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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 13, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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[music] good morning. it is 7:00 on this saturday morning. we are taking a live look outside in san francisco. the ferris wheel on pier 43,
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fisherman's wharf. wow. 7:00, looks like 5:00 out there. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at the forecast. i'm kira klapper. doesn't look encouraging. >> lots of rain behind you. >> could be storm clouds already over the city making everything gloomy to start off our weekend. yes, we are already picking up on rain over the bay area, but what i were tell you is that it's part of a bigger storm system out to the pacific. so we have light rain now and it's going to continue to get heavier going throughout the day. stormranger, towards highway 101 and north bay light to moderate rain as well as down through the peninsula. parts of the east bay heavier, brentwood, discovery bay and 680 making your way down san ramon, fremont and the south bay. right now light in san jose,
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mountain view towards the santa cruz mountains. it comes in waves throughout the day. getting heavier bringing gusty winds. a day to hunker down. looking at flooding concerns. all coming up in my full forecast in about 15 minutes. >> see you soon. thanks. a live look at palisades tahoe where this famed chairlift is reopened, although it looks like pretty snowed in there following this week's deadly avalanche. that lift you saw there, also known at kt-22. kt some call it, world renowned as one of the best for advanced skiers providing access to that run where an avalanche killed one man on wednesday. the lift is up and running many of the black diamond runs below it remain closed because of a second avalanche that hit the next day and a third avalanche
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towards the alpine area. fortunately no one hurt. download our free nbc bay area app to sent you weather alerts for your neighborhood. turning now to an interview you'll see only on nbc bay area. family and friends are mourning the south bay man killed in what police say was an intentional hit-and-run. this 25-year-old was not only run over but shot as well. "today in the bay" spoke with his family hours after police announced they arrested his suspected killer. >> reporter: that's 25-year-old erik duran, his family says rapping was his biggest passion. i spoke with his uncle who cannot believe his nephew's gone. >> making things happen, going to school and work and making sure the family is taken care of. >> reporter: saying on wednesday afternoon he was intentionally run over and shot.
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it happened near decanso drive and north first street. his uncle says they're heartbroken. police arrested a suspect thursday night in sacramento. invest say the gators say the 19-year-old mikel mcnack faces murder charges. no moative or what happened in the minutes leading up to duran's death, but his brother says the suspect will sometimes cut his hair. at his barber shop duran used to work at friends are remembering him tonight. >> one of our barbers and we became close, you know. he liked cutting hair. >> reporter: his child hood soccer coach has known him for almost 20 years and rattled by his sudden death. >> translator: two months ago he surprised me showing up at a soccer practice and helped me with the kids.
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he was a great guy. >> reporter: police are still looking for the vehicle believed involved in the crime. if you see it, call them. police are asking witnesses to come forward if they have pictures, videos or information about the suspect. in san jose, yomara lopez. and two people in the hospital after being rescued from a house fire in the east bay. this happened around 8:00 last night on countrywood court in walnut creek. firefighters say they battled intense flames and smoke to pull the victims out of the back window of the home. both people were taken to the hospital, we are told one in critical condition. the cause of that fire is under investigation. nbc bay area has learned two little girls were the victims of a deadly car pileup in the south bay. the california highway patrol tells us 25-year-old driver triggered the chain-reaction crash involving five cars. officers say the driver went into the passing lane to pass a
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slow-moving tractor, but hit an oncoming car. it happened yesterday morning on highway 152. also known as the pacheco pass east of gilroy. driver in the hospital, major injuries. the girls who died were 4 and 7. no word yet whether drunks or alcohol were factors. turning now to the supreme court now stepping in to take on a case that 0 could impact the homeless crisis in san francisco and the question at hand is whether it is unconstitutional to bar unhoused people from sleeping on public property. the issue first take ton court in oregon could now have far-reaching impacts across the country. "today in the bay" is exploring how the california liberal leaders are hoping the conservative-leaning court sides with them. >> reporter: the nation's highest court agreed to hear arguments in a southern oregon case changing out cities like san francisco respond to the homelessness crisis.
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reaffirms rights of the unhoused to sleep outside. for those like san francisco city attorney david choo. >> we need clarity. >> federal injunctions to restrict encampments suites were upheld. >> spent billions in recent rears on a compassionate service-first approach. cases like this case have been precedent. relied on by judges that hamstrung our ability to address homelessness and keep our streets safe and accessible. >> reporter: in a statement governor gavin newsom said they can end lengthy lawsuits delivering services to those in need. this retired judge says newsom and others hoping makeup of supreme court justices will mean a ruling in their favor. >> it is the mayor and governor's wish that the conservative wing of the u.s. supreme court, and there's six of them right now, will rule that the cities can do what they
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want. they don't have to adhere to restriction. >> we were disapointed the supreme court chose to take up the case, it's important to note that does not prevent our case in san francisco from moving forward. >> reporter: coalition on homelessness the city and county of san francisco said to go to trial in october. >> property destruction, issue disability accommodations and issue whether sleep endangered lives or not is before the supreme court and the supreme court's ruling will have no impact on those issues in our area. >> reporter: it does have a solution. >> scapegoat either unhoused community, a crisis that is really the result of failed housing policy and only be solved through changes in housing policy. it's disingenuous and misleading regard ruling from scotus due end of june. reporting for "today in the bay." happening now voters in taiwan this morning electing a new president.
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current vice president lai ching-te won the presidency pulling away with a lead more than 1 million votes over the opposition. taiwanese voters warnings no the to support a candidate it calls a separatist and a troublemaker. the first time in taiwan's history the same political party held three consecutive terms. lai's victory extends the eight-year rule of the democratic progressive party. china described the election as a choice between war and peace. china claims taiwan as its own territory, and has not ruled out the use of force against the island. the u.s., meanwhile, is taiwan's most important international backer. turning to our continuing coverage of the war in the middle east. american and british forces launched another attack on houthi rebel targets inside yemen. president biden released a statement thursday night calling the military strikes a
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"defensive action." biden said they followed week weegs of attacks by the iranian-backed militant group. houthis are targeting commercial shipping carrying out more than two dozen attacks on ships in the red sea. houthi leader say it was meant to the show support for hamas militants in gaza. back here in the bay area, the israel-hamas conflict is dividing voters according to a new berkeley igs poll. out of 8,100 people polled in the studies, 30% say they're sympathies lie more with the israelis. 24% with the palestinians. while another 28% say they sympathize with both equally. the poll also found california voters are very critical of how president biden is handling the israel-hamas conflict. 55% disapprove. just 33% approve. and happening today to, reaching across can nations to
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help children in gaza, a fund-raiser held by the united irish cultural center of san francisco. it's happening at the irish centers emerald pub in san francisco's subset district. it's suggested donation of $20 will go to the middle east children's alliance, which funds emergency assistance in the gaza strip. local irish musicians including shea black will perform. children are welcome. it starts at 4:00 this afternoon and runs until 8:00 p.m. almost 7:11 this saturday morning. much more ahead. after 14 years, returning to the city, supercross. no doubt getting hectic this weekend at oracle park. just ahead, we hear what's in store for competitors as they prepare to hit the track.
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welcome back. a live look outside. pink skies over downtown san jose. looks clear out there right now. very cold. cinthia pimentel will be along in just a moment with your rain on the way for today. but first -- the mayor of san jose is now stepping up offering to pay the tab for a south bay family that says they were unfairly cited for an outdoor housing violation. last year mayor matt mahan launched what's known as the f.a.s.t. program. f.a.s.t. stands for focus area service team. the goal of the group is to target neighborhoods with a high
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rate of complaints of blight. that includes junk or trash outside the home, broken-down vehicles in the yard, graffiti or overgrown plants. one san jose family tells nbc bay area it was fined $250 for having a dresser and an exercise bike on their porch. they argued the ticket wasn't warranted. the items were only temporarily in front of their home while their daughter was visiting. >> like that? right? we don't even have money right now to cover or mortgage much more to give the city $250 for something that is ridiculous. >> the mayor mahan, not only offering to pay the family's fine out of his own pocket but vows to work with the city to ensure the f.a.s.t. program focusing more on state violators like large property owners and commercial businesses. in san francisco, the palace hotel, dates back to 1873. the iconic sign on its rooftop
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getting a 2024 upgrade. the clear tubed filled with neon gas replaced with neon-like l.e.d. lights. the use will allow for a change in color. for example, the sign can be lit up in colors for the warriors, or niners. the hotel sits at the corner of market and new montgomery street. bay-area commercial crabbers finally getting the go-ahead. state fish and wildlife delayed the start of the season for months because of whale migration, but it now will allow fishermen to go out for crab beginning next thursday. there's a catch, though. the crabbers have to reduce traps by 50%. the state says this will lower the risk of humpback whales getting tangled in traps. now to an oakland elementary school coup unveiling its knew mural of a civil rights icon. the muiral called "three kings" features three paintings of dr. martin luther king jr. it was unveiled yesterday at mlk elementary in oakland.
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community leaders talked about why it's so important to remember the civil rights leader, and oakland's long legacy celebrating the arts. >> our vision bring youth in connection with the arts legacy of oakland and that includes bringing in partner agencies and to work at a high-level, quality experience of art. >> the school district's expanded learning program funded that beautiful mural. also in oakland, the community is coming together today for a day of service in honor of dr. martin luther king jr. the group victory for oakland will hold a cleanup between roosevelt middle school and garfield elementary in the san antonio neighborhood in oakland. it's to make sure children and families have a safe and clean route. starts at 9:00 a.m. this morning on 19th avenue and east 19th street. and in the city, get ready
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to catch some air, oracle park, transforming for monster energy's supers cross event. we spoke with tristen lane competing this weekend. with rain in the last in things are expected to get muddy, it's going to definitely be interesting. keep us on our toes. this stuff is hard when it's dry. weather involved, exciting. good u.s. in, fanfest is indoors. come hang out and watch, bring your family, still dry there. if not definitely stream it on peacock and watch us. weather a whole new element, exciting. >> this event is today. racing starts around 5:00. you can watch the series right here on nbc bay area tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. speaking of rain and mud, cinthia pimentel is here with our microclimate forecast. >> going to at to excitement and all the fun out there. >> totally. >> take it easy on speeds just a little bit, but have a good time. we are already seeing that rain
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moving in to the bay area and it's getting heavier at times. it is starting off light for most of us, and we are picking it up on stormranger right now. focusing in on the north bay out towards the coast line. hoy 1 inland into novato. pockets of heavier rain picked up now. going down into san francisco, down out to the coastline, half moon bay and through parts of palo alto and redwood city. looking at that rain already picking up light to moderate amounts for east bay down into livermore, a little more heavier cell for the moment. still trying to pick up speed down here in the south bay, but those roadways could be slick as e make your way out around the bay this saturday morning. hour-by-hour for you. light to start off our first half of the day. by lunchtime seeing light rain. around most of the bay area, there will be some pockets. i think very lightly, around the south bay this afternoon until you get yourself out maybe stretch your legs, take dogs out for a nice walk.
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that's when i'm trying to sneak out. that's when the heavier part of the storm comes in 6:00, 7:00, starting in the north bay. heavy and gusty, too, with winds. sweep down through everybody else. by around late evening into the overnight hours. watch as those totals and those green colors become more heavier around the santa cruz mountains, around diablo range. going into the midnight hours. wake up sunday, just a few lingering showers. mainly before the sun comes up. then should be in the clear for our sunday fun day plans. looking at estimates, highlighting, up to the north bay, coastal mountains and east bay mountains also looking at those rain totals. about one to dwo two inches possible. everybody else half inch to possibly inch of rainfall. i want to focus up on the russian river. step out and guide you through 15 feet flood stage. 18.1 is expected into tonight.
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a concern going into that minor flooding. living in that area or know anything there, make sure they're prepared and have their emergency kits ready to go. i want to focus up on talk hoe, also. don't go there today. please, do not. a winter storm warning and avalanche warning today and possibly through tomorrow. we've seen that heavy snow pack on top of a weak surface we have. could be trouble there. travel definitely not recommended. temperatures back here at home, going to be in the 50s for majority. slightly warmer tomorrow getting rid of that rain, but there is more on the way as we go on into tuesday and wednesday. i think it's going to be light lou amounts and then could look at more heading into possibly next week. active forecast. behaving like january should. >> exactly. all right, cinthia, thanks. 7:21. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, this time of year we talk about new year's resolutions. we introduce you to one bay area man who kicked his smoking habit and started to run and he hasn't
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stopped since. our
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welcome back. living in this area told us anything, many ways to clebt and use it. in this morning's pablo pereira garvin thomas introduces us to one man who's quest for data led him to a healthier life.
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>> reporter: ever known the satisfaction of completing a page in a coloring book, putting in the time and effort to see the finished product -- you have someone in common with mike beckwith. although what you have done with pencil and pen, mike is doing with his legs and his lungs. >> this is my favorite part. >> reporter: you see, this image mike created resting every single street in dublin, livermore, pleasanton and san ramon. and mike has run every inch of every one. >> what are we doing today? >> we're going to start running all the streets in danville. my very first danville run. >> reporter: he has a goal running every street in the tri-valley. after that, all left is alamo. something mike started in 2014. not long after he stopped doing something else. at age 40, mike quit a 20-year smoking habit. >> i think you know it's not
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good for you. it's a dumb thing. at some point you have to come to the realization. this thing's going to kill me. >> reporter: and the very day he quit -- when he went for his first run. >> ran a mile and hurt like the dickens and i coughed, and the whole day at work in pain. and i got up the next morning and did it. just in the last, like, i don't know, eight months. >> reporter: so hooked on running he finished dozens of marathons, ultra marathons, but it's the fun tracking it all. analyzing the data creating spread sheets coloring in the maps where he's done. >> run came through. >> reporter: explaining why running all the street in the tri-valley is so appealing to him. >> actually became more important than the running. i wouldn't say more important. became a reward to the running. run and come home do my
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analytical side. >> reporter: mike realizing running isn't for everyone, but it keeps him healthy and a road map he encouraging anyone to follow. >> you can't beat that. getting out doing that is really important. >> garvin thomas for us. what an inspirational story. almost 7:27 on our saturday morning. we have much more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up a live look at our nbc bay area stormranger as it tracks the rain. cinthia will be back to time out heavier rain later today. plus, gop candidates stumping across the hawkeye state. a look at the final run-up from monday's caucus and why some call it a race for second place.
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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good morning. it is january, saturday, january 13, 2024. a look outside. historic ships out there on a cloudy and chilly morning. we are expecting rain any moment now as those sprinkles if they're not already coming down in the city. thank you so much for starting your saturday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a peek at our microclimate forecast and you're saying -- might be calm now but it's really picking up? >> sprinkles and mist where you find yourself. take a look at cameras around the bay area. gloomy skies from san francisco,
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walnut creek, oakland. we can tell rain is coming down. slick roadways over the golden gate bridge. san jose yet to tap in on moisture seeing a beautiful sunrise down here in the south bay, but it is being picked up. a lot of moisture already with stormranger mainly to the north bay. from the coast over to novato, petaluma, down at the peninsula rain from south city into parts of palo alto towards the coast are and rain out for the east bay, tri-valley continuing going through the day making its way down into the south bay. heavy at times. hour-by-hour outlook we continue with rain through lunchtime but heavier bands later this afternoon. a timeline and what's ahead in about ten minutes. >> cinthia, see you soon. thanks. here in the bay area, as we just mentioned, cinthia was saying, people are bracing for that widespread rain. a live look at san francisco, oakland, walnut creek. the oath one without gloomy
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cloud cover. light rain now. cinthia mentioned, the storm is already overt north bay. planning to leave the bay area, travel to maybe tahoe, prepare for heavy snow and ice. sierra under a winter storm warning right now. areas in tahoe are under an avalanche warning. chain controls required on highway 50 and 80. expect road closures on this busy holiday weekend. and a live look at palisades tahoe where a famed chairlift is reopened this morning following this week's deadly avalanche. the lift called kt-22, known at kt, world renowned for one of the best here. provides access to where an avalanche killed one man on wednesday. the lift is back up and running again, many remain closed because of a second avalanche hit the resort the next day. thursday's avalanche happened on resort alpine meadow's side of
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the mountain. fortunately, no one hurt. stay up to date on conditions in the sierra, rain here and in the bay area, download anytime or frue nbc bay area app. we'll send you weather alerts wherever you are. turning now to our continuing coverage of the war in the middle east. american and british forces launching another attack on houthi rebel targets in yemen. president biden releasing a statement calling the military strikes a defensive action. biden said they follow weeks of attacks by the iranian-backed military group. the houthis have been targeting commercial shipping carry keaing out more than two dozen attacks on ships in the red sea. houthis say they're attacks were meant to show support for hamas militants in gaza and that could impact how we perceive things or how long it will be here in the bay area. two new study shedding light on the effects of long covid.
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a study published by ucsf and gladstone institutes says covid can remain in the body years after initial infection. researchers found in those cases of long covid, t cells were not working well with antibodies in order to fight the infection. >> it is likely that there is existing virts virus in the body in people with long covid, because that immune system that wants to clean out the virus, the fragments, the remainder at the end, it's completely not working. >> a second study published in the lancet looked at 20 million across three countries. researchers found getting vaccinated consistently reduced risk of long covid symptoms by as much as 50%. cdc is estimating 10% of adult covid survivors suffer from long covid.
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turning now to "decision 2024" and the final sprint to the first contest to the 2024 election. iowa voters gearing up for monday despite a blizzard sweeping across the hawkeye state. the latest republican poll shows former president trump with a significant lead there. but trump right now is more focused on the courtroom. the former president spent much of this week first in d.c. fighting for immunity in a criminal case stemming from his actions surrounding the january 6th insurrection. then in new york for a civil trial. so far trump's legal woes do not appear to be damaging his campaign. any show for supporter in iowa closely watched and may have a big impact on the race moving forward. at that point, not lost on contender nikki haley. >> look, monday matters. your voice matters.
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i trust you. i trust you, because i know america gets this. the political pundits on tv want to write this story already and act like november 2024's already here. they don't know. but you do. >> candidates are planning a full weekend of campaigning across iowa, but winter weather conditions may make that a little more complicated with a blizzard warning in effect. probably used to it there, at least, for voters in iowa. and one of the hot-button issues speaking of the blizzard, is climate change. america's second biggest producer of wind energy is iowa. voters who prioritize on climate change could have an impact on the election. chase cain introduces us to the green voters who don't identify as red or blue. [ chanting ] >> reporter: a massive climate
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protest in manhattan highlighting what could be key to the 2024 election. >> moderate and consider myself a democrat, or a republican, but here for climate change at the priority. >> reporter: along with a record number of americans. 49% don't identify with either political party e and could make it more difficult to predict who ends up here in 2024. along with another national poll showing climate change a bigger priority than ever before. voters ranking it number three issue behind inflation and health care and ahead of abortion. >> young people this issue is not partisan. truly about the planet. we don't care if you're republican, dam. we want action on climate change. >> reporter: founding the american coalition to engage politicians on climate action. only one candidate making the support clear in the august debate. it's talked about. >> personal, yes, climate change real? yes, it is. >> reporter: both sides could be
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a winning issue. "the" winning issue. these five swing states decided by roughly 210,000 votes. 2024, non-partisan environmental voter project identified 1.2 million voters in the same states ranks climate change top issue but didn't vote last time. >> already registered to vote know what they believe. just don't show up often. for those that care about climate change, they're the gold mine. they're the people who are going to determine who wins and loses so many elections in 2024. >> reporter: in pennsylvania, helped get 183,000 climate-first voters to the polls during early voting. more than double the number of votes which decide the 2020 race in the swing state. keep in mind, independents can vote for republicans in three of the four early states. >> we're so used to thinking of climate as a fringe political issue, which to be honest, it was maybe six or eight or ten years ago. but it's not that way anymore.
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if you are a republican candidate, who wants to get some of those independent votes, you might want to rethink the political calculations around how you talk about climate change. especially when young people decide toho up. [ chanting ] >> reporter: in washington, national climate reporter. that's your locally one east bay county set to get a windfall of funds adding more electric vehicle charging stations. the goal, more accessible in underserved communities in contra costa counties. >> reporter: charging stations in this antioch parking lot serve as a central location for ev workers going back and forth across the county. not busy tonight. it's not always the case. when stations are occupied it can be tough to find another one. >> if the stations are filled up i have to drive at least 10, 15 miles away? uft to get a charge. might be full when i get there.
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easier more in certain areas. >> reporter: sarah, also lives in pittsburg agrees. >> not enough around. there isn't in any pittsburg. i have to come here to charge or all the way to concord. >> reporter: lack of charging stationsy cross parts of the county addressed thanks to $15 million in state funds through the charging and fueling infrastructure discretionary grant program. contra costa leaders say built at 15 different sites across the county totals more than 100 chargers and comes as california sets ambitious goals to address climate change, requiring all new cars sold to be zero emission by 2035. >> libraries of a strategic decision of where we can place charging infrastructure, because they are uniquely sited within our community and within our neighborhoods. you know, spread out, you know, across the county. >> reporter: the county feels it will make the charging stations
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more accessible to communities, that have been overlooked in the past. >> when we look at some of the areas in need of charging, we can call them charging deserts, we see that we have a library or two in the vicinity. >> reporter: additional ports a welcome sight for drivers who depend on them. >> never know where you might be at and need a charge. one in your area or an area were you're not familiar with, helpful. >> reporter: the county needs to work out exactly where the stations will be placed. first ones could go up in the next 18 months with remaining stations up and running in the next few years. reporting for "today in the bay." 7:41. still to come on "today in the bay," celebrating 50 years of space photography. where you can see photos of nasa's long legacy ithe bay arn ea
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another split weekend. stormy saturday conditions today, but should clear out in time for our sunday. let me show you what's happening now on satellite and radar. seeing light rain over the bay area. snow up in the mountains and heavier rain up to the north. part of a bigger storm system out to the pacific that will bear the brunt later on this afternoon as we go on into tonight. let's take what stormranger is seeing. heavier rain pushing through the marin county coast the next couple minutes. rain through san francisco, peninsula. roadways are slick. take it nice and easy today
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today wherever you have to go. east bay also from concord down through san ramon, dublin interchange, wet roadways and san jose tapping in on a little moisture carrying down through morgan hill and gilroy. hour-by-hour for you, help you plan your saturday. lunchtime also looking a little soggy. you might want to consider staying indoors, having lunch inside. doesn't sound too bad. through this afternoon, when the heavier part of the storm will start to arrive. arrive first in the north. seeing heavier cells around 6:00, 7:00, especially santa rosa and west of it. russian river at hopland, a concern rising just above the flood stage. keep an eye on that. looking at rain also through the east bay, peninsula and through the south bay continuing as we go on into the overnight hours. finally giving the north bay a break, but heavy a as we go on into the east bay mountains and sand cruz mountains around 11:00 into maybe 3:00 a.m. hour of sunday. that will be about it as we go
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on into the sunday plan, should be drying out. prepare for those winds to pick up. going into the afternoon around 15 to 30 mile-an-hour wind gusts with us into saturday night plans. consider bringing down those decorations finally. just bringing things inside. also staying inside, because the temperatures are only in the mid to upper 50s today. we will see a few more 60s on the board going into tomorrow, because we're seeing a little more sunshine. but i do want to talk what's going on in lake tahoe. winter storm warning. avalanche warning for the back country as we go on through this weekend. better conditions as we go on into late sunday and monday for the long holiday weekend. just be aware of those travel plans. as we take it ahead into were the long-range forecast, could see a sprinkle or to two late tuesday into wednesday. this one going into friday and saturday of next weekend that could bring about more substantial rain. so far look at temperature trends. aside from the light sprinkles could see some more mild days
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going into the second half of the week. a little bit of everything. >> no more 30s overnight. >> no. >> cinthia, >> cinthia, diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪♪
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that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. welcome back. a local nature photographer with a passion for space is presenting a gallery celebrating 50 years of space photography. although half of the photos in the gallery aren't his. "today in the bay" the kris sanchez shows the celebration and legacy of nasa aims in
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mountain view. >> something about these. there's something about these that i -- so far haven't been able to take it down. >> reporter: from pacifica, talking about his exhibit of breathtaking nasa photographs celebrating the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 landing. he opened it in 2019 and three years one pandemic and a whole new body of photographic work later johnson can't bear to take the space photos down. with newer technology he's able to showcase images capper which had decades ago. >> we build these machines that can look not only beyond distance by sending spacecraft or incredible telescopes out, they're also able to see an infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths we literally cannot perceive. >> reporter: his love of space imagery is married with his love of nature in his exhibit just
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juxtaposing with what surrounds us here on earth. >> my goodness. what a wonder. >> reporter: johnson's gallery is opened by appointment. visit in pacifica. kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> wow, thanks. now to the warriors packing bags and heading the road for the windy city after getting blown out tuesday night. in chicago last night taking on the bulls, hot in the third. outscoring bulls by 28 points. they went on to win 140-131. klay thompson, warriors highest scorer with 30 points. steph curry took a bit to warm up eventually finishes with 27. warriors next game, tonight at 5:00 against the bucks in milwaukee. the giants are continuing to revamp their roster adding another pitcher. they reportedly signed jordan hicks yesterday to a four-year, $44 million contract. the team reportedly plans on using him as a starting pitcher,
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even that e he's only started eight games in his career. usually he's a reliever. hicks is the third free agent giants signed this off-season. he joins korean outfielder and the catcher tom murphy and they traded for former cy young award-winning pitcher. opening day march 28th in san diego. nbc family of networks airs three of the six wild card games'stalking nfl. that starts today with browns and texans. coverage starts at 12:00 right here on nbc bay area. then dolphins and chiefs take on at 5:00 p.m. only on peacock. coverage continues tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. as nbc bay area brings you the rams versus the lions. again, that primetime game, today, only will be available on streaming. tonight's chiefs take on the
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dolphins in kansas city. watch live on the peacock a.m. starting at 5:00 p.m. hopefully you have it downloaded. 7:52 right now. up next, a quick look at top stories including a live look at our nbc bay area stormranger. cinthia will be right back to time out hvier rain later ea ea
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at welcome back. before we get to the top stories what to expect tomorrow morning
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on "sunday today" with willie geist. >> great to see you tomorrow on "sunday today." a new conversation with the hilarious tina fey on her rise from young "snl" writer to comedy icon as she writes, produces and stars in a new "mean girls" movie two decades after the original. >> experience clearly much different than 20 years ago? >> superdifferent. >> nice, consultants inside your own home. daughters what it's like to be a teenager? >> yes. i do run things by them occasionally. one daughter, don't let the millennials over think it. >> a special two-part sunday sitdown with tina fey plus the morning's latest head lines and another "life well lived." airing at 6:00 a.m. in the bay area. not up that early on a sunday, set the dvr and we'll see you whenever you're ready for us. >> all right, willie. hope you are awake to catch willie and 6:00 and stick here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" at 7:00.
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can't wait for that interview. all right. a quick look at the top stories we're following on this saturday morning including bracing for widespread rain. we have a live look outside. you might see some mist or drizzle where you are now. that is going to change. the storm already over the north bay. cinthia along in a moment with one last look at forecast. if you're planning to head to lake tahoe the sierra is under a winter storm warning right now. areas in tahoe are also under an avalanche warning. chain controls are required on highway 50 and 80. expect road closures on this busy holiday weekend. and we have one last live look this morning at palisades tahoe where that famed chairlift kt is reopening following the deadly avalanche. world renowned lifted providing access to the run where the avalanche kill one man on wednesday. although it's reopen, many of the black diamond runs below it
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remain closed because a second avalanche hit the resort the next day. thursday's avalanche happened on the resort's alpine meadow side of the mountain. fortunately no one hurt. if you'd like to stay up to date on conditioning in the sierra, the rain here in the bay and anytime be sure to download the free nbc bay area app. we'll send you any weather alerts from where you are. and cinthia's here with one last look before we go. >> stormranger, a great resource. bring it up now, you can see picking up a lot of rain over the bay area now. you do get specialized alerts and it's free. i promise, it's a great resource to make sure that you track the rain hour-by-hour as you head out the door, and plan your weekend, really. a long holiday weekend. it's split. today showers, tomorrow clearing. also for martin luther king jr. day on monday. then there will be a few rounds of light rain going into tuesday and wednesday. as we go on into the second half of the week we are looking at some things clearing out, but
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then are also already tracking our next rainmaker that could impact our next weekend plans as we go into late friday and saturday. so it's an active seven-day forecast. behaving as january should, kira. >> exactly! yeah. all right. cinthia, thanks so much. and thanks to you for making us a part of your morning. we'll have more local news for you tonight add 5:30, 6:00 and 11:00. always on at and football night in america starting at noon today. you'll want to stay tuned for that. we hope you enjoyed this last look in san francisco. we hope you have a great saturday, and we would love to see you right back here tomorrow morning.
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