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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 11, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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right now at 6:00, tragedy on the slopes. a marin county man killed by an avalanche on a legendary tahoe ski run at palisades tahoe. new details we are learning about the investigation. limiting short-term rentals. the changes one county could soon implement and the impact it could have on your next booking. a chilly morning across the bay area, and meteorologist, kari hall, is talking about a frost advisory in place, and our next chance for rain and high tides slamming the coast. this is "today in the bay." going through puberty. >> big boys growing up. >> i was just talking to kari about it, i am trying to find long sleeved outfits because it has been so cold in the mornings. >> yeah, it has been so cold and this one is colder than we have
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had recently. walnut creek, 35 degrees, but in the 40s elsewhere. as we take a look at what to expect in cupertino, we are going from 40 degrees at 8:00 to low 50s today. we are keeping jackets and layers on throughout the day. our temperatures all around the bay area, a little cooler than what we typically see for this time of year. only up to 53 in dublin. 55 in san josé. also 55 in san francisco as well as santa rosa. tomorrow we are going to enjoy sunshine but not much of a change temperature wise. our overnight lows will dip down into the 30s once again. now we are seeing most of the lanes filled towards the end of the parking lot, and coming off the 880, that's a great pattern, and the metering lights doing their job keeping traffic
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on the span moving smoothly. slowing towards fremont, so they may slow down the metering lights a tad bit. contra costa county, highway 4 holding steady. a little build for hayward and across the san mateo bridge. the tri-valley building in volume, and san josé clearing from the first burst of traffic and we will get another in another half hour. back to you. >> thank you. we are learning more about the bay area skier that died during an avalanche at the palisades tahoe ski resort. that area still not clear of potentially new trouble from so much snow in that area. kris sanchez has been following that story and getting updates from the investigators. we know the skier that died was a 66-year-old man. >> a 66-year-old man, and we understand he split his time between truckee and marin
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county. his name was kenneth kidd. he did not survive. there was another skier that was buried and rescued near the lift. other skiers jumped into action and tried to dig them out until police and firefighters and ski patrol got there. by the time they reached kidd, it was too late. the other skier did survive with a broken leg. >> we see what they are doing, and that's an older video that we have. that's a lot to work through. >> it was 150 yards from top to bottom, so a football field and a half, and then 50 yards wide, and then 10 feet deep. that's a lot of snow to dig through. it has happened before. major avalanches, one was six years ago and five people were trapped at palisades tahoe.
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in 2020, two skiers were trapped at alpine meadows and one died and the other survived but with severe injuries to his lower bottle, and since then the ski report settled two lawsuits claiming negligence there. in 1982, seven people died in avalanche that rolled all the way down to the resort's parking lot, so powerful. >> so much work being done yesterday. what happens today? >> palisades tahoe will remain closed, and i want to show you the conditions, it's snowy and dark this morning, and it's going to remain closed until further notice. investigators will try and answer the question of how it happened while ski patrols work to continue to reduce the danger. there was explosions on the ridge line, and they set them off to bring the snow down
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before it can accumulate and become an avalanche. the next hour we will talk with kari with the conditions today. we know that storm is headed our direction, and they don't need more. >> lot of people heading that way for the weekend. >> yeah, and a lot are heading out because they don't want to be there anymore. >> yes. thank you. just into our news room, one man is dead after a shooting in the east bay. it happened just after 8:00 last night in antioch. there have been no arrests. if you information you should contact antioch police. happening today in san francisco, consumer advocates are gathering to call for a rollback in utility rates. as of january 1st pg&e rates increased 15% for fire prevention efforts. the utility is requesting approval of a second rate hike for may to cover the cost of
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recent storm damage repairs. opponents will gather outside the state puc offices for a news conference. and our reporter was the first to report the rate hike last year, and for his full report go to "the mercury news" is reporting san josé planners are now reviewing plans for three residential buildings on the side of a former el paso shopping center, and this is near saratoga avenue. it would add nearly 900 new units including a senior living complex along with a retail restaurant and movie complex as well as a standalone grocery store. the original plans for a single high-rise were scrapped from the deal after financial challenges
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included a ground grocery store there. a live look for you at san josé city hall. housing is just one of the topics we plan to address this morning with san josé mayor, matt mahan. you can watch that full exclusive interview coming up at 7:00 a.m., and it will stream live at roku and other streaming platforms along on it's 6:07 right now. in a matter of hours, marin supervisors could cut the number of short-term rentals in unincorporated areas. bob redell is live with that. talk about this. >> reporter: good morning, laura. proponents say marin needs more affordable housing for locals and workers, and opponents of the proposed cap say a cap won't address that issue and would hurt tourism along the
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coastline. let's put numbers up on the screen here. currently there's a cap of 923 unlicensed for short-term rentals in unincorporated marin county, and the proposal is to set the cap higher, 1,083, and that provides slower growth in the long-term. more than 100 licenses would be dedicated to the coastal areas that are popular areas with tourists. according to the county, 79% of workers lived outside the county in 2021. a company that makes software to help property owners collect their taxes says communities across the country are having similar conversations like they are in marin. some of those communities are severely limiting the number of rentals available, and others say anything goes. the software company points out communities must realize that while they are trying to solve one problem like fixing the affordable housing shortage,
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they could hurt another, like hurting tourism, as i mentioned earlier. >> tourist dollars bring a lot of economic income in, not only from what they spend there, but that tax base that comes into play when they are staying there. then property owners themselves also are generally contracting with some of the local services for landscaping, housekeeping and all those types of things as well, and then that money goes away as well if they can't rent it out. >> the west marin access coalition, which is a group of homeowners and short-term rental hosts along the coastline tells "the chronicle" that the area caps for the county are tourist destinations and not places some would go to for affordable housing. whatever ordinance supervisors come up with, they need to get final approval from the california coastal commission. reporting live, bob redell,
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today in the bay. >> thank you, bob. taking a live look outside for you this morning. mill valley, today, we are continuing to track the incoming high tides for some bay area coasts. today in the bay -- i don't know, my mind is somewhere else. >> what are you thinking about over there? >> who are you thinking about over there, maybe? >> all right. we are going to see minor flooding, and as we deal with the king tides as we get the full moon, and it makes the water come further inland. we are going to see the peak between 9:00 and noon, and we can see localized flooding. it will also be the case for tomorrow as well, just a little later in the morning going from 10:30 this morning going to 11:19 tomorrow morning. we also have the extremely low tide. we will see another set of king tides come in on february 9th.
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sometimes we get the storms out in the pacific piling up the water higher along the coastline. that's not the case today as we get a break in the activity. this storm well to the west of us will start to move in on saturday. the rain first starts in the north bay and continues to move from north to south across the bay area going into the afternoon into the evening. for the south bay, that rain will really pick up around sunset and continue into late in the night. i will have more on that and how much rain to expect coming up in a few minutes. mike has a look at some of the lower gas prices around the area. >> getting lower towards the weekend. great gas has a price at 3.57 in los gatos on los gatos boulevard. and then vallejo, 3.69 at sinclair on fair grounds drive. and then hayward's best, 3.79, the valero on hey street.
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folks are sharing that on looking at a smooth flow of traffic right now, and typical buildups for the bay bridge toll plaza, and typical slowing, and there's vasco, only 19 minutes. just a little slowing towards the tail end approaching 580. back to you. >> thank you. and then not a lot of people like traffic, but it could be worse. coming up next, where bay area congestion levels rank against all u.s. cities. inflation numbers came in, and they are a little higher and that will have an affect o walln
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well, good morning. happy thursday to you. we just got the latest data on inflation showing prices rose 0.3 of a percent last month and that puts the annualized rate at 3.4%, and that's a bigger jump than anybody wanted to see. last month wall street got frothy thinking the fed would cut rates in response to easing inflation, and we are not seeing
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that so much. shares in boeing rose, and boeing is trying to regain the world's trust. >> i saw the picture everybody saw of the opening. what i really saw was the empty seat. i spent a week with my kids and grandkids, and so enough said. i imagine every human being who would see that understands the severity and consequence. >> and then google cutting hundreds of jobs. this is a picture of google's home assistant, kind of like alexa. and then alphabet had a huge layoff years ago, thousands and thousands. the company is enormous. more than 180,000 workers. this layoff, though, bigger than usual, numbering in the hundreds. reports say open ai is in talk with media companies like cnn and fox to train its artificial
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intelligence on articles published by those companies. in the meantime, bloomberg says "the washington post" is ready to sue open ai for using articles. president biden was joined, and i asked him what it was like at the white house. >> when you walk in, just the amount of history in the building was frankly overwhelming, and at points emotional. you see people you studied that all live in the home. and then every 30 seconds, somebody is saying welcome to the white house, and i was, like, you don't need to remind me i'm in the white house. >> you can listen to the podcast
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"sand hill road." >> i like it. just real on how amazing it is. >> we had both been as tourists, and he got to go and wonder, and he said there are rooms empty all over the place with furniture and dishes -- >> yeah, belonged to the housing unit. >> exactly. new at 6:00, san francisco has some of the worst rush hour traffic in the country. i probably don't have to tell you that, but it is according to a new study. here's a live look in some of the most congested areas of the bay area. the bay bridge and the golden gate. an international mapping firm found san francisco has the third worst traffic, behind new york and washington, d.c. last year it found san
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franciscans spent 183 hours driving during rush hour with almost 40% of the time being stuck in traffic. i'm surprised we did not talk about l.a. and all that. >> that's a whole separate issue. >> no kidding. trending this morning, a sure way to get a charge out of your fellow airline passengers is if you sit and charge your device. >> try getting sleep next to this passenger. yes. this is from miami to seattle, and maybe they were having so much fun in miami? looks like a disco, right? her enable used the brightly-lit charger for four hours, and other passengers even complained to the flight attendants, and others agreed with the poster calling it rather obnoxious.
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>> they may need something to go with that sprite there. >> yeah, that is a lot. >> yeah, the eye covers -- >> yeah, the passenger was also doing, this, yeah -- >> the whole time. >> get up and dance with those lights going on. let's get started this morning where we are seeing a few issues, starting out with the cold weather but it's a clear start as you get ready to head out. there's a frost warning in effect as we get ready for a mostly sunny day. king tides are back peaking today and tomorrow with more rain likely on saturday as we also see the winds picking up. here's where we are starting right now. temperatures at 35 degrees in concord, and 34 in napa. san francisco, you are stepping out the door to 40 degrees. it's a cold start. then as we go into today, it's going to be fairly mild. we are clear for now but will start to see the clouds reaching closer to the bay area tomorrow,
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and then the rain not far behind on saturday. as we time out the saturday rain, if you do have plans in the north bay, it starts out before sunrise. at 5:00 we are already seeing the rain coming in, and also moving into parts of the east bay. it continues to make its way down the peninsula, and down eventually to the south bay. it looks like it takes a while to get going in san josé, as we do typically see. that rain will ramp up by saturday evening, and then gradually taper off saturday night into sunday. during this time we are looking at much higher rainfall totals for the north bay, where mill valley up to santa rosa could get over an inch of rainfall and possibly closer to two inches of rainfall for ukiah and on northward. for oakland, it's an inch of rainfall. most of us getting half an inch of rain once that system comes
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in. martin luther king day will be nice but cool. more rain in the middle of next week, and temperatures in san francisco about the same as what we will see for the valleys. mike, you have lights at the bay bridge? >> yeah, not the same lights in the motion on that flight we just seen. look at the great drive off the 880, and hov here as well, and the traffic is here but not full stop. the span itself moving nicely. there's a build for the richmond bridge as well, and same commute direction. highway 4, more build and now a little more slowing in toward concord and pleasant hill. here, san mateo bridge smoothed out now, and there was a stall that is now cleared. back to you. >> thank you. next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> an airline pushes back a family's flight a full day, and then the family experiences
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turbulence getting the carrier to cover their surprise expenses. expenses. i am consumer
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even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. than lysol disinfectant spray. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®.
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(kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. good morning. a couple months ago i ran into amy at a charity event on the peninsula. she told me about her family's trip to prague that did not go as planned. she said her easy jet flight from london took off and ended up going back to london because
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they had a technical issue on the plane. the family spent an extra night in london and then flew to prague the next day. in europe passengers like amy can get paid back their expenses plus cash compensation when a flight problem is within an airline's control. amy filed forms online and followed up with three different people by phone, but she got nothing in her bank account. i sent a note to easy jet and it responded, and a rep said amy entered the wrong flight date on her online forms, and amy said the three reps she talked to never mentioned errors but said she would get her money. ultimately easy jet paid amy $908. if you are flying to, from or within europe you might be entitled to cash compensation when a flight is delayed or canceled. we made a video showing you how. it's posted on our website and
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youtube page. just look for the how-to play list. thank you, chris. it's 7:27 right now. coming up next, the top stories we are following for you today including calling out the mayor. the new demands being made from one oakland group amid what they are calling endless crime in that city. that city. we'll right [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage,
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you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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♪♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. right now at 6::30, a deadly
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avalanche at a tahoe ski resort. ahead, team coverage including new information about the bay area man that died and the conditions resorts are facing this morning from so much snow. new layoffs at the heart of the silicon valley giants, and the role artificial intelligence may be playing in the latest round of cuts. this is "today in the bay." 6:30 on your thursday morning. thank you for starting your morning with us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. we will get to those stories in a moment, but first we start with the avalanche at palisades tahoe. sadly one person died. we know three people were saved. the person that died, a 66-year-old man from marin county. here's a look at the avalanche that happened. this is in the gs bowl, along the k-22 lift.
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it opened for the first time this season. >> very sad to report, kris. >> yeah, and the snow is still accumulating. through the evening, avalanche teams were blasting the ridge lines trying to break up the massive snow banks to prevent them from becoming an avalanche. the snow still accumulating, and we know the work there continues. four people were caught up in that avalanche. in the video, you see fellow skiers jumping into action while ski patrol, police and fire made their way to the avalanche field. despite the frantic efforts, by the time the rescuers reached kidd from truckee, it was too late. we also talked with a skier who was on the ski lift overhead. >> instantly they had patrol up there. i think they have a regular
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protocol they use. they had their patrol guys from here and they instantly got the folks from alpine, got them in here. >> palisades tahoe was monitoring the avalanche risk yesterday and all the way since sunday given all of the snow that fell over the weekend but determined it was finally safe to open that kt-22 run at 9:00 yesterday morning. the avalanche happened within a half hour of that first run. the snow is expected to continue, and this morning palisades tahoe announced kt-22 will remain closed for the foreseeable future, but there's work under way to reopen parts of palisades tahoe and alpine after what the resort calls a snow rigorous morning, and we know they will do that as the snow continues to fall. meteorologist, kari hall, is
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tracking that. the conditions look treacherous. >> yeah, we are starting out with the temperatures in the single digits in palisades, and probably colder at the top of the phoupbg. we are clear after seeing that snow, and what happens, with those conditions we have a snow depth 20 to 50 inches. there's a weak snow layer, and then when you add in the heavy fresh and thicker snow layer we had in the recent days, all of the snow starts to slide downhill especially with the high wind gusts we have had, and that snow growing downhill grows in size and strength. heads up if you are going there this weekend, another storm watch in effect and we will see gusty winds once again. the snowpack is well below what we typically see, only 37% of its normal amount. we are getting a lot of it all at once even this weekend when we are looking at 9 to 19 inches of snowfall. we will continue to monitor those conditions, and talk about
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what we have coming up in a few minutes. happening today, community leaders in oakland will make the call for new action following several recent high profile crimes, and that's including a shooting that killed police officer tuan le. for suspects are in custody, including the accused shooter. organizers today will hold a rally and news conference at 11:00 a.m. new this morning google is laying off hundreds of workers working on google assistant as well as others. >> it's painful, but not as big as last year's cut. >> yeah, it was january 20th, and back then it was 12,000 people. this new cut is smaller. it's centered, as you mentioned, around people working on google's assistant, and it's a version of siri and google home
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assistant, as well as people working on hardware like phones and nest and fitbit, and a majority of the people in the augmented reality team, apparently, being let go as well. the conventional wisdom is google is moving away towards ai, which is very in fashion. facebook was so convinced virtual reality was its future and it changed its name to meta as in metaverse, and now it, too, is working on ai. meantime augmented reality will be a big thing, because apple is jumping into that with both feet. remember the new headset, marcus, comes out next month. >> thank you. meteorologist, kari hall, has been monitoring what we can expect to happen throughout the weekend. how are conditions looking? >> that's a beautiful shot. we are clearing out for today and tomorrow, and then the
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weekend will see more rain coming back. in sonoma valley, your weekend will be chilly. starting out with temperatures in the 40s and headed to the mid-50s. friday and sunday will be your best days to get outside. rain will coming down throughout the day on saturday. in sonoma, overnight lows in the 40s. big sur, expect temperatures to be in the upper 50s. soggy conditions on saturday and slippery roads as well. if you want to avoid the rain altogether, you can head south. l.a. will have a sunny weekend with highs in the low 60s. mike, what about the san mateo bridge? >> there are reports in the chp log that do say on west 92 somewhere along this section near pier one there's a maintenance crew. that's the only thing reported, but we have continued brake
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lights and continued slowing on the sensors approaching the high-rise. we have seen improvement, orange instead of red, and the commute is building off the east bay. dumbarton bridge and san mateo bridge, we're tracking that. looking ahead to the weekend, look to the screen, southbound 680 has no construction. that has been called off for this weekend because of weather conditions, so 680 will remain open between 580 and coupeman. we will still have the slowing along 17, and here's a crash along redwood estates. >> thanks, mike. ahead on "today in the bay," king tides back in full force. the reason some call this a sign of things to come for our climatin crisis. climatin crisis. e yo look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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welcome back, folks. taking a nice look at a nice smooth drive out of richmond over towards san rafael. they are doing whatever repair work is necessary for the right three toll lanes. we see the buildup out of richmond, no surprises except along the south bay commute. we will talk about what is going on along highway 17, coming up. a cold start in san josé.
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as you get ready to step out the door, temperatures around 40 degrees at 7:00 and throughout the day. we head for the mid-50s. it will be a nice one, but we are also watching out for weekend rain. i will have more on that coming up in just a few minutes. turning to our climate in crisis, people in marin county are dealing with high tides. this is a live look in mill valley at the conditions this morning. residents have dealt with the huge waves at the beaches and local flooding from higher than normal tides. this is giving us a glimpse of what we could see in the coming years. king tides have to do with the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun and earth, but it will be up to one and two feet higher and water levels will give us a preview of levels that will flood in the future.
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the water is warming and expanding, and just how much sea level rise we see depends on us and how quickly we can stop burning fossil fuels which is the source of warming temperatures. today and saturday, the california king tides project is hosting free community events along the bay area coastline and the cities there to help document king tides to educate people on sea level rise and plan for rising water in the coming years. >> high tides today represent average conditions in the future. so the california king project is about getting folks in the community to go out and document where flood something starting to occur and where problems are starting to occur, and beaches are disappearing, so engineers can help those photos to help plan for sea level rise so we can adapt to the climate change
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in the future. >> another event in palo alto this saturday and campbell cove in bodega bay. we will have this information on scott mcgrew, a small group in the republican party are putting forth efforts to stop congress from moving forward. >> it's because they say the government is still spending too much money. it's the same argument conservatives used to throw former speaker kevin mccarthy out of office. now new speaker, mike johnson, has agreed to that same deal with the white house. yesterday johnson acknowledged he may have to put forward a continuing resolution if he can't get his splinter group back on his side, and continuing
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resolution would mean another deal with democrats again, just like mccarthy. that's probably the most important thing happening in washington rather than maybe the pentagon planning something against the houthis as they continue to launch missiles and drones at shipping, more than ever before. a republican-led committee met to discuss impeaching mayorkas, and chris christie quit the presidential race, and he got caught on a hot mic saying nikki haley didn't stand a chance against donald trump, and nikki haley and ron desantis debated one more time before the iowa caucuses. >> when you look at donald trump, i have said i think he was the right president at the right time and i agree with a lot of his policies, but his way is not my way. i don't have vengeance or srepb
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vendettas. >> he said he would build a wall and have mexico pay for it, and he did not deliver that. he said he would hold hillary accountable and he let her off the hook. he said he would eliminate the debt and he added $7.8 trillion to the debt. we need to deliver and get this stuff done. >> in the meantime, hunter biden is scheduled to be in california for arraignment in the tax case. he showed up yesterday where members of congress were voting on recommending charging him. it was a public dare. biden said he's willing to answer any question congress has as long as it's in public, in that room. republicans said no deal, they want to depose him behind closed doors in private. and hunter won't do that.
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the reason we have trump up here in the new york trial is we just got information into our news room that there has been a bomb threat against the judge in the case in new york. we are scheduled to have one more day or possibly two more days of courtroom hearings in new york city. there was no bomb and everything is going to be okay. back to you. >> here is the subpoena to representative scott perry who did not comply, and i would like to enter this into the record. here's a subpoena for mark meadows, who did not comply. a subpoena to jim jordan who did not comply with a lawful subpoena, and i would like to enter that into the record, and mo brooks did not comply, and a subpoena for mr. briggs, and -- there's an amendment coming to add some of those names into the
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contempt order. you vote to add those names and show the american people that we apply the law equally, not just when it's democrats, it's a crime when it's democrats, but when it's trump and republicans, it's fine. vote for that amendment and i will vote for the biden contempt. >> thank you, scott. breaking news for you this morning, this involves bill belichick. this brings an end to what some consider the greatest run in nfl history. belichick coaching the patriots for 24 seasons, and winning six super bowls with tom brady behind center. the team is not yet confirming the news but planning to hold a news conference at 9:00 a.m. our
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time. belichick is scheduled to attend the news conference. hard to believe that next monday marks 15 years since a bay area pilot became an instant hero. us airways jet landed in the middle of the river after a bird strike. all passengers and crew survivored. the pilot, "sully" sullengerger flying the plane at the time. this morning on the "today" show, he sits down exclusively with craig and talks about his mind-set in that make or break moment. >> my definition of success was complete, absolute. i was confident that if i could keep the airplane intact, and land in a way that people didn't get hurt during the landing, it would float long enough for us to be rescued. >> sullenberger also said once
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the plane stopped, the team in the cockpit said to each other, that was not so bad. that's coming up right after "today in the bay." hard to believe it has been 15 years since that. hard to believe how long this guy has been working with us. we are taking a moment to celebrate to wish him an early happy birthday to mike inouye. his birthday is tomorrow, and i don't know why, but he decided to take the day off. you know him as our traffic guy, and to us he's a wonderful friend, father, and a south bay community member, and i hope you know how much we appreciate you. >> he likes cake. >> it's all yours. >> wow, just so my kids know, i already had a nutritious breakfast. >> yeah, there are eggs in
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there, right? >> yeah, eggs, and flour -- >> happy birthday. >> if i had to work on my birthday, i would choose to work with all of you. >> i thought you were going to say, i would get another job. >> and the schedule works out, which it did for tomorrow. >> happy birthday. we still want to celebrate you. the entire community as we know, shares that with us on social media. everybody participates, but the cake is going to stay here. >> yeah. >> we are going to show you some love today and make sure you have a wonderful birthday weekend. i have to throw in a little rain, too, because we need that for saturday. we are going to see a lot of changes over the next few days. as the rain clears out today, it's a cold start. a frost advisory in effect until 10:00. tomorrow we start out cold once again but we are going to be dry. this weekend we will see rain coming back to the bay area,
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maybe a little heavier. let's get a look at the temperatures you are dealing with now as you are stepping out the door. it's 33 in livermore, one of the colder temperatures. most of us in the mid to upper 30s and low 40s. another chilly start, though. we are dry now but we will see clouds coming in tomorrow and then rain on saturday. looking at the timeline of the rain, in case you have a birthday party or some type of plans this weekend, we are starting out with rain at 5:00 on saturday morning in the north bay. we see it spreading across much of the bay area, and it will skip around the valleys, at least in the south bay for a while. then as we go into the evening, it's going to continue to sweep through with some pockets of heavier rain, and eventually wrapping up on sunday morning. some of the rainfall totals further north will be really heavy. santa rosa will get an inch and
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a half. looks like as you head further south of the golden gate bridge, those rainfall totals drop off to half an inch, which is still pretty decent for a one-day rainfall total. on sunday it's clearing out as our temperatures head for the upper 50s. looking good for the holiday, too, for martin luther king day in the upper 50s. more rain in the middle of next week, on wednesday. seems like we are stuck in that pattern, the wednesday and saturday storms. that's the trend for next week as well, and the cool temperatures will continue. you have more to talk about on highway 17? >> yeah, it's a typical build for 101, and the volume may be heavier here on 87 as well, but the big issue is northbound, there's been activity there for hours, and there could be daylight to help the crews with the vehicle that went off the
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road there, and it's causing quite a backup from before the summit to the santa cruz side. from the santa cruz side, a note for today and tomorrow, there is landscaping being done, and they are trying to remove debris and trees because of the incoming storm. do check their website. back to you. >> thank you, mike. happening now, all streets surrounding peoples' park in berkeley are back open. the security measures will be in place 24/7 until a new student housing complex is finished. once the work is done, it will provide 1,100 new units and permanent housing for low income and unhoused. and ahead for you this morning on "today in the bay," a
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heartbreaking new detail (vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this:
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(woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback?
6:57 am
( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. (vo) fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, gives you information you need quickly. choose acid prevention. (hr manager) if you don't have your account info for direct deposit... you all gotta come back tomorrow! (employee) fargo, what's my checking account routing number? (hr manager) be like her. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. welcome back.
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we are moving you forward with a look at this morning's top stories, starting with the ledly avalanche at palisades ski resort. >> teams blasted the snow last night trying to break up the snow banks. the avalanche killed a 66-year-old man identified as kenneth kidd that lived part time in marin. the slide suddenly dumped about ten feet of snow over 150 yards of terrain, 50 yards wide. the other victims suffered minor injuries. it's not yet clear when palisades will reopen, but it could be as soon as today provided all inspections could be cleared. marin supervisors will consider a plan to cut down on the availability of short-term rentals. supporters argue marin needs more affordable housing for
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locals, but opponents believe the cap will not address that issue but it would hurt tourism along the coastline, they argue. they also say this proposal sets a cap a bit higher, at over 1,000, which is a boost in short-term, but provides slower growth in the long-term. more than 100 would be dedicated to coastal areas of dylan beach as well as stinson beach, popular with tourists, of course. according to the county, 79% of workers lived outside the county in 2021. in minutes i will be going one-on-one with san josé mayor, matt mahan. we will cover many topics, including the search for a new police chief. stick around for our
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exclusive interview at 7:00 a.m. nice day and nice start, but it's chilly. we need to bundle up. our temperatures will be in the upper 50s for today -- mid-50s, i should say, and down to the mid-30s for tonight and dry tomorrow. we're watching the next storm coming in on saturday. check in for details on that. we still have the commute. san mateo bridge has been a sticking point, and i believe there's a crew mid span still causing a distraction across 92 westbound. >> that's what is happening here on "today in the bay." want to wish mike another hi, there. happy thursday! the 2024 presidential race heating up. >> yeah, candidates clashing and trading jabs in the final countdown to the first contest.


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