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tv   Today  NBC  January 12, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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usage. another check of the forecast, dry today, rain tomorrow. >> we'll need umbrellas tomorrow throughout the day and we'll need a heavier coat this morning. a frost advisory does continue. southbound 680 as you're making your approach into fremont, there is a crash on the right-hand side. there's slow traffic. and there's three crashes on your approach to sfo this morning. the "today" show just ahead. you can get more local news right now with our newscast live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention >> well, that does it for us for friday morning. we've still got more to do. stick around. good good friday morning. a major escalation in the middle east overnight. >> the u.s. fighting back against those attacks in the red sea. good morning. it's january 12th. this is "today."
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taking time. the united states launching military strikes in yemen. retaliaing for repeated attacks against commercial ships in the red sea. this morning the message being sent by the white house and the fears it will draw the u.s. in even deeper. caucus countdown. republican hopefuls, where things stand in the home stretch. plus, donald trump in court delivering an unexpected speech during closing arguments at his civil fraud trial. >> yees years of litigation, and they're all politically motivated. this is their new form of cheating. >> his fate now in the hands of the judge. we'll have the very latest. storm alert. tens of millions from coast to coast bracing for another weekend of snow, rain, high winds and bone-chilling cold. it could feel like 50 below in some cities. al has the full forecast.
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red flags? the faa investigation after that midair blowout. the focus, did boeing do enough to make sure its max 9 planes were safe to fly. and when will they be back in the skies? all that, plus, are you ready for some football? the road for super bowl lviii about to begin. nfl gearing up and bundling up for six historic games. today, friday, january 12th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." we got there. it's friday. >> big, big football weekend. everyone is waiting. let's do it. >> it's the best, guys. this is a live look at arrowhead studio in kansas city. chiefs are taking on the dolphins.
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it is going to be cold there. that's the story for the game. another major system making its way across the country. it's already impacting places like waukesha, wisconsin. the u.s. escalating its air strike in the middle east, carrying out air strikes against houthi. >> if you are wondering why yemen? why now? the houthis are an iran-backed rebel group that controls a large part of the country. they are behind dozens of attacks in the red sea. we will start with richard engel. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. the pentagon has been threatening these strikes for weeks, but the houthis are not backing down and immediately
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promised retaliation. the u.s. and british militaries overnight carried out air and naval strikes against militants in yemen in retaliation for attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. the strikes further escalate the war in the middle east, which the biden administration has been seeking to avoid. and draws the united states deeper into the conflict. u.s. officials said american aircraft launched from the "u.s.s. eisenhower" and bases in the region to hit at least a dozen targets in yemen, including airports, military bases. the point is to deter the houthis, who have carried out more than two dozen attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea since hamas' october 7th massacre and israel's devastating response. the houthis say they only hit ships bound for israel, a claim
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the biden admin collation disputes. it sends a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. the houthis vow to retaliate, calling them in defense of gaza, where the health ministry run by hamas says more than 20,000 palestinians have been killed so far. in israel, they've already begun mournful commemoration to mark 100 days since hamas killed 1,200 people and killed families of hostages. families of hostages went right to the border with gaza to shout for their loved ones. they gathered where an open air music festival was held on
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october 7th when hamas gunman arrived at dawn on par arrived at dawn on paragliders romi was kidnapped from the festival i spoke to her mother next to romi's photograph. do you believe she can hear you? >> yes, yes. she can either hear me or feel that i'm talking to her. i know she does. >> reporter: the israeli government believes more than 100 hostages are still alive in gaza the white house says at least 6 of them are americans. savannah >> richard engel, thank you so much want to turn to jeremy bash, served at chief of staff at both the pentagon and the cia let's go back to these strikes overnight and this breaking nudes. obviously this is in retaliation against targets in the red sea if the houthis are undeterred and keep going, how do you see this playing out will we continue to strike as well >> yeah, i think we will
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i think we will continue to try to maintain escalation dominance because it is an intolerable situation, savannah, to have the iranian-backed houthis firing weapons at ships of course, 20% of the world's shipping goes through the red sea. this could have a geo-economic shock. but if one of those hits an american naval vessel, we could be in a much broader conflict. >> houthis are a proxy of iran we see this all over the region now, whether it is hezbollah, hamas, whomever. does this not just draw the u.s. deeper into the conflict >> it does but the reality is we are in a proxy war with iran already. hamas is a proxy of iran ally. they've conducted 150 attacks against service members in bases in iraq and syria, forcing the u.s. military to respond with air strikes, and now there have been 27 attacks against ships and so we are in a de facto
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proxy war against iran at this hour. >> all right jeremy bash with the latest there, thank you so much let's turn now to the countdown to iowa, and the legal troubles hanging over donald trump, the new york civil fraud case threatening his business empire, it's all now in the judge's hands after yesterday's closing arguments, trump, unexpectedly, speaking out in his own defense, we have two reports, we're going the new york civil fraud case threatening his business empire. it is all now in the judge's hands. trump unexpectedly speaking out in his own defense laura jarrett was actually in the courtroom. how did it go down >> i was. you know, there have been a lot of surreal firsts in covering all of the legal issues surrounding the former president, but this, i got to tell you was different, he was not yelling, but he laced into the judge, the attorney general. he said he's an innocent man the gallery is packed. really the room changed as soon as we realized, oh, he's about to speak because the judge
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initially said he doesn't get to speak because he was worried he would not stay on topic and disparage everybody, and he did. but then at a certain point, he said, look, you have to control your client because he's off the rails. >> what about the legal case the main claims of fraud have already been determined, the trump and the trump organization is liable for that it is largely a question of penalty. but there are other defendants in the case. i know you had some observations about there could be surprises in the judge's ruling there. >> yeah. i think there has been this assumption by team trump that the judge already decided what he will do here. but the judge was peppering the state attorney general's office. i would be surprised if don jr. wasn't liable in this case so i would be -- i would be not surprised if he see him not found liable by this judge. >> this is a bench trial the judge decides everything
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there is no jury we do expect a written decision, i presume in the coming weeks? >> he already started writing it because he said i will have my decision at the end of the month. he must have already started but he says he's aiming for the end of the month. >> thank you, laura. thank you. hunter biden pleaded not guilty yesterday to federal tax charges. this comes months after the collapse of that plea deal that could have spared him the spectacle of a criminal trial. he is accused of 9 felony tax offenses, stemming from what federal prosecutors say was a four-year scheme to skip out on paying $1.4 million he paid to the irs and instead using that money to fund an extravagant lifestyle, including drugs and alcohol. as mentioned, we are headed into the final week of campaigning before the iowa caucuses on monday "meet the press" moderator kristin welker has made her way to des moines this morning polls show donald trump with a
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commanding lead, perhaps unprecedented lead in iowa so what are you watching for this weekend >> reporter: well, hi, savannah. good to be with you. a couple key questions here. does former president trump win? and if so, by how much if he comes in below expectations, that could raise questions about his strength on the other hand, you talk about the lead that he has, savannah nearly 30 points he could potentially be on track to have the largest win here in the gop race in history. right now bob dole has that distinction. back in 1988 he got nearly 13% of the vote, for comparison. al his focus on the state of iowa, a third place finish for him would just be devastating, the other big story line i'm watching, what happens to that fight for second place all eyes are on governor ron desantis he has effectively put all of his focus on the state of iowa, a third place finish for him
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would just be devastating. the question, would he have to reassess his campaign. on the other hand, if nikki haley has a third place finish, could that raise questions about the momentum she has all of the campaigns are basically downplaying expectations in part because they are supposed to be near record lows here on monday i was talking to caucus goers overnight. one of them told me not to fear. iowans come from a hardy stock, so they are not concerned about the turn-out here on monday. >> no. let's talk about new hampshire a little bit because desantis is all in on iowa chris cristie drops out. potential she picks up whatever he was getting in the polls, 10%, 20% that could make a difference in new hampshire. how do you see that playing out? >> that is going to be the key question what happens to those christy voters now that he has dropped out? by the way, he has said that she
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doesn't stand a chance of winning, that she's going to get smoked she's dismissing that kind of language will she get those voters? half of the voters say they will vote for nikki haley of course, it is an open primary, so she could get some crossover votes as well. it is such a unique primary, it is hard to make a sweeping statement about what that means for the state of the race. a strong finish would mean she would head into her home state of south carolina with a lot of strength but guess what donald trump is leading in the polls there in south carolina as well right now so the big question is will this make a big difference, even if she has a strong showing in new hampshire? if trump has a strong finish here, boy, it will be really tough for the other candidateswy morning, meet the press, and kristen is going to join us, we've got some coverage monday morning here on "today." 7:13, say good morning to to catch up and overcome him. >> we will have more on sunday morning "meet the press. we have complete coverage monday morning right here on "today."
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7:13 say good morning to craig. >> good morning. good friday to you it is shaping up to be another weekend of wild weather all over this country tens of millions set to deal with the third winter storm of the week and this time, plunging temperatures as well mr. roker is standing by with that full weekend forecast for us in just a moment. but, first, nbc's maggie vespa once again braving the elements for us this time in the windy city maggie is in chicago good morning to you. >> reporter: look at how wild this is. it wasn't snowing at all half an hour ago this bomb cyclone hitting as we speak, and it is hitting hard. you can see the snow is already picking up the wind is picking up as well chicago, as you know, one of so many cities across the country bracing for more severe weather. 35 million americans under severe winter weather alerts as this so-called bomb cyclone basically takes aim at a nation drying out and digging out from the round of severe weather that
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hit just days ago. this morning, the latest wave of brutal winter weather in the form of a bomb cyclone, detonating across the country. with another round of twisters and hail hammering the south and blizzards slamming the midwest with blinding snow and whipping winds causing white-out conditions, snarling roads and blanketing neighborhoods. >> we're mainly dealing with accidents. >> reporter: temperatures plunging well below zero, setting the stage for possible the coldest iowa caucus in history monday with windchills expected to feel like 30 below more avalanches in the west. authorities say two people were rescued. one is still missing and a second avalanche in lake tahoe after one wednesday killed one person and buried three others, including jason parker. >> you said you couldn't move? >> no. you can't move at all. it's a scary feeling >> reporter: rescuers seen here digging for parker, who was trapped under close to four feet of snow. they found him after eight
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minutes. >> i started yelling, help help as much as i could my adrenaline is rushing just it was so -- it was surreal. >> reporter: in the northeast, another round of torrential rain is set to burden new jersey. hard-hit communities nationwide preparing for more lows as mother nature shows no sign of letting up yeah that avalanche interview will stick with me for a while. so glad jason parker is okay this is a city this is a population used to severe winters people here are used to conditions like this but this bomb cyclone is set to be so intense that officials are pleading with people to just this morning adjust for flat-out cancel their morning commutes if they can just work from home knowing the other differentiating factor of this storm is that brutal cold
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lows overnight here in the chicago land area are expected, craig, to hover below zero well into the middle of next week i'll send it back to you. >> maggie vespa in a cold, windy and snowy chicago. thank you. >> well, al is tracking it all. >> yes look at you. take it, girl! >> thank you it has been nonstop. 145 million of us under wind alert from texas, the rockies into new england flood alerts for 35 million. 56 million people under winter alerts look at this we have tornadoes. severe weather through 11:00 this morning central time. we have tornado watches and tornado warnings as well as we go into mississippi and into arkansas ahead of the system, up to the north as maggie was talking int9 million people this mornin about, you can see this snow back to des moines this thing will be really intense. in fact, 29 million people this morning into tonight under risk of severe weather.
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we're talking tornadoes, wind gusts of 75 miles an hour. these hurricane force gusts stretching from jackson all the way to wilmington. so as this bomb cyclone makes its way up into the upper midwest, biting cold, blustery and colder in new england. intense snow bands around the great lakes. by monday, chicago could see 9 inches of snow that would be more snow than they got all last year hourly snow rates likely around the great lakes. isolated amounts of 3 inches or more in the northeast and new england. guess what coming up next week, here we go again, another storm possible. toward the end of the week, again, the track uncertain, but with cold air in place, we could finally be seeing some snow here in the new york area, the northeast as well where we got that snow drought. we will do your local forecast in the next 30 seconds
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good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out cold. temperatures in the south county below freezing, and we're at 34 in livermore and dublin, 35 in sonoma. after this cold start we're headed for the mid to upper 50s. some of the same temperatures we've seen recently. and eventually some clouds will be moving in as we get ready for rain that is set to arrive in tomorrow's forecast, starting in the morning and continuing through skbrout the day. and we'll see it clearing out on and thanks for calling me "girl"
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>> hey, girl, hey! >> hey, girl, hey! al, thank you so much, girl. coming up, cue the music let's listen to this. >> yeah! >> it's the most exciting weekend of the nfl's year. wild card weekend. kaylee hartung is in kansas city with one of the most anticipated matchups >> reporter: hey good morning, guys here at the home of the defending super bowl champions, we could be making history on sunday as temperatures drop below zero, and it feels even colder players say it is the price of playoff football coming up, we will tell you about all of the records that could be broken this weekend. >> we will also break down the games and the end of the bill belichick era in new england with our pal mike tirico, but, firs this is "today" on nbt,c.
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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still ahead, the stars of a real life parent trap. sisters who helped their divorced parents realize they're still in love. >> after wedding number two, we will share that story when we come back. yo because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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[inner monologue] another destination wedding?! we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter! cancun! jamaica! why can't they use my backyard?! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with the real-time dashboard and real-live conversations. empower what's next. bro, one more time. and real-live conversations. ♪♪ worth of drip, but... ( inaudible rapping ) jif peanut butter. it's that jif'ing good, ludacris changed his flow for it. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. so switch to t-mobile and save. ♪
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shake up your shower with a flavor for every feeling. this dove freshens you up. this dove winds you down. this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about, there's a dove for every body. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat! good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. starting with the second avalanche in two days at the
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popular palisades tahoe ski resort. >> yesterday's slide forced a brief closure one day after a deadly avalanche. it happened on the resort's alpine side, and in this case no one was injured. the resort staff say ski patrol conducted avalanche controls before opening the ski area, which is common after recent snowfall. in the meantime, it's not clear when the resort will open the kt-22 ski lift near the site of wednesday's deadly avalanche. that is when a 66-year-old part-time marin county man died. three others were rescued from the snow. all of them suffering minor injuries. people in one vallejo neighborhood are rattled after a police chase ended in a crash and a shooting of one suspect. this unfolded yesterday afternoon when american canyon police tried to stop that car that then took off and led officers on a chase through several north bay cities. one officer shot and injured one suspect. officers arrested a second suspect nearby. police say that two firearms
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were recovered outside the suspect's car. enjoy today. get some stuff done if you need to. the rain is coming in tomorrow. >> yes, and it is a cold day to try to get things done. we're looking at temperatures after a very cold start headed for the mid-50s. we'll be in the mid-50s tomorrow as well. we'll see rain first starting in the north bay in the morning and continuing off and on throughout the day. and then on sunday we are back to seeing the sky clearing and temperatures in the upper 50s. it looks good for the martin luther king holiday and we'll see more rain in the forecast for the middle of next week, for san francisco temperatures are about the same and rain aliving late today and throughout the day tomorrow.
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. nice music choice, "i'm still standing." that's our beautiful norway spruce she is still standing, but not for much longer. the rockefeller christmas tree
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coming down this weekend it is a friday crowd, and they picked a good day to come because they can still get a good look. >> she had a great run we will take down ours this weekend as well. another big event is kicking off tomorrow we are, of course, talking about the nfl playoffs. >> it is hard to match the excitement of super wild card weekend. this year's road to the super bowl is getting under way. some major changes happening on the sidelines as well. kaylee hartung is in kansas city i don't know the miami team isn't really used to temps like that. >> they don't do well. >> what do you thinkeither, >> reporter: i'm from louisiana, and i'm not built for this weather either, guys it is 20 degrees right now if you believe it, the temperature could drop by as much as 30 more degrees.
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we're going below zero for this one. it will impact the play on the field and the fans in the stands all this excitement is building as some big coaching changes dramatically alter the nfl landscape. the postseason is firing up in the bitter cold as 12 teams look to make it passed wild card weekend. >> and here we go! >> reporter: it all starts tomorrow as the dolphins leave warm miami for the icy gridiron in kansas city at kickoff, the temperature expected to be just one degree and with the windchill, it will feel more like 17 below. that will make it the coldest game in dolphins history and is sure to impact two of the league's high flying offenses. >> can't prepare for a game like that with that kind of weather so it will be new. >> reporter: the defending champs determined not to let the elements disrupt their rhythm. >> i just say get ready for the game
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let's do that. i don't care what goes on out here you know, we're not having a snowball fight. >> reporter: houston, a unique quarterback clash. joe flacco looking to continue his resurgence, gunning for an 8th career win on the road just days before his 39th birthday. while texans rookie cj stroud aims to become the youngest player to win an nfl playoff game at 22 years old. >> it's been a goal of mine since i've been a kid. >> reporter: no match for the shakeups on the sidelines. just hours after pete carroll stepped aside after 14 seasons with the team, patriots legendary coach bill belichick announced he would hang up his hoodie. >> robert and i have mutually agreed to part ways. >> reporter: belichick built a dynasty in new england over 24 seasons, winning 6 super bowl titles, all of them with tom
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brady under center the quarterback writing i'm incredibly grateful to have played for the best coach in the history of the nfl we accomplished some amazing things over a long period of time i could never have been the player i was without you, coach belichick. while belichick has the third best season in history, it comes after the worst season in his career. >> it's with so many fond memories and thoughts that i think about the patriots and i will always be a patriot. >> reporter: well, bill belichick knew a little something about braving these elements back to this brutal weather here in kansas city, attendance in arrowhead has been better than ever yet, we expect thousands of these seats to be empty because a lot of those fans aren't willing to get into these temperatures we will have our eyes out to see if taylor swift can brave it all to cheer on her boyfriend, travis kelce you heard al's forecast earlier. it is not just kansas city experiencing this in the nfl world.
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buffalo is expecting blizzard conditions when they host the steelers on sunday >> that will be great. >> at least pittsburgh is more used to it than miami is. >> those taylor boxes are heated, though she's good. >> thank you. okay there is somebody else in cap -- in kansas city that was a front row story. what a big story, the bill belichick story yesterday. and, in fact, there are a lot of vacancies in the nfl at this point. >> it was an extraordinary 24 hours. nick saban leaving alabama pete carroll leaving the seahawks and bill belichick combine all those guys, that's 24 champions college and pro over the last couple of decades here so it is a remarkable time in the nfl. a lot of veterans and guys that have been around a long time i think belichick is not done. we will see him going forward here on the sideline in the national football league. >> mike, let's talk about the
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weekend. it is going to be a fantastic one for football lovers. you are there for the dolphins game let's talk about some of the matchup games. who do we like >> if you want to start at browns/texans, houston with a great story for the weekend and joe flacco coming back but maybe the comeback player in the league, that will be extraordinary to start off the wild card weekend. cj stroud, a rookie quarterback is a fun part of the equation going into the weekend and then our game will be maybe one of the coldest games in the history of the nfl playoffs. and you have a quarterback in tua tagovailoa from miami, he's from miami, plays in miami, has no idea what's coming. it's going to be a remarkable night. kaylee hartung talked about the warm seats a lot will be back in the club watching the game and not sitting out in the windchill. >> yeah. why suffer >> mike, you have done just about everything in broadcasting
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this weekend a first for even mike tirico. mike is calling back-to-back games saturday there in kansas city then you will hop a flight for the sunday prime time game does that change your prep at all, buddy >> a little bit. fortunately, we had miami last sunday taylor has been on tour with us, actually we have seen the chiefs a bunch during the year. and then i get to go near where i live in michigan to watch the giants play a playoff game and the guy coming in to play them is matthew stafford, who was their quarterback for 12 years, who asked for a trade, got a trade, all the detroit fans supported him and he led t. it will be one of the best settings and scenes we have ever seen for a sporting event in the nfl playoffs, so i can't wait to get back home for that. >> we're fired up, mike.
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eat your wheaties. we got browns and texans 3:00 eastern right here on nbc. and then chiefs and the rams to the super bowl lvi starting at 7:30 eastern time. >> for the first time ever a network has had three playoff games in one week. >> wow pretty cool. all right. still ahead, is maverick ready to soar once again what we're learning about the potential for a "top gun 3". first, though, inflation back on the rise breaking down a closely watched new report what it says about the economy and what it also says about the impact on your wallet. we'll have that for you right after this own for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer, fda-approved for 16 types of cancer. one of those cancers is advanced nonsquamous,
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. we are back at 7:42 with "today's consumer. this morning a less than ideal new read on the battle against inflation. >> the consumer price has increased more than expected in december that was after a month's long slowdown.
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>> here to break down what it means for you and your wallet, christine romans hi, christine. >> hi! >> is this like a bump in the road on the way to lower inflation? >> i think that's a perfect analysis yes, it is a bump in the road here you can't just go straight down on the inflation story anybody that filled up their gas tank in the last month knows the bills are going up again the fed would like to see 2% so we're not quite there yet so it is a reminder, there is more work to do on the inflation story. >> let's break down some of the categories where did you see the increases? >> rent and shelter. this was the biggest chunk there. that's called sticky inflation it is hard to change that. a lot of economists tell me that will get better this year. gas was up a bit food was up a bit. eggflation is back there are new cases of avian flu. look at ham. you had sporting event tickets rising, too.
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laundry equipment, car insurance. steaks are expensive. >> i don't like to see the ham price hit up now they're hitting us where we live out. >> you have to swap the steaks out for cereal because cereal went down. >> anything else go down >> there were a few different things that caught my attention. lettuce, potatoes, breakfast sausage. rolls and muffins. coffee, a cheaper cup of joe, i can take that. girls' apparel, boys apparel if you are trying to pick up a new winter jacket for your little cost center, as i call my children, you can do so. >> cost centers! >> they are the red. >> i'm feeling that. >> the fed, obviously, we have been watching closely. it was expected the fed could start cutting rates because inflation was headed in the right direction. does that mess up that >> i don't think this number
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changes that trajectory, but i don't think the fed is cutting rates any time soon. maybe later this year. that will be lower mortgage rates, folks, lower cost to borrow money, which would be a relief to families, but it is not happening overnight. >> enjoy your weekend with your cost centers. >> al, ham prices. >> ham my god, i don't like to see that no, uhn-uhn. a lot of snow in chicago right now. ground stop at o'hare airport. this is thing is really starting to get ramped up control room, bring up that music. it's super wild card weekend weather. that's right wild card weather weekend. okay let's start off. okay kansas city, the game that's only on peacock. i feel very much like mike tirico dolphins versus chiefs tomorrow. winds of 30 miles an hour. windchill of minus 19.
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coldest kansas city game ever with 1 above this will be 2, so it will be close. miami, by the way, 0 in 10 games played since 2017 in games that are under 40 degrees all right? kansas city, 9-1 in their last 10 home games temperatures at that point steelers versus bills, okay. 1:00 p.m., heavy snow. winds up to 40 miles an hour could be blizzard conditions 24 degrees and then the other outside game, the eagles taking on the buccaneers we're looking at monday. showers possible thunderstorms, a temperature of 68 all right. cue the decision 2024 music. boom the iowa caucuses, that's right. dangerously cold windchill watches and warnings in effect. frigid winds windchill minus 42 in fort dodge.
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davenport minus 35 the coldest windchill caucus ever was minus 26 back in 1972 bam! good friday morning. so can we call this cold? our temperatures are near freezing this morning, as we get ready to head out. yes, it is a chill for us and we're headed for the mid to upper 50s for today. and it's going to be mostly sunny. but then we'll see more clouds coming in, ahead of some rain later tonight. first starting into parts of the east bay and the north bay, and then continuing to move through as we go throughout the and that is your latest weather. >> you just hit the mountain top. that was awesome, al. >> i was channelling mike tirico. >> and kornacki. love it. are you taking part in dry january? >> a moist january.
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>> dry-ish it could improve your health and save you money all the motivation you need to stick to it or get onboard not too late. plus, the morning boost. all right after this and my sch. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms that had... ...powerful results. a reduced rate of relapses... lesions... ...and slowed disability progression. i take it myself once-a-month, at home, or on the go. when i'm ready, treatment time is less than a minute. so more of my time, is up-to-me time. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are
7:49 am
upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. kesimpta fits my life. so how i fill my time, is up to me. talk to your doctor about why kesimpta could be right for you. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything.
7:50 am
oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. ♪♪ dad! once—daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks
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as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. i'm a parking gate. and i'm all out of whack. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out of here. and if you have cut rate car insurance, this could leave you all bent out of shape. no...ahhh! so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... me. uh, someone! that's broken to pal... hahaha. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. we all need fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies. the easy way to get your daily fiber.
7:52 am
welcome back carson has joined the fun. "the boost" just in time. >> a woman named christine recently had her second baby, a little girl that shares the same birthday with her grandma. so christine decided to surprise her mom by naming the baby after her. and here's the moment she found out. >> she's tiny! >> i know. oh, you did not. >> oh, that's so sweet >> too much to bear. that's valerie cartwright. what a special bond. they will have that forever. >> how sweet. guys, coming up on "popstart," it is being called a performance 30 years in the making getting you pumped up for usher's super bowl halftime
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show. and they're here to share their story after your local news and weather it's 8:00 on "today. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪♪ live in the moment.
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ask your doctor about otezla. (vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. heart-healthy cheerios. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. so switch to t-mobile and save. ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. can i get the 10 piece chicken mcnuggets? wait, no, big mac. hmm. [cars honking] sir? i'm still here! [bubble pops] get one favorite like a big mac ♪ or 10 piece chicken mcnuggets ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪
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right now at mcdonald's. ♪ (♪♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) why do dermatologists choose dove? the dove beauty bar, is gentle. it not only cleans, it hydrates my skin. as a dermatologist, i want what's best for our skin. with 1/4 moisturizing cream,
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dove is the #1 bar dermatologists use at home. dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. good morning. it is 7:56. i'm marcus washington. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell along eastbound 580 in dublin where people have been heading out of town to the snow for the three-day holiday weekend, after two avalanches this week at the
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palisades tahoe ski resort. we spoke with jason parker, who was buried in the snow, after the avalanche that killed another man from the bay area. he took an avalanche safety class and created an air pocket. eight minutes later he felt a probe on his back. b.a.r.t. riders may want to brace for changes. rates are changing on top of the recent fare hikes. b.a.r.t. says the prices are going up at three stations, glenn park, millbrae and west oakland, but prices are going down at a couple of station a couple of dollars. we're talking about bay fair, coliseum, hayward, richmond and warm springs south fremont lots. price adjustments are based on metrics tied to each station's parking lot usage. let's get a look at that forecast today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the cold temperatures this morning. >> we started out near freezing in much of the bay area this
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morning, as you get ready to head out. as we go throughout the day, temperatures in the 50s. we're getting ready for rain set to arrive early tomorrow morning, starting scattered, but getting heavier as we go late morning into the afternoon. moving across the bay area throughout the day, and then we are going to see it clearing out in time for sunday. temperatures in the upper 50s and it looks nice for martin luther king holiday. our next round of rain will be on wednesday. >> we'll have another local news >> we'll have another local news indate in 30 m not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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coming up, major escalation. the u.s. hitting back against attacks in the red sea, carrying out air strikes in yemen overnight.
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what does it mean for a region already on edge? we're live with the very latest. then on alert. another cross country storm on the move, bringing more heavy snow and rain, powerful winds and frigid temperatures. al has got the full weekend forecast plus, real-life "parent trap". >> they were very much like not friends, not pals. >> two sisters help their mom and dad find love again 10 years after their break-up. >> this is the notorious photo that we were like, our parents like each other. >> a love story that just led to a second wedding at the video g for perfectly and the entire family is here live to talk about all of it. and real-life "caddyshack. a look at the video gone viral for perfectly copying the viral classic. >> okay. i guess we're playing for keeps now. >> so we got that going for us, which is nice.
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today, friday, january 12th, 2024 >> from tampa to "today". >> it is my 10th birthday. >> surprise tom with a trip to "the today show". >> in georgia. go blazers >> celebrating my sweet 16. >> kicking off the weekend from omaha, nebraska. >> fort lauderdale, florida. >> south carolina. >> and starkville, mississippi. >> it's oliver's golden birthday >> today is my mom's big day. >> back in south carolina. >> wishing you a happy birthday on "the today show," grandma. >> that gets us every time guys, a great crowd out there. lots of love for al roker. we will spread the love when we get out there in just a few minutes.
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>> a parade of stars are be walking through studio 1a next week we have the amazing jamie lee curtis we will catch up with the oscar winner, jodie foster and mariska hargitay will join us >> all right a busy morning the u.s. military expanded its role in the growing middle east overnight conducting air and naval strikes against iran-backed militants who have been attacking commercial ships in the region. richard engel in jerusalem with the very latest. richard, good morning. >> good morning, savannah. this is an escalation.. overnight the u.s. led military operations against yemen. it was backed by five other countries, including the united kingdom, which also overnight the u.s. led military operations against yemen it was backed by five other countries, including the united
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kingdom, which also took part. the united states attacked from the air and from the sea more than a dozen targets in yemen, all controlled by a rebel group known as the houthis now, since the october attacks here in israel that killed 1,200 israelis and israel's reprisal war in gaza, the houthis carried out more than two dozen attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. and the united states has warned repeatedly that the houthis to stop their attacks, threatened that there would be a military response and overnight, we saw that military response. now, the houthis say they are undeterred and that they will continue their attacks in the red sea and will carry out reprisals. >> all right, richard. thank you very much. this is the final weekend of campaigning before monday's iowa caucuses nikki haley drawing new fire from the trump campaign as her momentum appears to be kicking up a closer look at the republican race hey, garrett good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda good morning one of the things that might
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blunt that momentum is this snow we're facing possible blizzard conditions across the entire state of iowa that forced the cancellation of some campaign events today yesterday we saw haley and desantis crisscrossing the state and what's amounted to their battle for second base with haley trying to move on from desantis suggesting this is about to be a two-person race between her and donald trump desantis has been attacking haley over everything from her record as governor to even her basic honesty. he's on the campaign trail today trying to generate some momentum for himself in a state where he has put basically everything on the line for his campaign, hoda. >> in the meantime, mr. trump was not on the campaign trail. he had those arguments he made at the end there how has that affected his campaigning? >> reporter: yeah. donald trump continues to show he can dominate the national political conversation from wherever he is he was in that manhattan courtroom yesterday facing
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closing arguments in a civil fraud trial about his business practices there in which he stood up in the courtroom, given five minutes to speak by the judge and declared himself an innocent man, suggesting he's being unfairly targeted. that's the same message largely he's been getting on the campaign trail here in iowa when he has been here, suggesting he's a victim of the biden justice department or by over zealous democratic prosecutors the same message he's giving in the courtroom. he will attempt to return to iowa to give that message to iowans a few more times if he can get back in the snow. >> garrett, thank you. the faa has now launched an investigation into whether boeing failed to ensure its 737 max 9 was safe to fly before last friday's mid-air blow-out it's now grounded the entire feet
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nbc's senior correspondent tom costello covers aviation for us. this is in addition to the ntsb's >> that's right. the ntsb the investigating how and why that door plug blew out in a decompression explosion it is looking into whether boeing conformed its safety design and were approved to fly. the faa says this incident should have never happened all 171 max 9s have been grounded worldwide the airlines are still waiting for guidelines which i'm told are hundreds of pages long from boeing in how to inspect those planes both airlines have already set preliminary exams that turned up loose bolts around the door plug both airlines are canceling hundreds of flights each day, expected to last at least
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through saturday. >> tom, where does going go from here >> boeing released a statement staying it will cooperate fully and transparently with the faa and the ntsb in their investigations by the way, the faa chief just made news on cnbc saying he wants to increase, increase faa supervision and inspections and oversight at boeing plants, so that is the new page here. the faa chief telling me he's not happy with the overnight right now and he wants to see increased faa oversight and inspections at boeing plants. >> all right tom costello, our man an aviation thanks, buddy. now to a real-life "caddyshack" situation playing out. you probably remember the hit comedy bill murray plays the greens keeper who spends most of the movie trying to catch a pesky gopher who is causing big problems at the bushwood country club take a look at this. a pair of golfers spotted a
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golfer trying to push a ball back out of its hole so it is the opposite of the movie. the "caddyshack" gopher was stealing golf balls. this gopher is trying to replace them is that one of your favorite movies >> not my favorite, but one of them. >> i never saw it. >> this is like a "star wars" moment for me. >> but you have seen "mean girls" 20 times. >> yeah. speaking of real-life movie moments, a family is capturing the world's attention with thei. the world's attention with thei. we wil sitl d your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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matching your job description. visit give every morning a fresh start matchi with a jimmy deanption. delights breakfast. they're chock-full of protein and ingredients you want. from wraps to bowls. to sandwiches. you'll never have the same old, same old again. we're delighted and hope you will try. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪♪) biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪♪) marcus is a connoisseur of anything that's free.. so he was happy to read the disclaimer on turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify...
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form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! file your taxes 100% free with turbotax free edition and get your max refund guaranteed. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪
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l'eggo with eggo. can we... if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ one. >> two. >> three! >> okay. we're back. that's that iconic scene from the 1998
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"parent trap" situation. one. >> two. >> three >> okay. we're back that's that iconic scene from the 1998 version of "the parent trap." twin sisters masterminding the reunion and eventual remarriage of their divorced parents. >> i have seen that 700 times, even more than "mean girls". >> the script isn't just a creation in 2021, their daughters noticed a spark reignite and a new adventure began. >> they're all here live excited. two weeks after scott and julie celebrated their second wedding. we will chat with them in just a moment but, first, check out their next story. >> if you are new here, my parents are divorced, but they're getting remarried. >> started this account in the phase of their divorce when they were very much not friends, not pals, not vibing in any way. >> the couple's daughters have racked up millions of views on tiktok. >> how did you meet? >> documenting their parents' second chance at love. >> are you guys holding hands
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right now? >> scott and julie divorced nearly a decade ago, started new lives of their own while coparenting. that changed during the pandemic while caring for elderly parents. the family of four found themselves in the same quarantine bubble. >> it was nice to see them getting along. >> reporter: the sisters picked up on something their parents >> thi had not yet realized. >> this is the notorious photo we call the "parent trap" photo. we were like, our parents like each other. >> so they began teasing their parents, joking with the mom she still had deep feelings for their dad. julie realized they were right after a trip away, scott and julie decided to move in some consistent encouragement, scott proposed to julie once together one year later, with some consistent encouragement, scott proposed to julie once again >> what are we doing >> we're looking at dresses.
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>> oh, yeah. my wedding dress. >> and just like the movie's ending, sealing their ever lasting love >> we actually did it. >> yeah. caroline and rachel actually did it they're here with the newlyweds. guys, this is such a beautiful story. you guys have been married how many weeks how has it been going? >> i think really good >> is this super weird, the whole situation. >> yeah, it is a little bit weird. but, you know, i think it's -- the girls just left after being home for a bit of time so literally we're just now like -- >> this is it. we're married. >> you were forced together because of covid let's be honest. you weren't friends. you weren't on good terms. yet, here you guys found yourself in the covid bubble together. >> yeah. that was a super challenging time, i think. but for my mom, we wanted to make sure we were staying safe. >> she's actually watching right now. so hi grandma!
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>> she kind of brought you together you wanted to stay safe and be in one place rachel, when -- like how did you start noticing that there is like maybe not even -- just there is no more animosity now there is a friendliness. wait is this romance we're detecting? >> it wasn't for a while it was i would say a year after covid. covid is when they became friendly with each other, which was new enough in itself i would say it wasn't like 2021 on here? what's happening >> did you notice or were you kind of encouraging, caroline? what was happening here? >> i think, if anything, they highlights the dynamic the second time around. >> what did you notice? >> well, i know there was one time where mom was getting all blushy and schoolgirly because
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rachel was like, you have a crush on dad, and i know it. and she ran into the other room. kind of "parent trapped" and she ran into the other room. that was the telling point >> look, this is not a traditional trajectory at all. >> no. >> from your perspective, what happened how did you fall back in love? >> part of it right after covid, within the next year, my parents had passed away, rachel graduated from college, caroline was graduating from high school, so in addition to covid, we just had this tremendous amount of time pressured together that forged us into who we are now. >> you guys are probably different than you were back then have you noticed like why it works now and why it didn't work then, do you think >> that's a whole show, i think. but honestly, like, we say that divorce period, our separation period is really part of our marriage and it's made us into who we are today. >> we're much different now. there is no way we could have --
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being the people we were five years ago, there is no way those people could have gotten remarried. >> can you believe what you did? your social media thing turned this into a huge sensation. >> it's been crazy but it's been so much fun. and we have our community of people rooting for us. >> how does it feel? there are all kinds of families. and a family of divorced parents is still a family. it is wonderful when they can get along. but your parents got back together and they're married how does it feel >> it's awesome. definitely when they first got divorced, obviously it is more sad at the beginning they went their separate ways. we were all happy our separate ways but coming back together, it was clear they were happier. >> how was that wedding? >> it was exactly the right thing. >> that's awesome. keep the videos coming. >> please do. do. >> i think you were doing the running man. >> i don't even have >> i think you were doing the running man. >> i don't even have tiktok on my phone. >> well, you are a tiktok star okay we're so happy for all of you. thank you so much. and i heard you are going to be in town for an extra day.
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is that right? >> yes >> we thought it would be fun if you recreated the iconic "parent >> it is a fun experience around manhattan. we have a table for four in a glass-enclosed booth. dinner is on them. thanks, guys. many, many years of good times. wishing you the best. thanks. >> mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> they can then create the spaghetti scene of "lady and the tramp." 145 million people, flood alerts along we have tornado watches until 11:00 a.m. central time. we've got a couple tornado warnings in there as well. ground stop continues in chicago with almost blizzard-like conditions we've got a risk for 29 million people wind gusts of up to 79 miles an
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hour tornadoes are possible and those wind gusts, hurricane force wind gusts stretch from jackson all the way from the southeast to atlantic coast. snowfall amounts anywhere from 18 inches around the great lakes. and isolated from the mississippi river valley into the northeast. 3 inches of rain or more a lot going on that's what's going good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cold start as you get ready to head out. we'll be keeping the jackets on today as our highs only reach into the mid- to upper 50s for today. then for tomorrow it's about the same, but we'll also be tracking rain coming in moving from north to south throughout the day, and it's going to be soggy from the morning in to the afternoon with the highest rainfall totals in the north bay. it will be ending on saturday. we'll see sunshine and that is your latest weather.
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now for "popstart". >> we're start with ariana grande, without with her first new song in several years. we'll give you a little listen ♪♪ ♪ >> i'm feeling it. >> feel a little madonna "vogue" in that? a few years ago, she teased a whole new album is coming out next year. ago, s looking forward to that. of course, she has been really busy. next up, usher apple music just dropping the first teaser for his next big headlining gig at the super bowl
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the new video reminding fans of the eight-time grammy winner's years in the music business, with the reimagining of one of his biggest hits >> peace up. >> peace up. >> peace up. >> a town down. >> take that and rewind it back. >> okay. >> oh, my god! ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, next thing i knew she was all up on me screaming, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ >> got lebron in there getting you fired up how good it's going to be with usher at the halftime show in las vegas. next up, who has the need, movies? a follow-up to the 2022 megahit sequel nearly four decades in the making. tom cruise plans to return along with miles and glen and david
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ellison and the direc the need for more "top gun" that is incredible. next up, the hollywood a listers have big dreams for the small screen, revealing how desperately she wants to be on "jeopardy". >> that's my dream i apply every june. >> i'm sorry i don't want to be -- i don't want to go on celebrity "jeopardy. i really want to earn my stripes. i would like to go on real "jeopardy. you have to take the test. every june i take the quiz, and they don't tell you how you did. they just say we'll let you know in the next 9 to 12 months if you got on the show. guess what i haven't gotten on the show but i watch it every night and i mark down how many answers i get right, and i swear i could go on "jeopardy". >> maybe they don't believe it's
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her. >> like ken jennings. >> that was your show. >> "jeopardy"? >> stay with us, savannah. "curb your enthusiasm," larry david has been charming on his hbo hit series yesterday max releasing the first trailer for "curb"'s 12th and final season ♪ >> these men breasts larry could grow breasts. >> the thought of larry with breasts. >> pretty, pretty, pretty cute. childhood hero. >> i really did the best of the circumstances of a person that hates people, yet had to be amongst them. >> you want to sound disappointed i was expecting more from a childhood hero. >> i really did the best of the
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circumstances of a person that hates people, yet had to be amongst them. >> larry is going to be visiting studio 1a ahead of that final season that starts streaming in february on max. >> maybe he'll cut us from the show again that, too. i'll never forget that. just ahead, guys, spiders . that, too. i'll never forget that. anyone nfl playoffs we have the legendary wolfgang puck. >> wow >> cannot wait for that. but, first, a check of your local news and weather good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. keep the butter sauce happy because bay yair commercial
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crabbers are getting okay. there is a catch. state and fish wild life will allow them to start pulling their nets next thursday. there have been delaying due to migratory wells. but boats will have to agree to a 50% trap reduction which is the risk of the wells not being completely passed. kari's excited about that. i know you celebrated early. >> yeah. we're starting out with a potential for those boaters going out there to have to deal with some big waves. we're going to have some rain coming in tomorrow and temperatures reaching into the mid-50s. we're going to see this rain pretty much all day long and it's going to be light to moderate, so it's not going to have a huge impact but just raining throughout the day. then we'll see our temperatures going back to the upper 50s, and we'll see sunshine from sunday to monday, and about the same
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temperatures in san francisco. marcus? >> thanks, kari. we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. see you back here then. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs
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to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024
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with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. ♪ >> oh, we are back we are back at 8:30 on a friday morning. and look at these happy folks on
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the plaza. >> wow >> by the way, not just any weekend. no, no, no in case you haven't heard, it is super wild card weekend in the nfl. >> wow >> so we decided to celebrate. going to keep ourselves warm crowd staying warm with these special scarves in honor of the first ever exclusive playoff game on peacock. tomorrow night's clash between the chiefs and -- and the dolphins. >> nobody likes the dolphins? >> it's a chiefs crowd. >> al, this is also an around-the-horn crowd. huge, huge, huge. >> yes. >> speaking of watching football, harry smith just learned the story mind that yellow line, which i ask myself about. that yellow line, which i ask myself about. how do they do that? >> now do it know? >> how do they do that? >> now do it know? >> it's a fascinating story, how do they do the yellow line. >> if we're talking football, we have to do a food segment as
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well we have the great wolfgang puck. they have been there early prepping themselves for the big games. >> also ahead, dr. tara narula has the important benefits of dry january. who is having a dry january? nobody >> drier >> it's drier. >> craig calls it moist january. >> hey, but, first, 2024 is a leap year. we're calling all leapers. if you are one of the lucky ones who celebrates a birthday on february 29th, we want to celebrate you. we think a birthday that only comes around once every four years is worth going big so we will throw a huge party in studio 1a. head to, share your story and you might get an invite. >> that's a great idea. >> want to do the weather? >> i think i do.
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this poor young person wrote, i love al roker. what is your name? >> i'm taylor. >> i'm grayson. >> i'm mckenzie. >> and suzanna. >> there is a great meteorology program there. >> yes. >> thanks for coming down. we love the sentiment. thank you. let's show you what we got adds far as your weekend ahead is concerned on saturday, then sunday, sunday, it will be blustery around the great lakes and the northeast. heavy snow moves you back into the rockies, sunshine down through the gulf martin luther king jr. day, southern snow way below zero throughout the southern snow way below zero thro good friday morning to you. i'm meteorologist kari hall.
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it is a very cold start for us with temperatures in the 30s, and we're headed to the mid- and upper 50s for this afternoon. we'll see more clouds coming in and eventually the rain by late tonight into early tomorrow and the rain continues to spread across the bay area with some light to moderate showers throughout the day. it will be tapering off on sunday morning, and we'll go to sunshine in our forecast from sunday into monday and all right. it's a super wild card weekend we start it off with the browns going into nrg stadium, taking on the texans. it's sunny, mild at 3:00 p.m. 60 degrees. that doesn't stop there. the wild card exclusive on peacock. the dolphins go into arrowhead stadium. it will be 2 degrees could be the coldest game ever as the chiefs take it on, we'll find out then let's go to sunday night "football night in america." the rams taking on the lions
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snow showers, winds of up to 30 miles an hour. 12 degrees that's your big super bowl sunday it's a wild card weekend, baby starts on nbc and peacock, peacock. then we've got to do the big -- oh, here we go wow! around the horn. let's keep going, baby there we go! and there you go, ladies and gentlemen. and we want a big crowd here where are you guys from? >> guys, back to you. >> oh, we're on. al, thank you so much. how about that what a crowd >> this is the best crowd! happy birthday. >> happy birthday. >> thank you we're into it. just ahead, guys, it is hard to imagine watching football without that bright yellow line. did we ever watch it without the bright yellow line do you know who knows? harry smith. he will take us inside the game to tell us how it all came to be
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but, first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back. it is like we have a theme show this morning as we head into huge weekend in the nfl. >> one thing you are for sure to this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet.
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this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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we are back. it is like we have a theme show this morning as we head into huge weekend in the nfl. >> one thing you are for sure to see on the tv. that's the familiar yellow line for first downs. >> harry smith is here with the story behind that high tech innovation. >> do you remember tvs from 20 years ago, those huge, big things and people started talking about high def appellate screens?
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what's that all about? 25 seasons ago, a ground breaking innovation happened in the way we watch football games that changed the way we watch football forever football is a game of forward progress teams with the most first downs have the best records. the first down marker is both impetus and impediment hard to imagine a game on tv without the essential yellow line. >> if you had to watch a football game without the yellow line, you would either drive yourself crazy or turn it off. >> craig is the executive producer of both sunday night football on nbc and thursday night football on prime. 25 years ago, he was the lead producer for the sunday night y of the line was first pitched by a tech startup named sport vision. >> i remember my director was there. we left the meeting, and we
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weren't 100% sold. >> abc, cbs game on espn when the technology the idea but fred and the producers at espn were impressed by a secret preseason test. >> when i went into their truck and saw the yellow line and saw it, you know, in real context to football and the game, it was a no brainer this was going to be additive for the viewers. >> the yellow line made its debut in a regular season game week 4 with baltimore against cincinnati the co-founder and ceo of sport vision. >> this was our first product out of the gate. and when we pitched it, the main reaction we got was, sounds great. but can you really do it >> on the tech side, was stan hunting. >> i had the incredible good fortune my whole life to working on really hard problems that nobody solved before we had to preserve the illusion that the yellow line was on the
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field. we had to draw around the athletes. >> they did it by using a highly sophisticated system like the weather forecast or cgi in the movies 25 years ago, that meant big technology, really big. >> in the early days, it was really hard. it took a 50 foot truck full of, you know, sgi computers and a crew of 7 people. >> back then, how many trucks would you have to do a game in 1998 >> max two. >> and there is one truck to do the yellow line? >> the yellow line >> today, with the addition of high definition and far more camera angles and graphics, an nfl broadcast requires something like eight trucks of technology. but the yellow line graphic is
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now just this. really just this. a fraction of the space from 25 years ago. they went on to create the loved and loathed k zone for baseball games and the eye popping traffic graphics for nascar races. but that simple yellow fir down line on the tv screen remains. >> all the successful systems we did had three characteristics, which is they took something that was really important to the game and that happened a lot and was hard to see and then made it easy to see. >> these days graphic innovation is everywhere during football games. line of scrimmage, field goal range, highlighting key players. but through it all, fred had one wish. >> we were sitting there one day saying, wow, if we got a snow game, we could put the lines on the field and people could still see the lines. and i prayed for a snow game like i prayed for years for a
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snow game. >> that wish came through in november of 2015, utilizing that same first down line technology, nbc sports revealed the yard lines and yard markers so cool. >> so our producer fred, aka the boss it is time for virtual numbers so you can't see them there, but now you can see them there. >> and that was a fun night. >> wow. >> wow, that's cool. >> cool stuff. >> and it's all chrome key. >> looks good, though. >> one whole 50 foot truck is a computer you can do it on a good laptop. >> yeah, you can't imagine the innovation. >> especially for casual fans of football, all of a sudden, that, oh, 3rd and 5 -- sudden, that, oh, 3rd and 5 -- >> field goal range. >> you can see things important to the game. what about hockey and golf?
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>> okay. those guys who came up with the red >> field goal range. >> stop it. >> hockey fans hated it. hated it ratings went up, but hockey fans hated it now especially with high def and everybody has flat screens the size of the building, you can see everything. >> like those golf drives. >> harry, thank you. >> love you, harry. >> that was great. >> behind the scenes in the game. >> so cool. >> all right we will get to the big playoff games on nbc and peacock in a bit. first, we have dr. tara here better sleep, better skin, better you and then we willit h
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health if you are taking part in dry january and reached the point where you are struggling a
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little bit, we are here for you. some motivation. five reasons to stick with it and say no to that glass of wine a little easier. are you doing dry january? >> i am not doing it but i heard you are. >> well, i'm doing drier, dryer. no weekday drinking is the theory okay first of all, let's go through some reasons because sometimes you need to be like, why am i doing this first reason, you say your skin will be glowing. >> glowing skin. we know that alcohol dehydrates. by abstaining, your increasing the elasticity you may see less puffiness under your eyes. we know that alcohol can cause dilation of those facial blood vessels that can cause flushing. also, you can volume in your vessels that can cause flushing. also, you can volume in your mid-face. none of these things are great. if you have underlying skin conditions, it can exacerbate
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mid-face none of these things are great if you have underlying skin conditions, it can exacerbate that we know that alcohol is a carcinogen. >> next you say sleeping habits are improved that is for sure. >> correct a lot of people think it is sedating yes. initially, it may help you fall asleep it can make your sleep fragmented and low quality melatonin. it can lead to insomnia. even though you fall asleep, you may wake up several times. it can exacerbate sleep apnea. and it messes with the stages of sleep, including rem sleep. >> let's talk about mental health because, frankly, a lot of people do reach for that drink to curb their anxiety or they're medicating something but it is actually worse for your mental health can you explain how that works >> absolutely. we know that alcohol affecting our thinking
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and cognition. you may be improving your memory but it can make depression and anxiety worse, so you feel like your mood is better when you are off of alcohol really what it does is give you an opportunity to take a step back and see how am i using alcohol? and what other more healthy ways can i do. >> by the way, you can lose weight if you stop doing your drink. that's empty calories you are not taking. >> correct 150 calories for a standard drink. some cocktails, we're talking three, four hundred calories you may be eating out or more impulsively and just eating more often and skipping workouts. say you are going to your bar after work instead of your gym. >> do not spend at the bar. in >> do not spend at the bar. >> oh. thanks, >> oh. thanks, carson cheers cheers >> a lot of good stuff in there. >> do as we say, not as we do.
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>> correct. >> carson, over to you. yes, chef, right here. game day the only and only wolfgang puck will help us prepare this recipe is super easy and it is coming up next. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable.
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he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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and we're back with "today food loves football." we're getting you ready for three huge and we're back with "today food loves football. we're getting you ready for three huge games legend dare wolfgang puck is here it opens up next month at mandalay bay you are the director of foot and beverage for wolfgang puck early in the morning, back here helping katie out. >> yeah. >> the biggest chef in the world cutting his own lettuce.
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>> i do everything it's fairly simple if i want to be a football player, i would be the quarterback and the defense. >> tell us the significance about the new restaurant. >> our newest restaurant is opening next month in las vegas at the mandalay bay. it will be an ode to my mother, who was a chef also. i sought to have her recipes and everything we have some pastas from here. >> it means dear mom. >> an homage, beautiful. >> these are the exact sliders, these are the ones. >> everybody from lenny kravitz to kevin costner, they were all in my kitchen eating these. >> the sliders let's start with the sauce litt a little ketsup in here. finally diced onio we have a little mayo here, put a little ketchup in here finally diced onions, capers fresh parsley or any herbs, okay a touch of vinegar, and a touch
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of sugar for a little balance. >> sugar, not salt. >> okay, mix it. don't make your expensive suit dirty. >> no, it's not. rent the runway. >> okay, all right okay, very good. >> speaking of jobs, byron, you were obviously growing up in the legendary puck family. you were probably a teenager doing the dishes what was that like >> it was amazing. what better mentor to have at the end of the day, right? >> i keep watching "the bear" right now. what did you learn as a kid in that environment >> just be quiet and do what i'm told, which was a good way to fly under the radar for quite a while. >> that sounds like me and my wife. >> how is it with your son in the business >> it sounds amazing i wish my mother would still be alive to see the next generation. >> she sees it, chef you have the mini sliders.
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>> 80/20 80 lean meat, 20 fat if not, the burg will be dry you can make them plain. you can make them with cheese. but the important part is, then, you have the buns. if you can find little buns like that, like i have here -- >> little tiny buns. >> look at the tiny pickle. >> chef, where do you get these tiny little pickles? >> you can get them anywhere so then you have it over here. so you put a little bit of that on here. >> okay. >> even i trust you, but i know -- >> no, i'll watch the master. >> okay. >> you get a hot one right off the grill. >> put a cheeseburger on here. >> so small. >> okay. so small, all right. for you, we will make it double one then. >> load it up. >> load it up. and then put the parmesan on here. >> medium rare he doesn't like bread.
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but you can put a little sauce on this one. >> all right, byron, we have to get you in here. >> we have about a minute. >> so we're going to do the classic over here. i will add in here i have rice wine vinegar. >> got an egg. >> thank you you are the best sous-chef i could ask for. pickled ginger, beautiful. get this going chinese mustard. >> oil. >> and a little oil, please. if you want to pour that right in there beautiful. beautiful. >> beautiful. >> all right and we'll get this going right away >> how is the salad? >> perfect. >> a crunch. >> the little wantons. >> chef, we can't thank you enough
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marcus washington. skiers are a little rattled after two avalanches in two days. yesterday's slide forced a brief closure after a deadly avalanche. this happened near wolverine bowl. in this case, no one was injured. resort staff said ski patrol conducted after lanch patrol before opening the ski area which is common after a recent snowfall. this is near the site of wednesday's deadly avalanche. that's when a 66-year-old part-time marin resident died. others suffered minor injuries. happening now we're following developments in taho
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for a number of conditions for those heading there this weekend and we'll have more coverage during our midday newscast. the king tides are returning this morning. that means the chance for minor flooding along some coastal areas. issues we've seen already this week, this is the final day week, this is the final day we'll be seeing the not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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look mom, i found one. oh, yeah, you did. but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money
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get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ this election is a choice between when a bank helps you results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," let's get wild. the nfl playoffs kicking off with super wild card weekend.


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