on her newly-created social media accounts. >> i want to send a quick video to thank everyone for the massive amount of support i have been getting on social media everyone has been really, really nice >> reporter: that massive support earning her six million followers on tiktok and another six million instagram in less than a week.
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posting her first selfie since out of prison. photos of her wedding ring, his kissing her husband, ryan anderson, who she married while in prison and promoting her lifetime series and e-book. >> it is more of my reflection of everything that i have learned and experienced in the last eight and a half years. >> reporter: gypsy rose perhaps the most famous victim of what's authorities say her mom falsely claimed that gypsy rose suffered from leukemia, asthma and muscular dystrophy confining her to a wheelchair and subjecting her to multiple unnecessary surgeries. over a span of two decades >> things are not always as they appear. >> reporter: but things turn a turn in 2015 when gypsy rose and her then boyfriend hatched a plot to kill her mother. >> i played a part in asking him to commit the murder. >> reporter: the two were arrested and charged with murder gypsy rose taking a plea deal
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while her boyfriend went to trial and received life in prison now as gypsy rose celebrates her freedom, she's revealing her side. >> i will finally share my story the way that it should be is there any way that she can sue those doctors? it is one thing if your mother did something, but the doctors went through with the procedures shared. >> wow so somehow the doctors in the hospital were performing medical procedures on her. is there any way that she can sue those doctors? it is one thing if your mother did something, but the doctors went through with the procedures. >> you know, the more you learn about this case, the more disturbing it is this went on for years she had a feeding tube at one point. how in the world could the doctors have missed the signs. it is a symptom of her falling through the cracks, if you think about it she could try at this point now, civil claims against the doctors. but honestly hoda i don't think it's going to work so long after the fact there are statute of limitations and other obstacles. it is just a sad, sad tale. laura jarrett, good to see you. >> yep still ahead here, one result of all those holiday gatherings, cases of the flu, rsv and covid
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on the rise to start this new year where health officials are seeing the biggest spike and what you can do to protect your family but first, nbc's chloe melas with a new year's twist for some very classic characters. good morning >> good morning. you might be seeing more of mickey mouse and his friends but it is not exactly what you think. more on that coming up after this but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur.
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science that matters. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. ♪ we're back happy new year 7:38 this morning on "in depth today," an interesting development to kick off 2024. >> when the calendar flipped, some of the most iconic characters in pop culture history, including the very first appearance of mickey mouse lost their copyright protection. that means the public is now free to use their images >> yes, yes. nbc's entertainment correspondent chloe melas joins us with the details. this is a big story. >> good to see you happy new year i missed you all it is not just mickey mouse. it is minnie mouse, too.
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even music all up for grabs as of new year's day. remember the original mickey mouse, better known as steam de animated short film of the same name, directed by walt disney. now this morning, mickey and thousands of other classic works are entering public domain, following the expiration of a 95-year boat willy up for grabs for anyone that wants to use this specific version without permission. >> i got to figure out how to make money on this thing it is simply too good. >> across social media, users reacting to the use. one posting, hey, check out this new character i came up with a spokesperson say more modern versions will remain unaffected. adding mickey will continue to play a leading role as the global ambassador for the walt disney company and our story
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telling, theme park attractions and merchandise. it is not just mickey. the original minnie mouse and tiger will also be joining the lot. >> i'm tiger >> reporter: as well as jm berries's peter pan. now, you might be wondering what's the big deal? winnie the pooh's copyright ran out in 2022 and shortly thereafter a slasher film winny the pooh infestation 88 with the creator saying they're looking to infuse nostalgia with terror. >> i thought it was just rodents, but there's something else in here >> reporter: it is not just these characters from your childhood, but works from literary masters liking a that kristy and the unforgettable charlie chaplain with his film "the
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circus" all now free for use disney holds a separate trademark on mickey as aas a corporate mascot, which means it is illegal to use the steam boat willy version to corporate mascot, which means it is illegal for anyone to use the steamboat willy version of mickey to trick customers into thinking a product or film is endorsed by disney there is another winnie the pooh slasher film coming out. that's the thing it's not all iterations of mickey mouse, the specific one from 1928, the specific mini mouse. now if you're starting to see these characters pop up in horror movies and video games, now you'll know why and know it's not endorsed by disney. >> by the way, you dressed the part for this today. >> i did i just need the ears. >> understood the assignment. >> all right thank you. let's get another check of the
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weather. mr. roker? >> hey, guys let's look out west and see what our friends are dealing with winter storm warnings all the way to glendale. palm springs looking at some snow this next system comes in and slams the west coast for today from seattle all the way down to san francisco. rain and snow will mix in to the mountains. tomorrow showers will stretch into the southwest snow also making its way into the mountains, making for difficult travel expected there. then this will travel to the south. actually, this storm is the one that will dip down to the gulf and cause problems for us into next weekend in the meantime, it is causing more problems for parts of the rockies. along the west coast, from seattle down to los angeles, one to two inches, but some places could even pick up to three. we're not going to get to your local forecast good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are seeing the approach of the next storm system spreading
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clouds across the bay area. eventually the rain will get here. we'll start out with light showers, and then the intensity of the rain picks up for the north bay shortly after noon. by 1:00 to 2:00, we're seeing pockets of heavy rain and that's going to be making its way down the peninsula into the tri-valley in time for the evening commute. and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you just ahead, guys, morgan chesky is checking out a popular trend in travel that could save you quite a bit of money hey, morgan. >> reporter: a hey, hoda, good morning. how about saving you some money and time as well the holiday travel season may finally be winding back down but for those popular tourist destinations, crowds are showing up in full force coming up, the viral travel hack that could reward those willing to go a little off the beaten path. >> all right we will get into that and we will get your first morning boost in 2024 coming up right
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after this ned's plaque psoriasi. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment.
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ask your doctor about otezla. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. wetjet is so worth it. love it, or your money back. ♪♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. only sleep number smart bed let you each choose ♪boost♪ your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. the queen sleep number® c2 smart bed is now only $990. plus, special financing. shop for a limited time, only at sleep number.
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that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich. and his crust. director: is it hard to be a lunch icon? icon? no, it comes naturally. that's it. ugh lunch icon. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. man, wish i had 750 donuts like this sign says. it says $750 "dollars," not "donuts." what if each donut cost a dollar? i hate that you're kind of right. switch to progressive and you could save hundreds. [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief.
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this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. we're back look, carson is here. good to see you in 2024. >> good morning, everybody happy new year. >> this morning people are still making their way home from the
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holidays some are already looking forward to their vacations in 2024. >> yes but before you book, there is a popular travel trend you might want to know about because it could save you time and a lot of money. >> nbc's morgan chesky joins us with more. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys good morning no surprise that more people are taking to the skies. even when this holiday travel season winds down, you might find out your popular tourist hot spot, you are having more competition when it comes to the crowds enter the idea of the travel dup or duplicate location. an idea that promises really big rewards if you're willing to get a little creative about where you might end up there are destinations we know and love venice, paris, tokyo, new york, just to name a few they're beautiful and fun as long as you don't mind the crowds or the cost which is exactly what's fuelling a new online travel trend.
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urging travelers to find their destination dupe or duplicate location. would love this. >> it's gotten very, very expensive in the past couple years. >> reporter: this travel pro says for his clients on a budget, dupes with open up a whole new world. >> mountains for mountains or big cities for big cities? in the >> if you like this, then you u.s. flights to curaçao exploding 200% sold on sydney australia global searches for its dupe city of perth topped 100%. and u.s. searches for liverpool england spiked 138% over last year. >> i would want to have some savings to go to an alternate destination. though, liverpool versus london isn't that far off. >> reporter: no buckingham palace, but you still get the
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beatles. exactly. >> there you go. that's great. >> travel dupes are the best not only are you saving a ton of money by going to a place that is maybe a little more undiscover bd you're experiencing a whole different culture. >> reporter: these best friends say with the potential savings comes responsibility >> just be respectful. like it is not about you really just try to get to know the people there, the locals and understand their way of life that's what travel is all about. >> reporter: just remember, not all dupes are created equal. paris, texas for paris, france >> no. >> reporter: for the die hard bucket list travelers, the same rules still apply, the earlier the better. >> we're going to new york to see "the today show. i can't see "the today show" anywhere else. >> reporter: i didn't tell her to say that, by the way. there is definitely only one place to see "the today show." and for those die hard bucket
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list travelers the old rules still apply, guys. try to travel mid week if you can. you'll find less expensive fairs for planes and less expensive hotels as well i did hear one travel dupe that was bounced around from multiple people i wanted to ask you guys. if everyone is sold on switzerland, what about going to the canadian alps? the canadian rockies rather, nicknamed the canadian alps. >> we know the language. >> that is a good idea beautiful. >> morgan also our travel agent. >> thank you, morgan chesky. hoda, no pressure, but we have your first boost of the new year >> by the way, this is going to live up to the hype. it's a good one. we're going back to christmas morning. a real sweet reunion a california family moved houses last month somehow one of the girl's favorite stuffies, the pound puppy was lost in the move taylor was devastated. but look what finally showed up
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in a package just in time for christmas. for >> you found it for me you found pound puppy. >> oh, so sweet. >> is that not a christmas miracle? taylor could not believe it. she was overcome with emotion. her mom said i just love this pure soul. >> are pound puppies back? >> you remember? >> that one is worn out. that one she's probably had forever, and she lost it and here it was. >> it's new again. >> yeah. very cool. >> all right you did it, hoda you did it coming up, a loaded first "popstart" of the year i was up all night writing this. huge news on taylor swift, kelly clarkson and how about snoop dogg at the olympics first a quick check of your local news and weather ♪ plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis
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tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done.
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oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. vital proteins collagen peptides supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today.
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(speaker 1) louie... stop... (speaker 2) blue does have pretty good ingredients. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue! honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. good morning. it's 7:56. i'm kira klapper. here is a look at what's happening now. >> i'm bob redell outside orinda b.a.r.t. where b.a.r.t. service is back to normal, has been back to normal since early this morning in time for the morning commute, after two cars derailed between orinda b.a.r.t. and lafayette b.a.r.t. yesterday morning the transit agency did spend all day and
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overnight to re-rail the cars, tow them away and repair the tracks in time for the morning commute. meteorologist kari hall has a look at our forecast as it's changing later today. >> yes, it was so nice yesterday to enjoy the sunshine. now clouds are moving in out ahead of the storm system. that's going to be approaching the bay area as we go into today, with some wet weather. we'll start out with rain first in the north bay, before lunchtime, and then continuing to spread across much of the rest of the bay area as we go throughout the day. expect some times of heavy rain this evening, possibly some gusty winds, and a slight chance of thunderstorms as well. the rain tapers off as we go throughout the day tomorrow, but during that timeframe, we could see rainfall totals reaching a half of an inch of rain, possibly higher, with up to three-quarters of an inch of rain, to an inch farther to the north. so we are going to see some changes today, drying out tomorrow, and then on thursday it looks like we'll see a lot
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more sunshine as well. temperatures will be very chilly, dropping down to the upper 30s in the morning, with highs staying in the 50s. then on friday there will be another storm system approaching that looks to bring us more widespread rain on saturday. it does clear out for sunday into monday, while san francisco will see temperatures also in the mid to upper 50s over the next few days. >> so basically, kari, if you don't like the rain, just wait another day, the sunshine will be back. thanks so much. kris sanchez will have ano
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery.
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high quality care that meets you where you are. ♪ coming up, terrifying images breaking news out of japan a passenger plane ignites into a massive fireball after a collision with another plane
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everyone onboard able to safely evacuate while the death toll rises from that powerful new year's day earthquake, the search intensifying for people buried under the rubble the latest on both of those developing stories. plus, on the rise. health officials concerned with a post-holiday spike in illnesses from rsv to the flu to covid. >> we expect cases will rise hospitalizations will rise well into the end of january. >> what you need to know. then, taking charge. it's that time of the year to pay up and we've got some tips and tricks to pay the bills before the payments are due. more from j-lo and ben affleck's romantic embrace to hugh jackman's dip into the ocean. a look at how the stars celebrated the new year. >> i want to remind us, just because we have things we want to change does not mean we cannot look back and appreciate some of the things that maybe we
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pulled off in the past >> as we kick it off today tuesday, january 2nd, 2024 >> ringing in 2024 at "the today show". >> from milwaukee, wisconsin. >> league city, texas. >> columbus, new mexico. >> north dakota. >> celebrating our 20th anniversary, from florida. >> we're on a mother-daughter trip from minnesota. >> besties on a bucket list trip. >> from reading, p.a >> from utah. >> today is my dad's 50th birthday. >> it is mckenzie's 13th birthday >> hi to my brother in south bend, indiana. >> good morning to our grandma, in california. ♪ we've got some nice people outside. welcome back we're so happy you are here with us on this tuesday morning,
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january the 2nd, 2024. happy faces. savannah will be back tomorrow. >> yes, yes. by the way, speaking of tomorrow, a lot of folks, of course, are looking to eat healthier in the new year, so we will be the first to hear about the best diets from 2024 when we reveal u.s. news and world reports new list that's tomorrow. that's exclusive only on "today" you will get that. >> look forward to that. let's get right to it. tragic start in japan where a passenger plane burst into flames at an airport collision with the coast guard plane this morning. it happened one day after the country was hit by that powerful and deadly earthquake. megan fitzgerald joins us with the latest hey, megan, good morning >> reporter: good morning. though the people onboard that passenger plane were able to escape, japan's transport minister is confirming five people onboard that coast guard flight have died the pilot the only one to have escaped live
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this collision happening hours ago on the runway in tokyo a passenger aircraft bursting into flames after colliding wit affected by the earthquake. that coast guard plane that we are now learning was, in fact, set to deliver aid to the areas affected by the earthquake meanwhile, first responders are desperately looking for survivors this morning on japan's western coast as the death toll from a series of earthquakes passes 45. this morning we're now seeing the scope of the devastation homes and buildings flattened. private roads and streets buckled. some neighbors even returning to their homes to get a firsthand look at what's left. right now this really is a race against time as crews dig through the rubble trying to find survivors. >> all right megan, thank you so much. a dramatic scene this morning in south korea, where the country's main political opposition leader survived an assassination attempt. a quick warning to our viewers this video you are about to see is quite graphic
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the democratic party head was leaving a news conference when a man who pretended to want an autograph stabbed him in the neck that attacker said to be in his late 60s was subdued lee meanwhile was air lifted to a hospital for emergency surgery. he lost the country's 2022 presidential election by less than one percentage point. officials said there was no early word of a motive for that attack there is growing concern this morning about the number of americans coming down with respiratory illnesses. officials say it is likely to get worse because so many people haven't had flu shots or covid boosters blayne alexander joins us with a closer look. good mor good morning. >> reporter: well, sheinelle good morning to you. you know, health officials say this is our new normal of course, we're all used to seeing flu and rsv numbers rise around this time of the year but this is the first season we are now officially beyond the covid pandemic and now covid has fully rolled into that list of normal seasonal illnesses you combine that with the fact that vaccination levels are down and experts say we can certainly
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expect to see many more cases in weeks to come. as the holiday season winds down, health officials warn do covid and rsv with rising cases fueled by holiday gatherings and peak travel season. according to the cdc, at least 30 states reported high or very high levels of flu- respiratory illnesses are sick out here. >> reporter: it comes as vaccination numbers are hitting a troubling low. according to the cdc, just 18% of americans have received the latest covid booster and fewer than half of american adults have gotten their flu shot, prompting the cdc in december to send this urgent message to doctors encourage at risk patients to get the shot and experts warn prepare for even more cases in january. >> we do expect cases will rise.
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hospitalizations will rise well into the end of january, early february. >> reporter: all of it led to four hospitals in some states to reinstate mask mandates, including massachusetts where this nurse sounded off on social media. >> mandatory mask. what does that tell y'all? covid is back. >> reporter: in california, uc san diego hospitals have banned entry for children under age 12. a population where respiratory illnesses can be especially dangerous. when should parents be concerned? >> two situations. one, if you have a very young child, say infant age, and they're having respiratory wheezing you can actually hear them audibly wheezing get them immediately seen. the second is if they wake up in the morning, this is a child of any age, and they have a bad sore threat. they also have a fever and they're not coughing can be correlated with strep throat it is important to get them seen immediately. >> reporter: one more important
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note for parents this is the first year that the rsv vaccine has been available that's especially important for pregnant women because they can get that shot at a certain point in their pregnancy it will help protect their child against rsv. it is something we know can be deadly in infants. one other thing for adults battling through this cold and flu season typically if we get a runny nose or cough or something, we'll think it will go away. doctors think it is important to go get tested. find out if it's covid or the flu because it can get treated oftentimes these illnesses can get serious when they don't have to but sheinelle, the bottom line is doctors say it is not too late to get vaccinated or get boosted. back to you. >> good advice collectively we have to take care of ourselves. blayne, thank you. the new year, it's off to a great start for a lucky power ballplayer a single winning ticket in michigan hit all five numbers plus the power ball in last night's drawing. grab a pen, jot these numbers
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down maybe it is you. here we go the winning ticket is good for $842 million that's the fifth largest jackpot in powerball history if you did the cash payout, that's $425 million. the ticket was sold at a food castle store in grand blank, michigan, just outside of flint. this is the first time that a powerball jackpot has ever, ever been won on new year's day. >> wow >> that's a good day. >> can you manage if you look at your numbers and go, come on come on. >> good way to start the new year all right. coming up, move over elvis on "popstart," the long-standing record that taylor swift just added to her already impressive resume. first, though, did you perhaps go overboard on your gift giving this season? fear not, christine romans is here with timely tips on paying off all that holiday debt right after this in lozenges with real medicine
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and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. platinum plus is cascade's best clean ever. with double the dawn and double the scrubbers, it removes the toughest grease and residue for an irresistible clean and shine. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride
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protects all day. it stops cavities before they start. crest. (vo) with so many choices, how do you pick the right dog food? well, you want real meat to be the first ingredient...fore they start. and you probably don't want things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food. oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪
8:12 am, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. we're back. 8:12 now. this morning on "today's consumer," call it the holiday hangover. after a season of gift giving and trips and tricks, you might be carrying a little more debt than usual. >> we have some tips on how you can tackle those holiday bills.
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christine romans is here. christine, first of all, happy new year. good to see you. i think a lot of people are peeking at their bills now saying, why did i do that? what is the average bill that americans are seeing? >> first of all, we got this. we can do this. look, it is about $1 trillion in credit card debt even before this holiday season. and holiday sales are up about 3%, a little more than the typical family is spending just shy of $1,000 for holiday gifts this year. >> people are out there. people are shopping. but if you do want to try to tackle this holiday debt right now, what are some of the first steps you should take? >> knowledge is power. you have to know what you owe. you have to be brutal about it get in there and figure out exactly what you owe, how much you overspent and how you are going to pay for it. don't forget to pay the high interest rate credit cards
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first. 20.6% for the average credit card interest rate >> that's the average rate right now? >> yeah, 20% this is not the time to leave a balance and let it roll over you can't just pay the minimums because the minimums will keep you in debt for years. really be serious about this don't forget the buy now and pa. millions of people have bought their presents on buy now, pay later. later loans. millions of people have bought their presents on buy now, pay later. they already paid a few of these payments, so they may be a little ahead find the money pay the balance. not just the minimum and you can trade gift cards did you guys get gift cards. >> this is his go-to that's his staple. >> so half of gift cards never get used did you know that? it is a wonderful gesture, craig, but somebody has one of your gift cards and will never use it so if you having trouble paying the bills, you can go to a couple different sites you can get 70 cents or 80 cents on the dollar, but use those to pay down your credit card bill. >> that's a great idea >> something you touched on here that's important is making a plan for it. >> yeah. >> because i think a lot of
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people want to stiff arm their bills. but you really do have to game it out exactly how you are going to tackle it. >> that's exactly right. and this year is different this isn't like the normal blah left on your credit card you have got -- store cards are 30%. so you have got to make a plan 44% of people are still paying off debt from 2021 at 20% interest, that is just a debt spiral. i don't mean to be so negative because i do think we have this under control. but just make sure you know what you're paying. this is the best time of the year to tackle debt. it's a fresh start new year's resolutions and all that and revisit when it's your birthday and sit down and really figure out or halfway through the year or another time, you don't want to carry those balances >> you make a good point as well you maintain you can also call the credit card company, have a conversation with your lenders. >> call them and say, look, this rate is 20%. can you lower it for me? you can see i have a good payment history. there was a lending tree study a year or so ago that found that
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76% of people were able to lower their credit card rate by an average of 6 points. that takes 20% to 16% or 30% down into the 20s. but 20% interest on credit make it more costly to borrow money. it is costly to borrow money. now we're paying it back. >> so consolidating. a lot of people think pulling it together may be help. >> a lot of people can find 0% balance transfers. just be super careful. a lot of people cards, that's because the fed e in the same problem they were in the beginning. so you have to look at what you're spending, what you're making, what the cost is to service the debt and just make a plan and you can get through it. >> is there anyone who can help you make a plan because some people don't know how to start that >> the national foundation for credit counseling. go to and see what your credit score is and how you can borrow money and what these zero balance transfer cards are. but you don't want to just keep moving the money around. you have to figure out what are the behaviors that are causing
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you to have too much debt. for some people, it is not behavior it's inflation i mean, they have more debt now because everything costs a little bit more. >> yeah. >> every year i try to get their kid the presents. that's where -- >> i try to get my boys, let's make each other something. >> i'm sure they don't want that. >> nobody wants anything made by me for christmas. >> christine, thank you. >> nice to see you guys. >> you, too. mr. roker, over to you. >> hey, good morning, guys we are looking at a fairly calm map. we have a storm system coming in to the pacific northwest some showers down through the southwest. and otherwise in the eastern third of the country looking pretty darn good it will be chilly up through the plains 20s and 30s in the great lakes and plains look at alaska, temperatures in the single digits. well below zeros but 80s in hawaii going to be gorgeous there today. the big island minus four in fairbanks. looking at flurries, pacific northwest and increasing sunshine along the east coast. that's what's going on around
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good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's back to work for a lot of people, and we are back to rain as well. in the north bay we'll start to see rain moving in by about 2:00 to 3:00 and moving into the rest of the bay area south of the golden gate bridge after 5:00. it may pick up and become quite heavy later on this evening. waves of rain continue into tonight. we're looking at the possibility of about a on today show radio. channel 108. best time of the year because it's the first "popstart" of the year. >> good stuff to start off with today. thank you, uncle al, for that warm introduction. it is "popstart," happy new year's eve let's keep the celebrations going and look at how your favorite celebs rang in the new
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husband ben affleck. we will be year j. lo in saint barts with her husband ben affleck. we will be seeing a lot more of j-lo in the new year because "this is me now" is an album and a film coming out in february. those guys happy and hanging out. faith hill and tim mcgraw showed this throwback photo simply captioned 1999 and still going strong. hugh jackman decided to take a cold plunge. i'm assuming that's the atlantic ocean now. al, you might be able to tell more he was just here in rock center. what is that, about 42 degrees that water >> the shrinkage, jersey >> thank you now i don't have to do it. >> the season, mariah -- it's like one brain you share it sharing her 2024 resolution writing new year, new beginnings, taking a picture from my bad side. >> really? she has a bad side >> i don't think so. >> for her maybe she does. >> i don't think so. >> i think so actually
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>> on trl, i think we had a lot of time spending lighting a certain way, very particular about it matthew mcconaughey shared words of >> she's a beautiful woman. and rounding out our celebrations, matthew mcconaughey shared some words of wisdom for the new year. >> just because we got things we want to change does not mean we can't also look back and appreciate some of the things that maybe we pulled off in the past, some past successes. i'm not talking about standing on ceremony. oh, look at me, look at what i did. i'm not talking about becoming complacent i'm talking about giving ourselves credit for past achievements, respecting past successes maybe more than we do and tallying up just how far we've come so far. why? so we can look forward to where we want to go. >> yes. >> did he just think of these words of wisdom? i need an app. i want that to play in my head. next up, taylor swift in true swift style
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the pop icon couldn't close out 2023 without making a few more headlines while the grammy winner rang in the new year with her boyfriend, she was also breaking records swift has now surpassed elvis as the solo artist on the top 100 that's over the 13 albums she has out. congrats to her. by the way, it is not number one. there is still a group ahead of her. any guesses? >> the beatles. >> yes they hold the most 132 weeks. >> okay. pretty cool. >> but she's got them in her cross hairs for sure. next up, snoop dogg is taking on a new role that is joining us later this summer in paris. >> what! >> that's right. live from france, bringing in his own snoop style to nbc and peacock prime time olympic coverage throughout the games, the rapper will explore iconic parisian landmarks, attend olympic competitions and get a chance to talk to all the athletes we even have a preview of what we can expect. >> oh, wow
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what is this move called >> that's an aerial, a cartwheel without hands. >> on that little itty piece of wood right there that's what it sounds like right there. explain to me what this is. what is that? >> that is an epic celebration. >> let it go. just let there. explain to me what this is what is that >> that is an epic celebration. >> what are you loving about this >> let it go just let it go >> you are going to be celebrating with us. >> you swears? i'll see you all in paris. bonjour! >> i'm glad he's on our team i can tell you that. >> take a second to welcome our friend snoop dog to the family do your thing, my man. paris kicks off right here on nbc. finally kelly clarkson returned to her vegas residency and became part of a classic vegas tradition wedding during one of her concerts she celebrated a couple celebrates 15 years in true vegas fashion, there
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happened to be an officiant standing by to mark the occasion >> we gather here today. >> claim your love tonight forever. >> by the power of kelly clarkson's show in las vegas, new year's 2024, i pronounce you both husband and husband congratulations! >> and congrats to the happy couple don't miss out on kelly's final round of shows in vegas in february you never know what can happen. on the kelly clarkson show >> that's good that's a good one. coming up, guys, help with your health goals in 2024. we will check out the latest and greatest when it comes to wellness trends, including a natural alternative to the popular weight loss drugs. we'll have that and a whole lot more coming up after your local news and weather
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm kris sanchez. the chevron refinery in richmond is once again under microscope. the management district says
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it's investigating six complaints of flaring on new year's eve, just the latest in a string of similar incidents at the refinery. chevron says the flaring was the result of the so-called process upset. it says flares are a safety measure used to relieve pressure and help keep the plant operating safely. meteorologist kari hall is tracking our next round of rain, which should be due to come during your evening commute. >> it starts in the north bay with a storm system that is moving fairly quickly. it will be in and out of here later tonight. we start out with rain at 2:00 to 3:00 in the north bay and picking up in intensity as it sweeps across the bay area with possibility gusty winds and downpours. we have sunshine in the forecast, but much cooler temperatures in the mornings with our lows in the upper 30s, highs in the 50s and another round of rain in the forecast for the weekend. >> we have more local news in
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just a half hour. hope you'll join us then. loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune?
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maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ it is 8:30 tuesday morning the very first tuesday of 2024 very happy to be spending part of it with our plaza crowd how are you all doing? happy new year >> by the way, it's a fun group. oh, wait hold on. wait there is a young lady named arabella over there who sketched this picture and gave it to me. >> oh, wow >> hold on hold on. this is arabella, the artist how old are you?
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>> 12. >> and we have to say hi to grandma. >> what's your name? >> connie. >> connie wanted to get on connie got to get on coming up -- to do just that a couple blocks away >> there is a guy charging $150 to do just that a couple blocks away. >> nice job. beautiful. >> make sure she signs it. >> craig, you have a really cool story. we're kicking off a brand new series. >> hoda, we are. >> it's all about spending a day in the life of folks who are just extraordinary and inspiring people we will start with a middle schoolteacher who is balancing his role in the classroom with his roles as a husband and a father. >> that's a good one. also ahead, top trends in wellness for 2024, including natural alternatives to drugs that have become wildly popular for weight loss but can be very expensive. joe fryer went around new york to find new trends in food and drink, and we will be enjoying all of those this year. we will see what he has coming up. can't wait later on in the third hour, it
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is a season of resolutions and our fitness guru is here to show us how to get our steps in without even stepping outside. i like that. >> stepped outside a few minutes ago into some cold. >> a little on the brisk side, but it is winter there we have that going for us. as we look for today decreasing clouds in the mid-atlantic states. heavy rain down through texas. next storm comes through the west we get into the mid-week period. light snow around the great lakes. widespread snow showers through the rockies. wet weather in the pacific northwest. toward the end of the week, we're watching a storm system getting itself together getting out of the gulf that will bring snow to the northeast, staying active out good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we'll start to see some rain coming in during our afternoon, getting heavier this evening. this will impact your drive home. temperatures today in the low 60s. it will get cooler tomorrow with
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overnight temperatures in the upper 30s. another and that is your latest weather. mr. melvin >> mr. roker, 41 years, congratulations. >> what was the job? >> lawyer. >> all right there you go. >> i didn't think lawyers ever retire coming up next, we'll launch our new series shadowing an inspiring and hard working middle schoolteacher whose day belongs long before that opening bell but first, this is "today" on nbc!
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take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery.
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high quality care that meets you where you are. >> estamos de vuelta con la
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a new series to begin the new year, a day in the life. >> yeah. it is all about celebrating the lives of ordinary people who, in their own ways are quite extraordinary. we will start off with someone who plays a very pivotal role. and craig, we're talking about a public schoolteacher >> this one is close to home for me because i'm the son of a schoolteacher. my mother-in-law is a school teacher. when we decided to shadow a teacher for the day, it seemed like a great fit ryan teaches outside pittsburgh and we found his average day to be anything but. we also found it to be emblematic of millions of educators all across this country. ♪ every day across america, they rise before many of us. >> 6:15 in the morning here in beaver falls, pennsylvania we're about to knock on the door and tag along with a teacher for the day. >> hey >> good morning. >> what's up, brian. craig melvin. >> nice to meet you.
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>> ryan and his wife have two sons, ben and grayson, still sleeping >> oh, hi, melissa it's your neighbor, craig. up a. as soon as you get up, you hit the ground running. >> yes. i drop my son off to the baby-sitter to catch the bus and run to the door and usually the kids are there within 5 or 10 minutes. soon we're on our this reminds me when i was a supportive of the kids and the school. he drops his 7-year-old son off and we reach high land middle school by 7:43 >> this is the office, huh >> this is it. us and 800 of our closest friends. >> reporter: teaching here was his first job out of college he's been here 15 years and goes to great lengths to keep his kids engaged in the social studies lessons he teaches for his work, he was selected by the pennsylvania department of
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education as the state's teacher of the year in 2023. it is very quiet the calm before the storm. >> the storm starts at 8:30 with the first class of 7th graders the dim lights are a sign of the times. interactive white boards replacing the chalkboards of my day. each student also has a tablet provided by the school right now they're studying every day life in ancient egypt. >> part one says you're going to create a narrative, a story. >> reporter: he hovers, advises trying to get them to build on what they've learned the second class starts with morning announcements and the pledge of allegiance. >> with liberty and justice for all. he stays put in room 203 while students move in and out after two classes, he moves on to lewis and clark for a class of eighth graders at 10:00 a.m there is a lot of participation in his class, moving desks, forming teams to work on projects together. 10:45 is study hall.
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some students passing the time with cards invite me to play war. >> i haven't won a hand yet. >> reporter: 12:15, he gets a half hour for lunch. he spends it in the teacher's room he may be the teacher of the year, but he insists many of his colleagues are more deserving of the award. next, prep period when we find some time to talk. when did you realize that you actually wanted to teach >> i think in high school. yeah you look at good social studies teachers that you had and you think i'd really like to do that to be a teacher is a little bit about liking the subject that you want to teach, but it is a lot more about wanting to work with kids. >> how has it changed in the 15 years you have been teaching >> in the years immediately after covid, i think you were seeing students just struggled to be in a space with other people and they are surrounded by other people all day and be in a chair and a desk and listen to instruction all day. >> classes resuming 1:25 and finish with dismissal at 2:45.
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the fleet of yellow buses rumble off in formation he picks up his son at his school >> oh. oh, hi, ben. at 4:15 he helps ben with his homework followed by play time in the backyard. after we sit down with ryan and melissa. she's an educator, too a speech pathologist you both spend all day working with children that aren't your own and then you come home and you have two small boys. you're surrounded by children everyday, all day. >> yeah. >> how do you do that? w. i don't know. >> but we really enjoy it. but we really enjoy it it is really hard. the mental load, it can be a lot. >> but it is also really rewarding to get to watch kids grow. >> one day, if one of the boys comes to you, they may say, you know what, i want to go into education. i want to be a teacher what would you say, to be honest >> i say go for it
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i think it's a great profession. i think it's a great opportunity to make a difference. >> reporter: the day winds down with family dinner at 6:28, followed by a bedtime story. the final lesson before the day is done. >> i so enjoyed that by the way, what's really cool, they teach in the town where they grew up. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's their hometown i love how he dresses up in all those outfits. you get why he's teacher of the year, too. >> isn't it mind boggling teachers don't make the same as doctors? it's mind boggling >> they're responsible for our greatest resource. >> yes the greatest assets we have are our young people and they're there in the thick of it. >> spending their own money. >> by the way, most teachers, we have a lot of folks on the couch with connections to public education, you know this to be true, it doesn't end when the school day is over you are grading papers you have the parent teacher conferences. >> yeah. oh by the way, you have your own two kids
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>> all right, cool coming up next, the doctor coming up next, the doctor is in. this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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welcome back at 8:44 with your health. with a lot of us committed to living healthier lifestyles in to 2024, we're looking at wellness trends to track that's where our doctor comes in, as an integrated best-selling physician good morning good to see you. >> good morning. >> i love talking about other ways to promote wellness one of them you say is wholistic, which is kind of body, mind, spirit, that way to wellness but how do you get on that path, if that's something that you would like to try? >> i love the fact that people are really understanding how so many different things play into health and wellness. it is not just a lab number. it is not just a test. >> medicine, yeah. >> really, it is how you live, the type of job you have, the community, the relationships, all of that, mind, body spirit together
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i think one of the things that we really want to do is make sure everybody has awareness that all of this plays into their health it plays into those lab numbers. >> so if you have a job that you you cannot change, what can you do to improve your wholistic health? >> you work on your mind set, your relationships, work on building community, food and movement and stress management and all these other pieces until you are able to really have the energy to make those other changes. >> let's talk about something i can't change in a location that a lot of people are wearing those. some of them are dexcom. some are others. why is that important? >> blood sugar really is the root of so many diseases today, inflammation, brain fog, belly fat, weight. how we feel, energy. all these things people are talking about in the new year. by tracking your blood sugar, you can connect it to activities in your daily life, going back to that wholistic thought, that
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might be impacting how high your blood sugar spikes and then you can change them so it is giving you real-time data in the moment to allow you to make changes in your life. >> a lot of times we have no idea you are cranky you feel terrible hours later. but if you can put your finger on it, you will know that's my button. >> definitely. >> a lot of people are on ozempic and weight loss drugs. they're very popular but if you want an alternative to those, what's available >> ozempic has gained popularity because it really helps lower blood sugar, back to why it's so important to track your blood sugar. but there are so many natural alternatives everything from food and natural products for example, barbourin has been around forever and it helps to lower blood sugar. it works in a way very similar to something like a ozempic. >> you get that at a store >> you can get that over the counter. you can order that there are some dosing, and you can always run that by your provider but probiotics are another one that also help to lower and manage blood sugar that actually helps to lower
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blood sugar as well. so there is a lot out there in the wholistic and natural world to help us achieve what ozempic is doing in the pharmaceutical world. >> a lot of people feel crummy because their hormones are whacked out. they don't know how to get everything kind of back in check. this is your lane. >> this is my lane and we have been talking about this trend for a while and we are seeing men, women, everyone really want to understand what's happening with their hormone health and connect the dots with what their hormones are doing and how they feel how they think what their weight is doing and so much more so i think understanding your hormones, tracking your hormones, that is absolutely a 2024 wellness trend. >> okay. is there anything you can do specifically or just go to your doctor and track? >> definitely. so much you can do you should know your numbers for sure prioritizing sleep and making sure you're getting in deep, consistent sleep that makes a difference for hormone stress management. really impacts hormones
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dramatically is often a starting point. >> let's talk about testing. a lot of people don't know what any of their numbers are to know what they need to be working on. but it's important to know your data >> you know, as i think people become more and more educated about their health and wellness, they want this wholistic approach and want to track blood sugar and want to know their numbers. we're seeing this sort of rise in every type of at-home testing that's available whether it's hormones or micro biome or checking your stool or looking at nutrients and so much more. the more educated you can be about yourself, whether it's how you live or whether it's yur numbers, i think the more powerful you are in taking ownership of your health overall. >> lastly, the umbrella of longevity. a lot of people want to live long and live healthy. what's new in that realm >> just again understanding how staying active, staying on an anti-inflammatory diet, building muscle really helps both muscle and bone health and also building community all of that is really the secret
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to longevity, not just living longer, but living in our most optimal, most powerful self. >> sure. thank you so much. we appreciate it >> thank you. speaking of trends in the speaking of trends in the hottest foo look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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trying vapes to quit smoking might feel wh like progress, you get and stay ahead. but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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new year "today food. new year brings new trends when it comes to what we eat and what we drink >> yeah, let's talk about drinking now the spritz might have competition in the new year. here is a look at what's going to be in your glass and on your plate. this year, saturday today anchor, of course, joe fryer is here joe? >> if you are all stuffed from the holiday and you are thinking, oh, good let's talk about food. that's why i'm here. good morning 2023 we saw some things you might not have predicted like butter boards and girl dinner, reinvented martinis and mocktails. also grew in popularity. well, this year, expect to see some surprising twists on old favorites.
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this story, like any good meal, begins with a drink. most people heard of the aperol spritz, what do you have here? >> for here, we have the hugo spritz. >> that's what's on the menu at more and more restaurants like republic latin fusion in brooklyn the owner says you just need three ingredients. elder flower liquor, sparkling wine like prosecco and club soda for me, it is a less bitter alternative. to the aperol spritz oh, it's good. it's like super refreshing yelp says searches were up more than 1,100% this year. proof that elderflower is a huge trend. >> we like to call it the bartender's ketchup in our scene because you put it on anything and it just goes perfect. it just works. >> reporter: you won't find any ketcheck up at new york's where ramen reigns far cry from the instant cup stockpiled in college dorm
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rooms. chef nakamura is known as one of japan's ramen gods. >> noodle is a game changer, i think. >> reporter: first we sample a >> all right. here we go. nope. >> that' classic style with a thinner noodle that i tried to eat with chop sticks. all right. >> that's good. >> nope. not quite. okay yeah, let's try that again so like this >> perfect >> perfect >> yes, yes, yes. >> perfect, like the ramen which i'm told you are allowed to slurp. that's delicious these days the chef says thicker noodles and thicker sauces are becoming more popular with many craving cold ramen >> so, take some noodle like this and dip and eat >> yelp searches for cold ramen jumped 30% last year so the sauce is sort of the star here, right? >> yes. >> it's got a lot of the flavor. >> uh-huh. >> yeah. more diners are also taking a
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dip into meat alternatives chef guy owns several plant-based new york restaurants, including anixi which serves mediterranean food. >> most of our customers are not vegetarian or vegan for that matter. >> beef and chicken alternatives are common, he is also focussing on plant-based seafood a quickly-evolving trend. >> nice and delicate the way salmon should be >> it takes like al smon i would never know. >> he recently added this salmon fillet to the menu. >> you can cook it it flakes like a salmon. it looks like a salmon tastes like a salmon that's a touch in what the future is going to bring to us. >> reporter: for our final course, let's head back to brooklyn for an after-dinner drink. carajio. coffee, espresso. >> it is good. it's almost like a cup of coffee with cream in it, right?
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>> a new night cap to start the year >> so it's a good night cap but also, hey, why not try it this morning. this is made by our friends at ic and it's just two ingredients if you want to try it out it's basically espresso or any sort of coffee you want to put it in a sweet spanish liquor what do you think? >> it's like a bailey's. >> martini. >> that's the thing. for people who may want an espresso martini, this is an alternative and tastes like it has cream in it which is crazy because it doesn't have any cream. it's simply two ingredients. you shake them together. >> it's like it would be too sweet if it wasn't for the espresso it's great it's good. >> thank you, joe. happy new year >> cheers, to 2024, everyone. all right, guys. coming up on the fourth hour, new products to help detox. >> i need new solution, not new products.
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good morning. it's 8:56. bart finally back to normal in both directions after yesterday's derailment. the overnight hours were spent rerailing the cars and fixing the tracks. we are told that the train operator was told to stop the train, get out and manually switch tracks between lafayette and orinda. this is usually a simple workaround. why the train derails after that is still under investigation. bob riddell will have a live update at midday. a followup on the el cerrito work missing since december. alice herman was last seen in
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santa cruz. her boyfriend is a person of interest in the investigation. he left the state after she disappeared and is not cooperating. take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery.
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high quality care that meets you where you are. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus.
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for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," heading home. millions of us making that return trip after one of the busiest holiday travel weeks ever. how it went and what we can expect in the new year ahea


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