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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, a new avalanche at palisades tahoe rattles skiers ahead of the holiday weekend. we're tracking conditions in the sierra and the safety concerns you need to keep in mind if
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you're heading there. gop candidates stumping across the hawkeye state. a look at the final run-up to next monday's caucuses and why some are calling it a race for second place. also, a live look outside across the bay area. brace for more rain this weekend. meteorologist kari hall will lay out exactly when you may have to reach for that umbrella. this is "today in the bay." here we go, friday morning. thanks so much for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. cinthia is here for mike this morning. i know you're actually looking at the impact of a pothole. >> possibly. i was hearing last word that it might be in the clearing stages. i'll make sure everybody is good to go. let's start with the forecast with kari. >> it's a cold start. we're under a frost advisory across our valleys and around the bay area. these areas shaded in blue are going to be under that frost advisory until 10:00 this
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morning. as we take a look at our current temperatures, we are starting out with a lot of us in the 40s, and we are going to continue to see those temperatures gradually starting to warm up as we go throughout today. but we are going to, once again, be tracking a weekend system that could be bringing in some clouds, as well as some rain, as we go into the next 24 hours. so i'll have more on that coming up in just a few minutes. our current temperatures, 33 in dublin, 32 in morgan hill, 38 in san jose. so we'll talk about what's ahead for the weekend coming up. cinthia has been looking at what to expect as you head out for the commute. >> things are pretty quiet at this hour, so that's good. marcus mentioned that pothole. i believe it's in the clearing stages, that was southbound 680 yesterday. that should be good, but i'll triple-check on that. we want to go toward walnut creek as you're going southbound 680, very popular, main street on-ramp, those exit lanes were blocked, but at last reading of
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the chp log, that was also in the clearing stages there. so just be careful in and around the east bay. we'll check on some drive times there. under 15 minutes to get yourself over into the bay bridge from highway 4, and if you're taking 880, that will also be under 15 minutes. so green light on this friday, guys. >> nice to see. thank you. now to the latest scare at palisades tahoe ski resort, another avalanche forcing a brief closure one day after the deadly slide. >> it's been a tense few days and it comes in the lead-up to the martin luther king holiday weekend. bob redell joins us live along eastbound 580 this morning. i know a lot of families like to head toward the sierra. what do they need to know, bob? >> reporter: good morning to you, laura and marcus. as is the case with most holiday weekends, you probably want to be heading out of town earlier rather than waiting until late afternoon or the evening to avoid that holiday get of of town rush. people will be heading to tahoe,
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this is after there's been two avalanches this week. we had one yesterday, the day after the one that killed a bay area man, unfortunately. so the most recent avalanche happened yesterday on the alpine side of palisades tahoe near wolverine bowl. resort staff say ski patrol did avalanche control before opening the ski area yesterday, which is common after a recent snowfall. after the avalanche, crews did reflector searches and eventually used probes. olympic valley resident, craig hamilton, who saw the aftermath of what happened, helped with the effort. >> i kind of couldn't believe what i saw at first. i look over there and i'm, like, what? there's a massive avalanche debris slide right down the middle of the bowl that hadn't been there the last lift ride up, the last run. >> reporter: luckily, no skiers or employees were caught in
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that. the resort is doing everything it can, but he adds as an avid skier, he's taking it easy. the second avalanche comes on the heels of wednesday's avalanche that killed a 66-year-old man who lived part-time in marin county. rescuers saved three other people who were buried in that slide of snow that was roughly 10 feet deep and covered a large area, 50 yards by 150 yards. the other victims all suffered minor injuries. the ski lift here the second avalanche site did reopen after the area was cleared. the resort says it is still unclear if the kt-22 lift, near the site of the deadly avalanche on wednesday, it's not clear if that will reopen today. a person buried under the snow in wednesday's avalanche, they did speak out about how they were able to survive. we'll have that man's story within the next half hour. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> looking forward to that. thank you, bob. developing this morning,
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overseas, iran-backed hezbollah expressing outrage after the u.s. and uk air strikes against houthi controlled targets in yemen. this is video of some of the aircraft from the uk involved in the strikes, taking off from a base in cypress. among the targets, more than a dozen sites, including an air field, munitions depo and air defense radar systems. it follows the reescalation by houthis targeting ships in the red sea. there's no word yet from yemen about possible casualties. to decision 2024 and the final sprint to the first contest in the 2024 presidential election. iowa voters gearing up to caucus next monday. the gop front-runner, former president donald trump, spent the second straight day in court yesterday, and as nbc's drew petrimoulx reports, the contenders chasing him are still hoping to sway undecided voters. >> reporter: heading into the
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final weekend of campaigning in iowa, some voters remain undecided. >> i like nikki haley and i like ron desantis. i'm between those two. >> reporter: as candidates stump across the hawkeye state, a potential wild card for the monday vote, the weather. temperatures set to dip below zero as voters head to caucus meetings monday evening. >> i don't have to go very far, so i'm going to caucus and i'll be there. if the weather is bad, we're going to have a lighter turnout. >> reporter: former president trump trading the campaign trail for the courtroom, where he spent much of the week. first in d.c. fighting for immunity in a criminal case stemming from trump's actions surrounding the 2020 election. then in new york for a civil trial where he's accused of inflating his net worth to get favorable loan and insurance rates. >> they don't have any evidence against us. millions and millions of pages, years of litigation, and all politically motivated. >> reporter: trump's legal woes won't appear to be damaging his campaign.
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he's the clear front-runner in polls, but his opponents say voters in iowa can shake up the campaign landscape. >> look, monday matters. your voice matters. i trust you. i trust you, because i know america gets this. the political pundits on tv want to write this story already and act like november 2024 is already here. they don't know. but you do. >> reporter: come monday, the campaigning finally stops in iowa and voters get their chance to weigh in. in washington, drew petrimoulx, nbc news. >> of course we'll continue to follow that closely next week. let's right now talk about friday. we've got to get through the weekend slowly. a beautiful live look outside at san francisco this morning. we are going to see some rain in the works, i understand. >> yes, we are. we're starting out with a mostly clear morning across the bay area, and we are also going to see more clouds coming in. but as we track the weekend
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rain, we are once again going to see an increase in cloud cover as we go throughout today. and so our temperatures are on the cool side, and we're also dealing with a chill in the air this morning, with a lot of spots near or below freezing as you get ready to head out the door. and so with this next storm system coming in, it will be arriving as we go into saturday morning. you can already see the clouds starting to reach in. as far as temperatures today, we're headed for the mid to upper 50s, and for tomorrow it's also going to be about the same. going into the rest of the weekend, it will be slightly milder once we clear up on sunday, but we'll be tracking that rain and we'll talk about our hour-by-hour forecast coming up in just a few minutes. we've been looking at how those gas prices are shaping up for you as you head out this morning. >> yeah, because it's time for the weekend, kari. we want to help everybody move forward with the cheapest gas prices around the bay area, thanks to drivers that report them on so let's start in the south bay with great gas, who has a gallon
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of regular for $3.54 on los gatos boulevard. the east bay, the 76 on harrison and oakland, that will come at $3.99. and finally in vallejo at the royal gas on tennessee, that one will cost you $3.73 to start. so good luck out there on the roadways. let's check on what's going on traffic-wise. nothing. so far right now sensors are green. the pothole work did clear up as you made your way down 680, and our photographer drove through and gave us the clear. we're going to put in some extra calls to officials and make sure everything is good to go. i'll watch the build and report back. coming up, companies that over-hired during the boom times are living to regret it and they're dealing with layoffs. we'll have something to celebrate this year, 50 years of space photographer. we sit down with a peninsula artist showing off nasa's long artist showing off nasa's long legacy
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every parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode. adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria detergents leave behind. clean is good. sanitized is better. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday!
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(co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? good friday morning. right now at 5:12, as we take a live look outside in dublin, it is a clear start and we have chilly temperatures. we're going to start out in the 30s here, so you may have some frost on the windshield. and then going throughout the day, a mix of sun and clouds with highs in the low 50s. cool today, rain tomorrow. i'll time that out in a few minutes. and it looks a little busy for a friday right now over the bay bridge toll plaza.
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more cars approaching. no metering lights as of yet, but we'll watch that. let's check in on drive times around the bay area. look at that, just around a ten-minute commute from richmond bay bridge and the san mateo bridge. i'll tell you what i'm watching in napa coming up. good morning. very happy friday to you. we did better on the stock market than i would have expected on thursday, despite bad news on the consumer price index. inflation running hotter than we anticipated. we get the ppi, the producer price index, today. shares in tesla fell after the company said it was again lowering prices in china, and then news here in america that hertz is going to sell off about one-third of its electric car rental fleet. that's going to put tens of thousands of lightly used teslas on the car market for a decent price, and will likely compete with new teslas for buyers. tech crunch reporting that emeryville's pixar is planning layoffs, as many as maybe 20%.
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reuters reporting the company feels it has too many employees. the company discord saying the same thing, it's cutting jobs, 170. the ceo there wrote a memo to employees saying the company had overhired. we hear this a lot. during the boom times, companies hire just to hire. they can afford it. you may recall an interview we did with a woman hired by facebook who wasn't even sure what she was hired to do. >> kind of feeling like they were hoarding us like pokemon. we were the best of the best, some of the smartest people i know were being forced to not do anything. looking ahead to the weekend t chiefs/dolphins playoff game is saturday on peacock. this is a game that was on nbc and peacock. the chiefs game is only on peacock, first time in history a playoff game has been streaming only. i spoke to the folks at a foster city company which is testing peacock's ability to handle all those viewers. peacock, by the way, owned by
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the same company that own ths this tv station. television is easy, you broadcast one signal to everyone. streaming is one signal for everyone and that's more difficult. >> everyone is watching the game at exactly the same time and that's eating up a ton of capacity and processing on the publisher side. so there's a lot of complexity in delivering live sports and a lot of pressure that that delivery has to stay uninterrupted because of the intensity and the engagement with the game itself. >> i like how it had to freeze during the streaming. if you're wondering a bit if they're nervous, they say they know what they're doing, but there's pressure. he says they'll be watching that game very carefully. >> i will be watching it while on slack and chat rooms. so we get started probably a couple hours before the game, supporting nbc and peacock, and then we're on bridges the entire game. so, yeah, i'll try and enjoy the game, but unfortunately these games will carry a little bit
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different pressure, and hopefully, hopefully, i get to enjoy the game. >> chiefs/dolphins on peacock expected to be one of the coldest in nfl history. that's tomorrow, laura and marcus, on, of course, peacock. >> there you go. it's going to be rainy. watch the game. a nature photographer filled half of his gallery with photographs he didn't take, driven by a passion for space. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez shows us the celebration of 50 years of space photographer. >> there's something about these. there's something about these that, so far, i haven't been able to take it down. >> reporter: steven johnson is talking about his exhibit of breath-taking nasa photographs celebrating the 50th anniversary of the apolo landing. he opened the exhibit in 2019, and three years, one pandemic, and a whole new body of photographic work later, johnson can't bare to take the photos
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down. with newer technology he is able to showcase images captured decades ago. >> we built these machines that can look not only beyond distance by sending space craft or incredible telescopes out. they're also able to see in infrared and ultraviolet, wave lengths that we literally cannot perceive. >> reporter: johnson's love of space imagery is married with his love of nature, juxtaposing looks at deep space with extreme close-ups of what surrounds us here on earth. >> i had this wave of, my goodness, what a wonder. >> reporter: johnson's gallery is open by appointment. visit in pacifica, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> impressive display. >> beautiful. we're missing one person here. i guess she's so busy at work right now. >> yes, she is. >> all right, well, we're tracking a lot going on here.
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we are going to see some rain coming in. as we take a look at our hour-by-hour forecast, we'll start to see that rain coming in tomorrow morning, and just spreading across the bay area as we go throughout the day. so pretty much throughout your saturday it's going to be raining, and our rainfall totals will be anywhere from 0.3 of an inch for the south bay, over three-quarters of an inch for the north bay. taking a look at our seven-day forecast, we are going to see that rain coming in, and also for san francisco. so once again, looking at our temperatures across the bay area, we're going to see some mid to upper 50s, and some rain throughout the day. it will be clearing out for sunday, and then looking at your martin luther king jr. holiday, it's going to be mostly cloudy and temperatures in the upper 50s for san francisco. that's about the same we'll see for the inland areas as well. on tuesday, there will be more clouds and we'll be tracking another storm system set to arrive on wednesday, and that
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could bring in some more widespread rain. but we're looking at quite a bit of an impact for the weekend throughout the day on saturday. once again, we are going to see the widespread rain, heavier rainfall totals to the north, and some gusty winds. i'll be tracking all of that and we'll have more in a few minutes. cinthia says watch out for something in the road in napa. >> yeah, this is very interesting. we'll go up towards northeast napa. so come with me here as i tell you that there is quite a site to wake up to this friday, about 20 to 30 goats running around in this local neighborhood around northeast napa. the crews are on the way. they've called animal control. things should quiet down in a little bit. watch out for local roadways. as far as the rest of the bay area, i love to show you that there's green on the sensors, it's friday light. we're continuing to see how the build goes as we go through this morning. checking in on drive times in the south bay, about a 20-minute ride if you're going up from san jose into mountain view and beyond. so just drive safe this morning.
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sensors are green, but that doesn't mean you can pick up the speed. >> keep it safe. >> thanks, cinthia. coming up next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. >> our new year's resolution is to keep fighting for you, and so far, so good. today we have a couple new cases with a couple thousand dollars hanging in the balance. hanging in the balance. i'm consumer investig look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did.
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a live look at sfo. this is where there are still delays for alaska and american airlines after boeing's fleet of 737 max 9 planes has been grounded. just in, the faa saying that it is increasing oversight of boeing production and manufacturing, and investigating whether the planemaker did enough to ensure the plane was safe to fly. this after that scary flight where the door plug flew off and leaving a huge hole in the plane. nbc's tom costello has more. >> reporter: good morning. this really is an important development in the alaska airlines max 9 accident, because now the faa is launching an investigation into boeing. this is not an investigation into the cause of the crash. that's up to the ntsb. this investigation is looking at the practices at boeing that allowed what appears to be some defective pieces to come off the assembly line in the form of the door plug. and the statement from the faa,
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it is critical here, this incident should never have happened. it cannot happen again. faa formally notifying boeing that it is conducting an investigation to determine if it failed to ensure completed products conformed to safety regulations and the safe operation. the faa itself is under pressure. where were the faa inspectors inside that manufacturing center at boeing? were they on the job or not? that's what some are asking, including washington senator maria cantwell. we'll have more on what it means for the investigation and how quickly the max 9 may start to fly. 5:24 right now. okay, chilly, frozen, icy, these are words you think of weather, but not always. >> some viewers are facing a frigid reception from companies they're fighting. consumer investigator chris chmura is here with a couple of cases where our team helped thaw things out. >> happy friday to you.
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matt in fairfax encountered gridlock trying to cancel a utility service. he tried three times to close an account, but $1,300 in bills kept rolling. he paid them and asked us for help fixing it. we contacted the utility company, it then agreed to return matt's $1,300. and ensure the account is closed. larry in san francisco dialed us with an upside-down cell phone exchange. he sent his phone company two phones, but only got credit for one. that meant he was missing out on $34 a month every month. larry asked us to help. we did. the wireless company then corrected its mistake and that's an $816 win over the next two years for larry. share your consumer complaint with us. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great holiday weekend. >> you, too, chris. next, the top stories we're following, including a chaotic end to a chase in the north bay.
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a police officer forced to shoot. new details this morning on what led to the chase and crash, also the reaction from rattled neighbors. getting out of town and up to the snow for the three-day holiday weekend, after two major avalanches this week. an interview with the man who survived after bei ng
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helps deliver the ultimate clean. ♪ right now at 5:30, rattled
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nerves in the sierra, as palisades tahoe confirms a second avalanche. ahead, live team coverage, including the conditions expected there today, ahead of what is expected to be a busy holiday weekend. for the most part, we dodged a bullet, so to speak. >> new answers on a new year's day derailment, the critical decision b.a.r.t. leadership says may have kept things from being far worse. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this friday. i'm marcus washington. >> i'm laura garcia. we certainly have a lot to get to this morning. >> our first top story, a live look at palisades tahoe where issues continue following wednesday's deadly avalanche. this morning we do have team coverage. >> let's start with "today in the bay"'s bob redell. with so many people heading from the bay area to the sierra this weekend, no doubt a reminder even popular ski resorts not
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immune to slide risks following the heavy snowfall. >> reporter: you are correct. good morning, laura and marcus. something that should be on the mind of people as they're heading out of town for the three-day holiday weekend, whether they're leaving on 580, 80, or any of the other get out of town routes here in the bay area, on their way to the ski resorts in tahoe. there have been two avalanches at palisades tahoe this week, one yesterday that, fortunately, did not hurt anyone, and the deadly one on wednesday that killed a 66-year-old man, named kenneth kidd, who lived part-time in point reyes, and buried three other people who survived with minor injuries. this was the frantic scene as rescuers dug to find survivors. we spoke with jason parker, one of those three who were buried in the snow. he was flipped onto his belly. parker says there was about eight minutes before help finally got to him. >> i got hit from the rest of the debris field that came down and it buried me so quick.
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i've taken a class, i punched a hole with my right arm and made an air pocket. at that point, i felt this probe hit the middle of my back and it jarred me. i was like, oh, man, and that's when i could hear the person above me just go, i found him, or we've got him. and i just -- i mean, at that point you know it's probably going to be okay, that you made it. >> reporter: yesterday just a little more than 24 hours later, there was another avalanche on the alpine meadows side of the palisades tahoe report near wolverine bowl if you're familiar with the area. this happened even though the resort did try to mitigate avalanche and make it safe. the resort searched the area. no one was buried. the area was cleared by ski patrol in the lift reopened. reporting live in dublin, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> wow, he's so lucky to be alive. what a story. thank you. for current conditions,
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let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. how are things looking out there? >> it's very cold, we're at 10 degrees at palisades, and we are seeing a break in the snow. but we are going to have another winter storm warning going up for later today. but we talked about the conditions that we saw for that avalanche and the snow that's been coming down very heavily. we have a weak snow layer below and we've been getting a lot of fresh, thicker snow that's been very heavy and wet. and so that creates the possibility of the snow coming downhill, and it grows in size and strength as it continues to move. for today, there will be a winter storm warning in effect later this evening and continuing throughout the day on saturday for all of those areas shaded in pink. we could see, also, very low visibility, downed trees, and power issues possible. you want to avoid travel during those times and that is most of the day on saturday. we're looking at an additional 6 to 8 inches of snow around the
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tahoe city area and up to 18 inches of snow near kingvale. we'll be watching those conditions and talk about bay area rain coming up. cinthia, you're looking at 50 and 80. how is it looking? >> right now i was checking with caltrans to see what was going on as far as the chain controls. there are just a few to mention. what was very popular on their page was all of the alerts saying ice and snow, drive with caution, slow down. so let's see what's happening right now. if you're taking 50, there was a notice that there is chain control after kirkwood, and that's limiting you to 25 miles an hour. make sure you have the chains and you're driving at that speed limit, and also it wouldn't be a bad idea to carry emergency kits, things like warm blankets and food if you do get stuck up there for multiple hours, possibly an extended period of time. you don't want the kids to run out of snacks. we also have chain control as you make your way on southbound 89 around tahoe city. that's also limiting you to 25 miles an hour.
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we're going to continue to see what more chain control alerts come about as you make your way into the sierra, and i'll be back with that as we check in throughout the hour. >> sounds good. thank you very much. it's 5:34 on your friday morning. all six crew members aboard a navy helicopter are safe after a crash in southern california. it happened during a training mission last night in coronado. the chopper crashed into san diego bay. thankfully, a safety boat was nearby and quickly plucked the victim from the water. all are now being evaluated. so far, there's no word on serious injuries. new details on a big scare new year's day. this is when a b.a.r.t. train derailed in the east bay. b.a.r.t. leaders say without recent track replacements, the incident may have been far worse. >> if it hadn't been replaced three years ago, the situation could have been much different. the existing infrastructure probably would have been completely destroyed. as it turns out, the damage in
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this case, although it looked catastrophic, was quite minimal. >> executives went in-depth on what happened during their board meeting wednesday. it happened near the orinda station during a network failure at a rail switch point. no one was injured but service was halted for the rest of the day. people in one vallejo neighborhood rattled after a police chase ended in a crash and a shooting of a suspect. it unfolded yesterday afternoon. that's when deputies say american canyon police tried to stop a car that then took off, leading officers on a chase through several north bay cities. ring camera video showed some of the chase before it eventually ended with a crash. one officer shot and injured a suspect. officers arrested a second suspect nearby. a long-time resident says he's seen police chases wind through his neighborhood before. >> there are times where it seems like the economy is turning a little rough, we do see an uptick in crime, a lot of local thefts, cars, houses and such.
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>> police say two firearms were recovered outside the suspect's car. it's not clear yet what charges those suspects will face. b.a.r.t. riders who drive to their home stations and park may want to brace for some changes starting today. >> in some cases, rates are changing on top of the recent fare hikes. "today in the bay"'s cinthia pimentel is here. you say the latest changes are a mixed bag. >> that's right. we talked to b.a.r.t. spokesperson about some pricing changes at several stations and it's not all bad news. take a listen. >> we are making some changes to our parking prices. the interesting thing, though, is that we have three stations where the price is going up, but we have five stations where the price is going down. so we have prices going up slightly at glenn park, millbrae and west oakland, but we have prices going down, in some cases by a couple of dollars, at bay fair, coliseum, hayward, and fremont. >> one interesting note is that these price adjustments are
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based on metrics they get about parking lot usage for each station, so in some cases today five of those will benefit riders as they lower those rates. >> all right, thanks, cinthia. let's take a live look outside in san jose this morning. this is where it is the last weekend for downtown ice. meteorologist kari hall has a look at your weekend forecast. certainly this morning is ice worthy. >> absolutely. i'm sure they are having no problem whatsoever keeping that ice frozen this morning. and we are going to see cool temperatures throughout the day. starting out with a few clouds, but overall we're going to see some peeks of sunshine, and it's going to be a cool day. so you'll keep that coat on as you're ice-skating. if you are lucky enough to have tickets for glowfari this weekend, we are going to see some nice weather for that at the oakland zoo. it's from 5:00 to 9:00 tonight. we are also looking at some off and on snow showers in the forecast for palisades. we're going to continue to see
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temperatures as you head around the bay area in the mid-50s, and we are getting ready for some rain that's going to be coming in tomorrow, and it's going to be pretty much off and on throughout the day. on sunday, it's starting to dry out. but we are also looking at some milder conditions for sunday, with some peeks of sun coming out. i'll be tracking that. we'll talk about what to expect as you are just maybe staying at home for your saturday and the rain that will be coming in. more on that in just a few minutes. well, still ahead on "today in the bay," new changes to student loans, and nikki haley pulls into second place in iowa. and after 14 years, super cross returning to san francisco. a live look where things will, no doubt, get a little hectic this weekend. we're going to take you out there and talk to that guy who knows so much about what's going on. and we are moving you forward with our friday morning school shout-out.
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here is the leadership class at danville's charlottewood middle school. >> i'm miss jones, this is seventh and eighth grade leadership. >> good morning, bay area! >> they were good. good morning to you. look, if you would like to see your students or maybe you know a teacher, all you have to do is take a video like the one you just saw and send it to us. send it
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we will see a mostly sunny day and temperatures reaching into the low 50s. keep those jackets on and tomorrow we'll need umbrellas. i'll have more in a few minutes. and it is a little slow right now over the richmond-san rafael bridge, the toll plaza, we did have overnight maintenance on the bridge lanes. but things are clearing up. you will be slowing to about the mid span, so just about a 12-minute commute making it into marin. san mateo bridge also about a 12-minute ride, getting you to that side. we'll check on more build. happening today in oakland, a new call to end the cycle of violence. concerned residents taking a stand over what they say is a surge in crime. they're demanding new action from city leaders, including a
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state of emergency declaration. they also plan to call for new strategies to prevent more crime. a rally is planned for later this morning at orlando's market in west oakland. the white house just announced new ways for some former students to get rid of their student loans. >> scott mcgrew is here now. scott, the courts and congress have both told biden no, but administration has found ways around that. >> found ways around it. good morning. we're likely not going to see the sweeping student loan relief the biden administration really wants, but they have been able to put together some piecemeal efforts. the latest is relief for former students who have loans under $12,000 that they've been paying down for at least ten years. if they're involved in the new save plan, their balance will be erased. there are benefits for others, former students as well, changes to the save program we thought were coming this summer are coming now. lots of details. you can find more at the student loan website
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now, that money not paid is money not coming into government coffers at a time when the budget deficit is ballooning. the latest data we saw shows government budget deficit was a half a trillion for one quarter, three months. that's not the debt. the debt is trillions and trillions. but we spent a half a trillion over what we brought in just from october to december of last year. that's going to put more pressure on republican speaker of the house mike johnson to break a promise he made with democrats on the spending bill. johnson's critics say they will sabotage the vote if johnson doesn't ask for more cuts to government spending. he is in a tough position. if he goes back on the deal, then there would be no deal, and then the government shuts down. if he tries to stick to the deal, his right flank is going to refuse to approve it and the government shuts down. if everything goes right and for some reason the spending bill passes, they haven't figured out
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the appropriations part of it, what agency gets what. and if they don't do that in time, government shuts down. in the senate, senate majority leader chuck schumer and his counterpart, mitch mcconnell, working on yet another continuing resolution to at least delay the shutdown. >> unfortunately, it has become crystal clear that it will take more than a week to finish the appropriations process. so today i am taking the first procedural step for the senate to pass a temporary extension of government funding so the government does not shut down on january the 19th. four days until the iowa caucuses and a new poll shows nikki haley in second place. the poll shows haley seven points ahead of desantis, but behind trump, of course. there's a presidential vote in taiwan tomorrow. the choices, someone from the party that's been in power in taiwan for years, who wants
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taiwan to be continually independent from china. the other choice, a candidate who wants closer ties to china. and then, laura, a third candidate that could prove a spoiler. but lots of eyes in washington watching this very important election. >> exactly. thank you so much, scott. 5:46 right now. nfl fans are getting ready for a feast as wild card weekend playoff games get under way tomorrow. later this morning on "today," inside the game, we're backing backwards. this season marks 25 years since an innovation viewers see almost every single play, the superimposed first down line. the technology actually first invented by a mountain view company. nbc pro football executive processer later helped introduce it during a preseason game. >> when i went into their truck and saw the yellow line and saw it in real context of football and the game, it was a no-brainer, this was going to be added for the viewers.
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>> i love it. later on today, we're going to learn the real backstory behind one simple yellow line and how it revolutionalized viewing habits. niners won't play this weekend, but the nfc's top seed, the nbc family of networks, will air three of those six wild card games, starting tomorrow with the browns and texans. kickoff is at 1:30 in the afternoon right here on nbc bay area. the dolphins and chiefs air on peacock only at 5:00 p.m. then on sunday at 5:00 p.m., bay area brings you the rams versus the lions. it is 5:47 for you this morning. start your engines and get ready to catch some air, because oracle park right now is transformed for monster energy supercross. >> tomorrow racers will compete in the latest event of this popular off-road motorcycle racing series. joining us, one of the competitors this weekend, tristan lake, up early this morning. good morning. thanks for joining us.
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supercross hasn't been at oracle park since 2010. how does it feel to ride right here in the bay area? >> oh, it's an honor. i'm so excited. we're all so excited. it's going to be amazing. we have weather coming in tomorrow, so it will make it more jam-packed action. please come watch. you're going to love it. >> the thing about it, so this is a rain or shine type of event. so a little rain doesn't worry you at all? >> listen, i'm not going to say that. but it's definitely going to be interesting. it will keep us on our toes. this stuff is hard to do when it's dry. when weather is involved, it's going to be exciting. the good news is the fan fest is indoors, so if you want to come and bring your family, it's still going to be dry there t. if not, definitely stream on peacock and watch us. it's going to be exciting. the weather is a new element. >> so much fun. so talk a little about the speeds you're going at times, and how young were you when you started? >> yeah, we go really fast.
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i started when i was 8 years old. i'm 26 currently. yeah, we jump high, we're going fast, we're competing. the biggest thing is we're racing on a track that's very tight and you've got a lot of competitors trying to win and there's only one that's going to take the checkered flag. at the end of the day, we all want it, but it's high-flying action. you snell the gas, hear the noises. if anyone is on the fence, check it out. you won't regret it. >> you've got 18 years under your belt. someone like me who may be interested, my first time out, how do you overcome that fear? you've been doing it for a long time. what do you tell somebody, who is, like, i'm kind of interested in this? how do you overcome that? >> well, for me, i started on a bicycle. so if you like two wheels at all, i think it would fit you well. the next normal step is go to a grass field, find someone that knows what they're doing and start on an appropriate bike. if you ever need a lesson, let me know. i'm your guy. >> i'm calling, tristan, look,
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i've got my bike, let's go. >> these guys are athletes. you've got to have a good core. you've got to have a good core, you're holding up that bike. >> you said good core. see, tristan, that's where i messed up already, good core. >> we'll just put him on a bicycle. >> i think you've got it. >> it's going to be great to see you race out there. thank you so much for joining us. the supercross event is this saturday, the racing starts about 5:00 p.m. then you can watch the series right here on nbc bay area on sunday at 11:00 a.m. sounds good. have a good one. good luck! >> i was waiting for him to say something. good luck to you. >> it's going to be muddy. >> as a mom, i was thinking, it's going to be so muddy. >> that would add to the excitement. >> as a kid or an adult, oh. we were talking about all the rain that's coming. he said rain or shine, so it's still going to be happening this weekend. and all of the rest of us are probably going to be hunkering
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down. it's going to take a while to get out the door this morning, as we are going to see very chilly conditions around the bay area. we're starting out with a frost advisory in effect for all of these areas shaded in blue this morning. that continues until 10:00. and we're hopefully going to see this as the last day of the frost advisory in the forecast. but you can see why we have it in effect. we are at freezing right now in morgan hill. it is 32 degrees. 33 in san martin. 35 in livermore and 37 in napa and in sonoma. looking at the satellite, we are seeing more clouds reaching in, and eventually it's going to become partly cloudy. but these clouds are a little higher up in the atmosphere and they will give us filtered sunshine for today. the storm system as it arrives late night, early tomorrow morning, it will first start to bring rain to the north bay. you can see green already at 11:00 tonight, in parts of the east bay and the north bay.
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but this is going to start out with some very light rain. it picks up in activity for the north bay, for around sunrise, 7:30 tomorrow morning, we're seeing the rain continuing. it may take a while to get going for the south bay and the tri-valley. we are going to see that rain really starting to ramp up for those areas farther south later tomorrow evening. and then gradually tapering off on sunday morning. as far as how much rain we could see, most of us for areas south of the golden gate bridge will get about a half to three-quarters of an inch of rain, maybe a lot less for san jose. once again, it takes a lot longer to reach those areas. the higher rainfall totals expected in the north bay, with napa getting over three-quarters of an inch of rainfall, and it could be over an inch of rain for ukiah. looking at sierra snow, this weekend we are going to see most of that coming down throughout the day on saturday, tapering off on sunday. but the travel conditions will be very treacherous during that time throughout the day, as we
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see snowfall totals from south lake tahoe at 6 inches, up to 21 inches for kingvale. our seven-day forecast shows that we'll see a mostly sunny sky for today, and then the clouds continue to move in for this afternoon. temperatures reach into the mid-50s, cooler tomorrow, just slightly, but we are going to stay mostly cloudy with times of rain. we're back to the sunshine on sunday and for the holiday, if you have the day off, it's looking pretty nice. now, looking at wednesday, it will be our next storm system coming in. at this point it looks like it will bring us a moderate amount of rainfall. looking at san francisco for the weekend into next week, not much of a change in temperatures. cinthia, you're seeing a slow approach to the richmond-san rafael bridge. >> this is a change as we go westbound over the toll plaza right now. it is slow, a lot of cars approaching. it was backing up to castro street because of the overnight work that happens on the richmond-san rafael bridge.
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you know it if you drive over it. we do see a slow and go as you approach mid span, but then it's clear as you make your way into marin county. the metering lights have been turned on at the bay bridge toll plaza. a few more cars trying to get into san francisco. it's off to a medium-slow start to the friday light. i didn't forget about you in the north bay. marin county from vallejo, just about a ten-minute ride to get you to 580. things are looking smooth as you make your way westbound 37 from sonoma boulevard to lakeville highway, about a 17-minute drive. >> thank you. happening now, mountain view police have announced a series of arrests in connection to a christmas day shooting that left a 6-year-old boy injured. investigators say someone shot into a home and that shooting followed an early-morning robbery at a 7-eleven. the child is expected to make a full recovery. a man inside the home was also injured. two men and two minors are now in custody. back-to-back avalanches at
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one tahoe ski resort. still ahead, new details from witnesses on the slopes. and ahead of a busy holiday weekend, how resorts across the sierra plan to keep skiers safe. keep it here. you'reatching "today in the w (vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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(vo) fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, gives you information you need quickly. (hr manager) if you don't have your account info for direct deposit... you all gotta come back tomorrow! (employee) fargo, what's my checking account routing number? (hr manager) be like her. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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right now you probably hear a lot of people using the word chilly, frozen, icy. but you know what? it's not just weather. >> that's right, some viewers are facing a frigid reception. consumer investigator chris chmura is here with a couple of cases where our team helped thaw things out. >> happy friday to you. matt in fairfax encountered gridlock trying to cancel a utility service. he tried three times to close an account, but $1,300 in bills kept rolling. he paid them and asked us for help fixing it. we contacted the utility company, it then agreed to return matt's $1,300. and ensure the account is closed. larry in san francisco dialed us with an upside-down cell phone exchange. he sent his phone company two phones, but only got credit for one. that meant he was missing out on
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$34 a month every month. larry asked us to help. we did. the wireless company then corrected its mistake and that's an $816 win over the next two years for larry. share your consumer complaint with us. scan the qr code on screen to fill out our consumer complaint form online. have a great holiday weekend. >> you, too, chris. a quick reminder, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7, watch us whenever you would like on roku or any other streaming platform. i kind of couldn't believe what i saw at first. >> right now at 6:00, a new avalanche at palisades tahoe rattles skiers ahead of the holiday weekend. we are tracking those conditions in the sierra and the safety concerns you need to know before heading up to the slopes. after several delays, get ready for the bay area dungeness crab season. how soon boats can head out to sea, and one unexpected catch. a live look across the bay


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