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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 21, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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good morning. it is sunday, january 21st, 7:00. a live look outside. wow, looks nice over the city.
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clearing up to see all the way to the golden gate bridge. waking up with big smiles on our faces after a great 49ers win. thank you so much for starting your sunday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at the forecast. hey, cinthia. >> good morning. nice to see you so smiley this morning. good morning, everybody. we have some good news right now for this morning. the showers are pushing on east. we're waking up to just some light sprinkles in the north bay, east cocoa county. but we do have more rain ahead. look at this, lining up our next storm system that will be in the way for this evening. so you have a couple of hours to take a breather. we are already issuing some flood watches for the north bay later on tonight, especially watching those rivers up there and the possibility of more rocks and debris in the roadway, as we have tracked the possibility of landslides. it's going to get gusty along the coastline later this evening. i'll wake you through the possible impacts and the
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possible totals tonight and into monday morning's commute. and what is ahead when we can dry out from all of the wet weather. >> cinthia, thanks. a live look at levi stadium this morning. all lit up where last night's football fans experienced rain, wind, and a heart-stopping win. it was a historic game for the 49ers and the faithful. the team is heading to the nfc championship game after a comeback victory against the packers. rain fell throughout the game. in the fourth quarter, niners down four. chris can mccaffrey scoring his second touchdown of the game. there it is, giving the niners a three-point lead with just about a minute remaining in regulation. packers only needed a field goal to force overtime. with green bay driving and arguably the star of the show, coming up with his second
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interception of the game. the 49ers survived to beat green bay 24-21. there was some rocky moments during the game, but coach kyle shanahan said the players did what they had to do to advance to the nfc championship game for the fourth time in five seasons. >> very proud of the guys in there. i thought that was as big amential challenge and just a character game as any game i've been a part of. when things aren't going on offense, defense, special teams, you know, the rain, guys slipping a lot, losing people early, having to change some things with that. just some of the mistakes we made and overcome. it was a gut check for everybody, and couldn't be more proud of the people in there, and how they persevered. >> coming up, we'll hear from the heroes of the game, all coming up in sports. the faithful didn't mind braving the elements to watch their team. marianne favro takes us to levi
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stadium. >> reporter: these niners fans are ecstatic. what a game. they are soaked but sat feed. the wait and the nail biting is over. they streamed out of levi stadium knowing their team is one step closer to the super bowl. >> i'm nervous, but we pulled it out in the end. stayed faithful the whole time. >> reporter: the hard part, staying dry. some 70,000 fans filled levi stadium and most were wearing the same fashion statement -- a plastic poncho. in fact, they were the top selling souvenir, as fans dealt with wind, rain, and chilly temps. >> it's too cold out here. >> reporter: daniel said he stayed dry. >> the poncho, jacket, jerseys. >> reporter: some fans opted to watch inside to stay dry, while others say the big win made them
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forget the rain. >> what's the risk without the reward, right? just to come out here and enjoy the game, i get wet and we win, right. >> reporter: now the faithful are focused on watching their team hopefully play at a dryer venue. perhaps vegas. >> i think they're going all the way to the super bowl and will win. >> reporter: marianne favro, "today in the bay." >> playoff action continues right here today on nbc bay area. the tampa bay buccaneers facing off against the detroit lions. the lions being led by jared goff. lions hoping to keep their playoff dreams alive after winning their first playoff game in 32 years last sunday night. the winner of tonight's game comes to levi next weekend to face the niners. and the winner of that game goes to the super bowl. again, watch today's game right here on nbc bay area or stream it live on peacock.
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back to our other top story, the rain. it's causing major issues on freeways yesterday. on highway 24 in walnut creek, there it is again. the chp says the driver spun out when they were trying to navigate a curve. a live look outside for you across the bay area, where the storm will continue mainly later into this evening and into tonight, into the morning commute tomorrow. but yesterday, in the north bay, the weather is being blamed for an accident that sent an suv sliding off of highway 101 in navato. that was the beginning of a series of issues as the rain kept coming down. alyssa gourd continues our coverage. >> reporter: in san francisco, umbrellas and raincoats were necessary accessories. >> it's been pretty rainy, but it's nice. >> reporter: the rain didn't
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stop people from crowding into the local bars to watch the game. >> it's the rainy season here. better than what's gg on in wisconsin right now, well below zero. >> reporter: but the rain comes with risk, and for memory, the flooding of last memory is still fresh. businesses that flooded out then are back open, with added precautions. >> the san francisco restaurant here, says that they've been preparing and making changes, include thing new dam that they have installed here. there's a piece that gets inserted in the middle of this dam, designed to block out water from entering the building. bay area roads were slick and several crashes were reported. along 101, weather is believed to be the factor in a crash that took the life of its 75-year-old driver. b.a.r.t. service was stopped at
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the mccar thur station, and a power source failed. it's still unclear if weather was to blame, but some passengers found themselves waiting out in the rain until service resumed or they could catch a bus. >> they told us we had a power outage, and we had to take a special bus down to 19th street, which is another inconvenience. then we had to switch and i had to jump on this train and come back. >> reporter: with more rain on the way, california highway patrol says plan for extra time to get where you're going. and if you are driving, make sure your tires and wind shield wipers are working. alyssa gourd, "today in the bay." fire crews in sonoma county near the russian river were dealing with one of the most common related rain problems, downed trees taking down power lines. the fire chief steve baxton says
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crews responded to three downed trees alone. they do not anticipate the river will hit significant flood stain. >> no, not at all. the river is down pretty low. we'll get some roads flooded and grates backed up, but as far as river flooding, it's nowhere near flood stage. >> a similar case for first responders across the bay area. you can track the weather any time on our nbc bay area app. it is free. we have an easy way for you to download it right here. just point your phone's camera at the qr code on your screen, right on the left there. it will take you to the app where you can use storm ranger's exclusive radar and create custom forecast alerts for your neighborhood. and we continue to follow this developing news out of vallejo where this massive crowd gathered for a sideshow at gateway plaza. you could hear sirens in the background as several patrol cars responded to try to break
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up the illegal stunt show. we have reached out to vallejo police for more information on arrests. we have yet to hear back. this week marks one year since a gunman opened fire on co-workers at two half moon bay farms, killing seven people. happening today, the community is invited to honor those lost. there will be a candle lit procession from the boys and girl club on kelly avenue in half moon bay. they will then walk to the plaza and hold a moment of silence. the suspect has pleaded not guilty to the charges, but in an exclusive jailhouse interview with nbc bay area last year, he admitted to committing the deadly shooting, saying he endured years of bullying, combined with long work hours on the farm. >> 7:10 on your sunday morning. coming up, we go live to new hampshire for our interview with kristen welker who has a preview
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of this week's "meet the press." this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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welcome back. on tuesday, new hampshire voters cast their ballots in their primary. a new poll shows former president donald trump leading former u.n. ambassador and south carolina governor and florida governor ron desantis. nikki haley and ron desantis. please join me in welcoming kristen welker, moderator of "meet the press." thanks for joining us this morning. i want to ask about the playing field going into tuesday's primary. we have ron desantis coming off of his second place win in iowa, but all of bypassing new hampshire in his campaigning, skipping to south carolina essentially. nikki haley coming third in iowa, but having the endorsement of the new hampshire governor. so is that an even playing field, and is it do or die for both going into it, or is that do or die in south carolina? >> well, kira, it's good to be
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with you. no one is calling this do or die, but it becomes very difficult for nikki haley or ron desantis to catch up to trump if they don't have a strong showing here in new hampshire. first, you mentioned nikki haley. she was hoping for more momentum coming out of iowa. she didn't get it because she came in third. trump has all the momentum. he had that historic win in iowa. he also locked down the endorsement of south carolina senator tim scott. by the way, haley appointed scott in 2012. so that's really a big blow for her. if she's going to win, she has to win over independent voters. if you look at the polls right now, kira, she isn't winning them by a large enough margin. so it will come down to turnout, can she pick off some of the voters who will vote for chris christie, who has now dropped out of the race. for his part, governor ron desantis is actually supposed to join our program this morning.
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his campaign late last night canceled saying it was due to a scheduling issue. he is now going to add a campaign event in new hampshire today. we take a deep dive into what's happening in the desantis campaign. so a lot to unpack. i'm also going to talk to governor sununu who has endorsed nikki haley. >> it's interesting you should mention ron desantis dropping out of the interview. there is an article titled "a total failure to launch" about his presidential bid. we look forward to your show and we'll keep -- we know you'll keep us posted. we hope you join "meet the press," where she will interview chris sununu and senator maggie hassan. "meet the press" is on right after us. and coming up in about 30 minutes, we'll talk to nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston for our weekly segment
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and look at why the new hampshire primary is so important for those republican presidential hopefuls. the new year is a reminder to do a checkup on your career. we spoke with someone, madelyne mackie, a certified career coach out of oakland who suggests four new year's resolutions. stay ready. make sure you have your resume updated while you're still employed. grow your network on linked in. she says 80% of jobs are found through people you know. build a professional development plan for yourself in which each year you learn one or two new things that can make you better at your job. >> i think the biggest challenge people have is just taking action in our career. because many of us, the career is driven for us. someone taps you on the shoulder and says hey, you should apply for this job.
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or come join my team. so we really don't work at our career. we're so busy working our jobs, we don't take time to work on our career. and so then when something unexpected happens, you go to work on monday and you find out that you no longer have a job. >> yikes! she also suggests you create a side hustle if you have a hobby, try to turn it into another revenue stream to help pay the bills if you do lose your job. turning now to the weekend. if you're looking for something to do today, our mikey has a few ideas in this weekend calendar. >> good morning, kira. a little damp today, yes, so let's focus on the fungus. in the children's nature area in berkeley, featuring presentations, guided mushroom walks, fungus arts and crafts. vendors selling fungus things.
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fungi files, that's someone i would call someone fond of fungus. what would you call someone fond of spinach? popeye. here in fremont, first a newspaper comic, the series then grew to be the most lucrative in motion picture history. they will be showcasing many of the restored cartoons from the '30s and let's migrate over. fog fair 2024 returns for their 10th edition of fog design and art. ft. mason is the temporary home for their exhibits. this year's theme for the festival is, a love letter to san francisco, which makes sense, because the fog often hugs the city. tomorrow, i'll be back with our love/hate relationship with bay area roadways, covering the commute right here on "today in the bay." >> all right, mike, thanks. speaking of fog, cinthia pimentel is here for a look at our microclimate forecast. more rain on the way, you say?
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>> we have a brief window right now this morning if you have to run outside really quickly. we're looking at skies clearing up a little bit in san jose, walnut creek, clouds over oakland and san francisco. temperatures not too bad in the 50s. now, as kira was mentioning, we do have more rain on the way, and what's going to come first is gusty winds out of the south. so we do have this wind advisory late tonight into monday morning. so just make sure that anything outside is brought inside. gusts from 15, 20 miles an hour, to gustier out there along the coastline. so just prepare for what is ahead. as we guide you through hour by hour, we do have a break right now there the rain. at least through about noontime. then we get some activity in the north bay, followed with some heavier rain this afternoon. so here is a chance of seeing some gustier winds, some higher rain totals, and the possibility of seeing thunderstorms, too,
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when we get into the hughes of the dark reds and purples on the map. that continues later on tonight at 11:00, you can bet we'll track this rain continuing into the monday commute. you might want to adjust some plans here and there, but as i take it on forward, it looks like we start to clear as we go into the mid morning hours of tomorrow. how much more rain are we looking at? we have already saturated the ground pretty heavy, and we'll add about one to two inches more up in the north bay. about a quarter of an inch to about an inch here in parts of the south bay and the santa cruz mountains. so just making sure that we are aware of where those low-lying areas need some tlc, clearing out the leaves during this break this morning. and we'll get ready for some gusty conditions up in the sierra, as well, as we track this winter storm warning and the winter weather advisory at lake level. at least through tuesday. so just avoiding the sierra at all possible, and making sure that we're ready for some more
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rain ahead. taking it into next week, we do have a brief window of some more clearing on tuesday, but if this storm system pushes south, we could be looking at some rain, and we'll get a little bit of it on wednesday. i don't think at this point, we could handle it. and notice the temperature trend for san jose, especially the right hand side of your screen. we haven't seen those numbers in a while. upper 60s and some possible 70s as we go into sunday and monday. so we'll start to transition here from a stormy weekend, stormy start to the week. a few chances of light rain for the middle of the week, then comfortable temperatures take us through the weekend. so that's what we have to look forward to. >> very nice. cinthia, thanks. 7:21. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, niners taking one big step closer to the super bowl after their win last night over the packers.
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anthony flores joins us with highlights in sports. highlights in sports.
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good morning, everyone. i'm anthony flores at a very wet and rainy levi stadium. the 49ers are moving onto the nfc championship game after a dramatic and historic victory over the green bay packers. >> it is raining here. >> reporter: the weather didn't seem to bother the 49ers as they faced the packers for a tenth time in the postseason. second quarter, 3rd and 5, purdy hits kittle for the touchdown. 49ers led 7-6 at the half. in the third quarter, run cmc gets loose. mccaffrey with a 39-yard touchdown run. nine us up a point. after a big kick return, green bay retakes the lead on a touchdown pass from love to
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craft. two-point conversion good. packers up seven after three. now niners down four. the red and gold march 69 yards on a game-winning drive. mccaffrey scores the second touchdown of the game to give the 49ers a three-point lead with just over a minute remaining in regulation. the packers only need a field goal to force overtime, but with green bay driving, dre greenlaw with his second interception of the game and the 49ers rally to win 24-21. they will host the nfc championship next sunday after their dramatic come-from-behind victory over the packers. >> to have mature guys that can scrap up and get a win at the end, it's a sign of a good team. >> especially when you have a game like that, and they're a good team. it was a battle, so it makes it more satisfying. >> we have so many players that
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are difference makers. we have a great defense. for us to not find a way, it's not right. so for us to finally have a game like this and pull through at the end was huge for all of us. >> that's why i'm so proud of the guys. when it's not going right and you now how big of a deal that is, you have to perform. and the guys did bigtime. >> reporter: this is a wild stat. the win marks the first time in the kyle shanahan era that the niners rally from five or more points in the fourth quarter to win a game. they were 0 for 30 before last night, but not anymore. next up, they host the winner of tonight's lions/buccaneers game next sunday right here. i'm anthony flores for "today in the bay." 7:26 right now. we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, we are calling issues across the bay area with this wet weather. and the forecast for later today.
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer
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good morning, sunday, january 21st, 7:28. look at that. gorgeous golden sun rise over dublin on a joyous sunday morning. ahh, waking up after that 49ers win. feels good, doesn't it? thank you for starting your sunday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel has a quick look at our microclimate forecast. nice to see some sunshine. >> yeah. i bet you were stressed last night. you can take a breather with the rain. we have a little bit of a break this morning. good morning, everyone. we have san bruno mountains, storm ranger getting a little bit of a break. but there is more rain on the way. right now, we are just looking at a few spotty showers through parts of vallejo american canyon. in eastern coco and alameda counties, the majority of us getting a break this morning
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before we have to prepare for the next storm. here's what we know at this point. it will roll into tonight and monday morning. there's going to be times with heavy rain, gusty winds, as well. and we're looking at the totals from this system alone, adding anywhere from about three quarters of an inch to three inches more rainfall on an already saturated ground. so we'll talk about the timing of this, and when we can finally see some drier conditions. back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. a live look outside right now, where as cinthia mentioned, the storm will continue later tonight. hopefully you can get out today with this small break before the rain and wind hit hard tonight into tomorrow morning's commute. yesterday, the rain was to blame for several crashes and problems across the bay area. in navoto, police believe weather was the cause of a crash that killed a driver when the suv that the 75-year-old was driving flew off 101.
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in the east bay, b.a.r.t. service was stopped at oakland's mccarthur station. >> they told us we had a power outage, and then we had to get off and take a special bus down to 19th street, which was another inconvenience. then we had to switch lanes, and we had to jump on this train and come back. swz more rain on the way, the chp wants drivers to leave early, have that extra buffer of time to get where you're going. and if your windshield wipers are on, you must turn on your lights even during the day. fire crews near the russian river were dealing with one of the most common rain related problems -- downed trees, taking down power lines.
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the fire chief steve baxman said his crews responded to three downed trees last night alone. they don't anticipate the russian river will hit flood stage. >> no, not at all. the river is down pretty low. we'll probably get some stream flooding and roads flooded and grates backed up and that kind of stuff. as far as the river flooding, no, it's nowhere near flood stage. >> it's a similar case for first responders across the bay area. and there's a new warning from the chp for anyone planning a trip to the sierra this weekend. a live look for you. interstate 80 on the left and 50 on the right. they say reconsider your plans. stay home. this series of storms is creating particularly dangerous conditions on those two highways. at one point yesterday, the chp closed the donner pass after a series of spinouts. the road reopened last night, chains are required for all vehicles on both roadways.
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♪ you've got a friend in me ♪ a chp squad car was one of the many vehicles stuck on 80. they both sent in this video saying they may need a little help sometimes, all set to "you got a friend in me." so who is the friend that saved them? you can track the weather any time on our nbc bay area app. we have an easy way for you to download it right now. just point your phone's camera at that qr code on the left of your screen, that red and white box. it will take you to the app. that's where you can use our exclusive radar from storm ranger, and create custom forecast alerts for your neighborhood. this week marks one year since a gunman opened fire on his co-workers at two half moon bay farms, killing seven people. and happening today, the community is invited to honor those whose lives were lost.
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there will be a candlelight procession from the boys and girls club of the coast side on kelly avenue in half moon bay. they will then walk to the plaza and hold a moment of silence. the suspect in the mass shooting pleaded not guilty to the charges, but in an exclusive jailhouse interview with nbc bay area last year, he admitted to committing the deadly shootings, saying he endured years of bullying, combined with long work hours on the farm. turning now, a live look in gaza this morning, about 5:30 in the evening, as casualties continue to mount and the humanitarian crisis drags on. according to the gaza health ministry, nearly 25,000 palestinians have been killed by israel since hamas' october 7th terror attack on israeli civilians. a recently approved gaza cease-fire resolution has made san francisco "angrier, more
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divided, and less safe." that's the very harsh statement coming from mayor london breed. a divided san francisco board of supervisors passed a resolution back on january 9th. it urges the biden administration and congress to call for a cease-fire in the israel-hamas war, as well as the release of all hostages. on friday, mayor breed returned to the board without her signature. the return is not a formal rejection of the resolution, but it is a sharp rebuke. breed also sent a letter to the board saying she believes their action only creates more division. the mayor went on to say while she would not sign the resolution, she also would not formally veto it, writing --
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back now to this story we reported yesterday morning, happening tomorrow. the spring semester starts for many cal state university campuses, but many employees will be walking off the job. the california faculty association representing nearly 3,000 people like professors, counselors and librarians from across the 23 csu campuses will hit the picket lines. the union is calling for a five-day work stoppage beginning tomorrow. the system has offered faculty a 5% raise each year for three years, but the union wants a 12% raise. meanwhile, the teamsters union, which represents skilled employees, has reached a three-year agreement. those teamster union members will not be striking. a big fan of snail mail, this is a surprise to me.
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the cost of a stamp is going up again. beginning today. a forever stamp will cost two cents more, now 68 cents per letter. if you don't know whether to feel annoyed at another price hike or pleased, you can still mail a greeting card for less than $1, we're here to help you sort it out. >> reporter: if you think about it, 66 cents to mail a letter from any corner of the country to any other corner of the country is a good bargain. that's it. you want my two cents? five increases over the last three years feels like a lot. so let's get some perspective. for like a hundred years after the civil war, you could mail a letter for less than a nickel. but when we adjust those prices for inflation, you'll see they're consistent with where we are today. it's just that the postal service is no longer trying to keep up with the cost of horses
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and buggies, they need the raised rates to invest in long-term efficiencies, especially as first class mail plummets. >> reporter: the postal service wants customers to know it generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses. there is sympathy for the institution's $6.5 billion net loss last year and suggests some more wiggle room for future adjustments to what the postal service claims is a stamp price among the most affordable in the world. and when you consider that another early january poll found that 87% of u.s. adults didn't know the exact price of a u.s. stamp, you've got to wonder will americans even notice another two cent increase?
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>> i have a drawer of old forever stamps. i'll be good. a live look at levi stadium where last night, the fans experienced rain, wind, and a thrilling win. it was a historic win. the team is headed to the nfc championship game after a dramatic comeback victory against the packers. it's their tenth matchup. rain falling throughout the game. you can see the celebration there in the owner's box. in the fourth quarter, niners down four. christian mccaffrey scoring his second touchdown of the game, giving the niners a three-point lead with just over a minute remaining in regulation. packers actually only needed a field goal to force overtime. grown bay driving, but dre greenlaw come up with his second interception and the niners survive to win 24-21. there were quite a few rocky moments during the game, but
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coach kyle shanahan says the players did what they had to do to get the win, and advance to the nfc championship game for the fourth time in five seasons. playoff action continues today right he on nbc bay area. the buccaneers will face off against the detroit lions. the winner of today's ge comes to levis next weekend to face the niners. watch the game right here on nbc bay area, stream it live on peacock. pregame coverage starts at 11:00. kickoff is at noon. 7:39 right now. next on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. bay area responds. >> a lot of family's expensive refrigerators are conking out far faster than expected. now they are taking their case to court. see if your fridge is part of a possible class action lawsuit, next.
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at 42 past the hour, we are seeing the activity from overnight, starting to push on east, just waking up to a little bit of some sprinkles up there in the north bay, parts of eastern coco county and alameda. a nice break this morning to get yourself together and maybe run for some coffee this morning. santa rosa, good morning to you. as i mentioned, just a few sprinkles on the windshield this morning. most of the cloud cover will stick around through the noon hour. and then after that, we start to pick up on our strongest storm of this entire weekend. i'm going to also include santa rosa under this coastal flood advisory. this is parts of the inland valleys as well as we see the high tide rolling through. about 6 3/5ths of a foot there, and this will be with us tomorrow, just adding to the moisture that we have gotten over the last couple of days. also for the north bay, we have this flood watch in effect later tonight and on into monday as
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the stronger storm rolls on through. we'll watch the russian river that is hovering right there at that minor flood stage at 15 feet. then it should recede as we go into tuesday. the possibility of some rock slides, debris slides as we go on and track all of that moisture that's just been gathering about. as far as our winds go, we're also going to look along the coastline and those shades oh of that orange there. tonight into monday, you'll hear the wind howling 15 to 25 miles per hour. so this could cause some power issues and downed tree lines. let's track the storm hour by hour. as we go into the noontime, 1:00 in parts of the north bay, we see that activity. it will be light to start, but heavier as we go into this evening. 8:00 rolls around, and just about everybody is seeing moderate to heavy down pours. this will be especially true as we go into the overnight hours. make sure you're prepared for that as we go into monday morning's commute. as i fast forward this time
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stamp, we could be in the clearing stages as we go into monday afternoon. temperatures are mild as we tap into some subtropical moisture. low to mid 60s on the board. we're taking it further out with our long-range outlook. a brief chance of rain on wednesday, then we start to build some high pressure that will block the systems right now, away from the bay area. that's going to give way to some pleasant temperatures. so our inland seven-day forecast goes from stormy to sunny. >> cinthia, thanks. 7:44. we have much more ahead on todd today. coming up, nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston is here to discuss the new hampshire primary, and who could come out on top. ut on top.
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this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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welcome baxz. every day it's safe to say we all rely on our refrigerators
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and expect them to last a long time. but some families they're not getting their money's worth. and now they're taking action. >> we're talking about people like betsy in redwood city. she says there should be a coast-to-coast recall. she woke up one morning and found her milk was sour. soon, she learned her relatively new, $2800 fridge, had died. >> just basically stopped working. it wasn't cold. >> it's a nationwide issue. >> reporter: she represents people who are now suing a company that makes a fridge component. that part is not living up to its advertised 20-year life span. she wants compensation for people like betsy who is now on her third new fridge in just five years. tonight, after nfl football, we'll help you determine if your model might be part of a possible class action lawsuit. betsy contacted us online. you can too. scan the qr code on your screen right now to fill out our
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consumer complaint form online. i'll join you again tonight after nfl playoff football. kira, back to you. >> see you tonight, chris. as mentioned with kristen welker earlier many this news cast, tuesday new hampshire voters will participate in the nation's first republican presidential primary. by the night's end, either former president donald trump will emerge as the presumptive presidential nominee, or nikki haley will extend her fight to south carolina. larry gerston is here to break it all down for us. great to see you as always, larry. can you start by explaining -- i think people don't fully understand the difference between the iowa caucus and the new hampshire primary. >> yeah, of course. we know the caucuses are a one-shot deal. you show up, vote, no absentee voting. the primary is a regular deal. you can vote ahead of time, but i think there's some other things, you're likely to see a
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much higher turnout in the primary, 50% maybe in iowa, probably 30%, 35% in new hampshire. a couple other things. new hampshire and iowa for that matter, are both very small states, so you won't see a lot of turnout. but watch the independents. 45% of new hampshire voters are independent, and they are the unknown here. one other thing, these two states are 90% white each. that's not what the nation looks like. the nation is 60%. so all these minorities are not accounted for in these votings. so iowa and new hampshire, you've got to say well, you know, they're nice, but they're really not representative. >> south carolina might be more -- >> more so, yes. >> so how are things stacking up? we know trump obviously blew out iowa. ron desantis also coming in hot, but he's basically bypassing new hampshire. so how are things stacking up? >> he's kind of a token on this
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deal. been there just enough to say i've been there. i'm not sure he even knows the capital of new hampshire. but that's okay. one, back to independents. where are they going to go? we know that trump has a good following when it comes to conservatives, and there are quite a few conservatives in new hampshire. so that's his bailey wick. that's where he's strong. independents, they tend to be leaning towards nikki haley. but here's the other fact that a lot of people don't know. 63% of new hampshire is a stone's throw away from boston. they're educated, they're moderate to liberal. they're much more in tune with what's going on, on the left side, if you can say, of the republican party. there are more independents there. so she's likely to get the lion's share of that vote, so we might have a tighter race than some might think. so you want to watch those and see how they do close to boston.
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>> interesting. so, okay, i always put your clairvoyance on the spot. how are you seeing things play out? >> well, we saw a new hampshire poll a couple of weeks, seven-point difference between haley and donald trump. that's kind of interesting, a more recent one shows ten points. but here's the deal. we've got these five people here. you see the percentages right below them. notice that chris christie is there, then vivek ramaswamy is there. both of those guys are now gone. you can expect most of chris christie's vote to go to haley. you can expect vivek ramaswamy's vote to be divided between trump and desantis. so you put those together, and you have a turnout of perhaps a five or six-point spread. that's going to be close. both of those can probably claim victory, if it's that close. trump, because he wins most likely. haley, because it's her best
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shot. but after this, it gets very dicey for nikki haley. >> indeed. we'll see what happens. we know you'll be following it for us. larry, great to see you. 7:52 right now. up next, a quick look at the top stories we are following on this sunday morning, including tracking the rain and the niners and people across the bay area impacted by the storm last night. cinthia will be back with the forecast right after this. fter .
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welcome back. here is a quick look at the top stories we are following, including this live look outside for you. the storm will continue later tonight. hopefully you can get out today with this small break. yesterday, though, the rain was to blame for several crashes. look at that. this was in navato. police believe the weather was the cause of a crash that killed a driver when an suv a 75-year-old driving flew off 101. b.a.r.t. says a power source failed, and crews had to engineer a solution. passengers were forced to wait in the rain for another train or a bus bridge. with more rain on the way overnight, chp wants drivers to leave early. if your windshield wipers are on, your headlights need to be on, even during the day. turning to that live look again. levi stadium where last night the bay area fans suffered the
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rain and the wind. but past in the glory from a come from behind 49ers win. the team is headed to the nfc championship game after that comeback victory against the packers. rain fell throughout the game. in the fourth quarter, the niners were down four. this is all you need to know. mccaffrey scoring his second touchdown of the game, giving the niners a much-needed three-point lead with just about a minute remaining in regulation. packers would have only needed a field goal to force overtime. green bay was driving, but thankfully, niners' dre greenlaw came up with his second interception of the game. 49ers surviving to win 24-21. some rocky moments indeed, but players advance to the nfc championship game for the fourth time in five seasons. next weekend's game back here at home, so how will the forecast be between now and then? >> we have to get through the
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stormy start to the week. be careful out there. we have the chance of seeing some thunderstorm activity too. but if we take a long look next weekend, i think it will be sunny conditions. >> cinthia, thanks. thanks so much to all of you for making us a part of your sunday morning. remember, it's the nfc divisional matchup between the buccaneers and the lions right here on nbc bay area. the winner of today's game comes here to levis next weekend to face the 49ers. coverage starts today at 11:00 a.m., and we'll have more local news for you after that tonight at 5:00, 6:00, and 11:00. and you'll be here with the forecast. we are always on at have a great sunday. see you back here next weekend.
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♪♪ this sunday, primary choices. >> we're focused on trump. that's the key. >> three days from now we're


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