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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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your day with us. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. it's martin luther king jr. day. a lot of people have the day off, which is very nice. the weather seems to be cooperating. >> not bad at all. it's going to be cloudy today. we're not going to see as much sunshine. but we are going to have much milder temperatures compared to what we've been talking about, that plunge of arctic air that's been surging across much of the middle of the country, all the way to the south. in houston they are now at 28 degrees, but you see all of the temperatures below zero this morning. so this is what they're dealing with there, while we're having temperatures in the upper 40s and low 50s to start. and then going into the afternoon, we are going to see partly to mostly cloudy skies today, temperatures in the upper 50s, low 60s for the south bay, fremont, los gatos reaching 60 degrees, and 62 in morgan hill. we are going to see rain coming in tomorrow, so i'll have more on that. we'll take a look at our hour-by-hour forecast and time
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out the rain in a few minutes. >> thank you very much. we are following breaking news on the peninsula, where teams are pausing their search for survivors of a small plane that crashed into the ocean off of half moon bay. we have a live look at where the crash happened, this is near the moss beach distillery, not far from the municipal airport. authorities say witnesses saw the plane flying erratically a little after 7:00 p.m., and the engine started sputtering. an air rescue crew combed the waters late into the night, locating some of that wreckage. it's not clear how many people were onboard. authorities say the plane had taken off from an airport in the east bay. our ginger conejero saab is near the crash site working to gather new details. she'll join us with a live report in our next half hour. more breaking news, this time out of the south bay this morning. a woman is dead after being struck by a car in san jose. it happened around 2:00 this morning along skyway drive and monterey road.
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it's still not clear if the driver stayed at the scene or if police are considering this an accident. right now monterey road between skyway and branham lane remains closed due to the investigation. there's no timeline on a reopening. in iowa, the caucuses are being held in the brutal cold today. we have a live look at the university of iowa in iowa city this morning. look at that. it just looks so cold. the current temperature there is negative 13 degrees. those temperatures could certainly impact voter turnout. polls show former president donald trump holding a commanding lead over his gop oh opponents. alice barr joins us live. this could be the coldest caucus day on record. >> reporter: that is what they're saying, laura. it's no joke. sub-zero temperatures, like way sub-zero, negative 27 wind chills out there. that is wild, really, to think about. but it does have very serious
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implications potentially for tonight. a lot of people who might have thought they were going to go out may not. and there are a lot of theories about what lower turnout could mean. former president trump has the enthusiasm edge among his backers, but then florida governor ron desantis has put in the ground game work here. he thinks that will power him to outperform polls. they are all out there trying to do that final push to fire up their supporters. at the iowa pro am archery tournament. around caucus time, parallels to the presidential contest are hard to miss. >> you're going to have to be spot on to run as a good candidate in this country. >> reporter: dean conrad and his wife are preparing to caucus for the first time in a long time. >> i'm concerned about the state of our country and feel like it's important to get out. >> i want to support president
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trump. >> reporter: former president trump counting on enthusiasm to drive people to caucus in sub-zero temperatures. >> we have a lot of people here. if this is any indication, the storm has had zero effect. zero. >> reporter: a new nbc news des moines register media poll shows mr. trump with a nearly 30 point lead over former u.n. ambassador nikki haley, followed by florida governor ron desantis, and entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy. all crisscrossing the state, even as their supporters grapple with the prospect of a trump win. >> i think he's in it for himself more than he is for representing the american people. >> but you would still vote for him? >> he's still a conservative, i would still vote for him. >> iowans used to being targeted for their vote, taking their role seriously. >> there's a lot of strong women here with a lot of strong opinions. >> reporter: as the nation sets its sights on the first
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nominating contest of the 2024 presidential race. one more interesting note from that new poll, it shows that haley backers are breaking the republican mold with more than half saying they would vote for president biden over former president trump if he becomes the nominee. >> wow, interesting there. okay, so, alice, you used to live in iowa. can you give us a sense, from california, we're not used to caucuses here, what the caucuses are actually like and if we should expect to see some results tonight. >> reporter: yeah, it is a different game. i worked in cedar rapids, iowa, many years ago. i've been to caucus sites on caucus nights. we're expecting things to start around 7:00 central time tonight, and then what you're going to see is surrogates. it's more community oriented. they make some speeches and try to talk other people into
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supporting their candidate of choice, and then everyone is going to write their choice down on a paper ballot. we will get the results relatively quickly, usually, hopefully, and should know some answers by midnight tonight central. >> interesting look at it. thank you very much. always good to see you as well. stay warm. those temperatures there are so frigid. our team on the "today" show continues coverage at 7:00. hallie jackson, jacob soboroff, kristen welker and steve kornacki breaking everything down you need to know. 6:05 this morning. today many people in the bay area are participating in a national day of service and it comes on what would have been dr. martin luther king jr.'s 95th birthday. "today in the bay"'s bob redell is joining us live from the east bay. this is with more on how you can get involved in celebrating the late leader's legacy. >> reporter: good morning to you, marcus. interestingly, mlk day today is
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the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to not only recognize and honor the late civil rights hero, but to also encourage community and positive change when necessary. this was the scene yesterday in vallejo, these people getting a head start on the holiday, where student volunteers from the community engaged in the learning center and planted trees to establish the new martin luther king jr. legacy growth here city hall in that city. there are many events taking place today throughout the bay area to celebrate dr. king's legacy. for example, oakland city council member dan kalb and the american red cross are teaming up to host a blood drive in that city. at 9:00 this morning, the east bay regional park district will hold their annual martin luther king jr. day of service event with a cleanup at mlk jr. shoreline mark. at 9:30 in the south bay, caltrain will run its annual mlk celebration train from the
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diridon station. we just spoke with the organizer of today's event. >> we're happy to have whoever wants to come out. we should have a crowd of probably about 1,000 people. it's always a wonderful family-friendly event. it's just a great opportunity for caltrain to help folks come together. >> reporter: that train starts at diridon station, makes a number of stops up the peninsula. it's just over an hour long. when they arrive, there is a march downtown. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> always a fun event. a lot of events happening across the bay area. thank you. significant setbacks in repairing the storm related damage to the wharf in capitola. powerful storms last winter left extensive damage along the 200-year-old landmark pier. strong swells last month created new problems. the new damage was limited to remodelled parts of the pier still under construction and not yet fully secure. the segments will now have to be
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replaced. leaders expect to have it all completed and to be pushed back up to eight weeks. let's take a live look out in san francisco this morning. nice and dry for us out there. meteorologist kari hall will monitor what we can expect. a cool start to the morning. >> it is cool but we're not going to complain about it. we've been talking about how cold it is elsewhere. as we get a look at what to expect today, it will be mostly cloudy and we've seen areas of dense fog in parts of the north bay, watching out for that visibility there. rain comes back tomorrow and we'll have more of a stormy pattern again for the weekend. so just a heads-up as you're making weekend plans, here is a look at what we're seeing as far as visibility in napa, down to a half of a mile. it's at four miles in santa rosa, but keep in mind it may drop off quickly as you're driving around parts of the north bay. we will be mostly cloudy today, a couple of spotty sprinkles here and there. as we get started tomorrow morning in the north bay, some light rain moving in. but most of us won't see the rain until the afternoon, into
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the evening, as that rain becomes more widespread tomorrow night. and we'll have another look at that timeline coming up. i wanted to show you how it looks on the roads this morning. another look at the bay bridge where we're getting a closer look at the cars heading across the span of the bridge, and it is flowing pretty well. we've seen a fairly light commute this morning, and a look at the san mateo bridge, that usually is really picking up. it's still flowing at a good speed. so a look at our bridge drive times this morning, still everyone is going at least at the speed limit. you want to make sure that even though there are less cars, you want to kind of keep an eye on that number on the dashboard and slow it down just a little bit. we don't want any incidents. we haven't seen anything major happening yet. we're looking pretty good as you head out for the drive this morning. marcus and laura. >> thanks, kari. 6:10 right now. the 49ers are poised to take their first postseason step towards hopefully an nfl -- nfc championship. for the niners star quarterback brock purdy, every step is still
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a big step in his remarkable career. coming up, he's going to talk about his carefully crafted journey to stardom. >> and some records set by the chiefs/dolphins game as well. 30% of all internet traffic was that game. and off to the slopes. fresh snow in the sierra making for a winter wonderland. we're going to take you to
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(vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 2) nah.. that one gets an extra day (vo) like having an extra day grace period? you can with wells fargo.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (hero) it's the weekend baby. (vo) want to get paid up to two days early? you can with wells fargo.
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good morning. the time is 6:13. as we take a look at what to expect in the tri-valley, we're checking out our day planner for livermore. at 8:00 we're in the upper 40s and it will be a mostly cloudy start. expect peeks of sunshine with our highs hitting the mid-50s. rain will be here tomorrow. we'll get a look at that timeline coming up. as you're driving through parts of the east bay from contra costa county to alameda county, we are seeing it flowing very well, no major incidents as of yet. i'll have a look at weather and traffic and, once again, a look at that rain coming in in just a few minutes. good morning. very happy monday to you. the markets are closed for the holiday, so when we meet back here tomorrow morning these numbers are going to be the same, friday's close. two interesting numbers, when you multiply the closing value of microsoft, there it is, with
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all the shares of microsoft out there, you get an overall value, a market cap of $2.89 trillion. when you do the same for apple, you get $2.87 trillion. so microsoft the most valuable company now over apple for the first time. an analyst says to "the new york times," it's all because of microsoft's really big start in artificial intelligence. it comes down to gen ai, he says. apple doesn't have much of an ai story yet. congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle say they have an agreement over a continuing resolution keeping the government open. wall street in large part doesn't trust washington, several ratings agencies have downgraded america's credit. but it is good news, at least for now. hyundai is offering $7,500 cash back on the purchase of certain electric cars. as you know, the u.s. government
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offers a $7,500 tax break on cars that have a majority of parts made in america. hyundai is a korean company that doesn't qualify, so the company is offering its own matching discount on the ionic 5, 6, and kona electric. hyundai is building an american car plant near savannah, georgia. apple will reopen or open, rather, presales for its vision pro headset later this week, on friday. the augmented reality headset is not expected to sell that well. it's $3,500. but supporters of virtual and augmented reality are excited about the possibilities, because it is apple and apple draws developers. now, that cord you see when they show it off leads to a battery pack. they don't talk much about that battery pack when they show people using it. records were set at saturday's chiefs/dolphins game, the biggest streaming event ever. one estimate says the game was 30% of all internet traffic, 23
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million viewers. it worked out well for peacock and they got to show off in the commercials a lot of the other things people might not know. it is a bizarre step in a weird direction in that as we were talking friday, broadcast, you send one signal to a million people. streaming, you send a million signals to a million people. it seems like less efficient. >> right, exactly. >> i guess you just have to go the way everything goes. thanks, scott. 6:16 right now. even though there are still two more games to be played on the nfl's wild card weekend, niners fans already know who their divisional round opponent will be. in a shocker yesterday, the green bay packers upset dallas cowboys 48-32. that means green bay will visit levi's. the game scheduled for next saturday. this will be quarterback brock purdy's latest chance to shine. he played some of the biggest games in the final quarter of the season. on the brand new 49ers talk
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podcast, purdy tells matt maiocco his skills have been coming together for a long time, ever since he was the final pick in last year's draft. >> this has been a process and i've understood that. but, you know, over time i feel like just throughout camp and preseason games, i think i continue to show myself and my teammates that i can operate in this system, and if need be, if his number got called, he's a guy we can all trust. >> you can find the entire interview on the 49ers talk podcast or wherever you link to your shows. we know the detroit lions will host either philadelphia or tampa bay next sunday in the other nfc divisional game. motor city rocking after jared goff led the lions to a win over the rams last night in a thriller. this is the lions first postseason win since 1991. the game will air right here on nbc bay area. kickoff will be at noon. we're at the tail end of a long holiday weekend, and for
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winter weather enthusiasts, hitting the slopes has been a priority. >> with a ton of fresh powder, skiers did not let the opportunity pass them by. >> especially at mount rose. >> it's a good mountain, good vibes, great beer, and a great place to teach my toddler to ski. >> the weather is beautiful and people are so nice. it's not too crowded and the staff are taking care of everything for us. >> in you're a skier, you should be here. >> those were some of the skiers who took advantage of all of that snow at the resort over the weekend. the resort they got 20 inches of snow on thursday, a big benefit to the snowpack. >> mount rose is one of the higher elevations. >> they got even more over the weekend. i wanted to show you more snowfall totals they had with the system that came through on saturday. boreal had 20 inches, sugar bowl had 18 inches, palisades 17, and
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bear valley even reported a foot of snow. we are seeing decent snowfall totals and there's more on the way. this will be a warmer storm we see coming in tomorrow, so we're looking at about 2 to 7 inches of snow between now and wednesday, and then there will be more ahead for the weekend. in total, we could see another 0 inches of snow in kingvale just this week. then as we take a look at how much rain we measured, there was a huge range in what we saw across the bay area. look at that. it's almost hard to believe that mount tam had over 8 inches of rainfall over the weekend, 8 inches of rainfall, i'll say that again, over the weekend. and there were 2 inches of rain in the santa cruz mountains. while most of us had rainfall totals in the hills like we saw in oakland, closer to 2 inches there, san francisco, less than an inch, and san jose didn't even make a quarter inch of rainfall. so we are, once again, going to see these ranges and rainfall totals going into the next
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couple of days, as the next system approaches. ahead of that, we have some rain, some more clouds that are coming in for this morning. so we're still seeing the storm system well off the coast. by the time it gets here, the rain won't really ramp up until late tomorrow afternoon into the evening. we could start out with some very light rain tomorrow morning in parts of the north bay. some of the heavier rain coming in around 4:00 to 5:00, picking up around 7:00 to 8:00, and we see the yellow, that is much heavier rainfall that's going to be falling tomorrow night and then gradually tapering off on wednesday morning, as we see the activity starting to wind down. once again, a wide range in rainfall totals, anywhere from a little over half of an inch of rain for the north bay. it may just be a few hundredths of an inch of rain for san jose. so light amounts of rainfall farther south and then we go back to dry conditions for wednesday into thursday. but our temperatures will be warming up. and by the end of the week, by the time the next storm system comes in, it could bring us more
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rain for a longer period of time. so we're looking at that into next weekend, and we know we have a big football game coming up. we'll continue to monitor that. looking at san francisco with our temperatures there in the upper 50s and low 60s into the weekend. getting out there on the roads, here is a live look at palo alto, where we are seeing the flow northward going on 101. it's flowing, but we've seen some of the crews out there picking up some of the construction cones, and still no metering lights on at the bay bridge as you approach the toll plaza. golden gate bridge is moving by pretty well, good visibility. we've seen some patches of fog in parts of the north bay. we've seen minor incidents popping up, where people have to pull over to the side of the road, but it's not yet causing any slowdowns. a look at our south bay drive times, if you're going north on 101, from 85 from san jose to mountain view, it takes you about 19 minutes. so that's about the normal time with no traffic, and it looks all green, which is good to go.
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i'll have another update in a few minutes. >> thanks so much, kari. rescued from a frozen pond. the shocking incident caught on camera. up next, new video showing a tennessee trooper risking her life to save a cldhi
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. new at 6:00, a vermont trooper is being hailed a hero after she saved a young girl
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from an icy pond. check out this body cam footage of the rescue. it actually happened last month. the 8-year-old was playing with her siblings near a pond when she and her younger sister fell in. her sister was pulled out quickly, but the 8-year-old was further away. a state trooper who was nearby was quick on her feet. she grabbed a flotation device and a rope and jumped into the freezing water. she pulled that young girl out and got her to the hospital. the little girl went home soon after, and is said to be doing okay. >> so glad to hear that. it is 6:25 this morning. you know, over the years there have been many memorable acts to grace the stage of "america's got talent," and now many are returning to compete in agt fantasy league. ♪♪ ♪ hold hands and step aside ♪ >> now, for the first time, the judges of the show are competing alongside the contestants, guying the acts.
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i got a chance to chat with judge mel b. >> there's a competition with the acts and then a competition between us four. and heidi doesn't want any of her acts to be stolen, neither do i, neither does simon, but it happens. it against tense up there. >> i asked mel b. about the acts she's excite to do see this season. >> there's so many literally, between the 40 acts, there's so many amazing ones. but i have to say, from this season, a lot of the danger acts are literally so dangerous, i can't watch it. i have to put my head down or i turn away. >> okay, so the winning act will get a grand prize of $250,000. you can watch agt fantasy league tonight on nbc bay area at 8:00. coming up next, the top stories we're following today, including a car plunging off an overpass. the dramatic and shocking new video coming in overnight. i'm ginger conejero saab in
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half moon bay, where there are still many unanswered questions surrounding a plane found in the waters off the coast. ahead, we'll tell you more about search and rescue effts expectored
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right now at 6:30, searching for survivors of a small plane that crashed off the coast of half moon bay. we are live at the scene with new details from overnight,
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including information on where that plane took off from. new video of a car driving off an overpass and smashing into a building before plummeting to the ground below. exclusive details from one witness and an update this morning on the driver. plus, the iowa caucuses start tonight. this is the beginning of the official run for the presidency. this is "today in the bay." >> good monday morning. also, happy martin luther king jr. day. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. let's get a look at that forecast this morning. i know a lot of folks are getting out for this national day of service. better here than in other parts of the country. it is cold. >> that's what we've been saying. it's been making big headlines, even looking at these current temperatures. a big plunge of arctic air is sending those temperatures below zero for at least half of the country. and so we're seeing that, also, pushing well into the south, while we have some of the
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mildest temperatures we're seeing anywhere, in the low 50s. we'll see 50s for parts of the north bay, 42 in napa and sonoma, and then gradually warming up as we see our temperatures in fremont heading from the 50s to the upper 50s for this afternoon. and a few of us reaching 62 today. we'll see that in the south bay as the dry weather continues. we'll time out tomorrow's rain in the forecast in a few minutes. >> thank you, kari. breaking news right now, search and rescue efforts temporarily on pause, after the crash of a small plane last night off the coast of half moon bay. >> among the many questions, it's still not known the number of people onboard. "today in the bay"'s ginger conejero saab is live for us in half moon bay. ginger, this search actually went late into the night. >> reporter: that is what we understand, marcus and laura. but the number of people that were in need of rescue, that is still unclear, along with other questions that we are waiting to get confirmation from officials.
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but the coast guard helicopter that was launched last night is now grounded. you can see it behind us. their search and rescue efforts put on pause overnight, but it is expected that they will pick back up later in the morning. late last night, the wreckage was confirmed to be a plane found in the water, that was confirmed by san mateo sheriff's office. just after 7:00 last night, calls came in from witnesses who said they saw what looked to be a two propeller plane flying erratically before it went out of sight. the group of people also said they heard what they believed to have been the plane's engine sputter out. >> it's just difficult to get out there with the way the tides have been, the tides are very high. there's very limited visibility, it's very dark out. >> reporter: now, the plane is believed to have taken off not
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too far from half moon bay, over in the east bay. we are working to confirm that detail. there are a number of agencies working to piece together those details, so we are looking to hear the latest from them later this morning. we don't know what time, but when that does come in, we will bring that to you on air or online at marcus and laura. >> ginger, thank you. also, a dramatic overnight crash landed a woman in the hospital. it happened as a woman took the harrison street off-ramp off of i-80. >> "today in the bay"'s kris sanchez is joining us from the newsroom this morning. video might make you wonder, how did that woman survive? >> reporter: this was a wild crash that a viewer sent to us. it will serve as a reminder to wear your seatbelt. this is the moment when the woman in that car took the harrison street off-ramp off i-80. that's an elevated off-ramp. the chp says she was going too
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fast and lost control, launching into the air into a building, and then dropped to the sterling street on-ramp below. this is the aftermath of that scene, the chp reiterates that woman survived because of her seatbelt, though she was taken to the hospital. her condition at this point is unknown. now, some numbers to consider, in 2021, more than 26,000 people in the u.s. died in vehicle crashes. nearly 15,000 people's lives were saved by seatbelts, and it's estimated that more than 2,500 more would have lived if they were wearing seatbelts according to 2017 data by nhtsa, the national highway transportation safety administration. as for the overnight crash in san francisco, the chp is still investigating whether perhaps there was another factor other than speed. >> so glad she survived that. wow. thank you, kris. prosecutors have now charged
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a third suspect with the murder in connection to a deadly shooting last month of an oakland police officer. oakland tuan le was shot as he responded to a burglary at a cannabis shop near jack london square. investigators say the suspects shot at his unmarked car. 34-year-old marquise cooper was charged friday after being arrested in southern california. he joins two other suspects also charged with murder. a fourth suspect is facing burglary charges. the race for the white house officially begins today, with the iowa caucuses. >> scott mcgrew, you've been to an iowa caucus, and very different from anything else across the country. >> extremely different. iowa is quite unique. there's some big changes, though, this year in iowa. people are still going to gather at 7:00 p.m. iowa time in school gymnasiums and hotel ballrooms, in barns, even, and that will happen again this year. a look at video from the last iowa caucus. instead of voting with their bodies, like they used to --
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everyone in favor of haley go to this corner, everybody for trump move to that corner as they used to do it, the republicans are going to do it by secret ballot, pieces of paper gathered from everybody in the room. a bit more like the other states and their ballots. still, everybody will come together in one place in 1,600 different places in iowa at 7:00 p.m. the big question is going to be the weather. the weather in iowa is terrible, and it's getting worse. it's about negative 10 in des moines right now. it's going to be below zero again tonight when caucusgoers gather. here is an iowa senator speaking about the weather, followed by donald trump encouraging his supporters to show up no matter what. >> iowans are a hearty people and there are no snow days when it comes to caucus. so we'll see who turns out tomorrow night. i would say bundle up, wear your coveralls and insulated boots, but get out there and support
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your candidate of choice. >> if you're sick as a dog, you say, i'm not going to make it, even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it. if you're sick, if you're just so sick, get up, get up. >> here are the latest polls from the nbc news in des moines register's polling desks. donald trump still ahead, nikki haley solidly in second place. this may be haley's night. if she wins second place, that's enormous for her. if she comes in third, she meets expectations. though, remember, iowa is not the end all be all. donald trump lost to iowa to ted cruz, joe biden lost both iowa and new hampshire in the democratic race. the candidate with the biggest iowa win was walter mondale, who was also the candidate with the largest major loss in the general election in modern history. haley, desantis, ramaswamy
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crisscrossing the state, asa hutchinson would like to remeenld you he's still running, though it appears we did not assign him a camera. president biden campaigned in his home state of pennsylvania over the weekend, his campaign says he's raised $97 million last quarter for his campaign. the democrats will caucus in iowa tonight as well, but only in the true sense of the word caucus. they're going to hold meetings in each of the 1,600 precincts but not vote. the democrats will vote by mail on ballots on super tuesday, again, the iowa caucus is starting to evolve away from their town hall roots to something a little bit more like the regular system we all do in the other states. >> maybe a little something more modern. thank you, scott. 6:39 right now. to a live look at 101 in palo alto. a partial freeway shutdown in both directions just south of here are going to impact a lot of drivers starting tomorrow. this is where the closure will happen, between shoreline
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boulevard in mountain view to 13th street in san jose. the right and center lanes will be closed. it's happening from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., starting tomorrow, all week until friday. caltrans says crews will be doing street sweeping in that area. let's take a look outside in san jose. meteorologist kari hall has been tracking what we can expect from conditions here at home. a lot different from other places across the country. >> temperatures are a lot milder here. we're starting out with clouds and it will be a mostly cloudy day with a little more sunshine into the afternoon. we've also seen a lot of dense fog in parts of the north bay, so watch out for low visibility. and we'll see rain coming back tomorrow, but a more stormy pattern ahead for the weekend. yes, you may have to change those weekend plans once again. here is a look at where we are right now. walnut creek is at 50, 51 in san francisco, and in san jose, oakland now at 45 degrees. we're going to continue to see these clouds rolling in, a
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couple of spotty sprinkles. the heavier rain is going to be arriving tomorrow. i'll have more on that in a few minutes. i wanted to show you what it looks like out there as you're getting ready to head out for your morning drive. a look at the golden gate bridge, where we are seeing a few cars. overall, no major backups. also a smooth flow of traffic across the bay bridge, and they haven't turned on the metering lights. it is getting more busy, but it is 6:40, and we're still seeing it flow very well on the san mateo bridge. usually one of our busier spots, not yet slowing down. we've seen some minor incidents on the roadways, but nothing that's causing any slowdowns. we'll hopefully see that continue as we go throughout the morning. in contra costa county, driving from the antioch bridge to highway 242 on westbound 4, it's going to take you about 30 minutes, which is about regular time. everyone is flowing at least at the speed limit. i'll have another update coming up in a few minutes. >> thanks, kari. it is 6:41 right now.
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heartbreaking, two sisters die in a crash. ahead, the new details on the young victims and the decision investigators say led to this tragedy. and all aboard the freedom train. details on the celebration train providing free transit to today's mlk day march in san francisco. plus, exciting new gear for niners fans as the team heads into the playoffs. a first look at the limited edition collection and the sense of pride it's adding to the organization.
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good monday morning. right now the time is 6:44. if you're about to head out, i wanted to show you a look at the day planner for cupertino. we're all starting out cloudy and temperatures in the upper 40s through about 8:00 to 9:00. and then we warm up into the upper 50s for today, with a little bit more sunshine for the afternoon. we're going to be timing out the rain coming in tomorrow, but i wanted to give you a look at the bridge drive times. heading out for the commute this morning, it looks like it's flowing very well. maybe you can hang out with us for a little longer and get another update of weather and traffic in a few minutes. >> thank you very much. it is a quarter until 7:00 right now. a south bay family is broken after the deaths of two sisters in a grash. it happened on friday when a
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tesla tried to pass a truck and then struck the mini-van the girls were riding in. the tesla driver also suffered major injuries. the girls, you see them, valentina and elisa ornelas, 4 and 7 years old. elisa attended the academy of math in morgan hill. >> people get impatient and there are some places that you shouldn't pass and i've seen people pass. yeah, just people in a hurry. it's sad. >> the school plans to have grief counselors on hand tomorrow when students return to the classroom. the chp says no arrests were made at the scene, but the investigation is ongoing. new at 6:00, a new reminder not to disturb the wildlife at popular point reyes national seashore. rangers want everyone to know that it can lead to citations and your vehicle towed.
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that happened to one group last friday. they illegally drove onto north beach. fortunately, no birds were directly impacted by what happened, but they also violated the camp and fire permits. the cost of each citation is still not clear. and new efforts in the decades-long battle against tobacco. this month marks 60 years since the first surgeon general report detailing harm of smoking, and it launched the effort to battle tobacco consumption. while public health departments and nonprofits have been making many strides to ban tobacco product, there's still a lot of work to be done. the president of the campaign for tobacco-free kids says the latest focus centers on the efforts to ban menthol products and flavoring in cigars and vapes. >> flaring, as you can see by our policy priorities, are really important, because it allows the products, tobacco
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products, to be much more palatable. so if you remove flavoring, you're going to be removing any kind of incentive to continue to smoke them. >> just last week the u.s. supreme court declined to hear a case involving big tobacco trying to lift the ban on e-cigarettes. the campaign for tobacco-free kids is working to ban flavored products nationwide. today is dr. martin luther king jr. day, it would have been his 95th birthday. many will celebrate his lifelong fight for civil rights. the martin luther king community foundation has the celebration train and the event has been happening pretty much every year since 1985. the train takes passengers to san francisco for a march and other city activities. caltrain is expecting about 1,000 people on today's train. caltrain spokesperson dan lieberman says you can even get a free ride home. >> we're giving out a free
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commemorative ticket good for a free ride back after 1:00. so head on up to the city, explore everything there is to explore. we'll be happy to get you home. >> the train departs at 9:30 this morning at san jose's diridon train station and arrives at the palo alto station at about 9:50, then san mateo at 10:10. you can pick it up along the way. the train had head to san francisco for all those great festivities. let's talk a little football. 49ers showing off on first of its kind line of clothing. >> the team's black excellence clothing collection recently introduced ahead of their inspire change game at levi's a. the gear spotlighting the contribution of black people on and off the field and designed by team employees. this is to boost diversity and inclusion. the niners senior director of inclusion and culture says the gear has tremendous meaning not only for the fans, but for people within the organization. >> even though it's hot, it's on fire right now, all of our gear,
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it's a moment to say, like, we can be proud of who we are and still rep our team. >> this is the first time that the san francisco 49ers, and possibly any nfl team, has rolled out this type of clothing line. we should point out the gear is available for a limited time on the 49ers website starting this week. >> that means it's going to fly. it's going to go fast. >> it's pretty cool gear. i was able to try some on. >> i like it. cool. you're going to need to layer up. it's a little mild for us to get started, with 50s, at least we're not talking about 30s. we are going to see a lot of clouds, but also a wrap-up of the weekend rainfall totals we had. it varies widely. take a look at some of these numbers. it's even hard to believe that in the north bay, mount tam had over 8 inches of rainfall throughout the weekend. and in the santa cruz mountains, scott creek had over 2 inches of
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rainfall. in the oakland hills, it was approaching 2 inches, so we got very close there. and below an inch in san francisco, while san jose and a lot of the valleys only had 0.2 of an inch of rainfall. so they were all over the place. and then taking a look at where we're starting this morning, with mostly upper 40s and low 50s, as you head out the door, we're going to see a lot of clouds coming in today. and we are going to stay mostly dry today, with the rain still well off the coast, with all of these clouds having to work through the bay area between today and tomorrow. temperatures are headed for the upper 50s and low 60s. hayward looking at a high of 62, 60 in san mateo, we'll see a high of 60 in santa rosa. notice how the temperatures drop a bit in the north bay tomorrow, while getting slightly warmer for the south bay. so that's where we see a lot less rain coming in, and also it will be clearing a lot more quickly. so for today a couple of
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sprinkles. i'm stopping the timeline at tomorrow morning at 7:00, where there will be light rain. but most of us won't see any wet weather south of san francisco until tomorrow afternoon into the evening, and then it does get heavier for tomorrow night. at 10:00 we're seeing pockets of heavy rain, and then tapering off early on wednesday morning. then we go back to dryer conditions. most of us, once again, seeing about a quarter inch of rainfall, and the sierra will have another 2 to 7 inches of snowfall between now and wednesday. there will be more ahead for the weekend if you're planning to go there. it looks like we could see in total about 20 inches of snowfall for those higher elevation resorts going into the weekend. and we have some milder temperatures coming in, not bad at all. we have some low 60s for today. we're down to the low 40s for tonight. then the rain comes in mostly tomorrow afternoon, and it will be a mostly cloudy week. but those temperatures still
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coming up to the mid-60s, and if you are looking ahead to the weekend, just plan on it being wet, with some off and on rain. as we get closer, we'll keep you up to date. also keeping you up to date on the commute, here is a live look at palo alto, this is 101, both north and southbound looking good. we have a nice clear view of the richmond-san rafael bridge with a few cars coming across this morning. we haven't seen any major incidents. we have a lot of green sensors, the few minor crashes we've seen or flat tires, those instances have not caused a backup as of yet. so looking at our east bay drive times, from highway 4 to the bay bridge, it takes you about 15 minutes. so all is well out there on the roads. >> thank you so much. it is 6:53. happening now, sausalito officially has a new police chief and she's making history. over the weekend, stacey gregory was sworn in, the second woman to hold that position. she's also the first member of
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the lgbtq community to do so. she's been a member of the sausalito police department for 26 years. a quick look at our top stories, including search teams waiting to return to the water after a small plane crashes in half moon bay. new details about where the plane took off from. and new video of a car driving off an overpass, smashing into a building, mr. plummeting to the ground below. exclusive details from one witness and an update this morning on the d ri
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do?
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, starting with breaking news. >> teams are now pausing their search for survivors of a small plane that crashed into the ocean off of half moon bay. we have a live look at the
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municipal airport. the crash happened near moss beach distillery. authorities say witnesses saw the plane flying erratically a little after 7:00 p.m. and the engine was sputtering. a rescue team located some of the wreckage, but it's not clear how many people were onboard. authorities say the plane had taken off from an airport in the east bay. also breaking in the south bay, monterey road now open again. this is following a deadly accident in san jose. it happened around 2:00 a.m. near skyway drive. police say that a woman was struck by a car, later dying. so far, there is no update on the investigation. one woman is in the hospital after a dramatic crash off of interstate 80 down to the san francisco streets below. the video you may find disturbing. the car was traveling along the elevated off-ramp to harrison street, which the chp says she may have been taking too fast. she lost control of the car,
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launching into the air, then striking a building. it then dropped to an on-ramp below. the chp says the only reason the woman survived is because of her seatbelt. it's not clear if excessive speed was the only factor. to a live look at 101 in palo alto. a partial free away shutdown in both directions just south of here is going to impact a lot of drivers this week. now, the closure will happen between shoreline boulevard and mountain view to 13th street in san jose. the right and center lanes will be closed. it's happening from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., starting tomorrow, all week until friday. caltrans says the crews will be doing street sweeping in that area. pretty mild temperatures to start out our monday morning. >> we're also cloudy and we're just seeing a few minor concerns here, with some rain coming in tomorrow. a lot more people will be heading back to work and we'll
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see temperatures in the 60s. watching out for a bigger storm this weekend. i just wanted to end with this live view of the bay bridge toll plaza. very light this morning. >> a lot of people have martin luther king jr. day off. you can tell. the "today" show is just ahead. you can get more local news with our brand new newscast, live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention check it out. >> national day of service. so if you have the opportunity to get out and do something for someone else today. thank you for making us a part of your morning. have a good one. good monday morning, it is caucus day in iowa. >> the first votes of the 2024 presidential campaign. good morning, it's january 15th, this is "today." donald trump heading into


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