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tv   Today  NBC  January 10, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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start out near freezing in the inland valleys. the alerts have cleared so now we're talking about what's not clear. this is the rain kari is talking about. richmond, you see droplets and wet roadways, watch this traveling into the north bay where we've seen the index colors turn green. oakland shows the mist, drizzle and glow as well. the "today" show is coming up. you can also get more local news with our brand new newscast live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention >> always a good time over there. thank you for joining us for "today in the bay" this morning. stick around, don't forget to join us for our midday newscast at 11:00. >> hope to see you then. muy buenos días. miércoles its fury overnight.
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>> and the next threat is already on the way. >> good morning. it's january 10th. and this is "today". >> breaking overnight, wild weather. heavy rain flooding streets. high wind causing damage all across the northeast. in the south, communities picking up the pieces from multiple tornadoes. and the midwest digging up from blizzard conditions. >> i haven't experienced snow like this in a long time. >> thousands of flights canceled or delayed. we will have the latest and al tracking the next cross country storm. closing arguments. the iowa caucus is just five days away. nikki haley and ron desantis set to faceoff in a debate tonight with front runner donald trump holding his own town hall. plus, trump's day in court and his extraordinary arguments about why he cannot be
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criminally prosecuted. >> as a president, you have to have immunity, very simple. >> we'll break it down. cancer diagnosis. defense secretary lloyd austin under pressure, finally reveals the cause of his secret hospitalization. why did the white house and the president in the know for more than a month. >> it is not the way this is supposed to happen. >> clearly, we could have done better, and we will be better. >> this morning what we're learning about his treatment and road to recovery and the political damage control. all that plus today exclusive. an inside look at a new endeavor for one of nasa's most iconic space shuttles. >> it is incredibly challenging, but it will be the most inspiring display. >> lifting it into launch position to be the centerpiece of a special museum. we'll take you behind the scenes of a new moment three decades in the making. >> and ba da bing. >> mr. soprano? >> yeah. just like that, the "sopranos" turns 25. >> you are my life.
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>> and fans are ready to celebrate the groundbreaking series that changed television, today, wednesday, january 10th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good wednesday morning. nice to have you along with us. >> good to see you. we want to get to the severe weather overnight. >> we've got a live look for you. this is upper maryland this morning. and the cars there stranded by after a string of tornadoes
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swept through that region. >> all of that, plus al already tracking the next cross country storm. his forecast just ahead. but, first, maggie vespa in a snowy des moines, iowa, again for us. >> reporter: yeah. an absolutely bone chilling des moines, iowa as well. the temperature right now 18 degrees with the windchill, in the single digits. suffice it to say, it is thoroughly refreezing. as you point out, that came from that same massive devastating system that across the country is impacting millions. from deadly tornadoes in the south and whiteout conditions in the midwest to a wet and windy washout in the northeast overnight, this morning millions nationwide waking up to brutal conditions. the result of a sudden violent winter storm system barrelling across the country. overnight cities on the east coast from maryland to new york to new england drenched by torrential rain.
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powerful wind gusts causing temporary ground stops at jfk. a string of winter tornadoes tearing across the northeast, decimating homes and flipping cars like toys. more than 20 twisters reported. >> i was like, hey, look, we have to get to bed. and they came over and then it got bad. >> reporter: four people confirmed dead, including one in alabama struck by a toppled tree and another in north carolina where a reported tornado also left four injured. meanwhile, in the midwest, residents will be digging out for days. in the des moines area, up to a foot of wet, heavy snow falling in 24 hours. how fast did this hit, this cell? >> literally overnight. >> reporter: the storm creating dangerous white-out conditions on the road and bit early cold temperatures. >> i'm from the midwest, but i
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haven't experienced snow like this in a really long time. >> reporter: hundreds of millions of americans now dealing with a nasty winter wake-up call. guys, we still have the massive sweeping power outages across the country. more than 600,000 americans without power. that's largely up and down the east coast. and crews working as fast as they can to restore that power, snowing another system is on its way that in this area could bring a cold snap, dropping temperatures below zero. >> all right. maggie vespa, thank you. al is standing by with the latest on that storm as well as a new one is on the way. >> this one is leaving, exiting. the heavy snow off new england. snow and heavy rain up through new england and parts of maine. out west, here comes the next one, 12 million people under a winter weather advisory and even blizzard warnings. for tomorrow, this next winter storm will dive down into the rockies, bring snow, a blast of really cold air reaches the central plains. we move into tomorrow night,
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more severe storms possible. just north of lake charles, we could be looking at isolated tornadoes, wind gusts, damaging hail of an inch or larger. friday blizzard conditions possible from missouri on into parts of upper michigan. more torrential rain moves into the east with an icy mix. that's through western pennsylvania. and then we move into friday night, and this is what we're really concerned about, more severe weather and enhanced risk of dangerous tornadoes. montgomery, atlanta, you are right on that border. wilmington. and then we start to push to the north. we are looking at bands of snow circulating around the great lakes. the lake-effect snow machine will start firing up. powerful winds will cause powerful issues, airport delays into the northeast. the heaviest back through st. louis, so along the mississippi river valley. heavy showers and thunderstorms making their way into new york.
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look at this snow. anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow in the great lakes region. again, another powerful storm coming in that will last right into the weekend. as maggie mentioned, really cold air behind us. >> al, thank you. we turn to the legal troubles facing donald trump. he appeared in a high-stakes court hearing appearance yesterday. his team arguing the former president is immune from prosecution for the actions he took in office. and, of course, the 2024 campaign is well underway. the first vote is on monday in iowa. we've got two reports. we'll start with nbc's senior legal correspondent laura jarrett. so, laura, let's talk about the arguments yesterday and how the trump legal team fared in its guest to say this former president cannot be prosecuted. >> the trump team is facing an uphill battle from the three
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judges in d.c. yesterday. primarily because they were forced to concede. on the one hand, the president does not have complete immunity for all time under any circumstances. at the same time, forced to face some pretty dark consequences. if they were to prevail, one judge said would that mean that the president is then allowed to assassinate a political rival, sell pardons and sell military secrets? the attorney for mr. trump was forced to concede yes, unless that person has been impeached and convicted, then that's the only circumstance under which someone could be criminally prosecuted. that's something these judges were not willing to accept. >> extraordinary legal arguments, and the judge has really pushed the lawyers to see how far these positions go, as you just explained. now we await a ruling. the expectation is that it will come fast. what will you be looking for in that ruling that will kind of dictate whether this trial
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happens, whether this goes fast past the ae shrek the election, how it all plays out? >> i predict the ruling will come back at lightening speed. these things usually takes months and months. we're talking about days and weeks. that's extremely unusual. it's part because they recognize the timing with that march trial date currently set, but really on hold while all this is playing out. so i hate to nerd out with you, but we have to. i will be looking for when it says its decision is final because it might indicate how much time the former president, if he was to lose, has to appeal. so if they say, this is going to become final within five days unless you appeal, that means he would have to go to the supreme court within those five days or do another appeal in front of the entire panel. this could move fast. >> we will be watching to see if it gets fast tracked. >> all this playing out with the iowa caucuses just five days away. garrett has mentioned former president trump spent the day in court yesterday.
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let's talk about this from a political standpoint. was there a larger strategy there instead of campaigning in iowa? >> yeah, hoda. donald trump didn't have to go to court. he chose to go to court. that tells you this is something the trump team views as a net positive for him. they believe he can go to washington, d.c. or go to a courtroom later this week and make arguments that somehow the biden administration is going after him personally, that this is about election interference and those arguments are just as effectively, if not more effectively delivered in
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ron desantis in des moines. >> all this comes as nikki haley seems to be gaining momentum in recent polls, coming within single digits of donald trump in new hampshire. so what's driving that? >> yeah, hoda. it's been interesting to watch. we haven't seen a lot of data out of iowa, but there are two new polls out of new hampshire that both show nikki haley in a strong second place. within single digits of the former president. that would be a big jump in that state. a lot has to do with who votes in new hampshire. it is more moderate voters, more independent voters, more of the folks who she has been targeting who has a hard time coming around to the former president. but the former president definitely noticed. donald trump has been attacking her with ads in new hampshire. his pac has been attacking her with ads in new hampshire. he presented a false claim that she wouldn't be eligible to serve as president. nikki haley born in south carolina, perfectly eligible. but the trump team is paying attention to her rise. >> garrett, thanks. lots more to get to. craig joins us. good morning. >> good morning. good morning to you as well. we are now learning a bit more about the hospitalization of defense secretary of lloyd
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austin that was kept secret from both the president and the public, which led to a firestorm of criticism. we've got complete coverage starting with nbc's chief white house correspondent peter alexander. peter, good morning to you. >> this morning the mystery surrounding defense secretary lloyd's situation has been resolved. he was being treated for prostate cancer. the good news, most importantly, his prognosis is excellent. but this really does nothing to erase the growing questions why austin didn't tell the president about his diagnosis for a month and waited days before revealing that he was in the hospital. this morning new details about
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cancer in early december. but that cancer diagnosis was not shared with top pentagon officials or even the president until yesterday morning. >> for a situation like this to go as long as it did without the commander in chief knowing about it or the national security council knowing about it, frankly, other leaders at the department of defense, that's not the way this is supposed to happen. >> in a state released tuesday, walter reed medical center says austin had surgery on december 22nd to treat and cure prostate cancer, receiving general anesthesia before he returned home the next morning. but on january 1st, austin was rushed back to the hospital by ambulance with severe pain, suffering from an infection and the buildup of fluid in his small intestines, according to his doctors. the next day austin was moved to the icu and transferred some authorities to his deputy, who was vacationing in puerto rico. but neither she, nor the white house, were told he was in the icu until january 4th. and members of congress, senior
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defense officials and the military were not informed about austin's hospitalization for yet another day. with the pentagon initially saying austin was in the hospital for an elective medical procedure. >> i think that he not only was derelict in his duties, but he was also deceitful about it. >> the pentagon says it is now reviewing its procedures. >> clearly we could have done better, and we will do better. >> still, despite the lack of transparency and ensuing fall-out, the white house says the president plans to stick with austin for the remainder of his term this morning secretary austin remains hospitalized, but his doctors say his infection has cleared. the recovery can be a slow process, but he is expected to fully recover. meanwhile, the president's chief of staff at the white house is directing all cabinet members to make sure their protocols for delegating authority are up-to-date and that they include
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notifying the white house. >> all right peter alexander. peter, thank you. let's turn to our nbc news medical contributor, dr. john torres >> it's a procedure that's done very often, and the complication rate is very low some doctors we talked to is 1%. to see these kind of complications doesn't happen very often but when it does happen, it is a surgery. and it is considered a major surgery. but complications can be what we saw here, which means you need a lot of attention, a lot of care. >> they say he's on the road to recovery we heard peter talk about it, and he could be out soon but tell us about that recovery. >> so his recovery is getting over two things, one, the surgery itself, removing the prostate that takes time. that will be a recovery that happens over months. the other recovery is what happened in the icu and why he ended up in the icu, because of cervical complications that recovery should be fairly quickly, but there will be
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long-term consequences he will be dealing over the next months and possibly even a year. >> to be clear, the secretary hasn't said precisely why he did not notify all of those folks. but al roker and i, al thinks he had the same procedure a few years ago. in communities of color, even in 2023, especially with people of a certain age, cancer can be a taboo topic. then add the layer of military service on to that and then the treatments for prostate cancer a lot of them can affect a man's perceived manhood. as a doctor, have you encountered that >> i have definitely encountered thatr that word. erectile dysfunction is the biggest thing they think about like you mention the manhood i talk to them the risk for that, what's going to happen, the recovery and that's one of the big fears. when men come in, they hea number one, cancer nobody wants to hear that word but number two, prostate cancer. erectile dysfunction is the number one think they about, as you talked about the manhood now the things they have they could try to get around that and try to help them with that
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but at the same time, try to encourage the fact that this is a life-saving procedure, so we need to make sure we get rid of the cancer and treat whatever comes along afterwards. >> the pentagon said it was an elective procedure i mean, that is technically true whether or not that's misleading is another question. but technically any surgery that's not an emergency surgery is elective, even if it is a cancer surgery you have to have to save your life. >> elective next few weeks elective does not mean optional. it just means you can wait a little bit on it. >> all right dr. torres, thank you. let's go to college football now. the michigan wolverines returned to ann arbor last night, less than 24 hours after winning that national championship. boy did they feel the love thousands of fans braved the wind, the rain, welcomed them home to campus coach harbaugh spoke to the crowd, along with several of the players. michigan, by the way, beat washington monday night. they got their first title since
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1997 and let's just say the festivities are just getting started. a celebration will take place saturday night in ann arbor. details will be released later, but it will be a rocking party. >> why not >> let's get back to the weather and the rest of al's forecast. good morning. >> good morning, guys. and a good morning to you. you can see snow and wind in the pacific northwest and into the rockies. that's that storm that will make the cross-country trek ahead of it, sunny and mild down to the gulf all the way down into the florida peninsula we are looking at another windy day in the northeast with light snow showers we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. i wayfair ya know? oh i know. this is nice. another wayfair day! you know it. new couch in just two days the wayfair word is out. ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ l've always wanted to do that.
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good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're getting ready for rain that will be moving across the bay area, already seeing some light showers. the widespread rain still well to the north of us. it will continue to move in by late morning. it will be off and on throughout the day, as we see highs only in the mid-50s. but also at times some brief heavy downpours. but in all, we're looking at a tenth to a quarter inch of rain for today, and beyond t and that's your latest weather. guys >> thank you, al still ahead, nasa's iconic space shuttle preparing for one final adventure. jacob soboroff has an exclusive look at this historic event. >> reporter: good morning. do you recognize this thing? this is one of the external tanks to the united states space shuttle program. that's exactly what the plan is for this one and for the space shuttle endeavor that will be
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positioned here in california in a one-of-a-kind historic exhibit. we went inside the space shuttle itself some of the last people ever to do it. that's coming up in minutes right here on "today". jacob, thank you plus, touching tributes to bob saget. it's the second anniversary of his death. what his wife is now sharing as fans remember the beloved star fans remember the beloved star odt, first, this is "t not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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here. >> yeah. what he wants everyone to know after he fell victim to a costly and elaborate scam
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(mom) ok! you get it! (dad) goodbye old friend (vo) save the drama and get a new phone on verizon. trade in any samsung phone, in any condition... ...for a new samsung galaxy s23+, on us. only on verizon. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. including the final farewell to oakland police officer tuan le.
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>> his public memorial service happens today at 3 crosses church in castro valley. officer le was shot while responding to a burglary last month at a cannabis business near jack london square. oakland police arrested two men, charging them with the murder of officer le. officers have also charged two other men for taking part in the burglary. officer le was 36 years old, and leaves behind a wife. today is demolition day for a south bay commercial building destroyed in a christmas morning fire. but work on solving what happened is still nowhere near finished. here is a live look of what's left along el camino real. once the front part of the building is knocked down, the adjacent street can reopen, and that opening is planned for tomorrow. several businesses were destroyed in that christmas day fire, including a nail salon, martial arts studio, and a tutoring center. investigators are trying to preserve the site as much as possible. this is until the investigation
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is completed. more than two weeks have passed and the cause is still unknown. it's going to be a rainy wednesday. kari has a look at our forecast. >> at least it's not going to be a big heavy rainmaker. we're going to see off and on light showers and we're already seeing the rain on the coastline and in san francisco. it continues to move into much of the inland parts of the bay area, from san jose to danville, all the way up through napa and santa rosa, and we're going to see that rain even into this evening. most of us getting about a tenth to a quarter inch of rain, and then temperatures drop tonight. we're tracking a frost advisory, king tides, all of that information is on
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mr. soprano?
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>> yeah. >> remember that >> yeah. >> very, very first scene from the "sopranos. the legendary show changed television guess what that show is turning 25 today. so how old does everybody feel >> we will celebrate tony and his crew's impact. we will check out the new ways they're taking over social media, even restaurant menus. >> looking forward to that we will start this half hour with an out of this world display that's taking shape in los angeles. >> yeah, for a groundbreaking new exhibit, the california science center is planning to lift a space shuttle into launch position jacob soboroff is there with a first look hey, jacob good morning. >> reporter: hoda, ground breaking is the way to describe this thing this is the external fuel tank that's been used in countless united states space shuttle missions
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of course, the space shuttle is no longer in use anymore but what's happening today is this thing will go around the corner, and it will take two hours to be put in position and be stacked vertically. after that, the space shuttle will be an exhibit that you will not see anywhere else in the world. >> six, four. >> the last time nasa's endeavor space shuttle it was in launch position -- >> and liftoff. >> -- it was on its final mission to space now more than a decade later, endeavor is about to embark on one last journey as the california science center in los angeles prepared to lift the shuttle upright for a first of its kind exhibit that will be a centerpiece to the new space center so whose crazy idea was it to take it from this position and stand it up as if it was going to be launched >> this is an idea we had 30 years ago. >> not only the best position
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but the most technically challenging position to possibly put it into. >> absolutely true. >> this won't be the first time endeavor makes a big move. in 2012, where the shuttle was first returned where it was built, "endeavor" was flown atop nasa shuttle carrier aircraft, passed the golden gate bridge and over the hollywood hills a project my own dad worked on and land at the california science center "endeavor's" next mission is even more complex as the tea154 external tank and finally the 100-ton tunnel itself. all to create the authentic display. >> oh, wow. this is cool. look. >> the museum's president let meticulously stacks the space look
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>> the museum's president let us drop in on the construction project. so look at this. the workers are basically going to catch it and fasten it to the top of the solid rocket booster. i have never seen anything like this. >> for an even better view, we climbed 15 stories heading up 150 feet in the sky. let's go to get a glimpse of what's to come. >> so the museum, quite literally, as you are moving these pieces in place are built around us. >> we're putting in the shuttle and we will finish the rest of the building around it. >> i made the mistake of saying you will drop it in. >> i'm not going to drop it. we will lower it gently. >> before its final lift, the project director and nasa veteran dennis jenkins let us get an exclusive last look inside "endeavor" and crawl into the flight deck, where it's a tight squeeze into the front seat of history. >> this is one of the last times that anybody will sit in these two chairs. >> it is probably the last time. >> what does it feel like for you to be sitting in this seat for the last time? >> i love it i used to sit in that seat a lot
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because all my controls were overhead so it's great being up here. >> when this thing goes vertical, what is your hope for it how it will inspire a new generation of astronauts and engineers. >> it is the engineers i care more about than the astronauts everybody wants to be an astronaut, but we need more engineers hopefully this will inspire a bunch to go to school and do those things. >> the hope is the final endeavor for this shuttle is it will launch new dreams of space. they say it is supposed to be done by the end of the week. but then the main event happens. check this out. this is the space shuttle endeavor. it is open to the elements now because they're going to disassemble this structure around it. and over the course, hopefully,
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of the next two weeks, if exploration. around it. and over the course, hopefully, of the next two weeks, if all goes as planned, if this goes well, stacked vertically then they have to build the museum around the entire stack itself that's not slated to open maybe for as long as two years it will be an extraordinary process to watch this is like geek central. it is amazing to be inside that thing, guys. >> we could tell by that look on your face. all right, jacob, thank you so much >> talk about geek central >> still ahead, talk about geek central, let's go. >> baby yoda perhaps on the big screen this is the way. carson will tell us everything we have learned about a new star wars movie in the works. first how bob saget's wife is paying tribute to him two years after his sudden death we will get to that and more after these messages [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?]
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mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling.
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this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. since the citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly, life's feeling a little more automatic... oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. hard to believe it has been two years now since beloved comedian and actor bob saget died this morning those that new him best are honoring his legacy >> sheinelle is here on that >> good morning to all of you. bob saget's wife says the two years since his death feels like a week and an eternity she's not alone. just yesterday, the cast came
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together to honor their late friend on the second anniversary of his death, bob saget's family and friends sharing new memories of the hollywood legend bob saget's wife writing a heart felt message on instagram, posting this photo of her late husband saying she chose it because not only was it the last photo he shared and one of the last texts he sent me, but it perfectly encapsulates how he would want all of us to remember him, with his guitar on a stage, doing what he loved to do, making people laugh, making people happyssage to hoda one y his death. >> i was just very grateful that it was all, i love you so much. it was -- i think i said i love you dearly. and he said i love you endlessly. i said, i can't wait to see you tomorrow. and then, you know, it was just all very -- it was just all
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love. >> wow. yeah. that's describing that last text yeah that's -- that's beautiful. >> bob saget died just hours after finishing a stand-up comedy performance in florida two years ago. the medical examiner ruling the cause of death was head trauma, likely from an accidental fall ♪ ♪ rolling ♪ ♪ rolling on the river ♪ ♪ rolling ♪ >> the comedian was a staple on '90s tv. best known for his role as danny tanner on the hit sitcom "full house". >> i love you, angel you too, little ballerina. awe. >> his costars gathering virtually yesterday to remember their late friend. >> as you guys know, it's two years today. >> sharing memories. >> bob would always call me to sing a song in falsetto. it was usually a christmas song. ♪
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♪ >> and he would just go on for five minutes >> and reflecting on the beloved star's legacy. >> bob wasn't something that was taken from us. it was something that was given to us. >> while she continues to grieve, kelly said she's grateful for the love and support she's getting from fans, writing on instagram, i'd happy bob hasn't faded from your hearts in the slightest. thank you for continuing to keep his memory alive you can see in that video there, it is still fresh in some ways. >> thanks, sheinelle. all right. for another chec weather. mr. roker? >> not only is this late storm going to cause problems as far as the weather you are seeing from the sky, but it also will bringing really frigid air south, the coldest air of the year so far. by sunday, it is the coldest air of the season anywhere from 20
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time for another check of the year so far. by sunday, it is the coldest air of the season anywhere from 20 to 40 degrees below average. look at these temperatures minneapolis will be below zero by sunday. single digits in chicago and look at the windchills overnight way down, anywhere good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're seeing some light rain moving in for the coastline, san francisco, and extending across the bay. but the widespread and heavier rain is still well to the north of us, and that will be coming in over the next few hours. we're starting to see activity filling in on stormranger. you can track it if you have the nbc bay area app. we'll continue to see off a and that is your latest weather. >> thank you, al coming up, we will celebrate the "sopranos.
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you say the "sopranos" >> yeah, it's the "saspranos." >> we will look back at our favorite moments with the cast and how tiktok is creating a whole new generations. that story and our boost after this is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common.
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side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. [crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪♪ if i tell you the truth, you're just going to think i'm crazy. ♪ come with me, and you'll know everything. ♪ your job is to protect monarch. without you, there is no monarch. run! [roars] ♪ give me your hand! oh my god. [roars] ♪ biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch
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...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪♪) nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪♪) ♪ did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? dryness and frizz that keeps coming back, could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. you need pantene's miracle rescue deep conditioner. it's filled with pro-vitamins to help hair lock in moisture, visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use,
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with no weigh-down. guaranteed, or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy. if you know, you know it's pantene. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain,
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headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. ye moment in hollywood. >> that's right, craig 25 years ago today, the "sopranos" premiered on hbo an became appointment television. this is before we had dvrs or spoilers to worry about. joe fryer looked back at the "sopranos." "sopranos" debate rages on. long before taylor swift, hbo gave us another anti-hero. that character in the show was unlike anything we had seen on tv. now the 25th anniversary is
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being celebrated in a variety of ways, from tiktok to italian cuisine. ♪♪ woke up this >> the "sopranos," "sopranos" ♪ ♪ woke up this morning ♪ >> reporter: perhaps you woke up this morning realizing it has been 25 years since we first met tony soprano >> you are my life. >> reporter: his family and his family. >> you'll give me what i tell you to give me take it easy take it easy. >> reporter: new jersey crime boss could be ruthless, yet relatable with panic attacks and a lot of therapy. >> it's in the blood it's hereditary. >> genetic predispositions are only that, predisposition. >> reporter: to commemorate, hbo released never-before-scene footage on the streaming service max. >> you find me irresistible. that's all >> doubtful. >> reporter: and a tiktok page
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featured 25-second recaps of some episodes. >> when are you getting back into therapy >> don't yell. don't scream. >> reporter: it is a series that raised the bar for tv, proving the small screen could be as complex and gritty as the movies five years ago on the 20th anniversary, our harry smith sat down with the cast did you think this thing had any chance at all? >> i never know. i have been wrong so many times about things i thought were great that nobody else could care less about. >> reporter: yet, the show lasted six seasons and helping usher in the era of prestige tv, preparing us for future man th played tony anti-heroes from don draper to walter wright. all thanks to the man that played tony soprano, who passed away in 2013. >> you people don't have any idea how great it was to work with james he was the best. >> reporter: 17 years after it ended with a scene that had many wondering if they forgot to pay the cable bill, the "sopranos"
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is regarded as one of the greatest tv shows ever, ranking number one on rolling stones' recent list. ♪ >> reporter: a reminder these sopranos are still singing ♪ >> reporter: so some of the cast is getting together in new york this week for what's been dubbed a family dinner. a private event, but some lucky guests are invited today a sopranos inspired pop-up restaurant is delivering sandwiches in new york and l.a we have confirmed one of the items on one of the sandwiches, tony's favorite cold cut, gabagool. >> how much time do we have? yeah. >> it's processed meat. >> it's hard to believe they were only on for 6 seasons when you think of shows, that's such a large market of television history, but it was
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only on for such a short time. >> maybe if they didn't kill people - >> they started it. >> let's get a morning boost. >> so a soccer team in england learned that one of its teammates moms was battling pancreatic cancer and lost her hair because of chemotherapy so in a show of support they arranged for a barber to come in and shave every single one of their heads this is the moment mom arrived at the team facility to pick up her son. you can see her here she's looking at the team, and she has a smile from ear to ear. she saw the fresh new haircuts, and she is overcome by emotions. that's kindness right there. by the way, the team started a gofundme page to support that family now, capagule. >> that's not the question. that is love right there >> we did the research right now, gabagool. >> what? >> gabagool -- >> what? >> that's not the question. >> you know, baloney or -- >> anthony, what is it don't want to know >> anthony, oh, my god
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okay >> is it like hot dogs and you just don't want to know? okay coming up, simone biles opening up about gymnastics and her break like never before. comedy legend tina fey will be here. but first your local news and weather. sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. [sneeze]
7:55 am
dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion,
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stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. . good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what is happening now. i'm bob redell outside the 3 crosses church where later this morning at 10:00 will be the final good-bye, a public
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memorial service for oakland police officer tuan le. this will allow oakland, police officers from multiple departments and government, and community leaders to pay respects to him. he was shot and killed while responding in plainclothes to a burglary last month as a can dis business in oakland. i'm ginger conejero saab in los altos, where it is demolition day for this building that was destroyed by a christmas day fire. the city has approved a partial demolition for part of the building that is closest to el camino real. now, this stretch of el camino between san antonio road and sherwood has remain closed since the fire, but may reopen as early as tomorrow once demolition is completed. we'll have more updates in our midday newscast and you can check back at let's get a look at the forecast with kari. she's tracking rain. >> yes, it's going to be moving in, starting wide and continuing to spread across the bay area. we're seeing widespread rain starting to reach closer to the north bay, but mainly light
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showers moving from san francisco and across the bay. and as we go into late morning into the afternoon, we'll continue to see much more of this activity, off and on throughout the day, with some breaks. but overall we are looking at some light to moderate rain, and it may be heavy in a few isolated areas. after that rain clears out tonight, temperatures will drop and it will be near freezing early tomorrow morning. sunshine, but we'll be watching a bigger storm for the weekend. >> thank you. and thank you for joining us as well. another local news update is coming up in about half an hour. also join us for our midday news also join us for our midday news at11:00 a .m not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges -
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from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, extreme storms. tens of millions impacted by
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severe weather overnight wind, snow and frigid temperatures all on the move this morning al has got your full forecast. then, star scammed andy cohen joins us for an important message about e-mail and phone scams that he fell victim to. what he learned and how you can avoid them plus, bay watch. tina fey is here ahead of the new "mean girls" movie. >> what is going on? >> don't worry. >> and kurt and wyatt russell are stopping by. the father and son duo playing >> you okay? >> star wars fans buzzing after news the mandalorian and grogu are hitting the big screen. the streaming stars hoping now to be a force at the box office, today, wednesday, january 10th,
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the same character in a the mandalorian and grogu are hitting the big screen the streaming stars hoping now to be a force at the box office, today, wednesday, january 10th, 2024 ♪ ♪ >> on a girls' trip from maryland. >> because bridget is turning 60. >> from port charlotte, florida. >> my first trip to new york. >> celebrating 55 years of friendship. >> hi to my family in northern ireland. >> hey to our friends in north carolina >> on a mother-daughter trip in albuquerque, new mexico. >> good morning to my mom watching in lewiston, maine. >> today is my 21st birthday. >> yeah! hi, everybody. good morning welcome back to "today." nice to have you along with us wednesday morning, snack dab in the middle of the week the christmas tree is still here. >> it's going away this weekend. >> is it >> is it a live tree >> absolutely. don't judge.
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>> is it alive though, now >> it is still alive hold your judgment >> good for you. all right. looking ahead, by the way, craig, tomorrow you do have an exclusive interview. >> yeah. we spent some time with captain sully ahead of the 15th anniversary of that miracle on the hudson that the captain reunited with members of the nypd that assisted in the chilly water rescue of the flight's 1,500 rescuers and crew. we talked about why that story still resonates with so many folks 15 years hater so we will have that tomorrow and on "today". extreme weathe leaving its mark overnight from the great plains to the atlantic coast. the midwest got slammed with more than a foot of snow as the temps plunged well below freezing. here in the northeast, heavy
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rain and fierce winds caused flooding, downed trees and power >> let's get to our news here at outages. so al has enough on his plate. yet, there is more to come. >> here goes that storm. say bye-bye to that. out of here. however, the next storm getting itself together. we have 12 million people under winter storm watches and advisories, even blizzard warnings as the storm ramps up tomorrow, it will be bring rocky snow. it will also bring a blast of cold air behind it to the plains isolated tornadoes possible. we move into the day friday. we're looking for blizzard conditions from missouri into iowa, almost parts of illinois and michigan, wisconsin. heavy rain into the mid-atlantic and northeast. friday evening, we will be worried again about nocturnal tornadoes from montgomery, atlanta, augusta, and we're also looking at wind gusts of up to 75 miles an hour saturday.
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those winds coming across the great lakes, starting to crank up the lake effect snow machine and powerful winds causing airport delays in the northeast. heavy rain, some showers, maybe an inch in the northeast but big snow anywhere from 6 to 8 inches of snow, isolated 12 inches of snow through the great lakes. behind that, guys, the coldest air of the winter so far anywhere from 20 to 40 degrees below average. >> all right, al thank you so much. we will check back with you. >> viewers watched a frightening scene unfold yesterday a masked gunman stormed a tv station in ecuador right in the middle of a live news broadcast. they forced everybody to get on the ground the intruders also claimed to have bombs a station official says one of the camera men shot in the leg another had a broken arm police surrounded the building, arrested 13 suspects
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ecuador's president declared a state of emergency on monday following a series of attacks by drug gangs, including the kidnappings of several police officers. to the middle east now where secretary blinken is pressing on with his mission to scale back the israel-hamas war and try to keep it from spreading across the region nbc's chief correspondent richard engel joins us from washington with the latest on his mission. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. secretary blinken is here with a very ambitious plan to scale back the war in gaza, but also to relaunch the israeli-palestinian peace process. but there are no signs that the current israeli government of prime minister netanyahu is ready for that or even secretary blinken arrived in israel offering a possible off ramp to end the war before it expands even further blinken told israel's government that arab states, including saudi arabia are willing to sign peace accords, achieving
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israel's long desired goal of normalization in the middle east on the condition that israel stop flattening gaza and relaunch a peace process andrea mitchell with secretary blinken. >> do you have any prospect that they will agree to that? >> this is what i heard from country after country. but on a condition that there be a clear pathway to the realization of political rights. >> but so far the israeli prime minister and his hard line government have rejected a palestinian state, saying their focus is on destroying hamas after its fighters killed 1,200 israelis and took hundreds of hostages and the risks of a regional war are growing. in lebanon, hezbollah has promised revenge after israel killed one of its senior commanders this week and militants in yemen, known as the houthis launched their biggest attack yet on commercial seas overnight, firing at least 18 drones and four missiles, all
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shot down by american and british warships, according to two u.s. officials and in the palestinian west bank, every day israeli forces are launching raids, targeting militants in towns and villages. in this city, palestinians told us the operations are heavy handed and creating a backlash that could explode we followed the funeral procession after one deadly israeli raid scenes like this are happening all across the north bank. the popularity has skyrocketed since october 7th. and there is an arab summit today in jordan, bringing together the king of jordan, the egyptian president, and the president of the palestinian authority as the focus is now shifting on to what happens next in gaza and trying to prevent a regional war. >> our chief foreign
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correspondent richard engel for us there in jerusalem. thank you. a lucky los angeles fan took to the court himself tonight for a big payday he had one chance to sink a half court shot for $100,000. with more than 18,000 people in the stands, the pressure is on >> swish >> he nails it cleanly through the hoop the crowd goes wild. fidel goes wild. not a bad way to spend halftime. lakers also provided a thrill by net. wow! that's a good shot. calling all "law and order" fans, the original svu and organized crime. but, first, andy cohen is here to talk about an elaborate scam and a costly one, too.
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beating the raptors by just one and a warning that we all need to hear right after this ♪ troue all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family.
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can we... (son) dad. you ok? (dad)go with eggo. it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. - ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about,
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there's a dove for every body. if you're still having bladder leaks, it's time for a change. axonics therapy gave me my life back. it's not another pad or pill. it's amazing that a tiny device can provide 15 years of relief - and you can try it out first. get started at ask a bladder specialist if axonics therapy is right for you and to discuss potential risks. results and experiences may vary.
8:14 am
let's get your life back! (vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. may vary. heart-healthy cheerios. marcus is a connoisseur of anything that's free.. so he was happy to read the disclaimer on turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! file your taxes 100% free with turbotax free edition and get your max refund guaranteed.
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we are back with our good friend andy cohen. this morning he has an important message about the dangers of imposter scams. >> okay. andy became a victim when his bank accounts were hacked. andy is not by himself imposter fraud has been the most reported fraud for years >> it happens when they pretend to be someone else to steal a person's money or personal information. more than 6,000 cases were reported in the u.s. last year it is like andy like we haven't seen him.
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>> i know we want to talk about the salt lake city reunion, but this is serious, and i really don't want this to happen to anyone, which is why i want to talk about it. i lost my bank card. the next day i get an e-mail that looks like it was from my bank's fraud alert it wasn't. because i lost my card, i was like, oh, this must be real. i didn't click on the e-mail address. you need to click on the e-mail address. even though they say the name of your bank, if you click on it, you can see it is not at, but it's not they asked me to sign in i signed in. what i did there was give these scammers access to my account. they then asked me for my apple id no one will ever ask you for your apple id. i said, this is a scam i got off. i didn't think anything of it.
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i had already given them access. the next day i get a text. it looks like it's from my bank. someone is trying to use your credit card at x place is this you? no, i type the phone rings again, and the caller id says it is from my bank i pick it up they say this is x fraud alert. >> i said, yes, yes. it's not me making that charge now because i had given these hackers access to my account, they said to me, we want to go through some of your past charges and see if these are yours. did you charge this? yes, that was me think i'm on w. and they were so good. whoever you are, i hate you, but you are very good at your job. >> so you send the codes. >> i'm telling them the codes over the phone. >> and the codes are
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did you charge this? nuts i'm on the phone for them a long time i told the woman i got this e-mail yesterday i realized it was fraud when they asked for my apple id the woman said, we would never ask for your apple id. they then say we want you to put your key pad up on your phone and put these numbers in flashes on my phone. i happened to take a screen shot of it because i was like, this is weird. i i do it and i don't understand what is happening. for one second, something flashes on my phone. i happened to take a screen shot of it because i was like, this is weird i said it says caller forwarding activated or something she says, just dismiss that. that's what came up on my phone. that's the screen shot it activated call forwarding what that did was, i was on the phone for an hour with this woman. i got off, and what happened is when the bank called me to ask me if i was doing these wires because they call you because
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they were sizable wire transfers, the call had been forwarded to the hacker. >> this is so elaborate. >> it is i consider myself a smart, functioning member of society. >> yeah. you are not falling for the easy scam. >> how did you learn they were taking money out of your account? >> so it seemed like -- it seemed odd and i called my bank fraud after that because they had said to me, we will call you back in a half hour. they never called me back. so i was like, this is weird and i kept leaving things for the bank to call me back they weren't calling me back the calls were being forwarded to these people.said, you know going to go into my bank the next day. i went into the bank. we're going through it. they said, oh, these wires were initiated. >> did your heart sink? >> yes. when money is wired out of your account, it's gone. the people have closed the account. this is an active case my phone was silent all night.
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this is an active case with the nypd cybersecurity unit. but it's very easy to fall prey to it. >> can i just say, i know you don't want to give a dollar figure. >> yes it's enough that i'm on "the today show" talking about it. it is nothing like -- listen, i'm not proud of this. but i want to share it i'm always warning my parents, mom and dad, be careful. if someone calls, don't give any information. but here it happened to me and i just don't want it to happen to anyone else. trust no one who calls you say i will call you back. >> i will call you back. >> or get your bank card and say, i'm going to call the number on the back of my card. even better, go to your bank yourself. >> and you didn't call the number because you lost your card. >> that is exactly right and i also thought, well, this woman was trying to help me. she was very good at her job she sounded like a -- she sounded like my advocate, and she had access to my account,
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which i had stupidly given out. >> when she said never give your apple id to anybody, you were like, you're right. >> she said this person is trying to charge your card do you want to prosecute them? my bank said, we would never ask that we would automatically prosecute anyone tampering with your accounts. >> you can check the e-mail address, that's number one. >> check the e-mail address, absolutely click on it always when you get a text, when you get a call, don't get sucked in to the urgent moment of it like you need to do this right now. >> right. >> take a breath and just go to your bank or call the number on essence. you have to do this now. oh, let me get my information. let me get it for you. don't do that. >> wow! >> andy, i can't believe it. and, again, it is like you know -- you're a sophisticated, sound person. >> you get e-mails all the time
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from, this is netflix, your account is in jeopardy. whatever. you click on it and you see, this is not netflix. this is a weird e-mail address. >> it is the fact that you lost your debit card like, oh, that. >> i think it was pure coincidence, i think. >> andy, i'm so glad you came on to tal to talk about this. >> me, too i hope -- i hope people listen and just be calm and take a breath >> love it. >> you helped someone today. >> thank you so much. >> next time we'll talk about the housewives. >> yes, salt lake reunion part two next week. we're in miami and beverly hills tonight. >> serious andy is here. we can't handle it. >> i know it's weird. >> or was it one of the housewives >> you know -- >> who is most likely? >> well, there is someone most likely we'll talk about it later. i'll explain al, believe me. >> he's an imposter. >> well, he's a smart man. what's with the weather, al? >> it is windy day in the northeast. we have snow showers
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sunny and mild florida all the way into texas here comes the next big storm good wednesday morning. i'm kari hall. we're starting to see some rain moving into the parts of the bay area from the north bay to san francisco and the peninsula and getting ready to spread into the east bay as well. starting out with light showers and it will continue to fill in as we approach noon with more rain that will stay with us off and on into the afternoon as well as the evening. then tonight, we are going to see temperatures all right. best time of the morning. >> fascinating i got scammed yesterday by a >> really? >> i gave my credit card and i'm smart, too, like andy. i never thought i would have fallen for it.
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and they compromised my visa i thought it was actually from fedex. it wasn't. >> they're getting so good at it. let's get to popstart today. all new seasons of "law and order svu and organized crime" starts next thursday you better enjoy it. a "popstart" exclusive sneak peek. take a look. >> i'm captain benson svu. >> you have to find her! >> i will find your daughter >> it's now or never >> what do we got? >> two more dead bodies in the name of free speech. >> no one else needs to die today. >> this girl was targeted. >> my daughter >> when you're undercover, one mistake and it's all over. >> go get 'em. >> you're damn right i'm going
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to get him >> can i go home now >> that's not how this works >> come on >> i don't know. >> the premiere of "law and order" season 23, organized crime, season 4 is january 15th right here on nbc. there were three pillars to this network, foundational pillars, those would be it. >> and the chicago wednesdayps centuries. sadly we'll never know. >> no. we'll bring it in alive. >> look at him. >> grogu winning an oscar in 2026 and going up to accept it would be amazing. there is a beautiful friendship
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there. star wars project is on the way. the franchise's official website revealing >> look at him >> grogu winning an oscar in 2026 and going up to accept it would be amazing there is a beautiful friendship there. star wars project is on the way. the franchise's official website revealing the release date we cannot wait to see it on the big screen. >> surprised it's taken this long. >> there is a reason we're wearing pink. >> on wednesdays we wear pink when tina fey comes. >> tina fey is in the house! >> hi, everybody. >> how are you >> i'm good. i'm sorry i stole andy cohen's money. i needed it, andy. good morning. it is 8:26. well, teams today begin demolition on the south bay commercial building destroyed in a christmas morning fire.
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several businesses were destroyed including a nail salon, martial arts studio and tutors center. it happened in los altos. once the front part of the building is knocked down, road will reopen. the authorities say they should know and this should happen by tomorrow. authorities are also hoping to preserve that site as much possible. this is until the investigation is completed. now, the cause of that fire still unknown. a look at the forecast today. kari hall tracking more rain. >> we're starting out with light showers and it's going to be off and on and into the evening, we're going to see breaks of rain with breaks in between. light rain will be with us into the afternoon and tapering off. our temperatures today in the um upper 50s. we'll drop down to near freezing
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tonight. >> thanks, kari. don't forget, as news breaks, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. watch whenever you want on
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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i have the best taste on this list.
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♪ ♪ we are back. what a beautiful day 8:30 the crowd is in perfect form it is the 10th day of january 2024 can you cause for one second look at this you know what i love there are a lot of great signs but this one says, you are our family what is your name? >> crystal evans. >> mick evans. >> this is such a privilege, to be considered part of our lady 21 years ago. here she is right here. >> six months old? family cousin. >> oh, thank you >> we love you. >> we love you back. >> where are you from? >> port charlotte, florida.
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>> and this young lady was here 21 years ago here she is right here. >> six months old? how old are you now? >> 21. >> al roker here for all of them. >> guys, we love being out here, but we got to go back inside soon because ms. tina fey is here the "mean girls" movie is out. we will talk about the mean girls universe with her just ahead. >> pink is just exploding. >> taking over. >> last year and this year coming up, we got kurt russell joining us with his son wyatt. they are digging deeper into the godzilla universe. and a take-out favorite at home, making it healthier and weeknight friendly we cannot wait to try his take on those mongolian beef bowls. >> love that later on the 3rd hour, we will do a deep clean on our phones and devices. what you need to do to declutter e-mail and the three biggest -- >> we thought you meant the outside. >> on the inside >> you should clean it out, too, though. >> you should do that, too, but we will tell you the three
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biggest password mistakes most people make. >> your phone is probably dirty, too. >> we got a lot of stars this morning and another one tomorrow the great annette benning will be here. we will talk about her latest movie, the intense training. she had played the character, a great swimmer. so we'll talk to her about that. mr. roker, it is wild how much warmer it is today compared to this time yesterday. >> wait until this time next week it will be worse but in the meantime, let's look at your weekend ahead. we start off with friday severe storms through the southeast into the mid-atlantic. look, near white-out conditions shore. and then sunday, sunday colder highs, a snowy blast through the good wednesday morning.
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we are going to see rain off and on today and our temperatures headed for the upper 50s. we'll see for most of us about a quarter inch of rain so nothing really heavy. once the rain clears out, it's going to be very cold. we'll be near freezing from the trivalley to santa clara up to napa valley. the next few days, we near the great lakes and more all four hours of "today" and your local nbc station live on peacock. so check it out. head to >> can i just say thank you to al roker you showed up at haley's school yesterday as a special guest that little girl ran into your arms and all the kids said, no fair, haley has three parents. they thought he was a third parent. >> i'm the spare. >> thank you so much.
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that's awesome coming up, it is wednesday we have broken out our pink chairs for a fun "mean girls" chat with ms. tina fey but, first, this is "today" on nbc. look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient?
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mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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welcome back it has been 20 years since tina fey brought an instantly iconic group of mean girls to life on the big screen. >> all right since then, the plastics have gone on to dominate pop culture, from new national holidays to broadcast. guess what tina is bringing the story back to movie theaters with a musical twist. plus, she is reprising her role as the beloved math teacher. take a look. >> katie, hi this is your roster. i see i also have you for ap calculus >> i was home schooled. >> that's a fun way to take jobs
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from my union. no, i'm joking. >> modern twist. >> yes. >> what made you want to bring this project back one more time? >> well, we had so much fun on the broadway musical and then we were running and obviously loving it. and then we shut down during the pandemic and i just sort of knew that there was -- i wanted more people to see what he had made and then this opportunity to take our favorite parts of the musical and bring it back to cinematic form, it definitely doesn't feel like a filmed broadway show. it's very -- it's very like music video style shooting it feels very fresh. our directors did a really great job. >> i was kind of joking because you always talk about the marvel comic universe this is the "mean girl" universe we had a movie then we had a broadway musical now we have a movie with music are you going to do a cooking
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line in fashion as well. >> absolutely? as women, we need to declare our project's universes. >> also, you also keep tweaking it to keep up with the times. >> it is funny sometimes you write something and 20 years go by and you think, i wish maybe we hadn't said that. what a gift to be able to open up the hood and fix things up again. >> it was kind of fun to see i don't know. on the red carpet. you have to come see. there are then we were wondering, the lindsey or the old cast members featured in cameos? >> as you saw in that clip, tim was there with me which was a great comfort for me he's still so funny. unfortunately, he's aging a little too will. i don't want to stand next to you either i don't know you have to come see there are wonderful surprises throughout the movie
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>> now your kids are -- you are a cool mom let's just say that we know you are. >> absolutely not. >> but your kids don't think so. your oldest is 18 and then you have a 12-year-old but did they help you? >> every now and then, i would run so far and be like, hey, should the burn book should be a physical book or should it be a website? >> they're like, no, it's a book >> is it a pdf >> what's cool now, pdfs yeah and then i think with chris who plays aaron samuels, there was -- there was, i will admit, one final casting session where it was on a zoom and i sort of like did the things we teach kids not to do, which is put my phone up to the zone and i was showing 12 of my daughters' friends. did you miss that? and there was like a yes >> by the way, we had christopher on yesterday and he is like loving this role. and he's got kind of that unassuming look. he asked him what he was like in high school, and he said he was kind of the theater geek
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and i was wondering about you in high school, stroll down memory lane. >> theater geek. absolutely dork. i mean, look at me. >> is that your prom >> no, that's my brother. >> i thought it was your date. >> i did not take my brother to prom i draw the line there. by the way, that dress, i was like, this dress the banging >> what were you like in high school >> i just was a good student i definitely was, you know, the character in the movie that i admit i identify with is janice a bit because i think i talk a lot of smack about people. i thought i was the victim in every situation and really i was a monster, yeah. >> well, tina, you're amazing. thank you for bringing the mean girls. just do something every year, just a new iteration every year. >> i love it. >> i have to ask you there any ch i was just thinking about lauren michaels he said he was going to retire. >> he's not retiring >> he's his own universe. >> but if he did, was there any chance that you -- >> some people think you could replace him. >> y'all better pass. >> see, we're talking about it. >> that's what people say. >> no, ma'am he has an elixir and he will live forever.
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>> we want to give a reminder. in theater this is friday. >> i was about to wrap up the interview and you got dirt. >> i take full blame. >> all right coming up next, we have a remarkable father-son duo sitting right over there kurt russell and wyatt russell we will ch
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we're back with one we're back with one of hollywood's most talented father-daughter -- father-son duo. >> i wish! >> you wish. they are starring in a show on apple tv plus. kurt and wyatt play the older-younger version of the same character we shot take a look. >> we experienced an uncontrolled flame during.
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>> okay. first of all, i love both of you very much. i'm so happy you are sitting on this couch what is it like? this is the first time you worked together as grown-ups. >> well, it was a casting idea so we looked at a lot of father-son things and nothing that really struck our fancy then he said, let's look before we just say no, we looked at it and we started to figure what could be done with it thin preproduction was going, okay, we need to make a character that's interesting and fun and watchable and has an ark and all these things. like i said, it was a casting idea. we wanted to be make as good as the casting idea was, we wanted to make the execution. >> kurt, you have a very, very talented family with goldie and
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and it was fun the casting idea was, we wanted to make the execution. >> kurt, you have a very, very talented family with goldie and kate, all the rest of all the family members, who is the most talented >> that's a really good question because as the years go by, you begin to look at it and say who would actually you know, look, we've got iconics in there so it's like i don't know. it's not something we really think about. >> i heard you describe wyatt as -- >> when he was young, i used to say the best actor in the family is a hockey player. >> that's interesting because that's really what you wanted to be in life that was the dream. >> yep. >> and you wound up on the screen instead. >> yeah. luckily, i was able to play professional hockey, and i sort of got everything that i know about life and how i live life and how i exist is basically
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based in the heart of a hockey player and that never leaves you when you -- when you play until you are 24 years old and, so, taking that with me, it did help and, you know, entering this world, which was a very different world but has a lot of similarities. >> how much advice do you seek out from your parents? none >> not really. >> kurt's like, nah. >> again, you go back to sports, no one is going to do it for you. you can -- like i said this before, you know, you got your foot in the door definitely. it is funny. some people say, you know, i played a lot of kids who -- who had parents who were hockey parents who played in the nhl and it was like, well, when it comes to actors' kids, genetics can't play a role at all in terms of how you do it, you go you work you work hard. you show up on time. you know your lines and get
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comfortable in front of the camera and work. >> a lot of people are loving this they have been watching it on apple tv tell us about it. >> it's been fun to watch the progression of it. it's a slow burn it was very difficult because you are working with five different directors. two hours is like a movie. so you have done five movies back-to-back-to-back the casting idea was going to go into effect. but i'm really pleased with where it's gone because people are having a great time with it. i think the last one is strong it's been a great last shot. it's got a great last shot. >> that's good, yeah. >> very, very good. >> you really don't see it coming. >> okay. all right. that's a great tease did you have some kind of a weird confrontation with a bear? what happened? >> the first day of filming, the first day of filming, we were in vancouver and in this case called pit meadows, a very beautiful place. it was in the woods. they send us down this trail we walk up wearing these gas masks, and i have a gun on and looking, whatever, indiana jones
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cool so someone goes, is that a bear? and i'm like, i don't know i look behind me and there is a bear from like 20 yards away and i was like, like go away, bear go away. i make myself big. and my first reaction was, go to this gun i'm wearing i pull out the gun, and i'm like, the gun doesn't fire there's none -- this doesn't work. >> what happened >> so then -- so then the bear, as i was like, go away, bear go away, bear. the bear starts walking towards us didn't work. and then a grip came out and you. it is so great to sit between you. say hello to your awesome family. good luck with this. you can check "monarch" on apple tv plus. that final scene we cannot miss is out on friday. all right, craig.
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over to you. up next, we will cook with chef kevin curry. he will shows how u
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morning on our "today table series." we will help you stick to that new year's resolution to eat healthier by showing you how to make a crowd favorite at home. joining us, the man, the myth, the legend, kevin curry. don't forget, as always, you can scan that qr code below to get all the ingredients to cook this recipe we have already been sampling, picking up the chop sticks. >> so good >> so what are we making >> a lighter mongolian beef bowl this is ginger you can also use tamari because it is gluten free. a little bit more and tap it on the bowl. >> yes, sir.
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okay now we will add to this some water. >> little water, okay. >> some coconut sugar. >> coconut sugar. >> sesame seeds, yes, sir. >> that's some garlic. >> garlic there. what is this >> this is corn starch that's a thickener for it. this is the sesame oil get a sexy taste for it. >> a sexy taste. >> the umami a little bit. you >> what did you say? >> do you shred cabbage a lot? >> actually, i do. >> go like this and just thinly slice it just like this. try it. >> i'll try it. okay.
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>> see? look at that. look at you. look at them, y'all. all right. see? there you go. all right. then we're going to hit it. we're going to add in our cabbage. >> now, what kind of oil do you use? this is then we're going to hit it we're going to add in our cabbage. >> now, what kind of oil do you use? this is avocado oil. it also has a higher smoke point so it won't burn carrots and some onions. now, we don't need to add in any salt because we have that salt down there just some black pepper i like to put some pepper on the veggies as well. >> at what point do we add the sauce? >> over here now let's fry up the beef. >> what kind of beef. >> this is some flank steak. it cooks super easy, too. >> and it's not saucy. beef can be saucy. >> it's like a gabagool. >> capricola.
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>> don't stir the beef. >> and then you add -- >> don't touch the meat? >> no. let it sere for two minutes. the bean sprouts this is what it will look like right here. >> you didn't use brown sugar. didn't use oil not white rice, brown rice. >> yeah. so this is a pretty light dish >> a lean piece of meat. >> put in the veggies first and then the sauce we want to make sure the skillet is hot enough. once it bubbles, that's when you get this wonderful restaurant glaze. >> and you maintain you could even swap out the grain. >> yes, you can. some cauliflower rice. >> i got you >> it also seems like it doesn't take a long time. >> it is an easy recipe. put some rice in there i appreciate that. >> hey, happy new year. >> thank you. thank you.
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kevin is going to come back again next hour with another good one what are we making next year >> stuffed gabagool. you can buy all the ingredients by scanning that qr code or go to >> so good, yeah. >> we should mention "today" does earn a commission from purchases in our links what's the verdict, boys and girls? >> two thumbs up. >> we'll be back after your local news, weather and these messages. >> this is good. >> isn't that good >> do you like it? >> loved it.
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good morning. it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. mourners are gathering for a final farewell for the oakland police officer killed in the line of duty. he was shot near jack london square. he was born in vietnam in 1987. grew up in the bay area. he leaves behind a wife. a total of four suspects now in custody including the suspected gunman. today's public service is expected to include eulogies from community leaders and family members. law enforcement officers from numerous agencies will also attend. the public service is scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. at three crosses church and nbc bay area will stream the service live online. you can view it from our
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streaming sources including roku and our home page. the governor lays out his budget proposal today. california starting now with a $68 billion deficit. there are fears cuts will be there are fears cuts will be madeo education if t not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges -
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from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network.
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give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," more wild weather. that massive winter storm spawning twisters in the south, burying millions under h


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