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tv   Today  NBC  January 15, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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watching out for a bigger storm this weekend. i just wanted to end with this live view of the bay bridge toll plaza. very light this morning. >> a lot of people have martin luther king jr. day off. you can tell. the "today" show is just ahead. you can get more local news with our brand new newscast, live on roku and other streaming platforms, not to mention check it out. >> national day of service. so if you have the opportunity to get out and do something for someone else today. thank you for making us a part of your morning. have a good one. good monday morning, it is caucus day in iowa. >> the first votes of the 2024 presidential campaign. good morning, it's january 15th, this is "today." donald trump heading into
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the very first contest of the 2024 race, with an unprecedented double digit lead. >> go out and save america. because that's what you're doing. >> nikki haley and ron desantis still locked in a battle for second. how tonight's results will shake the race. arctic blast. >> i felt like my jaw was freezing. more than 100 million americans now coping with brutally cold temperatures. windchills as low as 50 below. more snow on the way. and the south bracing for dangerous ice. your full forecast and the timing just ahead. breaking overnight, a u.s. warship taking on fire in the red sea. the first counterattack since the american-led strikes in yemen, and the israel-hamas war reaches a milestone, 100 days. we'll have the very latest, including the chilling hostage video just released. deadly crash. at least four people killed in a hot air balloon accident in arizona.
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a group of sky divers jumping out moments before it went down. a search for answers now underway. those stories, plus under fire, boeing facing mounting questions in the wake of that mid-air blow-out. federal officials and the airlines themselves now facing and stepping up inspections. with hundreds of flights still canceled, what it will take it to get the max 9 back in the skies? and hear them roar. >> back to the end zone. touchdown detroit! >> the lions take down the rams to end decades of postseason frustration. >> and detroit for the first time in 32 years, your lions have won a playoff game. >> while the packers stun the cowboys. >> going to be picked off. no one in front of him. >> huge upset on the road to the super bowl, with just two more wild card games to go, thanks to mother nature. today, monday, january 15th, 2024.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. good morning. welcome to "today." nice to have you along with us on this monday morning, it is martin luther king day. hoda's got the morning off. peter alexander is here. perfect person, we've got to talk politics and football. >> this was a perfect weekend for football. the detroit lions, their first playoff win in 32 years. when they lost won a football game in the playoffs, savannah, "cheers" was the show we were all watching. black and white by michael jackson and "the hand that rocks the cradle" one of the top movies. pulled that out of the hat. >> you're going full '90s for me. okay, good, we'll have a lot more on highlights. there's two playoff games tonight because of the weather, big story. a brutal cold hitting much of the country from the pacific northwest all the way to new england. >> more than 100 million americans are under windchill
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alerts today. nearly 100 million also under winter storm alerts. and the bitter temperatures are going to extend through much of this week. we're going to get to your forecast in just a moment. but let us get started in iowa. the caucuses are being held tonight. the brutal cold there not stopping candidates from hitting the campaign trail over the weekend. >> according to the latest nbc news poll, donald trump holds what is a commanding lead. 28 points right now ahead of nikki haley. more than 30 points ahead of ron desantis. >> got it all covered, we'll break down those numbers in just a bit. let's start with nbc's hallie jackson in chilly des moines, hi, hallie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. 2024, the race for the presidency is finally here and it is not just the state of iowa that is frozen right now. the state of the race at the very top is as well. donald trump has dominated for months, if he gets above the 50% threshold fkd send a real message about his grip on the
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gop. for the first republican primary contest, this morning a frigid start. but no sign enthusiasm is cooling off for supporters of former president trump as he urges the crowd to caucus no matter what. >> you can't sit home. if you're sick as a dog, you say, darling, i got to get back out. even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it. >> reporter: despite fewer visits to iowa than any other republican in the race, mr. trump here with the last minute campaign blitz, passing out pizza, criticizing his competitors and more. >> these caucuses are your personal chance to score the ultimate victory over all the liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, thugs. >> reporter: mr. trump 28 points ahead of the gop pack. some supporters braving below zero windchills just for a chance to see him. >> it's terrible. i can't feel my legs. can't feel anything. >> reporter: while the temperatures are not heating up
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in iowa, the race for second place is. with former un ambassador nikki haley leading ron desantis for the first time here in a state he predicted just last month he would win. what's your level of confidence you can beat nikki haley here? >> we're going to do very well. fact of the matter is, i'm the only one that could possibly compete with donald trump in a republican primary. she cannot win conservative or poor voters. >> reporter: haley has drawn support from more independent and democrat-leaning caucus goers, with nearly half of her backers saying they'd vote for president biden over donald trump. haley seeing she's the best bet. >> the only way we're going to win the majority of americans is if we elect a new generational leader and leave the negativity and the baggage behind. >> reporter: an argument that appeals to these voters. first conservative caucus goers, corey and kim christianson. >> i like that she's doing really well in new hampshire. >> reporter: so the momentum factor. >> yeah. the momentum, i think, makes a difference for me. >> reporter: so there is a warning sign in these polling numbers for nikki haley when it
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comes to enthuse yam of her supporters. only 9% of her supporters say they're extremely enthusiastic about supporting her. that's one of the big questions tonight. who comes out on top in the race for second? if donald trump does win, what is the margin? then the third question, a big wild card is the weather, it's always cold in iowa in january. we know that. but this has the potential tonight to be historic, will people stay home? will they turn out? and if they don't turn out, how does that change the state of play for these candidates? savannah? >> that sets us up nicely. we'll turn to kristen welker, who spent the weekend in iowa, left her voice there, and also joining us, nbc national political correspondent steve kornacki, hi, guys. let's do the numbers first, steve, kind of state of the race here it cannot be said enough. we could pretend there is a ton of suspense here, but let's not.
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trump has got a nearly 30-point lead. in the past poll that was done. >> yeah. you're looking at something honestly we have not seen. this is a des moines register poll with nbc news. des moines register has been doing this for decades. this is the biggest lead, 20 points donald trump over nikki haley. in a final republican caucus poll they have ever seen. the last one was george w. bush. he did win the caucuses. this is also at 48%. this is the highest vote share ever recorded in a final pre-gop caucus poll. so trump with a commanding lead. there is suspense as hallie was just saying. this is just the change from the last poll. big cautionary note around haley. this is the popularity with iowa republicans. her popularity has kind of crashed. she was at 60% favorable last poll, down to 48. she was barely at 30% unfavorable last time, skyrocketed to 46%. there is some resistance to nikki haley building among republicans. >> okay. let's talk about why trump has such a commanding lead. and it all comes to the crucial
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voting bloc in iowa, evangelicals. >> evangelicals in 2016 made up two out of every three ballots cast. donald trump lost to ted cruz. why? he lost evangelicals to 12 points to cruz. what a different eight years make. trump with an outright majority of evangelicals. ron desantis has made a concerted, strong pitch toward evangelicals. he's almost 30 points behind among them. >> okay. let's talk about the weather, something of an x factor. again, we're not talking about a nail biter here. so, you know, if people don't show up to caucus, doesn't mean we'll have a different result necessarily, but where do you think the enthusiasm is strongest? >> pretty stark in this poll. are you extremely or very excited about your candidate? trump supporters almost 9 out of 10. desantis 62%. and again, haley just 39% put themselves in that category.
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again, if this is a measure of likelihood to brave the cold and get out there tonight, haley faces a pretty big gap. where that could come in, again, is that battle for second, desantis versus haley. >> this is the cozy factor. who wants to stay cozy? kristen, you've been very patient waiting over there. we have talked about it. it is essentially a race for second between haley and desantis. how do you see this playing out? >> this is mission critical for ron desantis. he has got to come in second place, savannah, if he doesn't, it's going to be very hard for him to justify staying in this race even though his campaign says they're in this for the long haul. he hasn't identified another state that he can win. for nikki haley, it would give her incredible momentum heading into new hampshire where she's in striking distance for donald trump. she's trailing him only by single digits. what does haley need? what's steve talking about? that turnout. her strongest supporters are those who are college educated, independents, those who would vote, by the way, for joe biden. are they going to turn out? we'll be watching all of that, and, again, the weather is the "x" factor.
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>> desantis and haley are getting thumped by trump. but all their ads in iowa, you were just there over the weekend, they're just attacking each other, which is in a way kind of crazy. they're just going after each other for second place, which, by the way, there is no second place in a presidential race. >> this is what we have seen throughout the campaign. you're right. they're attacking each other. we have seen this in the debates, which donald trump has skipped all of the debates. haven't hasn't hurt him one bit. it's only helped propel him to this huge lead. they have started to sharpen their attacks against trump in recent days, but it hasn't had an impact, clearly. >> well, we'll see what happens tonight. it may affect what happens in new hampshire and down the road. kristen, it is only the first day of the of the 2024 race. we need you to rest up, my friend. >> i will. i will find it and bring it back. >> thank you very much. got a lot more from iowa tonight on nbc nightly news. kristen is joining hallie and
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tom llamas with special live coverage. that will stream on nbc news now starting at 7:00 eastern. >> we just touched on the brutal cold in iowa, but it is now stretching from coast to coast. tens of millions under windchill alerts. and the punishing arctic blast has arrived. we will get to dylan's forecast in a minute. first nbc's ges jesse kirrish is bundled up where people are dealing with the cold and the snow. jesse, good morning. >> peter, good morning. here in grand rands the temperature is hovering around 0 degrees, but factoring in the windchills it feels more like negative 20 degrees. it's been snowing in grand rapids since last tuesday and you can see here how much is on top of this fire hydrant, may have been even more frankly at some point, but the wind gusts t gnarly wind blasts have been blowing snow around and that's made visibility tricky as well. unfortunately, this series of winter storms appears to be responsible for at least four deaths across the country and
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more tough weather is expected ahead. this morning, waking up to bitter cold. so when it's like this, and it is calm and just falling down. >> it is fine. it feels cold. >> reporter: but when you feel that wind? >> i felt like my jaw was freezing. it was very cold. >> reporter: in grand rapids, michigan, today is expected to be the seventh straight day of snow. the frigid punch also hitting millions with bone chilling temperatures, making the job even harder for first responders. in oregon, officials say a woman was killed in an rv fire after a tree fell on the vehicle. first responders finding some roads impassable. and a fire hydrant believed to be likely frozen. much of the country could dip 20 to 45 degrees below average today, including parts of texas, where cold weather has overwhelmed the power grid in recent years. >> you lose power. you lose heat, and you risk your pipes freezing.
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we might look into installing a generator, just in case. >> reporter: for those braving the cold getting around has been a mess. hundreds of flights canceled because of the storms, stranding passengers. even amtrak canceling some trains. and driving has been treacherous, too, with icy roads and blinding snow. officials say this colorado highway was hit by an avalanche. >> it's overall just been a terrible, terrible winter. and it came out of nowhere. >> reporter: the travel issues are unfortunately not behind us yet. according to flight tracker, flight aware, today alone, u.s. airports seeing at least more than 1,500 cancellations so far on the day. peter? >> you can see the love statue behind you put nobody the loving these temperatures these days. jesse kirsch, thank you.
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>> the fuzzy feelings are not outside. let's look at the numbers here in sioux city the cold. it is not just in the midwest. this extends all the way down into texas. so we have windchill advisories, watches, warnings in effect for 105 million people. take a look at some of the cold temperatures we will see. des moines 30 degrees below zero. chicago feels like 26 below. nashville, feels like 0 where we've already had more snow on the ground in nashville than we have in philly, d.c., new york city, and temperatures are going to stay on the cold side, chicago a high on monday of only -- or today of 1 below zero, that's the actual air temperature. tomorrow we get up to 1. wednesday is a little bit better, 17 degrees and then we're going to continue with cold temperatures finishing off the week in buffalo, stay in the lower 20s with the lower 20s with the lake-effect snow and it is going to just remain brutally cold
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but this sets the stage for some snow that's going to make its way to the northeast, peter. we move on to a grim milestone in the middle east over the weekend, 100 days the awful terror attacks that ignited the israel-hamas war, this morning israel is vowing to increase its military pressure while hamas has released a disturbing new video showing three of the hostages who are still being held in gaza nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel has the very latest this morning richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, peter, it's hard to believe 100 days on, and israel is pressing ahead with its campaign to destroy hamas and is destroying large parts of the gaza strip in the process. despite international criticism israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that no one will stop us in this campaign, even as israel is facing charges of
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genocide in an international criminal court there was yet another attack overnight on american forces in the red sea. iranian-backed houthi in yemen firing a missile towards an american destroyer it was shot down, according to the pentagon it is part of the widening war in the middle east it's been 100 days since hamas launched a surprise attack that israel had once dismissed as impossible and unimaginable. overnight, hamas released a video of three hostages, including this woman who became a symbol of hamas cruelty when she was kidnapped from a music festival and taken into gaza on a motorcycle the government says at least 100 hostages are still alive in gaza the fate of the youngest hostage mother, brother, and father,
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turns 1 this week. >> want this to be and his family remain unclear. kafir, kidnapped along with his mother, brother and father turns one this week. >> i want this to be over, really i just want them back. i want them back. >> reporter: the 2.3 million palestinians in gaza have gone through 100 days of living hell since the hamas massacre around 24,000 have been killed by israeli strikes according to the health ministry run by hamas. israel says it takes great care to warn palestinians before carrying out attacks and says hamas uses civilians as human shields. gazans say since they can't leave the area even while it's under attack, they are all by definition human shields. this doctor is one of hundreds of thousands of gazans forced by israeli troops to leave northern gaza for the south where people are overcrowded with barely enough food, water, and medicine >> 100 days of suffering with a tragedy of a loss of feeling
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afraid >> reporter: negotiators say that a deal has been reached for some medicine to enter gaza for both the hostages and palestinian civilians. peter? >> richard, thank you. also this morning, the search is continuing for two u.s. navy seals. it is happening off the coast of somalia. the seals fell into the water during a nighttime mission while attempting to board a boat happened until the gulf of adan. molly hunter is on the story, what are you hearing >> reporter: good morning. search and rescue efforts remain underway this morning. unbelievably two u.s. defense officials tell nbc news a seal team was attempting to board a boat suspected of carrying elicit good, possibly weapons, last week off the coast of somalia during a nighttime mission when one of the seals slipped and fell overboard in rough waters now, the second seal jumped in to attempt to rescue the first sailor that's protocol. both disappeared in the dark. m
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still searching for them by air and by sea their identities have not been made public. >> we just saw on the map ther water. as of this morning, the u.s. military is still searching for them by air, by sea. and at this time their identities have not been made public savannah >> as we saw on the map there, molly, it's pretty close to the red sea, is there any connection between what the seals were doing and the operations in the red sea? >> reporter: yeah, savannah. it is all in the same neighborhood the gulf of adan is right off the coast of yemen you can see on the map it leads into the red sea on this specific raid u.s. defense officials say there is no direct connection. the seal team is not part of operation prosperity guardian. that's the international coalition defending against the houthi attacks in the red sea. national security council coordinator john kirby said yesterday, savannah, this was a normal operation by the u.s. military in an effort to stop the flow o weapons and supplies to weapons where, of course, the houthi militant group is. >> back over to dylan fo another look at the forecast anybody enjoying some warmth
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>> no, not in the middle of the country. here in the northeast, it' pretty cold. we have light snow expected in kentucky and tennessee, into the mid-atlantic cold. even out west, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. that's a look at the weather across the country we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today we'll see temperatures headed for the upper 50s and low 60s. it will be mostly cloudy with some peeks of sunshine for the afternoon. tomorrow we're getting ready for rain, but although we are seeing much more of the widespread rain on tap for tomorrow, a couple of
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spotty sprinkles possible today, and into early tomorrow, especially in the north bay. but we'll see the rain picking up tomorrow evening, and then gradually tapering off wednesday morning. forecast. >> coming up, one of the nfl's wildest wild card weekends in years. historic wins, upsets, delays. it is not over yet kaylee hartung is all over it. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. it feels like the nfl script writers have been working overtime with win or go home stakes emotions have been running high as temperatures have been at record lows. coming up, we will catch up on all the weekend's action ahead of two more games today. >> much nicer to see kaylee back inside after a frigid weekend in kc. and the alaska airlines flight, the investigation stands, and why the faa is now extending the grounding of boeing's max 9 planes. boeing's max 9 planes. but, first, this is "today" on not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects.
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katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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just ahead, move over superheroes. >> with "mean girls" success, have americans changed their tune when it comes to musicals oh, boy. ooh, that didn't turn out how you wanted. switch to progressive, and you could save hundreds. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd,
7:26 am
and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories, including that breaking news, a small plane crashed on the peninsula. >> we have a live look at the municipal airport in half moon
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bay, where teams are now pausing their search for survivors of a small plane that crashed into the ocean. it happened near moss beach distillery, not too far away. authorities say witnesses saw the plane flying erratically a little after 7:00 p.m., and the engine sputtering. an air rescue crew combed the waters late into the night, locating some of that wreckage. it's not clear how many people were onboard. authorities say the plane had taken off from an airport in the east bay. also breaking out of the south bay, monterey road now open again following a deadly accident in san jose. it happened around 2:00 a.m. near skyway drive. police say a woman was struck by a car, later dying. so far, there's no update on the investigation. let's get a look at our forecast with meteorologist kari hall. >> as we get started, we are mostly cloudy around the bay area. we're going to see a dry day across the bay area, temperatures reaching into the low 60s for this afternoon. we're down into the low 40s for tonight, but getting ready for
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rain, mostly tomorrow afternoon. some of the heavier rain moving in tomorrow evening, although it will be earlier in parts of the north bay. we do have mild temperatures on the way for the middle of the week and we'll have a couple of days without having to deal with rain. but keep in mind that as you make weekend plans, it is looking pretty soggy here, with off and on rain and milder temperatures, with highs in the low to mid-60s. for san francisco, we'll see temperatures in the upper 50s through midweek. as the weekend rain comes in, we'll hit the low 60s.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change.
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shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. (música). brilliant, coco gauff. through to the second round. >> it's the most wonderful time of the year, guys. tennis is back
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the australian open getting underway big win for our coco american phenom, coco gauff. back-to-back grand slam titles for us she won the u.s. open. so we will take you live to melbourne in just a minute. >> i want some of that sun, it looks gorgeous in australia right about now laura jarrett has joined us now. nice to see you. >> nice to see you guys. i got caught up in a bluey spiral i just couldn't get out. >> that's what happens when you have little ones. >> first up in this half hour, super wild card weekend in the nfl. >> the road to super bowl lviii kicked off with big wins, an unexpected delay of games. fans have two games to enjoy today. >> nbc's kaylee hartung survived the sidelines for th chiefs/dolphins game, the fourth it is good to see you're okay. >> reporte kaylee, it's good to see that you're okay. >> hey, i appreciate the concern, peter yeah, good morning from
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much warmer los angeles. thankfully, i have thawed out from kansas city i have feeling in all my extremities. but, man, the windchill there made it feel like it was 30 below. with two more games, the playoffs are just starting to heat up. >> detroit for the first time in 32 years, your lions have won a playoff game >> reporter: a super wild card weekend delivering the drama >> you see a few tears in there. >> reporter: detroit ending its three decades long playoff drought with a win over the rams >> that means a lot. we just broke a streak that's been going on for 30 years. >> reporter: this after the packers pulled off a huge upset in dallas. >> it's going to be picked off and no one in front of him. >> reporter: the cowboys league leading offense holding them to just 16 points until late in the fourth. >> this is one of my most surprises since i have been involved in sport, period. >> reporter: on saturday in the afc, a frigid face-off between the dolphins and the chiefs. conditions in kansas city, a
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numbing negative 4 degrees, taking miami out of its element. >> tua, high and intercepted >> reporter: the temps taking a toll on chiefs head coach andy reid i got the answer to the question everybody is wondering, yes, he does know his moustache is frozen the chill spreading throughout arrowhead. and fans in the fans feeling negative 22, including the most famous member of chiefs kingdom. >> it looks like a taylor video. >> reporter: taylor swift cheering on boyfriend travis the famous couple leaving together after kansas city's win at home. >> it's bryce blocking end zone bound >> reporter: their 26-7 victory keeps the chiefs surfing toward the super bowl the atmosphere here was something. >> yeah, that's the chiefs kingdom. it is negative 30. there is probably not an empty seat in the stands. >> reporter: in houston, browns quarterback joe flacco threw not one, but two pick sixes in the
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third quarter. the texans advancing with a 45-14 win. 22-year-old cj stroud becoming the youngest quarterback to win a playoff game. >> the story of stroud is justnn beginning. houston dominant >> reporter: after a blizzard postponed the game in buffalo, bills fans volunteering to shovel snow in the stadium. >> i love that andy reid said about his mustache with the icicles, good thing it didn't fall off obviously, weather was a big factor, kaylee, over the weekend. what about the two games today >> reporter: playoff football weather is next level this year. this is what it looked like in buffalo over the weekend as they made the decision to push the game to today. highmark stadium is buried under there. somewhere. more snow is expected today. as new york's governor put it, i'm not saying it is going to be pleasant, but conditions won't be life-threatening. that's good to hear. and in tampa bay, the bucks and the eagles could see rain showers.
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the concept of survive and advance has taken on a whole new meaning. >> wow thank you. >> we need to put her in an indoor stadium. >> exactly she took the cold plunge out there. thank you. still ahead on this mlk day, a special restaurant in alabama that operates on donations no prices on the menu at all the unique way its owners are serving their community and addressing a glaring need. but first the growing fallout this morning for boeing in the wake of that mid-air panel blowout. tom costello on this story hi, tom. >> reporter: yeah. good morning the faa says it is not in my hurry to reapprove the max 9 to fly again. now at least one airline says it will put its own inspectors into boeing plants to double check boeing's work. we'll have that story when we come back. oothbrushing sound] [cream application sound] ♪ [blind closing sound] ♪ ♪ pop, lock, and drop it, ♪ ♪ pop, lock, and drop it ♪
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your state farm agent can help you choose the coverage you need. alright, i've got a show, so— you forgot your toothbrush, jimmy fallon! like a good neighbor, state farm is there. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. that's dramatic. this is the story of the best part of the sandwich.
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and his crust. director: is it hard to be a lunch icon? icon? no, it comes naturally. that's it. ugh lunch icon. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that's it. ugh lunch icon. that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements
7:40 am
which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at we are back at 7:39 we are back at 7:39 with new fallout for boeing in the wake of that mid-air blowout. >> that's right. the faa says it's increasing oversight of boeing's production line, extending the grounding of the 737 for new safety checks. >> nbc news senior correspondent tom costello covers aviation for us tom, what's the latest >> reporter: listen, boeing is very much in damage control. airline confidence in boeing quality control has plummeted. and that point dramatically underscored by alaska airlines' announcement this week to send its own inspectors into boeing announcement to send
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plants to double-check boeing's work ten days after that blowout, it's punched a whole through boeing's reputation. as a critical boeing customer, alaska, says it will now send its own inspectors to check the quality of boeing's work alaska writing in a statement, we will also enhance our own quality oversight of alaska aircraft on the boeing production line to validate work and quality. that move comes after the faa announced it will not approve the max 9 to fly again until it is confident the plane is safe in a statement, the faa saying after reviewing boeing's proposed inspection and maintenance instructions, the faa determined it needed additional data for approving them >> it had significant problems just come off the line and we believe there are other manufacturing problems as well. >> reporter: the slightest black eye for boeing comes five years
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after those two deadly max 8 crashes overseas killed 346 people the max 8 grounded for two years. >> there is no doubt that the confidence that airlines have in boeing at this time has been diminished as a result of this incident, as well as previous incidents. it is a cumulative effect that has been plaguing the 737 max. >> reporter: scrutiny also expanding to include spirit aero systems which manufactured the fuselage for boeing with that suspect door plug already installed. spirit aerosystems has struggled with quality for years >> we're not going to point fingers there. yes, it escaped their factory, but then it escaped ours too >> reporter: in a statement, spirit aerosystems says as a company, we remain focused on the quality of each airline that leaves our facility. ed pearson who testified before congress on the max 8 says he does not believe boeing has addressed its core problems. >> even if a supplier makes a mistake, does something wrong,
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boeing is supposed to catch it and supposed to make sure that that doesn't happen. >> none of this sounds speedy. tom, how long could it take for the max 9 to be back in the air? and what impact will it have in the meantime on travelers? >> reporter: i would say it became abundantly clear this weekend there is no timeline the faa will not be rushed the faa says it will review the first door plug inspections before it decides whether to go ahead and look at the rest of the 171 planes and then do a more detailed inspection so that means united and alaska will continue canceling potentially hundreds of flights each day they're trying to use different planes when they can, not to inconvenience customers, but they will have to trim their schedules in some cases. as we're in that spot, boeing put out a statement saying they are going to immediately bolster their quality assurance and quality control in their own factories. >> wow, tom, thank you very much we move now to the weather, get another check of dylan's forecast. >> let's talk snow and ice.
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we've >> let's talk snow and ice shall we we've hit on the cold. let's talk about where it's snowing. we've got it down through tennessee, northern mississippi, northern alabama, southern arkansas seeing some snow. below that we have a little bit of ice, too. we do have winter weather advisories and winter stor warnings in effect through west virginia, kentucky and tennessee stretching back down into texas where we do have an icing situation happening. we'll likely see that ice continue through portions of mississippi through the day into this evening as we go into the northeast tonight into tomorrow, we are going to see some snow it is a quick moving system. we're not going to see a lot but it could put an end to that snow drought we have had over the last more than 700 days. we're looking for the highest elevations to pick up most of that snow. 4 to 5 inches back through the appalachians in the northeast, general, just a couple of inches except back through buffalo and off of lake ontario, where that lake-effect snow could create, overall, another 16 inches of snow possible in buffalo through the end of the week. right down through here into mississippi, into alabama, into texas, too that's where we could see the icing that could create power
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outages as well. good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're starting out cloudy on this martin luther king jr. holiday, and it's going to be mostly cloudy throughout the day, with rain coming back tomorrow, mostly during the afternoon into the evening. there will be a stormy pattern ahead for the weekend. today we're looking at highs in the upper 50s and low 60s and we're also going to be partly to mostly cloudy. expect rain tomorrow, but our temperatures will be very and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you for that. up next, sometimes you have to sing it out, right, guys? the movie musical is having a moment. >> "mean girls" dominating the weekend box office is hollywood ushering in a new era? that story right after this. ks and could make it hard to
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be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. dad, we're gonna be late! ♪♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. (vo) for over 50 years purina cat chow has been helping cats feel at home. choose the online shopping category with trusted nutrition, no wonder it's the number one dry cat food in america. come home to cat chow. (♪♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul.
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7:48 am
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girls" first made its way on to the big welcome back it has been 20 years since "mean girls" first made its way on to the big screen. >> now the newest musical rendition of the beloved story from tina fey, is proving once again to be box office gold. >> chloe melas is here. >> i will not sing and dance right now. but i will say "mean girls" was queen bee at the box office this weekend, dominating theaters across the country while some movie goers might have been surprised to hear regina george sing, the success of the new film is showing that many are changing their tune about movie musicals from the new mean girls -- ♪ my name is regina george ♪ >> reporter: to the fresh take on "the color purple," to timothée chalamet's reimagined world of pure imagination in "wonka." movie musicals are having a comeback, and hitting all the right notes with viewers over the weekend, "mean girls" dominating at the domestic box office, raking in an estimated $28 million. >> we've had a movie
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then we had a broadway musical now we have a movie with music. >> reporter: the new film an adaptation of the broadway show based on tina fey's 2004 cult classic. >> it doesn't feel like a filmed broadway show. it's very like music video style shooting it feels very fresh. >> reporter: "wonka," a prequel to the original 1971 film also seeing green, now grossing more than half a billion dollars worldwide. while the new musical version of "the color purple" produced by oprah and steven spielberg had the largest christmas day openin for the film since 2009. for years, similar films hav seemingly fallen flat at the box office, including "west side story" in 2021 all the more reason why some studios appear to down play the "wonka" musical factor trailers for "mean girls" and "wonka" stripped of any new
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music. >> i don't think i want to hear that >> there is this idea in hollywood that movie musicals almost labeled as such won't have as much box office potential. >> reporter: and while the unexpected song and dance at theaters might hit a sour note >> i was this close of walking out of the theater so many times. >> reporter: many in hollywood now seem to be taking a page from the wildly successful "barbie". >> barley introduced a lot of people to singing and dancing. you could see that movies and music are a match made in heaven >> reporter: as the songs on screen make movie magic. ♪ dance ♪ ♪ dance the night away ♪ >> reporter: the box office numbers show there are a large group of people that enjoy singing and dancing in the theater. look at the enormous success of taylor swift and beyoncé's concert films and the billion dollar success of "barbie. and now with oscar nominations one week away, the true test will be which, in any of these, will be dominated
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-- nominated for an academy award. i am wondering which one i think "barbie" will be nominated. i think that's a shoe-in for sure. >> thank you, chloe. coming up in "popstart," the big winners from last-night's critics choice award, including one that made ryan gosling another meme but, first, your local news. [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex.
7:54 am
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people rescued or needed to be rescued is unclear. we are waiting to hear the latest from officials, and as soon as that happens, we'll bring that to you on air or online at let's see how we are weather-wise on this martin luther king jr. holiday. >> we're starting out cloudy with mild temperatures around the bay area. you can see the low clouds, and we may have some light sprinkles. other than that, we are in for dry conditions for today as our temperatures head for the upper 50s and low 60s. we will see rain coming back tomorrow. once again, tracking a slight chance of rain later today, and then the north bay seeing rain during the morning. it becomes widespread throughout tomorrow afternoon into the evening, and may pick up with some brief heavy downpours before it clears out early wednesday morning. a look at the rest of the forecast, highs in the 60s throughout the middle of the week, and we will take a break from the showers. heads-up, there looks to be a bigger storm on the horizon for
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the weekend from friday through sunday, we'll see rain coming through. thank you for joining us. wel have'l
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>> son las ocho de la mañana en coming up, final countdown it's caucus day in iowa. the first contest of the 2024 race candidates making their final pitches. donald trump maintaining a dominant lead.
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we're live with the very latest. then, brutal blast more than 100 million americans waking up to frigid temperatures this morning an arctic chill expected to bring record lows and snowy conditions dylan will have your full forecast. plus, serving others meet the alabama couple dishing out a lot more than just a home cooked meal. >> everybody should have a right to be able to go into a restaurant and have a meal and not worry about paying. >> we'll take you inside their restaurant, run by donations only. >> i just wanted to do something to show people that money does not -- does not make the world go round and the critics have spoken. the stars turn out for the critics choice awards. "oppenheimer" winning big. >> the critics choice award goes to "oppenheimer".
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>> harrison ford gets a special honor. >> thank you. to "oppenheimer". >> harrison ford gets a special honor. >> thank you i won't take any more of your time thank you. >> and ryan gosling looks confused the details coming up in "popstart," today, monday, january 15th, 2024 on a mother-daughter trip from overland park, kansas >> from maryland. >> it is my sweet 16th >> hello to our friends watching in chicago. >> hi to pittsburgh. >> in winston salem, north carolina north carolina. >> sioux city, iowa! >> from bend, oregon. >> today, i turn 21. >> good morning to kentucky! >> god bless you. >> hi, everybody good morning
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welcome back to "today." nice to have you along with us great crowd out there on our plaza. they still came, even though the rockefeller christmas tree is officially gone for another year we have peter and laura holding it down. hoda and craig have the holiday off. >> some troopers outside today in the cold weather. >> very chilly out there. >> the true believers will get out there in just a bit. let's get to your news the 2024 primary season officially kicks off today with the iowa republican caucuses the latest polls show donald trump with a commanding lead there, but also pretty spirited battle for second place going on nbc's jacob soboroff is at one of the caucus locations in ottumwa, iowa this morning hi, jacob. good morning >> reporter: hey, good morning, savannah believe it or not, it is negative 14 actual temperature right now outside in ottumwa, iowa caucus this thisve evening. and they tell me the cold weather is not going to stop
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them. the iowa forecast, all the residents in wapello county are kaerting outside. and they tell me the cold weather is not going to stop them the iowa forecast, below 0 temperatures in a battle between donald trump's top rivals to put a dent in his snowballing lead at the first in the nation iowa caucus the final nbc news poll before the caucus kicks off showing a whopping 48% of likely republican caucus goers supporting trump. >> you are very hearty people. i have heard that. >> reporter: at a sunday rally, in indianola the former president urging massive turnout. >> so brave the weather and go out and save america because that's what you're doing. >> reporter: meanwhile, former un ambassador nikki haley gaining momentum, climbing to second place with 20% with a message for former president trump. >> it's you and me now let's do this. >> reporter: the poll marks haley's first time taking over ron desantis, who slipped to 16%. >> then with the weather, most people are predicting that it will be a smaller turnout. our folks are motivated to come out >> reporter: the question for the campaigns, will bitter col temperatures freeze voter
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turn-out here in ottumwa, i met marcia in a 15 degre below zero grocery parking lot. >> are you going to caucus in this weather >> yeah. >> it won't stop you >> no, we're in iowa >> reporter: other shoppers waiting until the last minute to decide do you think you know what you're going to caucus for tomorrow night >> we're going to see. >> reporter: if it wasn't for ian logan, there would be no place to park at the high school. so if you weren't plowin this, nobody would be able to get out and caucus. he says he will be working tonight and not able to caucus, but he supports former president trump and so do his neighbors. these people looking at donald trump, and they think what? >> you look at the average person, and the middle class has been alienated by the democratic party. it seems like he's the guy that's already done it for four years. >> reporter: you may not be able to participate on monday night, but in a way, is this your participation? >> oh yeah at the end of the day they made the choice to come out i just made it possible for them to get in. >> reporter: a very special
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thank you to ian because we would not be here inside the auditorium at ottumwa high school if he hadn't plowed the parking lots later this evening this is where all the residents of the county will come. on that stage, they will hear speeches from the different campaigns to convince them ultimately to come out and caucus maybe as many as a thousand people this isn't where the caucus itself goes down come with me this is ottumwa high school, as i told you, it dates to about 1923 it is an incredible place. they just actually celebrated their 100-year anniversary, as you can see here, go bulldogs. they will all come down these stairs the caucus is a little bit different from the democratic caucus, which no longer happens, and everybody's in the same room, here, there's 22 different precincts in what's known as a super caucus location. everybody from the different parts of this county are going to come down this hallway, into classrooms, as a matter of fact, so, for instance, there's classroom 120 right over here,
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usually it's a spanish classroom but this evening social security a singular precinct location take your ballot, put it in the ballot box and they will count those ballots in this room this is not where the official results are tabulated. that hops over here, come with me ultimately, this place, like it was back in 2016, may very well prove interesting to the results, and important to look at, because president trump won particularly big here, by about 36 percentage points, maybe 35 percentage points, back then, we're going to look at the margin, ultimately, and see how he does here tonight, if it's bigger that will be frg and indicative of a shift. if it's smaller, obviously the same in the opposite direction all the results from the classrooms are going to be brought down here, into the cafeteria, they're going to tabulate the results, actually going to have a big white board here in the cafeteria, and that's where the results ultimately are going to be presented to the public, we'll get the results here for the county, and ultimately the results for iowa, itself guys >> you've got your steps in, jacob. major high school vibes going on
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there, the lockers, the cafeteria, the spanish class bringing back memories of those -- >> high school musical, guys, let's go. >> jacob, thank you. >> i was going to say, get me a snickers out of that vending machine, thank you. an arctic chill is sweeping a lot of the country right now, along with snow, and fierce winds, whiteout conditions, postpone what would have been sunday's buffalo bills home playoff game it will happen today instead, an army of shovellers work to clear out the stadium, driving, of course, has been treacherous as well, and weekend air travelers face hundreds of cancer collations, dylan has a look at where we stand now, dylan, this has been a mess for a lot of folks. >> and it's still snowing in buffalo, on the new game day so, i mean, you just can't win out in buffalo this time of year we have dangerously cold temperatures right in the middle of the country, though, we're talking about 30 to 50 degrees below average for high temperatures, 105 million people under those windchill watches and warnings up into duluth, 37 degrees below zero is what it's going to feel like chicago 25 below, down in little
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rock t windchill will feel like 3 below. the actual air temperature will only be 12 degrees chicago's high is minus 1 todayfuls. 1 degree tomorrow. 17 on we say back into the cold on thursday buffalo hangs out in the lower 20s with lake-effect snow continuing of out there. the atlanta even gets down to 34 degrees by tuesday laura? >> dylan, thank you. a hot air balloon adventure in the arizona desert turned tragic yesterday officials say four people were killed and another seriously injured when their balloon crashed to the ground. the local police chief said there were eight skydivers among the 13 people on board after they made a successful jump, something catastrophic happened, the balloon appeared to deflate, and then fall from f the sky. the ntsb, and faa are investigating. the new season of grand slam tennis is under way at the australian open, some veterans hoping to mark milestones, and
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first round highlights. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, newer stars, like coco gauff, aiming to pick up where she left off last year. sara james joins us with the first round highlights sara, good morning. >> good morning, savannah. it was a record breaking crowd on hand, and a lot of them were here in melbourne because they wanted to see american teen superstar coco gauff, who is hoping to kick off 2024 with a grand slam win down under. overnight, american superstar coco gauff once again dominating the court in the first round of the australian open in melbourne defeating this slovakian in straight sets. post match hinting at the secret to her success. >> when i was nervous at three all, i just told myself, i literally said, i feel good, i look good. i feel good. i look good. so just have fun. >> reporter: the 19-year-old hoping to recreate her win here, at the u.s. open last year she spoke to savannah and hoda after that victory.
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>> how are you feeling in this moment >> it's still va crazy i'm telling myself you're a gland slam champion, it doesn't feel real at all. >> reporter: the australian open also welcoming the return of naomi osaka to tennis after the birth of her daughter. also in melbourne, novak djokovic defending his title. in hopes of achieving his record-breaking 25th grand slam victory. finding success in his first round match after a challenging four-hour four-set battle against 18-year-old dino in his first grand slam the teenager giving the veteran his longest ever first-round match in a grand slam. >> i felt at some point i was playing myself in a mirror. >> reporter: as for coco gauff, as she looks ahead to her next match, it's all about staying positive as she seeks her second grand slam win >> australia is truly the happy slam i needed to just be happy on the court. that's what i was able to do >> reporter: late breaking news here, of course naomi osaka last in a very close match, but
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getting bi kudos for returning to the court. and how about the happy slam so, we're seeing that coco gauff is looking really confident going into a match with anothe american that's going to take place on wednesday, savannah. and trust me, that is going to be a huge crowd on hand for that match. >> i love she has so many fans down under she is our sunshine. coco, i love the yellow and the happy slam sara, have fun thank you. up next right here, imagine going out to eat, but there is no check after the meal. just a chance to donate if you can. blayne alexander has this inspiring story behind the unlikely idea that's become a huge hit that's right after this. the other... freezer burned. again. uncrustables are the best part of the sandwich. sorry crust. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx]
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8:14 am
(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that.
8:16 am
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we are back. it's mlk day. this year it falls on what we are back. it's mlk day this year it falls on what would have been dr. king's 90th -- 95th bitter day. >> to honor his legacy, we are shine ago light on a couple in alabama that started a very unique restaurant blayne alexander caught up with them good morning. >> reporter: guys, good morning to you i am joining you from the king historic district here in atlanta. this is really the heart of the king day celebration but, of course, his legacy is wide reaching. that includes a small town in bruton, alabama. that's where we found one popular restaurant that's keeping dr. king's legacy of service alive every day. even before the doors opened, the energy at drexell & honeybees is buzzing >> good morning, good morning. >> reporter: here in bruton, alabama, it's one of the hottest lunch spots in town. but what you won't see, menus, prices or a single dollar exchanging hands this restaurant operates on donations only
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their motto is simple, we feed the need. >> i just wanted to do something to show people that money does not -- does not make the world go round. >> reporter: it's the brain child of lisa mcmillan and her husband freddy together they're serving up hot meals every tuesday, wednesday p.m. a small town in alabama, the population barely tops 5,000 county-wide, more than 17% of people are food insecure lisa has spent much of her life trying to change that. for more than a decade she drove door to door delivering meals. >> over 100 a day. a lot was to elderly people, who were struggling. everybody should have a right to be able to go into a restaurant about paying. >> reporter: she shared her dream with freddie, and the two
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were all-in. together they took half of t and have a meal and not worry about paying. >> reporter: she shared her dream with freddie, and the two were all-in. together they took half of their retirement fund to bring this restaurant to life when you first told your friends and family about this? >> they thought we were crazy. people were telling us, how are you going to open up a restaurant and people don't pay when the ones charging people are going out of business. >> reporter: six years later, this is the daily lunch rush they even had to recruit a little help. >> so if you stand here for two hours, you will get tired. >> reporter: that's just a fraction of their work lisa does all the shopping how do you decide what's on the menu >> that depends on what's on sale at the grocery store. >> reporter: okay. then comes the cooking every meal is homemade this is hard work. >> oh, god it's hard work. >> reporter: that work comes from a personal place. that's because years ago, lisa was in the very same position. >> i was pregnant. and i had no food. somebody was barbecuing, and i smelled it and i just started crying because i didn't have anything
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to eat and i just want -- i don't want anybody to go through that. >> reporter: that's why she pours her heart out here today drexell & honeybees gets an annual grant to keep doors open but the bulk of the support comes from the kindness of strangers. >> a lot of people come here to share a story. believe it or not, to give hope. >> we have a bunch of people that normally wouldn't socialize with each other. and now they're friends. >> reporter: and her customers feel it, too >> the meal is like the extra. >> that's right. >> the donation is the big part. >> that's right. >> help the needy. >> corn bread, it's good. >> everything is good here. >> reporter: but the real heart of the place, lisa says, is the donation box. >> tell me about these partitions here? >> the partitions were put up
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to come. >> reporter: that privacy, she says, is the only thing that keeps some here to make sure everyone had their own little private place to come. >> reporter: that privacy, she says, is the only thing that keeps some customers coming back. >> we had to set it up where they could keep that pride, keep it intact. and that's what we did. >> reporter: some days she finds $1,000 inside. others just a few coins. but always the handwritten notes. >> thank you because of you, our family of four ate today we don't find a whole lot of money in there, but we find everything we need in there to keep going. >> reporter: and she plans to keep going for a long time to come. >> and every year, i ask god, give me 20 more years, god. >> reporter: 20 more >> 20 more years, that's right 20 more years. these doors will never close. >> reporter: and she really is committed to that. she says the doors will never close at drexell & honeybees guys, believe it or not, she and her husband are still putting their own money in to make sure the doors stay open. they say they will use the rest of their retirement, if they need to do it. now, that place is very special. but another special aspect are the volunteers there are people, they say, that
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come from as far away as indiana and maine. they have heard about it on facebook or social media they flock down there because they want to be a part of something special. guys >> wow, blayne, thank you so much for shining a light on that i love the guy who is like, the food is secondary. >> yes, the community. what a beautiful, beautiful example. and her spirit is so touching. >> absolutely. >> we should put it on our website. you can't be there to put the money -- >> donate from a distance, we'll help with that as well. >> miss dylan, a check of the weather. good morning again, everybody. we were talking about buffalo earlier. we still have the lake effect snow you have the cold air, the lake is unfrozen and all of that snow just wavers around in that area. so several more inches likely over the course of this week, perhaps up to a foot and a half of additional snow here are today's high temperatures lots of pinks and lavenders era. windchills down about 20, 30
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degrees below zero. so record cold expected through that part of the country. out west it is pretty chilly. highs today only in the 30s. we have snow expected back through the showing up, just like laura ich and then this will transition into snow for the northeheast as good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we've been watching out for dense fog in parts of the north bay. otherwise it's a mostly cloudy start with peeks of sunshine. the rain will turn tomorrow and we'll have a more stormy pattern ahead for the weekend. today expect a high of 60 in san mateo and fremont, 60 in moscato. we'll be tracking the rain for and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, we are going to put the restaurant website if you want to help out. put that on our website. just ahead, guys, the fitness trend surging in popularity, especially among
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women. we will explore the benefits of strength training and how to add it to your daily routine but, first, your local news and weather.
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good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. a popular bay area tradition returns today, celebrating dr. martin luther king jr. day.
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this is for the celebration. that event has pretty much been pretty active every year since 1985. the train takes passengers up from peninsula to san francisco for the day for the mlk march. now, cal train is expecting 100,000 people to take part. it's going to depart at 9:30 and reach the paolo al toe station at 9:50 and san mateo at 10:10. let's get a look at the forecast for today. kari hall is monitoring the temperatures. >> it's going to be a rainy event. we're going to see temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s. overall mild. it will stay mostly cloud where with a couple of spotty sprinkles later today. more widespread and heavy rain will be coming in for tomorrow
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afternoon. by the evening, it looks like all of us will be getting rain. >> thanks, kari. >> thanks, kari. we'll not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter.
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never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune?
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maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they switched to xfinity mobile and saved hundreds when they bought one unlimited line and got one free! now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. oh, it is a fun day for an mlk day. beautiful day on our plaza, great crowd. we have a great turnout. on a very cold day hi, y'all! say way good morning
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we got laura we got peter we got dyly dyly. awesome crowd. good morning, nice to have you along. >> some good sports out here on a cold day some bills fans getting read to watch some football in this half hour "money matters," vicky nguyen is here sharing common financial mistakes you could be making and more importantly how to fix them if you ever wish you could have a coach to show you the right way to lift weights, peter doesn't need this, but the rest of us do. and james mcmillan has a strength training routine for us to try out and speaking of exercise, on the 3rd hour, we are going to mistakes so that you could make the most out of those popular moves right at home. >> it is so cold out here. guys, can you come back tomorrow? jamie lee curtis is going to be here. she has a new children's book. and it is a correct some common workout i know jamie lee. as we gear up for valentine's day, you do know valentine's day is a month away.
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>> i've been told. >> public service announcement we are looking for somebody who wants to pop the question live on our show. anybody want to get engaged live on our show? she goes, me, but i don't have a boyfriend. come back next year. work on that go to you can share your love story with us. wouldn't that be fun a big thank you to carson daly i forgot my overcoat i'm wearing his today. carson, i promise i will return it what's the forecast, feeling it here. >> that's the case this is actually one of th warmer spots out here to start off the week the cold weather is sitting back through the middle of the country, down into texas dangerously cold temperatures today. only single digits and teens across the panhandle of texas. we go farther north and we're starting off the week with dangerously cold temperatures. do not spend more time outside than you need to we've got that little storm system that's going to race into the northeast tomorrow, putting an end to our snow drought that we have had for the 700 plus days recently. we are going to see a little bit of snow, but not too much.
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lake effect snow continues through the middle of the week the next round of snow moving into the northern rockies. and we finish off the week with that making its way into the ohio river valley into the northeast by friday, too good morning. i'm your meteorologist kari hall. today we start out with peeks of clouds. our temperatures in the 60s inland and back down in the 40s. we'll see rain coming in starting in the north bay further and spreading through the rest of the bay during the afternoon. wednesday and thursday are dry as the high temperatures head for the low to mid-60s, and we're watching for a bigger storm to bring and we love celebrating birthdays on "the today show." 104 for grandma joher, actually. >> oh, it just went flat.
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oh, there she is. where is she watching from >> lockhart, texas is she on the phone right now? >> that's a picture of her, actually. >> oh, it just went flat oh, there she is grandma jo, looking good well, happy birthday to you. >> happy birthday, grandma jo and everybody else on the plaza. we have a lot of birthdays here. still ahead for you, we are big fans of teddy swims and his amazing voice. just wait until you hear the new spin he's putting on a taylor swift hit. but first, this is "today" on nbc. nbc. >> carson left a $20 in his
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♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin.
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some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. welcome back double d, you're pulling double duty this morning. "popstart". >> it's a big one, too all right. we've got you covered. we will start with the critics choice awards. last night the stars came out for the 29th annual show, honoring those who shined brightest on the big and small screens. "oppenheimer," no surprise,
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swept the ceremony with the most movie wins, bringing home eight trophies, including best picture, ensemble cast and director meanwhile "the bear," "succession" and "beef" dominated on television. a special award went to indiana jones himself, mr. harrison ford taking home a trophy for career achievement. >> really happy to be here tonight to see what our business is turning into. and all of the talented people who are getting opportunities. i want to thank my lovely wife [ applause ] >> who supports me when i -- when i need a lot of support and i need a lot of support. >> harrison gets choked up it gets me choked up. >> so cute. congratulations to him. when it came to moves
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speeches, america ferrera had these congratulations to him when it came to speeches, moving speeches, america ferrera had the crowd feeling all the poufrful feels >> because i grew up as a first-generation american-honduran girl who was in love with tv, film and theater, who desperately wanted to be a part of a story-telling legacy that i could not see myself reflected in. because of writers, directors, producers and executives, who were daring enough to rewrite outdated stories, and to challenge deeply entrenched biases, i, and some of my beloved latina colleagues, have been supremely blessed to bring to life some fierce, and fantastic women. >> so well said. might for congratulations to america it was a big night for "barbie," three tunes from the sound track
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were nominated for best original song >> and the critics choice is -- >> "i'm just ken". >> barbie. >> look at that face clearly goes down in the reactions hall of fame or lack thereof. >> the internet immediately declared ryan gosling winning as its new favorite meme. i think he's even just taking this all in. what's happening next up, "friends. who remembers this iconic tv moment. >> i, ross -- >> take thee emily -- >> take thee rachel. >> remember that well, one man's trash is another man's treasure because a pair of original scripts from the season 4 finale of "friends" discovered in a garbage can just sold for nearly $30,000 according to the auction website, those pages were supposed to be destroyed after filming to avoid any of the london studio found them in the trash and held on to them for
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the last 25 years. but a former employee at the london studio found them in the trash and held on to them for the last 25 years. the former script owner said she's not even a big fan of "friends," but she's happy to pass the awesome memorabilia on to someone >> guess they didn't have paper shredders back then. >> imagine if that got out that would have ruined the whole thing. next up, nicole kidman she made pop culture history with this big screen campaign for amc theaters. >> dazzling images on a huge silver screen. sound that i can feel. somehow heartbreak feels good in a place like this. >> i need to the get to the movies before. that video, which runs before movies, took the internet by storm. fans recreating her legend tear monologue, even full theaters reciting the words in unison now that jump suit is up for sale it's a size 2. the gray pinstripe ensemble is being auctioned off by
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sotheby's, expected to fetch $5,000 to $10,000. >> if you really want to suck it in -- okay. and finally, teddy swims, the soulful singer visited bbc radio one live lounge and covered this tailor swift mega hit. moving ♪ i don't want to keep -- i stuck ♪ ♪ every night that summer seal my fate ♪ ♪ and for whatever it's worth ♪ ♪ pretty like the devil in snow ♪ ♪ the shape of your body exposed ♪ ♪ the feeling i got it's so ♪ ♪ it's the -- >> really good version. >> so good. power of the sound writing. anything can cover it, team
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taylor. >> my daughter will be singing that. up >> what a great song it is, it's the power of the song writing. anyone can cover it. team taylor. >> my ughters will be singindag
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we are back with our money-saving monday series the new year is the perfect opportunity to reset your finances here to help tackle those common mistakes and save some money is nbc's vicky nguyen vicky, nice to see you >> hi, great to see you, happy new year. >> let's get through this if we can. a lot of people did a lot of holiday shopping now dealing with the aftereffects of that a lot of people did the pay now and buy later. how can we help those folks? >> yeah. there is this term floating around called phantom debt or shadow debt. it really refers to all of that debt consumers are taking on through buy now, pay later plans. you have seen them they're offered by big companies. like affirm, afterpay. what they do is they give you a chance to pay something off
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interest free in installments, but the challenge is these loans are not being reported to the credit agencies. and some estimates have them at $46 billion in phantom debt that the government doesn't know about and sometimes consumers lose track of. >> all of a sudden, you are trying to play catchup. don't even realize how much you owe when the new year begins it begins to pile up. >> speaking of piling up, subscriptions pile up these days if you are not careful, you find yourself paying for streaming services and who knows what else. >> we're on subscription overload subscription it is not just that. razors, car washes, shampoo, laundry detergent. anything a company can get you to set and forget, they want you to because it is profitable. to combat that, you really need to sit down and do an audit. sit down with that credit card bill and go through line by line what can you delete? what don't you need anymore? the average consumer spends $200 a month on subscriptions times more than people realize they're
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actually spending. look at your bills. i know you are not an impulsive according to cnr research. >> is that right that's a ton. >> it's two and a half times more than people realize they're actually spending. look at your bills i know you are not an impulsive person, peter. >> careful. >> but for those of us who dabble in online shopping, it's helpful to delete the auto save for the credit card. if you have to go downstairs, get your wallet, manually enter that credit card number, you may be less likely to make that impulse buy. >> how many times do you want to sign up for something, in 30 days, cancel it, you never do. >> it could be hundreds of dollars you save. >> let's talk about interest rates. they're high people are just carrying debt, and it ends up growing and growing on them. >> credit card interest rates are really scary right now as of last week, the average credit card interest rate was 27%. that means for every $100 you put on your credit card that you don't pay off, you are having to pay back $127. it could be really hard to climb out of that level of debt. first, if you can, pick up the phone and call your credit card. wallet hub did a study and they
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found that 77% of the time when you call and say, hey, could you lower my interest rate they do. that's money on the table for you. and switch to 0% apr card, that will give you 12 to 18 months to get ahead on your bills, pay down some of that debt and lending tree recommends maybe taking out a personal loan, the interest rate will be lower to pay down your credit card, use that loan to pay down credit card bills and that will improve your credit scores, which is huge. >> savings for individuals as well, this is a way that you cannot save money, but make money in the process, too many people have regular savings accounts, which means you're leaving money on the table. >> yeah, those regular savings accounts are giving you maybe half a percent back. last year we talked about this, this is really the year, of high yield savings accounts we're talking about 5% that you could be making on your money, which is simple, it's easy, that is the one upside of rising interest rates that you can make more off of your savings look for those accounts. sometimes they're online banks, sometimes they're brick and
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mortar banks but a lot more are off offering high-yield savings accounts it's super flexible, not like a cd, where you lock up your money for six months or a year at a time you've got this 5%, apy, it's growing your money as you speak, if you have to make a big purchase, it's perfect. >> another good reminder, take advantage of the benefits you're getting from your companies as well, a good way to get something as well. >> that's huge, a lot of us don't take advantage of financial elness options given to us. we have the 401(k), remind people, max that out, put in as much as your company will match because that's free money. but, a lot of times, companies are now offering your help with student loan management, they're giving you stipends for wellness, if you go to the gym, that kind of thing, and access to free financial advisers so when you're looking at your compensation package, look at the overall package, not just the salary number, but what are those other benefits and maximize them. >> just call, just ask, the
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worse they can do is say no, vicky, nice to see you, thanks for the good advice. the importance of strength training, and simple ways to add it to your exercise routine, but in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing
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the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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"start today." plenty of people are focused on getting healthier in the new year leading the charge, especially among women, is strength training it was the second most popular fitness trend of the last year that's according to the american college of sports medicine and the subscription-based fitness app. class pass says its sign-ups for strength training classes are increased by, wait for it, 94% so here with everything that you need to know to start your journey is james mcmillan. he is a certified personal trainer. and the director of innovation at tone house. not for any other reason, but that's what tone looks like right there. >> we like to get toned. >> nice to see you let's talk about the strength
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training journey so much about strength is about your mind-set. what's important about mind-set? >> you have to start with the mindset. i like to tell people progress over perfection. technique over weight. you have to focus on technique and build up in your journey, as well as you have to set realistic goals for yourself your spirit has to be stronger than this vessel when you think about training. >> you talk about, you have to be intentional with your goals, you can't just think it. you have to focus. >> yes a lot of people are like, i want to try this new move no you have to set a goal around your capabilities. that's what we will go into next. >> the luxury is we have some ladies here to be our models for the process here i took my blazer off just to feel along with you guys. >> thank you for that. >> that's as far as my involvement will go in this segment. a lot of this is the road map in figuring out where you are fitness-wise lead the way. >> setting those intentional goals. set short-term and long-term goals. with that, you have to understand the capabilities and your body. so we have a strength
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assessment i advise you guys to do this at home so the first movement we will go right into, we have a pushup you want to do as many reps as you can for one minute. in that push-up, lead with your chest. >> whoa. she just got right to it >> yes as many as you can you have to understand if your breathing is off, if your mobility, all the above, range of motion in that push-up is off. second thing we're going into, we will stand all the way up into a squat now, you have an open chest shoulder width apart you will go deep into that squat and rise up. things you want to think about, is my mobility okay, is my range of motion? am i able to stay upright. do that for 15 to 20 reps. after that, go right back down into a plank forearm plank, keep those hips nice and level if you find your body lowering or rising, you know you have to. hold that for one minute or as
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long as possible. after that, work on flexibility adjust and work on your core hold that for one minute or as long as possible after that, work on flexibility and mobility they go hand in hand. >> yes i can't do that, can't touch my toes. >> going to go down to the floor. get a nice stretch on those hamstrings if you can't touch your toes, it's okay. that's what you have to work on. you learning in your body, or your mobility. sit in that deep squat nice open chest. place your hand on to the ground, raise up to the ceiling. say hello to the world and then you switch sides. go to the opposite side and you raise up that's going to show you your mobility after you do the strength assessment, you will understand your body capabilities, and that's when you go into more. >> we are about to quickly see who works out in this and who doesn't. >> i need help >> i'm a little winded. >> mama hasn't picked up a resistance band in two years okay, james? >> now you know your assessment. you know your capabilities and you are understanding, yes, you want to know, okay, what weight do i use i will always tell clients to go
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from body weight resistance bands into dumbbells and into barbells. >> why is that >> for resistance bands, it is joint friendly with dumbbells, you can work in different planes of motion. as well as a little bit loaded >> what am i doing >> right now, you're going to go -- >> glad you brought your workout shoes today. >> i want extra credit with the heels. >> i'm going to utilize the dumbbell, okay i'm going into a squat and you are going into a front squat place your feet under the band. >> do the feet need to be shoulder width apart >> yes slightly turn those toes out for the tracking of your knees >> with the point of the heels, okay. >> point of your heels down. now you are going to grip that band and we're going to go into a squat, okay? >> i want this kind of grip? >> no, -- yes, you want to grab it like that elbows up. >> yes. >> we're going down into the squat. so we have three sets of eight reps at home if you like to do it with usr. >> driving through the floor
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with the heels. >> yes, with the heels. wonder woman, go low, come back up think about driving through the floor. >> driving through the floor with the heels. >> yes, with the heels wonder woman, all right. >> all right. >> great job two more reps. >> you keep going, yeah. >> so the next thing we're going to go into is a bent over row. i'm going to grab this dumbbell here now you are going to step your foot on two of the heels >> stagger stance. >> now the point should be pointed out? >> yes. nice big chest, neutral spine. put your glutes toward that back wall and now we want to bring our elbows towards the ceiling pulling our shoulder blades together. >> last one. let's do it. >> so now you have a chest press, okay? >> yes. >> i'm going to come over to the bench press. if you have a bench press at home. >> all right last one. >> we will keep going here we are back with our 3rd and 4th hours. guys, there is more working out still to come here. >> i was supposed to end this segment. i was going to make you keep going and going.
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good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marcus washington. search teams are combing the waters for survivors from a small plane crash. this is not far from the municipal airport. authorities say witnesses saw the plane flying erratically and the engine sputtering. they're looking for the wreckage. still not clear how many people were on board. it took off from an airport in the east bay. happening now, our reporter is speaking with the investigators near the crash site. she'll have a live report coming up in
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change.
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shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," arctic blast. more than 100 million people waking up to bone-chilling temperatures, snow and dangerous freezing rain. and it's only going to get


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