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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  January 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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donald trump with a nearly 30-point lead over his closest rival. and that points to the enthusiasm this poll shows for former president trump, compared to other contenders, which could be decisive, in terms of who actually goes out to caucus monday night. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley in second place in the new poll ahead of ron desantis and entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. the poll shows nearly half of haley's iowa backers say they would vote for president biden over former president trump. that's a sharp break from most iowa republicans. i've been speaking to folks who are getting ready to caucus for different candidates, and they are not disturbed by the polls. iowa certainly has been known to surprise on caucus day in the past. we should know by late tomorrow
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night the results of this first nominating contest of the 2024 presidential campaign. in des moines, iowa, alice barr, nbc news. nbc nightly news will bring you full coverage of the caucuses 6:30 tomorrow right after our evening newscast. we are finally drying out ahead of the mlk holiday. let's check with rob mayeda. >> no rain in the forecast for monday, but visibility may be an issue depending on where you are. clear view looking back to the bay bridge near san francisco. but dublin now beginning to see low clouds on the increase. this is what we're watching. areas of patchy dense fog. rain does make the comeback on tuesday. then more rain chances later this week. it's pretty good around the bay area, but by tomorrow morning if you're in the north bay valley
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toward the tri valley and concord and san jose, we could see patchy dense fog to start the morning with overcast skies and highs tomorrow in the 50s to low 60s. on the horizon, we've got clouds out here to the west, which will lead to the first of a few rain chances this week. this is midday tuesday into early wednesday morning. could see about a quarter continue to half inch of rain around the bay area, followed by even more rain and the potential for heavy, high-elevation snow, starting friday into next weekend. we'll take a look at that, and the impact it might have on the big divisional playoff next saturday. that forecast coming up in about ten minutes. >> everyone wants to know about that, rob. just ahead, the arctic blast continues to dump snow across the east coast. we'll show you some of that wild weather. and our climate in crisis is moving beyond
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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welcome back. if you're just joining us now, we're on because of football. a principal who was critically injured in a shooting has died. dan marburger has died. he sustained serious injuries while trying to calm and distract a shooter. that shooter, a 17-year-old student. tonight, marburger being remembered as a hero. the 2024 election kicks off tomorrow with the republican caucuses in iowa. the state also happens to be the second-biggest producer of wind energy. they get half of this power from chief energy-efficient power. we introduce you to the green
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voters who don't identify as red or blue. >> reporter: a masive climate protest through manhattan. independent voters who prioritize the planet. >> i personally am very moderate. i don't consider myself democrat or republican. climate change is the most important priority. >> reporter: 49% who don't identify with either political party. along with another national poll, climate change is a birg priority than ever before. voters naming it the number three priority. >> it's truly about the planet. we don't care if you're republican, democrat, we want actions on climate change. the vast majority of young people feel that way. >> reporter: he founded the coalition to engage republicans on climate action.
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but one only candidate making their support clear in the august debate. it is being talked about. >> is climate change real? yes, it is. >> reporter: it could be the winning issue. these swing states were decided by 210,000 votes. they have identified 1.2 million voters in those states who rank climate change their top issue but didn't vote last time. >> they're already registered to vote. they know what they believe, they just don't show up that often. they're the people who are going to determine who wins and loses so many elections in 2024. >> reporter: in pennsylvania, they've helped get more than double the votes that decided the 2020 race in the swing state. independents can vote for republicans in three of the four early states. >> we're so used to thinking of
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climate as a fringe political issue, which, to be honest, it was, maybe six or it's or ten years ago. but it's not that way anymore. so if you are a republican candidate who wants to get some of those independent votes, you might want to rethink the political calculations around how you talk about climate change. especially when young people decide to show up. >> reporter: in washington, chase cain. wreckage pulled from the water. the navy says it has recovered a helicopter that crashed in the san diego bay. the shopper was flying over the san diego bay for search and rescue training when it went down thursday. six crew members were on board. amazingly, rescuers were able to get the crew and bring them safely to shore. the wreckage was found about 16 feet under water yesterday. they were able to get it on a barge and bring it to the coronado naval base. tomorrow marks what would have been the 95th birthday of dr. martin luther king jr.
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a church on the central coast is reflecting on his message. it comes decades after dr. king's visit to friendship church. >> reporter: edward was sitting in the pews when dr. king visited in 1961. >> this is the pulpit that dr. king spoke on. >> i just remember him coming by a place like friendship, and to deliver a message with us, you know, it was quite inspirational. >> to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. >> reporter: he says years later, dr. king's mention of peace lives in his community. >> i would like to thank him for the legacy that he had and what he stood for, and i hope son
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some of it would rub off on us. >> what we're hoping today is that people pick up dr. king's message and continue the struggle, to view his example and legacy as a way of sealing ourselves for the ongoing battle for justice in this society. >> reporter: raised in seaside, he sees how far his city has come along and how far it still needs to go. >> the work is hard, sometimes it's scary, but we can't give up. dr. king fought all the way until he was killed. the society is still an unjust society. so we have a responsibility to carry on the struggle. >> that was leslie duarte reporting. mlk day is the only day that is
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a national day of service. people gathered in vallejo to help establish the legacy grove. young people and others came out in celebration of mlk day. they planted trees. and the event was funded through grant. >> we definitely want to, you know, really reclaim what dr. king's legacy is, and so we know that active, planting and community engagement is really important to this crew and a part of the cap stone project to be engaging and bringing us together. >> goal was to plant 50 trees. it was pushed back a day because of the rain. there are dangerous conditions for more than half of americans an estimated 95 million people under advisories for below-freezing wind chills and half a million are without
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power. whiteout conditions. >> we got some crazy loopers out here running around with their shirts off. >> crazy oopers? >> you saw them running without their shirts in the snow. many parts of the state see these temperatures and are expecting more snow tonight. >> all of a sudden seems really tranquil and pleasant. calm skies and clear weather. gorgeous shots taken today. some decent surf, but nothing compared to those waves that we had last week. rob mayeda joining us, and boy, we seem like the calmest place in the world after you look at the oopers and folks in buffalo. >> wild.
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he says he's the weird one. >> they're patching calls through to the hospital. >> wait until you see the national forecast. more than half the country, highs below freezing. this will have an impact on travel plans, especially if you're going to head to chicago or the east coast. stay tuned to that national forecast coming up in a moment. and trust me, you're going to be happy that we got 50s here in the bay area, compared to the temperatures on that national map coming up. low clouds filling in around dublin. we'll likely have patchy areas of dense fog. 49 degrees in walnut creek and san francisco, 56 degrees. and you can see around the bay area, mostly upper 40s and low 50s. now let's look at that national forecast. moving forward, this is your high temperatures. this is not wind chill. 3 degrees in chicago. 24 in dallas-ft. worth. up and down the plains, single-digit temperatures are below zero temperatures.
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east of the rockies, you can see across california, 60s here. 30s in seattle. this is high impact. most of the country, more than 50% of it, dealing with wind chill warnings and cold temperatures. california cold for us tomorrow morning, 40 to start the day. top issue would be patchy, dense fogg. highs tomorrow near 60s, around san jose. san francisco to oakland, inland east bay locations, concord, walnut creek, fairfield, likely to be coolest with the fog potentially lingering a little bit into the afternoon. we'll also have high clouds. nothing producing rain just yet. that had be showing up as we go through the day on tuesday. there is a lot of moisture over the pacific. we will see these chances of rain. you can see the first chance coming through during the day tuesday as we take you down closer with an hour by hour look at this chance for rain. by tuesday morning, most of us
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here in the north bay, then by the afternoon we begin to see the rain march south. 11:00 tuesday night, heaviest rain of the storm moving blue the bay area. then we should get clearing skies heading through wednesday. no big surprises. top totals, the mountains. a few could get close to an inch of rain with that mainly tuesday to very early wednesday morning rain chance. but there's more out there. as you hid into friday. the rain starts to fill in once again. saturday may be in between systems. but we have a divisional playoff game. if things don't change, it looks like some rain at times. mild temperatures, breezy. should be in the mid 50s next saturday evening. and after that game, as we head into sunday, here comes another storm. you can see a lot of snow, about 6,000 feet in the forecast. and unlike the previous seven-day forecast we've seen of late, that rain looks pretty much on and off throughout that
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three-day period friday through next sunday. for plans tomorrow, should be fine. and heavy sierra snow at the high elevations. >> when the 49ers are playing the green bay packers. on and off, maybe between storms. >> it still looks breezy, and given how active the pattern looks for next weekend, looks like pretty good loss of rain. a volcano in iceland continues to erupt. the danger heading for a town.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they switched to xfinity mobile and saved hundreds
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when they bought one unlimited line and got one free! now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. two decades ago, a marine
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platoon from camp pendleton was one of the first to invade iraq. to the families of those service members, waiting for updates. >> he's written a book. they reflected on their time in combat and the battle many of them are still fighting at home. jackie crea from our sister station in san diego has the story. >> reporter: at camp pendleton, marines have trained to fight in wars from the '40s to the current day. they were some of the first boots, many of them teenagers, on the front lines when america invaded iraq in 2003. >> one of them struggled to his feet and shouted suicide bomber. >> reporter: it's all in retire
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war correspondent chip reed's book. "battle scars". >> a number of them, i've interviewed world leaders, and this story was the one that made my jaw drop and my eyes pop more than anything else. >> reporter: it's not about the politics but about the physical and emotional war many of them are still fighting here at home, like mike martinez and his wife stephanie. >> i don't care about who was in charge. i don't care about any of that. i care about those that i was able to bring home safe. >> reporter: martinez was one of those who shared his story. with baby number two on the way he was deployed to kuwait. >> we started taking fire from our right side, and this's like oh, this is going to be crazy. >> every time that i felt i was in a dangerous situation, some marine grabbed me and threw me
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under a truck or told me to get out of the line of fire. >> reporter: not everyone made it. >> we don't have time to cope. we don't have time to mourn. we don't have time to think about our mistakes. we have to just try to push forward. >> reporter: and he did with ringing in his ears. his brothers dying in front of him. guilt and depression and the difficulty adapting to civilian life. >> that draining was kind of training was brought into every day life. if we were late he'd get upset about it. if something was missing or misplaced, he'd be upset with it. >> reporter: the 15-year struggle with ptsd. >> my advice was eating. i ate as much as i could. i was addicted to food. >> reporter: his weight ballooned to 340 pounds.
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his job as a mailman, he says, kept him in his thaws. thoughts. >> there was no real empathy. >> i see going into the marine corps or navy as an officer. >> reporter: in 2018 things came to a head and really spiralled when one of his two sons left for the military. stephanie supported him the best she could. >> this guy here, the love of my life has been through so much and sacrificed so much. and i, now he's still battling this war. >> reporter: at the same time, a change at the veteran's health administration. a shift to focussing on mental health. >> they got doctors who care. >> they're trained. go they're better trained and know how to sbiex. >> for chip reid. >> reporter: then a chance to connect with the reporter he kept an eye out for 20 years before. the one who kept stephanie and other military families updated
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with tv news stories. >> reporter: he spoke at the reunion on base and gave these marines a chance to reach others struggling with one more story of resilience and recovery. >> as i've said many times, if i can get one person who's struggling to get help, then this book will be a success. >> if we resort back it our military training, we are not allowed to fight by yourself. you're not john rambo. you need support. >> reporter: his son will grad graduate from the naval academy and become a commander. >> you know, this new future of uncertainty. >> knowing what you have gone through this this long 15-year journey, longer, 20-year journey, do you regret your
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children going in the same direction? >> not at all. i know they'll be able to help others. and they'll know how to deal with others who are going through stuff and how to help guide them in the right direction. >> reporter: part of history, but no doubtedly impacting generations to come. >> that was jackie crea reporting. new video after volcanic eruption in southwest iceland that is threatening a tiny fishing village. it comes after a series of intense small earthquakes opened a crack overnight. right now the eruption has stopped but the lava is still flowing. you can see the lava, the red right there, the smoke, the orange glow. it is beautiful, but it is deadly, potentially deadly to life. now some homes on the outskirts of town have caught fire and emergency crews are trying to
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protect the rest. everyone else has been evacuated of matt bradley has the latest. >> reporter: tonight a tiny fishing village facing off against a wall of fire after a volcano opened two cracks in the earth, just 30 miles from the capital. the town's nearly 4,000 residents were evacuated overnight just in the nick of town. already homes on the outskirts are catching fire. we're probably just seeing the chain of events that will continue and be difficult to deal with. no one has been hurt or injured so far. but workers still struggling to divert these expanding rivers of flame. the government spent weeks build these protective ramparts, but this morning's eruption has already breached them. workers racing toward the molten rock, reaching perilously close to reach equipment that had been
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there to build the barrier. it was awful to see the first houses reached he said. but it's long dealt with volcanos. iceland's president said that while this slow motion crisis is unlikely to hurt any people, it has created another awe inspiring spectacle in this land of ice and fire. matt bradley, nbc news. up next, it's a holiday weekend but a call to serve others. >> first we'll take a live look out at san francisco. you can see the top of the salesforce tower. if that cloud would get out of the way, but it won't. we're back in two minutes.
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right now on this special
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edition of nbc by area news, a steamy situation in san francisco. what caused the commotion in the city this afternoon. and a bay area animal shelter is scrambling to find new homes for pets. why so many are ending up san francisco. plus. we definitely want to, you know, really reclaim what dr. king's legacy is. >> ahead of dr. martin luther king jr.'s birthday see how volunteers are using the holiday weekend to continue his legacy of service. thanks for joining us on this special edition of nbc bay area news. i'm terry mcsweeney. >> i'm gia vang. this weekend, the nation is remembering a civil rights icon. tomorrow marks what would have been martin luther king jr.'s 95th birthday. >> mlk day, the only federal holiday that's also a day of service, the goal, bring people together in their communities and bring about change.
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christie smith shows us how some young people spent the day in the north bay. >> reporter: digging, lifting and planting was under way in celebration of martin luther king jr. day. they came to the legacy grove ceremony near city hall. it was scheduled for yesterday but pushed back a day due to the rain. >> we want to give back to vallejo. >> reporter: the goal today, to plant 50 trees, as the legacy grove is established. it was funded through a grant. >> for me, i really enjoy these types of events where we are, like, beautifying a space, and it is somewhere local. i believe a lot of people coming out. >> we try for a lot of native trees, but some take better than others. >> reporter: young people with a student conservation association took part, although they're paid
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an hourly wage. >> we definitely want to, you know, really reclaim what dr. king's legacy is, and so we know that active planting and community engagement is something that's really important to this crew. >> reporter: tomorrow around the bay area, there are events, marches, rallies and cleanups. and tomorrow, oakland city council member and the red cross are teaming up. >> we recruit others to give blood. because giving blood saves lives. if you're eligible to give blood, contact the red crosse cross nearest you and sign up to give blood. glide memorial church had volunteers hit the streets with trash pickers. and they checked in with the unhoused members of the community.
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one man said it's about creating community and including everyone. >> i'm a member of the community. and it's important to me to show up and, you know, for me, it's about the human connection, honestly. i want them to feel important to be seen and heard. >> they distributed items to the unhoused and collected signatures to help those register to vote. muni will be operating the saturday schedule. no real time social media monitoring. general parking time limits, a sign saying one or two-hour parking won't be enforced. also not enforced, daytime
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street sweeping, however, nighttime street sweeping are be enforced. a partial shutdown in both directions of 101 will likely create delays in the south bay their week. this week. from shoreline to 1th street in san jose. the closures will run tuesday through friday. from 9:00 in the morning. >> that's going to impact a lot of folks. heavy fog contributed to an early man crash that killed a man and his dog. it happened near the rald railroad crossing. >> when police got that's there, the
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dog was dead and the man was in cardiac arrest. we told you about this at the top of the hour, the person who took this video told us it happened around 4:00 at the vta station at the east ridge loop off capital expressway in san jose. in the last 20 minutes, we heard from firefighters. they say the bus was empty. so no one needed to be evacuated, and no one was hurt. that's good. flames did damage the overhang on the bus stop. quite a sight if downtown san francisco when an underground pipe broke and sent steam shooting into the air. this is what it looked like around gary and grant at 11:00 a.m. 911 calls were coming in about what everybody thought was smoke. looked like it was coming from manhole covers. turns out nothing was on fire, but sometime was everywhere, and that wasn't the only problem underground. >> the steam lines generate heat
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for the buildings in and around the area, and that was probably the cause of the actual steam being produced. pg&e was called because they have underground vaults in the area they're worried about. and there was also a large water main break at 150 post. >> a lot going on underground. it is not clear fort steampipe and water main pipe were connected. no evacuations ordered. no one hurt. things back to normal tonight. overcrowding continues to be an issue at another bay area shelter. so much so sfo animal care is waiving the adoption fees this month. the shelter says there's a number of reasons overcrowding continues to be a problem not just here but across the country. for one, lack of access to vet care. shelter employees told me these dogs end up there mostly because of issues related to the economic down turn.
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inflation fears keep people from adding a pet to their family. i spoke to them about how dire the situation is. >> for our shelter in particular, we've had close to 70 to 80 dogs every month on the regular, and we're used to having about 45 to 50. even 60's a more comfortable number. >> reporter: you're saying every month there's a point at which you're over capacity? >> there's many, many, and we're talking about millions of spay and neuters that were not done during the pandemic during to ppe being put, rightfully so, with first responders. there was a major bottleneck in that. and what we're seeing now are these puppies have grown-up. they're adults now, and they have starting to come into the shelters in droves. >> reporter: tell me where you guys, where you stand right now in terms of even the likelihood of potentially euthanizing? >> we're getting to a point
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where if we continue to this be full, i can't say with confidence that we wouldn't have to use that for space eventually. >> the shelter is waiving the adoption fees for most dogs this month. it's the city's only open admission shelter. it takes all animals, as can you see bunnies and guinea pigs. if you would like to help make room by adopting or fostering, visit it website. thousands of paris of shoes will be in the hands of women in need. a group called healthy bellies held a drive. they will be distributed to women in developing countries. they still need more. they're looking for donations of new and gently-worn shoes. they also help provide wellness and nutrition to women in need. >> there's a maternal health crisis going on. we can see the rates of women dying in childbirth. infants dying.
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chronic illnesses in pregnancy is up. and we need to do something. unfortunately, it disproportionately affects low income people, women of color. >> organizers say they're up against the clock. they say they have two more weeks to reach their goal of 2,000 pairs of shoes. up next, one step closer to completion. the massive move for the space shuttle endeavor. after kicking his smoking habit, a bay area plan started man started to run and hasn't stopped yet. and we're watching for patchy dense fog. rain returns by tuesday with several storms lining up in the
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend.
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(co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? if there is one thing we have learned over the years from silicon valley, it's that data is one of the most important
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things you can have access to. >> there are many ways to collect it and use it, but in tonight's bay area proud, we found a rather unique one. we have the story of a man's quest for data that led him to live a healthier life. >> reporter: if you've ever known satisfaction of completing a page in a coloring book, to put in the time and effort to see the finished product, you have something in common with mike, though he is doing it with his legs and lungs. >> this is my favorite part. >> reporter: this image he has created represents every single street in dublin, livermore, pleasanton and san ramon, and mike has run every inch of every one. and what are we doing today? >> we're going to start running all the streets in danville. >> reporter: mike, you see, has a goal of running every street
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in the tri valley. after danville, all that will be left will be alamo. it's something he started in 2014, not long after he stopped doing something else. at age 40, mike quit a 20-year smoking habit. >> you have to come to the realization, this thing is going to kill me. >> reporter: and the very day he quit was when he went for his first run. >> i went for a mile, and it hurt like the dickens. i coughed. the whole next day at work i was in pain. and i got up the next morning and did it. >> reporter: mike got so hooked on running he has finished marathons and ultra marathons. he's kept the medals, but what mike says really keeps him going is the fun he has tracking it all, analyzing the data, creating spreadsheets, coloring in those maps of where he's been.
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it all explains request running all the streets in the tri valley is so appealing to him. >> it actually became more important than the running. i wouldn't say more important, but it became a reward for the running. i could run and go home and do my analytical stuff. >> reporter: mike realizes running isn't everyone's thing, but he's found a passion that keeps him entertained but more importantly keeps him healthy. and that is a road map he encourages anyone to follow. >> you can't beat that. just getting out and doing that is real he important. >> reporter: garvan thomas, nbc bay area news. >> pretty incredible. >> mm-hm. >> if you know someone doing extraordinary, you can tag us on facebook, instagram and twitter. those maps, though. >> that's your neck of the woods. you were impressed. >> hills. the weather we've had over the last year, that didn't stop him. >> way to go, mike.
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>> tomorrow would be a good day for a run. temperatures nice and comfortable. don't have to worry about sub-zero wind chill like most of the country tomorrow. top issue weather wise tomorrow morning will be patchy dense fog, especially across some of the inland valleys. 52 in san jose. over toward walnut creek, 49 degrees, and around dublin and livermore, beginning to see low clouds there at 48 degrees. so some dense areas of fog, very likely out toward the central valley. watch out if you have plans, travel plans down through fresno or sacramento for tomorrow morning. start the day with the 40s. as we move forward, high clouds, hazy sunshine. should still manage 60 south of san jose, but those inland east bay valleys likely to stay in the mid-50s for highs. and here's a look at the high clouds. right now, not rain-producing clouds. this is sort of the outer
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fringe, though, of more active weather that's going to roll in during the day tuesday. offshore, weather systems coming in essentially from west to east. these storms may have a bigger punch bringing some high rain rates at times by next weekend. first chance for rain comes up as we head into tuesday morning. you see the rain on approach for the tuesday morning commute. probably not much of an impact south of san francisco for the morning. evening into the early afternoon, most of the rain is in the north bay. by the tuesday evening commute, then by wednesday, the skies start to clear out, and you might have noticed the rain hanging out over the north bay probably for the longest with this incoming storm. top rain totals for now, santa cruz mountains. less for places like san jose. now for the sierra, this is a mild weather system.
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so notice no snow at khybers or blue canyon. moving forward toward next weekend as we see more storms come in, the hope is some colder air with snow dropping down slightly below 5,000 feet with higher snow totals by next weekend. speaking of next weekend. here comes rain for friday. as we head towards saturday, of course the 49ers game, it looks like rain at times. then more rain comes in saturday night on into sunday. so, as these storm totals add up, we're talking three-day rain totals from friday through sunday, spread out over 72 hours or so, you sigh the potential for significant rain totals. again, this is over three days. mountain rain totals of two to three inches of rain possible. and inland locations could see a half inch to more than an inch of rain. pretty soggy period setting up towards next friday. raindrops back in for tuesday. and tuesday night, and then another break thursday. and then rain off and on as we
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head through the weekend. so some rain for the 49ers game. i checked the lambeau field forecast. 10 for a high and a low of minus 6. we'll take the rain. >> we'll take the rain is right. >> all right, rob, thank you. >> there is no age limit on the need for speed. we're going to introduce to you this 102-year-old adrenaline junky. got to meet her when we come back.
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ignition, and liftoff. falcon 9, go star link. go spacex. >> it is up, and it is good. success for spacex and his latest mission into space. taking off from down near santa barbara. today's mission, send 22 star link satellites into orby those are the ones that everybody
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always calls the station and says there's something going up in the sky. that's the star link stuff. the world's first ready-to-launch space exhibit one step closer to opening to the public. crews attached a massive external fuel tank to space shutter endeavor's rocket boosters. they are expected to move ahead with the next to last step on wednesday. they were delayed by wind of the final step would be to move endeavor itself into the new exhibit. where the rest display is waiting, waiting for you. >> we'll be watching. she's showing the world age is just a number when it comes to need for speed. meet bindi, 102 years old. might not look like your typical adrenaline junky.
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the richmond raceway in virginia gave her the red carpet treatment. she got to sign a square at the finish line. >> was it fast enough for you? >> oh, no. >> how fast do you want to go? >> as fast as possible. >> she wants to come back and watch a nascar race for her 103rd birthday in april. >> i got to drive a nascar in charlotte. and i only got to go to 141 miles per hour. there was somebody with me. and i was nervous the whole time. i was, like, he was like, you can throttle it more, go, go, go. and i'm like, i'm going as fast as i want to go. >> she was enjoying it and wanted to go faster, but she was not driving. that might be better for all concerned. >> i was nervous and the guy with me was nervous. >> the stage is set. >> the 49ers have a post-season
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party date. the edge the green bay packers say they might have against the niners after this big win over the cowboys today. stick around, sports is next.
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welcome back. i'm anthony flores. a shocking upset on wildcard weekend. the 49er will host the greenback bay packers. cowboys down and trying to rally. picked off by darnell sage. more of the same fort second half. jordan love hits luke musgrave for a 38-yard touchdown. the packers beat them boys,
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48-32. so when they face the 49ers, the packers say they'll come to the bay area with a chip on their shoulder. >> they're a very talented team. we've been counted out some times. it was a great team win tonight. when we're playing complementary ball like that, i think we're tough to beat. in all right, we'll find out next saturday night. what a night for jared goff the marin county native led the lions to their first playoff win since 1992. he passed for 277 yards and one touchdown. remember the rams gave up on him. he was emotional but kept his focus on the lions after the historic win over his former team. >> it means a lot. but it team's special. this team's really special. it's about our team. i have personal connections there, but it's about our team and the 2023 lions. i know we just broke a streak
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that's been going on for 30 years. but it's about this squawk. squad. it's about us. >> wow. what a win. the 49ers family has a new star. kristin juszczyk. she gained national attention when making a travis kelce puffer jacket. she made gear for simone biles and brittany mahomes. she told me what it means to her to have these celebrities showcase her fashion pieces. >> it's just the most rewarding thing in the world. there's nothing more rewarding than spending so much time make something and seeing someone you look up to wearing it. i'm just trying to do anything to get ply designs out there. i want to show off my creativity and what can i do.
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anyone who's willing to wear it, i'm fully ready to make them something. >> now kristin says she loves the pressure of trying to create something new. so i'm throwing this out there for the next game. she should have something that says jus zebra cat, zebra yellow kitten, right? that's the key to spelling her name. draymond green is expected to report to the game in memphis. he has been serving a suspension for punching another player last month. >> it wasn't like some injury tossed me off the floor. so it's very urgent because i've cost my team enough. i've cost this organization enough. there's a chance to make it right. and that's my goal. and that's my focus. women's college basketball, number eight stanford at number five colorado.
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needing one win to tie and two wins to pass mike krzyzewski for the most all-time wins in college basketball. 19 points and 17 boards but a pull away from there. the cardinal hit with the steph curry night night. cu beat stanford. and a good day for the san jose football program. chubba purdy announced he's committed to play for the spartans. he comes to the bay area after stops at florida state and nebraska. seven interceptions in 16 collegiate games. it looks like there will be two teams rooting for purdy. >> what are your thoughts on next saturday's game? >> the packers look good, but i'm thinking the 49ers had be rested and come away with a
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