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tv   Today  NBC  January 9, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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morning continues. the "today" show is ahead. you can get more local news with our brand new newscast, live on roku and other streaming platforms. not to mention >> so good to have the team all back together. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> let's make it a good one. >> that we will. thanks for joining us this morning. don't forget to hi, everybody. happy tuesday. that massive winter storm hi, everybody. happy tuesday. that massive winter storm spreading wild weather all across the country. >> yeah. millions are in its path this morning. it is january 9th. this is "today." ♪♪ triple threat. that dangerous system on the move, impacting nearly 200 million americans. blizzard warnings in the midwest, a tornado threat for parts of the south. heavy rain, flooding and high winds taking aim at the northeast. al has everything you need to know before you head out the door.
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alarming discovery. inspections uncover loose bolts on now grounded boeing planes in the wake of that terrifying midair blow-out. >> we need to first and foremost figure out what happened here on this aircraft. >> just ahead, the search for answers. the warning lights on multiple other flights. and the question, are there even more planes potentially at risk. growing fall-out. new questions surrounding the mysterious health scare that landed secretary of defense austin in the hospital, something he failed to disclose for days. this morning the investigation just launched and the calls from both sides of the aisle for austin's resignation. breaking overnight, crews combing for debris after a massive explosion at an historic hotel in texas. more than 20 people hurt. some trapped in the basement before they were rescued. we'll have the very latest from the scene. those stories, plus fighting
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back. jimmy kimmel using his monologue to slam aaron rodgers over the nfl star's false claims about the late night host and jeffrey epstein. >> he genuinely believes that because god gave him the ability to throw a ball, he's smarter than everyone else. >> kimmel's new demand for an apology and what's next for their very public feud. ♪♪ and hail to the victors. >> to the end zone! michigan nexting immediately. >> michigan runs away from washington to be crowned national champions. >> touchdown, michigan! >> setting off a celebration nearly three decades in the making for one of college football's most storied programs. ♪♪ today, tuesday, january 9th, 2024. ♪♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah
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guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. good to see you. it is a tuesday morning. glad you are with us. boy, are they yelling go blue in michigan. what a might for the wolverines. >> they have been waiting for more than a quarter of a century for this moment. they are national champions, this morning, defeating washington, 34. 13. more on the game just ahead. we'll have more on the game just ahead. let's get to our top story, that new round of severe weather. >> yes. it's bringing a triple threat, too. snow, rain and wind. a large part of the country in the cross hairs. heavy snow overnight stretching from new mexico to the plains and into iowa. these are the conditions in sioux city this morning. >> that storm, by the way, heading east where a big concern here is flooding, especially for areas with snow still on the ground or still saturated from that weekend storm. >> in the meantime, nearly 200 million americans are under wind alerts this morning. parts of the south could see tornadoes and some schools in the florida panhandle are closed today as a precaution.
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>> yeah, al is tracking all of this. but, first, let's go to nbc's maggie vespa joining us now from a snowy, des moines, iowa. maggie, good morning. it looks pretty bad there. >> reporter: hey, hoda. hey, savannah. it's pretty bad here. good morning. this largely transformed overnight. we got here last night. there was like an inch of snow on the ground. now we're close to half a foot and climbing. you can see how thick and heavy this is this morning. they're expecting close to a foot by the time this thing ends in certain parts of the state. this is the kind of really heavy, packable, wet snow that has officials worried about things like power outages, road conditions, several schools in the area are closed. all of those concerns stacking up. specific to power outages, we have close to a quarter of a million americans in the midwest and south without power this morning. so that's being watched closely. when you look more broadly at the winter storm conditions, we have 54 million americans from like texas, up into michigan, even into the northeast.
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they're under winter storm alerts this morning. and another big concern you talked about is the wind. 180 million americans under wind alerts this morning with gusts that we saw yesterday and into the night topping like 70 miles per hour. nebraska, in particular, was a mess. we saw wreck after wreck after wraek. local authorities say one of those tragically was fatal. bringing you back here to iowa, perhaps no surprise if you're keeping track of the calendar, this is making a mess of politic. we have less than a week until the iowa caucuses. yesterday, presidential candidate nikki haley had to cancel a campaign event because of the snow and ice. it was kind of taking shape that quickly and roads got bad that quickly. so that's a big concern, along with plummeting temperatures later on in the week. it could be in sub zero territory by the time we get to the caucuses early next week. so a lot of people watching that as well. the final layer that you talked about is the heavy rain in the northeast. torrential rain moving into that part of the country which, as
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you guys know, got hit with a huge snowstorm over the weekend. several inches of snow. when you add the rain to the melting snow, officials there say they are very concerned about the possibility of severe, even flash flooding in the region. new york city in particular, enacting its flash flood emergency plan. guys, i'll send it back to you. >> all right, maggie vespa. maggie vespa. >> let's see where this storm the headed. boy, that's a messy map. >> it really is. good morning. good morning to you. we have severe weather down through the east. we have tornado watches into central alabama, on into the panhandle in florida. we have a couple of tornado warnings around dothen and panama city.hunderstorm warnings, tornado watch goes until 7:00 a.m. central time. you can see all these heavy showers and thunderstorms moving up. we widen out. you can see snow from des moines, a iowa, where maggie is, chicago, pittsburgh, detroit. so let's time this out for you. here is what we're looking at for today, peak impacts for
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buffalo, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., strong winds, heavy rain. atlanta now to 1:00. strong storms, flood risks and gusty winds. chicago, wintry travel and gusty winds until 3:00 a.m. this morning. we move on up to the northeast, peak impact for philadelphia, from 3:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., a flood risk, strong winds. same in d.c. from 1 to 11. look at charlotte, noon until 6:00 p.m. severe weather and a flood risk. then we move into the northeast, from 10:00 p.m. tonight until 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, boston flood risks, strong winds. new york, 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. flood risk and strong winds. hartford, 5:00 a.m., you have the same kind of weather conditions. severe storms possible and enhanced risk from the carolinas all the way to florida, tornadoes possible. ef-2 tornadoes, strong tornadoes from florida to the carolinas. rain will continue with this. wind is going to be a big, big problem. damaging winds. travel disruptions, widespread power outages. wind gusts to 40 to 50 to near 60 miles per hour in the northeast.
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and rain, significant rain. heavy rain plus the melting snow. especially in the northeast. that's going to possibly lead to some major river flooding and moderate street flooding as well. back to the west, we have heavy snow in northern new england, but also from quincy, illinois, milwaukee, green bay, low visibility, blowing and drifting snow, hazardous travel. this is a high-impact storm. and guys, there's another one behind it that's going to take almost the exact same track. so, busy time right now. >> wow. this train won't stop. all right, al roker. al, thanks so much. also this morning, there are several important developments tied to that mid-air square on that alaska airlines plane. both the airline and united now saying their technicians have discovered loose bolts on their 737 max 9 plane, involving the same part that blew out on that flight last week. and that could suggest that the problem is actually bigger than that single plane. nbc senior correspondent tom costello joins us. he covers aviation. tom, what do we know this
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morning? >> yeah, hoda, united and alaska are the only u.s. airlines to fly the boeing max 9. they are under an faa order to inspect every plane for any sign of trouble with that door plug. investigators have recovered that door plug. meantime, with the max 9 grounded, united and alaska are again canceling hundreds of flights today. >> reporter: developing overnight, growing safety concerns as the investigation into that alaska airlines flight deepens after the door plug exploded off the plane mid flight friday night. the head of the ntsb now says the bolts that were supposed to keep the panel and plug in place are missing. >> we don't know if they were there or if, again, they came out during the violent explosive decompression event. >> reporter: alaska airlines also said late monday, preliminary inspections by its technicians of its max 9 fleet indicate some loose hardware was
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visible on some aircraft. just hours after united said its technicians had discovered loose bolts around the installed door plugs on its max 9s. neither airline started the formal faa mandated inspection process, but that door plug is what gave way in alaska's terrifying decompression explosion friday night. >> alaska -- seattle, alaska, we just decline -- >> reporter: forcing the crew to make an emergency landing back in portland. while seat cushions, headrests and cell phones were all sucked out of the plane. on monday, the ntsb recovered the door plug in portland where it landed in the backyard of bob sour, a high school physics teacher. >> when i went and investigated, it was very obviously part of a plane. >> reporter: now with loose bolts turning up in early inspections, the question, could more planes be at risk? >> does that suggest this could be a wider problem? >> that's too soon to tell. we are very focussed on what we are investigating with respect
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to this aircraft. >> reporter: the ntsb says on three previous flights pressurization warning lights lit up in the same cockpit. yet alaska only restricted that plane from flying over water to hawaii until technicians could evaluate the problem. it's not clear if they were related to the explosion. in a statement, boeing has apologized to airlines and passengers, saying, we are committed to ensuring every boeing airplane meets design specifications and the highest safety and quality standards. okay. more about the pressurization warning lights the previous flight crews experienced. there are three warning lights, systems, sensors, if you will. so the first one tripped suggesting a pressurization issue. when the pilots checked the backup sensors, they were fine, showing no problems at all. that led the instructor -- the technicians to suspect maybe they had simply a bad sensor. that's why the plane was allowed to keep flying, but not over water. and yet now the question is, well, was that really an indicator of trouble ahead?
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they simply don't know right now. hoda? >> the investigation continues. tom costello for us, tom, thank you. former president trump is in a washington, d.c. courtroom this morning. his lawyers arguing that he should be immune from the criminal charges arising from special counsel jack smith's federal election interference case. nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett is here with the very latest. laura, good morning. set the scene for us. what brings donald trump to court for this appellate court hearing. >> this is really a make or break moment for special counsel jack smith because the former president is arguing he should be completely immune, completely shielded from any and all prosecution for anything that happened while he was in office as president because what the special counsel is charging him with he says everything should then be off the table. of course, a lower court has already disagreed with that and essentially said that would be giving him a get out of jail free card and she wasn't willing to do that. and so that's why it's up now on appeal in front of the federal appeals court in washington, d.c. this could not be more important
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for the special counsel's office. >> as always, there's the political calendar issues. so, the appeals court, even if it rules very quickly, presumably there will be an appeal to the united states supreme court. that takes time. this trial is set for march. the election november 5th. how do all those moving parts work >> that's why even if many say his arguments perhaps are not that persuasive legally, strategically he could still win here because, remember, not only could he appeal to the supreme court, he could also appeal to the full d.c. circuit that federal appeals court, which again slows all of this down this is really the case that was most germane you think about it, the case about the republican front-runner being accused of trying to steal the last election, while on the ballot and currently running. and so for prosecutors, this all goes away if he wins because there will be no more case if he was to actually win. >> the supreme court were to say, he's immune from criminal prosecution -- >> that's it that's the whole ball game. >> that's the end of the story laura, we'll be watching thank you very much. let's turn to the growing controversy surrounding defense secretary lloyd austin
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he remains at walter reed national military medical center this morning after revelations the pentagon waited several days to inform the president and the public about his hospitalization. lawmakers from both parties now demanding answers with some calling on secretary austin to resign nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander has the very latest. hey, peter, doorm. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. a top republican says this whole episode represents a shocking breakdown in the chain of command. this morning the pentagon spokesperson says that its general counsel is reviewing whether austin broke any laws. his mystery absence coming at a critical time with rising tensions the middle east, including more than a dozen attacks on bases, housing u.s. troops in that region during his hospitalization. this morning, questions are growing about defense secretary lloyd austin's health, after revelations that austin was hospitalized in the intensive care unit for days without telling the president, key staff
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members or the public. still, white house officials say president biden has no plans to fire austin. >> you still confident that he can carry on, sir? >> reporter: the president ignored shouted questions about austin monday, but his administration is now facing bipartisan outrage >> it would appear that lloyd oust austin is the person who needs to resign or his chief of staff or both of them. >> reporter: former president trump arguing austin should be fired for improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty. democrats are also demanding answers. armed services committee chairman jack reed writing -- this lack of disclosure must never happen again. >> i do hope that there is a review to ensure that there wasn't any jeopardizing of national security. >> reporter: austin a four star general sits atop the chain of command between the president and the u.s. military. required at all times to respond to a national security emergency. he pledged transparency during his senate confirmation hearing two years ago. >> we will be transparent with you. >> reporter: pentagon officials
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say austin was initially in the icu and now remains at walter reed citing privacy concerns they will not elaborate on the medical issue he's facing. the pentagon says austin, who was conscious but in severe pain, was rushed to the hospital by ambulance on new year's day citing complications from a recent medical procedure rico without telling her why until january 4th, the same day the next day the pentagon transferred certain responsibilities to his deputy who was vacations in puerto rico without telling her why until january 4th, the same day senior officials at the white house and the president were finally informed a pentagon spokesman says austin has no plans to resign, after he initially accepted responsibility in a statement, writing that he recognizes he could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed also overnight we learned that the marine corps's top general had successful open heart surgery on monday after a nearly fatal heart attack last fall the marine corps immediately announcing that in a statement
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which of course comes in stark contrast to how defense secretary austin and his aides handled his episode over the past week. hoda >> all right, peter alexander for us there at the white house. peter, thank you. craig joins us now college football has a new champ, go blue. >> go blue indeed. good morning good morning to you as well. this year's title game was a highly-anticipated matchup of the nation's only undefeated teams, michigan and washington the night belonged to the maze and blue wolverines crowned national champs nbc's kaylee hartung was up late watching all of it kaylee, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys you know michigan fans are singing hail to the victors this morning for very good reason there's little doubt that they were the team to beat this year. and against a very talented washington husky's squad, the wolverines physicality set the tone as they made winning plays when it mattered most. >> hail, hail, michigan.
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they are the champions of college football >> reporter: after nearly three decades, a college football power house finally back on top. the michigan wolverines. >> victors valiant. >> reporter: defeating the washington huskies, winning their first national championship since 1997. >> it's a sense of glorious feeling. really, don't have any more prize up for grabs and meg words than that. >> reporter: michigan's epic celebration, stretching from houston all the way to ann arbor, with college football's biggest prize up for grabs and megastars like michael jordan and derek jeter watching, the wolverines sprinting past the huskies early. >> racing to the end zone, michigan flexing immediately and he's loose again edwards off and running! >> reporter: including two incredible touchdowns by michigan native, donovan edwards. then washington cutting into michigan's lead. heisman finalist quarterback michael doing all he could, showing off his arm. >> touchdown >> reporter: but late in the game, michigan taking control with quarterback j.j. mccarthy
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leading the way. and all-american blake corum doing the rest >> breaks a tackle, touchdown, michigan >> reporter: the wolverines undefeated season wasn't without controversy. head coach jim harbaugh, starred as a quarterback in the '80s served a school-posed three-game suspension and banned from the sidelines for three more games following the wolverine's highly publicized sign stealing scandal. >> you have to let it play out cooperate with the investigation. >> reporter: but after a season of ups and downs, harbaugh's family supporting him. his older brother john, the super bowl-winning head coach of the nfl's baltimore ravens, and their dad jack, who set the family standard with a college football championship of his own as a coach 20 years ago, joining the celebration. family off the field and on it a tight-knit team hailing their return to glory. >> just so blessed and speechless trying to take everything in
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>> it had been nearly 30 years since michigan last won a national championship. that was the title they shared with nebraska. but let me give you some context to that 97-storied wolverines team hall of famer charles woodson and young backup quarterback named tom brady. safe to say it's been a while no one what happens to harbaugh does he stay or does he go back to the nfl >> what do you think >> you look at what he did in and the school and its fans are going to soak in this vick tory while, guys. >> question is what happens to harbaugh does he stay or go back to the nfl? >> oh, what do we think? >> you look at what he did in san diego and the 49ers the first time, look at what he did at stanford and what he's done in michigan, i don't think if he has anything left to prove. >> uh-huh. i love sports, craig. >> me, too i like when you go out on a limb with the predictions especially when it turns out wrong. we love that >> of course i won't hear the end of it especially from anthony back there. >> that's the beauty of tape we'll play that bad boy back. >> we will. >> maybe it will work out. you never know we're looking at mess in the eastern third of the country, rain, flooding, severe storms to
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the south. snow and wind around the great lakes. windy through texas. sunshine in southwest, but another system coming. we'll look at that coming up in the next half hour but in the meantime, we're going to get your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. see how at that's me! file your taxes 100% free with turbotax free edition and get your max refund guaranteed. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are going to be tracking some rain coming in today, starting out light, here we are at 9:00 this morning, and we are seeing the rain covering much of the bay area. once again, it will be light, and already clearing out for many spots around noon today. the afternoon will be clear, but we're looking about a tenth of an inch of rain for most areas.
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we'll see more rain in our forecast for tomorrow, and then on thursday and friday it's clearing out. and w and that's your latest weather. by the way, a lovely outfit. >> you too, mr. roker. each other's fashion choices >> that's also beautiful, as always >> what's going on here? >> what's happening? >> we don't know >> they talk about fashion way weather. by the way, lovely outfits >> you too, mr. roker. >> i love when they compliment each other's fashion choices. >> that's also beautiful, as always. >> what's going on here? >> what's happening? >> we don't know. >> they talk about fashion way more than we do. >> it's real weird. real weird coming up, guys, jimmy kimmel shedding new light on this feud he has going with aaron rodgers. he hammered rodgers in his monologue overnight, demanding an apology we'll have the latest and aaron rodgers' vow to respond to today. >> it's not going to end plus, social media fuelling a new obsession with skin care routines among children. >> what? >> yeah. but do kids younger than 13 need
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. san francisco leaders later today will vote on a controversial resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza. >> dozens of palestinian supporters yesterday attended the supervisor's committee meeting, demanding they pass the proposal. if san francisco approves the measure, it would join richmond and oakland in approving similar resolutions. and now to a live look outside of the bay area at the morning commute for you.
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we are moving you forward with what may be the next frontier for artificial intelligence. reducing traffic congestion. so google testing project green light in 12 cities around the world. the company utilizes its map systems and ai to use stop light timing to improve traffic flow. caltrans also wants to use ai to reduce traffic across california, proposals from technologies are due january 25th. that gave us a nice look outside. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're already starting out with light rain, but there's a lot more coming our way. the first wave will be fairly quick and mostly hitting the bay area until the early afternoon. another wave tomorrow, and then we'll be watching another storm system coming in for the weekend. but most of the rain we're seeing right now coming in quickly, but it will churn up high waves. we'll have the big waves, the high surf, combined with the
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king tides from tomorrow through friday. and as far as the rain, once again, quickly sweeping through, but we will have more rounds in our forecast. it looks to linger a lot longer tomorrow. we're dry on thursday and friday. and for the weekend, we'll keep you updated on the next storm coming in.
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africa now nearly 40 years later, a new documentary will shed light on how this all came together we've got a sneak peek coming up later on "popstart". >> looking forward to that we have a lot to get to in this half hour, including the latest on that on going feud between "late night" host jimmy kimmel and star quarterback aaron rodgers. >> this keeps getting messier. during a scathing monologue overnight, kimmel slammed rodgers for suggesting without evidence that kimmel had ties to jeffrey epstein. nbc's chloe melas has more on this whole story hey, chloe, good morning >> reporter: good morning. jimmy kimmel did not mince words when he doubled down in the monologue last night, describing the harm caused by rodgers' comments besides a recent tweet this is the first time we're hearing from jimmy kimmel who is now challenging aaron rodgers to apologize. >> aaron rodgers is too arrogant to know how ignorant he is. >> reporter: overnight, jimmy kimmel hitting back at new york jets' quarterback aaron rogers in a scathing seven-minute monologue.
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>> he generally thinks that because god gave him the ability to throw a ball, he's smarter than everyone else >> reporter: kimmel again taking on the star quarterback after rodgers last week suggested a link between kimmel and convicted sex offenders jeffrey epstein while appearing on espn's pat mcafee show >> a lot of people, including jimmy kimmel, are hoping that doesn't come out >> geez. >> reporter: rodgers was referring to court documents that included names of people with some alleged connection to epstein. mcafee apologizing describing rodgers talk as locker room talk kimmel, who had threatened aaron rodgers with legal action doubling overnight. >> i don't know jeffrey epstein. when you hear a guy that won a super bowl and did all the state farm commercials say something like this, a lot of people believe it. >> reporter: over the past few years, the late night comedian has made the nfl star a punch line on his show, particularly over his stance on vaccinations. >> nothing says i heal myself
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with crystals like this haircut. i mean - >> reporter: kimmel now speculating rodgers is taking revenge. >> he just said it because he's mad at me for making fun of his top knot and his lies about being vaccinated. >> reporter: but saying he went too far. >> and as far as -- you say things about people all the time argument goes. yes, i do. it's not the same. it's not even close to the same. we say a lot of things on this show we don't make up lies. >> reporter: while taking some shots of his own. >> aaron god two a's on his report card. they were both in the word aaron. okay >> reporter: kimmel is still hoping rodgers will apologize. >> i bet he won't. if he does, i'll accept his apology and move on. >> all right wow. this one is super, duper messy i'm assuming that aaron rodgers will probably have something to say. when might that happen >> reporter: so, hoda, every week aaron rodgers is on pat mcafee's show.
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that will happen later today yesterday at a press conference, when aaron rodgers was asked about all of this controversy, he wouldn't specifically talk about it he said you're basically going to have to wait until the show today. so it's unclear if he's going to apologize. nbc news, we reached out overnight and haven't heard anything back. but it's telling based on what he said yesterday that he's probably going to address it head on. but the big question remains for fans on both sides, is aaron rodgers going to apologize to jimmy kimmel, or will he make another jab? we'll have all those answers, hoda, in just a couple hours. >> i can not believe it's got on the this level it's so crazy. almost ridiculous. >> bizarre it's bizarre especially considering they work for the same place just weird. still ahead, crews working through the night after a massive explosion at a historic hotel in texas the very latest on that. and what investigators believe spark sparked that blast we'll have a live report from the scene. if you're the parent of a between, you probably noticed
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and i still struggle with post-acne marks. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. visibly fades post-acne marks by up to 40%. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? oats 'n honey? or everything bagel? nature valley makes an everything bagel bar?! try nature valley savory nut crunch bars, available in three flavors like everything bagel. [lullaby alarm]
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♪ “locket” by audrey nuna ♪ [drawer sound] [pulling shirt down] [pulling socks up] ♪ [toothpaste sound] [toothbrushing sound] [cream application sound] ♪ [blind closing sound] ♪ ♪ pop, lock, and drop it, ♪ ♪ pop, lock, and drop it ♪ ♪ pop, lock, and drop it, ♪ [watch notification] ♪ pop, lock, and drop it ♪ ♪ alright, okay, i did it my way ♪ ♪ we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber. back now at 7:39 with "in depth today. so this morning we have an
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unexpected trend that is really surging among young consumers. >> get this. we're talking about children, under the age of 13 now flocking to beauty stores to buy high-end skin care products >> oh, every momma of a tween knows about this nbc's emilie ikeda is looking undereye gels, all words in the vocabularies of tweens these it's being driven by social media and spreads beyond that. >> think illuminating serums, undereye, all words in the vocabulary of tweens these days. it has skyrocketed and the trend has some wondering if that growth should be cause for concern. >> i'm going to start off by using the daily face cleanser. >> reporter: this holiday season, pricey skin care products topped many wish lists, but it is not just adults that were hoping to find them in their stockings, but increasingly young people, too. >> there is obviously face wash and then there is moisturizers and then there is like kind of redness reducer kind of thing.
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>> reporter: this 12-year-old is part of the be beauty industry's newest consumer group, generation alpha, children born in 2010 and beyond these skin care kids are obsessed whose skin care routine is more expensive? >> oh, my daughter's, yes. >> mine. >> reporter: many drawing inspiration from get ready with me videos on social media, showing off lengthy and expensive routines >> let's do my ten-step skin care routine. >> reporter: this video of kim kardashian's daughter north racking up millions of views >> literally born with a smart phone in their hand. the access to watching influencers on platforms like tiktok and youtube, where they're seeing these influencers -- >> reporter: annual skin care sales exploded from 7.8 to $9.2 billion over the last few years. but some adult shoppers are not pleased by overcrowded stores. >> why are we letting our kids walk around like they're 30
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years old? >> employees literally like, um, you actually don't need that. >> reporter: ulta beauty telling nbc news in a statement it does not proactively promote skin care to ge-n alpha education around ingredients and products focus on specific skin care needs is more important than ever. many dermatologists applaud a good skin care routine at any age, but say young people should stick to the basics, like cleansers and sunscreen to avoid irritating their skin. laura says she reads the skin care labels for her daughter closely. >> i think if she can learn to take care of it in a good, healthy way, then i'm okay with it >> consumers of all ages have leaned into skin care more, something researchers say started during the pandemic when people stopped wearing makeup as often and focussed more on self care the global skin care market could reach $167 billion by 2030. >> wow.
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>> that sets us up nicely for dr. marni. hi you have an 8-year-old i have a 9-year-old. this is something that we're all seeing and look, we all used to have body balm, lip smackers. it's fun to experiment with growing up. >> sure. >> but there are some real serious ingredients in some of these products. >> there really. it's interesting this is the first generation that's really grown up in this digital age where tiktok and youtube replaced tv. they're getting all this information because media agencies can target them easy. so they want to feel like they know what they're doing and want to emulate those videos that they're seeing the problem is they're being marketed products that are not right for their skin >> well, let's talk about some of those products because they can do harm. these kids have things that have i don't know acid in them -- >> all that stuff. >> peptides. >> this is beautiful skin. >> so this skin, especially pre-teens age 9 to 12, really is about -- it's gentle and need
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gentle skin care keep it basic they're using products that break down the skin barrier and cause rashes, acne where they didn't have a problem but really redness and infection and swelling it's really you know having a negative impact not only on everyone's wallet but on their psyche as a child. like me. >> what do you allow in your house? >> sure. i have a couple rules. my little girl and her friends don't like me. i say keep it simple being in a skin care routine is great, to have good habits cleanser, oil free moisturizer, lip balm and spf that's all they need. >> sunscreen. >> exactly that is all they need. and really if they want to do anything fun with other frivolous things like lip smackers, whatever that is. >> the girls like the masks. >> anything with hydration, no avoid anything with acids, alpha hydroxy acid, only if they're going through with acne. no retinols, no exfoliation. >> have you seen patients come in -- >> everyday more and more patients with their mothers come
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in the mom is like, please tell them to stop using these products. >> because they're having -- >> exactly there are products that are appropriate for their skin, but you have to do your research. >> stop buying the products for them, too. >> thank you so much, doctor we want to mention to find out a lot more on this topic, it's a hot one on our website now for another check of the weather. mr. roker? >> those of us with boys, it's too much axe body spray. wow. any way, let's take -- so here comes this second storm right behind what we are going to be experiencing today and tomorrow. thursday, heavy snow for the southern rockies severe risk from texas to mississippi on thursday. now, we move into friday the storm really starts to ramp up blizzard conditions possible for the midwest all the way to the great lakes, including chicago, minneapolis, michigan, heavy rains already now soaking this already saturated eastern sea board. we move into saturday. heavy lake-effect snow develops, cleveland, buffalo, eerie, pa.
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strong wind gusts with wind gusts over 50 miles per hour good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we have a quick-moving system dropping in right now. it is cloudy with some light rain, kind of hit or miss. but we are seeing it mostly in the north bay as we track it with stormranger. but we are seeing the mist all around the bay area as you're driving to work this morning. more widespread rain in the forecast through at least noon, and then it clears from north to south. we have more and that's your latest weather. guys? >> still ahead here, t and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. the new appeal of old phones while carrying around outdated tech with simple camera, few apps why that could be the key to connecting with your family and friends.
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>> that and our morning "boost" coming up right after these messages ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ dad, we got this.
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we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had
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medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. (owner) purina one... we switched and wow! from day 1, its proven natural nutrition supports charlie's strong immune system... and ginger's healthy heart. (vo) healthy differences today and for a lifetime. purina one. a difference from day one. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. here at once upon a farm, we chose the new
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capital one venture x business card. with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to meet our business needs. and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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welcome back it always gets brighter when sheinelle jones joins us happy to see sheinelle here. we got our morning boost, too, for you, sheinelle a man was proposing to his long-time girlfriend on the beach. the young couple's daughter was there to be a part of the occasion but things don't always go as planned. so the man first asked the daughter, is it okay if i ask mommy a question she said no. moments later, mom put the girl down after she took a few steps, guess what, she spotted the camera she did what any toddler would do, oh, wait this while the whole proposal is happening. romantic proposal on in the background yeah she said yes >> that's framed perfectly. >> it's perfect. >> by the way, they're in hysterics, i love it. >> all right isn't that a good one?
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>> that's hard to top. coming up, we're not sure about "fetch," but they made something happen at the "mean girls" premiere. a surprise visit from lindsay lohan. one of our favorite guests, kevin hart will be here. and how he celebrated lebron's birthday over the weekend. he was there at that party ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions.
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ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. fades the look of all types of dark spots by up to 40%. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. (dad) it's our phone bill...
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we pay for things that we don't need. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) we must tighten our belts! (mom) a better plan to save is verizon! (vo) that's right! plans start at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years. only on verizon. here at once upon a farm, we chose the new capital one venture x business card. with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to meet our business needs. and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. that grimy film on your teeth?
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dr. g? it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start. crest. feeling ughh from a backed up gut?
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miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. a very good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: i'm ginger conejero saab at sfo where travelers can expect another day of delays and disruptions. alaska airlines as of this morning reporting 27 flights are canceled, united airlines also with 26 flights at least expected to be canceled today. now, this comes as the ntsb ramps up its investigation into boeing's 737 max 9 plane that was involved in that midair door plug blowout friday evening. i'm kris sanchez in san
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jose. governor gavin newsom wants the state to use ai to improve traffic flow and thereby reduce emissions. tech companies have until january 25th to pitch their proposals. one example of that is google's project green light, which allows cities to use traffic map data to ease the flow of traffic at stop lights. caltrans also wants to analyze the data to identify the most dangerous corridors and make them safer. let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with clouds and light rain moving across the bay area. not a whole lot to track here, but we are going to see the showers moving across the bay area into the late morning, early afternoon hours. the evening is all clear, and we will be gearing up for more rain in tomorrow's forecast that will linger a lot longer and may have some pockets of heavier rain, especially as we go toward the early afternoon into the evening. so we'll be watching several
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rounds of rain with a break on thursday and friday. saturday is also going to be wet with highs in the upper 50s. >> thank you, kari. we'll be back with another local news update in half an hour. in the meantime, enjoy your tuesday moing.rn
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, round two that dangerous winter storm on the move this morning. >> stay safe at home and off the roads. >> bringing heavy rain and snow and flooding. nearly 200 million people on alert. al is live with your full forecast. then, pro tips a look at the cutting edge treatments being used by professional athletes now going mainstream.
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>> what are some data points that you look to that tell you this stuff is looking. >> we're seeing reductions in injury rates and return to play on a faster scale. >> from red light to cold therapy, vicky nguyen is trying them all out the details are straight ahead. plus, taking hart. kevin hart joins us in studio 1a to talk about fame, family and his new film >> i don't appreciate the emotional blackmail. >> it is not emotional blackmail. it's blackmail blackmail. >> he's here live. and out of this world. ♪ ♪ we are the world ♪ ♪ we are the children ♪ >> we've got your first look at the new documentary telling the story behind "we are the world" from never before seen footage to the stars now speaking out about that iconic night. today, tuesday, january 9th, 2024 ♪ it's our first time in new york. >> from montgomery, alabama. >> hey, mom!
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>> shout-out to our friends in john carol university -- >> in cleveland, ohio. >> hi to our nieces and nephews. >> in fairmont, west virginia. >> enjoy your snow day >> good morning to my dad and my brother morgan watching back in ohio. >> wishing my daughter emma a happy 18th birthday! ♪ >> hi to my mom. >> in huntington, west virginia. >> we love you, grammy >> visiting from lubbock, texas. >> today i'm turning 50, all the way from homer, alaska. >> happy birthday! >> happy birthday. 50 looks good. welcome back we are so happy you are with us. west virginia well represented we can't wait to go outside and visit with everybody on this tuesday. >> good morning, everybody guys, coming up tomorrow on "today," our friend andy cohen, the king of bravo, will talk about falling victim to a spam we want to share what happened to him so others don't go through the same thing
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a little difference appearance for andy. right now let's get to your news at 8:00 millions of people are feeling the impact of that new winter storm that's been rolling across the country. here is a live look, des moines, iowa, heavy snow pelted the plains, parts of the midwest overnight, with high winds creating near blizzard conditions meantime, the northeast bracing for violent winds, rain and some flooding and, of course, al is keeping track of all of it you see it on the move. >> yeah, guys, good morning. good morning to you. unfortunately, we're seeing a rapidly intensifying system that is causing severe weather down to the south. this tornado watch has now expanded and extended through 2:00 this afternoon. we also have tornado warnings between alabama, tallahassee, florida and to the west. of panama city so there's severe weather. please keep an ear out for your local nbc station to keep you updated on those severe storms you can already see snow stretching through chicago, buffalo, eventually the peak
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impact for buffalo, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., strong winds and heavy rain atlanta, strong storms tornadoes possible flood risks. gusty winds. chicago wintery travel through 3:00 a.m we move on to later this afternoon from 3:00 to 3:00 a.m. in philadelphia strong winds and a flood risk as we get into the evening hours, strong winds and flood risk. same for new york city and hartford in to early tomorrow same for d.c charlotte, you've got severe storms and a flood risk as well. as we get into the evening hours, boston, the main impacts peak impact from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., strong winds and heavy rains. same for new york city and hartford into early tomorrow morning. we do have this risk of severe weather, storms, tornadoes, wind gusts of 75 miles an hour from central florida all the way up into the carolinas and we've got this risk of ef-2 tornadoes from kingston to panama city down to orlando. so we're going to watch that carefully. the winds are a big problem. wind gusts of up to 60 miles an hour flooding rain, areas that have already gotten heavy rain and snow we are looking somewhere, anywhere from 2 to 4 inches in
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the northeast. and wintry weather, with low visibility, blowing and drifting snow snowfall amounts as much as 6 inches back through the upper midwest. a high-impact storm that will keep rolling on. for the next 48 hours. >> lots for you to watch there, al thank you.blast injured more th0 people some were trapped in the basement before rescue nbc's gaud ve nay gas is on the scene for us this morning. hi, guad, good morning >> reporter: the explosion took out two floors of this high-rise hotel. authorities kanding some type of construction was taking place at the time of the blast. more than two dozen rooms
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occupied with some people left inside for hours before they were rescued the streets of ft. worth covered in clouds of dust and debris, following a massive explosion that blew out the windows in this downtown hotel. >> something just blew up outside my office. oh my god. >> reporter: the blast felt from far away. >> it shook the building and everything. >> reporter: victims escaping the rubble with the help of first responders. >> right after going outside, i least 21 were injured by saw like bloody faces and whatnot and really seen the impact of what happened. >> reporter: officials say at least 21 were injured by the blast at the sandman hotel, 14 taken to area hospitals for treatment. >> i felt it throughout the car. it felt like a thunderstorm or something. the sandman hotel, right next to the garage where we a park our cars, everything is just -- blown up people coming out of the building >> reporter: authorities are investigating whether a gas leak could be to blame. one official acknowledging the smell of gas in the air as they
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spoke to reporters. >> and, so, again we have not made 100% determination, but we wanted to make it clear that this was some type of gas explosion. >> reporter: fire officials say 26 of the rooms were occupied in the hotel that was recently renovated. the rubble caused by the blast trapping some inside this woman rescued more than two hours after the explosion. local authorities say they're being assisted by the fbi and atf as clean-up efforts continued overnight after a chaotic day in downtown ft. worth. and a restaurant inside the hotel that was affected by the explosion shared a statement with our local affiliate in dallas/ft. worth indicated they are devastated by that incident. there were three employees inside of it the restaurant was closed. all three are receiving medical attention at a hospital and are in stable condition. savannah. >> thank you meanwhile, a las vegas judge
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was back in court yesterday to finish sentencing the convict who brutally attacked her last week judge mary kay holthis and court officer were both hurt this time, he was shackled as you can see there, wearing a spit mask and his hands are covered. the judge sentenced him to up to four years in prison for the original crime of attempted battery. he is due back in court today before a different judge to fac was reunited with his rescuers yet. he had been pinned inside new charges for last week's incident the indiana man who was trapped in his pickup truck for six days after a crash last month was reunited with his rescuers yesterday he had been pinned inside that wreck in a shallow creek beneath the overpass two fishermen eventually spotted him, called for help firefighters freed him who now shares a special bond with the men who made his rescue possible >> i helped him out. i was part of it, yes. but he has a strong will. >> i think about it all the time that could have been my son. that could have been my daughter
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that could have been anybody that is precious to us and we would be very, very happy if somebody did the same thing for them >> wow that's a real miracle there. the hospital invited the fishermen and first responders to visit matt to thank them in person he lost part of his leg but knows how fortunate he he's already getting around, he says, without a wheelchair coming up, two icons of the '80s are back in a big way coming up in "popstart" the new twist on a prince classic. and then, an exclusive look at the highly-anticipated documentary of a remaking of "we are the world". vicky nguyen is exploring break-through ways to give our bodies a boost. >> reporter: good morning, guys. i'm at the ufc performance institute here in las vegas where they're using cutting-edge k technology like this cry owe chamber. you don't have to be a fighter to use these tools i'll show you how. that's next on "today.
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feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat.
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because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. (vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. heart-healthy cheerios. vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family.
8:12 am
vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit next! ♪♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. -next! someone find the courage so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen.
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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪♪) with 30 grams of protein. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be.
8:14 am
(woman) oh, well this is me... (man) it's still early. do you wanna maybe grab a coffee? (vo) with the wells fargo active cash card — you earn 2% cash back on what you want. like coffee. ping-pong. a movie. karaoke. and... 2% cash back on what you need. (man) no no no, just my shoe. (vo) like maybe shoes without laces. (man) just my shoe folks. (vo) the wells fargo active cash card. that's real life ready. ♪ welcome back well, this morning on "today's consumer," we are taking a look at cutting edge treatments used by elite athletes to see if the rest of us could benefit as well. >> vicky nguyen tried out a
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few of these, went to vegas for us and she's back with what we need to know we're really looking forward to that >> definitely a non-elite athlete for sure good morning you have seen these advertised at your local spas and gyms. researchers are now looking into whether some of these services that athletes are using to improve their overall health could work for mere mortals like us what could they do for weekend warriors to find out, i went to the ultimate training facility not all of us can defy gravity for gold or drain the most three-pointers while elite athletes have long had access to cutting-edge treatments from cry owe therapy to red light to electromagnetic pulses, these techniques now mainstream, ready to help us up our game when it comes to performance and recovery with centers like these flexing the latest technologies, part of the nation's estimated $480 billion health and wellness market but do these therapies actually work
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our best bet at finding out, a visit to las vegas, home of the ultimate fighting championship, where extreme is the name of the game. >> it is a priority for us to make sure our athletes can get back on the matts, in a better condition day after day after day. >> reporter: duncan french heads a $14 million facility, employing innovative modalities, for recovery, especially those promoting brain health what are some data points that you look to that tell you thiss >> reporter: not open to the public, the performance institute welcomes all ufc stuff is working >> we're seeing reductions in injury rates, a return to play on a faster scale. >> reporter: not open to the public, the performance institute welcomes all ufc athletes to come here and train at no cost with science and technology in their corner, they enter the octagon as well rounded fighters ready for battle and what comes after. >> in a fight, you can't really predict or prepare for what's going to happen. >> reporter: ufc featherweight
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dan ige turned pro in 2014 dan hopes to extend his career longer than the ufc average of five years by focussing on his recovery >> i have never had any serious injuries, no surgeries ever in my career. i know. >> reporter: a sport with consequences on your body and your brain what is a hope your life will look like post-mma. >> i have pretty high hopes i will be in good health >> reporter: dan, are you going to take me through some of these modalities that you use to keep yourself in top shape? >> yeah. before we get started, you have to put on your fight kit, so let's get dressed. >> awesome, let's do this. >> reporter: a quick change. >> reporting for "the today show," vicky "victorious" nguyen >> reporter: and i'm ready for the main event. >> if i'm banged up after sparring, i will jump in here. >> reporter: starting with dan introducing me to red light therapy. so far research shows it can reduce inflammation, boost
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energy and improve sleep >> here we go. >> three, two one. >> reporter: 20 minutes of full body exposure to 45,000 led lights. >> i feel drastically better when i do it just like everything, consistency. and you are all finished. you are brand new. >> reporter: am i a fighter now? not quite. i still need to chill. minus 200 degrees fahrenheit >> yeah. >> reporter: can we survive that >> for a couple minutes. >> reporter: okay. cry-o therapy. covering our ears hands and feet to avoid frostbite, dan helps me to prepare to become a human popsicle >> my biggest thing when i'm in the cold is to try to control my breathing. >> i'm a little scared. >> okay. >> reporter: sports medicine study suggests cry owe therapy can alleviate soreness, minimize stress and heighten mental awareness. side effects may include dancing. oh we did it! there are icicles on my eye
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lashes next we really shake things up. >> these are pulsed pressure waves traveling through your body. >> reporter: whoa. this is powerful the chair's maker say the vibrations tap into your nervous system to help with recovery when it stops, your body lets go and relaxes. while many report benefits from these modalities, this professor at marquette university says the research doesn't offer definitive proof >> there is certain science to it, but there is certainly the placebo component as well. >> reporter: there is the power of positive thinking here. >> very much so. if your patient has better buy-in, you're guaranteed going to have better results >> reporter: he suggested easing yourself into cold therapy to avoid shock and wearing eye protection when exposed to red light. the experts agree you don't have to break the bank to unleash the fighter inside if you can't afford to do all these fancy tools, you say eating well and getting sleep
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still the foundation of good health >> right absolutely >> we had a blast. and here's the thing is there some snake oil out there? sure the staff at the ufc performance say there's a lot of slick marketing. if they are trying a new device, if it doesn't show results, they get rid of it. prices range from $50 a session to membership where clubs make you pay about $120 a month but you have access regularly. by the way, this is really cool facility because they're looking at how people can stay in shape the ufc and the cleveland clinic partnered for a long-term study looking at brain health. the military goes to this facility how can we get people back in shape, recover faster with fewer injuries. >> how did it feel going in that freezer for you? >> i loved it. now you do it in your shower turn the water down to cold. try to stand there for two minutes and regulate your breathing. you come out, your whole body is tingling. >> carson swears by it. >> you know who else swears by cry owe, al roker.
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>> craig and i did it together just two little fudge sickles standing inside. any way, what we have going on, rain and flooding in the northeast. snow around the great lakes. wind look for severe storms down through the south. windy but sunny at least down we know you're h we know you're heading out the door don't forget, we're on the radio, sirius xm channel 108 right now the best of the morning. >> okay.
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>> "popstart." okay first up, "mean girls. it's been 20 years since lindsay lohan and tina fey's comedy. last night the two stars reunited on the pink carpet premiere for the new "mean girls" big screen musical. lohan posing for picks a few of her former classmates were also in attendance. does this mean the new movie might have some appearances from the original cast? couldn't possible say, but tina fey told "variety," i couldn't possible say, but we do have some fun cameos ashley park is in the movie. we have some fun influencer friends that you will just have to come see it this friday you guys can try to get some answers from her tina will be in tomorrow right here studio 1a. up next, the greatest night in pop we have a "popstart" exclusive a first look at the new document headed to netflix. you guys remember this, exploring the film "we are the world.
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the film features never-before-seen footage from materially planning stages of this massive music moment, including writing sessions with lionel ritchie and michael jackson. plus, interviews with many of the artists, bruce springsteen, cyndi lauper and he wis and more here is a peek >> the greatest artists of a generation came together to save some lies. >> must be a dream. huh? >> hello, hello. >> but we only had one night to get this right let's get this party started ♪ >> let's start chopping wood. >> we stop for a minute, this thing will be chaos. >> i don't want to open a can of worms. >> from that moment on, i was nervous. >> people didn't know what we were going to be doing. >> there's really no excuse. there is a full-on fight going on what am i supposed to say, the clock is ticking and we had so many disasters coming >> ma, are you kidding i mean, they were each stars in their own right so you put them all in one space.
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>> i wasn't expecting that i was expecting a kumbaya. >> a lot of alphas think about it >> come on. >> "we are the world" opens at sun dance next friday and starts streaming january 29th on netflix. that will be good. let's keep the '80s tunes going with "purple rain" throwing it back to this big screen classic oscar-winning film topped the box office, a new ♪ ♪ purple rain ♪ >> okay. 40 years now after prince's oscar-winning film topped the box office, a new stage adaptation or when this production will hit the stage, but producers say more details are coming. i think eventually it will hit broadway. >> i'm actually surprised they haven't thought about it before. it's such a great idea. >> it will be so good. and dramatic and dramatic, all the things.
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finally "the bear. lately chef has been blowing up the internet thanks to this new campaign with calvin klein >> oh, yes ♪ ♪ don't tell me what to do ♪ ♪ don't tell me what to say ♪ ♪ and please when i go out with you, don't put me on display ♪ >> you can start talking now keep going >> just watching. >> on bus shelters across new york city. sometimes i'll just linger >> at sunday's golden globes, his costar couldn't escape questions, as you can imagine, about those steamy shots at one point, it just became too much. >> did you guys get underwear or anything because of the ad >> oh. >> oh! >> i just -- i'm happy for him that's my boy. you know what i mean i do feel like i want you to
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understand he's my coworker. >> what went through your mind when you all saw this? >> what you doing? >> i'm putting it away >> why are you putting it away. >> that's my boy that's my boy. >> this is family. >> this is a work function, you know what i mean >> every reporter probably plans, i'm going to say this plans, i'm going to say this the thing is after everybody look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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but we need an atm from our bank
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unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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♪ we are back at 8:30 on this tuesday morning. happy to hav all these fine folks with us on the plaza. this is a good looking crowd birthday crowd, anniversaries. >> hi, everybody. >> good morning, everybody. >> hey, girl >> you know who's here >> happy birthday. >> what is your name >> my name is janice. >> today is your birthday? >> yes today is my 60th birthday. and i'm from alabama, the home of helen keller. >> well, happy birthday. >> she wants to meet al. >> mr. roker. >> i would love to meet all of y'all, but i just -- >> that's all right. happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> thank you thank you. awe. kevin hart is here, one of our favorite guests. he always has a great time yeah, you have a lot to live up to, kevin. you're one of our favorite guests, yes. she has a high-flying heist film to tell us about this morning.
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>> and our girl jill martin is back for a new year of amazing steals and deals she will help you with your health goals with working out at home to fuelling up on protein then on the 3rd hour, we are tackling some common aches and pains in today's checklist from your neck to your feet we will show you the best ways to get some relief. >> why are you looking at me when you say it? >> i thought y'all were looking at me. >> i thought you might have gone is concerned for today. snow and wind around the great lakes. severe storms will be a south. anyway, let's show you what we've got as far as your weather is concerned for today snow and wind around the great lakes. severe storms will be a mess this next coast to coast system comes into the west today. then for tomorrow, here is what we're looking at winds continue as that storm moves off the coast.
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and that is your latest weather. so excited for our next guest. >> i know. kevin hart will give us a sneak peek at his new movie, talk about his family holiday it included a christmas prank
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welcome back. if there is one star who can pull off a comedy action thriller, it is this guy right here, kevin hart. he's doing just that with his
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latest film. >> the movie is called "list." he plays a master thief tasked with stealing half a billion dollars in gold from an airplane while it is in the year. but, first, this team needs some convincing. take a look. >> we're taking the plane? >> the whole plain? >> it is kind of hard to take half the plane. >> we're not hijacking a plane. it's not the '70s. >> we're not hijacking anything. we're borrowing it. >> good morning. how are you guys doing? >> okay. this is your play on a heist film. >> i don't think there is a more exciting time for me in my career than now. you know, to have my company be in a position to handle a movie of this magnitude, work with other amazing producers. our partners at net our partners at netflix have entrusted us with a budget of $100 million plus, and we wanted to deliver
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we wanted to give a heist movie to the world that had another take on the play of heist. so having the heist take place at 40,000 feet in the air was the best way to do it. we wanted it to be global. why we have such an amazing cast from a visionary perspective, what director could pull it off? we were lucky to get f. gary gray, has unbelievable talent and somebody i wanted to work with in my time doing thing called acting. so we checked a lot of boxes and the movie in all, it really embraces action. it embraces thrill and there's a love story underneath it. you never see me on screen like this >> are you a part of the love interest >> i am a part of the love interest >> do we have any make-out scenes >> oh, okay. >> what does that mean >> now you'll go see it. >> you just -- now you're speaking our love language. >> yes >> kevin, i learned a lot about you watching a documentary about your life. >> yes.
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>> i knew you were a hard worker i didn't know you were a machine. you get up pre-dawn. go to bed after 1:00 a.m you're constantly driven when ever i see someone like you who can't stop, i wonder to myself, like why what is it about you that doesn't want to stop >> i love -- i love the fact that -- periods are there for a reason constantly add sentences to a conversation, to a story and you know, i don't see my story ending any time soon i think when you constantly find things that generate the world of excitement for you to do something else, life goes on and life is fun. i don't want to be content or mundane in any way or get jaded, right? like this thing can become a schedule that you're used to for example, stepping into a place of a serious role, step pg outside the place of action comedy, or adventure, i'm always finding something else to grab on to.
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the company, the scale of the company, just more to let my brain grabs on to and goes, generates. >> sit about reaching and wanting to get that next big thing? is it about not losing what you already have or is it just about pure passion there's so much for me to -- >> it's about building right? there's so much that you can build through the duration of a life span. the last name hart, i desperately want to mean something when it's all said and done it's not just for me i have four kids i have a family. if it has a big meaning, they have a big responsibility, something they're left with that can go on and act as attachment to the generation wealth. >> your mom, you described her as having an incredible work ethic and just being your foundation i remember you saying, i think, in the documentary or somewhere, i wish she could have seen this part >> oh, i say that and of course i'm talking about the physical
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presence of my mom, rest in peace to nancy hart, the best mother n my opinion to ever do it but i do know for a fact that i got an angel i do know there is some type of guidance, directing me and helping me navigate through these waters because, you know, through tough times i never really feel it i never panic. i'm never -- what's the word i'm never -- i'm never rocked. right? >> firm foundation is that your mom >> yeah, i believe so. strongly i think within any problem is a better solution. so i'm solution-oriented in everything in life, business, friendship, family, it doesn't matter i don't believe problems last that long. there's always a solve. >> you have this adorable family we have to ask you about your christmas prank gone wrong. >> what were you doing i was kind of mad at you. >> i want to tell you, i have nothing to do with this prank. i have two teenagers that do what they want my daughter being the oldest, 18 my son is now 16 and they decided to dress up as like santa claus and the grinch.
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>> yeah. >> so they go in the bathroom and my daughter comes out as the grinch and freaked out zo and ori. >> the grinch comes in to tearfy, to tearfy -- >> she got scared. look at their faces. >> they are crying >> okay. wait >> you're going to have a therapy bill that's going -- >> i got real tears. >> i'm going to tell you why i got real tears i told my daughter, if you're going to do it, stay in it if you're going to do the prank, stay in the prank. but my little one, ori, started crying you see heaven in the video go, wait, oh no. she grabs her face to run back. >> was it all okay at the end? >> at the end it was we took pictures but it was definitely a prank gone bad, for sure [ laughter ].
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>> but i love zo-zo. he crying. he stood there and rubbed his sister back like a real man. good job, zo. >> they learned some life lesson. >> they're crying. that's the funniest thing. >> he stood there. you notice, when he's krieg, he's rubbing his sister's back he stood there protecting his sister. >> can you dish on lebron james' big birthday party. >> what a time shout out to lj. january 1st.before. but lj had a themed '70s party. when i tell you, man, he knows how to have a good one of the worst dates to do a party. very sell fish to do a party january 1st. but lj had a themed '70s party he knows how to have a good time he really does we all dressed up, took it serious. these aren't like party like outfits you buy from the store everybody went out and took their time in putting these outfits together i did a custom themed party. let me give you the story of my costume. so my wife's uncle, his name was carl he passed away i want to say
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within like a couple years and he was a producer on my show "real husbands of hollywood" i found old pictures of him for his mom and found outfits that he had and i had our costume go make one of my uncle cars big outfits that he wore my wife and mom thought it was pretty dope. that acted as my catalyst. >> can you come back on the fourth hour? >> if you ask me to come back, i'll come back because i want to come back and because you asked me to come back, i'll be back. >> i love that you need more than five hours sleep. i worry about you. >> well, you should. you should worry about me. i'll work on it for sure. >> good friday night film to check out. first steals and deals of the year
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jill's steals and deals is sponsored by wells fargo credit
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cards. credit cards made for the way you live. that's real life ready. >> real life ready, that's right. we're back with an exciting steals and deals to kick off the new year, filled with products to help reset your routine, whether you are trying to drink more water or get more active, we have all the deals. 60% off is the top. joining us is jill martin brooks, who looks beautiful this morning. >> thank you. >> all right. check out our qr code. you can grab everything that you need. we are sure ready to reset i want to give a shout-out my wolverines won last night so my voice is a little gone. while you were watching a great game or you need a little workout, we have one of our first deals from move stationary exercise bike. $1,099 you get a personalized work jowl at home and what is great it's easy to use and no subscription
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fee for the app. you download the free app. there is not going to be any random charges it's free. so you scroll through. and during your workout, you can tap and say easier, harder or skip and the workout will adjust your coach will make suggestions. assembly is required i just want to shout that out. there is a video to show you how. the deal price is $699 plus free shipping that's 65% off i just want to say it is cliche to say, but it is taking the first step. get on fur 10 minutes a day. >> let's get dressed so we can look cute. >> part of the right thing is wearing the right thing so you feel motivated and feel like you want to go for the workout women's active wear, $44 to $78. go on to see the options. it's one piece or the other. it's the leggings, the top it's in that beautiful
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fabrication. the deal price is 15 to 26, up to 67% off >> love it we need our music, girl. >> these are great these are the ethos wireless headphones $69.99. they fold up super easily. they're super light. feel the cushion that goes on your ear. 36 hours of charge time. again, wireless. the deal price is $29 with the case that's 59% off. >> is it $29 >> great, right? >> holy moly all right. this is your go to, girl. >> still rocking these. >> still, still. >> so this i love. it is either a waist or a cross body it is by pop ups brand, $55. if you look on the inside and show the organization, there is pockets for everything you know i like a home for everything if you look, there is a mesh pocket, a zipper pocket inside it's lined it gives you the ability to wear it cross body or waist this is a great deal at $25. that's 55% off and it is water resistant. that looks good on you. >> i like the clasp.
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it's strong. >> okay. this is all the rage now. >> what are these? >> 40 ounce glass water bottle the retale $49.97. reusable water bottle. it has a sleeve with that slip grip it also has markings on the side so you know what you are drinking hour per hour it has a wide mouth if you want to put fruit or any droplets in. these are really great. >> it's glass and in protects it. >> it's light. >> and it's dishwasher safe. 52% off. >> let's get our protein last but not least, this is awesome. the essential protein favorites. the retail price 229 you get the four 6 ounce topped sirloin steaks, pound of ground beef 16 ounces of italian chicken sausage. two pounds of chicken braess 10 ounces of bacon one bag of gluten free, schiken nuggets. everything comes ready to store in your freezer. it's like our kind of cooking. >> and you cook. >> and you made it
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the deal price is $99, plus free shipping the retail $229. that's 57% off >> can you whip through these one more time? >> we have the muuv stationary bike the pop up spread. the fanny pack the 40 ounce glass water bottle and the butcher box essential protein favorites. >> jill, you're rocking everything we love you so much. >> love you, too. >> happy you're back. qr code. coming up next, the new appeal of the old phones. why more and more people, (vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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(vo) fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, gives you information you need quickly. (hr manager) if you don't have your account info for direct deposit... you all gotta come back tomorrow! (employee) fargo, what's my checking account routing number? (hr manager) be like her. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. welcome back. when it comes to phones, the focus is usually on the newest, latest and greatest technology. upgrading to the newest model. >> but there are others that
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cling to their old devices year after year. that includes our resident. >> all right. so i have a confession. this is my personal phone. it is an iphone 7 plus, which was released in 2016. you can see it button that does my fingerprint. no face id here. i do get teased a fair amount. but even though i'm on the extreme end of things, i'm certainly not alone. >> reporter: those famously long lines that stretch outside of apple stores when a new iphone model is released, well, for some standing here is about as desirable as a mosquito bite on the flip side, you have a flip phone >> yep, it's a flip phone. what does your flip phone do >> it texts, not easily. voice calls. it has a camera. the camera is terrible. >> reporter: still, john is perfectly happy with his 2017 flip phone because he doesn't want to be connected all the time. >> you know, you see people with
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smartphones and they're always looking at their smart phone i know if i had a smart phone, i would be staring at it all the time i don't think that's good. >> reporter: john is not alone a 2023 report found 31% of us found a phone that's at least three years old. a year earlier that number was 20%. >> that's it that's my lovely old brick of a phone. >> reporter: peter berry still has an iphone 4s, a model that was released in 2011 have the latest apps like youtube and can't scan qr codes or pay for stuff with his phone, but that's okay. >> if it still >> it works perfectly well yeah, i get most things that i need on it. >> reporter: though he doesn't have the latest apps like youtube and can't scan qr codes or pay for stuff with his phone, but that's okay. >> if it still works, then why do i need to buy a new one >> reporter: like peter, many folks are holding on to their devices longer in part because new phones are pricey plus, these days phones last longer, retain their resale value and the upgrades from generation to generation may not feel that dramatic there is something else going on
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an aversion to too much communication, which is why mia switched to a flip phone. >> i just noticed that i was getting really like addicted to checking apps like instagram mostly. >> reporter: do you have any desire to go back to a smarter phone? >> no. i don't think i ever will. my mind feels a lot clearer and it does feel more present. >> reporter: she doesn't have a map app. so on longer trips, she'll use an old school atlas. instead of snapping picks with her phone's low quality camera, she hooked this mini cam to her wallet >> yeah. it's really tiny, but it does the job. >> reporter: such simplicity is important to peter berry he plans to use his iphone 4s for as long as he can. years if it lasts. >> then i will progress to the iphone 5. >> reporter: where are you going to get one >> i've got one in the drawer already waiting. >> reporter: redefining what it means to upgrade >> maybe we spend too much time on our phones. so maybe taking a step back is
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not such a bad idea after all. >> i mean, whatever your reason for holding on to your phone longer, we have some tips to make sure it lasts don't skip the updates delete apps you are not using. get a good case in case you drop it i've dropped mine a few times. it still works keep the screen and all of the ports clean. remember, sometimes you can replace the battery instead of the entire phone peter berry has done that, which is one of the reasons it still works, his iphone 4s >> so yours doesn't scan >> it does this is an iphone 7. it has a qr code. >> it's part endearing and the other half is like why >> right but think about the money i've saved. it still works to be clear, i have a work phone. so that helps compensate for some things that maybe other folks don't have >> joe, thank you. >> thanks, joe. ahead, simple steps to get organize
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this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," wicked weather. a massive winter storm impacting more than half the country, packing a little bit of everything, rain, wind, snow and we're tracking all of it. then a concerning trend on social media.


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