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tv   Today  NBC  January 4, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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in. for san francisco, we are reaching a high of 60 today. it will be bright and sunny and the sunshine continues tomorrow. we are also going to see the off and on rain for saturday afternoon. >> reasonably smooth traffic. >> oh, yeah, and i mean things have been smooth along the peninsula. palo alto, either direction for the 101, the bay bridge lights are on, but still smooth. hopefully you will follow us over to roku where we continue our breaking news coverage. >> if not, we will see you at breaking overnight, those epstein documents now being released >> what they are revealing and the immediate fallout. it's january the 4th, good morning. this is "today." unsealed, the first batch of court documents related to
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jeffrey epstein now made public, naming specific people linked to him. high-profile figures in politics and more we'll have the very latest, the key takeaways and how some of them are responding. here it comes, that cross-country storm heading east millions waking up to winter weather alerts with more on the way. al's updated forecast and the impact on your weekend, just ahead. on edge. deadly explosions in iran and the killing of a top hamas leader in lebanon, pushing fears of a broader war in the middle east to new heights. this morning, new calls for revenge and how the white house is responding to the escalating tensions chaos in court >> a convicted felon launches himself over the bench and attacks the judge. >> is she okay >> the shocking moment caught on camera how that judge is doing this morning and the new trouble that man is now in.
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all that plus "today" exclusive. the brand-new program being rolled out this morning making it easier for people to get popular weight loss drugs. how it works and the concern some critics are already raising. rescue. >> take ♪ and heart-warming rescue >> this is -- teary eyed right here take a look out your window. >> the coast guard saves the day after a family dog falls off a cliff. >> oh! >> oh! hugs love it! >> inside the touching mission and reunion today thursday, january 4th, 2024. >> reporter: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning welcome to "today. it's a thursday morning. so happy to have you with us how about little leo
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got saved. i guess they were on a hike, the little dog got ahead of his owners and the coast guard came in and swept him up. happy ending to that story >> a really sweet ending meanwhile, al is keeping his eye on a major winter storm. it's already slammed the west coast and now it's on the move, set to bring snow to parts of the northeast. we'll get to your forecast in just a moment. but we are going to start with that breaking news overnight, those newly-unsealed documents with a lawsuit tied to the jeffrey epstein case >> among the names, former presidents clinton and trump, prince andrew, magician david copperfield and michael jackson. >> nbc senior legal correspondent laura jarrett spent much of the night going through those documents. laura, what'd you learn? >> hoda, i finished those documents. and the men referenced in these materials we're about to discuss deny any wrongdoing. they deny having any contact with him in the past couple of years and certainly not knowing about the harm he inflicted. not one of them have been criminally charged for anything connected to epstein but seeing all of the names now
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in the court records, it's a searing reminder of his influence and his reach. >> reporter: this morning, for the first time, hundreds of court records tied to the 0 pagf materials previously deemed confidential includes references to familiar names from politicians to convicted sex offender, jeffrey epstein, now made public the more than 900 pages of materials previously deemed confidential includes references to familiar names, from politicians to celebrities many of them previously linked to epstein before his suicide in 2019 former president bill clinton and donald trump mentioned in deposition transcripts both have denied any wrongdoing. one a woman who once worked for epstein spoke about clinton. saying epstein told her one time that clinton likes them young, referring to girls a spokesman for clinton referred nbc news to a prior statement from 2019 saying he had not spoken to epstein in over a decade and was unaware of
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epstein's crimes the same woman says epstein once suggested calling trump for an outing in atlantic city. other prominent names also littered throughout the documents, including the late pop star, michael jackson and magician david copperfield, mentioned as being at epstein's house in palm beach, florida, according to one survivor who says copperfield asked, quote, if i was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls. he did not immediately return a request for comment. all of the details contained in the official court records, from the civil suit filed by epstein accuser, virginia giuffre, against ghislaine maxwell, epstein's longtime girlfriend and accomplice, who is currently behind bars for sex trafficking. giuffre reiterated in her now unsealed deposition, she was directed to have sex with britain's prince andrew, something he has repeatedly denied the two later settled a separate sex abuse lawsuit. giuffre telling savannah in
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2019 >> how did this happen for so long client supports the documents being made public and they only begin to scratch the surface >> we learn more each time about how this sophisticated trafficking operation happened for so many decades, and how many people were involved. it was vast. it was significant and it harmed literally hundreds of young women >> laura, this really kind of fleshes out the picture in some of these allegations to have names now released and there are more documents coming >> virginia giuffre's attorney told me last night, savannah, there are thousands of pages still left to come so this is really just the beginning. and remember, two people have objected to some of these documents coming out, saying they want to stay anonymous. so there's still a lot more to come here. >> a judge will presumably rule on those >> yeah. >> thank you all right. another major story we're following, that major winter storm now moving across the country.
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it's set to impact a lot of folks on the east coast this weekend. al is tracking it for us al, good morning which way is it headed >> well, it is headed our way. already, winter storm watches and warnings out through the southwest and the rockies. today, heavy snow in the central and southern rockies showers and thunderstorms pushing ahead through texas today. then, tomorrow, this thing races into the gulf coast. it intensifies, pulls up a lot of gulf moisture so there's also a severe threat for the east central gulf coast, and then tomorrow, or on saturday, i should say, snow develops for the interior, but it looks like it's going to change quickly to a mix of rain and snow, or maybe just rain from new york to the south, but there is going to be strong winds and rain developing. so there will be airport delays. sunday as it pulls away, we'll look for heavy snow and high winds for parts of new england, snow showers through the appalachians now here is the deal, 60 miles makes a big difference these are the model forecast tracks the main ones we're watching 60-mile spread if it stays with this inside
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track, that means heavy snow for the north and south, for the north and west of new york city, you can see, not much going on down the i-95 corridor but 60 miles to the south withyk this storm, and all of a sudden you've got heavy snow stretching from keene, new hampshire, albany, all the way down to new york, even parts of philadelphia, northern philadelphia could see that. but right now, we think it's going to be the more northern track. that's less snow along the eastern seaboard, along the i-95 corridor and more snow we'll have to continue to track this because those paths are wobbling guys. >> al, thank you we turn now to the 2024 presidential race. republican front-runner donald trump is now asking the u.s. supreme court to overturn a ruling in colorado that banned him from that state's primary ballot and it comes with the first voting just 11 days away nbc's garrett haake covers the trump campaign so garrett, tell us about this appeal that the trump legal team has filed with the u.s. supreme court. >> savannah, donald trump and his attorneys are making the
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case that the public has a right to vote for the candidate of his choice and that congress alone has the authority to decide who's eligible to appear on ballots, not state courts this is in response to this colorado supreme court ruling, declaring mr. trump ineligible to be on the ballot, because of his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. something mr. trump's lawyers are now pushing back on, claiming that there was no insurrection for him to have been a part of at all. now, several courts in other states have dismissed similar attempts, but last week, maine's top election official ruled mr. trump ineligible for the same reason he's appealing that decision as well and will remain on the ballot in both states while this process plays out. >> speaking of, you have the campaign trail happening right now, you have these ballot issues going but trump's kind of got this obi-wan kanobie thing happening, where the more these things come against him, the stronger he seems to get within the republican primary field >> always happy for a political "star wars" reference, savannah. you're right, trump maintains
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this commanding lead in the hawkeye state, and that increasingly looks like it's a battle for second place between ron desantis and nikki haley, who both had to defend trump and are set to square off in a debate next wednesday that could trump faces multiple court proceedings. he'll be back in court for hearings o influence that second-place decision and it comes during a month where mr. trump faces multiple court hearings he'll be back and forth for hearings on the election interference case in d.c., civil fraud trial in new york, that we know he plans to attend. all of it creates this unprecedented political split screen meanwhile, president biden is set to give a speech now tomorrow marking the january 6th anniversary. he's expected to cast trump as a threat to democracy. that's become a key part of his campaign message savannah >> garrett, thank you. and may the force be with you. >> also with you turning now to the escalating violence in the middle east. an investigation underway after twin bombings killed nearly a hundred people at a memorial event in southern iran there are new questions this morning an the strike that killed a top hamas leader in lebanon.
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all of this raising fears over the potential for broader conflict across the region nbc's chief international correspondent, keir simmons, is in beirut. hey, keir, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning to you a senior administration official says that antony blinken, the secretary of state, is set to head to the middle east again, his fourth visit since the october 7th massacre in israel as the u.s. struggles to combine its support for israel with deterrence towards iran and handling the growing anger in places like lebanon here and across the region. with crowds in tehran shouting "death to israel," "death to america," iran's response so far restricted to fiery words. 24 hours after a double bombing killed 84 people, as they marked the death of an iranian military leader, assassinated in a u.s. drone strike four years ago, u.s. officials saying that america was not involved in these bombings >> we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this
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explosion. >> reporter: pointing to terrorist groups like isis -- but in the red sea, attacks on ships by iranian-backed houthi rebels are now threatening price rises and major delays two u.s. officials tell nbc news that the white house is considering with allies, targeting houthi rebels inside yemen. and the leader of iran's proxy militia, hezbollah, vowing revenge for the killing of a hamas leader here in lebanon, a crime he said in a speech that will not go unpunished nine hezbollah fighters were killed in clashes on the border with israel last night the chief of mossad this morning vowing to hunt down every hamas member involved in the october 7th terror attacks inside israel, where 1,200 were killed. and this morning, the families of those americans taken hostage during the attack releasing an ad, calling on government leaders to do more to bring them home >> every second counts >> reporter: amid the tension, statements by israeli government
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hard-liners, calling for palestinian to be removed from gaza, branded irresponsible by the u.s. across the middle east, anger unabated with the risk of unleashing a wider war >> and the funeral for that hamas leader gets under way here in lebanon this afternoon. there are some in israel who worry that assassinations only add to the bloodshed, but israel does appear to be writing a new chapter in its long history of targeting its enemies wherever it can find them hoda >> keir simmons for us there in beirut keir, thank you. >> let's stay on the top of those ongoing attacks in the red sea. many of those ships supply the u.s. with crucial goods and supplies, and now some major carriers are being forced to change their routes. let's bring in christine romans. our senior business correspondent. good morning once you start playing this out and seeing the logistics and shipping companies having to work around this tension, it really has an effect on the economy. >> it really does. and the houthi rebels, that's exactly the modus operandi,
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right? they're trying to tweak the west this is essentially a super highway for international shipping goods come through here. these shipping companies are re-routing, but that's going to add time and cost to all of those goods going through there. 10 to 14 days to go around the horn of africa so it will cost more we've already seen the freight rates rising we've already seen some surcharges we know there could be delays for spring and summer products, so this is something that's happening very far away, that literally could effect what's happening in your grocery cart >> that's interesting. >> we haven't seen the inflation on this yet, and there's hopes that they can try to mitigate that >> i think a lot of people are probably wondering, basically, how is that going to affect me so will it affect you on like everyday things, groceries, you mentioned. >> you know, a lot of things are going to be delayed. and they will cost more to get to the u.s., to get to store shelves. i was looking at the manifest of these ships that went through this area in december and it
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reads like everything in your house, you know, tennis shoes, sporting goods, macy's, target, ikea all of these companies are scrambling to figure out how to compensate for the extra time it's going to take to get things there. will it cause big inflation? no one thinks it's equivalent to what happened in covid, when you had shipping and snarled supply lines. that's the good news this is not a covid kind of shipping problem this is something more minor but still quite, quite dangerous a situation. especially for people working on these ships. >> and the white house looking into it i believe today. >> issuing a warning yesterday, the white house and allies saying, look, this is your final call here. this has to stop >> all right >> thank you so much >> thanks, christine at least six state capital complexes across the united states were forced to evacuate yesterday because of bomb threats. it happened in connecticut, georgia, kentucky, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, and montana. the bomb threats come via email from an anonymous sender
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the fbi determined it was all a hoax, but still the agency trying to figure out who sent those e-mails. a quarter after, we turn to craig and what a scene in las vegas in this courtroom. >> savannah, hoda, good morning. good morning to you as well. this was a shocking altercation. all of it was caught on camera a defendant hurling himself over the bench, as you see there, lunging at the judge during a sentencing hearing and the legitimate security questions that are now being raised as a result of what we just saw liz, good morning to you >> yeah, hey, craig. good morning the man who attacked the judge has a history of violent offenses in court, he had tried to argue that he shouldn't be sentenced to prison for his latest crime when the judge didn't buy it, that is when he lunged at her, leading to this massive courtroom fight. >> hey -- this is the shocking moment a man attacked a las vegas judge in her own courtroom.
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clark county district court judge mary kay holses was in the middle of sentencing 34-year-old to prison for battery with bodily harm when he unexpectedly jumped over both the defense table and judge's bench and tackled her. court officials and attorneys jumping to the judge's aid all of it caught on this courtroom video. >> is he okay? >> a court-martial appearing injured as officers eventually subdued the defendant while helping the judge get back to her feet before escorting her out. the terrifying attack just the latest security scare for judges nationwide last year, a man shot and killed a state judge at his home in maryland after the judge ruled against him in a child custody case while in 2020, there was a horrifying attack in new jersey, where a disgruntled lawyer targeted federal judge esther salas, showing up at her home, shooting her husband multiple times, and killing her 20-year-old son. judge salas told savannah about
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her efforts to help better protect the personal information of judges in a law named after her son, daniel, that has since been passed. >> what are you hoping will happen now >> what i'm hoping will happen now is that we will expand thes raising new questions about security in courtrooms in a statement the las vegas court saying we are reviewing all our protocols and will do whatever is necessary to protect the judiciary, the public, and our employees. and according to the court, the judge who was assaulted experienced some injuries and is being monitored. the marshal who was injured was transported to the hospital believed today be in stable condition this morning as for the defendant, that attacker, he now faces addition craig? >> just a wild scene inside that courtroom. liz, thank you let us check back with al and get the rest of the forecast >> here's that storm that we're going to be talking about making its way across country it's bringing snow, we've got
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winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings up through the rockies, rain and snow as another storm comes into the pacific northwest. sunshine from the plains, great lakes, all the way down to the gulf, some fog in eastern texas. sunshine in florida. breezy and colder and a few lake-effect snow showers through the eastern great lakes. we're going to get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. plus get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. so switch to t-mobile now and get two lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line and experience america's largest and fastest 5g network. good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we are starting out with clouds this morning but it will be clearing out today with cool temperatures. this weekend we will see rain returning on saturday with
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chilly temperatures, and into early next week we will continue with a clearing sky and frosty mornings. here's a look at our 7-day forecast showing that we have a couple days with sunshine for the afternoons and temperatures heading up to the low 60s. it will be cooler into next week. and that is your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you still ahead, inside the very public feud that's erupted between late-night host jimmy kimmel and nfl star aaron rodgers. nbc's kaylee hartung is on that story for us hey, kaylee. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys aaron rodgers has been the punch line of jimmy kimmel's jokes before but no one's laughing now. after the jets quarterback that kimmel calls reckless. the comedian is even threatening legal action coming up, we'll have the latest on the apology from one of aaron rodgers' closest allies. >> all right, kaylee and a new program beginning
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this morning allows people to order those popular drugs for weight loss online and you don't need a visit to the doctor we will have the exclusive details on that, but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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still ahead, today's first five things of 2024. >> in focus, the biggest new year's resolutions improving your health, your diet and your money after your local headline news new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love.
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things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. good morning to you. we are moving you forward with a look at the top stories, including breaking news, a controversial news in uc berkeley's people's park overnight. police officers met with protesters. >> here's a live look at the scene this morning.
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this is all part of an effort to close off the historic space in preparation for a long-opposed construction of student housing. a look overnight, you can see the video showing crews moving in and tearing down structures and taking out tents and clearing belongings from the park. it all unfolded just after midnight as police and chp barricaded every street within two blocks of people's park. several clusters of protesters who oppose the construction by the university of a housing complex have been showing up and clashing at times with officers. in a few hours we are expected to hear from a man accused of shooting and killing a undercover police officer, officer tuan le. three suspects are facing charges in connection to his death. sanders expected to be arraigned today, and we expect allen brown
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to appear in court. the case is still ongoing, and opd says more arrests could come soon. let's take a look at our forecast this morning with meteorologist, kari hall. a chilly start, kari. >> yeah, we have more cold mornings ahead. in fact, it will get colder as we go throughout the weekend. we are starting out with clouds and temperatures today for the inland areas into the low 60s. we are down to the low 40s tonight, and some early-morning showers for the north bay, and otherwise it will be mostly sunny, more widespread rain, and saturday's forecast we will see
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♪ ♪ hold me closer, tiny dancer ♪ >> i have to go home ♪ count the headlights on the highway ♪
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>> you are home. ♪ lay me down in sheets of linen ♪ ♪ you had a busy day today ♪ >> oh, my gosh, all the teenage boys went, oh, my. 7:30 what a scene from "almost famous." that was the breakout roll for kate hudson. 25 years ago hard to believe. kate will be here in just a bit. she had a busy holiday season. she's an incredible singer we were just watching her during the break. she's got an album coming out this year and she'll show some go-to exercises that we can all say. >> some people shouldn't have that much talent >> i mean that in the best possible way we'll start this half hour with a kind of bizarre feud that has escalated this week between late-night host jimmy kimmel and nfl star aaron rodgers >> it rose to a new level when rodgers suggested on espn, without evidence, by the way, that kimmel could have ties to jeffrey epstein and now the host of that show is offering an apology. nbc's kaylee hartung has the
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very latest on this back and forth. kaylee, good morning >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys so aaron rodgers' weekly appearances on the pat mcafee show has made it one of the most popular on espn. the nfl star has stirred up controversy before, but this time kimmel believes that e mig action. an old feud heating up in the new year. >> i can understand why jimmy got incredibly -- >> pat mcafee apologizing wednesday for controversial comments made on his show by frequent guest, nfl quarterback aaron rodgers. rodgers appearing to suggest, without evidence, there might be a connection between late-night talk show host jimmy kimmel and convicted sex offender, jeffrey epstein. >> a lot of people, including jimmy kimmel, are really hoping that doesn't -- >> ahhh! >> reporter: rodgers referring to unsealed documents released wednesday that included hundreds of names tied to epstein kimmel's name not among them
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>> there are things that could certainly probably meant to be [ bleep ] talk joke that is obviously a very serious allegation >> reporter: mcafee noting that he and rodgers recorded tuesday's show on two hours of sleep after the rose bowl game, adding he didn't think the comments were serious, calling it locker room talk. >> also, i think aaron is like, this guy has said some stuff about me in his monologue. i don't think he meant anything else, but he'll have to clarify that but that is aaron and jimmy, they've been -- >> jousting a bit. >> reporter: over the past few years, the late-night comedian has made the nfl star a punch line on his show, frequently criticizing rodgers for conspiracy theories and his anti-covid vaccine stance. >> aaron rodgers reportedly received a homeopathic treatment over the summer instead of the vaccine. you know, nothing says i heal myself with crystals like this haircut. i mean -- >> reporter: but kimmel making it clear on a post on "x" that rodgers' latest comments are no
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laughing matter, denying any association with epstein and threatening legal action, writing, your reckless words put my family in danger. it's unclear if kimmel's family have received threats over the matter after giving rodgers a platform comments. >> we apologize for being a part of it. can't wait to hear what aaron has to say about it. >> so, as you know, both rodgers and kimmel have these very public platforms, platforms that are on disney, by the way. they both work for the same employer. so where could all of this go to speak >> here's what we do know. rodgers is expected to return to mcafee's on tuesday for his regular appearance and "jimmy kimmel live!" returns on monday, so we'll have to see if either continues to fan the flames of this feud. and like you noted and disney owns both espn and abc where jimmy kimmel airs. all sides have declined to comment on the matter. >> keep us posted, kaylee. still ahead, new fallout
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over the resignation of harvard's president, claudine gay, what she is now saying about her decision to step down. the mistakes she said she made on capitol hill and the accusations of plagiarism she still faces. first, there's a new way for people to get those popular weight loss drugs. maggie vespa's got the story for us hey, maggie! >> hey, guys good morning imagine this, getting precipitation weight loss drugs without the in-person doctor's visit, without even the trip to the pharmacy, and getting the drug shipped straight to your house. one drugmaker says it's possible starting today and we have the exclusive inside look next a movie. karaoke. and... 2% cash back on what you need. (man) no no no, just my shoe. (vo) like maybe shoes without laces. (man) just my shoe folks. (vo) the wells fargo active cash card. that's real life ready.
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(vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more.steady. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at (screams) bleeding gums are serious, jamie. dr. garcia? woah. they're a sign of bacterial infection. crest gum detoxify's antibacterial fluoride works below the gumline to help heal gums and stop bleeding. crest saves the day.
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♪ we're back with "in-depth today." an exclusive look at a groundbreaking new effort to combat obesity in this country >> it comes from eli lilly and allows you to buy a drug popular for weight loss, directly from the company without a doctor's appointment and have it shipped right to their door >> some are asking is it safe? maggie vespa is here with more good morning, maggie >> this is really huge this program starting today called lily direct gives obese patients the option of skipping the in-person checkup and instead getting a prescription from a telehealth doctor for the company's drug and having it sent straight to their house a possible hint at the future of medicine that's guaranteed to add to the already mounting buzz around weight loss drugs in the u.s. >> reporter: a new frontier on america's battle against obesity.
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pharmaceutical giant eli lilly launching lily direct, a one-stop shop website where users can find a provider or telehealth doctor and get prescription medications shipped to their door. a variety of medications will be available, but analysts say one of the fastest sellers will be the company's weight loss crowned jewel, zepbound. it's the latest weight loss drug in $56 billion industry that the ceo says should be able to people everywhere. obviously, there are going to be questions from people about safety, oversight. can you explain the role of physicians >> it's a critical part of how the site works these drugs need to be used under the supervision of a physician. and we're just offering more choice in that regard. >> reporter: some critics have concerns one is that easier access could mean more abuse by those who just want to lose a few pounds another is the motive behind direct access. >> they're trying hard to make sure that you can find the path to something that they
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absolutely want to sell you. that creates at least the appearance of conflict of interest >> this is about patient success. our sales will be the same either way, whether we sell it to cvs or walgreens or sell it on our website >> reporter: eli lilly is the first pharmaceutical company to allow direct sales, but there have been other attempts to make these drugs more widely available. weight watchers acquired a telehealth company so customers can more easily get prescriptions. novo nordisk also offers a saving programs for their drugs ozempic and wegovy and there are on going efforts by eli lilly and novo nordisk to make these drugs in oral versions as well as an easier alternative to the current injectables. lynn says she could have used other options after feeling dismissed by her doctor when she tried to question her weight loss medication. >> i told my physician i had heard a lot about monojouro and my physician just made an off hand joke that he had someone he knew who had taken the drug mon
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your row and that was sort of the end of the conversation. >> i think a lot of people think of obesity as an issue of willpower. it's not 40% of adult americans have excess weight or obesity that's a big number. >> reporter: lynn, who has been overweight her entire life she has lost 65 pounds so far. >> at the correct dosage, it shuts off the constant thought of food. i feel like a normal person for the first time. >> yeah, this could be a huge change for a lot of people. by the way, one more key component of this direct access model is cost. right now, zepbound costs just adjusted insurance, and eli lilly says a lot of plans don't cover it. they're working to change that lily direct itself won't make the drug any cheaper but the company offers a savings program that can cut that cost in half. guys >> maggie, thank you so much >> i want to bring in a gastroenterologist, also the associate professor and author of "gut renovation."
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cute title since you're a gut doctor. you have to have a doctor's visit with in new program, just not in-person and it's supplied or facilitated by drug maker, pharmaceutical company anything about that that raises your eyebrows? >> well, for sure. there are some questions of, is there a conflict of interest here now, eli lilly says they're partnering with an independent telemedicine company, called form and so the consumer or the patient, whoever you want to call them, is able to make a televisit with a board-certified obesity specialist, potentially get evaluated, potentially get a prescription for this weight loss medication which is shipped by another independent pharmacy to their home. i have kind of mixed feelings about this on the one hand, we know, many people don't have access to doctors, in particular, doctors who are experienced in obesity medicine this could really open up the availability of this very important and potentially life-saving medication for many people we know obesity is a very serious chronic disease that has many serious complications and i think this could really open it up and give more access.
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on the other hand, as someone who practices medicine both in person and telemedicine, i always feel like i prefer to use telemedicine for those visits with patients i already know i have established relationship with you know, these simple matters like maybe they want to discuss a side effect from the medication or, you know, that kind of thing. a new patient coming in to get this medication, which is, you know, while it has very good benefits, there are side effects to it. there are potentially serious complications to zepbound. i would sort of prefer that to be in person, but we're not in a perfect world. and for people who can't get access, i think this will give them the opportunity of course, we'll have to watch and make sure the appropriate medicine is given to the right people and it's not just a free for all, spend two-minute televisit and get the medication >> and i think some people would weigh the cost/benefit it's like, wow, would i rather get this drug and not have all the problems that go along with obesity, the heart disease and all the rest that come with it, because i know people are saying, is this right? should the drug company be doing this but i guess you have to just weigh out the costs. >> you have to weigh out the
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costs. if you are someone who is going to try this program out, it is a pilot program, you have to go with your gut, pardon the pun, so if you meet that doctor through the video visit and you feel like they're taking they're time, that's a good thing. if they're rushing through it and sending you the precipitation, that's a potential red flag >> not to sound too skeptical on this, but how much of this is a money play by the drug company by cutting out the cvss and the walgreens and doing direct to the consumer >> of course, this is definitely going to make money for eli lilly and any other weight loss manufacturers who does this kind of program but it's also opening up access. if sometimes things that make money are good for the public as well, and this might turn out to be the case. i want to make sure they're also following up appropriately and doing the correct monitoring sometimes you need to do blood tests, take vital signs. these are things you can't do via video. i would like to see how that plays out as well. >> is there any movement afoot to have people -- for example, you could use these drugs to
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lose -- let's say you somehow found yourself 100 pounds heavier than you once were, lose the weight and then transition off them once you -- when you find yourself deep in a hole, could these drugs kind of get you out of that hole and then u you start with healthier practices? >> i mean, that's the hope, of course, for all of us. hooufr, the studies have shown for most people these drugs are something that need to be chronically, as if you had high blood pressure or high cholesterol. if you stop those medications, usually the blood pressure comes back up. but it's always recommended to use these drugs with a healthy diet and healthy exercise routine. and hopefully the motivation by losing those 20, 40, 50 pounds jump starts you, you're able to continue the diet and exercise, you may be able to get off the drug and hopefully that's the case >> thank you, dr. raj. 7:46 let's check in with mr. roker. a check of the weather >> we have a very active weather pattern developing we're looking already ahead to next week. we have another major storm next -- starting monday. rain and snow in the plains. severe storms stretching from
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austin, texas, all the way to tallahassee, florida then we get into tuesday of next week intense winds expected east of the mississippi river. heavy rain will start to develop for the northeast, mid-atlantic states, snow back from chicago to st. louis, up to alpena, michigan we get into wednesday, intense winds for the great lakes. we could be talking about blizzard conditions and heavy lake-effect snow likely to develop from cleveland to buffalo and on into the tug hill plateau. we'll be watching this very closely as we get into next week as well. and even behind that, there are some really cold air possibly coming that's w what's go good thursday morning. i am meteorologist, kari hall. we're starting out this morning with some quick-moving showers that dissipated that were moving through parts of the north bay, but we are still seeing lingering clouds. our next chance of rain comes in mostly during the afternoon on saturday, but it's in and out of here quickly, and we will continue a very active storm pattern into the middle of next
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week. meanwhile temperatures will be chilly, today headed for the low and that's your latest weather. of your health, your diet, and your money in this new year, you do not want to miss what our experts have to say. >> first, how about if we brighten your morning. we've got a boost, tied to this song! you know you're going to like it! >> okay. >> right after this. >> right after this. >> thi s ♪♪ it's two things a young man want to be, a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's out of style. i got back to my roots. we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch i see how far our legacy can go. now on sale at ancestry.
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[crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. man, wish i had 750 donuts like this sign says. it says $750 "dollars," not "donuts." what if each donut cost a dollar? i hate that you're kind of right. switch to progressive and you could save hundreds.
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or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. good morning, carson >> you're my little boost thing. >> little boost thing is going
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to become a thing. >> i hope you're right >> imagine this, guys. you and your friends just need a ride somewhere, so you pull out your phone, hit the uber button, hop in the car and realize, this is not just some ordinary ride, we're about to get a little something extra. ♪♪ >> karaoke. ♪♪ >> we need you to pick us up -- >> watch this, watch this! >> that's right! something extra. to go and you'll have some fun on the way service with a smile >> that will catch on. >> that will catch on. >> i would like to get in that car. >> you know what this reminded us of. another one of our favorite morning boosts take a look. ♪ everybody dance now ♪ >> a throw back. >> you better kill it!
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you better kill it show me something! ♪ everybody dance now ♪ >> go! go go go hey! >> classic >> that's a whole other thing. >> that is incredible. >> he was so ready >> did not even hesitate >> when you see music factory, you have to dust it off and you've got to go >> remind you of '90s? >> it does coming up on "popstart," w have exclusive stuff we're revealing imdb's most anticipated movies of the new year and kate hudson will be joining us here live she's not here yet, but she will be we'll talk about her big plans for the new year and she'll teach us some moves to get active and fit looking forward to that. local news and weather after these quick messages for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back.
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or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl
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of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪♪) oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ (vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot., booking.yeah for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today. (♪♪) honey... honey... dayquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu symptom relief with a honey-licious taste. because life doesn't stop for a cold. dayquil honey, the daytime, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, honey-licious, power through your day, medicine.
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good morning. it's 7:56. what is happening now is breaking news. in a controversial move uc berkeley closed people's park overnight. police officers met with dozens of protesters all in preparation for the long-opposed construction of student housing. today in the bay's thom jensen has been out there all morning long. thom, what are you seeing now? >> reporter: this has been a
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hotly contested piece of land over the years, and they are building a wall around the park, two shipping containers high to make sure people don't get back into the park. police came in and removed all of the unhoused people living in tends and a tree house in here. seven people were arrested for trespassing overnight, and two people were cited for misdemeanor failing to disperse, all of them taken to north county where they were charged and released. uc wanting to build an 1,100 bed student housing complex. before they can start that work, though, they will put the parameter around it and then wait for the court to come in and tell them it's okay to start construction. back to you. >> thank you, thom. it's a cold morning out there, and meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking that and rain. >> we are going to see rain head into the weekend.
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as of now it's clearing out. it looks really nice. we will have a day of sunshine with our temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s, up to 57 in dublin on novato and santa rosa seeing a high of 62 degrees. our next significant chance of rain is saturday in the afternoon, and then look at the morning temperatures, close to freezing into next week. kris. >> thank you, kari. more local news coming up more local news coming up for y in just a half hour.ou look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, winter is coming. a major storm on the move. everything you need to know about the cross-country system now heading east. and bringing snow. al's live with your full forecast.
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then, "today's" five things. looking to set some new year's goals and actually reach them? well, we are bringing in the professionals to share their fitness, finance, and diet tips on a special edition of our popular series. plus, catching up with kate. the one and only kate hudson in studio 1a with a look at some cool new projects, including health tips for the new year and her latest project, which is a new album. >> she's here live and how do you mean? >> get in, loser >> "mean girls" back on the big screen >> are you trying to paycheck to make the rest of us feel dumb >> i'm not trying to, it's just happening. >> a new take on the iconic story and we've got a sneak peek >> what is going on? >> don't worry about it. >> today, thursday, january 4th, 2024 ♪ wchblgtsd.
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>> we're here for grandma's 70th birthday >> watching in daytona beach, florida. >> today i turn 50 >> from buffalo, new york! >> here from oakland park, kansas >> dallas, texas and colliersvi! >> from grand rapids, michigan. >> celebrating my 21st birthday. >> a big shout-out to our students at parkway elementary in mississippi! >> on a mommy/daughter trip. >> to the "today" show. >> from st. augustine, florida. >> whoo! >> looking good. welcome back to "today." we're so happy that you are sharing your thursday with us. first thursday in january. >> nice to have everybody out there. we can see you, as taylor would say. coming up tomorrow, harry smith is going back to high school he's going to visit an inspiring group of ham radio operators al just got to interested.
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av club. these students are reaching for the stars, harry joins them as they tried to make contact with the international space station. did it work? ham radio, al! is your mind blown >> i used to be in the ham radio club in high school. >> of course you were. >> meantime, guys. it's a busy morning. let's get to our news at 8:00. weather alerts are going up this morning as that major winter storm rolls across the country it's on track to hit the east coast this weekend mr. roker back with the latest on what we can expect. hey, al. >> king of the nerds, here we are. all right, well, we've got this storm system right now this is causing all the problems it's going to bring heavy snow to the central and southern rockies today and also develop some heavier showers into western texas. tomorrow, it races into the gulf, intensifies, draws up a lot more gulf moisture severe storm threat tomorrow for east central gulf coast. so we're going to be watching that, as well. and saturday, up into the mid-atlantic, bringing snow for the interior mid-atlantic and the northeast, but along the
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coast right now, we think it may start as some snow, but mix in quickly with rain, strong winds, as well. sunday, heavy snow and very windy for new england, boston included snow showers in the appalachians four major models right now, and 60-mile spread between the two. here's the deal. we've got the four major models right now, and 60-mile spread between the two. if it takes the more northern track, that's the inside track, the heavy snow corridor way up to the north and west from key, new hampshire, scranton, hagerstown, maryland, but rain along the coast. if it's 60 miles to the south, that heavy snow corridor includes new jersey, new york, and into connecticut, up into keene, new hampshire, hagerstown, and elkins, west virginia but right now, we think it's going to be the more northern track. rain along the i-95 corridor, but heavy snow into new england. again, we'll keep watching this, because it keeps changing with each model run, guys >> okay, al, thank you well, celebrities and politicians are among those named in newly unsealed court documents related to convicted
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sex offender, jeffrey epstein, who died in prison in 2019 nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett has been poring through these documents, the first trope overnight. just released. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. this first batch of documents really just the beginning. some household names sprinkled throughout the more than 900 pages of court records tied to jeffrey epstein. the records including deposition transcripts previously kept the records in underwraps in one, a woman who once worked for epstein spoke to her about former president bill clinton, telling her that, quote, clinton likes them young, referring to girls. clinton has not been accused of any wrong doing. the same woman says in these records that epstein once suggested calling donald trump for an outing in atlantic city the former president has said that he hasn't spoken to epstein for years, since before his death. other familiar names also appearing in these documents, many of the links to epstein
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already known, but these records fill in some of the gaps, some of the details we didn't know as they all come from an old civil suit brought by epstein accuser, virginia giuffre, whose lawyer tells me many thousands of documents are still left to be made public. >> all right, laura, thank you very much. meanwhile, police in new jersey searched overnight for the gunman who fatally shot an imam yesterday outside of his new york mosque. the victim also worked as a tsa officer at newark airport and was a community activist against gun violence his mosque served as a safe house for fugitives could turn themselves in. that shooting heightened concerns about a recent spike in reported anti-muslim incidents, but officials say at this point, there is no evidence that the attack was motivated by bias now, the latest fallou surrounding former harvard president claudine gay just one day after she resigned from the top job at the prestigious school, she's speaking out in a "new york times" op-ed piece
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in it, she suggested that she was the victim of a coordinated campaign to remove her nbc's erin mclaughlin is here with details erin, good morning >> good morning. in that letter, claudine gay threats and called the truth aty says she's received death threats and called truce amid controversy. and she tried to shed new light on her brief tenure as harvard president that was plagued with allegations of plagiarism in her work >> i am claudine gay, the president of harvard university. >> reporter: a day after her bombshell resignation, claudine gay, former harvard president, penning a letter with stunning new revelations. in the op-ed published wednesday for "the new york times," she writes, this was merely a single skirmish in a broader war to unravel public faith in pillars of american society. in the letter, gay reflecting on her tenure as president. which came under intense scrutiny by critics who say she mishandled anti-semitism on harvard's campus, following the start of the israel-hamas war.
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admitting yes, i made mistakes and describing her testimony at last month's congressional hearing as falling into a well-laid trap at the time, her exchange with republican congresswoman elise stefanick drawing fierce harvar calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment? eyes or no? >> it can be, depending on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is "yes" and this is why you should resign. >> gay now writing, i neglected to clearly articulate criticism. unacceptable and that i would use every tool at my disposal to protect students from that kind of hate. gay also writing that as a black female leader, she is, quote, an ideal canvas for projecting every anxiety about the generational and demographic changes unfolding on american campuses amid the calls for her to step down were scathing allegations of plagiarism, which she has repeatedly denied and addressed
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in the op-ed describing, quote, citation errors which she promptly requested corrections. adding i have never represented my research findings nor have i ever claimed credit for the research of others i proudly stand by my work andh response to gay's op-ed, but has not heard back. >> by the way, nice to have you in studio with us this morning. >> welcome to new york. >> thank you! thrilled to be here. >> another taylor lyric. they're everywhere. >> it happens a lot here. >> its impact on th >> another taylor lyric. they're everywhere >> it happens a lot here >> and don't be waiting an hour for this story a 3-year-old golden retriever had a rough start to the new year, but he's recovering thanks to the u.s. coast guard. leo was out for a new year's day hike with his owners in an oregon state park. he ran on ahead and then fell down a cliff on to a pacific ocean beach. first responders couldn't get to him on foot, so a coast guard helicopter was called in
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watch this, lowers a rescue diver, put leo in the basket and he was then hoisted to safety. he was pretty banged up, but his owners are so, so grateful to have him back. the coast guard celebrated a pretty meaningful start to 2024. >> we should paws to recognize how doggone lucky that pup is. >> the spirit of al roker is strong with you. >> it was a double one, paws and doggone. >> i know. low-hanging fruit. just ahead, could we see ryan gosling performing "i'm just ken" on the oscar stage the star himself addressing those rumors carson will have that more in "popstart. our five things series is back we'll kick off the new year with experts, finance, and food. sharing what they would never do if you want to stick with your goals in 2024. those tips right after this. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine
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but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. vital proteins collagen peptides supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today.
8:12 am
mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah
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plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. we're backrought in the professionals to help us make small changes that will make a big difference in '24. we've got our fitness expert, our registered die in addition, and a financial expert all here 8:13 with a very special edition of "today's five things. in this very first week of the year, we've brought in the professionals to help us make small changes that will make a big difference in '24. we've got our fitness expert, our registered dietitian and a financial expert all her to share what they would never do in their field, never do, when it comes to making resolutions. first up, our friend, "today" contributor and peloton instructor, aly love she has five tips for getting yourself fit things you would never do, ally. i'm going to be hanging on your every word the first one is, never skip a warmup >> yes. >> and i think a lot of us are guilty of skipping that just to get right to it. >> never skip a warm-up. why? you want to heat up the core temperature, get the heart puching. get the blood flowing so it
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lubricates the joints and allows the muscle to receive the impact that's about to happen also most importantly, prevents injuries nobody wants to be injured >> just a couple minutes >> maybe five minutes. five-minute minimum. got five, give five. >> here's one, everyone says, i don't have enough time for my workout. you say, never say that. >> never say "i don't have time." i can say that i can say, my day gets busy, but we can implement things that are easy a shorter workout is better than a workout or better than no workout. if you have a call, take it one of the things i like to do is if you have a call, maybe do it while you're taking a brisk walk outside in between one or five floors in a building, maybe you take the stairs throughout the day. something i like to do that's fun, commercial planks if i go home and sit on the couch, every commercial i take a plank and then sit back down and watch tv >> if you have your bag with you. if you have 15 minutes, you'll work out if you leave it at home, it won't work out. >> yes. >> you say you never make your workout boring. >> oh my gosh, workouts are like relationships. who wants a boring relationship?
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who wants a boring workout, no one. find your fun. in 2023, feel your feel-good we're going to have our fun in 2024 find a workout that makes your heart flutter. fun is not synonymous. with easy. something you talk about when this. >> two more quick you talk about it your friends, i ran like this or lift it like this find fun for yourself. >> two more quick ones never let my mood affect whether or not i'll work out i'm in a crummy mood, don't work out. >> i've been at peloton seven years, number one thing i hear all the time is, i've had a bad day, i decided i was going to do a workout when i didn't want to and i felt better. >> and lastly, never compare your fitness journey to somebody else's going slow on the treadmill and the person next to you is flying >> and never compare your fitness journey to someone else's when you're going slow on the treadmill -- >> comparison is the thief of joy. we know that you're chapter one your start, your re-start, your re-re-start is good enough we're all on separate journeys, but doing it together. ally, great advice >> all right, miss guthrie >> i was doing a plank that whole time i'm here with vanessa roseto she's a registered dietitian who practices here in new york she knows a thing or two about eating right vanessa, good morning!
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this is the big thing. your first tip is never leave fiber out of a meal. why not and what does that look like >> it's good for your gut health, your blood pressure regulation, it helps you to lower cholesterol, it's good for weight management and we don't get enough of it in america. >> what's a good way to get fiber in easy? >> whole grains, dark welcome leafy vegetables, but start with food first >> never drink less than 96 ounces that's bizarrely on the spot why 96 ounces. >> it's a little mathematical equation i always love to do math the institute of medicine says men need about 131, women need about 74 milliliters the range is very wide depends on your fitness level. depends on your kidney function. >> 96 ounces, how many glasses of water is that >> about ten so, you know, we're mostly home, so you can train your bladder. and not worry. >> never go far from the bathroom, either never omit any macro nutrients
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what are macro nutrients i >> proteins, fat, and carbs. you can say, i'm not eating carbs, you'll lose weight, but will happen on february 1st? it's not sustainable you're going to go back to overeating carbs eating a more varied diet and understanding what you need to meet your goals is where you're going to have the most success >> what's the percentage, protein, fat, carbs. >> it all depends. don't reallyw how much we need. never really go over 500 mill grimes. you can find it in dark, leay greens, whole grains, chocolate. helps with sleep, anxiety -- >> never leave out magnesium >> and do you take it at night, helping with sleep >> take it at night. it helps you sleep >> finally, never meal prep. never not meal prep? >> never meal prep >> oh, really, why i'm so confused. i thought it was a typo. >> if you make ten salads on saturday, are you going to eat them on wednesday? absolutely not >> i'm not going to make ten salads >> neither am i. >> it's better to get frozen
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vegetables, put them in the refrigerator get a rotisserie chicken if you're ordering chinese, get extra brown rice and extra vegetables if you have four dinners, you're not going to eat those actually vegetables >> plan ahead but don't prep the actual meals. >> it's not going to help you. >> back to our planks, vanessa >> nbc's senior business correspondent, christine romans. we just got the tips to get us on the move, eating right. you've got a few ways that we head into 2024 let's start with this one. you maintain that we should never leave money on the table >> don't leave money on the table. if you have a 401(k) or an employer-sponsored savings or retirement plan, max it out. make sure you're putting in there as much as you can and this year with a new year comes higher limits from the irs. you can stash away $23,000 in your 401(k) or your retirement savings plan, and you should time is your superpower. so you've got the money in there, get the full company match, don't leave money on the table.
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>> you make the good point, a lot of companies have started automatically enrolling folks in their 401(k) a lot of times people think, i can't do it and then, i've been automatically enrolled and it's been just fine >> you maintain we should never maintain about health care spending >> you should be stashing away more money in your health savings account or an fs a that's the one you use it or lose it. there are a lot of different ways you can put money pre-tax to save for health care. those health savings account grow with you over the course of your life until retirement you want to put as much as you can. again, those have gone up this year as well, $8,300 is the family limit >> great if you have a couple kids as well >> yeah. >> college savings, when should we start saving for college? >> yesterday >> as soon as they're born don't think that it's too soon to start saving. and i would recommend to people, a lot of people tell me i don't have the money to save for college. you do as soon as they're out of diapers, take the diaper money and put it in a 529. you won't miss it. you have already been using that money for your kid you're going to keep using that money for your kid also, have a real discussion with grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles
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a $25 plastic toy that will be gone and broken in three months. put it in 529 savings plan again, time is your super power for your kids. >> this next one is very interesting to me. you say we should never open one of those store cards, why? >> there's going to be a real urge to do it. you'll be returning things right now and the clerk will say, would you like to open a credit card for 25% it's 30% interest rate you know, and it gives you another card you have to keep track of for one person. if you forget somehow to pay that credit card, you've lost the 25%, you've hit your credit. just stick with a plain vanilla credit card that gives you rewards or miles stay away from those store credit cards >> and the fifth thing, christine romans say we should not be accepting peanuts from our savings accounts anymore >> yeah. this is the first time in a long time you get money to be a saver. this economy has really favored investors and risk takers. for savers, now's the time you can get decent money on your savings account. and certificates of deposit, you can get a good amount of money for stashing money away.
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interest rates might fall later this year, so now is the time, craig, to lock in higher rates to be a boring saver >> christine, we'll we've been talking, hoda and savannah continue planking. it's a feat to behold. >> we've been here for ten minutes. >> please wrap this segment! >> no, we're going to drag it out now. thank you, christine thank you, savannah and hoda >> go to the weather >> and ally and vanessa, thank you as well. folks, be sure to check out all of these tips and more on our website. you guys good? still planking >> of course >> we're going to do weather for each of the 50 states now. let's start here in vermont. >> that's mean >> oh, they're up. anyway, breezy and cold around we've got some snow showers there. sunshine from the great lakes all the way down into the gulf some morning fog in west texas this big storm system coming up. that's the one that's going to
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be making its way causing flooding in the gulf and another big system comes into the pacific northwest with rain and snow. that's what's going on around good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out with clouds. our temperatures head for the low 60s. it's going to be chilly tonight with the low 40s. parts of the north bay will start with quick-moving showers. otherwise, widespread rain ahead for saturday with the mid 50s. cold into early next week. and that is your latest weather. best time of the morning >> i'll have to start my own pop start channel on peacock all pop start, all day people are planking and killing stories. i've got one item for you today. let's get to it. "mean girls," the final trailer is out for the upcoming movie
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taking on a new twist. on the classics classic. almost a week away from a big screen debut there's a new sneak peek out revealing a look at formerr rega raab >> we have a new student >> you trying to make the rest of us feel done. >> i'm not trying to it's just happening. >> dear god, woman >> get in, loser >> regina george is a scum-sucking life ruiner "today" plaza performer eregena >> why is he by our table? >> i can hear you, by the way. >> can you hear me now >> what is going on? >> don't worry about it. >> dance break >> it's going to be good >> by the way, next week you guys can totally sit with us we'll be sitting down with the cast of "mean girls" right here you're not going to want to miss that in studio 1a you're not going to want to miss
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that up next, ryan gosling, the "barbie" star is embracing his kenergy. when asked if he's going to perform "i'm just ken" at the oscars, here's what he had to say. >> well, i haven't been invited, lynn, but thanks for pointing it out. i wasn't thinking abit until now. now it's all i'm going to think about. do you get paid for that >> i doubt it. >> what do you get paid to sing at the oscars? they pick you up, at least >> i think you get a free ride an uber, maybe i don't know >> still thinking about it >> well, even if you're not invited to sing, you're always going to be ken enough for us. we'll keep our fingers crossed when the nominations come out for the oscars in just a couple of weeks finally, imdb releasing its most anticipated movies for the next year it's based on a number of page views each title racked up so far, we've got a pop start exclusive. you want to start? let's go through the list here we'll start at number ten. "craven the hunter," we see "gladiator ii" on the list,
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"mean girls," "furiouso: a mad max saga," "beetlejuice. argyll, the new joker. which flick is number one on the list for '24 any guesses? >> wicked? >> wicked you guessed? >> this world is beyond cruelty. you've been fighting for decades. >> yeah, you know what that is "dune part ii. timothy chalamet, zendaya, here is some butler, george bron christopher hawkins. that's in theaters in march. >> hi, kate! >> loo good morning. it's 8:26. i'm scott mcgrew. the oakland ballers baseball team says the a's won't let them play at the coliseum. the team, which is part of an independent league, planned to play one game at the stadium in
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june. it signed a lease, paid the deposit. in a statement just released, the ballers said they were told the a's would enforce the clause in their contract with the coliseum that prevents other teams from playing. the ballers say they'll have to find somewhere else to play. we're starting to clear out across the bay area. temperatures stay cool. our next round of rain for all of the bay area comes in on saturday with chilly temperatures. we'll have frosty mornings ahead, so be prepared for temperatures close to freezing for the inland areas by the end of the weekend. spotty north bay showers expected tomorrow morning. the rest of the day, bright and sunny and headed up for 60 degrees. saturday is cool, breezy with off-and-on light rain. back to sunshine on sunday into early next week. >> that looks pretty good. we'll be back with another local news update shortly.
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we'll see you at 11:00. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus.
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for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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♪ (música). >> we are back we are back at 8:30 now on a thursday morning, the fourth morning of january 2024. i see you. we've made our way outside to say hello to this wonderful crowd. >> cute! thanks for being here. it's a good-looking crowd. how you feeling? >> it's nice out, too. it's not that cold >> no, it's not. >> coming up, the great kate hudson is here we're so happy to have her in our studio she's got a lot to share we'll catch up about family time over the holidays, new music kate, you don't have enough talent you can sing as well come on!
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and somehow she plans to keep fit in 2024. her trainer will be along to show us. then we're all going to look like kate. after this segment >> chef stefano is here sharing two delicious comfort food dishes perfect to warm you up. and they're packed with veggies, healthy for you. we'll learn how to make it coming up. >> can't wait for that and later on in the third hour, we'll help you set some financial resolutions from saving more, getting out of debt and getting that raise at work how to achieve all your money goals in 2024. this will be fun, seth mcfarland will swing by ahead of the new ted series coming to peacock. it's a prequel about the teddy bear magically coming to life and we cannot wait to hear all about it >> how about one more check of the weather. let's show you what got starting with friday, we'll look for sunshine new england on into the mid atlantic, heavy rain down through the gulf snow showers, mountain snoes out in the rockies. we move to saturday, winter
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storm around the gulf coast. sunny and mild down through texas. sunday, sunday, heavy snow interior sections of new england, also around the great lakes, more heavy snow in the rockies and another storm coming into the pacific northwest good thursday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out with a few clouds, but it will continue to clear out. our temperature will reach into the low 60s for parts of the north bay. most of us will be in the upper 50s to low 60s and chilly again tonight, down to 42 degrees. there will be a chance of north bay showers early tomorrow morning. widespread rain in saturday afternoon's forecast. it will be cool with san francisco's temperatures hitting the mid 50s for the weekend. well, i guess, well, i guess, let's see i think we'll may be -- let's gd here we around the horn.
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we've got some tcu horned frogs and here we go there you go, 70th birthday. cheers to 50 years, we love it friends for 60 years look at this over here good to see you guysgood-lookin, ladies and gentlemen. that's how you go around the horn! oh, savannah? >> al, guess what? it's that time. jenna is beautiful! this is a good-looking crowd ladies and gentlemen that's how you go around the horn oh, savannah >> al, guess what? it's that time jenna is here to announce january's read with jenna pick good morning you got a good one >> i am so excited i have the best one. we all know what we put in our mind matters should we stop scrolling and start reading. i think our plaza will help us are y'all ready? three, two, one! our january pick is "the waters" by bonnie jo campbell. i loved this book so much. it's set in rural michigan on an island and we meet this incredible fierce matriarch, who is forced to raise a baby that comes into her life. you're going to fall in love
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with this little girl. her name is donkey, she's precocious and funny and strong. but then, secrets flood the swamp and the family must come together, these women must team together to solve and heal this land you will love it i love this book bonnie jo sent me pictures of her donkeys yesterday. i've fallen in love with her i hope you love it the book is in stores next tuesday and y'all can preorder it right now all you have to do i head to your local bookstore, wherever you buy your books. >> cute! the little girl is named donkey. >> yes, the little girl is named donky. >> do we learn why >> we do but also, she is this crazy strong little girl who you will love >> so cute all right. >> i love it >> read with jenna >> scan that qr code -- by savannah >> happy new year. >> happy new year, cutie >> let's read. >> this year will be the year. >> you say that every year one of our favorite stars is here can't wait to catch up with the multi-talented kate hudson, but first this is "today" on nbc
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♪ we are back. 8:37 we have the one and only kate hudson here. she's here to tell us about how she spent the holidays she has a new album coming out this year and she'll help us with tips to stay healthy and fit in the new year. >> hi! >> happy new year! >> happy new year. i haven't seen you since the summer >> tell us about the holidays. what'd you do? >> i was in l.a., and we always go to colorado i was raised in colorado, so we always go home for the holidays. >> you do this ski house it looks kind of fab >> we grew up on a ranch you know, it's a time we're all together >> what do you do? >> i mean, nothing oh, the games is a fujikawa. >> what?
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>> my man, he's a fujikawa, his last name is fujikawa. they're all about games. we played holiday games that i never -- >> there's curt. and then there's dad but it's so fun. the fujikawas are very competitive. and so we -- >> i feel like your family could probably get pretty competitive, too. >> yes >> how did that all go >> well, good. you know, oliver lately -- oliver is more at the bar. >> yeah. >> and then i'm the one who has to like win all the time i have to figure it out. but now my kids are getting older and they're kind of competitive, too. >> well, you've got -- older than teens >> 20. >> i can't believe it. >> let's talk about that. >> then you have the little girl and she's -- >> she's 5 and bing is 12. >> so you're just kind of all over. >> i just do seven-year, you know -- >> new chapter, every seven years i have a new chapter. >> i love it
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speaking of new chapters i saw -- you did a mini concert in colorado. >> i did. >> i don't know if everyone -- we saw you singing in "how to lose a guy in 10 days". >> that wasn't really singing. i sang in "glee. i sang in "nine". >> did you sing in -- senior moment i was just thinking the one you were just in with the dagger and -- >> no. >> glass onion". >> birdie is tone deaf >> you have a beautiful voice. >> thank you i love to sing. >> your concert was covers but you have music coming out. i know you can't say all that much about it. but what can you say. >> we'll get there we'll get there. >> yes. >> i've just been writing music my whole life and i never shared it i just thought maybe i have to do that. and that's -- >> that's huge, though >> that's like a big vulnerable leap. >> yes it's very vulnerable honestly, it was very vulnerable singing in front of like a very small -- i had never sang in
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such an intimate space >> yeah. >> and it was very unforgiving and really good for me i was like, oh my gosh, this is so intimate. so that was really nice. but i loved -- i've always loved to sing. it's just something i'm going to just put out there. >> i love it i mean, do you -- there's performing in the way -- when you act, is it just different kind of performing to stand up before a live audience. >> i always said with music when people would ask me, am i ever going to do it if i'm going to do it, i'm going to commit to the process because i write. so i couldn't -- there's nothing half assed about for my relationship to music. so, it's the most vulnerable, i think, i've ever been creatively and then i really just -- i'm just at a time where i just don't have the fear anymore. so, i just want to put it out. so we'll get there >> i love it. >> i'm sure i'll be back. >> you better come back and tell us about it. maybe you'll do a concert or
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song for us. we have to talk fitness. >> yeah. >> first of all -- >> my other passion, by the way. >> so i aspire to your fitness routine. we had brian nguyen, who is your trainer. >> yes. a good tip for all of us? >> oh, brian? >> we love this one. first of all, i loved your plank earlier. that was very impressive. but that front side, that's our show side. the front side is the show, but the backside is the dough. that's w >> it's bring yourdough. kate and i like this hip bridges. i was going to show hip bridges. simple it's one of our favorite go-to moves with everybody with posture stuff and sitting in a chair all day. a big bang for your buck. >> are you going to show it? >> i'm going to show it right here on the floor. here we go guys. the position of a hip bridge is being on your back >> go more sideways. >> sideways. go sideways. that's good. yeah >> all right, guys so first of all, position wise,
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you want to be on your back. you want to get your good posture set. get your back firm to the ground and be able to try to touch your heels. 90 degree bend in your knees action drive your knees away and feel like you're standing. it's the same way with your plank, your trying to plank yourself up. >> like jamie lee curtis in that movie with john travolta >> it's like physical or. >> something like that. >> heart beat. >> she killed those hip bridge. >> she did. >> the longer you talk the more my booty is burning over here. >> do you hold it like a plank. >> if you're just starting a bridge, hold it at first so you get a feel you don't want to feel this in your back, in your low back, your neck. you want to feel it in your booty. in your hamstrings. >> that's where the dough is. >> the dough. >> the booty is everything. >> the movie is called "perfect." remember that, he doesn't, he's too young. keep planking. >> he's got it he can bridge all day long
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>> drive your knees forward. i remind kate all the time, remember, you can't bounce you have to have your control. just like your plank, have your control and do this for at least 30 to 90 seconds. >> brian, don't you think that is as important as the plank >> oh my gosh -- >> yeah. >> your back if you're sitting down all day. >> ally love was saying plank during the commercial. plank during other people's segments. >> you want to hip bridge with me during the next commercial. >> i won't do it -- >> that's awkward. we didn't really dress for it. real quick, you're doing my fitness app, too. >> we did a challenge. >> i know you're a paid spokesperson for that. >> we created a challenge for people to actually come and start to take those small steps to understand how -- what they're eating and how it can honestly change your life. i'm passionate about food nutrition and partnering with them is fantastic. and so -- >> you can keep track of what you eat on that, right
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i used to do that. it's kind of good accountability i guess i did have half a bagel. >> it teaches you what you're eating, quality versus quantity and my big thing is protein for women. you know, we should really be eating a lot of protein, especially in the morning. so, for people who want to just kick start the year, we just were like, let's create this challenge and get people to reconnect with the foods and sort of the tips that can help you. >> i'm here for it, kate you're singing you're being vulnerable. you're doing hip bridges you're working on the dough and the show and now we have some nutrition. >> yeah. >> come back with the music, my friend we love you. thank you so much. and carson, we'll send it over to you. kate, wait kate wants to come for the next segment. >> i'll come eat >> come cook with stefano and myself chef worked in italy and it was cold out
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this is what they were making. is that right? >> that's true absolutely in venice. >> chef will bring that. that's delicious we'll have kate here we'll make a yummy little meal for the winter take that up a little bit higher. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are.
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this is the best food segment ever. we're back. "today" food. kate kind enough to join us for this one. today, if one of your resolutions is to cook more in the new year, we have awesome dishes to share from the talented chef, stefano. in the new year. talented chef, stefano a talented chef at resdora >> i want a res! >> we all want a res chef, good to see you, happy new year >> amazing to be here. >> we're going to do polenta bianca with mushrooms on top >> what's the difference between polenta and grits? >> the same thing.
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we call polenta. >> and what kind of fungi are we using? does it matter >> if you can get wild mushrooms, great we'll use a combination ofhant chanterells and chanterells and crimini. this is a tradition. the first -- the actual first segment we did with you guys, i did in an apron. it was for me, but -- >> so we have carson, kate is like, you're the apron okay -- >> i thought it was for me, but -- >> so we have carson, katy and kate >> so are all mushrooms created equal, or are these an array of wild mushrooms perfect for this dish >> you can find incredible ones in the midwest right now, we'll try to find locally available at one of the supermarkets so you want to brown it. have a little bit of salt. brown. and then we'll add just some simple chopped yellow onions >> onions after the shrooms. all the herbs will go in
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>> all the parsley, garlic, sage >> get it! get it >> got to get it got it >> and we effectively sweat these together >> smells amazing. >> that's going to be cooked down and we'll add the vino bianco cook the white whine all the way down adjust the heat. and after it's cooked all the way down, if you want to add the butter >> when do you know it's done? when the wine is essentially gone evaporated >> yes the butter will help to glaze. >> we have our tasting table everybody is quiet >> are we -- >> the mushrooms are so meaty. they're almost like steak. >> that was. >> it's the quality of mushrooms. polenta, super quick on the polenta. bring the water up to a boil >> this seems challenging. i feel like this is going to throw a lot of people off at home >> a lot of people do it with milk you don't need to do it with milk in italy, for instance, we only ever use water or broth. >> so water to a boil or just -- >> i'm actually italian. people don't -- i'm half italian.
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i'm actually half italian. >> so you know how to make this. so i'm actually familiar with polenta. >> so -- we put the white in that was the white -- >> you're mixing the polenta this is going to cook down if you have the long cooking, it's 45 minutes, quick cooking is around 5 minutes. i have the quick cooking here. we're going to -- >> do you want the yellow yet? >> no, that'll stay off to the side that's just for the difference the cool thing is you can find white polenta almost anywhere. >> i love polenta. >> i love it, too. i like it like this and as grits. >> when it's cold out and you're working -- where were you, venice this is a great cold meal in italy. >> this is where i used to go on my days off. >> you were serving on the border >> that was the best part. family of 15 people there, right? giant cutting board the middle big copper pot shared >> there was a meme once about me with cutting boards >> yeah, why >> because i have a thousand of
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them because i cook and put it on boards. >> nobody get her a cutting board for christmas. >> when it's a meme, oh, kate loves cutting boards stop getting my cutting boards. >> i do love a good cutting board. >> we have a minute. >> sorry >> dessert. >> so we finish right on top >> they asked me, can you do a quick dressing, something for the wintertime, yeah no one uses pear juice for anything or apple cider. so we just get pear juice or juice your own pears right inside the blender we have lemon juice, white wine vinegar, little bit of oil all blended together we have this viscus -- >> chef, beautiful >> last time i was here, my son ate the ingredients. my son was eating all the ingre ingredients. i'm surprised you had me back. >> we have an easy dressing. then let's get to the cake. >> usually during christmas
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time when it's past its prime, after christmas, quote unquote, anything left over, toast. off to the races. >> crouton, make a dessert. >> do one of those two. >> look at this salad. can i eat some of this salad. >> thank you, chef. >> thank you >> so good to see you. >> kate will do birthdays, al, for you. >> we're back in a moment
8:54 am
in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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. we're back. 8:54. we have some birthdays to celebrate, mr. roker. >> any way, let's spin the smucker's jars we can't get that out of our head happy 100th birthday walt
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travis, coronado, california teresa porcaro, 100 years. secret to longevity, a glass of scotch katherine, proud grandma is 10e 0, served as a missionary for more than 40 years. >> bill allen is 100, kirkwood, missouri, visits local classrooms educating kids about his service. we salute you, sir like the santa hat dorothy hess, 100, laurel, maryland happy 100th birthday to margaret andrews. a dog lover from rogue river, oregon she joined the cadet nursing corp thank you for all you've done. there you have it. >> very cool, al. >> modern dating, hoda >> how did you know that yeah
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good morning, everyone. 8:56. i'm scott mcgrew. uc berkeley has closed peoples park overnight. the university plans to build student housing. crews moved in, tearing down structures and tents and trees, clearing belongings from the park. police and chp officers barricaded every street within two blocks of the park. several clusters of protesters who oppose the housing complex have been showing up and at times clashing with police officers. we're expecting to hear from the man accused of shooting and killing an oakland police officer today, shot to death while working as an undercover burglary operation on friday. three suspects are facing charges. mark sanders is expected to be arraigned in court. alan brown is expected to appear in court.
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we'll have more on our midday newscast.
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three years since the attack on the capitol. how bay area lawmakers are reacting as former president trump yields with the legal fallout and a run for a second term. rain returns to the
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this morning, the third hour of "today," storm watch. a major storm, but how much snow will it bring to the northeast? we're going to have the latest forecast. plus, a "today" exclusive. a new way to get


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