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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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platforms. right now at 6:00, a final farewell for a fallen hero. a public memorial service honoring the police officer shot and killed last month in the line of duty. we're live with how officer tuan le is being remembered. the new fiscal year is still months out, but governor newsom has to proposal his plan today, and people in education are bracing for big cuts. plus, the return of king tides along the coast. meteorologist kari hall is tracking where you can see some possible flooding as well, along with the return of rain. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. we're going to check the morning commute with mike in just a little bit, see if folks are headed out the door. get the umbrellas handy. is the rain going to hit everywhere today? >> i think everyone is going to see rain at some point today. we're seeing light showers moving through now. we're also tracking the return of king tides, the higher than
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normal astronomical tides which cause low-lying areas to flood as we go through late morning. we're going to see that coming back today. and we are going to also see the coastline dealing with higher tides. but as far as the rain right now, stormranger is tracking some light showers in san francisco, near the golden gate bridge, up to mill valley, then we're also seeing some of the showers moving over san pablo bay. that's going to be moving off toward the east over the next couple of hours. much more widespread and slightly heavier rain will be coming in later this morning. we'll see it pick up around 8:00 to 9:00 and then continuing throughout the day with breaks in between. there will be some times of sunshine. at any point we could see the rain coming down. mike, you're tracking a crash and slowing in san jose? >> yeah, there was first a disabled vehicle near sky port for north 87. that cleared. but then in the backup that was there, there's a crash now north
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87 around taylor, that's a significant exit as folks get toward the city buildings in san jose. and there is a crash in the middle of the roadway. a couple of vehicles involved. we're checking on injuries. there's already slowing that built up quickly from 280 past the scene. 101 may see more traffic. right now, we're watching, no major ripple through the south bay. there is of course the backup and slowing at the bay bridge. >> thank you very much. it is 6:01. in just a few hours, family, friends and colleagues will pay their respects to fallen police officer tuan le. he was killed in the line of duty while responding to a burglary at a cannabis dispensary. "today in the bay"'s bob redell joins us live outside of three crosses church in castro valley where services will be held. i know it must be a solemn day out there for so many. >> reporter: that is what we expect, laura, here at three crosses church behind me, this will be the final good-bye for
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oak officer tuan le, a public service that will allow oakland police, officers from other law enforcement departments, as well as government and community leaders to pay their final respects to the officer. officer le was shot while responding in plainclothes to a burglary last month at a cannabis dispensary in oakland. officer le was 36 years old. he was married and had graduated from the police academy in 2020. he was working as a community resource officer the past two years trying to build positive relationships between opd and oakland residents. those who knew officer le describe him as a dedicated officer and a familiar face in oakland's asian american community. le is the 54th oakland police officer to die in the line of duty and the first killed in nearly 15 years. >> so sad. and he was so young as well. do we know more, bob, a little bit about the investigation into the murder of him? >> reporter: we do. there have been a number of
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arrests, law enforcement has arrested two men and charged them with the murder. both appeared in court last week, but did not enter pleas. two other men are facing charges in connection to the burglary. >> thank you very much, bob, for the very latest. we want to tell you that nbc bay area will stream today's memorial service for officer le. it's scheduled to get under way at 10:00 this morning. you can see live coverage on roku or other streaming platforms, and of course our website as well, after a heated and emotional debate, an agreement in san francisco over the revised middle east resolution. >> there are eight ayes and three nos. >> the resolution is adopted as amended. >> supporters applauded last night when supervisors passed a measure calling for a cease-fire in gaza. people on both sides say it falls short. the resolution condemns both hamas terrorists and israel and calls for the removal of
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leadership on both sides. also, the release of all remaining hostages being held by hamas. at times, activists heckled supervisors who voted against the measure and called out hamas. in the end, advocates called the vote an important one. >> yesterday in committee supervisor dorsey mentioned these attacks on women and members of the public shouted him down and called him a liar, which is really beyond frightening and which is obviously happening at this moment in time to me right now. >> san francisco took action that really sets a tone for us to build towards a peace agenda, to build towards recognizing the humanity of all people. >> san francisco joins the cities of richmond and oakland in passing resolutions against the middle east violence, and each of the cease-fires at this point, it's pointed out the debate is sidelining more pressing local issues. well, today is the deadline for governor gavin newsom to lay
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out his 2024 budget proposal, and it comes with the state facing a ballooning deficit. >> cuts are inevitable, and public school leaders are bracing for impact. "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez joins us from our newsroom this morning. so what kind of cuts can we be expecting, kris? >> in terms of education, we know there will have to be some because california contributes about half of all funding for our public schools and higher education. california right now is staring down a $68 billion deficit, and once the governor lays out his plan, of course, there will be months of back and forth. here is a live look at the state capitol, still dark this morning. later today we suspect the budget unveiling. the california school board association is trying to get ahead of talks in an effort to protect schools and higher learning. the group is advocating the state dip into the $8 billion reserve that's set aside for education or to minimize the sting of any cuts, take those cuts from programs that have not yet been funded.
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republican senate vice chair says that preserving education is a priority. >> i would hope that the impact on education would be the very minimum. we do have a $68 billion deficit, so it has to come from somewhere. >> reporter: so why are we here just years after california recorded a budget surplus? here is why. we are starting the next budget year in a $26 billion hole from this year, which is not ordinary, and the reason, according to the nonpartisan legislative analyst office, tax revenue was really hard to tally up because we got so many extensions to file our taxes and to pay our taxes after all of those severe winter storms. so we just didn't know how much money was coming in. when governor newsom reveals his budget, we will cover it here and online. >> good to know. thanks, kris. 6:07 this morning. we take a live look out in
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walnut creek. good morning there. it's still dark and early. meteorologist kari hall is tracking weather across the bay area. you say that rain is coming back again. >> it will be back. we're already seeing some light showers in parts of the bay area, picking up on some sprinkles as we take a look at our san francisco camera. and it's going to be raining off and on throughout the day. for the inland areas, it will take longer, but we're all starting out with chilly temperatures, in the low 40s right now. the rain approaching from the north, more widespread rain that we'll see into the late morning, as well as the afternoon. a closer look at stormranger, our mobile doppler radar, we are seeing spotty showers picking up in parts of the north bay. mostly marin county and then starting to move into the east bay. later on today we'll continue to see the radar filling in, with more activity, and it's going to continue into this evening. i'll let you know how much you can expect and what's ahead. mike has a look at what to expect as you make it to the gas pump. >> first of all, starting in the south bay, los gatos is in the
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state's top ten today, with $3.69 at great gas on los gatos boulevard. on the north bay, the middle number, vallejo's $3.83 at royal gas on tennessee street. and staying below 4 bucks, just barely, for cash, of course, this would be san pablo gas. thank you for sharing on on the roadways, we're looking at a typical pattern as we look at the speed sensors. no major surprises. folks around the bay getting by. the south bay did have two incidents for north 87. our buddy suzy in the i.t. department just let me know the one at taylor is also cleared. there should be some quicker recovery. but there's police on the shoulder and that's a distraction. folks will slow down north of 87 heading into downtown san jose. there's the backup at the bay bridge. west 80, there's an issue with a crash over on the shoulder. back to you. >> thanks, mike. we'll get to scott in just a bit. >> the new year is here and it
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is time to start planning your next getaway. >> he wants to get away right now. >> he's ready to go. with tensions running high across the globe, where should you go? scott knows. up next, we'll talk to you about that, about which countries are coming out on top of that list of safely travels. >> i've been doing this 35 years, you would think i wouldn't cross in front of the camera. i got caught. well, what if you had a company that was so popular, it cost you so much money, you had to lay people off? we'll take a look at that and the futures as well. it looks like a mild start to our day. ♪♪ ♪ bad boys bad boys ♪ ♪ what you gonna do when they come for you ♪ >> a four-legged friend breaks free at the shelter and decides to turn it into a playground. the viral video you have toee to bel sie
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good wednesday morning. let's head to saratoga with a look at our planner for today. it does start out dry, but it is chilly. temperatures in the low 40s at 8:00. at noon, we're starting to see the rain coming in, and it just continues off and on into the evening. we only reach into the mid-50s for a high temperature. rain comes in today, but we're clearing out with cold temperatures tonight. i'll have a look at those numbers coming up. and the east bay, contra costa county was calm until this
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alert was issued. this crash is sticking around, west 80 jams up through san pablo, we'll talk about the latest from chp and the ripple effect coming up. good morning. very happy wednesday to you. shares in sunnyvale's juniper network jumped 20% tuesday as news came true that we were talking about yesterday, hewlett-packard is buying the company. boeing continues to sink as concerns grow about the company. the "wall street journal" talking about the cockpit door popping open on that alaska flight. apparently it's designed that way, but alaska had no idea. nor did any of the european air regulators, apparently, according to this report. that was brand new news to them. twitch the laying off about a third of its staff, about 400 people. it stopped streaming in korea recently to save money. the san francisco streaming company is super popular among
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young people in particular. but it's been warning for months now the cost of delivering all of those streams was very, very costly, and it's not that it's not popular. it's almost too popular. the company has an interesting back story. amazon bought it from a guy in san francisco named justin kahn for a billion dollars. justin had just developed twitch out of something he called justin tv, which at first was just him going through his life with a camera, sometimes strapped to his head. a lot of bad news from space. that unmanned lander we were telling you about on monday, the one that was going to become the first privately funded moon lander to land softly on the moon, will instead crash into the moon, according to the scientists steering it. and nasa says its new lander, with people on it, artemis, has been delayed again. no moon missions until 2026 or later. nvidia is not the best place to work in america, but it is the second best place, according
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to the latest listing by glass door. nvidia based in santa clara was beat out by bain company. the silicon valley does okay in the top five, bain at the top on the east coast, nvidia in second. technically it's not just silicon valley, it's more specifically santa clara in the top five. servicenow and nvidia both based in santa clara. procore is down in santa barbara. it's a subjective list. it's based on employee reviews. how subjective? last year's number one company isn't even on the top 100. they did have some layoffs recently, but it's still the same company, same leadership. again, very subjective list. when you expand it out to 100, there are 19 bay area companies, including the usual suspects, adobe, visa. they're almost always on it. apple fell off for quite some time but it's back on again. i think people are coming back to regular corporate jobs. apple has never been famous for
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its flexibility with employees. but i think people might be looking for that. >> a lot of folks looking for travel, too. if you travel, if that's something you want to do, we are moving you forward this morning because insurance provider berkshire hathaway travel protection is out with its annual list of safest countries to travel. coming in at number one, canada. o, canada, yes, low crime rate and strict gun laws. switzerland, norway, ireland and the netherlands rounding out the top five. trending this morning, a late-night jail break for a mischievous shelter dog. >> here is the proof. the dog named king managed to get out of his kennel at a rescue shelter in tempe, arizona. king then acted more like a liberator, trying to free his buddies and working all the door handles. didn't work out, but he did
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manage to open another door into a room with snacks, which he dumped on the floor and then ended up just devouring them. but king slipped up when he tripped an alarm, a responding police officer, as you see there, arrived and king was soon back behind bars. at least for now. so if you want to adopt a mischievous dog, there's one for you. >> an escape artist? no. >> just don't leave him at home alone. >> no kidding. we are starting out early this morning dry for some of us, but it's already starting to rain in other parts of the bay area. as the rain comes back, we're also watching our king tides that will be coming up later this morning. hoisting the coastal flood advisory we'll see in effect. we also have cold overnight temperatures on the way, with some frost possible starting tomorrow morning. and then for the weekend, we'll have heavier rain, wind and
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flooding will be possible. that's on saturday. so taking a look at the next system that's coming in, we're seeing some widespread rain up there around -- looking at fort bragg and eureka, starting to reach closer to the north bay. we're already starting to see some light showers developing ahead of that in san francisco that we're tracking with stormranger. so we are seeing the rain moving in to these areas, but elsewhere we're seeing some mostly cloudy skies. we'll continue to see the rain coming in by late morning. at 9:30 it's reaching into the peninsula and parts of the south bay. and once again, it does start out light. but as it picks up later today, there may be some pockets of heavy rain. we're not expecting this to be a really big storm system. in fact, some of us only getting about a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall. and it may be a little higher for parts of the south bay and the peninsula. and looking at our forecast, it is going to be a chilly day. we only make it into the mid-50s. clouds with some times of rain. but then tonight we're getting
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ready for the potential of freezing temperatures in our inland valleys. spots like dublin and livermore will be very close or below freezing, and the interior sections of the south county, and widespread freezing temperatures for the inland north bay, with santa rosa reaching down to 31 degrees. we'll have, also, cold mornings on friday, but it does gradually get milder as the next storm system comes in on saturday. throughout the day on saturday, it looks like it's going to be raining, clearing out for sunday, and then we may be watching more rain for the middle of next week. all of these storms coming in have really helped boost the sierra snowpack, and we're expecting another 13 to possibly 21 inches of snow this upcoming storm system that's coming in before the weekend, and then once we get through the weekend into early next week, in total we may have 41 inches of snow. so once again, we were talking about how the sierra snowpack
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was. we've already seen it come up to above 50% to 60% of normal. then looking at what's ahead, more cold weather and dry conditions into the end of the weekend and early next week. our morning temperatures for most mornings will only be in the upper 30s. mike, you have an alert? >> we do, this is for westbound 80, the eastshore freeway from slowing toward richmond. west 80, blocking lanes, at least two lanes are affected by this. and it is the bulk of the commute coming through. this may ripple out. some folks may take san pablo avenue as your alternate. they are city streets and there will be signals and local congestion. so far, everything is doing all right for contra costa county. the bay bridge toll plaza, of course, has the backup. a smooth drive. look at that, there's mist and drizzle as well. back to you. >> thanks, mike. it is 6:21 right now. keeping up with your finances.
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>> still ahead, a simple way you can set yourself up for success and the expert advice you should keep in mind this tax season. keep iright here.t (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this.
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welcome back. there was a bit of a scare for eight people in maui, including five children, who had to be rescued when their sailboat ran aground. it happened monday in the waters off of lahaina. in this case the coast guard did
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not do the rescuing because the boat was stuck near the harbor and good samaritans actually helped. no one was injured. the division of boating and ocean recreation says three other boats were grounded. it was all due to high winds from the storm. new at 6:00, some advice from financial experts, as the new year begins. they say this is really the perfect time for everyone to review their finances. just as businesses do year-end financial reviews, individuals can do the same. it means collecting those statements and taking inventory of all your payments over the past year. it can even be used as a tool to track your budget and your spending habits. laura, listen up. i'm just kidding. >> hey! >> experts call this a good time to weigh your savings and create a solid economic plan for the coming year. >> i would say an end of the year review is a little like a health check. all you have to do is just to see, like, is my savings and my spending, are they on track, so that i won't have to delay my retirement or i can pursue that
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financial goal like buying a home, buying a new car, or going back to school. >> now, for anyone considering doing their own financial review, experts point out a good place to start is buy collecting bank and credit card statements. and for older people, this can actually be a great time to assess your path to retirement. not too soon. 6:25 right now. coming up next, the top stories we're following. including the return of rain across the bay area. meteorologist kari hall is timing out how long the wet weather is going to stick around this time. plus, preparing to strike. cal state faculty is set to walk out of their classrooms. the possible impact it will have on those starting the spring semester. i'm ginger conejero saab in los altos where the front of that building that was destroyed in a christmas day fire is set to be demolished today. ahead, we'll tell you why that ahead, we'll tell you why that is expected to help arson
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emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid
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for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. right now at 6:30, remembering a fallen officer. the final preparations under way to honor fallen police officer tuan le, who was shot and killed in the line of duty. a live report on the emotional service. demolition day for one south bay building destroyed in a christmas day fire. the latest on that investigation and the help one of the businesses is getting to rebuild.
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and a live look outside as a new wave of rain arriving in the bay area. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the wet weather as you start your day. this is "today in the bay." good wednesday morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. well, we were talking about rain. let's get right to it. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking that for us. the big question is, when will we start to see that rain? >> it seems like it's always raining in san francisco. we're already seeing that now. and we're also going to be tracking more widespread rain as we go into late morning, into the afternoon. but what we're seeing, much more widespread rain with this storm system, still well to the north of us. it's going to continue to move into the bay area. we're tracking the rain with stormranger, our mobile doppler radio, covering san francisco and stretching across the bay over toward oakland and richmond as well. as we go into the next several hours, we will see that rain coming through, and for the most part it's going to be hit or
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miss, with some light showers. but it will continue into the evening. so with that impacting your day, you want to make sure that you have the umbrella. later tonight temperatures will be dropping, so i'll have more on that in the forecast coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you. 6:30 right now. later this morning, the community will bid a final farewell to oakland police officer tuan le. >> le was killed in the line of duty while responding to a burglary at a cannabis dispensary. "today in the bay"'s bob redell joining us live this morning outside of the three crosses church in castro valley. bob, as you can imagine, this is going to be the a somber day ahead. >> reporter: that is what we expect, laura and marcus. this will be the final good-bye to oakland police officer tuan le here at three crosses church behind me in castro valley, the memorial starting at 10:00 this morning. oakland police officers from other departments, and government and community leaders
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are going to pay their final respects for officer le. he was shot and killed while responding in plainclothes to a burglary last month at a cannabis dispensary near jack london square in oakland. officer le was 36 years old, leaves behind a wife. he was born in vietnam in 1987, grew up in the bay area. everyone who knew him said he could light up a room with laughter, adding that he was always upbeat and positive. law enforcement has arrested two men and charged them with the murder of officer le. mark sanders is a 27-year-old man from tracy, and alan starr brown, a 28-year-old man from chico, both waived their arraignments in court last week which means they won't enter pleas until their next hearings. the d.a.'s office alleges that sanders shot le from a vehicle while brown was inside the vehicle. in 2014 sanders, who was 17 at the time, shot and killed an 18-year-old man. sanders pled no contest to voluntary manslaughter in that case. police have arrested two other men and charged them with taking
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part in the burglary at that cannabis dispensary. we are still waiting for a full list of the speakers at today's service, but we do know, again, community leaders and members of le's family are expected to speak. reporting live here in castro valley, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a somber day, but also a moment where they can celebrate the life that he lived. thank you, bob. >> and you can watch nbc bay area streaming today's memorial service for officer le. it is scheduled to get under way at 10:00 this morning. you can tune in for live coverage on roku or other streaming platforms, and on our website, 6:32 right now. and friends of a north bay community leader are trying to process her shocking murder, which investigators say was streamed online. 55-year-old olivia beltran of san rafael was stabbed to death on monday. police say her 28-year-old daughter killed her in her
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apartment, and this is the scene when police officers arrived. now, investigators claim that the suspect streamed the entire thing on facebook live. we spoke with oun of the friends of the victim who says she created a lot of social change over the past two decades for underserved marin communities. >> in housing, immigration, i mean, everything, you know. >> now, police say when officers arrived, the victim's daughter was unresponsive. the exact motive is still under investigation. developing this morning, demolition day for a south bay commercial building destroyed in a christmas morning fire, and the work on solving what happened is still nowhere near finished. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab joins us live outside of what is left of that property in los altos. the surrounding street remains off limits for drivers?
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>> reporter: that is correct, laura. it has stayed that way since the fire. but this stretch of el camino between san antonio and sherwood will be open or is expected to open as soon as tomorrow. now, you may recall, laura, several businesses were destroyed in that christmas day fire, including a nail salon, a judo studio, and a tutoring center. the building has held up since, but today it will be demolished. los altos has approved the partial demolition of the front part of the building, nearest el camino real. officials hope to preserve the integrity of the building as their investigation continues. now, speaking of those businesses, a gofundme page was set up for the dance studio in the commercial space, and as of this morning we just checked, $47,000 has been raised by the community to help that dance studio find a new home. so definitely some silver lining there as the community gets together to support the
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businesses that were impacted, laura. >> certainly nice to see that generosity. thanks, ginger. cal state university faculty members are promising a systemwide strike in a part of days. this is if a new contract deal is not reached. members of the same union last month rolling out a one-day strike at four csu campuses, including san francisco state and sacramento state. now union leaders are promising a strike at all 23 cal state campuses for an entire week of january 22nd, which is at most schools the first week of the spring semester. close to 30,000 workers may walk off the job, including professors, librarians and other faculty members. the sides right now are far apart on many issues, including the pay hikes. it is 6:36 on your wednesday morning. taking a live look outside. strong waves again coming to the bay area, with the return of the king tides. it could lead to possible minor flooding in some low-lying areas. the waves may surpass 7 feet.
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>> kari, you have been watching this, too. it could be dangerous out there. >> it could be dangerous along the coastline. keep in mind the waves and the tides are completely different things. but the tides are coming up and will be a lot higher late morning due to the gravitational pull of the moon. and that could create some coastal flooding for parts of the inner bay, and we'll see that happening later this morning at about 9:42, when we will reach the peak of those tides. and that may, once again, cause localized flooding for some of those bayshore trails and parking lots that do typically flood in the king tides. so once again, this is due to the alignment of the sun, the moon, the earth. that makes the water come farther inland, and we're going to see this continue over the next couple of days as we approach that full moon. and the time that we'll see those tides coming up, along the coastline will be for san francisco at 6.8 feet at 9:42,
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tomorrow morning, a little later at 10:30, and on friday we'll see the king tides coming up at 11:19. keep in mind we also have extremely low tides in the afternoon. but we're going to watch out for flooding issues. mike is tracking an alert that continues for i-80. >> that's right, in the east bay. most of the bay shows a smooth flow. i want you to notice the road weather index starting to show damp wet roadways on the peninsula side, the person side of our maps. in the east bay we have a slow westbound 80 traffic, things may recover a little as you're approaching the first crash. i believe that is just clearing from the roadway. but there's another crash as you get toward cutting boulevard, which will continue slower for the westbound 80 commute. we see san pablo avenue with a smooth drive, so no ripple effect onto the surface street. on city streets, we have an early game, 5:30 instead of 7:00
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p.m. for the warriors tonight, so there may be more disruptive to folks traveling into and out of the city on 280. then into and out of the south san francisco area, no ferry today. this is the second day in a row they've had no ferry service for that terminal. there's an equipment shortage, so they need a boat. they don't have a boat, so you can't get across the water. 84 will be very popular this weekend. this is a look well ahead to friday night. south 680's friday night closure will last until they finish this paving project from 580 to 84. they typically pick that up early, but it is scheduled for the entire holiday weekend. back to you. >> thanks, mike. relocating an iconic north bay landmark. it's a sign that welcomes visitors to wine country. coming up, the reason some argue it's become a safety hazard, and they're searching for a new location. the secretary of defense has a new surprise for the white house at a time where he can ill-afford it. let's go to the big board this morning. it looks like it's going to be a
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quiet start, but to the positive. regina seems sweet. >> get in, loser, we're going shopping. >> get in, loser. >> welcome, katie. >> calling all mean girls from one generation to the next. excitement building, of course, for today's premiere of the long awaited musical reboot, the awaited musical reboot, the totally fetch advice you nd toee [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪
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good wednesday morning to you. it is now 6:42. we're heading to brentwood with a look at our day planner, where it starts out mainly clear. but it will be chilly, temperatures only in the low 40s. more clouds come in and eventually the rain will follow as our highs reach about 55 degrees. we'll see that rain continue into the evening and a look at all of our microclimates coming up. the san mateo bridge is clear as well. slowing driving as the volume builds. there's slower sensors for the volume of mask and maybe some mist and drizzle. we'll talk about it all coming up. 6:42. the white house has, once again, been caught off guard by news about the secretary of defense. >> scott mcgrew joining us. it was a surprise that the president didn't even know the nation's top military commander was in icu and you say there's more surprises. >> it gets worse. it just keeps going. the white house and the nation
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learned that secretary lloyd austin had undergone surgery earlier for prostate cancer, and that's a fairly routine thing. but he was under general anesthetic, unconscious, and the white house apparently knew nothing about it. austin later reportedly felt extreme pain after the procedure and returned to the hospital for intensive care, but did not notify the president about that right away. austin transferred his responsibility of his duties, but even his deputy didn't know why, and she was on vacation. austin is the nation's civilian commander of the military. he outranks every general, every admiral in that sense. only one person outranks him in the national command authority, and that's joe biden. to have him out of commission or under an anesthesia without telling the president is a problem. democratic senator richard blumenthal says austin owes congress and the american people additional facts to ensure us he
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can continue to serve. former president trump says he wants to speak in the federal appellate court in washington when it continues hearings thursday, listening to arguments from trump's team that presidents are completely protected from all laws as anything they do as president. there's no testimony in this case, but there are closing arguments. trump apparently would like to deliver part of that closing argument. >> it's a very sad thing that's happened with this whole situation, when they talk about threat to democracy, that's your real threat to democracy. and i feel that as a president you have to have immunity, very simple. >> the judges on the three-judge panel heard arguments yesterday but seemed unconvinced. one asking, how is it that we ask a president to take a oath to uphold the law but the president doesn't have to follow the law. one asked if the president would be allowed to participate in a murder and not have to face
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charges over that. trump's attorney said if that hypothetical president wasn't impeached first, then, no, he would not face criminal liability for murder. it's a legal stretch, but it really sticks to the legal theory the attorney was giving the court. the court just took it to its logical extreme. former president trump will be on fox tonight on a town hall. this is his appearance on cnn last may, where he dominated the stage with fabrications and inaccurate statements. journalistically, a disaster, leading eventually to the top man at cnn. we'll see how fox handles it. trump on fox, no doubt, because nikki haley and ron desantis are on cnn. the last republican debate before the iowa caucuses. those are next week, and while trump will likely win, who comes in second will tell us a lot. haley and desantis are the only remaining republicans who qualified. and house republicans could take an initial vote as soon as today to declare the president's
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son hunter biden in contempt of congress for not showing up for closed-door testimony at a house committee. the younger biden said he would be willing to answer any question for as long as anybody wanted under oath in public. house republicans said they could not accept the deal. the leader of one of the committees that rejected the deal, jim jordan, by the way, also failed to show up for closed-door testimony in front of the january 6th committee. if the contempt vote passes, it would go to the full house, marcus, for a vote. >> good to know. thank you, scott. well, peninsula leaders are clearing a major hurdle in the creation of new housing for farmers trying to make it in the bay. san mateo county supervisors yesterday approving a plan to purchase 50 acres of land, this is at the site of the former bay city flower company, which closed back in 2019. now, that property is located along the highway at the edge of half moon bay. the land will be purchased at a
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cost of $9 million. that deal is expected to be finalized between now and mid-july, and down the road the property may be annexed by the city of half moon bay. it is 6:47. and new at 6:00. new calls to move a popular road sign in wine country over concerns it's becoming a safety hazard. it's a sign that welcomes visitors to napa valley along highway 29 in oakville, which proudly proclaims the wine is bottled poetry. the problem is the sign has become quite the selfie spot. the "chronicle" reports more locals fear it's becoming a safety hazard as more people stop on the side of the road for their social media photo op. while the sign has not been linked to any accidents, supervisors this week debated moving it to a new location. trending this morning, it's wednesday, you may have noticed a lot of pink around here, my outfit, his pocket square. color coordination in line with what a lot of "mean girls" fans
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will be wearing today. >> the movie makes its theatrical debut. >> you have to pick a french name. >> chanel. >> no. >> beyonce. >> all right, writer, producer and actor tina fey back with a musical twist on that story. you may remember 20 years ago is when the original movie came out. actress renee rapp portrays the iconic queen of mean, regina george, and you can catch tina fey on the "today" show later this morning, and the movie, if you're thinking about going, it's at several theatres here across the bay area. if you just happen to see the "today in the bay" crew there, you can always sit with us. >> you can totally sit with us. >> i didn't say totally, sorry. is that based in california? >> what makes you say that? >> i was just highly confused. >> so was clueless. we're not clueless about the
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forecast. >> yes, you want to make sure you have a rain jacket, umbrella to try to keep you dry. we're starting to see the rain coming into the coastline and we're also going to be watching that rain spread across the bay area today, with some higher winds. we're also going to see king tides coming up, those higher than normal astronomical tides, which will continue for late morning for today through friday. and then we'll have more rain coming in for the weekend as we head into friday night through saturday. so here is wave two of the rain. we had a little bit of rain yesterday and now the next system is dropping in. ahead of that, we are seeing light showers. and then saturday's storm the looking pretty large at this point. but it is going to continue to bring us some rain throughout the day on saturday, and it looks a little heavier than what we're expecting for today. so we're looking at the rain filling in by 10:00, some hit-or-miss, mainly light showers passing by the bay area. and there will be some breaks in
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between, you may get a little bit of sunshine here and there. but really at any point we could see some rain coming down, even into this evening before it tapers off tonight. and then we're looking at for most of us about a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall, maybe a little bit less in parts of the north bay. but still seeing just enough to wet the grass out there. and then tonight temperatures will be dropping, so we'll have all of these areas shaded in blue under a frost advisory that will be in effect, as our temperatures drop down to the low to mid-30s, and we're looking at a very chilly start to our day tomorrow. only at about 35 for one of our inland spots like concord. then you head inland for the north bay, where it will be well below freezing. for clear lake, we're down to 27 degrees. and then our next storm system coming in on saturday looks to affect much of our day, as we're going to see some widespread rain and some heavy pockets of downpours. but we're also going to see this
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help out our sierra snowpack. with the snow that's coming in between today and early tomorrow, we could see anywhere from 13 to 21 inches of snowfall. that's ahead of the weekend. once the weekend gets here, we're going to see in total about 41 inches of snowfall. so that's going to be really beneficial to help bring up that sierra snowpack. temperatures are going to be chilly. our morning is starting out in the 30s. we are going to see sunshine tomorrow. then more clouds on friday ahead of that next storm system. raining throughout the day on saturday, and then sunday our temperatures in the upper 50s. san francisco also looking at more of the same temperatures that we're seeing, even for the valleys. mike, you're updating the delays on the eastshore freeway? >> we still have delays. two, if not all three of the crashes have been cleared from the roadway. westbound 80 is still slow. pinole, toward richmond. the build happens as people come from the north bay and blend in with the eastshore freeway,
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getting toward the bay bridge. there's also a disabled vehicle, a minor crash, something going on along the span. it looks like the lanes are clear across the span, but there's light rain coming down and the build at the toll plaza. out of the north bay, we see the drizzle and the water spraying up behind the cars, so there may be damp roadways throughout. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. happening now, alaska and united airline flyers will brace for another day of possible delays and cancellations because boeing 737 max 9 planes remain grounded from last week's mid-flight blowout of a sealed door panel. the faa says they will remain grounded indefinitely for inspections and a fix. boeing is acknowledging the mistake and a potential design flaw. aviation experts believe the planes will only return to service on a case-by-case basis as each plane passes what will likely be very strict safety tests. and a quick look at our top
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stories this morning, including the final farewell in the east bay for a fallen officer. mourners will soon gather to remember oakland police officer tuan le, who died last month
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welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories this morning, starting with a final farewell for a fallen hero. >> mourners will pay their last respects to oakland police officer tuan le, shot and killed in the line of duty. bob redell joins us live outside the castro valley church where this morning's services will be held. it starts in about three hours, bob? >> reporter: correct. at 10:00 this morning here at 3 crosses church behind me in castro valley. this will be the final good-bye for oakland police officer tuan le, shot and killed last month. this is an opportunity for oakland police officers, officers from other departments and government and community leaders, along with the public, to pay their final respects to the officer. he was shot and killed while responding in plainclothes to a burglary last month at a
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cannabis business in oakland. officer le was 36 years old, he was married. he graduated from the police academy in 2020. he was working as a community resource officer the past two years trying to build positive relationships between opd and oakland residents. those who knew le described him as a dedicated officer and a familiar face in the asian american community. officer le is the 54th oakland police officer to die in the line of duty and the first killed in nearly 15 years. reporting live in castro valley, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a solemn day for that family, thank you, bob. today is demolition day for a building destroyed in a christmas day fire but the work on solving what happened still nowhere near finished. this is a live look at what is left of the building. once the front part is knocked down, the adjacent street will reopen. the reopening is planned for tomorrow. several businesses were destroyed in the christmas day fire, including a nail salon,
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national arts studio and a tutoring center. investigators are trying to preserve the site as much as possible until the investigation is complete. the cause is still unknown. a live look at the state capitol where today governor newsom will lay out his budget proposal for the coming near. california is starting with a $68 billion deficit and there are hopes that the state will dip into a funding reserve to minimize the impact. once he unveils the proposal, you can expect months of debate before there's a final plan. we're talking about the rain coming to the bay area. i left my umbrella in the car. do i have an opportunity to go get it? >> if you go a little sooner than later. as we go throughout the day, the rain will continue to move across the bay area and it's for the most part going to be light. we're back to sunshine tomorrow, but it's going to be cold as we
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start out near freezing in the inland valleys. the alerts have cleared so now we're talking about what's not clear. this is the rain kari is talking about. richmond, you see droplets and wet roadways, watch this traveling into the north bay where we've seen the index colors turn green. oakland shows the mist, drizzle and glow as well. the "today" show is coming up. you can also get more local news with our brand new newscast live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention >> always a good time over there. thank you for joining us for "today in the bay" this morning. stick around, don't forget to join us for our midday newscast at 11:00. >> hope to see you then. muy buenos días. miércoles its fury overnight.


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