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tv   Early Today  NBC  January 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. more news on the way he way. border battle in texas making waves in the nation's capital. overnight, the texas attorney general rejecting orders from the department of home land
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security is there a path forward? former president trump in court and on the campaign trail in the same day. why the judge threatened to throw him out, with mr. trump responding, i would love it. as he heads north to new hampshire, new polling numbers point to another landslide win arctic air gripping the country as the new storm system marches east meteorologist angie lassman is tracking your next potential snow day safety concerns raised bit nation's librarians. more than a thousand incidents noted at one portland location now librarians are joining the call for action. a woman and her dog rescued from a frozen pond after falling through the ice. they thought they were walking on solid ground. hear from the first responders who pulled them to safety. it's thursday, january 18. "early today" starts right now good morning glad to be with you. i'm frances rivera there are new developments in
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the battle over the texas border texas is refusing to comply with a sooes and desist letter from the federal government the dhs ordered them to stop blocking the government's access to about two and a half-miles of the border the texas attorney general rejected the request saying the facts and law side with texas. meanwhile, biden met with congressional leaders and they stressed that border security should be the top priority >> i told the president what i've been saying for many months, and that is that we must have change at the border. substantive policy change. we understand there'sconcern about the safety, sovereignty of ukraine, but the american people have those same concerns about our own domestic sovereignty and our safety and security. >> republican leaders in the senate are optimistic that they are close to a bipartisan deal on tougher border laws think warn house republicans not to play politics in that they
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may not be able to get a better deal in the future the senators saying that's true even if donald trump wins another term his road to the white house led to another stop in a courtroom here's garrett haake >> reporter: the campaign sprint to the new hampshire primary taking a detour through a new york city courtroom. donald trump there for a second defamation lawsuit by writer e. jean carroll who testified the judge threatening to kick out the republican frontrunner for talking too loudly to his attorney trump saying "i would love it. the judge replying, i know you would, because you just can't control yourself in this circumstance on social media, trump attacking the judge, saying he's obviously not impartial. >> we just got a poll in showing me leading by a lot. i think we'll to there maybe similar to what we did in iowa >> reporter: it comes after the
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rally in iowa, looking for another landslide win and going after nikki haley. the new poll shows haley in a distant second, trailing trump by 16 points >> she's not tough enough to deal with these people >> your time is tuesday. >> reporter: the granite statewidely seen as make or break for haley. >> well, i think trump doesn't believe in my version of democracy. and i'm just looking for an alternative, plus, younger we need younger. we need women. >> reporter: haley campaigning >> i voted for president trump twice. but rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. you know i'm right chaos follows him. >> i'm the only one that's not running a basement campaign. >> reporter: while ron desantis calling out both trump and haley for refusing to debate before the primary here >> donald trump won't debate he's not willing to defend his
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record and nikki haley won't debate, because she's not willing to defend her record. what does that say >> reporter: but that's not swaying trump supporter bob swan what put trump over the top after you looked at everybody else >> ah, the previous administration and -- >> reporter: just the fact that he has an actual record? >> he's forceful and ready to fight against the establishment. >> reporter: the former president will be off the campaign trail on thursday to attend his mother-in-law's funeral in florida he is planning a number of large rallies this weekend, hoping to score another big win on tuesday night. a decision about candidate donald trump's eligibility in maine has officially been put on hold the secretary of state there ruled that the former president was not qualified to run for office again because of his role in the january 6 attack on the capitol. state courts have put that decision on hold until the supreme court weighs in.
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the secretary of state had always said she would wait for the courts to rule before taking trump's name off of any ballot >> re the u.s. has again bombed yemen cent com says. it was called a preemptive strike american navy ships launched tomahawk missiles. the houthis control about a third of yemen, which they are using as a base to launch attacks on ships passing through the red sea, as a protest against israel's war on gaza last night's strikes came just hours after an american-owned ship was struck by a houthi drone. the ship was damaged, but nobody was hurt in dramatic twin press releases, the british royal family released health news for both king charles and princess kate here's megan fitzgerald. >> reporter: the princess of wales is recovering in a london hospital behind me here after a
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planned abdominal surgery that she had. now, according to kensington palace, it was success fell and non-cancerous, but she's going to remain in the hospital for at least the next two weeks before she will be discharged and will be able to continue her recovery at home. but medical advice, according to the palace is that she does not work she doesn't do any public appearances until after easter so it is significant we talking about several months for her recovery here. we've not seen the princess of wales since christmas. then of course we also buckinghg charles will undergo treatment for an enlarged prostate he will postpone all of his public events until after that procedure next week. the king has come out publicly with this information, because
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he wants to inspire men across the world that should they feel symptoms or think something is wrong, industriesing the urgency of making sure to get it checked. reporting here in london, megan f fitzgerald, nbc news knew to t no now to the golden state warriors grappling with the death of their assistant coach he died wednesday after being rushed to the hospital and the game has been postponed. steve kerr released a statement, calling the death as a blow. the winter weather continues to wreak havoc across the united states there have been at least 31 weather-related deaths out west, an ice storm froze portland, oregon over, creating slippery conditions for pedestrians and drivers alike. in illinois, residents near
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multiple rivers are under a flood watches after ice jams spent the water levels rising. the levels can rise several feet in minutes. >> usually the ice jams in february, when it gradually thaws, but this was such a cold, a freeze, it happened all at once >> more snow is marching east this morning, heading across the midwest to the northeast meteorologist angie lassman is tracking the next set of storms for us okay, we just got over this one, we're ready for another one. >> here we go again. we do have some of that lake-effect snow still happening across the great lakes region. heads up for places east of the lakes. we're going to see additional snowfall there our next system is going to drop a little snow across portions of the rockies and the winter alerts to prove all this 39 million people under winter alerts this morning. the next storm system is going to bring snow to parts of the
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plains, spreading into the midwest. the south will start to see some kind of wintry mix a little bit of rain, a little bit. ice that they'll have to contend with as we get through the afternoon and evening hours. then the mid atlantic and northeast on tap for light to moderate snow. new york, washington, d.c., again, the lake-effect snow will ramp up and we're dealing with slick travel we have the potential for a half a foot or foot out west and 1 to 3 inches is the more widespread amount, bus and dealing with snow. mid-30s for philadelphia high 30s with mostly cloudy skies in washington, d.c and that's a look at your
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forecast, frances, back to you >> we'll see you in a little bit. "early today" is back in a minute with a dang prus new chapter for the nation's libraries. r the nation's libraries. could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at - ugh. - cabin crew cross check. that yellow's not gonna fly. - buckle up! - whoa! ♪ reality checkup ♪ there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a $400 professional treatment. [pilot] prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. (smelling) ew.
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gotta get rid of this. ♪tell me why♪ because it stinks. ♪have you tried downy rinse and refresh♪ it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. some librarians in portland, oregon are sounding the alarm about unsafe situations on the job. they say in some cases, they are the first to respond to emergencies like drug overdoses and stalkers valerie castro has the details >> reporter: the aisles of the northwest library in portland, oregon are quiet in the lobby, a man fixes a cup of ramen soup, sheltering from the harsh temperatures outside but not every day is this peaceful >> the incidents are on the rise >> reporter: an audit revealing library workers don't feel safe, dealing with violence involving weapons, public nudity, violence
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and overdoses. >> i wasn't surprised. it is something that the library has been facing for several years now. especially after pandemic. >> reporter: manuel is a library assistant and union steward. in the last few years some of his colleagues have been attacked and left traumatized. >> someone stalking a female co-worker. and i waited for her outside all right audit finding only one in four workers who interacted with the public feeling safe at work one location reporting more than a thousand incidents in 2022 alone. according to the audit theres with a situation where someone managed to go unnoticed by security at closing time and that person spent the night in the library with several large knives it's not a situation portland faces alone. in oakland, california, there are similar concerns after an audit there. workers feeling more unself than ev e safe
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than ever. >> you have people feeling that they're not being kcommunicatedw i think that's what leads to that lack of trust >> reporter: they want a way for workers to take time off after dealing with a traumatic situation. >> when those things happen, we want to be supportive. >> reporter: the auditor recre recommending several changes the county chair person telling nbc news in a statement they plan to implement the recommendations while working to actively address challenging conditions >> i can see a lot of mental health issues. a lot of homeless issues, you know, people expecting to stay at the library longer than hours of operation i can see drug use >> reporter: it is expected to reach an all-time high for 2023,
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wlie while the governor has issued a homelessness emergency >> the library is, you know, the living room of our communities, right? one of the last places that people can go that are free and that are welcoming to them >> reporter: valerie castro, nbc news still to come, he's a cowboy whether fans like it or not. dallas is sticking with their man at the top despite a heartbreaking playoff loss coming up right after this off l. coming up right after this. this is not just 30-minute test results for flu and covid-19. ♪♪ i'm so glad you're here. me too. this is knowing for sure. so you know what's next. walgreens. want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair.
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as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. ♪oh♪ ♪then you take me by the hand♪ ♪i feel better again♪ ♪oh i feel better now♪ juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce. and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks dad! ♪ you got it! ♪ [bubble pops] ♪ buy one favorite like a big mac, ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ wowwww... this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth, i'm starting to get tearied away! ahhh, thank you mr. smooth bear. designed with smooth tear edges, new charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better
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de i wroon't get into the addressing of any aspects of any part of it from the coaching to the players to what's around the corner. t's. on a personal basis, i'm floored. >> the cowboys owner announced he would not be making a coaching change and will retain head coach mike mccarthy for a
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fifth year bothcowboy fans and the media were calling for mccarthy's firing following the stunning defeat at the packers' hands sunday jerry jones went on to say, yeah, the team is very close and very capable of reaching these goals with mrk caccarthy there e helm keep in mind, he has one nor y m more year in his contract now to a fan base that has something to cheer b detroit lions fans raised the roof the volume in the stadium got as high as 133.6 decibels, breaking the previous record of 127.5 set earlier this season. those are equivalent to the sound of a jet engine. the all-time record belongs to
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arrowhead stadium which topped 142 decibels i saw a couple cool moments from, you know, i'm a lions fan, from the game where the whole stadiums with singing "lose yourself" by eminem, you know, he's our unofficial mayor. >> and with the ringing of the ears after, it's a great little reminder of the victory. turning to the nba, the le league's best offense is getting a boost. the pacers have acquired pascal siakam the trade includes the new orleans pelicans indy sent three players and three first-round picks. the pacers led by tyrese haliburton led the nba in scoring this season. this is going on there when it comes to off the court, behind the scenes as well.
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>> always a lot going on this time of year when we come back, retail sales got a happy holiday boost. and how kraft is helping make grilled cheese gourmet ping make grilled cheese gourmet. bed biologic for crohn's and uc. in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪ tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains?
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♪♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to cold, with tide. nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. shopify's point of sale system helps you sell at every stage of your business. with fast and secure payment. card readers you can rely on.
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and one place to manage it all. whatever the stage, businesses that grow grow with shopify. can i get the 10 piece chicken mcnuggets? wait, no, big mac. hmm. [cars honking] sir? i'm still here! [bubble pops] get one favorite like a big mac ♪ or 10 piece chicken mcnuggets ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. sickness can spread fast. but with lysol, you can go into protect mode. for the things you touch, nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. [girl coughs] and when it comes to your laundry, adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness-causing
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bacteria detergents leave behind. lysol. what it takes to protect. we're back with what you need to know "early today. google has upgraded its chrome warning in incognito mode weeks after settling a lawsuit that accused the tech giant of illegally tracking activity in a private browsing feature it whoon't change how data is collected. today new versions of the apple watch series 9 and ultra 2 go on sale, this time without the blood objexyxygen feet you e tha feature holiday shopping turned out better than expected year-over-year retail sales rose over 5.5%. kraft is introducing new
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singles flavors for the first time in nearly a decade. you can spice up your sandwich with jalapeno, garlic and herb and caramelized on onion slices "early today" will be right back after this t back after this. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪♪ (laughing) nice smile, brad. nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best.
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but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at my main concern at that point was getting hazel, you know, somehow surround my arms, contain her and get leher to shore. >> scary moments when a woman and her dog fell through the ice
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on a pond. they had wandered onto the ice by mistake after snowfall covered the area while the woman made it out, rescuers had to help the pup from freezing waters firefighters are urging parents and pet owners to mark the safe areas of water to prevent the deadly mistake a young boy's birthday wish and special gift from santa has turned into an a wish come true. andrew mcclung with our bristol affiliate tells us about this slam dunk moment >> reporter: to 8-year-old nicolas bostic, basketball is a big part of his life >> all we hear is about how he wants to go to unc and then the nba. >> reporter: he just wants to be like mike. >> that's what made the bulls come into play and then he started watching the bulls. and then he fell in love with demarre darozen. >> reporter: he got a big
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surprise from santa to see the bulls play the hornets and, at his 8th birthday party just a few days before the game he made a wish >> i asked for me to see damar derozan. >> reporter: they got a special opportunity to see warmups, which his mom helped make a sign for that said please sign my birthday shirt >> he said, will you put something on the other side for me and i said, well, sure and he said, i want, hey, derozan, i want your job >> reporter: the sign caught the attention of derozan >> he a huge smile on his face and pointed at him and i said, quick, turn it around before he loses attention. >> reporter: derozan waved nicolas and his mom down >> it was emotional. to see his dreams come true like that >> i told him that he was my favorite player, and he said thank you.
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>> reporter: a birthday dream come true. >> i can't think of anything we could ever possibly do to encourage him that would be more than what demarre derozan done >> can't say no to that face so pets of all sizes found themselves blessed in spain. this is a church in madrid, celebrating the feast of saint anthony. you sight four-legged friends were invited in for a special mass they were well-behaved, even if they weren't, it would have been okay thanks so much for watching "early can the flavor of a slow cooked smoked sausage be so gloriously delicious
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that the sight of its sizzling makes your tastebuds weep? if it's hillshire farm, oh, hill yeah.™ judge. the suspect in the deadly shooting of an oakland police officer heads to court.


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