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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 9, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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behavioral health concerns. >> good information there. well, a quick reminder this morning, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us whenever you want. we're on roku and other streaming platforms. right now at 6:00, donald trump facing a federal judge, as the presidential hopefuls hit the campaign trail in iowa. we're live in washington with what's expected to play out in the courtroom, with voters set to caucus in a matter of days. experiencing more turbulence. new revelations surrounding the midair scare involving a blown-out panel on an alaska airlines flight and new estimates on the continued impact to grounded boeing 737 max 9 jets. using artificial intelligence to improve bay area traffic. the new call for tech companies to help ease the commute and where the technology is already being put to use. this is "today in the bay." and this is tuesday morning. want to say good morning to you all. i'm marcus washington.
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>> and i'm laura garcia. we're altogether for the first time in 2024. >> yeah. >> which is nice. we're kicking things off with some rain in the forecast. >> yeah, we're going to see rain for most of us coming in later this morning into the early afternoon. we are seeing a quick-moving system that is, as of now, producing some fairly light rain. that will be the case for us today. scattered activity. we are tracking it on stormranger, our mobile doppler radar. we'll continue to do so as this moves through throughout the day. and as we get a closer look, we can see the off and on light showers farther to the north, but it is making that commute very soggy and a wet start to the day, while other areas for now are dry, for spots like san jose it's just a chilly start with a mostly cloudy sky. we're in the upper 40s and we'll start to see the rain coming in around 11:00 to 12:00. i'll be timing it out for our microclimates. mike, you're tracking the backup out of castro valley. >> redwood road, and south 880
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is the location of the original crash. there's more activity in the backup. i see sensors starting to change. i think they may have cleared at least one incident, if not both. we are looking at a slow drive through castro valley. 880 itself is clear and so is 580 once you get off of that interchange. we should show a smooth drive through oakland. lighter traffic, but there is a backup at the bay bridge, so it is building there and in other spots throughout contra costa county. back to you. >> thank you, mike. well, breaking news, a u.s. national is being detained in russia on drug charges. robert woodland is a dual russian and american citizen. the district court of moscow says woodland will be detained for two months as a pretrial restriction. according to woodland's facebook profile, he lives in a suburban area north of moscow, and has worked as an english teacher there. if convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison. this comes as wall street
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journal reporter evan gershkovich is being detained and awaiting trial. turning to decision 2024, with less than a week to go until the iowa caucuses, the campaign for the gop nomination is hitting a split screen moment. the front-runner, former president donald trump, heads to federal court today while his competitors are hitting the campaign trail. "today in the bay"'s brie jackson joins us live in washington this morning, and, brie, the case in regard to the federal election interference accusations. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, laura. we're expecting former president trump to arrive not too far from this building here shortly, but during that time today, a three-judge panel of the u.s. court of appeals will hear oral arguments regarding former president trump's claim that he has absolute immunity from prosecution because of his status as president at the time of the 2020 election.
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former president trump returning to washington, d.c. today, where his legal team is arguing that mr. trump is immune from prosecution for his role leading up to the january 6th attack. >> he made that same argument about immunity from civil lawsuits and the d.c. circuit told him that he was wrong. >> reporter: this will be the former president's first trip to the nation's capital this presidential election year. it comes less than a week before voters have their say in the first in the nation primary. >> hello, iowa. you're going to win this election for us. happy new year. >> reporter: president biden blasting his political foe. >> he's a loser. >> reporter: while condemning false claims about election fraud in 2020. >> that's why they lost in every court of law, 60 losses in courts of america. there's one thing they don't have, they don't have respect for the 81 million people who voted the other way, voted for my candidacy.
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voted to end the presidency. >> i'm with the trump campaign here in iowa. >> reporter: despite his legal troubles, supporters in iowa stand firmly behind the republican front-runner. >> we want to do anything we can do to see him get back in office, where he should be right now. >> reporter: trump making his case in the courtroom and on the campaign trail this week. and, laura, former president trump has a busy schedule ahead. he is scheduled to participate in a town hall in iowa wednesday, on thursday there's a court hearing for his new york case, and all of this is ahead of the critical iowa caucus next week. >> so much going on. brie jackson live from washington, thanks. 6:05. this morning, travelers across the country and the bay area, for that matter, are set to face more setbacks. here is a live look at sfo this morning. now, the reason for those
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setbacks, hundreds of 737 max 9 aircrafts are still grounded, meaning major delays across the country. this comes as ntsb officials are still investigating the alaska airlines boeing plane that lost the door plug mid-flight. later today, boeing is going to hold a companywide meeting to address the issues. investigators announced last night the plane had fractured guides and missing bolts which could have been lost as the door plug fell off. the faa inspecting 171 of the plane models and the inspection could take anywhere from 12 to 18 months. now, all of those planes will stay grounded until every inspection is completed and any correction measures are taken. police in el cerrito are hoping you can help identify a weekend protester who they say took things too far. it happened saturday when palestinian supporters stopped traffic along san pablo and carlson boulevard as a small group of counter-protesters gathered nearby. things were already getting
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heated when witnesses say a masked man who had been taking photos pushed a pro-israel supporter to the ground, tearing the israeli flag from her hands, and eventually burning the flag. we spoke by phone with the flag owner, who says it was a family heirloom. >> he had knocked down a young woman and threw her into the street. i was just manhandled by the man in the jean jacket. i was assaulted by people from behind. it was terrifying. >> the woman suffered minor injuries, but police are now investigating the incident as a hate crime. they point out the man they're looking for has a distinctive jacket. you may recognize it. if so, contact el cerrito police. we take a live look outside across the bay area, looking at that commute and moving you forward at what may be the next frontier for artificial intelligence, reducing the not so desired traffic congestion.
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>> governor gavin newsom certainly thinks so and points to other states already putting ai to work. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us live in san jose with a look at how it would work. >> reporter: well, hi, there, marcus and laura. so we know there's a lot of data out there, there are road sensors all around the bay area, and we have traffic cameras as well. so the thought is that ai could help sift through all of that data and put it to better use. google already has a project they call project green light. it's working in 12 cities around the world, including seattle, using google maps and ai to time stop lights to improve traffic flow. as google's climate ai lead put it, it can, quote, create waves of green lights, allowing cities to improve traffic flow and further reduce stop-and-go emissions. seattle is experimenting with three intersections and drivers there seem pretty receptive. >> vehicles get better mileage
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when they maintain a rate of speed, so if you could keep the flow of traffic at an even rate, yeah, you would definitely reduce emissions. >> reporter: so fewer emissions would be one bonus, as fewer accelerations at red lights means we're not revving our cars as much, and that means better air quality at those intersections. about half of the emissions at a stop light is from us accelerating after we've stopped, about 29% increased pollution at intersections. that could be better health for pedestrians. caltrans also wants to use ai to reduce traffic fatalities here in california, helping workers really hone in on those corridors that have bad lighting, traffic patterns that are difficult, and just all over bad driving that create the greatest danger. governor gavin newsom did sign an executive order to explore ai and traffic flow back in september. tech companies have until the
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25th of january to submit their proposals. we know google is already working on it. we'll have to see who else has something to add. kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> good to know. any improvement in the traffic i'm sure would be welcome. speaking of commute, a lot of folks may be heading to the coast today. if you do, you may expect some or notice some of the higher waves. starting today, it will combine with king tides, leading to possible minor flooding in low-lying areas. wave may surpass 7 feet, so look out for those, and the king tides return tomorrow and should last flew friday. >> meteorologist kari hall joins us. the return of main may add to the mix as well. >> it's piling up the waves a little higher, but we're going to start to see things churning up tomorrow combined with the king tides. we're looking at a pretty quiet weather pattern out there as far as the wind, but it will start to pick up as we start to see
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the high surf picking up tomorrow into the end of the week, where we see the oranges and reds that indicates wave heights that could reach 17 to 20 feet. but we are, once again, going to see that combined with the king tides. that's the astronomical tide that happens as we see the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon, all aligned at its closest point to the earth. that brings the water farther inland. we see the water coming up a lot higher for the coastline, as well as the bay shore, and some of those areas that do typically flood during those winter king tides will be affected over the next few days. so we'll be watching that. i'll have a look at the timeline of the rain, that's coming up in a few minutes. mike has a look at what you can expect at the gas pump. >> and like yesterday, we're going to start in the north bay, $3.87 today for royal gas on tennessee street. again in vallejo. we're going to check in with contra costa county, $3.95 in concord at diamond gas and mart. that's on oak grove road. and the bottom number here,
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santa clara county, $3.98 at kwik serv on alum rock avenue. good options below 4 bucks, all listed for by all of you. on the roadways, we have a smooth flow of traffic, a little more traffic volume, it looks like, for most of our patterns. this is because of a crash, perhaps two, north 238. we keep seeing more slowing and then some relief, more slowing and relief. over the last few minutes, north 238 still reports lanes blocked, or at least one lane blocked at the 880 interchange. slow through castro valley. 580 is clear. if you're heading to the san mateo bridge, you might want to use jackson. vasco, still under a half hour. there's a rest of contra costa county, highway 4 shows a bit more slowing into concord. back to you. >> thanks, mike. union square catching a break. the major retailer now reversing course and staying put in san francisco's most popular shopping destination.
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and women who lead america catching up a little with europe. out to the futures, man, that looks like a tough day. maybe investors should just stay home. we're going to share one furry guy's story. after nearly two years in the after nearly two years in the elter, finallysh g
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head out. it is a cloudy start and another cool morning. we could start out with some light showers and temperatures in the mid-40s, we should see the rain in the tri-valley around noon and then eventually clearing up for later today. we do have more rain on the way for tomorrow. more on that coming up in the full microclimate forecast. watching the cameras carefully. there is a build on the richmond side of the bridge. i'll point out a couple of things, there are droplets on the lens here at the richmond side of the bridge. as kari is talking about, the conditions will change for your commute. so stay tuned for both traffic and weather. mike, you've got arrows, i've got arrows. good morning. happy tuesday. hewlett-packard enterprise looking to buy juniper networks. juniper is expected to jump this morning. you saw the futures. bond yields are way up and you're going to see a loss on the market, i think, this
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morning. shares in boeing aircraft fell more than 8% on monday after all the trouble with the 737 max, more trouble, down $20 a share. not only is boeing worried about the doors on the 737 max 9, its deal with the government over two previous crashes could be in jeopardy. remember, boeing got immunity from criminal charges by american authorities after the crashes of the 737 max airplanes in 2018 and 2019, partly through a promise to up its safety practices. the ceo of jetblue says he's stepping down for health reasons. this comes in the middle of an attempted buyout of spirit airlines. his second in command, garrity, becomes the first woman ceo of a major american airline. women have run international airlines for years, austrian, air france, west jet, t.a.p. out
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of portugal, just to name a few. gaming software company unity going through another round of layoffs. this one is really big, 1,8 hundred, about a quarter of its staff, unity makes the soft bay area that gaming programmers use to make games. they cut 600 workers in may. last week we were talking about record empty offices, according to the commercial real estate company cbre. this week moody's analytics saying the same thing, most empty offices ever. moody's says the biggest problem is in texas where they overbuilt and workers never showed up. a set of air jordans actually worn by michael jordan going up for auction, expected to bring in $10 million. they call it the dynasty collection. all worn during the championship games, including jordan's first against the lakers in '91. and the streaming service peacock has made a deal to run the chiefs/dolphins game on saturday, the first time a playoff game has been on a paid service only. it will run for free in miami
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and kansas city, but otherwise on peacock. the chiefs, one of the nation's most popular teams. we should point out our parent company owns peacock. i have just scheduled an interview with one of their people that are going to stress test the network, the streaming network. you want it to be like, hey, it's going to be on peacock. >> shouldn't they have done that before? >> i'm sure everything is going to be fine. >> yeah, because the swifties are going to find it. >> this is true. thanks, scott. new at 6:00, a retailer in san francisco's union square says it is staying put. williams sonoma reportedly extending its lease. they say the store will remain open for at least a year. the company announced it was leaving its storefront in may when the lease expired this month. chanel was expected to take over the location after buying the property in 2021. there's no word on the fashion
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brand's expected move into that location. trending this morning, a forever home finally found for one puppy in sonoma. >> princess came to the shelter back in march of 2022. sweet dog, a lot of energy. princess had the longest stay at that shelter, 644 days. one couple had been thinking about adopting princess for months but already has a high-energy dog at home. however, once they learned how long princess had been waiting for her forever home, they decided it was time to adopt. her new name is maddie and her new owners say she fits perfectly into their family. i love the shelter just kept her as well because sometimes they get overcrowded. >> if you've been couped up for two years, you would have high energy, too. >> i would say. i was on bedrest for over a month prior to having the
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triplets. when i got out, i was hanging my head out the window like a dog just to get fresh air and see the birds. >> you can't do that today, though. the rain will give you a wet head. we do have some rain coming in and it's cold. we've had some chilly weather the past few days. but now we're going to see some reinforcing shots of cooler air coming in. ahead of that, we are seeing some wet weather. right now it's in the mid to upper 40s. compare this to the 30s we had yesterday. so in a lot of spots this morning, it's about 5 to 15 degrees warmer than yesterday. even though, yes, it's still quite chilly out there. once again, we're seeing a cold front approaching and some light rain. for the most part, we haven't seen any heavy downpours, as storm ranger tracks it, it is moving closer to sonoma county. we've seen it kind of off and on for lake and mendocino counties this morning, moving down highway 101, and getting ready to move into san francisco at about 8:00 this morning.
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it's going to roll down the peninsula into the east bay at 10:00 to 11:00 this morning, and just starting to rain late morning in san jose. but look at 1:00 today, for the most part the rain is already out of here, and we'll go into our evening with a little bit of sunshine to wrap up today. then into the morning tomorrow, rain is back. we'll see another wave coming in. it's going to linger a lot longer than we'll see for today, and because of that, we're expecting some higher rainfall totals, even tomorrow evening we're still looking at some spots getting some rain. not all of us seeing rain all day long, but it will be off and on into tomorrow afternoon. looking at how much rain to expect, most of us for today getting about a tenth of an inch of rain or less. but then when you add in tomorrow's rainfall, in total we could see about a quarter to half inch of rainfall. once again, this is two-day rainfall totals. then going into the weekend, we're looking at a bigger system that's going to be dropping in
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on saturday, starting in the morning, continuing through the afternoon, and then gradually starting to wrap up early sunday morning. now, that one looks to bring us much heavier rainfall and some models are putting down about an inch and a half for the coastline, these areas in red are showing an inch and a half, and then up to a half inch or an inch for the inland areas. this is really going to be beneficial for our sierra snowpack. the first couple of waves of rain we'll see, they'll get about a foot to a foot and a half of snow. when you add it with what we'll see into the weekend and next week, it looks like a lot. we'll continue to see more active weather in the forecast. so we are going to see chilly temperatures continuing. our mornings in the 30s, highs in the 50s, and a couple of breaks in between. we'll see sunshine on thursday and friday. mike, is it still jammed in the east bay? >> it is. right now you look at the map and everything looks just fine. green sensors. there is a slow drive and
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there's more traffic coming and the weather is changing. so even though it doesn't queue the colors, there are damp roads out there. the colors have been changing from red to orange to yellow, back to red. north 238, very slow off of 580, the castro valley y interchange, because of this crash going on. minor injuries, but perhaps another couple of incidents, including a disabled vehicle off the castro valley y. the backup at the bay bridge toll plaza is also here, mild throughout the rest. back to you. 2023 may be behind us, but it is still breaking records. up next, the new grim milestone planet earth is reaching and planet earth is reaching and it's
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welcome. you're watching "today in the bay." in july of 2023, that was the earth's hottest month on record. as we talked about before,
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climate change is making weather events across the globe much more extreme. and you can see how climate change has affected the bay area. go to our website,, and click on the climate in crisis tab. i'm ginger conejero saab at sfo, where travelers are bracing for another day of delays, this as the investigation ramps up into a door plug blowout midair. we have the very latest up ahead. stay with us. you're watching "today in th you're watching "today in th bay."e look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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right now at 6:30, searching for answers. the sealed door panel that blew off an alaska airlines plane is in the hands of investigators. we're live with the new data it's providing and the potentially lengthy impact the investigation may have on bay area flights. a critical day in a washington court, where trump's lawyers will argue that because he was president, he's immune from some charges. funding the fight against retail crime. the symbolic show of support san francisco leaders are expected to provide today and how the money is already boosting safety in the city. this is "today in the bay." >> good tuesday morning. thanks for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington.
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we want to get a look at the forecast because rain is in our future. meteorologist kari hall is tracking that. >> we're starting out with cloudy skies and some of us seeing mist and drizzle. you have to turn on the windshield wipers. all of us are feeling the cold. it's in the upper 40s for many microclimates from san jose to oakland, as well as walnut creek and san francisco now at 50 degrees. here is a look at the rain that's going to be approaching, quickly moving through with light showers already hitting parts of the north bay from sonoma to napa county. it is making it a sloppy drive on 101 as you go north of santa rosa. and then it continues to make its way from north to south between late morning into the early afternoon, and then it does quite quickly clear later for this afternoon into the evening. but there will be some more rain coming in for tomorrow. so i'll be tracking all of that for you. mike, you were saying the view has changed in richmond. >> i know this is not registering as rain on the computers, but you and i know
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this is going to be an issue on people's windshields at the richmond bridge. this complicates things, but you can make out the headlights backed up heading out of the east bay in the middle of the screen. slow, with a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza as well. relatively mild, but with rain coming in and volume building for the later parts of your commute, we'll watch that. complicated out of the tri-valley by this crash on north 238 at 880. minor injuries, but a lot of slowing and there will be a build from about redwood road, slowing for the south bay and san mateo bridge. back to you. 6:33. new developments this morning surrounding the alaska airlines plane that blew out a sealed door panel mid-flight. some of the biggest questions as to why it happened continue to puzzle investigators. >> "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live at sfo this morning. so the ntsb is saying this investigation could take up to 18 months. >> reporter: which then means it could have a longer impact on
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airlines, on passengers and the future of those boeing 737 max 9 planes. the ntsb says that their investigation can take up to 18 months, a year and a half for them to complete their investigation, and this comes as boeing is calling for a companywide meeting today focused on safety in response to that incident. now, boeing's ceo, david calhoun, saying about today's meeting, this serious actions like this occur, it is critical for us to work transparently with our customers and regulators to understand and address the caused of the event and ensure they tonight happen again. this must be the focus of our tomorrow right now. ntsb officials believe they know what broke, an examination of the panel that blew out of the plane involved in friday night's flight shows the door moved upward and then out, with all 12 stops becoming disengaged. the investigation is discovering signs of fractured guides and
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missing bolts, however the fasteners may have been lost when the door was expelled. now, airline technicians say they're finding loose bolts on the same model planes. the ongoing investigation resulting in the grounding of boeing's max 9 planes, which is then leading to hundreds of canceled flights across the country, dozens of them here in the bay area as well. this morning we spoke with one passenger here at sfo whose flight was canceled. he says although this is a bit of an inconvenience, safety is the priority. >> it doesn't matter which airline, it can happen any airline, too. i mean, it could be anybody with the same experience. so it doesn't matter for me, especially the alaska airlines. of course, when you look, you can have any accident anywhere, too.
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>> reporter: that gentleman seemed unfazed with what has been going on. regardless, united airlines and alaska expecting significant delays and disruptions to their flights, alaska expecting at least 27 flights to be canceled at sfo today, united 23 flights canceled. so far we're seeing quite a number of flights already posted on the flight board there saying canceled, which is a little different than yesterday. indonesia also reporting overnight that they are also grounding at least three boeing planes of the same model. this is definitely now developing not just here in the bay area, not just in the country, but in other parts of the world, marcus and laura. >> they've got to figure out why this happened. thank you, ginger. in washington this morning, donald trump's attorney will be in an appeals court looking to win immunity for his client. >> scott mcgrew joins us. donald trump says he's been
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forced off the campaign trail to attend that hearing, but that's not necessarily true. >> it's not true at all. he doesn't have to be there. he won't be testifying. he is there voluntarily. it's understandable he wants to be there, it's an important case. trump's own lawyers will claim federal prosecutors cannot charge trump with the four charges of conspiracy he's facing in washington related to january 6th because he was president when he did it. they will argue that sitting presidents are immune from prosecution. trump is making that same argument in georgia in the criminal case there. trump's lawyers also argue it's double jeopardy. they say trump had already been found innocent during his second impeachment trial when he was accused of many of the same things following the capitol attacks. but impeachment is not a criminal trial. you're never found innocent. so pretty much every legal expert is saying that argument is weak. prosecutors do acknowledge presidents may be temporarily immune from some things like
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civil cases, but they're not immune from everything, they say. special counsel jack smith arguing presidents can be held accountable for serious crimes. a judge in an earlier case agreed, saying that being president is not a, quote, lifetime get out of jail card for any crime you want to commit. prosecutors point to richard nixon. nixon was pardoned for crimes he committed when he was president. why would nixon need a pardon if presidents can't commit crimes, they would ask. smith wants a decision because he's trying to hurry this case along. he wants to keep the march court date with no more delays. trump facing four major criminal trials, conspiracy in washington, this one, racketeering and conspiracy in georgia, the classified documents case, and the business records fraud case. >> a lot to keep up with there. thanks for breaking that down for us. there are new details this
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morning in the criminal case tied to a deadly shooting of an oakland police officer. the "east bay times" is reporting that authorities this week released the mother of the suspected gunman who police sources claim may have tried to assist her son in leaving the state and destroying evidence. the suspected gunman, mark sanders, is still being held without bail in that shooting last month of undercover officer tuan le. three other suspects are either charged or facing charges now. now, the alameda county district attorney's office did not respond to "east bay times" request for a comment. a new push to change the way san francisco supervisors are elected by eliminating districts and instead holding at large elections. if this sounds familiar, the city has utilized a similar at large policy before, it last switched back to district elections in the year 2000. advocates plan to gather outside city hall later this morning. meantime, elected san francisco leaders later today will vote on a controversial
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resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza. dozens of palestinian supporters yesterday attended the supervisors committee meeting demanding they pass the proposal. the meeting included hours of public comments similar to when the measure was first introduced last month. if san francisco approves the measure, it would join richmond and oakland in approving similar resolutions. san francisco leaders will also consider retroactively signing off on the millions of dollars in grant money recently received to fight retail crime. now, today they're looking to do that. you may remember last september san francisco received about $15 million in state grants to support police efforts. police say that money is already being put to good use, with thefts down about 50% over the recent holiday season. this is compared to last year. and it added funding covers a four-year span through mid-2027. it is 6:40 this morning. we take a live look out in san
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jose. beautiful start to the morning. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking some rain washing away all the -- whatever you don't like. [ laughter ] >> i was trying to think of something creative. >> starting the new year fresh. >> there we go. >> it's also cold this morning. but when we compare it to yesterday morning, this is about 5 to 12 degrees warmer than yesterday in a lot of spots. in morgan hill it is now 40 degrees, but it's 50 in san mateo and 49 in sonoma and san francisco. we are seeing a lot more cloud cover and that's keeping those temperatures up just a little bit. but we're also seeing some rain coming in and it's going to be a light rain. are you seeing the clouds lighting up there as the sun rises over san jose? it's a really nice shot. we'll see the rain here around 11:00 to noon, and our temperatures only reaching into the mid-50s. it looks to clear out this evening, but we do have more rain coming tomorrow. i'll have that timeline coming up. mike, you're saying the
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conditions are changing for some drivers. >> some of it is the volume of traffic, building at the bay bridge, it's built a bit over the last few days. we're looking at the glow, it's not really affecting the roadways, but that mist will travel down onto the roadway, the windshields. as a result, that misty weather out there in many parts, b.a.r.t. has also said they're going to run trains slower as they do when the tracks can be slick. this is not weather related, but we know the san francisco bay ferry, south san francisco service is suspended due to an equipment issue. not weather related, but that is a note for your morning commute. we're looking at a smooth build. not a major concern for contra costa county, but there is a build through the area through concord and toward walnut creek. we know this is coming. we're warning you well ahead of time, all weekend starting friday night, south 680 will be closed from 580 to 84. so 84 or 880 are your options. south bay starting with a build once again. back to you. >> thanks, mike. comedian jimmy kimmel is
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taking on aaron rodgers. coming up, after baseless allegations, the talk show host once again ripping into the nfl quarterback. the new message he's sending this morning. ep it here. ke (vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips.
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(dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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[coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ good tuesday morning. as we take a look at our day planner for brentwood, we're starting out cloudy and it's in the low 40s. at 9:00 we'll see light rain coming in, but it's already
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clearing by the early afternoon and we'll see sunshine and temperatures in the upper 50s. we do have more rain in tomorrow's forecast and we'll time that out coming up in the full microclimate forecast. and the timing we would expect to slow down about here through san jose about now, as it is. we have northbound 101 showing build. more traffic coming out of the south county. it looks like a beautiful drive right here. other parts of the bay we're seeing droplets on the lens. >> thank you so much. it is 6:46. harsh new words for quarterback aaron rodgers from late night talk show host jimmy kimmel. it all surrounds rodgers' recent totally unfounded claim kimmel had ties to sexual predator jeffrey epstein. last night kimmel had a takedown during his seven-minute monologue. >> aaron rodgers is too arrogant to know how ignorant he is. they let him host "jeopardy!" for two weeks, now he knows everything. by the way, i'm not one of those people who thinks athletes and members of the sports media
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should stick to talking about sports. i think aaron rodgers has the right to express any opinion he wants to, but saying someone is a pedophile is not an opinion. >> he made comments last week and kimmel threatened him if he continues to make claims. kimmel wants rodgers to apologize, but fears that will not happen. the irs says americans can start filing their taxes on january 29th. now, the deadline is still april 15th, irs expects to receive nearly 129 million returns by the scheduled deadline. the tax season will include new developments, including the irs effort to launch its own direct filing platform, which would be free a free alternative to sites like turbotax. the irs system will be available in dozens of states, including here in california. where will that tax money go? what's what washington is trying
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to decide. >> scott mcgrew, a lot will go toward defense. >> it is one of the biggest budget items. good morning. the biggest optional expense. take a look. paying social security, medicare, and interest on the debt, that's our biggest expense. we have no choice about that. so once you get rid of this, then you can start spending on defense, $886 billion, and then you're left with about $770 billion, and that's the rest of the government. the big news this week is that republican speaker of the house, mike johnson, was able to make a deal with democrats to spend those hundreds of billions and keep the government open. that's assuming they hammer out the details on the spending before january 19th. much of the deal rests on the previous deal, former speaker mccarthy made with democrats at the white house. now, remember, mccarthy lost his job for making this deal, which raises a natural question, how is this any different for
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johnson? and the answer seems to be it's not. conservatives appear to be just as angry at johnson for making the deal as they were angry at mccarthy. president biden was in south carolina monday. remember, democrats no longer care about iowa the way they used to. south carolina is now their first official primary. biden at the very same charleston church where a white supremacist murdered nine churchgoers after they invited him to bible study. >> the word of god was pierced by bullets of hate and rage, propelled by not just gunpowder, but by poison. poison that's for too long haunted this nation. what is that poison? white supremacy. >> biden's speech was briefly interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters. mr. biden continued his speech shortly thereafter. the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, out of intensive
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care. why exactly he was in intensive care, we don't know all the details. for a while, the white house was out of the loop, the commander in chief unaware the top civilian leader of the military was in the hospital at all. even austin's second in command didn't know right away. the "washington post" editorial board saying the fact that nobody in the white house appears to have noticed the secretary's absence for several days amid heated conflicts unfortunately implies mr. austin, though an able man, is not central to national security decisionmaking as his counterparts. a few minutes ago we touched on former president trump's legal hearing in washington. it is under way. an appeals court there is going to consider a ruling from a lower court that presidents aren't immune from being charged with crimes just because they were president. not a get out of jail free card. we're listening to audio now. no cameras.
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it's a federal court. the judge is asking trump's lawyers, okay, what about murder? would a president be immune? that's where they're at right now. it is the logical question to ask if you say a president is immune from being charged. >> thank you, scott. 6:50 this morning. trending, if you love a good concert, you better set your alarm. >> you have your first chance to snag tickets to this year's bottlerock music festival, happening today. ♪♪ >> legendary singer stevie nicks among the headliners for this year's event. at 10:00 this morning, three-day tickets go on sale. general admission starts at $456. single day tickets will go on sale closer to the event. >> pearl jam, ed sheeran are among some of the big names expected to perform.
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bottlerock takes place memorial day weekend in napa valley, so get ready. get ready for incoming rain. you've been telling us it's coming. >> we have a beautiful sunrise this morning over the south bay. not everyone able to see it because there is a lot of clouds and some spotty sprinkles. we'll be tracking that incoming rain over the next few hours. a quick-moving system will be dropping in for this morning and then clearing out for this afternoon. but we can see closer with our stormranger where that rain is falling. right now it's in parts of the north bay and it's not widespread. it's not very heavy. so we are starting out with some of the wet weather moving through parts of sonoma, northern napa count, and that will continue to push its way to the south, moving into san francisco by about 8:00 to 9:00 this morning. then into the east bay, into the south bay between 9:00 and 11:00. then we see it tapering off for the afternoon, and then the rest of the day is sunny, but cool. it's going to be chilly tonight, too. we'll start out tomorrow again
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with wet weather. this time it's going to linger a lot longer and there may be pockets of some slightly heavier rain. we see it picking up around 7:00 to 8:00, continuing into the early afternoon, and it's not going to be raining the entire day. but it's going to be really off and on throughout the day, and then ending by thursday morning. so what we see today for most of us is about a tenth of an inch of rain or less, and then it picks up in total about a quarter to half inch of rainfall between today and tomorrow. we're watching a bigger storm system for the weekend, and, yes, i know this is right in the middle of your saturday, but we are going to see this rain coming in along with some gusty winds, tapering off on sunday. this looks to bring us about an inch of rainfall for parts of the north bay and along the coastline, those areas in red where we see oranges and yellows, that indicates about a half inch of rainfall to an inch. so it's pretty decent rainfall totals. it's going to be better for the sierra with a foot of snow for
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today, and into tomorrow, much more expected throughout the weekend. our temperatures stay cool, with highs in the mid to upper 50s. mike is tracking a couple of issues out there. >> there's recovery from one issue and then another one is changing, the conditions, we do have the rain, a little bit of mist on the lens here. the berkeley curve, west 80 and 580 jamming up at the toll plaza, as you would expect. 580 continues this way as it heads up toward the richmond bridge, crossing over to san rafael, more drizzle here. despite that, the traffic volume is moving well. back to you. 6:54. happening now, state senator scott wiener is proposing new legislation into cracking down on car break-ins statewide. the bill would help close the locked door loophole, a rule that requires prosecutors to prove victims' cars were locked at the same of the break-in. we sat down with the state senator, who spoke to us
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in-depth about his proposal. you can watch the full interview coming up in just moments at 7:00 a.m. on "today in the bay." our streaming show is on roku and other platforms as well as a quick look at our top stories, including new turbulence or alaska and united airlines. new revelations surrounding the midair scare for the blown out panel on the flight and the continued impact for dozens of bay area flights with boeing's bay area flights with boeing's 737 m 9 jets still gaxro
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covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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6:58. welcome back. we're moving you forward with a look at our top stories. first, later today boeing is holding a company meeting to discuss safety issues. >> this comes after one of its planes lost a door plug on the alaska airlines flight on friday. ntsb investigators are saying last night the plane had fractured guides and missing bolts. the faa also inspecting the 737 max 9 planes. here is a live look inside sfo where travelers are facing some of those delays as the investigation continues. all of the planes will stay
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grounded until every inspection is completed and any correction measures are taken. in just a few hours, former president donald trump heads to federal court in washington, d.c. a three-judge appeals panel is expected to hear oral arguments surrounding trump's claim that he has absolute immunity for his role leading up to the january 6th attack in the u.s. capitol. his legal team says it cannot be prosecuted because of his status as president at the time. the case comes days before the iowa caucuses where trump remains the gop front-runner. we have been talking about rain in the bay area. meteorologist kari hall is keeping us updated. how much rain are we talking about? >> it's going to be light today, mostly moving in before noon for areas north of san jose and widespread rain tomorrow. >> and it's not rain, but it's damp. it's drizzling and kari warned us about this. we're in transition as far as volume and conditions. keep that in mind.
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things will get tougher as the morning continues. the "today" show is ahead. you can get more local news with our brand new newscast, live on roku and other streaming platforms. not to mention >> so good to have the team all back together. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> let's make it a good one. >> that we will. thanks for joining us this morning. don't forget to hi, everybody. happy tuesday. that massive winter storm hi, everybody. happy tuesday. that massive winter storm spreading wild weather all across the country. >> yeah. millions are in its path this morning. it is january 9th. this is "today." ♪♪ triple threat. that dangerous system on the move, impacting nearly 200 million americans. blizzard warnings in the midwest, a tornado threat for parts of the south. heavy rain, flooding and high winds taking aim at the northeast. al has everything you need to know before you head out the door.


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