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tv   Today  NBC  January 16, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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101 toward oakland road. >> everybody is out the door. the "today" show just ahead. you can get more local news with our streaming broadcast, it's on local platforms, as well as our political analyst larry gersten is joining us to talk about the results out of iowa and what comes next in the 2024 presidential race. >> a lot to talk about. thank you so much for making us a part of your morning. have a great day. hi there. good tuesday morning. turns out there was some suspense in the iowa caucuses. >> a very close battle for runner-up. it's january 16th. this is "today." ♪♪ landslide. donald trump cements his status as the republican front runner. >> the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country. >> ron desantis edging out nikki haley. for a distant second place, but both vowing the race is far
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from over. >> we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> this morning we'll break down the results and the take-aways as the results quickly shift to new hampshire, just a week away. let it snow. a fast-moving storm snapping the year's long drought for major east coast cities and causing chaos on the roads. >> there are so many car accidents. it is really bad. >> and at the airports with thousands of flights canceled. much of the u.s. coping with cold. people on alert again today. al has everything we need to know. facing the judge. a suspected serial killer on new york's long island back in court today and expected to be charged in yet another murder. investigators calling it a significant development. we'll have the very latest.
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all that, plus tampa! >> lofted up, caught and touchdown, tampa bay. >> baker mayfield lifts the buccaneers to a huge playoff win over the eagles while the bills take down the steelers in a matchup delayed by snow. >> right down the middle they go for it. they got it! >> fans shoveling their own seats to enjoy it. the highlights and what's next on the road to the super bowl. and shining stars. "succession" and "the bear" win big at the 75th emmy awards. >> jeremy allen white, "the bear". >> but the moment of the evening belonged to christina applegate. ♪ love and marriage ♪ >> i'm going to cry more than i have been crying. >> the surprise appearance that brought down the house. during television's biggest night, today, tuesday, january
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16th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning. welcome to today. it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. a lot of people talking about the emmys. we'll get to that. but boy, it was a big football weekend. >> sure was. you had to say tampa bay, ya, whatever it was. yes, the eagles lost. congrats to tampa bay. wmt let's talk about this game. >> buffalo pulls it out. it was crazy with all the game with snow and freezing. >> i love how they cheer with snow in the air. >> that's a good segue. look at central park. this is something we have not seen in a massive year. making for a messy commute. >> those flights mean new york city's now 701-day streak without measurable snow has come to an end.
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al has the forecast, including even more brutally cold temperatures that's on tap today. but we begin with the results of last night's iowa caucuses. former president donald trump easily winning the first contest of the 2024 republican race. overnight, long-shot candidate vivek ramaswamy dropped out after his disappointing finish there. >> we have complete coverage. we'll start off with nbc's hallie jackson. she made her way to new hampshire with that state's primary now just one week away. hallie, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning to you. and, listen, this is where the action is now with former president donald trump carrying that dominant and historic win in the iowa caucuses here after crossing that key 50% threshold, symbolic. an indication of his grip on the republican party as he topped the caucuses with 51% with most of the vote in at this point. mr. trump, for a brief moment at least, shifting from combative to courteous as he now looks to
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unite the gop behind him. >> it's now off to new hampshire. >> reporter: former president trump this morning setting his sights on new hampshire and the general election. >> this is the first because the big night is going to be in november. >> reporter: after cruising to a win in the iowa caucuses with a record margin of victory, coming in at 51% of the vote. his rivals trailing far behind. mr. trump now making the case for his competitors to coalesce behind him. >> i really think this is time now everybody, our country, to come together. >> reporter: the former president winning nearly every voter block, including caucus goers without a college degree, very conservative, white evangelicals and those over 65. >> says what he thinks, tells the truth. >> reporter: the night showing many republicans intense loyalty to mr. trump. despite the former president facing 91 felony charges, two-thirds of caucus goers consider him fit to be president even if he were convicted of a
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crime. they also show a majority agree with mr. trump's lies that the 2020 election was illegitimate. across iowa, historically low temperatures and low turn-out too, with roughly half the number of caucus goers compared to 2016. but for florida governor, ron desantis, enough supporters showing up to boost him to a second place finish as he edged out former u.n. ambassador nikki haley for second place. >> we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> reporter: all smiles for desantis in a state he invested heavily in and once predicted he would win outright. now a rational to keep his campaign going. >> we have a lot of work to do. >> reporter: the focus now shifting to new hampshire, where the margins appear much closer. >> we're on to new hampshire. >> reporter: haley looking to gain ground on mr. trump who has only a single-digit lead in recent polling. >> our campaign is the last best hope of stopping the trump/biden nightmare. >> reporter: you can expect to
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see the candidates on the campaign trail in this state today. nikki haley, of course, ron desantis will make a stop first in south carolina. and mr. trump will first stop in new york where he's expected to appear at the start of his defamation damages trial involving writer e. jean carroll. he'll be joined on swam by vivek ramaswamy who dropped out and endorsed mr. trump. savannah? >> hallie, thank you. we want to turn to kristen welker and steve kornacki. we loved the duo so much yesterday, we're back for more. not a lot of suspense at the top of the ticket. show us how big a blowout this was for the former president. >> yeah. couple ways to look at it. 51% that donald trump ends up with, that is a record in the iowa caucuses. the previous best was 41% in the margin here. it's 30 points, trump to desantis, the previous best was 12 points. so he substantially improved what we have seen historically. trump improved obviously across the board, the biggest
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improvement evangelical voters, he lost them double digits in 2016 and swamped desantis and haley among them. the one interesting nugget, 99 counties in iowa, one county that trump didn't win. i want to show you how close trump came to going 99 for 99. check this out. one vote in johnson county. >> it's so fascinating about this if you look a long, long time ago, one year, trump had a lot more seeming political vulnerability. what a difference a year makes. >> they definitely were. it's easy to forget this, but call this up. this is a line graph of the support for the candidates going back to the start of 2023. you remember at the start of '23, republicans had that bad midterm. the trump-aligned candidates cost them key races. ron desantis in some cases within ten points of trump nationally. that's why all these candidates emerged. they thought republicans were moving on. here is where it die verged. trump's line went up, desantis's went down.
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do you know what happened that week? that week, first week of march 2023, trump was indicted for the first time in new york on the stormy daniels' matter. it brought a rally around trump. >> maybe that's why we see him in courtrooms as much as the campaign trail. it's working for him. kristen, let's talk about this race. let's talk about desantis and haley, both saying they got tickets out of iowa. haley saying it's a two-person race now. i think desantis might disagree. what is their path if there is one right now. >> we're talking about very narrow paths here, if at all. for nikki haley, it was going through new hampshire. you're absolutely right, that second, third place finish, tight as a tick, savannah. but nikki haley is trying to say, look, this is a victory. but she's been deprived of that momentum that she was looking for. even when she gets to new hampshire, who are her supporters there. moderates, independents, that's not necessarily a winning coalition to win the nomination
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because, as steve just laid out, look who put trump in the winner's slot in iowa. in terms of ron desantis, yes, he's stopping in south carolina, but savannah, it's not clear he can win south carolina or new hampshire, guess who has the lead there, donald trump. yes, nikki haley is within striking distance of trump in new hampshire, her very narrow path just got narrower and it's still not clear where ron desantis goes from here. >> the map doesn't get better for either one of them as the primaries go forward. let's talk about trump and his messaging. he was magnanimous, sing kumbaya, time to put down our swords and get together and rally around, this thing is done. >> that may have been the one word he didn't use, kumbaya because he was basically praising his rivals. when was the last time we heard that. he dropped his nicknames for them. he said it's time for this country to come together. his tone may have been the oh big headline that came out of that big trump win last night. so, here is what to watch for. watch for republicans to start
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to consolidate more around him. we saw that in the days leading up to iowa. doug burgum, marco rubio endorsed him. vivek ramaswamy as well. he will be back in court today because he thinks that is an effective way at campaigning, rallying republican voters around him. >> all right, kristen and steve. thank you. grab a nap. hoda, other to you. >> thank you, sg. the weather dangerous winter storms record cold gripping much of the country, including parts of the east coast that haven't seen snow in quite a while. and there's more of both on the way. we, of course, will get to al's forecast in just a moment. but let us begin with nbc's erin mclaughlin. she joins us live from central park. hey, erin, good morning. >> reporter: hoda, good morning. from the winter wonderland that is central park right now, it's been 700 days since new york city has seen this much snow in
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a single day. here in central park, it is absolutely beautiful. meanwhile, in other parts of the country, there's been so much snow that entire counties have declared a state of emergency. this morning the deadly arctic blast is gripping more than 80% of the country. killing at least seven nationwide. with five more deaths suspected to have been caused by temperatures so cold, in some parts ut feels like minus 50. transforming roads into potential death traps. >> there so many car accidents. it's really bad. >> reporter: to the south, a state of emergency declared in parts of tennessee. nashville and memphis feeling wind chills in the single digits. some skiing in the streets. the snow reaching as far west as oklahoma. and in texas, the dangerous conditions raising concern for that state's power grid and plumbing. the storm also creating chaos in the air.
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with more than 4,500 flights cancelled nationwide monday and more than 10,000 delays according to flight aware. across the country, schools are closed due to the cold from denver to buffalo. and new york city is finally feeling the freeze after 700 plus days of no substantial snow. >> it is not going to be a big snow. it is just the idea we haven't had snow in so long, so it's foreign to us. >> reporter: at columbus hardware store, there's hope all this snow will shovel in more sales. >> once we see the snow, people start coming in. >> reporter: are you excited? >> yes, we are. we have been waiting over 700 days. >> reporter: a long time. >> a very long time if you ask me. >> reporter: and check this out, we're seeing about an inch of snowfall here in central park. and the national weather service says that is enough to break that 701-day streak. city officials say that once the snow reaches about two inches,
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that's when they're going to deploy the snowplows. the plan is to plow all the streets and bike lanes simultaneously. meanwhile, there's chaos already in the air, according to flight aware, more than 1,000 flight cancellations. hoda? >> erin, we're happy you had your trusty yardstick with you. thank you for showing us that inch of snow. >> drought is over, 701 days. >> it's done. thank you goodness. winter storm warnings, they have ice warnings out in oregon and parts of washington state. we've got those storm warnings here in the northeast. still a little snow hanging around. in fact, look out our window here, we're seeing some light snow and, yes, officially now drought over for new york. philadelphia, baltimore and washington, d.c. not so much for our friends in richmond. they're going to be suffering a little longer. but we have another storm system coming in this weekend. we'll see what happens with that. brutal cold for 133 million from
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bismarck to brownsville, wind chill advisories, wind chill watches. we're looking at temperatures anywhere from 20 to 30 degrees below normal. chicago at 3 degrees. other the weekend, 36 hours of zero degrees or colder. for tomorrow, new york only 26. memphis, 29 degrees. rally, 39 and you look into the latter part of the week, saturday, new york city, 26. atlanta, you'll be 34. little rock, 25 degrees, guys. so much colder air coming in. we have another big storm possible making its way cross country just in time for the weekend. >> all right, al. thank you so much. craig joins the table. big night in hollywood, craig. >> huge night. good morning, good morning to you as well. l.a.'s peacock theater was the place to be last night for the " hit shows "succession," "the 75th emmy awards it was a very good night for the hit show "succession," "the bear" and special evening for beloved actress. nbc's entertainment correspondent chloe melas with
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all the details. >> the emmys were back in a big way, providing nostalgia, laughs and some of tv's most iconic stars. >> and the emmy goes to -- >> reporter: it was a night of sweeping wins. big reunions and touching tributes as hollywood celebrated the biggest names in television. hbo succession snapping up best drama and three acting wins in its final season, including culken with his own family moment on stage. >> my beautiful wife jazz, thank you for sharing your life with me and for giving me two amazing kids and jazz, i want more. [ laughter ]. >> hulu's "the bear" swept the comedy category, winning best comedy series. star jeremy allen white taking the lead statue. the emmy awards marking 75 years
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by reuniting some of tv's most iconic ensemble casts on recreated sets, including "cheers. the is a pan knows, martin, gray anatomy and tina fey and amy poehler. >> we reached the stage in life where we'll only present awards sitting down >> and of course, the dancing stars from ally mcbeal ♪ >> this night was also a celebration of diversity, tying the record for most winning actors of color, "abbott elementary" the first black woman to win lead actress in a comedy series in 40 years. >> i just love comedy so much >> niecy that i am so happy to be able to get this. >> reporter: the room to its feet with this acceptance speech. >> i want to thank me. [ laughter ]. >> for believing in me and doing what they said i could not do and i want to say to myself in front of all you beautiful
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people, go on, girl, with your bad self >> reporter: one of the night's most touching moments came when christina applegate, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2021 received a standing ovation. >> thank you so much oh my god. >> and a very special congratulations to beef creator and former "today" show staff member sonny lee she went from producing teases to the show to winning three emmys last night >> well done >> thank you, chloe. >> much more coming up in "popstart". a lot of people were switching between emmys and football wild card games went on. tampa bay and buffalo advancing. hey, kaylee, good morning. >> good morning, guys. snow is thrown around like confetti in bill's mafia and in tampa, the cannons kept firing shocking blowouts, a playoff drought ended, young
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quarterbacks shining and one of the coldest games in nfl history. now the divisional slate is set. >> unbelievable! josh allen. >> reporter: a buffalo win worth the wait in bhoe freezing temperatures, the bills coming out hot >> a touchdown catch >> reporter: after a massive b blizzard postponed their matchup against the steelers and another three feet of snow falling the night before the game, bill's mafia shoveling, scooping, the play of the night? >> reporter: a 31-17 scoring the best seats they could dig out. fans allowed to sit wherever they like. their reward -- >> oh, what an effort! the play of the night! >> reporter: a 31-17 win and divisional game ahead. >> thank you, god, that we get another chance to play another game go, bills. >> reporter: next sunday they'll host the defending super bowl champs, the kansas city chiefs in the first road playoff game in quarterback patrick mahomes career and of course, fans waiting to see if taylor swift will be cheering on the chiefs and
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boyfriend travis kelce in buffalo. back on the field, a wild long weekend capped off with a route in tampa bay >> still walking through this secondary. and a touchdown! >> reporter: bucs receiver david moore scoring the first touchdown of the game and his first this season. on his 29th birthday the eagles unable to stop the spiral of their late season collapse their frustration evident on the bench and in the stands. in the game's fine seconds, eagle's star center jason kelce appearing to tear up on the sidelines. >> that looks like a man filled with emotion right now >> reporter: after 13 seasons in philly, speculation that this could be his last game >> what a warrior. what a player he has been for the philadelphia eagles. >> reporter: but the night belonging to the buccaneers. baker mayfield the first quarterback in franchise history, indhuding tom brady, to throw for over 300 yards and 3 touchdown passes in a playoff game and with their 32-9 win a trip to detroit is on the horizon
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so any devoted sports fan probably has a story about sneaking scores to a big game when you can't be in front of the tv i know i have. well, last night at the emmy's look at this rob showed real commitment to watching his beloved eagles. he tweeted this photo with the caption, who schedules the emmys the same night as the eagles worth it, i guess. as he and ryan reynolds won an emmy for their series "welcome to rexham. i wouldn't be surprised if he would trade in that emmy for an eagle's win. >> 100%. sad eagles in my household kaylee, thank you. congrats to tampa and all the other teams. it will be a good next weekend. >> i just feel badly for the kids sitting there with their little paper bags on their head. so for today's snow conditions up through new england, strong >> i think they were adults. >> your kids >> no. just inside. yeah >> there you go. >> snowy conditions up through new england.
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strong storms along the southeast. next storm is coming into the west that's what's going on we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪♪ good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we're seeing some light rain moving into the north bay in san francisco, stretching into the east bay. we'll see this move through within the next hour or so and gev us a bit of a break before we get heavier rain later this evening. it is picking up for marin county. and then at 3:00, we're seeing the north bay covered with rain, heavier rain for the rest of the bay area later this evening. it will be tapering off tomorrow
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morning with about a quarter and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you. still ahead, new developments in the high-profile beach serial case murder laura jarrett is following that story for us. >> hey, hoda the victims had been known as the gilgo 4. but the main suspect was only charged with the death of three women. we'll break down why that might all change today. >> thank you, laura. plus, baaing to the office or work from home? a surprising shift happening in the great workplace debate we will take a closer look at what has more bosses changing their tune about work from home. what imight mean for your t
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to
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$1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. coming up, the one, the only coming up, the one, the only she will show us how to make her go-to dessert. jamie lee curtis. >> she'll stop by. much to discuss. she has a new children's book. then we will do a little baking with her she will show us how to make her go-to dessert. but first, a check of your local news and weather
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alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. good morning. i'm marcus washington, along with laura garcia. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. caltrans will shut down several lanes of highway 101, this is in both directions in just a couple of hours. >> this is happening between mountain view and san jose. the closures cover the stretch between shoreline boulevard and 13th street. caltrans says it's shutting down the lanes so crews can do maintenance work on the road. that means removing old tires,
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clearing up debris that has gathered over time to make the highway safer. and commuters may want to brace for headaches in the north bay. this is after a gas tanker overturned this morning in san rafael. it happened at northgate drive and manuel t. freitas parkway. the tanker is still leaking fuel. nearby residents are being told to keep their windows closed. northgate, between the parkway and las gallinas avenue will remain closed indefinitely. the crash is being blamed on a suspension issue. meteorologist kari hall has been keeping her eye on the radar. rain coming to the bay area. >> we'll see rain coming in off and on. our temperatures will only reach into the upper 50s, and after a wet day we're going to see sunshine and milder temperatures for tomorrow. those temperatures continue to go up on thursday, but it will be mostly cloudy. a look ahead to the weekend, we
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are looking at a couple of storms coming in that's going to bring us waves of rain off and on from friday through monday, and the temperatures remaining about the same. as we take a look at what to expect for san francisco, not much different here. we're going to see the rain linger a lot longer today and a high of about 57, sunshine tomorrow, and plan on having tomorrow, and plan on having some rain for the whole weekend. not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪♪ there he goes! ♪♪ >> oh, my gosh.
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what a classic. if you ever wondered where the phrase jumped the shark came from, it was that scene right there in "happy days" because i guess that was the beginning of the end for the show. ron howard is revealing he nearly quit at one point. the whole thing involves the fonz. >> wait. he almost quit the show? >> well, no, not over -- i don't know. maybe not over the shark jump. >> we'll find out in "popstart". but we are going to start this half hour in new developments we have been following this case closely. >> the suspected gilgo beach serial killer. is returning to court. prosecutors are expected to announce a new charge. >> nbc's laura jarett is here with details.
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hi, morning, the criminal case against accused serial killer, rex heuermann is widening. the prime suspect in the gilgo beach slaying is back in court today and charged with a fourth murder, of maureen barns. the 60-year-old is already accused of killing three women melissa barthelemy, amber costello and megan waterman, whose bodies were found near a remote stretch on long island over a decade ago. >> she did not deserve that. none of them did. >> reporter: authorities also linked heuermann to the death of barnes when he was arrested last year. but prosecutors didn't charge him at the time. >> a 13-year-old cold case -- gets solved in a matter of weeks or days. >> reporter: maureen's friend telling "dateline" she wishes
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they stayed together in the city on the last day maureen was seen alive. >> she would have been alive. i have no doubt in my mind about that. and i think about that every [ bleep ] day. >> reporter: the new york architect was arrested outside his manhattan office last july after authorities pieced together dna evidence using some pizza crust he had thrown in the trash. >> even with this arrest, we're not done. there is more work to do in this investigation. >> reporter: from there, investigators spent weeks combing through the home heuermann shared with his now estranged wife, removing truckloads of possible evidence, discovering nearly 300 guns stored in a walk-in vault. >> we have obtained a massive amount of material. >> reporter: heuermann pled not guilty to all of the charges. >> he maintained his innocence from the inception of this case. >> reporter: now with a fourth murder charge announced, dna evidence likely to play a crucial role. >> the suffolk county district attorney plans to hold a news
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conference later this morning. after that heuermann's attorney plans to speak then as well, guys. >> any hint about a potential defense here? >> it's interesting. so we'll see more in court today after the charges are unsealed. that's what we expect to happen. but remember, the way that they actually caught him was a strand of hair not from heuermann himself, but from his wife. that was what was wrapped up in the burlap that was covering the victims. and his laushs tried to poke holes and say that doesn't tie their client. there's probably a hair from him as well connected here, but i expect more to see as these charges are unsealed, guys. >> thank you very much. always there to lend a helping hand on "popstart" we'll explain his role in one star's emmy-winning moment. first, have you gotten used to working from home a few days a week, christine romans has some news that you are probably going to enjoy. >> guys n 2024, turns out bosses are more concerned about keepins are more concerned about keeping
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you happy than keeping you in your cubicle five days a week. why work from home sometimes might be a thing of the future and stick. we'll have that right after the break. have an increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, or feel faint, very dizzy, or confused; or if you have fever, stiff muscles, confusion, rash, swollen glands, or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. other serious side effects may include high cholesterol, weight gain, potentially fatal high blood sugar, uncontrolled body movements, which may be permanent, dizziness upon standing, or falls. are you ready to push back against bipolar 1? ask your doctor if lybalvi is right for you. hulu and disney plus are better together
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(son) dad? you ok? (dad)d a new fiber this old, tired phone can't be traded in. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) i'm stuck with it forever! (mom) a better plan is verizon. (daughter) we can all trade in our old phones for a new galaxy s23+ on them. (dad) i can trade this in! (mom) ok! you get it! (dad) goodbye old friend. (vo) save the drama and get a new phone on verizon. for a limited time trade in any samsung phone, in any condition for a new samsung galaxy s23+, on us. only on verizon. ♪ we're back at 7:39 "in depth today. this morning an unexpected shift in the debate that's taken over the workplace, return to the office or work from home. >> it is hard to imagine ever going back to the office full-time. that's down from or work from home. >> so these days it's hard for some to imagine ever going back to the office full time. in fact, just 20% of workers were fully on site last year, that's according to a gallup poll down from 60% in 2019 >> the question is will that
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trend continue nbc's senior business correspondent christine romans is here with more. >> good morning! good morning score one for the hybrid hold outs ceos are more concerned with keeping their workers happy than forcing cubicles to be full five days a week. >> frank, could you mute your line, please. >> from the dreaded mute button mistake to a revealing zoom call. >> the whole team can see your upper thigh. >> reporter: hybrid work is here to stay. just 4% say they will prioritize getting workers back in the office full-time this year bosses more interested in ondayt keeping their workers happy than keeping cubicles staffed 9:00 to 5:00 from monday to friday. >> sounds like somebody's got a case of the mondays. >> reporter: the pandemic ushers in a shift of how and when and with where we work. with unemployment near a 50-year low, ceos are desperate to retain talent. >> their biggest fear is losing good workers, not getting them
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into the office. >> as it should be because good workers are the key to driving financial results for your organization. >> reporter: each industry is a little different banks brought back workers five days a week early. amazon told staff in november, they need to be in the office three days a week. so did meta. but u.p.s. wants office workers back full-time later this spring after all, the drivers can't work from home on social media, plenty of griping about going into the office at all. >> there is just so many options out there that don't involve going back to the office >> reporter: but the dream of 100% work from home is fading, much like the dream of five full days in the office nearly full-time remote work ha plummeted from 34% in 2022 to just 1% last year. >> get back to work. >> reporter: back to work for many in 2024 will mean getting back to work at home and in
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person for good. >> so, christine, what if your boss says i don't care, you need to be back at your cubicle five days a week no questions answered >> you have to bring the numbers. how your productivity is up, how your sales are up, how you managed to meet that he has deadlines and how working from home a couple days a week has made you more productive there are a lot of very good workers in a lot of different industries who don't want 10 commutes a week anymore. child care costs are high. there are a lot of different things i feel like the pandemic sort of the tide went out and we realized we were all swimming out a life vest. so we need to give some flexibility, is what people want, what workers want. and bosses don't want to lose them. >> yeah, yeah. >> everything in moderation. i like the hybrid idea, yeah. >> and that's something to be said when you are not in the workplace, i think you are missing out on a lot of opportunities, especially for younger issues.
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>> also, there is equity issues. companies have to work hard to make sure people are being fairly monitored and helped in the workplace, too when you are not there full-time, there are some disadvantages. >> all right thank you, christine, so much. al, what you got >> i got this map. it's not at home, so here i am we are looking at a lot of snow along the great lakes today. some places picking up 6 to 8 inches of snow strong storms down through the southeast. that record cold from the plains all the way down into texas. also the upper midwest and this next west coast storm coming in. in the meantime, sunshine stretching from the plains and the rockies all the way into the southwest. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we can see stormranger picking up on some heavy rain in much of the north bay, and san francisco, and now extending into contra costa county. we are going to see a wave of rain coming in over the next couple of hours, a bit of a
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break, and then we'll see it picking up again later this evening. once again, first starting in the north bay and continuing to move through. at 8:00 we're seeing pocke and that's your latest weather. guys >> al, thank you so much. >> thank you still ahead, guys, a powerful conversation with allison holker boss. how she's reconnecting with her love of dance after the loss of her late husband twitch. she'll share a special book they created together coming up i your "morning boost" right after this [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade.
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7:46 am
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7:48 am
(♪♪) a tiny pinch of knorr chicken bouillon will save you more gas than driving down hill. because just one sip of this delectable, silky, chicken ramen noodle soup, will put an end to your drive-thru dinner rituals. it's time to bring out the cook in you and tell them to throw that knorr bouillon. in that tasty, silky combo of delightful carrots... yummy! ...luscious mushrooms and a touch of bok choy. good call. make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. (♪♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine.
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all right. back with sheinelle. also back with "the boost". >> good morning, sheinelle jones. good morning, everybody. >> a 6-year-old boy in montana thought he was headed to his lunch break at school. but as he marched toward the cafeteria, he saw his mom. she pulled him aside to reveal ? >> yeah. >> what does very special surprise. >> can you read that >> yeah. >> what does it say, buddy >> is that sissy >> what does it say? >> will kimmet, guess what someone wants to give you a hug. >> sissy. >> yeah, go ahead. >> yeah, go ahead. >> yeah. love that hug. by the way, that's his big
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sister, berlin she is in the air force, and the two haven't seen each other in more than six months she managed to get a couple days off before heading overseas. she wanted to surprise her little brother before she left there is a 12-year age gap, but the two share a super close bond and call each other best friends. >> that's sweet. >> that's a good one, right? all right. coming up, there is a new member of the exclusive e.g.o.t. club we'll get to that and more on "popstart. and one of our favorite guests of all time, jamie lee curtis. >> hi, everybody >> good morning. >> in person >> wearing a little pink for you. we're so happy. >> on this snowy morning. >> i'm from california it doesn't snow there so much. >> you got a new children's book you're going to bake for us. >> i'm going to bake for you i'm going to bake my like staple, my go-to. >> really? and we're going to read, too.
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>> yes, we are >> this is a great book. we'll stalk to jamie lee >> my brand-new book, born today. it is a book birthday today. but first, your local news and weather. skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (vo) for over 50 years purina cat chow has been helping cats feel at home.
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with trusted nutrition, no wonder it's the number one dry cat food in america. come home to cat chow. when doug and andre came to turbotax ♪♪ we navigated a turbulent housing market by... buying a boater home! but we didn't know the first thing about filing taxes as first-time home buyers i knew how to make their move count we've filed taxes for millions of new homeowners and guarantee 100% accuracy on land and sea [dolphin sounds] what's that a shark?! yes. intuit turbotax, 100% accuracy,guaranteed feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. oooohhh, it is cold outside time to protect your vehichle from winters wrath of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too
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you need weathertech all year round! come on, protect your investment laser measured floorliners and cargoliner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade plus, mudflaps and bumpstep for the exterior (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away.
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even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at (vo) the shape that stole your heart is back for a limited time. heart-healthy cheerios. here at once upon a farm, we chose the new capital one venture x business card. with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to meet our business needs.
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and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? [car traversing over uneven ground.] ground, [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell in mountain view with a heads-up if you're commuting in the south bay. starting at 9:00 this morning, caltrans will be shutting down several lanes of 101, highway 101, in both directions, starting at shoreline boulevard in mountain view, extending to 13th street in san jose. this is so their maintenance crews can clean up the road with the sweepers. these closures will be in effect starting today through friday,
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between 9:00 and 4:00. it could get messy on the roads, at least later when the rain comes. >> we're already seeing the rain at the golden gate bridge. so the north bay, along the coastline, that's where the rain will begin this morning. and it's going to be kind of sloppy out there, as we're seeing the first wave moving in. we've been tracking it with stormranger with pockets of heavy rain moving through marin county and moving toward richmond as well. as we get a closer look at san francisco, starting out light. we'll see this moving through and then it takes a break for a couple of hours before some heavier rain comes in later this afternoon into the evening. at 11:00 tonight, the north bay is seeing the rain taper off, but still moving through the south bay. it will clear out tomorrow as our temperatures head for the low 60s. more rain for the weekend. more rain for the weekend. >> thank you for joining not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges -
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from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, landslide donald trump wins big in iowa, cementing his status as the republican front runner. the race for second closer than expected we're live with the latest as candidates set their sights on new hampshire. then dangerous chill
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more than 100 million americans waking up to winter alerts this morning. the bitter blast of cold and snow creating treacherous conditions. >> there are so many car accidents, really bad. >> al has your full forecast. plus, catching up with jaime lee. the oscar-winning actress an the hall of fame guest is here to talk about her new children's book, hollywood's award season and she's even headed into the kitchen for a cooking segment. you do not want to miss it and egot-man elton john wins an emmy, securing his status as an entertainment icon with his emmy, grammy, oscar and tony we've got all the details in "popstart," today, tuesday, ce from january 16th, 2024 ♪ celebrating my graduation from nursing school. >> from louisiana. >> i watch "the today show" every day in washington. >> we're finally here. >> shout-out to our friends in
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coleen, texas. >> hi to my kids in tennessee and thank you for baby-sitting >> here to celebrate our birthdays from bristol, virginia >> on a mother-daughter trip from texas. >> to snowy new york city. >> okay. first of all, hats off to that mom. me and my three. hats off to everybody who is outside on this tuesday morning. snow is still falling a little bit. we've got some flurries down, but everybody outside gets extra credit. >> yes, snow day. >> exactly we have a very busy morning. let's get right to our news at 8:00, everybody donald trump the one to beat after an easy night at the iowa republican caucuses. the race for second proving to have more drama than many expected now it is off to new hampshire, exactly one week away. nbc's hallie jackson joins us from manchester. she has the very latest. hey, hallie, good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda, good
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morning, from manchester, from new hampshire, where all the action is now and where donald trump is hoping to carry that very big win, that historic win in the iowa caucuses to this state after crossing that key 50% threshold, an indication of his grip on the republican party here you are hearing mr. trump already urging the rest of the gop to unite behind him. >> it's now off to new hampshire. >> reporter: former president trump this morning setting his sights on new hampshire and the general election >> this is the first because the big night is going to be in november >> reporter: after cruising to a win in the iowa caucuses with a record margin of victory, coming in at 51% of the vote. his rivals trailing far behinde behind him. >> i really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come mr. trump now making the case for his competitors to coalesce behind him. >> i really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. >> reporter: the former president winning nearly every voting block, including caucus goers without a college degree,
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the very conservative, white evangelicals and those over 65 >> he says what he thinks and tells the truth. >> reporter: the night showing republicans intense loyalty to mr. trump. despite the former president facing 91 felony charges, two-thirds of caucus goers consider him fit to be president even if we were convicted of a crime. they show a majority agree with mr. trump's lies that the 2020 election was illegitimate. across iowa, historically low temperatures and low turn-out, too, with roughly half the number of caucus goers compared to 2016. but for florida governor, ron desantis, enough supporters showing up to boost him to a second place finish as he edged out former u.n. ambassador nikki haley for second place >> we've got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> reporter: all smiles in desantis in a state he invested heavily in and once predicted he would win outright now, a rational to keep his
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campaign going >> we have a lot of work to do. >> reporter: the focus now shifting to new hampshire where the margins appear much closer >> we're on to new hampshire >> reporter: haley looking to gain ground on mr. trump who has only a single digit lead in recent polling >> our campaign is the last best hope of stopping the trump-biden nightmare. >> reporter: haley trying to cast this now as a two-person race but it is not at all clear that is the case given mr. trump's lead here. all the candidates, the key candidates campaigning in new hampshire. ron desantis will make a stop in south carolina first today mr. trump will stop in new york. he's expected to appear at the start of his defamation damages trial involving writer e. jean carroll. he'll then come here for a rally alongside vivek ramaswamy who dropped out overnight and endorsed him i should tell you, hoda, here in new hampshire, even in the snow, it is a full 30 degrees warmer than it was in iowa. so a bit of a different temperature, if you will. >> wow all right. hallie jackson for us there in manchester, new hampshire. hallie, thank you. >> it's balmy for hallie there.
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this morning, new york city is getting something it hadn't seen in two years, snow that sticks to the ground city officials promising an army of snowplows to keep streets clear for this morning's commute. heavier snow is causing travel problems elsewhere and let us not forget the brutal cold now gripping most of the country states of emergency declared in parts of the south where wind chills plunged into the single digits al, lots for you to talk about. >> that's right. we have over 87 million people under winter weather advisories, ice storm warnings along the pacific coast, advisories up from new orleans up to neeng and we're looking at more snow nashville actually got to an inch of snow quicker than we did in new york but we broke the drought, new york city, nefl, baltimore, washington, d.c. as well more than an inch of snow. we do have some lake-effect snow advisories coming in so we could be looking at anywhere from 6 to 8 inches of snow there 133 million impacted by the cold
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from busiismarck back to brownsville. arctic temperatures from 28 degrees below normal in shag to 28 degrees below normal in dallas in fact, chicago, 36 hours over the weekend of below 0 temperatures memphis, 29. that's a 19 degrees cooler than usual. detroit at 17 degrees. as we head into the weekend, guys, temperatures are going to take another plummet and we have another system coming coast to coast. that may cause some problems as well already we have 1,000 airline cancellations across the country. other the weekend, we had 4,100. so our misery continues with this winter. but, hey, it's january. >> yeah, it is. >> we'll come back to you in a minute, buddy. thank you. defense secretary lloyd austin was released from the hospital yesterday after two weeks of treatment for complications from prostate cancer surgery austin waited three days before informing president biden that he was in the hospital in intensive care
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and he kept his original cancer diagnosis secret for another five days. president biden called the delays a lapse in judgment, but expressed full confidence in austin the pentagon chief worked from home during his recovery doctors say his prognosis is excellent. iran launched missile attacks into both iraq and syria overnight. explosions reported near the american consulate that's under construction u.s. officials say there were no reports of any americans hurt. iran says it was targeting an israeli-intelligence facility in that area. it said a separate missile barrage in syria was aimed at islamic state. a dog named bob found himself stuck in an icy pond in the suburbs of salt lake city. firefighters, wow, they respond to the scene, go in after him. bob did seem to be a little anxious at first eventually the firefighter, so brave, was able to lift that dog to safety.
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fire officials are hoping to use this opportunity to remind people be really, really careful with kids and your pets when you're around pods or other bodies of water this winter. >> dog rescues this rescue in south carolina where a man put himself in harm's way in an effort to save his little chihuahua from a coyote check this out timmy was taking his dog roxie out when he noticed her walking towards the woods. moments later, the chihuahua is running back with a coyote in hot pursuit. he springs into action makes sure the wild animal couldn't get to roxie. the coyote bit him several times. >> oh, geez. >> i know, jamie lee, it's crazy, right dumpster, puts it inside. he calls animal control to come and take care of it. eventually he wrestles it down, grabs the coyote by the tail, puts it inside the dumpster. he calls animal control to come and take care of it. he went to the doctor and got several rabies shots roxie now wears a coyote proof vest when she goes out for her
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walks. >> that's crazy. and jamie lee over there as a live audience. >> i'm in complete shock >> right >> pick it up by the tail? >> yes that's how they do it in south carolina >> jamie lee, stand by there for a second just ahead, happy days without richie cunningham does not sound happy. the reason why ron howard says he nearly walked away from that iconic series. but first, there she is, our girl jamie lee curtis in the house ready to chat about anything, everything, including -- >> everything. >> inspiration behind her new project. that's coming up right after this one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen.
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most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. (vo) feeding a high-quality dog food doesn't have to cost a whole lot. learn how abbvie for about a dollar a day, you can give your dog the blue buffalo food they deserve. real meat first. healthy ingredients. natural nutrition. try blue life protection formula today. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be. it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol (vo) packed frozen thawed by lunch.
8:12 am
go-gurt. real good. real easy. real smooth. here at once upon a farm, we chose the new capital one venture x business card. with no preset spending limit, our purchasing power adapts to meet our business needs. and unlimited double miles means we earn more too. what's in your wallet? sometimes your work shirt needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. (vo) in the next 30 seconds, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery.. (man) ah ha! (vo) 26 people will go all-in. (woman) yes! (vo) this family will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacationer will say... (man) yeah, woo, i'm going to live here... (vo) but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits... (man) i've got to sell the house. (all) [screams] (vo) don't worry, just sell and buy in one move
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when you start with opendoor. (woman) oh wow. (vo) oh yes. start with an all-cash offer at after cooking a delicious knorr farm stand chicken cheddar broccoli recipe. you will want to close all your delivery apps and open your camera, so you can take photos of your home made masterpiece. unfortunately, no photo can capture the savory goodness of this perfect combo of juicy, sweet tomatoes, and smooth silky zucchini.
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tasty! - you nailed it! -i know! make your own knorr taste combo. it's not fast food, but it's so good. (son) dad. you ok? (dad)your own knorr it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. we are back with one of our all-time favorites, jamie lee curtis when it comes to acting, she's an oscar winner. as a writer, she's a best seller now she has a children's book another one to share, it's
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called "just one more sleep. by the way, you are singing the song of all of our kids. i've got two, 4 and 6. >> i heard you before the show facetiming with your children. >> yes. >> it was like a private moment but i was near you, and it was so moving to me. >> you know what, i love how these are books for kids, but you're a life lessons person >> i am. >> every time you sit here, you give us a few more so this is something even for a grown-up, isn't it >> yeah. but it is a book about patience. it is called "just one more sleep. good things come to those who wait and wait and wait because it's about how hard it is to wait for something. >> yeah. >> now, all of us as adults have to wait for things. >> yeah. >> the pandemic taught us how to wait for things because we compartmentalize time. they can't really understand time. but they can understand how many more sleeps until their birthday. stopped everything but for children, they compartmentalize time. they can't really understand time but they can understand how many more sleeps until their birthday.
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>> i love that. >> and that's -- the book was born from my neighbor, betty christmas covid, the first one, on the street, i saw her i said, hey, betty, santa claus is on his way. it was christmas eve and she went like this, no, jaime, no. one more sleep, then santa and that's when i went, oh, boom. >> i love that. >> and then the book came out immediately. >> i think for grownups, talking about grownups waiting for things you waited for your -- i don't know if you were waiting for on oscar. or just -- >> i was not waiting for an oscar. i was -- i'm waiting for creativity. >> you're waiting for creativity. >> so that movie "everything everywhere all at once" was that incredible experience creatively and the last thing that would happen i thought was an oscar. >> how did it feel, though, getting something at that beautiful stage in life. because i'm thinking about this you turned old >> look. >> come on you're redefining the whole business let's see. there is a picture you posted on
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instagram of you on your 65th birthday, right? >> i don't remember the picture. >> you don't remember. it was something you posted up. >> are you going to put it up? >> i think we are. oh, look at you. yeah, okay. >> that was my 65th birthday morning. >> okay. so talk to me about 65 what did it feel like? >> you know, 65 is a moment of reflection and excitement. so for me, i feel more excited, more turned on creatively. i have a new book. i'm heading to go make a movie i got to be in a tv show i'm having a creative time so 65 is -- i'm much less hard on myself. i'm very much in acceptance of what i look like, and i own wha maturity is. you own what you think and feel. i say what i mean. i mean what i say. i try not to say i think and feel and that, to me, is what maturity is. you own what you think and feel. i say what i mean. i mean what i say. i try not to say it mean >> i love that. >> and that's a way, then, to grow into -- grow into my old
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age. >> when did that happen, that comfortable enough to say what you mean and mean what you say and not be mean about it yesterday? >> i mean, yesterday i mean, i'm -- when you have children, like you do, when you have books for children, it is all about the future. >> yeah. >> the present is very hard because they're growing. you're thinking about new shoes, new clothes, dentists, schools, everything is the future and when you're my age, that isn't -- you're not thinking about the future because the future means you are going to be dead and i mean it. what it means is that you're very much more in the present moment. >> yeah. >> so i'm here with you, as you know i love you, and i feel here with your crew very much, regardless of the fact that i was in vegas making a movie a week ago and
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flew in the thing and i have a dog and it's snowing like i'm here and i'm really happy to be. that's really to me what 65 has yielded. >> were you a pleaser before that >> i might have been a tiny bit of a people pleaser. you know, i learned it -- the best thing i learned last year in recovery. as you all know, i'm sober a long time. long time, almost 25 years and the best thing i learned last year in recovery was people aren't pleased when you stop people pleasing. and it was like, oh, my goodness like it was just -- it was as if like the greatest sage like arrived on me. like i went like, oh, wow. i'm own it. you know, i think that's so, yeah so i'm -- i'm -- i'm trying to own it you know, i think that's -- isn't that what life is supposed to be where we grow up, we learn, we do all these things.
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and then we have to own it we have to own who we are, be who we are and be in full acceptance of who we are and what we're not and i think that's the beauty of me right now. >> that is the beauty. >> owning it owning it. >> owning it >> jaime lee is -- >> one person said yes, by the way, in the crew i'm not asking for applause. >> no, jaime lee owns it you are amazing. by the way, when you sit in someone's presence and you feel what i feel when i'm sitting next to you, you are s authentic and so real. >> speaking from you why are you here because you're real and you're authentic and you feel what you feel, and you have children and you are balancing this and you're alive and that's, to me, why you and i are like -- >> okay. real quick, we have jodie foster on tomorrow. >> i know. >> i know you guys are close.
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>> so ready to write it. >> we are going to write a question. >> and i'm going to ask it here now? >> no. you are going to write it down you could probably say it. jodi is not watching is jodi watching >> yes, she is just write the question. any question you have never asked her that you want to ask her. it can be as personal or impersonal as you want tomorrow she will be on the show we will open up this envelope and read it to her from you. okay >> just so you know, she is one of my best friends she's in a group with her husband -- her wife, my husband and our other friends. we call them besties we're in a text chain together called besties. >> okay. so you know a lot about her. >> at the golden globes two go presented it. when i opened it, i went, oh, my years ago, the one during covid, she won a golden globe, and i presented it when i opened it, i went, oh, my bestie so i do know jodi. she is so fantastic. >> oh, i love this.
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>> in "nyad. if you haven't seen "n y"nyad. and she has this brand-new show on hbo i'm not supposed to talk i'm writing. >> that's okay by the way, you will be presenting -- aren't you going to be presenting at the oscars. >> oscar people, am i presenting it's usually a tradition that last year's winner presents this year, but they haven't called yet. would you please call? i would like to get a dress. i would like to arrange things. >> so you would stay up late for the oscars >> no, it's 5:00 in l.a., people it's the best gig for me i'm done at 5:30. >> yeah. jaime lee likes to go to bed early. we all know that she's writing her secret question again, buy this book it is called "just one more sleep. it's another jamie lee curtis hit. jaime, you are back in our next half hour. >> i'm cooking. >> you have another talent wait this is your favorite lemon cake. >> no, no, no. it is my go-to anybody i know, anybody on any team.
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oh, yeah, i had this cake. >> they're raising their hands the lemon cake, the secret recipe coming up. >> it is not a secret. it won't be. >> jaime, do you want to help me do the weather? >> no thank you. >> my producer asked me to -- >> i wouldn't be able to do the map thing. >> sure you can. the map is right here. >> no. it's snowing i just did it. >> it is. >> she means what she says. >> you have just coalesced you have said i have been thinking i'm going to be 70 this year i'm just owning it, and that's it and no to the weather, that's it boom keep moving. we're looking at snowy conditions making their way through new england. parts of the upstate are anywhere from 6 to 8 inches of snow strong storms down through the southeast. record cold from texas all the way to the plains. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are seeing that first wave of rain coming in. it's now coming through the
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north bay into san francisco and also affecting parts of the east bay with heavier rain right there on 680 through san ramon. we're also seeing light rain down the peninsula. we're going to see this come through, a bit of a break and heavier rain through the afternoon and evening. temperatures today head for those of you heading out the door, joining us on the radio, we have "off the rails" live at 1:00 p.m. on sirius xm. >> "off the rails". >> uh-huh. >> even though sometimes we go off the rails on this show. but it all works out >> i think it already happened. >> yes >> got an early start. coming up, guys, allison holker boss is here with a book she wrote with her beloved late husband, stephen witch boss how it's helping their family focus and hope and healing but, first, your local news.
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good morning. it's 8:26. i'm marcus washington. hazmat teams are still cleaning up after a tanker crash in the north bay at north gate drive in san rafael. no one was injured but the tanker was full of fuel at the time of the crash. nearby residents were told to keep their windows closed.
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the area will remain closed indefinitely. let's get a look at the forecast from meteorologist kari hall. >> we're starting out with a light wave of rain coming through the north bay and san francisco and extending into the east bay. there will be a break this afternoon. we'll see it clearing out tomorrow with slightly warmer temperatures. it does continue to warm up through thursday, but the clouds are rolling in. a couple of storms come in between friday and monday. we're expecting the potential for flooding after the prolonged rain event for the weekend into early next week. marcus. >> we'll have another local news update in 30 minutes.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges -
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from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network.
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give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. ♪ oh, we are back. it is 8:30 on a snowy tuesday morning. little snowy by the way, this crowd is always great. you guys are fantastic you're hearty. you're a hearty bunch. >> hey, how about this over here, we've got a
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mother-daughter birthday today is both your birthdays >> yesterday was. >> what is your name >> shannon. >> suzanne. >> well, happy birthday. >> thank you so much. >> very cool sharing a birthday, that's unique. >> happy birthday! >> all right, guys waiting for us inside is the wonderful allison holker boss she is here to tell us about a book she wrote with her late husband stephen twitch boss. and we cannot get enough of jamie lee. this time we brought her into our kitchen. she will share this lemon cake recipe isn't it pretty? she says it's a go-to. she serves it all the time and she will show us how to make it. gadgets from this year's electronics show. but jodie foster w >> i love that >> and we have a lot to look forward to tomorrow on "today. we will check out the hottest gadgets from this year's electronics show plus, two-time oscar winne but jodie foster will stop by to talk about the new season of the hit show "true detective".
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>> can't wait to see what jamie lee asked her. >> let's get a check of the weather. >> what is this white stuff that's falling down? >> it is much like dylan, where she has this salty discharge she never knows what it is from her eyes. it's terrible. >> what? >> i have no idea. >> snowy conditions in the northeast. strong storms in the northeast next storm comes out of the west we're also talking about -- i can't do that because i don't come back after this is over and then for tomorrow, lake effect snow and we're looking at heavy snow and rain moving into the pacific northwest. a record chill from the gulf coast on into the plains you know we know it's really winter when our audio guy actually puts on long pants. >> he's got pants on >> they're making snowballs, that's right there you go. >> go ahead. right here right here right here. >> boom. >> there you go. okay who is going to get tagged
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good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are starting out with some rain across the bay area, moving into the east bay. we're having to pull out the umbrellas and turn on the windshield wipers this morning. we're going to see this first wave come through, a bit of a break, but mostly cloudy and more rain this evening. temperatures today head to close to 60 degrees. we'll see ♪ this portion of "today" is sponsored by silk. feel planty good. >> hey, guys, what is one of our best parts of the morning? welcoming fans to our plaza. and we have a sweet surprise for our guests allow me to introduce you to our new coffee cart. it is from our sponsor silk it is a place where people can stop by, grab a drink to jump start their day.
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and who better to join us than this special moment than our good friend. >> great to be here. >> she's better known as babs to her millions of social media followers. we have all kinds of goodies here, including this smoothie that you are going to make for us on the 3rd hour. >> i am going to make a red berry crisp smoothie everybody loves crisps, right? apple crisp, berry crisps. this is a crisp you are going to drink. what do you think? >> that's delicious. i can't wait to get the recipe for this find out what's the secret inside and you are going to join us on the 3rd hour to share this recipe and so much more on the 3rd hour of "today," guys. >> all right, guys i will stroll around the horn and make sure everybody gets on while i get this tease just ahead on "popstart," we will get the story behind carson's viral moment at last year's emmy awardsfirst,
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this is "tod this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs,
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bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today.
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what time is it, al? >> best time of the morning "popstart". >> okay. first up, more from tv's big night, the emmys we are going to start with elton john or should we say gechlt e.g.o.t. john the legendary musician is in the exclusive club of entertainers that hold four awards. emmy, oscar, grammy and tony elton winning last night for his farewell from dodger stadium special. he already had five grammys, two oscars for his songs and a tony for the show. he couldn't make it to the show last night but said in a statement the journey to this s unwavering dedication to my fans all around the world. tonight is a testament to the power of the arts and moment has been filled with passion, dedication and the unwaiving support of my fans all around the world tonight is a testament to the power of the arts and the joy that it brings to all our lives.
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here here. congratulations. >> and it was a big night as we all expected for "succession." the hbo picking up six awards. on the red carpet kieran culkin addressed this viral tweet, asking who would win a fight look at this. >> who would win in a brawl? >> they're huge. they're huge we would lose. that's not even -- >> you're like nimble and quick. you could like - >> okay. size matters i don't care what anyone says. size matters you give us a couple of blades and you tie an arm behind their back or something like that, break an ankle, maybe we have a shot >> so you're saying there's a chance >> by the way, people are buzzing about this carson had his own viral moment last night he was seated next to "the bear's" iotta brie when she won for supporting
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actress, she turned to mr. daly and asked him to hold her purse. what happened after? >> carson daley i hope still has all my stuff and if my stuff is gone when i get back to my seat, i know that carson daley took it. >> i'm glad to know that because i was like, i don't know if she's out of her head. >> i think i was like, i'm so sorry. can you please hold my stuff, carson daley. yeah >> i hope you said his first and last name, too. >> i think i did it was out of my mind. >> that's so funny >> he is carson daly to everyone >> and carson is so nice because carson was like, i got you i'm sure she got it back. next up, chloe sevigny and bardem will star in a new series they landed their next big roles. they'll star in the second infa were convicted in the 1989 murders of their parents and season of "monster." the infamous menendez brothers were convicted in the 1989 murders of their parents and sentenced to life in prison. season 1 of "monster" explored the jeffrey dahmer series.
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it was nominated for 13 emmys. bets winning last night thanks to her part as a supporting actress in that series entertainment weekly reports "monsters" is set to debut on netflix some time this year. all right. next up, "happy days." who didn't love this duo in. >> i'm going to do something for you, cunningham, i never did for anybody before i'm going to teach you the secret of being tough. >> wow you don't think i could ever -- >> hey, who told you to talk >> i'm sorry, fonz >> "the new york times" celebrating the show's 50th anniversary. the stars are revealing the beloved sitcom almost went in a total different direction. apparently after the popularity of the fonz started to take up, there was talk of renaming the series to "fonzie's happy days." winkler said he fought against the change telling the network
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execs, if you do that, it is an insult to everybody i'm working with he says, i live in the family and that's why i'm successful. i'm asking you, if you never listen to me again, leave it alone. and if the name did change, ron howard said he planned on leaving the program to go back to college >> wow >> close call. >> not surprising that henry winkler would do that. that's the kind of guy he is. >> that show went on for 11 seasons, simply "happy days". >> and daisy jones and the six, in honor of the emmys, the star of the beloved fictional band is giving a peek of the tour that almost was riley shared a video on instagram of the real rehearsals for a live performance that she says was cancelled due to the writer's strike. listen
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♪ >> okay. >> well, people are holding out hope for the six and apparently the cast and crew are hoping they could hit the road her co-star commented so much love for this, for you, for everyone involved. and producer reese witherspoon i forgot she was a producer, too. still hoping for this live performance one day. a lot of people keeping their fingers crossed for that. >> thanks, guys. coming up, we will sit down coming up, we will sit down with allison holker boss to talk
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. welcome back steven twitch boss danced his way into america's heart alongside ellen degeneres and met his wife on the show of "so you think you can dance. they were married for a beautiful 11 years they were raising three young children when steven died from suicide in 2022. now allison is releasing a new book called "keep dancing through. a boss family groove that she
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wrote with steven before his passing. allison, it is so good to see you. >> it is so good to be back here. w. i spoke with you back in may. twitch has been gone for about a year now >> yes >> and i know we talked about how grief is moment from moment. it is like waves sometimes it's big sometimes it's small what wave are you in as we speak today? >> right now i'm moving into 2024 with the movement of feeling like i can keep going. >> uh-huh. >> for myself, but also for my kids and all the people that have followed our journey throughout the years, individually as steven and i came together as a couple and also raising these beautiful kids we had so much support and love that this feels like a new chapter to show them that it's okay and myself that it's okay. >> i think that's super important. how old are your kids now. >> my oldest is 15 she's here today she's so lovely. and then 7 and 4. >> i remember you telling me then that you were trying to
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explain to them what had happened and you were doing it kind of piecemeal as they asked you. you would answer and you would move on. where are you now in describing kind of what happened to your kids >> i've had to have some really big uncomfortable conversations with my kids i'm so proud of their journey and the way they have handled this it is a very public situation. and they have handled it with a lot of grace and love and support. and i've just tried to be as honest as i can because that's what they deserve. >> yeah. >> you know, they deserve the honest truth but at the same time, i just want them to know they're supported by everybody everyone wants to see them get through this journey just as much as i want to as well. >> this book, keep dancing through, is beautiful because this was a project with you and your husband this is something that kind of sat on the shelf, something that you two had decided you wanted to do. so what made you decide that now was the time and what did that feel like,
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putting this joint project out now? >> this book is a testimony to what my family was, what my family is and what we still strive to be every single day, we wake up every morning, and we just support each other we have a lot of hard moments, but we get each other through by keep dancing through and we use affirmations as this way of really supporting each other. and when someone is having a low, we come together to really cheer each other up. and that's really what this book is about and i really hope that we can support other people through their lows, getting each other through with positive speaking to each other. >> what are your affirmations? what do you say? >> okay. so every morning with my kids -- i'll do my kids because mine arm strong. i'm big. with my kids every single morning we say, i'm strong i'm smart. i'm beautiful. i'm kind every morning. and then also we do the hard things and our words become our
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reality. and the reason that was a big one for me is because you have to speak kindly to yourself. you talk to yourself more than anybody else is going to talk to you, so you must say kind words, support yourself, be your biggest champion every single day. >> do you still speak to twitch? >> i do. yeah and i feel -- i feel like he's protecting me. i feel he's protecting my kids and i feel like he's guiding our journey right now. >> how do you feel that? >> i feel that there is this wall of support around me. i feel -- it might sound crazy, but i have these wings that are constantly attached to me, and i feel so supported. whether that's steven, god, the universe, whoever it is, i feel so much love surrounding us. >> yeah. you feel like that hovering all around you. >> yes. >> this book is a beautiful book the illustrations are terrific,
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too. and the book will -- it is just such a great, beautiful pick-me-up it's so good to see you. when i see you, i think about twitch and that's a beautiful, beautiful thought. thank you for coming to see us allison. >> of course >> appreciate it get the book it is called "keep dancing through. it is available now. check it out on our website, savannah, over to you. look who is in the kitchen who is cooking in the kitchen with dina. jamie lee curtis herself do you cook a lot at home? >> i am the cook at home i cook three solid meals a day. >> you do? wow. >> this is what i learned about post mates, which was just recently, and that's sort of amazing. you young people know about it i did not know about it. >> but don't give them a free ad. >> oh, did i >> maybe a gift certificate or something, just something for that. >> anyway, we will make this beautiful cake coming up. >> yes so i have been making this lemon cake literally my whole life. >> well, it is absolutely gorgeous.
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>> it is yummy. >> get out your bunt pan and let's go but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you know what's really crazy? is when you are trying to cook and they pour into the kitchen you know it's boiling in here. >> is that a passive-aggressive way of you asking me to leave. >> no, no, no. it is an aggressive way of me asking you to go scratch go scratch. >> jamie lee curtis in the kitchen. that was "the bear." what is the real jamie lee curtis like in the kitchen >> i'm a cook. i got married and didn't know how to cook. at my wedding shower, we did like a cooking shower so everyone gave me recipes i have been married 40 years this december, and i'm in the kitchen. >> i love it. >> this is from the cake mix doctor. >> okay. >> so there is a book. you guys have a picture of the book okay
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i am not a genius. cake mix doctor ann burn so you take cake mixes and you doctor them. this is a yellow cake mix. >> okay. >> you take two-thirds of a cup of oil two-thirds of a cup of warm or very warm water. >> okay. >> and i'm doing this like, and here's the key ingredient, jell-o. >> what? >> lemon jell-o. i will make this and it could go everywhere seriously, i'm not -- okay, it's working. doing that. >> we're blending. we're blending. >> it will blend. and then -- so then you get this all >> what does the j ex l jell-o do do you know? >> the jell-o is the secret because it makes it rich and moist and yummy. so then you do this. so then you add four eggs. >> okay. >> and then you do that. and now we're doing that >> we're blending.
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we're blending. >> it will blend and then -- so then you get this all mixed up but we're not going to do this now. >> that's outrageous. >> we're wasting a lot of time on national television then the other key ingredient. >> yes >> i'm sorry what >> zest! lemon zest. >> that sounds like an ad. >> anyway. you zest the lemon zest. >> how much? >> you know the whole lemon. >> and then you pour it into a pre-greased -- >> who's laughing? >> pre-greased bunt pan. >> can you just use the regular cake pan or do you need a bunt pan? >> i don't have a bunt pan. >> who is the cook on the show >> al and you. >> i am! >> i'm sorry i thought you meant -- okay, yeah. >> so then you put it into a bunt pan then you do that and put it in the oven i think it's 350 for 35 to 40 minutes. i underbake, and it makes it a little yummier then to make the glaze, you take confectionary sugar and lemon juice, and you do what i'm
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doing. except i'm not going to do it on national television for a long time you whisk it, and then it ends up in one of those squeezy bottles. >> squeezy bottle. >> then when the cake comes out of the oven here -- do you have to wait for it to cool before you glaze? >> yes. >> is that a dumb question >> no. way to show me up on national television interesting. i see how it is. >> and then you do the glazing business and you can do designs and whatever else. and then at the end of the day -- and then here's my secret i take the extra glaze and i literally squeeze it in the middle thing. >> fun >> so then it sort of absorbs into the bottom. and then when i serve it, i make -- i go to my garden, and i take some flowers. >> edible flowers? >> those are not edible flowers. >> i would show up like that so that's how i do it.
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>> insane. can i take a bite? >> i would watch this show, jaime lee. >> have you thought about doing a cook book? >> no. no, but my caesar salad is sort of famous. >> it is >> what's the secret to that u. >> but being on "the bear" and watching courtney store, who is chris store's sister, is the chef on the -- well, maddie is also one of the chefs. but courtney is the secret sauce behind particularly that christmas episode. but, by the way, being in that kitchen, that's how i cook. >> wow except for not with the emotional drama. >> without the drinking and emotional drama. >> i just want to clarify. >> i just want to clarify. you can find the recipe at not just any whiteboard...
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money?
9:00 am
maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they switched to xfinity mobile and saved hundreds when they bought one unlimited line and got one free! now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," television's biggest night. the prime time emmy awards, the winners. >> "succession." >> surprise reunions. and christina applegate's moving moment that stole the show ♪♪ love and marriage ♪♪ love and


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