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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  January 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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hi, everyone, i'm zinhle essamuah, my co-anchor kate snow is off today and "nbc news daily" starts right now. ♪♪ today, friday, january 19th, 2024, crisis averted, congress avoids a possible government shutdown, hours before the deadline, but it's more than politics, we'll tell you how d.c. decisions will impact your wallet. breaking news, emergency landing, a small plane forced to
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make a hard landing on a snowy virginia parkway, a dangerous mix of rain and ice takes aim at the west, we're tracking the extreme conditions wreaking havoc coast-to-coast. also breaking, charged again, actor alec baldwin facing new charges in the "rust" movie set shooting, why now, and what it could mean for him. plus, career year, if you have your eyes on a new job in 2024, listen up, the step you can take today to land the right one over -- you're better off staying put. well, thanks for staying put with us this week, we're going to start this hour in washington where a partial government shutdown has been averted hours before the deadline. after president biden signed the bill into law. congress passed the measure thursday, while republicans control the house it was the democrats who powered this bill through the lower chamber, after the democrat-led senate overwhelmingly passed it. if all this talk about looming shutdowns sounds familiar, you're not wrong, this is the third time since september congress passed a short-term solution on federal funding, pushing the new deadline to
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early march when we'll do this all over again. and bringing in ryan nobles, senior business correspondent christine romans, ryan, starting with you, talking policy, what do we need to know about this short-term solution and what does it mean for the other bills coming up on the hill where you are pertaining to the southern border, and war aid packages when we've got israel, hamas and ukraine still ongoing? >> zinhle, first on the spending bill, it really doesn't solve any of the problems that congressional leaders are grappling with as they try to come up with a long-term spending package, it must the conversation to a later date. lawmakers have agreed on a topline number, the overall amount of money they want to spend but they still need to fill out the details underneath the top line numbers and part of why they're asking for more time to come to an agreement in that space. it really is a separate conversation to answer your second question, than that supplemental package that the white house is asking for, that would aid ukraine, israel, the
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endo-pacific, and then deal with the situation at the southern border. lawmakers are making progress on the senate side in coming up with an agreement that could pass the senate with 60 votes but there's a real question whether or not that would even be brought to the floor of the hours if they are able to come up with a package because conservative republicans are looking for a lot more than democrats are willing to offer. so there are two different issues but right now they are moving on parallel tracks, the question is, can congressional leaders come up with some sort of consensus and do it in the near future? zinhle. >> time will tell. christine, the back and forth on capitol hill where ryan is ultimately impacts everyday americans' wallets and you have new data pertaining to student loans, drug prices and mortgage rates. walk us through that. >> while congress kick it is -- 74,000 people with loans, $5 billion in relief, and these are people cancelling debt who are teachers, nurses, firefighters, these are borrowers who have worked in the
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public sector, for a period of years, ten or twenty years, toward paying off those loans, getting that wiped away, and on mortgage rates, fannie mae, the mortgage backer, saying it expects that mortgage rates could fall below 6% by the end of the year. that would be welcome news for so many people who feel frozen out of the housing market right now. >> i'm know economist, it seems to me if you're getting rid of debt, lowering a mortgage rate, consumer confidence may go up? >> it has a number that shows consumer sentiment is improving, december strong, january number even stronger, and what people told the poll takers was they're feeling better about their job prospects, about their current financial situation, but also about the path of inflation heading into this new year, so you saw a jump in this index of consumer sentiment from the university of michigan which says, suggests that people who did not feel good about the economy last year, may be, may be warming up to it a little bit. >> we'll take warm, especially since it's so cold.
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christine romans and ryan nobles, thank you both. deadly winter weather is gripping the country, more snow along the east coast, causing dangerous travel conditions, 1,100 flights impacted, take a look at this a short time ago, a small plane made an emergency landing on a highway, taking off to dulles airport, meanwhile, in oregon, people are experiencing more freezing rain and ice, closing portland schools for the fourth straight day and we're hearing from a young woman in portland who rescued a baby from a car after the three other passengers were killed by a downed power line. we'll get the forecast from nbc news meteorologist michelle grossman in just a moment, but first, let's begin with nbc's george solis, and snowy philadelphia, a woman we saw, i understand, is the woman who actually did that rescue, but george, let's turn to you now, how is it going out there? i see snow, so i imagine it's a little chilly. >> reporter: yeah, zinhle, it's chilly, it's beautiful, it's treacherous, right, it's one of
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these trifecta of systems that brings a lot of snow, and brings joy. one of the things people are concerned about is once the snow passes will the freezing temperatures make some of this turn to ice and make those conditions problematic for people on the roadways as we've seen over the last several days, in those areas where feet of snow have fallen at this point, especially in western new york, here in the philadelphia region, we're expecting anywhere between four and eight inches, why you've seen a lot of crews salting, plowing, doing the usual things, a big deal for this region specifically, they haven't seen snowfall like this in about two years. so, of course a lot of people taking those precautions, schools were closed today as a precaution, and just now we're waiting to see what will happen, once this snow clears, and, again, from what i can gather here looking at roadways crews have been doing a good job keeping up with it. but a lot of people waiting to see what those snowfall totals will look like, we have a shovel here to dig ourselves out of any trouble should we find ourselves stuck in any of this snow,
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zinhle. >> hope you don't get stuck. let's bring in nbc news meteorologist michelle grossman. storms on the east coast, storms on the west coast, how long is this all going to last? >> well, it depends on the storm, hi there, zinhle, the east coast, we're going to see the storm winding down tonight. but we have an arctic blast moving in that will ice it over. the commute tonight will be treacherous and tomorrow morning it will be tough to get out as well. the middle of the country, we're looking at that arctic chill, much colder in the south central states and the pacific northwest, unfortunately we're watching another storm system on shore that's going to be with us throughout the weekend into early next week, this looks for saturday -- drying it out for the mid-atlantic. but it will be icy. there's heavy rain, and snow, northern california, we'll see the chance for flooding rains, we could see some really heavy snow as well and the sierra nevada mountains, sunday, really sunsetled. this is the brunt of the storm on sunday, all that wet weather, from the pacific northwest, to the intermountain west, down to
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southern california, into the southwest, lots of green, the flash flooding, and freezing rain continuing. we could see more power outages there, we have alerts, we have 72 million people under winter alerts, and on the west coast, we're looking at flooding alerts as well, a winter storm watch where you see that blue. zinhle. >> michelle grossman and george solis, thank you both so much. to an investigation under way after another scare in the air. >> oh, my god, it's on fire. oh, my god. >> that video was taken in miami just last night, atlas air, which operates cargo flights says one of their boeing planes experienced an engine malfunction. it was able to turn around but you can see flames coming out of the plane as it was flying and now there are questions about what went wrong. marissa parra is following the latest for us from miami, walk us through what happened here, and who was on board.
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>> hey, zinhle, so we know that that plane took off around 10:22 last night from here at miami international, it was on the way to puerto rico, when it turned back around, less than eight minutes later. and so, in terms of who was on that plane, we know that this was a cargo plane, so zinhle, our understanding is there was only five people on that plane, but you can imagine just how scary this was for those five people, and major kudos to the crew for keeping their calm, and able to make that space emergency landing here last night, zinhle. >> scary to see from the ground, can't imagine what it was like being in that plane. and this happened just about two weeks after that door plug scare on another boeing plane, has there been any response on last night's incident, either from boeing or atlas air? >> reporter: right, so we've heard from atlas air, and atlas air put out a statement, and in short said that it was an engine malfunction. a source familiar with the investigation tells nbc news that a preliminary look at the engine revealed a softball-sized hole above engine number two, and i'm told that according to
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people who understand how these investigations work, there's going to be a lot of look into whether this was a contained or uncontained engine failure. boeing has largely not said much, except that they're going to support the ntsb during their investigation and the ntsb has confirmed they are investigating, they will be sending teams here, and you did mention this comes weeks after that other separate incident with a boeing 737 max 9, and we know that 40 of the 171 grounded planes have been inspected, and remember, there are grounded planes because the faa wants to take a closer look at those, so that is that one incident, with the boeing 737 max 9, this is separate, and there's a lot of questions on where the plane lies, zinhle, this is not even 24 hours old, so many, many questions that need answering, and we'll be delivering the answers as we get them, zinhle. >> we know you will, marissa parra, thanks so much. time for today's cnbc money minute, nearly 600,000 beds are being recalled after reports of
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them collapsing, and madonna is being sued after being late to her own show. bertha coombs joins us now. hey, bertha. >> hi, zinhle. ford announcing that it's going to cut production of the f-150 lightning beginning in april due to slowing command for electric pickup trucks. in a statement released today the company said about 1,400 employees at the rouge electric vehicle center in michigan will be impacted as production pairs down. and more than half a million beds sold at retailers such as walmart and wayfair, recalled, several models and sizes of these beds made by home design and manufactured from july 2018 to november 2023 are prone to sagging or collapsing while in use. resulting in injuries. customers are urged to stop using the beds, and to contact home designer for the home design for free replacement. and two concert goers have
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filed a lawsuit against madonna, accusing her of false advertising for her celebration tour. in court documents filed yesterday in federal court the plaintiff said a december concert in brooklyn started two hours later than was advertised on the ticket. the suit alleges that because the concerts were on weeknights, the delay caused significant inconvenience to their schedules. you know, musicians are never known for being on time, if you've ever had to wait for one for an interview. >> i was going to say the same thing. >> that happens, but two hours at a concert, that's a bit much. >> i wonder if we'll see more cases pop up. bertha coombs, thank you so much. coming up, desk for rent, yes, you heard that right. yes, you heard that right. desks, why one-third grade when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups.
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we're back now with breaking news, actor alec baldwin has been indicted on manslaughter charges over a deadly movie set shooting in new mexico, the second criminal case against the actor, the original case was dismissed last april. the charges stem from the death of cinematographer halyna hutchins in october 2021. let's bring in nbc news legal analyst danny cevallos. baldwin was indicted by a grand jury earlier today. what do you make of their decision to recharge him? >> i'm astonished. it's a bad decision.
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i normally try to stay neutral on cases. this is a bad prosecution. just look at the history. first of all, the shooting happened in 2021. the prosecution's had access to all the evidence since day one and here we are in 2024. during that time, i'll give you a brief recap. they charged alec baldwin, then they had to downgrade the charges, out of two charges, one of them nobody realized from the prosecutor's office was an unconstitutional charge because it was based on the statute that was passed after the shooting happened. then the charges were dropped completely. so, you know who didn't think alec baldwin was guilty of anything? the prosecution. and now they reindict him, four years later, this is 2024, the shooting happened in 2021. this is a case that is a zombie case. it has died, it has been reanimated and now it's shuffling along, waiting for a probably very well prepared, very well funded defense team, to finally put it out of its
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misery. >> let's dig into the defense. we have heard from baldwin's team, and it was a short statement. they just said we look forward to our day in court. if you were defending the actor, what would your strategy be here? and is this kind of thing usual? >> we don't have enough time. i'll give you my bullet points. number one, there are two other defendants, one has taken a guilty plea, the first assistant director, and one case is pending against the armorer. they're not charged as co-conspirators. no one says they acted together. as a defense, you say the state themselves think two other people are responsible, responsible beyond a reasonable doubt. what is alec baldwin's responsibility here, in addition, reports were issued separately that this was a global failure by a lot of different people. so what about my client, mr. at specifically did he do? he's got the defense that he didn't even believe he was holding a real firearm. he believed he was holding a prop. and he was entitled to rely on the experts who told him, hey, that is a safe gun. look, at the end of the day, there are so many ways you get
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to reasonable doubt. i spoke to many different experts, it's 50-50, 50-50 to me not beyond a reasonable doubt. >> danny cevallos with that analysis on breaking news, thank you so much. to today's daily health, we're talking about memory loss. one in nine adults say they've experienced confusion or memory loss but now a trio of new studies show multivitamins can slow the cognitive decline if you remember to take them. let's go to dr. kavita patel. this new research comes from mass general brigham and it finds that people who took multivitamins every day prevented memory loss and slowed down cognitive aging by two years compared to people who took a placebo. do we know why that's the case? >> yeah, we have some high pate cease. people deficient in vitamin "a" or e or d, taking
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multivitamins -- it repletes what your brain needs. the good vitamin we do need in our diet, these multivitamins can replace offering some benefit. the caveat, it was a short amount of a time, zinhle, so i wouldn't overinterpret this and go rushing out to buy a vitamin and take it every day. >> a lot of people will hear this and go, i need to go buy them, take them. >> right. >> is there an ingredient people should be looking for? is this for everyone? >> yeah, i think that certainly as you get older, we start to ask, you know, are we getting enough of the nutrients we need in our daily -- all of it needs to come from our nutrition. what would be the best question to ask yourself, am i getting enough daily nutrients from all the foods that i'm taking in. take a meal diary for a week, look at it and then key vitamins, i mentioned a couple, b 12, a and e and look at d and go to the doctor to see if you can get measured and if you have a depletion in any of those vitamins. if you do, taking those vitamins
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themselves can help, in a multivitamin or in another form, in food would be even better. >> and super briefly, people should consult a doctor if it becomes more serious, memory loss? >> yes, memory loss, very briefly, if it's something that is disrupting your life, that's the key, asking the same questions, forgetting common words and mixing up other words, all things you should seek out medical help to see if it's more ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana
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is the "the fast forward." i'm chris chmura. thanks for joining us. kari hall is tracking the rain. she's here to help us get ready. >> here is what to expect. rain spreading across the bay area, with winds increasing. especially for this evening. throughout the weekend, we will see off and on showers with the potential of flooding as we continue to see the rainfall totals add up. there will be more storms ahead with some breaks of sunshine in the forecast next week. we have been focused on the arrival of this storm system. first with light showers, but this evening, it will pick up with some intense cells that could bring us some brief heavy
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downpours as well as winds that could gust up to 30 miles per hour. we will see more waves of rain in the forecast through the weekend. we will be tracking what's ahead in our seven day forecast in about 30 minutes. >> thanks very much. storm preparations are starting around the bay area. our team is fanned out to see what's underway. >> reporter: crews are on call all within ready to respond to flooding or roadblocks. it's really that wind that they are keeping a close eye on. they often close the parks. last winter, stern grove park,
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lost a number of trees and was closed after the winter storms that caused the city to lose 650 of its trees. stern grove, which has reopened but not after sustaining significant damage also from a pipe that burst and flooded the park. >> our response is to keep our crews working. our staff will flag trees. >> reporter: other agencies are watching the weather. the department of building inspection has sent out a warning to owners and managers to secure any vuner inable windows ahead of winds that are projected to go above 30 miles per hour. the department of building inspection is advising residents to remove all loose or unsecure
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objects from balconies. this comes after high-rise windows broke or cracked after last year's winter storms. if it's not an immediate concern, call 311 to file a report. ginger conejero saab in san francisco, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much. here are other stories. a los angeles non-profit is looking to perhaps prove scott peterson is innocent. first some in oakland are demanding a meeting with the mayor. it follows a public safety audit that showed the city failed to keep operation cease-fire going. it's a program that provides mentors and job resources to people who are at risk of
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recommitting crime. they said it reduced homicides by more than 40%. they now want a meeting with the mayor to help chart a path forward. the los angeles innocence project is picking up the scott peterson case. he was convicted of killing his wife and unborn child in 2004. they found her body washed ashore at berkeley marmarina. he was arrested and convicted of murder. the innocence project is taking up his case. attorneys are working to get new evidence presented in court that could overturn his conviction. cal state faculty will cal state faculty will strike i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant.
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here's some of the stories making headlines on "nbc news daily," defense secretary lloyd austin has been called to testify before congress to explain why he kept his cancer diagnosis in recent hospitalization a secret. 70-year-old austin was released from the hospital on monday after a two-week stay. austin faced intense scrutiny for not immediately informing white house officials, including president biden of his hospitalization. officials in los angeles are condemning this now viral video, it appears to show a non-profit
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worker spraying a person experiencing homelessness with a hose. you can see them scramble to gather their belongings. the organization, which works to alleviate homelessness, confirms that employee has now been fired. the city controller's office has condemned the video as disturbing, and they say the group has received more than $14 million in city funding, and that the city will be reevaluating the use of those funds. and the race to space, showing no signs of slowing down, spacex has officially blasted four astronauts into the international space station, the rocketifted off thursday afternoon, and that success comes as japan landed a spacecraft on the moon today, their space agency says the craft has reached the moon but
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is losing power due to a solar cell issue. all of this is following a failed moon mission from the u.s.-based company, that firm was hoping to be the first private company to land on the moon, but the lander burned up in the earth's atmosphere just yesterday. and we've got major developments in the case of scott peterson, the california man convicted of murdering his pregnant wife lacy two decades ago. the month long search for lacy and the eventual trial made national headlines, peterson is serving a life sentence without parole. now, the l.a. innocence project, which is a separate organization from the nationally recognized innocence project is taking up his case. nbc news correspondent liz kreutz joins me now from los angeles. liz, why is this case being re-examined right now? >> reporter: hey, zinhle, yeah, i mean, look, scott peterson's been behind bars two decades and through that whole time he's been working to say he's innocent and get his case retried. none have been successful, the most recent one happened last year, it was dismissed. but this is his latest attempt.
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he said he reached out to the l.a. innocence project last july, they've taken on the case, and by going through the hundreds and hundreds of pages they've filed here we've been able to sort of see what they're theory and their case is, they're saying there were witnesses and dna evidence not thoroughly investigated. they are really focusing their theory on the fact they say there was a burglary that happened, across the street from the peterson home, the week of the murder, and they say that those burglars should have been better investigated. they believe that it was those men that were responsible for the death of lacy peterson, and they're really zeroing in on this burned orange van, photos of it, that inside a mattress was found with blood on it. they are asking for the dna evidence to be retested from that mattress to determine if the blood was that of lacy peterson and they're saying those men, the burglars, may
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have heard that on the news that scott peterson had gone fishing in the san francisco bay and then they framed him by dumping lacy peterson's body there, that is their argument. again, now, the big question is, will this lead to a retrial? that we don't know. it's very likely that a judge will be looking all of this over, determining whether or not the prosecution needs to respond to this, potentially, schedule a hearing, where both sides can give their cases, and at that point it will be up to a judge to determine if there's enough here to go to trial. i will say that i reached out to a former modesto police detective, one of the lead investigators on this case, 20 years ago, he told me last night over the phone, he said, none of this changes his opinion on what happened, he said, i am confident we found the right guy. zinhle? >> a case that caught the nation's attention back then, and is doing so right now, liz kreutz, thank you. well, almost everyone wants to get better at managing money, right, whether that means
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budgeting a little more or spending a little less. it turns out money is also on the minds of savvy third graders, learning about finance basics in a pretty unique way. digital reporter maya eaglin joins us with the story. how do these unique lessons work? >> zinhle, i don't know if you had a few classroom jobs in school when you were growing up by i got to see how one-third grade teacher in north carolina turned those scores into viral -- >> if you got 184, say oh yeah. >> like many teachers, shelby lattimore says she loves her job but feels overwhelmed and underpaid. >> i'm tutoring, i'm the science coordinator, i don't know anyone who is teaching or in education that does not have a second job. >> reporter: but instead of working as a barista on the weekends her viral tiktoks have been supplementing her salary as a third grade math teacher in charlotte, north carolina, for every million views she gets around a thousand bucks through tiktok's creator program.
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and brand collabs. >> this past year i made six figures, my teacher salary is not even half of that. >> reporter: she's going viral saying the words nobody likes to hear. >> i am going to take your money. >> no. >> no. >> so you're charging third graders rent? >> i am, i sure am. >> how does that work? >> they have jobs, and of course i pay them, not real money. they have to go ahead and pay me rent once a month, just like i have to pay bills, they have to pay bills. >> so, ms. lattimore is inflating -- your rent. >> no, come on. >> every month $7 of rent is collected for their chair and desk, whatever is left over, they can spend on rewards or save for another day. she has over 720,000 followers and more than 22 million likes on tiktok alone, but she says this is much more than just a viral moment. >> charlotte is known for generational, you know, poverty. a lot of my students of color,
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hispanic, black, they see their hispanic, black, they see their parents, they see their guardians living check to check. they see the money management of not thinking long term, necessarily, or the consequences of it. >> reporter: there's data behind the knowledge gaps, black and hispanic respondents were at critically low levels of financial literacy. compared to their white counterparts, one study says. >> it gives you a life lesson how money is. >> reporter: marley was one of ms. lattimore's best students last year. she is in fourth grade now. >> hi, miss lattimore. >> reporter: she says it's students like marley that remind her of why she teaches. >> it's very important for -- as a black educator, for my students to see someone who looks like them. i'm tired of you looking better than me. in our fit checks. >> what's your favorite thing? >> she looks like me. >> i love ms. lattimore because she challenges us. >> i love her class because she encourages us. >> what keeps you waking up
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every day, and excited to go to work? >> wow, i'm sorry. >> no, don't apologize, take a beat, take a beat. you got it. >> yeah. it's going to sound so corny, but it's them, the corny little hugs that are germ-filled but they like -- you just can't let go. >> i love my job. >> oh, what a teacher, what a story, maya, i mamg, though, some people might watch and go, is third grade too early? for a kid to learn these skills. >> it took me a long time to learn about personal finance but when i asked the class this, they were so frustrated, they were like, third graders can do anything, we are not too young, and shelby lattimo re herself said you should test students' limits and every time she does they exceed her chaptertations. it all works out. >> it shows their interests too. >> absolutely. >> maya eaglin, thank you so much. well, millions of americans are feeling the chill from the bitter cold gripping much of the
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country, and our pets are no different. on wednesday we shared this picture of a nebraska family who brought their horses into their home to get them out of the cold, and it kind of begs the question, what should we be doing to protect animals from dangerous weather? joining us to answer the question and keep our furry friends safe. dr. stuart is a member of project street vet. good so see you again. how cold is too cold to take our pets outside? >> the number i want people to remember, it's an easy number because it's freezing point, it's 32 degrees fahrenheit. that is the threshold at which the american veterinary medical association recommends you bring your pets inside. that said, keep this in mind also, not all dogs are created the same, we know that. if you have a well-coated dog, healthy, bigger, for example i have a shepherd husky mix, she could do fine in 20 degree weather for some time, but a
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yorky or a dachshund with a thinner coat may start to develop hypothermia at temperatures of 40 to 45 degrees. >> around this season, i've noticed a lot, some people, have their dogs in coats, or shoes, and when i fostered a dog, i didn't know what to do when it was wintertime. should we be putting our pets in outer wear, like jackets or booties. >> that's helpful and it's becoming trendy, you're going to see it more and more, especially in a big city, not a bad idea. when i'm out on the street meeting folks with pets, we hand out outer wear, the jackets and booties, which are great because they will protect the paws, from frostbite, snow and ice. we will see that commonly in smaller breed dogs. but yeah, it's a trend, but it's not a bad trend these days. >> and every winter it seems we hear about dogs and animals falling through ice, getting stuck, what are some of the major outdoor weather related
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hazards we should know about in the winter? >> you named it. same thing here, every year i hear reports of a dog falling through the ice, so if you're around bodies of water, even swimming pools that freeze over, same risks, you want to keep in mind, that is a hazard to your pet. but i will tell people, the biggest risk is still antifreeze, we still will have dogs come in and cats would have been poisoned because of antifreeze, and it's still prevalent. it doesn't take much, that is the thing. it takes as little as a tea spoon to be fatal to a cat in just a few tablespoons to be fatal to a small dog, if i throw out to automobile owners as well, if you have an old car with a radiator that's leaking, be mindful, because it could be a hazard to pets in your neighborhood. and last thing i'll say about the cars, and automobiles, is cats still love to climb up under the hood of those engines, and really, really cold weather. >> yeah. >> be mindful of that. one colleague of mine from wisconsin said every time he
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goes out before he gets in his car he gives the hood a little knock or a bang to alert any cats sleeping in there, time to get out. >> what about our fish, birds, reptiles, do they need different care, briefly, even if they're indoors? >> they do. you know, husbandry, it's all about husbandry when you have a reptile or fish, and most of my reptile owners out there are very mindful of those things. and the temperature, the thermostat. but it's a good reminder. if you're leaving for the day and you're trying to conserve energy a lot of us will turn the thermostat off, or leave for the weekend, we'll turn the temperature down. if you don't having in set up the right lighting and temperature for your reptiles and for your fish, they could feel the effects of the cold as well. >> and asking you about the work you do, you're a co-founder of street vet, offering support to pets and owners experiencing homelessness, does winter care look different for pets of that community? >> it can, it certainly can. most of my work is done here in southern california, and i don't
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want to gloat. i live in san diego. we don't have the same cold weather challenges that a lot of people around the country do. but we will still hit freezing occasionally, and i do a lot of my work in skid row and there are some cold nights. and the one thing i will tell those pet parents is, shield your pets from the wind and the rain foremost. those are the elements that will cause hypothermia, and so if you can just weather them or protect them from those two things in particular they will usually do okay, and as i said i do hand out some outer wear, some jackets for them to keep them warm and cozy. and a lot of this is just -- it comes down to common sense when you're thinking about cold we're, if you're outside bundled up, and you have on a thick coat, and a hat and gloves, and you're out there for an hour or so and it's getting too cold for you, then it's too cold for your pet. keep that in mind if you want to take them for walks, if you're getting the chill with your thick jacket on, it's way too cold for your pet. >> we call them our furry
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friends for a reason. dr. stuart, thank you so much. >> thank you. well, coming up, new year, new job, what you can do today to make sure you land the right role, and fit, in 2024
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the you've been thinking about finding a new job or switching careers, you are not alone.
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now is the best time to send out resumes, they report that january and february are both the largest numbers of open jobs, and also applications, joining me now to discuss, mind-set coach and author katy horowitz, and the ceo for the society of human resource management, thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> a katy, starting with you. what should people consider before leave ago job, just jumping ship? >> oh, well, before they decide to just jump ship, really consider, i like thinking of jobs as like these many school-type experiences, so have i learned everything there is to learn from this job? have i exhausted all of the options and opportunities that i am willing to go after at this job? because there might be a line or a boundary there. am i financially stable? that's a really important one because not all of us can just hop from one job to the next, making sure you have three to six months of expenses, that are saved, and then asking yourself, well, why am i leaving? what do i want? and what am i moving toward?
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>> especially in this economy, don't want to take a job for granted. johnny, if you're interviewing, i've heard it said the devil you know is better than the one you don't. red flags to look out for in a new job. >> fascinating you hit the issue on the head. you are during the interview process interviewing the employer, they're interviewing you and you're interviewing them and frankly you have a lot more to lose if it doesn't work out. so i tell people to spend a lot of time, not just doing the normal research, the company, the revenue, but the hiring manager. who am i going to work with? we had research in our recent mental health that suggests that your hiring manager has more of a negative impact, could have more of an impact on your life than your spouse or your therapist. >> wow. >> your mental health. like overwhelming. think about it. you spend all of this time with that person, and if every day you dread coming to work, think about the implications on your work. >> workplace culture matters and you're also interviewing for
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culture in addition to the work that you're doing. katy, to that end, what are some signs maybe you should stay where you are. >> yeah, because not every single issue is an ongoing issue, right, sometimes it's temporary, so asking yourself, is this a temporary feeling that i'm feeling, or is this more chronic? asking yourself, okay, what am i, again, what am i looking for? and are there ways to get that in the situation that i'm in? also, looking to the people that, you know, to your point, that you're working with, and gauging, are these people that are helping me be the me that i know i'm meant to be. >> yes. >> it's so important, because like we talked about, you spend so much time at work, and thinking about work. >> so, johnny, let's end tangibly, what are questions we should be asking when we're interviewing, and any tips for approaching the job search process, which can be pretty daunting in a job in itself. >> number one, what's the culture here? and they need to be able to articulate what the culture is
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within their organization, more than foosball machines and popcorns, and half days, what's the real culture? how do things get done here? and what's my opportunity for growth, trajectory in my career, get those two things right, things are great. >> helpful tips, when so many people are considering tran cigs. thank you both so much. appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. we've got a lot more news ahead. stay with us, you are watching "nbc news daily." rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older.
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then on tuesday, we will have a brief break from the wet weather. more rounds of showers in the forecast for wednesday. san francisco is looking at a very soggy weekend, temperatures reaching near 60 degrees. at times there will be gusty winds, especially on monday. the san jose unified school district is changing its covid-19 policy to stay in step with the state. it changed guidelines earlier this week. here are the most important things to know. if a student tests positive but doesn't have any symptoms, they can continue attending class with a mask. students who do have symptoms must stay home from school. the district has a form on its website. all the changes take affect next monday.
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storms and football this weekend. the rain is not dampening spirits for the niners and packers. big hopes around the bay area this is the first step on the road to the super bowl. lots of people hoping for that. the niners are the top seed. the packers are coming in at seventh seed. the packers, they are ready. >> the packers are on a roll. they were only 9-8 in the regular season. they figured out a way to get into the postseason. they might be the hottest team out there right now. this is a team that comes to levi stadium with a lot of
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confidence. >> this will be the tenth time the niners and packers face off in a playoff. >> while there's respect, there's that friendly dislike of the packers. i think they feel the same way about the 49ers because of years of battling for that same position that you would love to be in, the super bowl. it makes for a great longtime rival. >> all the players are coming in healthy. that includes mccaffrey who strained his calf late in the regular season. one young hockey fan's wish is coming true. the sharks are playing a part in
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i'm andrea canning and this is "dateline daytime" on nbc. [ music playing ] i stood there in that hallway where that pool of blood was, where her office was. whoever did this knew this facility and knew it well. andrea canning (voiceover): a head


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